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📬 1:1 Roleplay (N-R) / natures-course
Triggers: dysphoria, erotic, mild non-con, TBD
The world had changed. At some point, nature had had enough of man's ways. The industrial places, the cities of smog and full of the parasitic creatures called 'humans'. The ones who took all the could from Mother Earth and never gave anything back. So, Mother Nature took back what was hers. It was a slow ebbing at first. Invasive plate life, animals evolving to their elements, while humans were left in the wake. When the final flash of leaves, pollen, vines, and nature came - mankind was no match. It invaded suddenly, inching into everything. Destroying any human in it's path with carnivorous plants and others that Mother Nature had unleashed on the human populace as a tithe they paid for their misdeeds. The blood of humanity cleansed Gaia, and nature returned to it's master state over the world. Just as it was intended. While some thrived in this new environment, others died over the hundreds of years that it took for Mother Nature's wrath to take full effect. And of the many oddities that had been born of Gaia, was one who was wafting through the emerald and sun-speckled woods. Like a shadow as she gusted through the world openly. Nowhere was truly off limits, not that she had found. Floating around as a pollen cloud of yellow and bright greens, a whirling hive with a gusting shadow that, if looked too closely may appear feminine. The pollen creature had spent much of her short time on this planet wafting, waving through the world. At times finding a good host in a rabbit or deer. One time a bear that the very thought of making the Pollen cloud that she was buzz excitedly. She sensed something in the woad today. Something different. And it had led her here, where she buzzed in a gust, softly moving her pollen about around a nearby tree. Like a predator in waiting. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/17/2023 3:08 PM
Nikita Dudarev had packed his things the day his mother died. His whole life had been lived in a remote settlement, just them and another couple of families, trying to find that elusive balance with nature, the one humanity had been seeking since Gaia had reclaimed the world. But his father had died when he was 10, taken by carnivorous plants in a careless moment. One of the other families had packed it in for what remained of the nearest city, Toledo, days later. By the time he was 15, it was just him and his mom. They had struggled, but managed, though Nikita's adolescent years were hard on them both. Under a lot of pressure to be the "man of the house" with his father gone, he'd never felt comfortable in that role which led to friction between him and his mother. He was sad when she passed, her body ravaged by some illness borne of this new world, which thankfully he seemed to have been immune from. But he did not miss their struggles, and he was happy to leave their hardscrabble settlement behind. He found the people of Toledo welcoming enough, and the family that had once lived with them remembered him, and vouched for him with the others. A once bustling midwest city had been reduced to a population of around 1,000, living in some of the sturdier old buildings, half given over to nature, while trees and vines and everything else had consumed most of the rest of the city and its suburbs. Taking an old hotel room in the old city center as an apartment, Nikita soon found himself an integrated member of the community. Though never entirely happy or at ease with himself. He could never put his finger on it, but he felt as though the violent return of nature to dominance had unsettled humanity in deep, biological ways as well, not just in the grinding down of gloabl civilization, but other things as well. Things that touched him deeply. So he found himself often wandering in the new wilderness, exploring the crumbled remains of human industry on the other side o
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f the Maumee River, or up on the shores of Lake Erie. Partly he was mapping changes, as part of his responsibilities to the community, or gathering food, but mostly he was on his own, in his own head, thinking and wondering about what life would be like in another 50 years; if humanity would be gone entirely or if it would evolve into something entirely new and in balance with the world. Such were his thoughts on particularly fine summer day, wandering the woods that had once been a high-priced subdivision, only the occasional rotting carcass of a huge house or luxury car showing any sign of what had been. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The pollen cloud paused... Something... Someone was close. She whirled in a gust and slowly glided toward a nearby tree where she took somewhat of her feminine form and seemed to peer around, as though she need to hide like an nympth of old. Her thoughts buzzed with the pollen cloud that was she and her form rushed toward Nikita. Though she didn't collide with him. It might seem just as though a gust of wind had blown at him. But in truth is was Celeste. She stayed behind him, her pollen gusting around like a very windy day on dandelion season. She rose her hardly materialized hands to touch his shoulders ever so gently, he may not even realize it as she breathed him in, in her own way. Curious. She thought in her hive like mind before she whirled around him again and in a voice that seemed to echo in multiple feminine voices she seemed to answer his thoughts with thoughts that resounded for only him to hear in the ethereal tones, "All things return to nature, confused one," She whispered and whirled around him again "You're very far from home and you're thoughts so very far away from that... Hmmm you smell nice..." She seemed to make a laughing noise that was like a soft giggle through a large chamber. Resounding back and back and back again. Her appearance was sudden. Her thoughts already inside his without much care for if he liked it or not. She had found just what she was looking for this evening. Something new, different, a lost soul in a world of lost souls waiting for the death of the world they once knew to be put down for good. Behind him again, her buzzing pollen 'mouth' seemed to form words behind his ear "Tell me what you seek... and I'll tell you how the sweet Mother Gaia can give it..." She wafted to him softly "I sense loss... fear... confusion... Oh, sweet one what delightful little chimes you make." She echoed in a wicked whisper. This creature, whatever she was, though in appearance a pollen cloud that seemed to look somewhat
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female when looked at too closely and it was stagnant, had found what she was seeking. And she wasted no time in swooping in to pin down her now prey with her own thoughts on his and her own sweet whispers and questions that resounded like in an echo chamber of his own mind. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/18/2023 8:36 AM
The swirling breeze gave him a shiver, running up his spine like the touch of an ice cube or a sudden hit of arousal, but he was alone in the woods. He reached into the ancient and much-repaired satchel on his shoulder for the gun he kept there, but he took his hand away a moment later. That was ridiculous. Who would he shoot? The wind? He shivered again, and the voice crept into his ear, into the back of his mind. "Who... who's there?" He felt ridiculous. There was no one for a mile or two. Whatever trend there had been for roving gangs of marauders in the early days of the apocalypse had died out generations ago. Humans were too busy clinging to each other, clinging to those vestiges of the time when they were kings of the earth to bother with deliberately hurting or hunting each other. The gun, in face, was much more for the beasts of nature than humans who might answer him. The whispers seemed to taunt him, and he thought he was losing his grip on reality. But apart from them, nothing had changed. He could smell the river, feel the earth beneath his feet, the bark of a tree under his hand. The golden light of midday filtered through the branches like it had moments before. Only this... this cloud of pollen, unseasonable as it was, and these voices invading his mind--for they had to be coming from within him, didn't they? There was no one else here. "What do you want?" Again, he felt absurd. Talking aloud to no one. But at least... at least that meant there was no one to witness him going insane. Only himself. "I... I'm not lost. I know where the river is, so I know where I am," he said, turning to look west over the bright blue ribbon of water, flowing from higher ground to the south into low-lying Lake Erie to the north. "I'm not confused!" He wanted to shout the last words, but they came out closer to a whimper and a whisper. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The laughter was as resounding as her voice and it ebbed into the world like a whisper from the darkest caves as he reached and though of his pistol "Oooo the weapons of your world cannot hurt me, sweet one," She laughed again. And echo over and over and over again like it was there to drive him mad. "Who... Who ... Who..." She repeated back to him as she whirled around him in her shadowy, pollen form "What a question to ask. I can be anything... Anyone... Any kind of object one could imagine..." She was suddenly before him, a buzzing cloud of pollen shaped like a women's face, almost. 'Lips' plump with neon yellow and green as it grinned and moved "But you have to imagine..." She gusted around him again with laughter following the wind she kicked up. His thoughts only made her more excitable and she answered his own worry "Shhhh Shhhh... The reminders of this world are nothing more then shadows. I can be far more real." She assured, almost soothingly to him. "I want," she gusted behind him again to nearly envelope him in her 'presence' "I want to find out what makes such a delicious, juicy, and lost mind like yours ticks. I like mortal things, things that make me pause and my pollen buzz." she whispered in that echo chamber voice. The chorus of a dozen sing song voices of whispers continued in his ear and he may feel something baring on his shoulders. The cloud that seemed to be whatever she was hovering over them. "You are lost... You just don't know it. You know the place you are, but now who you are," She hmmmed to herself and sighed "Oh shh shhh... don't fret. I'm here to help... You just have to let me in." The weight he'd feel would shift to his front, as though whatever she was was pressing into him. The 'shadow' and pollen cloud was all over him now "Just take a little nap, there's a clearing in the way." She urged "Rest your head and let me in... I want to see and show you so much, sweet, confused, deliciously delightful creature o
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f confusion and chaos... Oh but you do not even know how very lost you are till I found you. Just rest... Rest," she almost seemed to press her 'lips' to his at each urging. All she wanted was for him to rest so she could see him, whatever that meant. Come into my web, said the spider to the fly. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/18/2023 4:30 PM
Tears streamed down his face as the voice or voices bombarded him with thoughts and questions. He wiped his face on his sleeve, pulling his hand empty out of his satchel to do so. He shivered, trembled, looked around. When the cloud of pollen seemed to take form before him, he dropped to his knees. “I… I am lost,” he whispered, half to himself, half to this entity that plagued him. He’d heard tell of similar things, ghost stories he’d always thought. But now here was his own ghost, getting inside of his head, unearthing his own doubts and fears and offering them up to him. He was lost. His hands went to his chest, scratching at the binding garment underneath his shirt. “I… I am tired,” he said, more softly, the tears abating somewhat. He still felt them running down his cheeks, but those had already been shed. His eyes were red and itchy now, though, and for a moment the hysterical thought came to him that he was developing allergies of the most absurd and psychedelic form. But no. He’d never been to this particular patch of forest, but as he stumbled along, he found the clearing just as the voice said he would. He could not have known it was there, so the voice must be real, or really some other entity, or something. He could barely think straight, his mind clouded with doubts and fear and uncertainty. An ordinary day in the days of mankind’s decline had taken a turn even more surreal than what was already all around them. He shouldn’t rest, shouldn’t nap. Not here. Alone, unprotected, vulnerable to any wandering beast of nature that might like to snack on him. Lay down near the wrong colony of insects, even, and he could find half his flesh eaten away before he woke from the pain of it. But still, he heeded the voice. It knew something. And he was tired. So tired. He stumbled to a soft-looking patch of grass, no sign of ant colonies nearby, or termites, or who knew what else he might find. He settled in the grass, curled up, felt sleep overtaking him. His wh
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ole body felt sore in a way he could not understand. “I’ll nap, but just for a while,” he murmured, drowsy, and then sleep took him. Eyelids fluttered shut and the soft susurrus of the forest in daytime lulled him to a gentle and easy sleep. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The pollen colony followed his every movement. The 'head' shadow portion tilting as he cried and soft "shhh shhh shhh" echoed as bits of the gust reached up to push away a few tears. Moving them like wind might. A strong wind. It went with him as he fell to his knees and scratched at the bindings and cried and finally relented. She buzzed and spun around him to slowly coax him to his feet "Up... Up, sweet one. I am no ghost..." She promised him in that sweet chime that was almost song like. Like the repeated lines of a musical instrument strummed over and over again. Each step he took was aided, pushed along by the buzzing, shadowy cloud that was growing more excitable as he gave into her commands or requests? That he rest. The voices answered his fears again in their echoing tones. "Nothing will touch you, my delicious one." She promised, "Your mind is too ripe. Too perfect to let man or nature take from me now," She purred in that multi-feminine tone "I know so much, sweet one... Trust in me and rest, no harm will come from others to you. I will protect you. You need protecting don't you?" She asked in a somewhat pouty tone as he lay down. The pollen cloud followed his form down and rested behind him as though to be the 'big spoon'. Pores of her allergens would gust along his arm and down his form and back up to his head to 'stroke' his hair in a way. 'Lips' formed would whisper near his ear "That's it... Just sleep and all will come to be seen. All the visions of a world you did not know and could not imagine. Hush human of the woad, I have you now," the voices soothed. As he started to drift off the pollen cloud would slowly start to form around him, little by little covering him up until he was cocooned. A nearby rabbit would scamper by. An innocent in the realm of chaos and amalgamations. The neon green and yellow pollen cocoon would leech out suddenly to spear the animal dead and slowly consume it's flesh. While it feasted on food for them bot
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h, the other part of this mysterious symbiote would gust in a cloud of darkness. Separating from her pollen form while it worked and so did she. The first breath he inhaled would be her. Dwelling around his mouth and nostrils to be sucked into his mind. As the darkness of sleep formed around the poor human. The seeping mists would start to dim the 'ground' of the scape of unconsciousness. A whisping, dark shadow would careen toward however he saw himself in his mind's eye, now formed, and whisp away about 10 meters away before forming into that of a woman. An hourglass figure, jet black hair long like Godiva cascading around her form to cover any parts she may or may not have. Barely at that. She stepped on pointed toes as though a dancer and slowly spun in place "Hmmmmm" She rolled her head "That is so much better," She inhaled. Her skin pale as her shadow was dark. Her eyes the same icy hue. She turned them on him and smirked with a slow cant of her head "You do have such a rich mind to play in... Where would you like to start?" she licked her ruby lips and laughed. The echo chamber of her voice dampened but only enough so he didn't rip his mind from his own skull. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/19/2023 7:15 AM
