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📬 1:1 Roleplay (N-R) / quest-of-awakening
Triggers: Violence, Sexual Content
Taking Back Luxday started a thread. 6/7/2023 7:37 PM
The village burned in a magnificent display as homesteaders were slaughtered while trying to flee. Each amalgamation came forth to render a new victim helpless and then dead. If they were very lucky. For decades the small homesteaders' heaven had sat in peace, in harmony. Each day was similar, but there was a comfort to that. Comfort in the peace that surrounded them without touch or fear. Then the war came. And they weren't ready. How could they be? As Tera's mother ushered her out of the back door, she heard her father scream in agony and tried to push past her panicking mother to get to him. But she was thrust forward. Her weathered garb thrashed slighting from the sudden burst of strength from her usually gentle mother. "You have to go, now, take this, protect it, and go to the forbidden lands. No, you don't have a choice. I love you" She then pushed her daughter through the door and out into an eerily silent and dark scape. Their homestead sat on the edge of the forest, and holding the pack that her mother gave her, she took one last look with tearful blue hues at her home while it started to burn and then ran. ------ Several Days Later Tera was tired. The pack on her back was lighter now, and the treasured item inside was safe. She had taken to sleeping with it in her hand when she found a place she deemed safe enough to do so. Which wasn't often. For now, she walked. She was growing tired, and the dim woods seemed to be closing in on her. She tugged her cloak close, but it did little against the chill. She didn't know how long she went that final day before exhaustion, lack of provisions, and fear finally took her. She was so lost, on a quest she didn't understand, and carrying an item that had just caused her entire village to burn. The pain and guilt won over in the end. She fell to her knees on the narrow pathway in the dark and menacing woad and collapsed in a heap. Her long auburn hair flew upward in a gust as she landed on the side
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of her face, and her eyes closed. She saw her parents, her siblings, her neighbors. And she heard their cries as unconsciousness took her. Tera had run as far as she could. It was up to fate now.
🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄 6/9/2023 10:30 AM
@Taking Back Luxday
The flesh of the rabbit tore like shredded paper. Teeth, sharp as the blade of the finest weapon, snatched the head of the innocent animal allowing an unruly jaw to clamp down and split the rabbit in two. Blood stamped the rim of the scales lining his shark-like mouth, chewing on the bones of an animal no match for him. The taste was sweet and dull at the same time. Having only so many options within the forbidden forest to feast upon, rabbit was a decent meal, yet a common appetizer nonetheless - playing on the lines of boredom for having to partake in its nutrition again and again. He watched the sun slip behind a horizon of clouds. It was an early sunset with washes of pinks and yellows hitting the skyline just before disappearing. As the world slowly turned within their cosmos twinkling lights peeked out one by one with stars making their debut for the evening. This meant it was time to return home to a cave not far from where he sat. He remained where he was for a bit longer, perched on a cliff where he watched a daily sunset and routine he’d come to enjoy over the span of his life. The smell of something unfamiliar drifted on the wind causing Laokore to turn his dragon-like head over one shoulder, gazing off into the dark forest. Somewhere within the trees a new prey wandered, and he wanted to know what it was. Laokore got to his feet, four legs with claws that could kill anyone within the blink of an eye, and moved towards the dangerous wilderness. Scales made of metallic subsistence shimmered from the fleeting last bits of light, then disappeared into the darkness as he moved past the treeline. There was still a bit of light as dusk had only just begun, and even without the guidance of the sun Laokore’s eyesight had the ability to see clearly within the dark and unforgiving territory - which is why spotting Tera was easy. He did not move for several minutes as he watched her fallen form on the path with silent observation. She was no threat, if anyt
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hing, a meal to have later on. To him, it was too easy of a prey, and surely a trap, which is why he continued to wait to see what happened.
