“Oh, yeah, just take your time man, my bad!”, I say with a wolfish smile, my blood covered elongated canines looking black under the bright full moon, the same one that makes my waist-length, braided silvery-white hair practically glow. With a grunt and a slip of the hand that nearly costs me, if not my life, then at least a few ribs; I manage to twist my body, bending in a way that seems wholly unnatural, and slip a leg between me and the claw encircling my middle, finally freeing up a hand. Without missing a beat, I pull out the massive claymore strapped to my back, holding it aloft in a single hand, and not taking my eyes off of the beast's eerie mammalian eyes, so out of place on its otherwise crustacean body, I take aim and launch the sword like a spear, just as an explosion rocks the already half shelled out cathedral we'd been sent to clear out. My aim is true, the sword piercing straight between those malice-filled eyes, leaving a hole about the width of my shoulders in its wake, and embedding itself about a foot into the stone beneath, a feat of both supernatural skill and strength.
I would like to say that I followed that up by nailing a graceful landing, but the large explosion was still ringing in my hyper-sensitive, noticeably pointed ears, leaving me a little shell-shocked, and caused me to land in an undignified heap.
I glare over at you as I get to my feet, “Really?! Are you trying to bring down the whole bloody church around us?” (edited)