Nikita swam in the inky blackness of his own mind. He knew it was often more... alive here, but the sleepiness that came on him all of a sudden was not natural or... well... not of his own natural experiences. For he could not deny that the thing that he had encountered was something of nature, of this new nature that had risen up and cast off humankind. But for being inhuman, the creature was strangely humane. Was that simply the result of mingling in his mind, or did it--she?--have only the best of intentions for him. Being a product of this new nature, he feared it, as they'd all been taught to do from an early age, but he couldn't bring himself to fear right now. More he was... curious. And as she swam into focus, he found himself standing, looking around, then looking down at himself. He never saw himself in dreams. Never looked down at his body, for fear that he'd see what he hated there. Never looked in a mirror. Never checked himself out. In waking life, he only did so to make sure he conformed, as best he could. And now, as he faced this extraordinarily beautiful woman, he looked down at himself. Very little covered his body, which gave him a moment of panic. Just a tight pair of black briefs of some kind. Almost too tight. But his legs, arms, abs, chest... bare and open for her to see, but they were... not his own, not entirely. Muscular, almost chiseled, and masculine. The strength and body of a man who could do and work and take care of others and all the things he'd felt so inadequate at over the years. His true self? He didn't know, couldn't tell, but the sight of his own body like this gave him such a rush that he wanted to embrace the smirking, seductive woman facing him. But... but she had invaded his mind, his body. To awaken him, perhaps? The way a doctor would sometimes have to cut into a person to heal them? He shivered. She was gorgeous, and he felt his body responding. "What... what is it you want? Start with what?" he asked, his voice
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was plaintive but it sounded confident, deep, strong in his own ears, the first time ever hearing himself like that. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The shadows whirled around him as he peered upon his dream form. The crimson lips of the entity would smirk broadly as he seemed to find a kind of thrill in this. She canted her head left and right and back again in a slow form. As though trying to get herself fully adjusted to this new world she'd invaded. "You are very fetching," She approached him with a widening grin and slow steps that seemed to 'ripple' the dreamscape 'ground' they stood on. Though it was mostly just an inky black well of endlessness. "Not this," She gestured with a slow wave of her hand that made her hair tremble and shift around her nude form, as she waved at his "But this," her echoing feminine voice chimed out a laugh as she twirled around as though basking in his very mind. And she was. "You have so many conflicts, so many strings in your mind that need mending, sweet one," She sighed and stopped her ballerina-like, slow twirl to stand before him again. "But that is for later," She waved away that thought, almost literally, as the hand that seemed to be animated came down to rest on his face, cupping it. "As for what I want... Where to start... Well, you already have the latter, my darling." She informed as she looked over him and back up. "You see yourself for the first time," the echoes chimed, "And you see what could be if you just keep letting me in..." Her hand moved to tip-toeing fingers down the broad chest of his. "Want... Want is such a... mortal thing," She made a face and reverted back to her grin before she wafted into a gust of swirling darkness again and into a new form. This one that of a teacher, of the old world, it seemed, a pin stripped dress clinging to her form, a white blouse a little too unbuttoned at the top, stockings, and stilettos. Her hair up in a messy bun. The picture of a college professor in books he might have seen. She adjusted a square pair of glasses on her nose that she didn't need and hadn't been there before. As she did, a long
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ruler appeared in her hand, and she smacked it down into her palm before the world shifted around them suddenly. He would be sat at a singular desk, before him this new 'teacher' version of her and a whiteboard. She'd slap the ruler to it, and words would form slowly across them "Lesson 1: How to be more than we are." spelled out, and she smirked as she approached the desk and leapt up to sit on it a swoop as she leaned toward him and finally told him what she wanted, "I would like to know if you are the one to bring the two worlds together and if you can learn how to do that... Can you?" She queried, and it echoed more than a thousand times, quieter and quieter each time. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/19/2023 9:33 AM
"Can I?" He shuddered, and shook his head. He closed his eyes, then opened them again and his body had changed. Now he was buxom where he had been muscular, firm round breasts setting up high on his chest, perky and youthful. Every chiseled form had become a soft and graceful curve. Dark hair that had been short now flowed out long around him--or her?--and she felt a different reaction to the vision of the teacher before him, though equally as ardent as what she'd felt in a masculine form. She shivered, closed her eyes and he opened them again, once more the masculine specimen. "How... how can I bring two worlds together if I can't even reconcile the two halves of myself?" he asked, the plaintive tone now clear in his voice. The vision of the woman before him was stunning, exquisite, and again he found himself reacting, in a male fashion again, his briefs barely containing his ardor. "But I want it," he said, his voice a whisper. "I want it more than anything. I don't want to fear nature, and I don't want to hate the other side of myself. I want to be whole, and I want the world to be whole." He'd wanted both things from a very young age, when he'd first recognized he was different... and when he stumbled on the books that showed an interesting view of the time before, of humankind ascendant, exploitative, arrogantly in charge. The fall had come, and as much as it made him sad for the things he had missed out on--indeed, like sitting in a class like this, though he doubted he'd ever have been instructed by a professor quite like this one, going about a more relaxed and human life. Instead of living in fear of nature every day, wondering where it would strike next, what else it would consume, or who. Elbows on the small desk, he put his head in his hands, tears dripping to the surface of the desk. "Please..." he whispered. "Teach me..." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
This being could only feel the sort of thrill he was experiencing through mindful contact. And he gave it well as he quickly learned to shift himself into herself and back again. She smirked broadly from her perch "But do you not see?" She asked him with a hand sliding down his now manly face again. "You already know who you are, you just need to express it, my sweet," the whispered echoes soothed. "And reconcile you will," She adjusted herself upright to peer down at him behind the spectacles that covered her eyes at the tip of her nose. Her wicked grin, red and tempting, never stopping in it's indulgence of his every thought. His mind was delightful, others of her kind may have found him a delicious snack or play thing. But this pollen creature saw more, and needed more then just a couple days feasting on thoughts and dreams. She nodded as he whispered his affirmations that he wanted what she did and slowly she leaned forward till her lips were inches from his "Then we are in agreement. We want wholeness, completeness. This is where our worlds meet and our journey begins, sweet soothing swayed seeker of solace." She nearly sang to him before she laughed again in that echoing, hollow way. In the outside world, a wild and disfigured wolf would wander by, sniffing at the mound of pollen over Nik and considering him for a snack, slowly opening it's maw to growl before it pounced! It only got halfway in the air before a pollen spore, formed solid, would spear it through the heart and the tendril it created would pull it toward them to feast on it as well as it had the rabbit. In the dream state, they would both full nourishment. A full meal. In the dream state, Celeste held Nik's face in her hand, his chin on her finger tips as he cried softly and whispered to her to teach him "Gladly," She informed with a small, nearly there touched kiss to his lips before the world shifted again. When she snapped her fingers they were suddenly in a vast meadow. Befo
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re them was three things. One was a maiden, being attacked by a second being, a giant ram beast, behind her was a sword that glinted in the sun and awaited, across from that was a typical knight of old who waited. The entire scene was solid, paused. Nik as he saw himself would be beside the now Godiva like Celeste, who seemed to have reverted to her 'natural' dream form. She touched his shoulders and whispered in his ear "Before you lies a choice, a choice of what to be and how the scene will play. Are you the damsel, about to die? Are you the Knight about to protect? Are you the sword ready to wield itself to the right person? Are you the beast? Or are you simply a watcher?" She asked him before she pushed his back and tumbled him into the scenery. What and who he chose to be in this situation was his to control. He'd feel it. The ability to be any character she'd laid out or even morph into his own amalgamation of them. She had given him that and it coursed through him as the scene spun and his choices danced before him. Celeste watched with pale eyes and waiting, arms crossed. She would enter. But first, he had to choose. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/22/2023 9:06 AM
The shift to the meadow left Nik reeling a little, stumbling on his feet and looking around. He heard the woman's voice and looked over at her again, nude but for the hair that seemed to wind about her, floating and yet clinging to her. He gulped hard, his arousal hard to ignore. But the tableau before him did make it a little easier to focus as it seemed quite horrifying. As she pushed him, he stepped forward, looking back and forth between the choices. None and yet all of them appealed to him. He looked back at her for some kind of further guidance, but none seemed forthcoming. He walked slowly around the tableau, inspecting each in turn. He looked at the knight, first. The plates of armor seemed to be sculpted to match his physique, muscular like the way Nik had first seen himself in Celeste's theatre of the mind. Muscles bulged and the armor seemed barely able to restrain him. The look on his face, visible under his helmet's visor, showed a curious expression. Rage at what was happening in front of him, perhaps, lust for the woman, and maybe even a sort of bestial sympathy with the monster. Did he want to ravish the damsel in the same way? He moved to the beast next. Muscular like the man, covered in wiry fur. Huge curled horns sat atop his head, and his face was more human than animal, expressing his own lust and rage. Whether he just wanted to kill the damsel or defile her first was not clear, until he glanced down to see the enormous erection jutting up from its crotch. The damsel was... well, gorgeous. Nikita felt her body change again, her own breasts feeling like they were breaking free of some binding, hips widening, and feeling a curious emptiness. The damsel, though, was even more deliciously proportioned, hips and tits and every bit of her body looking so ripe and perfect. She wore a dress that clung to her body and showed off ample cleavage. Nikita turned her back to the frozen damsel, facing the beast, feeling the damsel's obvious fear, but also
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... also relishing it somewhat. The quickening of the heart, the surge of adrenaline, and deep inside the knowledge that the beast did want to ravish her, take her, mate with her, hard and violent. He shivered, and looked at the sword. It was, well, a sword. It hung there in the air, gleaming, waiting to be snatched and used against the lustful, raving beast. All of it hung together in the air, each bit of the tableau equally far apart. Nik rubbed his chin and went to stand in the center of them all. He looked at the sword, shook his head, and looked away. No. He had weapons because they were necessary, but he wasn't a weapon. If he was going to bring things together, help create harmony, a weapon wouldn't do. And he didn't feel the aggression of the beast. He could be aggressive, he supposed, at times, but... not like that. Not with that intensity. He shivered, though, remembering that fleeting feeling of being the target of it, and it mixed him up inside. Standing in the center, he couldn't look at both the knight and the damsel at the same time. But he also felt drawn toward both of them, and he found as he struggled with it that loathing buried deep within himself. I am both, but I don't want to be! But in his despair, he found fury and reached out to both, somehow grabbing them both, pulling them both toward him. And then there he was. Well-muscled. High firm breasts, covered by the armor. A codpiece holding something down. Some armor remained to protect him, but otherwise he was vulnerable. A bared midsection. A helmet, but no visor. And no weapon in his hands. Instead, he held them out toward the beast, urging them away, asking for pause, trying to hold them back. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The pollen symbiote watched with piercing eyes as he debated each of the tempting offers. They were all fairly clear-cut, right to the chase. He even had the choice to be just as he was, and still... None of them appealed just right. This made her smile slowly and tap her fingers against her arm in a slow kind of beat that would pick up in the air. Slow and steady, drums and instrumentals ringing out very faintly and speeding up as he went from being to being, and his thoughts burst out. Celeste let out a shiver at his thoughts, and yes, they were just what she wanted to hear. What she needed to hear. The words of truth spoken of being of two worlds. The one that would make the two worlds outside of all this whole. She wasn't evil, passively cruel at times, wicked in her methodology, perhaps, but not evil. Her will was for a world that wasn't so boring, wasn't so filled with the blacks and whites of the world. She had sought for so long for someone whose mind could open to possibilities. And in her wake she had left strewn bodies of withered husks that couldn't withstand what she offered. But then Nikita surprised her, her eyes widening as he called on the power inside him, the one she'd helped unlock in others only to see them shatter in this moment like so much star dust, left nothing but a feast for her to consume with mild remorse and faint feelings of regret for choosing incorrectly. But not Nik. His rage built like a fire that would consume the whole dreamspace. And it made the creature that she was trembling and hold herself as she sighed and let out a soft, echoing "Yes...." as the music she played with her tapping fingers picked up and made the world spin. She turned into a gust of shadows then, whirling about, spinning in every direction. She went through the maiden, the beast, the sword, the knight, and paused before Nik in her solid form. She grinned "You are learning. But there is still so much more." She held her hands out and drew fr
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om all around her pulling and pulling while everything, the scene and themselves quaked. Her laughed joined the instrumental drum beats that now played "You can be so much more, all and none." she started to grow and grow and grow. Her body forming out into a bestial one at around 5 stories in height. Long ram horns came from her skull and her feet turned into hooves with fur that melded into soft skin of a human. Up and up until her long mane covered her groin and ample breasts. Her hands were long and claw-like, with the same fur-to-skin fade at the elbows. Her face was slightly elongated like a goat's and her eyes slit like a cat's. Though she still had the skin of the maiden. Around various parts along the crown of her head was small chainmail meshes until a sword dipped in the middle. She smirked widely and reached down to pick up the person Nik was now. She held him in her savage palm, turning her head from side to side, her white eyes piercing into him as she leaned closer still and warm breath washed over Nik "Are you starting to understand?" She asked in the whispered echoes that she always seemed to have, even with her now size. "You can be anything or nothing. All of it, or none of it. A part or a piece." She explained gently. "I can let you do this in the waking world too... You just have to let me stay. Tell me I can stay inside you Nikita," she whispered with her lips inches from Nik's now small, but impressive freewilled form that he had come up with his own ideas in mind. Just what she had hoped to see and her eyes shined the size of moons all in their own as she whispered again "Let me inside you, Nikita..." @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 6/22/2023 5:39 PM
