I'd been hiding from it for the last 3 years. I was only 18 when it manifested. It was terrifying. It was shocking. It was the end of my life as I knew it. And the beginning of the end of the world.
Our lives are not ours, alone. There are others, the daemons, the evil ones. For the last 400 years the women of Odessa have lived free from their terrible presence. We've had peace. We've had beauty. We've had love. When we banished the daemons to Hell, we were able to rebuild our society the way it was meant to be.
But of course, in order to continue our species, we need the daemons. So it was arranged that they would send a number of breeders to us, their absolute best examples of the male daemon. we would specify the number, and they would be kept in breeding facilities. Eligible young women who wished to produce a child would come and select one to breed. the daemons would stay for one year, or sire 30 offspring. Then they would be returned.
Once the child was born, it would be raised by it's mother. Once the infant was weaned, makes would be pulled out and put in their own facilities. They would be raised for a time there, then sent to Hell with the rest of the daemons. We don't know what happened to them there. (edited)