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He’d gladly take on an ambush of voyagers looking to fetch a dragon tooth or scale for a high price than waste his time on snatching their bait - yet nothing happened. Dead leaves crunched under the weight of his body and when he was all but towering over her, surprise caught him off guard, expecting her to wake and shriek from his dragon form. The human did not seem to move, though he could hear her heartbeat and knew she was alive. A spritz of magic transformed him from a dragon into a human form, making it so the woman would never know about his carnal identity unless he desired to. Even in his human shape, he was still much larger than the female. Laokore gathered a plant nearby which rendered humans, elves, and fae unconscious. Though she slept, he would not allow her to take note of how to reach his cave. He pressed the plant to her nose until she inhaled the scent and was nothing more than a helpless victim at his mercy. With the rope on his belt, he latched it around her waist, hoisted her over his shoulder, and tied her onto his back. The forest was filled with nightlife by the time he reached the cave. Deep into the cavern he went, winding through passageways that would lead strangers to their death if they didn’t know where they were going. It was a hidden labyrinth looking to confound the adventurous, and a sanctuary for Laokore to find peace from the world. Eventually, he reached the innermost part of the cavern, a wide opening with furniture and torches on the walls, and set her and her belongings within a metal cage meant to contain animals such as deer to be fed upon until a time when he was ready. He locked the door to the cage and continued lighting the remaining torches on the walls. The smoke from these produced by their fire was freed through the open airways at the top of the cave, which also allowed him to see the stars and sun during the day. It would be only a matter of time before the effects of the plant wore off on the woman, an
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d when it did, she would find Laokore with blood on his mouth watching her from the shadows, waiting with questions to determine her fate. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The woman was unconscious and perhaps even waking, but Laokore was already there with the plant and she saw but an outline before sleep took her again. The difference in her sleep was astounding really. Even in her slumber, she had to enjoy the actual rest she was getting. No screams or nightmares. No visions of what she'd run from and was still trying to get to. It was bliss, really. Her body was limp and small enough to cart around for him. Short in stature even for her kind, she was underfed from a life of farming for others and getting by on meager bits herself. The rucksack seemed to make an odd singing song, ever so faint, as she was taken with it into the cavern. It was a long while before she woke up. Perhaps just dwelling in a dreamless sleep for awhile longer since she could. Nothing could touch her right now, or so she thought. Though the a of her subconscious spoke and a loud voice sounded only for her to hear to 'Wake up!'. The form of the femme jolted upward rather quickly and she looked around with eyes the size of coins darting to each bar and then to the man with blood on his face. But that didn't seem to phase her nearly as much. The first words out of her pale, plump lips were "Where's my bag?!" like a squeak as she scrambled in the cage to locate it. And thankfully she did. She opened it and searched through it, still ignoring the gore covered male watching her, and finally sighed as she seemed to find what she was looking for. Slowly she leaned back against the 'wall' of the enclosure, reaching her hands out to grip the bars while her eyes closed "So are you gonna kill me?" She asked rather directly and with the sound of someone so tired of running they just cut right to the point. Even in a gentle tone. "I don't want to die, mind you," She took a moment to point out. "But I woke up in a cage, you're staring at me like I'm a threat, I can't defend myself, and you have blood on your chin" She pointed out the last bit with a point
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of her finger at his face, as though pointing out one had gravy on their shirt. She continued "So I suppose the odds are not in my favor..." She sighed. Opening a pale hue, she took a moment to push her hair out of her face and stare at him dead on, swallowing slightly as she tried to gather whatever courage she had left. "I have some coin, if you're willing to take that and call us even?" She grinned a little toothily and opened her eyes. She had been through too much to lose her humor now and it was clearly a joke. She knew damned well it would take more than a sack of coin to get out of this. @Taking Back Luxday
