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📬 1:1 Roleplay (N-R) / russian-winter
Triggers: blood, vilonce, sexual stuff, cussing, war or large scale conflicts, will ad more later"
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/25/2023 2:06 PM
Crimson dripped onto the ground, transforming the November snow from a steady white to red. Aidan may have appreciated the symbolism, had he not been running for his life. Not all of the blood was his, of course. Just that morning, he'd been laughing at some god-awful joke his buddy Amelia had made. Then, five minutes ago, he'd held her in her final moments. He'd been lucky; the shrapnel had only lodged itself in his shoulder, and he'd kept the presence of mind to avoid removing it as he ran away. A foolish, cowardly thing to do. A literal crime, though now that he'd seen battle firsthand, it hardly seemed fair to punish something as rational as desertion. The sounds of gunfire, of explosions and of vehicles and of vehicles exploding, faded behind him, and he could finally hear himself think. Was one politician's life really worth so many others? There had been other factors, naturally, but it now felt like such a stupid inciting incident. He'd wanted a free ride to university, not to be faced with the impossible choice to kill or be killed. He'd lost track of how long he'd been running. Could have been minutes, or hours. He'd dropped his pack, helmet, and rifle a while back, and now found himself regretting it. Those all could have been useful, but he'd thought they were weighing him down. And now here he was, in the middle of nowhere, injured and alone in enemy territory. Winters had been harsh back in Newfoundland, but there was something so much worse about similar weather this far from home. His vision had begun to blur ever so slightly. Not enough that he didn't know what he was seeing, but enough that it made sense to question whether that path trampled into the snow was real, or those buildings up ahead. A greenhouse, a small barn and a little brown brick cottage, up ahead. People.
2:06 PM
He had to drag his legs now, the trail behind him almost resembling a sled more than footprints. Dirty and damp as it was, his uniform was undeniably one of the Canadian Army. At the very least, the maple leaf flag on his jacket's left shoulder would give it away. He fell forward, catching himself with his hands as he drew in a shaky breath. The strength all seemed to leave him at once. Would he never see home again? His family? @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/25/2023 2:21 PM
the november snow had made so a women was running around trying to get the home that stood in the center of a small clearing ready. she wore a simple pair of pants and a simple shirt. her hair tied back and pulls away with a bandanna. the women was a blur as she rushed aorund getting food stored, greehouse ready, animals enough hay. her boots where really the only thing that was keepig her dry from the small flakes that fell on her and makes her black hair look like the night sky. she steps out the small house though the front door. a dog followed her. the dog was a husky type mutt that had thick fur and coudl easily get around the snow. she carried a bucket as she needed some water from the well. the women knew of the fighting going on around her. she had a was always reporting that the fighting was going on and the updates. she never liked fighting...her brothers before moving away to the city always fought. drove her mad. she liked the simiple and quiet life...that quiet life that was about to get ruined. she looks over and sees..a man? the dog looks and barks. he runs over to the male and start to sniff and lick the man. the women rushes over as well. her hands moving to see blood and a wound. she speaks a quick langauage. russian. if he knew russian she was asking him what had happened. she pulls him up before leaning him on her to help him walk to her home. she didnt seem to care about the maple leaf on his arm or the uniform. what she was worried about was him dieing. she coudlnt stand by and watch him die. "заходи заходи. что случилось с твоим плечом? что случилось? ты можешь говорить по русски? ложись и держись!" English: come in come in. what happened to your shoulder? what happened? can you speak russian? lay down and hold on! she would speaks as she starts to move around the home bringing different medical supplies to the bed he was now on. the home was warm and cozy
2:21 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/25/2023 2:34 PM
Something warm and wet lathed against Aidan's face, and he let out a quiet groan of annoyance in response. If he was going to die, couldn't he be left to die in peace? He closed his eyes, then slowly opened them back up. Someone was speaking quickly. Russian. He'd learned all he could between learning where he'd be stationed and actually arriving, then practiced a bit with the more proficient people in his company once he'd gotten there. But that was a whole different world from the rapidfire questions of a fluent speaker. As the woman reached for him, he could have sworn she was an angel. Of death or of mercy was the question. He stumbled as well as he could to his feet as she started pulling his body. It wasn't very well at all, but enough to relieve the burden so he wasn't simple dead weight. "...замедлять..." he managed to say, asking her to slow down and hoping he got it right. His pronunciation wasn't great, and he never could get rid of the bay accent he'd grown up with, and he'd never totally understood Russian tenses and conjugations, but he liked to think he got the point across. He let himself collapse on the bed once it was within an appropriate distance to do so. There was still a piece of sharp metal sticking out of his shoulder. The wound wasn't that deep, but something else had grazed his thigh, and that had caused further blood loss. Even in the warmth of the house, he was shivering. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/25/2023 3:05 PM
the women cusses and curses as she moves him onto the bed. he was going into shock. she looks at him before looking at the wound. she takes a deep breath as she spoke "мне нужно, чтобы ты рассказал мне, что произошло... я перевяжу тебя, но тебе нужно поговорить! мне нужно, чтобы ты говорил! i need you to tell me what happened..i will get you bandaged up but you need to speak! i need you to speak! she moves to grab some gloves before pulling them on and looking at his leg. she starts to cut away his pants so she is able to see his leg. the graze on his theigh was bad. she starts her work on his leg. she would work slowly as she tries to not hurt him as she cleans the wound. "что случилось? Поговори со мной. тебе нужно держаться подальше, чтобы не впасть в шок." what happened? speak to me. you need to stay away so you dont go into shock. she would speak as she looks at him and tries to get him to stay awake and not go into shock. her hands would clean and bandaged before she moves to his shoulder. she woudl cut away his shirt so she could get to his shoulder. her eyes were focus. " держись, солдат." stay awake solider she speaks as she rips out the peice of metal and cleans the shoudler. her hands move to stitch everything up and clean it before putting a bandage on it
3:05 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/25/2023 3:24 PM
Aidan blinked slowly, trying to keep his thoughts together enough to translate her words in his mind, and to translate his thoughts back to a language she would understand. His eyelids were heavy, and his entire body was so, so tired, but he had to try his best. He understood the cussing, at least - the first words worth learning in any language - and enough to understand her demands, and her intent. He had to stay awake. Her yelling at him helped, at least. "я не помню," he admitted. I don't remember. "Была... битва." There was... a battle. He could not have stated anything more obvious if he'd tried. "Uh... do you speak English?" he asked, trying for his best mainland Canadian accent, since people generally found it easier to speak than his usual one. "Ou... Parlez-vous français?" he also tried. Or... do you speak French? "Мой русский ужасен." My Russian is terrible. He tried his best to help get his jacket out of the way, but it was even harder with time. He hadn't really thought about how much work the cold had done to dull the pain of his injuries. But here, in the warmth of the house, as she tore the metal from his wound? It was impossible to ignore. "Fuck!" He tried his best not to thrash as blinding white pain shot through his body. Now he was awake. "Merde! Eбать!" The literal translations may have varied, but the basic idea remained the same. He'd always told himself that, in a situation like this, he'd be strong and stoic. That had been a load of bullshit. Still, he gritted his teeth and tried to keep still to let her do her work. Swearing might help ease the pain, but it wouldn't help her get the job done. Especially not if she was potentially saving his life. So he tried to distract himself with conversation instead. "Спасибо. Как вас зовут?" Thank you. What is your name? @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/25/2023 3:32 PM
the women watches him and shakes her head lightly "um...english..not..good.." she says softly before bandaging his wounds and finally was done. she sits back and breathes. he hadnt died..that was the important part...he would need to rest...and she only had one bed...she starts to clean the used things and the area aorund him. she looks at him and says " меня зовут Мила..твой русский не так уж и плох. как тебя зовут, солдат?" my name is Mila..your russian isnt that bad. what is your name solider? she speaks softly as she comes back from washing her hands. she sits on a small stool. he needed to get out of his clothing...she hums before she moves to a small chest and looks though it. she might have some clothes from her brothers... her dog was sitting by the fire sleeping as the sun was setting. her radio playing soft music. it was the only station not talk ing about the conflict. "вы участвовали в конфликте? ты не русский... или канадец?" were you fighting in the conflict? you aren't canadian? she spoke as she pulled out a pair of pants and shirt. this woul dhave to do untill she was able to get to the town..there was a small town that was close enough...she would need to walk...she hums as she moves aorund the home. " food?" she tries to speak in english. her thick accent was evident. she rubs her neck slightly as she speaks a softer and slower russian "английский - не лучший мой язык... ты первый англичанин, которого я встретил..." english is not my best are the first english person i have met.. she moves back to him and feels his head.
3:32 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/25/2023 4:14 PM
It seemed neither was great at the other's language. His breathing steadied as the pain eased a bit. Still there, and impossible to ignore, but he told himself he'd manage it. He rested his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. It seemed that, at the very least, death would not come here. Not by her hand, at least. With any luck, both sides of the conflict would assume he was dead, or taken prisoner, or simply not worth searching for. He was a nobody, after all. "Aidan," he answered her question. His voice was soft, the fire gone from it. As she spoke again, he opened his eyes. "участвовали... Да, канадец. " Fighting... yes, Canadian. "Не волнуйся. Мой участвовали худший ем мой русский," he attempted to joke. Don't worry. My fighting is worse than my Russian. His eyes opened back up as he turned his head to look at the woman who had saved him. They were bluish green, with a gentleness to them that hardly seemed what one would expect on the face of a soldier. Especially an enemy soldier. There was no knowing what she might have been told about the war. He knew the propaganda back at home had gotten pretty intense, more over-the-top the wearier people grew of being at war, as though compensating for the public's fatigue. "Your English is alright. I can understand it, and that's what matters," he said. "Food..." He thought back to the battle he'd fled from, to his friend's death, to the screams and gunshots and the ringing in his ears that had drowned everything else out, and shuddered for reasons unrelated to temperature. "I... Я не голодный." I am not hungry. He'd need to eat though. It was kind of necessary for the whole goal of survival. "Но я попробую поесть." But I will try to eat. He sat up slowly, wincing as the fresh stitches and bandages seemed to protest the action. He looked over at the spare clothes, then down to what remained of his own ruined military fatigues. "...Privacy, пожалуйста?" please? @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/25/2023 4:34 PM
she looks at him and smiles. "у тебя нет температуры и это хорошо.." you arent running a fever so that is good.. she moves to the small kitchen. she makes him a small plater of meat and cheese. things that are smaller and easy to eat. "пожалуйста..попробуй поесть...нужны силы..." please..try to need to have strength... she says as she sets the small platter down with a cup of water. " streght.." she says as she helped him sit up and nods "oh..yes...of..of course.." she moves away and says "i willсобираюсь пойти за одеждой у соседа... оставайся и отдыхай.." ||going to go get clothes from a stay and rest.." she looks at him before grabbing her coat and slipping on her gloves. she speaks to her dog and he stand. he moves to lay near the solider. she would walk out the door and the home was now very quiet. the home was a simple one. the bedroom was in the living room that was connected with the kitchen. there was a private bathroom but that was really it. this home looked peiced together and hand made for really one person. the fire was roaring and heating up the room. the snow was starting to fall alittle more each moment. she was gone for a little over a hour. she cusses as she steps back into the home. she was covered sligthly in snow as she shivers and shkeas. she had a bag that held soem more clothes for the solider. "" she says as she takes off her coat and starts to warm herself up
4:34 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/26/2023 3:26 AM
Aidan looked down at the dog who'd moved by his side, almost as though to protect him, and smiled a bit. He'd grown up on his parents' sheep farm, and had always had a fondness for animals. Particularly the loyal ones. He held a hand down first to let the canine sniff him, then patted his head if the attention was accepted. "Xорошо мальчик." Good boy. He had no clue whether it was normal to refer to a dog with that specific word, but it worked for now. Despite the discomfort of moving, he fumbled with still half-numb fingers to remove his remaining clothing, because he couldn't truly get warm until he could be dry and warm. Glad that she seemed to be taking a while, he dressed himself in the clothes she'd set out. They were a bit loose on him, but they'd do. Odd, that there'd be someone else's clothes in a home that seemed only large enough for one person. Maybe a couple, if they truly never tired of one another's company. Definitely not three people. Already a bit warmer, he picked up the platter of foods, picking at it piece by piece. He just had to avoid thinking about how things had gone earlier that day. The future was less certain though, and somewhat more intimidating for it. But it didn't make it harder for him to keep food down, so that was what he focused on. If he returned to base within six months, he might not face life in prison for deserting while on active duty, but he'd need a hell of an excuse. It wasn't like he could just stay here forever. He'd finished the small, slow meal by the time Mila returned, and even managed to limp over to the sink to wash the dishes. He was still leaning against the counter, though. Nonetheless, he managed to smile and give her a thumbs up. "Best kind," he assured, then decided it would be better to speak Russian where he could. "Xорошо."
3:26 AM
. He left the kitchen area to return to the bed. Sitting back down was a welcome relief, even if he knew he should move while recovering. He watched her, trying to figure out the way to best convey 'ye really saved m'arse out there' in Russian. "Ты спас меня," he stated the obvious first. You saved me. "Я не могу отблагодарить вас." I can't thank you enough. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/26/2023 5:10 AM
She looks at him and quickly helps him back to the bed “stay..” she says. She looks at him and smiles “не волнуйся... я не мог смотреть, как кто-то замерзает насмерть..” don't worry...i couldn't watch someone freeze to their death.. she looks at him before saying ij very broken English. “You..are ok…you not move.” She makes him lay down. She started to move around. She moved a table to the side before she laid out some blankets. She looks at the soldier “bathroom..there..” she points to the only door that was closed. “это маленький дом... но ты спишь там на кровати, я буду спать здесь. тебе нужно поспать и отдохнуть..ты не должен двигаться” this is a small home..but you sleep there on bed i will sleep here. you need to sleep and should not move She would start to close the home up for the night. She hums lightly as she gets the fire ready for the night and closes all of the windows and curtains. She grabs some of her own clothes before moving to the bathroom. She changes her outfit to a sleep one. She hums lightly as she comes out and starts to get herself ready for bed.
5:10 AM
@Al the Killer
5:17 AM
(Sorry it is alittle short I am on my phone haha)
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/26/2023 7:01 AM
While Aidan still had the strength to fight if he felt like being stubborn, there was no point in doing so. Not when she was right; he needed to rest, so he lay on the bed, settling comfortably on the mattress. It didn't seem like anyone else was coming here for the night. Most likely, she lived alone here now, but if he had to guess, he'd say she hadn't always. He wanted to ask if she was sure she wanted to sleep on the floor, but the closest words he could think of in Russian meant 'do you know', which might just be confusing. Besides, she seemed far more stubborn than himself. He looked up at the ceiling in thought. It was quiet out here. He'd forgotten what true quiet felt like. Peace, as though the war was happening worlds away. "Как долго ты здесь один?" How long have you been here alone? he asked when she came back out, unable to keep his curiosity silent. She didn't seem any older than himself, if he had to guess. He looked at the sleeve of the shirt he was wearing. "Чья это одежда?" Whose clothes are these? He had no doubt his presence here would be a burden, not to mention the challenge of explaining it to any neighbours. Even more so if there was a husband or relatives to worry about. The thought only reinforced his knowledge that he'd have to keep his stay short. (All good!)
7:01 AM
@Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/26/2023 7:10 AM
she looks at him and sighs " я живу здесь около 5 лет... раньше я жил со своей семьей на другой ферме.." i have been living here for about 5 years...i used to live with my family on a different farm.. she says as she sits against the wall looking at him. her eyes were soft as she was tired. "эта одежда была моими братьями... они уехали в город после того, как помогли мне переехать сюда." those clothes were my brothers..they left for the city after helping me move here. she smiles. "dont" her thick accent was thick as she tries to speak english. she looks at a chest before opening it and grabbing a translator book. english to russian. she would try to learn more english...maybe he would be abel to help her..she yawsn softly " move" she yaws before laying down and curling up into her blankets. the house became quiet. the only noise was the fire and wind that was out side. she stays on the ground just laying there trying to go to sleep. she was curisose about the soldier. why did he leave...where was his things? she rubs her eyes as she tries to calm her mind. once he was ok then she would ask him
7:10 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/26/2023 7:57 AM
Aidan nodded in understanding. He'd always wanted to get off his family's farm as a kid. Now, that felt like a stupid dream to have. He'd take the peaceful life of farming any day. But it was too late for regrets now. He rested his head back on the pillow and closed his eyes. "Я помогу тебе с фермой," he promised. I'll help you with the farm. "Once I heal enough." Before he left; it might be a while before he could make the journey on foot, seeing as he hadn't seen a vehicle outside. "For now, я отдыхаю." I rest. She seemed insistent on that part, after all. The warmth of the fire, the sound of its crackling combined with the softly blowing wind outside should have been a calming influence. They should have lulled him off to sleep in a matter of minutes. But it was hard not to think about things he wanted to forget. But even weighed down by exhaustion, it didn't come easily. It was an hour before a fitful sleep finally claimed him, and would hold him under until dawn. Maybe it was the last uninterrupted sleep he'd have for a while, before the nightmares would begin. Even with that possibility, he found it hard to be thankful for the vague dread that occupied his sleeping mind. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/26/2023 1:42 PM
She looks at him before smiling. Once he was healed they could talk about working. She settles in and soon falls asleep. Her breathing was soft and even as she laid there. The dog would move to curl up near mila. The sun would rise sooner than mila would want. She groans softly and rubs her eyes. She would get up and start moving around. She watches the solider before she turns and gets some kinda of food that would be breakfast. While mila cooked she would read the book that had English and Russian words. She would speak the words quickly as she cooked. She moves to the bed and gently woke him up. “Solider…” she spoke softly. She would try to wake him and once he was up she smiled “how..” she looks at the book “you feeling?” Her voice was timid as she tries to speak English. “ changed..bandage.” She smiles feeling like she doing well..
1:42 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/26/2023 3:17 PM
Aidan was later to wake up, to the sounds of Mila's soft voice practicing English words from the kitchen area. He kept his eyes closed, softly breathing in, inhaling the smell of freshly cooked food. It felt like years since he'd had a homecooked meal. Only eight months, yet it had stretched in his mind out into an eternity. Seemed foolish now, that anyone would agree to fight and die for a cause that might not mean anything to them. He opened his eyes as she spoke directly to him. "Aidan," he reminded her, his voice just as soft. "Мое имя, пожалуйста." My name, please. It felt odd to be called 'Soldier' by this civilian. He definitely didn't feel like one right now, and wanted to be one even less. "Good morning, Mila." Although he listened to her attempts at English and smiled, he didn't correct her. She hadn't asked for help, and was understandable enough. So she was doing fine. And she seemed proud enough of herself that he didn't have the heart to make her feel like she wasn't doing well. Instead, he looked down. His bandages were covered by the new clothes. However much he'd asked for privacy the previous day, realistically speaking, that ship had sailed already. He removed the shirt first, careful not to jostle his injury too badly. He'd always been slim, but training had built up a decent amount of muscle, and kept him tone besides. Average, but only by army standards. "I think this one's worse," he said, keeping his English in a more standard dialect than he'd speak at home once more. Maybe conversing in English would make it easier for her to learn, since she did seem to be trying to. "So, let's start with the shoulder." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/26/2023 3:35 PM
She looks at him and nods “a-Aidan..” her thick accent making it alittle hard but she would try. She stands and grabs the first aid kit. It was in an old looking medical box that seemed to be older than her. She sits down next to him as she nods “shoulder first.” She says. Mila would move to carefully remove the bandages. She hums as she looks at his wound. Her eyes showed she was nervous. She never had to deal with such a large wound. “How..does it feel?” She says as she slips gloves on and grabs some cleaning wipes. She gently cleans the area as she listens to him. Her breathing was calm but her hands were shaking slightly. “Христос” christ she cusses as she tries to calm her nerves. She makes sure the wound is clean and the stitches were good. “I don’t want to hurt you..” she says as she gently feels the skin for a warmth. She sighs and thinks. Herbs..her mother had a herb that helped with drawing out infection incase… she stands and moves to look for the herbs “где я...” where did I.. she mumbles as she pulls out a small vile of herbs “this..helps..” she says softly as she looks at him. She smiles softly before putting some of the herbs on the wound and then wrapping it up. “We change after a few hours.” She says turning her focus to his leg “how is leg?”
3:35 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/26/2023 4:44 PM
Now that Aidan was more awake, it was hard - and a bit terrifying - to think that that old medical kit was the one she'd used to stitch him up. Well, he didn't feel infected, so there was that. He sat as still as he could while she removed the bandages, wanting to be as cooperative as he could. "It's some painful, but I'll live." For a moment, he slipped back into his regional accent, but soon corrected himself. "It's better than yesterda- fucking hell!" He should have expected the sting of the disinfectant, but he'd failed to, so that was on him. He gritted his teeth with a sharp intake of breath. "Don't... worry," he managed to say, fists clenching at the bedsheets for a moment before he forced himself to relax. "It's fine. I'm fine." His skin was warm, but in the usual 'living body' sort of way. There was no sign of fever. He looked at the vial she'd held up. Didn't exactly look like modern medicine, but he'd take what he could get. "I can take care of the leg," he offered. "That'll be easier, since I'll have both hands... handy." Huh, English really was a weird language sometimes. Slow and careful as ever, he stood back up, holding a hand out for the medical kit. Getting cut out of his clothing while only half-conscious and intentionally undressing in front of a lady were two different things, even if both were for medical purposes. "I'll be out for breakfast in a few minutes," he promised. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/27/2023 12:51 PM
She looks at him and nods. She stands before moving to grab her coat “you take your time. Going to get fresh warm milk..also have to feed the animal.” Her English is broken butbunderstale. She slips on her jacket and whisles for the dog to come with her. She hums lightly as he walks out the back door and outside. The backyard had the greenhouse and a small patch of farm land now covered in snow and a small barn that looks more like a shed. She steps into the shed/barn and hums lightly. She makes sure the heater is on and they have food and water. She gets some fresh milk before leaving the animals. She would be gone for about half a hour tending to the animals before she comes back and shivers “там холодно.. как нога? разве это выглядит лучше?..” it is cold out is the leg? does it look better.. She moves tot he stove and serves up some bacon and toast with eggs. “Do you..want milk?” She asks softly
12:51 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/28/2023 4:28 AM
Since she was leaving the house anyway, Aidan sat back on the edge of the bed. His shoulder injury still limited his movement, but he made do anyway, managing to get his pants off. He held his breath as he removed the bandage from his thigh wound but, for all his worried anticipation, the sight that awaited him was tame. Nothing was oozing, and the blood was clotting as it should have. Healthy as a graze could be. He wiped the wound clean, the sting of disinfectant a bit more tolerable when he was the one handling it, then put fresh bandages over it. She was still gone, so he quickly changed into a fresh pair of clothes that she'd brought over. Simple jeans and a simple button-up shirt. Those would be easier for now, at least until his shoulder injury didn't feel like it could fall apart at any moment. He'd discarded the old bandages and set the medical kit back where he'd seen her get it from by the time she returned. "Лучше," Better he confirmed. He followed her to the stove, partially because staying in bed would leave him restless and partially to see what was for breakfast. His stomach growled at him, a reminder that the last time he'd eaten had been breakfast the day before. "If you have enough to spare, then yes," he said, glancing toward the window. It really was a small farm, and he'd regained enough sense to worry about being a burden. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/28/2023 4:58 AM
she smiles and nods "i goat makes alot." she says before pouring him a fresh cup and moving to set the table. she hums a old song as she does it. "how do thsoe clothes fit?" she asks. "my neighbor had a son about your age...she has some of his clothes." she says as she bring the food to the table and sits. "please..sit.." once he was sitting she would start to eat. the dog sitting at the edge of the table waiting. "now that you are awake.." she says "tell me about yourself.." she wanted to know everything about this man. why was he here? why did he run? are people going to coem looking for him? she would listen to him as she ate, giving a peice of meat to the dog. "do you have quiestion for me?" she asks taking a drink. "i am a open book as you say.."
4:58 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/28/2023 6:06 AM
Aidan accepted the cup with a thank-you and sat down at the table. At least there was a chair available for him. He took in a deep breath, letting himself just enjoy the delicious, almost nostalgic smell for a while. Fantastic. He slid the dog a small piece of bacon first, then picked up his own fork. Then she spoke again, and he paused, looking down at the plate of food. The last thing he wanted to talk about was the war. He knew avoidance wouldn't help him, and it was an inevitable discussion, but he was in no hurry. So, while the question remained open, he talked about anything else. "I'm from Newfoundland," he began. "It's a Canadian province, on an island off the east coast. I actually grew up on a farm, too. Sheep, mostly." He poked at the eggs with a fork as he thought. "I went to university for architecture, paid for by the army..." He trailed off, realizing that he'd accidentally gotten into why he was there. The five years of service he owed for those four years of education, as per the contract he'd signed as a naive eighteen-year-old, back when there hadn't been a war against Russia. "Um... what do you want to know?" He had only one burning question at the forefront of his mind. Or rather, only one that would lighten the mood for him a bit. "What is your dog's name?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/28/2023 7:05 AM
she looks at him and smiles. she would listen to him and notices that he doesnt want to talk about the war..maybe another time. she looks at him and smiles "His name is Mikhail" she pets the dog as he pants trying to get more food. "i found him when he was jsut a baby.." she says. "also..i know the home is small but you dont have to worry about anyone coming..i live alone." she says as she finsihes her food and starts to clean. "the bathroom is there. there is the farm area out the back. that is where the sheep and goat are as well..i wouldnt go there with your leg right now." she says as she moves to get small chest of clothes. "do you have any other questions for me? i am open to question.." she says. if he asks about her life she would answer "i was born on a larger farm a few days away. closer to the city. my father and mother worked there and raised me and my two brothers." she folds her clotehs a sshe sits on the chair "my brothers live and work in the city...i havent seen 5 or so years.." she smiles. "i am"
7:05 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/28/2023 8:22 AM
Damn, but Aidan really wanted to visit the animals. He knew better than to protest like some petulant child though, so he nodded. "I'll go meet them after I've healed, then," he agreed. He finished his food as well and stood up. As he washed the dishes, he considered what he might ask about her. She seemed eager to talk, and he couldn't blame her; life out here seemed peaceful, but loneliness was bound to be the tradeoff. Especially if her brothers never came to visit. He dried off his hands on the nearest towel and smiled over at her. "When you say a few days away, do you mean on foot or by vehicle?" he asked. He'd almost asked 'or on horseback', but it wasn't like he'd traveled back in time. "How far is the city? Is there a town nearby?" He realized these questions were only tangentially related to her, so he added, "I would like to get to know you better, but I also want an idea of where we are." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/28/2023 9:51 AM
she looks at him and says "by foot..i dont have a car..or horse.." she smiles "there is a is a day travel there and back. i try to only make one trip for a few months..." she looks at him and smiles "it is ok. there is a city but that is about 5 days travel by foot...shorter by car but..i dont have a car." she says as she stands and moves to stock the fire. "we are remote...i like being remote...i do have neighbors.they are a hour or two away in that direction" she points to the west. "they have a bigger farm...they have a car." she says. she would stand before saying "i want to know if there are people going to come look for you..i dont want to have people..soliders come and take my farm." her eyes were more serious now. she looks at him "tell me if that would happen..." she doesnt move as she waits
9:51 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/28/2023 10:53 AM
Aidan walked back to the bed, mulling over her question. It was hard to say, himself. He sat on the edge, looking toward the door as he answered to the best of his ability. "I can't say for sure," he admitted. "I don't think I'm important enough for the Russian armed forces that they'd come looking for me. As for my own side..." He shrugged. "They do have a policy of not leaving anyone behind, but we're far from the battlefield. It will take days to sort through the bodies, and there would be a lot of wilderness to search between here and there." He sighed. He knew the procedures in the manual, of course. "Of course, if any snow falls or it's windy, my tracks will be covered. A recovery mission normally lasts six weeks, after which I'd be declared missing in action." None of this was reassuring to say, he was sure. So he hurriedly added, "but they would leave your farm alone. Or well... if you cooperate, they will. They would only take me." He looked down. The idea of being found, and what would happen after, wasn't one he liked to think about, but was a possibility he needed to be prepared for. "I'd make sure of it. I promise." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/28/2023 11:03 AM
she nods as she looks at him "ok..i am trusting you..i should just..kick you out once you are healed...that is what..most would do...maybe would leave you out in the cold but...i cant do that..i wont do that.." she says softly before moving closer to him "i will make sure you are healed ok...and well...maybe you can help me on the farm! i do have a greenhouse" she smiles before mvoing and starting to get ready. she changes into her day clothes and pulls her hair back. she brushes her teeth and sighs. she was getting herself into something dangerous... she shakes her head just trying to make remind herself that she is helping and she will do the best she can. she moves out of the bathroom and looks at him "do you want to were pretty dirty when you came.." she grabs a towel for him just incase. "i am going to be working in the greenhouse..if you feel well enough to walk outsdie you can join me.."
