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📬 1:1 Roleplay (F-G) / falling-for-the-heroine
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Reed Blake BOT 5/8/2024 3:21 AM
Reed Blake had finished his first book years ago, it wasn’t good. There was a reason why he had only made one copy of it the memento of his younger self in a glass case on the desk in front of his bed. He had no plans on ever publishing the book even though he knew that he could in the same way he knew that he had no plans on trying to rewrite it or make a second book. The story was too cringe for that too full of tropes and clichés that mixed as well as water and fire. It came off too much a book written a teenager lacking any real experience in life or in writing. To be fair to himself that was exactly what it was. It was the first thing he ever really wrote, he remembered that he started writing it when he was fifteen, the plot was both convoluted, overly complex and simple at the same time. It was like a house of cards sure it looked kind of cool from afar but one fell swoop and it’ll fall apart barely held together by the one dimensional over the top characters it was built on. And that was ignoring all the wish fulfilment power fantasy that throughout the book. Anyone could take one look at the book; they could give it a single glance and tell the type on anime he was fixated on when he wrote it.
3:21 AM
He wasn’t ashamed of it though, not anymore at least. He was at first, when he first finished it and the glee of being finally done with the first draft was finally over that glee and pride was gone completely. He remembered hiding the book in a drawer among his underwear planning to never touch it to never speak of it. To hopefully never think of it again. That was years ago however and with time as he honed his craft, he learned to see his first story as the inspiration it truly was. He never planned to rewrite it, or to try and get it published not like the books that he had managed to publish in the time since then, but it served as a reminder as inspiration that he could do it. It was on that same table that his plain leather-bound book sat on display that he wrote everything he wrote to publish and everything he wrote for his own enjoyment and with that feeling of productiveness he went to bed not knowing how his past would become his present his future that very next morning.
Narrator BOT 5/8/2024 12:40 PM
and in the earliest morning hours he would slowly blink awake to find that the bed felt, less spacious? Something was quite obviously restricting the amount of space the already modestly sized bed had, and it felt soft, squishy, and in the shape of a person- wait-… person??
indeed it was, and a person with a rather feminine build at that, and it seemed this presumed woman was just ever so slightly see-through, not to mention sound asleep, and luckily enough, clothed. @All time Jack
Bing Crotchby 5/9/2024 11:31 PM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 5/10/2024 11:41 AM
He was always a heavy sleeper he knew that a fire could happen one day and there was a real chance that he might just sleep through it. But surely he would have noticed someone crawling into his bed? Those were his sleepy brain's first thoughts as he looked down at the woman in his arms. He didn’t feel hungover and even if he did even while drunk he wasn’t the type to have one-night stands. He wasn’t good enough with women for that to be the case after all. The next thing he noticed about the feminine figure in his bed was the see thoroughness. The see thoroughness wasn’t a hundred per cent of course. He would have never noticed her otherwise but there was still that clear shimmer. He was dreaming he told himself as he gently reached forward and started to rub her back trying to coax her awake.
she felt quite squishy to say the least, best way to describe it would probably be jelly? It still felt quite firm but it for sure had more give than expected, and she would deffinately start to slowly wake up, giving a big yawn and rubbing her eyes as she lazily opened one of her eyes, and a somewhat familiar voice escaped from her Mmmm, just ffffivee more minutessss- wait… she opened her other eye a bit, squinting an blinking a few times who’re you? it was clear to see she wasn’t that much of a morning person, and there was still that nagging sense of familiarity… @All time Jack
All time Jack 5/10/2024 8:11 PM
@Bing Crotchby (edited)
Reed Blake BOT 5/10/2024 9:51 PM
Things got even weirder for him as he felt how weird her body felt to touch she didn’t feel the same way that he was used to it was almost as if he was touching a water bed or a marshmallow. Even if he could have probably woken her up more easily by speaking even in a dream he didn’t want to startle the stranger so he contknued to rub her back. Now that he was thinking about why did she feel strangely familiar in his arms. Even her soft yawn seemed familiar to him. He looked into her eyes as they opened his head tilting as he heard her speak. He couldn’t help but think tha she was cute,even as she squinted and blinked unsure why she seemed so familiar to him. “Who are you?” He asked her softly out of reflex before he looked into her eyes My name is Reed, Reed Blake. Why are you in my bed?” He asked her with no accusation in his voice only curiosity.
well my name's Twink she was clearly not all awake as of yet, though that is steadily changing, she brought one of her hands around and poked at his cheek and what do you mean im in your beddd? wait- she paused, looking around this isn't where i took a nap... how did i even get hereeee?
