Mia backed away before looking at Eiko. She had to get away from this crowd of people. Had to have a excuse..
“I’m going to go get help! I’ll be back!”
Before Eiko could say anything, Mia started running. She was looking for a secluded place, and there. The alleyway. She rummaged through her bag, grabbing what she needed, mask that went over her mouth and nose. And the suit.
She never left without it, in the suit, was bits of metal, allowing her to easily let it shape around her, Mia had changed quickly, clicking a bag and dagger to her belt. She put the hood up, and descended onto the roof. She wasn’t that far, but it allowed her easy access. Seeing the glow, the flames, she jumped down and into the apartments, breaking the glass. She had to focus, help people out. The structure had metal in it. She could open up areas, block off danger points. She got to work.