Elif did not wish to intrude, however, she also was having a hard time being by herself. She did not wish to be by herself and think about what a horrible failure of a person she was in many respects. She hated it so much, this sinking feeling of depression, trauma, complex post-traumatic stress disorder and all of that.
She had wanted so badly...so badly too get away from all of that. Now, she was not sure that which was inescapable and which she could venture out from. She had nothing to really give to herself or others. What if I am not even a good healer? What if...all of this, just keeps on telling me about my obvious failures?
Deep inside, all Elif wanted to understand what she could do, what was she able to do. How, she was not certain if she could do anything, if she could accomplish anything. She wanted so badly to love and do so much of loving. Now, she was not sure, if she was able to do any of those things.
Everything in her life seemed to be suddenly become more shit. Well, it was not complete shit. Though, she was not sure, if she could really outgrow or die down, the disappointment that David was feeling for her. What will I say to him? Maybe, he could go fuck himself! Elif knew she was angry at him. Why would she not be? She never ascribed for perfection and never really lied to him about anything. |
So, what if she hid SOME details, it was not like she was demanding he be an open book to her and for her at all times. Why was this erasure...? She knew why but she did not wish to fully accept it. So, strange, as a lawyer, she was taught things could be black and white. You pounded out the sheets of grey, bulldoze them into fine grain, produce the tar and cement and voila, you have this new road. The fresco of the old died down and there was no need to worry about things as such.
Morality could be grey and that is the precedent you, as a lawyer or even drafting contracts as a solicitor, worked on. However, the causation, the climax, the