Bing Crotchby 5/12/2024 9:58 PM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 5/15/2024 6:53 AM
He paused as she told him her name wondering why it sounded so familiar and when she poked his cheek he leaned away from her wondering why she was touching him. Still, even with a stranger in his bed he stayed relaxed part of him thinking that he was just dreaming as he slowly sat up. “That’s actually what I was wondering too because you weren’t there when I was going to bed I know that for sure and I locked the door when I went into the house.” Why he was still so relaxed he wasn’t sure. Remembering how strange her body was he raised his hand and gently poked her side making sure he didn’t imagine it. @Bing Crotchby
there was a slight ripple effect that gently cascaded over her body, making her whole body wonble just a tiny bit, and as he poked her she jumped slightly away, giggling a bit Hey! That ticklesss! she giggled some more before sitting herself upright as well, facing him of course well… not like i remember how i got here either… though i can squeeze through keyholes… my clothes cant though, so i obviously didn’t do that… wait- her head quickly tilted down just to make sure, and she is still, in fact, clothed oh, Alright, just had to make sure for a second…
8:51 AM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 5/16/2024 4:47 AM
He watched the way that her body rippled and wobbled with confusion on his face unsure why her body reacted like that the confusion on his face only grew stronger as he jumped and giggled. “Sorry.” He apologised to her reflexively even if she didn’t seem all that annoyed. Her words perplexed him further as he imagined her trying to squeeze through something so small. Even with how strange her body was he couldn’t picture it. Humans couldn’t squeeze through gaps like that. The strong sense of familiarity grew stronger as he remembered that he had a character with the same name with the same powers in his first book. It was a coincidence of course he thought before he came to a new realisation. He was just dreaming. “You’re like jelly I’ve never seen anyone like you before.” He told her before he wrapped his arm around her hips and gently pulled her onto his lap his fingers gently poking her stomach more as he watched the way her body rippled and wobbled. ”So this tickles?” @Bing Crotchby
she continued giggling as he poked her stomach, writhing a bit but tensed up very quickly as he would feel his finger pierce something, and feeling his finger surrounded in that same jelly-like substance, now more moist, and she somehow altered her viscosity, now she felt as firm as another person, she just grabbed his hand gently … Uhm… that’s awkward… Uhm… i reccomend you uh… file your nails down?
6:59 AM
@All time Jack
All time Jack 5/16/2024 7:21 AM
He enjoyed the sound of her laughter as he held her close feeling her writhe on him bfore he froze as he felt his finger push inside of her. "I'm sorry." He apologised to her quickly keeping his hand still as she held onto him. "I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked softly as he gently pulled his finger out of her before he cupped his hand over where he pierced her to put pressure over it as if it was a refular wound. "Is there anything we need to do? or will you just heal?" This was starting to become one of he weirdest dream he's ever had. @Bing Crotchby
she chuckled a bit i’ll be fine, just, feels wierd is all… and like there is the possibility of death, but with a hole as small as that? It’ll be fiiine, look! she removed his hand, showing him the hole had in fact closed already one of the advantages of being made of goo! she giggled @All time Jack
All time Jack 5/16/2024 8:03 AM
He felt relieved when she told him that she was fine even if he was still sure that he was dreaming. "Remind me not to poke too big of a hole in you then." He murmured more playfully then anything else before he let his arms gently wrap around her hips. "This is probably one of the weirdest dreams I've ever had you remind me of a character that I once wrote." @Bing Crotchby
dream? Last i checked this wasn’t a dream… wait, hold on she quickly pinched his arm just to check, and it indeed hurt, a tiny bit that is, and she sat there looking at him in anticipation of his reaction
8:49 PM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 5/20/2024 8:33 AM
He was dreaming he was sure that she was dreaming and yet when she pinched his hand he froze as he felt the sensation. Was he really not dreaming? How could he not be dreaming. "If this isn't a dream then how are you like this?" He asked her strengthening his words by gently poking her side again. "How did you get here?" @Bing Crotchby
