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Archive 10 / star-wars-the-artifact
The premise: a Dark Side artifact created well before the Sith Empire ever even rose to power, back during the days of the Je'daii. This artifact was designed as a failsafe to bring back the numbers of the Force Users following the any potential catastrophe that may have happened, so it's an artifact that would ah, how shall I say.... basically turn females into proper er.... ah...well ask me. But anyways, our characters would go on an adventure to find a way to get 'rid' of this artifact the best they can, trying to find a way to cope with the situation along with any parties that may or may not be in pursuit. Please note, the artifact itself is NOT mandatory for this story to work, we can sub in an ancient holocron or something instead, to make it a more.. well, i guess normal prompt.
Roleplay HQ Bot BOT 27-Aug-22 07:34 AM
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