What a nuisance dogs were. Nolan was just stopping by for a drink at the river bank, that is until he’d been interrupted by a mutt. Being in his wolf form was a norm for him. There had only been rare occasions when he shifted into his human form. Many knew just how excruciatingly painful it was to shape-shift, often the reason why werewolves only stuck to one form they preferred best. For Nolan, that was his animalistic form. He’d been raised that way of course, and it just stuck.
If Nolan had time, he would have completely shredded the dog, but he knew it wasn’t alone. It was often times that hunters ventured out into werewolf territory, only to hunt and kill them. After being forced out of his woods in Germany, he had no choice but to venture out to other places.
Without much choice, Nolan shifted into his human form once a safe distance away from the mutt. His bones rearranged, making it extremely painful for him. Afterwards, he dressed himself in a t-shirt and jeans that he found nearby.
Sometimes hunters gathered up the courage to camp out during the night, and often left things behind— like clothes. And clothes were a great asset when blending in with humans.
A shudder ran up his spine, catching sight of the human hiding nearby in the bushes. Not only that, but he could smell them. Hunter’s did not make such rookie mistakes, especially dealing with a werewolf.
“verlassen.” He spoke, his German accent rang. “Leave.” If he assumed correctly, the human was alone. But she was armed. Luckily for him, she didn’t seem to expect a thing.