11:03 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/28/2023 2:35 PM
Aidan smiled back, but hesitantly. He didn't want to put her at risk, didn't want to put anyone at risk. Not even himself, but he should've thought of that before enlisting, he supposed. Searches during the snowfall would be limited in scope. A sweep of a helicopter, then it would quiet down, most likely. The odds of anyone finding this place in winter were low, unless a neighbour ratted them out. "I will leave when the snow begins to melt," he promised. "For now, maybe it's better if you don't tell anyone who I am? Assuming you haven't already. Maybe a fake name and history, for the sake of safety?" He wasn't sure what her own government would do if they learned there was a Canadian soldier hiding out here. At the mention of a shower, he looked down at himself. "I was going to before bed, but maybe I should now," he admitted, a bit sheepishly. He wouldn't have gotten any cleaner from sitting around here, after all. "But if you're still in the greenhouse when I come out and there's a coat I can borrow, I might take you up on that offer." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/28/2023 2:48 PM
she smiles and nods the idea of giving him a fake name and such. she had done that when she went and got some clothes for him. she looks at him and says "the big jacket there you can use." she owuld turn away before heading out with her dog. she clears the path to the greenhouse before she enters. it was warm. enough for her to take off her jacket and start to work. she started by replacing the soil and leveling it. she wanted to make sure the soil and everything was perfect for these crops. they would be things that she would need more of. a few strawberries, tomatoes and other veggies. she hums as she works and her dog sits there just enjoying the heat. if he did come out side he would see the farm was surronded by trees. the barn was on the north side and the green house on the east with the house and back door on the west. there was a outside planters on the south side that were covered with snow now
2:48 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/28/2023 4:00 PM
Aidan walked into the bathroom. It was smaller than he was used to, but he'd expected it to be. He turned the water on before removing his clothes, to make sure it would have time to warm up. The bandages were holding steady enough, so he wasn't worried too much about the water disturbing them. They would get changed again later in the day, anyway. The relief when the hot water hit his body was immediate. Muscles he hadn't even realized were tense began to relax, like the cold had sunk through to the core of his being and was finally melting away. He closed his eyes briefly, but soon pulled himself back to reality and focused on getting clean. When he dried himself off, got dressed, and stepped out of the bathroom, Mila was still out. He pulled on the big coat, then the boots he'd arrived in. He hadn't asked about gloves, so he buried his hands in the pockets as he walked over to the greenhouse, looking around. The trees would at least keep them decently hidden. His breath fogged out in front of him, and he couldn't help but be grateful once more for the warmth as he stepped into the greenhouse. "How's it going?" he asked. "Anything I can help with?" Injured or not, he'd get restless if he let himself be idle for too long. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/30/2023 2:15 AM
She was finishing leveling the the dirt before she looks up at him and smiles. “Just finished the dirt. Now to seeds.” She pulls out a few packets of seeds. The packets were wore and old. She opens the tape holding the packet closed softly “there is a chair you can use. If you want to help plant some seeds” she says softly. She would point to the old stool. It would be better for him right now to not sit on the ground. “Have you planted seeds before?” She asks. She knew he said that he grew up on a sheep farm. “I have a sheep..she is very cute and warm..she is just a young one.” She says as she digs a small hole and places a few seeds into it. Her fingers were working smoothly and calmly even as she talked to him. “I was thinking of a name and backstory I could neighbor will become curious. Maybe you are a good friend of my brother…you wanted to come help and you got injured so you are staying with me..”
2:16 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/30/2023 7:45 AM
Aidan picked up the old stool and carried it over to one of the empty planters. "I'm here, so I'll help any way I can," he promised. "I've planted a few things before. Had a hydrophobic setup back during uni." He walked over to the seed packets. "Any specific way you want this organized?" He set to work according to any instructions she might give as he considered the possible cover stories he could use. Something easy to remember, but not too easy to disprove. "Do the neighbours know your brothers?" he asked. "I doubt they'll pay a surprise visit, judging from what you said, but there could be trouble if they talk to your brothers." As long as they didn't, though, it could work. "I'll need to explain why my Russian isn't exactly fluent, too. Maybe I'm originally from France, but moved here to study and decided to stay?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/30/2023 9:19 AM
she looks at him and smiles "i would like the taller vine plants in the back. the others just make sure that the same seeds are in the same row." she looks back down before starts to dig out some of the dirt for the seeds. "they dont. they just saw them helping me move in but they havent talked to my brothers. my brothers dont coem out here alot.." her voice was filled with sadness. she sighs as she tries to not think about the last time she saw her was not pretty. she looks at him and says "i like that idea...that story covers our asses.." she says. she puts in two seeds before leaning back and closing her eyes. she was gettign herself into a deep deep mess. "во что я ввязался..черт.." what have i gotten myself into..shit.. she looks at him and hums "can you tell me about your it like here? canda.." her accent coming out as she tries to speak a english accent
9:20 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/30/2023 12:38 PM
Then the cover story would work just fine. Aidan still gave her a concerned look as she spoke to herself in Russian, sure he wasn't supposed to hear - or at least understand - that, but feeling apologetic nonetheless. But he didn't mention it, instead answering her question while he worked on planting the seeds. "It's a big country too, so it really depends on where you go," he said. "I'm from up north, so the winters are similar, and it snows anywhere from six to ten months out of the year, depending on the year. A lot of beautiful wilderness like you have here, too. Most people are friendly where I grew up, but less so in bigger cities like Toronto." He smiled at her attempt at an English accent. She really was trying his best, even if the country wasn't quite right. "Even though it's part of Canada, Newfoundland is very Irish, culturally speaking. You can really hear it in the dialect out in the bay - where I'm from, but I've been speaking standard English with you so I'll be easier to understand." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/30/2023 1:02 PM
mila looks at him and tilts her head "how do you normally sound?' she leans foward straing right at him. she wanted to know more about the outside world. "i have never been outside of here...russia...i have been to some big cities here..but they are too loud." she says before wiping her ahnds and standing. she hums softly grabbing a a bag of feratiler. "put soem of this on the areas of the seeds. it helps them grow." she would set the bag down and grabs a watering pail. she hums before she looks up at a knock. the dog stands and growls. "...fuck." she says as she moves to the greenhouse door "stay here." she says before leaving. the dog movig to aidan to protect him. he would eb able to hear loud russian as she seems to agure with another person. the greenohouse makes to harder to hear the words. it was jsut alot of cussing and agureing. it seems to be a heated agurement.
1:02 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/30/2023 1:49 PM
"Different," Aidan replied, though he knew she'd want to hear an example. "Ye want, I can use da accent more oft'n, but ye can't say I didn't warn ye it's some hard tah und'rstand sometimes, me duckie." That last phrase was more often used by elderly women, sure, but he figured it was less easily misinterpreted than if he'd called her b'y or luv. His good-natured smiled as Mikhail growled. "Somet'ing wrong?" She didn't have to answer for him to know it was. The yelling gave it away. He glanced over at Mikhail, then toward the door, trying to see any trace he could of her and the visitor. He looked around at his surroundings, then stood up slowly, listening closely to see if he'd be able to overhear anything that would give away what the visit was about, and if he might have to intervene. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/30/2023 2:15 PM
“тебе следует приехать в город. здесь безопаснее, чем здесь, мила. ну давай же” you should come to the city. it is safer than out here mila. come on. mila laughs “НЕТ! Я могу защитить себя и позаботиться о себе. вы не моя семья, мне не нужно, чтобы вы приходили и пытались забрать меня из моего дома!” NO! i an able to protect myself and take care of myself. you're not my family i dont need you coming to try and take me from my home! The two were yelling and cussing at each other. A slap was heard before mila yells at him to leave. She slams the door. Her eyes water as she holds her face. That was a man who had been trying to court her for years. He didn’t belive she could live here by herself. She rubs her eyes before stepping back outside and walking to the greenhouse. She walks in and hides her left side of her face. “S-sorry..” she says. Her eyes were red and showed she was upset
2:15 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/30/2023 2:39 PM
The sound of skin slapping violently against skin was unmistakable, and the moment it escalated to violence, Aidan couldn't convince himself that intervention was unnecessary. He walked straight for the door, only to step back as it swung open and Mila stepped in. It was easy to tell from the tears and the body language who had received that slap, and he backed away further to give her some space. "Who knit 'im?" he muttered, looking toward the door. It hardly seemed an issue worth hitting someone over. "Whoever it was must've dropped a stitch." He sighed. It wasn't his situation. The right to be angry about it belonged to her first and foremost, nobody else. "С тобой все в порядке?" he asked softly. Are you alright? "Вам не за что извиняться." You have nothing to apologize for. He walked over to pet Mikhail, glancing back at her over his shoulder. "Вам нужно что-нибудь из дома? Я мог бы принести тебе пакет со льдом." Do you need anything from the house? I could grab an ice pack for you. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 10/31/2023 1:52 PM
she looks at him and shakes her head "no..i am fine.." she says. she sits back down and tries to focus on the seeds. her hands were shaking. she takes a deep breath as she sat there. her eyes watering slightly. "he wants to marry me...take me away from 'the hard and dangerous life on the farm'..." she spat as she placed a seed. "i am good at farming. i am strong to farm." her russian coming more and more out as she is getting mad. "i am not a weak girl!" she balls her fist as she takes shaky breathes. "sprry...i-i shouldnt take my agnery on you.." she stands and wipes her eyes. "come..lets go back..i need to wash up then do laundry.." she moves to the door and opens it. the cool air hitting her face. she walks out of the door and to the the home.
1:52 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 10/31/2023 3:22 PM
Aidan arched an eyebrow, but listened to her anyway. It sounded like she dodged a bullet by rejecting someone like him, but moreso like she needed to vent, so he kept quiet and let her. Once she had calmed down a bit, he just nodded. "I believe ye," he assured her. "And he sounds like a real arse." He followed her toward the door. "Я знаю, что тебе не нужна помощь, но если ты хочешь, чтобы я ему сказал..." I know you don't need help, but if you want me to tell him... He trailed off, unsure of the exact translation for what he wanted to say, so he switched to standard English. " tell him to fuck off, I don't mind making myself useful. You have never been properly embarrassed until you've been cussed out in French, and I just think it's his turn." He held the greenhouse door open to let Mikhail out, then shut it carefully before following the rest of the way to the house. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/3/2023 2:25 PM
she would walk out of the green house and chuckles "i dont know if that would help. he doesnt take well to people telling him no." she says softly as they walk into the home. she looks at him and smile "you shoudl rest. i will get some soap on and warm." she moves to the kitchen. "hopefully he doesnt coem back...noramlly he get mad and then turns to run with his tail betweenn his legs." she says as she cuts up some meat and she stabs the wooden block she was using. she rubs her eyes slightly before contiouning making soup. "how is your leg? and shoulder? do you need some pain killers?" she didnt want her anger towards soemone else to effect him. she looks at him as the soup is turned to warm. "also..what food do you like? i normally make soup, broth, things like that during the winter. i have some meat and if we run out i can get more.." she moves to him and stands infront of him.
2:25 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/5/2023 5:28 AM
Maybe the real danger on the farm was the incel she'd rejected along the way. Aidan didn't mention that, if only because he wasn't sure how he'd explain that concept to someone without internet access. Maybe he'd stay away, but Aidan couldn't help but feel a faint sense of unease as he removed his boots, took the coat off, and hung it up. He'd heard enough to know there was no knowing what someone like that might do. Still, he took her advice and sat on the edge of the bed. "They're healing." That sharp pain was nearly constant, even more so when he tried to move. Still, he doubted anything over-the-counter would do much to help ease the pain, and he didn't want to risk taking more than he needed. He'd made that mistake before and, even with non-prescription medications, the side effects had been one hell of a trip. "I'll do without, but thank you." He looked toward the kitchen. "I'm not very picky," he said. "Military life will make you happy for any homemade meal." He looked at her, having to look up since he was sitting and she wasn't. "Is there anything I can help with in the kitchen? Rest is good, but I'll probably recover better if I'm at least a little active. Besides, I'm not going to take up your bed, eat your food, and not make myself useful." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/11/2023 6:33 AM
she looks at him and smiles "do you want to cut poatos?" she sets the board up with a knife and some of the potatoes. "i appriate your help..with the is nice not having just the slump of a dog around.." she had to admit that it was nice to have someone around to talk too...she coudlnt denie that she was lonley most of the time. she starts to cut up some of the meat and gets water into the big pot. she looks at him. "how long are you in the look young..." she smiles. she only knew the few military men that would come through here to trian in the forest. they were always so young... she hated war...she hated seeing those young boys..not men. boys go off to be killed...she sighs as he pushes that thought from her head
6:34 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/11/2023 2:01 PM
Aidan looked over at the slump of a dog in question. "Don't worry, b'y. I'm sure she didn't mean it like that." He smiled, which briefly became a grimace as his leg protested his movement toward the kitchen. It was bearable though, so he picked up one of the potatoes. "Do you want them peeled first, or just cut as-is?" He set to work on preparing the potatoes however she wanted them as he answered her question. "I signed up when I was eighteen, but that was only six months of basic training, and four years on reserve while they paid for me to go to university," he explained. "I've only been on active duty for a little over half a year, since they wanted me to pay it back now and start grad school later. Sort of the opposite of my original plan, but the war threw a wrench into things." He kept his eyes on his work as he spoke, not wanting to accidentally slice his hand open. Two injuries were plenty. "Have you had to deal with anything like that? Plans for the future that didn't work out the way you wanted?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/11/2023 5:09 PM
She looks at him and sighs. She nods “yes..I wanted to sing..but..we never had money…so..I worked and worked and worked..till I could go for a singing class…then my father got sick..he needed medicine…so I got him that medicine…I didn’t have enough after to get lesson…” She looks at her fingers. They were scared and worn. She looks at him and smiles “but it is ok. I love to work and farm. It is much better.” She says as she looks at the potatoes. “Good job! Put them into the pot and I will get this meat finished.” She says as she starts to season the meat. She hums softly as she does this. Her hair pulled back and she was moving around the kitchen effortlessly
5:09 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 5:30 AM
Aidan looked over at her as she spoke, pausing the slicing of potatoes while she distracted him. Not intentionally, but distracted nonetheless. She seemed like she would be good at it, though he had nothing to go by other than her speaking voice. As she looked in his direction, he quickly realized he was staring, stopped doing that, and went back to work. He didn't have much left to do, and added them to the pot when instructed to do so. Maybe his choice in topic hadn't been the happiest, but it was nice to learn more about the person he'd be staying with. While he washed the knife, he heard her humming and smiled a bit. "I wouldn't mind hearing you sing sometime," he commented, after waiting a few moments to avoid interrupting her early on. "I'm sure you'd be good at it." He looked at the counter again. "Anything I should start washing ahead of time while I'm at the sink?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 5:34 AM
She looks at him and blushes as she caught him staring. He added the potatoes to the pot before starting to wash the knife. She pauses humming and smiles “thank you maybe tonight I will sing a song..” she hums as he asks if there was anything else to be washed. She nods and says “just the cutting boards we have used and maybe the plates that we will sever on.” She gets everything setting it for him next to the sink. She moves to dump the meat into the pot and stirs it before grabbing some other things to add. She seemed to know everything she cooked off her head and not needing a recipe. Her eyes travel up to the window and outside. She looks at the snow. “It is coming heavy…hm..we should get more wood jsut incase..” she moves to put her boots on “just watch the soup and stir”
5:34 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 8:40 AM
"And maybe I'll hold you to that promise," Aidan joked, gathering up the cutting boards and a couple of bowls for the soup. His gaze followed hers toward the window. He hadn't even noticed the snow starting to fall, but it had already picked up a good deal. A good night to stay in, then. He continued to wash what he'd been asked to, raising his voice just enough to be heard over the running water. "Yeah, I'll keep an eye on things here. Yell if you and Mikhail need anything, though," he said. After all, he imagined the door would be a pain in the ass to open back up with an armful of wood. That, and something about the earlier visitor still had him on edge, but that might've just been the way military life had taught him to always be on the lookout for threats. It was a type of vigilance that was difficult to turn off. For now, he dried his hands and moved over to keep an eye on the pot of soup, stirring occasionally. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 8:43 AM
She looks at him and smiles “will do.” She says before she slips her coat on and whistles. The dog stands ups bf stretches before walking with her out the back door. She was only gone for a few minutes. She checks on the barn just to make sure everything was ok before grabbing two arm fulls of wood. She kicks on the door and calls out “door!” She would wait as he comes to fetch the door before stepping inside and shaking off the snow. She sets down the wood into the holders. She hums as she stokes the fire. Once that was done she slips of her jacket and sighs “it is cold out there and snowy. I wouldn’t go out without a jacket. Don’t wan anyone to catch a cold.” She says as she warms her hands.
8:43 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 9:39 AM
Aidan stirred the soup as needed, until he heard the bang against the door. "One moment!" He set the spoon down carefully, started trying to run, thought the better of it, then walked to the door instead. He held it open, looking at the amount of snow that had already fallen on Mila. "Did ya fall in?" He smiled, closing the door behind her once she and Mikhail were back in. "Lucky you, it's warm in here." As long as they kept the fire burning, at least. He reached down to pet the dog before returning to the stove. He definitely had no plans on going anywhere today, between the cold, the snow, and not wanting to risk getting found. He preferred not to think so much about that last part. "Take some time and warm up. I'll keep an eye on the soup." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 9:51 AM
She looks at him and giggles “fall in..I don’t fall in snow” she giggles as she sits by the fire. Her eyes seeing the warm flame. She looks at him and nods “it is done when the meat is tender and falls apart so easily..” “Дорогой длинною, да ночкой лунною, Да с песней той, что вдаль летит звеня, Да с той старинною, с той семиструнною, Что по ночам так мучила меня... Да с той старинною, с той семиструнною Что по ночам так мучила меня...Помню наши встречи и разлуки, Навсегда ушедшие года, И твои серебренные руки В тройке, улетевшей навсегда. Дорогой длинною, да ночкой лунною, Да с песней той, что вдаль летит звеня, Да с той старинною, с той семиструнною, Что по ночам так мучила меня... Да с той старинною, с той семиструнною, Что по ночам так мучила меня...” On a long road and on a moonlit night, Yes, with the song that flies into the distance, Yes, with that old one, with that seven-string, What tormented me so much at night... Yes, with that old, with that seven-string What tormented me so much at night... I remember our meetings and separations, Years gone forever, And your silver hands In the troika that flew away forever. On a long road, on a moonlit night, and with that song that flies into the distance, ringing, Yes, with that old one, with that seven-string,That tormented me so much at night... Yes, with that old one, with that seven-string, That tormented me so much at night... her voice was soft as she sang the old folk song of her land. she doesnt realize she was singing. it was soft and quiet...a whisper
9:51 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 10:56 AM
Aidan glanced over at her while he stirred the soup, but didn't want to distract her. Instead, he simply smiled, remaining silent as he listened to her soft voice. It was barely audible over the crackling of the fire place, but no less beautiful for it. He looked back to the soup, and removed it from the heat once it was ready. Still making it a point not to interrupt, he ladled what would fit into the two bowls, then carried them over to the table. It was only once everything was set up that he spoke. "Soup's ready," he said, turning toward her. "And even without lessons, you have a wonderful voice." The compliment had slipped out unthinking, and he quickly looked away, hoping he hadn't made her self-conscious. "I mean... I didn't mean to listen in..." His face warmed up and he quickly changed the subject. "Are we having bread too, or just the soup?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 11:14 AM
she sings the small song lost in her own world before she jumps softly as he speak. she blushes as she looks away and stands "oh..heh thank you.."" she say as she moves to the table and says "we can have let me get it.." she moves to the bread box and grabs the last few peices. she looks at them before she moves to the table and sets the bread down. she sits and looks at him. "sorry..i shoul dhave helped with the food more heh.." she gulps softly as she looks at the soup. this feel nice...having another person...she looks at him her face still sightly red with embressement
11:14 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 12:18 PM
Aidan sat down, rubbing at the spot over his leg injury with one hand. It was bound to get better, but he'd still be better off getting off that leg for a bit. He watched Mila, noticing the colour in her face. He couldn't help but smile, but had the sense not to comment on it. If she was embarrassed by him complimenting her voice, calling her cute would not help her feel better. He looked down at his soup, trying not to think about that. "It's alright. You got the firewood, and that'll be more important with the storm out there. You just think you aren't doing enough because you're used to doing everything," he assured her. He waited for her to sit down and be ready before he started eating. "This is good. Do you make this soup often?" he asked, noticing how she'd seemed to have every step memorized. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 12:22 PM
she looks at him and nods " mother made soup every day for dinner. the soup is warm and helps keep you warm at night..or that is what she would say.." she giggles as she takes a sip of the soup. it was warm and just made her whole body relax. "my soup can never compare to my mother's..she does soemthing with it and it just...makes you so warm and tired.." she smiles as she though back to their harsher winter. they had no meat or potaoes and just had stock and a few eggs. she made some warm soup somehow and yet it was the best thing...that with her home made bread...made mila miss her cooking.. "she also baked bread but i dont have flour or i would hehe...she taught me everything i know.."
12:22 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 1:09 PM
Aidan nodded. The soup was definitely warm, though freshly-made soup usually was. "I believe it." He took another sip, relaxing slightly. "Well, luckily for you, I haven't had your mother's soup, so you don't have to worry about me comparing them. Do your parents visit sometimes?" He recalled her mentioning that her father had been sick. He didn't want to assume how that had turned out, nor did it seem especially tactful to ask, so he remained silent on the topic unless she brought it up. "Once springtime comes around, maybe we could chance a trip to town, see about getting some flour then." In the winter it seemed likely, and he wanted to wait until any search for him had cooled down before traveling anywhere too populated. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 1:19 PM
She nods “sometimes..but only in summer or spring. Never fall and winter as the weather can be unpredictable..” she says. She takes some bread before sighing and smiling “I would like that. Maybe I can teach you how to make bread. It is quite easy.” She would drink some more of her soup before she sighs and looks at the old man of a dog on the ground. She reaches down and rubs his ear before looking at him. “Where you are from are there a lot of cars? I haven’t ever rode in one..” she says before she eats the bread that she had taken and out into the soup. The bread was alittle stale but it was still good.
1:19 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 1:30 PM
Aidan broke off a piece of bread, noticed that it crunched slightly, and dipped it into the soup to add flavour and soften it up. Really, he knew how to bake it already, but he wouldn't mind a reminder every now and then. It had been a while, and maybe her way would be a bit different from what he was used to. "Yeah, all over the place," he said. "Everything is far apart, there isn't good public transit unless you live in a huge city, and people don't really live on self-sufficient farms, so everyone has one. That and they can be pretty cheap in Canada." He considered for a moment. "I don't know if a neighbour would let us borrow theirs, but if you ever do want to give it a try, I can drive." He continued eating, letting himself enjoy the soup. The bread was simply a vessel for it. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 1:34 PM
she looks at him and smiles. "there is a old car but the man who owns it doesnt share...anything." she says as she eats the food and bread. she would finish up and sighs as she stands to clean. "we can have the rest tomorrow if you dont want more tonight.." she say as she cleans her bowl. she moves to stroke the fire before looking at him and tiliting her head "are there really places that dont have a garden in the back and just...a empty area...what do you use that for!" she was wanting to know everything from his land. her way of life was very simple. wake up, do chores, eat, sleep, repeat. she looks at him and smiles
1:34 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 2:23 PM
Aidan considered as he looked over at the pot of remaining soup. It had been good, but he was satisfied for now, and the meal really had left him warm and tired, as promised. As he stood up to help clean up, he shook his head. "No, we'll save the rest for tomorrow. Less work for our next meal, yeah?" He cleaned his bowl next, then made sure the remaining soup was put safely away for tomorrow. "You weren't kidding about being tired. Once I change my bandages, I'll be about ready to sleep, myself." He looked over at her before opening up the medical kit. "Like a backyard? I mean, that depends on who you ask. Some people do put gardens there, others have swimming pools, or firepits, or just leave an empty space for kids and dogs to run around," he explained. "In some of the more crowded cities, the buildings don't even have that, though." He undid the top button of his borrowed shirt before considering. "I'll still need some help with the shoulder, if that's alright." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 2:27 PM
she looks at him and listens "wow...not even" she hums as they clean and put away everything. once everything was cleaned and ready for tomorrow she moves to help him with his shoulder. she slips down his shirt and says "i will do laundry tomorrow.." she starts to undo his shoulder bandage. her fingers were light and gently as she works. "this wound looks good..not seeming to get infected.." she says as she gets a rag and starts to clean his wound. she hums as she did this. her eyes focuses on what she was doing. she was prety close to him as she moves to grab a bandage. her fingers try to find it as she looks for it before landing on the bandage.
2:27 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/12/2023 2:52 PM
He hadn't expected her to help with the shirt, and his breath caught in his throat for a moment before he forced himself to relax. It wasn't like she hadn't already changed this bandage a few times before. He kept quiet, avoiding interrupting her once more. As she reached for the bandage, he glanced over. It was within reach, so he picked it up with his good arm. Their fingers brushed as he handed it to her. "Good to hear. A wound is bad enough; I'd hate to have an infection, too." He smiled, staying as still as possible now that he'd offered what help he could. "You did a good job with taking care of it. Where'd you learn first aid? On the old farm, still?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/12/2023 4:41 PM
She looks at him as their finger brush. She blushes before getting back to work. She bites her lip as she wills her heart TK stop beating out her chest. She looks at him and says “my mother taught me. I know alittle…I am no doctor..” she smiles before finishing up and nods “there .” She says. She stretches out before grabbing her outfit. She moves tot he bathroom. “I will be right back.” She would go into the bathroom and gets changed. She shivers her skins touches the air. She hated winter.. she would come out and looks at him. “If you need the bathroom it is open.” She moves to the bed on the ground and tries to get it more comfortable. She fluffs some blankets and sighs. She missed her bed..but he needed it more than her… She takes the small translation book and reads it as she lays down
4:41 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/13/2023 1:49 AM
Aidan looked down at the fresh bandage. Every time he saw it, he half expected a massive amount of blood to start leaking through, but of course it never did. "Thank you." He buttoned the shirt back up, gathering the medical supplies while she was busy getting changed. Once she came out, he stood up. "I'll be out soon." It didn't take long to change the leg bandage and check for any signs that it was infected. Nothing to worry about... no, plenty to worry about, but none of it was injury-related. He walked back out, glancing over to see Mila trying to get comfortable on the floor. "If you want the bed, I don't mind sleeping on the floor tonight. We can take turns while I'm recovering." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/13/2023 2:53 AM
She looks at him and shakes her head “no no. You need the bed. I am ok.” She says as she sits there reading and mumbling words she didn’t know..or trying too..” She would stay up and reading. She looks at him out of the corner of her eye. She wanted to be in the bed but he needed it. She takes a deep breath before she folds the book away and laying down. She looks at the ceiling and sighs. It was cold and she was trying to get her teeth to not shiver and clack together.
2:53 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/13/2023 7:40 AM
Aidan hesitated, then got into bed, pulling the covers over himself. "Alright, but if you change your mind, I'm sure the floor will be fine for me." The bed was passably warm, but just barely. He couldn't imagine how the floor must have been. After a few minutes, he rolled onto his side and looked down at Mila. Hell, she looked cold. And if she got sick, they both might be screwed. The bed was small, but if they disregard the concept of personal space, they could both be cozy enough. "It's warmer up here," he commented, moving closer to the wall to make some space. "I don't mind sharing if you're comfortable with it." It was ultimately up to her. He'd respect whatever answer he got, even if it meant he was the one exiled to the floor. He could handle a bit of discomfort if he had to. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/13/2023 9:14 AM
she looks at him as she lays there...she moves to sit up before getting her pillow and moving to the bed. "thank you.." she whispers as she gets into the bed and under the covers. she shivers as she sighs. it was so much warmer up here...she doesnt face him as she lays on the edge of the bed. she was leaving room for him. she closes her eyes and just tries to sleep. even on the bed and under the blnaket it was still alittle cold. she hsivers and just tries to push though...if it was jsut her she would be under 4 blankets and curled up with her dog... she lays on her back before lookign over to him and then up to the ceiling. her heart beating.
