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Archive 10 / one-eye-open
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Deleted User 09-Aug-22 09:49 AM
Ooc things
Francis Delouise Spyman BOT 09-Aug-22 09:54 AM
Frank Spyman was a spy vacuum cleaner salesman from New York. As the truck pulled out of his drive way with the last load of boxes, he looked around at the stacks of his belongings strewn throughout the house. Hopefully this quaint neighborhood would give him a chance to start over, to finally find what (or who) he was looking for.
Francis Delouise Spyman BOT 09-Aug-22 10:12 AM
First thing’s first Frank fussed as he read off box label after box label. Where are my whiskey glasses? It was eerily quiet, a lonely quiet, among the maze of cardboard and things. “I have too many things. Just wish I could snap my fingers and they would all just put themselves away.”
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