
Modern Joker
The man didn't seem to affected by the chilling hand pressing onto his breast. His patience did seem to grow thin when she finally came inside. Watching as she huffed and began relieving herself of her wet and cold clothing. He sighed as she started speaking, listening with disdain as she attempted to covet his irritation with a reward. Leon had just wished people would learn to stay out of places they shouldn't be. How great the world would be had Leon be able to be left alone. With a slow motion he'd press the door closed, before slowly kicking a thick roll of cloth between the door and the gap at the bottom of it.
The large olive skinned man would grunt after walking back to the quaint living room, sitting in his chair. The entire cabin stunk of wine, it slowly reduced over time as the warmth from the fireplace surrounded the guest finally. One of his ears lifted, hearing the woman speak her name, then call him host and savior. "Please save me your formalities, my name is Leon, of the family Nepherites." His face was cold, unforgiving, one that had forgotten what love felt like in the most literal sense.
Leon then would reach for what he thought was a full crate of wine that hadn't been opened yet, enough to last him to at least the end of the week. However, the crate was light, too light, there was nothing in the bottles. He scrambled around trying to find some more, just one bottle to keep him steady. Something, absolutely anything to keep him from going under. Much to his dismay he couldn't find anything, barely even a drop. "God dammit..." He laid back into his chair in complete defeat, the sharpness in his gaze was gone.
The canvas was painted once again.
The weight of the things he had done, what he had seen, started to become heavy on his thoughts. What made it worse was that his company was possibly royalty. Her smell, and the eloquence of her speech was more or less a dead giveaway. "Well, Bella... It seems karma has finally caught up to me, because I am out of wine. So let's make a deal, you kindly refrain from saying a single word for the time you are here. Not only are you doing myself and your insignificant lifespan a favor, I'll see to it that you get home safely when the time comes. Do we have a deal?"