9:15 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/13/2023 1:32 PM
At first, Aidan turned to face the wall, to avoid the risk of making things awkward. Except that position had him lying on his injured shoulder. He winced and turned to lay on his back, though that kept no space between the two of them, regardless of how they tried. Hopefully he would be able to sleep like this. "I'll try not to disturb you by tossing and turning too much," he commented, closing his eyes. "Goodnight, Mila." The problem with his plan was that, no matter how he fell asleep, he always ended up on his side by morning. Half-awake, he rolled over again. An arm ended up draped across Mila, though it would be easy to push away if she chose to. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/13/2023 1:45 PM
she nods as she rest on her back "good night aidan.." her vioce soft and gently. she takes a deep breath before closing her eyes. she would sleep peacefully though the night and would move closer to aidan as it was cold. she was nuzzled closer to him with his arm drapped over her. she didnt move or wake when the sun came up. she was sleeping in..the bed was too warm to move adn she was too tired to wake. the dog laid at the end of the bed giving heat to their legs. her legs were mingled with his. she was breathing sfotly and calmly as the fire cracked. nothing seemed to will her to wake
1:45 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/13/2023 2:52 PM
Aidan's sleep wasn't exactly peaceful. Still, he tried to stay as still and quiet as possible, clinging to whatever was closest. Which in this case, happened to be Mila. As the sunlight came in through the window, he slowly opened his eyes, almost reluctant to even do that much to disturb the warm comfort of the moment. His breath caught as he saw her there, in her arms. Shit, that hadn't been his plan at all. But now that he was looking at her, beautiful as she was in her moment of peace, he couldn't bring himself to move and disturb her rest. She deserved the sleep, with how hard she normally worked. He closed his eyes once again. "Morning," he muttered the greeting, not too loud for reluctance to wake her up. Because if she moved, he'd have to move, and would be less warm for it. Not to mention disturbing the poor canine. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/14/2023 3:46 AM
mila was laying there and breathing softly. her eyes closed and her face was peaceful. she hums as he speaks and turns over. she doesnt want to wake up...she doesnt want to. she rubs her eyes as she finaly gets up and looks at aidan. they were closer than before....his arm is on her....her face blushes as she sits up and moves away. she falls off the bed and groans as she sits on the floor. she looks at the bed and quickly stands "Мне очень жаль, что я не хотел подойти к тебе так близко. боже, я такая глупая девочка. мне еще раз жаль. Остальное время я просто буду спать на полу, и да, все в порядке... мне нужно пойти проверить животных!" I am so sorry i didnt mean to get that close to you. god i am such a stupid girl. i am sorry again. i will just sleep on the floor for the rest of the time and yeah it is ok...i have to go check on the animals! she quickly grabs her jacket and shoes before opening the door and walking out. she cusses at herself and screams for her being so stupid
3:46 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/14/2023 8:41 AM
It proved a challenge at first to focus on anything other than how close Mila's face was to his. He couldn't help but blush a bit as well, the red in his face betraying his thoughts. Then the moment was broken with the thud of her falling on the floor. He sat up and looked over the edge of the bed. "Shit, are ye alright?" He was speaking at the same time ago, trying to reassure her in his very limited Russian that it was fine, but she was already running out before he could manage to string a sentence together. "Fuck." He sighed and stood up. Maybe she needed some space, after all. He walked over to the fire. It had died down overnight, so he added a bit more wood and stoked it before walking to the kitchen. Maybe making breakfast would be his apology. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/14/2023 8:56 AM
She was in the barn and she rubs her face. She was such a stupid..she would sigh as she looked at the animals and tended to them. She fed them and gave them water before she would just sit there. Curled up like a child. She must have made him uncomfortable…she wipes her eyes and just sits ther. He lamb moving close and laying with her. Mila was embarrassed. She should have known better. She looks at her lamb. She speaks softly in Russian “what if he wants to leave…and I alone then…” she takes a deep breath and sighs softly as she rubs her eyes. She liked having him here…she hated being alone… she sighs before standing and grabbing the milk she got. Hopefully he would leave..she moves to the back door and stands there for a while. She couldn’t make herself grab the door. Fianlly she takes a deep breath and opens the door knocking off snow and looking at him. “Sorry..” she whispers. She stood at the door as if this wasn’t her home…as if she was intruding on him. “I am sorry…I..I shouldn’t…I will sleep on the ground tonight..”
8:56 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/14/2023 10:07 AM
Aidan lit the stove, setting a pan out for the eggs and some sausages he'd found. The sausage was already sizzling when he heard the door open. Time for the awkward conversation, now that she seemed to have calmed down. He looked over at her, then away. Very awkward, apparently. "It's not your fault. And come in here, you're letting the warm air out... how do you like your eggs?" He caught himself, realizing that he was dodging the actual reason she'd been upset. Whatever that reason was... He sighed. "I really am sorry. I didn't-" How would she interpret it if he told her he hadn't minded waking up like that? It had been nice, but if she was already uneasy, he didn't want to sound like he was flirting. He didn't want to make it worse. "If I made you uncomfortable, then I should be the one to sleep on the floor. Don't punish yourself for what I did." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/14/2023 12:42 PM
She looks at him and steps more inside. She gulps softly as she looks down and shakes her head “no, didn’ didn’t make me uncomfortable…” she would say still looking at the milk in her hands. “I..I was scared you would be uncomfortable…then leave..” she whispers the last part as he looks up. “I am fine on the ground. You leg and shoulder need the bed…I will survive..” she would say before walking to set the milk down and still doesn’t make eye contact. Her hair hiding her face
12:42 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/14/2023 1:16 PM
Aidan turned toward the stove to turn over the sausages as she listened to her. He didn't bring up the fact that he didn't exactly have anywhere safe to go. Now wasn't the time to make it sound like he was trapped, when he was glad to stay regardless of the lack of other options. "I won't leave. I said I'd stay to help when spring comes, and I meant it," he promised. "And that was probably the most comfortable I've been in months." Alright, he'd have to say it and risk embarrassing both of them. He transferred the sausages to a plate and cracked a few eggs over the pan as he spoke. Fried would do, for today. "I... I actually didn't mind waking up like that. Besides, it's a small bed. I sort of knew there was a high chance of it when I offered to share." He turned to face her again, looking directly at her but not forcing eye contact if she wanted to keep her face hidden. "You didn't do anything wrong, and you don't have to sleep on the floor if you don't want to. It's okay." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/14/2023 1:22 PM
she looks at him. he didnt mind it...she looks at him and nods "ok...i...if you dont mind it..i..i would like to share a was warm.." her face burns up. she shakes her head and gulps "i-i mean..yeah no it is better to share for warmth!" she closes her eyes. god she was embrassed. she would move to help and looks at him "you didnt have to cook...i..i coudl do this.." he says sfotly as she pours them some milk and grabs a small tin. it was coffee.."i dont have much is a day to have a cup of coffee." she would takes a few spoon fulls to start making some hot coffee. she looks at him and bites her lip as she says "i..i didnt mind it...either...i forogt how it is to have someone is nice.."
1:22 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/14/2023 3:17 PM
"For warmth," Aidan agreed with a smile. He returned to cooking. "I wanted to help, and you seemed distress. It's no trouble really." He drew in a deep breath, taking in the unmistakable smell of the coffee beans. "Besides, if I'm getting coffee out of it, I can't complain." He hummed an upbeat song as he worked, checking on the eggs then setting the table. His voice may not have been as nice as Mila's, but the enthusiasm was there. He returned to the stove to flip the eggs over, stopping the humming as she spoke. "And it's nice to be here. You have nothing to be embarrassed about, either; I won't judge. Promise." He looked around the house. Not the warmest right now, and pretty small, but cozy. Comfortable enough for the two of them. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/15/2023 5:34 AM
she looks at hiim and smiles "i am glad that my coffee is so important." she smiles as she moves to get plates and starts to set the table. she moves to stock the fire before she moves back to the stove and gets the coffee ready. "how do you like the coffee?" she says sfotyl as she pour the hot coffee into the two old cups. she would look at him and wait for the food to be ready. she would help him move to the table and sits readyf or the food. she hums softyl as she takes a bite of the egg. she sighs and smiles "this is so good.." she says. she would takes a sip of her coffee that had two sugars and some milk
5:34 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/15/2023 6:17 AM
Aidan sat across from her at the table once he'd turned off the stove and set down the plate of sausages and pan of eggs. "Black is fine," he said, picking up the cup of coffee with nothing else in it. He'd just have to wait for it to cool down a bit if he wasn't adding milk. "And I'm glad you like it. It's been a while since I've really cooked anything." He took a small, experimental sip of his coffee once he was sure it wouldn't burn him. "This really is good," he commented, before starting on his meal. It was nice, a bit of peace, a shared meal before they had to go through the day. Whatever it would bring. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/15/2023 6:24 AM
she looks at him and smiles "i am glad..i dont have a lot but i have enough for us to have a couple father always stocked up on coffee..he would have 2 cups a day in the morning before starting work." she takes a bite of the meat and sighs. "are you feeling good to see the barn?" she wanted to show him the two animals that she loved. she smiels as she takes a drink of the coffee and sighs. she would finish the food and smiles as she stands to start to clean "i will clean since you cooked."
6:24 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/15/2023 7:12 AM
Aidan finished his food before attempting to answer, if only so he could stand up first and test his leg. The pain was barely there, a ghost of what it had been the first day he'd arrived. He'd be able to walk to the barn and back just fine, maybe help out with a bit of work. He could wait until after to take a shower. "We can see the barn, sure," he agreed, unable to hold back an excited grin. Great, he could visit the animals! He finished off the rest of the coffee. "I'll get dressed while you're working on that." He picked up the other set of borrowed clothes and walked into the bathroom to change. His shoulder was the worse of the two major injuries, and still a bit stiff. Given the damage, that might last for a bit. He wasn't sure, he wasn't a doctor. He stepped out a minute later and looked over at Mila to see if she was ready. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/15/2023 7:20 AM
she nods as she moves to clean up the dishes and then while he was in the bathroom she would put on her outfit. she hums as she grabs her jacket and looks at him. "ready?" she says as she slips her shoes onto her feet. she takes a deep reath and moves outside. she would move to the barn. she opens the small door and steps inside. the small lamb, the larger mother and chicken look at mila for food and she gets a few treats for them. "these are my babies...they are still young but the lamb is already producing milk and in the next summer i should be able to sheer them and get some wool.." she says sfotly she gives him some snacks to give to the animals
7:20 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/15/2023 1:01 PM
Aidan moved a bit slower still, not wanting to push himself too hard. "Yeah, just give me a second. We've got all day." He put on the coat she'd let him borrow, and the combat boots he'd arrived in. At least they looked generic enough not to make it obvious who he was or where he'd come from. He followed behind her, putting his hands in his pockets once the door was closed. Still cold from the previous night's storm. Once in the barn, he smiled at the animals. Not many, but they seemed well cared for. He fed them a few treats each, speaking softly to them as though they were human infants. Realizing he was baby-talking to farm animals in front of someone else, he stopped, glancing back at her then away. Oops. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/16/2023 12:30 PM
she watches him and giggles as he talks to the animals in a baby voice. she msiles and giggles "no dont be embressed! it is so cute!" she giggles and her eyes were relaxed and happy. she would stands and move to take some feed for them and pours it for the night. "they are very cute..i am lucky to have them..i get eggs and milk from them." she smiles as she looks at him before blushing. her mind was going back to the bed.. she didnt mind his arm over her...keeping her close...she shakes her head softly as she tries to get out of her head
12:30 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/16/2023 3:39 PM
Hearing her laugh, he couldn't help but smile right back. He hadn't exactly taken the time to notice much about her appearance when he'd been in shock, or scared for his life, or in a state of constant pain. But now that he was on the mend, and seeing her happy and relaxed like this... she really was rather pretty. "Adorable," he agreed, as though his mind was somewhere other than the animals, before he quickly turned his attention back to petting the lamb. "I'm sure they're doing great work on this farm." He stood upright. "Is there anything else we need to take care of while we're here?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/17/2023 11:17 AM
she looks at him and smiles. she shakes her head "they are all set. they have food and water. the heat is working. one winter the heater went out and mama here was pregent and she and i had to live in the house." she giggles softly as she moves to the door and looks at him. "ready?" she says softly. once he was ready she moves to open the door. she would wlak to the green house. "i am going to check on here if you want to com-" she was interrupted by shouting in the woods. she looks at the woods and gulps. "um.." she looks at him and takes a deep breath. "i..what.."
11:17 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/17/2023 11:30 AM
"So you have had a roommate before me," Aidan said as he started to follow her out. "I hope she wasn't a better conversationalist than me?" He grinned, ready to join her in the greenhouse. Then he heard the shouting. It remained too distant to make out the exact words, but he didn't need to, to know something was wrong. He looked toward the tree line, but didn't let his attention linger for long. "Shit." He reached for Mila's arm, trying to be gentle but definitely worried. "Давай останемся в сарае, пока они не уйдут," he whispered urgently. Let's stay in the barn until they leave. He ducked back into the barn, close enough to the door that he could listen through it, hoping to at least pick up on what language they were speaking. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/17/2023 11:36 AM
she looks at him and follows him as he takes her back into the barn. she gulps softly as she leans agaisn tthe wall and looks at him. there were shouting in russian. it sounded as if it was match. a louder voice calling out orders for them to march. they were training in the snow... mila looks at him and says "это похоже на тренировку... они нечасто этим занимаются, но иногда приходят сюда, в лес... думаешь, они нашли что-то твоё? ты оставил что-нибудь после себя?" it sounds like a training session..they dont do these alot but sometimes they come out here into the you think they found something of yours? did you leave anything behind? she looks at him as she holds her chest. she was starting to panic. what if they got caught...she knew she would go to prison or a work camp but aidan...he would be killed..she would have to watch.. she whimeprs sfotyl as she closes her eyes to try and calm herself
11:36 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/17/2023 4:24 PM
Russian... Aidan wasn't sure that was more or less concerning. Probably less. He could at least predict what his own army would do if they were caught. The fact that it seemed to be a training exercise was promising though. With luck, they would be gone soon. "I left my gun and other equipment," he admitted, whispering. "But that was closer to the battlefield, and the Canadian side of it no less. I thought it was weighing me down, so I didn't travel far with it." He tried to remember exactly how far it had been, but he hadn't been thinking clearly, and therefore didn't remember clearly. He ducked under the window as he walked over to Mila. She was clearly scared, even more than he was. And that was saying something. "Hey now." He reached out, allowing his hand to brush against her cheek gently. "It's going to be alright. They're just passing through." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/17/2023 4:47 PM
she looks at him and takes a deep breath..she nods and curls up. her eyes still showing she was freaked out..she looks at him. "if..if they find" she shakes her head and tries to not think about it.. she was shaking as he coudl hear them come closer and closer. she whimpers softly. the small lamb moves to nuzzle into her and baas softky. mila just hides her face into her knees as she whimpers. she coudlnt stop freaking out.. she has never had to hide before...she wasnt a soilder or anything..she was a farmer...a simple farmer
4:47 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 6:16 AM
Aidan fell silent, if only to avoid being heard. His arm hooked loosely around her shoulders, holding her gently as he considered the situation. He'd said before that if he was found, he would offer himself so it wouldn't fall back on her. But that had been when he'd only considered one side looking for him, the side that he assumed would be a lot less likely to torture him or to turn against any civilian who helped him out. As he listened to the footsteps seeming to approach from outside, he looked around at their surroundings. A better hiding spot within the barn, if possible. Even if it was just a pile of feed sacks or hay bales to hide behind. And if they were found anyway, he'd need to make it look like Mila wasn't willingly helping him. A staged hostage situation, maybe? "It's alright," he whispered again, less certain now. "I won't let anything happen to you." Even though he was doomed either way, if they were discovered. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 6:39 AM
she leans into him and tries to calm down. she would hide her face into him. they could hear the army seeming to pass infront of the house and down the road. their voices going futher and futher away. she doesnt move as she leans into him and jsut hides. she was gripping him hard. she whimipers as she slowly calms down and sighs. she would look up at him and takes a deep breath. she blushes as she sits up and moves away "sorry.." she says she shouldnt have held onto him...
6:39 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 9:55 AM
Aidan breathed a sigh of relief as the voices grew more distant, but would stay right where he was until they'd faded into silence. For now, he continued to hold Mila without thinking about it, since she seemed like she could use the reassurance. Maybe he should have kept his rifle, in hindsight, but it wouldn't have done much against more than one soldier. Two, if he got lucky. And it would have made his arrival on the farm seem a lot less harmless, he was sure. It was important to be realistic. His heart raced, and he tried to convince himself it was only out of fear. As she pulled away, he let her go, but stayed close for now. At least she seemed calmer now. "It's alright, Mila," he said softly. "I'm... sorry I gave you a reason to be afraid." He couldn't stay here for long. It was dangerous for both of them. It was just that he didn't like the idea of leaving her here alone, either. Not out of concern for her wellbeing - she would be alright enough by herself, as she had been for years - but because he'd miss her. A selfish thought, but enough to make him want to prolong his time here. "Are you alright?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 10:10 AM
she looks at him and shivers "yeah..." he says softly as he takes a deep breath and moves to lean against him. she closees her eyes. she just stays there...she didnt want him to leave...btu she didnt know if it was safe for him.. "i dont..want you to isnt safe here...if you are might be killed...and i would have to watch.." she says sfotly. tears rolling down her face. she looks at him. "i..i dotn want you to leave...i would be so alone.." it would be true. she would miss him..she didnt wnat to miss him but..she would..she shouldnt but she did
10:10 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 11:21 AM
To be fair, 'killed' was better than 'tortured for information on the enemy', but still not ideal. Aidan looked at her as she leaned against him, eyes widening slightly in surprise. It wasn't unpleasant though, having her warmth so near. He placed a hand gently at the back of her head, stroking her soft hair. There was no easy solution, but right now, he could settle for comforting her. "I... I'll stay for now," he said, because leaving would mean either taking her from her farm or leaving her here. He couldn't bring himself to do either; she loved this farm, and they weren't close enough for him to ask her to run away with him, even if their odds of survival were decent - which they weren't, this time of year. "But if it becomes too dangerous, I'd rather you be alone than in danger." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 12:03 PM
she looks at him and shakes her head " cant leave in woudl freeze...and the woods are full of wolves and people and.." she whimpers as she turns her head and tries to hided her tears. she just leans into him and quietly cries. "y-yuo cant leave..." she says softly. she liked having him around. she didnt feel..alone...god without him she would just be was hard before him..she ate her dinner alone. worked alone...did everything by had someone to talk too..learn from...she coudlnt go back to being alone..not yet "you have to stay till spring..then you wil have a better chance at travel..."
12:03 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 12:18 PM
Aidan held her close, because he didn't know what else to do. She was right. While the train system here, even in rural areas, was better than anything where he was from, it was also federally government-controlled, and therefore too risky of an option for him. Walking away would be suicide, if last night's storm was anything to go by. He had to stay for now. "I'll stay until spring," he promised. He kept unspoken the fact that, the longer he stayed, the harder he might find it to leave. "But if I'm found... run. Save yourself. I don't want to be the reason you get hurt." Or worse. His head rested on hers as he listened to the outside. It was quiet now, save for the wind outside. They could leave if they wanted to. He still held her for a moment longer. "I should go to the house, wash up and change my bandages. I think I can manage on my own right now." Or he'd at least try. "I'll meet you in the greenhouse after?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 12:26 PM
she stays still. she looks at him as he spoke and she would nod. she would just stay curled up next to him. they were was nice..she takes a deep breath as she looks at him and nods. "right..yeah.." she sits away from him and just curls up. she didnt move to stand or anything. she takes a deep breath as she stands and looks at him. "if you need help just call out.." she smiles before she would open the door and walk to the green house. she closes the door and covers her face. "what am i doing.." she whsipers to herself..she was a idoit...he wouldnt want to stay with her... she sighs as she moves to the plot of dirt. she hum lightly as she sits down and starts to tend to the plants. mainly picking out any thing that isnt supposed to be there and then watering them
12:26 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 12:35 PM
"I will," Aidan promised, though he'd be fine. Probably. Anyway, even if he struggled with the shoulder, he wasn't about to stumble outside shirtless and calling out to her. He'd manage. "I'll be there in a bit." He walked outside, pausing to watch her leave. For a moment, he just smiled, thinking about their morning together. Fear aside, it had been... nice. His heart had slowed down since the terror of potential discovery had faded, but not by much. The sense of butterflies remained. He shook his head, forcing those thoughts from his head. He was an idiot for even letting himself think them. For now, he closed the barn door and continued toward the house. There, he was quick to undress and shower. Changing his bandages afterward turned out easier than he'd expected, even for the shoulder, since he still had some use of that hand. He'd healed enough that he didn't need to use as much dressing as before. Once he'd changed into new clothes, he put the coat and boots back on, and headed to the greenhouse. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 12:41 PM
she would jsut be in the greenhouse. her mind always going back to him..she sighs and looks at the dog that had followed her and was laying on the floor. she smiles and hums. she would be leaning foward as he would walk in. she jumps slightly and looks at him. a blush comign to her face as she was thinking about him.. she smiles and clears her thoat. " is your wounds.." she says as she looks back to the plant that she was working on. she took a small amount of fertizier and would put it over the bed of soil. " down...i..i am sorry"
12:41 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 1:24 PM
"Didn't mean to startle you," Aidan told her apologetically, as he noticed the way she'd jumped a bit. "They're healing up, thanks to you. Anything I can help out with in here, or am I just here to keep you company?" He walked over to a plot of soil while he waited for her answer. She was the one with more recent farming experience, so he'd take her lead on this matter. At her apology, he looked toward her. "You're right to be worried," he said. "So am I. And we all break down sometimes. It's alright." Besides, he didn't mind being a shoulder for her to cry on. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 1:30 PM
she looks at him and smiles "i am just finishing up. you can just keep me company.." she smile softly and nods "i never want to make you uncomofrtable.." she would stand and look at some pots on a few of the shelves. she grabbed a few of them before sitting near him and starting to fill the pots. "these are just going to be flowers..i like to have some in the winter..they make the cold not as bad.." she hums as she looksa t the seed packets. she only had a few of the seeds left..seh would have to figure out where to buy them... she looks at him and smiles "i am glad your wounds are healing...if you need any medication for pain i have some.." she says not wanting him to be hurtin
1:30 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 1:45 PM
Aidan shook his head. "The worst night was the first, as far as pain goes," he said. "I managed to get through that, so I'll be fine now. But thank you. And you haven't made me uncomfortable. Ever." More comfortable than he should be, if anything. He stayed out of the way, watching her but not interrupting, since she was already almost done. "Flowers could be nice. What types are you planting?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 4:38 PM
she looks at him and smiels "tullips." she shows him the small package. she slides a pot to him. "do you want to help?" she smiles as she sets the dirt inbetween them so if he wanted to help he could. " you think i could sleep in the bed again..i am ok to share with you..and i promsie i wont fall out of bed.." she smiles and giggles. she plants a few pots of the flowers. "what did you do when you were what you do in your life day to day?"
4:38 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/18/2023 4:53 PM
Not wanting to stand around uselessly, Aidan kneeled on the ground and shrugged the coat off. "Sure thing." He rolled up his sleeves, then set to work on planting the pot he'd been given. "I offered for a reason." He looked up at her question about sharing the bed again. "Yeah, that's fine. It was comfortable. And if you almost fall, I'll be sure to catch you." He smiled. "As long as you don't mind that I'm apparently a clingy sleeper, so we'll probably end up cuddling again." He didn't mind the thought of it at all. After offering her one last smile, he returned to his planting. "I was a student for the past few years, so mostly studying. It was a demanding program," he explained. "I was in a city at the time too, so on my free days, I tended to just... go out for a while. Wander around, see the sun for once. Come home and read a few books, that sort of thing. It was on the mainland, so I only got to visit the farm on holidays." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/18/2023 4:59 PM
she looks at him and smiles. "good becuase i really dont want to hit my head again." she giggles and blushe softly "i dont mind it.." she looks away while saying that to hide her blush on her face. she hums lightly as she listens to him talk about the day to day of his life.. "i wish i went to school..i mean i went when i was younger but i mean like higher shcool.." she looks at him and smiles "when this is all over are you going to go your home.." she didnt know if he coudl go back or not.. she knew that if a russian left he would be wanted die or alive...was it the same htere?
4:59 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/19/2023 3:37 AM
"Like university?" Aidan asked. "It was a good four years, but a lot of work. Something you get frustrated with when you're there, but look back on fondly once it's finished. At least, that's how it is for me." It didn't help that he had gone almost immediately from university education to a war zone. At her question, he looked down at the pot. Now that was something he hadn't thought too much about, if only because it was hard to imagine having a future now. He placed the bulb in the dirt, carefully planting it at the depth listed on the packaging. "I... don't think I can," he admitted, brushing the dirt over the bulb. "Normally, the punishment for desertion is five years in prison, but for leaving while on active service means it qualifies for a life sentence instead. I can't exactly stay here, either - your government wouldn't allow it if they knew." He sighed. "I don't know. Maybe I'll have to go for some third option. Run away to Paris or something." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/19/2023 7:44 AM
he looks at him and hums. "paris seems nice..i have seen a book with the main places in the world..i have never been it far?" she looks at him and she says " could stay here...governement officals dont really come out here...if you learn russian you can fit in.." she cleans her hand before she hums and stands. she puts some of the pots on the shelves. "there...we can check on these tomorrow!" she looks at him as she moves to him and looks at him. just looking at his face. she blushes and moves away before getting some water and wattering the pots
7:45 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/19/2023 8:07 AM
Aidan nodded. "Way over in western Europe," he answered. "About a four hour flight from Moscow, longer over land. I don't think I'd be able to walk there, this time of year." Extreme understatement. He considered her offer for a moment. It was nice here, but there was also what they risked if hewas discovered. They'd already had a close call with the military. Could he really stick around and risk ruining her peaceful life on the farm? Had he already done that? "We have time to think about it," he said after a moment, and stood up. He cleaned his hands once she was finished. "Now, you said you wanted to take care of laundry today, right?" Did she have a washing machine somewhere? He hadn't seen one, and admittedly had never had to take care of the washing by hand, even on the farm. He'd still help however he could. "Just be patient with any stupid questions I might ask." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/19/2023 8:19 AM
she looks at him and nods "yeah...i dont have a you will have to help with hand washing.." she says as she takes his hand and leads him out the greenhouse and back into the home. she hums as she moves to grab two bins. she grabs a washboard and then a ringer. she sets everything up before grabbing the laundry from both of them and sets everything up by the fire. "ok..we fill this one with water and soap.." she would fill the bin half way with water and a few squeezzes of soap. "you take the clothes wet them fully and then rubs them agaist the wash board..this.." she points to the ringer. "you put the clothes through and turns it and it pushes the water off the clothes." she smile as she sits on the floor and starts to wash the clothes
8:19 AM
@Al the Killer \
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/20/2023 3:13 AM
Aidan looked down at their joined hands. Now that was new... He smiled despite himself and followed her back, letting go once she had to gather the supplies. Maybe he should work on his Russian after all, if he was going to consider staying with her. But for now, he watched and listened to her explanation, then sat on the floor to help her out. He let the next few moments pass in an easy silence. Even without words, her company was pleasant. Comforting, even. He supposed that might have something to do with the fact that she'd saved his life, but it seemed like there was something more to it than that. "I almost forgot what it was like to be somewhere quiet," he mentioned after a while, looking toward the window. "It's nice." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/21/2023 3:31 AM
she looks at him and smiles as they worked. she hums softly as she nods "it is nice...that is one things i love about here...jsut..the lets you breath...relax.." she says says she washes the laundry. she hums and finsihes with the last peice before standing up and grabbing the simi dry clothes to hand them by the fire. she pulls out a clothes line to hand up the clothes. "in the summer you would put the clohtes outside..but it is so cold your clkothes would freeze." she giggles as she cares for the fire. she hums as she moves to the kitchen to get something ready. she looks at him and pulls out flour and eggs
3:32 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/21/2023 5:35 AM
Relaxation definitely sounded like a nice idea. Maybe one day, Aidan would be able to forget about being a deserter. But for today, he just helped Mila hang the clothes by the fire. One day at a time, fighting off existential dread by helping out his beautiful roommate. Not the worst way he'd imagined his mid-twenties playing out, he supposed. He sat at the kitchen table once they were done, not wanting to spend too much of the day in bed. "What are you working on now?" he asked, looking at the ingredients she was preparing. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/23/2023 1:41 PM
She looks at him and smiles “I am making want to learn?” She asks as she looks at him. She smiles and hums as she grabs a few eggs. “Have you ever made bread? I try to do it one time a winter..” she hums as she grabs things and whickly turns before she bumps into his chest and hums. “Oh..sorry..” she says as she looks at him biting her lip
1:41 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/26/2023 3:49 AM
"So you found some flour after all," Aidan commented, remembering their conversation the night before. "I've made it before, but it's been a long time. Wouldn't mind a reminder." He stood up and walked over to help. Too close apparently, as he felt her bump into him. He didn't move, but instead looked at her. Incredibly close, impossible to ignore. He tried not to think about the proximity anyway. "It's alright." He patted her shoulder, trying to ignore his racing heart as he stepped around her. "So, what's the first step, chef?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/26/2023 1:30 PM
she smiles and blushes "yes i did! i forgot i had just enough for one more loaf." she smiles as she moves to the counter and looks at him. "you want to make sure that you get water and some yeast.." she says as she takes a small bottle. she opens it up and sprinkles some yeast into a bowl of water. she gets the flour and then some of the eggs. "then you combine the flour eggs and alittle of milk..any milk will do.." she says as she shows him. she hums as she does it. she grabs the yeast to add in then start to mix it. "you want to add more and more flour..a cup at a time.." she says as she shows him. once the dough was combined she plops it out on the counter. "then you kneed.." she says as she hsows him then lets him do it
1:30 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/26/2023 3:30 PM
For the most part, there wasn't much to do but to watch and listen to her explanation so he could be more helpful once they had more flour. Maybe he'd surprise her with fresh bread one day. Once she stepped aside, he rolled up his sleeves, washed his hands and dried them off. "Now that, I can do." He coated his palms in some of the leftover flour to avoid the dough sticking to them, then took over the kneading. "Did you turn on the oven already?" Once he was finished with the kneading, he gathered up the dough to make sure none of it was sticking to the counter. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/26/2023 4:24 PM
She moves as soon as he starts to kneed the dough to the oven and makes sure it is getting hot enough. She hums lightly moving around the kitchen and looking at him every chance. She wasn’t going to lie to herself..she would miss helping him either his wounds..she looks at him and nods. She would bring a big pot to put the dough in “there you go.” Once that was good and ready she picks it up and opens the oven with her foot before sliding the bread into the oven and closing it. She takes an old timer to start timing the bread “ok..there we go!”