The desire to kill her was a wave brought on by her ungraceful pattern of words. Laokore had not spoken to someone in quite some time, and was not receptive to her stack of questions that he purposely ignored. When she pointed out the blood on his face it only reminded him that he was indeed hungry. After playing a game of chase with the rabbit, in the end, the small creature had not filled his stomach with adequate nutrition for the evening, yet she would be an unworthy substitute to satisfy his needs. There was a rope towards the back of the cave stretching from one end of a rock wall to the other with dried meats hanging off metal clips. He grabbed a piece and using a knife sliced off a fair chunk, allowing himself to feed on the remains of a dead animal he’d slaughtered several days before. As a result, blackened blood dripped down his face to mix with the fresh red he’d painted only an hour ago as he savored each bite, chewing on the flesh the way one does when they are in no rush, but take their time to enjoy the small things. Laokore went to the cage and bent his knees, lowering himself to the woman’s level to study her as one does an animal within the zoo - only he was far enough away that if she were to spit it would miss and leave nothing more than a small mark on his floor, one that would eventually dry up and vanish, much like her existence if he did not find her appealing. “You will tell me why you have wandered into the forbidden lands alone. If you lie, I will toss you into the fire and prepare your body as a gift for the dragons of the forest...” There was no voice identical to his. No one could replicate the way his throat gave life to his mind, the low rumble that often caused those who were listening to falter as Laokore was known for speaking words of prophecy - a curse and blessing of the dragon race. Those trained to identify the dragons in human form would easily pick up on his ability just by hearing him speak, yet to those who had ne
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ver been in contact with their kind, would be none the wiser. To make sure she understood what was being asked of her, he went to the large pit in the center of the room and struck two stones together. Sparks ignited and after a dark moment, an unruly flame erupted with yellow and orange heat pulsing on the texture of the jagged stone walls. His shadow loomed towards the top of the cavern, following him as he walked to a wooden chair assembled with branches from the forest and took a seat. With the knife still in his hand, solely intending to use it on her due to a lack of confidence in the woman’s ability to get herself out of the cage, he waited for a response. If she were not quick enough, wasted his time, or honest with the air that rolled off her tongue - it would be her last day to live, that much he could promise, and the look in his eyes was nothing short of a savage riddle expecting her to figure out. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Her grey hues watched him without hesitation at this point. Tracking him as he silently made his way over, ignoring her questions and lowering to her level, so to speak. She stared him down, and her cheesy grin was long gone by the time he was finished with his demonstration. The fire cracked and reflected in her eyes a moment, going frozen a second as some part of her saw her village burning again in the distance. She heard screams again and shook her head violently to try to gather herself. She just kept leaned back and stared at him for a very long moment, perhaps too long for a smarter person or less brave, take your pick. Rolling her neck and shoulders a little, she calmly pulled her legs into a cross-legged position and rested her hands in her lap to answer him "My village was burned by the purging plague that's coming for us all. Or have you been too busy living in the comfort of your own cave and threats to notice to world is burning?" She sounded gentle but there was a hint of snappish, bitterness in her tones. She sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Your threats really don't do any good," she informed him "I should have died twice now. It would be petty to ask the gods to spare me a third time," she rolled her eyes and head up to face him again. "Look, I came here because my mother, and her mother, and her mother's mother carried an item. I don't exactly know what it does but I know I need to take it to the Mother Tree. The problem is... I have no idea where that is," She huffed slightly "It's not exactly like I had time to grab a map." She was forthcoming. And he would be able to tell it didn't have to do with his threats. She really wasn't afraid of him. The screams that came and went from her mind scared her more and she spoke her mind on the subject "Honestly, death might be a blessing at this point, sir" Her voice was tired "I'm a silly human girl who used to flirt with farm hands and trick the baker for an extra pastry... I' m not
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some adventurer who can do this." She seemed like she was just venting at this point. And who could blame her? She was thrust into a mission she didn't seem to entirely understand, after watching her village and family burn and die, finally succumbing to exhaustion only to wake up in a cage with a man who had blood on his face and a demeanor that seemed cruel. Her tone was soft, "If you do kill me just do yourself a favor and get far away, fast. And hide whatever of my belongings you don't burn. If I can't make it right, maybe someone whose supposed to can," She relented and slouched back against the bars again "Any other questions?" She sighed out, licking her parched lips but not complaining about that. She had other problems on her mind. @Taking Back Luxday
