Who knew strolling down Main Street could take hours if you walked at the speed of a snail but, he finally made it to his destination. That elusive honey latte everyone ordered was nearly in his grasp. He’d heard, through the grapevine of course, that occasionally the latte could take hours to make due to actual bees needing to bless the beverage. Whether this was true or not no one knew.
The only problem was…that cute redhead was in the bakery. Damn her, and those butterflies in his stomach. He’d made a point to avoid her up until now. Just be cool. So naturally, when he went to open the door, he walked face-first into the glass panel. There was a ‘PUSH’ sign on the door, and Nox had, for some reason, pulled instead. He was never good at reading the signs. Unfortunately, he walked into the door at such a fast speed he smooshed his face into the glass leaving another masterpiece for Key Key to find that day.
Nox slowly backed away from the door and decided he would try this again tomorrow, and hopefully, that attractive redhead would not be there to witness a repeat of this catastrophe.