Max stood still, and tried not to get anxious.
“Listen, if you want me to go, we can pretend like this never happened. Whatever you want.” He of course, didn’t want to forget it existed. He was terrible at that. But he’d do whatever it took to make this stranger comfortable. He knew what it felt like to have somewhat of a reputation on the line. And how crummy it feels to be hungover.
“I’m sure it’s going to be alright.” Max felt like his feet were frozen in place. It wasn’t often that he was a party goer, with that much drinking anyway. The scent of cigarettes on his shirt were making his head pound. He didn’t even smoke. He still had zero missed messages. He opened Facebook just in case but that was a family-only profile. That probably would have been the worst place to be exposed.
He managed to step forward but his body felt heavy. Exhausted. He glanced around the room until he spotted a familiar black back. Perfect. It was his. He picked it up carefully and examined it to make sure, then opened the biggest pouch. A granola bar, phone charger, unopened bandaids, a handful of pens, alka seltzer, and.. a torn up box of Trojans. Great.
@Vox Knight