The elf's expression was pensive, her ears twitching upwards slightly as she pondered what Madeline had just disclosed. Given her reaction, it seemed like a lack of knowledge regarding the subject wasn't something that would immediately paint Madeline and her friend as being strangers to this world.
"I see..."
Tiav made a thoughtful noise, the second knuckle of her index finger pressed to her lips. She flicked one ear, like how anyone else might have tilted their head to indicate someone to follow. The innkeeper led Madeline further down the hall, pushing open a pair of large double doors at the very end.
It revealed, surprisingly enough, an open bath. Something like the lovechild of a sauna and a roman bathhouse. The water was a deep crystalline blue, rich herbal perfumes hanging in the air. Not so thick as to be cloying, but applied enough to make the entire room smell pleasant.
"Freshen up first, dear. I'll leave clothes for you. Then we can talk."
❃ ❃ ❃
When Madeline emerged from the bath, there clothes waiting for her, as Tiav had promised. A comfortable cotton chemise and a long skirt, as well as some more practical, flat-soled shoes. It was practical, well-made clothing, with just a hint of finery in the weaving to make it stand out from a commoner's garb.
She found Tiav sitting behind the reception desk once more, and the woman smiled, waving her over. She'd been reading a thick, leatherbound book, holding up a pair of reading spectacles on a thin handle.
"You must be terribly confused, dear," Tiav said gently, setting the spectacles down and weaving her fingers together, hands placed atop the book before herself.
"Not everyone knows what an Awakening is. Given that they can occur at any point in your life, some places never see one happen to someone in their prime. It might affect an infant, and be chalked up to sickness, or it may take an elder in their final moments, unseen by the rest of the family..."
She explained, pouring a cup of tea for Madeline, and then for herself. It smelled strongly of honey, and the elf offered a platter of sugar cubes. Tiav took a long sip, closing her eyes for a moment before she continued.
"In short, my dear-- Awakening is the process undergone by a person in which they are... Changed."
Placing a hand to her chin, Tiav clicked her tongue.
"Think of it as... A second puberty, if you will. It's a poor comparison, but it will have to do."
Once more she became quiet, eyes closed, simply enjoying her tea. She gave Madeline time to digest the initial deluge of information, being careful not to speak too quickly. Tiav may have been an innkeeper, but she had the considerate, pensive bearing of a schoolteacher.
"The body, mind, and soul are influenced. And changed."
Tiav took a breath, then continued.
"Firstly, the individual gains certain... Abilities. It varies from person to person, but over time these abilities have been loosely categorized. There are those blessed with enhanced physical capabilities; Agility, Endurance, Strength, Speed. There are tens of different names for these, but we'll call them Warriors."
She raised one finger.
"Then, there are individuals who become attuned to the arcane. Their bodies gain access to, and thus start to metabolize, mana. The raw essence of creation. These Magi are capable of casting all manner of spells, though you will find that most are blessed with a particular aptitude-- Such as a proclivity for fire or ice magic-- And are skilled in little else. The truly rare, and terrifying, Magi are capable of casting spells of multiple varieties."
Tiav raised a second finger, and took a long sip from her tea. She offered Madeline a sympathetic smile, once more giving her time to digest the information.
"Lastly, are the Spellswords. Individuals with aptitude for magic, and enhanced physical abilities. Though they are typically weaker in either area than a full Magi or Warrior, their versatility is their greatest asset."