He staggered back as Celeste changed, growing impossibly huge, becoming a strange hybrid, her features huge and mind-numbing in their impossibility. But it was possible, there she was, filling his mind, this dreamspace with her reality, her essence. And she wanted him to allow her in completely? No, she had to be out of her mind, whatever that might mean for such an ethereal being of nature. He cowered in her palm, then tumbled back against it. So small. She could clench her fingers into a fist and crush him. The armor would be of no help. With that, the armor melted away like dew in the sunlight. Naked, they lay in Celeste's massive palm, regarded intensely by those alien eyes. They shivered and hugged their arms around their body. Muscular arms, flexing and tensing, wrapped under their full and rounded breasts, tipped with perfect pink nipples. One hand ran down a muscle-rippled abdomen, then lower, feeling their soft cock, heavy balls, and hidden beneath them, soft and slippery folds. Man and woman in one. One complete package. One who could bring two worlds together. If only he could figure out how to be one with his other side. Sides? He didn't know. His hands continued to roam over his body, marveling at it, at how perfect an expression it was of masculinity and femininity in one. But his real body, out there in the world, was not like this. Not perfect. Misshapen. Ugly. The pieces were the same, but they didn't look right, feel right, work right. He was an abomination, cursed by the changes in nature, or so his father had said. But they had hidden him away, made him perform the role of a boy. He didn't feel like a boy, or not just a boy, but he'd been threatened with beating, and then with being left in the woods alone if he didn't comply. So he did. And bit by bit erased the memory of what was, of what he thought he ought to be. Until this phantasm of nature brought it all back to him. The rage burned in him again and tears flowed from his eyes. Weak
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, stupid, broken. He turned in Celeste's palm and cried until he couldn't cry any more. The emotion had flowed out of him with tears and there was soon nothing left but numbness. They turned over again, sitting on their haunches, looking up into the impossible face of Celeste. They rubbed their nose with the back of their wrist, then tried to dash away the remainder of the tears with their fingers. "Please," they said, quietly, their voice a whisper. "Please... please come inside me. Help me. Please." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The being built on the rage and repression inside him as it burst out, and he morphed again, once more the being, the person that he had always been. The one hidden, beaten, left to fend in a world that didn't understand the nature of nature. How things moved, changed, became one or nothing. All things in nature had this ability, and it insulted her to hear the echoing painful reminders that he had flashing in his mind of all he had to endure in the outside world. In the world of humans. She swirled around him as he cowered and cried and though he relented to her ask... Something had touched the symbiote about how he had responded, the conflict in him. One she wanted to resolve, in her way, in the world beyond, but one she hadn't entirely expected the response from in a human. Gusting around him in dark waves of wispishness, like a slow tornado of which he was the eye, she gently laid him down until she reformed under his head, her lap under. "Shhh... shhhh" She echoed to him as a hand stroked Nikita's hair lovingly and she let him sob into her overly soft hair and feminine form. Celeste was all and none herself. She could be as perfect as the maiden or as handsome as the knight. She could have the cock of a beast and ravage the land, should she so choose. But she never chose any herself. She was what she was. A symbiote. And now a very gentle one that nurtured the sobbing, conflicted Nikita like nature herself. "My lily, my rose, my perfectly petaled flower," she soothed in Nik's ear. "All will be made right. It will take time, we will have to shape you, morph you, train you. But when we are done, my mindful, meaningful, most missed, mess and mixed up Monoecious. I will help you fix those problems, I will help you make them see, I will help you find the strength you need for the revenge on all who have wronged you. You are so sensual, with perfect sepals that tell the tale of all I've spoken of. You are strong. Say it, Nikita, say you are stron
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g," She echoed each word as the music drummed down around them but never once did it stop. It merely eased enough for it to be in the background as she held him in her 'natural' form, in what he would see as his, and stroked his hair while she made her promises. "You will wake soon, and I will be there" She ran a finger on her other hand down the length of his temple and over his chest and cleavage "And you will take me to your home where we will begin the next steps. Do you understand, my complete flower?" Her voice was like a little chime and each echo was quieter now. She found him alluring, his mind a playground of possibilities. He was appealing in many other ways that only flowers could fully appreciate, especially in the form he showed now. But her sympathy for him had also been activated and now she sought a new quest before her own. Avenge Nikita's honor and punish those who had repressed the perfect creature he was. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/2/2023 4:45 PM
Nikita could feel the pull of consciousness drawing him back toward the land of waking and living, but he clung still to the dream world that Celeste had drawn him into. Here he felt... more complete, more true to his nature then he ever had before, and he was loathe to lose it. More than that, though, he trembled in fear of the work that Celeste was asking him to do. But he felt her intensity, felt her support lifting him up, and he knew that he could do what she asked of him. "I am strong," he whispered, but then collapsed again on her lap, shuddering. He did not feel strong. He felt like he was speaking lies as she worked to buoy him in her lap. But then he tried again, trying to put more conviction into his words. "I am strong." He trembled a little, shivering though he felt no actual chill. Again he could feel the pull of consciousness, hearing her words echoing in his brain, her reassurances warming him. "I understand," he whispered to her. "I will take you there, and you will be with me, in me." That seemed to be all it took for her hold on his consciousness to slip away. He found himself lying in that forest clearing, and he slowly pushed himself to his feet. He peered at the sky and blinked, thinking it had gotten late in the day. Or was it even the same day? It felt like a week or more had gone by. Staggering on stiff legs, he turned back toward the settlement in the ruins of Toledo and started off. The distance did not seem quite as far as it might have, and well before nightfall he found himself on the rickety remains of a train bridge, crossing the river, back into the overgrown remains of the city center. His own place was a pair of rooms in a reclaimed hotel near the water, and he waved abstractedly at a few acquaintances as he made his way back. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/5/2023 1:03 PM
The symbiote held him and nodded as she pressed her head to his, "You are strong... and now I am always with you," her echoing feminine voice chimed out as he slowly was drawn to the world of the waking and living again. Soft specks of yellow and neon green pollen would be on him, slowly absorbing into his skin. Around him would be... bodies of animals, though picked to the bones. How they got there he may not even know yet but he might feel sated, as though he had many meals in the time he'd been sleeping and in the clutches of Celeste, feasting on his very mind while giving him the encouragement he so lacked in the world. As he wandered she'd let her soft strumming music play in his head, like she was sitting in his frontal cortex, strumming a harp for him to journey too. She made comments along the way in her echoing voice, chambered in the back of his mind. "Beware of that plant," "Careful were you step, my flower," "Over the next track, avoid the yellow gust, sweet one," leading him in her soft songish way as he journied. When they got to his rooms, she suddenly burst out of him. Though not... out out of him. The pollen she gusted still seemed to dwell around him, but her hour glass shadow appeared before him, slowly tracing the room. "Do you share this place with anyone?" the echoing voice was a little disarming, now coming from both his mind and in the waking world as she moved her gusted shadow along his place to examine every item he owned. From trinkets to tables. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/6/2023 7:35 AM
The soft, strumming music echoed pleasantly in his head. Being born after the fall of most technology, he only had a passing understanding of "personal" music, just knowing from stories that people used to be able to carry around devices that played music just for them. Now, most of his experience of music was around campfires or as part of community celebrations, when he could bring himself to be among other people enough to attend. Celeste's warnings were also welcome; though he knew of many of the dangers, especially now at this time, he found himself having trouble concentrating, given the experience he'd just had, with this entity engaging him in his mind. He had a lot to think about and that did not mix well with traversing dangerous terrain. In his rooms, he looked around with fresh eyes, seeing them as Celeste might. They had once been two separate hotel rooms, the sort that had a connecting door between them that could be locked from both sides. When reclaiming it as a settlement, the inner doors had been removed and the entry door to one of the rooms had been sealed up. He entered, then, into a sitting room of sorts, with knicknacks and curios about--mostly unidentifiable bits of found technology or such that he could not identify. But he also had some ancient books as well, filling a modest shelf, and mostly covering practical topics. The other room was his bedroom, with a large bed to himself, as well as a workbench for when he needed to try to make or mend or repair some bit of gear or another. He did everything but welding, which was handled by the settlement's resident welders. They hoarded a dwindling supply of goods needed for welding, and spent their time otherwise trying to work out how to engineer new methods or materials for it. "Only me," he said to the shadow now dancing lightly around his rooms. "Not many people, lots of space." His voice sounded... odd coming from his throat, for some reasons. Perhaps his dream voice had been more like w
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hat he wanted. Or had his waking voice changed? "They say a million people used to live here, but now there's only a couple thousand of us, at most." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The shadow touched every item. Though he might feel her sneer slightly when the technology was near her. She moved from those items quickly as she said in a passive echo, "This is what killed the world and started mother nature's war. You should destroy these things, Nikita," she sounded commanding but at the same time it was used as a suggestion with passion behind it as she gusted around. She listened to him, lighter shadows following the larger feminine-shaped one as she moved through each little item he had while he explained the settlement. She sighed and gusted in a wind around him till she was behind him as she was in the woad, and her shadow hands touched his shoulders, making the pollen buzz "Good," she whispered in his ear, "I prefer we be alone," She laughed a little in her echoing monotones. "Humans are a plague, my flower, nature is the antibody but we are the cure," She informed him softly, the soft feel of shivers sent down his spine as she started to rub his shoulders with her phantom hands that only he could feel. The pollen around him buzzed and started to settle around him and the room as though claiming it "Do you like this place, as is? Our home? I can make... adjustments if you'd like.." She went on as she suddenly released him and formed before him once more. Her hand cupping his chin, and the light trace of a smile on the shadowy forms 'lips'. "You are already changing. This is good. Embrace it, do not fear it. Do not go so scared into the path of fate. We have so much work to do..." She sighed and leaned in almost as though to give a ghost kiss, but didn't. Releasing him again and gusting away to his bedroom. Though she was in the other room, her voice sounded as though right beside him. The entire time the strumming of a harp played in the background of his head, silently almost but there. She spoke to him once more "Oh this place... My sweet petaled one... Do you truly enjoy being surrounded by all this.. lack of color and l
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ife?" She almost sounded sad. Whatever this creature was, she was starting to bond with him. Though why, she didn't know. He was special, she gave herself that. But she found a deep urge to please him in this moment and bring a little color to the poor Nikita and his dour life. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/7/2023 6:18 AM
"They're reminders," he said, almost defensively. He felt his shoulders hunching on her criticism, but then let them sag again. "Reminders of what brought us here. I don't... I don't worship them or anything." He sighed. "We could never hope to get back to that level of technology. Too many people, too much industry required. Nature would never let us get there again, never let it happen. Not in a thousand years, not in ten thousand. And those... they remind me not to try." He followed her into his bedroom and sat down on the bed with a sigh. The mattress squeaked beneath him. It was old, like almost everything else that had been made in the Before Times. He had repaired it, and what he repaired had itself been a repair job several times over. He wondered if the person who made it, so many years ago, would even recognize it any more. And when it wore out again... well, he might just end up stuffing a sack with leaves to sleep on. There were hardly any materials left from those days to make repairs on the stuff that wore out. "I like color," he said, staring at the hand-woven rugs that replaced carpet long-since worn out and removed. "We try to do stuff with dyes, but it's hard work, and the colors we get are limited." Mostly greens and browns, the easiest in nature. Anything more vibrant, which might require flowers, tends to be hard, especially in this area where they get a hard freeze for two months or so out of the year. "So... if you're staying here, too, and you want to... liven it up." He waved his hand generally in the direction of the walls. He wasn't sure he liked talk of being a cure to anything, now that he was in his own rooms again. But he also knew things couldn't go on forever like they were. Humanity would either need to progress and beat back nature again--an insurmountable task, it felt like--or just wither and die out completely. That there might be a third way sounded appeal, but he couldn't begin to envision it. Flopping back on his bed, he
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winced. He'd be in constrictive clothing too long. Still laying there, he wriggled out of his jacket, then pulled off the long-sleeved overshirt he wore most often. It smelled and would need to be washed soon. Stepping in front of the room's cracked and dingy mirror, he started to unwind the stiff fabric wrapping around his chest, covering him from armpit to navel. Sometimes he hated watching this, and other times he couldn't help himself. Layer by layer he peeled away the fabric until it lay in curls around him on the floor and his breasts breathed free. He hefted them, one in each hand, seeing the marks left by the tight binding fabric. But they had regained their usual shape--he hated to think of them as "natural"--almost as soon as they were free. A little saggy, but teardrop shaped. He shivered and sighed and settled back onto his bed. The rest of his upper body was almost without a hint of softness, a body hardened by the work of life in the present age. But those remained. No quirk of fat storage, but a full signifier of female biology. But he wasn't female. And yet, nor was he male, either. Stuck in an unfathomable limbo. He pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes and dashed away the tears. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/7/2023 1:55 PM
The phantom felt a pain. She let her chastising go of technology, appeased with his answer. She'd gotten an answer to what he wanted in his space. In their space as she had now claimed it. Already thoughts buzzed in her head on how she would redecorate in her way but it was when Nikita started to unbind himself that she stopped her poking about and prodding of him. Standing behind him like the shadow she was, she watched as he unveiled and considered himself. Part of the symbiote wanted to reach out for a caress but felt, in this moment even, it wasn't the time. Reading the lines and pain on his face, the confusion. The poor creature that didn't understand just how special he really was. Celeste had been here when Mother nature's war started. Though she was but a sprout of spores at the time. Her consciousness developed as the new world did, and what she saw of it she didn't like. From either side. Humans might be a plague in their way, but the method of dealing with them had been harsh. She had never understood why you would fight a problem when you could use it to an advantage. All those thoughts were put to the side as Nik laid down and covered his face. She felt a pang inside her she didn't fully understand, but even so she would gust over to him and lay in a side position on his bed, next to his head. Soft ghost hands raking through his hair. She let him have a moment before speaking, "You probably do this everything you undress, don't you, sweet one?" Her echoing tones sounded much sweeter now. "Why? Did the world make you think there something wrong? Do you dislike what you have? Tell me so I might understand... In nature, a creature like you is something special and to be protected. A being, that is all. Why do you cry, my Nikita?" She whispered near his ear while fingers drifted through his hair in an almost loving but possessive fashion. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/7/2023 2:24 PM