4:25 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/27/2023 2:12 AM
Aidan set the dough in the pan before handing it over to Mila. His gaze didn't leave her as she worked, taking in all of the little details that he'd been in too much shock or pain to notice at first. He'd be lucky if he got to stay here, and his wish to be realistic about it was slowly slipping away from him. Once the timer was set, he leaned forward to look at the timer, to get a general idea of how long they'd be waiting, and how long it should be set for in the future. "It's been a while since I've had fresh bread," he commented. Definitely a bit nostalgic. "I guess I can wait a few more minutes." He washed and dried his hands again so they were clear of fabric, then walked over to pet Mikhail. "So, anything else on the current to-do list, or do we rest now?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/27/2023 1:40 PM
she looks at him and smiles softly. she sits on the bed and shakes her head "we have nothing else just to wait.." she says as she looks at him and the dog. she rubs her eyes and yawns softly. she lays on the bed and takes a deep breath. "i am glad you are has been very lonely.." she whispers softly. she didnt want to admitte that she had been lonely but she had been. she curls up and seems to be sad. she would be back alone soon..when he left...she curls up and turns her back to him and the dog
1:40 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/27/2023 3:51 PM
Aidan showered the dog in attention, because he seemed like he could use it. Every dog ever did, and this one was no exception. He picked up on what Mila said, just barely, and looked over at her. "I'm glad to be here, too," he admitted, then smiled. "For the opposite reason; the city and army life weren't lonely enough, I think." The company of Mila and Mikhail were fine though; he just didn't like being around too many people at a time. He looked at Mikhail, considering for a moment. He remembered what she had said about staying. If you learn Russian, you can blend in. It was oh, so tempting. He turned toward her. "Hey Mila... Можем ли мы чаще говорить по-русски?" Can we speak Russian more often? He smiled, a bit awkardly, and looked away. "Я... хочу стать лучше." I... want to improve. He kept the reason unspoken. She was clever. She could figure it out. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/27/2023 4:05 PM
She turns over and nods. “конечно.. твоя речь уже хороша, просто нужно знать еще немного местных слов” of course..your speech is already good just need to know some more if the local words. She smiles as she lays in the bed. Her eyes just watching the other and her dog. She closes her eyes just to rest a moment…within minutes she was out like a light. Her breathing was soft and her body was curled up tight in a ball. She was tired. Emotional and physically. She hasn’t had help on the farm in years and it was nice. But it also made her slow down and caused her to want to nap like she is now. She hums softly as she lays there alseep and in her dreams
4:05 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/28/2023 4:20 AM
Noticing that she'd fallen asleep, Aidan chose not to bother her. For now, he busied himself by checking the books available, noticing the English phrasebook. It was likely to work both ways, so he sat at the kitchen table to read through some of it, in an attempt to learn what he could. If she'd been putting in effort, after all, he should do the same. Eventually, the timer went off. He set the book down and glanced over at Mila. Peaceful in her sleep. It crossed his mind, not for the first time, how lucky he was that she had found him. Except she wouldn't be peacefully sleeping for long, so he quickly turned the timer off and took the bread from the oven, setting it on the stove to cool. He glanced back toward her afterwards, hoping the timer hadn't disturbed her too much. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/28/2023 6:21 AM
She lays there as the timer goes off. She hums and just curls up tighter. Mikhail moving and jumping on the bed to take the chance to cuddle and nap. She looked peaceful laying there. As if she was just able to do this everyday. She hums softly as she opens her eyes. The smell of bread made her hungry.. She sits up and rubs her eyes “s-sorry..” she says softly. Her voice laced with tiredness and slee
6:21 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/28/2023 4:03 PM
"It's alright. You needed rest, so you got some; you never have to apologize for that," Aidan replied, in Russian this time. He left the oven to return to the table, picking up the phrase book. Since there wasn't a bookmark handy, he took a moment to memorize which page he'd been on, then walked over to set it next to Mila. "I borrowed it. I hope that's alright." He smiled. "We should let the bread cool for a while. Did you have a good nap?" He reached over to pet Mikhail. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/29/2023 5:40 PM
she looks at him and smiles "it is ok. you can read any of the books..they are all in russian though.." she says in russian as well. she smiles as she looks at him and nods "yes..i did..thank you for watching over the bread.." she says as she watches him pet the dog. she looks at him and hums "if you learn good enough russian you can come wiht me to town if we need to get anything." she says. her russian being faster and more natural for her to say. her eyes were soft and she seems to be relaxing. "do you have anyone waiting for your family...should you write to them?"
5:40 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/30/2023 2:20 AM
The farm was great and all, but Aidan knew he'd have to get out and go somewhere eventually, even if it wouldn't be for long. Once he improved, he'd be able to do so without causing as much suspicion. He smiled and nodded. "That sounds nice." The smile soon faded. He hadn't thought much about his family back home since reaching the farm, and the reminder brought a pang of guilt at that. Guilt and worry. Could he even write to him? What would he say? Just how much of mail was monitored? Did he risk bringing suspicion to them? "I... don't know if I can," he admitted. "I don't want them to worry, but I also can't risk making them a target for investigation if the government believes they have any contact with me. I also have to consider the cost of international postage..." He sighed. "I'll figure something out, once the war calms down." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/30/2023 2:56 PM
She looks at him as she sighs “I am sorry…you have a home here…” she says softly as she smiles. She takes his hand and smiles “you will always have a place here…even if you do leave..” she says as she smiles. She stands before moving to the bathroom. “I will be right back. Going to get a shower then I can cook something! Maybe some soup?” She asks as she geabs her sleep clothes She moves to the bathroom and hums softly. She turns on the water as she closes the door. Her eyes closes as she groans softly “he won’t stay..” she says softly as she gets into the hot water. She would step out of the bathroom soon and moves to the kitchen to warm some soup
2:56 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 11/30/2023 3:17 PM
Despite everything, Aidan couldn't help but smile back at her. A home here sounded almost... Well, it went beyond two acquaintances thrown together by circumstances, possibly even beyond friendship. He blushed faintly and looked down. No, of course she hadn't meant it that way. "That sounds nice," he said. "Thank you." What would the next year bring if he stayed? The next five years? "Let's finish the soup tonight." He sat on the edge of the bed while she was gone. Since he wasn't sure how long she would take, he didn't start to heat up the soup yet, not wanting it to get cold before she was ready. He looked over at Mikhail. "Would it really be alright...?" he questioned, torn between his wanting to stay and the practical risks. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 11/30/2023 3:23 PM
She opens the door slightly and smiles “are you ready..” she says as she moves to the kitchen and starts to heat up the left over soup. She looks at him and bites her lip “are you ok..” she says softly. He looked..upset? Did he not want to stay..she grips the spoon as she looks away. Her hair dripping slighty as she bites her lip. “If..if don’t want to stay I..I can see if someone else can house you..if I make you uncomfortable…I..” she was starting to freak out and panic slightly
3:23 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/1/2023 5:24 AM
Aidan had been lost in thought, not noticing that she had walked out until she spoke. He looked up and over at her, managing a smile, because she seemed worried and that wasn't what he wanted at all. Then she grew more worried. He stood up and walked over to her. "I'm fine," he reassured her, reaching out for her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze. "I was just thinking, that's all." There was no guarantee someone else wouldn't actively be more dangerous to stay with. "And you don't make me uncomfortable, I just..." He sighed. "I want to stay, but I'm still worried. That's all. It could be dangerous for you if I'm found, no matter what I do. Are you sure you're alright with that?" He needed to know. If he couldn't avoid the risk to her, he needed to know that she'd thought it through and accepted the risks. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/1/2023 5:32 PM
she looks at him and nods "yes...i am ok with it...i dont want you to be...scared or...i dont want you to be in russia by yourself.." she says softly as she looks at him before she leans up and kisses his cheek softly. "lets eat." she says as she moves to get two bowls and then gets hot soup and bread for the two of them. she moves to sit and smiles softly at him. a smal blush on her cheeks
5:32 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/2/2023 4:21 AM
Regardless of situation or actual safety, Aidan was likely to be scared for a while. He didn't bring that up, if only because the kiss caught him off-guard. He blinked and looked over at her, unsure of how to react to that. It had been... nice. He watched after her for a moment, then looked down. "Then I'll stay," he said. "Gladly. I mean, I promised to help out, and that'll be hard to do if I'm not here." He smiled back at her. "And I enjoy your company, so there's that." He took his bowl and started eating. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/2/2023 1:49 PM
she smiles and nods. "ok...good..because this spring i want to do things i have been wanting to do for awhile! i jsut need another person!" she starts to eat the soup and bread. the bread was warm and just..perfect. she hums softly as she looks at him and thinks. does he...really like it here..she hums softly as she eats and even gives her loyal dog some bread. she finsihes soon and sighs. "that was very nice,..we have bread for a couple days." she smiles as she mvoes to do the dishes. her hair still slightly wet. she hums as she does the dishes.
1:49 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/3/2023 3:03 AM
That was... vague, and Aidan had to make a conscious effort not to let his mind wander to indecent possibilities of what she might want to do that required another person. "Planning to add onto the farm?" he guessed instead, then finished off the soup. It was even better with the fresh bread, and he was more than content by the end of the meal. Afterwards, he stood up to help Mila with the dishes in any way he could. "I could take care of the dishes," he offered. "Since you made dinner." Well, reheated it on the stove, but close enough. He glanced over at the rest of the bread. "Just let me put that away first, so it keeps for longer. Do you have a breadbox in here?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/3/2023 11:26 AM
she looks at him and smiles "i want to maybe build a area that the animals can be outside during the spring and summer." she smiles as she looks at the bread "oh yes it is in the closet by the door. top shelf." she says. if and when he opened the door of the closet there were a lot of older things. things passed down from her mother. a old breadbox stood there on the middle shelf. there were old picture of her as a younger girl and with her family. she finsihes the dishes and says "i did all the dishes. but i get to get in bed first!" she giggles as she moves to grab her book and sits on the bed. she hums as she looks at the book trying to learn more english
11:26 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/3/2023 11:41 AM
Aidan opened the closet door and looked over the variety of items, his attention wandering toward the picture of Mila's family. He smiled. They seemed happy together; it was no wonder she seemed to miss them so much. "This is you?" He picked it up to show her, but was careful not to smudge it with any fingerprints as he gently set it aside. Once he got the breadbox down, he closed the closet door and set the box on the counter. He placed the fresh loaf inside and closed it, keeping it just out of the way of any cooking that might happen tomorrow. With that taken care of, he walked over to the bed. She seemed happy now. Not as worried as she had been, before he'd given his answer. Good. "Put out the lights whenever you're ready," he said, getting into bed next to her and lying down on his side. "I'll be able to sleep fine either way." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/3/2023 11:45 AM
she looks at the picture and nods "yes..that was when i was about..5 years old i think.." she says softly as she sits on the bed and smiles. she looks at him. she was leaning against the wall. she reaches over and clicks off the little lap. the fire lighting up the room. she grabs a small light and holds it on the book. "there.." she smiles softly. she looks at him as she held the book. she was curled up and hums as she looks back to the book. she reads some more before she turns off the lights and lays down. she curls up and hums "good night.." she says softly. she closes her eyes and takesa d eep breath as she lets sleep get to her again. during her sleep she would move to curl up next to aidan. Sometime in the night, mila starts to mumbles and toss around alittle. Her breathing sped up and she started to whimper. She was having a nightmare. “ adian…run.” He calls out in Russian (edited)
11:46 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 7:08 AM
By the time she spoke, Aidan was already half-asleep despite the light from the book. "Goodnight," he answered, not opening his eyes. As he felt her curl up by his side, he draped an arm over her, holding her warmth close to him. Her presence was familiar. Comforting, even. At last, he allowed himself to slip away into sleep. Here, he could have hopes for a peaceful life, one that felt almost like a dream but was no less real for it. His peace was disrupted by the movement in his arms, and the sounds of fear. By that point, the fire was burning less intensely than before, bringing more of a chill to the house and leaving it a bit darker. He opened his eyes, looking at the source of the noise. Mila, and she didn't seem to be sleeping well. "Mila?" He propped himself up on one elbow and placed the other hand on her shoulder, shaking her gently. "Mila, wake up. It's alright," he whispered, not wanting to startle her too much. Well, more than she already seemed scared. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 7:16 AM
She whimpers as he shakes her gently. She opens her eyes and screams. She seemed still in the jightmare. She looks at him s she and softly whimpers “I..what..” she looks around. Bed. Dog. Adian.she..she was safe.. She looks at him. Her eyes filled with tears. “I..I am sorry,,” she says as she wipes her face and tries to be ok. “Sorry..” she whimpers. She was tired and just..scared. Her heart was beating so quickly. She couldn’t seem to calm her breathing or heart. Her dog sits up and moves to lick her hand to try and give her comfort. She was always alone when she had nightmares before
7:16 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 8:01 AM
Aidan reached over to brush a few strands of hair aside, out of her face while she got her bearings. "You don't need to apologize," he said softly. "It's alright to be scared. So am I, all the time." Almost hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around her, trying to hold her to comfort her. Should he not have reminded her of the risks? Still, they needed to be acknowledged, and accepted. They would both have to learn to live with the fact that things would never be entirely safe. In the meantime, at least they were here for each other. "If you need to cry, then cry. What were you dreaming about, if it's alright for me to ask?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 8:08 AM
she falls into his arms and hums. her eyes closing and her body relaxing into him. she takes a deep breath. " was about...soliders ran and then..i...called out to" tears run down her face as she whimpers. she hides her face into his chest and curls up. " shot..and..i-i..i couldnt stop the bleeding.." she whimpers. her hands gripping onto his shirt. she was shaking like a leaf as she held onto him like he would disappear.. "i-it was..stupid..i-i..know you are fine..i-it was so scary.."
8:08 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 9:39 AM
The exact thing he'd been worried about all day, then. Aidan stroked her hair gently, rocking her slightly back and forth without really thinking about it. He couldn't pretend that he wasn't scared too, even if his fears had mercifully stayed out of his dreams. But he could be present, and comfort her in any way possible. Seeing her distress pained him, but he stayed with her. "I'm sure it was scary," he agreed. "But you can't always control your dreams." Besides, it was a legitimate fear, a real danger regardless of how much he didn't want to think about it. "I'll do everything I can to be safe, though. I promise. I'll give you as few reasons to worry as I can." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 10:46 AM
she leans into him and takes a deep breath. "thank you.." she says softly as she curls up and hides her face. she didnt want to be awake. she just holds onto him and takes a few deep breath. "i..i...thank you.." she takes a deep breath as she looks at him. her eyes were still wet with tears. "i...promise me. promise me that you will be careful..." she says softly. she looks at him and holds onto the shirt of his. she was just so scared...the screams from him were still ringing in her ears
10:46 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 10:55 AM
Aidan looked down at her. "I'll be careful," he said softly. He cupped her cheek in one hand, gently brushing the tears aside with his thumb. Which didn't do more than streak the tears across her face, but he figured it was a nice gesture anyway. "I promise. I won't let anything hurt either one of us if I can help it." Granted, there wasn't much he could do. But he'd still try. He slowly let go of her and lay back down, opening his arms as an invitation for her to rest in them. It might not keep the nightmares away, but he'd still be here to comfort her if they returned. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 11:03 AM
she looks at him and nods. she leans into him. she would lay down in his arms and takes a deep breath. she hides her face into his chest. "good..." she says sfotly as she takes a very deep breath. her tears were slowly calming down. she slowly let her eyes closed again. she was soon fast asleep. she hums softly as she falls into deeper sleep. she would stay sleeping for the rest of the night. the sun would soon come up she would hum as she hides her face more to try and sleep more
11:03 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 12:20 PM
Aidan held her close and eventually fell asleep as well. It didn't last long, as he woke up with the first rays of sunlight. He yawned, then opened his eyes and looked down at her, still buried against his chest. His arm tingled with numbness, having fallen asleep during the night, and he shifted slightly to alleviate it while trying not to disturb her. The other remained wrapped gently around her. "Morning, beautiful," he murmured, then woke up more as he realized what he'd just said. Out loud. While she might have been awake. He blushed, looking away. "I mean..." He trailed off, knowing he couldn't take it back without both lying and unintentionally insulting her. "Sorry," he said instead, whispering in hopes that he hadn't woken her up. Maybe he'd be lucky, and she was still asleep. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 12:43 PM
she was barely waking up as she looks at him. she hums and smiles "good morning..handsome.." she was half asleep as she lays back down and falls back asleep. she didnt relaize was she said till a few mineutes later. she opens her eyes and sits up. "i..i sorry!" she says as she looks down and whimpers. she was embressed..a blush was on her face. "" she looks at him woried..
12:45 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 12:56 PM
Relief flooded over him as she returned the compliment in kind. He'd said it without thinking, but it had felt so natural, and he couldn't pretend it wasn't true. He smiled and relaxed slightly, still holding her as she fell asleep again. They could have a nice, peaceful morning for now, and worry about any awkwardness that might accompany the realization of their mutual attraction later on, when they were both more awake. But when she did wake up more, it was with a jerk of motion, while he'd been resting his chin on her head. He rubbed his jaw as his head was knocked back, and looked up at her. Had she just noticed her own words? He sighed and sat up. "Hey, it's alright." He cupped her cheek in his hand again. "I meant every word of it," he said softly, his gaze drifting down to her lips. "You?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 1:01 PM
she looks at him and takes a deep breath. she leans into him and nods "i..i meant it..." she says as she looks at him. she didnt want to move..she didnt want pull away. she takes a deep breath as she looks at him. "i..i meant it..every word..." she looks at him. her hand comes up to hold his hand on her cheek. she takes a deep breath as she tries to calm her beating heart. she wasnt scared. she wasnt. she was peaceful and happy. her heart was jsut beating out of her chest...he owuld hear it if it didnt calm down. her eyes flutter slightly as she looks at him. "you are handsome..and kind...and nice...and not loud like others..."
1:02 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 1:56 PM
"Maybe the reason I'm not loud is simply because I am less confident in my Russian skill. Or the fact that I'm in hiding," Aidan joked, then smiled. "You're incredible, Mila. Not only beautiful, but intelligent, resourceful, and strong. I wouldn't have blamed you for leaving me to die, but I'm glad you didn't." He rested his forehead against hers. Even with the fire dying down, her company felt warm. If this was his home now, that was fine. Not only for a lack of safer options, but because he was happy to stay if it was with her. He closed his eyes, drawing in a deep breath as he gathered the courage to ask the question weighing on his mind. "Can I kiss you?" he asked softly, suspecting the answer but wanting to be sure she was alright with it, that he wasn't being too bold too soon. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 1:59 PM
she looks at him and giggles "you are getting better in russian..everyday." she says sfotly. she smiles as they lean together and hold each other. she takes a deep breath as her body was calming down and she was calming down. she loosk at him. her lips were dry...she licks them before she nods. "yes.." she says softly. she watches him getnyl before she leans back into him and kisses him back. her hands finding his chest. she pulls away and smiles. "i..that..that was my first kiss.." her mother never let her hang out with other boys...she was taken out of school to help with the farm.
1:59 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/4/2023 3:28 PM
At her answer, Aidan closed his eyes and pressed his lips gently to hers. His hand trailed its way to the back of her head, burying his fingers in her soft hair. The kiss was slow, affectionate but not urgent. There was no rushing anything - they had their whole lives ahead of them. All they needed to do now was enjoy this moment. When she pulled away, he loosened his arms around her, letting her go. That sense of calm remained with him now. "Then I'm honoured it could be me." He stood up and held out a hand to help her as well. "But we can't stay in bed all day. I can make breakfast again, if you want." Maybe it would be another nice, quiet day. Chores, enjoying each other's company, maybe a second and third kiss when they managed to sneak them in... He smiled at her, the expression more openly affectionate than previously. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/4/2023 3:53 PM
she looks at him and blushes. she nods and giggles "ok baout you do that..and i want to see your shoulder so i can make sure it is ok." she smiles softly as she sits on the bed and stretches. she gets out of the bed. she moves to the fire to add wood. she hums as a knock comes to her door. she looks at him and says "it is ok. we have a story just stay there.." she says as she moves to the door and opens it "hello.." it was a neighbor's of hers. "did you hear..they are going to be sending military though here! why they come here! we dont want them!" the older lady speaks in thick russian. mila tries to calm her down and fianlly gets the story. the military are sending troops though this area to kepp watch. they will come once a week at a random time to see if anything is wrong. if there are any signs of the enemy. mila speaks to the old women and calms her down. she sends the other off before closing the door and sighing "she is pariond...she doesnt like militrary.." she says to aidian
3:53 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/5/2023 6:01 AM
Aidan nodded. "Sounds good. After breakfast, though." While she added to the fire, he walked over to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. He was still looking through what was available when the knock came. Immediately, he tensed, looking toward the door. Although he barely heard what she said over his own fear, he got the basic sense of it. He stayed in the kitchen, out of view of the door, but not looking too suspicious in case whoever it was did decide to come in and have a closer look at everything. He listened to the conversation, or at least what he could make out of it with how quickly the panicked neighbour was speaking. Shit. No matter how calm Mila seemed, he couldn't help but worry. As the neighbour left, he took a deep breath. This was bad, when he would definitely still be considered 'the enemy'. He could only hope she hadn't seen him. People tended to be very giving with information when they were afraid. "Yeah, after being in the military, I can't say I blame her," he said. He frowned as he started up the stove. "We should have a plan for when they do come here. Where did my old uniform go? We'll have to get rid of that." He looked over at his boots by the door. "They're in North American sizing, and the brand is specifically associated with the Canadian military, so those will have to go too. But then I'll also need a replacement." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/5/2023 6:24 AM
She moves to takes his hand and kiss his hand gently “breath. It is ok..we will figure it out. I can see if I can get some boots from a neighbor. They have sons about your height and size. Your uniform we can hide in a box and keep it safe.” She reaches up to hold his face. “Everything g is going to be ok. It is winter so we can work with that. Not a lot of people leave their homes in the winter. We do the chores quick and fast then we come back inside. It is going to be ok.” She says. “That old lady wouldn’t tell the military anything. The people here don’t like the military and the military knows that. You will fit in. A lot of us don’t even have paper work because we don’t go to town a lot. We barter and trade.” She kisses his cheek “breath..”
6:24 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/5/2023 7:33 AM
Aidan found his concerns very warranted, but he closed his eyes and took a deep breath anyway, allowing himself to be comforted. "...You're right. We'll be... good. Everything is fine." He looked down at her. An easy excuse; if anyone asked, he was born at home, lived in the countryside his entire life, and that was why he wouldn't have any documents. He still needed a name by then, but that would just take a few minutes to think of. If the military came, they'd just find Mila living with someone who had lived as a hermit prior to meeting her. Maybe odd, but not worth investigating further. "I'm fine," he promised, then kissed her forehead. "Thank you." The stove was still on, so he quickly returned to the task of making breakfast. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/5/2023 8:04 AM
She looks at him and smiles “we are in this together.” She moves to grab where she had put his uniform. She takes a deep breath as she folds it neatly and cleanly. She knew they would see it for a while but she still wanted it to be nice.. she moves tot he closet and pulls out a box of old clothes. She looks though it and brings out more men’s clothes “you should try these on..they might be big but I should be able to take them in.” She says as she lays out the clothes then puts the uniform into the box under layers of clothes. She grabs the boots and looks at the sizes. “Hmmm..” she stands before moving to him. “After breakfast and I check your shoulder I will go and see if I can find some boots.” She smiles. She puts the box away before closing the closet. She was scared..but she tries to not show it..” she takes a deep breath and moves to help him with breakfast
8:04 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/5/2023 8:41 AM
Aidan glanced briefly over from where he was making food. "I will try them after breakfast," he promised. Probably while she was out looking for new boots. "And truly, thank you. I don't know where I'd be without you." Except he did know where he'd be: out in the frozen wilderness, dead. There were a hundred different ways he could have died had he not found this farm. Instead, he was here, warm and safe. He got out two plates and split the food between the two of them. Once everything was ready, he set breakfast out on the table. "But for now, let's eat." He turned off the stove and sat down. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/5/2023 11:53 AM
She would sit down and smiles. She takes her plate “thank you” she says. Her eyes looking at him and blushing as she looks down to eat. She hums as she takes a bite then more and more. The fire was still warming the room. “How are your wounds doing? Any pain or anything?” She says. She was still worried that he would be hurting but she knew that if she could help it she would make sure that didn’t happen. She bites down as she eats. Mikhail was there sitting and begging
11:53 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/5/2023 12:13 PM
Underneath the table, Aidan snuck a small piece of bacon to Mikhail. He knew he shouldn't encourage his tableside begging, but he'd never been able to say no to an adorable dog. Still, he shook his head at Mila's question. The pain had faded steadily over the days, and nowadays he only noticed the injuries when he overexerted himself. "They're still improving every day," he said. "I'm sure they will be healed in no time." He finished eating and stood up, moving to the sink to start washing the dishes. As he did, he looked toward the nearest window, thinking once more about everything that could go wrong, trying to plan for them, then thinking about how those plans would go wrong. It would have been nice to be able to shut his brain down for a few minutes. He couldn't, so instead he looked back at Mila and Mikhail and smiled. "Any big plans for today? I could draw up plans for the..." He couldn't think of the Russian word for it, so he used the English word before going back to Russian. "...Corral you mentioned before." Not the expected use for his degree in architecture, but it would feel like he was helping somehow. @Blue Beetle (edited)
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/5/2023 1:08 PM
he looks at him and hums. she finishes up and helps him clean "nothing much. just going to go and get some boots for you! then we need to get eggs and milk. maybe we can look at the plans start planing what we need to get." she looks at him and pulls him to the bed sitting him down. "show me you arm." she says as she waits. she would look at the wound and hums "it looks will scar..i didnt do a great job at the stitches.." she says softly. she seemed upset by that..mila moves to the pile of clothes and sets them down on the bed "try these on. i am going to get dressed then go and get you boots." she would grab her clothes and move into the bathroom to change. she pulls her hair up as she walks to her jacket. "i will be back. i shouldnt be gone for more that a hour. when i get back we can look at the plans." she smiles before she moves to him and kisses his cheek. "i will be back ok.."