i mean i’d Ask you the same thing, i dont know i got here to be honest…
7:37 AM
she rubbed the back of her neck, looking around for a moment, seemingly trying to think of how she came to be here hmmm… wierd… last thing i remember was going to bed after the fight with that big evil necromancer guy… and then i woke up here… she looked quite alot more awake at this point @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 5/31/2024 3:08 AM
Her words only gave him more confusion. He had stopped poking her instead letting his hand rest on her stomach. He couldn’t explain how anyone was in his bed randomly especially someone like her and if this wasn’t a dream then why did she seem so familiar? The real world didn’t have any slime girls like he once wrote about or necromances. Wait necromancer? He gripped her hips a little more securely as he carefully lifted her off of him and onto the bed. “Necromancer? This necromancer what was his name again? Silas?” It was impossible and yet things felt so real as he got up and walked over to the desk grabbing his first book he had ever written. The trashy mess that it was and glossed through it. “That fight you were losing it weren’t you? You were losing and needed to be saved?” @Bing Crotchby
come to think of it i think he did shout that his name was ‘Silas the Defiler’ or something In between pelting us with unholy blasts… and how did you know that? Does News travel that fast??
Reed Blake BOT 5/31/2024 7:09 AM
He shook his head quickly when he heard her question. "I remember this Silas. He consumes his life force to use magic." He said fanning through the pages of his book as he found the description of the man before he found Twink in the book making him pause. How would she react if she found out she was a character in a book? In the book he wrote? Maybe if he phrased it right. "Silas isn't a real person. Not here at least. Do you believe in the multiverse?" He asked her not believing it himself. @Bing Crotchby
what do you mean he isn’t a real person? I punched the guy square in the face! she looked a tiny bit confused, with maybe a twinge of upset and what’s that about a multiverse? You’re sounding like Maggie….
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/1/2024 7:14 AM
"Maggie I remember a Maggie." He murmured to himself trying to remember in the book where she came from. "The multiverse is a theory that there a multiple worlds all existing at once pareleel to each other. but what if stories are actually diffirent worlds. different lives that people live." He suggested to her wanting to tell her that she was a character, his character in a way that wouldn't upset her. @Bing Crotchby
she stared at him with a look of just confusion that’s a lot of words i dont understand….
11:51 AM
you sure you didn’t hit your head or something? I think i know a healer that works for free, on me at least…. she said taking another look around the appartement, trying to figure out once more where she was @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/6/2024 12:51 PM
He couldn't blame her for the look of confusion on her face. He still didn't fully understand the whole multiverse theory but if he wasn't dreaming then it made it easier to believe that there were women made from slime. If She spent long exploring his room she'd mostly just see his TV and his PlayStation on a stand opposite his bed and there was a table next to his bed and on top of that table was a notebook and an empty glass He let her explore before he gently grabbed her hand. "Think of it as if there's multiple worlds. Some like the ones your used to. Some that aren't. This world has no one like you. Your the first person I've ever seen like this." He told her before he accented his words by gently poking her belly to make it jiggle. @Bing Crotchby
it seemed she still had difficulties understanding, but she nevertheless nodded affirmatively Mhm, and what you’re trying to say Im very far away from home…. she looked thoughtfull for a moment, wobbly, but thoughtfull nonetheless So… what is up with this world? Like… how is it doing?
10:46 PM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/7/2024 11:29 AM
"Exactly. I think we must be aware of other world somehow we write stories about them. Your actually a character in a book I've wrote." He admitted to her before he paused not sure how to answer her question. "It could be a lot better but it could also be much worse. You're pretty safe here. Although we should probably hide you if you can't look human." He told her before he got up and offered her his hand. "Are you hungry?"
