bred with the females and gave them similar spotted children.
After she had done that, she decided to see if the candles were in good condition, though many in the study needed changing. Seeing the chart, she changed the candles inc olour assortments of black, blue, red and white. She tried to make them sync up, she had done this work in a noble's house before so she attempted to replicate it. Then she went and started sweeping the long verandah, which could be someone's apartment. Outside, the birds were waking up.
Mahtab was feeling the pain in her legs and back. She started singing to mitigate it. To not let it stray her from her task. Soon,. she would need to wash up, and according to schedule, put The Prince's proper breakfast in his small dining space in his room, which had partitions. Or, if the sun was out, out here in the verandah. He would measure some fresh cut face soap for his morning wash and make sure all his soap and shampoo was adequately filled. So, she sang as she swept:
"Your touch, your song, breaking out like the waves
Crescendo like the chorals, underneath the bay
I find you, out there, with the whales, with the shells,
Like a plucked sea-pomegranate, you are cast out in like pebble
And foam. I am aching for you, I am breathing for you.
I am aching for you, I am breathing for you, I am needing to
Know you. The salt of my tears, in my hair, salt like sea
in the sands, these waters that knew you, once, Like a message
in a bottle. Where did the words go? Are you washed away?
Come, wash ashore, on me. Come, wash ashore, on me.
They say stop, don't put your sail out, be a snail landlocked
from water. They say stop, you'll do better, never be an
adventurer. The waves are routine. They crash on the bedrock
They do, for over a million years, even with stars out there.
And, I, smile eternally. Thinking they all forget, how islands
Were born. Islands said, water change, water grow apart,
Seek the shelter of the ordinary,