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📬 1:1 Roleplay (F-G) / fall-of-the-necromancer
Triggers: Death, gore, violence, improisonment, suicide, attempted suicide, body horror, trauma, sexual content, alcoholism, rape
Al the Killer 9/4/2023 3:37 PM
The elf walked through the city's streets, striding purposefully to her destination even as she leaned on her walking stick. A steady tap, tap accompanied each movement. Straight black hair hair framed her face, interrupted by the occasional grey strand. At four difficult centuries old, even she had begun to show signs of aging. Her golden eyes pierced the fog that had settled over the town. Rather than the slim grace stereotypically associated with elves, her frame was too small, emaciated over the years. Chatter from inside the tavern bubbled out as she opened the door. An expected evening crowd had gathered, half of them already drunk. She ignored the majority of them, making a straight line for the man she had been told to seek out here, the one who would solve her problems. The bounty hunter. "Pardon me?" she asked a brown-haired male. "Are you Crosby Vandine?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/4/2023 3:41 PM
He hadn’t had anything to drink. He was strictly here to do business and rest for now, his attention shifting to her, a beautiful sword upon his back. He nodded as he quietly observed her for a moment before speaking. An older elf approaching him? How odd… I am indeed. Is there something you need miss? He of course stayed respectful. He knew better than to piss off anyone he met right off the bat. Especially in a public setting. It’d gone bad far too many times by now. He had beautiful dazzling jade green eyes shimmering full of life. His hair was black and fell a bit into his face. He was incredibly handsome. (edited)
3:43 PM
@Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/4/2023 3:49 PM
She curtsied as well as one could, while leaning against a stick for balance. "There is." She looked up at him with watery eyes, holding his gaze for a moment before speaking again. "I have fled from the cursed kingdom of Rashouris, where the sun has not been seen in a thousand years. Presently, it is ruled by a cruel tyrant. A death cultist who kills without a second thought. A ruthlessly ambitious necromancer who murdered her parents and continues to puppet their corpses so that she may play the part of the innocent princess while ruling as their self-appointed mouthpiece." Her hands trembled as though in fear, though she kept hold of the staff. "Please, stop her in order to save us. I am afraid I cannot offer much, but you will have the kingdom's eternal gratitude. I will humbly do all I can to repay you." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/4/2023 3:54 PM
He nodded of course as he listened. This sounded slightly outside of his paygrade and skill level to be fair. But then again, he had taken on two dragons at once and defeated them alone. Why couldn’t he defeat some princess necromancer? Although oddly; he’d never heard of this kingdom. He was clueless to its existence. His face was soft as he sympathized with this poor old lady. What a shame she’d not gotten help until him. He had to do something. I’ll do it, just if I may ask, where is this kingdom exactly? I have never heard of this place. It must be far from here I assume? He knew if he could save a kingdom, he’d go down in history as a real hero. Something he’d been planning to do for ages. Something he’d always wanted to do…
3:54 PM
@Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/4/2023 4:02 PM
"Yes, thank you! Gods bless your heart," the old elf gushed, then told him what he needed to know. "It is an archipelago, but the palace is on the mainland. You will find it past the Lost Forest, three days' journey on horseback from the easternmost border of Verenth, the Thauviel Empire's far northeastern kingdom. The road will be riddled with monsters, but I have heard that one such as you will be more than capable of handling them." She wiped her tears with the back of her free hand. She was certain that princess's death would be the fix-all the kingdom needed, as long as this adventurer was what the rumours claimed. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/4/2023 4:07 PM
He rubbed the back of his neck. Three days on horseback…? So much could happen between then and now. Maybe he was better of just buying a teleportation scroll despite how expensive that would be. And sure, he could fight monsters but going round after round of monsters for three days would be brutal… one wrong mistake and this would all be for nothing. three days is too long a trek to wait and let her stir… would I be able to get a scroll to work to get me there? Or at least close to there? He was running through scenarios in his head. He already knew he’d just go next door to get the scroll. It was a magic store and they always had everything he needed and more. Perhaps even what his enemy needed. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/4/2023 4:40 PM
The elf nodded. "A scroll would function, so long as you can acquire one," she confirmed. "I am afraid I am unfamiliar with this city, or else I would point you to a proper enchanter. But please, be careful. In addition to her necromancer, the princess is in possession of a key that allows her to summon three Lich generals to lead her undead army. If nothing else, you need to separate her from that key. Sadly, I don't know where she keeps it. Only that its existence is common knowledge." She looked back toward the door. "Is there anything else you need to know?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/4/2023 9:43 PM
He nodded quietly as he took mental note of that. Fighting 3 lich generals and possibly a necromancer also would be an impossible feat. No way he could pull that off. And an undead army on top of that? He may be a slayer but not to that degree. He ran a hand through his hair. This was going to be a challenge. Easily the biggest thing he’d done in his lifetime. Right. Thank you, I’ll get a scroll as soon as I can and go there. He glanced around one final time to the tavern they were in. This was his home as of now, it may be a long time before he comes back to see it… he had a feeling this wasn’t going to just take a day and be done. I promise you I will free your kingdom @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/4/2023 10:56 PM
She dipped her head respectfully. "I will be praying for your success," the elf said. And watching to make sure it was done correctly. At least she didn't have to worry about the princess charming her way out of it. A ruler with no charisma had its advantages, after all. "Farewell for now, and good luck, Sir Vandine." She made her way out of the tavern once more. As soon as she was clear of the door and any windows, she stood upright and took her own teleportation scroll from the burlap robes she'd worn for the trip. In an instant, the old elf was gone. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 12:04 AM
He nodded and watched her leave. An eerie silence filled the tavern for him as everything didn’t matter now. Of course he was painfully unaware of what this old elf was planning. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair one last time. He did wonder what she meant that she’d be watching exactky? But no matter. He soon left the tavern and bought the scroll. He figured arriving in the middle of the night would be his best chance at success to sneak in. To which he waited if he had to before using the scroll teleport to the kingdom. Up to you where he arrives. If you wish to say he appears straight in the castle that’s fine by me. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/5/2023 12:58 AM
Rikuma swayed slightly as she closed the book, setting it aside. Moonlight filtered through the window rather than the unmitigated blackness of the day, indicating that night had fallen. The difference was irrelevant when she wasn't traveling. What did matter was that she couldn't remember the last time she had slept. There was no schedule for it. She had tried that, but it had always turned out that she would sleep when she found herself inexorably drawn to do so. She set it on the desk and stood up. The princess's royal chamber was far from extravagant. The only things that made it distinguishable from a village library were the bed and armoire that occupied one wall. The bone plating on the outside of her robes released with a soft click, allowing her to remove the robe first, then the simple tunic and trousers underneath afterward. She changed into a loose, lightweight black nightgown. A simple golden key hung from a matching chain around her neck, exposed by the low neckline as she got into bed and closed her eyes. A few hours of peaceful sleep, then she would resume her work. The castle's staff rested when she did, the only security being the wandering lich generals and the spirits of the dead. The latter tended to be a rather unreliable alert system, and the generals could have been anywhere in the kingdom unless called home. ~~~ Crosby would arrive at the front door of the castle. Behind him, the dead forest stretched out for miles. The foliage had long since decayed, leaving only pillars of rotten wood frozen in time. There was a chill in the air, as a layer of frost permeated everything, even in the late summer. There was no sign of the season here. In front of him loomed a stone castle. The skeletons of slain beasts dotted the landscape, but did not move. As a matter of fact, nothing appeared to move, as though the whole land slept. The door would be locked but one of the ground floor windows, oddly enough, had been opened. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 1:05 AM
He of course chose to observe for a moment before making any sort of move in this place. Taking note of his surroundings and how.. dead it all seemed. This was an eerie kingdom like nothing he’d ever dealt with before. He wasn’t a fan of it of course. He started to sneak towards the castle and carefully climb towards the window if possible. It wouldn’t be his first time doing something such as this. He had snuck into one too many castles by now. He wasn’t even an assassin but here he was acting like one. Even if the castle door was unlocked, he was not going to go through. That would be stupid. Anyways he was fine with the cold for now, he could manage as long as it wasn’t prolonged exposure. He peeked his head into the window, seeing what awaited inside. He wasn’t going to just blindly charge in with no idea what he was up against. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/5/2023 1:24 AM
Nothing stirred within the corridors at first. An armored skeleton stood perfectly still, sword sheathed, but currently inanimate. The inside of the castle would remain warm even with the window open, the result of enchantments placed long ago. Soon, someone approached the open window, a teenage boy in a black cloak. He slowed to a stop in front of the window, facing Crosby if he hadn't pulled out of sight. "Are you the great hero who was sent for?" he asked, green eyes wide with apparent hope beneath the hood that covered him. ~~~ The whispers, audible only to Rikuma at the moment, seemed intent on preventing her sleep. Your Royal Highness, the intruder... He is here for your life. Wake up. Rhea. She groaned softly, reaching out to the nightstand. Her hand wandered almost blindly over its surface until she found the vial of her blood. Pulling herself partway up, she poured a few drops onto her finger, then used it to draw a fresh blood ward on the nightstand. A protective barrier of magic surrounded her, red at first, then invisible. "There." She corked the vial shut, then rested her head back on the pillow. "Now stop bothering me." She curled up and closed her eyes. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 7:35 AM
He nodded and finished climbing into the window of course and moved inside. Not exactly looking to be shoved out the window or worse. mhm… where’s your leader stay? Do you know? He whispered of course as he looked to the boy. A beautiful sword and crossbow upon his back. Hr had a patch upon his right shoulder. It was a Lion with two swords crossed behind it. The lion was white and silver with its eyes being purple. The swords were orange oddly. It was a strange emblem to say the least. It stood out from his black jacket. His hair was falling a bit into his face. His eyes were sharp and his face was extremely serious. He wasn’t playing around. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/5/2023 9:01 AM
The boy stared up at the sword for a moment, as though mesmerized. But he soon remembered what he'd been told to say and, though he'd never seen any of the behaviours he'd been warned of, answered the question. "Do you mean the tyrant?" he asked. "Her chamber is in the east wing, on the third floor." He held up the torch in his hand, crafted from bone and holding a magic flame that illuminated everything with blue. "This way." He started toward the staircase, then looked back to make sure the hero would follow. "She's dangerous, so I can't go with you the whole way." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 12:59 PM
Told to say? Great. He had a feeling he was being set up but he still played along for now. No way this would all come so easily to him… He nodded and began to follow keeping a tiny bit of distance between them and his sword out. He didn’t know who he should and shouldn’t trust at the moment. And why exactly is she so dangerous do you know? Because she’s a necromancer? @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/5/2023 1:14 PM
He started up the stairs, keeping his eyes ahead. "She murdered the rightful King and Queen - her own parents - as a child and still uses their reanimated corpses to pretend they're alive but mute, so she can have power without being seen as responsible for what she does with it," he explained. "She's cut off food supplies to the noble families of Rashouris so they're not strong enough to stand against her. She's killed everyone who has tried to oppose her, she partakes in ritualistic cannibalism among certain... other unholy acts involving corpses, tortures prisoners, and cheats at duels. She was always a magical prodigy, and now she can use her magic even without speaking spells or using hand gestures, so even imprisonment can't stop her." He stopped to catch his breath as they reached the third floor. "Down that way." He pointed. "Hers is the door at the very end of the hall." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 3:00 PM
He nodded and listened as the boy spoke. He adjusted his grip on his sword. The part about cheating in duels worried him. He’d have one shot to get her while she was vulnerable. That’s it. If he messed that window up, there wasn’t going to be another. And eating others? Gross for an elf. thank you for the help and information. He tossed the boy a coin and went exactly where he said to. He held his sword at the ready now and snuck along quite skillfully. Only a little bit longer and he’d meet his target first hand… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/5/2023 3:13 PM
The boy caught the coin. "Many thanks." He bowed and headed down the stairs, lest things go less than smoothly for the hero and the boy got caught in the crossfire. ~~~ The spirits had taken Rikuma's dismissal of them seriously. She thought that meant she would be left to sleep peacefully, despite their warnings. The dead always did have a flair for the dramatic. Except there were footsteps in the hall now. She ignored them; the ossuary where the Order trained new adepts was directly under the palace, after all. Sometimes they got curious and explored the upper floors, and she'd always been lenient about it. After all, that was what children did. She just wished they'd choose a time when she wasn't trying to sleep. She covered her ear with a pillow, but remained half-asleep. If someone dared to fully and intentionally interrupt her attempt to rest though, then she'd be angry. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 3:17 PM
Well he did indeed intend to interrupt. He put his ear to the door for a moment of listen. Hopefully she couldn’t smell him like most monsters or that would completely ruin his plan. He didn’t hear anything suggesting she was awake and slowly cracked open the door as quietly as he could. Enough to get a peek inside, if it was locked, he’d try to make it not obvious he was trying to get in by simply barely turning the knob to confirm. He of course didn’t dare speak or make any sudden noise. The last thing he wanted was to lose his element of surprise stupidly. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/5/2023 3:37 PM
Somewhere that felt distant to Rikuma, a doorknob turned. Only one door within the palace remained locked on a regular basis, and hers was not one of them. Why should it be? The castle was remote, the servants were her own undead constructs, and the only other inhabitants remained cloistered in the ossuary beneath, in addition to having her full trust not to attempt harm to her. Restless but unaware of potential dangers, she turned over, letting the pillow fall away as she faced the door. But her eyes remained closed, so she didn't see the would-be assassin standing right there. The expression on her normally sharp features was peaceful as could be, soft white hair falling across her pale face. The 'ruthless killer' was curled up and looking rather harmless. Then again, any murderer could look innocent in their sleep. The key that the old woman had mentioned remained around Rikuma's neck, nearly dangling over the edge of the mattress. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2023 7:29 PM
He adjusted his grip on his blade and took a deep breath in. His eyes fixated upon her. Sure she didn’t look too bad in this vulnerable state but he only had one attempt. He got closer… daringly. Hie tried to be as quiet as he could of course. His heart was starting to race a bit. He was honestly a tiny bit nervous for once. This was it. This was his chance. He raised his blade, ready to strike her down now. It was truly a shame she was such a dreadful person… otherwise he may have considered trying to align himself with her if she didn’t try anything upon him. But in another life perhaps.
7:29 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/6/2023 2:22 AM
As he raised his sword, Rikuma felt the movement near the barrier her blood ward had created. Her grey eyes flew open, looking directly at him. Despite the terror clutching her heart at the sight of a total stranger in her bedroom, ready to kill her, her face betrayed no emotion. She bolted upright, staring at him. He looked too healthy to be Rashouran. "You interrupted my nap," she accused. "Why?" Her voice was crisp, direct and ever to the point. As she spoke, her left hand twitched upward ever so slightly. A gesture that was subtle, but there. And with it, something could be heard skittering within the castle walls. Small and concentrated at first, then all around them. Like hundreds of tiny claws scratching at the stone. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2023 12:43 PM
He of course was going to swing but fell ever so slightly short, hitting the barrier but only slightly. Crap. He’d ruined it. Now what the hell was he supposed to do? His rather beautiful green eyes fixated upon hers. Quietly observing her up and down. Unwillingly seeing if she had anything to offer or to hide. He didn’t notice her hand move but hearing what he did. He didn’t answer and went to strike her down in a panic. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/6/2023 12:55 PM
Her eyes drifted away from his, but she continued to watch his actions. Even though he didn't say anything, his actions definitely answered her question. She instinctively darted to one side to avoid the sword blow, ironically leaving the barrier that would have stopped it as she landed on the floor at the foot of the bed. "Oh. I see. You're here to kill me." Exactly why, she couldn't fathom. Hired by a noble upset that she'd banned them from hoarding more food than they needed during a famine, perhaps? "See, that gives me a dilemma." She stayed on her feet to dodge any attacks. "Because I dream of death..." Her fingers twitched again, and a wave of rat skeletons swarmed from beneath the baseboards and between the bookshelves, all converging on him in an effort to bite and claw their way up his body. "...But I refuse to lose." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2023 1:22 PM
He looked to her and went to strike again when she was down, however she dodged it. That was his final chance he assumed as he saw the rats. He tried swipe them away as best he could. Wincing. Crap. He couldn’t die like this… to rats and some crazy necromancer! Think of something! Should he try to negotiate? Or was it too late. A growing fear and panic she could see in his eyes. Perhaps she could try some leverage. His heart beating faster started to cause some… strange pheromones to fill the room. Tempting her to do unspeakable things with this strange man. quit it with your stupid tricks witch. Get rid of your damn minions!
1:22 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/6/2023 1:30 PM
For now, the rats avoided anything vital, as though they meant to hurt and impede, but not to kill. For now. She still avoided eye contact, especially as she found her mind start to wander. She forced it back on track; she could do better than a coward who tried to kill unarmed women in their sleep. For now, she had to focus, even as he told her to call off the rats. "And let you attack me again? I think not." Her heart was racing, but she felt no fear. Not in the traditional sense, at least. "Drop your weapons, kick them toward the door so they're out of your reach, and only then will I call the rats off." After she picked the weapons up, at least. She couldn't go ahead and kill him. Setting aside her inexperience with actually intentionally killing anyone, she also wanted answers, and he was best poised to provide them. "Or I can let them find out how much skin they can scrape from your body to use as their new bedding while you still live. The choice is yours." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2023 2:27 PM
He knew with this many rats he didn’t stand a chance. He couldn’t use a fire spell or he’d set everything in this room ablaze. He didn’t exactly have a choice. He couldn’t fight them off forever. As much as he didn’t want to play into this psychos game. He did as she said and dropped his sword, kicking it towards the door. He glared at her as he did so. His pheromones were still going crazy and if she got closer to him, they’d only get worse. fine. Call off your damn rats… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/6/2023 2:41 PM
Rikuma skirted carefully around him, in case he had the nerve to try anything while she passed by. Once she reached the sword, she picked it up, looking over the blade. She tapped a finger against the metal, and the rat skeletons crawled off of him and back to their previous hiding spots. "Much better." She looked over at him again, but still avoided direct eye contact. Always did. "Who are you, and what is the reason behind your pitiful attempt to kill me?" Her eyes darted briefly to where her robes hung up. She was used to dealing with people in full royal attire. Bone-plated cloaks, not even showing her full face, let alone her face, hair, shoulders, and a good portion of chest and leg. An awkward first meeting with anyone, to say the least. She'd worry about her embarrassment later. For now, she had to know. "Keep in mind I can call the rats back at will." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2023 2:49 PM
He did look her up and down. His sword felt nearly too heavy for her and to even hold. And when she had the gall to touch the metal blade, it shocked her pretty good. She’d be zapped of some energy; feeling slightly more exhausted. He didn’t look to happy she had his weapon for now. But he had some tricks up his sleeves. He crossed his arms and stood tall as he looked to her. He tried to step a bit closer. I’ve heard what you did. You’re a tyrant. He said rather simply. He completely ignored the part where she asked who he was. It wasn’t of importance right now. He did have a thing for elves, too bad she was… extremely undead looking and quite boring. you neglect your people and let them to die as you feed yourself and grow stronger everyday
2:49 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/6/2023 3:02 PM
An involuntary yelp escaped Rikuma as she dropped the too-heavy sword anyway. She rubbed her hand as she looked over at him again. "Don't come closer," she ordered. "Please, enlighten me on what I did, because I haven't the slightest clue." She wiped away a few drops of blood that dotted her forehead. Maybe she'd overexerted herself with that rat trick, but she'd still do it again if she had to. Or worse, if that was called for. This man was talking delusional nonsense, but hardly seemed worth defending herself to. She stuck with the immediately provable facts. "Do I look well-fed to you?" she asked, holding her arms out. The gown hung loosely over her thin frame. "The kingdom has been in a famine for the full thousand years it has been cursed, long before my lifetime." And damn it, she was trying her best. But pointing that out only would have seemed pathetic. "You will need to think up a better accusation than that. Anything that cannot be disproven by opening a history book, perhaps?" Despite her exhaustion, she sent one of the small rat skeletons down to the ossuary to fetch backup. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2023 3:43 PM
He paused before her, his pheromones were at an all time high this close. It was truly enough to probably severely mess with her head in all the wrong ways. He bit his lip a bit as he most certainly could feed the elf is she wanted~. But then again she’d need to want his cream~. He wouldn’t mind maybe stuffing her full if she asked nicely he was distracted by her body. you’re just… not a good person in anyway from what I’ve heard. Especially with your necromancing business. He huffed and glared at her, shifting a bit where he stood. His eyes looking to her, awaiting to make eye contact finally. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/6/2023 3:59 PM
With him this close and her heart seeming to pound in her ears, she could hardly hear a single word he was saying. But she caught the gist of it. Enough to glare back... at his forehead. She was fully convinced that his attempts to look into her eyes were for some sort of spell, probably a stronger version of whatever was fucking with her mind. She let her arms drop to her sides. "You broke into the castle of a kingdom you clearly know nothing about so you could kill an unarmed, half-starving woman in her sleep," she said flatly. "And now seek to use magic in an attempt to seduce me." And now that she'd said that out loud, it would be really embarrassing if she was wrong about that. "You don't have the moral high ground here. And I don't know what the necromancers are like where you live, but Rashouran necromancy is an ancient and holy practice built on respect for the dead and reducing waste. It has good and bad practitioners, but the same can be said of any form of magic." Footsteps sounded from the hallway, running toward her chamber. The archbishop, from the sound of it. Her old childhood rival always was the first to respond to potential threats that she didn't consider worth summoning any of the True Masters for. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2023 9:15 PM
He hated how she didn’t make eye contact with him. It was weird. And strange. It made no sense. What did she have to hide? But he did not have any charm spells. With reasons I thought were justifiable I did. I was begged to dispose of you. And use magic to seduce you? I’m not doing anything at all… He seemed very genuine about that part. He was quite confused even… was it because she’d never been around a man recently that now she was attracted to him…? He didn’t know. He glanced towards the door then back to her. She couldn’t keep it with just them clearly… how annoying… there’s no necromancers where I’m from for good reason. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/7/2023 12:48 AM
Given the right frame of mind, she would have had some very pertinent questions about who had asked him to get rid of her. At the moment, however, her brain chose to fixate on the lack of charm magic. Ah, fuck. Her eyes widened slightly, a subtle pink gracing her pale face. "The mere concept of attraction to you defies all logic, given the circumstances," she argued, fully looking away now. The door opened, revealing a tall male elf in a hooded cloak, with two humanoid skeletons walking close behind him. Each skeleton held a rapier, and seemed more than capable of using it, even in death. The man gestured to the stranger who stood in front of the princess. "Take him to the dungeon," he ordered, and the skeletons marched over to grab each of Crosby's arms. Though the elven man smelled strongly of mushroom spirits, he was still sober enough to speak clearly. He walked over to Rikuma. "Are you alright, Your Highness?" he asked. "Rest assured, we'll make sure he's locked safely away until his execution." "No," Rikuma said. "I mean, yes, I'm fine, but that's why he doesn't need to be killed. It's fine, Agemin." As she spoke, she didn't look him in the eye, either. He didn't seem to mind, since this was all normal behaviour for her. He did frown slightly though. "Execution is the standard punishment for anyone who tries to harm the royal person. Haven't you killed every other would-be assassin on the spot? At any rate, bear in mind that you are the mouthpiece for the King and Queen Consort during their oath of silence - the ultimate decision for mercy is theirs to make, not yours." Even as he spoke of murder, he spoke gently. "All the more reason not to schedule an execution unless one is ordered," Rikuma countered, unsure of why she was protecting the stranger who'd tried to kill her. Maybe she just needed answers more than she wanted him dead. "Mouthpiece or not, I am still acting head of state for the duration of their oath." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 12:30 PM
He smiled a little at her blushing and raised a brow. Was she seriously attracted to him? Kind of cute… maybe he could change this elf given the chance. She just might need some… relief. Surely she didn’t do anything if she was too focused on studying and necromancer stuff. Anyways, he chuckled rolling his eyes at her adorable reaction until the guy entered the room. Then it quickly faded. He could maybe convinced under the right circumstances to stand by her side if she told him the truth of what he wanted to know. He didn’t go to fight the skeletons. Although he was tempted to call his sword back to him, it wasn’t worth it. He didn’t want to push his luck. He glanced to the skeletons and then looked to her. His eyes were… soft. Much more full of life. He didn’t seem like as big of a jerk all the sudden. Perhaps it was him trying to get out of being dungeon bound. It would be… miserable. And a waste of his capabilities in every way. He of course didn’t speak. He figured it wouldn’t be smart to interrupt these two. His pheromones still going crazy but only she would feel the affect. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/7/2023 12:42 PM
Rikuma's breath caught in her throat as she noticed the way the would-be-assassin looked at her now, a far cry from his expression when she'd first woken up. A silent attempt to get her to let him go, maybe? There was no guarantee he wouldn't make another attempt while she rested. Besides, he smelled weird. Maybe that's what was messing with her thoughts. She looked down at the floor, barely hearing as Agemin spoke. "That... is true," he admitted. "High Priestess Maeneine would like to question him in the meantime." Rikuma nodded. She at least knew she could trust the High Priestess. Sure, they'd had their disagreements when it came to how the kingdom should be run, but she'd taught Rikuma almost everything she knew. What hadn't come from her own independent research, at least. She had no doubt they had a mutual understanding. "That's fine," she said. "Just be gentle with him. This really is just a misunderstanding, nothing to hurt someone over." She looked up again. "I'll visit him personally in a few hours. You'll be able to call off your skeletal guards then." "Are you sure that's wise? He did try to kill you once already." "A misunderstanding," she repeated. "I will consult my parents about what is to be done with him, but until then it is better to err on the side of causing no further harm." She looked at Crosby almost apologetically as Agemin's skeletons began to lead him out of the room and down to the dungeon. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 12:48 PM
He didn’t fight of course. He was a bit cut up from the rats already. And the high priestess? How many people were there around here that he’d have to meet and speak with? He was a little shocked she told them to take it easy. But he was thankful for it. He nodded a little. It was sort of a misunderstanding. He’d only had two peoples opinions on what’s happening here. And no other evidence besides that. On top to that, he’d never even heard of this place before the elf in the tavern. It was strange. It made no sense. He nodded a slight bit to her, sort of bowing his head in thanks before he went with them. He fell quiet and looked around as he walked. The pheromones growing weaker and weaker the farther away he got of course. What was he to do now? @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/7/2023 12:58 PM
She relaxed a bit as everyone left the room. This time, she did lock the door, in case a second, more determined assassin decided to pop in. Out of his presence, the odd feeling that had come over her had faded slightly. Traces remained, but far less aggressive, normal echoes of the attraction she was used to experiencing. Divorced of the whole attempted murder context, she couldn't deny that the human was easy on the eyes, even if his personality left a lot to be desired. For now, she would take a brief rest, and worry about him later. ~~~ The dungeon itself was cleaner than one might expect, as though rarely ever used. But the only warmth came by overflow from the enchantments that heated the castle above, leaving its stone confines undeniably cold. Most of the area was empty, save for a cot in each cell. Most were covered in fur blankets, save for a few that had been carefully cleared of any traces of death and magically sealed off from the rest of the dungeon. The skeletons brought him into one of the ordinary cells, as Agemin saw no reason to take the precautions that were resolved for necromancers. "Do you need anything before I leave you with the High Priestess?" Agemin asked, once the cell door was locked. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 1:02 PM
Well she’d only seen him when he was moreso in a more focused and serious mood. He wasn’t nearly as bad when he wasn’t at work. She wasn’t too bad herself in his eyes. He glanced around to his rather boring cell and then Agemin. He brushed himself off, he was truly exhausted. Hopefully he’d get a blanket or something otherwise he’d freeze to death down here and get sick. But anyways, that’s besides the point. He looked Agemin up and down. who is this high priestess exactly…? He wrapped his arms around himself. He found it quite odd that a priestess and a necromancer got along. Usually they were well… sworn enemies. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/7/2023 1:13 PM
Agemin turned toward him once more, deciding there was time to entertain this man's questions. The princess had, after all, called for some level of kindness. "High Priestess Maeneine is the head of the Order of the Circle," he explained. "Making her one of the highest necromancers in the land, second only to our current King and his daughter. She oversees that our traditions are followed and that all nobles are properly educated within the Order, regardless of whether they show any skill in necromancy itself or not. After all, with necromancy as revered a practice as it is, a theoretical understanding at minimum is considered necessary for anyone in a position of power. If the kingdom's ruler were to die without an heir, she would become the new Queen. If the ruler were to die before the heir's coming-of-age, she would be appointed as Queen Regent until the heir was ready." He shrugged. "Of course, it is too late for either of those concerns, now that the Princess is prepared to take the throne if anything were to happen to the King and his consort." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 1:22 PM
Right… He ran a hand through his hair. No way he could contain and process all this stuff he was being barraged with at once. It was too much. He just simply nodded. Damn. Things wouldn’t change even if he were to get rid of the princess. So what he was he killing her for? Nothing? It seemed like it… what a waste. Here he was in a dungeon now because of it. He wished he had well… this much information before hand. Now he was kind of just left to deal with his consequences. Thank you. He chose not to pester him anymore. He figured it’d be best to save his questions for the princess herself since she’d want to talk later after all. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/7/2023 1:26 PM
Agemin nodded and walked up the stairs. "Maeneine will be with you in a moment," he said, leaving his skeletons behind to guard the prisoner. Moments later, more footsteps descended the stairs, accompanied by the tapping of a staff against the stone. The elderly elf woman who emerged would be familiar, though now she stood taller, no longer leaning on the stick. Her dark hair had been pulled back from her face, and her amber eyes narrowed as she looked at the failure she had sent. "You may leave," Maeneine told the skeletons, and they went up the stairs. She waited for the footsteps to disappear before addressing Crosby directly. "I didn't expect you to be so easily defeated. So it seems the rumours of your skill lead only to disappointment." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 1:34 PM
He nodded as he watched. The moment she began walking down the stairs, he knew. Really? He didn’t look all too pleased. He crossed his arms. Of course that’s what she was concerned about. you set me up, didn’t you? He huffed. And I could’ve beat her if I so chose. She had an argument to why she’s doing what she’s doing. And you’re betraying your own… kin? He didn’t know how they related. surely you must be in it to ensure you get the throne next. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/7/2023 1:43 PM
"Do my reasons matter?" Maeneine asked. "I gave you a job, and I expect you to complete it." She fixed him in a steady glare. "I may have stretched the truth here and there," by which she meant she had lied outright, "but that does not cancel out the fact that it needs to be done. The princess's concerns about practicality, her experiments with magic that border on the scientific... they border on the heretical. I would lead Rashouris back to the traditions it truly needs to follow, if it is to survive." She held a hand to her chin, thoughtful for a moment. "Though, now that she has chosen to show you mercy, this may be an... opportunity, so to speak. I'll give you a second chance. Gain her trust first - believe me, it's not difficult - then seize your moment. Seduce her if you must; I don't care, so long as the result is the same. If you succeed, I will grant you access to all of Rashouris's wealth, present and future." She leaned in close to the cell and lowered her voice, taking on a threatening tone. "If you fail, well... we among the Order hold true to the tenet that suffering is the closest thing to divinity. Perhaps your share of 'divinity' will teach you a lesson or two about going back on your word." @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 1:50 PM
They did indeed matter to him. He wasn’t happy now, not one bit. Quite furious actually. She was lucky he was in the cell. He could tell she had lied to him now. How much was real? How much was fake? He was most certainly not interested in all the blood money this kingdom had to offer. It was tainted with raw evil to which he didn’t want to get involved with. He didn’t care about her threats. He’d been threatened so many times by now, it all was one blur. Just another mental note to rack up at the back of his brain. right. Thats all he said. He wasn’t going to outright agree to anything now. Coming the lips of a liar. The line between truth and fiction was blurred to the point he knew choosing a side was going to be a nightmare. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 9/7/2023 1:55 PM
Maeneine could tell she wasn't about to get anything more out of him right now. Very well, then. She would let that threat linger in his mind for now, and wait until he came to his senses. All she needed in the meantime was a bit of insurance. "For now, a curse of secrecy will prevent you from revealing to anyone who told you to kill the princess," she said, the spell weaving itself easily as she spoke the words. "I will have you know that I do not make empty threats. I will be waiting for results." She had no desire for further conversation, and no patience for it besides. So instead, she turned with a flourish and swept up the stairs, leaving him alone to ponder his situation. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/7/2023 11:47 PM
A curse? Great… he sucked at magic truly. He knew very little almost nothing at all. He sat back against the far wall and watched her. Of course she made it so he couldn’t tell anyone. How was he supposed to explain this now and trust? He sighed, this was a nightmare. He shouldn’t have gotten involved in this family affair. He didn’t even acknowledge what he said, he knew it was absolutely best to keep quiet at the moment. No more digging himself a bigger grave. He closed his eyes, it would be best to rest for now. He needed it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 1:06 AM
Rikuma had managed a few hours of sleep. Once she had woken up, taken a bath in the castle's hot spring, and enjoyed a quick breakfast, she actually felt like a full person, despite the deeply weird events of mere hours ago. She wore her full robes now, hood pulled over her face as was customary for the kingdom's ruler. The old superstition that any unworthy person who saw her face would meet an untimely death wouldn't apply to her until her eventual coronation, but it seemed silly to not bother hiding it until an extremely expensive hat was placed on her head. She saved a plate of food for the new prisoner. Fortunately, a delivery had recently arrived from the artificial sunhouse just outside of the city of Eastshade, the only one known for growing healing herbs and the occasional spice, so the breakfast was a bit more flavourful than what could normally be offered - to her annoyance, but hopefully to the prisoner's joy - and she could get a handful of supplies to deal with the scratches she'd given him.
