Speaking of which, we soon cut to the lifeless body of "that woman" hours later, still slumped over with a gaping wound in the temple of her head. Shockingly enough, she was still breathing, the shot having failed in ending her life. Nevertheless, it still had the effect of disabling her higher cognitive functions. Or, to put it bluntly, she was no longer human, mentally speaking.
As she slowly stood up, she clutched her head in pain before jerking around uncontrollably. To make a long story short, she began to transform, though not voluntarily as this done with her screaming and trying to resist. Nevertheless, her fate was inevitable as it was over within a minute. Once completed she looked around, confused as to why she was here. Because of the gunshot wound, she barely remembered anything that she had done within the past decade of her life.
Unfortunately however, she remembered three things in particular: The loss of her child and husband, Azaal running away, and the fact that she committed acts of cruelty and everyone hated her for it. As a result, she began to let out a barrage of meows and other feline related noises as she began to roam around. Thanks to her night vision, she was able to make it out of the basement and began roaming for the only potential mate she had left. All she felt was grief, anger, and sadness all at once and it caused her the utmost pain. In the end, when she saw no one was around, she exited the house and continued roaming the area, still in her torn police uniform.
(( @Cecil