Gods be damned. That was the thought running through Vice's head as he followed behind the cart, moving swiftly through the forest. The girl's scent was easy to follow, and the cart gave her a considerably faster pace than he was able to deal with on his own.. But he had a tireless pace.
However.. It was getting too damn late. And he could smell the scent of dirty clothes and rust on the air. There were bandits ahead, and if he didn't do anything.. It was likely that she'd get hurt, or worse- Killed. He was running out of time. The sun was starting to set.. And the clouds were quickly moving on. Damn it, damn it!
Taking a deep breath as he watched the bandits prepare to approach, the guards drawing their weapons.. He felt the effects of his blood quickly taking root. The transformation was always the worst part, with bones cracking and flesh tearing to adapt to the more beastly form, the bounty hunter grew to well over seven feet tall, dark fur sprouting all over his body. His armor, which had been specifically designed to be able to handle this kind of transformation, remained intact, but his clothes around his limbs were quickly shredded. His face, very much that of a wolf now, still had his lilac eyes.. However, they seemed to glow with a murderous rage. Strangely enough, he kept his horns, which made the wolfish head seem very, very strange..
A deep howl startled all those involved in the coming battle, as it was so very close.. Not even fifty feet away. Panic struck the bandits as a dark shape tore out of the woods to their left, taking out the one in the front in one swift motion, his side shredded by the massive werewolf. The guards, hoping to protect the merchant and passenger, prepared their weapons and moved into the fight. The horses, on the other hand, sensed how dangerous the threat was and bolted, dragging the cart into the trees on the opposite side. They didn't make it too far before the cart got caught, causing an even greater panic as both passengers and some of the cargo were thrown off.
Screams of the guards and the bandits could be heard, and Verrona still had a view of the battle. The wolf was surrounded by four of the men, having killed another bandit just then by tearing his throat out. Axes and swords slashed, catching the exposed limbs but failing to pierce the armor, but only managing to enrage the beast more. With a roar, it spun and caught one with its claw, sending the bandit flying into a guard, sending them both several feet back in a daze. Then, it pounced on the remaining bandit and mauled him, his blood-curdling screams dying out suddenly as his head was crushed. The remaining guard, seeing how easily the beast had dispatched the other foes, attempted to run, but was quickly caught up to and thrown against a tree, his spine snapping on impact.
Then.. Verrona could see the merchant cowering beside the cart, doing his best to remain hidden, as the beast jumped onto it, snarling down at the two of them. In an act of terror, the merchant drew a knife and stabbed up at the monster in an futile attempt to protect himself, which did very little but slide off of the firm leather across its chest. A clawed hand grabbed the merchant's throat and tore it out, which the beast proceeded to then eat.
And then it was looking down on Verrona, locking eyes with her. It leaned forward and sniffed her, dark blood dripping onto her face from the small wounds on its body, and she could see the murderous rage slightly leave its eyes. There was an.. oddly strange intelligence to them, for a lycanthrope on the night of a full moon..
Then, it leaped from the cart and ran off back into the woods, leaving her alone with the terrified horses and scent of blood thick in the air.