"Nice to meet you, Ms. Martel. You can refer to me either as John or Raymond, whatever you prefer. Ah! There it is!" *Raymond said as he pulled out his m1912 Winchester. As he did so, he stood up and pumped it, both loading a shell into the round and catching everyone else's attention. Although they had zero respect towards him, almost every patron knew he meant business when he had his shotgun out. Some were even afraid, fleeing the bar entirely. As they all turned towards him with a solemn look on their faces, he opened his mouth and began to speak.*
"My dearly beloved! I mean you no harm, I only wish to have your attention for just a few minutes. After a year of working alone, I have a new partner named Ms. Martel. She will be keeping order from now on and help to serve drinks. She is not as patient with drunkards as I am, but this is simply for your own good. Please, I pray thee, do not provoke her to sudden wrath, for thine own sake. Other than that, be well, drink safe, and please, for all that is good, don't get yourselves killed!"
And, just like that, everyone went back to what they were doing, albeit whilst muttering curses towards both Raymond and Florence. Lowering his shotgun into the rack again, he turned to her and said "Well, I'm off now, be safe please." Before he left however, he took his sweet time to inspect her scars. It caused him to smile, reminding him of those whom he had fought besides in times past. In spite of his behavior, he was into that sort of stuff in a woman. To have someone by his side who can protect him and keep him safe, seeing that he was no longer fit to do so. Once he realized that he was distracting himself yet again, he turned away from her and ran off, leaving the inn into her hands.