Lyla sighed with relief as she carried the last cardboard box into her new home, shutting the front door behind her with a light kick of her foot. The moving process hadn’t been easy, but god dammit, it was finally done, and she had done it mostly on her own. Aside from the few movers she’d hired to help with the large items, she had made this happen. And she was proud.
She set the box down, taking a few strides further into her home and taking it all in. It wasn’t pretty by any means. But it was hers. She’d worked for it, and earned it. It was nothing a little love and some “diy” creativity couldn’t spruce up. Her house was absolutely littered with boxes and furniture; the unpacking process was nowhere near complete. But at least it was a start.
The decision to move out on her own had been an easy one to make. Of course she loved her parents dearly. But she was independent in nature, and when hired for a well-paying job at a location a few towns over, moving became not only a desire, but a necessity. And when house hunting landed her on the front porch steps of this incredibly affordable and charming, if not somewhat dilapidated, house, it felt like it was meant to be.
@Would That I