All it took to win his favor was honesty - albeit, the grace that naturally swayed him to take her side didn’t show up until the end of her explanation, but it was there nonetheless and was the key to freeing her from her situation. Wars beyond his home did not concern him, not usually, yet it was her mention of an item passed down through her bloodline that caught his attention the way a kite flying in the sky draws one's eye to its flight. His focus, filled with the firelight in the room, suddenly found interest in her belongings that were in the cage with her. Part of him considered venturing into the world to see if what she said were true. He wondered if the villages on the outskirts of the forbidden lands were indeed burning. Since she was alone without protection, marked as easy prey in the wilderness, he found her alibi genuine. That is why his fingers grasped the lock on her cage, freeing her from the enclosure if she wished to leave the metal box. Laokore grabbed a wooden chair and placed it in the center of the room. He covered it with a blanket made of white rabbit fur and beckoned her to sit there. “I have no intention of killing you…not unless you are lying. Then you will have broken a treaty your family has kept for many years as a promise to not enter these lands. Know this, your kind is not welcome here. You are unclean…” he said. “I will take you to an area to bathe if what you say is true. Your body smells of smoke and death, though I assumed it was from your choices to willingly trespass. You will wash yourself after you are fed.” He went to the fire pit and roasted a piece of meat, turning it on a stick until it was cooked through. Placing the steak on a plate he set it down near the chair where she could decide whether to eat or not. A wooden cup near a barrel was filled with rain water and set next to the plate of food for her to consume if she felt like taking a leap of faith to trust he was not poisoning her. “You are strange to me a
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nd speak of many things you should not know of - the Mother Tree is a sacred part of this realm, to utter the words or even mention such a place is offering yourself to a curse if your intentions are not pure. Tell me about this item you carry with you…” @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The human watched him as he eyed her belongings and saw the interest spark there. Some part of her that still had fight left kicked in and she clutched the rucksack to herself. Though when he unlatched the gate her brows raised and she kept tracking him as he made his way over to prepare a seat for her. It took a moment, his words made her pause and she pressed her parched lips together a moment. As though considering his commanding hospitality or death. She opted to live. Pushing herself up and still clutching the bag to herself she walked with somewhat of a limp. Her garments were frayed, worn, and beyond that ripped in various places. She had been through enough just based on her outfit. Still, she kept her shoulders back and eyes forward in a decisive way as she ducked out of the cage and into the opening. She took a moment to stretch out a little. Rolling her shoulders and neck till her long hair flew around her and she had to adjust it to see proper again. She gave him a bit of a smile and went to slowly ease down into the comfort of the chair. The rabbit fur was warm and nice, the fire going helping all of that. She sighed deeply and nodded to his words of what she'd do. Watching the fire while he worked. The food and water presented took her less than half a second to get to. She didn't even think of poisoning. Which was either an indicator of her ravenous hunger or daftness. It was hard to tell. She grabbed it all very quickly and paused to say "Thank you," with a wider smile at him through the soot on her face. She then ate rather politely and kept her gaze on his. "Well," She swallowed and licked her lips, taking a drink of water and sighing again as though it was exactly what she needed. She took a deeper drink before licking her lips. "You're strange to me," She retorted "You're a man who lives in a cave in the Forbidden Woad." She snorted a little before taking another bite and taking her time to finish before continuing. "Plus how
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do you know about any of this? And how don't you know about the war just outside your own borders? It's coming for you too, you know." She finished with another couple of bites and left the silence hanging a moment. His question about the item with her caused her to pull the rucksack tighter into her lap with the plate balanced there. She wiggled her lips a little as though deciding and finally sighed, "Generations ago, my ancestor caught the fondness of a Fae. The family was then marked by them. We lived good lives, longer lives. Not easy or wealthy ones. But comfortable," She nodded and her eyes drifted to the fire "The family myth or, I guess history, states that on that day, for the boon we received, we were given a relic of the Mother Tree to be returned to her "When the sky darkens, and the balance is displaced" she used air quotes "To me it just looks like a stick, but my mother's dying