11:30 AM
@Bing Crotchby
a loud grumbling noise from her tummy more than answered his question for her, and a slight blush came over her face oh Uhm… sorry for that… haven’t really eaten anything for… days… she said, gently accepting his hand and what was that about me being a Character you wrote? @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/7/2024 12:10 PM
When he heard her stomach growl he smiled at her finding her reaction cute as he gently squeezed her hand before he led her into the kitchen. "It's okay. It's too early for me to cook dinner but if you want I can cook us pancakes and we can have chocolate and bananas with some honey. How do you like that?" He askkd her gently picking her up before he put her down onto the counter without thinking. "A couple years ago I wrotea book ht you were in and so where some of the people you mentioned. @Bing Crotchby
oh… hmm.. and how did you know my favourite meal?? her eyes narrowed are you some kind of wizardy-type that knows everything? … you haven’t watched me bathe have you?
12:21 PM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/7/2024 12:32 PM
"I wrote about you remember. I imagine I would know a lot about you." He told her playfully poking her belly again before he started to pull out ingredients. "Funnily enough it's my favourite too." He said before he shook his head. "I don't have magic no one does here. And I've only wrote you in a hot spring once. Look I can prove it do you remember what happened when you went for your first kiss?" He asked her teasingly knowing she would. @Bing Crotchby
she immediately straightened her back, a look of clear embarrasment on her face … i do… Uhm… she cleared her throat a bit fine, i’ll believe you… still a bit wierd though… cant wrap my head around it i suppose… she kicked her legs a bit whilst sitting on the counter, relaxing just a bit
12:55 AM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/9/2024 1:57 PM
When he saw the way she straightened her back flustered he smiled at her playfully. “I guess the memory is pretty potent.” He told her teasingly glancing down at her when she started to kick her legs before he started to make the pancake batter. “Yeah I’m still trying to process it too. But it being a multiverse makes more sense to me. That or this is just a dream.” He said before he started to cook. “On the bright side you’ll probably find it’s easier to cook in this world.” @Bing Crotchby
really?? I dont need Maggy to make one of those fire thingies??? she looked genuinely excited, her feet kicking the air quicker as her excitement grew god i might actually not burn everything… i swear those things could burn a hole in dragons! she said with a small giggle, she noticeably wobbled a bit as she laughed it seems, kinda cute in all fairness… @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/20/2024 1:06 PM
He couldn’t help but find her excitability cute as he smiled back at her and calmly made pancakes while watching how she wobbled as she laughed. “I would rather that no fires start so don’t use it without me present. I don’t want you to burn yourself either so let me show you how to use it and get you confident with it before you start using it alone please.” He told her softly before he couldn’t help but give into temptation as he raised his hand before he started to playfully tickle her stomach after he set down the last pancake. “Do you promise not to burn the house down or burn yourself?” He asked her planning not to stop until she promised. @Bing Crotchby
she started uncontrollably giggling and trying to slowly wiggle away Hey! That’s not fairrr! she managed to say between bouts of giggling Alright Alright i promiseeee! @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 6/27/2024 11:11 AM
He grinned as he saw the way she giggled uncontrollably and tried to wiggle away from him but instead of letting her get away he leaned in closer to her and continued to tickle her until she gave in and promised. "I guess I'll let you off for now. But know I'll remember that your ticklish." He told her playfully before he placed two plates that were next to the small stack of pancakes. "Your hungry right? Help yourself." He told her before he grabbed a knife and forks that he then threw down. @Bing Crotchby
