Silver was hanging out in the town square, chatting with a friend. He wore a black t-shirt and a pair of jeans. He seemed to be lost in conversation until the sound of commotion caught his attention. Turning his gaze from the friend, he noticed a crowd of beast-folk. What were they gawking at? Standing to his paws, he looks at his friend and gives a soft wave before making his way towards the crowd. He notices the mayor was talking to someone and didn't seem too pleased about it.
"Mayor?" he asks, stepping through the crowd and resting a hand on the large lion's shoulder. Silver's attention was then on the strange creature on the ground. What.. was she? She didn't have any fur, except for on her head. No tail, claws or fangs. The large wolf stepped forwards towards the creature and looked her over. "Don't know.. what a human is.." he spoke, sniffing the female a moment to try and figure out what she was. But nothing came to mind. Humans didn't exist in this world.
She is a strange creature.. Clearly something I've never seen before.. Maybe.. new prey? No, if that was the case I'd have seen more.. Maybe.. something endangered? Silver reached out a paw and grasped her wrist, pulling her up from the ground.