“Well, having a mere few billion available to keep up with one’s maintenance certainly does help.” He gave her a charming smile, clearly just kidding. His striking green eyes resting upon the young professional, dipping from her own eyes and towards her cheeks, jawline, and neck. As if assessing her complexion and generally facial and skeletal structure.
“Truthfully? A lot of it has to do with genetics, unless you’re looking to go under the knife, but even then there’s only so much outside intervention can do to improve one’s looks, especially if the underlying framework is a mess to begin with.” He said. “Which, by the way, President Reynolds, is not something you specifically need to be concerned of. You didn’t ask, but from what I can tell you certainly have an enviable facial structure. In short, you are attractive. Which I think you already know, but as I said, genetics play a big role, but hardly the only role. Some would claim the priciest moisturizers, supplements, and various exotic procedures are necessary, which predominantly excludes those without enough disposable income, but again, that’s a falsehood. It helps sure I won’t deny that, but it’s not necessary.”
Evan took a sip of his coffee before setting it on the table and stood up, pushing the table back away from the couch to open up some room.
“All the trendy regimens in the world won’t automatically make a person youthful if all they ever do is focus on the outside and do nothing to nurture what lays beneath the surface. Come up-“ He offered his hand to her, wishing for her to stand.
“Considering I’ll be advising you I’m ultimately going to be intimately familiar with your personal life anyway, so there’s no sense in hiding it. It’s common place for most people to tell their doctors that they regularly exercise, even if they’re lying. So when I ask you these questions I would ask you be truthful, ultimately I’m going to find out the truth eventually, so you’d save us both some time.