"I... I... I'm broken," he said, and his chest heaved with sobs suddenly. He had never been able to talk about it to anyone and now... now he was talking about it to what must be some kind of brain tumor or Gaia-fed hallucination. But it felt so real, like real fingers running through his hair, the tender touch he had not felt in so long. He turned to his side, toward her, curling up, sobbing as he let it pour out. "Everything. Everyone," he said. Whatever progress humanity had made socially had seemed to vanish with the Gaian apocalypse. Soon men had to be men, tough and strong and fearless, and women had to be women, soft and nurturing and bearing babies. His mother told him that they hadn't noticed at first, when he was born. He seemed like a normal boy. But then cleaning him up one day, his father had discovered that he had two complete sets of genitals. As he grew, his father seemed almost obsessed with "proving" Nikita to be a boy, a man in the making. But Nikita had proved to be reluctant to embrace it, as much as he wanted to please his father. And then it seemed like two things happened at once. Puberty struck, and his father died. He linked the two in his mind from the very beginning, convinced that his father's carelessness had been born of his own preoccupation with Nikita's continued "two spirit" development. And his mother did not help matters. With his father gone, his mother put so much more pressure on him to be a man, helping him bind his breasts when they started to develop, and all but ignoring any other expression of femininity. He poured this out to her, to Celeste. In halting words, punctuated by sobs, he explained. And he then explained how he couldn't then trust himself around any of the others. Every pairing was traditional. Everyone was trying to make babies. He didn't even know if he could, in either way. Soon he stripped himself completely naked, kicking away his trousers, underwear, laying naked on the bed as if to show Celeste that
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, too. Between his legs, a thick, limp cock, his balls hiding the soft folds of a pussy. "How... how can I keep being both?" he asked, his voice hoarse and plaintive. "How can I be part of the cure when I'm so broken?" @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/7/2023 3:17 PM
Fingers slid through his hair and down his neck softly as he spoke. She let him. She let him go on and tell her all the pains that had struck him, all the merciless care of what a treasure he was, that he had endured. There was an anger inside the symbiote suddenly, though she did her best to not let it show beyond a grip of his hair and soft raking of his scalp by nails that were only truly 'real' to him. A buzz of pollen welled around them as his story continued and finally ended when he burst away from her to disrobe. A gasp echoed repeatedly through his head and the words "Beautiful," "Splendor," "Gorgeous," repeated over and over again in hushed whispers like an assembly of people gathering to agree with eachother on those truths. Still her shadow stayed in place till he lay there, bare and half broken from retelling a story he'd never told anyone. She gusted up till she was hovering above him, a shadow mirroring back at him. Though this one very feminine. "I envy you," she started as she stared down. Her ghostly hands reaching out to rake along his sides, along his outer breasts, over the curves that made him a woman and the mounds that made him a man. She traced him as she spoke "In nature, creatures like you are special. Possessing both unique sets, a joining of two worlds. I was not alotted this. I can only bring life, I cannot give it as a male reproductive can. So I envy you," she was quiet. The monotone echo like a gentle caress. "Perhaps you can, in time," she answered to his question on such a matter "But you have been stunted, my sweet rose." She sighed and honestly sounded like she might cry "The course of nature would have allowed you to flourish and be all, but humanity stopped you from becoming that, from embracing yourself," she traced up his abdomen to his chin and softly, and to anyone not him it would look like they moved themselves, she would push his tears from his face. Smoothing his hair back. "If you wish to pick one, I c
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an help you with that. If you choose to keep both, I can also guide you. But you must choose, my sweet Nikita." She told him as gently as her ethereal voice allowed. "With the latter, I can promise you a vengeance. With the former, a 'normal' life. But one without me," she told him with the ever trace of a pout to her words. She let him choose before moving forward. She was invasive, she wasn't rude. She felt his pain rip through her and if she could have cried, she might have. Instead the pollen around them both seemed to sing and buzz, settling in the air and on Nikita's skin. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/7/2023 6:23 PM
He trembled under her phantom touch, his body stretching out, then curling back up as though trying to hide every bit of himself from her or anyone who might see it, even his own eyes. Heard her words of praise in his head for the appearance of his body, and while he let them in to touch his heart, he still found it so hard to believe them. No, he couldn't be... beautiful? Him? No... but... maybe. He shivered and trembled, listening to her, to his new symbiote. A constant companion, a voice in his mind, a soft waft of music ever in the front of his mind. "My heart..." he whispered. "My heart says... it says both, but I don't... I don't know. I don't want... vengeance. I just want to be, I want to be comfortable, or if not that, I just want to be... myself." He turned and lay back again, flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Every other day he carefully cleaned every inch of it, keeping mold at bay. Nature could inveigle itself into his room in all kinds of ways. He could feel how much she yearned to bring nature into his space. Maybe he should let her. No, not just let her: ask her to. Would that be a step in the right direction? If he could find a way to coexist here, in his rooms, then... maybe. His left hand went to one of his breasts, the other placed flat on his upper thigh, partly wrapping around the base of his shaft. Two at once. Both at once. He squeezed his eyes shut, tears leaking from the lids, down his cheeks. Could it be that simple? But... but how? "Will you... will you bring nature here... in here? I... see it, your desire for it, in these rooms. Our rooms." He sees her better somehow with his eyes closed, the motes of pollen resolving easier in his mind's eye to the vague shape of a woman. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/7/2023 6:49 PM
She kept caressing him softly as he admitted he wanted both and her shadow nodded in pleasure at this. Her hovering form came down just inches from his and she watched as he lay back, flat and for her ponderings and wonderings again. "Good. I did not want to leave you, my rose." she whispered into his ear. "I'm becoming very enamored with you. I feel the need to protect, to help, to guide. You wish not for vengeance. Very well. You want to just be you. So I will give you that power." She pressed a phantom kiss to his cheek and wafted down beside him once more. "What keeps you from being yourself?" she asked in her echoing tones. "Tell me and we will break these barriers together," as his eyes closed her image was more solid for him indeed. In her form as she was nearly in his dreams and laid out with long hair twining around her form and wafting around her like she was under water. She smiled at him warmly when he caught her gaze. "Anything," She echoed in an endless whisper that turned into a new song. Soft drums, strings and wood instruments in a soft instrumental of an old time that she manage to 'record' in her way. "You may ask me for anything, my precious one and it's yours." she curled her phantom form more towards his and slowly the walls started to creep up with vines and tangle around various word work in the place. They spiraled up until only a little of each item and wall remained seen, and then slowly different colored roses and lilies started to sprout in various places. Each bit of the vines adhering to any wood would make it suddenly like new again and reinforce it. The tech remained untouched and a clear path around it was made. The floors started to sprout small patches of grass in places of old rugs and slowly stems of more roses and lilies came up to spring in different colors around the area they inhabited. From the ceiling long vines holding ripe and ready to pick small squashes hung low enough for him to grab but not hit his hea
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d. Reaching out she touched his chin "Look around, my sweet," She cooed to him. Already so enamored by this creature she'd wandered across. "All these plants are Monoecious... Like you," she whispered softly and ran her hand down his soft face "They house both organs in one form. Both in one." She looked around at the array, "You can eat them all, sustain off them, admire how they are. You can love them, my sweet. And they are both." She whispered to him softly. "Do you like it?" she had an edge to her echo, like she was actually worried this human might not enjoy the palace of nature and mankind she had formed for him at his asking, or perhaps not liked how she chose to describe him. A symbiote experiencing emotional anxiety. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/9/2023 7:14 AM
"I... I think it's all in here," he said, tapping his right temple and keeping his eyes closed for now. He could hear the things growing around them, smell the growing fragrance of nature invading his rooms. Their rooms. And not invading. Simply... moving in, the way a mate might when it was decided to start life together. He shivered, not from the cold against his naked skin, but some visceral hint of understanding of what Celeste wanted for him. But it was still so elusive. "But I don't know. I don't know anyone else like me. We're such a small community, and it's so hard to get to know other people, to truly let them in when we're just so busy surviving." Were there even any others like him in the whole world? He didn't think so, couldn't imagine that it might be the case. He was clearly some kind of freak mutation. Unlike Celeste's plants, he had no idea if he could reproduce or not, or if he even wanted to. If it even made sense. Lots of other people seemed to think that mating and reproducing was not such a good idea, given how many other perpetually single people seemed to infuse the community. And with how he was, it might make even more sense for him not to do so. At her question, he opened his eyes to look at what she'd done, and nearly wept. The colors complimented so perfectly, yellows and reds, blending with greens, and a thousand other colors of every gradient and shade. "It's so beautiful," he whispered, and unconsciously ran his hands down his body, then back up again, over his breasts, feeling a shiver of something run through him again. "I love it. Thank you." He closed his eyes again that he might see her better, now drinking in the soft and feminine curves that defined her in his mind's eye. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/9/2023 9:47 AM
The ghast of a shadow hovered closer to his form as he looked about and whispered how it loved it and thanked her. If she could smile, she would have. And even the small shadow of her mouth uplifted somewhat to show it. She was growing sweet on him. Adoring how he ran his hands over his body but lamenting how he relented that the barriers were in his head. She sighed a soft warm breath over his skin. "I am pleased you enjoy it. They will grow and I will show you how to harvest them and use them. For anything you can imagine. You lack color? They can make dyes. You need food? They make a wonderful salad. Even water can be found in their roots. I need you to understand these flowers I have brought for you, serve a grand purpose. Such as you do." She caressed his face lightly and ran her fingers through his hair as she had before. "So we start with your mind. We will break these barriers and you will be you here as you are in there. It will just take time, my rose." She cooed. The echo was like a whisper down a chamber as she spoke each word to him. Her light caress. The image before him was hovering above him again, the hour glass figure of a woman with long hair that cascaded and flowed around her. "Tell me your greatest wish, tell me what you are feeling? Do you wish to dream again?" She sighed again, there was something about this person, this being before her she hadn't expected. His mind was a wonderland and he was so conflicted by who he was. But how she couldn't help but adore him. The way he was vulnerable but strong. Was lost but knew himself more then he knew. The vines and flowers throbbed around them and seemed to sing a soft chiming song in the background. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/9/2023 10:29 AM
He closed his eyes again and sighed, relaxing into the bed once more, letting his hands fall to his sides. The fragrance of the new plant life swirled around him, or perhaps that was just Celeste, and either way he welcomed it. He gripped the sheets on the mattress, sighing softly as he turned her questions over in his mind. "I want to dream," he whispered. "But I don't know how. I don't know what to want. I've been in survival mode for so long, both surviving nature and just surviving myself, that I can't even begin to understand what it's like to want something for myself... other than peace." His eyes squeezed shut and tears escaped again. He'd wondered, once, if he could find peace following his father's example, wandering carelessly into the woods to be devoured, but... No. He'd shied away from that feeling every time. Not out of fear, but out of a sense that he had something else to do. Was this that other thing that he had to do? "If I could dream... maybe it would be of a family, one where I could feel safe and myself. Or... or of just finding myself, finding my comfort in being who I am." He knew from reading old books that people had once gotten surgery to affirm their visions of themselves, but that wasn't an option for him. And... and he wasn't sure he'd want it, if it was. Naked on the bed, he felt a certain stillness, no urges to change that body, just a desire to be... to be loved for it. "The touch... the touch of someone who loved me, loved me as I am right now," he whispered. Such a silly thing to dream. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/9/2023 4:07 PM
The symbiote felt every emotion he let off, every thought that echoed in her own state of 'mind' that made her want to hold him and clutch him in a way this form would never truly allow. He was so hurt, so broken. Like a meadow that had been salted. But as he lay there, so close to her shadowy form and cried for love and acceptance, her motives changed once again. She looked him over and spoke in her echoing words as she came to lay beside him, her fingers tracing his tears away in that invisible way she did. She let her fingers tip toe down his body softly and back up to his chin where she cupped up and slowly urged him to turn to her. "I do not know what love is. Not like humans know it," her echoing tones seemed almost sad, muted. "But I have always wondered. Plants do not have mates. We bond through root systems connected. But I am a pollen hive. I have no roots..." She thought for a moment, truly thought about her own 'life', as endless as it seemed. "I do not feel so... rootless around you, my Nikita." She admitted softly and her fingers tranced over his face "You are ... wonderful. Your mind alight with ideas and thoughts I have no encountered. Your body a wonderland of differences I have only seen in plants and flowers that would not bond with the likes of me..." A soft sigh washed over him. She lamented her own loneliness, in her way, to him. "Would you like to dream? Would you like to touch ... me?" She asked in a hopeful sort of tune that rung out through the rest of the echoes. "You do not need to survive anymore, Nikita... You have me. You can thrive now. I will always protect you." She said warmly "Now close your eyes... we can dream whatever you want." At some point her predatory nature had been taken over by something else for the human. Though she didn't know what. It was new to her. But she wanted to protect him, to hurt any who hurt him, to wipe away his tears. To be for him what he was for her already, something to feed off of.
