Rike woke up with a terrible headache. How many drinks had he had the night before? He didn't even try to recall. Fortunately, his drinking habit didn't seem to bother anyone here. He looked around at the scrolls, books, and a dagger on the table. He got up lazily, stumbled to his clothes and got dressed.
He didn't have any gold to spend on scripts. He had spent it all on beer, food, girls, boys, and of course most importantly, bribing librarians and sages. "Knowledge shall prevail." That was what he believed, and was willing to do anything it took to know more. That thought always gave him determination and purpose. To be the most powerful. He smirked, picked up his dagger, hid the scrolls, and headed for the door.
The Inn was even busier than usual. Old an new faces were eating, drinking, talking, and laughing. His stomach was growling, and he wasn't in the best mood. "I'll have the usual, thank you." He said to Durnan, tapping his fingers on the bar.
The "usual" breakfast for Rike was bacon and ale. He looked for a place to
sit, but he couldn't see any. He sighed, his head throbbing, and decided to wait.