wish was for me to carry out this... task. And I figured that I was dead either way so I might as well try." She shrugged again and rolled her sore shoulders as she started eating in silence. It went on till she was done and licking her lips, cleaning them with the edge of her sleeve, and drinking the rest of the water down. She sighed. "Thank you, my names Tera, by the way." She informed him with a bigger smile "I appreciate that you have no plans to kill me, yet" She grinned a bit more, almost teasing. She was full of food, hydration and not dead. She might as well keep her nature intact. She sighed finally and hung her head "Honestly? You speak so much of honesty... Honestly I've been having dreams for months of a massive being coming to carry me off to a world I didn't know. Someone that would return the world from chaos. But those are just dreams," She looked up and smiled at him a little warmly "And as terrifying and kind, at the same time, as you seem to be, you are no massive beast." She sighed again and put the dishes to the side. @Taking Back Luxday
Unsettled. There was no other way to describe how the woman’s words made Laokore feel. From describing a war plaguing their realm to notions of the Mother Tree and a prophecy that spoke of returning a legendary wand - at this point, he did not argue the woman’s intentions for crossing into forbidden territory, or what he would have to do and the information he would need to disclose to her in order to set things straight within their world. Denial of this task faded the moment he knew she was not lying. He sat across from her in his own chair, eating a piece of meat while occasionally licking the blood off his knife. Sharpened steel from the blade glinted mercilessly within the firelight as he rotated it around to take every last inch of the animal’s life. As Tera finished her food, drank her water, and stopped speaking he did little to fill the silence between them for a short while. “...blessed by the fae. Now you have my attention, Tera…” The way he spoke these words was as if he knew something she did not. “My name is Laokore, and I am to play a part in the destiny to return your relic to the Mother Tree. It would be wise for you to remember that even though I have no intentions to kill you, if I must - I will.” Laokore went to the table near the edge of the cavern and grabbed a pair of metal shackles. As he returned to the woman he slipped them around her wrists and tightened them - his eyes met hers evenly, “Do not struggle or I shall slit your throat. Fae blood or not, you will be cleaned.” He tugged her to both feet by pulling on the chain attached to her cuffs, guiding her into the darkness of the cave. Along the way, he grabbed one of the torches on the walls, which provided orange light as they moved into the shadows of the tunnels. The smell of water claimed the air while the sounds of cascading water falling into an open pool were somewhere in the distance. Trickling trails of liquid played along the walls of the cave as if rain were leaking in
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from outside. The ground under their feet became damp. Eventually, Laokore led Tera to another open space within the labyrinth of the cave. As they turned a jagged rock corner, a wide pool filled with teal water and several small waterfalls tumbling into its basin became suddenly exposed. “You will bathe here,” he said, and continued to walk towards the edge of the swallet. “Remove your clothing.” This was not a request, and the knife on his belt was a reminder of that. There was an unspoken certainty between them that if she did not obey, he would force this sequence of events into existence. Since his shirt was already off there was nothing more to do than to remove his belt and black pants, held together by a thin drawstring. These items were set aside and Laokore entered into the water with the chain attached to her cuffs wrapped around one hand. He did not pay attention to her as he did this, caring only about cleaning the blood from his face, the dirt from his hands, and renewing his spirit with the traditions of his kind. Laokore did not look like an ordinary man. He was covered with scars purposely placed along his body as symbolic markings to call upon the magic within their world. If Tera were to take a closer look, depending on her education, she may notice some symbols she recognized - though that would require getting within arm’s reach. His body was built with lean muscles that made even the strongest warrior take a second guess to debate if they could take him on or not. When Tera did not perform his request fast enough, he gave the chain a tug, reminding her she would enter the water whether she liked it or not. The temperature was neither cold nor hot, and swirled with an iridescent shimmer that made it hard to see where the bottom of the ground was. