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Archive 12 / letter-of-fortune
Tonkin had been sitting in his desolate home for weeks before a letter arrived in the mail, disturbing his silence. Huh? someone was angry with him! well that's not good he thought to himself as he had read the letter, but quickly realized that this wasn't for him at all. Tonkin felt bad anyways, so he tried to make it better with a letter. --------------LETTER--------------------- To the stranger who sent this letter!   Hello! I saw that you sent me this and I was shocked at what this person did to you! I'm sorry this all happened to you, but you've sent it to the wrong person. I think that the post office might have mixed it up, but again, I'm very sad for you! Maybe we could meet somewhere and talk about it! Just something to make you feel better,                                         sincerely, Tonkin ------END LETTER--------
Tonkin had waited weeks to see from his accidental pen pal, waiting to see the letter come in. When he had finally seen the letter, he did not hesitate to write back --------------LETTER--------------------- Dear Kazu,   That's okay! We don't have to meet! maybe we could just write letters back and forth? It seems like it would be fun to do. What do you like to do? I usually like working with technology and watch movies on my old TV, but nothing really happens that much where I'm at.                 sincerely, Tonkin ------END LETTER--------
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