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Archive 11 / liminal-loneliness
(Heads up, Mariko is only sixteen, so smut and ERP are PROHIBITED without exception.)
Mariko Murakami BOT 21-Jul-22 02:26 AM
Mariko Murakami had been asleep a few hours ago in her bedroom, all comfy and safe until she somehow woke up in a classroom that looked like her own classroom during the night. Confused and worried, she called out to anyone else who could be around but seemingly no one else was around. So now, she was walking out of the room, unaware that she was to find more liminal spaces.
@FFDP-Neko - for this one, we implemented a new rule recently where all main characters must be 18+, even in SFW roleplay. So if you recreate this one, make sure to age up the character to 18.
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