1:08 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/6/2023 1:50 AM
Aidan allowed himself to be pulled around, sitting next to her on the bed. Since the wound was on his shoulder, he had to remove his shirt again, along with the bandages, to let her check it. He looked down as well. It had closed up well enough, little more than a jagged line where a gaping wound had been before. He could probably manage without the bandage now. "It was a major injury," he said. "It would have scarred no matter how well you did." He smiled. "Just think of it as a reminder of the day we met." It had, all-in-all, been the worst day of his life, but she was the one bright spot in it. He took the clothes, but would try them on after she left and he took a shower. For now, he set them aside and put his shirt back on as he stood up. "I'll take care of things here while you're away. Be safe, Mila." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2023 5:55 AM
she looks at him and nods. she grabs her jacket and zips. it up before putting on her boots and walking out. she moves though the heavy snow to the neighbor that she knew had some older boots. she would get there and ask to trade for the boots. she gave the story of her bother's friend is now staying with her and he needs some boots. the neighbor would give her theb boots and some food as well. she starts to make her way back to the home. she hums softly as she walks. the man who has been trying to court her was back. he tries to get her to get in his car and she says no over and over. she just tries to push though to her home. she would slap him and start to run as he had tried to grab her. she wouldnt come back to the home till almost two hours later. she stumbles into the house and falls to the ground. her jacket was missing, the boots in her arms pushed agaist her chest. tears roll down her face.
5:55 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2023 10:54 AM
While she was out, Aidan set about his tasks. He kept his shower short, and checked on his leg wound. Healing well, and likewise would be fine without bandages now. It would also scar, but that wasn't a problem. He'd expected it. Once he got out of the shower and dried off, he tried the clothes on. They fit fine. Maybe a bit long in the torso, but nothing that couldn't be hidden by tucking the shirts in. It was halfway through drawing up a tentative plan for the corral and list of necessary materials that the problem crossed his mind. She'd been gone a while. Well over the hour she'd said. He set the paper aside and walked over to the window. It didn't look like she could have gotten stuck in a storm. Some other trouble? He walked over to grab his coat, about to go out and look for her, when the door opened. He ran over to help catch her. "What happened? Where's your coat?" He noticed the tears on her face. "What happened? Are you hurt? Did someone follow you?" His growing panic and worry for her wellbeing was starting to make him understand how people more used to the language managed to speak it so quickly compared to how he'd learned it. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/7/2023 11:25 AM
she leans into him and cries "he..he..god he tried.." she hides her face as she grips the boots. her breathing was harsh as she hides herself away. she had hand marks on her arms. she cries into him and shkeas her head "he..he..i kicked him in the balls...and..he ran away.." she cries as she curls up into his arms and whimpers. "i-i.." she coudlnt seem to be able to talk from her crying and freaking out. she looks at him and whimpers "he..he take me..and..i-i fought back..and ran..he..he got yelled at by a neighbor and let me go and then i ran and i-" she was speaking so fast and panicing. her breathing was horrible and fast. she coudlnt breath.
11:25 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2023 11:46 AM
She didn't need to string a sentence together for Aidan to get the general point of what he was saying. That bastard. For a moment, he was glad his desertion hadn't included any commitment to pacifism. But he didn't say that out loud. In her current emotional state, the last thing she needed was some other guy getting angry. Instead, he wrapped his arms gently around her, rubbing softly at her back. "You're safe here," he whispered. "Deep breaths. Come in and warm up. He won't get to you." He slowly stood up, keeping a hand out to help her up as well. "I'm glad you made it home, and that the neighbour stopped him." He couldn't say everything was alright. It wasn't. It was a concerning escalation, and if that guy came around the farm again, Aidan wasn't sure the bastard would be leaving with all of his teeth. But for now, what mattered was comforting Mila. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/7/2023 11:50 AM
she stands and nods. she takes his hand as she holds his boots. she left her jacket but she kept his boots. "i-i have your boots.." she says as she looks at him..she sets them down before moving to the bed and pulliing him to the bed as well. she pulls him ontot he bed and hides her face into his chest. her body was shaking and her breath was harsh. "i-i..i am sorry.." she says softly. her eyes watering. she hated being weak..btu she was so scared..scared that he would come and take her...or worse...
11:50 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2023 12:05 PM
Aidan followed along with her, looking down at the boots. They definitely didn't seem worth it right now. "Forget them for now," he said softly. "It's you I'm worried about." As he sat down beside her, he pulled her into his arms again. There were no words that could fix this, so he just held her at first, giving her a safe place to let out her emotions. He rocked her gently back and forth, rubbing her back again as he held her close. Her fear was more than understandable. "You have nothing to be sorry for. His actions are his own fault." He sighed. "We should think about how to make sure you're safe." Ideally, it wouldn't be necessary, but if this creep was going to make it necessary, it was better to be prepared than not. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/7/2023 12:15 PM
she leans into him and hums. her eyes closed and her head was hurting. she didnt wnat to think about anything right now. she just wanted to make sure he was ok and that the house was ok. she didnt want anything else. she doesnt move from his chest as she takes a shaky breath. "i-i...god this is so stupid.." she says softly. she didnt want to cry anymore. she didnt want to think. she sits up alittle and wipes her eyes. she looks at himand takes a deep breath "t-try on the boots..i-i want to know they fit..." she tries to make sure that he had boots... she would grab a blanket and wrap herself up. her eyes showing her emotions. she was tired and scared.
12:15 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2023 1:47 PM
Aidan didn't push the subject, even if he was still worried. It was something to discuss later, perhaps. After she'd had time to calm down. For now, he'd just do whatever she asked. That meant letting go of her, no matter how reluctantly, and holding a blanket out for her. After what she'd gone through, he could only hope the boots would fit. Because if they didn't, there was no way he'd tell her, which meant he'd just suffer through it. Fortunately for him, they fit perfectly, with the comfort he'd expect from shoes that had already been broken in. He paced around a few steps to be sure, then nodded. "They're good," he confirmed, then looked over at her. "Is there anything I can do for you right now?" He walked over to the bed and knelt in front of her, taking both of her hands in his. "It's alright to be worried." Because so was he. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/7/2023 1:59 PM
she looks at him as he kneels infront of her. "no...i just...feel..gross...and my arm hurts..and..i-i" she looks at him. she felt gross and like she shouldnt even be touched. she looks away from him and curls up more. she seems to be going into her mind and just pushin ghim awya...she takes a deep breath as she whimpers. "i am gross.." she says softly. her eyes filling with tears again. she wipes her eyes and takes aa deep breath. "i am going to get a shower..i need to wash my skin.." she says as she moves to stand. she walks to the shower and walks int closing the door behind her
1:59 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/8/2023 2:33 AM
"You're not gross," Aidan said softly. "He is, but what happened isn't your fault." Still, he stood up and stepped aside to let her go. "I'll be right out here if you need anything." They would have to go check on the animals at some point, but for now, he sat on the bed to wait for her. He wasn't about to leave her alone in this state, aside from giving her the privacy she currently needed. He looked toward the window, thinking about what to do about the problem. Best to assume they couldn't rely on someone else to take care of it, but at the same time, killing him seemed a bit extreme, with too high of a risk. Regardless of what his anger told him. Too restless to sit still for long, he walked over to the kitchen to start cleaning it. A good, mindless task to keep him occupied for a bit longer. It didn't stop him from worrying about Mila. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/8/2023 7:06 AM
she would get into the shower and washes her body. she scrubs her skin till it was red...tears roll down her face as she stands in the shower. the water was hot and she just wanted his touch gone.....she would stay in the bathroom for a while before she turns off the water, grabs a towel and sighs. "hey..adian...i-i um..forgot my clothes..can you hand them to me.." she was out fo it..she jsut wanted to lay in aidan have safetly around her. she would wait before she slightly opens the door and looks at him. a towel wrapped around her body. her hair wet and agaisnt her head. she looks at him and takes the clothes "thank you.."
7:06 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/8/2023 7:55 AM
Aidan looked toward the door at the sound of her voice. "One moment." He looked around, found the forgotten clothing, then picked it up. "Got it." It didn't occur to him until after he'd knocked on the door and she'd opened it a crack that looking at her might be a bad idea. He looked away quickly, holding the clothes out. Still, he'd caught a glimpse and honestly? Kind of a challenge to regret seeing her wrapped only in a towel at the moment. "Yeah, of course. How are you feeling? A little better?" he asked. "Do you need anything else?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/8/2023 8:24 AM
She looks at him and nods “thank you..and yeah I am feeling better..” she smile alittle “no I don’t need anything else..” she says before she closes the door and her face was blushing. She takes a deep breath as she changed into her clothes and opens the door again. She was clothed and clean and felt a lot better. She walks to the bed and falls into it as she curls up. “Show me the plans..for the..the barn..” she says. She wanted her mind to get off of what had just happened.. She sits up curling up in a blanket ready to see the plans
8:24 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/9/2023 3:55 PM
Aidan returned to the bed while he waited, glad that she seemed to be a bit better now. Once she came out, he moved aside to make room for her. He wasn't about to get in the way of her curling up, after all. He wasn't sure how long she'd been walking back without her jacket, but he wanted to make sure she was warm and comfortable after that ordeal. "They're tentative," he admitted as he picked up the notebook he'd set aside. "I don't have most of the tools I normally would when drawing up plans, and I had to guess at the barn's dimensions, but here's what I have so far." He handed it over to her and leaned in to point out what she was looking at. "See, if we take out this section of back wall, we can set up a door for the animals to pass through freely. It can be locked overnight and during storms, but any other time, it will lead directly into the pen there. You've got some pretty even terrain behind the barn already, so it will be easy to set up a decently-sized area, probably keep a few of the trees in there for shade, too. We won't need all of them for lumber." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/9/2023 4:06 PM
she looks at him and smiles as she looks. she listens to his talk about what they should and could do. the stetches looked amazing. she smiles softly as she leans into him and nods "i love it..." she says softly. her eyes looking at the stetches runing her fingers over them. "i want to do this..this summer..i want to have a area that maybe..there could be more animals...maybe another chicken..or lamb.." she says as she looksa t him/ she leans up and kisses him softly as a thank you. "thank you..." she says soflty. her eyes showing she was still upset but she was ok now.. her arm was showing the bruise that she now had. it was large and hand shaped. she covers the bruise and looks away. he would think she was weak...ugly..she whimerps softly as she hands him back the notebook. "i-i can sleep on the shouldnt share a bed with someone who is...dirty.."
4:06 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/9/2023 4:29 PM
Aidan took the notebook back and looked it over. "I can also see what we can do about expanding the barn itself, too. That and making the best use of the space we do have in it." He smiled into the brief kiss before his attention was drawn to the bruise on her arm. It hurt to see it, the fact that she had been hurt. He set the notebook aside and turned to face her. "Mila, you know I don't think that of you," he said softly. "I will still gladly share this bed with you, as long as you are comfortable." He reached out to rest his hand over hers. "But it is a bit early for that, and we still have to check on the animals and the greenhouse. Do you have a spare coat? If not, you can use mine. It's a short walk, so I'll be fine." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/9/2023 4:32 PM
she looks at him and nods "um...yeah.." she says softly. she stands and moves to the small closet. she thumbs though the clsoet pulling out a old old coat. she looks at it and takes a breath. she moves to put it on. there were some holes that the filling was showing though but it would wokr. "ok..ready.." she says softly. she slips on her boots and walks to the back door. all she wanted to do was the sleep and forget about today.. she opens the door and shivers as the wind hit her. she moves outsdie to the barn. once inside she moves to get the eggs and make sure that the animals had water and food. she was quieter...more distant.. she looks at him and says "maybe we can get another shed and combine them...or build a bigger on.." she held the eggs in her hand as she looks around the shed trying to see it bigger...
4:32 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/10/2023 4:04 AM
Aidan put his new boots and his coat back on while he waited for her. His eyes barely left her, his worry lingering. As they left, he stayed close to her, as though that might help comfort her further. Probably not, but he hated not knowing what else he could possibly do. He stayed between her and the worst of the wind to block some of it off, noticing that her coat was in worse shape than his. As they arrived, he looked around, considering the space as he helped with feeding the animals. "We could build a bigger one," he agreed. "We'll plan out the full area we want to use first, start the building some distance from here so we don't disturb the animals during the construction process. Then we could either tear this shed down for parts or keep it up and find another use for it. If we want more chickens, we can repurpose this one into a coop." He was more of a planner than a builder, but he'd probably learn quickly. He'd try, at least. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/10/2023 4:34 AM
She looks at him and nods. She liked that idea. She hums as she looks at him. “Yeah.. in the summer we can clear out the land alittle..we might need wire for the fence..” she hums “there are foxes around and I don’t want them to get in the area..” she says. She takes his hand as she smiles once they were done. “Greenhouse next..” she says. She was happy to have someone helping. She had been making small improvements but it was slow going as she had to do them by herself. She would lead him out and to the green house. Another gust of wind hits her and she shivers. She needed to fix this coat.. she thinks as she opens the door and looks at the pants. They would just need watering
4:34 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/10/2023 4:45 AM
Aidan squeezed her hand gently as they walked out to the greenhouse. Not for long, though. As the gust of wind hit, he let go to wrap an arm around her instead, hoping to provide at least a little more warmth. He only released her once they reached the greenhouse and she opened the door. At least it would be warm inside. He picked up a watering can and made sure it was full, then set to work. "I can make dinner tonight," he offered as he started watering the plants. "It will be a good idea for you to patch up that coat, so you don't freeze. I'm guessing it will only get colder from here." It was still early in the season, and they'd already had a big snow storm. A much-needed one, to cover his tracks, but a sign of a rough winter nonetheless. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/10/2023 4:49 AM
She looks at him and nods “ did the clothes fit?” If they needed to be mended she could do that as well. She looks at the plants and smiles “these are looking great..” she says softly before waiting for him to be done. She still held the eggs. Once he was done she opens the door again and takes his hand to lead him back to the house. She hums as they walk though the snow. She shivers as more wind comes “oh fire” She gave him the eggs as she moves tot he covered pile of wood and grabs a few logs. She moves inside and sets them down before starting to get the fore bigger and warm them both up.
4:49 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/10/2023 4:58 AM
"They're perfect," Aidan assured her. Not missing the opportunity to flirt, he leaned toward her and kissed her forehead. "Just like you." With a warm smile, he finished his work and set the watering can aside. He followed her back out into the cold, taking the eggs as she handed them over. Even with a proper coat, it was a relief to reach the house at last. He set the eggs aside and removed his boots, hanging his coat back up by the door. While she worked on the fire, he carried the eggs over to the kitchen. "What do you want for dinner?" he asked, looking back at Mila. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/10/2023 5:03 AM
She looks at him and blushes “oh..shush.” She giggles as she stands and removes her layers before grabbing a tin box and sitting on the bed to starting on her coat. “Whatever you want.” She smiles softly. She threads a needle before starting. Her hums were soft as she sat there on the bed. Her eyes moving to adian over and over again. She takes a deep breath “how is your leg..” she asks. Her hand were shaking from being cold. She shivers as she rubs her hands together for warmth. “I don’t have a lot of entertainment…I have some books…radio is just in Russian..”
5:03 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/10/2023 12:40 PM
Aidan looked through the cabinets again, having quickly forgotten what was available. One of these days, he would remember, but this was not the day. After a moment, he started gathering ingredients, occasionally glancing over at Mila to make sure she was alright. "It's fine," he said. "Hardly noticeable, most of the time." He focused his attention on the food in front of him as he started working. "Russian is alright, for entertainment. It will help me learn." He paused with the potatoes he was cutting to turn on the oven, then got back to work. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/11/2023 5:31 AM
she looks at him and moves to the radio. she turns it on and russian music starts to play. she hums softly as she sews the jacket. "you are getting better at russian. when you talk really fast you sounds like my father.." she smiles sofly. she moves to look at what he is making.. she moves closer and hugs his body as she rest her head on his back. "thank you...for..everything.." she says softly as she looks at him and smiles. "i am greatful for have helped more that you think..and know.." she says as she puls away and mvoes to grab a cup of water. her eyes closing softly as she rubs her arms. she hated the was so bad.."
5:31 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/12/2023 2:59 AM
Aidan glanced back at her and smiled, taking a moment to appreciate her warmth against him. "I should be saying that; you're the one who saved my life," he said. "Anyway, I'll let you pick what meat we use tonight. Anything will be fine." He found he wasn't so absorbed in his cooking that he couldn't notice her pain. He turned toward her, looking at the bruise. The jackass had really gone for it. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to avoid letting his anger about what had been done to her rise to the surface. Or just about the fact that anyone would treat another person like that, honestly. He opened his eyes. "Do you have an ice pack around?" he asked softly instead. "Or just a spare hand towel." He could improvise a cold compress if he needed to, but he could at least help relieve her pain. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/12/2023 3:03 AM
She looks at him and says.. “I have a cloth..” she says before going to grab one then coming back to him. She looks at him and watches. “Let’s just have the other half of the meat from the other night. I only used half of the package.” She says as she lets him do what he wants: She trusted him and didn’t have any other worries about him hurting her. She takes a deep breath as she watches him. “I am sorry about this…he…I hate him. He wants to just take me and I won’t let him and that makes him so mad..” she says softly. She flinched slightly and whimeors at any pressure
3:03 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/12/2023 3:23 AM
The meat could wait. For now, Aidan turned on the sink, letting it run until the water came out as cold as it was going to get. He took the cloth and ran it under the water, wringing out the excess afterward so it wouldn't drip everywhere. It wasn't perfect, but it would do for now. "Give me your arm." He pressed the cold cloth against the bruise. "And hold it there. It should help bring down the swelling and ease any pain from it. We can do this a couple of times a day for the first two days, then switch to warm water to help it fade faster." He'd been troublesome in his youth, constantly getting himself hurt in those small ways kids did when they were safe but not completely. At least he'd learned a few things from it aside from the boring lesson of 'be more careful'. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "You don't have to apologize. He's the worst kind of person, but that's not your fault." He turned back to his cooking. "Do you hunt, or barter for your meat?" he asked, since there didn't seem to be enough animals on the farm for it to come from there. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/12/2023 3:27 AM
She looks at him and watches as he puts the cloth on her arm and nods. She holds it there and hums softly “I trade. There is an older man who lives out in the woods woods. Like further than me. And he loves sheep milk and eggs but he doesn’t want a chicken or sheep so I trader him a lot of eggs and milk and he gives me a lot of@meat.” She smiles as she looks at him cooking. “I never have hunted..never even shot a gun.” She looks over to the closet. “I have was my fathers but..I don’t know how to use it..” she says softly. She holds her arm till the cloth got warm and then she put the cloth up and dries her arm. “Have you hunted before?”
3:28 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/12/2023 12:18 PM
"A couple of times, but not recently," Aidan said, following her gaze to the closet momentarily. It seemed riskier to have a gun and not know how to use it, but the point was probably moot if she never took it out anyway. "I could teach you some time, if you want." After all, years without hunting hadn't left him without knowing how to use a gun. They'd just have to clean the old one first. And depending on how old it was, he might actually not know. He looked over at the window briefly, considering it again. "Probably after the war cools down. I don't want to risk running into your army while they're running drills." Now that would be awkward. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/12/2023 12:21 PM
She looks at him and nods “spring. There is always deer around.. we can see them from the garden..” she says softly. “Yes.lets not have the army come to my home.” She giggles as she leans into him and takes a deep breath. She moves to help him.. she sets the table and moves TK help with cooking and even cleaning the dishes that he was done with. “Maybe tonight I can show you how to read is alittle harder than speaking and just incase..” she says softly. She wanted to have cute moments with Adrian..wanted to hold his hand..she blushes at the thoughts
12:21 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/12/2023 12:52 PM
Eventually, the food was in the oven, and all that was left to do was wait. Aidan walked over while she was still washing the finished dishes and wrapped his arms around her waist. He'd learned a bit of basic reading, but had to admit he didn't have the Cyrillic alphabet mastered quite yet. Which would be a glaring hole in any cover story they could think of. "That sounds nice, and gives us plenty to do," he said, then kissed her cheek. "I promise, I'm a fast learner." He rested his chin on her shoulder and smiled. "I'm not getting in your way right now, am I?" He hoped not, because he didn't want to let her go. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/12/2023 12:56 PM
She blushes as she looks at him and smiles “no you aren’t in my way..” she says softly as she does the dishes. She leans into him as she giggles. Her face was slightly red from blushing as he held her. She hums softly as she did the dishes. Her hands moving around the sink as she finishes up and dries her hand. She turns around and wraps her hands around him. She kisses his cheek softly and smiles “hi..” she says softly.
12:56 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/12/2023 1:27 PM
Aidan let go just enough to let her turn around. "Hi." He smiled and rested one hand against her cheek. "How are you feeling? Warmed up a bit, at least?" The cold wasn't really what had him worried, but he didn't want to directly remind her of earlier. He just wanted to make sure she was alright. "Food will be ready in..." He leaned over to look at the timer. "...About ten minutes." He looked down at her. It hadn't taken long for him to get used to having her this close. Really, it felt like the most natural thing in the world. The fact that she was adorable when she blushed helped a bit. He appreciated having these brief, soft moments with her, just the two of them and all the time in the world.
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/12/2023 1:49 PM
@Blue Beetle Oops forgot to tag!
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/12/2023 1:58 PM
She looks at him and leans into his hand. “I am feeling ok..better..just still..” she shivers softly as she looks at him then nods “ok..” she says softly. She didn’t want to move. She just held into him. Her face leaning against his chest. “I like when you hold me..” she breathes out as she looks up at him and smiles “how are you feeling..” she asks. Worried that he was worried about her. She takes his hand and moves to the bed before getting in his lap and holding onto him leaning into his neck
1:59 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/13/2023 3:16 AM
Aidan followed her to the bed and sat down. "I'm alright," he answered, wrapping his arms back around her. And at the moment, it was true. Her warmth against him, her weight in his lap, all of it kept his mind off of everything that had brought him here, every fear that kept him unable to leave. "I'm glad I chose to stay." He rested a hand at the back of her head and closed his eyes, simply enjoying the moment while he could. Odd, that he'd found this farm and expected to be killed or turned in. Instead, he'd ended up with... a girlfriend, probably? It seemed that way. Except the fresh scar on his leg wasn't quite ready to handle a lot of pressure for a long time, so he winced. "Maybe... this isn't the best seat for you yet, though," he admitted as the pain shooting through his thigh became impossible to ignore. Damn injuries... @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/13/2023 3:20 AM
She looks at him and her eyes widen as she moves off him and looks down “a-sorry..” she says embarrassed. Stupid stupid stupid! She looks away from him blushing from embarrassment and just that she hadn’t thought about that. “Sorry..I..sorry.,” she says. She was so fucking stupid! She knew he was injured! Why did she sit on his leg! She could hurt him… she quickly moves to get a cold cloth to give to him for his leg “ So you can ice it..” she didn’t know what to do… She looks down as she holds the cold towl. Her hands shaking slightly from her being upset at herself and embarrassed
3:21 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/13/2023 5:24 AM
The pain faded as soon as she moved, but Aidan took the cloth and held it over his scar anyway. It wouldn't do much through his clothing, but that was fine. He wasn't about to make her more embarrassed. Instead, he just smiled over at her. "It's fine. I forgot I had an injury there, too." He held an arm out to the side in an invitation, on the side of his uninjured shoulder. "I still like having you in my arms, if you want to join me for a little longer." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/13/2023 5:29 AM
she looks at him..she moves closer to him and leans her head on his shoulder. she takes a deep breath as she closes her eyes before she says "tongith i will read to you..." she says sfotly. she had some older books but they were all russian. she hoped that he would like them..she didnt have alot to do. she realized that her home is very boring...maybe she can borrow a board game... she looks at him as she leans up and kisses his cheek softly "i like you..." she whispers. her eyes fluttering close as she curls up on his shoulder and yawns softly. she looks at the dog as the timer goes off. she moves and stands before gettign the meat out. she hums softly as she grabs two plates and then plates the food. "come on..lets eat.."
5:29 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/14/2023 2:36 AM
"I look forward to it," Aidan said, already imagining cuddling close and following along over her shoulder. A peaceful way to spend the evening, and in good company. "I like you too," he said. "But you already knew that." Then the timer went off and he let go. He stretched briefly as he stood up, then walked over to join her at the table. The food at least smelled good, and he silently hoped she would like it. "Do you have a favourite food?" he asked as he sat down, trying to think of things to cook in the future. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/14/2023 3:16 AM
She looks at him and smiles. “I like sweets..but they are harder to get..cakes, cookies…as for food food..I like soup, stew..” she says as she looks at him. She starts to eat and hums “this is very very good..” she says. She looks at him and says “what about you? Your favorite food..” she wanted to know if she could even get soemthing he liked…she would go into the city if he wanted something special.. “We don’t have a lot of American things…sorry..” she looks down as she feel bad..
3:16 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/14/2023 2:13 PM
Aidan shook his head. "It's alright, I'm always happy to try new things," he said. "I really like seafood - we were just a short trip from the bay when I was young, so it was always easy to get." It probably wouldn't be here, now that he thought about it. After all, the farm seemed pretty landlocked. "I can live without it though. I also like poutine. That's specifically Canadian, but easy enough to make if you ever wanted to try it." If they could get cheese curds, at least. Or just cheese in general. He finished eating and set his plate aside while he waited for her. He looked toward the window as he thought. "As for sweets, it should be easy enough if we can get more flour and sugar. Even if we can't, there are options... do berries grow around here in the warm months?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/14/2023 3:46 PM
She looks at him and nods “during the spring there is a patch not too far..” she says as she finishes and mov a to grab his plate. She walks then to the sink and hums as she starts to clean “maybe this summer we can try and get things to make more things..” she wanted to have him happy… she hums softly to the radio before it is interrupted and Russian broadcast comes on. “all residents. Military has pushed the enemies further back. Those on our sectors be careful for wounded men of the enemy! If you are found hiding or helping then you will be punished!” she turns off the radio and sighs “I hate them..the broadcast..they are ment to put fear into people..” She looks at him as she leans down and kisses his cheek “how about we read..”
3:46 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/14/2023 4:20 PM
Everything was fine with the world, until that radio announcement reminded Aidan that it was not. He tensed, breath catching in his throat as he listened. It was nothing he hadn't expected, but it remained alarming to hear. He swallowed, managing a small nod. No matter how worried he was, he had to stay calm. He took a deep breath and nodded. "Alright. We'll be fine," he said, as much to convince himself as it was for her benefit. He stood up and took her hand in his. "Let's read, then." He led the way over to the bed, letting go so he could move the blankets aside and lay down. "You go ahead and pick your book. One you like, preferably." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/14/2023 4:27 PM
She looks at him and nods. She moves to the book shelf and looks at the small collection. She didn’t have a lot but she did have some classics. She grabs a small green book. She moves to the bed and gets next to him. She lays down next to him and closer. The book was ‘the great gatsby’ she looks at him as she starts to read. Her voice calm and quiet. She lets him see the book pages as she smiles. She would make sure that he was ok and that he didn’t fall asleep. After a little she looks at him. “Are you tired..” she says softly..
4:27 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/15/2023 1:19 PM
It was a familiar enough story, or at least one that Aidan vaguely recalled having read in a literature class once before. He wrapped an arm around her, holding her close as he attempted to follow along. The letters were unfamiliar to him and didn't make a whole lot of sense at first. C was the only one he could rely on sound to find, until he started to pick up on a pattern here and there, mostly piecing together the more obvious consonants. It wasn't as much as he'd learn from dedicated study, but it was a start. It wasn't a start that would last long as, despite himself, he felt his eyelids starting to grow heavy. Her voice sounded far away when she asked if he was tired, and his eyes opened. "Huh?" He blushed faintly. "I... yeah, I guess I am." He chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to doze off." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/15/2023 1:23 PM
she smiles as she kisses his cheek softly. "it is ok.." she syas softly. she kisses his cheek again and smiles. she marks the place in the book for them. she hums softly as she moves out of the bed. "i will get the fire ready for the night.." she moves to the fire and adds wood. she grabs her sleep outfit and looks at him. "is it ok if i change here...just with my back turned to you..i dont want to turn on the light in bathroom.." she giggles softly. she would wait for his answer before she turns and starts to undo her shirt if he said it was ok. her back was gently lit by the fire. he would see a small side tattoo. it was a two headed cow.. she hums a shse pulls on her night shirt then qucikly changed into her shorts and climbs into bed again. she nuzzles close and hums "rest.."
