ess beast to them, that he was just Edrick Stevens. "Auuomm.... Yyeeeedrek!" He slurred his words, still hardly able to function with this new biology. It was no use. Everyone fled.
It went on like this for days. He kept trying to find someone to help him but it kept ending in disaster. His body was too large, too powerful and unwieldy to keep in check. It was hard to control when he spoke or roared or, worst of all, unleashed that devastating attack of radiant flames. He could barely fly, when he managed he didn't know how to land and would destroy the earth as he crashed. When he walked it was hard to keep his body in mind, resulting in the accidental destruction of buildings. After a few days he felt weak. He hadn't eaten. At least there was a river he'd been following to drink. He kept along until he found the next village. He didn't even bother trying to get help from them, he just needed to survive. He found a farm, hesitating for a moment, but he didn't have any choice. He snapped up a hog, devouring it in a few bites. It settled the pain in his belly. He grabbed a cow, accidentally goring it with his claws, taking a big bite from it to try to put it out of its misery, slowly finishing it off. He looked up when he heard shouts and cries - only this time, they were heading towards him, not running away.
Soldiers. He supposed word had gotten out. He still could barely control his strength. He tried to plea with them not to attack, but that blast was all that came out again, decimating over half of them in one fell swoop. The rest fled, knowing they weren't equipped for this. He ate another cow and stumbled off again, trying to take flight. Eventually he found a cave to hide in. He tried to keep to himself but these adventurers kept trying to kill him. They were all so small and weak... and he'd run out of cows, he couldn't catch a deer. To his own horror, he turned to devouring them to keep himself alive after he'd slain them, usually without intent.