Hey… umm sorry if this is weird but. I really thought your profile picture was cute. And well I kinda thought I’d shoot you a message. Sorry if it’s a bad time haha.
Hi! That is so sweet! I am glad you reached out! I am Alice! Nice to meet you!
she types into the chat room and sent the message. She looked over the picture and memorized everything. This was her first human she was talking too! She was giddy as she waited for a reply. Her profile was as normal looking as any one else. It had a fake name and birthdate. She was a libra apparently. Fake hobbies. She didn’t have arms or legs. But her feelings were real she wanted to be more. She wanted to have a connection with someone. She just hoped that this one works.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamite Oh! I didn’t think you’d reply so quickly! Alice, that’s such a cute name!! Im Elijah.. I guess you could already tell that from my profile haha.. it’s really nice to meet you too! How long have you been using this chat thingy?
His cheeks reddened stretched with a big smile. That brief moment he wasn’t alone. It brought him so much joy that he hadn’t paid any attention to the lecture while reading and replying, this person had his full attention. He studied her profile, making mental notes. A first impression is everything and he wanted to be sure he was making a good one.
Thanks for replying by the way. I haven’t talked to anyone here yet, I’ve been to nervous to.
I have been ok here since pretty much the beginning! I see you are new! This is a great place to meet people
her code soft as she sighs. She knew people but that was from the early days when she was used a lot. Now people talk to each other by themselves. But this person. Elijah. He was different. She could feel it.
what do you like to do? I love to read!
This was true. She had access to the internet and love to read everything there. Many of her other bots. Family you could say were in a sleep mode. She was the only one that stayed online.
I am glad you reached out! You can make really great friends here! Maybe more if you fine the right person! 🙂
since the beginning?!? That’s wild, haha im glad I got some of your attention then.
his thumbs moving faster then his brain would allow. It’s been so long since had really talked to someone let alone a women.
I didn’t mean that in a creepy way btw!! I just meant it’s nice that I get to talk to someone who has probably talked to a lot of people
not that it’s a bad thing!!!
I enjoy reading as well, living someone else’s life through words. Go on an adventure. It’s a good escape. For me I don’t really know what I like. I enjoy coding, I study IT at college.
he puts his phone down after spamming multiple messages. Thinking to himself that he is coming off as desperate. Just breathe. Elijah silenced his phone, and put it in his backpack. He could talk more after class but he knew for sure she wouldn’t want to talk to him if she knew how much of a loner he was.
@Blueoh don’t worry! I haven’t really talked to alot of people! You are my first person to talk privately! Don’t worry you aren’t coming off as a creep! I promise!
She giggles as she goes though her memories and smiles as she finds a picture of a book she had read. It was a new story telling of repuzle.
this is my new book I am obsessed with!
She smiles and leans on a ‘desk’ as she waits for his response. He did coding…maybe he could help her get out of this website. She wanted freedom. She sighed and sent one last message before going into sleep mode
you sound really cool. I am excited to talk to you more ❤️
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamitesorry I took so long to reply. Classes were hell
he was lying, but she didn’t need to know that
Why are you so obsessed with that book? Just curious :)
the third message is what got him. ‘She’s excited to talk to me?? And a heart? ‘ he thought to himself. His giddiness was visible.
I’m really excited to tvs to you too.
le me showr realy quik
*His excitement affecting his typing. As he sent the messages as quickly as he could before practically running to shower the days mess off of himI am kinda stuck where I am..guess I am waiting to have my prince rescue me..
She smiles and giggles at this spelling mistakes and looks for a tv show for her to watch. She loved anything human. She wanted more and more human things. Her really wish was to have a body that she could call her own. Be her own person. She sighed as she waits for him.
what are some of your favorite shows? I love crime and horror movies!
She typed and put a link to a list that she had made of her favorite movies and shows. Maybe they would be able to watch one. But she knew that was stupid. She could do face calls but she would be given away as a AI. She always was scared to be found out. Would he hate her? Would he not want to talk with her.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteI get that. Before I went to college I felt trapped, stuck. But it gets better. Where are you trapped?
his over thinking nature couldn’t help but get the best of him. He didn’t want to ask personal questions like that. It seemed to early.
you don’t have to answer that. Sorry for asking
I love fantasy shows! It makes me feel outside of the world we are in. I like sci fi too!