1:23 PM
@Al the Killer
Al the Killer 12/15/2023 2:58 PM
Aidan let her go and rolled onto his side, facing toward her. "Here?" He glanced toward the bathroom door. "Yeah, go ahead. It's your house." Despite his casual tone, he was unsure whether he should also turn away, or if he was fine where he was. Before he could ask, he was momentarily distracted. The fire illuminated her figure, shaped and toned as it was through the years of farm work. It was impossible not to admire her just a bit, even before he noticed the design on her skin. When would she have gotten something like that? "That's an interesting tattoo," he commented. Realizing that he'd just given away his noticing it, he rolled onto his back and looked up at the ceiling, blushing faintly. "I mean..." There was no taking it back. "Is there a story behind it?" @Blue Beetle
She looks at him and smiles “You were watching me..” she giggles before she says “it is ok. It is related to a is a peom that means to reflect on acceptance..knowing that you are ok..even if you are different..” she looks at him. “I am different than most women my age..I am not married…I am living by myself..well not anymore but you know..and I don’t want to live in the city…” she says softly “Just a sorry that I love…” she hums as she lays her head on his chest “it is ok to look…I don’t mind..” she wanted him to look..and much more.. “Now let’s go to sleep..” she turns off the small lamp and curls up beside him. Her body pressed to his.
3:02 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 2:27 AM
Her observation only caused him to blush more deeply, but it was useless to deny anything. He had, after all, and had appreciated the view at that. Luckily, she genuinely didn't seem to mind. It wasn't like she'd already seen him shirtless on numerous occasions, even if it had been just to tend to his shoulder. He stroked her hair gently as she spoke. "You'll have to show me that poem sometime," he said softly. He kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her, holding her close. Her presence was forever a comfort. Warm, soft, a closeness that kept him wanting just a bit more. But there was no rush. Particularly right now, while he was genuinely tired. "Goodnight, Mila." He closed his eyes. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 10:04 AM
She looks at him and smiles “good night..” she says softly. Her eyes closing. Her breathing was calm. Milhail was on the end of the bed. She takes a deep breath as her body relaxes and she slips into a deep sleep. Her mind was plague with nightmares. Her being touched. Her skin being pulled and grabbed. She whimpers as she sits up breathing hard. She pants softly as she looks around and then to the body next to her…adian.. She moves out of the bed and sits by the fire. She grabs her English to Russian book as she ads wood to the fire. She takes a deep breath. She starts to read and softly speak English.
10:04 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 10:26 AM
Aidan's arm dropped to the mattress as she got out of bed. He moved to the warm area where she'd been, but she was already out of bed. After a moment of reaching out to empty air, he opened his eyes and watched her reading by the fire. Not quite at peace, it seemed. He sat up and yawned. "Another bad dream?" he guessed. His hair was already messy from sleep, but he didn't bother with it. "Have you always had a lot of them?" He turned to face her fully, letting his legs hang over the edge of the bed. He hoped the dreams hadn't started with his arrival, that they weren't his fault for being there. For now, he kept his eyes on her, making sure she was alright. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 10:30 AM
She turns and looks at him. She nods “I have always had them..not a lot but..stress..” she sighs as she stands “I didn’t mean to wake you..” she speaks as she walks back to the bed and sits down. “I..I was replaying what had happened..I..I couldn’t get away..” she says softly. “You didn’t cause them..don’t worry..” she says as she kisses his cheek. “Go back to sleep..” she didn’t want him to not get sleep because of her. “I am ok..just going to read and pratcie for alittle while..” she says as she looks at him. It was still very late “I am can rest..”
10:30 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 10:56 AM
Aidan wrapped an arm around her as she sat next to him. Even though she said she'd be fine, he knew it would be harder for him to sleep as well. After all, she'd been hurt, and he hadn't been there to stop it from happening. He sighed. "I should have been with you," he said. "You know, it will be easier to practice with a partner. I don't mind putting off sleep for a bit longer." He rubbed her back gently, keeping his eyes on her. "You're sure you're alright? You still seem stressed." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 11:00 AM
She looks at him and shakes her head “you couldn’t have known..he is.. a stubborn..asshole..” she says softly. She leans into him and closes her eyes. “I am just…he scares me..not the military..or anything..he does..because..if he take me..” she curls up slightly “I..I don’t think I will survive..” She looks at him and takes a deep breath “you need to I will lay here…” she moves to get back under the covers and doesn’t move until he is laid down and she hides her face into his chest. “I just want spring to come…happuer days..spring brings light and joy..winter is harsh and hard…”
11:00 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 11:16 AM
Aidan wrapped his arms around her again as he lay back down, more protectively this time. He stroked her hair gently as he listened to her speak. It was worse than he'd thought, then. More than a stubborn asshole, but blatantly dangerous from the start. "I won't let him hurt you," he promised, closing his eyes. But he knew he couldn't be with her 24/7. Maybe her could teach her some of the hand to hand combat he'd learned in the military? For now, he focused on being with her; he could offer suggestions later. "We'll work on the new barn when spring gets here," he said instead, taking the change in topic. "We can get more animals, have a nice vegetable garden outside... And until then, we'll keep each other company." He closed his eyes. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 11:20 AM
She nods and holds onto him. Her eyes closing as she takes a deep breath “I am happy I found you…” she whispers softly. She was very happy. She wasn’t alone…she had someone who liked her being around him. She takes a deep breath as she looks at him once more. She leans up and kisses his lips softly “thank you..@ she whispers as she puts her head back into his chest. She didn’t go to slee right away..she just held onto him. Her eyes still closed. She just listened to his heart. She didn’t realize that she eneded up falling asleep and staying asleep till the sun rose int eh late morning. Mikhail stretching as he moves off the bed to get some water. The house warm and toasty. She doesn’t move as she opens her eyes and looks around alittle. She reaches up and gently kisses his lips again “morning..@ she says softly..not wanting to move
11:20 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 11:50 AM
Aidan woke to the soft press of her lips to his. He returned the kiss sleepily, holding her close. "Morning, beautiful." He opened his eyes to admire her in the late morning light. How had he gotten so lucky to end up here with her? He couldn't help but smile before closing his eyes again and leaning in for another kiss. One hand rested against the back of her head as he stayed in the moment for longer. Her lips were warm, soft, and he didn't think he'd ever get enough of them. Outside, there was a sound of ice and snow crunching under the wheels of a large vehicle. He broke the kiss and looked over. "Are you expecting company?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 11:53 AM
She kisses him back. She looks towards the door “no…I am not..” she says softly. She sits up and whistles to milhail to be on guard. She waits. Listening. A knock comes to the door. “Remember the story..” she says softly. She kisses him before getting out of bed and moving to wrap a robe around herself. She looks out. A maple leaf? She looks at him and month Canadian. She takes a deep breath and opens the door slightly. She looks at the person. “Yes?” She speaks in Russian.. She didn’t open the door all the way. Just enough for her to be seen. She could play this off as she had just woken up. Which she did..
11:53 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 1:04 PM
Aidan's stomach sank as he saw her mouth that word. Shit. Going with them meant lifelong imprisonment. Fighting them meant death. Either meant leaving Mila. He moved silently, getting away from the door and toward the closet. Should he hide, or would a door opening give away his location? His mind raced, but he froze as he heard a familiar voice responding to Mila. "Hello," said the man at the door. He spoke Russian with an accent similar to Aidan's own when he spoke English in his home dialect. "Um... to speak English?" It was a question, not a demand, as he had no clue about the grammar around the vocabulary. He offered the woman in the doorway a friendly, but awkward smile as he silently prayed he'd gotten it right. Aidan looked toward the door as he listened, but kept silent. It hadn't crossed his mind much that his friends would probably be worried, too. That they'd be among those looking for him. He remained tense, but let her handle it. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 1:09 PM
she looks at him and nods "" she asks. having to break up her own english. she didnt wnat to give them the idea that she had been learning or anything. she looks at the younger man. he looked around the same age as aidan. she wondered if they knew each other. she would stay there witht eh door close to her body. she didnt want the man outside looking into the room. she didnt want him to see aidan. "how..can..i help.." she says again. the cold pushing the door and making her shivers slightly. she would eye the man. he must know that the people in the outer areas dont like the military and dont trust outsiders...hopefully that would help
1:09 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 1:33 PM
The soldier in the doorway relaxed a bit as she said yes. "Sorry to bother ye, Missus," he said, dipping his head respectfully. "See, a few of our men here are missing in action, so I'm looking 'round to see if anyone's seen any sign of 'em. Really, we wanna make sure everyone's alive and safe. You see anyone who might be a lost Canadian soldier lately? I can give some names if it'll help your memory." As he spoke, he tried to look over her shoulder and into the house proper, but couldn't see around the door to where one of the men he was looking for was hiding in plain sight. He'd have to look around inside before he could say for sure, especially since he doubted the locals would be very forthcoming with information. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 1:37 PM
she looks at him and shakes her head " havent seen any soilder..expect russian. they train though these woods." she says hoping to get this man gone. "i promise you..i have not seen a enlgish speaker..i would be put in jail for helping one of them.. now please i need to get moving with my chickens need feeding." she tries to be nice but she wasnt about to let him come into her home. "is there anything else..maybe ask one of the other people here..i dont have any soilders here.." she says as she looks at him. she didnt want to have this man here. her heart was beating so fast. her eyes hard as she was protecting aidan
1:37 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 1:55 PM
He'd been told to expect distrust from the locals, so her reaction wasn't unexpected. Unfortunately, that also meant he wasn't supposed to leave the moment he was told no. His look turned even more apologetic at that. There weren't neighbours for a couple of kilometers, and he was told to search this area specifically. "Mind if I just have a quick look 'round?" he asked, leaning to look past her again. "I was ordered to be thorough, so I have to at least do a quick search of the property. I'll help ye with the chickens while I'm at it, and if the Russian soldiers come by, we can say I held ye 'ostage, alright?" He held his hands up. "Ye won't get hurt, promise." He looked down at a pair of men's boots by the doorway, then up just in time to see a bit of motion as Aidan inched further from the door, a bit too late. Someone else was definitely in the house, and hiding. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 1:57 PM
she looska t him. "no. you wont come into my home. i am not a citizen of you." her russian more eveident. "i do not follow your rules. you shouldnt even be here. i will call the officer i konw. he will come and have you taken!" she says as she sees him looks and sees the boots. fuck. "leave. i want you to leave." she shoos at him. her eyes mad and angery..but also scared. "leave. you arent welcome here. go." she didnt want him to find take him awya...she couldnt let that happen. "go go go!" she says as she looksa t him and growls softly in anger. mikhial moving to be ther with her. his growl louder
1:58 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 2:17 PM
The soldier leaned away, slightly taken aback, but didn't back away. "Ma'am, please. There's no need for it to come to that," he said, attempting to placate the situation by staying as calm as he could with the pretty lady yelling at him like that. "I don't mean any harm." Shit. Shit shit shit! Aidan watched, fully aware of how stubborn both of them could be and already imagining a worst-case situation. If it got worse, she'd probably slap Sean, who'd always been jumpy enough to overestimate how much force was required for self-defense. This was the last thing either of them needed. He quickly moved to the closet, pulling out the box where Mila had stored away his uniform, then ran over to interfere. "Mila, it's alright," he said in English. He rested a hand on her shoulder, then froze as he realized what he'd just done. He stood straight and looked at the soldier. At his childhood friend. "...Sean." Sean's eyes widened. "Aidan? The hell? I thought you were dead!" He looked between the two of them, hoping for an explanation. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 2:22 PM
she looks at him and then to the other soilder. she holds onto mikhail and looks at the two of them. "fuck." she says as she looks at aidan. she speaks in russian "what are you will be forced to leave..." her voice softer before she glares at sean. "you cant take him." she speaks. her russian accent coming otu strong as she stood infront of aidan. "you can just go back and tell them he is dead. leet them leave us alone!" she growls. she was angery. she didnt like anyone on her land..trying to disrupt what they had. she took his hand and held it tight..
2:22 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 2:47 PM
Sean looked at her, then at his old buddy. "So, uh... she holding ye hostage, or what?" he joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. "Don't be a dick," Aidan said, but there was no venom to it. He looked down at her. "It's... a long story. I was injured, Amelia was dead, others were dying... I panicked. Like you said before I joined, I'm not cut out for war." He looked over at her. "She saved my life. But I can't go back." Sean stared at them for a moment, then sighed. Damn, he'd always been a hopeless romantic... he wouldn't be able to split them up now. "Aidan, leave it to ye to find someone, and it's in the most shagged up situation possible." Aidan shook his head. "I don't wanna hear shit from you. Your last 'boyfriend' turned out to be a scambot." For a moment, Sean opened his mouth to protest, then closed it. "Touche. But even if I say you're dead, they'll need proof to believe it." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 2:53 PM
she looks at him and narrows her eyes. she held onto his hand and moved back to lean into him. she wasnt about to let him be taken...she listen to the two and her heart hurt...did..did he want to go back...she looks at aidan and her eyes soften as he says he doesnt want to go back. "take the still has blood..say that it was all you found. there are wolves here...they eat anything and everything..quickly." she says as she narrows her eyes at sean. she would feed him to the wolves if needed. she looks at aidna. "is that would lose your uniform...:
2:53 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 3:52 PM
Aidan nodded in agreement and walked back to get the uniform from the box. "Grab the boots there, too," he said. "The Royers, not the ones I got from the neighbours." He handed the uniform to a very dumbstruck Sean. "Even if you know the truth, at least try to cry at my funeral." Sean blinked down at the uniform. "I didn't agree-" "But you will," Aidan said, before his tone softened. "Please." He looked over at Mila. "Yeah, I wanted to burn it anyway. It's better off anywhere but here." He removed the necklace with his dogtags from around his neck and handed it over as well. "Tear it up a bit more if you've gotta, but this is better for everyone if I'm gone." Sean sighed and tucked the uniform under one arm, using the other to pull Aidan into a hug. "Idiot..." He patted his back then let go to make sure he had everything. "Take care, b'y." "You too. Be careful, the Russian military's patrolling the area too," Aidan warned. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 4:02 PM
she looks at the other and smiles. she takes the dog tags before she kisses them and then gives them away. "just for the dead you.." she says softly. she lets them hug and say their goodbye. "be careful sean...the military comes though...go quickly." she says. she looksa t aidan and says "are you ok.." she says sfotly. she knew that was hard.. she watches sean as he leaves. she steps back inside and sighs. she hugs him and looks at him "are oyu ok..." she wanted to make sure that he was ok...that he was not hurting.. she takes a deep breath as she pulls him to the bed and pulls him into a hug
4:02 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 4:13 PM
Sean nodded. "Will do." He saluted them, then offered one last sad smile at his friend. And, apparently, his friend's new girlfriend. "And I'll be at the wedding in spirit," he added before leaving Aidan slightly flustered at the suggestion. "Seriously, those'll be your last words to me?" he asked as Sean walked away. "I'm dead and that's what you say?!" Still, he smiled as his friend drove away. A bittersweet occasion, but he was glad to see him one more time. "I'll be alright," he answered in Russian. He closed the door and followed her to the bed. He closed his eyes and held her close for a moment. In all honesty, he didn't know how to feel. He'd just faked his death. He was sure he could trust Sean to do what he promised. Had it been anyone he hadn't grown up with, it would have been a gamble. Hell, it was a gamble still. "I can't believe we just killed me," he said. "We'll be fine. It's going to be fine." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 4:17 PM
she looks at him and holds him. she kisses his cheek softly "shh i will be ok...we are ok. we are going to be ok." she says sfotly. she kisses him again softly. "you rest..i am going to make some food ok.." she smiles a sshe looks at him "how does that sound..then maybe i can read again.." she would move to the ktichen and start to make soem eggs and meat. she hum softly as she gets everything moving and going. she looks at him. she looks down. "if..if you wanted to go could have..i-i...i dont want to keep you away from anything if you don twnat to be here.." she was worring now..she had always been a worryer...just wanting to make others happy
4:17 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/16/2023 4:24 PM
Aidan let her go so she could go make breakfast. "That sounds good," he agreed. "But I'll want to check on the animals and the greenhouse first, then take a shower." He watched her in the kitchen, considering what they'd just done. Of course if he wanted to return, his buddy would have covered for him, come up with some excuse that spared him the prison time. But he couldn't have brought himself to leave. He'd made his choice, knowing there was another one right in front of him. He stood up and walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I want to be here, and I want to stay with you," he said softly. "That was always the choice, wasn't it? One of us would have to give everything up if we were going to be together. If I was given the same choice, I would choose you again." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/16/2023 4:28 PM
she looks at him and smiles. she leans into him. "i would chose you. over and over." she says sfotly. she leans up and kisses him. "go and check on the animals and greenhouse. i will cook breakfast and get everything ready." she smiles as she turns back to the kitchen and starts to cook the eggs and grabs two things of breas to toast. she hums as she cooks. she moves to stoke the fire before gettign everything plated and ready. she looks outside and sighs. she was nervous...she takes a deep breaht. they were safe..they would be safe...she plates everything and gets two cups of coffee going for them
4:28 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/17/2023 4:52 AM
Aidan returned the kiss, then nodded. As long as he wasn't found out - a risk that was significantly lessened with that incriminating evidence of his identity out of the way - they could stay together. Maybe he'd give himself a haircut at some point, to change his appearance a bit more. For now, he put on his coat and new boots and walked out to the barn. It seemed quiet enough outside now that Sean had left. It was snowing lightly, and he hoped it would pick up once he was finished to cover the tire tracks. He thought about Mila as he walked into the barn, and the future ahead of them, and couldn't help but smile. Their relationship was ill-advised, he knew. Impulsive, and a whole lot of sacrifice for someone he hadn't known for long. But that didn't stop the joy that kept him warm as he made sure the animals had enough food and water. He worked quickly, and in a few minutes, he walked out and started toward the greenhouse. It wouldn't take long to check on the plants and water them all, then he could have breakfast with Mila. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/17/2023 5:00 AM
She had coffee ready and even gave mikhail some eggs for being a good boy. She hums as she waits for Aidan to come back. She wondered if he would be happy here…she wondered if he would want to stay past spring..maybe..into winter too? She snaps out of it. She would support him whatever he decided. She looks at the door and would smile as he comes back in. “Come on slow poke the coffee is going to go cold.” She giggles softly. Once he was sat she would then start to eat. She hums softly “how are the animals and plants?” She started to put together a list of things she wanted to do. She wanted to clean the house and make sure it was good and clean, maybe start knitting again..make them hated and mittens..
5:00 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/17/2023 7:51 AM
Aidan was more than happy to oblige, but had to take a moment to remove his coat and boots again. "They're doing great," he said as he hung the coat up. "The plants said hi." He stopped to kiss her cheek then sat at the table. The smell of breakfast hit and he smiled. This was his life now, and he was happy for it. Which was good - now that he was a dead man walking, he truly couldn't go back. It still felt surreal, but bearable. "What's the plan for today?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/17/2023 7:53 AM
she looks at him and says "well i was wanting to do a good clean of the house. sweep and everything. then i was thinking maybe we could read. i can read to you. i also want to maybe start knitting again. i stopped when i moved in here becuase i just was always going. but maybe i can make us hats and things...once the summer comes we can shear the sheep and make yawn from her wool.." she looks at him as she eats "what do you want to do?
7:53 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/17/2023 9:14 AM
"I'll help you clean once I've taken a shower," Aidan offered. "And reading sounds nice too. I also want to go out and get some more exact measurements for the area around the barn at some point. Do you have a meter stick around anywhere?" It would be a start. If he had one of those and picked up a few twigs outside, maybe found some spare cloth to tie to the ends, he could properly survey the area and work out a real plan for the new barn and corral. There also seemed to be space to expand the house if they wanted to, but it would do just fine as it was for now. One project at a time. Two, if he counted learning to read Russian. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/17/2023 9:17 AM
She smiles and nods. She thinks about the meter stick and hums. “Hmm..” she moves to the closet that held just about everything. She looks though it and finds an old school meter stick. “I knew I had one. From my brothers school teacher. She gave it to us to keep and use if we needed..I think we only ever used it to poke each other.” She smiles as she moves to rest the stick agaisnt the wall then finish her food. “I will come and help you measure then we can warm up and read.” She says as she finsihes and starts to do the dishes and deep clean the kitchen. She ties her hair back and pulls out old bottles of chemicals to clean with.
9:17 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/17/2023 9:28 AM
Aidan finished his breakfast while she searched. For a moment, he glanced over at the stick. A simple wooden tool, but it would do. He'd probably focus on the building's dimensions for now, and worry about the land around it on a clear day so the snow wouldn't slow down or erase his progress while he was in the middle of it. "Funny, that's exactly what we used them for in uni when the professors weren't looking," he said, chuckling at the memory. After all, university students weren't really grown up, and they'd all been prone to their childish antics. "Would you mind writing down the measurements, then? Just for the barn; we'll take care of the rest tomorrow." He considered. "Oh, and do you have a ladder around here anywhere?" If not, he'd have to get creative. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/17/2023 9:42 AM
she looks at him and hums. "i think there is one somewhere out in the back..but it is covered in snow now.." she smiles. she didnt climb on the latter noramlly. she starts to deep clean the kitchen as she hums. "i would think it would be at the greenhouse back..maybe? " she couldnt remmebr where it was... "i can write the numbers down. let me clean the kitchen really quick!' she smiles as she turns back and moves to clean everything. all the dishes, all the counters, tools, everything. she hums soflty as she cleans. she was humming a tune from the radio that they had listened too
9:42 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/17/2023 10:22 AM
Aidan got up and looked around. She seemed to have the kitchen covered, at least. "I'll take a shower, then we can head out," he said, then paused to give her a quick kiss. "We'll look for the ladder once we get out there." He picked up a new set of clothes for the day then walked into the bathroom. He kept the shower short, not wanting to keep her waiting for too long, or to make her clean alone. Once he was dressed, he walked back out and watched her for a moment. Her idea of 'really quick cleaning' seemed pretty intense, and for a moment he thought it best to stay out of her way for now. "Ready when you are." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/17/2023 11:37 AM
she finsihes cleaning once he was done with showing and smiles "yep!" she grabs her jacket and puts on her shoes. "ready!' she kisses his lips softly and smiles. "come on!" she moves to the door and opens it. it was cold but there were no wind. she moves to teh shed/barn and looks at him "ok!" she takes out a small notebook and pencil. "ready!" she owudl wait for him to give her the numbers. "jsut be careful. i dont want you to get hurt!" she says as she stood there and watches
11:37 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/17/2023 2:54 PM
Aidan watched her with a smile, then put on his own coat and boots to follow her out, carrying the meter stick with him as well. He paused on the way to search the greenhouse storage until he found the ladder. Dusty and a bit old, but undamaged and secure. He'd manage just fine with it. He measured the two dimensions on the ground first, reading the numbers aloud before setting up the ladder. "But last time I got hurt, I got to meet you." He grinned over at her. "Who knows what wonders might come of my next serious injury?" Despite his joking, he ascended the ladder carefully, reading the measurement out loud for her. "Do we want the next one to be the same height, or taller?" he asked as he climbed back down. "We could add another meter or two if we want to add a loft to it." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/17/2023 2:57 PM
she looks at him and smiles "dont say that." she says as she writes down the numbers. she even drew a box and labeled each side. "um..a loft. we can store things up there for winter or just hey...we can store more if we have that area.." she says as she looks up at him and smiles. "so with loft is how high?" she says as she looks back at the notebook. she draws were the loft owuld start and end as he gave her the numbers. " that will be alot bigger...we might even be able to get a goat...we cna make goat cheese and let the sheep just make wool." she says as she watches him. "what do you thing?" she wanted to know what he thought.
2:57 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/18/2023 2:41 AM
Aidan gathered the ladder back up and tucked it under his arm. This much planning was a small task, but still felt like an accomplishment. Besides, it gave them plenty of work to look forward to. "That sounds great," he agreed. "And they'll still have plenty of space, especially when it's warm enough to let them out. You've got some good land here, it's just a matter of working out how to use it." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/18/2023 3:29 AM
She looks at him and smiles. She shows him the small price of paper that had the measurements. “I like that. I think that the area of this land is going to be good and flat. We have a lot of wood we can use as well.” She says as she takes his hand and pulls him into a hug. The snow falling on them. She looks up at him and kisses him softly. “What now..” she asks softly as she holds onto him and smiles sweetly up to him. She would likely pull him to the door and kisses him again
3:29 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/18/2023 10:00 AM
Aidan looked at the beauty in his arms. What now... Well, there were a few possibilities he could think of. She'd suggested cleaning, but the house was small and they had a whole day to kill. He kissed her softly, then brushed some of the snow off her shoulder. "Let's get inside," he suggested. "Warm up first, then see what else we can do for the day." Once they were inside, he pushed the door shut. As she kissed him again, he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist. Their coats guaranteed some distance between them, so he let her go to remove his and hang his up. "I think we can take a moment before we get back to work." He looked toward the bed as he spoke, remembering the morning's interruption. Maybe they could pick up where they'd left off. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/18/2023 10:13 AM
She looks at him and follows his eyes. She smiles as she slips off her boots, takes his hand, and pulls him to the bed. “Well we did get interrupted this morning..” she says softly as she sits on the bed next to him. “So..” she says softly as she draws a line up his arm and looks at him. She leans in and kisses his lips softly before saying “do you want to continue..” she says softly. She looks at him as she hovers close to his lips “what do you think..”
10:13 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/18/2023 1:31 PM
Her touch sent his heart racing as he lingered close to her. His eyes remained on her as she spoke softly to him, taking in the suggestion behind her question. He cupped her cheek in one hand and nodded, settling as close to her as he could get. "I think you've read my mind." He closed her eyes and kissed her again, wrapping his other arm back around her waist. He kissed her deeper than before, a bit more insistent, but kept his grip loose enough in case she wanted to pull away. Regardless of how much he hoped she wouldn't, he'd respect if she did. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/18/2023 1:43 PM
she leans into him and whimper softly. she arches her back as she kisses him more and more. she pulls away to breath slightly "oh god.." she says softly "please..." she sya ssoftly as she looks at him and smiles. she kisses him more as she pulls him to be ontop of her as she lays on the bed. "the good thing about being in the can be as loud as you want." she says and giggles. she kisses him and then his neck. her hands moving up over his shirt. she kisses him deeply. her breahting was harsh as she patns. "what are you goign to do.."