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The woman was given very little warning, really. The nature of this man was so certain, so decisive in his ways. She merely watched him as he finished his meal and finally spoke of what he thought his role in all this was. Her brows raised sharply at his notion, and she rolled her eyes. "What? You think you're some brave warrior come to rescue or kill the damsel? I hardly thin-" she was cut off when cuffs took over her wrists, and she glared up at him. A pout on her lips and narrowed, pale eyes on him. She got up. What could she do? He made his demands and had her at mercy. A knife on his belt. She followed him in an almost bored way. In truth, when you had watched people torn apart, your own family burned and maimed, in that order, did you really have much left in you to fear anything? Tera had already stared death down twice. A third time, with Laokore at her hem, didn't stop her from stepping into this fate he led her to. As he explained what she must do, she huffed slightly at him. Her mind reeling as she couldn't help the quip of "Oh please, not a bath, anything but making me rid myself of this muck, you monster." Said rather dully as she was led to the bathing chamber. She watched him disrobe for a moment before the tug came, and she hissed a little. She even had enough fight and energy left to tug back. Her long hair flaying about her as she started to pull off her robe and garments as best she could. "For the gods sake!" She was getting irritated "I get it. You can kill me at any whim you deem fit. At least give me a moment to rid myself of these clothes or else you'll get nothing but soot and blood in your pool." she reprimanded in a somewhat calm way, considering. Even though her hands were shackled, she managed to get out of her clothing. Her body was honed for farm work. Toned and tanned, freckled and red, long hair that spanned out around her to half cover most of her body as she finally shrugged out of her garments. She blushed brigh
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tly as her eyes traced and caught his form but she steeled herself. There wasn't much she could really do, was there? She felt the tugging and insistence to get into the pool and entered with slow steps, as though saying she'd do as told but at her own damned pace. She never let her eyes leave him and even though she blushed, she let her hues wander over the scars. Some seemed noticeable, but only from when she was younger when the old ways had been taught more readily to her. Before her family got comfortable enough to forget their roots. She winched slightly as wounds touched warm water and she felt the burns and cuts swell up as they rinsed. Dipping her head back and arching her back to expose part of her form without care, she had so little anymore, she got her body fully indulged in the water before dipping completely under with her hands in shackles still up before popping up. She spit water at him and smirked. "Oh so terrifying right? The human with Fae touched blood?" She moved around him as far away and in the diameter that the chain allowed. "So, what is your role in all this? Do you think you're to lead me to the giant beast who will restore the world? Or are you bait?" She smirked. He could be as cold as he wanted, as threatening, as strikingly handsome and dominating, but none of that seemed to matter to a femme who had lost everything but her mild humor in life. The soot and dirt, blood and gore, seeped from her form to expose the tanned and freckled body under. She had worked most of her life and it showed. She had no shame either as her hair parted at her breasts and she stood more in the pool to try and clean herself with her shackled hands. "Unless you plan to use me for bait, in which case I have terrible news for you." She paused and smirked at him "In my dreams, the beast saves me," She winked and dipped her head back to get another gush of water over her form. She did as told, he couldn't fault her. @Taking Back Luxday
The water surrounding them started to glow. At first it was a soft blue, like a sky on a spring day, then began shifting to a shimmering silver to pay homage to the likes of a full moon. Every drop of this mysterious water seemed to pulse with energy, and if looked at closely, held a rainbow of colors within. The magical properties of the water naturally revitalized the skin of whoever it touched. It healed and soothed the wounded, calmed the anxious, and restored a sense of vibrancy in the lungs of those who swam through its essence. Laokore did not face Tera during their first moments together in the water. He stood in the middle of the radiant pool and brought handfuls of liquid over his shoulders, then would swipe the air causing droplets to flee the ends of his fingertips, springing outwards to fan the air with rain. He cleansed himself in this strange manner, precise with each movement, and looked as though his hands were casting spells around him. There was a long duration of silence between the two of them as he did this, and the time in between could easily be mistaken for him ignoring her, though that was far from the truth. Her words were offered to the world as one does in simple conversation, but to Laokore, he listened carefully and was hesitant to speak words he did not mean. Images of burning villages entered his mind. Now and then, he could see flashes of what was in her past, or perhaps it was the suffering within their realm that was now on his radar. Amongst the darkness of the cavern were black rock walls glittering with rare minerals. The bioluminescent glow of the water reflected against the surface of these rocks causing their surroundings to resemble a midnight sky speckled with stars.
