With a sharp whistle from Mr. Brimsley, the first gladiator, a middle-aged dark-skinned woman, stepped up toward the dummy to show off her skills. After a while of throwing well-trained punches, kicks, and an occasional show of weaponry use, she spun to face the balcony the two men stood upon and bowed before walking off to the sidelines so the next person could perform. For each performance, the bald man informed the young lad of the gladiators' names and how they came to the school.
Eventually, the last fighter stepped up to the dummy. He was a tall man who had shortish brown hair with closely shaved sides and a closely shaved brett-styled beard. His body was littered with battle scars, but the most obvious one was a large, dark scar that started at the back of his neck and trailed down toward the middle of his bicep. Surrounding the scar were more scars, albeit smaller and appeared more man-made than natural; as if someone carved them into his skin.
"The last one is named Aquila Gaius, age 30. He came here a little over a decade ago due to needing to repay a hefty debt his deceased brother acquired." Mr. Brimsley supplied.
When Aqualia went to attack the dummy, his movements were powerful, agile, and well-placed. Despite his skills though, it was obvious that he favored kicking rather than punching. He also had his head tilted to the left the entire time he performed, implying he was blind sighted on that side. Unlike the others, he did not show himself using a weapon.