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Archive 1 / tater-collab
CieranSol 23-Sep-21 08:06 PM
@taterthots hiiiiii i made dis 4 uuuuuu
we can always rename the category later
taterthots 23-Sep-21 08:06 PM
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:04 PM
@CowboyFarmerOnMars we need to find more people
CowboyFarmerOnMars 25-Sep-21 03:04 PM
Yes we do!! We could try to advertise a little or ask people in the server!!
I’m sure the others would love to do something with this!
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:06 PM
are there particular types of characters you need?
crunch 25-Sep-21 03:07 PM
what is this for?
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what is this for?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:10 PM
Collab writing!
Avatar Bliss
are there particular types of characters you need?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:10 PM
I need calm but aggressive characters, they're mafia members after all
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:11 PM
if you were to assign them a moral alignment, what might they be?
Bombie 25-Sep-21 03:12 PM
You could fit in a character that's had a normal life but is pulled into the crime world, and slowly, his reasoning is taken away and he becomes this volatile figure (edited)
Quick to snap and is constantly overwhelmed and has a sensory overload when pressured
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:13 PM
That too. Maybe a child previously adopted by the mafia family
Avatar Bliss
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:13 PM
Anything tbh
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:13 PM
i think i'd like a character who might be a member of the original family (if there is one)?
perhaps an older sibling?
extremely limited capacity for loyalty
perhaps due to trauma sustained in childhood or youth related to being so close to the mafia?
very early exposure to violence perhaps
just tossing out ideas! i'm not sure what yall have already come up with
i also write pretty decent female characters with an overabundance of self-confidence to match their naïveté
a sheltered sibling of one of the mafia pawns perhaps
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:18 PM
I was thinking of making my character adopted by the mafia family. Her dad used to be s secret agent who surrendered his child for protection
Avatar Bliss
a sheltered sibling of one of the mafia pawns perhaps
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:19 PM
We could do that!
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:19 PM
what character concepts do you already have?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:20 PM
That character, a really evil character, a warm hearted but sadistic consigliere, a character from the other family
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:20 PM
is there a don?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:22 PM
Yes, but I haven't thought of his character yet
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:22 PM
have yall already started working on an opening scene?
where do you intend to write? on the server?
(so many questions i'm sorry D:)
is there some kind of a front for their criminal operations?
please make it some kind of a swanky club
is this modern?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:26 PM
This is modern yes
Set in 2010s
Before rona
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:26 PM
a fictional city?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:26 PM
On the server could work
A fictional italian city could work
There would be a lot
Clubs, hospitals, real estate (edited)
They're not sketchy from the ourside
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:28 PM
oooo a corrupt police officer might be fun
what is the overarching plot?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:31 PM
Basically, four main characters would have a crossing love story. So A and B are supposed to marry as their parents are allies and so are C and D, but A ends up with D and B ends up with C
That's what I thought
But it's boring
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:31 PM
oooooo are those roles taken?
it could be super fun!
perhaps A and D are childhood friends who haven't accepted their feelings for one another, while B and C could be some sort of twist on enemies to lovers?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:32 PM
They're not taken
Ugh my internet is super bad
Ohhh yeshhhh
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:33 PM
let's see...
some ideas i have off the top of my head
Character A is the eldest son of Family 1. He's got that usual older sibling complex - a need to perform, perfectionism, a sense of overprotectiveness of his family and younger siblings - in addition to the complication of being raised in a rather violent environment. (edited)
on the surface his is cold and calculating and it takes time to earn his trust (for it absolutely must be earned)
Character B is the eldest daughter of Family 2. she knows her familial duty to her family and loves her father dearly so that she feels compelled to do as she is told if only to appease him and win his seemingly unobtainable affection, but she is naturally very rebellious
She is fearless, but mainly because she has never been given a reason to fear. Her life has been sheltered.
Character C is the younger son of Family 1, and emulates his elder brother (Character A) even as he maintains a lifelong (and rather volatile) rivalry with him. Character C has none of his brothers qualms and is a risk-taker - he does whatever he needs to do to win.
Clever, charming, he's a bit rakish and has a long string of heartbroken lovers in his wake. He has yet to meet a woman who can match him in wit or strength of will.
Character D is the youngest daughter of family 2 and Character B's younger (and favorite) sister. She alternates between extremely charming and very spoiled. Like her sister, she has never been given a reason to fear anything or anyone and regularly takes advantage of her father's influence on everyone around her.
She is passionate, intelligent, but lacks her sister's drive.
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:49 PM
Ok I'm back they just took my blood
We need more ppl to pitch in tho!!
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:51 PM
i'm partial to character D, myself
taterthots 25-Sep-21 03:52 PM
I have a sketch of the two enemy families
Bliss 25-Sep-21 03:55 PM
i might suggest that we set this in a generic american city similar to new york
taterthots 25-Sep-21 04:02 PM
So they're Italian American, or they're Italians residing in America?
Bliss 25-Sep-21 04:02 PM
could be a mix of both!
taterthots 25-Sep-21 04:06 PM
Here's my idea, I decided to not like my original idea kkk Family Luciano and family Berlusconi are both mafia families originating from Sicily, Italy. They claim territory over neighborhood and cities and sometimes, they'd be more powerful than the government itself. They have been enemies since their first dons founded the crime families. Character A is the eldest of Luciano family. He is cold and calculating. He had a sister, Character B, who is naïve and is unable to comprehend violence. Character B falls in love with Character C, a warm hearted, but sadistic son of Berlusconi family.