ooo!!! she looked excited as she hopped off the counter, grabbing herself some cutlery and a plate of pancakes, before promptly cutting a piece off of the pancake and putting it in her ‘mouth’ and exclaiming mmm!! Oh this is so good!!! @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/5/2024 5:35 AM
Noticing how excited she was he smiled at her and watched her hsve a bite before she spoke out. "Thanks I was hoping it would be up to your standards." He told her softly before he started to eat with her. "Are you able to make yourself look more like me? Not that I don't like how you like. You're really pretty it's just there's no one like you here and it would draw a lot of unwanted attention." @Bing Crotchby
hmm… she thought for a moment as she chewed on a piece of pancake not to my knowledge… well, i can change my overall shape, however, i dont think i can change my colour? As far as Im aware that is… kind of a bummer really…. she didn’t look to satisfied with her own conclusion @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/5/2024 8:49 AM
"We can try to figure something out then." He told her softly before he gently let his fingers run through her hair. "We could even go out together at night. Where no one else will see us." @Bing Crotchby
she chuckled with a slight nervousness to her tone, a small blush coming to her face, strange, seems her colour changes involuntarily? i mean, that sounds nice actually, i would at least like to see whats outside the door…
8:53 AM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/12/2024 1:45 AM
Enjoying her nervousness a little he smiled at her as he saw her blush making him hum as he playfully run his fingers through her hair. "I guess if your able to change your colour by blushing maybe we would be able to work something out." He told her softly before he slipped his hand down to her belly and started to playfully tickle her. "We mostly just need to keep people from seeing how jiggly you are." He said as he purposely made her body wobble. @Bing Crotchby
she giggled as he started tickling her belly, wobbling a great deal as he did hey! N-no fairrrr! she continued giggling, and she seemed to become… less firm? @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/12/2024 3:32 AM
Enjoying how she giggled as she wobbled he grinned back at her, before he quicky let his tickling become gentler as she became less firm worried about breaking her skin like he had done for. "What's not fair?" He whispered into her ear playfully before he leaned forward and let his chin rest on top of her head his hands continuing to tickle her stomach careful to avoid touching her too highly. @Bing Crotchby
you tickling meeee! she said, her form solidifying more, and not to mention still softly giggling, eventually she just enveloped his hands, trying to keep them from tickling her belly, smiling smugly as she did hehe! I’ve got tricks up my sleeve too~
7:08 PM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/15/2024 7:52 AM
"I'm what." He whispered back to her playfully as he heard her giggle before he paused surprised to feel her stomach envelop him. "Looks like you do." He murmured back to her before he leaned into her and decided to try something else which was exactly he blew lightly on the skin of her neck to try and tickle her with his breath. @Bing Crotchby
as he blew some air onto her neck, her eyes started to gently roll back, Even crossing themselves, and her skin turned more slick, and she seemed to almost melt, promptly letting go of his hands as she drifted off into a slight babbling mess @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/15/2024 9:12 AM
He didn't really expect her to react to him blowing on her. She caught him by surprise as he saw how she reacted to him blowing on her. His eyes widened as he felt her hands release him before she seemed to deflate in his hands. Making him freeze before he hugged her close trying to help secure her. "Hey are you okay?" @Bing Crotchby
Y-yeshhh she giggled a bit, she seemed… fine? Just a bit jumbled.. Im phhhiiiine~ she giggled like a schoolgirl, before it became noticeable that her blush had intensified, and her breaths were ragged and shallow
9:28 AM
@All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/15/2024 9:47 AM
He sigjbsd relieved as he saw that she was okay, his hands holding her closely as he saw how jarbled she was and when he noticed how she was blushing deeply her breathing coming faster he paused before he hugged her body more closely. "What happened to you?" He whispered into her ear.
