I make sure to get my feet on the floor, securing my boots magnetically to it only seconds before the ship normalizes the gravity drive and I suddenly feel the weight of my kit on my shoulder, the strap between my breasts digging in deeper. I let out a sigh, and turned back to the actual core, walking over to its diagnostic screen and looking over the readouts, everything seems stable, no apparent damage. Well, it looks like we won’t all die of radiation poisoning quite yet. Which is nice, since I’d been in the process of fucking myself with my favorite toy when this whole debacle had started, the dildo hanging off my tool-belt like the strangest screw-driver ever.
“So, what’s the damage?”, a voice comes on in my ear, and I look over to the corner where I know the security feed can see me and talk directly to it, since it always makes it seem more personal.
“Not too bad, probably just a dime sized asteroid, it would explain why the scans didn’t catch it, I’ll have to go out and patch it up on the outside at some point, but the old girl’s still got a bit of life in her, Skipper”, I say, using the usual nickname and sticking my tongue out at you, my hands resting at my hips.
“Well, you might want to go get your kit back in your bunk, don’t want to scare the rest of the crew with that thing!”, the laughter in your voice makes it clear that you spotted my dildo, which is to be expected, a 12” purple cock is a little hard to hide as it hangs off my hip.
“Yeah, yeah, wouldn’t want them getting any ideas right?”, I grumble, and begin to walk back to my small private room, a minor luxury since only the captain and I had those, everyone having to share quarters, but in space a good engineer/mechanic was a hundred times more important than any other crew member, and it certainly came in handy on these long hauls. (edited)