1:43 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/18/2023 2:31 PM
Aidan was more than happy to let her pull him down onto her, resting a hand next to her on the mattress for balance. Her words caught him off-guard, though he wasn't sure why in hindsight; she'd never been shy, after all. Maybe he'd just thought he'd have to do more before she got this excited. His breath hitched as she kissed his neck, a pleasant shiver running down his spine. He quickly recovered, returning the kiss. The question was hard to answer, linguistically; Duolingo had not covered this situation. "Well, for one..." He paused to trail kisses along her jawline and down to her neck. "I'd like to find out just how loud I can get you to be." He whispered the last part in her ear. As he kissed her neck, his free hand slipped under her shirt, trailing teasingly up her body, closer to her breasts. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/18/2023 2:34 PM
She breathes out softly as she looks at him and whimpers. “Oh..god..” she whispers as she looks at him and her skin shivers as he runs his fingers up. She takes a deep breath as she takes her button up shirt and start to undo the buttons. She watches him. “I would love that..” she breathes out. She slips out her shirt and was left in just her bra. She blushes as she covers herself. She hadn’t ever done this…
2:34 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/18/2023 3:13 PM
Aidan pulled his head back to look down, admiring her exposed body. It only made his longing for her ache more, becoming almost a need, despite her attempts to cover herself. Not shy in most situations, but maybe a bit inexperienced. That was fine. He pressed another gentle kiss to her lips to help reassure her. "It's alright," he said softly. His thumb brushed over the cup of her bra, brushing against her nipple through the cloth. "I want to see all of you, love. Or as much as you're comfortable with." He lowered his head again, his lips finding her collarbone. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/18/2023 3:19 PM
She looks at him and arches her back slightly. She takes a deep breath and nods “ok…I trust you..” she says as she unclips her bra before pulling off her bra and throwing it onto the ground. She whimpers softly at the kiss on her collarbone. “Aidan…” she whimpers as she moves her hands to his shirt and pulls on it. “I..I feel alone and naked..” she whimpers as she blushes and turns her head. She felt..stupid for being half naked and the only one…
3:19 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/18/2023 3:57 PM
He smiled against the warmth of her skin. "Then let's fix that," he agreed. He helped her with his own buttons, tossing the shirt aside once it was undone. It wasn't like it was his first time being shirtless around her. The context was just considerably different from all of the times he'd been topless so she could check on his injury. His kisses trailed further toward her chest before focusing on a breast. Not to leave the other neglected, he caressed it with one hand, teasing at its most sensitive part. "Mila," he breathed, his eyes turning upward to look at her face. "God, you're perfect." He settled comfortably over her on the bed, letting one leg rest between her thighs for now. It would do until he got there, but he fully intended to take his time with her. Hers was a body deserving every moment of worship he could give it. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/18/2023 4:01 PM
She shivers as she slightly sits up and helps him. She lays back down as he kisses her body and chest. She moves her hands up onto his chest. She lets her hands run over his body. “Mmm..” he moans softly as he focuses on her breast. “ are prefect.” She whimpers. She moves her hands down towards his pants. She pulls slightly on his pants. Her breathing was harsh as she whimpers with each touch and kiss. Each teasing of her flesh. She wanted him. Her body wanted him. She was burning up with need. She whimpers as she looks at him and pulls him up to kiss her lips. “I want you..” she breathes out
4:01 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/19/2023 4:07 AM
As he kissed her lips again, he helped her get his pants off. He hardly needed to answer her words with his own; his need for her had grown impossible to hide, tenting the front of his boxers. He briefly broke their kiss anyway, just long enough to whisper back. "Then I'm yours." He reached down to finish undressing her, pulling back again so he could admire the breathtaking view. As he leaned in to kiss her again, his hand traced along her inner thigh before his fingertips found the nub of her clit. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/19/2023 4:40 AM
She pants softly as she looks at him. She watches him as he undressed her. She blushes a bright red. She looks away before she is kissed again. Then she is touched. She shivers and pants.her moans were soft as she wanted. “Oh god..” she moans as she looks at him and kisses him again and again. Her own hands coming down to touch his member and carefully rubbing her hand up and down
4:40 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 6:21 AM
Aidan moaned at her touch, stiffening further beneath her hand. His longing for her burned stronger than before, an urge to go ahead and take what he needed. But he was more considerate than that. His fingers slipped down, teasing at her slit before two of them entered her, gently at first. He worked them inside, keeping a steady rhythm to help open her up more. His thumb stayed focused on her clit to stimulate her outside as well as in. "Fuck," he breathed, trailing more kisses down her neck. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/20/2023 8:35 AM
She moans as he pushes two fingers into her. She was shaking as she looked at him and panted “oh god.” She takes her free hand and holds onto him like she was going to fall. She pulls him in close and up to kiss her. She wanted him god she wanted him bad. “Please..please just go ahead.” She begs softly as she pants and moves her hips to get more friction and her eyes were rolling back. She whimpers as she looks at him with affection and need
8:35 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 10:54 AM
He wasn't one to deny her something he also wanted. Particularly when she begged like that. His eyes met hers lovingly, then closed as he kissed her lips again. He withdrew his fingers, holding her hips as he pressed gently into her warmth. He closed his eyes, savouring the feeling of her around his cock. Each thrust brought him a bit deeper, a steady pace to avoid hurting her. One of his hands rested on the back of her head, burying his fingers in her hair as he focused on pleasing both of them. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/20/2023 10:57 AM
She looks at him as he lines up and pushes into her. She hides her face as her eyes tear up and she whimpers. She had never had sex before. She was tight and it was very painful. She pants as he starts to thrust. She would slowly start to finally loosen up and start to feel pleasure. Her hands fall from her face as she looks at him and moans. She moves her hips as well to help make them both feel amazing. She moans loud as she covers her mouth blushing
10:57 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 11:28 AM
He'd tried to be easy on her, but for a moment he worried that he really hadn't prepared her enough. It didn't last long, as she seemed to relax a bit more. His breathing was heavy even as he smiled down at her. Even burning red, she had the loveliest face he'd ever seen, and the movement of her hips with his nearly caused his brain to short circuit from the pleasure. "Mila," he moaned softly, then kissed her cheek because she had her mouth covered. "You did say we could be as loud as we want." He dipped his head lower to kiss her neck again. "I want to hear you." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/20/2023 11:32 AM
she shivers as she looks at him. she didnt mean it! they could be loud but...did..did he really.. she melts as he hits her spot an she screams in pleasure. she moans as she melts under him. "f-fuck.." she cusses as she looks at him. she kisses him as she wraps her arms around his neck as she pants. she pants as she rolls her hips agasint him. "fuck..oh god aidan.." she moans as she looks at him and maons. she wnated him... she looks at him and kisses him "on the bed..i want to ride you.." she says as she flips them and starts to raise up and down her body. she moans as her hips move up and down. her eyes roll back
11:32 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 12:19 PM
Her reaction wasn't entirely expected - he'd anticipated plenty of moaning, but not for her to get quite that vocal - but Aidan definitely welcomed it, accepting the encouragement. When the time came, he followed her suggestion, pulling her with him as he rolled onto the bed. He stared up at her from their new angle, until his eyes shut again in his pleasure. His hands gripped her hips, helping keep her steady while she found her rhythm. "Fuck..." His voice was raspy as he lifted his hips to meet hers. "Just like that, love." One of his hands lifted to cup her face, gently pulling it down so he could kiss her again. He let himself drown in pleasure, in his need for her. But he needed to keep some semblance of control over himself, to make sure he pleased her enough before it was over for him. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/20/2023 12:23 PM
she moans as she moves to kiss him. she moans into the kiss and pants softly. "fuck fuck fuck.." she moans as she rides him. her hips moving more and faster. she looks at him as she smiles. she bites her lip to keep in her moans as she blushes. she used his chest to help her keep steady. she would ride him as she became closer and closer to finsihing. she moans "fuck! oh god..aidan..i-i.." she moans as she looks at him. she moves her hips more as she pretty much gets lost in the pleasure and she rides him over and over. her hips moving up and slamming back down onto him. she moans as she pants. "FUCK!" she grips his skin as she slams down and cums on him. she pants out fo breath
12:23 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 12:57 PM
It was hard to think, and harder to speak as she picked up her pace. So Aidan gave no words to his noises, continuing to focus on her. The telltale feeling of pressure filled him, the knowledge that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back for much longer. "Fuck, Mila," he managed to say. "I'm close-" He intended to warn her so she could decide for herself whether she really wanted him to finish inside or not. But his warning came as she was slamming down onto him. He felt her walls pulse and squeeze around him, and he could hardly see as his release came, rendering him all but breathless. His hips slowed, not wanting to overwhelm her with sensation as he wrapped his arms around her. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/20/2023 1:02 PM
she moans as he wraps his arms around her and hodls her. her breathing was harsh and her eyes closed. she was panting as she slowly came down from the high from her realse and him realseing in her. she looks up slightly at him before kissing his cheeks and taking a deep breath. she didnt speak or move as she laid there. she takes a deep breath before sitting up and looks at him. she kisses him softly "i- oh god..." she says as she lays back down on his chest and nuzzles closer to him. she didnt want to move..didnt want to be seperated from him righ tnow...
1:02 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 3:02 PM
Aidan opened his eyes to look at her as he smiled. He held her close, stroking her hair gently with one hand. The feeling of bliss remained, but exhaustion began to creep in, telling him that he would be best off not moving for a while. They'd discussed cleaning the house, but he wasn't ready to do much of anything right now. "You're incredible." He kissed her once more, taking a moment to let his breathing steady out. "How about we stay here for a while longer?" He wasn't about to let her go any time soon. Literally, maybe if she wanted to move. Metaphorically, definitely not. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/20/2023 4:46 PM
she looks at him. she giggles softly "ok i would like that." she says as she curls up in his arms and shivers slightly. the colder air and them being naked wasnt helping. she grabs a blnaket and places it on them. she hums "you are amazing.." she says before she moves off him to lay on his side and nuzzle close. "i would liek to do that again.." she giggles softly ass he looks at him and kisses him softly. she wanted to just stay here...under the blankets with him
4:46 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/20/2023 5:44 PM
"Again already?" Aidan joked. "We could at least take a moment or two to rest." He kept an arm around her, holding her close beneath the covers as he spoke more seriously. "We have all the time in the world; I'll be here for as long as you'll have me." Her skin was warm against his, a soft comfort that kept him a bit lethargic. Wonderfully so. He had plenty of joyful memories in his past, but right now, he couldn't remember the last time he'd been quite this happy. He rubbed her back gently, looking down at her. In a perfect world, this moment would last forever. As it was, he would enjoy it while it did. "Do you need anything?" he asked softly. "A glass of water, a book, another blanket...?" After all, he wanted to make sure she was happy as well. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/21/2023 4:36 AM
She giggles as she lays her head on his chest. She hums as he speaks “maybe some water. For the both of us.” She says as she kisses him. She would let him move as she moves to lay fully in the bed under like four blankets. She hums as she watches him. “Thank you..” she says softly. Her eyes were closing as she was very happy and tired. She would be softly sleeping as he comes back to the bed. Her eyes closed and her face barried into a blanket
4:36 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/21/2023 7:03 AM
Aidan stood up, shivering a bit as the cold air hit his bare skin. To avoid freezing too badly, he put his boxers and shirt back on, then paused to stoke the fire first to help keep the building warm. Once he felt the air start to warm up some more, he walked to the kitchen to fill two glasses of water. But she seemed to already have dozed off by the time he returned, and he didn't want to interrupt her nap. He set both cups on the nightstand instead, taking a long drink from his own before he climbed under the covers next to her. He held her close as he shut his eyes, relaxing for a bit. He didn't mean to fall asleep, since it was still the middle of the day and he didn't want to ruin his sleep schedule, but she was warm, and he couldn't help but be comfortable with her in his arms. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/21/2023 7:05 AM
She nuzzles close to him as she hums “did..did you get water..” she hums softly as she opens one of her eyes and then closes it to nuzzles closer. She takes a deep breath as she falls asleep and was out. He was so warm and nice. She held onto him as she takes her nap. She would wake later in the evening. She looks around as if she was on a different planet. She looks at the other and kisses his cheek as she reaches and takes a sip of the water before laying back down to let him sleep more
7:05 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/21/2023 7:37 AM
Aidan yawned. "Bedside table," he answered quietly, holding her close. He fell asleep as well, his arm slipping off of her as she sat up to take a drink. He was vaguely aware of her movement though and, as she settled back down, he rested his head on her chest, his arms wrapping around her again. It was a moment before he awaked once more and opened his eyes, but didn't move otherwise. He wasn't sure when he'd fallen asleep, but the sun had already set outside. Maybe he needed the extra rest, since he'd been waking up early in the morning and throughout the night whenever she'd had a nightmare. He yawned and tightened his arm around her. "I could stay like this forever," he muttered softly. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/21/2023 8:00 AM
She smiles as she leans into him and sighs “you can..stay here..” she says softly as she looks at him and kisses his nose. “Rest..” she says. She doesn’t go back to sleep. She just holds him and lightly plays with his hair. She just lays there with him in her arms. She holds him tight as she takes a deep breath and hums. She needed to get dinner but he was so warm..and she knew if she moved he would wake up. She had woken him up too much with her nightmares. She takes. Deep breath as she holds him
8:00 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/21/2023 12:52 PM
Aidan drifted off, but it only lasted for about half an hour this time before his eyes shot open. "Shit, I completely forgot about dinner." He moved slowly, not wanting to disturb Mila too much while he extracted himself from her arms. "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?" Now that the bliss had passed and he'd gotten some rest, his stomach was complaining at the lack of any meal since breakfast. For a moment, though, he just stayed where he was, smiling at Mila. For a minute, he could pretend he wasn't a deserter who'd had a friend die in front of him not too long ago and who had nearly joined her himself, and was instead the luckiest man in the world. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/21/2023 5:30 PM
She hums as she sits up with him and looks at him “alittle..” she says softly as she looks at him woging back down. She looks at him “we have some soup left I cook whatever you want and I will eat it.” She smiles as she curls up in the blankets. She hums softly as she takes a deep breath. She stretches as she takes a deep breath. She was so lucky…
5:30 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/22/2023 4:55 AM
Aidan nodded and walked over to the kitchen. Sure enough, there was enough soup left for the two of them. He turned the stove on to reheat it as he considered the day's events. It had been... a lot, to say the least. He looked toward the window. The snow had picked up while they'd slept, leaving the ground outside to look undisturbed. Like nobody had ever been there. Now if the Russian military showed up, they'd have no reason to suspect Sean's arrival. No reason to suspect his old life. He stirred the pot of soup, thinking for a moment longer before he spoke. "Do you ever think about the future?" he asked. "I mean, spring obviously, but what about years from now?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/22/2023 6:42 AM
She looks at him. She moved so she is resting up on the pillows. Her body covered by the blankets. “I used to not..just focusing on the next season…but now..I think I am..” she says. “What about you..” she asks softly “is there soemthing you want to do years down the road…” she says softly. “What’s going on in that head of yours..” she says softly as she looks at him. She moves to get out of bed. She grabs a big tshirt and then moves to him wrapping herself around his back
6:42 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/23/2023 4:01 AM
"I thought I knew what I wanted from the future," he admitted. "But now that none of that's happening, I'm not sure I did. I can't think of anything that would really make me happier than staying here with you." It was a simpler life than he'd anticipated, but a part of him was relieved to be somewhere quiet again. He rested his hand over hers as he considered where things might go from here. There were a lot of possibilities, but maybe it was too soon to discuss some of them. Or was it better sooner than later? He looked back at her. "When the summer comes around, once we're done adding to the barn, we could probably add on to the house. A lot more work, I'll admit, but there's space for a separate bedroom. Or as many as you want." He smiled. "I think I'd like to be here for a long time." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/23/2023 4:50 AM
She looks at him and smiles. “I would love to have you here for a long time.” She says softly as she kisses his cheek softly. “We can do small sections. Maybe a bedroom and a bigger bathroom this summer. Then we go on and on after.” She says as she holds onto him. She kisses his back softly before taking a big breath. “I am very happy with you here..I am alot happier than before..” she says softly as she looks at him. She had been lonely and never thought about having another person here. Yet here they are. She smiles as she hums. “You will have to learn to read Russian though..” she giggles
4:50 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/26/2023 6:35 AM
Aidan smiled, resting his hand over hers. "I will. And to write," he promised. "I'll be making building plans in Russian before you know it." Maybe not that quickly; he had a lot to learn, and the writing system here looked complex, especially in handwriting. But eventually, he was sure he could get the gang of it. He reached forward to turn the stove off once the soup was hot enough. "As much as I love having you close, would you mind setting the table? I can't imagine we'll both be drinking soup directly from the pot." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/26/2023 11:46 AM
She looks at him and giggles “fiiinenee” she says softly as she lets him go and moves to grab to bowls. She hums as she sets the table. She grabs a glass for each other them. She hums as she walk d back and forth getting a few things. She was wearing a large shirt and that was pretty much it. She looks at him before pulling him into a kiss. “Let’s eat.” She says as she grabs the two bowls of soap and sits them down.
11:46 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/26/2023 2:17 PM
Aidan carried the pot of soup over, setting down a cloth to go under it. "I think we'll be able to finish it tonight," he said as he sat across from her. "Are we going to try to sleep after this, or were you hoping I'd keep you up all night?" The latter idea was tempting, but probably not the smartest. Especially if the army were going to stop by at some point. Even with the evidence gone, he wanted to be prepared, and to be well-rested so he could work on his Russian literacy. For now, he poured half of the remaining soup into his bowl and started to eat. (edited)
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/9/2024 7:48 AM
she looks at him and blushes. "oh shush" she say as she starts to eat. "i wanted to sew some clothes for me and you can read. i have a book with english." she says as she ate the soup and bread. she hums soflty "we have all the time in the world." she smiles. she knew that they had to be careful..but she was starting to feel relaxed. she takes his hand and kisses him. "i am really happy that you are here.." she says sfotly before returning to her soup
7:48 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/10/2024 5:33 AM
Aidan chuckled at her reaction, before starting to eat. "Hm... I guess I could stay awake for a bit longer if you want to read," he agreed. It was late, but he'd gotten plenty of sleep mid-day. Staying awake for a few more hours wouldn't hurt anything. "I'm glad to be here. Having you around makes everything that led me to this place seem..." People had died, so he couldn't exactly call it worthwhile. Nothing was worth that amount of loss. "...More bearable. I couldn't possibly thank you enough for everything." He finished his meal quickly and leaned back in his chair. He wasn't sure he'd ever get used to how quiet it was out here. He'd grown up with the quiet, sure, but it had been a long time. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/13/2024 1:16 PM
she looks at him and smiles. she looks at him as they finsih eating adn she takes the plates. she hums softly as she listens to him. "i know how you came here wasnt...the best...but i hope that..i have made the time nice.." she says softly as she watches him and does the dishes and clean. she finsihes up and moves to him before kissing his cheek as he smiles. "do you wanna get into bed.." she says softly
1:16 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/13/2024 3:39 PM
"You've made it wonderful," Aidan assured her, his voice soft. He followed after her to help out with the dishes. It was nice spending time with her. Peaceful, quiet. Not always the most exciting, but a life worth faking his death for. When the cleaning was finished, he wrapped an arm around her waist to pull her close. He wasn't entirely sure whether she was tired or propositioning him, but the answer was the same either way. "With you? Always." He closed his eyes to kiss her lips softly, before leading the way to the bed. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/17/2024 5:06 PM
she looks at him and she kisses his cheek and leans into him. she kisses him back and nods "ok..oh..i am going to take a you wanna take one tongiht too?" she asks softly as they. move to the the bed and she sits down. she looks at him and smiles. she was really really happy. she takes a deep breath as she leans foward and kisses him softly. "i really like you.." she says softly. her eyes were half lidded as she looks at him and smiles.
5:06 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/18/2024 5:15 PM
Aidan wrapped an arm around her as she spoke. "Hm, let's see..." He pretended to consider. "I was going to wait for morning, but if you're offering, I don't mind joining you." He smiled as she spoke again, then leaned in to kiss her forehead. It was easy to feel the same. More than she was saying, even. "I love you," he whispered back. He let go of her so he could stand up, then leaned in and pressed a kiss to the side of her neck. "Now, shower?" he suggested, holding out a hand in an offer to help her up. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/20/2024 3:54 PM
mila looks at him and smiles. a blush rushes to her face as she smiles "i love you too.." she had been scared to share that..scared that he wouldnt think it too.. she smiles as she takes his hand and pulling him along to the shower. she hums softly as she moves to the bathroom. she hums as she pulls off her shirt and folds it. her eyes looking at him as she stood there and blushes softly
3:54 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/20/2024 5:11 PM
He followed after her, closing the door behind him once they were both in the small bathroom together. He hadn't thought out the logistics of showering together in such a small place, but he would figure it out. He took a moment to smile back at her, then removed his shirt as well. It wasn't like he hadn't done so in front of her several times already. He folded the shirt and set it aside, not removing the rest of his clothes quite yet. Better to get the shower started first. He turned on the water before glancing back at her. "How hot do you want it?" he asked. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/20/2024 5:14 PM
she looks at her and feels the water. she hums as she says "i like it warm..more to hot." she smiles as she leans up and kisses him. she slips off her pants and then struggles to get her bra off. "would you help.." she smiles as she giggles soflty. she would lean into the other and smiles. once that was off she starts to pull off her underwear and then gets into the warm shower. "come on.."
5:14 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/21/2024 5:48 AM
Aidan looked over at her. "Hot, then," he said, referring to water temperature and the view at the same time. "And of course." He stood behind her to help remove her bra, setting it carefully aside. "Need help taking anything else off, love?" he teased, leaning forward to kiss the side of her neck. He let her go so she could get into the water and he could remove the remainder of his own clothing. When he got in, the water was a bit warmer than he normally went for, but relaxing nonetheless. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/31/2024 10:38 AM
she giggles softly as he kisses her neck and then moves to the shower. she would wait for him to get in before she pushes him agisnt the wall of the shower and kisses him. she takes a deep breath as she turns and grabs her body soap before she started to wash her body. she hums sfotly and sings a soft russian song. she looks at him and smiles. "so..what are you wanting to do tomorrow.." she hums as she turns to him and watches him
10:38 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/31/2024 1:05 PM
Well, damn. Emotionally speaking, Aidan was helpless against that sort of kiss. He wrapped an arm around her waist as he kissed her back, not minding the cold shower wall behind him. He still let her go when she pulled back, taking a moment to catch his breath. He wasn't sure whether the slight lightheadedness was the fact that the kiss had left him a bit dazed or the rush of blood down to his dick. "Tomorrow? Right." He turned away to pick up the bottle of shampoo to conceal the fact that, while not quite hard yet, she'd definitely gotten him started down that path. "Let's see... I think it will be good to get a start on my writing. And the cleaning that didn't get done today, since we were busy with other things." He wouldn't have minded being busy with other things again, either. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 2/13/2024 5:22 PM
she looks at him and smiles "ok you can work on writing..i think i have some old notebooks that still have pages able to be used." she says as she takes the shampoo and gets some she starts to wash her hair. she hums soflty as she lets the wateer rush over her. he would be able to see her body in good light and when she wasnt under him. she had curves in all the right places but also had muscle. she had a few small scars from over her childhood and young adult life. her eyes turn to him as she looks at his wounds and sighs "they wont be pretty..." she says before kissing the skin around them softly. "but i dont jus tshows how strong you are.."
5:23 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 2/25/2024 11:48 AM
Aidan took a moment to stay where he was and admire her. The view could never compare to how her body felt against his, but nothing ever would. For a moment, he distracted himself by talking the shampoo bottle to use once she was done with it. A small amount - his hair had started to grow back out, but was still fairly short. The muscle he'd built during his time in the military hadn't gone yet, and likely wouldn't change much if he stayed active with farm work and construction in the warmer months. He closed his eyes as he rinsed the lather from his hair. At the feeling of her lips over his shoulder's scar, he opened them again to look at her. God, she was beautiful. He didn't know what to say in response at first. He hadn't felt strong, the day he'd run from battle. The memory would likely carry a sense of shame with it for the rest of his life. But if he'd stayed, he never would have found Mila. Some things were worth it. "Thank you," he said at last after a moment. He cupped her cheek in his hand and kissed her before speaking again. "Do you want me to wash your back for you?"
11:48 AM
@Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/10/2024 8:28 AM
she looks at him and nods "yes please.." she says as she leans into his hand. she would let him wash her back as she says "in the summer..there is a market you would love..there are so many different yarn from sheeps, milk from goats, and cheese..oh the cheese is amazing!" she hums as she thinks back to the summer time.. summer time where they are in amazing and warm. it was a 180 from the inter. she hums as she smiles. she looks at him as she turns to face him. "i dont want you working all summer...we need to go and walk in the woods..maybe hunt alittle.." she would just lean into him before a knock comes to the door. she looks at him and turns off the water before grabbing her towel and tieing it along her waist. she looks out a small window and cusses. she moves to him "it is him..the..guy..the.." he reyes were showing her fear. another knock comes to the door..
8:28 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/11/2024 5:42 AM
Adrian took in every detail of her body as he washed her back with the washcloth, listening to her speak. "We'll have to go see it." He leaned forward and kissed the nape of her neck. "I promise we'll find time to relax and enjoy ourselves." Finished with his task, he set the cloth aside and wrapped his arms around her. Their peace didn't last long. The knocking had to be pretty loud, to be audible from the front door to the running shower. He jumped as well, but let go as she moved to turn off the water. While she checked the window, he grabbed his own towel to dry off, then started to get dressed again. Then she said who it was. Shit. "Get dressed and stay in here," he said as he finished getting dressed. "He won't hurt you again." He paused to take both of her hands in his. "I promise. I'd never allow it." With his promise made, he let go of her and walked toward the door to keep it. Hopefully, they could resolve this without a fight. But if he had to, he could at least be grateful for his training. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/11/2024 7:30 AM
She looks at him and takes his hands “speak Russian. Don’t hurt him either. He isn’t strong but he is connected..” she says as she moves away and goes back into the bathroom to change. The man was a short and alittle bigger in size. He had blonde hair and seemed to have German roots. His eyes were cold as the door opens. He was shocked at a man opening the door. He spoke in perfect Russian “where is mila! I need to talk to her not you!” He growls out. The little man was a lot shorter than Aidan and seems to be standing on his tip toes to try and make himself taller. “Where is mila!”
7:30 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/11/2024 2:00 PM
"I'll try," Aidan promised. Because he knew he wouldn't start a physical fight if asked not to. But if this guy attacked, he would defend himself by any means necessary. As he opened the door, he rested one elbow against the doorframe, about level with that shoulder. It blocked the doorway from the unwanted visitor, but also emphasized his own height, flexing the muscles of his arm a bit in the process. He hoped the effect would be intimidating enough as he looked down to emphasize the height difference. "It's my house too," he commented in Russian. "My wife doesn't want to see you." A bit of a gamble saying that, but he couldn't remember the Russian word for girlfriend, so he'd make due with what he had. He leaned in a bit, lowering his voice to make it sound a bit more threatening. "I am a peaceful man, so I will make this easy for you. Walk away. Leave us alone, and never come back. We never hear from you again, and you'll never hear from me again. Understood?"
2:00 PM
@Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/11/2024 2:04 PM
he looks at the other and gasp "w-wife! she married you! but..WE WERE SUPPOSED TO BE WED!" he growls. but then the smaller male lowers down and cowards as aidan speaks to him. "y-you arent her husband! i dont belive it! she wouldnt marry a man like you! she lieks me! MILA!" he called out trying to see into the house. "she is suppose to be my wife! i am suppose to marry her! did you even get her father permission! he and i have been in communication for years now!" it was a load of lies. this man wasnt in comunication with mila's father. her father infacted hated this man as he just wanted his daughter to pick who she loved. mila would come out and look at the two. her eyes looking at aidan. she blushes as she had heard the yelling. she comes behind aidan and touches his shoulders before saying "Lugash i told you. i am not going to marry you. now leave us alone..please.." she dint want anyone to fight...however the lugash seemed to want that as he grabs mila's arms and starts pulling at her
2:04 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/11/2024 2:44 PM
It was an easy bluff to call. If Mila's father had wanted her to marry this man, she probably would have mentioned it. It would have been a big deal, considering what sort of man this was. But she'd never spoken ill of her father, and he hadn't factored into any of the conversations about Lugash. Aidan scoffed. "No. You haven't." Instinctively, he relaxed at Mila's touch against his shoulders. It was always enough to soften up his mood just a bit. Until Lugash ruined it by reaching for Mila. "Stop!" He wasn't one to raise his voice, but had no problem doing so now. He stepped forward to crowd Lugash. If he was lucky, the pressure of that gesture alone would be enough to make him let go. If not, he'd have to grab the front of the man's shirt for emphasis. "She said no. She has always said no, many times. You won't touch her if you know what is good for you. I will give you one more chance to run and never return." Was threatening him going too far...? He could only hope those 'connections' of Lugash's were as fake as his communications with Mila's father. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/11/2024 3:10 PM
she looks at the two as lugash leans away. his eyes widen. mila looks at the aidan and says "that is enough..lugash leave. leave us alone. if you dont i will call your mother and tell her all the things that you have been doing..." she takes a deep breath "i dont think she would like that her son, who is taking over her estate is a creep that touches girls without their consent!" she growls as she looks at aidan. "let him go.." she whipsers to him. her eeys looking at the other. Lugash would thrash before he grabs his collar and scoffs. "fine. whatever. just know you have made a mistake! iwill take this farm and everything you have!" he screams before turning and pretty much running away." mila pulls aidan inside before hiding her face into his chest. her hands were shaking. she hadnt ever stood up to him...always just running...
