He heard the voice, turning around to get a glance at the two, only really able to make out the hair.
He was nervous. Why was he so nervous? It was just red hair! People dyed their hair red all the time! Why was he making it such a big deal?
Yknow what, to get over it, he'd bring the other a drink! Just so he could prove that he could handle someone with red hair In a god damn club.
He did his best to find out what the other liked,, asking the bartender, before walking over, beer in one hand, glass in the other. "Hey, I heard you wanted a drink, and I thought I'd get it for you." He sounded.. so fucking awkward. And he was, and he was nervous too, but luckily, having dealt with a demon already, he was fine. Hell, he had an angels soul or some shit too!