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Without either of them speaking, the sound of the water flowing within the cave amplified having nothing to compete with. A single drop of water ran down the side of his face, gliding over the stubble of his jawline, sliding along his chin until returning back to the greater mass of water at his lower waist. His hand twist around the chain connecting him to Tera, and as he tightened the slack between them, Laokore finally regarded the human he’d brought into this sacred place. He wound the chain around his fist until she was in front of him, pulling her against the tide and ripples of the lagoon, and when she was no more than inches from himself he looked down into her eyes and stared into the gateway of her soul. The intensity of this moment could easily be coined as uncomfortable, though there was something residing within Laokore’s eyes that would offer Tera a chance to accept his actions and not fight against him. “For many years, my people have known a time would come when calamity would claim the realm, and a great journey to reach the Mother Tree would take place. One of us would be called to assist in this prophecy - it would be unwise to use you as bait when it is clear you are the one to join me on this quest of awakening.” These words, spoken with conviction, would naturally cause shivers to run down one’s arms and back as there was something different about Laokore’s vocal cords than other men. His eyes flickered with secrets, as if galaxies and far-off stars lived within the black space of his pupils. Without permission, he brought his hand to the side of her face and moved her wet strands of hair towards her ear, using his thumb to glide across the skin of her cheek as if marking her with symbols.
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These strokes were not rough, yet strangely calculated while tracing her features - including the shape of her lower lip, and in this moment, he seemed to glare. “When the sun rises I will take you through the wilderness of the forest to meet the beast you speak of, the one who will bring you to the dangerous paths of the Mother Tree…” His hand, no longer touching her face in ways that should only be done behind closed doors, now traveled down to her arm where he removed a smudge of dirt waiting to be cleansed from her skin. “Stand under the waterfall for ten minutes, then you will be clean.” Suddenly, his hands were on her hips turning her around, fingers digging into her body to keep a grip on her figure, doing this so she would not fall or trip upon the smooth stones beneath her feet. Once she was facing the cavern’s waterfall he went to the side of her face and quietly spoke in her ear, “You cannot go back once you do this. If I were you, I would consider your fate, and if you are truly the one to accompany me on a quest to the Mother Tree…” @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Oh how she relished the feel of the brightly blue water that seeped into wounds, old and new, to restore them to a better and more ready state for healing. She even let out a soft shiver and sigh at the feeling of the waters properties taking over "Okay," she sighed again with closed eyes as she finally calmed and relented enough to stillness to let the magical water really seep in, "This is nice. You had a point about bathing, no matter how undignified I find being restrained and told to strip is." Even with her eyes closed, she smirked at him in her teasing, tempting, and treacherous way. Her pale blue, almost arctic eyes opened enough to watch him put the water over himself and she took in a sharp breath. The once rosy cheeks turning a faint almost pale color, caught off guard by the sight of him. She traced his form carefully and at her distance as he let the silence go on. She let him ignore her or take his time, she didn't seem to mind which was which. She'd asked her questions and inquiries and if he wanted to comment or reply, he would. Like this entire encounter, it's not like she had a say in how it played out. All the cards, balls, and dice were in his hands. Eventually, she stopped watching him. If only to busy herself with her own grooming as she threaded her fingers through her long red locks and straightened them as best she could while the water cleansed it and her wounds in time. She was staring at the water below her with a small frown, almost feeling a rejection she couldn't place, letting her eyes trace the star-like patterns the cavern brought onto the water. She wondered how long before she could trace the ones in the sky again, and some part of her broke enough to break through her carefree manner to cause her brow to furrow and little tears to form in her eyes. Nothing fell but they were like pools of their own by the time she looked up in surprise and shock as her hands were shoved out before her and he had pulled her to him with
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a suddenness that made her gasp with an echo around the chamber. Her eyes widened but she didn't fight him as he pulled her nude form to his with her arms the only things between them but in threat of him pulling above her head if he so chose. Even so, she didn't thrash or cry out. She relented to him willingly and stared with wonder as he touched her face and pushed her hair away, spoke such things in such a way, shivers did indeed course through her in a way she'd never experienced. Within his eyes she seemed to find the cosmos themselves and seemed unable to look away as she unconsciously turned her face into his hand and fluttered her eyes closed to lean into his touch. The trace made her part her plump lips, now nourished because of him. And never once did her eyes leave the Universe that were the endlessness of his hues. His words, touch, very aura captivated her. And that stare that seemed to burst through her broken soul made her break