3:10 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/13/2024 1:09 PM
Aidan glared at Lugash, but let go of him as soon as Mila asked him to. He pulled his hand away, shaking it slightly as though it had become contaminated. While Lugash made his threats, he simply crossed his arms, keeping his expression as stoic as possible. But god he hoped this guy was bluffing. He followed Mila inside and wrapped his arms around her, stroking her hair gently as he waited for the sound of Lugash's vehicle driving away. All they could do now was hope he didn't bother them again. That and make sure Mila was alright. He rested his head on hers, rocking her slightly back and forth. "It's alright," he said softly. "I've got you. You're safe now." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/14/2024 2:33 AM
she looks at him and takes a deep breath. "i..he..god i hate him.." she says softly as she holds onto him. she takes a deep breath as she looks at him. she kisses his cheek before moving to the bed. she sits and holds her face into her hands. "god i hope he doesnt come back..." she mumbles to herslef as she looks at the windows. she rubs her eyes as she stands and moves to get some coffee for the both of them. her eyes showing she ws thining and over thinking. her hands were still shaking as she tries to make coffee. she didnt know why she was so scared of him...she lowers her head and just holds herself
2:34 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/14/2024 4:28 AM
Aidan sat beside her on the bed, reaching over to rub her back gently. Then she stood up again and he let her go, but kept his concerned gaze on her. She seemed pretty shaken, and he couldn't help but worry he'd done something wrong during that encounter. He'd let his protective instincts get the better of him, but it wasn't like he had actually hurt the guy. "Maybe you should tell his mom what he's been up to," he commented. "That seems to be what finally got him to back off." He stood up at last and walked over to her. "I'll make sure you're safe. He can't take the farm. Even if he does somehow manage, we'll find somewhere new to start over. He won't be able to hurt you." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/14/2024 6:40 AM
she looks at him as she nods "i..i will give her a call..she and i are the only ones that have father wanted me to have one just in case...she is a sweet women..likes to by my wool.." she sighs as she leans into him. she was still shaking alittle as she just thought. "what if he...i dont know figures out you arent from here...that you are...not russian..what if the police come..i-i..i cant lose you.."
6:40 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/14/2024 7:57 AM
Aidan wrapped an arm around her as she leaned against him, rubbing her arm gently. "He can't prove anything," he assured her. "Even if they somehow know I'm not necessarily Russian, it's not like you're at war with... Let's say Ireland, in case they catch the accent." He kissed her temple. "We'll make it work. I said I wanted a future with you, and that means I'm willing to do what I have to to make it happen." He let her go to focus his attention on the coffee, since he didn't want to make her do much work in her current state. They'd be fine. He had to believe that, for both their sakes. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 3/20/2024 2:09 PM
she looks at him and nods. she takes a deep breath as she pours both of them a cup and handing him the cup. "i am...i am scared...i havent been scared like this.." she says softly as she rubs her eyes. she sat down on the bed and drank the coffee. "maybe i should call my father...maybe my brothers can help.." she curls up her legs. she grabs a small land line and types in a number. she holds the phone to her ear. she answer the phone in russian. "здравствуйте, да, у меня все хорошо..спасибо, как дела..о, это потрясающе..я хотела поговорить с вами о вашем сыне..лугаш. да. самый молодой. нет-нет, не Тео. Я не получила письма от Тео. Я просто хотела сказать тебе, что твой сын... хм... он пришел и очень грубо предложил мне снова выйти за него замуж... да, я знаю... кажется, он не слушает ..он даже познакомился с моим.мм...партнером...да да...нам придется собраться и встретиться. да... я просто хотел сообщить тебе... спасибо. Хорошего дня..пока." hello, yes i am doing well..thank you how are you..oh that is amazing..i wanted to talk to you about your son..lugash. yes. the youngest. no no not Theo. i havent gotten a letter from theo.i just wanted to tell you that your came over and very rudely came to try and ask me again to marry him..yes i know..he doesnt seem to listen..he even got to meet yes...we will have to get together and meet. yes..i just wanted to let you know..thank you. have a wonderful day..bye. she looks at him and sighs "she was very mad about her son...
2:10 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 3/22/2024 5:43 AM
"It's alright to be scared," Aidan replied, because he'd sure as hell know a thing or two about fear. He took the offered cup. "But you're not dealing with this alone. Whatever you decide to do, I'll be right by your side." It was a relief, knowing there was potential help available in case they needed it. He remained quiet while she made her phone call, listening to her side of the call. It seemed to be going well enough, since she didn't seem any more scared than she had been before. After she ended the call, he stood up and walked over to her, wrapping an arm around her waist. "Understandably so. But she had the right to know what he's been up to." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 4/6/2024 3:56 AM
she looks at him and nods. "yeah..she is a sweet lady..she wants to have dinner with us..she makes amazing food." she kisses him and sighs. "ok..what was the plan before all of this happened.." she wanted to get back to normal. she takes a deep breath as she look at him and kisses his cheek "waht do you want to do? do you want to clean up or do you want to see about the shed?" she looks at him and smiles. "thank you..i dont think that i would be able to get him to stop bothering me...he has been a brothers have threadten to beat him up for me.." she says softly
3:56 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 4/7/2024 1:31 PM
"Dinner sometime sounds nice," Aidan agreed. After all, as nice as it was to spend time with Mila, he'd also need to branch out socially eventually, or living here would risk getting a bit too lonely. "Let's make plans for it." He gave her another tight hug, then stood up, picking up on the shift in topic. Back to normal; they had to carry on with their day, rather than ruminating on the morning's encounter. He took a moment to remember, looking up at the ceiling as he ran his fingers through his hair. They would have all winter to plan out the shed, and most of the planning before the snow started to melt would be him drafting designs alone then checking in for her input and feedback. Given what had happened, she likely wanted to be busier than that. "Hm... let's check in on the greenhouse and the barn, then get some cleaning done." He smiled. "We can always invite your brothers, but they'd have to wait in line of he stops by again," he joked in an attempt to lighten the mood. Of course, he wouldn't actually fight him unnecessarily. And more than anything, he didn't want it to become necessary. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 4/7/2024 1:52 PM
she smiles as she kisses him softly "i would love for you to meet them..they are scary i will say that...they are over 6 feet tall and very buff.." she giggles as she moves to get her boots on. she takes a deep breath as she tries to not think about this morning. she would just open the door. she moves to the barn and opens it. the little lamb jumps out and runs in the snow. she giggles as the mother moves out as well. "it seemed that these two needed to get out." she says laughs as she looks at aidan. "come on!" she pulls him into the snow and flops into the snow. she giggles as she throws snow on him and giggles. she laid her head on his chest. the little lamb mores to lick aidan face. "oh god get kid." she says as she shoos away the lamb away before sitting up and getting up. she gets off her an thows the snow onto him
1:52 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 4/8/2024 3:25 PM
Aidan chuckled after she described her brothers. "Sounds like I'll fit in, then," he said, being 6'2" himself. But there are more important matters right now. He put his boots and coat on as well and followed her out to the barn. The moment the lamb frolicked out into the snow, he stepped aside, wrapping an arm around Mila's waist to make sure she was out of the sheeps' way as well. For a moment, he was busy watching them, so he didn't notice her movements until he was pulled into the snow. He gave an embarrassing yelp of surprise and he fell with her, then laughed at himself. "You..." He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "This is really-" Then he felt the tongue warm and wet against his cheek. "-gross!" He shook his head as Mila pulled away, then threw snow into him. "Hey... You too?" He feigned the feeling of betrayal as he pulled himself halfway to his feet. "If you're planning to do that, it should go..." He spoke as he packed together a snowball. "Like this!" He threw it at her shoulder as he jumped to his feet.
3:25 PM
@Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 4/26/2024 4:00 PM
she laughs as she gets hit into the shoulder. she laughs as she grabs snow and throws more snow at him. she would rush towards him and hugs him as she giggles. the snow was falling as she looks at him. "hahah!" she kisses him as she holds him close. "you are too cute.." she says softly as she looks at him. "i am thinking of calling my brothers...they can stay up the street at a small hotel.." she says softly. "do you want to meet them..they are nice but also very scary..i dont want to scary you.." she says sfotly as she looks at him. she watned him to meet her family. to become apart of it..she smiles as she giggles and kisses him. "i want you to meet see that not every one here is mean and grumpy.."
4:00 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 4/30/2024 9:49 AM
Aidan caught her in her arms, holding her tightly in his arms. It was a good relief after their morning, seeing her smiling like this. She would be alright. They both would be. He'd do everything he could to make sure of it. He kissed the top of her head as she spoke about inviting her brothers over. From what she'd said, referring to anything as 'up the street' still meant a bit further away than he might have expected, and she'd said before that it was a long, difficult journey from the city where her brothers lived. Especially in winter. "If one of them has a car, I don't see why not. Otherwise, maybe in spring, when it's safer for them to travel." He smiled. "I'll try not to get scared. I'd love to meet more of your family." He let her go and looked toward the barn. "Anyway, let's make sure the animals have everything they need first." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 5/3/2024 3:57 AM
she giggles sfotly as she kisses him and would take his hand "they have a car and can stay at a friends house." she would nod as she moves to the barn and kisses his cheek as she moves to unlock the barn. she moves and makes sure the animals have food and water. she checks on the baby lamb and chickens. she makes sure that they are all happy. "they are good. i need to get some more feed and maybe some more hay...or bedding for them." she looks at him as she held a small chicken. "you are setting in are learning quick" she kisses his cheek softly "you will fit in with my brothers they love ot work on things. they work in consuction" she says as she moves to be near him with teh chicken
3:57 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 5/9/2024 2:26 AM
Feed and hay... Aidan kept that in mind and nodded. In truth, this whole experience was less about learning and more about remembering his own upbringing. He smiled over at her. "Great, we might be able to get their help with the new barn in spring, if they have the spare time." It worked well; he loved to plan projects, and they seemed like they would enjoy making them reality. He wrapped an arm around her waist as she stood close. Everyone seemed fine here, including the chick Mila was holding, but he didn't mind staying around for a bit longer. "Do you have more feed and hay stored somewhere, or are we going to have to head out for those?"
2:26 AM
@Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 5/16/2024 4:15 AM
she looks at him and smiles softly "we need to head out. there is a small store up the way alittle bit. but we can do that another day if you want or we can go now. there is a larger farm that has hay and feed for the animals. the family is very nice and gives me a discount.." she says as she sets the chick down before pulling him close. "the winter will be alittle warmer with you brothers love to work hard and i think we can use some of the wood around here to make the larger barn right?" she had a good amount of land and woods on her land
4:15 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 5/16/2024 5:39 AM
"After we check on the greenhouse, then." Aidan allowed himself to be pulled toward her, then wrapped both arms around her waist. "And yeah, you've got some solid lumber here and we'll have to clear some of those trees anyway. Getting them ready to build with will take some more work, but we can manage with help." He held her close for a bit longer. She was an endless source of warmth, and he was glad to see that she seemed to be feeling better now. He had to admit, he was looking forward to meeting some of her family. He wanted to know her entirely, to truly be a part of her life. After a moment, he let go of her. "Let's check on the plants, then we can head out." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 5/24/2024 3:01 PM
she smiles as she leans into him. she takes a deep breath before pulling awya and moving ot the greehouse. the plants were doing well. she grabs the watering can and starts to water the plants as she hums soflty. her eyes relaxed and her body. she looked peaceful. she take a deep breath as she looks at him and giggles "ok. we have to get the cart.." she moves out of the greenhouse and to the side of the house. she looks at a half baried cart. "hm..." she grabs a shovel and sighs sfotly " we go.. " mila starts to shover some of the snow off the cart. they really needed this to carry the feed.. "can you get the tarp from the top of the coop. it is on the top loft area.
3:01 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 5/24/2024 3:44 PM
He followed her to the greenhouse. Since there was only one watering can, he looked over the plants to make sure there was nothing that would be to be cut away or transferred to a larger pot. Everything seemed to be going well here. The plants were starting to thrive, and there wasn't much else to do here. Once they left the greenhouse, he went back to the coop as instructed. It only took a few seconds to climb up to the loft and locate the tarp. He shook any stray hay or dirt from it, folded it until it was easy to carry over his shoulder, then came back down. He paused briefly to pay some more attention to the chickens on his way out, before returning to Mila. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 5/24/2024 4:10 PM
she had cleared all the snow and points "the trap can go here. that way the left over snow doesnt wet the food." she smiles and kisses him before letting him lay the trap down. she hums sfotly as she struggles alittle and finally gets the cart up and out of the snow. "ok ready? you have to speak russian so yeah.." she kisses his cheek before she pushes the cart. "come on lets go." she calls out and smiles. the walk was nice. there werent as many houses as they walk down the street. many of the houses were empty and burnt. "a fire came though here a few years ago.." she says as they walk past a few burnt houses
4:10 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 5/25/2024 1:55 AM
He looked over at her while he set down the tarp, but she seemed to have it handled anyway. "I wasn't going to start soaking English again," he assured her, still in Russian. "Ready. If you want me to take over pushing at any point, just let me know." He walked out with her, taking in their surroundings. She'd said there weren't many neighbours around, but he hadn't expected the reason. "I'm guessing the old residents left, and nobody stuck around to rebuild?" For a second, he imagined what a proper restoration project would look like... Probably a huge budget, and a good way to draw a dangerous amount of attention to himself. He'd focus on Mila and the farm for now. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 6/13/2024 1:46 PM
She nods softly “yes. There was a horrible fire. Most people lost everything. They couldn’t come back..” she sighs softly as she moves with him. She pushes foward and hums softly “I am just lucky that my farm didn’t burn. I was so was so hot during that time..” She moves with him to a bigger farm and moves to the door. She knocks and hums softly waiting
1:46 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 6/14/2024 3:17 AM
He wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they walked and he listened. "I'm glad, too." As they reached the larger farm, he let go of her and let her knock. There were a few moments of waiting while the rapid sound of footsteps sounded inside, along with the barking of excitable dogs and gentle shushing that did nothing to quiet them. A middle-aged woman opened the door, with a pair of German Shepherd's trying to push past her with their tails wagging so uncontrollably that their entire backsides wriggled. One managed to reach far enough to sniff Mila and Aidan. Behind the woman, the sounds of children laughing at something their father had said sounded clearly. Aidan smiled at the scene of adorable chaos. "Ah, Mila!" Irina exclaimed, in Russian of course. "How nice to see you. What brings you here today?" She glanced over at the tall stranger standing beside Mila. "And who is this young man?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 6/14/2024 3:28 AM
Mila smiles and says “this is Aidan. My partner.” She blushes and smiles “we are here for feed if possible. I know I normally don’t need more but we have a new baby lamb.” She smiles as she saw kids running around and laughing. She wanted kids on day… She knew where the barn was and the feed. She would talk about how her brothers were and that they were good and will soon visit. They talked about the war but she tried to stay clear of it.
3:28 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 6/14/2024 3:46 AM
Aidan smiled. "Nice to meet you," he said. Irina introduced herself and, much to her credit, didn't ask too many questions. Once she saw the two were happy together, that was that. She led them to the barn, instead focusing on how everyone has been doing recently. Picking up on Mila's discomfort with talking about the war, she stepped away from that topic. She understood, or at least thought she did; everyone was nervous, and Aidan was a foreign name, which wasn't something ideal to have in times of war, even if she was pretty sure he was Irish judging from his name and slight accent and therefore not directly involved. "Help yourselves, of course. Plenty to go around," she told them. "I should meet this baby lamb of yours." She looked between the young couple and smiled again. "And any other additions to your family." @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 8/2/2024 2:02 PM
She looks at him and takes a deep breathe. She giggles “I will have to over soon. My brothers will come and help with the house soon so if you need any help let me know..and we don’t have any other addition I promise” She takes a deep breath and sighs softly as she looks at him and smiles. She moves to get hay and rubs her arm. It was still sore..
2:02 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 8/3/2024 8:26 AM
"Yet," Aidan added, remembering their earlier conversation. He followed after Mila, noticing her rubbing at her sore arm. "If it hurts, I can take care of lifting for now," he offered, but kept his voice low, as his words were meant only for her. He leant her a hand with the hay anyway, since it was a two person job. Irina observed the two of them, happy for Mila. Nobody deserved to be as lonely as she had been. "I look forward to it," she said. "Working on some home renovations, then? How are your brothers?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 8/3/2024 9:50 AM
she looks at him and smiles softly as she turns to irina "yes you know how they are. i want to build a bigger barn since we have a baby sheep on the farm now.." she says as she looks at aidan. "they are good. you know big city with my parents. they are coming down to help us out..but they will be happy to help you if you need anything fixed up." she moves to get everything loaded. "you want me to have the bring anything for you? from the city?"
9:50 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 8/5/2024 6:50 AM
Aidan kept quiet as he helped with loading up what they needed. Irina seemed nice, and he had nothing to contribute to the discussion at the moment. Besides, the less talking he did, the less he had to worry about linguistic slip-ups or his natural accent stirring suspicion. He made sure their cart was all secure, then listened to the two of them chat. "That's very kind of them. Luckily, everything here's in working order right now." Irina chuckled to herself. "Let's pray it stays that way." She nodded to Aidan. "It was nice to meet you. Take good care of Mila, alright?" Aidan was pretty sure it was turning out to be more the other way around, but he nodded. "I will," he promised, then looked over at his girlfriend. "All set, Mila?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 8/31/2024 6:36 AM
she looks at the other and smiles softly "all set.." she says softly as she waves to irina as they leave. she looks at him and smiels "she is alot..she has been trying to get me to date someone hehe i think she likes you..even though i think that she knows you arent russian.." she smiles. "she is very kind..she doesnt like the war but not in the way that she hates foriengers..she wants the country to be open.." she says as they walk
6:36 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 8/31/2024 8:03 AM
Aidan said his goodbyes, then followed Mila out of the barn, carting their new supply of animal feed with him. "Ah, sounds like she's gotten her way, then," he said, though he couldn't help but wonder what had given him away. Maybe she was just that perceptive. Maybe he needed to work on his accent and fluency. "I can't imagine anyone here likes the war," he commented. "Except the government, maybe. And any weapons manufacturers... I mean, it's being fought on your land and it's not like any of you asked for it." He sighed. "I just hope it ends soon. Safer for everyone that way..." God, why had he thought joining the military had been a good idea? Grad school funding hardly seemed worth it now. "Enough about that, though. She seems nice." He smiled. "I'm glad to see you've got good neighbours." @Blue Beetle (edited)
Mila Smirnova BOT 9/8/2024 12:01 PM
she looks at him and smiles "she is. very kind and nice. her and my father were childhood friends so she is like a aunt to me." Mila says softly as they walk. "no one out here likes the war... the peopel in the city might but they are so far away from it you is like in our backyard..." she spoke softly. her eyes tiliting down. "i just hope we dont lose our is all my family has....all i have.." her eyes showed her fear and worry. she didnt want to lose her house. her farm. her life. the life that she wanted with aidan. the life that her father had fought for. "most of my neighbours are kind and sweet. they know we have to work together to survive."
12:01 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 9/8/2024 1:14 PM
Aidan wanted to hold her, to take her into his arms and reassure her with his warmth. But they were in the middle of walking, and he had the cart to handle. He simply gave her a sympathetic look. He couldn't meaningfully promise that she wouldn't lose anything. It was war, it would be uncertain. He wanted to, though. He wanted to hold her, to keep her safe and make sure she never had to lose anything for as long as they both lived. "I'll do everything I can for you," he promised instead. "I know you've handled yourself fine out here, but your happiness is my top priority. And I mean, it's a pretty small farm - I can't see a reason for either army to have their sights set on it." Except they'd already had a Canadian army visitor, and the Russian army ran drills in the nearby forest on a somewhat regular basis. "I mean... whatever happens, we'll have each other, right?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2024 4:54 AM
She looks at him and smiles. “We have each other…” she would turn to walk back to the small home. She shows him where to put the cart as she starts to unload the hay and moves it to the small attic of the barn. “So when spring comes I think we should build a bigger storage area for hay and stuff…what do you think?” She looks at him as she moves closer to him and smiles. She hides her face into his chest as she shivers a little “it is freezing…@ she mumbles softly as she takes a deep breath. Her eyes looking at him, with all the care in the world…
4:54 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/6/2024 5:28 AM
Aidan helped her get everything put away, so their stock of animal feed was well organized as it could be. "That sounds like a good plan," he agreed. "I was thinking of factoring it into the plan for the new barn, but if you'd rather have a small silo, I can see what we can do about that." He smiled lovingly down at her as she moved closer, wrapping his arms around her. He was used to the cold, but he was sure she was, too. That didn't mean it was a good idea to stand out here in it. "Then how about we go inside and keep each other warm?" he suggested, speaking softly. Whether that meant snuggling in front of the fireplace or removing clothes from the equation entirely and making better use of the bed, he'd be happy. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2024 5:37 AM
She giggles as she blushes and pulls her into the home. She moves to start the fire and get everything warm. Her eyes watch him as she grabs two cups. She started the small tea pot before leaning against the counter. She giggles to herself as she looks though the small letter mail that she had. Her eyes widen as she opens a hand written letter. Her eyes scan everything as she takes a deep breath. “My brothers want to come and visit…” she says softly as she looks at him. She was nervous..what if her brothers didn’t like him…what if they found out…she hand rubs the back of her neck
5:37 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/6/2024 5:43 AM
Aidan handed her the firewood they needed, making a mental note to step out later and bring a bit more of it inside. With the fire running again, he removed his coat and boots, stretching his arms over his head as he appreciated the return of his freedom of movement. Since she was busy preparing tea, he made sure the floor was dry enough before he took a few pillows and blankets from the bed and moved them in front of the fireplace for somewhere to sit. As she spoke, he turned to look at her, then walked over to stand behind her, reading what he could over her shoulder. He understood a bit of it at this point, but far from everything. "Well, we were just talking about inviting them over." He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and leaned his head down, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Any word on when they plan to come over?" @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2024 5:45 AM
She hums as she reads the letter again. “They want to come later next week. It takes them a few days to travel so they will most likely leave around Monday…then get here..Thursday or so..” she looks at him and smiles. “Are you ok with them coming? I can tell them no..” she didn’t want to make him feel like he had to have them come. “They are kind…very kind. They just take protecting me a little too seriously..” she giggles as she leans into him. “They want to make sure that it is ok with me before they start to get ready and travel..”
5:45 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/6/2024 7:14 AM
It gave them time to prepare, to make sure the space was comfortable for more than just the two of them. A challenge, given the limited amount of room in the small farmhouse already, but likely manageable. He kissed the top of her head before replying. "I'm fine with it if you are," he said. Earlier than expected, but that was alright. "Just make sure you let them know I'll be here first. I wouldn't want your protective brothers to show up and see a strange man they weren't expecting here." He chuckled to himself and held her close. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2024 7:16 AM
She giggles as she leans into him. She pulls out a new paper and starts to write with a pen. “I will let them know that we are happy to have them as well that you are here…” she puts the paper down and turns to him. She kisses him softly then the kiss grows in need. “That means when they are here you can do anything naughty…” she giggles as she kisses him. Her hands move down his body as she leans into him. “Mmm…” she hums looking at him
7:16 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/6/2024 7:38 AM
Aidan pulled her against himself as he returned the kiss. Once he had the opportunity to pull away, he smiled again, a playful gleam in his eyes. One of his hands slid down a bit to give her ass a firm but gentle squeeze. "No?" he asked. "Then we should get that out of our system before they get here, shouldn't we?" He kissed her again, deeper this time as his need matched her own. He was happy to let her take the lead, given what she'd gone through fairly recently, but he could still take a hint. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2024 7:41 AM
She pulls him to the bed. She moves so he in on the bed and she is on top of him. She kisses him softly down his neck and sighs softly. Her hands running down his body and starting to unbluckle his pants. Her hands moving up and down his body unbutton his shirt and pulling it for him to take it off. Her lips kissing every piece of skin that she could get too. “God…” she whimpers as she moves her hips gently
7:41 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/6/2024 9:38 AM
He would have gone anywhere she wanted him, but especially her bed. He sank into the mattress, holding her hips as she straddled him. A shiver ran down his spine at the feeling of her soft lips against his neck, and his hand slipped under her shirt to massage her breasts. He couldn't deny that the sudden rush of her desire had had its effect on him. Already, he could feel the blood rushing toward his cock, half hard with need for her. "Mila," he whispered her name softly, like it was a most treasured gift, as he shrugged his shirt off and tossed it aside. Sitting halfway up, he began to undress her in turn, kissing each inch of newly bared skin that he could reach. A groan escaped his throat at the steady movements of her hips grinding against his. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/6/2024 2:03 PM
She hums softly as she left him take off her clothes. She slips out her bra and drops it on the ground. She kisses him hard as she rolls her hips softly. “Aidan..” she moans softly as she moves her hips. Her hands fumbling slightly as she pulls at his pants. She looks at him kissing him and rolling off him so he can get his pants off. Her hands fumbling slightly moving down into his underwear.
2:03 PM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2024 7:53 AM
She was, as always, a sight to behold. He pulled back for a moment, both to catch his breath and to admire the view of her bared breasts. At times, he could hardly believe she was his, as surely as he was hers. As her weight left him, he lifted his hips, removing his pants for her. "Take your time, love," he assured her as she fumbled. "We have all day." He kissed her neck before leaning his head back and moaning, his body reacting to her touch. He didn't let it break his focus as he teased his fingertips against her clit through the thin cloth of her panties. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/7/2024 9:12 AM
she looks at him and groans softly. her eyes roll back as she pants sofrly. her body was pressed agasint his. "i dont wan to wait." she whispers into his ear. she moves her hand up and down his cock. her breathing was soft and uneven as she whimpers agasint his touch. she pushes down his underwear and pants as she moves to be back ontop of him. she pants softly before slipping down her undwear and grinding against his exposed body
9:12 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2024 10:04 AM
He'd simply meant for her to stop rushing to the point of sacrificing dexterity, but her hands seemed more confident now. He couldn't argue with the result. He continued to tease her, kissing the side of her neck as his other hand trailed up her body toward one of her breasts. He grew harder beneath her hand, despite the friction of dry skin on such a sensitive area making it a bit less pleasant. Then she was grinding against him, and this was by far better. "Fuck," he groaned, massaging her breast as he felt her move against him. "There, just like that." He lifted his head to kiss her again, passion igniting each movement of his lips against hers.
10:04 AM
@Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/7/2024 11:29 AM
She kissed him back. Her hands moving to his hair as she moans into his mouth. She pulls away gently as she pants softly. “I…I need you Aidan…” she moans. Her body moves up before she lines him up with her. Her eyes looks at him and smiles softly. “I want you so much…please…” She kisses his neck as she waits for him to push into her. Her hands moving into his hair as she kisses him gently. Her kisses were soft and filled with love.
11:29 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/7/2024 1:33 PM
She didn't have to wait for long. She'd worked him up to a point where the anticipation and longing were starting to get to him, too. Still, he was careful as he lifted his hips and pressed into her, sliding his hands down to hold her hips and help guide her movements. His eyes closed as the pleasure sank in, the feeling of her warmth surrounding him. "I love you," he moaned, because it would have been true no matter what they were doing at the moment. This had all happened rather suddenly, but he had no complaints as he gave her perfect ass a firm squeeze. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 12/9/2024 4:35 AM
She moans as he pushes into her. She sits there adjusting to his size before she starts to move. Her face lights up red as she smiles. “I love you too..” she says as she kisses him. Her hips lifting up and down. She was riding him. Her tempo was fast and slow mixed together. Her moans were soft as she uses him as a support, her hips moving up and down.
4:35 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 12/11/2024 11:29 AM
His hips moved with hers, matching her pace. Adorable, how she could carry such an intense need for him, but still grow flushed at talk of love. He trailed kisses across her jaw and down to her neck, showering her in affection wherever he could reach. One of his hands trailed back up her body to cup her breast, squeezing and teasing against the nipple with his thumb. Even though she'd been quick to rush past foreplay, he still wanted to take time to appreciate her body, to pleasure her in any way she would allow. As she found her own pace, he let go of her hip and brought his other hand to her front, resting it against her stomach so his fingers could rub at her clit. @Blue Beetle
Mila Smirnova BOT 1/5/2025 5:58 AM
She moans softly. Her eyes looking up at him. She trailed her hands up and down his body. She wanted to just love him as much as she could. Her face blushes as her mind runs away with fantasies. She leans up and kisses him softly. Her hips moving against him as she moans into the kiss. “I love you.”
5:58 AM
@Al the Killer
Aidan Byrne BOT 1/5/2025 3:55 PM
Aidan closed his eyes as as he kissed her back. They lingered shut for a moment, even after she had pulled away. Though it was harder to focus on words, he had no problem saying it as many times as she wanted, affirming the depth of his feelings for you. "I love you too," he said softly, both hands still working to pleasure her. He picked his head up and kissed her neck, tenderly at first, but with an increasing need as his lips touched her skin. "I love everything about you, Mila." His voice came out as a breathy moan against the curve of her throat. "Fuck, you're perfect."
3:55 PM
@Blue Beetle
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