The heat licked at them and danced menacingly as it swallowed the forest entirely, not even sparing a singular tree. No leaf nor blade of grass would escape, entirely devoured by the ruthless flames that continued to grow closer and closer, spreading through the grass. "We have to run." She looked towards the boy, realizing that the two of them were entirely alone. Alone and he was in pain. She grabbed his hand, attempting to pull him away despite his reluctant feet. He was speaking but she couldn't hear him, his mouth moving ad he spoke unknown words. She shook her head and blinked, rubbing her ears. "I--I can't hear you--"
"Get--" He started, his voice deep in a growl as he cried something out, only the first word audible to her. She didn't get it, she couldn't hear a singular thing that he was yelling, staring at him helplessly as she the flames entirely surrounded them. There was no escape now, flames engulfing them until she no longer could hear him, no longer could see him at all.
Swallowed by flames she curled up, gasping and crying as smoke infiltrated her lungs, making it nearly impossible to breath. A cough escaped her lips, both in dream and out, her breaths gasped and struggling as she began to stirr, show signs of life. No longer entirely still, her eyebrows began to furrow in her rest, eyes fluttering open to be entirely attacked by light.
At first she couldn't see him, couldn't see anything to be honest.
She furrowed her eyebrows and raised her hand to block her hand from the light that pooled into her gaze. She swallowed and squinted, struggling to make out the figure that was standing over her protectively. He was yelling something but it seemed her hearing was not back yet. Still foggy as if someone had stuffed cotton into her head. She struggled to sit up, overwhelmed by dizziness as she attempted to grab ahold of his ankle. She wasn't sure why she couldn't hear him, her head in pain as she let out another cough.
She coul