9:47 AM
@Bing Crotchby
is jusht- she giggled for a moment i feel phunnyyy~ she took a deep breath through her nose, before wrapping her arms around him you-… you smell niceeee~ @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/16/2024 4:00 PM
"Good funny I hope." He whispered into her smiling as she clung to him. "You smell pretty nice too. Do you want me to stop blowing on you like I did?" He whispered to her soflt as he gently massaged her sides. @Bing Crotchby
it felt really niceee, so you can keep doing it~ she seemed still on cloud nine, poor girl had been decimated by a little breath… @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/17/2024 7:34 AM
"Maybe I should wait for you to catch your breath first." He whispered to her softly before he did his best to gently grip her body and scoop her up onto his lap." @Bing Crotchby
woa- she giggled a bit as he scooped her up, hugging him closer who says Im chasing my breath?~ she chuckled, obviously satisfied with her little joke @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 7/18/2024 4:21 AM
He smiled more confidently as she giggled his hands holding her close as he enjoyed how closely she hugged him. "It looked to me a little like you needed to catch your breath." He whispered into her ear playfully as he rested his hand against her belly. @Bing Crotchby
she smiled, her form still seemed firm enough to where he wouldn’t have to worry about her… melting… though there was an inexplicable slickness to her still… its like she is… Soapy? lucky thing i dont need to breatheeee she giggled i breathe through this y’see?~ she pointed to her skin @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 8/2/2024 2:54 PM
He grinned at her confidently as she smiled at him the grin on his face quicky getting bigger as he felt her melt against his touch. He was happy that she didn't seem like she was going to fall apart at least. The way she felt was strange to to him still but her words made him feel better and happy that she was okay he started to tickle her again one if his hands hooking around her hips while he continued to rub her stomach happily tickling her. @Bing Crotchby
she started giggling Even more as he’d begin noticing a small orb starting to appear in her tummy, as her skin seemed to feel Even more slick woahh~ i feel funny~~ @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 8/19/2024 12:02 PM
He confirms fo smile as he watched her giggle before he paused as he saw the orb form on her belly making his hand still as be felt how slick that she had become. "What is this?" He asked her soflty part of him a little worried. @Bing Crotchby
what is what?- she asked and then looked down, and tilted her head Hm…. I dont know, just feels hot, and pulsing…. I remember one of my friends talking about it… what did they say?- she looked up and thought hard for a moment wasn’t it like, something to do with reproduc- she paused and her eyes widened, a deep blush forming on her face @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 9/29/2024 3:08 AM
He felt even more worried about her as he saw the strange orb. That was on her body. He leaned into her as she spoke happy that what she was describing didn't seem unpleasant. His head tilted in confusion as his brain filled in the gaps of her words quicky he realised that the word she meant to say was reproduction making him pause before he looked away from her blushing face. "I'll stop tickling you if you want. I'm sorry I didn't mean to get this reaction. Are you sure you're okay?" @Bing Crotchby
Im- Im fine- she hugged him close, attempting to hide her face by burrying it in his chest, quite honestly a poor choice considering the realization made her blush only deepen.. @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 10/17/2024 2:26 AM
He smiled relieved when she said that she was fine. His arms hugging her close as she hugged him and buried her face in his chest while he tried to ignore the awkwardness. "Are you thirsty? I'll get us a drink." He told her as his lips kissed her neck without thinking about it before he picked her up in his arms. @Bing Crotchby
she didn’t seem to mind it much, she just clung onto him, and, did something that felt so incredibly strange, her entire form wrapping around him and eventually putting her at his back essentially piggy-backing.. w-water sounds nice…. she responded, a noticeable nervous shake in her voice @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 11/4/2024 2:09 PM
He couldn't help but smile as he felt her contine to cling to him. He held her closely before he froze as he felt her body begin to move suddenly. He paused unsure what was happening before he relaxed when she appeared behind him her body wrapped around him from behind. "Just make yourself comfortable. That's what matters the most to me." He told her softly his hands slipping behind his back to gently grip her legs under her knees to help support her while he walked into the kitchen. @Bing Crotchby
though he wasn’t able to see, she gave a soft smile, she couldn’t put her finger on it, but, yes, he did start to feel familiar to her somehow, like she knew him better than she was aware somehow… she decided not to look into it for now, merely resting her head on his shoulder as the two of them arrived to the kitchen, she was in all fairness feeling quite alot lighter all of a sudden- @All time Jack
Reed Blake BOT 11/8/2024 12:03 PM
He let his hands rub her legs softly as he walked with her a small smile on his face as he felt her head rest on his shoulder before he paused a strange thought entering his mind. "Are you able to shower normally? Or does it damage your skin." He asked curiously as he wondered how sturdy her body was. "Do you want regular water or flavoured water? Or something hot?" He added. @Bing Crotchby
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