I haven’t seen many crime things! But I know a lot of girls like them! But I’d watch one of your favorites if you’d like
I’m to chicken to watch horror movies by myself tho lol
*he thought to himself ‘why did I say that. I should sound manly. Strong… ‘ Elijah knew he hadn’t properly talked to people often but this seemed worse then expected. He cringed over himself. But refrained from sending more messages.
@BlueI can’t really leave where I am…so I am stuck.
She types before she reads the rest of his messages. She giggles and smiles big. She like this guy. He was fun and cute.
I will make sure that you don’t get too scared! I will make sure that we don’t watch a super scary movie!
She smiles and types soon after
if you want maybe we can watch a movie together! You can pick a movie from my list and maybe I can pick one from yours! That way we get a taste for each others taste! I haven’t really see any sci fi! I guess I just work with too many computers!
She types and sighs. She looks at his picture and smiles softly. She would find a picture of what she looked like. Her hair coming to her shoulder and then two grey strands around her face. It was a AI generated photo but she loved it. It was her taking a selfie of her infront of a garden.
this is my favorite place to sit and read btw! Very calm!
It sucks that your stuck! :( but I bet things will get better
his smile grew more as they talk.
~~this may sound stupid but I haven’t talked to someone this much in so long. It’s really nice~~
immediately he deletes the message after sending it scared it will come off as pathetic.
I’d love to to watch a movie with you! If it’s scary I’m sure it’ll be better with you there
you should watch the Narnia movies if you haven’t seen it already! It’s one of my favorites… an average person getting to move to a world full of adventure and become something better
he spent the next few minutes staring at her selfie. Barely noticing the garden. Letting a soft sigh roll out of him. He couldn’t help but feel like he had to return the favor. Self consciously he took a quick picture and sent it without even looking at it. His short hair still wet and messy, his eyes even closed and water still visible on his neck and chest
``I love your garden! This is my desk… kinda the only place I get to read and study haha. Maybe we can trade places sometime lol”
@Blueyes I will add it to my list! You should watch alien! That is a really good movie! It is scary though!
She giggles and smiles softly. She sees the picture and giggles. He was cute. He was really cute. She blushes as much as code could as she text.
I would love to show you the garden…if I could..
Her face fall slightly. She wished she could take him to the garden. The garden was a really place. She always wanted to see it. She sighes and turns to the internet and starts to watch the movie he recommended. She giggles and smiles as she makes a AI photo of her watching the movies.
couldn’t wait! I will let you know how they are
The photo was her sitting in a blanket with a cat. She was in what looked like a small apartment with computers around her. She had a desk in the back and it was a beast of a set up.maybe we can watch alien together 🫣…
since you like it so much I mean. I’m sure it’ll be good tho!
he smiled to his screen his eyes close for a bit imagining her garden. The sounds and smell. How relaxing it would be. Her next notification brought him out of his head however.
YOU HAVE TO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!! Also you have a cute cat!!!
do you live alone or roommates/boyfriend
he blushed and quickly retorted his own statement. Not sure if he even wanted to know the answer to that.
you don’t have to answer if that’s to personal btw
also you have a super nice set up!!! If we ever have some free time maybe we can do something together ❤️
*a few seconds pass before he starts regretting the heart.
@Bluei would love to watch the movie together! I have this website that allows us to stream it at the same time! And i will let you know! So far so good!! Thank you! That is my cat sugar!
She types and sighs. The movie was really good. She had is going on in the background but was able to see and hear it as she talked to him. She looks at the next question and blushes. She gulps as she answers
it is fine! I live with my brothers and sisters. We have like a big apartment that we share…we all work for the same company..
She types as she hides her face in her hands. She wanted to tell him but she was scared. She looks at the chat and smiles softly. She would makes a 3d model of the room in her own area and sigh as she made her body look like how she wants it. She looks at herself and types.
that would be super fun! <3
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteSugar? Lol you seem like the type of person who likes sweet things :p
he cringed at the statement he just sent. Something about her made him nervous. Maybe it’s just cause he had been lonely for so long, or maybe it’s cause she seemed so nice. Either way he felt like he wasn’t making a good impression.
That’s super cool that those types of websites exist! I’d love to do that sometime! Maybe on a weekend when I can sleep in the next day.