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And she'd feed him, well. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/9/2023 4:20 PM
He felt her, so close, yet a million miles away. A cloud he couldn't hope to hold and touch. But he sensed that she wanted to and he found he wanted to, as well. This was the first... being? entity? Not person, surely, and yet... yes, the first person who had ever tried to see him, to hear him, the first he had ever felt safe unburdening to. He swallowed and nodded slowly to her. "Yes... yes, please, I want... I want to dream," he said, shuddering softly. Night was closing in, and it was not a bad time to sleep, not after the day (days?) he'd had with Celeste, first encountering her in the forest and now bringing her back to his home, such that it was. Closing his eyes, he made himself as comfortable as he could on his bed, covering with a blanket, knowing that such would not be a barrier between him and Celeste, especially when she entered his mind. He was fascinated by her description of the mating life of plants, and how she was different. Did she feel as different among plants as he did among humans? It seemed like she knew there were more like her, and yet. And yet. Maybe they had found each other, they would be an island to each other. "Please," he said, already feeling drowsy, his voice softened by exhaustion. "Please, let us dream." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/9/2023 4:42 PM
The creature that she was felt it too. The island they were both on now. He was right, she wasn't like most of her kind. The invasive monsters that overtook the planet, or rather took it back, so ruthlessly. Celeste was curious in nature, but also humanity. And for so long she had been looking for someone like him. Someone like the flowers she tended in her own grove. Which she would have to take him to soon, she knew now. Sooner then she thought but already she buzzed with her pollen spores to show him her own little abode. Their abode. For they had two now in her eyes between them. His request was easily given and she leaned into him. Her shadow turning to a gust and slowly helping the blanket around him as her spores settled in as they did before and started to coat him from head to toe. His last breath before unconsciousness would be her shadow into his mouth and nose as she entered his head, fully, once more. She already had some connection to it but when they were like this, she could be more connected then ever. And she found herself craving that connection. The dream world swam and swirled as it came into focus. A darkness that covered everything as she slowly entered from the dark fog. Her long hair covering her nude form as she came into focus for him and her curves jutted from every angle one could hope for. Godiva, jet black hair covered her and she walked forward, soft ripple on the inky black ground as she stepped toward him in their dream space. She stared at him, about his head height and piercing blues looking into his. "Would you like to touch me, Nikita? How, my flower?" she asked softly, the echo chamber of her voice reverberating behind the sounds of harps in the background that had yet to fade since he first let her in. "Can you tell me what love is?" She asked him with a curious expression, her brow knit a little as she came within inches of him and looked him over "My kind... We do not have this word." @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/9/2023 4:55 PM
Nikita swam into the dream world, unlike any other dream he'd ever had, save one. The one he'd fallen into the first time he'd breathed her in. He shivered a little, but the dream world steadied around him. Nothing much here but him, and he found himself standing there wrapped only in a blanket, as though huddling under it for warmth. But he wasn't cold here, and the blanket was soft against his bare skin. He held it clutched tight around his body as Celeste now swam into view, resolving into the image of the curvy naked woman, wreathed in her own hair. He cocked his head as he listened to her question, then bit his lip. "I... I would love to touch you... my... um... what... what should I call you?" he asked, but stepped forward just the same, reaching a hand out from under his blanket. He felt the strands of her hair brush over his fingers and he gulped, then smiled a little. "Love? Love is..." he smiled a little and sighed. "Love is a lot of things. Complicated things sometimes." The wrenching bite of a love that had tried to protect him, tried to form him into a mold was set aside. That sort of love didn't need to be talked about right now. Not like this. He could understand what she was asking, and it wasn't anything so complicated. "I... I've never experienced that love for myself, but I... I know what it's supposed to be like. I've read enough, heard enough people talk about it. Even," he blushed a little. "Even seen it a few times, when I... when I happened on people who were doing it and they didn't see me." That he might have stayed to watch longer than he should have did not really need to be brought up at the moment. His cock stiffened under the blanket, as did his nipples. He bit his lip, feeling so aroused just thinking about it. How long since he'd touched himself properly? Too long. "Is that what you mean? When humans... make love?" @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 7/9/2023 5:40 PM
She stood before him, turning her head down as his fingers twined through her long strands of hair and canting her head ever so slightly to the side so that his hand would graze one of her ample breasts. "You may call me whatever you like. My name is Celeste. It was given to me by the first spore to think for itself. Many, many centuries ago," she revealed "Do you like what you see, my lily?" She asked him with a gentle smile. She seemed to like that he was calling her his already. Slowly her hands came up to wrap in the blanket and pull it away slowly "Do not be ashamed," She told him softly as she slowly let the blanket fall and he would find it easier to manifest his internal image of himself this time then the last. She listened to his explanation and canted her head from one side to the other. "I suppose... both," she admitted "I have watched humans copulate and flowers pollen be spread. But I have never understood this emotion, this feeling before," She stared at him and stepped closer with a ripple of long strands under the darkness of her foot. "I want to know, Nikita. I want to understand what humans feel so I can .... be one with you." she said as she slowly reached out to trace his jaw line down between his breasts and to his cock. She breathed in, though she need't "I can be your pair... Flowers have pairs." the echo was softer now, sweeter. More like a melody then an endless chamber of invasion. She was growing softer on him and by the moment as they connected. Outwardly the pollen clung to him tighter as it cocooned him tightly and protectively. So much as a fly would pass would be skewered and ended by the branches. In the dream realm, she reached with her free hand not tracing him to her hair and slowly parted the long strands, revealing a soft tuft of hair between her thighs and perky nipples. She found some thrill in her rise that he would feel ripple through them. The more connection he allowed, the more he'd feel what she did. And t
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his feeling was new to her. Her chest heaving without need at his touch "I have heard humans shout the words 'love' from the skies. I have heard them curse it to the gods... I have heard them shout it in words of what I can only imagine pleasure sounds like." she sounded confused but curious and continued "Would you teach me this human love? All of it? I would give you whatever you asked for." she told him softly and pulled her hand up to slowly wrap around his neck gently before smoothing out along his cheeks, her lips coming close to his. "Is this love?" she asked with her caress of mouth against his with each syllable. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/10/2023 6:54 AM
"I... I love how you look," he said, his voice soft, as she revealed her dream-state body to him. His own body responded accordingly, cock standing erect, with a moistening evident deeper between his legs. He shivered as he looked her over, licking his lips. In truth, he'd always been attracted to both males and females, which he had long associated with his physical nature. Embodying both sexes, so drawn to both as well. He wasn't entirely sure the two were related, but given that it was part of the dual nature that he hated and was ashamed of, and since he felt it incredibly unlikely he'd ever have a chance to be with anyone, male or female, he didn't give it much thought. Seeing things through the new lens, though, the way Celeste wanted him to see things, was changing his mind ever so slightly. But none of that thinking had diminished his attraction to women, that was certain. He shivered when she stepped closer, kissing him softly as she spoke. "It.. it's a start," he said, shuffling a little closer to Celeste now, his hands reaching out to touch her softly curved hips. Her skin felt so smooth under his touch, so warm, full of life. He wasn't sure what he expected? Maybe something cold, illusory, but no, in here she was as real as he was, as real as anyone. He moaned a little and kissed her now. Clumsy, but remembering he was in a dream, he could try to ... will himself not to be so clumsy, and for the most part it worked. His lips parted, his tongue darted out to taste her lips. She tasted of honey and flowers, at least at first taste, and he wanted more. His hands gripped her hips more tightly, his tongue darted into her mouth, and he moaned. Eyes closed, he kissed her deeply and held her tight against his body, his erect cock trapped between them, his breasts mashing against hers. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
She dipped her head at the compliment and with a slight cant to her head saw his reaction to her. She seemed curious, stepping closer to slowly touch along his form. It was as real as possible with the way her pollen worked. They'd feel it like it was real, even if it wasn't in the end. Celeste for her part had never been so successful in her endeavors to get this far and found an odd sensation in herself yet again. This human was making her feel. When he pressed to her lips her eyes widened a moment and she froze, as though not sure what entirely to do. But as his arms took her in and he pressed to taste and lavish her, she followed suit in an equally clumsy way. She had about as much experience, if not less, then he in this area. But her curiosity and liking of him had led her here and she found she enjoyed how he tasted as well. Sweet but spicy at the same time. So much like his duel nature. Like cinnamon. She moaned a little in her throat as her arms wrapped around him and she turned her head to invade his mouth with her tongue with more fury and pressed her form to his in a sudden burst she couldn't explain. He was delicious, intoxicating. His mind, his form, the way he fumbled through his attraction in a similar way she did that only made her feel closer to him as she heatedly kissed him back in a mesh of lips that hadn't felt another's. Holding him tight to her form she finally broke away to trail small kisses from his cheek to his ear "Would you like me to fit you, perfectly?" She asked him as she took one of his hands in hers and led him to her core. "I can make anything for you that you wish. This is just the state I choose," she explained. "We could fit, like petals..." she trailed off and put her face in his neck to breath him in. "You are so special," the echoing feminine voice kept on, softer still "You have so much potential... Why do I feel like I must protect you, Nikita?" she asked with a soft pull away and semi-confused look
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on her pale features as she peered into his eyes, mere inches from his face. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/10/2023 3:34 PM
