Daphne Rae was the complete opposite, her days had been filled with utter joy and excitement, she made appearances nearly everywhere, and she was rather famous! Aaahh her life dream was truly a wonder to live out! She couldn’t be happier. She was living the life of her dreams, after all.
Well, to be fair, it wasn’t all that happy. She did have some pretty shitty moments, most involving her boyfriend. Her boyfriend was older than her, and it was clear he really wanted to get married already, to officialise things, but most importantly, to have kids and build a life, but.. That wasn’t something that pleased her quite yet. She was a young woman, just now starting to shoot up in rocket of her career! She couldn’t give it all up for these nonsense things! She’d love to one day, don’t get her wrong, but.. Not now that she was finally oh so successful. Sadly fo her though, her boyfriend was being rather pushy about it, constantly asking if he could impregnate her whenever they do it, and proposing almost every damned month! She was through the goddamn roof with this guy.
She had recently been nominated to go to the Gala however, and so, she used that as an excuse to get away from him for a couple days. So, two days before the Gala, she went to Los Angeles and got herself a rather safe and good looking appartment for a few days. Of course her boyfriend complained, but she offered that he’d come to see her afterwards, which shut her boyfriend up.
Once the day finally arrived, she got all dressed up with a bright smile and checked herself out on the reflexion of her wall sized window. Gods was she beautiful. A true goddess, she’d say. Her confidence was truly boosting up.
Once done, she ordered someone to drive her there and soon enough, she was finally there! Ah, the sounds of all the clicks of the cameras, the loud chatting of the crowd, music to her ears, truly!
She got out of the limousine she was in, her heels clacking as she took step after step and enter