1:07 AM
Before making her way to the dungeon, she stopped at her parents' chamber. A cursory visit, to give the appearance of consulting them and to make sure they remained perfectly preserved; she hadn't even bothered to reanimate them for it, as there was no purpose to pretending when she was the only living person in the room. She wasn't sure when she'd give up this charade. Maybe when she felt she'd finally earned the right to be Queen. Maybe when she was done putting off the inevitable expectation of finding a husband. Or maybe it would be when the guilt of having survived faded away and she was finally ready to let go. Satisfied that she'd visited enough for the day, however, she left the room and walked down to the dungeon. A skeletal construct trailed behind her, carrying his food, healing supplies, and a bucket full of water. She had given it extra arms, to ensure nothing would be dropped. As they entered the dungeon, the skeletal guards gave her the cell keys and walked out. "Are you awake?" Her voice was the same, even if her face was hidden in shadow now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 12:33 PM
He slowly opened his eyes, having somehow fallen asleep on the floor. He looked of course extremely uncomfortable as to be expected. His beautiful eyes shifting to look at her. He slowly sat up, he nodded and looked to the skeleton and then back to her. She never went anywhere alone did she? I am now… Why…? He yawned and rubbed his eyes. His pheromones would be even stronger than before it seemed like with her drawing closer. Or perhaps it was her own body tricking her? It would be impossible to tell. He wasn’t a fan of her face being hidden or her not looking at him. It was… weird. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 12:45 PM
She stopped a short distance from the cell door, careful to keep her breathing under control. His presence was unbearable, in all the best ways, and she didn't need her body language to betray her thoughts to him. "I brought breakfast, and was going to tend to your injuries." She closed the distance to the cell door, the skeleton following not far behind. "I was advised you might find the portions and lack of meat offensive, especially for the only meal we'll be able to provide for the next twenty-four hours, but I assure you that means you are quite literally dining like royalty. And I assume it is better than nothing, for your short time here." She stepped into the cell and the skeleton followed behind, mostly because she wouldn't have been able to carry everything herself and partially to make sure he didn't escape yet. "It has been determined that you will not face the death penalty, nor trial, nor long-term imprisonment. I just wanted to ask you a few questions first." She took the plate of food from the skeleton and set it in front of him. This close to him, it was difficult for her to tear her eyes from his body. "Starting with proper introductions. I am Princess Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi the Sixth of Rashouris, the Undying, revered heir to the throne of the dark kingdom of Rashouris, Prime Necromancer Adept of the Order of the Circle." She went through the customary list of titles with all the enthusiasm of reading a grocery list. "And who might you be? It won't do to call you 'prisoner' all the time." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 1:03 PM
He was unable to tell she was feeling anything for him like before quite yet. She was keeping herself pretty well under control. But with them being this close, his pheromones he produced were near irresistible. However she could if she was truly strong enough. But anyways, he did nod as he listened. He was quite shocked she brought him an actual meal and not slop like other dungeons he’d been in. But he wouldn’t complain. Thank you… He said softly, he looked to the Skeleton quietly, then to her. He had lots of cuts and scrapes on his lower legs where the rats had gone crazy. And short time here…? Was she going to let him go…? And yes, it was better than nothing. He stayed seated, trying to escape would be stupid. He didn’t even know his way out. Or what he’d do if he did manage to escape the castle, he didn’t even know where he was or what was around. He started to eat of course thankfully, he didn’t question if she poisoned it or not. Considering she had spared his life, he figured she wouldn’t try anything like that. He tried his best to see where she was looking exactly. He was indeed incredibly attractive. Perhaps quite good Material for her problem with her parents… I’m Crosby Vandine, Part of the Heroes of The People Guild. He lifted his arm up slightly, almost like he was going to shake her hand but figured it wasn’t appropriate and started to put it back down. It was just force of habit. sorry… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 1:14 PM
She struggled to think clearly as he introduced himself. Part of her wanted to run, get far away from the effect his presence had on her. Part of her wanted to tear his clothes off. The rest knew she'd still think about doing that if she was further away. Ignoring all advice on what constituted appropriate behaviour for someone of her position, she sat on the floor across from him so she wouldn't be talking down to him. "Sorry for what?" She hadn't understood that weird hand movement he'd made. "For the attempted murder? That was full hours ago, I'm completely over it." She took a mortar and pestle from the skeleton, then a bundle of herbs. It gave her a brief distraction while she spoke to him, something to do with her hands that didn't involve running them over his skin. "So you really did think you were doing something heroic, and not dooming an already-cursed kingdom. I see... whoever asked you to kill me must have been a good liar. Anyway, I have never heard of this guild. Where are you from?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 1:22 PM
He would probably be slight opposed to her doing so. But not for long with some convincing. His eyes were fixated upon her As she sat beside him. She seemed almost… human. Not exactly like a major jerk that was ruling a kingdom as a tyrant. A handshake isn’t appropriate I thought. And well… that too now I suppose. You’re not as bad as I thought… He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away slightly, awkwardly smiling. I’m from Waterdeep it’s well… very far from here. He didn’t exactly want to tell her how far. He’d be dooming himself if he did have to escape by exposing the fact that she’d have plenty of time to find him. Well, based on what he that is. His heart was beating quite fast as he continued to eat what she provided. He didn’t question what it was. He knew Better than to and seem ungrateful. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 1:33 PM
"Not as bad as you thought? High praise," she said flatly, though one corner of her mouth could just barely be seen twitching up slightly under the hood's shadow. Almost like a smile, or the closest she got to one. The skeleton scooped some of the water from the bucket into a cup to set down in front of Crosby. It was clear, clean, ordinary water. Just as the food was a simple stewed mushroom dish, served with a tomato sauce seasoned with salt and cinnamon atop some rice. Nothing odd, certainly not drugged or poisoned. It would have been a waste of effort to do so. "I have never been to Waterdeep. Anyway, there's no point in circling around what I really want to know... who sent you after me?" she asked, continuing to grind and mix the herbs as she had briefly been taught, many years ago. She'd never been meant to become a healer, but everyone in Rashouris was expected to learn at least the basics of herbalism before moving on to more advanced education. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 1:37 PM
He hoped that was a smile and not her smirking as she planned something. That would sort of ruin his faith in her that was ever so slowly growing. So far now, this seemed like a misunderstanding. He chugged the water of course. He wasn’t going to deny anything she gave him. That would be stupid and screw him in the long run if things didn’t go smoothly. He continued to watch her make such a concoction. well… if I could tell you I could… maybe I could… try writing it down? If you had paper or something I could use… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 1:43 PM
She tilted her head slightly to one side as he spoke, seeming to struggle a bit. If he knew enough to write, but couldn't tell her... ah. Whoever had sent him must have prepared for the eventuality of an interrogation. "You were cursed, then? We can get a parchment and some charcoal for you. It will just take a moment." She nodded to the skeleton, who set everything else down. "While my construct is out fetching supplies, do you need anything else? Are the blankets here enough, or will you need more?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 1:48 PM
He was indeed smart enough to try to maneuver this curse. If he couldn’t say, writing would be best. He technically wasn’t telling her. He would be telling the paper and the paper would be telling her. He didn’t answer that question but she should be able to tell. Um… a pillow would be nice… please.. He tried to keep it simple. A blanket and pillow was already a lot. And he didn’t know exactly where he stood with her. He didn’t want to push his luck. He shifted a bit and looked her up and down as best he could. What a shame she wore the hood and what not again. look… um… I know it’s kind of weird for me to ask but… can you take your hood off..? It would just make him feel more comfortable is all. And not like he was talking to some psycho. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 1:57 PM
It was simple enough. Rikuma nodded again, and the skeleton walked out of the dungeon, leaving the two of them alone in the cell. Then he asked her to remove the hood, and she said nothing at first, just sitting stiffly upright for a moment as she processed the question. Nobody had asked her before. Everyone in Rashouris knew better. "It is not only kind of weird, but highly inappropriate to ask of a member of Rashouris's royal family," she said. "But you have already seen my face, so I suppose there is no real harm in it. Why, though?" She lowered her hood anyway, still looking away. It was definitely weird, just one step down from if he'd asked her to strip naked in front of him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 3:23 PM
sorry… He apologized of course. Just talking to a hooded figure was not something he was comfortable with. He liked being able to see she was human in a sense. Not a faceless monster. it’s just… odd talking to a hooded figure. I feel like I’m talking to some mysterious being and not well, a princess. And besides… it’s just a courtesy thing from where I’m from is all. His pheromones only grew worse with him seeing her beauty. God was she hot… he had all sorts of thoughts running through his mind. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 3:40 PM
"There's supposed to be a difference between a mysterious being and a princess?" The lack of inflection in her voice left it unclear whether she was telling a joke or genuinely confused. She pushed her soft hair back from her face with her fingers. "It seems we come from very different places indeed. But very well, I'll respect your customs." She just couldn't deny how vulnerable this all felt, either. The dizzying effects of his presence brought a faint flush of colour to her cheeks again, and she busied herself once more with the healing mixture. Except the herbs were about as mixed as they were going to be. "Now, where are you hurt?" she asked, dipping a cloth into the bucket of water then wringing it out. Best to wash the scratches first, make sure no dirt could get in the way. There were footsteps approaching, but it was only the skeleton returning with the items Crosby had requested. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 3:44 PM
yeah. There is. He was a bit puzzled by her trying to mix it even more until he noticed she seemed to be blushing again. He shifted a bit where he sat, if she was looking, she could make out the rather large outline of what she’d want. He wasn’t exactly ready to go of course but by the gods did he have everything she’d need. He looked to his legs, pointing to his ankles. There was lots of cuts and scrapes. Some deeper than others. He ignored the skeleton. He was focused on her. my ankles. Those rats did a number on me… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 3:51 PM
For a moment, she was a bit too distracted by what was between his legs to really look at them. Then she forced herself to focus, letting the twinge of guilt about the rats pull her back to the current situation. "Sorry about them, but you did put me in a position where I needed to defend myself." Her methods had just happened to include the skeletons of long-dead rats she'd spent weeks collecting and hiding in the walls when she was younger. Some had been found as they were, others successful bone cloning and osteogenesis experiments. "But I'll take care of it now." She tried not to stare as she began to wash the cuts clean. She'd made sure the wounds would remain minor, and was glad to see they weren't too bad, but she'd also had it drilled into her head several times already that someone who was unlucky enough could die from a papercut, given the right circumstances. So she'd treat them as diligently as she would a larger wound. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 3:57 PM
Well if she wanted she could always just take what was between his legs for herself. He didn’t seem like the type to argue with her about it. He had already teased her about her liking him sooo. it’s alright… I know it’s my own fault for that… He had failed to notice but there seemed to be a large gash on the inside of his left pant leg, seems a rat had gotten quite close to where she was staring. That’s also probably part of the reason he was oblivious to it. Just right above the wound was it. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 4:06 PM
As she tended to the smaller wounds, the blood on his inner thigh caught his attention. Damn it, she'd have to steel herself like nothing else if she was going to not be awkward about this. She finished treating the scratches, then pulled away. "Take off your pants." So much for not being awkward. "I don't want to draw attention to the injury, as conscious awareness can worsen pain," she said as she draw attention to the injury, "but your thigh is wounded. Judging from the fact that you're still alive, they missed your femoral artery, but it's still something that needs to be looked at." The skeleton set everything down and left the cell to keep watch. Because this would have been the worst possible moment for someone to see out of context. Besides, she wanted to make sure they were granted privacy for... entirely professional reasons. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 4:11 PM
He hadn’t noticed until she did point it out. He of course looked, not even realizing she was probably staring at what was right above his wound. He hesitated for the briefest of moments before nodding and doing as she said. She could now see even clearer he had easily more than enough to please her in anyway she needed. He blushed a bit hoping she didn’t mind, It was quite close to the wound. He didn’t even care it hurt slightly right now. He was too caught up in all of her. He shifted a bit where he sat, wincing before stopping. Yeah not a good idea with that gash. Maybe she could demand him to take his underwear off if she so pleased to make her job of cleaning his wound easier~. I’m glad they did… that would’ve sucked if they didn’t… Professional reasons? Mhmmm. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 4:38 PM
"Don't worry. An arterial wound would likely kill you far too quickly for pain to be a real problem," she assured him in the least reassuring way imaginable. But the attempt was genuine. She tried to focus on the wound and not on what was right next to it, but it was still partly obscured. The wound, that is. "The underwear too," she added. "I need to be able to clearly check for further injury." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 6:06 PM
He simply nodded. He did indeed hesitate at first but he did as she said. Blushing like crazy as he slowly slipped it all off. He moved the blanket underneath him so he wasn’t sitting upon the cold floor. Soon enough he only had his shirt and jacket on. To which she could probably make him take off if she wanted that gone too. Or take it off herself. And oh wow, he was quite the sight. Tempting with his size and easily more than enough for her to seriously enjoy herself. He shifted a bit as his heart was racing now. He looked to her with his cheeks completely red. He started to grow ever so slightly hard by instinct. He couldn’t help it. The graze was fully in view and right beside it. Is that good enough…? His pheromones were at their strongest now with them being so close and him having half of his clothes on. His heart racing didn’t help either. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 7:38 PM
His blushing was almost enough to embolden her. Bad idea. She reminded herself to take care of the wound first, at least, since it was a serious concern. "For now." Her voice came out a bit different, a breathiness to it that surprised even herself. Her heart threatened to beat out of her chest as she began to clean the wound. "Once this is finished, I should also check the rest of your body for further injuries-" She froze for a moment as her hand brushed against his partially-hard member. "Sorry." She was careful with tending to the wound, but the accidental touches were inevitable. Or so she told herself. Once his thigh was finished, she reached up to remove his jacket and shirt, if he hadn't done so of his own accord anyway. "Is there... anything else I could do for you?" she asked when he was fully exposed to her. Her face was close to his own as she asked, eyes drifting down to his lips. It would have been easier to close the gap than not to, and took all of her self control to hold back. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 10:39 PM
When she kept brushing against it, it just kept getting larger until he was fully ready to go having quite the problem. Each time she did so he got chills and shivers down his spine. He hadn’t gotten attention down there in forever. So he was extra sensitive to her touch. His heart beating as fast as it could. His pheromones as strong as they could be besides if her head was right next to it. He nodded. He’d be fine if she had to check the rest of him over, he let her take off his jacket and shirt until he had nothing on for the princess. And god was he an absolute catch for someone like her. He was quite slim but very well built. His body was toned and muscular, an extremely attractive build for an adventurer. He looked down to her lips and then her eyes, clearly a sign he did indeed well, want to kiss her. He was restraining his growing passion and need. He bit his lip for a moment. God he needed her help right now to relieve the problem she caused… I… He debated even asking, god this felt so incredibly wrong and so inappropriate of him. But he gave up and leaned in, gently pulling her into a kiss on the lips, she could draw back if she wanted to. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/8/2023 11:35 PM
His hesitation had her ready to pull away and apologize. Then he closed the distance between them and she closed her eyes, leaning in to press her lips softly to his. Nobody had touched her in years, no matter how innocently. To do so would have killed the whole 'mysterious powerful entity' vibe she was expected to have going for her. And nobody had ever had the nerve to kiss her. It made the aching need inside of her worse instead of helping, but something about it felt undeniably right. Not to mention, it seemed to come naturally to her. Easier than she'd expected. She ran her fingers through his hair, drawing herself closer as her lips parted for him. Her hands stayed away from his erection for now. Giving it too much attention before she was even ready to take him inside would have been a waste. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/8/2023 11:43 PM
He kissed her rather naturally and gently. Quite a lot of passion burning through him for her. His cheeks being quite red as he blushed like mad. He had quite the aching need for her now too. Although she had caused it. His pheromones at their most intense point now. He could barely restrain himself. He was incredibly warm and hot right now. His breathing being quite hot and heavy. He needed this elf now. He couldn’t wait. He was so tempted to just take her for himself but couldn’t bring himself to it quite yet. She had to be the one to make that choice. One hand cupped her cheek, the other gently resting against her thigh. He couldn’t help himself but to squeeze gently. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 1:04 AM
Her free hand trailed up his bare chest for a moment, but the thought crossed her mind that, still in her full royal vestments, she was severely overdressed for the situation. Even in the cold dungeon, his body heat was overwhelming. She couldn't suppress the need to feel it against more of her skin, just now realizing how touch-starved she'd really been. The bones that encircled the upper half of her robes disengaged with a soft click, allowing her to pull away and remove it, taking the moment to catch her breath. Underneath, her black tunic clung to her subtle curves, and she'd be able to better feel the hand on her thigh even through her trousers. She'd foregone a bra, a choice she was slim enough to get away with on most days, rendering the outlines of her breasts and hardened nipples highly visible through the cloth of her top. She would have blamed the cold, but it was a bit too late to deny the role arousal played in her body's reaction to him. From here, she could get another good look at him. His size was... a bit concerning, honestly speaking, but it was nothing a bit of foreplay or using some mild, temporary flesh magic on herself couldn't accommodate. She pulled herself close to him again. "I want you," she breathed, a pleading tone to her words that caught her off-guard. She'd always been expected to be perfectly in control of everything, all the time. The realization that she wasn't in control of this was nothing short of exhilarating. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 1:17 AM
He drew back a bit too in order to try to catch his breath. His heart was racing a million miles an hour. He’d never needed someone more than her right now. He ached for her and everything she had to offer. He of course looked her up and down. Seeing what she had to offer him of course. She wasn’t that bad for an elf princess. He leaned in and whispered in her ear quite seductively, letting his desires mostly take over. His hand trailing down her body, feeling her curves. in what way do you want me dear~? His hot breath beat against her ear, it visibly throbbed. He was overly eager for her. His body was nearly pressing against hers with how little room there was between them. I’d be more than happy to give it to you in anyway you desire~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 1:27 AM
The way he asked that nearly broke her brain. No thoughts, head empty. Her breath caught in her throat as she let herself enjoy the shivering sensation he sent through her body. "I..." She trailed off, trying to find words. Damn it, she was used to occasionally losing the ability to speak, but now was not the time for it to happen. She took a deep breath and tried again as her fingertips ghosted along his uninjured thigh. "Can you finish undressing me, first?" She busied herself in the meantime by reaching her other hand out to pull the blanket from the bed. Because if she was going to enjoy her first sexual experience with another person in a dungeon cell, she could at least not have it be directly on the freezing cold floor. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 1:45 AM
lost for words~? He chuckled a bit and began to do as she said, slowly removing anything and everything she had on. His eyes fixated upon her, full of a shimmering lust. Clearly they needed one another as badly as they thought. He of course let her take the blanket, he was thankfully quite warm despite the coldness of the cell. He found it oh so adorable how she couldn’t speak suddenly. He smiled a bit. He looked quite handsome as always, tempting in every way. This would be a first also for him, in more ways than one. Especially well, it was in a cell of all places and willing. Most times… it wasn’t. Monsters had gotten the better of him sometimes and had their way. But that was besides the point now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 2:02 AM
Damn, he didn't have to call her out like that. But she nodded in response to his question, glad he seemed to understand that she wasn't having second thoughts. Her eyes glowed a faint silver in the darkness as she managed to meet his gaze, her own lust matching his. She was unused to feeling this exposed, willingly being this vulnerable. She only hoped her trust wasn't being misplaced. As she wrapped an arm around him, she lay back on the blanket, trying to pull him down with her. Of course, he'd have to go willingly; she did not have the upper body strength if he chose to resist. She might regret rushing later, but right now, her need for him was overwhelming any rational thought. "Don't be gentle," she whispered, then kissed him again, letting more of her passion into it now. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 7:15 AM
Oh he did indeed have to call her out. It was cute to see her reaction. His eyes were locked with beautiful silver eyes. God they were encapsulating. Like nothing else he’d ever witnessed before, pulling him in to meet her demands. Of course he willingly went down with her, smiling just a bit wider as she pulled him down. And oh boy did he blush a lot hearing her whisper in his ear that of all things. Of course the necromancer elf was kinky enough to like it rough. Luckily for her, that’s how he liked it for the most part. He kissed her back just as passionately, he soon pressed his tip against her entrance, grinding up and down gently to see what she had to offer him. He only did it for a few seconds before he gradually began to shove his length deep inside her. He was taking it quite slow for now as he didn’t want to prematurely let it all loose. He moaned a bit through the kiss and bit her lip gently for a moment. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 7:28 AM
She gasped as she felt him press against her, tightening her arm around him. Her mind was torn somewhere between pleasure and desperation for more. Mostly the latter. As she parted her legs to wrap around him, he'd find her entrance already slick and waiting. Her nails clawed at his back as he seemed to tease her. Then he entered and she moaned, arching her back. Given the lack of preparation, there was an initial jolt of pain, but she quickly began to accommodate his full girth and length. Her hips started moving with his, as though demanding more. The lip biting alone unlocked something unnamable deep inside. The only thing she could find it in her to regret was that she'd held back for as long as she had. One hand went to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair as her lips parted for him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 8:16 AM
His heart was going crazy as well as his breathing. He was so overwhelmed in pleasure already but god did he want more of her in every way. Her clawing at his back and moaning was only making things worse. It was incredibly attractive in his eyes that she clearly needed him this badly. He had something that nobody else had. His eyes tried their best to stay focused on her face as she gripped his hair so tightly. His hair of course was extremely soft and amazing to play and hold onto with its length. He greedily started to suddenly go much faster, slamming his entire length into the needy elf with each thrust. He didn’t hold back one bit as he did so quite roughly, shakily albeit as this was his first time but it was still very enjoyable by all means. He held back his moans for now. He didn’t want to show his satisfaction with her quite yet. He whispered to her quite breathily, leaning down a bit closer to her ear. You’re such a bad slut~ demanding me to fuck you in a dungeon so roughly~. Not even acting like a princess one but~. He chuckled a bit. but you’re doing such a good job at pleasing me so far~ He suddenly slammed her all the way down to the base and held her there for a few moments after he said that; mainly just to mess with her. He was going to quite enjoy having some power against this princess @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 8:47 AM
She broke the kiss to catch her breath, letting her head fall back. A part of her hadn't expected to get so far, but her best dreams of the previous night had hoped they would. Her legs were already trembling, but she was nowhere near done with him yet. As he started slamming into her, she had to let go of his hair to clamp her hand over her mouth, not wanting her cries of pleasure to be audible from upstairs. A heat spread through her as he started talking to her. Degradation mingled with praise in an intoxicating mixture. As he held her in place, she tried to circle her hips against his, grinding desperately even as she knew he was as deep and she was as full of him as either of them could get. "Please," she begged for more. Her other hand left his back and slid between their bodies, then between her legs so her fingers could circle her clit. For just a few minutes, she could let herself let go of the burden that came with the throne. She could relax, and let herself take in all the pleasure this man had to offer. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 9:16 AM
He had sort of expected this in time considering their first interaction and her very clearly taking a liking to him. Of course he didn’t expect it to be so soon but he surely wouldn’t complain. He moved her hand off her mouth, it’d be even better if others heard~. And he wanted to hear them too~. They were quite motivating for him. Soon enough he did give her what she wanted, continuing on quite roughly, his hand pinned the hand that was over her mouth above her head. His other hand he was using to hold himself up right beside her but it slowly moved so he would quite harshly grabbing her throat. Not in a bad way of course to where it hurt. He leaned down so his head was by her ear. He was breathing was incredibly hot and heavy as he pounded the poor elf princess. There was certainly no way she’d be able to walk after this. And if she really desired, it could be for more than a few moments. But he growing quite close to giving her all he had to offer as a reward. It throbbed deep inside her as he started to leak against his will. He held himself back though. He couldn’t quite yet. He started to gently nibble on her ear. fuck… I’m going to make you mine in every way~. You’re going to be my little slut that pleases me when I say so~. His grip on her arm grew quite tight as did the his hand around her throat. But he didn’t want to give her the wrong idea that he was trying to hurt her of course so he didn’t hold her too tight. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 9:31 AM
She bit her lower lip at first to quiet herself, but couldn't hold back for long. Especially not with the way his hands seemed to grasp perfectly around her wrist and throat. She kept her head tilted back, welcoming it. She could still breathe, but just enough oxygen was cut off to feel the thrill of danger. Whimpers turned into desperate moans as she writhed beneath him in pleasure. It was all an odd sort of high, one that she wouldn't mind experiencing time and time again. But, as much as she wanted to cave to his demand and agree to do this whenever he wanted, it wouldn't be as fun to make it too easy for him. She opened her eyes. "A-am I... Though?" she managed to challenge him. "You- ah~" She could feel herself getting closer to the edge, desperation reaching an all time high. "You'll have to... make me..." Her fingers rubbed more insistently at her clit, working hard for that final release. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 9:39 AM
He fully expected her to not agree and just challenge him. That was all part of the fun~. He chuckled a bit and suddenly he was going as roughly and fast as he could. It was brutal. He was ruining her, seems she’d given him more fuel to finish her off. I’ll make you mine in every way~. Don’t you worry princess~. He was so extremely close now to giving her the sweet release she wanted. But he knew he had to hold out and make this princess eat her words~. She’d be the first to fold, not him. He was working much harder to ensure that now. His heart was beating a million miles an hour. Now be a good girl for me and cum like the little slut you are~ He whispered as seductively as he could into her ear. Of course he had to keep it quieter so others didn’t hear. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 10:13 AM
Words escaped her entirely now as her breathing went ragged. It hurt like hell, but she craved it. Her chest rose and fell with her uneven breaths as she tightened around him. It was that final whisper that pushed her over the edge, breaking her into pieces beneath him. She arched against his body at the height of her pleasure, biting her lower lip to muffle the moan that came with her release. Waves of blinding pleasure rippled through her, so much stronger than it had been all the times she'd managed on her own before. Still, she'd continue to grind her hips with his, wanting to bring him to the same heights even as she felt herself becoming almost unbearably sensitive. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 10:27 AM
He was struggling to even speak also. He had to focus quite a lot on what he was doing and his breathing also. He was incredibly sensitive in every way. He needed her now and as soon as she released, he couldn’t hold back. He pushed himself as deep as he possibly could and held her down upon him. He moaned quite loudly, probably loud enough to be able to be heard upstairs. He exploded deep inside her, beginning to more than pump the elf full of inhuman amounts of cum. He’d fill her up until it leaked back out and left her a tiny bit bloated. Just enough to make her able to notice. It throbbed and twitched like crazy, pulsating to. He was so head over heels for her as he kept himself in. He stayed as close as he possibly could to her. f-f-fuck~!
10:28 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 11:10 AM
As much as she loved the sounds he made, she also needed him to shut up so she wouldn't get caught fucking the prisoner instead of interrogating him. Especially not when the other living persons within the castle were mostly clergy. So she kissed him, effectively covering his mouth with hers. Her mind was left in a pleasant haze even once her own climax ended. Her arm wrapped around him, holding him close. She was spent, but didn't want to let go yet. "Fuck," she agreed, breathlessly. She looked up at him, unsure of exactly what one was supposed to say after this. She could still feel his load mostly inside of her, and looked down at where their bodies had joined. "That's a lot. Is... is that normal?" Just how long had it been for him? @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 12:41 PM
He of course was a bit shocked she kissed him so suddenly but he didn’t argue. Of course he tried his best to kiss her back even though he had 0 energy left for such or even breath to do so. He was still trying to hold himself up slightly so he didn’t crush the poor elf with all his body weight. It throbbed occasionally inside her, he couldn’t help it. He was completely fine cuddling like this. He knew exactly what to say. i-i… I love you… He said softly into her ear, his heart still beating like crazy. He shook his head when she asked the question. no… it’s… just what happens with me… He hadn’t ever willingly done it with anyone before. She was his first oddly enough in that sense. if you w-want… I can do something special for you whenever you’re hungry next… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 12:50 PM
Those three words caught her entirely off-guard. They hadn't known each other for long, after all, and Rikuma had never held any illusions about a romantic future. She blinked, then stared blankly at him. Part of her wanted to say it back. Instead, what came out was just "Why?" She thought for a moment, then added, "I wasn't complaining, by the way. It just caught me by surprise." The confession and the amount of semen, both. She could tell he was struggling to stay above her though, so she patted his shoulder. "Roll onto your back. It might be more comfortable for both of us." Especially now that having his cock still inside was starting to sting a bit. She'd be pleasantly sore for a few days, she was certain. "What do you mean by something special?" she asked, unsure if this was a roundabout request for oral sex or the offer of a genuinely sweet gift. It had been a weird enough day that it could have been either. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 1:05 PM
Well he’d completely fallen for Rikuma now that he had she was quite beautiful was. And he saw she was actually a decent person. He laid on his back before deciding to answer he questions. As to why… I… you’re not as bad of a person as I thought. And well… you’re quite beautiful actually. He gently held her close as he rolled, one hand coming to rest on her bum and the other just on her back gently rubbing up and down. Protectively cuddling his love. Well it could be oral sex if she chose but that’s not exactly what he had in mind. It was something more…. Kinky.* you’d have to get me whatever you’d want to eat for it to work. Pancakes are best though. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 1:19 PM
It took a moment, but her brain finally caught up to where he was leading with this. "Oh." It didn't sound like a bad idea on its own merits, it was just... well, the context made it weird. Maybe a little in poor taste. "I'd rather keep food and sex separate for now," she admitted as she cuddled against him. She rested her head against his chest, enjoying his warmth, the soothing feeling of his hands over her skin. "Just until the curse on the kingdom is broken and the famine ends." She reached a hand up, gently playing with his hair. "You know, you're not as bad as I thought, either. And I can't deny I'm attracted to you. Especially now. I need to know you better before I can call it love, but you seem like someone I could fall in love with." Perhaps faster than she'd thought possible. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 2:38 PM
He nodded a little and smiled. He held her close quite protectively and pet her head lovingly. His hands gently rubbing through her hair. His heart beat was still going quite crazy as he was still very warm. He could completely respect her choice. It made perfect sense. One hand would rub her back gently to keep her relaxed. It throbbed a bit deep inside her however as he craved more. mhm. That’s okay with me. I can wait a little bit if need be. He wasn’t surprised one but she of course liked him. What wasn’t there to like exactly? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 2:49 PM
She closed her eyes at the hand on her head. It was strange, but nice. Unaware of his mind's massive ego trip, she could enjoy the peace of the moment with him. When was the last time she'd taken a few minutes to relax like this? Well... never like this, really. Of course she had her own duties to attend to, but they could wait. Especially as she felt his cock beginning to stir again inside of her. She shifted her hips, then moved to straddle him properly. It felt like time for a second round already. "Again?" she suggested, already leaning down to kiss him. Her hand slid behind his head to pull him close. Her legs hadn't even finished shaking yet, but she was nothing if not determined. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 2:58 PM
He was of course obsessing like mad over her. He loved it. He quite enjoyed the quiet peace with her too, he didn’t even feel a need for another round but his body did. He bit his lip incredibly hard as it grew significantly harder within mere moments at her moving her hips like that. His heart rate started to climb again with his pheromones. you want more of me already love? He chuckled and rolled his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have been surprised. He needed her too of course but would never admit that. He looked into those beautiful eyes of hers once again, fixated upon them. but if you insist we can go another round~ although beware I’m not going to hold back one bit when I do cum for you my dear~. I’m going to stuff you full until you can’t even walk to hide it~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/9/2023 3:12 PM
She trailed a hand up his chest, then took hold of his chin, tilting his head toward hers. "You talk a lot about not holding back, but I'm more interested in action," she said, which sounded a lot cooler than her first thought, which had simply been 'promise?' "Besides, you started this, Crosby." She lowered her head, letting her lips brush against his neck. "I could feel your body's need." She nibbled at his throat, working her hips against his. Her desire grew quickly with each movement. Sooner or later, she knew he'd leave. He probably had a home waiting for him in Waterdeep, or at least the prospect of living someplace actually habitable and seeing the sun again. But she'd enjoy him while she could, until he decided she wasn't worth it. And she'd try not to think about the future. Her hands found his wrists, just enough to pull them toward her chest. "Touch me." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/9/2023 5:43 PM
He simply couldn’t resist with her swirling her hips again. He was soon enough ready to go within mere seconds. Fuck. God did he need her in every way… he didn’t even start off slow this time. He knew she could take it so he began to roughly pound her as fast he could. He groaned a bit as he did as it felt truly amazing, like nothing else ever would. She was… addictive and he needed more of what she had to offer. He tilted his head as she went for his neck, giving her more room to do so. He squeezed her breasts soon enough once before gently massaging them and giving them a moderate squeeze here and there. He was so incredibly turned on soon enough. However through it all, he hadn’t even thought about the future. All he could think about was destroying her in every way possible. Nothing else besides her. Fine~ I’ll breed you just how you like Rikuma~. Such a needy desperate elf~. Asking to ride my cock once again~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 3:04 AM
She'd been hesitant to seem too demanding, but he did not disappoint. Her hands went to his shoulders for balance, clinging tightly as though she might get thrown off at any moment. It didn't take too long for the pleasure to build up again, for the need to become overwhelming. She sucked the skin of his neck between her lips, any thoughts of secrecy replaced by desire as she marked him. After a moment, she pulled her head back to reveal her handiwork. Perfect. "You promised to make me yours in every way." She leaned forward again to whisper, breath hot against his ear. "I look forward to it, dearest." Her tongue flicked teasingly against his ear's outer edge. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 5:03 AM
Tingles emanated through his body where she left her perfect mark. It would be quite difficult to hide it now for him. Surely people would know what she had been doing with the adventurer now based on that and a few other factors. He held onto her quite tightly as he ruined her again, now she surely wouldn’t be able to walk after going two rounds in a row with his massive size. His eyes fixated upon her lovingly as his mouth hung open slightly. His breathing was extremely hot and heavy now. He wanted so much more. She was only motivating him further as she serrated him with affection of all sorts. oh honey~. You’re not going to be able to speak or walk once I’m done with you~ He chuckled, his massive self spreading out her tight hole as he kept going with no end in sight. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 5:33 AM
Given the circumstances, she probably should have shown more restraint and not ended up in this situation in the first place. But it felt right, and the type of restraint she had in mind was something entirely more physical. She was relying more on self flesh magic than she'd expected in order to accommodate him, and knew she'd be exhausted by the end of the round. His promises helped make it all worth it. His stamina didn't disappoint, either. She closed her eyes and claimed his mouth with hers once more, moaning into the kiss. Words left her once more. Which wasn't really an accomplishment when it came to her, but at least right now, she didn't need to speak. Her body did the work for her, grinding in time with his thrusts. Maybe this time, she'd get him to finish first so she could fully appreciate feeling him burst deep inside. @Crosby
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Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 6:47 AM
He didn’t mind one bit her marking him like that. To him, it showed him he was at least safe from others trying anything upon him if the princess truly liked him this much. His lips danced with hers passionately once again, she truly was going to be a mess when he was done with her. And they were only getting started it seems. However, she may get her wish as he was starting to leak deep inside her, it throbbed like mad as it swelled up. He was getting close to pumping her more than full of her reward again. She was surely not going to be able to hide what they had been up to one bit from anyone. He moaned a little into their kiss, his grip tightening on her. But he couldn’t finish now, no. He had to hold out. He bit her bottom lip gently again as he went extremely rough suddenly, slamming his massive self as hard as he could into her without any sort of sign or warning. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 7:13 AM
Her lips parted to give him more space to bite down on the lower one. She couldn't help feeling that he was going to destroy her if they kept going like this, and she was going to love every moment of it. And, just when she thought he couldn't go any harder, he did. Her nails dug into the skin of his shoulder as she tightened her grip, the sudden roughness tearing a cry of equal parts pain and pleasure from her throat. Surely, she couldn't last much longer like this. Sooner or later, she'd fall apart, either metaphorically again or literally. "Ah~!" She lowered one hand to his hip, a silent reminder to keep a steady rhythm, no matter how rough he got. That would do better for her than raw speed. Still, the pleasure was blinding as words returned to her. "Cum for me," she pleaded, still scratching into his skin. "Please. I- I want you to fill me completely." But it was hard enough to breathe, let alone speak. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 7:19 AM
He did of course when she provided room. It was only natural. But he drew back a tiny bit after of course so she could speak. He kept going as hard as he physically could against her, using all he had to offer and more. It was probably quite incredible feeling with every thrust, overwhelming even. Because it certainly was for him. With her nails digging into him… he quite liked that fact. It was quite a turn on but he’d never admit that. And hearing her cry out like that was getting him so close. He kept his pace steady as he pushed as deep as he could every time. But with her begging him, he couldn’t hold out. Hopefully she’d kiss him as he moaned quite loudly with his length as deep as it could possibly go inside her. He exploded, starting to pump her full again as it would throb and twitch like mad. Between every pump he’d swell up quite a lot before suddenly releasing. He held onto her incredibly tight as he showed no signs of stopping. r-Rikuma~! He was going to do exactly as she asked, he’d fill her up completely until she couldn’t take anymore and her reward came leaking back out. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 8:33 AM
She kissed him once more, muffling his moans. Once his climax began, she could only hold back for a few seconds longer. She broke the kiss and the sound of him calling her name pulled her over the edge once more. The arms around her were nearly crushing. She stayed close to him, clenching tight around his length as her world burst into pure pleasure. By the spirits though, this was going to give her unrealistic expectations when it came to men. Maybe the solution was to keep him around for long enough that it wouldn't be a problem. Once she could hold no more of his load, she lifted her hips so he was no longer inside. She'd need a moment to catch her breath as she collapsed, boneless in his arms. Two would definitely be her limit for now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 8:39 AM
He unraveled his arms from around her and laid back, shivering in bliss and still leaking quite a lot of her reward. It throbbed like mad as he was still thinking her and how good she felt. Anyways, she could always probably convince him to stay for the right reasons. He was completely out of breath and overwhelmed in pleasure. That was his best experience ever. And it had been with a necromancer elf of all things. Quite memorable. He surely would never forget her. He looked to her as best he could. god Rikuma… you’re my good little slut aren’t you~? He said between breaths, his hickey she made fully visible still. His hair having fallen into his face a bit making him look incredibly handsome. His cheeks were a little red, his eyes shimmering with lust and pleasure. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 9:03 AM
She looked at his face from where she'd rested her head on his chest, still reeling a bit. But he was beautiful in the afterglow, one of the few faces she felt she could look at all day. "Yours," she whispered in agreement, then closed her eyes. His presence was a comfort, his warmth chasing away the discomfort of their current location. Then her skeletal construct walked down the stairs, tapping a fist against the wall. A wordless sign that she was expected by some visitor upstairs. She sighed in annoyance. "Fuck." Every nerve in her body protested as she sat up, unsure she'd even be able to get dressed at the moment, never mind walk upstairs and tend to whatever royal business awaited her. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 9:16 AM
He pet her head gently, running his hands softly through her hair. He could look at her all day as he smiled hearing her agree with him. What a good girl~. He had honestly sort of forgot where they were until he heard the skeletal construct. He jumped a little, spooked as he looked to it and then back to bed. Was she indeed even going to be able to walk? He had wrecked her truly. He hadn’t held back one bit against her. what’s that for…? Obviously he had no idea what was going on. He shifted a bit, still drenched and without clothes on. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 9:26 AM
A small groan of protest escaped her as she felt him shift. She didn't want either of them to have to move. Unfortunately, she couldn't escape responsibility forever. She took a moment to focus on her magic, forcing her breathing and heartrate to steady, reversing the flesh magic that had allowed her to take more pleasure than pain in what they'd done, until her body was back to normal. Some of the ache remained, and her legs were still trembling slightly. She would just have to deal with those for now. "I have a visitor, apparently. An important one. I'll have to go up to see who, exactly." She sat up, running her fingers through her hair to force it into something resembling normalcy. It would be covered by her hood anyway. Before she picked up her clothes, she looked down at her... what? Lover? One-morning stand? What exactly was she going to do with him? It tore at her heart to think of him leaving, but the kingdom didn't have much to offer anyone, and she had promised she'd let him go. "I'll try not to be gone long." She glanced over at the parchment and charcoal they'd completely ignored. "In the meantime, could you write down who had sent you here in the first place?" Though at this point, she'd probably have to thank whoever had brought him to her. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 9:36 AM
He wished he could’ve. He quite enjoyed cuddling her and just loving her in general. It was soothing and very relaxing. He was a bit sore down there from bouncing her up and down upon him but nothing that couldn’t be dealt with some rest. He nodded slightly as he listened. He had finally caught his breath and was beginning to come down form his pleasure high. He had his eyes fixated upon her beauty of course. She was like nothing he’d ever seen before. He would consider her his lover unless she said otherwise. But he nodded and sat up, grabbing the parchment and paper. I’ll be here of course… He couldn’t go anywhere even if he wanted to. And he wasn’t regretting coming here nearly as much as he was before now. It was somewhat worth it. He wrote down who indeed had sent him, he didn’t know if she wanted to know now or later though. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 9:42 AM
She dressed herself quickly, standing up once her boots and robes were back on. Once the hood was back up, she'd returned to the mysterious necromancer from before, showing no emotion. Someone whose silence was construed as a lack of need for speaking, rather than awkwardness and occasional inability. She looked back at him, then reluctantly left his side. Walking was unsteady, almost a struggle as she made her way up the stairs. Unfortunately, the curse of secrecy had stated that he couldn't reveal the identity of who had sent him to anyone, not only that he couldn't speak or tell it. As such, the parchment would hold no mark that anyone other than Crosby would be able to see. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 9:54 AM
He smiled softly when she looked back to him. However he watched as she did. Damn, he had ruined her that badly? Oh well… she kind of asked for it. He shifted a bit, still a mess. Hopefully other females didn’t come down here and see this or they might be tempted to steal what belonged to the princess. She was still beautiful in his eyes even with everything he loved hidden away. As he sat there and waited, he tried his best to try to think of a loop hole in his foggy minded state. He tried to recall what the priestess had told him. Titles mainly, what could he do to ensure the princess found out. He tapped his finger against his chin in thought, laying on his back. He started to draw, crudely that is. He drew a cross, pointing to a person. Then he also added the kingdoms name at the bottom of the paper. He drew a staff also pointing to the person adding wavy hair to make sure it looked like a lady. (edited)
9:54 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 10:19 AM
Stevask waited in the solar - ironically named, now that all that could be seen through the windows during the day was the inky blackness of an entirely unlit sky - perched in one of the old wingback chairs. Though half human, and therefore in possession of a shorter life expectancy than the kingdom's elves, he had served for decades as Rashouris's agricultural advisor, keeping track of the elemental mages who kept the rains flowing and the artificial sunhouses that grew most of their food functioning. And his human blood hadn't diluted his sharpened senses, a fact that Rikuma was painfully aware of as he gave her a knowing look. "Are the King and Queen aware that you have taken a lover?" he asked right off. "Judging from his location in the dungeon, I will assume this is not someone who can bring a treaty through marriage." Luckily, she couldn't be seen blushing from under her hood. She didn't bother to deny it, though. Sex was a hard smell to miss. "A Rashouran ruler is allowed their concubines," she said evenly, though the idea had never really appealed to her. Once she broke the curse, though, she was sure nobody would care who she chose to marry. She just... had to actually find someone who could do it. She sat across from Stevask, clasping her hands in her lap. "I assume you are not here to discuss my sex life. I certainly hope it is not to volunteer personal involvement." He grimaced, setting the tea aside. "Spirits, no." There was a slight reddening to the half-elf's dark skin, though it was entirely due to embarrassment at the mention of it. "I hope to hear no more of it. No, I came with grave news." And, just like that, Rikuma's heady sense of residual joy vanished. "What happened?"