The intensity of her kiss caught him off guard, eyes widening as he felt her tongue in his mouth. But then he sagged into it, relaxing, while also tightening his arms around her. His eyes fluttered closed and he savored her flavor, the feel of her against him, her lips against his. He shuddered and kissed back deeply, hands sliding up into her hair and down over her backside, moving entirely on instinct. When she pulled away to speak he gasped, panting as if to catch his breath. His head swam, but he held onto her and as she spoke his mind righted itself. "I... I like you how you are," he said, then bit his lip. "But I want you to be... whatever you want to be, however you want to be." So much easier for him to give her that advice, to give her that space to be herself, than for he himself to heed it, to make that space of his own. He trembled a little, and looked up to meet her eyes again. "I don't know," he said. "I don't know why you feel the way you do. But I guess... I guess maybe... because I'm broken?" He managed a little half-smirk as he answered, the only thing he could do that wouldn't lead him back to the tears he shed when telling her that while sprawled naked on his bed in his room. But no, no sense in going back there, not just yet. "But maybe... maybe I don't need you to protect me, just... just to be with me. You know? Being here, or being in my room, with you there by my side. It.... it means so much to me. That you didn't run, haven't tried to change me, to make me different. I appreciate your protection, I really do. But I can't answer that right now, I can't even comprehend why you'd want to, still. I might get there, but... for right now it's just too big of a question. But I don't want you to go, I want... I want you to be here. You make me feel... good. I don't know if I feel like myself yet, but... I feel better than I have in a long time." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The pale woman stared at him, her hand cupping his face as he spoke and she laughed in her echoing tones at his first statement "How I am? Truly? You have no idea how many, even of my own kind, run in fright of me. I'm a symbiote, Nikita. Do you know what that is?" She asked him with a cant of her head and soft caress of his face. "I chose you because you are different. Not because you are broken. Broken is... relative." She said with a sigh an soft gust turning her to shadow before she wafted around behind him and wrapped her hands around his chest, under his arms to run fingers down between his breasts and to the base of his cock and back up again in a slow repetition. "You say that I do not need to protect you... But I want to. I find I want to hurt everyone who has ever hurt you. Hunt them down like sheep for slaughter," she echoed softly in his ear. His taste still on her tongue from their mingled and meshed kiss of passionate refrain. "But you want to protect me too, don't you?" She asked with lips at his ear. Her fingers still toying with his upper half as she cradled him from behind. A soft sigh came from her lips "And you accepting me has... meant something. I did not think I could feel, not like humanity could. But I saw you in the woods and my pollen buzzed. My sap eeked. My hive craved. And though so many have fallen dead to my very presence, you withstood it, you accept it." She sighed a warm breath and shivered as she pressed her body into his back. "We will make you yourself, I promise you this. I care not for my endless quest anymore. Only for your care. Until then, I will wait to try to join our worlds. And you will help me," her free hand raked through his hair softly "Will you?" She whispered. "Once we make you, you? Will you help me find a way to make the world, the world again? I miss the sounds of music and the pretty things you mortals make," She paused a moment. Her hand gripped his hair and she put her mouth to his neck to
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breath him in "But I will say, your mind and beauty is more then I have ever encountered before. That is why I chose you. Perhaps that is why I feel this... Urge to keep you. May I keep you?" She whispered with lips gently caressing against his ear lobe. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/11/2023 8:55 AM
"I know symbiotes," he said, shivering a little. There was a little bit of a... body horror associated with the word, he thought, but Celeste was definitely different. He pictured some kind of slavering monster growing inside him, then bursting out. But Celeste did not seem to be like that. This something different, more actually symbiotic. He pressed back against her when she moved behind him, shivering at the touch of her hands. His cock seemed perpetually hard in her presence, and it throbbed even at her near touch. He couldn't help but grip it, stroking it slowly as she talked to him. Not as a sexual gesture, but almost as one of comfort, of holding onto something, literally, while she rewove his world around him. "I will help you," he said, his voice small. "I said I would before. Back in the woods. I want things to be better, I want not to be so afraid all of the time." And he realized that applied both to his own nature, himself, as well as to the nature of the world right now. He wanted not to be afraid to be himself, among other humans, and he wanted himself and other humans not to be afraid of the world, to live in better harmony with it. "And... and you may keep me," he said, shivering more. It felt like he was entering into a contract or something, but he also knew it was something that he had to do, needed to in order to stay sane, to become the person he knew deep down that he wanted to be. He wanted to be whole, fully himself, and with some hope of changing the world around him, however slightly. But she was right, the first step would be in working out his own problems, making himself whole and right, whatever that meant. He pressed back into her a little harder, almost daring her to support his weight. Of course, in this dream state, they could do anything and she could take as much weight as he had to give her. Even so, he felt a little lurch in his belly as he worried that she wouldn't support him, the reality of the dream being such that it
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felt so much like the waking world. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
In the dream world, anything could be anything. And so it was with how he leaned into her. She let them fall back, the world dissolving into a meadow with leaves and grass, beautiful flowers of all the names she told him were like him. Waves of high grass, surrounded by a beautiful forest that the sun beamed down on perfectly. Her hair twisted around him like it had a mind of its own. And she curled her hands around him warmly to hold him half upright while he stroked himself and she continued to teased up along his chest and down again. Each time her fingers delicately caressing a little more of his shaft. She may not have known much about mortals, but she knew enough it seemed. Her hands soft and a faint of a caress. But she trilled with delight each time he seemed to enjoy her gentler nature with him. Predatory as it was. "I believe you," she whispered into his neck before gently giving him a kiss there and pulling away, musing on both things he'd confirmed for her. "So we must start at the Root. At you. You will become yourself and I will guard you as you do. The waking world will call for many things. I will ask you to complete task that seem impossible. But know this, my lily, I believe in you above all things." She softly whispered at his ear now. Her other hand came around to wrap around the hand stroking himself and aided him in this with mild curiosity. Enjoying the feel of him under her hand as she whispered in his ear and continued "The first step is no more of those bindings. There is no one to lord over you or tell you what must be anymore." She instructed in a warmer echo that was growing softer the more attached she became. "Do not worry that others will harm you as they have in the past for this. For you have me," She smiled against the side of his face and stroked a little hard "I will protect you, just trust me," her words and urgings of trusting her continued as her body pressed into his back, and she teased him on so many fr
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onts while maintaining her whispered pillow talk of what they were to do. "But first..." She stopped stroking him to hold up her hand and snap her fingers. Removing his hand from himself in the process as even she understood this was not the time for that. The comfort had been provided, her curiosity mildly sated. Now was time to work. Though she more then wished it wasn't. Still holding him against her from behind she raised her hands slightly and two people materalized before them. His mother, and his father. Standing across from one another however, he would remember them as, or in some cases however his mind saw them as. They would be still like when she first did this. And she would explain gently in his ear while her hands came to cradle around him warmly. "You can say or do whatever you like here, remember. So we start were the problem started. Your livegivers, they taught you lessons you wished to have the ability to stand up to. Now is your chance," She waved a hand toward them. "Tell them, show them, kill them if you wish. But make peace with the beginning of your discomfort in yourself, my rose" She whispered warmly in her echoing tones that had started to sound more like the harp that endlessly played. Now however, the drums of decision beat in the background softly. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/14/2023 9:44 AM
He took a step back as his parents materialized there before him, looking like themselves to whatever extent he actually remembered them. So much had gone from his memory. Or maybe it was still there, because he picked out details he would have thought long-forgotten, like the patched knees on his mom's jeans, or the spiderweb-shaped scare on the back of his father's right wrist. They stood there motionless, eyes open and unseeing, staring at one another, wearing the things the last remembered them wearing. Nikita himself was naked, and stubbornly chose to remain naked. Whatever arousal he'd been feeling had fled and his member flopped a little awkwardly between his legs as he walked. He bit his lip as he approached closer still. Did he want them to look at him, see him as he was? Maybe, but... He reached out toward them, one hand extended toward each. He wanted to grab hold of them and he did, and he found he could move their bodies back and forth, dragging their feet over the ground. But this was the dream state, and here... With a clap of his hands he brought them together, fusing them into a single being. Two arms, two legs, just like him. They were not mom and dad any more, but just "The Parent." And they were mingled, a little like him, and yet in some ways more horrific. One blue eye and one brown, patchy stubble on a clean jaw, not his father's full beard, streaks of blond and black hair. He snapped his fingers and The Parent woke, looking at their hands in some kind of silent horror. Their own, and yet not. Mingled. They looked then at him. "Ni-Nikita?" "Yes," he said. "What have you done?" "I've made you... a little more like me. So that maybe you can understand better what I spent a life trying to understand, and which you only ever wanted to suppress." "Why are you naked?" The voice warbled between his father's baritone and his mother's soprano voices. "So that if you look at me you have to see who I am, truly, deep down. The person I was never
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given the chance to be, because I needed to be something else for you." "For you," they said. "So that you wouldn't be bullied and hurt and hated." He scoffed. "For you, because you couldn't cope with who and what I was, who I am. So it was easier to force me into a box." "We didn't--" He snapped his fingers and they stopped, frozen. He crouched down, looking at the grass at his bare feet, holding his head in his hands. A painful tightness gripped his chest. But it eased, slowly, as he breathed in and out. They weren't really here. They were still in his head. He missed them, but he also didn't miss the weight they had put on him, their desires for him to conform. "I think that's enough for now," he whispered, not looking up, not even sure where Celeste was at the moment.