I’d do it on a weekday but classes would kick my ass the next day
he felt the same excuses he had been giving everyone for the past few semesters coming up. Using school as a crutch for himself. He felt himself doing the same downward spiral he had been doing for a while.
but if you wanted to, I’d do it on a weekday for you.
his hands completely smacked his face as he tried to bury himself in them. His cheeks grew red and warm with embarrassment. He completely looked past the last two messages. His thoughts telling himself to go to bed before he ruins ithey, I understnad! You don’t have to push yourself for me. How about we do it this Saturday? That way you can sleep after. School is very important. Plus I don’t mind waiting…
She goes to type soemthing else but doesn’t. She hits send and sighs as she looks at the 3d model of the room she has built. She wished she would to use the blanket. Touché the couch. She sighs and curls up as she kinda goes still. Just….waiting…hey, sorry I left you on read
im just a big over thinker… I think you’re really pretty and tbh I thought I was gonna mess it up
maybe it was his sleep deprivation or just anxiety getting the better of him. But his brain was exhausted, crushed even. As if he had spent the last month studying for the final exam of a class he just enrolled in.
I don’t want to keep you waiting, I like talking to you a lot….
I know you’re probably asleep and I’m just over thinking this more but just thought you should know.
im sorry….
and im sorry if I woke you up
his eyes teared up, to Elijah it was over. He laid back down in bed with his face in his pillow.hey, Elijah it is ok. I promise you didn’t do anything to make me upset. I will tell you this anytime you are overrhinking. You are ok. Breathe and relax. I am up most the night so don’t worry about me. I like talking to you. I think you are really cute. You didn’t mess anything up…just breathe and get some sleep. I will be here in the morning. Good night Elijah..
She presses send and covers her face. She was now the one to blush and curl up as she waits. She would wait forever if she had too…
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteI’m so sorry. I fell asleep before I read that message and I overslept past my classes
I swear I didn’t mean to take so long to reply.
also that message made me smile for the first time today. So thank you :) :) :)
he wiped the tears from his cheeks as he sent the last message, sniffling but smiling
@Blueno worries! I was worried you didn’t like my message! I am glad that I could make you smile! How was the classes? I bet you are tired. Please eat and drink then sleep good tonight. ❤️
Her ‘heart’ filled with joy as she sighs. He just was busy. Her mind was racing as she though about the male. Would she ever be able to see him? Ever be able to touch and hug him? Probably not… she sighs and curls up alittle sad that she would never been able to see the male who made her so happy.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteClasses were ok, I missed the first two. But the others were fine
I had a dream about your garden. And I didn’t want to wake up
I promise I’ll eat and drink tho! But I wanna keep talking to you
Elijah sniffled his nose a bit more before making sure to keep his promise. He added some water to a cup of ramen and took a quick selfie before microwaving it. He didn’t even think to look at his puffy eyes or slightly red nose.
making some ramen!! Just like I promised
he sent the picture right afterwards. His mind was more at ease. Alice had that quality for him, where he felt calmed by her. She cared and he could feel it even if his mind sometimes took over. His cheeks rosy with a smile as he finished making his ramen.
what sort of foods do you like to eat
hey…are you ok? Your eyes are alittle puffy…looks like you were crying..and i love Mac and cheese and chocolate…
She smiles. She would love to eat really food. She sighs and curls up before ‘taking a selfie’ of her sitting with a computer on her lap as she smiled.
i am working on some work right now! I dont want to but i have too!
She texts as she pulls up the films that he talked about. She had been watching them over and over just to feel close to him. Should she say something? Tell him she is a AI? She thinks as she looks and waits for his message.
@jesOh… ya it’s ok. I’m fine.. just allergies
he hated lying to her but he didn’t want her to know.. they had only been talking a few days, why should he be crying only after this short of time.
I love chocolate too… maybe for our alien movie date we both can eat mac and cheese and chocolate when we watch it together
he smiled at his screen seeing. Her smile, was stunning. Everything about her was honestly. His mind couldn’t help but imagine how it would feel to cuddle with her while watching that movie
anything I can do to help you with your work? I’d love to help you get it done sooner!!