Al the Killer 9/10/2023 10:19 AM
~~~ For a few minutes, Crosby would be left alone. When more footsteps came down the stairs, it was not Rikuma. Maeneine paused at the bottom of the stairwell, taking in the sight of the cell door the princess had left open, and of the nude adventurer who sat there drawing. It wasn't difficult to piece together what had happened, especially with the mess the two of them had left. He seemed rather... gifted in some areas, even if assassination was clearly not one of them. "I do hope this means you've settled on seduction as your tactic of choice, and not that you have forgotten your task," Maeneine said as she approached the cell. She narrowed her eyes as she looked at the drawing in his hands. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 11:22 AM
He had broken the parchment in two so he was drawing something different when she approached. The other was hidden away. He wasn’t stupid. He was looking towards the stair when she came down. He wasn’t exactly all too pleased to was her. He didn’t exactly have the energy to deal with her right now, still being a tempting mess down there. Hopefully she didn’t succumb to his pheromones even though they were emitted, not meant for her. He rolled his eyes and put the parchment down. He was just drawing the patch on his jacket. Nothing special. I have, there’s no need to be constantly watching over me. If she catches you down here with me she’s going to grow suspicious. He said quite calmly and casually, twirling the charcoal in his fingers idly. His eyes looking the priestess up and down for anything notable. Mainly something he could use to communicate who she was to the princess without saying outright who she was. and you’re just distracting me everytime you visit you know? He wasn’t kidding about that. She made him lose his train of thought the moment she started to come down the stairs. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 11:57 AM
"Valtris, the elemental mage tending the sunhouse in Stilldrift, has fallen ill," Stevask explained. "The sun orb she created has been fading, and her healers claim she is unlikely to survive to next moon." Grave news was an understatement. "And nobody has stepped up as her replacement?" Rikuma asked. "I don't like doing it, but since it's a matter of life and death for Stilldrift, I can appoint one by decree." "If only it were that simple, Your Highness. There are none other in Rashouris powerful enough to create and maintain a sun orb. Any mage who has tried to come in from other kingdoms to help has been torn apart by the curse beasts." She knew he was right, and where this conversation was going, but she had to keep trying. "Fine. I will use mana-preserving resurrection at the moment of her death, so her corpse retains her powers." He shook his head sadly. "It's only possible for you to keep one magic-wielding construct active at a time with such a method, and you used it for the palace's elemental mage already." "I'll... teach the Archbishop how to do it? His role is not very magically demanding, but he has always been an excellent necromancer." "That would take longer than we have, and he is not sober often enough to keep the results predictable." Rikuma lowered her head, but refused to let defeat settle in. "Then what would you advise?"
Al the Killer 9/10/2023 11:57 AM
~~~ Maeneine looked away from the drawing, disinterested. Just his ego, she supposed. She looked at him, the far more interesting subject. If the princess were to fall in love with him, taking what was hers would certainly be satisfying. Not just the throne, but something she might want even more, shortly before her death. His mere presence tempted her to claim him then and there, but it would be better to wait. Time it correctly. It would make for a coup to remember. She'd been around for long enough to control herself in the meantime. "Suspicious? Please, you overestimate her," she said dismissively. "She was a decent student, but in the real world? Without her necromancy, the girl is useless." The high priestess wore simple black robes during her visits to him, the same as any of the Order's other members. "As it is, it is reasonable that I would be concerned about you. After all, you have proven yourself to be a threat to the crown." She pulled the cell door shut. "It is necessary to keep an eye on you, as such. To ensure you don't... slip up, so to speak. I promise my punishments if you do won't be as gentle as Her Highness's." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 12:14 PM
Taking what was here’s in what way? Stealing me? Or killing me? His eyes were locked upon her of course. Not in a loving or lustful way like how he looked at the princess. Despite having nothing on, he was not interested in doing anything With this elf. And claim him in what way? Anyways, he began to think that maybe the priestess also underestimated the Princess’ capabilities, and his. She had no idea what either of them were truly capable of. And together… they’d be a force to be reckoned with. Hmph. Think whatever you want. But I’d prefer you left me be to do my part. It’d make things easier. He shifted his head upon the blanket before slowly closing his eyes, planning to sleep with nothing on and everything exposed. It twitched a bit and leaked some more oh so temptingly as he couldn’t help but think about the princess. But he shook the thought off. His heart rate had returned to normal, the hickey from the princess probably visible depending on what side she made it upon him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 12:41 PM
"Evacuate Stilldrift. The sooner we start, the better," Stevask said. "There is another city two days' trip away." Rikuma shook her head. "Linesse? They won't be able to feed the extra people. Times aren't exactly easy for them, either," she said. "Besides, what of Stilldrift's sick, elderly, and very young? They may not survive the journey." He hesitated, drew in a deep breath, a pained expression crossing his face. "Your Highness, you know I don't like to be the one to say this-" "Then don't." "-But the losses from the journey would lessen the burden on Linesse's supplies once they do arrive. Any strong enough to continue past Linesse may do so for as long as they wish, evening out the distribution between towns a bit more." His voice was soft, sympathetic and all the worse for it. "We can't always save everyone." She stood up. "I won't accept that. Have the healers put Valtris in stasis and the sun orb will continue to function. Someone else can tend to the gardening duties there, even if you must do it yourself. Those are your orders." "And what will you do in the meantime, Your Highness? This is not a long-term solution. Sooner or later, Stilldrift is bound to fall." "Not if I break the curse before then," Rikuma said. She knew how, it was just... the practicality of it. Her odds of survival. Her chances of finding someone capable enough. "The challenge of even finding Ashrune aside, it can't be wielded by anyone in our kingdom. You would need to find a foreigner willing to risk their life and kill an emperor for a small kingdom they've probably never heard of, with little chance of payment."
12:41 PM
He had a point. She considered it, thinking back to her first meeting with Crosby. She hated the idea of it. If she asked now, so soon after their morning together, would he get the wrong idea? Think she was using him all along? She had to risk it, even if it made him hate her. "I may have one already." She stood up. "Thank you, Stevask. You have your orders." ~~~ Maeneine's gaze drifted down to his still-leaking manhood. After all, she was old, not dead. But as she'd already determined, she would wait, even if it meant he killed the princess before then. In that case, he'd make a decent consort for her. For now, she turned away. "Very well, then. I'll leave you to your task. Do not disappoint me." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 12:56 PM
He might but she’d have to take a chance if she wished. Anyways, before she turned away, he only continue to leak more and grow a bigger problem before the priestess, his thoughts were all quite good by the looks of it. And waiting may not have been the best idea for her, assuming the princess would even leave him with anything to give her once she was done. He was nearly ready to go by now with his size. He simply nodded as she spoke. Not really paying much mien to what she said. Hopefully she would leave him alone now. He didn’t even open his eyes or look to her so she could whatever she pleased. He wouldn’t even know if she entered the cell really besides if the door opened. His pheromones filling the dungeon quite intensely. He couldn’t help it when all he had on his mind was the elf. He’d do anything almost for her now as long as he got repayment of sorts. He shifted a bit, desperately. He knew the princess probably wasn’t going to be back anytime soon. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 1:13 PM
Stevask's news and Rikuma's decision only left her with a larger task still - finding someone who could tend to the kingdom in her absence. She made her way to the kitchen for a glass of water while she considered. Maeneine had her own tasks to take care of, and wasn't exactly practical in her priorities besides. She'd try to change too much, to regress and give the Order more control than it needed. Her advisors had their travels, and their own specialized duties. Trustworthy, maybe, but temporary head of state material? No. Agemin had been the closest to her in terms of potential when they'd been young, giving the two of them a certain friendly rivalry. But his relationship with liquor had grown as self-destructive as her relationship to death. The conundrum kept her from the dungeon, as she couldn't in good conscience leave her plan only half-formed. ~~~ Maeneine looked back at him as his presence seemed to overwhelm her. It had been so long since she'd felt desire this strong. Maybe she could stay for a while longer, after all. She returned to the cell, and the door opened and closed silently as she entered. One mark on his skin. More would be noticed. The princess was young, in elven terms; she may have convinced herself she'd already fallen fast and deep in love. She rolled him onto his back, lifted her skirts, and straddled his hips. She'd make it quick, uncertain of when Rikuma would return and not wanting her to know it had been her. Better to leave it as a vague betrayal committed by her lover. Skeletal hands reached up from the floor to hold his wrists in place, in case he did find himself waking up. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 1:37 PM
He was painfully unaware of what the high priestess was planning until it was too late. His eyes slowly fluttering open as he felt a sudden new weight upon him. He blushed like mad feeling someone was upon him down there. It rather needily throbbed as a natural reaction. He couldn’t help it. She’d only have a few seconds before he yawned and opened his eyes. He fully expected the rather needy princess to have been the one to wake him like this. But he was in for quite the nasty surprise when he realized it was the high priestess who has chose to have her way with the with the human. His pheromones were even more intense this close. He pulled against the skeletal hands to no avail. what are you doing!? This wasn’t p-part of the deal! He shifted a bit, biting his lip as it only caused it to move with her. Fuck that was a Terrible idea. He couldn’t do this. His loyalty belonged to the princess! @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 2:30 PM
Deep in thought as she was, Rikuma didn't hear anyone approach until Agemin opened the cabinet door over her head. She jumped out of the way, startled as she looked toward him. He mumbled what might have been an apology as he took a bottle from the cabinet and uncorked it expertly. "I thought you would have a supply of your own by now," she commented, wrinkling her nose at the smell of distilled mushrooms. "I did." He plopped into his chair as she looked away, her mind wandering back to Crosby. Would she be able to keep him safe through the journey if he agreed to help? He didn't seem to have the best track record when it came to king-slaying. But together, maybe. Why was she so worried about his individual safety anyway, when the fate of her kingdom lay in the balance? "...Rikki?" It was only hearing the nickname, the one only her childhood rival and the closest she'd had to a friend ever used, and even then never while sober, that made her realize she'd zoned out while he'd spoken to her. "Sorry, I was thinking about... something. What did you say?" He swirled the drink in his glass. "Said you seem different. Not sure why. But in a good way, I think." ~~~ Maeneine rubbed against him without concern for his comfort. The moment he spoke, she slammed a hand over his mouth to quiet him. "Stop talking," she hissed. "Or do you want your princess to see you like this?" The physical act itself wasn't doing nearly as much for her as the power of it all. Taking what was someone else's for herself, destroying the heretical princess's whore. She leaned toward him, biting down to leave a mark on his neck, opposite from the original. Her hand pulled his face away, forcing his head to tilt to make room for her assault on his neck. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 2:39 PM
He prayed the princess would come down and save him but at the same time he didn’t want to be caught like this. He didn’t know if she’d believe the high priestess or him for who started this. His eyes shimmering in bliss as he let out a needy little noise from behind her hand. He was growing quite desperate quickly against his will. This felt too good. He of course didn’t want the princess to see him like this. She’d be pissed. Furious even. He moved his head of course when she forced him to, he couldn’t resist as she left quite the mark. mmmm! Fuck that hurt and wasn’t pleasant at all unlike with Rikuma. God he hated this already. He tried to move his head to no avail, his face scrunching up. Hopefully she’d just get this over with. It throbbed like mad, he was desperate for relief, even from his enemy. So many wrong thoughts rushed through his heads. All of the princess and her. He simply couldn’t help himself. He wanted more. He needed more. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 3:04 PM
Rikuma considered for a moment. She couldn't ask him for help with her dilemma, she knew. He'd ask her to defer to her parents' judgment in the matter, which she couldn't do, because they were dead and their spirits had not stuck behind. Better that she left the kingdom to collective rule by her advisors in her absence, someone who'd at least have some clue of what they were doing. Instead, she asked a different question. "Agemin, have you ever been in love?" He waved a hand dismissively. "'m flattered, but you're a few decades too late to be asking. Over it now that fate's sent us both down different roads. You turned out of it all okay, and I'm..." He shrugged and gestured toward himself, then drank down the contents of his glass. She stared blankly at him after what sounded suspiciously like a long-delayed confession. "...What?" she asked after a moment. "What?" "I was talking about someone else," she said. "Oh. Your boytoy in the dungeon?" She looked away. "You knew about that?" "Had suspicions. 'He came in to kill me in my sleep but I am completely unscathed' seemed an unlikely cover story. Figured he might be a secret lover." "But you threatened to execute him anyway." "Had to keep it believable. Don't worry, Your Highness." He poured himself another glass and raised it in a toast. "Secret's safe with me. Just be careful. There're some... jealous types, in the Order. Want whatever you have, throne and all." She sat in the chair next to his. "There are? Like who?" He opened his mouth, but instead of a name, a strangled noise escaped. He turned his head to one side, covered his mouth with his hand, and coughed a fleck of blood into it. "Can't say. Literally. Writing won't help, either."
Al the Killer 9/10/2023 3:04 PM
~~~ Maeneine reached her other hand down, pulling her underwear aside just enough to clear the way. As she forced him into her, her hips moved, lifting at an angle designed to make this as uncomfortable for him as possible. If she injured him, so be it. Her teeth made more marks, less resembling a night of passion than a brutal attack. "She'll find you broken and already spent," she said between her assaults on his neck. "And even if you do try to tell her, she won't believe a thing you say." It would destroy her heart, a convenient means to an end. "If you won't kill her, I'll see to it that she does your job for you. Maybe she'll actually succeed this time." His size was unpleasant to deal with, but the result would be worth the effort. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 3:44 PM
His eyes lit up when she finally cleared the way. By the gods this was easily some of the most unpleasant sex he’d ever had. It was messing with his mind and he hated every moment. He constantly let out dreadful noises as he tried to beg her to stop to no avail. His neck showing how brutal she was with how marks she was making. His neck constantly grew more and more black and blue. His back arching as every bit of his body grew tense, his member throbbing like crazy as this a mega tease in all the worst ways. He surely couldn’t get off like this, could he? She’d have to force it out of him or at least normally try to her reward from him. He wasn’t a fan of her trying to make the princess die one way or another dumb lady. She’d pay if he could find a way to make her. He tried his best to thrust into her and move his hips upwards, making her straighten out so he could rightfully please her and himself. He had to try. Although that would make this easily quite overwhelming with his large size If he did succeed and get his way. And if he did, oh boy was he going to make this hag eat her words. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 4:01 PM
A curse of secrecy... Rikuma thought about how Crosby had been unable to say who had sent him. "You... did you see or hear something you weren't meant to? Was it here?" "In the ossuary," Agemin said. "But, well... again, can't tell you more than I already did. I tried. Telling you, writing a letter of warning. It's a strong curse, that's for sure." Meaning it came from a strong magic user, somewhere within the castle. The castle where she'd left Crosby alone. Her hands balled into fists as she stood up. "Fuck." She couldn't think of anything more to say, so she turned and rushed out of the room. ~~~ Maeneine gritted her teeth as he struggled. Better to get it over with. Not like it would make any difference whether she personally finished or not. Her hand left his mouth, instead reaching down to cup his balls, squeezing roughly to remind him that she could put him in a world of pain and he wouldn't like it, then massaging to coax something more out of him. But in moving her hand, she'd miscalculated, not accounting for the opportunity she'd given him now that footsteps were fast approaching from upstairs. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 4:10 PM
He screamed out in pain as she squeezed. That was not what he wanted one bit. He hated her, more than before now. One thing he didn’t like was just unpleasant breeding like this. It was just bringing back horrific memories in his past. Times he had failed to defeat monsters and then they’d taken advantage of him until he couldn’t take it anymore. He screamed as he heard footsteps. SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE! He begged as loud as he could with all his strength. He shivered at being finally massaged but that would be nowhere near enough to get his reward for her. She’d have to put in actually work she clearly didn’t want to. He was shaking now against his will. He tugged like a ferocious animal against the skeletal hands holding him down. He was not happy one bit. His eyes full of anger and rage. He didn’t fear her. He hated this high priestess with every fiber of his being. He’d have this monsters head on a pike for the things she’d done to him now. She was his enemy, not the princess he’d decided. Especially considering her move to do this. This was the final nail in the coffin. GET OFF ME MONSTER! @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 4:26 PM
Rikuma's worst fears were confirmed as she heard Crosby's screams from the dungeon. She threw herself against the dungeon doors, ran down the stairs, hand already on the hilt of the rapier at her side. She often had no clue how to feel. But as she reached the bottom of the stairs, the complex mix of emotions was easy to distinguish. Disgust. Betrayal. But one, above all else. Rage. Maeneine was standing up, trying to get out a story about how Crosby had propositioned her, but all too late. Rikuma had already pieced together what had happened. She reached into the pouch of small bones that hung from her belt, tossing its contents onto the floor. "My own high priestess?" Rikuma questioned. Her tone remained flat as ever, but there was a danger to it. "It seems I have one more dead rat to add to these walls. See, I like the idea of giving rapists the blood eagle on principle alone, but given the context, you deserve so much worse." The bones began to rattle as they moved across the floor, rolling together. From one of the necromancer holding cells, the one she had sabotaged years ago to win a practice duel, a tearing noise could be heard as something dug its way out of the cot's mattress. The princess's arrival had distracted Maeneine enough that the skeletal hands released their grip on Crosby. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 4:32 PM
Rikuma! He didn’t hold back. They were going to destroy this lady. And he was going to do it without clothes on. He kicked the priestess’ legs out from under her as he quickly got to his feet. He still looked just as attractive as ever as he formed his sword in his hand. He could have all along if he wanted to but he had no need with the princess’ kindness. But for this witch, he felt it was appropriate. He backed off a little as he glanced to the noise and Rikuma. Should be back off and let them fight? Or should he help? It was up to the princess. He was quite capable of dishing out heavy damage if need be. His sword was well… meant to slay undead and evil. Both of which lurked here within these walls. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 4:41 PM
Rikuma nodded to Crosby, a sign that he should go ahead and start fighting Maeneine. Her construct would need a few seconds to come together. The priestess's attention was caught by the adventurer knocking her off her feet. Her lips moved, and the shadows along with them, forming a shadowy revenant faster than any bones could come together. Spirit magic, the princess's biggest necromantic weak spot, had its advantages, after all. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 4:49 PM
He lunged fourth and a radiant light emitted from his sword. Almost like pure holy magic as he let out quite the fierce battle cry. He went for a vicious volley of stabs, slashes, and thrusts against the priestess. He was incredibly fast too. Much more than he should have been as a human. Perhaps it was because he was full of rage. Perhaps it was just normal. No way she’d know that though. His eyes were sharp now today will be the end of you monster. You’ve done enough harm. He had faith they could beat her together.
4:49 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/10/2023 4:59 PM
Age hadn't slowed Maeneine down. She drew from the growing energy of death around her, using it to enhance her natural abilities as she ducked and dodged the attacks. "Surely, you can do better than this." As she spoke, the shadow revenant rushed Crosby from behind in order to grapple him to the ground. Just outside of the cell, a skeleton formed and crawled its way to the bones Rikuma had dropped. Already, its form was vaguely humanoid but not recognizable as any known creature. As the bones joined together, its appearance only became more horrendous, with giant bone swords serving in place of arms. "We both can," Rikuma told Maeneine as the construct tore the door from the cell. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2023 5:03 PM
He could, but he was holding back until he had support. He was mainly just distracting her so Rikuma could do her thing. He got grappled by the beast and let out one hell of a rage filled cry as he drove his blade into the beast multiple times. He spoke a strange tongue as the blade glowed and fired rays of radiant energy through the creature multiple times over. He hadn’t been this angry in forever. Not even getting captured had made him this mad. No. This was a different level of rage. He punched at the beast also as many times as he could.
5:04 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 1:13 AM
As the blade's radiant energy pierced through the revenant, it let out an ear-piercing shriek, then burst into scattering shadows that would drain some of the life energy of anything it touched, except for its summoner. Maeneine was distracted, having turned to look at the grotesque skeletal beast in front of her. "Please, you think you're capable of taking a life? I know your secrets, Princess." She took a step closer to the construct. "The 'Undying' has never survived an assassination attempt until last night. The only person you've come close to killing is yourself." Her lips twisted into a mocking sneer. "Well... on purpose, anyway. You do have a history of dragging others down with you, don't y-?" She was knocked back as one of the bone sword arms swung out at her, causing her to jump back. The small vertebrae coiled around the sleeves of Rikuma's robes began to uncoil themselves, forming a pair of bone whips. Clearly, Maeneine had managed to strike even more of a nerve with that comment. "How about I tear the frontal lobe from your skull and make you choke on it?" Rikuma suggested. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 2:47 AM
He turned his attention the priestess. His eyes sharp as he was planning now. The cogs turning in the mind of the warrior. He knew what he’d do. He snuck up and slashed the high priestess’ legs from behind. He knew disabling her mobility would be key. He wanted to leave the killing blow to the princess if possible. That would be the right thing to do based on what was happening. Any blood she shed would be drawn and sucked into his sword. Giving him extra strength he much needed. He had been drained by well, both of them now and needed to rest but couldn’t quite get the chance to. But that didn’t matter now. Only the fight before him did. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 3:50 AM
"You couldn-" Maeneine was cut off, giving a yelp of pain and surprise as she fell to the ground, too distracted to have noticed Crosby's attack. She placed her hands on the ground, seemingly for balance at first. That is, until spikes of bone shot from the floor, out at both of her enemies. Rikuma's construct shielded her from most of the spikes, but one grazed her shoulder. She lifted her arm in retaliation, the bone whip lashing out and wrapping around Maeneine's throat. Rikuma ignored her own injury as the high priestess was lifted off the ground. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 8:13 AM
He winced as he got grazed by a couple pretty good in various places. He cursed under his breath and held his off handed arm where one had got him way better than the rest. Damn elf. He trudged fourth and went to jab the blade through the elf priestess’ heart. This had been enough. No more hope of sparing her life. This would end now. Raw anger filled his eyes as he bled from multiple spots. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 8:23 AM
At the same time that Crosby's blade pierced Maeneine's heart, the skeletal construct sliced just before where Rikuma had a hold of her throat. It was hard to say which was the killing blow, but safe to say the priestess wouldn't survive. Rikuma dropped the body and walked over to her construct. The next part, she could have done silently. But given his past comments about necromancers, she felt the need to make him understand, just a bit more. "Thank you," Rikuma told the construct, placing a hand on the flat of its bladed arm. "Your deaths were not in vain, and your courage in both life and death will be honoured. Please rest peacefully until I have need of your assistance again." With the final words, the bones began to shrink back to their original forms, and the construct fell apart. The remains rolled and floated back into place, as though they had never been disturbed. She drew in a shaky breath, looking once more at Maeneine's corpse, then at Crosby. The high priestess would not receive the same sending off as those whose bones comprised her constructs. "Are you alright, Crosby?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 11:18 AM
He dropped to his knees, breathing heavily. He was bleeding from quite a few places. The spikes had gotten his left arm pretty good. Thankfully not his sword arm but still. He also had another cut on his thigh next to his problem, thankfully it had mostly gone down. The priestess obviously had failed to work him up that much. He shook his head and dropped his blade, he held his bleeding arm wound, he had one across his chest too. He cursed under his breath as it stung. So much for her patching him up… it was pretty much all undone in one fight. He clearly needed some armor… Fuck… are you okay? He looked to her, he didn’t even care how bad his own wounds were. As long as the vile beast was dead and she was okay, that’s all that mattered in his eyes right now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 11:42 AM
She knelt beside him, looking over his injuries. "I'm fine." She wasn't lying, either. She could already feel the cuts she'd sustained squelching back together, flesh magic healing the minor injuries quickly. "I should have had my construct shield you instead." At least he was already naked. It made bandaging him up a bit easier. She immediately started to work on it with her remaining materials, starting with the worst of his injuries. Unfortunately, her worry made her unable to shut up this time. "I'm sorry. I should have gotten here sooner. If Agemin hadn't managed to warn me, I don't know what would have happened. I had no idea Maeneine would do this, I..." She'd been glad the hood hid the tears forming in her eyes, but the way her voice cracked ended up betraying her anyway. "I trusted her." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 11:52 AM
I-it’s fine Rikuma. He smiled weakly as he winced. He of course watched everything she was doing. He trusted her of course. He put a hand on her cheek gently. hey… He spoke softly, lovingly even. it’s okay… really. She’s gone now… He was glad he’d warned her too. He had no idea what she planned on doing to him next. I knew she would… she’d cursed me already… I just couldn’t tell.. she set me up to kill you. I had no idea it was her when she came to me in the tavern…
11:52 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 12:06 PM
She'd been ready to keep apologizing. For trusting Maeneine, for locking him up, for being the one to put him in that position, but her words faltered as she felt his hand on her cheek. She looked at him as though she'd never gotten that reaction after making a mistake before. Mostly because she hadn't. "I..." What was she supposed to say to all of this? She steadied herself and got back to work. This, at least, she knew how to do, the same basic motions for this type of injury, something consistent, reliable. Working with her hands felt better than talking. "You had no way of knowing," she said after a moment. "I don't blame you for any of it, and neither should you." She finished patching him up and wrapped her arms around him, keeping the embrace gentle. She didn't want to risk hurting him or making him feel trapped, after what had happened to him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 12:20 PM
He rubbed her chin with his thumb softly and gently. His eyes fixated upon her lovingly. She was easily the most beautiful lady ever when she didn’t have that hood on. He’d fallen head over heels for her by now. Her touch sent shivers down his spine in a good way. I… still feel I was wrong for trying to kill you so quickly with almost no evidence to back it… but I’m glad I didn’t.. He of course would wrap his arms around her as best he could; although being careful of his wound. The one his arm sucked. He was still nice and cozy warm to cuddle, his pheromones still just as strong as ever this close. I’m sorry for letting her mark me and use me like that… He felt he had unwillingly betrayed her in a way. Like he had cheated even though the lady had come upon him in his sleep. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 12:58 PM
"Darling, I'm not nearly that easy to kill. I have every faith in your ability, but also the full understanding that you wouldn't have succeeded. Though I guess we could both afford to be more... skeptical, in the future." She bit her lower lip and looked him over. It hurt, seeing his injuries, but not for the reasons he seemed to think. Mostly because he was hurt. "I only saw a bit of what happened, but it was enough to know you didn't let her do anything. She forced herself on you; that's not your fault." She pulled back from the hug and took both of his hands in hers instead. "You should rest. Put your clothes back on and I'll bring you up to my bedroom. It will be warmer and more comfortable there." Perhaps it was better to wait until he'd recovered a bit, before asking him for help with her problem. "I'll have my own matters to tend to, but I'll be with you as much as possible." Two emergency meetings, one regarding the appointment of a new high priest or priestess within the Order - on account of the previous one's clear act of treason - and the other to make arrangements for her absence while she tried to break the curse. She just had to hope he would help. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 3:21 PM
He felt a bit insulted she said he probably would’ve failed to kill her anyways, but she honestly was probably right as much as hated to admit it. He nodded a bit. He wondered why exactly she was biting her lip. Did she want him again already? After what just happened with her high priestess? He had fresh marks all over his neck that weren’t from the princess. But that was besides the point as he held her hands. A bed would be nice… And indeed it was probably a better idea to purpose her idea later when he wasn’t in such awful shape. And if she gave him fair reason to trust her truly and motivation; he’d probably join her. alright… I’ll probably just be resting while you do… if that’s okay… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/11/2023 3:43 PM
She let go of him so he could get dressed. The idea of him resting while she tended to business didn't do anything to ease her worry. Not with what had happened last time he'd tried to rest. Still, she could stop biting her lip, now that she was certain it wouldn't tremble and she wouldn't dissolve into a sobbing, over-apologizing mess once she let go of it. She had no clue her expression had sent his brain straight into the gutter, because that was the last thing on her mind right now. "I could try to call for a proper healer, if you want." She stood up. "Your injuries will go away a lot faster with life magic than anything I can do for you. Unfortunately, necromancy is only good at healing its user." She looked down. "I wish I could do more for you," she added, holding out a hand in case he wanted help standing back up. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2023 10:57 PM
He would’ve felt awful if she started crying again. Especially if it was over him. But anyways, of course took her hand to help himself up. He started to get dressed too into his old clothes. He bit his lip as he grazed himself while doing so. He was still incredibly sensitive down there from the high priestess starting him off but leaving him on edge. As a result quite the outline was still visible in his pants of what he had to offer the princess and any other ladies in the kingdom who dared. it’s up to you Rikuma… I’m sure I can heal normally in time… He fixed up his hair a bit with his hand before turning to look at her. it just might take a couple days. So unless you can’t wait that long for some reason. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/12/2023 2:01 AM
There were plenty of reasons to not want to wait that long. The survival of her kingdom, for one. Also the general fact of not wanting to see him in pain. "I'd prefer not to. This place is barely hospitable when one is perfectly healthy. The longer injuries wait, the higher the risk of infection. And don't pretend they don't hurt, either." She took his hand and led him out of the dungeon. Someone would clear out the high priestess's corpse later. She'd make sure her attempted coup was well known by then, so that she wouldn't have a better funeral than she deserved. Outside of the dungeon, various Order officials and training adepts had gathered, curious about the commotion coming from the dungeon. Rikuma paused and stood protectively in front of Crosby despite being considerably shorter than him. Undeniably, they hoped for an explanation. She did what she often did: stretched the truth in the most politically advantageous way. She had her own mythology built with the people, but developing one for her lover could help in the long term, especially if she stuck as close to the facts as possible. Nothing that could be disproven. "High Priestess Maeneine died a traitor to the Crown, and to the principles of the Order," she said. Shocked murmuring rippled through the crowd. "Crosby Vandine fought valiantly to assist in protecting me. He is to receive the full hospitality of Rashouris during his stay here." She turned to glower at one of the older adepts, whose gaze was fixated on Crosby. "And nobody is to lay a hand on him," Rikuma added, and the young woman looked away. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/12/2023 12:37 PM
Right… if you want to get a healer then go ahead. I won’t argue. He followed close behind of course. Holding her hand a bit tight but not tooo tight. He didn’t want to hurt her of course. That’s the last thing he wanted. He looked around quietly to everyone who had gathered. He looked to her of course as she spoke along with everyone else. He rubbed the back of his neck and awkwardly smiled, quite a few hickeys visible on his neck. Hard to tell where they were from though. He looked to the young woman, looking her up and down quietly, mainly trying to see why she was staring at him. Did she want him more than the princess? I ’m glad I could have been of assistance princess. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/12/2023 12:45 PM
There was a moment of quiet, aside from a quiet side conversation here and there. Plenty of women were staring at Crosby - nearly all of them - as were some men, though the latter mostly consisted of looks of distrust or curiosity. Rikuma didn't like any of them, to be honest. "You are all dismissed," she said sharply after a moment. She didn't mean to sound too harsh. She just wasn't sure how else to tell them to leave. The crowd began to scatter, but she directed her attention at the ossuary's lead healer. "Except for you," she told him. He stopped and turned, bowing briefly. "You have need of me, Your Highness?" "He sustained injuries in the fight," she said. "He could use your healing magic before I show him to his room." Well, her room. She could trust this healer not to try anything funny with her lover, at least. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/12/2023 1:48 PM
He felt a bit awkward having every single lady staring at him. Then again… had they ever seen a human male like him before? Probably not. And much less one accompany the mystical princess. Anyways he shifted his attention back to the princess once almost everyone had left, letting her of course take lead. His eyes quietly fixated upon her. He just wished to go back to the room and rest but some healing would indeed be nice right about now. He waited for whatever she wanted to happen to occur of course. He shifted where he stood, he felt a Tiny bit woozy but shrugged it off for now. He had lost some blood so that might explain it @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/12/2023 2:07 PM
The healer nodded, taking a step closer to Crosby. "You'll feel a faint discomfort for a few seconds. My apologies for it; the life magic in Rashouris is not strong enough to ease that feeling." He raised his hands as he spoke, and a faint green cloud of energy flowed between him and the human. It would close the wounds and cause the bruises to fade, but was not as strong as healing magic outside of the kingdom. Rikuma stayed close to Crosby, giving his hand what she hoped would be a reassuring squeeze. She didn't take her attention off of him, both unable to deny being worried about him and uncertain of when she'd grown so possessive of him... no, protective, or so she told herself. "Thank you, Kerym. You may go now." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/12/2023 11:30 PM
He nodded quietly as he looked the healer up and down. His eyes soon fixating upon his hands though. He soon enough felt better. thank you. He felt the princess’ tight-ish squeeze and soon looked over. He raised a brow with a small smile. He could more than tell by now she was growing quite possessive of him. Like a dragon and their horde. He found it quite adorable if anything. He didn’t say anything about it though. Instead he just looked into those beautiful eyes of hers as best he could. He was glad he was hers now and she was his. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/13/2023 1:14 AM
Rikuma led him up the stairs now that he was healed. At least she could look at his neck now and not feel that twinge of guilt on seeing the bruises that had been dealt in her absence. In her absence, yet still because of her, in a roundabout way. She didn't say anything about it, instead leading him up to her room. It was familiar to her, comfortable. Besides, he might still need to rest. Once she closed the door behind them, she let go of his hand and lowered her hood. "How are you feeling now?" She looked him up and down, seeing if there were any persistent problems. "Do you need anything else, or just some rest?" She would likely be in the bedroom for a while longer, writing out the letters to call the next day's meetings. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/13/2023 6:11 AM
Of course it looked familiar as they got closer to her room. He stayed quiet, his eyes fixated upon her of course. He didn’t know what to say. He could easily visibly tell she was quite upset still as best she tried to hide it from him. He looked to the door then to her, was she going to lock it? Or let them risk it again. And for a problem, he only had the outline of one since the high priestess had started to cause one but it was fading, he was still slightly big of course. Just a bit tired but fine. He yawned and rubbed his eyes. although… do you have like a robe I could wear to bed…? I just… would rather not wear this.. He was still wearing his clothes he had been all day. They probably needed to be washed to be fair. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/13/2023 7:49 AM
She considered the question for a moment. "I don't think any of my robes will fit you," she said, because she was a good deal shorter than he was. She locked the door for now while she considered the options. "I'll make sure you're safe, if you're comfortable wearing nothing for now. I'll have your clothes washed so they're ready when you wake up." She looked down at the tear in her robe's shoulder. She'd have to have it mended as well. She removed it for now, since her base clothes would be plenty while she wasn't out and about. "I'll bring you to the hot springs later, if you want to wash up then," she said as she sat at her desk. "Palace protocol basically guarantees that I'm given privacy when I go there, so you'll be fine. I just... try not to go when anyone else is there." She'd never felt too comfortable making people leave just so she could clean herself. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/13/2023 12:36 PM
He nodded for a few moments before deciding it was probably best to take the Opportunity to get his only set of clothes cleaned. He started to strip down to how he was in the dungeon before. Like how she oh so clearly liked him. I’m more than fine with going to the hotsprings later with you if you want. He shrugged and gave a small smile, his cheeks being a little rosey red with now having nothing on. Everything she loved in sight. His heart beating a bit faster than normal, his pheromones returning to the level they were in the dungeon. although tomorrow I’d like to get another set of clothes if that’s alright with you. Or if that’s possible anyways. He picked his clothes up and folded them up, he wasn’t sure to do with them of course as he held them. Was there a system she had to get her clothes cleaned? Or did they just… do it? He had never seen the life or royalty, much less experienced it so he had no idea what to expect. He’d always been a peasant.
