The wind blows though feild after feild of wheat and other crops. the town of HayWard was a farming town in the middle of pretty much no where. the people had everything they needed, from one gas station, one general store, a doctors office, and vets office (in the same building as the doctor's office) and a school that doubled as a meeting hall for the town. Olivia was a younger girl that had a smaller plot of land than the other farmers around her. her farm was about 10 acres. she had 3 feilds that she had planted when the season was right, a small house and green house, a barn to hold not only her chickens, one goat, and horse but also her equipment.
Even though she was a smaller farmer she made good money by selling directly to people. the doctor, the school teacher, the bar owner. the people who didnt have land to farm would by her produce for their homes or work. she made just enough to live and to have the life that she knew her father would have wanted for her.
Olivia was right now taking down the "help wanted" sign. she hadnt gotten any bites. she sighs as she looks around. her farm was the last one on her side of the town. the others had been bought out by bigger corps that wanted the land. those people that sold moved and the workers that got laid off went to work for the corps. she sighs as she leans against her fence. her eyes looked down at the dirt. the world had changed so much in the past few years. the technology went fowarded where there was even more different crafts and such. but it also hurt alot of people like olivia...and now there was talk about a war happening... she rubs her eyes as she moves to get onto her horse and head back to her home.
"maybe i should sell..move to a city...i dont know.." she mumbles as she pets her horse and sighs. Her mind was runing with ideas to get help on her small plot of land.