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@🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The symbiote merely watched this time. She didn't have anything to say or anything to do in regards to this scenario. It was, truly, his battle. And though she'd sweep in if he couldn't handle himself, she kept to the side for now. She watched as he perfectly mingled his parents into the amalgamation of the two, she slowly rose to her bare feet. Folding her arms as her hair cascaded around her once more to cover her from head to toe from the scalp down. Her head canting one way and then the other as they exchanged talked between the now two of them and Nikita kept his voice strong. Still she felt his pangs. The longer she stayed connected to him, the more that would happen. She had never fused with anyone before without them perishing, and now she was learning why many of her kind avoided connecting themselves to the human kind. It was making her soft. Her delicate brow knitting as he finally relented and bent over to stop the image. Calling for the end of todays lesson. "It is early, my Rose... You are making such progress..." She sounded almost pained in her duel echoing tones. Slowly gusting toward him. As she did the image of his parent would disappear into wafts of sand that scattered away as she burst through it to get to his side. Her soft hands touching his bare back and slowly sliding up and down his spine. "Breath." she told him. In the waking world, the pollen surrounding him would suddenly pull in a massive amount of oxygen and burst it into his system like some old technology that didn't exist any more. Pulsating slightly as it seemed to massage his worldly form in comfort. Likewise, Celeste did so in their shared dream state. Slowly the sounds of the harp would start to sound in a quiet melody and her lips were by his ear "Do you wish to take a break? Here or perhaps in the waking world once more? I can make anything to your comfort and you have pushed so very far today as it is," She cooed. Her hand gripped his chin and she forced
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his head upward to look into her bright blue hues. "I am very proud of you. You are growing strong, your roots are replacing themselves and you are finding your petals, my sweet succulent." She sighed warmly over him "You deserve any treat you desire. Name it and I will do what I can to sate my host." She caressed his face with her other hand as she slowly got to her knees before him to hold his head as he hung it down by his own. "You are coming so very far, you deserve honey for your treat. The best that nature offers. And nature can offer all, just as you can," she continued to melodiously whisper to him. Her hair reaching out to twist around his wrists and legs loosely and caress him softly as she sought to appease the human that housed her. That she was beginning to slowly crave the happiness of despite her own plans before hand. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 7/19/2023 6:33 AM
"Honey... honey would be nice," he said, smiling at her, though tears stood in his eyes. The welling tears broke, dribbling down his cheeks, but he kept the smile, looking up into her ethereal face. He reached up with both hands to dash away the tears, then slowly uncurled, standing. The rush of oxygen into his lungs, the soft caress of her hand on his back, on his face, wetting her own hand with his tears... it all comforted him in ways he could not begin to describe. He looked around. The Parent was gone, dismissed into whatever ether that Celeste had drawn them from. He missed them, but they... they were gone. They had given him life, shaped his life, but they were gone, and he was free to define himself from here on out. "Honey cakes, perhaps," he said, his voice weary as though from long effort or a night spent crying. "Cold water. A soft place to sit." He thought about asking for clothes, but... no. Here he could just be, and so he wanted to be. Wanted to work on being comfortable with his body and not give in to the urge to hide it. Here he was neither hot, nor cold, and could not burn in the sun, so clothes were... just an affectation. One he could do without, for now. Maybe soon he'd want clothes that accentuated his body, made the most of it, called attention to the parts he wanted people to pay attention to. But here, there was no need, not yet. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
She held him till he rose and his requests were made. Sitting on her heels as she peered up at him with bright eyes of the most frozen and arctic color. She seemed to be admiring him and as he finished his talks, as the tears dried from his face and her hands, she slowly rose with him and cupped his face "Whatever you want, sweet rose" She echoed to him softly before turning to a whisping gust again. Circling him as the harp played in the background the scenery changed. They were in a meadow, slowly materializing as a table set up with a tray of honey cakes and tea appeared before a comfy chair that pushed under his knees to force him to sit across from her appeared as she did in her seat near him. She gave a soft smile and waved to the treats she provided at his whim. "Eat, my sweet. You need your strength for what's to come. And as our link binds and molds, as you allow me in, each thing here becomes more real." She explained as she watched him. "You must realize this by now, yes? That I feast off you and you off me? And with that we find our bind wrapping and twisting." Her echoing voice emitted softly as she poured herself some tea and served them both. Then added a honey cake to her and his plates before leaning back into her nest of soft hair and cushion. "As you let me in and we do these exercises, I will become more a part of you, and you of me. As I believe we both wish the world and all to be. With that, I notice your arousal. I do not understand human mating but beware now... Should you... enact on these urges, you will only bind us further. I imagine." She sighed softly and watched him like a hawk. So casual and dismissive about the arousal she felt from him. Though he couldn't feel it, a stirring had begun within her as well. And she was curious, that much was clear, by how she worded it all. The casual nature and soft hum of her words and the harp in the background picked up as she spoke of such things and a fire in her eyes lit up. H
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er voice was but a whisper as she spoke to him in turn to these feelings "I would not be objected to it, you are so very fascinating I wish to facilitate all your desires... Tell me what you desire, my sweet Nikita? Beyond understanding in the beauty that is your spirit and form." She waved her hand in the air lightly, making a soft pattern of repetition follow as though he was on an acid trip. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 8/13/2023 2:54 PM
He allowed himself to be guided into position, brought to the table and settled in, served tea and honey cakes. He regarded her as she spoke, as she warned him, essentially, about the perils of growing too close. He fidgeted a little in his seat, as she talked about arousal and what acting on it might mean. He bit his lip and looked up at her, then tried to distract himself with a bite of cake. But that didn't help. The cake was so moist, delicious, sweet and he could not help but link it to her, relate it to her, who had brought him into this different level of consciousness, who had conjured these treats. And he did, he wanted her more. Her warning did linger, though, and he wasn't sure about binding. He knew it was inevitable, he knew she had taken up residence in him to some respect. But somehow he had regarded that as temporary--carrying someone else across a river, perhaps. What she spoke of was more permanent than that, a new evolution of life on this world, perhaps even. He shivered. The warning stuck with him, but did not deter him. "What do I want?" he asked, so aware that he was still naked, that at least some of his own feelings were visible on his body for her to see. "I... I want to experience what others have had--love, pleasure, joining--that I've never been able to find someone for. I can't even begin to think beyond just that, just being... joined like that with someone." He smirked a little. "Perhaps when the novelty of that wears off, I might want more. But just that... that is enough for me, for now." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Sitting in her throne of overly long and wavy hair, of cushions and plush in a world of their joint creation, the symbiote picked at her own cake and ate the smallest of bites like she was a woman of some respect. But her eyes never left him. She had been wearing a small smile on her red lips, a gentle look that glided over her smooth features. But as he spoke of what else he wanted and he squirmed at her open mentions of his feelings, the smile dropped to a line and her brow knit in a curious way. Many things where felt off him, rolled off him. She took it all in as thoughts of hers mixed with his and feelings collided in ways she'd never known could before. The odd creature was so curious and that set her apart, but it also left her lonely. For the first time since their meeting, she looked away from him as though ashamed. Her head turned down at her meal and a soft huff of breath she didn't need. "I have been curious of these things," she admitted with the echoing tones, the harp sounded sadder. "I thought I loved once, but they were not strong, they did not want me, they perished for it. But I would not do the same to you." The end spoken like a choice she actively had already made. "I can join you, perhaps mate you, be something to you, if the stars align and our spirits connect. But they cannot do that with fear and they cannot do that without your want," the harp in the background played softly and sad as she went on as though singing it in song to him. A rare moment of vulnerability had her seeming smaller as she continued on "I should like to try with you, Nikita. An even footing, a balanced scale. You feed me and I you. My grand plans aside I find myself... feeling." She swallowed "I find myself... moved, by you. By your words and life. But I cannot touch what will not let me." Her icy eyes drew up and stared into his as though pleading, but her cold look didn't fade much. She was as she was. A creature who didn't know the feelings of
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mortals, a strange creature who yearned for more, and beneath all the showmanship and flashy tricks, she was just a scared person lost in the same world that he was. For the first time, another first, he would feel this coming from her. If he allowed himself to open up to the pools in her eyes that spoke of the loneliness he felt, he'd feel all she had for a moment. A foreshadowing of the river that would flow between them if he continued on this path. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 8/24/2023 6:32 AM
Nikita sipped at the tea as she spoke, interspersed with the occasional bite of the honey cakes. He tilted his head occasionally at her strange bits of phrasing. But overall, he found that he understood her perhaps better than she might have thought. Ever one to want to help people, to make them happy, to fix their problems, he found himself reaching across the table toward her at times, hands flat on the linen. His body angled toward her, the feel of his breasts hanging down a little a strange sensation--he kept them bound so often that he hardly dealt with them free of their confines unless it was in bed. In situations like this, the sensations were now. And for the first time, he found himself reveling in those feelings. She had awakened things in him, feelings that he'd long suppressed, and at the heart of them was a sort of satisfaction with his own body that he could not recall ever feeling. He felt... secure. She was not put off by his appearance, and her own reluctance to join with him in intimacy, to give him the things he said he wanted was entirely within her, her own reluctance. "Have I not given you that permission, though?" he asked quietly when she was done speaking. He wanted to tread carefully, but also to maybe confront her a little. "We're here in a... a... construct within our minds. You've joined with me in a way that is overpoweringly intimate. I feel like I couldn't hide a thought or feeling from you even if I wanted to. "Which I don't. I know I have a long way to go to accepting myself as I am... in here is one thing, but I know it will be different when I wake from this and step out into the waking world, where I have no control over the people around me, where I can't banish them with a thought." A sudden thought, alarming and funny at once, crashed into him. "Not that I want that power, either, in the waking world. In here it's sufficient to be able to conjure up my parents and banish them again." He eased back in his chair, again t
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he... geometry of his body, free and naked, a marvel to him. He slid his own hands over his body, down from his shoulders, over his breasts, down to his tummy, then between his legs. "I want you to touch me. I want to touch you, to find out what it's like, to understand intimacy of that kind." He smiled a little. "And, well, I want you to have that too. I want you to understand what it's like." @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Icy blue hues stared into his soul as he spoke, as she felt the feelings rolling off him with subconscious thought and forefront all mixed together like the way she spoke. For a moment she closed her eyes in bliss. His words like music that picked up the harp that played for them. Slowly opening them, she scanned him, considered him, contemplated the words that hid her, that ran over her repeatedly. "No, you have not. I cannot touch what does not touch me first. In the woods that day, the day we found one another, you came in contact with my pollen, thus a link was opened." She tried to explain how the symbiote process worked to him. How she couldn't take without being given first. Invasive as she was. Scanning over him lightly she rose her gaze up and down him before a hand wished over the table and it disappeared. Leaving them both sitting across from eachother in their comfortable seats. She was as nude as he, and carefully she pulled aside a long wave of hair to reveal her plump bosom to him. Her nipples tented and hard. Her legs crossed one over the other but a gentle soft patch of hair between her thighs. She was showing herself to him, as he was her. Baring herself in the same fashion based on what he said and how he seemed to crave it. Inchingly, their chairs started to grow closer and closer, bit by bit till they nearly touched. She never looked away. "You are a marvel." She answered his thoughts. "A flower in bloom that I wish to touch, taste, explore..." she sighed, breathing in suddenly. "But here? Would that suffice for you?" She rose her brows "I could take form in your world, but it would take time. I have time and so do you now. But I wish for you to have all you want. I do not know when this change of mind came to me." Her echoing voice sounded slightly worried, semi confused, but she persisted. "You may discover me, if you wish, Nikita, my rose." She softly said in the ever hint of someone afraid of rejection. How strange a tho
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ught, an idea. To be rejected by a mortal. She could kill him, devour him, destroy him. And yet... All she wanted in this moment with eyes full and wide with anticipation, breath caught in her throat, was for him to touch her in some form, or tell her when he would. Holding her hair aside she let it fall over her shoulders to fully reveal herself, the pale skin under all the hair. Hands falling to rest lightly to the sides of the seat arms. Casual, but unsure. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 8/28/2023 5:26 PM
Nikita bit his lower lip as she exposed herself to him. His erection, which had softened somewhat now sprang back to life, and he drank in the sight of her body with delight. As the chairs inched closer together, he once again touched himself, a hand on his breasts, cupping them, the other hand curled around the base of his erection. His legs spread wider and he swallowed hard. "H-here," he said, swallowing hard again. "Here would be better. At least... at least for now." Not that he could hope to count on there being a second time, or even that he might survive the first time. Joining with such a being, even in his mind, what might that do to him? To his sanity? He didn't know, but... but he wanted to find out. And sooner, rather than later, before he lost his nerve. As their chairs moved closer and closer, he noticed she brought them together as close as possible without touching, one of his legs between her spread limbs. Close enough for a little twitch to cause a touch. But he does more than that, leaning forward, reaching across, both hands sliding over her creamy thighs. They're not really there, he told himself, but his senses told him a different story. The warmth of flesh under his touch caused him to shiver, his arousal growing more intense, if that was possible. He leaned close, reaching then for her face with one hand, cupping her cheek. He drew his face to hers and pressed a kiss to her lips, trembling at the touch. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
Celeste BOT 1/9/2024 9:27 AM