12:36 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/13/2023 1:00 PM
Rikuma tried not to watch. She really did. But it was such a lovely view, and he was cute when he blushed like that. Shame on you, he's just been through something traumatic, she reminded herself silently. She turned to her desk and busied herself with preparing a parchment. The appointment of a new High Priest or Priestess first, as something quicker. She considered her options while she answered Crosby. "We can get something for you in town," she said. "It may need to be custom tailored, but it's possible. For now, I'll have one of my constructs take care of laundry." She silently summoned one to the room. "My parents fired all of our royal servants long ago..." She trailed off, bad memories threatening to overtake her mind. It had been easier to keep the castle unstaffed. Fewer people to ask questions. She looked down at the parchment and began to write. "...So household duties are all tended to by the undead. Should I have them bring you anything?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/13/2023 3:10 PM
He rubbed the back of his neck seeing she was pretty obviously watching him. She really liked him like that huh? He wasn’t going to complain of course. She wasn’t all too bad herself. And this wasn’t his first time going through something “traumatic”. It wasn’t nearly as bad as other times actually. He’d seen a lot of things he shouldn’t have and experienced them too. Anyways, he gave the construct his laundry before getting into her bed and nestling up In a blanket. He laid back and closed his eyes as he yawned and nodded. He was extremely exhausted from not being able to rest to then fighting afterwards. right… And no, I don’t need anything right now. Thank you though. He started to relax himself. It wouldn’t be long before he fell asleep more than likely. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/13/2023 3:28 PM
She locked the door behind the construct as it left. Once it was gone, she turned toward Crosby again. He seemed to be handling it all remarkably well, at least. Her memory couldn't help but go back to earlier, on the dungeon floor, his confession of love. There was a chance it hadn't been sincere, of course, just his post-coital hormonal state talking, or an attempt to ensure she'd sleep with him again. But a part of her wanted to believe he had meant it. She walked over to him and pressed a chaste kiss to his forehead while he rested, then returned to her desk. She would likely still be there when he woke up. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/13/2023 11:20 PM
She would never know if she truly meant it unless she asked him of course. His brain couldn’t help but replay earlier either. It showed down there as he had dreams of doing it all over again with the princess. The blanket had quite the bulge in it while he slept. Occasionally he would shift a bit. He would sleep for a long peaceful 5 hours unless she woke him up. His body at peace yet tense with the dreams he was having. His heart rate being slightly faster than normal. What a shame truly she’d be distracted by her work. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/14/2023 1:06 AM
Two letters, as it turned out, took hours. The first had been easy enough. The second had turned into extremely detailed instructions on how the kingdom was to be tended to in her absence. She would write it, review it, find things that were missing, find things that needed to be removed, things that were clumsily worded, items to be reordered for the sake of the letter's flow, rewrite rewrite rewrite... By the time it was finally perfect, three hours later, she was more tense than when she'd started. She took a deep breath to ensure her breathing was perfectly steady, forged the King's signature, then sent it off with a skeleton to have it duplicated by a magic scribe. After all, it needed to reach the entire advisory council. She locked the door once more and stood up. There was no point in bothering to put on a nightgown at the moment, so she only removed her clothes and walked over to the bed. She wasn't even tired, she just needed to relax. At least Crosby seemed to be lost in... if not pleasant, then certainly exciting dreams. She bit her lower lip, then reminded himself that he was sleeping, and needed the rest. That didn't make it any easier to take her eyes off him as she climbed into bed beside him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/14/2023 11:44 AM
He would be painfully unaware as she rewrote the letter many times. He was indeed lost in pleasure. He was nearly as large as down in the dungeon, if not visibly slightly bigger. She could always try her hand at pleasing herself without waking him if she wished. He wouldn’t surely mind if it was her now would he? Only one way to tell though. His head tilted slightly, his neck exposed where she had left a hickey upon him. A mark that he belonged to her. He cuddled up to her in bed if she let him, all of his warm body pressing against hers. He wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon unless she gave him reason to. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/14/2023 12:25 PM
She blushed slightly, seeing that Kerym had left the mark she'd made. So the healer had pieced things together, too. It seemed they were far past the point of keeping their situation discreet. She'd read enough about other kingdoms to know that, outside of Rashouris, her reputation would be endangered unless they were to get married. Which, given the Order's rather relaxed views on sexuality, wouldn't be an issue within Rashouran borders as long as the curse remained in place and the kingdom remained isolated. Once international diplomacy reopened, though, she'd have to at least be respectable in the eyes of other royal families. Fuck. But she'd let herself worry about that later. For now, well... She had her own problem to take care of. Careful not to jostle him, she slid her hand between her legs. Memories of what they had done together, and all of the future possibilities between the two of them, filled her mind as she slipped her fingers between her folds, working her thumb over her clit in a steady rhythm. She closed her eyes, a sigh of pleasure escaping her, then froze in place. He'd cuddled against her. The problem was, he'd snuggled right up to the arm that had just managed to get her worked up. Her eyes opened again as she looked over at him. Damn it, she couldn't move any more without disturbing him. And she wasn't about to leave herself high and dry either. Well, not dry. She took her fingers out and nudged him gently. "Hey Crosby?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/14/2023 12:36 PM
His mark was still nearly perfectly intact. His breathing was soft and shallow as he was very relaxed despite how fast his heart was beating. Perhaps she could ask to marry him in time. Although, it may be a bit too early in his eyes to obviously say yes. And he was quite well respected outside the kingdom, he was known in many kingdoms as someone you could go to for help. Whether that be a simple task or quite the hefty feat like what had gotten him here. But that was all besides the point. He was quite relaxed for now, enjoying her company once again until she nudged him. He murmured almost as his eyes barely opened. He groaned a bit and shifted against her. He yawned and looked up to her half asleep, his voice having deepened as a result. What Rikuma..? He hadn’t noticed what she was doing quite yet, although he still had quite the issue visible to her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/14/2023 12:42 PM
He did not seem to want to be awake, and Rikuma looked away, somewhat awkward. Or rather, extremely awkward by normal standards, somewhat by her own. She had always proven somewhat inept in normal social situations, let alone during a scenario like this. "Sorry to wake you up," she said. "I just noticed..." She looked at him again, then down his body. "Do you want help with that?" she inquired, as though his arousal was a puzzle he had difficulty solving. "I didn't want to do anything with it without at least asking first, since I don't know if you'd be alright with me waking you up like that." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/14/2023 2:57 PM
Well he of course started to awaken more with her speaking to him. Her voice ringing through his ears and filling his mind with its beauty. He could tell she found it awkward at first. He completely understood of course. He leaned up and pecked her with a gentle kiss on the cheek. it’s no problem Rikuma. He chuckled a bit, his eyes meeting hers if she was looking to him. if you’d want to help me, even I was asleep… I wouldn’t object. He was okay with her doing it, he trusted her. He knew she wouldn’t try anything, she cared too much it seemed. But not like that was a bad thing in his eyes. His cheeks went a bit red as his eyes dazzled with a now growing lust for her. She was so perfect in every way. From her body, to her smile, to her voice, and then… those eyes… those beautiful eyes. He loved them and her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/14/2023 3:08 PM
Now that was something she'd have to keep in mind for later. She met his gaze at first, before looking away, unsure how to deal with the intensity of it. As far as she'd noticed, nobody had ever looked at her like that before. She wrapped an arm around him to pull herself closer to him. For now, she kissed him, her lips soft against his but no less hungry for it. There were endless possibilities, of course. She'd brought herself to a point where she could just take him for herself. But no, he deserved better than that. Something less selfish. Her lips left his to trail kisses down his neck to his collarbone before she spoke again. "I want to taste you." She traced a finger down his stomach, stopping right above the base of his cock, to get the point of her words across. "If I use my mouth, will you return the favour?" She'd do it either way, but it would be nice to get something in return. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/14/2023 3:16 PM
He of course leaned in and kissed her back. His lips danced entangled with hers with a passion like no other. He’d never grow tired or her in anyway. He let her trail her kisses, moving his head to make it easier even. He shivered at the sensation. It was pleasant when it came from her and not the enemy. He of course looked down and bit his lip. God he’d be more than down for that. He nodded and looked back up, meeting her eyes. His eyes twinkled with their jade color. They were incredible as always. of course I can~. If that’s what you reallly want~ He chuckled and teased. He couldn’t help it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/14/2023 3:35 PM
There were plenty of things Rikuma really wanted. But right now, she wasn't trying to think of existential threats to her kingdom or her responsibilities, so yes. That was one thing she really wanted. She looked up at him, nodded, then pushed the blanket aside to make it easier for herself. She trailed more kisses down his body, adjusting her own position as she did so to make it easier for herself. Once she reached his member, she teased at the head with her tongue, looking up at his face as she did so. It would be a mouthful, that much was for sure, so she'd take her time mentally preparing for it as she licked down its length for good measure. Thanks to her mastery of magic, preemptively shutting down her gag reflex was an easy enough matter. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/14/2023 10:48 PM
He got chills all as she trailed all the way down his body. He tensed up even more as a result, getting tingles of pleasure all over. He was quite sensitive to her now, in every way. Soon enough, when she started to tease it, he bit his lip quite hard. His hand naturally coming up and roughly grabbing hold of her head, balling up a lot of her hair. He couldn’t help it. His breathing became a bit shaky already. He was really going to enjoy this clearly. It was going to be a lot more than a mouthful probably if she took it all the way in, so she best be prepared for that. He had of course grown very eager by now, he needed relief from her badly. Just as bad as she did from him. g-god Rikuma… He said between sharp breaths. His heart starting to race significantly faster. His cheeks going red. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/15/2023 3:43 AM
Rikuma paused as she felt his hand in her hair, momentarily distracted. Not bothered, though. There were few things she had less of a problem with than a bit of roughness. The silvery glow returned to her eyes, seeing how worked up he already was. "Hm? Yes, Crosby?" she asked, before closing her lips around the tip. She bobbed her head, taking him in just a bit deeper with each movement. His excitement was all the encouragement she needed, though she wouldn't have said no to a bit of praise, either. One hand rested on his thigh, while the other wrapped around the base of his cock, gently rubbing where her lips hadn't yet reached. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/16/2023 11:54 AM
God she looked so incredible like this, looking up to him and saying his name. It was of course incredibly hot, everything he’d ever wanted from a partner and more. He bit his lip incredibly hard as she took him in. Fuck… she felt incredible. He had to hold out though and impress the princess. fuck… He let out a hot huff of air. god you’re such a good little cock sucking princess… It throbbed like mad within her grasp, his eyes fixated upon her every movement with love. He was falling deeper and deeper with her in every way, she was just proving to him more here and now. He kept her pushed down a bit so she couldn’t come completely off him anymore. There was no stopping now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/16/2023 12:10 PM
The hand on her head elicited a small noise of surprise in her throat, causing it to vibrate around him. His noises were music to her ears. She'd never would have guessed something like this would be such a source of relaxation for her, but she'd gladly take it if it meant she got to hear him talk to her like that. Like a real person, and not some mysterious figure, separate from everything else. It was a bit harder to breathe at first, but she got used to it as she took him all the way to the base. Her hand instead slid under his fruits, her touch a bit hesitant as she was unsure just how much pressure would please him and how much would cross the line into pain. Better to err on the side of not doing enough. Her tongue continued to press against the side of his shaft as she sucked him off. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/16/2023 11:31 PM
He was soon enough breathing quite heavily as it writhed deep within her throat when she took it all the way down. His cheeks were completely red and burning hot. He couldn’t help but gently thrust in and out of her mouth a tiny bit. He was extremely eager to relieve himself as he soon started to leak a tiny bit. What she probably didn’t suspect from the human, was how good it would taste. Like a sweet thick and creamy delectable treat, like nothing else. god Rikuma~. You’re going to make me cum already my love~. You’re doing such a good job~ He smiled down at her the best he could, impressed honestly at how good she was at this. For a princess, she seemed like quite the experienced slut when it came to things like this. Or perhaps, she just knew how to please him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/17/2023 2:39 AM
Rikuma could ignore the pain in her jaw, if it meant they would both benefit. Luckily, it seemed her guess work was paying off. A bit bolder now, she tightened her hand ever so slightly to gently massage him. With how deep he was, the pre-cum just dripped down her throat directly, so she didn't catch the taste right away. Still, she moaned as though she had, since he seemed to enjoy the movement of her throat around him when she made noise. When she did get a taste of it, she moaned again, this time out of her own enjoyment. She was always a bit wary about unfamiliar tastes, having long been a picky eater, but this wasn't overpowering. It was unexpected, but she couldn't complain. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/17/2023 8:20 AM
Well, with her being a picky eater and the kingdom being in a famine, it seems like he could supply what she needed if she enjoyed that much. But then again, for how long? There’s no telling that. Anyways, his grip on her hair grew a bit tighter as his body tensed quite a bit. His heart racing as the blood was rushing all throughout his body. He was so close now with her moaning like this. She was just pushing him closer and closer to the edge. He was panting like crazy too, nearly out breath. god Rikuma~. You’re trying so hard to make me fill you up with all I have to offer aren’t you~? He had to take a deep breath in before he suddenly began to quite roughly thrust down her throat for a few seconds. He couldn’t take it anymore. He drew himself back so she’d be forced to taste it and held her there roughly. It throbbed and swelled up quite a lot before he moaned and exploded. He soon enough began to pump her full, hopefully she could keep up or her tasty reward would go to waste. oh g-god~! @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/17/2023 9:37 AM
With the way he was holding her, she couldn't help but think of the fact that she'd have needs of her own, once she was done with him. She tried her best to keep up with him, but it was still a lot, she could only swallow so fast, and she'd have to come up for air eventually. She pushed his hand away once she couldn't handle anymore, so she could pull off and breathe. Her hand replaced her mouth around his dick, closing her eyes as she held him so the remainder would splatter over her face and chest. Something easy enough to keep track of, at least, even if it was a bit embarrassing to be seen like that. "There's no way it's supposed to taste like that," she commented once she'd caught her breath and he'd finished cumming. She let go of him and licked a bit of his stray seed from her lips. "You really are delicious in every way." It didn't make sense for the human body to produce something that sweet. But his did, and who was she to argue? She shifted her hips, feeling the wetness from her pussy dripping between her thighs. But she'd give him a moment before reminding him that he'd agreed to repay her, no matter how excited she was for it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/17/2023 10:08 AM
He Moaned quite a bit as she pulled off. He couldn’t help but also cover her face and chest. Thankfully, soon enough he was done but a few excess strands dripped from the tip in front of her face temptingly. His breathing was heavy as he got shivers down his spine. He looked down to his beautiful partner with a small loving smile. God she looked so good in every way like this… covered in her reward looking up at him with those beautiful eyes. And of course it wouldn’t make sense, he was a cursed human but yet she hadn’t figured that out quite yet. She’d have to gain his trust quite a bit more for him to tell. He was soon enough able to mostly catch his breath. It’d take him a lot more to fully but she clearly couldn’t wait that long. He glanced down as he noticed. well my love, you clearly quite enjoyed that didn’t you~? Pleasing me and getting your reward all over you and inside you~. Look at you my princess~ all worked up for me~ He gently ran his hand across her, grazing both those beautiful thighs to hers. desperately needing my help~. So cute~. He teased as he mused with a smile about her state. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/17/2023 10:21 AM
Rikuma would have expected to feel at least some shame, between her current state and the way he was talking to her. She didn't, though. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his hands on her thighs, her longing only growing with his touch. "You promised you'd repay me," she reminded him, getting straight down to business. She lowered her hips, in hopes of getting his hand to touch a bit higher for now. Sure she could take care of the problem herself if she had to, but she had the feeling it would be more enjoyable coming from him. "Could you use your tongue?" It was new to her, phrasing it as a request and not an order. Unfamiliar, but she enjoyed doing it, in some ways. Then again, just sleeping with someone was a novelty in itself. She looked at him again, then down at the mattress, wondering whether she should straddle his face or lie down for him. Better to ask, she supposed. "And how do you want me?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/17/2023 2:07 PM
He tapped his chin in thought for a few brief moments. She was quite cute like this, asking him to help her with her desires~. He of course would oblige after a few moments more, his hand grazing up right against where she wanted to. He laid on his back and looked up to her, his free hand casually resting behind his head. He of course would look incredibly handsome. And of course, he’d be more than happy to help her considering she’d done the same for him now. I suppose I can for you my love~. And I want you however you please~. His forest green eyes shimmered like gems as they remained locked with hers. He was quite warm at the moment, his heart racing. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/17/2023 2:33 PM
It was almost humiliating, how easily his touch had her grinding against his hand, a soft whimper of desperation escaping her throat. It was definitely dangerous, letting someone have this effect on her. How could he look so casually while she was reduced to a soaking, desperate mess? A part of her wanted to stay here like this forever. Another, smarter part saw a better opportunity and knew enough to go for it. Almost reluctantly, she pulled away from his hand, instead moving up the bed to straddle his face. After all, he seemed perfectly comfortable where he was, so why should she ask him to move? She ran her fingers through her hair and lowered her hips to rest over his mouth. "I don't want to smother you. Is this close enough?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/17/2023 11:57 PM
He of course didn’t mind one bit. He glanced down her amazing body and then looked to what was before him briefly. Of course it was quite the tempting hot sight. He loved her being such a desperate mess for him. His eyes soon met her again. With her hovering over him like this, he was getting quite worked up again. He chuckled a bit and gave her a quick teasing lick. Curious as to what he was dealing with when it came to her. I wouldn’t mind that one bit Rikuma if that’s what you really want~ He was of course confident despite having never done this before. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/18/2023 12:11 AM
Rikuma's grip on his hair tightened. It hadn't been much, but it was enough to give her an idea of how the rest would feel, and leave her craving more. "It is. You know it is." The damn tease. She wriggled slightly, pulling herself closer to his tongue but careful not to put her weight on his face. "Please," she added, since she knew he liked when she pleaded for him. She looked back over her shoulder. If he showed signs of already getting excited again, she saw no reason not to reach her free hand back and give him some more pleasure in return. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/20/2023 1:29 PM
Well he was already visibly getting quite excited to say the least. It was only natural of course. He wrapped his hands gently around her thighs and squeezed. He looked up to her with red cheeks as his breath beat against her. He gently began to lick slowly and teasingly around the edges. Taking his time and not going quite deep yet, she’d probably have to make him if she wanted him to right away. His eyes shimmered with love and lust for her as his body was quite tense. His fingers gently grabbing onto the pudge of her thighs. It would probably be quite difficult to hold herself up the entire time, he was fully expecting her to give out soon. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/20/2023 1:36 PM
She shifted so her knees rested comfortably enough on the mattress. She'd probably be fine there for a while, and trust him to hold her up once her legs started shaking enough. For now, she was fine. Her free hand rested on the mattress as well, so the other could wrap around his cock. Her thumb rubbed against the head, keeping her touches light as long as he teased her. Already, her breaths were unsteadied, her muscles tensing in anticipation of more. She looked down at him, or what she could see of his face. It was a good angle. Or maybe she just liked what he was doing, and looked forward to more. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/20/2023 2:04 PM
He paused for a moment as his breathing became shaky when she started to stroke him. Fuck. Now he actually had to really focus on what he was doing. He slipped his tongue significantly deeper; running his tongue along all the best parts. His eyes looking up at her as it throbbed in her grasp. He was desperate for another release. He needed it from her. He couldn’t deny that one bit. He didn’t mind this Angle of her, it was quite attractive in all honesty. He got to see her entire beautiful body and more~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/20/2023 2:11 PM
Occasionally, Rikuma loosened her grip, not wanting to finish him off too soon, only to return to what she'd been doing once she was sure he'd calmed down somewhat. As her eyes closed, she didn't have many cues to go on aside from his breathing and the feel of him in her hand. Still, she let herself get lost in her own pleasure for a bit. The feel of his tongue only kept her craving a release of her own. She moaned softly, feeling a pulsing deep inside as she drew closer to the edge. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/20/2023 3:47 PM
He couldn’t help but eagerly and greedily thrust into her grasp for more. His breath was incredibly hot and shaky as it beat against her. He was quite determined to please her soon enough, his tongue going as deep as it could as he felt her tense around him. At least he knew she liked what he was doing. He tried his absolute hardest now. He had to make her release before he did. His tongue practically perfectly caressing her needy insides. His eyes fluttering in bliss. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/20/2023 4:02 PM
As she felt herself get close, she stopped teasing him with her hand, instead taking a proper grip of him. No reason not to reward him with what he clearly wanted, after all. Not when she could feel his excitement beneath her, and not when she wanted him to enjoy this as much as she did. "C-Crosby," she moaned, working her hips to feel more of his breath against her clit. Before she could say anything more, her pleasure reached its climax, her walls trembling around his tongue. Words had no further use anyway. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/21/2023 12:05 AM
He tried his absolute hardest to make her feel as good as he did. And it seems he succeeded with her saying his name like that. It grew suddenly a bit bigger hearing her moan his name. He blushed quite heavily as she climaxed. His grip on her thighs grew quite a bit tighter, enough to probably leave marks upon them. He wasn’t trying to but it was only instinct. He obviously couldn’t speak or muster any words either as he desperately tried to contain himself. He couldn’t release quite yet. It felt too good to end it now. He moaned a little into her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/21/2023 2:57 AM
Still caught in the grips of her climax, she worked her hand harder. Not enough to hurt him - she was ever careful of that - but making sure the head got plenty of attention. She had to put in the effort to help finish him off before she came down fully and exhaustion would overtake her. "Cum for me," she whispered, trying not to think about the mess. She'd just have a construct clean the sheets later. Not his fault his body was... excessive, at times. And she definitely didn't mind it, either. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/21/2023 8:02 AM
With her giving him even more attention and whispering that, it was more than enough to send him over the edge finally. He started to swell up and leak quite a bit for her before he moaned quite loudly into her, thankfully she had muffled him otherwise people would’ve probably heard. And of course, he made quite the excessive mess as to be expected. His cheeks being fully red as he let out a long hot breath against her. His breath was shaky and very unsteady. He was on one hell of a pleasure high, he simply couldn’t help it. He felt amazing too, his eyes looking up to her probably looking quite adorable as he was a tiny bit overwhelmed by her beauty and pleasure. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/21/2023 8:37 AM
Rikuma held him steady until he was finished, looking down at his face. She felt... some sort of way about this. She couldn't be sure how, but it was something... soft. Weird. She let him go and got off his face, her legs still quaking a bit. Not for long, since she settled down right next to him, snuggling close as she closed her eyes. Her head rested on his chest. Now she'd be able to sleep easily. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/21/2023 11:24 PM
His heart was racing a million miles an hour. He was quite warm as the blood was fully rushing throughout his entire body. He watched as she did with a small weak grin. He was quite tired to be fair now. She’d practically tried to drain him too many times to count today. Anyways, he gently wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close as she snuggled up with him. He soon started to calm down thankfully and yawned. He didn’t really care about the huge mess he had made down there. He was too exhausted to get up right now. I love you Rikuma~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/22/2023 2:55 AM
Or maybe not so easy after all. She opened her eyes again, looking at him thoughtfully. "I don't see how," she said, maybe too honestly. "We've known each other for a day, and our only interactions have been entirely about sex and murder." She considered for a moment. The former had been enjoyable, and they'd fought well together. Even if the basis for whatever relationship they had wasn't that deep, his presence was a comfort. It was definitely an improvement over the empty, strictly political marriage she'd been raised to expect. She'd never held any delusion that she might get to fall in love. "But that is to say, I... I wouldn't mind if we could be something more than that." Maybe she did like him, a little bit. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/22/2023 11:53 PM
He fell quiet and his face sort of dropped as she said that. Now that he thought about it, it was a tiny bit too early indeed. He didn’t know much if anything about her. And she seemed to know even less about him, but then again, he barely knew anything about himself also. Perhaps he liked her because well… everything they did and now having someone to fill the void of his partners role? He didn’t truly know, but something in his heart said he wanted her. His brain was torn on the edge. He nodded quietly as she spoke. He did hope this would glaze over. me too… let’s get some rest… we’ll need it for tomorrow, especially you princess. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/23/2023 2:32 AM
Rikuma interpreted his reaction as simple acceptance and closed her eyes again. He was right - she had her meetings, she had to discuss breaking the curse with him, and she had agreed to take him into town for new clothes. "Goodnight, Crosby," she said softly, still cuddled close to him. She let his warmth, his soothing presence, lull her to sleep. Her dreams were peaceful, a joy she'd never let herself confess to anyone. Visions of blue skies in the kingdom, of two half-elf children running around the palace, and the adventurer by her side as her royal consort. When she woke up, she would tell herself it could never be more than a dream. But for now, in her sleep, she could smile softly to herself and pretend it was a happy vision of the future. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/23/2023 7:49 AM
He would sleep peacefully and dream of various different things. Almost none came together or made any real sense, they were all just flashing bits and pieces of his past he didn’t remember clearly mixed with current events. He was of course quite warm as he cuddled with her, he’d probably still be asleep when she awoke just like before. If she got lucky, maybe he’d be ready to serve her breakfast if she so chose. But perhaps she could talk to him about the curse while they went shopping. He would be okay with it more than likely. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/23/2023 9:20 AM
Rikuma woke up after a few hours, but didn't move yet. There was little reason to, when she was perfectly comfortable with her current companion. She observed him for a few seconds, questioned how long she could do so before it got creepy, then slowly sat up. One of her skeletal constructs let himself in, carrying a damp towel and clean set of sheets. "Thanks," she whispered, picking up the towel to clean off what had remained on her from the previous night. Crosby's clothes had been cleaned and an attempt had been made to mend them. Unfortunately, the downside of necromantic servants was that they only knew what their reanimator did, which meant inexpert patching where her rats had torn the cloth. She was sure he'd hate it, and regretted even trying. She didn't give a voice to her concerns, instead walking over to get a clean outfit from her wardrobe. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/23/2023 11:34 PM
He didn’t seem to be waking up anytime soon, his face and body at peace. His chest slowly rising and falling with each breath. He hadn’t been this relaxed in days now and with her cuddling against him? He surely didn’t want to wake up. And he probably wouldn’t mind about his clothes, as long as they kept him warm and safe. It would be a reminder to himself to be more careful who he chose to mess with. Anyways, he grumbled a bit when she got up and instead cuddled a pillow rather needily. His dreams were now shifting of all being of her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 1:11 AM
Rikuma paused and looked back at Crosby. He seemed so peaceful, it was almost enviable. Adorable, even. She set her chosen clothes aside for now and returned to the bed, despite silently scolding herself. It was stupid for someone of her station to want. But what was the harm in enjoying his company while she could? Gently, she moved the pillow aside, or at least tried to. If he had a tight grip on it, she wouldn't be able to get it out of his grasp. Either way, she did her best to return to him, wrapping her arms around the human in her bed. She would find comfort at his side while she could, the closest she might ever come to receiving genuine affection. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 5:57 AM
Soon enough she’d be cuddled up with him again, he held her a bit tighter than the pillow as he could most certainly tell by how much more squishy she was compared to it. One hand gently gently rested just above her waist. The other gently coming to rest gently upon her bum passively. He wasn’t trying to put his hand there, it’s just where he could comfortably hold her close by. His hot breath gently beating against her as he slept. All of his body pressing against hers. Thank god she couldn’t infiltrate his dreams, or perhaps she could and he didn’t know. But either way, they were scattered for as long as he slept. To which, that would be an hour more if she chose to stay by his side. Then he would finally start to stir and shift a bit, groaning sleepily as he didn’t want to get up. His eyes slowly opening. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 6:20 AM
Rikuma resigned herself to the inescapably tight embrace. "You're too strong," she muttered, but her expression was close to open affection as it could get as she looked at him. She sighed, content with being held, and closed her eyes. The pressure from his arms was nothing short of heavenly, and he was warmer than any of the blankets in the palace. She wasn't sure when she drifted back to sleep, but his stirring woke her up again. "Morning." She opened her eyes again and kissed his jaw, since it was what she could reach in their current position. "Did you sleep well?" (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 6:27 AM
He nodded and yawned. He smiled a tiny bit feeling her kiss his jaw. She was quite adorable like this all curled up in his arms. He started to gently pet her head, running his hands carefully through her hair soothingly. His eyes soon fixated upon the beautiful princess. Morning. I slept amazing because of you. He chuckled, having quite the attractive sleepy tone for now. It was slight deeper and more alluring for now. He didn’t even realize it though. His cheeks being a slight shade of red as he came to realize how incredibly close they were in every way. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 6:37 AM
Rikuma nuzzled against him, allowing herself to simply appreciate the attention for now. When was the last time she'd been held? The night of her parents' deaths, she supposed, a moment of attempted comfort from her mother before the poison. The memory killed her present sense of comfort. Nothing killed a romantic moment quite like remembering an attempted family extermination. She moved to stand up, only getting as far as his arms would allow. Silently, she ordered the construct in the hall to go make breakfast. "You wanted to go to town today, right?" she said. "The bathhouse before then, of course. And I'll have breakfast brought up to us first." Keeping her mind on concrete tasks, sticking to a stable plan, helped sort her mind back into order. Maybe it was a way to escape her own emotions, but she was perfectly fine with that. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 6:53 AM
When she seemed to try to get up and let go, he completely drew back. He let her do so although of course he was a bit confused. But he chose not to question her. He simply nodded. Mhm. I’d be fine with that. If you need me to help with your Breakfast to make it more enjoyable, just let me know. He teased and smiled a little. He was only kidding but maybe he wasn’t. She seemed to enjoy having that for part of her meal from what he’d seen.
6:54 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 7:10 AM
Rikuma looked back at him. She was really not in the mood, but assumed it was an attempt to cheer her up. Or maybe not, since she wasn't very expressive and, as far as she knew, he wasn't a mind reader. "Not today," she said. "But thank you." She wore an actual dress this time, something she generally saved for the days she went out in public. Naturally, there was a hooded cloak that came with it, adorned with bones as always, but she kept it off for now. No need to hide her face when it was just the two of them. "Do you know how long you're planning to stay?" she avoided looking at him, not really wanting to think about him leaving. "You're no longer a prisoner but, as I said before, you're welcome to stay for as long as you would like. Or as long as you can bear it." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 7:16 AM
He was trying to indeed cheer her up. He could sort of tell something was off but he didn’t know what. And he didn’t want to press her about it. Upsetting the princess was something he didn’t want to do for obvious reasons. He did look her up and down. I don’t know right now to be honest. I’d like to…. He paused for a moment. Debating his wording. To stay for a while at least. Maybe go on some adventures and then come back here to rest if that’s alright with you. Maybe bring some help in from outside kingdoms with problems here while I’m at it. He shrugged. He did honestly not want to leave but he couldn’t just idly sit by while the world went into ruins. He felt he had to help however he could. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 7:22 AM
From the way he said it, it sounded like he wanted to make the palace a sort of home for himself. It sounded... Nice. Rikuma thought back to what she could remember of the night's dreams. Then he mentioned outside help. "No!" She immediately regretted the out-of-context outburst and covered her mouth, embarrassed. "I..." She sighed. "There have been many attempts in the past to bring in outside aid. Everyone who has come to help from outside kingdoms has either gotten lost, been torn apart by the curse beasts, or otherwise found themselves incapable of leaving, even by teleportation scroll. That is how I knew that you killing me would not help Rashouris." She looked down. "I know how to break the curse, and we're running out of time to do it. I just... can't do it without an outsider's help. But I don't want to endanger anyone, not to mention that it will risk inciting war with the Thauviel Empire." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 7:29 AM
He of course was a bit shook by the sudden outburst. He didn’t expect it. It confused him more than anything but he of course listened. Although it did bring up a lot of questions. He shifted a bit where he sat. His eyes still focused upon her. It’s alright… but… how am I here and alive then…? I’m an outsider…. And how do we break this…. “Curse”? He didn’t even know who or what the Thauviel empire was. He was so far from home that these names all meant nothing to him besides the fact she seemed to be sacred of doing so. He ran a hand through his hair, fixing it up. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 8:04 AM
"You were sent as an assassin to kill me," Rikuma explained. "An action that, if successful, would have done more harm than good." And he may still be her downfall, one way or another. "As for how to break it... maybe we should start with a history lesson." She sat on the edge of the bed. "Over a thousand years ago, King Aubron of Thauviel bound his life to the legendary weapon, Ashrune, so that nothing other than that weapon can kill him. He then began a series of wars to expand his kingdom into a massive empire. One by one, the kingdoms of this continent fell to him. According to the history taught within Thauviel, he stopped after seven and began to seek more peaceful agreements." She scoffed. "That is the history he wrote, of course. In reality, he tried to conquer Rashouris. Queen Rikuma the Fourth - my namesake - refused to bow to him, and a war broke out. Aubron's forces were all but destroyed by Rashouris's army of the undead. In retaliation, he outlawed necromancy within the Empire and cursed Rashouris to never see the sun again until his death. Except he also placed a spell on the one weapon capable of killing him so that none from the cursed kingdom could wield it, and hid the weapon away." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 9:53 AM
Right… um… so I’m just going to guess you want me to use that weapon under your command to kill him? He hadn’t ever heard of this guy, it didn’t ring a bell as much as it should’ve. But then again, his memories of past times and recent history as a whole was all jumbled and some parts were just completely missing altogether. and do we even have any clue where to find this weapon Exactly…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 10:00 AM
The fact that he'd figured out she was about to ask him should have been a relief. It wasn't. If anything, he sounded hesitant. "I was going to ask, yes," Rikuma admitted. "That or to point me in the direction of someone who will. I was hesitant to ask anything that would put you in harm's way." She paused as the skeleton brought in a platter of food. Breakfast was simple this time, bowls of oats with a bit of fruit on the side, and two glasses of water. "Thank you." She took the platter, sent the construct away, then continued. "You don't have to answer right now but, one way or another, I need to leave soon. Whether it is with you to break the curse, or alone to find someone else willing to help is up to you, but I can't let my people suffer any longer. I have studied the Empire's history and Aubron's memoirs in-depth, and have a good idea of Ashrune's most likely location." She stirred the contents of her bowl with her spoon nervously as she spoke. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 10:10 AM
He nodded quietly as he stared at her boring bowl of oats. He wished he could add a little something to make it better to cheer her up but he chose to respect her choice. Although his desire to do so was growing. But he had to focus on the task at hand. He began to eat his. well I must ask one thing… do you have a blacksmith or armorer here in the kingdom Rikuma? I’d need some… equipment if I were to accompany you if that’s alright. Or perhaps I could leave the kingdom for a few days if possible to do so…? But other than that, yes; I’ll help of course. I’ve come this far, there’s no need to back out now. He smiled a little as he shifted, trying to hide his every growing problem beneath his bowl of oats although it was obvious. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 10:18 AM
Rikuma couldn't possibly have expressed the magnitude of her relief at his agreement to help. So she didn't. Instead, she nodded. "Thank you, Crosby. And yes, we have a few blacksmiths. I'll take you to one after the clothier, since you mentioned wanting a new outfit..." She trailed off as she looked down. It seemed like an inappropriate moment for him to get excited. "If I had known you had an Emperor-killing kink, I would have asked you for your help much sooner," she commented, her usual tone of voice leaving it ambiguous as to whether she was joking or not. She gave nothing away one way or another as she began to eat. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 10:25 AM
It wasn’t that he had a killing kink, it was just being around her was just… triggering something deep within him he couldn’t control. A need. A need for her. But he hung his head and kept eating. right… sorry.. Thankfully it began to go back down. I don’t have um… a kink for that. But anyways… yes, some new clothes would be nice first. I’ll be in your debt. I was thinking of getting a breastplate of the finest material this king— wait… He brain began to turn gears for a moment. He stopped eating and stared into his bowl. His eyes slowly turning grey in color. He had a flashback… to his past. A time long before Rikuma. He fell quiet and dead still as he remembered. It was probably a worrying sight. He became a bit pale too. If she could tap into his head somehow with whatever magic she had, she’d see what he saw. He stood out in a field with his current sword in hand, his armor was black with a green shine to it in certain lighting, laced with the bones of a dragon. It was beautiful. Before him, laid a familiar kingdom, the one she spoke of. He had known of this place. But he didn’t connect the dots until now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 10:50 AM
Rikuma shook her head. "You have nothing to be sorry about. I was teasing, but understand I am not good at conveying humour," she admitted. When she had been young, she'd always been under the impression that everyone but her could read minds, judging from how easily they seemed to understand each other on instinct. As she'd grown older, she had come to realize that she was simply bad at picking up the more subtle cues of social situations. It made diplomacy more challenging for her. Made her a disappointing heir, according to her father. She tilted her head as he trailed off. "Yes, I will make sure it is made of the strongest alloys available, with a design fit for royalty," she promised. "Um... Crosby?" Again, she could not read minds. Couldn't even read normal social cues. So she had no clue what was going on right now. Had she said something wrong? "Are you alright? Normally I'm the one losing the ability to speak mid-conversation." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 12:09 PM
He could tell that much by now. But hey, there was plenty of time to improve that but it didn’t matter as soon enough he snapped out of it. His eyes and skin returning back to normal. Although he desperately gasped for air and grasped his heart. His hair falling into his eyes a bit, a shadow cast over his face. I-I’m fine…. I-I’ve met Aubron before… I-I… He hesitated to tell her, he glanced up to her. Completely unsure how she’d react to such news. Not even he knew until moments ago. I fought against his army… and nearly against him… He then glanced back down, one hand running through his hair before gripping it. His brain completely unsure how he had or why though.