Bliss 25-Sep-21 04:11 PM
i see i see
taterthots 25-Sep-21 04:16 PM
So it's kind of B likes C but her brother disagrees
I could play as A's fiancee who has no feelings toward him whatsoever
Bliss 25-Sep-21 04:18 PM
why not?
taterthots 25-Sep-21 04:27 PM
How about @CowboyFarmerOnMars
What are your thoughtss
CowboyFarmerOnMars 25-Sep-21 04:28 PM
I love that, it sounds like it can be super interesting!!
And can go multiple ways with drama and such
taterthots 25-Sep-21 07:48 PM
Yeah, and we could add more storyline to it
Idk what tho
I need to thinkjjkkk
Bombie 25-Sep-21 08:02 PM
Try and lay out the foundation, make a family tree. Give some deceased members some brief biographies to give you something to reference when you're playing a character
taterthots 25-Sep-21 08:12 PM
I'm currently doing that! Hospital is boring me out.
taterthots 25-Sep-21 09:42 PM
This is family I
Geraldo "Mando" del Rivero 25-Sep-21 09:45 PM
This is very detailed
Colour me impressed
taterthots 25-Sep-21 09:50 PM
I want to make more details but my hand hurtss
Geraldo "Mando" del Rivero 25-Sep-21 10:08 PM
JackWhite 26-Sep-21 03:34 AM
hugs this looks good and wow your handwriting is so much better than mine
Bliss 26-Sep-21 03:54 AM
i like it!
taterthots 26-Sep-21 03:55 AM
We need to make family 2 for the enemy family
Also... feel free to change the names
Avatar JackWhite
hugs this looks good and wow your handwriting is so much better than mine
taterthots 26-Sep-21 03:56 AM
Thank you!💕
CowboyFarmerOnMars 26-Sep-21 03:58 AM
I can work on a few characters for the second family later today!!
JackWhite 26-Sep-21 03:59 AM
Hey no problem Tater
And I'll be happy to work on characters as well
taterthots 26-Sep-21 04:10 AM
My character would be engaged but there would be no sexual nor romantic relationship between them at all. It's all just for politics
Or Idk
Idk how to create a character with no romance plot at all hahah
Any ideas?
JackWhite 26-Sep-21 04:11 AM
Lol if you want to do a romance plot there could always be a forbidden secret romance going on
taterthots 26-Sep-21 04:12 AM
I mean other ppl can do it
I just won't
My character won't
Bliss 26-Sep-21 04:22 AM
romance :<
taterthots 26-Sep-21 04:22 AM
I can't
You can do romance tho!!
Bliss 26-Sep-21 04:22 AM
i'm kidding it's not a big deal
i just love the fuck out of some fluff lol
taterthots 26-Sep-21 04:22 AM
It just won't be my character! Like everyone else can have it ofc
JackWhite 26-Sep-21 04:27 AM
Lol if you want Bliss I can make a character to romance yours lol
It could be cool to do a romance between two people from the opposing families
Avatar JackWhite
Lol if you want Bliss I can make a character to romance yours lol
Bliss 26-Sep-21 04:27 AM
u the real mvp
actually i kind of like the idea of playing the eldest son
haven't played a 'cold & calculating' character in a while
JackWhite 26-Sep-21 04:29 AM
I'll probably make up a character we might even be able to make more then one character
taterthots 27-Sep-21 03:53 PM
I need to start with family 2!!!
taterthots 27-Sep-21 04:06 PM
Ugh sorry it's so all over the place
Avatar JackWhite
I'll probably make up a character we might even be able to make more then one character
taterthots 27-Sep-21 04:13 PM
I think we should make more characters
Bc sticking to one character is booring
taterthots 28-Sep-21 02:34 AM
Some infos added! Feel free to add more things
CowboyFarmerOnMars 28-Sep-21 04:39 AM
@taterthots does that long line represent the amount of children salvatore and bianca had?
CowboyFarmerOnMars 28-Sep-21 10:12 AM
I made a more organized version of the family tree, that way we can fully see the family a little better
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@taterthots does that long line represent the amount of children salvatore and bianca had?
taterthots 28-Sep-21 01:39 PM
Yes. 4 children
Thank you!
CowboyFarmerOnMars 28-Sep-21 01:39 PM
Just making sure! As for the second family, do we have names?
Of course!
taterthots 28-Sep-21 01:39 PM
Not yet
CowboyFarmerOnMars 28-Sep-21 01:41 PM
Fair enough this family is huge 😂
taterthots 28-Sep-21 01:43 PM
Not that huge tbh
Is that in Google Docs?
Avatar taterthots
Is that in Google Docs?
CowboyFarmerOnMars 28-Sep-21 02:44 PM
No I used a website because I didn’t want to make it from scratch, but ended up making it from scratch
I can put it in a doc if you’d like
taterthots 28-Sep-21 02:45 PM
taterthots 29-Sep-21 04:10 AM
Does anyone have an input for the first family!
Bliss 29-Sep-21 04:12 AM
which character roles are part of the first family?
taterthots 29-Sep-21 04:30 AM
I think we need to play out the naïve girl and the cold and calculating brother
taterthots 29-Sep-21 04:48 AM
And then the other guy from the other family
CieranSol 12-Oct-21 09:20 AM
heya folks just giving a heads up that i moved this into the 1:1 category under #tater-collab
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