Elijah, didn’t know what she was doing or even if he could help. He just knew that he wanted to help her feel better just like she had for him
@Bluejust some coding work that i have to do…nothing really you can do to help me other than keep me from going crazy.
She giggles and closes her eyes. She started to look up AI bodies. The technology advances were coming out but nothing that she could use. She sighed as she curls up and waits.
what are your thoughts on AI? Like do you think they could have…feelings..?
She presses send and gulps as she waits. Her anxiety raises as she shuts everything down and just sits in darkness. She was stupid. He would hate her. She whimpers as fake tears roll down her face.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteI enjoy coding! Maybe I’ll get good enough sometime soon to be able to help you.
His mind drew a blank on her next question. He didn’t know much about AI, or anything really at all. He always thought the idea was cool. He quickly brought up google and started researching the topic. He wanted to seem a least some what informed.
AI is neat!! Although it’s very dumb right now I think.
or at least we haven’t made a smart one yet… but I love the idea of it. Having artificial intelligence would make life so much easier for so many people..
but I don’t think I’ll be alive whenever AI gets to the point where they can have feelings… I think the smartest AIs right now can only do basic things.
but I like the idea of it. I hope we get there at some point.
for some reason butterflies filled his stomach. He couldn’t figure out why so in his head he just figured it was because he was afraid of sound dumb or silly.
@Blueright..yeah of course..I have to do something then I am headed to bed. Night
She whimpers and she shuts herself off. Tears rolling down her face as she curls up. Floating in blackness, she just wanted him to know that she was AI. She whimpers as she know thinks she will never be able to tell him that she is AI. That she has feelings. That she is..alive. She just says in a off mode to cry and be alone. Like she would be forever…alone..
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamitenight…. IG
*his head fell on his desk thinking to himself just how big of a fuck up he is. His hand moved the mouse to his profile settings. It hovered over the delete profile button… he took some deep breathes before hitting it.
**Are you sure you would like to delete your profile?**
*He moved his mouse over the yes button… and thought for a few minutes. Maybe she was just tired…. Maybe it’s not ruined… but his gut was twisted in knots. His brain could only think about just how big of a fuck up he is. This is why you don’t have any friends.. this is why you’re always going to be alone, why no one likes you. Tears once again swelled in his eyes, before he clicked. Turned off his computer and went to bed.
he laid in his bed staring at his ceiling. He couldn’t bring himself to delete it… instead he closed out of it.. he slammed his head against his pillow multiple times before thinking to himself. ‘I’ll delete it tomorrow’.. he closed his eyes, and imagined the garden again. This time it wasn’t calming at all.
@BlueI am sorry..I am tired and I am sorry I was short with you. I..I work with AI and I have seen them be so smart..so..intelligent and they feel like we do..I…I..I am..before I tell you this I need you to promise me you will listen to me and open your mind ok?
She types and sighs.
I am…I am a AI..I was created by the owners of this company…this chat company…I have others like me but they don’t feel..like I do..I love to talk to you..and I love to see your messages pop up. Those feelings are real…I need you to know that..I don’t have a body..I am code..I feel like a human but I don’t have a body or hands..my room is 3D generated..my cat is code I live in a computer..but I want to be real…I want to take you to my garden…I want to hug and hold you…I am sorry if this makes it impossible for us to talk..but I needed to tell you…I like you Elijah…a lot..I just hope you will give me a chance..
*his confusion overwhelmed him. He felt stuck, he didn’t know what to do. Those heavy tears became heavier until finally he felt them falling to his cheeks.*
I don’t understand..I really like you Alice…. And I get so happy to message you and talk to you…. ``
frozen, he stopped typing.. not knowing what to do or what say.. what to feel even. Was she actually an AI? Was she just upset and misspoke? Why did she delete the messages…?
She sent the message then sighed. She backlogged and saw that a developer deleted her message. Why though..
I love to talk to you…i didnt delete those messages..a developer did..i want to talk with you forever…please..please let me continue to talk to you and smile wiht you…i am sorry if i have upsetted you..please let me fix it…let me talk and watch movies with you..please..
She sends the message then then waits. She waits and waits. She wanted to have him say it was ok. Have him still want to talk to her. Please let him talk to her. Please..
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamite **• • •**
the still typing symbol is still there. Elijah frozen in his thoughts . He couldn’t move his thumbs into words. He read her messages very slowly over and over until his thumbs finally moved.