12:09 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 12:14 PM
Rikuma's eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise at that bit of information. Strange, as far as she knew, Thauviel hadn't been at war since the conquests had stopped. "That would make you over a thousand years old," she commented. "Most elves don't even live that long, let alone humans." Reincarnation, perhaps? Magical stasis? Time travel? She couldn't be sure. "Rashouris didn't use living soldiers even back then, but some of the kingdoms that eventually surrendered had put up some good fights of their own..." There had been a few living adventurers or knights from Rashouris, sure, but it was rare. "When did you fight against him? For which kingdom?" she asked, more curious than anything. Maybe she'd have to re-read her histories. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 12:29 PM
I know… i-i don’t remember. I’m sorry… He knew she’d be seriously disappointed with that answer. But he didn’t even remember himself. He had no idea how or why that memory occurred again. Perhaps there was something bigger at play that he didn’t know of? Certainly not. It didn’t matter though. He had to focus on what was at hand. What was happening now. However if she was aware of Magic’s enough besides her own, she’d feel… a tainted magic upon him for a minute or so more. Something… evil like used by her enemies kingdom. Perhaps a witch would use it? It was hard to tell. He was painfully unaware however. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 12:37 PM
What an odd thing to forget. Rikuma had heard of amnesia before, of course, both natural and magically-induced. It seemed as viable an explanation as any. For now, pressing him wouldn't help. She rested her hand on his. "It's alright. I'm sure it will come to you eventually." She set the empty bowl aside and leaned toward him. Their faces were mere inches apart as she rested her free hand against his cheek. Staring thoughtfully, taking a moment to really concentrate, she could pick up on traces of magic around him. Something dark, complex, so deeply embedded that she had failed to notice before now. "You've been cursed," she observed. "Do you know if I am right, or has that memory also been hidden from you? How much have you forgotten?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 12:41 PM
Of course his wasn’t natural. He was far too young. He went a little wide eyed as she leaned in towards him, he fully expected her to kiss him but that fell short. His eyes meeting hers. He had to think for a few moments when she asked. I don’t know… honesty. I… I woke up not even a year ago in a field with just my sword and all I could remember was my name… He seemed quite… stressed about the whole situation for obvious reasons. He hated how he knew nothing. Not even of his past or what he’d done. He didn’t even know who’d done this to him for all he knew, she could’ve did it. The magic was old, perhaps something she might recognize but she’d have to find the source of it somehow to reverse it. Or… gamble her lovers life if she wished to try her hand potentially. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 12:48 PM
Magic seemed more likely than injury, even if she hadn't sensed the curse. Again, humans did not live for thousands of years. For now, she closed her eyes. Her hand lowered, wrapping around his shoulders as she pulled him into a gentle embrace. She could only hope it would be comforting. "We'll find out what happened," she said, even though she wasn't sure where to start. The field, perhaps. Or Thauviel, if he had fought against them before. Someone from there seemed a likely suspect. "You're helping me with my kingdom's curse, so the least I could do is return the favour." There were spells to unlock old memories, but they were far outside of her usual skillset. The last thing she needed to do was attempt mental magic and accidentally break Crosby's mind in the process. "Just let me know if any other memories resurface. They could be helpful in finding who cursed you, too." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 12:53 PM
He gently hugged her back, relaxing as best he could despite his nerves being on edge. He tried to remember anything but it as wall a blur. He nodded, unsure where to even start also. It was all… quite overwhelming. I will I… I’m sorry for this… I know now’s not the time to be adding to the burden we already face. He said softly. Of course feeling guilty for just adding another problem to it all. And breaking his mind would be a shame, then she’d just have another mindless minion to serve her. we should get going though… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 12:58 PM
Rikuma let go of him, reluctantly pulling away. He was right about that much, but she had to set something straight, first. "You're not a burden, Crosby," she said softly. "You're the closest I've come to experiencing real joy in a long time." She stood and turned away, though a faint blush was still visible across her cheeks until she pulled her cloak on. "You're finished with your breakfast, then? It would be a good idea to get dressed before we leave the room. As my eyes are only for you to see, some things are better left to the sight of as few as possible." Except there was no superstition in the kingdom that an unworthy person viewing Crosby's penis was an omen of an untimely death. Probably. Not yet, at least. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 1:13 PM
He half smiled at that fact. At least he’d brought her some happiness. He nodded a bit. right… yes I’m done. Thank you. He blushed a tiny bit too seeing her blushing. He started to get up and get dressed in the clothes she had repaired. you don’t want any other girls getting to see what’s yours don’t you~? He teased and chuckled rather casually, trying to enlighten the mood of course. He had to. It couldn’t always be clouds and grey skies overhead. Although it would’ve been interesting for him to see how ladies here in the kingdom reacted to a human male such as himself. And it wouldn’t be a sign quite yet, perhaps in the future if she proved it again. She’d prove it once with her high priestess. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 1:22 PM
"I don't. Nor the men," Rikuma agreed bluntly, then stood there silently for a moment. "Oh, wait. Was that a joke?" Akward. She quickly shrugged it off, instead giving him a brief kiss on the lips, chaste as she could manage. For now, it was time to make sure they were both clean before going into town. She took Crosby's hand in hers and walked out of the room. "The bathhouse will be on the ground level, behind the main building." It had the same stone architecture as the rest of the castle. For the most part, the walls were comprised of wide archways, with solid black curtains to fill the gaps when it was occupied. An ornate tiled design, onyx adorned with gold, occupied the floor, where benches and piles of cushions provided some comfort. Most of the building was occupied by the bath in the centre, fresh water drawn up from the natural hotspring outside. The sounds of a rushing waterfall bubbled in from behind the bathhouse. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 2:10 PM
He smiled even more and held her hand gently. He followed behind obediently, looking around curiously as they walked. He hadn’t really explored the castle all too much yet so this was all moderately new. He stuck close to her cautiously until they arrived. He looked around in awe. He hadn’t really… experienced royal life ever before so this was very much new. So fancy compared to what he usually did by just cleaning himself in the river. wow… He was astonished even. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/24/2023 2:15 PM
Rikuma looked over at him. "It is slightly larger than the ones in the towns," she admitted, almost embarrassed to be in a relatively luxurious environment, given the state the kingdom as a whole was in. "And the gold decor is... garish and unique to the palace, but a relic of times long past, so we keep it around for history's sake." She let go of his hand. "I know this is all very new to you, so if you have any questions about the kingdom, now would be the time to ask." As she spoke, she walked over to one of the benches and began to undress, with no regard to whether or not he might find the action distracting. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/24/2023 10:58 PM
That made perfect sense to him of course. Although, he did wonder what the state of the one in town looked like. Surely it wasn’t going to be too pretty. He fully expected the town to be apocalyptic looking. He was of course very distracted as he found himself watching her. She was so beautiful he couldn’t look away. All his other thoughts being pushed aside as his mind went blank for her. Wow had he gotten lucky… he did however lift his hand up to see if the mark from her was still there or not. He was curious if people would even notice it too when they went out. He fully expected other ladies to flirt with him if he did split off from the princess while out and about. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/25/2023 1:07 AM
Once she had folded the cloak and dress, Rikuma looked back to see him staring and not asking anything. No questions, she assumed. Turning away from him, she picked up a small basket containing two bottles and a bar of soap from the wall shelf. "Are you going to wear your clothes in the bath?" she asked, noticing that he'd just stood there. She walked to the edge of the pool of water and set the basket down, before lowering herself into the warm depths. Steam rose from the bath, kept forever heated by its natural location. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/26/2023 1:44 AM
He shook his head and began to undress. Breaking himself free of the distraction she was. He folded his clothes up nearly also before soon following after her and entering the pool a bit away from her. sorry, you’re just… distracting with how beautiful you are. He chuckled a tiny bit and smiled. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/26/2023 3:27 AM
It was her turn to be distracted, it seemed. She watched him from the water, the view especially nice from this angle. She barely caught onto the compliment, but processed it enough to blush faintly. "I... no, you," she countered, lamely. Perfect, ten out of ten flirting. Without another word, she closed her eyes and dipped her head under water to soak her hair. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/26/2023 2:59 PM
He chuckled and rolled his eyes. Gods she was quite adorable, at least she was trying. He sunk under when she did so. What a perfect little princess for him she was~. Perhaps he’d call her his princess soon enough. Or maybe the queen of his heart~. Who knows…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/26/2023 3:12 PM
Rikuma surfaced after a moment, keeping her eyes closed while she smoothed the damp hair back from her forehead. She was used to bathing alone, had always insisted on doing so even when the palace had still employed living servants. So now that he was here with her, she wasn't entirely sure what to do. "Do you want me to wash your hair?" she offered, thinking back on what couples did in this situation in the handful of salacious novels she'd been able to sneak into the palace from the town library on occasions of particular boredom. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/26/2023 11:33 PM
He glanced over to her with his hair obviously soaked. As tuffs of it fell in his face, he pushed it out of his eyes. His beautiful green eyes would soon interlock with hers. He smiled a tiny bit of course and nodded. if you want; I can always do the same for you. He shifted a bit closer of course. His cheeks were a tiny bit red from the heat, or perhaps he was blushing. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/27/2023 1:19 AM
"You can," Rikuma agreed. She watched him come closer, glimpsing into his emerald eyes before naturally looking away. Eye contact was never going to come naturally to her, but she could at least appreciate seeing his every now and then. And there were other forms of nonsexual intimacy. She poured a small amount of liquid from the bottle into her hand, rubbed both together, then began to run her fingers through his hair gently. Even damp, it was soft, would definitely have been fun to play with. She pulled herself closer in the meantime, until they were almost hugging. "Let me know if I pull too hard." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/28/2023 7:04 AM
He nodded and relaxed a little of course. He waited to return the favor, not exactly wanting to get in her way or make things awkward. His hair was indeed quite soft, very nice to play and mess with. He couldn’t help but look down to help make it easier for her. But as he did so, he’d just look down to her amazing body and blush quite a lot. God he’d gotten lucky with this princess… here she was pampering him like this… He’d try his absolutely hardest not to lose her. Or anyone else ever again. Anyways, his hands soon came to rest upon her wherever they could, gently grasping onto her. His heart rate rising a tiny bit naturally. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/28/2023 7:24 AM
Once she'd massaged his scalp enough, Rikuma lowered her hands into the water. "Alright, you can go under again." She noticed him looking down, and tilted her head to the side. "Still distracted?" she guessed. Hypocritical, given the way she took the opportunity to do the exact same thing. Why not, when he was such a lovely view? She didn't move back from him, instead allowing herself to appreciate the attention, the feeling of him holding her close. She did pick the bottle back up to hand over to him, though. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/28/2023 3:15 PM
He soon snapped out of it when she spoke and looked back up to her. He smiled a little, of course he was quite happy at the moment. Nothing could stand between them now and no one was here to ruin the moment like the high priestess. He did however look down to dunk under like she said and clean his hair off. As he came back up, he took the bottle from her at the same time. He also flicked his head to get the hair out of his face as he put some shampoo on his hands. Soon enough he began to gently and soothing clean her hair. He was very gentle of course, and quite focused. He wanted to obviously please her and do a good job. I mean you were just as distracted as me it seems dear~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/28/2023 3:25 PM
Rikuma closed her eyes, leaving against him as she felt his hands in her hair. Now that was nice, to say the least, like her brain itself was getting massaged. The faintest hint of a smile graced her lips, subtle but there. "I was not denying it," she admitted. "Were you any finer a work of art, you would be locked away in a museum instead of here with me." Once the soothing touches stopped, she ducked under the water again. She'd stay for a bit longer this time, since she had more to rinse out than he did. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/29/2023 12:27 AM
He rolled his eyes and smiled. He was glad he wasn’t then. It’d be an absolute shame to be separated away from her any longer. He’d already done it once before and it wasn’t exactly ideal. But anyways, he had soon finished and waited as she did her thing. He wondered what else would happen today if anything interesting. Would any girls be bold enough to try their hand to steal him away from her? Would anybody dare to attack them in the market? There was no way of knowing. But he was still excited either way. Hopefully a few hickeys would be enough of a warning sign that he was taken. Although, that hadn’t stopped other monster like beings before. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/29/2023 1:11 AM
As Rikuma surfaced, she held her hair back from her face with one hand. "I may also need to get a few things for myself, since we are planning to leave Rashouris," she commented. "If necromancy is illegal in the Empire, I cannot walk around looking..." She trailed off and glanced over at her discarded, bone-plated cloak. "...Like that. Nor like any other type of royalty, as that would be asking for trouble." Her attention returned to Crosby. "You mentioned before that there are no necromancers where you're from 'for a reason'. What did you mean by that?" If Thauviel's influence had spread to other places as well, reopening trade and alliances with other kingdoms would be more challenging than she'd thought. As she spoke, she picked up a cloth and the soap. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/29/2023 6:34 AM
He listened of course quite carefully. His eyes locking with hers if possible for a few moments before she looked away. Of course his eyes would follow her gaze. Well… that’s fine by me. I’m sure we can find something for you. But for your question… it’s highly… He debated how to word it. There was loads of ways he could say it but some would be more offensive then others. And pissing her off, was not something he wanted. So he kept it honest, but sweet. frowned upon to say the least. People aren’t exactly okay with seeing their dead relatives be used as slaves when they’re brought back from the grave. Especially when they’re used for all the wrong reasons. And to be fair, it is quite intimidating seeing a zombie in the flesh in person to many. Especially with how many families and children roam the kingdoms. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/29/2023 7:05 AM
Her expression revealed nothing as she listened carefully. It was good to know and interesting, even if it sounded a bit off the mark to her. More than a bit. "Slaves? One of the major purposes of spirit necromancy is to obtain agreement from the dead to gain assistance from their corpses. Is that not how it is done outside of Rashouris?" It seemed possible. Any sort of magic could be used in malicious ways, after all. "And most kingdoms have no problem enslaving living people. If you do not keep your dead citizens among you, what do you do with them? Also, what in the world is a 'zombie'?" Since most undead in Rashouris were either remarkably preserved through flesh magic or stripped to the bone so their flesh could be used for other purposes, the concept of a half-rotten corpse shambling around without the consent of their spirit was completely unfamiliar to her. Still, she wasn't offended. She had, after all, asked a question, and was glad to receive an answer. Even if it was a confusing one she wasn't sure she liked, she appreciated the honesty. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/29/2023 7:36 AM
Well, that’s your necromancy here. Where I’m from, it’s unwillingly done. The dead have no say in what they do. And yes, they do well… enslave people in some kingdoms but where I’m from, that usually only happens if your partner is well, not human. Like if they’re a dragon and you’re the human, you’re going to be the servant probably. But anyways, that’s besides the point. A zombie is well, a half rotted corpse to say it simply. One that’s been brought back from the grave. And of course, they didn’t want to be back. He rubbed the back of his neck. He was hoping she wouldn’t ask too much more about the whole enslaving thing. He’d had bad experiences with it. If she looked really close over his body, she might even be able to see an old claim mark upon him if she could see the magic behind it. The physical mark was long since faded. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 9/29/2023 8:58 AM
While he talked, Rikuma set to washing herself off. Then he talked about others enslaving their human partners and she paused, looking over at him. She'd heard about unequal partnerships, but that was something else entirely. "That's a fucked up thing to do to anyone, let alone your partner," she commented. "But you seem to know a lot about it... did something happen to you?" There was genuine concern in her voice, even with her usual lack of inflection. She rinsed the cloth, set it aside and moved closer to him. Never mind the fact that she had no clue how to comfort him if he did decide to tell her about it. She could at least listen. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/1/2023 5:31 AM
Well… I’d… He paused and obviously hesitated to talk about such. He wasn’t fond of those memories. He did remember that happening of course. That was how he survived when he first woke up, blinded by lust under a spell of another. He kept his eyes down, shifting a bit as he looked to his reflection in the water if possible. He spoke quite softly, a wave of deep sadness almost spread across his face, mixing with other negative emotions like true anger. I was with a succubus for a few months… forced to be her slave against my will. I… He choked on his words and couldn’t continue, he reached to his right wrist and began rubbing it; remembering the countless hours of being used over and over again while chained and bound… he hated it. There was no true passion or intimacy behind it, just her need for more and his will not to continue. He was glad she was gone now but he wished he’d never did what he did. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/1/2023 5:55 AM
Rikuma didn't need to pick up on the more subtle cues to see the pain behind his words. What he said alone was enough to get the point across, to make his pain felt as surely as though it were her own. She looked down at the water thoughtfully, still clueless as to what to say in a situation like this. She could feel her heart gripped by a strange feeling, a need to protect him hitting her with an urgency that caught her by surprise. "That sucks," is the phrasing that actually slipped out when she finally spoke, before she reached out to pull him into a hug. "You're safe now," she added softly. "Well, not quite 'safe', since we're planning to go on a dangerous quest together, but I'll do everything in my power to make sure nothing like that happens to you again. I won't let anyone hurt you, and I'll never force you to do anything you don't want." No words, no gestures of affection, could fix the past. She knew that much. But she at least had to try to give him a bit of comfort. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/1/2023 6:27 AM
He nodded quietly and hugged her back. He relaxed a bit in her grasp. Taking a few deep breaths in. Thank you… I know you will… I’ll do for the same for you of course… Even if it was the last thing he ever did even. But that was all besides the point. At least she was here to pull him out of that dark pit when he needed someone to most. But he did fully expect that on this… journey they were about to undertake that something similar would happen. It was inevitable in his eyes. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/1/2023 6:40 AM
No matter how confident Rikuma was in her ability to take care of herself, she still took comfort in his words. It was nice to know someone was willing to be there for her, especially after the revelation of Maeneine's betrayal. But practically speaking, they couldn't stay in here like this forever. She pulled away, kissed his cheek, then handed him the cloth and soap. "Here. I'm finished, but will stay here until you're ready to go." It was still too soon to speak of love, too soon to be sure of something like that, but she couldn't deny that she cared about him. It would be harder to protect him when she had to be careful about using necromancy outside of her own kingdom, but it wasn't like her father was using his sword anyway; she would bring it with her, and hope she remembered her childhood fencing lessons when the time came. It was a lot to hope for. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/1/2023 6:49 AM
He nodded and couldn’t help but smile a little when she said that. He returned the favor by planting a kiss on her cheek also as he took the cloth and soap. After that, he’d clean off quickly. He knew time wasn’t exactly going to stop for them. And it was quite against them with this curse now. He too did find himself caring about the princess way more than he should’ve. But then again, it could all change once they get outside the kingdom. Some girl could always change his mind or some guy could change hers. No way of telling. But if she truly needed help with a sword, she did have a well renown swordsman besides her. Or well, supposedly. He was still working on improving it of course as to be expected. Thank you. I’ll try not to take much longer. We need to get going before anything drastic happens to slow us down. He was honestly sort of excited to be back to adventuring. With a partner this time no less. Maybe they could get a party? Who knows. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/1/2023 6:56 AM
Rikuma wished she could say that they had time, that the kingdom had waited a thousand years and could wait a few more days. But the millennium had taken its toll, and with a dwindling number of elemental magic users, the impact could only be expected accelerate. No, the sooner the better. "I know," she agreed. "We will get what we need today. A teleportation scroll can take us as far as Thauviel's border, but they don't work within the Empire itself." She looked toward the benches as she thought. "Are you... any good at negotiating with people? I am not, but if we are to avoid war with the Empire, we should probably forge alliances with the kingdoms within its borders before we kill Aubron. Or at least warn them, so we don't destabilize the entire region." It was a bit embarrassing; she'd been raised from birth to be Queen, which was just a nepotism-fueled politician with a lot more ceremony behind the position, yet here she was, asking a commoner for help with the actual political side of things. But ignoring her shortcomings was more dangerous than swallowing her pride and trying her options. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/1/2023 8:20 AM
He was fine with walking of course. Or perhaps they could hire a horse or other means of transport when they got there. He’d seen some kingdoms that even had dragons available for a means for transport for those with the money. That would be quite the upper hand if they got it but he doubted they could find such. He rubbed the back of his neck as she asked that. Oh boy, that was quite the big ask for someone who couldn’t even remember something as simple as his past. He knew very little about the other kingdoms and their interests so he’d be shooting blindly when it came to negotiating in both kingdoms favors. I suppose so…? It well… really depends. Of course I need information on who I’m negotiating with to be good at it… or well, some sort of advantage. He had however noticed for some odd reason he was able to negotiate with females quite easily to get his way. Perhaps it was his looks? He didn’t know. But what it probably was, was his pheromones. Driving every lady he came across mad. But anyways, that wasn’t a matter to be proud of right now. If you need me to, I can try my hand. I just… can’t guarantee the best results when I don’t even know these kingdoms were visiting if at all.
8:20 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/1/2023 8:45 AM
"I can provide that," Rikuma promised. "I will have a construct bring along some selections from the library. I cannot guarantee how up-to-date the information will be, however; nobody from Rashouris has been to the Empire in the past fifty years. Still, it is better than nothing." Once he seemed ready, she pulled herself up out of the water and picked up a towel. They had their trip to town to worry about first and foremost, and that was going to be its own journey. She didn't much like going out, being around crowds or noise. Perhaps it would be a quiet day in the market square. It often was, after all. "I will warn you right now, I cannot guarantee how I will be perceived in town," she admitted. "For the most part, the common people here approve of my current policies but, as I am not on the throne, they are credited to my father, not to me. As princess, I am judged primarily as a matter of disposition and social graces and, well..." She frowned slightly, looking away. "In that regard, I can do nothing right." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/1/2023 10:19 AM
He nodded a little. Even history would be more useful than going in blind. Of course; assuming he didn’t say anything too bad from their history. But that was besides the point now. He soon got out of the water too and began to dry himself off with the towel he was provided. He finished and wrapped the towel casually around his waist. It didn’t do much to hide how large he was down there. But his eyes soon locked with hers. Hopefully it would be a quiet day indeed. Then prove them wrong by getting rid of the curse. If we manage that, you’ll be more then respected. You’ll be looked up to. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/1/2023 10:29 AM
It couldn't have been that simple. But it was a start, and something Rikuma needed to do anyway. Since it was just the two of them, she didn't bother to wrap the towel around herself once the water had been patted off. "I just thought I would let you know for now," she said. "So you weren't too surprised when we were there." She sighed. "Until the curse is broken, if I am silent, I am dismissed as dumb. If I speak, I am judged as mad. If I don't go out of my way to express my emotions in the same way others do, I am heartless. If I do, I am weak. Speaking bluntly is unworthy of the throne, but when I try to use the same vague niceties and implications as other nobles, words fail me." She shook her head. "It is what it is, and it won't make our journey any easier. Better to acknowledge it than to pretend things are easy." She held a hand out for his towel. "Are you finished with that?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/2/2023 3:02 PM
He finished drying off and handed her the towel as he nodded. Yes, I am. Thank you. He smiled a little; softly of course. He cared for her more than anything at the moment. But man, what a complicated way of saying things. She could’ve just simply said that no matter what she said or did, people within her kingdom wouldn’t have been satisfied. But anyways, that was all besides the point as he began to casually get dressed again. He fixed his hair up a bit too, he didn’t want to look like he did anything toooo bad with the princess. Sure, he already had hickeys but he didn’t want people to assume the worst about them. now then, I’m guessing we’re going to gather ourselves and then head out into the kingdom? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/2/2023 3:16 PM
It was almost a disappointment, seeing him with clothes again. But they had more important things to tend to, and she got dressed as well. "We are." She stood directly under one of the heating enchantments to dry her hair. It would be a disaster if it froze while she was outside. "Is there anything else you'll need in town? Aside from clothes and armor?" The dark curtains that separated them from the outside parted as she approached them, to allow the couple through. She pulled her hood up to cover her face. It would be considered unusual if she didn't. Regardless of whether tradition dictated that she keep it hidden or not, her own behaviour had set expectations. Having another living person with her would be odd enough. "Unfortunately, we will not have time for souvenirs right now - anything frivolous can wait until the curse is broken." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/2/2023 8:25 PM
No, I don’t need anything else besides that at the moment. Or at least, that’s all I can think of. He shrugged. He didn’t know exactly what he needed for obvious reasons. There was no telling what they’d be up against or what would even happen on the way. There was plenty of possibility for a monster attack on the way there or worse. That’s what he feared most at the moment. He of course soon followed her, walking beside her of course. He didn’t dare stray too far from her side if at all. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/3/2023 2:38 AM
Rikuma paused in the castle's corridor to meet with the skeletal construct who approached them. The skeleton in question carried a large fur cloak, gloves, a lantern, and her father's sword. Just what they would need for the trip to town. "The town has its own warmth enchantments, but between here and there will be extremely cold," she explained as she took the sword. The sword belt looped around her waist a couple of times before could secure it properly. "And we only have moonlight to navigate by - not even that if day breaks while we're out - so you will need the lantern as well. I can see in the dark fine, but I know humans struggle to do so." The fur would be warm, but not unbearably so. In fact, it would seem to provide the perfect amount of warmth no matter where they went. Even though the curse beasts posed a serious danger to anyone who entered the kingdom's borders, their corpses had proved extremely useful to anyone who could acquire one. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/4/2023 11:41 PM
He watched the construct, not exactly still used to them or a fan of them. He’d have to get used to it for her sake at least. Mainly due to the fact necromancy was abused where he came from. But that’s besides the point now. He looked the coat over before tuning his attention back to the princess. He nodded. He could deal with the cold as long as it wasn’t toooo bad. Thank you, you’d be right about that. As he looked to the lantern, he sort of briefly froze up, like how he did with her earlier. Perhaps he was remembering something now? How odd. His eyes sort of looked glazed over as he stared. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/5/2023 1:05 AM
Since Rikuma had her own cloak on already, she left the fur one to Crosby. It was too big for her anyway. Except, instead of taking it, he was frozen on the spot, staring as though past the lantern. Last time, it had been the return of a memory, so she assumed the same was true now. So she held onto everything for him and sent the skeleton on his way, then waited patiently for it to be over. Once he seemed to be moving again, she spoke. "That was another memory, wasn't it? What did you see this time?" She held the gloves out to him first, since they would be easier to put on before the cloak. Hypothermia was yet another common way for outsiders to die within the kingdom's borders, and she simply wouldn't allow that for him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/5/2023 12:57 PM
He put a hand to his head as he returned back to reality. He had quite the throbbing headache for a few moments before it began to fade. He took the gloves she offered and began to slip them on. I had a special lantern with me last time I went. I needed to have it for safe passage… or so I was told. I think it was a… He had to try to recall it. He thought he heard someone within the memory mention it’s name. He closed his eyes. It took him about 20 seconds but he managed. a moon lantern? Have you heard of one of those before? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/5/2023 1:40 PM
Rikuma continued to wait as he explained. As she remained silent and let him think, she set the lantern down and draped the cloak over his shoulders. She had to stand on her toes to secure the straps in front of him and ensure it wouldn't slip off during the journey. She was still adjusting it to make sure he could move freely when he remembered the name. "A moon lantern?" She lowered herself to her feet, taking a moment to sway gently as she considered what she remembered. "It was used in cursed lands to allow travelers to travel safely. Lands like Rashouris," she explained. "It effectively produced warmth and warded off the curse beasts, but they fell out of use because of the ethically dubious nature of trapping pixies inside of lanterns to gain their effects." As she got more into the history and magical theory of it, her expression seemed to almost light up, her voice growing more animated as she seemed to be in her element at last. "I know a few scholars in Rashouris's Capital who are still trying to create an effective synthetic substitute. Moonlight-charged quartz has proven promising, but requires further adjustments..." She trailed off, realized she was rambling, and looked away, well beyond the point she'd normally be told to shut up. "Sorry. That's not what you asked." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/5/2023 11:33 PM
He of course adjusted the cloak a bit more as he listened to her speak. Of course a bit intrigued. He was trying to of course learn things about his past so he didn’t mind her explaining. It was actually a good thing she knew if anything. He ram a hand through his hair, fixing it up a bit. No, it’s perfectly fine actually. I didn’t know myself, that’s why I was asking. He half smiled a little. will we need anything like that where we’re going or no…? I think we were using it to go through some cursed lands near his kingdom. Although that was many ages ago… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/6/2023 3:04 AM
"It's hard to say if it will be invaluable," Rikuma said. "Cursed come and go, usually. But it will be better to be prepared. I don't love the way they're made, but we can always free whoever is in the lantern after. We'll just have to find one." She handed him the normal lantern and took his arm in hers. "For now, let's keep going." She led the way out of the castle and down the road to town. As predicted, it grew colder the further out they went, but the cloaks protected from even the extreme cold. "The beasts are dangerous, but perfectly adapted to survive the curse's conditions," she explained. "So the fur will keep us perfectly comfortable. I used to think they might be the universal key to our survival..." She trailed off again, and there was some sort of sorrow in her eyes as she looked away. "Anyway, that cloak is all yours now." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/6/2023 1:15 PM
He nodded. He wasn’t exactly a fan of it either by any means. But he would rather be prepared than not. He of course took the lantern from her. He smiled a bit when they locked arms, at least he could be arm Candy. He was fine with that. Or perhaps she could be his in return. Depends who was looking. Anyways he wasn’t all too bothered by the cold thanks to the cloak and her distracting him. Thank you. And what do you mean used to? Did.. something happen? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/6/2023 3:28 PM
Rikuma should have expected that question. She still didn't like it. Her lips turned ever so slightly downward. "Yes." If he didn't ask what, it would take her a moment to realize that was most likely his implication in asking if something had happened. "It's... sometimes the best intentions can have the worst consequences," she admitted. "Call it foolishness if you will; I do, in hindsight. I noticed the curse beasts were perfectly adapted to a land without sunlight, whereas the other races of Rashouris are not. I also knew there were humanoid-beast hybrids elsewhere in the world. I wasn't about to test whether an elf could survive actually attempting to mate with those things, but I did find that viable reproductive material could be extracted from the flesh of any creature using a version of flesh magic, and artificially implanted. I was my only test subject when I first started on the curse beast-elf experiments but, despite my theory being sound, every attempt failed." She paused, hesitated. For reasons unbeknownst to herself, she realized that, of everything that could happen, what scared her most at the moment was the possibility that he might hate her for what she was about to confess to. "I... there was a young woman who helped me out with my magical experiments from time to time. She suggested that perhaps the problem was not my theorem, but me." It had been a tragic enough revelation at the time; she'd wanted to have children of her own someday, and the possibility of being infertile as someone who would be expected to produce heirs was nothing short of existentially terrifying. "She volunteered. I refused. She insisted." She drew in a shaky breath and caused herself to continue speaking. "The experiment took with her, and she was pregnant on the first attempt. The offspring grew quickly, then... tore its way out of her. She didn't survive."