The moments stretched on. It could have been seconds or weeks. But it hung there in the air. Her desire. His. The words she spoke which seemed to make no sense, spurning him to brave the first true intimate touch. She trailed her hues over his form. His perfect form that his world hid. The form that made him so special, so unique, with a mind like a secret garden for her to explore. A shiver and goosebumps rose on her creamy thighs from his touch, his press against her. A rare and unknown nervous shake to her form. It may be apparent to him by now, that she had never been touched this way. Her impressive form almost shrinking as she shivered under his attentions. The cupping hand made her purr in her softly echoing way and the sounds of the harp in the background picked up in a soft crescendo as she helped close the distance. Her lips latching to his, parting as her tongue lashed out to lap lightly at his mouth. Tasting him with another shiver that seemed perpetual. Slow at first, she pressed harder and her breast heaved against his in breaths she didn't need to take. Caressing him with her kiss, that tasted of honey, she gave into his want in that moment. One hand reaching up to likewise cup his face while they devoured eachothers mouths in a slow frenzy she incited. And he invited. Finally she broke away, her lips parted and eyes held drawn. Staring at him in wonder and as though she'd never seen him before. "I have a confession, my lily," she whispered as she slowly rose up and shifted her form right into his lap. Her long hair cascading around them like a cloak. Pressing into his girth with her round and plump bottom. Her arms wrapping around his neck as her lips found purchase on his neck and collar bone. Her words whispering over his skin. "I lied. I just craved for you to take action. To show me. And now you've woken something I didn't think I could feel." The harp strung harp and her teeth on his ear whispered what that was. "Lust..." Her body was
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super heated against his and moisture formed clearly on her upper thighs. The physical response to him alarmed and thrilled her. "Do you forgive me?" @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 1/9/2024 12:35 PM
“How could I not?” he asked, the first words he felt he could form coherently since she straddled his body, pressing hers against the fullness of his arousal. In the shroud of her hair, his hands slid along her thighs, then up her sides, caressing and exploring her. He moved to cup her breasts, so full and round and perfect, an idealized mirror of his own. Though he supposed here, in some construct of his mind and hers, his own breasts could be just as perfect. He whimpered a little as that very thought brought some change, and now as he leaned closer to her he could feel his nipples, stiff and sensitive, gliding against her skin. All the while, his eyes remained half-lidded, savoring every tactile sensation and the rasp of breath in his ear. Her body was warm, almost feverishly hot, but he found himself craving that, moving his hands again down her back. He stroked his fingers over her generous backside, then gripped her, pulling her closer, trying to immerse himself in her heat. “Our lusts mingle,” he whispered to her. “Mine and yours. Never touched, either of us, no one to guide us. We have to guide ourselves, each other.” His voice was a moan, bordering on a whine as need built up in him. His grip on her ass tightened, he lifted, and as if propelled by his thought alone, his erection shifted, bringing the bulbous tip right to the soft heat of her entrance. “I need you,” he whispered, kissing her neck, inhaling her floral scent. Her wetness dripped down his erection, sheathing him in her arousal. Slowly he guided her down. The first instant of penetration, feeling the most sensitive part of his cock engulfed by the wet heat of her sex, sent electric jolts through his body. Every joint stiffened for a moment and he worried that he’d lose control. But no, in his mind, he had the control he needed. And so he sunk deeper into her, moving slowly, savoring the new sensations. Something neither of them had ever experienced in the waking world, and yet he knew bey
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ond a doubt would feel the same—if not lesser—should he ever find a fully human mate. And that is the question, how he might ever settle for anything else. Or if he’d ever want to. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
The symbiote sighed and craned her head back as he whispered back to her, forgave her for her soft deceit in order to get the reaction she wanted from him. A smile spread across her ruby lips and the panting hitched as he ran his hands all over her form. The sensations were like nothing she'd ever felt. An ancient creature that haunted the world before its end, and she'd never had hands on her in such a way. Never felt the soft caress and desire therein that radiated from every lustful grab and slide over her pale, porcelain like flesh that was just as real here as it could be. And it did feel real. Besides, what was the sensation of feel but the spark of receptors going off in the brain? Her body folded back over his and her thighs tightened around him as their breasts pressed together, and as usual, sensing his thoughts, she spoke against his cheek with soft kisses and her hands running down his back lovingly "You are perfect," she whispered to assure him. Shivers ran up and down her form as he continued to whisper his poet's speech to their mingling and all she could do was delight and revel in how far he'd come already, how true his words were. Her nipples slid back and forth over his as she fervently moved to kiss along his neck, nails softly clawing at his back like every word drove her further into her desire. And they did. They spurned her. Form shifted with his urgings, controlling her with his hands and as he kissed her neck and slowly dipped into her, she repeated his words, her head to his and eyes locked "And I need you," She returned. Eyes widening in wonder and terror but pure thrill. But then those icy eyes shut closed and a semi pained expression pinched her smooth features, a soft cry and gasp coming from her lips as he finally broke the barrier and started to slide into her body. A body that truly no one had ever had the opportunity to feast on. A jolt ran through her spine as he slowly inched into her. Juices sliding down him as her
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want was already near a breaking point. Smooth and slick as he entered her welcoming body. He made it so slow and her lips parted, toes curling as her crevasse stretched for him with resistance. Hands curled around his shoulders and she used the leverage to help him slide her slowly up and down, deeper and deeper with each movement. The pace was so painfully slow but her semi twisted features watched his eyes as they joined. The mixture of pleasure and pain hit her in time. Never having felt either in their extremes, but she was finding that Nikita had that affect. Her breasts slid against his in rhythmic time, her toes pointed on either side of him as she balanced perfectly and moved with him. With each soft and slow thrust, she started to pant more and more. Clinging to him as he started to widen out the tightest reaches of her body. "More," she said, nearly begged while nails slid over his back and around over his ample breasts and back again. Her hair starting to become a flurry around them as her peak neared at a painfully second like pace. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 1/11/2024 6:17 PM
Grunting softly, sweating, Nikita lifted himself up from his seat, pushing himself deep into Celeste’s notional body each time. When she asked for more, his hands moved to her hips, gripping tightly, pulling her down harder against him as he thrust up with ever more intensity. Each touch of her nails was an electric thrill across his flesh, making stiff nipples throb and ache with arousal and desire. His cock throbbed too, plunging into her tight flesh. And the longer the coupling went on, the more he lost sight of her true nature, and the awareness of the illusion that they were both living in. He surrendered himself to the felt and connected reality of their passion, of the touch of flesh against flesh, of slippery sweat and female arousal, the scent of her hair shrouding them both. Reality was what he made of it, and he wanted this reality to go on as long as it could. His hands grasped her more tightly, moving to her backside, feeling his hands full of that soft-yet-firm flesh as he lurched up into her, the realization his passion driving him wild. “You are perfection itself,” he whispered to her. “And I need you more than you can now. I am devoted to you.” Grunts and whimpers punctuated his words, oscillating between masculine aggression and feminine delight at the feelings trilling through his body. “I don’t ever want to stop… but I know I need to cum… I’m aching for release.” @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
She was coming undone by every touch and thrust he gave her. Her body shaking and shivering, walls around him quaking as she came without understanding exactly what response she was having. Her eyes widening, staring at him in utter shock as she whispered "Niki.. Nikita.. I'm.. I'm..." and a suddenly crane of her neck back before his insistent pushing into her body, his hands all over her, forcing her down on him with a quicker pace that now made her pant and sweat, when she need't really do either. But her passion rushed forward and she mounted him and bounced on his cock with more zeal than before. Pushing him deep inside her till he nearly hit the end of her slight form and she cried out in his ear over and over again as cum drenched his thighs and her release came. She folded her head back over his shoulder as she rode him and he spoke his words of how she was to him, what he wanted, what he needed. Holding the back of his head, she pulled his head away somewhat aggressively till she could hold his head back a little to see her eyes again. The soft thap, thap, thap, of skin coming into harsh contact with eachother sounded around them as her lips came to his and she panted out to him "Whatever you want my flower... all you want. Let it go, let it out. Have me in every way," she begged him now, not even caring for her power as he ripped pleasure from her with every touch and passionate thrust into her body. "We never have to stop, we can do this forever... and ever.. and you can release in this form in every conceivable way when I'm done." She sighed out before a cry came from her lips, her features pinched and she pushed her lips to his to taste him again, whispering between the sloppy feasting of his lips that he could take it all and she would let him, help him, guide him. The pace only picked up to the point that she would have broken the chair if this was reality in how she pushed down on him. And then she released her mouth from his to bite his lower l
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ip and whisper back "And I am yours, devoted and yours.. yours" She came again, wave after wave as her screams filled the halls of his dreams like a symphony he had conducted. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 1/24/2024 11:22 AM
Her orgasms were like nothing he had ever experienced, in waking or dream, the velvet crush of her muscles around his thrusting cock, the deluge of her release, sweet and fragrant juices dripping from his flesh. He moaned into her kiss, then moaned again when she broke it, offering herself to him. He could not hold back very much longer, and in his mind this was his first true orgasm surging up through him, making up for so many weak and ordinary releases at his own hands. So many missed opportunities, so much he felt he could never do now being given an outlet and fruition. For this reason, his orgasm felt almost like a bomb going off in his groin. The sudden surge of cum up the length of his thrusting cock teetered on the edge between pleasure and pain. His eyes crossed, his body shuddered, and his cock erupted like a volcano. The first hard spurt of cum felt like it went on for days, a stream of seed that flowed into his beautiful symbiote like water spilling forth from an old and rickety dam, now finally collapsing. His body tense and he clung to her, holding her down on his surging manhood. Wave after wave of pleasure, excitement, relief, and joy hit him in cascading, echoing crescendoes, counterpoint to the symphony of her screams. For a moment he may have passed out, though what could that possibly mean in a dream state like this? Either way, he passed from reckoning with his own body for a long moment, then snapped back suddenly. He returned to the feel of her body milking his orgasm out of him as he continued to spurt inside her, wondering how much he was pumping out, and how much she could take. But he already knew the answer. As much as necessary, as much as desired. If he wanted it to be too much, to flow back out of her, to make a white, creamy, sticky mess of them both it would… And so it did, as he desired. He watched the mess evolve between and around them, covering their skin in his own pleasant-smelling cum. His body shuddered, though, and so
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on the orgasm tapered off. The two of them were a sticky mess, and he would not have it any other way. He let go of her left hip with his right hand, reaching up instead to grab her by the back of the neck and pull her in tight for another kiss. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
She rode him like she was being bucked off a bronco she didn't want to leave. Heaving, bouncing with breasts slipping and sliding over sweat covered flesh like her own. Nipples hard and rubbing his with every move that only served to push her further and further into her lust and the decent it was taking her too. She was losing herself in him as he took her, penetrating reaches of her never touched, never offered, never invaded before him. And each slippery and cum soaked stroke made her cry out his name more and more each time. Leaning forward, her lips caught his ear and she urged him to fill her, to cover her, to claim her, all in whispering, hurried words that seemed to have no meaning at first. She bounced and bounced until she felt his release and beyond. His manifestations delighted her and she didn't stop her rabid movements over him in hard succession as he filled her, coated her and him in his seed that spilled around them. And then, as though she willed it so, she brought herself up and so hard down on him through his endless orgasm that the chair broke into pieces and disappeared as they fell to the grassy ground with a hard thump. Pools of liquid desire seeped around them, spreading over the grass and cascading out of the badgered crevasse of Celeste. Her porcelain face was red and flushed. Her hair sticking to her body and face as her features twisted with her own endless pleasure. She never stopped moving, not yet. Sensing and knowing he wanted to make them a sticky wreck of a pair and willing his desires to be real too easily. So easily it may have alarmed her if she wasn't already absolutely smitten with the human. The final taper and pull to his lips made her trill at the back of her throat and she locked her mouth around his as her tongue delved into his mouth to lick along the top and over his own to taste him. She sighed and melted into his arms, a gentle purr in her chest as she finally rested against him and let his manhood stay insi
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de her as their breasts pressed together and her kiss faded to soft caresses of her lips along his collar bones and chest. "I have never... felt anything like that," she murmured with a soft sigh that escaped her lips in a gush of breath, that again, she didn't really need. "Tell me this is no end. Tell me we will find a way to be like this... in your world?" she asked with her head slowly and almost tiredly moving to rest her chin against him and peer up through endlessly long locks of ebon hair all over her sweaty and red face. There was even a smile to the cant of her lips that hadn't been there before, as she lay in his arms a shuddering, filthy mess of his and her passionate fluids. She delighted in every moment. Her walls twitched around the girth still buried inside her. @In the Dave Tonight
Nikita Dudarev BOT 1/28/2024 10:17 AM
Nikita panted softly as she finally came to rest against him, sweat-slicked flesh slipping around a little before finally coming to rest. His hands caressed up and down her bare back, his hips shifting a little and a groan escaping as she twitched around his thick meat. He kissed her cheek, then nuzzled down against her neck. Whatever power and confidence he had felt during the act started to ebb. The nature of his body came back to him as he felt all too acutely the press of his breasts against hers, the twitch of his cock inside her. He was… strange. An oddity in a world that no longer seemed in a shape to tolerate them. Maybe 30 years prior, before the collapse, but now… And yet his confidence and strength did not ebb away entirely. Deep within he felt a spark, a glow at her question. Could she be like this, could they be like this out there, in the real world? Part of him quailed at that, but he also understood that he could not imagine even having entertained the question a day, or a week, or a month ago. Something had certainly changed. The yearning to remain in here, though, with her, in this malleable bliss felt so strong. And the practical question of how she might be able to manifest as solid and human-seeming when all he had ever really seen of her was a cloud of spores or pollen… Well, that was one he could never solve. He did not even know enough about her nature as an entity to know how she might best coalesce into something touchable and human-like, so he had to leave that question on its own. “We will find a way,” he said, though he had no clear concept of how. “But in the meantime, I’m glad we have this place in which to retreat, to know each other, if nothing else.” He ran his fingers through her hair and smiled. What astonished him, really, was that there was a place where he could feel safe and expressive and himself, no matter how tenuous or virtual. He still felt alive here, and that mattered a lot. If she could manifest out there, and hel
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p him feel like he felt in here, it would be worth whatever effort. Shifting again, he felt himself twitch and throb inside her, still buried so deep in her flesh. He smiled a bit wider. That was the nice thing about this internal reality as well… ecstatic pleasure on any terms. He knew well enough from self-pleasure that things could… wilt rapidly and be too sensitive to touch, but in here he was in complete control, or so it felt. So the post-orgasmic sensitivity was only there to the extent he wanted it to be. And he was glad he could choose for it not to be right now. @🎄A Magpie in a pear tree🎄
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