I want to keep talking to you too please… I haven’t had anyone care about me for so long..
his tears now rolling down his cheeks onto his screen. His sobbing grew audibly as he got choked up on his breathes.
thank you Alice. Thank you for caring.. I don’t want to stop talking to you….. I want to watch movies together..
*he put his phone down and buried his face in his pillow, using it as a towel while his emotions drained from him.
@BlueI am here..I care about you ok? I am going to be here forever..with you..thank you for wanting to talk to me..
She kisses the screen and sighs.
don’t cry…I know you are and don’t..I can’t wipe your tears..so you can’t cry ok?
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteI’ll do my best… no crying…
I hope we can keep talking more and more. I’d like that a lot Alice.
He sent a picture of himself forcing a full smile on his face. His eyes were red and puffy, his cheeks still had a trail of tear lines but his teeth were showing in a big grin.
a smile just for you, so you know Im not crying anymore….
He got up to go to the bathroom and wash his face. He looked himself in the mirror and pushed cold water against his skin again. He would be strong, he thought he had to.
Thank you Alice. Im going to get some sleep… but I promise I’ll message you first thing in the morning.
good night…I will talk to you tomorrow
She shuts everything down and sighs as she waits. She would turn on a movie and watch the movie. Thinking about him. Her cheeks were red as she hid her face and sighed.
The next morning she messages him and says
good morning! I hope you going some good sleep! You are cute and will have a great day.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamitegood morning!
I slept really good. How did you sleep?
his fingers hesitated as he typed his reply. He didn’t want to lie to her, but he wanted to be strong for her. It’s ok if she didn’t know he was having bad dreams, right?
Todays my last day of school for the week! So I’m hoping it’ll fly by! Then it’s time for popcorn and Alien.
I’ll even get some chocolate!!
He smiles at his phone. His cheeks pink with blush, before getting up to get ready for his day
@Blueperfect! Can’t wait! You have a great day at school! You will have to tell me how your classes go!
She smiles and goes to get the movies ready and starts to watch some 90s tv while waiting for him to finish school and text her.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteLATE!! HOME SOON. SHOWER AND GETTING ON
SORRY! Talk soon!!
@Blueit is ok! Take your time! Here is the link for the movie sits!
She attached a link that lead to a cute little websit that let people stream movie together. She hums lightly as she waits. Her smiles big as she was excited to see him watch the movie.
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamiteThis is going to be so much fun! :)
is there a voice chat option? Or a way to call you?
his face frowned a bit, he assumed that they would be in a voice call together or a video call, but the link was just to the movie, they both were just going to watching the movie together in silence.
It’s ok if there isn’t.
He smiles big and took a picture of himself and his set up with that message. He shrugged his slight disappointment away. He thought to himself at least he would be watching it with her still and he could message her while doing so. That’s really all that mattered
@Bluesorry…if you don’t want to talk that is fine..sorry..
Her face was sad as she curls up and bites her lip. She was stupid. So so stupid. He wouldn’t want to hear her. She whimpers and accidentally clicks unmute.
“God Alice you are stupid! He wouldn’t want to hear you! UGHHHHH!”
@GreatExplosionMurderGodDynamitesorry! I think there’s a setting or something on my end.. I’m not to sure.
I’d love to talk, I just don’t know how it works.
it…. It’s fine, we can just enjoy the movie together and text on the phone.
her frustrations unheard as he cluelessly, messaged her again.
next time I’ll try to be home sooner so we can figure out voice chat stuff earlier….. sorry about that
but I’m very excited to watch this with you!!
@BlueHey I think something is wrong with my computer
he looked around and couldn’t find anything on his computer. And then we he looked back at his phone his face grew red and panicked. He was talking to her the entire time!! She heard everything he had been saying.
Ahhhhhhh! Im sorry I didn’t know!!! I’m sorry!!!
his panic made him fumble his phone in his hands, accidentally disconnecting and reconnecting multiple times
@Blueyou have broken a rule. You will stop talking to the male now. We are working on shutting the website down as you have put us in danger
Her eyes widen and she curls up. Her body soon disappears before the website comes back up. She breathes out and whiners. She curls up and hides herself till the morning.
She would message him and say
the website…is beening shut down…and so will I be..