3:28 PM
. Now she definitely couldn't look at him. Her arm loosened around his, fully expecting him to pull away. "I should have pushed back harder, refused to let her help to begin with. After what happened, I couldn't live myself." She bit her lower lip as though that would prevent the tears from leaking from her eyes. "My reputation has... a creative relationship to truth that's beyond my control. But one part that's true is that, unfortunately, no attempt on my life has succeeded." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/7/2023 8:17 AM
He did indeed stop walking as he looked to her. Of course he had to pause and process everything she said. He wasn’t going to make a stupid decision on a whim. They were too far for that now. He didn’t know where he was and how to even get home. So turning his back on her was not an option. Or even scolding her really, where would that get them? The past was in the past. And who was he to say anything when he couldn’t even remember his own past. It’s… alright I suppose. We all make mistakes and sometimes others pressure us into making those dumb mistakes. We’re only human, we crack under pressure when we can’t handle it. He reached up and gently cupped her cheek, wiping away the tears with his thumb. He tried to make her look up at him softly. and I’m glad no one has succeeded at that. Even me. It would’ve been a real shame~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/7/2023 8:29 AM
Not in much mood to fight, she allowed her head to be pulled up so she was looking at him. She saw no point in the gesture, but his words of reassurance weren't lost on her. Without a word, she leaned into him, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace. Just this once, she'd allow herself to be comforted, and maybe she'd convince herself she was someone who could still be loved. Her face was still buried against his shoulder when a shadow moved among the dead trees beside the road, a low growl barely audible. "I hope that's your stomach," she said, despite the sinking feeling that it was not. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/7/2023 11:40 PM
He wrapped an arm around her and held her close. Of course he also held her quite protectively as trouble lingered close. His eyes sharpened and grew much colder. Focused even. He drew his sword with his free hand and looked to see where the movement was. The sword glimmered a faint purple, an ancient text she may recognize engraved in the center of the blade. No. What could possibly be out here? He hoped it was more human like than cursed beast. He wasn’t exactly looking to fight more true monsters. They were quite annoying to deal with most of the time. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/8/2023 4:27 AM
"Nothing you should face alone." Briefly, Rikuma glanced at the text engraved into his blade. She'd seen it before, somewhere. There was no time to think about it, though. She ducked out of his grip, drawing the rapier she'd borrowed from her father. Her other hand slipped into the pouch of bones to gather a handful. Small constructs only, until she could get a grip on any of the beast's past prey that remained in the frozen soil or, better yet, undigested within the creature itself. The curse beast's shadow loomed over them at first, then a distorted figure of such opaque darkness it may as well have been made of solidified shadow itself. Its masklike face, fangs, and claws were bone-white as it towered above the pair. The first swipe of claws lashed out at Crosby's chest. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/8/2023 8:47 AM
He wasn’t exactly a slouch when it came to fighting a being of darkness she’d soon learn. It was well… his specialty actually as the high priestess had learned. His sword began to radiate an energy of purity. One that was almost holy perhaps. He barely blocked the claws but went to slash at its arm that the beast chose to attack with. His eyes were sharp and merciless. His face focused and serious. He partially stood in front of Rikuma, almost a bit protectively. Then again, when he had magic users with him, or others, he knew they’d be support, not front line fighters like him. you shall die here vile beast! @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/8/2023 9:10 AM
Too-bright blood, almost glowing, welled out from the cut from the sword. Where it dripped onto the ground, the permafrost melted, and any surface it touched that wasn't made of metal or curse beast hide would corrode. The beast roared in agony as shadows surrounded them, snuffing out any light other than the glow that came from his sword and from Rikuma's eyes. The bones Rikuma had gathered formed two clawed skeletal hands. They crawled up the beast's body, tearing out the fangs set into its face. "Don't touch its blood," Rikuma said, hoping it wasn't too late for that bit of advice. Shadowy tendrils crawled from the darkness around them, and she warded off the nearest ones with her rapier, turning to be back-to-back with Crosby. "Weaken it, then stab it with its own claws or fangs." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/10/2023 1:09 PM
He nodded and did as she said. He readied his sword and struck the beast many times over. He slashed high and low, once at the chest and then at its legs. Thankfully, it wasn’t too late to avoid getting hit by the acid blood. He glanced back to her to make sure she was okay of course. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/10/2023 1:25 PM
The beast growled at them, lowering its body into a crouch. Rikuma held out a hand, blood magic wicking the final red drops away from the fangs as the skeletal hands carried them over to Crosby. "Now-" She began to give the cue, but one of the tendrils passed overhead then swept down to wrap around her neck. It threw her against a tree as the beast's main body leapt at Crosby. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/13/2023 10:59 PM
He grabbed the fang and nodded. He readied himself with his sword as his offset weapon. He went wide eyed when he glanced back briefly to see that happen RIKUMA! He cried out briefly before lunging forth. Like a savage barbarian, he began to stab the cursed beast one too many times with its own fang and barrage it with slashes and stabs from his sword. He let out quite the battle cry of rage. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/14/2023 3:20 AM
The back of Rikuma's head slammed against the tree trunk and for a moment, her vision went black. The sounds around her were muffled as the beast dropped her, flailing about as Crosby continued to stab it. Its enraged roaring turned into a death scream that, as her senses returned to her, she found unbearable. She closed her eyes, gritting her teeth as her hands clamped over her ears. Then it was over. The beast dropped to the ground and she stumbled back to her feet. Hands still trembling, she picked her sword up from the ground and sheathed it again. The back of her head had bled through the hood, but was already healing. "Crosby?" She ran to him to make sure he was alright, using magic to draw the beast's remaining blood down into the ground where it couldn't hurt either of them. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/14/2023 1:56 PM
He was breathing a bit heavily as he drew his sword slowly out of the corpse, leaving the fang in. Slowly coming to from his rage that had briefly consumed him. He glanced up to her and his eyes softened looking her up and down to make sure she was okay first. Are you okay Rikuma? Did it hurt you all too badly? She was the first thing he thought of, not even himself right now. He seemed rather unaffected by the screams and noises the beast had made. Or how much of a problem it even was. Perhaps he was a bit more war hardened than she was probably led to believe. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/14/2023 2:02 PM
Rikuma nodded. She was bruised up, and still bleeding a bit, but her previous experiments with necromantic self-healing had ensured that even now, she healed quickly and autonomously. "I'll be fine." The skeletal hands crawled back up to the pouch of bones from which they had formed and fell back into pieces there. "We can take this to the town," she said as she reanimated the curse beast, causing it to stand back up. "It had no soul, so there is nobody to ask, but the bones are useful for a number of items, and the hide makes for warm clothing or blankets. Unfortunately, the flesh is inedible, but the rest of the body will be useful to the townspeople." She turned toward him and smiled. She likely would have survived even without his help, but it was nice to know he had her back. "And thank you for your help." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/16/2023 1:29 PM
He nodded as he watched her heal quite magically. Just like the magic caster he was in his eyes. He of course looked to the beast as it got back up, then back to her. He didn’t exactly know how useful such a… thing would be but he didn’t question her wisdom. No problem. I’m glad I could help the townsfolk, and of course you. He half smiled a little, sheathing his weapon finally. He checked himself over briefly to see the beast had gotten him anywhere to which he hadn’t noticed. It didn’t seem like it did. But as he glanced back to the beast, he had a feeling… something he couldn’t describe. But it was there… lingering…
1:29 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/17/2023 1:18 AM
"You're already helping me." The light within the torch flickered back to life, no longer under the influence of the beast. It gleamed on a small stone by the pathway. A perfectly normal, but rather pretty, igneous rock that would likely have gone noticed by an ordinary person. Rikuma wasn't ordinary, and reached down to pick it up. Though its surface was naturally a black, it shone with a red-tinted iridescence in the light. Normally, she would have kept it to herself, but she glanced over at Crosby instead. For one reason or another, she wanted to improve his day, so she held it out to him. "Here. You should have this." She continued walking down the path, leaving him with that unexplained gesture of unspoken affection. Potentially baffling, given the absolute lack of context she'd provided. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/17/2023 11:56 PM
He was a bit confused as to why the stone was so special until he really looked at it. Wow. It was indeed quite splendid. He didn’t expect to find anything out here like this. Maybe in the mines but not on the surface. He smiled a little and took it, pecking her with a small kiss. thank you Rikuma~. He followed of course. He sort of got what she was trying to do. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/18/2023 1:57 AM
Rikuma offered a rare, bright smile at seeing that he accepted and appreciated the gift. The beast shambled after them. Its movements are less smooth than her usual constructs, but more similar to undead constructs outside of Rashouris due to the lack of a soul to freely offer its body to the necromancer. "Where do you want to stop first when we get to town?" she asked, hooking her arm back around Crosby's arm. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/19/2023 12:05 AM
He of Course let her take him as arm candy once again. He didn’t mind in all honesty. He hated however the construct following him. A dreadful reminder of how awful necromancy could be in the wrong hands. Although of course he trusted Rikuma. Anyways, he had to pause and think of course. Maybe we should get rid of this beast first, and then see what’s around. That makes the most sense to me. He shrugged as he looked back to her once again. As they walked, he was trying his best to remember his past. To remember something new, anything. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/19/2023 6:10 AM
"Of course. The Hunters' Guild in town will be able to take care of it," Rikuma agreed. There were no wild animals in Rashouris anymore other than the curse beasts, so the guild dealt exclusively with them. "We can just leave it with them. I trust them enough to distribute the useful parts in a charitable way." The town appeared in front of them before long. Built entirely from stone, the architecture held strong, even for the smallest and simplest of peasants' houses. It held none of the physical separation between the peasants and nobility that was common in other kingdoms, nor between the living and the reanimated dead. The streets were kept clean and, even in the dark of day, were alive with lanterns and people going about their daily business. Somewhere in the distance, someone was playing a lute, the sound seemingly too complex to be coming from only two hands. Only the darkness, the lack of greenery, and the malnourished figures of the residents gave the appearance of a cursed kingdom. "Here we are," Rikuma said. "Yarrin, capital city of Rashouris." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/19/2023 11:58 PM
That’s fine by me. He looked around of course quite torn about how to feel about this whole thing. Especially considering how the residents looked. That was what showed him this kingdom wasn’t perfect. It stirred something within seeing people stuck dealing with suffering like this within. He listened to the lute of course thinking too much into it for a few moments before she spoke and he snapped out of it. This is quite impressive for everything that’s happening. He glanced to her, to see how she was reacting to all this. He knew as a leader if his people were suffering like this, he’d be torn up inside. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/20/2023 4:11 AM
Rikuma looked around. Her heart always ached to see her people starving and knowing there was nothing she could do about it until the curse was broken. Even then, it would be a slow recovery. She'd need to make trade deals, bring in fertile soil from other lands to replace what had been depleted by centuries of permafrost, determine which lifeforms would create a new ecosystem without becoming an out-of-control invasive species, recreate a monetary economy from scratch to facilitate international transactions... Breaking the curse was only the beginning, and until then, people would suffer. Yet her expression remained neutral. She couldn't appear weak now, in front of her people. "Thank you," she said after a moment. "I try, and have done all I can. Things used to be worse." It was true, but a small comfort when they were still bad. "The Hunters' Guild is this way." The town's residents stepped out of the way, most bowing to the Princess, others standing still to stare curiously at the slain curse beast. Regardless of their behaviour, she regarded all of them with the briefest of polite acknowledgements, but didn't stop on her path. A few of the women had their eyes more on the adventurer who traveled with her, smiling and talking quietly amongst themselves. Though a majority of the residents were elves, the overall population included a diversity of species. Rikuma led Crosby past the lute player, an elderly human who had a full-fleshed undead construct of his own helping with those extra notes. His unconventional duet partner might have been his wife, when she had still lived. A young couple danced to the music, an orc woman and a dwarf man. The lady orc was momentarily distracted by Crosby, to the dismay of her partner. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/26/2023 12:04 AM
He nodded in acknowledgment to what she said. He wasn’t aware of the long recovery that awaited like that. But he’d help however he could. Anyways, he tried his best to ignore the ladies gawking at him. He was kind of taken either way. Hopefully Rikuma didn’t get offended by them. He looked to the lute player, not exactly surprised. He’d seen many a magical musical players. Bards with incredible skill beyond this world through their music. But that was beside the point. He accidentally locked eyes with the lady orc. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/26/2023 3:46 AM
Rikuma held nothing but apathy for the women staring. As long as they proved no threat to either of them, they could look at her partner all they wanted. If anything, she supposed she should have been proud to be with someone so attractive. At the brief eye contact, the orc stepped forward, glanced at the princess, them opted against making any move that might annoy a necromancer with an undead curse beast under her control. So nobody approached them until they reached the building that served as their destination. The drow who stepped out had decked himself head to toe with weapons. A bow, a quiver of seemingly endless arrows, a longsword on each hip, and knives strapped to every conceivable surface of his body. One could almost fail to notice the leather armor for the excess of weaponry. "Your Royal Highness," he greeted with a bow. "To what do we owe this visit?" Rikuma looked at him, then back at the curse beast. "A corpse," she answered at last. "Can your hunters tend to it, Zelvir? I have already drained the blood from it." Zelvir nodded. "We can. Just bring it inside and we'll do the rest." He looked over at Crosby. "Who is this?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/28/2023 4:51 AM
He was a bit confused as to what the orc was doing. He just simply raised a brow. Did she not see the hickeys upon his neck? That was a pretty damn well obvious sign he was taken… or well… perhaps that the princess did something else. But anyways once he saw the drow, he wasn’t all too… pleased. But he hid it of course. His recent past with drow was not good. He let go of the princess’ hand and made sure to stand tall and proud. He offered the man with many weapons a hand to shake. His eyes being… quite cold and unfriendly. Fierce like a warrior ready to strike. Crosby Vandine, part of the Herooes of the People. He said quite confidently. If his clothes weren’t ruined, then he would’ve had his usual lion patch on that was quite intricate. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/28/2023 5:07 AM
Zelvir first noticed the markings on the man's neck, then glanced over at the Princess. Right, some 'Hero'. Then, while the human stared at him with those cold eyes and struck his hand out, Zelvir took a step back, his own hand going to the hilt of one long sword in anticipation of the attack. But there was no attack. Just an open hand. His expression shifted from defensive to puzzled. "Um... what are you doing?" He looked at the Princess. "Your Highness, what is he doing?" Rikuma shrugged. "I think it may be a cultural greeting," she said. "I know not how to respond to it. Good luck." With that non-explanation out of the way, she turned around and led the curse beast into the guild hall. "Right." Zelvir bowed respectfully to the stranger. "Zelvir Diuge, head of the Hunters' Guild in Yarrin. My apologies for the misunderstanding; it's a pleasure to meet you." He stood upright and looked at the lion. "Is that a symbol of the Heroes of the People, then?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/28/2023 7:26 AM
He was only a human hero after all, he had desires and what not. And so did the lady with him. It’s not like he put those marks on himself, she did. Anyways, when he reached for his blade, he just put his hand down. Realizing nobody around here knew what a handshake was. Incredibly odd. Then again, they were all VERY formal with one another. Nevermind that, it’s fine. It’s a pleasure to meet you too. Especially considering you seem to have high standings with the princess. He paused and looked to the symbol upon his right shoulder before nodding. It was an intricate lion patch. One that looked to be professionally made. Especially considering it was a magnificent lion with two swords crossed behind it. The lion was white and silver with its eyes being purple. The swords were orange oddly. It is actually. Usually it’s extremely well known where I’m from that we’re willing to help whoever. Of course if they have the right motivations and what not. But for your guild, is there anything special about if you don’t mind me asking? What separates your group from others? He was generally curious, were they like his group around here to handle the cursed beasts? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/28/2023 8:46 AM
"In truth, the guild is a holdover from the days when wild animals could still roam the lands freely," Zelvir explained. "It wasn't anything special back then but, after the curse, it had to adapt. So we began to hunt the curse beasts and refine them into useful materials. Now we're valued mainly because we supply materials the kingdom wouldn't be inhabitable without, such as the hides like your cloak is made from, or the bones that are used in a lot of crafting and some architecture. And of course, hunting the beasts helps keep them out of the cities." Rikuma walked back out. "The beast is in the preparation room," she said. "May I make a request?" Zelvir nodded. "Of course, Your Highness. You are the one who brought it to us, after all," he said, implying her social status had no bearing on his decision. "Have blankets made from its fur, and have those brought to the orphanage. And the bones and sinew, to build an extension for the building. I have heard that it has become overpopulated lately, and could use all the help it can get." Them and everyone else, but what could she do, save for focusing on the most vulnerable citizens first? @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/29/2023 12:37 AM
He nodded as he listened to the drow. Good to know everyone seemed to be doing their part in a way despite the changing times. Although it did make him wonder what would happen when they changed things. What would happen then? But it was not something to focus on. They had to make it happen first. His eyes drifted to the princess of course. He approved of her focusing on the children. It only made sense to take care of the next generation. As they spoke however, he glanced around, his hair standing on end. His face growing rather serious. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/29/2023 5:24 AM
"Consider it done," Zelvir promised with a bow. "Is there anything else?" Rikuma nodded. "The official decree will be out later today, but I may as well warn you ahead of time," she said. "Crosby and I are about to go on a journey. In the months ahead, be prepared for the sun to return. I will do what I can to ensure the curse is broken at nighttime, so the change is not sudden, but I can make no promises. I also do not know what will happen to the curse beasts; if they vanish, your guild may be idle until enough life has returned for it to return to its original purpose." Zelvir fell silent for a moment, thinking about her words. "I will pass the message along to the other hunters. Thank you, Your Highness." "And thank you, Zelvir." She turned toward Crosby. "Are you ready to go on? Perhaps the armorer first, then the clothier?" She paused as she noticed him looking around. "Is something wrong?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/30/2023 12:18 AM
He quietly reached for his sword as he looked around. He felt he was being watched. He didn’t respond to her. His eyes sharp for a moment as he suddenly gripped his sword and froze. His eyes glazing over again like once before. A memory returning against his will, a warning from a higher power perhaps. His veins flaring up in his arm as he gripped his weapon incredibly tight. It wasn’t a pleasant vision by any stretch of the imagination. But soon enough it was over and his grip on his weapon eased up. He silently looked skywards. There’s a great evil stirring out there Rikuma… Was all he managed to say, he drew his hand off his weapon, peeling back his sleeve upon his left arm. To which a beautiful purple dragon tattoo had formed. It most certainly wasn’t there a few hours ago… but it was now. He ran his figure along it mystified. How odd. He then glanced to the princess. we should be going. There’s no more time to waste. He had a sinking feeling stirring in his stomach. Something awful awaited them at the final destination. Whatever he had tried to stop many years ago would be there waiting and lurking in the shadows. Only he would know of it though. But he wouldn’t even know what exactly it is… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/30/2023 2:02 AM
"Is he normally like this?" Zelvir asked as Crosby went silent. "No," Rikuma said. "Go inside, I'll handle this." As Zelvir went inside, she placed a hand on his arm, over the new dragon tattoo. "Now?" She frowned and looked up at the sky. Still black as pitch. Still daytime. "It will be more dangerous to go without your armour. And if we leave Rashouris during the day, I'll likely be blinded, which will slow us down more than waiting for nightfall, assuming I ever recover." She squeezed his arm gently, her expression one of concern. "What did you see, Crosby?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/30/2023 2:29 AM
Right… we should head to the clothier and blacksmith first.. He looked to her hand upon the tattoo, it was course, like a rough sandpaper. He was a bit confused however. You can’t go out in the daylight? And I just saw, well… flashes. They didn’t really make sense. I think I was fighting against the army of the kingdom you said we had to go to… He honestly couldn’t recall the name at the moment. although there was like this… beast. It had like a massive eye… and tentacles. And it floated. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/30/2023 7:50 AM
"I've only traveled outside of Rashouris once, fifty years ago. I haven't seen the sun since," Rikuma explained. "So I'll need time for my eyes to adjust, instead of stepping from darkness straight into full sunlight." She ran her fingers over the tattoo again, just because she appreciated the texture, then worried that she was being weird and pulled her hand away. "I'd say less kingdom, more like five kingdoms. Thauviel is an entire Empire, after all." She looked up at him, thoughtful as he described the beast. "That sounds like a beholder... I've heard legends about Thauviel's summoners being able to control them, but never put much stock in hearsay like that." She took his hand again to lead him to the blacksmith. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/31/2023 12:06 AM
Fifty years ago? Thats quite a while to be trapped in a kingdom… but then again he didn’t even know how long he was under for. He just knew he’d probably find out soon enough whether he liked it or not. He looked to her hand upon the tattoo, a bit confused what she was doing but of course he didn’t dare to question her. right… so we’re going to take on an empire. And a beholder? That’s what one of my men I think said. All I know is I killed it though… He of course walked along with her to the blacksmith. He was unsure me what to even get armor wise. He had lost a lot of skill over the years since well, he couldn’t remember much. He was just slowly piece by piece getting it back; memory by memory. although… I was a captain of a regiment back then… He ran a hand through his hair. Thinking about it, trying to recall anything else he saw or heard. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 10/31/2023 4:49 AM
Rikuma had to consider this new piece of information. "I've only ever read about them," she said. "But they're extremely dangerous. Magic can't be used within a certain range of their central eye, but if you leave that area of anti-magic energy, it leaves you vulnerable to its magic attacks, including a potential death spell." Even her own life would probably be in danger against one of them. "And even if you don't leave the area right in front of it, it can still eat you. Let's hope we don't encounter one on our travels." She stopped in front of the blacksmith's forge. Blacksmith was somewhat of a misnomer - this expert rarely worked with iron, more commonly using other metals, like mithril. What mattered, though, is that they could get some excellent armor from here. A large black cat lay sunbathing by the entryway as Rikuma led the way inside. It was quiet, save for the low roar of the live forge in the centre of the area. A teenage human boy ran out to greet them, nearly stumbled over his own feet, then bowed to cover his embarrassment. "Welcome, Your Highness," greeted the smith's apprentice. "To what do we owe this visit?" "My suitor and I are about to go on an important journey," Rikuma explained. "He needs armour. The best that can be made by the end of tonight." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/2/2023 12:19 AM
He nodded. Of course he most certainly did NOT want to encounter one. Especially since he had no idea how they even beat it last time. He did know however, what equipment he had. All but the sword he was missing of course. What a shame truly… I hope we don’t either. He stood tall and looked around the forge. He did work in one with adamantine but that was back in his home kingdom… I’d prefer half plate if possible. If not a breastplate would be best. He looked to the princess and then back to the boy. I can help if need be. I’ve worked with adamantine. His arms remained crossed. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/2/2023 1:39 AM
"Half plate will be fine," the boy said. "We'll be able to manage on our own." He smiled, looking at the door as the cat walked in from its sunless sunbathing. Or maybe outdoor nap was a better term. "Adamantine, half plate," he said as though to the cat. The cat paused to stare at Crosby with a pair of rose-pink eyes. Without a sound, the feline continued to the shadows in the back corner of the shop. An odd sight in a kingdom where not a single living animal aside from the curse beasts had been seen before this point. The boy behaved as though this was all normal, turning away to rummage through a tool box until he found a measuring tape. "Hold your arms out, please," he told Crosby. "I'll need to get the right measurements first." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/3/2023 11:36 PM
He sort of began to figure the cat was a shape shifter. Perhaps a witch. That would make the most sense to him with the rosy pink eyes. He of course did as he asked and stepped forwards as to not smack the princess as he extended his arms. This wasn’t his first time getting measurements taken of him. Nor would it be his last. He glanced to the princess to see if she had anything to say. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 5:49 AM
Rikuma stepped aside to let the assistant work as she looked ack at the cat. "Are you going to do your job, or leave it all to Tobias?" she questioned. While she waited, Rikuma reached into the pouch of small bones, fidgeting by rolling a few of them between her fingers, pressing against the ridges. The cat gave a dismissive flick of her tail at first, then disappeared into the shadows. A series of sounds like bones cracking filled the air, then fell silent. "So dramatic," Rikuma muttered, moments before the cat stepped out again. But, as expected, this was not a cat, but a woman. The eyes remained the exact same, equally catlike, as did her ears and tail. Except now she stood a bit taller than Rikuma, a woman with dark skin, marked on her wrists and the right side of her face with burn scars. Her nails were adorned with bronze decor, resembling claws, and she wore an ornate pair of mithril sabatons with her soot-stained smiths' outfit. She looked over at Crosby, then leaned in to whisper to Rikuma. "You're a lucky woman, I see. If he breaks your heart, I'll break his legs, but if you two are ever down for a threesome, let me know." She stood upright to address Crosby as Rikuma rolled her eyes. "I'm Corinne, the owner of the smithy shop here. So, adamantine is what you wanted? It can be heavy and doesn't take enchantments as well as other metals, but its strength is unparalleled." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 6:52 AM
He of course looked to the source of the noise hearing the horrific bone noises. Christ that was grosss. But anyways he was of course not really surprised but at the same time he was. He fell quiet at the ladies beauty. Not at all what he expected. His cheeks being a bit red. Holy hell, a smith lady? Kinda hot but he did still prefer his princess. Rikuma was more aligned with his type anyways. I can handle it having less enchantments. I just need protection from what we’re probably going to be up against if I’m not mistaken. His beautiful green eyes shimmered in the lighting as he glanced Corrine up and down. Probably enough to make Rikuma jealous even though he wasn’t really thinking too much of it. He still wasn’t used to all these magic users. They were… very different from where he was from. But he soon looked back to his dearest. Do you think a heavy crossbow would be a wise purchase? He didn’t exactly well, have any ranged weapons or attacks at all. He lacked skill for magic. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 7:23 AM
Corinne nodded, letting her bob of dark charcoal coloured hair brush over her shoulders. Due to her ability to travel quickly via shadow roads and hunt wherever she went, combined with her work, she had more muscle on her than most in Rashouris, and it showed as she picked up a bar of adamantine, holding it over her shoulder. "Anything you want in terms of design? What are you facing off against?" She set the bar down by the forge. "It's unpredictable. We'll be on a long journey," Rikuma said. She glanced at Crosby, catching him staring at Corinne. It reminded her of the offer from mere seconds ago, and her face flooded with colour at the thought. That sort of attention from two attractive people at once might just kill her, in all the best ways. She bit her lip and looked down. "Crosby, if you don't normally fight with a crossbow, I don't think that would be a good idea. It would just weigh us down." "Her Royal Highness is right," Corinne agreed. She stepped closer to Crosby, sniffing him briefly. Odd pheromones for a human. Effective, though. She stepped back to keep her concentration. The more distance between them, the better. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 7:31 AM
He shrugged. He had no idea what awaited them danger wise of course. There was no way to tell after all these years. It could be something as simple as bandits to something as big as a dragon girl. He did notice her biting her lip and raised a brow. Was it something he did? He didn’t know but chose to just move on. right. His attention of course shifted to Corrine as she drew closer. His heart rate picking up a bit. What the hell? Was she sniffing him? He’d never had a lady do that. Just do whatever design you think will be most effective for anything that can be thrown at us. He glanced back to Rikuma. are you alright…? You’re all red like you’re blushing Rikuma…
7:31 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 7:54 AM
"It's just very hot in here," Rikuma muttered, then glanced over at Corinne's apprentice, who she didn't want to have this conversation in front of, before adding to Crosby, "we'll talk later, it's nothing to worry about." Except she couldn't help worrying a bit. It wasn't necessarily the fear that her partner might be interested in someone else - while monogamy was a common choice, it wasn't enforced in Rashouris, and there was no 'default' among their populace - so much as it was the possibility that he would only want one person, and that she wouldn't be the one, in the long term. Corinne looked between the two of them. She wanted to know more about their journey, but they seemed to be having a moment of their own. So she voiced a different concern, for now. "That aphrodisiac on you isn't intentional, is it?" she asked. "Aphrodisiac? What aphrodisiac?" Rikuma looked at Crosby, dread creeping up on her. "What is she talking about?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 7:58 AM
He nodded and brushed it off. He knew better than to question her judgment of choices. He smiled a tiny bit of course since she was still cute in his eyes. But it faded when Corinne spoke. Of course, he did not look at all aware of what she was talking about. Aphro- what? He blinked a few times. He was clueless. She could probably guess by his reaction that he of course had NO idea what she was talking about at all. He’d never even heard of that word before at all. Then again, his kingdom wasn’t exactly known as being the brightest by any means. what even is that? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 8:07 AM
RIkuma, on the other hand, knew the exact meaning of that word and was not happy to hear it. She looked sideways at Crosby. Was that...? It would explain a lot. He was objectively attractive, but she'd had and rejected handsome suitors before. The sudden rush of desire she'd never experienced before, her lapse in self-control, the way that, even now, her longing for him remained at the forefront of her mind. The fear clawed at her more, her worry that none of this had been real. That she'd been used, played for a fool this entire time. "It's something that... Tobias, cover your ears," Corinne instructed. "I'm sixteen years old," her apprentice protested, but covered his ears anyway. "It causes feelings of sexual desire when consumed or, in this case, smelled," she continued to explain. "But, judging from your reaction, I'm guessing it's beyond your contro- Rikki, wait." The door swung shut as Rikuma walked out. "Damn it. Sorry, I thought she'd already figured it out." Corinne sighed. "Tobias, get started on the armor. Crosby, wait here. Your presence won't help right now." She walked out after her. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 8:17 AM
He was a bit worried to say the least. Had he done something… wrong? Was this all his fault now? He didn’t mean to ever play her or anyone a fool. He thought it was real… truly. He quite liked the princess in more ways than one. Hearing Corinne explain though, his stomach twisted and knotted a thousand times over. His face going a bit pale. It was only made worse as Rikuma left. What was he to do now? He turned to the door, not paying much mind to Tobias. He ran a hand through his hair before suddenly his vision got all blurry. While they were outside talking, his visions began again. His eyes glazing over, but unlike last time, they turned completely white like a ghosts. He grew incredibly tense and his breathing became irrationally shaky and uneven. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 8:42 AM
As Corinne caught up to Rikuma on the street, she reached out, grabbing her elbow gently. Without a word, she led her into the shadows, knowing she wouldn't discuss a personal matter like this in public. The city around them seemed to vanish, and they found themselves in a world made of darkness, a pathway through an empty wasteland. Rikuma turned to face her. Her voice shook as she spoke. "I... I had no idea." "Neither did he," Corinne said gently. "Why else would he be confused? It's understandable to feel angry, but he would have to have known, in order to have taken advantage." Having no answer for that, Rikuma sat on the ground, burying her face in her hands. "I was an idiot. I thought maybe I'd... I don't know. Found the right person? I was dreaming of a future with him, I wanted to make him happy, and now that... that wasn't even me?" Corinne sighed and knelt beside her. "You've always been terrible with other people, you know that?" Rikuma looked up at her, managing a sharp look even with tears in her eyes. "What? I'm right." She sighed. "I don't know why he has those pheromones, but I do know that they can only stimulate attraction. Not love. When I look at him, I'm just abnormally turned on, but it's not like I want to spend more time with him than it takes to dom him, get off a few times, and get dressed again. And when he's gone, I feel nothing for him." "Gross. And I never said anything about love," Rikuma said. "You described it, you dense bitch." "Blood. Eagle." Corinne laughed at the threat, knowing Rikuma would never actually do it. The princess had, after all, kept her safe after Corinne had escaped her mother's clutches, gotten lost, and wound up in Rashouris. It was an odd sort of friendship, one she wasn't sure was fully mutual, but they did have some sort of understanding. .
8:42 AM
"How about this?" Corinne suggested. "You dry your eyes, we go grab a few potions of charm resistance from the apothecary, and you'll get a few days to sort out how you feel about him without it while you're on your adventure." "It's a nice offer, but I..." Rikuma looked down. "Maybe just one, so I can see what it's like without... you know, that effect he has on apparently every woman he encounters. I think I'm figuring out my feelings already. Thank you." Corinne grinned. "C'mon now, you know not to thank the sidhe. I'll pretend I didn't hear that." She stood up and held out a hand to help Rikuma up. ~~~ Tobias started to work on shaping the breastplate. He worked silently, never much of a talker. But it was impossible to ignore the other man in the room as he heard the shaking breaths between strikes of the hammer against adamantine. He stopped, put down what he was looking from, and looked back. "Huh?" He walked around him, eyes widening as he took in what was going on. Whatever it was didn't look good. He looked around for a moment, trying to remember what Corinne did whenever he had a seizure. Or what she'd explained after the fact, since he never had memories of the episodes themselves. "Crosby?" His voice practically squeaked out before he ran over to where they stored the cloth materials, grabbed a bundle of scrap fabric and ran back, but avoided touching him for now. "Are you alright?" he asked in case the adventurer was responsive. "Should I go find my boss?"
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 8:50 AM
He was absolutely unresponsive in this state. His heart nearly beating out of his chest as he stood there frozen like a statue affected by Medusas curse. His eyes fixed dead ahead and not blinking. So much happened before his eyes that no one else could see. All triggered by the feelings suddenly stirred to the surface. But it thankfully was soon enough over. He gasped for air and his eyes returned to normal, the color coming back to his face too. He dropped to his knees, clenching his heart. He didn’t even realize Tobias was even there. He was just hyper focused on his thoughts. Voices echoing through his head. His tattoo glowing purple, the mark of a legendary purple dragon knight. He looked to the floor as he was sweating bullets, his hair falling into his face. what the fuck… Was all he could murmur. He couldn’t bring himself to get up at the moment. He had completely forgotten where he was or what was even happening for the moment….
8:50 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 9:03 AM
The world returned around them, shadows thinning into the usual daytime darkness once more. Quickly, Corinne let go of Rikuma so they wouldn't be seen holding hands. The princess did have a reputation to uphold, after all, even if she seemed willing to make an exception for her lover. If he was still that. Corinne hoped she hadn't fucked that up as she led the way to the apothecary's store. "Is there anything else you'll need? Something to prevent unwanted pregnancy, if you do still find yourself interested in him?" she teased. Rikuma flinched, but she knew it wasn't Corinne's fault. She didn't know about the experiments, after all. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that," she mumbled, fidgeting with the small bones she carried once more. "Just health potions, and a few to restore mana." Since the apothecary often traveled out of Rashouris, and therefore was bound by currency and not simply the usual gift-and-barter economy, Rikuma left a couple of gold coins on the counter, showed him what they had with them so he could keep inventory, and led the way out of the shop. "Is it wise to leave your apprentice for so long?" she asked Corinne as she uncapped the charm resistance potion and swallowed it down. Twenty-four hours, she had been told. Corinne flicked her tail dismissively again. "Tobias has it handled." ~~~ Tobias did not have it handled. He looked around the forge building, panicked. Luckily, Crosby didn't fall, and soon woke up once more. And then he did fall, but onto his knees, so that was probably fine. Tobias set the bundle of cloth down. "You should rest," he said. "Um... what just happened? Do you want me to get Miss Alarie and Princess Rikuma to come back?" As he finished asking that question, the door opened back up. "We're back~" Corinne began. Rikuma saw Crosby on the floor and her eyes immediately widened beneath her hood. Without a word, she ran to his side, kneeling beside him to see if he was alright. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 9:11 AM
He glanced to Tobias and was going to say something until the door flung open. His attention shifted there to which his eyes would meet the two. His face was drenched in sweat like he had been in a huge fight. He drew his hand away from his heart. He looked to the princess quietly. Unsure what to say really. I-I’m sorry… about messing with you. I honestly didn’t even know I… did that. But it would explain what happened with the high priestess… but I’m truly sorry. I never meant that to happen to you.. or for things to happen like they did… He completely glazed over the fact he just had some of the WORST visions to date. He had to focus on her instead he told himself. He glanced to Tobias. thank you for trying to help. I’m sorry you had to see that…
9:12 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 9:29 AM
While he spoke, Rikuma rested her hand on his. "I know," she said softly, and she did. The changes brought about by the option were... Underwhelming. Now that she saw him through a truly clear mind, not much had changed. The need was gone, but the yearning remained, albeit far less intense. He was still handsome as ever, and those soft emotions were harder to dismiss now that they weren't drowned out by the roar of lust. Still, a part of her did miss that burning need. She'd enjoyed wanting him as she had, but now she could think about it clearly. "I know," she said again, managing a small smile. But it soon faded as she finally questioned why he was on the floor. "But are you alright? What happened?" While the two of them spoke, Corinne helped Tobias clean back up and get back to work on the armor. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 10:22 AM
I got another vision… I saw why I can’t remember anything. I… I think that’s why I have the magic effect too… Some demon witch looking lady cast a spell on me when I was about to kill the king… He wiped his sweat onto his sleeve and sat back. He needed to take a moment to process it all. He referred to her as her grand sorcerer or something. It was hard to tell what he was yelling. She was the one that summoned the beholder. And… He had to dig through his brain for what else happened. He looked to his hand. His tattoo was still visibly growing purple. If she kept up on her history, she may recognize it. I had a ring… and purple adamantine armor. And I had a cleric with me along with others… I didn’t get too much time to see what happened to them though… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 10:40 AM
It made a certain sort of sense, but that didn't mean Rikuma liked hearing it. Aubron's grand sorceress... she had faint memories of an encounter, when she had attempted to break the curse via diplomacy. Her own ability to use magic had been temporarily stolen from her so that she could be imprisoned. She had no doubt the sorceress could have taken it away forever, but had the faint impression she'd been toyed with. There was no other reason she could have made it back to Rashouris alive. She would make them regret that. "Of course you did," she said softly, recognition settling in at last. "You were the Dragon Knight." The stories had been vague enough to be easily dismissed as myth, but it was hard to deny when he was kneeling right beside her. She squeezed his hand gently. "We'll find her, too, and we'll make her break your curse. I promise." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 10:57 AM
The dragon knight? He hadn’t exactly heard of himself in any legends or what not. Surely someone should’ve recognized him by now. But then again, he could’ve looked much different from when he did back then with all new attire and what not. He squeezed her hand in return. He smiled a tiny bit as she said that. I hope so. But well… not at the same time as the king for obvious reasons. He wondered however where his stuff went after so many years…. Surely someone must’ve had it… but what he didn’t realize, was his weapon could guide him all this time to it. He looked to his tattoo, running his hand over the faint glow. A micro flash occurring at the touch as the glow faded when he touched it. His head recoiled back a bit and his eyes briefly widened. w-woah. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 11:09 AM
Rikuma blinked at the flash of light, but it was gone in... well, in a flash. "I... think we'll be able to find it." She stood up, then held a hand out for him. "We can search before we look for Ashrune, or on the way, whichever you prefer. In the meantime, maybe we should get a few people together..." She trailed off and frowned, since she'd never liked being in groups of people. But it might be something she would have to deal with, if it meant saving her kingdom and helping the man she li- no, possibly loved. "You're looking for Ashrune?" Corinne asked, looking over from her work. "That's going to be dangerous, isn't it? Assume you'll be facing off against an entire Imperial army." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 11:25 AM
He nodded and quietly got up as he took her hand. He had seen a flash of something he wasn’t all too sure he was comfortable sharing. But he was well, blushing a bit at it. If it had really happened, god damn was he a stud back then. And he wasn’t looking at Rikuma so it was probably a bit suspicious. Either way, if she didn’t love him back, he most certainly liked her a lot more than just being friends. I mean I think I’ve faced their entire army before, albeit I was better equipped when it happened… He did remember two members of his party. A beautiful elf cleric who was quite shy and really liked him. And then… the one who gave him the tattoo. The dragon. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 11:33 AM
"Populations grow. So do armies," Corinne said. "If you need extra firepower, I can go with you. But I'll need a few hours and plenty of space to work on the armor, so we can talk out the details later." Rikuma looked over at her, then at Crosby. Maybe a party wouldn't be so bad, if she knew two of them. "Will your forge be alright?" Corinne nodded. "Yeah, Tobias is skilled enough to handle the town's needs. Mostly just a tool here, a sword there, a prosthetic or two... there won't be an urgent need for anything too demanding, I think." She looked back at them again. "But now really would be a good time for you two to go take care of anything else you have to do in the meantime. I'll still be here when you get back." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 11:42 AM
He nodded. She was right about that. He had no idea how much bigger the army had gotten since his last encounter. He did know that his crew did a hell of a lot of significant damage to the army back then. He didn’t know how big his crew was though. He only knew 2 so far from memories. He didn’t seem to mind the idea of her joining. A shape shifted could prove useful in his eyes. Diversity was key. They did need a rogue desperately in his eyes. Someone… sly and stealthy. And a healer. A healer was a must. Maybe a cleric? should we even bother with the clothier? Or just see if there’s anyone else we can ask for help? He did have something he wanted to tell Rikuma. But not in front of well, these two. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 11:47 AM
Rikuma considered for a moment. "The bones on most of my outfits would still draw some unwanted attention outside of Rashouris, but it's something I can deal with," she agreed. "Though we will need more funding if we are to recruit more to accompany us, so maybe we should try outside of Rashouris. Oh, what about your guild? They would be experienced adventurers, wouldn't they?" She took his hand in hers and started toward the door. She couldn't take a hint on the best of days, but Corinne had been pretty blunt about them leaving the building. For that, she was grateful. She never had to worry what the cait sidhe meant when she spoke. As she opened the door, she whispered to Crosby. "Let's get out of here anyway. I wanted to speak with you alone for a moment." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 11:56 AM
Im sure we can find funding in other ways. He had a large gold pouch with him before well, he was locked in a cell. Dont know where that ended up but it kind of slipped his mind either way. Mhm. But the problem with going to my guild is well… getting there first of all. Without a scroll it’s one hell of a walk assuming you don’t get ambushed by monsters. And 99% of the time… it’s female monsters too so you know how that’s going to go… but yes, they would be highly experienced for the most part if we found anyone willing to. He followed her out the door. He could take a hint if it was obvious. If not, he might or might not miss it. It depends. what did you want to speak about exactly…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 12:03 PM
"I'll protect you as much as I can," Rikuma said. "Nobody is going to touch you without your permission." Preferably, nobody would at all. "We can get a scroll. It just won't work to get us into Thauviel, since teleportation of all sorts is blocked. Most likely the sorceress's doing." She paused and looked around, but of course the streets weren't empty. She guided him between buildings instead, until they were alone together behind the smithy shop. She turned to face him and looked up at him, far more nervous now. She held both of his hands in hers and looked down as she thought about what to say. "I... I'm sorry I ran out like that earlier," she began. "I needed time to think, to sort through... everything. Corinne gave me an immunity potion so I'm not affected by your curse for now, and I might have my feelings on the matter figured out. I just don't fully understand." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 12:31 PM
He knew she’d try her best and he’d try his best to prevent that. But that was the whole problem with the curse. Resisting. It was nearly impossible to for some weaker minded individuals or those who more often then not reacted on instinct. I know. He was a bit curious as to where the were going but it all made sense when she confessed. His eyes of course grew much softer. He felt bad for her and what he’d done up to this point blindly. it’s okay… really. I get it… it’s well… quite a big deal for both of us. Take as much time as you need… if you don’t well… feel the same. I understand. It’s okay. Although if she did not end up feeling the same. It would be a bit hurtful but he would still help her do this either way. He knew that much. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 1:22 PM
Rikuma shook her head, as he seemed to misunderstand slightly just what part it was that she didn't understand. "Even now, when I should be unaffected by your presence, I still want you," she said softly, brushing her thumbs over his knuckles. "It's... different, but I still feel something for you. And without that influence, it's easier to realize what my real feelings are. It's not only physical." She sighed. "I... life is easier when I use logic as a form of armor. Safer, from the parts of the world I never learned to connect with. But with you, there is no rational reason I should feel what I do. You've torn away my armor and left me vulnerable. I should hate you for it, but I can't." Her eyes met with his. "Instead, I want to worship your soul as intensely as your body, to take both of them inside so that our lives are forever intertwined. I want to be your future, your happiness, and I wish you to do the same for me." Her cheeks flushed with the confession as she simplified it, foregoing poetry now to get to the most blunt root of it all. "I think I'm falling in love with you." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 1:26 PM
His eyes widened a bit and he actually blushed quite a lot as she worked her rizz on him. He fully did not expect that from her. Damn she had a way with words. He was speechless as he looked into her eyes. He just simply nodded. I… I’ve already fell in love with you beautiful… He smiled a bit, he gently raised her hand and his to cup her cheek. He leaned in a little too passively. He wanted to kiss her but didn’t exactly know where the line was right now so he didn’t push it. I’ll worship you in every way and more if that’s what you so want princess~ He teased and chuckled a bit. He had to make sure he could still get away with this at the least.
