The mountains were spires of mottled gray that rose like crooked teeth to the sky, sunk into gums of rich black earth. One hundred years ago his people lived in the foothills, able to farm and forage the mountain caves. Until humans came.
Daiviki sighed softly watching the sunrise, feet set off the cliff and wings lazily unfolded to rest. He only knew of legends and stories told by their few elders. Their clan was small now, only a few hundred in size, and it was on his shoulders to keep them safe. Sighing softly he let his head fall back, eyes closed, hearing the chatter of one of his kin rattling across the stones.
"Daiviki, where are you?"
He let a clicking from his chest, projected loud and clear, just a nonsense sound to give an idea where he was. Nusa climbed up the cliff to his side, setting in her claws.
"What are you doing, fool?"
"Resting away from you brat." He tsksd and pretended to kick at her as if to dislodge her from her hold.
"You were looking at the humans again." She hauled herself over the edge, her sounds softer and mild.
"Yes. They're expanding. If they start climbing the mountains again we need to move deeper but we are ill prepared for the cold." He looked over to his kins face. She had a scar over her eye and though it wasn't affected visually, he knew she was blind in that side. She stretched her legs with a groan tail tip flicking, pretending it wasn't a problem. They both knew she was masking her anxiety of the situation just as he was.
"It'll be fine. They hardly come this far. And we can cause the landslides and snowfalls again just as we did then." She patted his shoulder, "Come down. There's food." She nudged off the edge and fell, spreading her wings to slow her descent. He followed after a final glance to the town in the distance.
Daiviki's people called themselves Uvami, meaning stone wings. Their feet were a cross of paws and a humans foot, tipped in razor claws. Thick limbs were dark, nearly black, lightenin