ever so slightly. Slowly she pulled her hands up to close the distance between their bare and wet bodies, no shame or fear as his touch as enough to invite her, to make to draw to him as he spoke of being the one she dreamt of her entire life, the one who would bring her peace in the chaos that had been her life for too long now. Lost in his eyes, the swirl of possibilities and truth lied there. Holding her cuffed arms above her, her body flushed against his in the radiant water, she parted her lips. "Considered and accepted," She breathed after an unknown bout of silence as she was so lost in all that was him. The hand on her bare and curvy hip made her shiver and soft goosebumps follow the touch. Boldly, she pressed to him and forced her eyes to his with all the will and strength she had "Take me," she swallowed "To our fate. Your eyes are all the truth I need," she whispered, though she didn't need to. Her pale eyes flicked back and forth between his and teeth biting into her lip. @Taking Back Luxday
“So be it,” said Laokore. His voice was like a taste of judgment. As if any doubt that came to stand before him would crumble by the confidence given to him for overcoming the adversity in his life. There was an unspoken expectation for her to approach the waterfall on her own - but something about Tera requesting him to guide her there struck the right cords with Laokore. They would never make it to the Mother Tree unless she trusted him. His body moved through the pool of crystalline-colored water causing it to swirl around his lower waist. Each step taken treaded carefully along the smooth rocks beneath his feet. The chain dragged under the current guiding Tera to follow him towards a waterfall, one that spilled into the cave from somewhere on the outside, trickling through the ceiling of the cavern, making its way through the splitting cracks to fall within the basin they bathed in. Laokore stood next to the downpour and once he was in position, with water dripping on his bare shoulders, down his torso cut and sloping in all the right angles from muscles that worked hard every day, with droplets splashing the stubble of his jawline, traveling carelessly along his ears and down his neck, he’d turn to Tera and continue to pull her towards him until she was once again by his side. The dragon’s spirit inside of him regarded the waterfall as if it were speaking to him, or perhaps he was paying his respect to the process instilled by his ancestors before placing someone like Tera under its weight. After enough time had passed, where the energy surrounding them was aligned with universal approval, his right hand reached for the shackles around her wrists, dipping under the water, and took the metal links of her chain between his fingers to direct her to stand beneath the waterfall. Making it so her hair, body, face, and every inch of her were instantly drenched. It would be hard to breathe like this. With water rushing down her face and even making her blind.
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She’d need to keep her eyes closed and breathe through parted lips in order to complete the ten-minute trial.
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That is where Laokore came in, to reassure her that she would not die. Not with him by her side, and kept a steady hand on the chains connecting them to one another. When and if the onslaught of water became too much for her to take on, he was there to keep her in place, so she would not have to start all over again or reminisce on a memory of having to do a sacred ritual twice. Ten minutes, which felt like sixty, slipped by like the grains falling through eternity’s hourglass. Once the final grit of sand joined the rest Laokore’s internal clock knew she was now pure, and could leave the waterfall with dignity. The trek back to the main entrance of the cavern, where the glowing fire blazed, meat roasted on the flames, blankets waited for sleep, and bits of the night sky could be seen through the openings of the ceiling waited for them patiently. Laokore released Tera from her chains and then brought her to a pile of furs stacked in the corner. Soft fur made from a large bear that she could use to keep warm during the night. Once she was sitting, he tossed her clothes onto her lap if she desired to wear them. As it was, Laokore did not cover himself with clothing. He stood in front of the fire letting drops of water slide down his male anatomy. The trails of the waterfall’s tears upon his skin would soon evaporate, leaving him dry, warm, and clean. Even then, he found comfort in the firelight, with shadows playing on the walls and his body. It was not that he did not respect Tera enough to conceal himself, he was merely denying the constructs humanity conjured for the world - a world he was not a part of. Laokore was devoted to nature. The elements. To time and magic where the concept of clothing was trivial to someone like him. To someone who could transform into his animalistic form at any given moment. “Tomorrow, you will start your journey to the Mother Tree, and as I said, I will take you to this beast you speak of. The one who will guide you on your wa
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y. The item you spoke of earlier, what you must return to the Mother Tree - you will keep it safe and with you at all times. You will risk your life for this item if you must…” Licks of fire lived within his everlasting stare, which seemingly slid in her direction. “Do you require anything more before you sleep? I can provide additional food and water, though I will show up lacking if it comes to entertaining you with a bedtime story - though…since you are what my people consider to be a chosen one, I would make an exception.”
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@🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
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