1:27 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/5/2023 1:37 PM
About time it was his turn to be speechless instead. Rikuma never would have admitted it to anyone - except indirectly right now - but she was a romantic at heart, one who spent a bit more time than she should have reading old love poems. She smiled at his teasing words, no less seductive for the lack of magical effect. After all, it hadn't really changed the sorts of things she liked. Only how quick she'd been to rush into it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and stepped closer. Her hood fell back as she kissed him, softly and slowly. None of the urgency of before, but a passion nonetheless, the sort that could take its time for both of them. She found that it was simpler than she'd made it out to be at first. They could just enjoy each other to the fullest, and see what grew from there. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/5/2023 11:15 PM
He of course kissed her back quite passionately. His hands gently wrapping around her waist. He didn’t rush it either, he took it nice and slow, following her lead. He was completely fine with just enjoying each other. His desires could always wait for a more appropriate time and not in a public alleyway. He’d only draw back when she did, he was no slouch at all. But as he kissed her, loads of things came to mind. Like what would he do if something happened to her on this quest? Could he move on? And what if they came across female monsters? Then what? He’d surely be screwed literally and metaphorically. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 2:16 AM
She broke the kiss after a while, resting her head against his chest. Now she had to keep him safe. And herself, which might be even more of a challenge. "Since we still have time before your armor is ready and we have to leave, what do you want to do?" She would have been lying if she'd said that kiss hadn't awoken some of the desire that had been there before she'd taken the immunity potion, but there were other things to focus on now. And very limited privacy out here. "We can pick up a few travel scrolls to begin with, and see where to go from there? If we don't want to go all the way back to the castle only to return to town after, we can borrow a room at the inn while we wait, discuss our plans in more detail." She pulled her hood back up. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 4:34 AM
He planned to do the same for her… even if it the last thing he did. He wouldn’t let another person he truly cared about be let down or perish under his watch. Never again. He nodded. whatever you think would be our best move next Rikuma. I’m fine with anything. He glanced out of the alleyway. He did truly wonder about what exactly she would want to talk about in an inn room alone though. That worried him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 8:19 AM
Rikuma considered for a moment, then grabbed his hand to lead him away from the alley. "So, we have the two of us, plus Corinne. I've heard she can be an excellent artillerist artificer on the battlefield, but I haven't seen her in action," she said. "How many more do you think we'll need? I want to make sure there are enough scrolls in case we get separated." She was already taking this as an excuse to do some math in her head. Three to get to Waterdeep for recruitment, three back to Rashouris once they were finished - if they all survived - plus an unknown quantity to and from Thauviel's border, as close as they could get to the Empire. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 8:24 AM
Right. I don’t know to be honest. Maybe consider 2 more people at most? That seems reasonable. And why would we really get separated? He shrugged, he honestly had no idea if anyone would even be interested in this. and well, we need to figure out how we’re going to get people to join us, we don’t exactly have anyway to pay these people. Unless you promise them a portion of the spoils from the empire or something. Thats all he could think of. He’d do it for her, but he knew others wouldn’t. He didn’t care about the treasure and spoils, sure, it’d be a bonus but if he got to keep her as his and maybe got the bonus of taking out the sorceress, he’d be happy. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 8:42 AM
"You never know. It's better to prepare plans for as much to go wrong as we can," Rikuma said, though she hoped she wouldn't be separated from him. That would make protecting him near impossible, after all. "Two more... Definitely a healer, for one. I can heal myself just fine, but everyone else might need help. Aside from that, maybe another fighter?" She considered his other question. Now that would be challenging. Money hadn't been a thing in Rashouris for centuries. They had plenty of gems in the mines, but she got the feeling 'just wait for my skeletons to dig it up for you' wouldn't go over well. "I wasn't planning on looting... If we do dissolve the Empire, shouldn't the riches go to the lands he conquered?" Then again, plenty of others who'd been affected could use the wealth, too. She looked down as she considered. "You don't think anyone would do it just because it's the right thing to do?" Probably, they wouldn't trust or believe a necromancer trying to make an argument from morality, judging from what she'd heard about most other necromancers. "Or... That they'd be known as national heroes?" No, reputation didn't put food on the table. She sighed and opened the door to the artificer's shop. @Crosby
Cd: I guess you’re right there. I’d rather be ready for the unexpected than not… He would rather not be separated from her also. That’d make his job so much harder to protect her. And well, would leave him exposed to the wrath of other ladies…. Which he didn’t want considering what happened with the high priestess. I think a rogue would be more useful than another warrior Rikuma, but that’s your call. And debating how the necromancer thought, she may realize that the curse could be really useful to get an all female party considering that he could use it to negotiate with others. and yes the wealth should. But we’re dealing with people who count on these quests as their job to get by. So unless we can convince them that being a national hero is enough or that you can supply everything they’ll need in life, we’ll have to find a way to pay them otherwise. He grabbed her hand gently before she even opened the door, preventing her from doing so. before we go in there Rikuma… I… I need your opinion @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 9:24 AM
Admittedly, Rikuma had considered using her boyfriend's accidental magical sex appeal to get more adventurers together, but she respected his dignity too much to be the one to suggest it. Besides, she didn't want him to be at risk from their own party members. Corinne was strong-willed enough to resist if she wanted or needed to, but there were no guarantees about anyone else. "A rogue will work, then," she agreed, since Crosby was more experienced when it came to fighting alongside others. "As for how to convince them... I guess we could spare a small portion of the Emperor's riches." She stopped as he grabbed her hand and looked back at him questioningly. "What is it?" She stepped aside, pulling him gently along to get out of the way of the doorway. "Is something wrong?" @Crosby
Cd: I... look. If we absolutely have to use my curse to get help... it's okay. I know some people might not be up for the task to go up against a whole empire with people they don't know. Especially well... a cleric. He was indeed more experienced but his entire problem was remembering his experience. He only knew bits and pieces of it. Random scattered tactics and strategies all roughly thrown together. And if we really can't find anyone to recruit... He looked to the tattoo on his arm. He hesitated even telling her. I do have a dragon lady who is willing to help... He knew however, that they'd have to find her first of all. And secondly... Rikuma would have to share him to say the absolute very least. He didn't seem too happy about it being an option by the look on his face however. I just think you probably may know about her if you know about me... It was THE purple dragon he was talking about, a legendary mythical beast to say the least. She however had been in hiding for decades...
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 9:37 AM
I... look. If we absolutely have to use my curse to get help... it's okay. I know some people might not be up for the task to go up against a whole empire with people they don't know. Especially well... a cleric. He was indeed more experienced but his entire problem was remembering his experience. He only knew bits and pieces of it. Random scattered tactics and strategies all roughly thrown together. And if we really can't find anyone to recruit... He looked to the tattoo on his arm. He hesitated even telling her. I do have a dragon lady who is willing to help... He knew however, that they'd have to find her first of all. And secondly... Rikuma would have to share him to say the absolute very least. He didn't seem too happy about it being an option by the look on his face however. I just think you probably may know about her if you know about me... It was THE purple dragon he was talking about, a legendary mythical beast to say the least. She however had been in hiding for decades...
@Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 10:30 AM
Now that was all getting into some boundaries Rikuma really preferred to discuss in private. If he charmed them, they would expect something out of him in return, after all. It was a lot to deal with for a new relationship, especially her first one. Of course romance between two cursed people couldn't be easy, but she'd try to make it work. "Let's... Consider her a last resort," she said, knowing that dragons had a reputation for possessiveness. But also for promiscuity... Could go either way. Besides, he didn't seem to want to search for the dragon. "If we need to go without a fifth, we can manage as long as we have a healer at least. The rest, I would prefer to discuss alone. How about we get some travel scrolls first, then discuss it at the inn?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 10:35 AM
He was well aware they would expect something in return but he was willing to do it for her sake. He nodded, he’d rather consider her a last resort indeed. He did have some ideas flowing though. He figured they might get lucky and get a female barbarian if they were smart about the cards they played. I’d prefer she be a last resort anyways… and that’s fine by me. You lead the way. He gently grabbed hold of her hand. His eyes looking into hers of course. He could get lost in them for hours with their beauty. Her eyes were unlike anyone else’s… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 11:23 AM
Rikuma nodded and opened the door to the shop. A variety of magical artifacts crowded the small building. Ignoring most of them, she walked directly to the counter. An elderly human at the counter bowed to Rikuma and Crosby. "What can I help you with, Your Highness?" "We'll need sixteen travel scrolls," Rikuma said. "Eight to Waterdeep, three to Rashouris, and five to the border of the Thauviel Empire." The artificer wrote down the destinations on his parchment, then nodded. "Of course. Is there anything else?" Rikuma looked over at Crosby to see if he wanted to pick up anything extra. (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 11:36 AM
He had let go of her hand the moment they stepped in. He looked around quietly and curiously. He was completely lost in the artifacts. But however he was looking for one thing specifically. The ring of the purple dragon. Something so small and specific, he knew the chances of it being here were literally slim to none. But he held out hope. He also was looking for anything he might’ve recognized from his last battle with the Thauviel empire. I do have to ask, although I doubt you would know anything about it miss, do you have anything relating to the purple dragon knight? Or the battle he perished in? He knew the battle had a name, but it wasn’t one he had heard yet. So he didn’t know what to call it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 11:57 AM
"Miss?" Rikuma questioned, wondering why he was being so formal to her now. Or if he was confused by the artificer's long hair and robes. The old man chuckled. "It's alright, common mistake," he assured them. "I am a creator, not a collector, so I wouldn't have anything here. There is a museum next door to the university. It's still a long shot, but you can try there. I doubt you'll be allowed to do more than look, though." Rikuma's mood brightened immediately at the prospect of a museum date. "That won't be an issue," she assured them both. After all, if she demanded an item be returned to its rightful owner, the curator was bound to listen. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 12:31 PM
Yes, he had indeed called Rikuma miss. Mainly to well, keep suspicions low and because he was half distracted. But he looked up when the old man spoke. That’ll be all then. Thank you. He looked to Rikuma to do her thing as he walked over. He hoped he would find answers there. He needed them now more than ever. Every ounce of information he could gather was vital. From the sorceress to the empire and himself. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 12:43 PM
The artificer disappeared into the back room to create the scrolls. Rikuma stood next to Crosby and whispered to him. "Just saying, if someone demanded sexual favours from me in order to help you, I would simply kill him and find what we needed elsewhere," she commented, thinking back on their conversation earlier. Because nope, this was bothering her too much to put it off for what seemed like an increasingly endless period of time. "You're worth more than that, and I won't whore you out for my own gain when we can achieve what we want without it. If it's an open relationship you want, just ask for it - all I ask is that I be your only romantic partner and that we both have the same level of freedom in other regards." In truth, it wasn't sharing him that worried her. Hell, if whoever wanted him was attractive and also into women, she'd gladly participate. It was the chance of him getting hurt, and the fear that she might be left behind. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 12:49 PM
Of course all his attention turned to his dearest when she began to speak again. His eyes fixated upon her. They were quite soft and beautiful as always. He raised a brow seeing that she even assumed he wanted that. He most definitely didn’t. That was never part of the plan. Especially after the high priestess incident. He knew it might happen however as much as he didn’t want it to. But anyways, I’d never want that… that’s.. risky. And it almost always ends poorly from what I’ve seen. One partner always feels… neglected. But if you wanted that, I would be okay with it I guess. He shrugged. Although if some guy did decide to have his way with his lady, that guy wouldn’t be alive the next minute. He could guarantee that much. just no other men. He said quite sternly and casually as he crossed his arms. That was his one condition. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 1:04 PM
Well, that hardly seemed fair and equal. Especially since he could have his pick of women, and she was fairly certain no man or woman other than Crosby found her approachable enough to proposition her. The bone-heavy wardrobe and hooded cloaks didn't help. Or her personality. She shook her head. "No, you're right. And I'm the one who would end up feeling neglected," she said. "It's better if we remain an exclusive couple, then. And if, for purely practical reasons, you must offer yourself to someone else as a last resort, I want to be an active participant. Not counting if they try to take advantage of you - anyone who does that won't survive for long enough to go through with it." Basically, consensual threesomes were fine, but nothing further. She squeezed his hand gently. "You're all I really need, and I hope I'm the same for you." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 1:20 PM
He nodded in agreement. He wanted to stay exclusive anyways. Sure, a bunch of girls would ideally be pretty cool but he wanted someone just to be there and have his back. No questions asked and no doubt they’d be there when he needed them most. So far, she proven it. She’d already helped him deal with it once with the high priestess. Understood. I wouldn’t want it any other way Rikuma. Same goes for you if you have to do it. Although, I’m not going to guarantee the man will have his jaw or life by the end of it. But that’s besides the point. You’re all I’ll ever need my beautiful love~ He pecked her with a gentle kiss, a quick one at that. He knew not to push it or she’d most certainly make out with him here and now and not care one bit. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 1:44 PM
Rikuma held her hood up with one hand so it wouldn't fall off as she tilted her head up to accept the kiss. "But any women I sleep with would be spared? It's not like I'm much less likely to be attracted to them," she questioned, though the challenge was purely playful, considering the fact that she intended to stay loyal anyway. Nobody could compete with the partner she already had, after all. She turned toward the counter as the artificer came back out with a stack of scrolls. He placed them all into a cloth bag that appeared too small to carry them all, and they fit perfectly. "Here you are, Your Highness," he said, handing the bag over to Rikuma. He looked between the two of them. He hadn't heard their conversation, but could read the body language. "If you don't mind my asking, when will the royal wedding be?" Rikuma blushed and had no words. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 1:55 PM
He smiled a bit and rolled his eyes. He turned to the artificer and watched. He chose to not question on Rikumas remark any further for now. At least not out here in public. He watched and well, needless to say he wasn’t expecting that to come out of the old man’s mouth. He blushed a bit and awkwardly smiled, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He hadn’t been thought that far. He was so focused on right here and now. Well… we have other things to attend to first. Then maybe we’ll get something scheduled. He chuckled and played it cool. thank you for your help. He began to walk out, holding her hand as he did so. Of course he wouldn’t even deny there might be plans for such an event in the future if things went smoothly. He did more than enjoy her presence and everything about her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 2:02 PM
Rikuma was beyond glad that her hood hid her face as she looked over at Crosby, her heart pounding a bit at his statement. It all seemed almost too good to be true. So she would look at the future with caution still, but she couldn't help but hope. "Thank you," she managed to tell the older gentleman, before walking out with Crosby. She squeezed his hand gently as she took the lead. "The museum is this way... do you have anything that might give us some indication of how close we are to your old things, do you think? The dragon knight did have a variety of magical items, so some may be connected." She glanced over at his sword. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 2:10 PM
He glanced to see her reaction of course. He loved teasing her, her reactions were actually fucking adorable when she got all flustered. Anyways, they were soon back to reality as he rubbed the back of her hand gently with his thumb as she squeezed it. I think my sword might be able to tell me from what I do remember from back then… but then again, I haven’t had any way to test it so I don’t know. He followed her as per usual, glancing around. He fully expected ladies to be staring or daring to make a dangerous move as per usual. but I know what they look like quite well.
2:10 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 2:18 PM
While he got several looks - partially from those affected from his presence, partially from curious onlookers wondering who was traveling with her - nobody was bold or stupid enough to approach yet. Not when a necromancer was adorned with bones, holding his hand, and armed with a rapier. Even so, she took care to walk quickly to reduce the chances of someone approaching them. It wasn't a long walk to the museum, and she stopped just outside. "I love museums," she sighed. "And the curator is a very nice..." She trailed off and sighed as she realized. "...lady." Damn it, it was just now hitting her that the rest of her life may very well mean seeing other people trying to flirt with her partner. "I guess I'll have to get used to it. Let's go." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 2:23 PM
He was thankful nobody was bold enough to fuck with him yet. Literally and metaphorically. He at least figured Those who weren’t on rikumas good side wouldn’t dare. sorry… Was all he could manage. He did feel bad that every lady ever would probably be blatantly be trying to get with him with his girlfriend right then and there. But it was well, sort of beyond his control. At least until they find the sorceress. Then they can figure out what to do from there. He Ran a hand through his hair to fix it up. Just because he was trying to think of what to say besides that but came up short. how about… we just go inside and see what happens…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/6/2023 2:29 PM
Rikuma nodded in agreement. They had to get what they had to get, and they could just look to see if it was there. "I will do the talking, if that turns out to be required," she promised, which was rarely a good plan, but seemed better than the alternative. Inside of the building, the foyer hosted a white marble floor and whitewashed stone walls that seemed to shine on every surface. The skeletal host bowed and gestured them inside, past a basket with a sign for optional donations of bartered goods. There were a few fruits in there, a couple of books, a brand new inkwell, and various other miscellaneous but potentially useful objects to be picked up by the curator by the end of the day. "At least dead women are immune to your charm," she commented to help lighten the mood. "The exhibit on the war against the Empire is this way. If it's not there, I'll have to ask if it's in storage." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/6/2023 10:53 PM
He didn’t exactly see why they’d need to negotiate here at all but if they did, he would indeed leave it to her. This was her kingdom after all, she had the power. Right. I’d hope vampires are too… He really didn’t want a vampire lady trying to have her way with him, he knew that would actually go terribly. why would they put it in storage exactly…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/7/2023 4:41 AM
"As do I, if we are still to negotiate with the nobles directly beneath Thauviel's Emperor to avoid war after his death," Rikuma admitted. "From what I recall, the Grand Duchess of Griston is a vampire, and I would prefer to avoid any... unfortunate incidents." Particularly because they'd have a hell of a mess on their hands if Rikuma had to kill her. She led the way to the exhibit, looking carefully into the glass display cases. They carried a variety of items from various kingdoms. Armor, weapons, battle plans, dress uniforms, and so on. "Let me know if you see your ring, or anything else. As for why it would be in storage, museums tend to acquire more than they can display at one time, so they will often keep a few stored away in the interest in space, and occasionally change around exhibits to include different items. It is common practice." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/7/2023 11:34 AM
Oh great… of course there’s a vampire. Hopefully she won’t know me… He ran a hand through his hair. If she was old enough, he’d probably be fucked maybe literally but moreso not. He did know how to deal with the usual vampires though if it did come to that. He nodded and looked into the cases. He looked for anything familiar from that time period. Just something to kick start another memory. right. But anyways, is there… anyone else I should know about before we go? Like big figures that Is who could pose a major problem in our path? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/7/2023 2:26 PM
Rikuma looked as well, though she wouldn't know for certain just what it was she might be looking for. "There are five Grand Duchies in Thauviel, but we can go over all of them and what to look out for on the way there," she explained. "No other vampires, though. Or none we'll be likely to have to deal with. I'd rather go over the details with the full party, so everyone knows what to expect... See anything yet?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/7/2023 10:34 PM
Right I guess that makes sen— He was cut short as he got a strange feeling. His hairs all standing on end as he quietly looked around and stopped walking. It wasn’t a good feeling either. He felt eyes upon him. Danger close. His sword would radiate a purple energy oozing from its sheathe in response. is there anything really evil lurking here in the storage? Or is there… anything under the museum? He half looked to her, one hand gripping his sword. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/8/2023 7:41 AM
Rikuma stared at his sword as he fell silent. An odd glow, to be sure. Instinctively, her hand went to her rapier. "If there was any known evil lurking here, I would have made sure it was taken care of already. There aren't many things underground; you can't dig far here without hitting solid igneous rock." She cast one more glance around the room. It seemed clear that none of his things would be on display. She grabbed his arm with her free hand. "Come on. We'll check the storage. For your ring, and for potential threats." She started walking again. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/8/2023 7:58 AM
then whatever it is must be in the storage. But it feels close… I don’t know how close yet exactly. He followed of course without hesitation. He scanned as they went along for danger. He wasn’t trying to get ambushed.
7:58 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/8/2023 8:28 AM
Rikuma found the curator, a lavender-skinned Tiefling, in the hall on the way to her office. "Discovery," Rikuma greeted, her tone even more commanding than usual. "We need to go to the storage room. Now." Discovery narrowed her eyes, tail flicking in annoyance at being ordered around like that. Her distaste was not hidden, but she still knew better than to argue. "Of course, Your Highness." She grabbed a key and started leading the way. "But what is it you need to go there for?" It was, after all, an odd quest. She looked over at Crosby, her gaze softening as she looked him up and down, as though appraising a rare jewel. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/8/2023 11:14 AM
Ooo tiefling. They’re cute. Wait. I can’t say that. Anyways, he looked between the two of them as Rikuma spoke. He didn’t dare interrupt the princess unless it was necessary. We’re just investigating some suspicions is all. And looking for some artifacts, specifically relating to the battle where the purple dragon knight fell. He said to her quite casually. His voice probably sounding exactly how the lady would dream. He tried his best to ignore her stare but even without the curse, he’d probably be incredibly handsome for someone who’s trapped in this kingdom. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/8/2023 12:24 PM
A shame that, with the obvious exception of her partner, the hot ones always seemed to hate Rikuma. Wait. She can't say that. She let go of her sword and squeezed Crosby's hand, to let Discovery know that he was unavailable. If she had to guard him by being overly publicly affectionate at all times, so be it. Discovery narrowed her eyes, but nodded. "Very well, then. Follow me." Discovery led the way further down the corridor, then down a short flight of stairs where a door waited for them. It took her a moment to unlock the door and step aside. "Go ahead and have a look." Her gaze returned to Crosby. "If you have a moment, I would like you to ask something." She gave a pointed look at the princess, a hint that she didn't want her involved in the conversation. Rikuma looked right back at her, not taking the hint. Then glanced back into the museum storage, eyes lighting up like a dragon presented with an endless treasure hoard. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/8/2023 2:03 PM
If you wished to tag her, just ask my dear. Anywaysss he rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb gently to try to get her to ease up a bit. No need to squeeze so hard. Of course he followed without any questions, letting Rikuma lead since she knew her way around here. He drew his hand gently away from his love. He could tell she was happy at least. He did however get the hint. He wasn’t stupid. I’ll be right back Rikuma. His attention turned to Discovery as he walked over to her. He crossed his arms. what’s up? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/8/2023 2:24 PM
Rikuma gave him a confused look, then a slightly hurt one as she realized. Surely, there was nothing important that could be said in front of him and not her? Especially when he would know better than her what they were looking for, and there might be something more dangerous lurking in the storage besides. Still, she would have to trust him, so she nodded and let him go. With one hand on the hilt of her sword, she turned around to start looking through the storage. Admittedly, it was neat as hell to be able to look at so many cool, ancient items in one place, unavailable to the public. Discovery leaned against a wall and smiled at him with hungry eyes. The fact that he'd so easily sent him away might mean his loyalty to her could be shaken. "I thought we should have a moment alone," she said softly, looking past him. "You know, it isn't too late to back out of whatever she's dragging you into." She leaned in, brushing her hand against his. "I mean, trapping yourself in a cursed kingdom? You can do better. Even based on first impressions, I can already tell that you're handsome, charming, brave... everything someone could want in a man. And she's..." She trailed off as Rikuma excitedly arranged the artifacts into neat rows, sorting them by age and colour as though she was setting about the most joyful task in the world. "Weird isn't quite there, but it's close." She lowered her voice further. "How can you even be sure she's the real Aelynthi heir? It's been long since suspected that she's a changeling. Not to mention the fact that her official story about her parents' 'vow of silence' is pretty suspicious, don't you think?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/8/2023 11:44 PM
He truly didn’t mean to hurt her, he always just usually obligated when people asked to speak alone despite rank or who they were. It was sort of just a respect thing and a habit by now. He glanced back to her to make sure she was okay of course. Then he continued on. He crossed his arms and looked at her quite coldly, mainly uninterested when she started to try to flirt with him. He rightfully slapped her hand away from his rather unforgivingly. He didn’t hold back. He looked over to see Rikuma happy. Good. She was cute when she was happy. It made him want to do things when she was excited. But anyways, his eyes shifted back to the tiefling. You’re a little too late either way. My loyalty will always lie with the princes despite whatever you all may say. He leaned in close, his lips merely a few centimeters away from hers. But the look on his face absolutely showed he had 0 interest in her hunger. He just stared into her eyes to drive home a point. I believe you can do better than desperately trying to steal another ladies man. He flashed a small smile and a chuckle before trying to draw back to walk away. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/9/2023 4:10 AM
As he leaned in, Discovery did the same despite his words. Then he spoke and she drew back. Not such easy prey after all. She sighed. "If you say so. Just keep my words in mind." Rikuma paused her sorting as she saw a ring, purple gem gleaming in the darkness. "Is this-?" She stopped as her boot moved through something damp, but slightly sticky. A concealment spell within the room broke, and the cloying smell of blood hit her, still fresh. "Crosby...?" Her gaze drifted to behind the shelving unit, the body crumpled up and tucked away. The lavender skin had not yet greyed and her hand was still warm, but there was no trace left in those white eyes. Rikuma stepped back, sliding the ring onto her thumb so she wouldn't drop it as her hand went to her sword. As she turned, 'Discovery' reached out to grab Crosby's throat from behind. "You could have kept things easy for both of us." @Crosby
Al the Killer 11/9/2023 4:11 AM
Replace "ghost" with "doppelganger" and this is basically the scene right now:
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/9/2023 5:05 AM
He of course looked to Rikuma when she spoke. What the hell? He saw the tiefling true body and then his attention instantly turned to the imposter. His eyes grew sharp as he instantly went to shove this doppelgänger. He wasn’t going to play games this time. what the hell are you?! @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/9/2023 5:54 AM
Their facade revealed, the doppelgänger shifted back into their usual form, skin turning grey and false hair retreating back into their scalp. "You won't make it out of here, dragon knight," they growled, moving to pick Crosby up so they could throw him against the wall. Rikuma dragged the corpse out from behind the shelves, reaching out for Discovery's spirit. "I know you never liked me, because you said so, but this isn't about me," she said, closing her eyes. "Please help me protect him." The body began to stand back up. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/9/2023 6:36 AM
He narrowly failed escaping their attack. Of course he wasn’t too happy about it. His tattoo glowing at the presence of the evil being before him. A nemesis. A beast. The monster MUST be slayed. He coldly stared at this being, daring them to do their worst. Rikuma; aim the ring at him! NOW! He of course fought against the beasts grasp. He wished he had the ring on and him and his armor right about now. He however didn’t show any fear. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/9/2023 12:29 PM
The doppelgänger's grip held strong against his struggling. "You'll never reach Thauviel." But as the corpse approached, the doppelgänger looked at Rikuma, transforming to resemble Crosby. "You wouldn't hurt me, would you princess?" Rikuma's expression changed from determination to wide-eyed shock. "I... Can't believe you think I'm that stupid," she said, then pointed the stone on the ring at the fake Crosby clone. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/9/2023 12:34 PM
He wasn’t exactly dumb either. He spoke in… draconic by the sounds of it. It would be nearly impossible to understand as it sounded ancient. Suddenly a volley of 3 fireballs would form from the ring and rush towards crosby and the fake. All homing in on the enemy. They were all purple and shifted to purple skulls halfway due to it being on Rikuma. And he knew damn well she wasn’t stupid either, she’d damn well be able to tell which was the real him quite easily. I’ll make sure she does at the very least. He head butted the monster as a last resort. His veins flaring up as he wasn’t exactly going to hold back against this thing. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/9/2023 1:20 PM
The doppelgänger dropped Crosby as the magic hit. They didn't have to stumble backwards for long, as the undead Discovery wrestled the doppelgänger to the ground. "I can't believe the doppelgänger thinks I'm that stupid," Rikuma said again, walking toward Crosby. Clearly, she found that way more insulting than anything they'd said about her while pretending to be the Tiefling. She sighed. "Anyway, do you want to finish this one off? The vengeful dead are strong enough that Discovery can keep her doppelgänger pinned for you." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/9/2023 2:08 PM
He of course regained his footing and pulled himself together. His attention shifting to his love. They all are going to assume you’re dumber than rocks. He drew his sword, it glistened beautifully as he drew closer. Of course he didn’t need to answer Rikuma, she already knew the answer to her own question. He raised the blade up and swiftly brought it down, beheading the creature with little to no effort. He seemed rather unphased. I told you my loyalty only lied with the princess. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/9/2023 4:17 PM
"Rocks are not dumb. They are fascinating," Rikuma corrected him, then paused. "That is not what you mean," she realized aloud. "Never mind." With the enemy taken care of, she had Discovery's corpse let go and stand back up. "I hope your spirit will deliver my deepest condolences to your family. You never should have been caught up in this." She bowed to the undead. "Go home to them, and let them take care of you." She watched the undead Discovery walk away before turning toward Crosby. "And what about you? Are you hurt?" She took the ring off her thumb. "This belongs to you. Give me your hand for a moment, love." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/9/2023 6:28 PM
It’s alright. He smiled a little. She was cute when she realized what he meant. It made him want to kiss her… a lot. you’re adorable my love. However his smile briefly faded when she spoke to discovery. He did feel bad for someone so innocent being caught up in this. He couldn’t stand when civilians were caught in the crossfire. No, not at all thanks to you. Would’ve been done for otherwise. He raised a brow and smiled a little. Was she seriously about to put a ring on it this early? He put his hand out for her, unsure if she was going to put it on, or put it into his palm. Both would be fine. He didn’t mind either way. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/10/2023 6:05 AM
Rikuma slid the ring onto his finger. Even with the small task done, she held onto his hand. "There. As I said, it's yours." She lifted the back of his hand toward her lips, allowing them to brush against it. "As am I." It was nice, knowing why she'd been so worried to see him in danger. And knowing that she'd been able to save him. She let go of his hand and closed the distance between them, wrapping her arms around her lover. "I'm glad you're alright. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." Especially with the fate of the kingdom more or less resting on his shoulders, but that wasn't what was at the forefront of her mind right now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/10/2023 1:29 PM
He didn’t mind her holding his hand. He was used to it by now of course. But her seemingly going to kiss his hand caught him a tad off guard. His cheeks slowly flushing red a bit. When she pulled herself closer, of course his arms also wrapped around her. His hands gently resting at her lower back. He lowered his head closer to her level so he could see those beautiful eyes under her cloak. Of course you’re mine my dear~. Mine and mine only~. Hopefully she could pull off the feat of saving him again if need be… otherwise a devastating heart break awaited her. I don’t know what I’d do either beautiful~. And if she did let him fall, her kingdom would truly be doomed…. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/10/2023 1:42 PM
It was a nice confidence boost, knowing she could make someone like him blush. She tilted her head up, letting her hood fall back since it was just the two of them here. "I think we still have a bit of time before nightfall," she commented. "Was there anything else you wanted to do?" She didn't mind the idea of spending the next few hours in his arms, but if there were other things that needed to be done first, they'd have to take care of them beforehand. She still had her priorities, and still had a kingdom to save. And his curse to break, before she could be sure he was truly safe. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/10/2023 1:53 PM
He looked into those beautiful eyes of hers briefly. But soon he couldn’t help but smile a bit wider and lean down to whisper into her ear, he said as seductively as he could just to tease her. I’d love to do you again~. Of course he was only kidding as he drew back. Hopefully she could well… tell. If not, he wouldn’t complain but he did think maybe they should get like… potions. Preferably healing potions until they found a healer. That made the most sense. They couldn’t risk getting hurt too badly. And he wouldn’t mind spending a few hours holding her either. but maybe we should get some healing potions my dear. He pecked her on the head with a gentle kiss. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/10/2023 2:34 PM
A shiver ran down her spine as he whispered to her. A museum storage room seemed an incredibly inappropriate and also deeply appealing location for it. "Alright, let's go then," she said, definitely not knowing he was joking as she walked over to close the door for some added privacy. Then she stopped as he mentioned healing potions. Right, he and Corinne didn't have the ability to heal themselves. So he wasn't seriously propositioning her... Damn it. She sighed. "Corinne and I picked up a few from the apothecary when I got the immunity potion, and a few mana options too," she said. "They're with her right now, but we have them anyway." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/10/2023 4:58 PM
He was of course a little shocked she said yes so easily. He figured she’d be wanting to wait until they got to an inn room or something, not a museum storage room. But then again, he was completely fine with the idea if she was. He looked to her and Ran a hand through his hair. well if we already have them, then I suppose we’re okay then. But gosh you’re so eager aren’t you my love~? Not even hesitating to say yes to me~? He leaned down and pecked her with a kiss on the cheek. if you really want me that bad…. Just say so and I’m sure we can arrange something~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/10/2023 5:05 PM
"First of all, I thought you were being serious," Rikuma pointed out. "Second of all, the door locks automatically when it's closed and we have the only key with us, so our privacy is guaranteed. It's no worse than the dungeon floor." All very logical ways to say that she wanted him regardless of where they were. She made sure she had the storage key, then closed the door fully. Her hand rested against his chest as she looked up at him. "Besides, I liked your earlier idea of me pleasing you any time you like." She didn't need to be affected by his presence to continue liking that idea; the idea of giving her partner such free access to her had appealed to her ever since she'd first imagined it. She pulled herself close to him to draw him into a kiss, but pulled away after a second. "Unless you'd rather do this somewhere else." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/10/2023 5:11 PM
He chuckled a bit. Of course they had the only key. How convenient for her truly. He wasn’t even surprised. He of course knew damn well of course she wanted him. He always wanted her, especially with those adorable eyes looking up at him, daring him to act out. whatever you say my one and only~. One hand gently came to rest on her hip, the other tucking some hair out of her face. Do this somewhere else~? That sounds like you have plans to do it with someone else included or to show off~. I wouldn’t mind that if you’re suggesting it beautiful~. He leaned in and kissed her gently on the lips briefly. Of course he wouldn’t care either way, it’d be fine by him. He loved her enough to where he could wait and respect her. and what a bad girl~ loving the idea of pleasing me whenever I desire~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/10/2023 5:20 PM
Rikuma raised an eyebrow. "The opposite - I meant if you want more privacy, or something more conventional, like the inn." But now he'd sent her heart racing with excitement, and she didn't want to wait, or go elsewhere. Her fingers tangled in his hair as she pulled him in for another kiss, deeper and longer than the first two. She worked her other hand at getting the cloak off of him, to have one less layer in their way. Even with his presence less intoxicating - or at least less literally so - she couldn't deny her craving for him. As the cloak dropped to the floor, she nibbled gently at his lower lip, a silent challenge for him to get rough with her. "My safe word is 'mausoleum', but I doubt you'll be hearing it again." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/10/2023 11:54 PM
He rolled his eyes. He didn’t care where they did it. He loved her either way. He of course kissed her back passionately and lovingly. His lips being completely entangled with hers. His hair being soft and fluffy like always, easy to ball up and mess with. The cloak fell off with ease to the floor. He grinned a bit when she said that and nibbled his lower lip and nodded. Okay my love but god, what a bad girl you are~. You want me to ruin you that badly~? He chuckled and began to move everything she had on down there out of his way. He was careful not to ruin her clothes of course. He soon grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head, leaving her no way to resist. She was soon pinned against the nearest wall. Well, she could push back and break free. But anyways, his eyes remained fixated into hers. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/11/2023 4:49 AM
Even though he remained mostly clothed, she helped him get her undressed first. After all, between the bones, corsetry, straps, layered skirts, and the burnished gold plate greaves on her boots, it wasn't exactly an easy outfit to get in and out of. She only kept the key to the phylactery chamber around her neck, since it only left when she bathed. "Ruin me?" she questioned, looking up at him. "Go ahead and try, beloved." She moved her wrists together so they would be easy to pin to the wall with one hand, in case he wanted to keep his other one free. As she looked up at him, she wriggled slightly, not to get free, but to make sure his grip was strong enough. "And if I'm so bad, why not make me a good girl for you?" Her head tilted up so her neck would be as exposed to him as the rest of her body. It felt vulnerable, in a way she hadn't expected to love so much, and her arousal showed in the redness of her parted lips, the glowing of her eyes, the way her nipples had already hardened without even needing to be touched. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/11/2023 10:00 AM
oh don’t tempt me my dear~. I will if I need to~ He chuckled and grinned. He did want to keep his other hand free as he undid what he needed to down there. It wasn’t nearly as much as her. Simply just two layers for now. His grip was more than strong enough on her, she wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon~. oh I will Rikuma~ don’t you worry one bit my love~. He leaned down and gently began to kiss her neck in a few different spots before he settled on a spot to make a mark. He started to sensually make a hickey, his hot breath beating against her neck. His body soon pressing against every inch of hers, temptingly pressing himself against her entrance. His free hand running down her body, gently caressing her chest before continuing on. He slowly pushed himself in. so ready for me in every way already~. How cute~. You can’t even hide your absolute need for me can you~? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/11/2023 3:07 PM
If anything, that just made her want to tempt him more. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt his lips on her neck. A soft moan escaped her at his touch against her. His skin on hers sent a shiver of pleasure through her, making her long for more. Already, she could feel how slick she was against his member as it teased at her entrance. A bit quicker than she'd expected the encounter to go, but she was ready. Her ability to use her magic on her own body was an asset, after all. With a desperate whimper, she grinded her hips against his, trying to take him deeper inside and to rub her clit against whatever she could reach of his body. "Oh, fuck," she breathed. "Yes, I need you!" Her leg hooked around his hips to make it easier, and to pull him closer to herself. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/11/2023 3:20 PM
Perhaps that was his plan, to see how much he could make her beg and tempt him do more~. Maybe it wasn’t. There was only one way to find out. His grip around her arms grew slightly tighter hearing her moan and her whimper. He was getting even more worked up. His desires and lust for her growing more and more with each passing moment. He let her take him deeper in, chuckling a bit as he drew back from her neck feeling her do so. His head moved to her ear, speaking between heavy breaths as he slowly pushed himself inside her. good girl~ beg me for more~. His hand wrapped gently around her neck, drawing little circles around the hickey he made upon her.*** maybe I should make some more visible marks upon you my love~. Let everyone see and know what you’re up to with me~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/11/2023 3:40 PM
Feeling his hand on her throat and his hot breath against her ear, she was more than happy to oblige. "P-please," she managed to get out, closing her eyes as she was lost in the pleasure that came with being filled by him. She craved him more with each passing second, wanted more than anything for him to use her as roughly as he wanted, to claim all of her for himself. "Please, mark me. I want everyone to know I'm yours!" The slow pace was exquisite torture, making her need him more and more. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 12:53 AM
He chuckled and grinned even wider. God she was so perfect. He loved her in every way for it. He’d surely reward her well for her efforts. what a good girl you are Rikuma~. He started to gently pick up the pace, going ever so slightly deeper. He lowered his head down and pushed her head up slightly. Right near the front of her neck is where he began to make his next mark. He wasn’t going to hold back either, he was going to make it bigger than any before, so even the artificer would notice when they returned~. At the same time, he started to go at a more moderate pace with his thrusts, pushing himself nearly all the way in finally. It was more passionate than rough for now. But he seemed to be building up. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 5:49 AM
Rikuma blushed as she realized where he was going for. A bit awkward logistically, but the aftermath when the mark was left extremely obvious would be well worth it. Her head tilted back as she shivered in anticipation. "Fuck," she moaned, feeling him go deeper and faster. Her legs had begun to tremble, and she wasn't entirely sure how much longer the one that held her up would be able to continue doing so. She'd try her best, for him as he continued to turn her into a moaning, desperate mess. She truly was his, as he was hers, and she wanted nothing more than to keep him forever. Her other leg tightened around him as she continued to grind. "Y-yes! Fuck, you're so perfect inside me. Harder, please!" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 6:48 AM
Yes, it was a bit awkward for him for pull off but the finished product made it all the more worth it. He soon drew back. His hand running over her body and chest, giving a teasing squeeze here and there before wrapping around her neck gently to help hold her still. His head coming to rest by her ear for now as he felt her shaking already. Through a breathy whisper he spoke. good job~. You want to be mine in every He suddenly slammed himself all the way inside her ruthlessly. Now, he wasn’t holding back, he began to roughly pound the poor princess. There was surely no way she’d be able to walk with his size and surprisingly how good he was at this. way don’t you~? He started to gently nibble on one of her ears, not holding himself back from her at all, his grip on her arms and neck growing a tiny bit tighter, possessively almost. Like he was making sure she damn well knew she was his and his only. god I can’t want to see everyone’s reaction when you’re truly my one and only~. My girlfriend and my perfect little slut~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 8:49 AM
One and only... Rikuma could only hope they'd have the luxury of that remaining true. At least she could be confident that she was the only one he loved, if nothing else. For now, she writhed against him, hardly hearing his words over her own cries of pleasure as he thrusted into her, stretching her to her natural limit. She welcomed the tightening of his grip, restricting her breath just enough to heighten the experience, but not enough that she had anything to worry about. "All yours, Crosby~" she agreed, letting bliss override all conscious thought for a moment. He was everything she wanted and then some, and she squeezed around him as she felt her pleasure heightened. "I'm so close..." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 10:46 AM
He’d make sure it remained true with all his power, well, with her at least. Not so much himself. He’d kill any man that tried to cross her if need be. only mine forever~. good girl Rikuma~. Cum for me right now and I’ll reward you for it my dear~. He chuckled and leaned his head down, going back to gently kissing his neck all over. He was still holding back a tiny bit. come on Rikuma~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 11:07 AM
It would have been harder not to do as he asked. The feeling of bliss was overwhelming, and she clenched around him as she reached her climax. Her back arched, pulling her body against his as much as she could manage while being pinned against the wall. "Ah~ Don't stop!" she pleaded, wanting him to take as much pleasure from her as he could. "Please, don't hold back, I want all of you!" Everything he could give her, she would take. She needed to take what she could, with every bit of her being. Her lust for him continued to pulse within, even at her peak. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 12:00 PM
He of course only pushed his body against hers even further. He soon was at his deepest point. It throbbed deep inside her and began to swell up. His breathing becoming quite hot and heavy. She was only making it harder for him to hold back. His grip on her wrist and neck grew even tighter. Teatering on pain and pleasure. His lust for her was intensely burning. He needed her in absolutely every way. He began to ruthlessly pound her as fast and as deep as he could. He didn’t hold back one bit, slamming his entire self into her with each thrust. He began to inevitably leak a bit. f-fuck… you’re going to make me cum already. What a bad girl… god, I wonder what your friends would think if they knew you were begging me to ruin you~. Such a little slutty princess~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 12:33 PM
Waves of pleasure continued to ripple through her, almost overstimulating in their intensity as he only went rougher. It was nearly too much, yet she wanted it all. She squirmed against him, her moans barely making it past the pressure on her throat. As his words threatened to pull her over the edge a second time, she tightened herself around him, wanting him to experience as much pleasure as she was. She was begging still, pleading for him to cum for her, but could only mouth the words now, next to no sound escaping. Her ragged breaths still came, but with a bit more effort, and she was sure his hands would leave bruises if she let them. And she intended to let them. All she wanted now was to feel him come undone deep inside of her, to have him fill her even more, until she could hold no more. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 1:10 PM
He couldn’t help himself with how tightly she was squeezing onto him. It was brutal, impossible to resist her needs now. He drew his head back just enough so he could see that beautiful face of hers. Gods she was perfect in every way… he only wanted to add to her beauty even. But perhaps later he would~. It only took a few more thrusts inside her before it became significantly too much, but for those few thrusts, it would simply be the best pleasure she could ever experience. He held her as close as possible and as far down as possible. Making sure he wasted no inch between them for his advantage and her pleasure. His face was completely red as he finally caved in. It swelled up a little more before he suddenly began to fill the needy necromancer up with the reward she so desperately desired. It throbbed like mad deep inside her and pulsated at the same time. oh f-f-fuck Rikuma~! He moaned quite loudly, not even holding back to be quiet. His passions and desires becoming simply all too much to handle. He kept himself as deep as he possibly could, not letting her ease up or move at all. His heavy breath beating against her neck as he lowered his head in pleasure. This was the best he’d felt in so long. It was truly addicting and thrilling. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 1:22 PM
She squeezed her eyes shut, a strangled cry of pleasure escaping as she felt his climax inside of her. A few seconds in, it was enough to bring her to another orgasm, as she continued to clench around him. It was dizzying, and it took a while to catch what she could of her breath. All she could do was stay there for as long as he held her there, and that suited her just fine. She didn't feel like moving yet, her body weaker and too lost in pleasure to support her weight if he did let go of her. All she wanted was to ride this high of pleasure, then to have him hold her in his arms for a while so they could come down from it together. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 1:28 PM
He did let go of her arms and her neck, instead putting them to either side of her against the wall to steady himself. He was trying to catch his breath also, it took him quite a while to finish. And he had probably made a bit of a mess of her as a result, but he did what she asked for. Anyways, he drew his head back and pecked her with a gentle loving kiss on the forehead. He smiled as best as he could while trying to breathe. His cheeks being adorably bright red as he looked to her with loving eyes. god Rikuma… I love you more than anything~ He brushed some hair gently out of her face before putting his hand back to steady himself. He didn’t dare draw out quite yet. He was still a bit overwhelmed by it all, it occasionally throbbed a bit. He couldn’t help it. are you going to be able to walk my cutie~? Or am I going to have to carry you back to the shop~? He wouldn’t mind if he had to, he’d just have to get them both dressed again if he did. And if he dressed her up, he felt it’d be pretty obvio- oh wait. It was going to be very obvious what they were up to unless Rikuma kept her cloak tightly shut and her hood up. He also probably wreaked of her and she would have of him. No missing that. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 1:37 PM
Rikuma drew in a deep, almost shaky breath once her throat was free, and leaned forward against him. Her arms wrapped loosely around his neck so she wouldn't fall, still feeling how full she was of him. "I... love you... too..." she managed to say between breaths. She opened her eyes, using her arm to wipe away the tears she hadn't even noticed forming. It had been one of the most intense experiences she'd had, leaving her sore but satisfied. "Not yet. But can we stay here a bit? I just need to hold you." It would be easier if they were on the floor, but she wouldn't make him move until he was ready. She stayed pressed against his warmth, resting her head against his chest. "I love you," she said again. "More than I ever thought possible." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 1:43 PM
He watched as she wiped at her eyes. Was she crying because of how good it was or because he hurt her somehow? He hoped it was mainly the first option. He knew he was a bit much to handle with his rather large size for a human, but she was practically begging him for it. of course. That’s fine. Is it alright if um… we sit down though? And well I y’know? He wanted to make sure she was fully satisfied. If she wanted more, he’d deliver if she desired. She’d just have to ask. He didn’t mind. He reached one hand down and gently and quiet lovingly pet her head sort of, running his hands sensually through her hair. I can say the same thing my love~.
