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Archive 14 / eotw-info
End of the World Welcome to the end of the world, as you know it. This rp will be taking characters through the collapse of society, brought about by several different global events. It is set in modern day earth. In fact, the first date will be may first, 2023. Mayday. To participate in this rp, post a character using the template pinned in #eotw-characters Each character will have their own forum. The first forum will be where the events of the fall of society will be posted. Its your timeline, and will have important global events that will affect your characters in some way. For the most part, characters will be doing their best to survive in whatever way they feel is best. Once your character is submitted, create a forum page in #eotw-roleplay and begin by introducing your character. Maybe describe a typical day in the life of. Would they be at work? With friends? At the salon? Are they the sort who has their bug out bag packed and an evacuation rout planned, or are they a wealthy hotel chain owner's spoiled daughter? Give us a glimpse as your character, as they are before their life changes forever. Interaction with other characters will be in one or the other person's forum. For more than two characters, interaction should be posted in the event or main forum channel. Remember to try and be as realistic as possible. It's not likely that your grocery store clerk will have a warehouse of guns and amunitions stocked up, or that your bartender just happens to have 100 feet of rope and a fully stocked first aid kit in their purse. Each character will be confronted with challenges individually and have opportunities to interact with other characters. It might even be some ambitious character's idea to try and form them into a group of some sort. A compound, a commune, a militia, anything, really. •Please use standard formatting: "Parenthesis are for speech!" Plain text is for action, interaction, and description. Italics are great for indicating thought or internal dialog This group is hosted by @reddeR
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