
Rowan Drake
It had been too long since Rowan Drake found herself behind the counter of a bar and when an establishment opened up in the quiet town her and Xaiden had found this time, she had to jump at the chance. The bar was called the Tavern and in Yellow Springs, it was a central hub. It had an outside patio as well as inside dining and was located across the street from the local book stores, clothing parlors and jewelry shops. Most people in Yellow Springs were very amicable and laid back, so when two strangers moved into town, they were welcomed with open arms. Xaiden and Rowan had no problem fitting in, although Rowan was a tad more harsh than most people.
The Tavern was a dark oaken, tall building with a loft upstairs for those who worked there, but desired other sleeping arrangements. It consisted two cooks, three servers and one bartender; newly appointed Rowan. She had been there a week before she knew where everything was located and a month before she knew almost every regular that came in. As she walked into her Saturday night shift, she felt completely at home.
Her low-rise jeans just covered her black heels and her black sweater crop top accentuated her mocha skin; her long black curls reaching farther down her back than the sweater did. She took her place behind the bar and began all manner of drink preparation while she waited; ice, glasses and commonly used alcohols. Her dark eyes scanned the room and her smile was welcoming to anyone who would approach.
Such a strange town..
Is the thought that lingered in Lance's mind as he walked normally through what felt like a peace of "home." Though with a more calm nature; one that was void of constant alien invasions or criminal masterminds trying to fight off a demi-god of an alien who left them wishing they never tried the criminal life. With his hands tucked in the pockets of his regular fit jeans with a Winston style of color. The remainder of his attire complimented the choice of pants with his shirt being a simple white tee and his chestnut loafers that hit the pavement with each step he took down the street. The last article of his clothing was not directly on his person and instead had been held by one hand that rested on his shoulder as he continued to walk around with his irises examining the different stores and spots for food. However this all came to an end as he slowed down until he finally made a complete stop.
Now standing before a tavern that looked much like a piece of history from the wild west, he couldn't help but chuckle. It reminded him of a couple of different bars he's frequented in his travels with rogues and cutthroats; it was their main hangout spot when deciding what exploits they may get into next or just to have a damn ol' good time. The dawn shifting to dusk made the sight of this tavern illuminate a bit more than it probably would have normally almost as though it were calling him to finally rest his feet here. With a bit of a shrug, Lance pushed the door open, to get a better look of what the light had concealed. Though while anti-climatic it wasn't a location too special on first look; it was nothing different from any other place serving alcohol that he had frequented in the past.
As his eyes once again went to examine his area, the people seemed rather normal, nothing too out of the ordinary for a piece of nightlife. No one seemed to standout other than a bartender who seemed to be just starting her shift. Finally stepping forward, Lance found himself walking closer to the main bar counter that shined with its laminated finished. Despite the wooden appearance, it was obvious this place was in proper maintenance which was a slight relief. Finally resting his feet from a walk that didn't necessarily bother him, Lance dropped his jean jacket on the counter to the right of his location. Reaching his hand out forward, he tapped the counter lightly to hopefully grab the tender's attention, though there didn't seem to be too much of a rush in the words that carried after.
"Whenever you get a chance, I could use a good drink, ma'am."