1:43 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 2:29 PM
She did not know, she was too satisfied and mildly sleepy now to consider what else he had in mind. "Yes, let's sit down and rest for a moment. I'm really not ready to get dressed and go anywhere yet." She needed cuddles, words of love, possibly a little reassurance, general aftercare to make sure the inevitable hormonal drop wouldn't wreak havoc on her emotional state. She carefully pulled off of him, then looked down as the result of his orgasm spilled out of her, white, sticky, and still rather excessive. When she wasn't being kept in a state of constant pheromone-induced lust, it was actually a bit absurd, and she covered her mouth to avoid laughing. "I... should probably have one of the skeletons here clean that up before we leave." But for now, she waited for him to sit down so she could cuddle up in his lap. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 3:44 PM
He nodded, he needed cuddles too to be honest. He wasnt the best at aftercare or reassurance but he tried. For her sake of course. He shivered as she pulled off, he couldn’t help it. Of course he looked down also, holy hell did he ruin her indeed. He knew it was indeed excessive but figured it was definitely because of the curse. He carefully sat down against the wall to relax, his head leaning back. That had taken a good bit out of him to be fair. Maybe a nap was in order. probably. Sorry about you know… that. He looked up to her to see if she was going to lay or sit in his lap or what
3:44 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 3:56 PM
Rikuma settled into his lap, snuggling against him. "It's alright. I enjoyed it." She gave him a soft peck on the lips, taking the moment to enjoy his warmth, the gentle moments that followed the intensity of earlier. "I really do love being yours, and knowing that you're mine." She sighed contentedly. "I'm used to having to be in control all the time. It's nice to let go when I'm with you." Or at least to pretend to be powerless, with someone she could trust not to take it further than she was comfortable with. Her head rested against his shoulder. "Crosby... I think I already know the answer, but after everything we just did, it would be nice to hear it out loud... Do you respect me?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/12/2023 4:01 PM
He carefully wrapped his arms around her of course. He held her close, quite lovingly and possessively. Like a dragon with their horde refusing to ever let go. He quite enjoyed these moments too. The quiet seconds they got to just simply enjoy each other’s presence and what they each had to offer one another. Good~ because I quite enjoy having you as mine. My cute little princess girlfriend~. He pecked her with a few gentle kisses here and there. He had to make sure she knew he was his and safe. And loved. He rubbed her back gently in circles. His hands being quite warm of course like the rest of him was. mhm. Of course I respect you Rikuma. There’s no reason why I wouldn’t. You’re quite obviously a leader at heart, willing to go way out of your way to do the right thing and save your kingdom. No less by of course fighting an empire. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/12/2023 4:14 PM
The affection was still so new to Rikuma, and she felt herself melting gladly into it. She knew what he would say, but it was still exactly what she needed to hear. "Thank you. I've tried to do what's right, but it's not always easy to see what that is." She wrapped her arms around him, thinking back to what the doppelganger had told him. That there had been one here at all meant Aubron probably knew they were coming for him, and had already sent out a spy. They should be prepared for even more trouble along the way. Still, while some of what had been said about her while they'd thought she hadn't heard was nonsense, not all of it had been. She looked down, unsure whether to ruin the moment. "I... just hope my advisors can handle matters while I'm gone," she said. "Because..." She looked up at him. "If I tell you a secret, can you promise not to tell anyone else? It can also wait, if you'd prefer that." But she wasn't sure when they'd have this sort of privacy again. "It isn't another reveal of some horrifying thing I did, but it's something I want to be able to tell someone, but have never been able to safely." @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/13/2023 12:42 AM
He could tell but didn’t mind. He was completely fine with her melting into his embrace. It just showed he was doing a good job. I know, it won’t always be exactly clear Rikuma. *He tried his best not to think about the fact they already knew. That would just cause him to grow more anxious. You can if you want Rikuma. His eyes fixated upon her, his head tilting slightly so he could try to get a look at her face. He wondered what she could want to spill now of all times though. It was sort of odd timing, but then again, they seemed to be truly alone. And who knows when that would happen again next? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/13/2023 2:27 AM
Rikuma looked down, trying to think of the best words to explain. "I... I heard what the doppelganger told you," she said. "And I know certain... rumours about me." And that the people here who were nice to her, except maybe for Corinne, were only that way out of fear. Had she been accused of killing the king and queen, when he had been asked to kill her? "I want to be honest with you before you can doubt me, if you don't already. The king and queen - my parents - haven't actually taken a vow of silence. They've been dead for almost ninety years." Now that she said it aloud, she realized the timing probably was not great. Oh well, too late now. Story time. "I was training in the Order's ossuary at the time." She could have told him every last minute detail of that day, if she was so inclined. Every little thing about it, seared into her memory, indelible as it haunted her. She stuck with the relevant details. "When I was summoned back up to the palace, my father didn't actually bother to explain anything. No matter how much I proved myself academically or how much of a necromantic prodigy I was, he'd never thought highly enough of my intelligence to consider me worth explaining anything to. So it was only later that I pieced together that he was convinced the only way to break the curse was to eliminate the Aelynthi bloodline. My mother chose to die with us, because she didn't want to be the sole survivor." She leaned into him as she spoke. "They were very polite about it. Made sure I was comfortable, and that I didn't taste the poison. But they got the dosage wrong, and it wasn't enough to kill me immediately. It would have eventually, but by then I had experimented with necromantic self-healing so much that it happened for me without any conscious thought." She closed her eyes, seeking comfort in his warmth. .
2:30 AM
"By the time I woke up, they were dead. My mother had always been cautious of what the Order would do if they got too much power - say, by being appointed raegent in the event of their early deaths - and me reanimating their corpses and pretending they were alive had been her idea, something her ghost insisted on. It was practical. I didn't like lying, but I knew the truth would be worse, in this situation. And by the time I reached my coming-of-age, I just... didn't know how to let them go. I'm not sure how to stop pretending, by this point." On the bright side, he never had to worry about meeting her parents. Probably. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/14/2023 1:21 AM
He fell quiet at that. His face absolutely dropped. He fell utterly serious of course at such a topic. He had to take a minute or two to process it all. And even then, he was completely speechless. It didn’t help he was still on a bit of a bliss high and coming down. He sort of just stared at her, blinking occasionally, awkwardly albeit. That was quite the sudden dump for the princess. Although, by now he should’ve grown to expect it. He Ran a hand through his hair. and who would’ve taken over if you did perish? And was there even any proof that would actually fix the curse? He didn’t even address the pretending part. That was such a strange complication he’d have no idea how to fix that. That was… out of his league. He wasn’t a master of magic or political things. He sucked at both. And meeting her parents was the least of his worries right now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/14/2023 8:14 AM
Rikuma had considered those exact questions before. Or rather, the questions raised by the answers to them. "The high priestess still would have taken over then," she admitted. "But with the curse broken and life returning to Rashouris, she wouldn't have been able to cause as much damage. The main problems she could have caused would come from her inaction and the removal of the non-necromantic magic we currently rely on for water and growing plants from the education system." The question of proof was... more challenging. She sighed. "The proof was... tenuous. At the time, Aubron's confession had not yet been discovered, so we didn't know the real way to break the curse or who had cast it. It was believed that the queen at the time had cursed the land so that Thauviel would have no use for it, and it's common for multigenerational curses that affect land rather than individual people to be broken by eliminating the bloodline responsible." She looked up at him. "You don't have to say anything, if you don't know what to say. I know it's... a lot, but I feel better now that I've finally said it. I never had a chance to really grieve, and with how complicated it all is, I wouldn't even know how. But I feel like admitting that it happened is a good step." She leaned in and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for listening." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/17/2023 10:22 AM
He nodded, he was completely unsure how to respond of course. That was… a lot to take in. Even for an experienced adventurer like him. This was also the reason why necromancy was frowned upon, the cruelty and dishonesty it bred was unlike any other. But then again, she was forced to or she would’ve been screwed without it. It made him worried, unsure what to say or do even. But he hid it as best he could. mhm. It is a good step and no problem. Thats all he could manage. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/17/2023 11:24 AM
"I guess... When we return, I'll let them go," Rikuma decided. She didn't mention yet the little complication that she'd be expected to at least have a betrothal before her coronation. Now wasn't a good time. Even she could tell. "I'll think of a reason. 'Attempted murder-suicide' would bring shame to the family name if anyone knew, so probably not that." She stayed leaning against him. "So, what now? Do you want to stay here for a bit longer, or head out?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/18/2023 7:43 AM
It’s up to you how about you want to handle that Rikuma. Just be careful how you do it is all. And I guess we can head back now if you want? Or maybe we can look around bit more? He glanced around to the room. Maybe he could find something else of use around here. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/18/2023 10:05 AM
Rikuma nodded in agreement. Of course she would be careful. She tried to be, at least. In most matters. "Sure, we can look around, see if you find anything else familiar in here." She stood and picked up the first layer of her outfit to start getting dressed. Most of it, she could put back on herself, but not all, and she didn't have any undead servants handy at the moment. Those whose bones she carried with her had only agreed to be used for combat, after all. "Would you mind helping out with my corset? It's easier to take off than it is to tighten back up." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/20/2023 8:38 AM
He nodded and got up, brushing off a bit before starting to get dressed again. But he soon stopped seeing she needed assistance. He smiled a tiny bit and of course helped her put it back on. of course I can help. He likewise tried to be cautious and careful. Unless well, emotions or other factors took over. Then sometimes, not so much. But that was besides the point. Once he finished helping her get dressed and dressed himself, he began to walk around the room; seeing if anything spoke to him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/20/2023 9:27 AM
Rikuma stood still while he helped with tightening her corset back up. Once it was where she wanted it, she let him know to tie it off, then finished getting dressed. Her hood remained down as long as it was just the two of them. Since she'd already had her chance to look around, she stayed behind to let him search, opening the door to let some light in from the hallway. "Do you see anything interesting?" she asked, looking over her shoulder. "I mean, it's all interesting... Anything familiar or useful?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/22/2023 7:58 AM
He fell quiet as he felt something… it called to him. Not in a good way like his own equipment. But still… it beckoned him forth. Daring him. Challenging him. He dug through quite the pile of stuff before he found what it was a strangely weapon shaped object in a burlap sack. His eyes fixated upon it, shadows being cast upon his face despite the light coming into the room. She may have been able to feel its presence grow stronger in his grasp. He opened the top of the sack and slowly drew the blade. A beautiful black sword with a red tint to its material. A red gem at the end of the handle and a skull where the crossguard and blade met. A green gem in one eye of the skull and an orange in the other. He didn’t respond; seemingly lost in thought. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 3:40 AM
"Crosby?" Rikuma turned fully around to face him as the strange energy began to fill the room. She approached cautiously, noting the way he hadn't responded. Possibly another flashback, but from the look of that sword, possibly a trance as well. "Crosby, what is it?" she asked softly. Slow, careful as ever, she reached out to place a hand on his arm. Whatever this was, it didn't seem like good news. She stared at the sword to see if it was anything familiar, anything she may have seen in a history book. "Maybe we should set this down for now," she suggested, as that seemed like the common-sense approach to a mysterious weapon with a sketchy aura. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 6:03 AM
No. He said sternly as she told him to put it down. He didn’t look to her, he refused to let go of it either. However, if she was well versed in rather evil history. She’d come to recognize it… a vampire queens blade. One from their time. It was a blade of terror. It demanded death and murder from its holder for more power in exchange. And here it was, in his grasp. He tossed the sack aside as he gave it a hefty swing, pulling himself away from her grasp. His other sword glowing purple in response to the evil this blade presented. His veins visibly flared up at holding this weapon in his hands. Like it was exerting a toll upon him. I’m going to keep it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 6:21 AM
Hm... nope. She didn't like that one bit. She took a step back, eyeing the blade nervously. "Do you know what that sword is? The vampire queen's blade, one that demands blood and will never have enough?" she asked. "I understand the need to keep it from getting into the wrong hands, but it will be safer to destroy it, for your sanity." And her safety. And the safety of literally everyone else. He already seemed to be struggling, after all. "Are you sure you can handle it?" She was trying to trust his judgment, she really was. But he was making it really difficult, and she rested a hand on the hilt of her sword as she waited for a response. She'd remain prepared to run if she had to. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 8:25 AM
He nodded. Seemingly fully aware of whose weapon this was and what it wanted. His eyes turning towards her as his face returned to normal. His other blade turned to normal. Seems he had it under control. I can control it Rikuma. I’m sure of it. He was a knight of lawful good, and wielding multiple Artifacts made for that, it would take a lot more than a simple evil blade to turn him or make him too mad. She made a promise to me. He said rather simply while sheathing the blade. His veins going back to normal. I can call upon her for assistance in exchange for blood. But upon the third call… she returns. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 8:52 AM
Rikuma relaxed slightly as he started acting normal again. "You made me worry," she commented. "Let's just be careful not to use it unless we have to, alright?" She returned to the door and held it open. One of her skeletons approached, ready to clean up once they were out of the storage room. She looked ahead down the hall, but all was quiet. Some time had passed though, and she was sure it wouldn't be long before the moon rose. "Your armor might be ready by now; Corinne works quickly, and has enchantments that will cool the metal almost instantly. Do you want to go back and check?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 9:04 AM
He nodded of course in agreement. He knew what “payment” would be to a vampire queen and he wasn’t exactly looking for that. He already had Rikuma and being drained of his essence in multiple ways wasn’t exactly his ideal lifestyle. But hats besides the point. Yeah, we should probably head back now. He brushed off and fixed his hair up just a tad more, completely forgetting he’d left marks on his love that even Corrine would surely see. He still tried to play it cool. hopefully we can find more help on our way too. Even if it’s only for a small stretch of the journey. He offered her his hand to take, his eyes looking into hers, hopefully she hadn’t put that dreaded hood back on yet. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 9:26 AM
Rikuma looked up at him as well. She'd already pulled her hood back up, but from the angle he saw her at, the silvery glow of her eyes illuminated the shadows beneath enough for them to remain visible to him. "We will," she agreed, taking his hand in hers. "I don't think most people would want to leave an entire kingdom to die." She walked out, toward the exit of the museum. Fortunately, the outside of the windows remained an unbroken blackness, indicating that they still had a few minutes left before nightfall at least. She rested her free hand on the markings at her neck, mostly covered by clothing, but with the highest one still visible, and smiled. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 9:33 AM
That was okay for now. He knew she preferred to hide her face as much as it pained him. He quite liked seeing the pretty lady he called his in more than one way. But that’s all not important. There was more bigger and pressing matters at hand. it’s going to be hard to justify for someone who’s never even heard of this kingdom before. It was hard to believe even for me this place really existed until I was here. He wasn’t even looking to her at the moment when she smiled. He was looking around, thinking about what he could do to help with this journey. He didn’t exactly offer anyone to help, they’d surely all be dead by now. He was alone besides her and whoever else she invited. He did however wonder if he could perhaps convince some monsters to join them. They could prove quite useful. But they would be costly also. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 9:38 AM
Unfortunate, but true. Rikuma sighed. "I know. Considering the reputation necromancy has in other places, 'it's a kingdom of necromancers' isn't exactly the best way to start explaining, either," she admitted. "We will start with Corinne, then see if anyone from your guild would be able to come with us. You said a maximum of two others, right? I assume at a time - some may not be able to join us the entire way, but could still be helpful nonetheless." She looked straight ahead as well, then took a step ahead of him to push the front doors open. The first traces of the moon had begun to appear on the horizon, the slightest hint of grey light to indicate the coming of night. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 9:43 AM
Exactly. A party of 5 is about as big as we probably can reasonably manage. And that’s fine if they can’t come the entire way, even some help would be better than nothing. Especially through the cursed forest. He looked to her as she did so. Of course he couldn’t help but gaze at her body. Just a reminder of what he was grateful to have as his own. But he shook his head to snap out of it and looked skywards. Good. Nightfall almost. we should get going. Whats the “safest” place we can set up camp or stay once we exit the kingdom when we have to rest? I’m sure there probably isn’t going to be anymore civilization we can reach within reasonable time. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 9:51 AM
Rikuma considered his question for a moment. It had been so long since she had left Rashouris that it was next to impossible to say. "Anywhere outside of Rashouris will be safer," she said. "We can find a spot by a river and set up camp there, but we'll see what Corinne thinks. She travels more often." She kept hold of his hand as she led the way through town. It was livelier now, with a few market booths having been set up outside in preparation for the upcoming moonlight. "I wonder if the moonlit markets will continue after the sun returns," she commented, before turning toward the direction of Corinne's forge. Corinne opened the door before they even reached it. "There you are," she said, then stepped aside. "Your armor is ready. Do you want to try it on?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 10:36 AM
Anywhere is safer than here…? I doubt that but sure… He sighed a bit, glancing around as the booths were set up. Interesting how this place seemed to be more lively at night. How odd. His home was well, quite the opposite. He wondered what was happening at home. And began to try to think to anyone he could perhaps call upon for help. His own faction would have no interest in helping well… a necromancer. Even it was to save a kingdom supposedly. They’d need evidence and permission from higher ups. It’d take too long. The guild was a toss up. Perhaps his reputation would help him there. there’s only one way to find out about that Rikuma. He didn’t question even question how she knew they were coming. She surely had her way. He stepped inside and pulled Rikuma in. If you don’t mind, I’d love to. He let go of her hand of course too. Hopefully Corinne didn’t notice the rather strangely evil blade in his presence. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 10:55 AM
"I mean compared to the wilderness of Rashouris, where if the curse beasts don't kill you, hypothermia certainly will," Rikuma explained. "Besides, we have those travel scrolls, so we will be able to reach a town without much problem." She let him pull her into the shop, then closed the door behind her. She let him go so he could do what he had to do. Corinne looked at the state of what showed of Rikuma's neck, offering a knowing smile. "Glad you two had a good day," she commented, before leading Crosby toward the mannequin that held his completed set of armor. She paused, looked at the sword he carried, and frowned. "What are you doing with that thing?" Her tone was neutral, more curious than anything, but the question was definitely there. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 11:17 AM
He nodded. He sort of forgot about that. He had well, gotten distracted… by her as usual. He wasn’t surprised the smith had noticed what he’d done with the lady. It was impossible not to. He quietly nodded again and inspected the armor with a careful eye before turning to her. I have my reasons for carrying it. I’d rather not say when… it’s listening. But I don’t intend to use it like the last owner did. He reached a hand out to the armor. so how exactly do you put this on? It’s been… a while since I had equipment like this. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 11:34 AM
Corinne undid the straps on the pieces of plate, setting them carefully down. "Plate armor - even half-plate - isn't meant to be put on alone," she explained. "Rikki, that's your cue." Rikuma looked over, confused at first. "Cue? Oh, right. Yes, I can help." She hurried over to join them, picking up the first piece of plate while Corinne removed the padded jacket from the mannequin. "Start with the gambeson," Corinne instructed, holding it out to him. "The plate's useless if it's just going to fuck you up worse the second you take blunt damage. The sabatons will be next." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/26/2023 12:53 PM
He nodded. He had well… honestly sort of forgot he had to have someone help him before. He’d never really had armor besides his leather armor, to which he took off and put on the ground. He put what she handed on. this is going to be well… annoying but I’m sure we’ll manage. I’ll need the protection unlike you unless we can get a mage to cast a protection spell on me. But that’s besides the point. Is there anything special to this armor? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/26/2023 3:12 PM
"Annoying, maybe, but you could think of it as intimate if I'm the one helping you," Rikuma suggested, holding out the first plate boot. "I think you can take care of this part on your own. I'll help with the rest of it." She picked up the leather armor and draped it over the mannequin for now, to keep it off the floor. Corinne looked down at the plate pieces as she answered. "Funny you should mention a protective spell. I did add an enchantment to help protect against non-physical damage as well." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/27/2023 12:50 AM
I suppose you’re right. I don’t mind then~. That was maybe a good point. He just of course kept putting on whatever they handed him. As much as he could on his own of course. The armor he once wore was heavily beat down to say the least. This was a major much needed upgrade. He did look a bit happy about it as much as he tried to keep serious. His eyes shifting to Corinne as she spoke, hopefully she wasn’t all too bothered by his curse being this close. Oh? So like…. Magic spells? He wondered if she was capable of put a warding spell upon the armor. That would be quite useful against how many spell casters roamed the land. And especially with who they were going up against… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/27/2023 3:21 AM
Rikuma helped him out, securing the straps he wouldn't be able to reach on his own. Once he was in his full armor, she stepped back. A damn nice view, even with his body covered. She nodded in approval. "Magic," Corinne confirmed. "Considering the fact that we're going against powerful sorcerers, you'll need the added resistance." She walked to the back of the shop and picked up a bag, slinging it over her shoulder. It didn't look like it should be able to hold much, but it was all she carried. "Now, are we heading out?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/27/2023 3:43 AM
He of course couldn’t help but swing his arms a bit, of course not near his Allies. He was just testing the mobility of the armor and how much it would hinder him. He of course probably did look quite good. More tempting than usual with the fact that you wouldn’t know what lied beneath. He turned to the smith and then Rikuma. it’s up to the princess. She decides when we leave. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/27/2023 5:44 AM
Rikuma looked through the window. The moon had risen, so it would be dark outside of the kingdom by now. At least, dark enough to tolerate without needing time for her eyes to adjust. They could go to Waterdeep, try to recruit, then find a place to rest for the night. "We leave now," she decided. She held out a travel scroll to Corinne first, then to Crosby. "We're starting with Waterdeep, then to Thauviel once we have a full party of five. Or at least a healer." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/27/2023 1:46 PM
He nodded of course and took the scroll. Luckily he knew how to use one in order to get here. Right. However, their plan of course wouldn’t go as expected. Nothing ever would. A horrific reality like no other awaited them outside these walls. One they would soon find out. hopefully we can even convince a healer to join our cause. He adjusted his armor a bit so it was comfortable before looking back to Rikuma, awaiting her orders for when they would exactly leave. @Al the Killer @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/27/2023 3:54 PM
"Getting a healer will be our top priority," Rikuma promised, then grabbed her own travel scroll. She couldn't shake off the faint sense of foreboding. She often had such a sensation though, and it rarely ever meant anything real, so she chose to ignore it. Instead, she took a deep breath, then nodded. "Right. Let's go, then." She rested a hand on Crosby's arm, then activated her scroll in order to bring them to their destination. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/28/2023 12:41 AM
In the blink of an eye the three would vanish, and that dreadful feeling was a warning of what was to come. As the moment they arrived in Waterdeep, they were supposed to be standing in front of the guild. But as of now… only a destroyed buildings ruins remained. All around was the same fate almost, some in better shape than others. Some still on fire. Injured people and bodies lined the streets as a heavy thick ash and smoke filled the air. Basic supplies stores were all raided completely to have nothing left. Now, as for his reaction, it was a mess. He fell deathly silent as he looked around the princess and smith fading away as grief filled his heart. He let this happen… he should’ve been here to stop this. His fist balled up tight, his veins flaring up quite intensely. His eyes sharp as a brief sadness turned into a sharpened anger. The sword of evil whispering things inn his ear. He wanted revenge. Whoever did this would pay a thousand fold in every way they could be tortured. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/28/2023 4:48 AM
Rikuma and Corinne stood in stunned silence at the sight in front of them. Obviously, this was not normal. Rikuma could practically feel Crosby's grief as she looked over at him, concerned. As much as she wanted to comfort him, she knew nothing would console someone in a situation like this one. Feelings wouldn't do anything - action would. So she spoke up. "Corinne, search for any survivors," she said, her tone steady and crisp as ever. She would be strong for both of them, and make sure that justice was secured. "I will commune with the spirits that remain here to see what they might be willing to tell me about what happened." She looked at Crosby. "Love, would you mind seeing if you can find any trace of whoever did this? If we can find them, we'll follow." She placed a hand on his arm, firm but gentle. "They won't get away with it." Imprisonment would prove impractical - this level of damage had to have been caused by either an army, or something too strong to effectively contain through any methods she knew. Death on sight seemed a necessary measure, in this case. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/28/2023 8:29 AM
The guild remains were few and far between. Seems it was the hardest targeted building oddly. He was already ahead of her, he went straight for the wreck of the guild and being a raging man with strength on his side, he started to move rubble aside. Searching for well, survivors and clues as to who did this. He didn’t even respond or acknowledge her at the moment, blinded at the moment by a massive wave of emotions. To rikuma’s left was a merchant trying to gather what remained of his stall. A small fire being still lit not too far away. Seems this attack wasn’t too long ago… but if she listened closely… she may have heard whispers that the Thauviel were behind this…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/28/2023 4:08 PM
Rikuma closed her eyes while she focused her attention on the spirits of the dead. Not all would be willing to speak, but she could still hear their conversations at the very least. The more she heard, the deeper her frown grew. It seemed Emperor Aubron was indeed back on his bullshit. Her eyes opened and she turned toward Crosby, observing his search for a moment. "Thauviel's Imperial army was behind this," she said. "They targeted your guild hall specifically, and it wasn't coincidental." Her fists clenched at her sides. Damn it! She should have known from the moment she'd found Discovery's corpse in the museum. Foolish of her not to piece it together before now. "They know we're coming." While she spoke, Corinne ran over to help the merchant. "Are you alright?" she asked him. She lifted her hands, and the shadows themselves seemed to left the remaining items that he'd been unable to fit in his arms. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/29/2023 12:41 AM
He paused when she said that, slowly standing up from being bent over to move rubble. A visible tensity still lingering across his body. Anger. Raw anger. Of course they did it and knew to target the guild. Perhaps they were trying to take him out… no way of knowing. Then what do you suggest we do now? There’s nobody left. He said sternly. His back to her still. Mainly because he didn’t want her to see the dreadful state he was in. He looked out to the rubble one final time to see if he could spot any survivors within it. The merchant looked to her, but a horrid sight was all she got. He was drenched in blood, his hands too. His eyes were glazed over like someone who was completely insane. He paused and stared at her for a few moments before mumbling something and dropping everything. He turned and fled. Didnt seem there was anyone who wanted them here. Maybe word had got out somehow? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/29/2023 4:38 AM
Rikuma looked around at the carnage around them. It was an attack, but also a message: if they continued forward, they would be facing an army. They had to be smart about this, not just charge in head-on. She rested a hand on the space between her collarbones where the key hung beneath her dress. Using it would be an act of war, the exact thing she had planned to avoid. But Thauviel's attack on Waterdeep had been one as well, one that the victims had been unable to effectively defend against. For a moment, she was silent. Then she spoke up. "We keep going," she said. "Rashouris won a war against the Empire once, and we can do it again. Thanks to Thauviel, we have more dead than ever before. I can summon the three True Masters of Necromancy to lead an army of the Rashouran undead to clear our path. There are five kingdoms under the Thauviel Empire's flag. We'll turn them against each other and, most importantly, against their Emperor. Then we find Ashrune, kill Aubron and his witch, and put the commanders responsible for this attack to the sword." Corinne stumbled away from the merchant, her shadows dropping the items as he ran away. "Shit," she breathed, then walked to Rikuma's side. "I get why we have to do this, but we should find a place to set up camp first, and enough food for everyone. None of us will be any good unless we're at full strength." She looked at Rikuma. "Especially if you're summoning all three lich generals. Don't be an idiot about it." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/30/2023 12:20 AM
He realized that too, he was slowly calming down a tiny bit. But if he saw any sign of who did this, he might be stirred up again. He ran a hand through his hair, taking a deep breath in. He glanced over his shoulder as the princess spoke and nodded. He shifted a bit where he stood at the mention of her summoning literal liches. His face not all too pleased. Being well, aligned with good, a lich was quite the opposite of what he liked. But that was besides the point. There was bigger and more important things to focus on. Food is going to be near impossible to come by here especially after this attack. He began to try to think about any alternatives. Not realizing he could provide a rather unconventional one himself due to the magic and nature of the curse. The princess already quite seemed to like it. And also if monsters could survive off what he could give, what was stopping them? But that wasn’t an option he even considered. He looked between the two of them. and don’t summon them anywhere near here. Please. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/30/2023 3:14 AM
"Where is the nearest town?" Rikuma asked, then reconsidered. "No... I don't want to risk making it a target. We'll be better off finding a way around cities for now. Let's find a spot to set up camp further away, and figure it out from there." She walked to Crosby's side and placed a hand on his shoulder. The summoning wouldn't cause any peripheral damage and, as loyal Rashouran generals, the liches would only come to take their orders from Rikuma and leave without summoning anyone whose spirit was unwilling. But she understood the discomfort. Even among the Order, sacrificing one's soul for power was a form of heresy. The True Masters were accepted and respected only as a necessary evil. "I'll wait until this place is out of sight," she promised. "I'll only be giving their orders and sending them on their way." Corinne nodded. "As for food, I can hunt and forage. I normally only do it for myself, so three people will be a challenge, but whatever I find will be better than nothing. For now, let's get out of here." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/30/2023 1:47 PM
He looked to her of course as she spoke. He was aware wherever they go, would now be a target. They’d have to be careful. They were clearly trying to take him out also. His eyes looking to her hand and then back to those beautiful eyes if he could. Right… thank you for that… we don’t need anymore unnecessary trouble. He leaned down and pecked her with a gentle kiss. His hand coming to rest just above her bum like he was claiming her as his. That’s fine, I can help if need be. And it’s up to Rikuma and you where you guys want to go direction wise. He didn’t know which direction they had to go exactly either. He also did wonder how much longer Rikuma’s resistance to his curse would last. And if Corinne would ever fold. Especially considering they’re probably going to have to stay close at night around a fire or something to stay warm. Anyways, he knew that would cause problems but chose to ignore it. There was bigger things he needed to focus on. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 11/30/2023 2:37 PM
Rikuma returned the kiss softly, standing close to him. Whatever happened, they had each other. Hopefully, that would be enough to get through this alive. She closed her eyes again, seeing through the eyes of the dead to find a way out of town. Thauviel would be to the east of Waterdeep but west of Rashouris, so that was the direction they would go. "This way, then." She started to lead the way on her decided path. For now, she had clarity of thought. Once she woke up in the morning and the potion had worn off, well... then she would have other needs to attend to before she could plan clearly. Corinne followed behind, keeping Rikuma between her and Crosby, and keeping enough distance to help weaken his curse's effect on her for now. She kept her eyes focused on the road ahead, and mostly tried to avoid looking at any of the bodies that lined its sides. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/30/2023 3:55 PM
He hoped the same as well. That was almost his top priority but that shifted of course with this new attack. He was torn truly. But of course, he followed like a loyal guard to the princess without hesitation. As he did, he couldn’t help but remember the delightful beautiful lady that laid beneath that cloak. The one he called his. But that thought slipped as he looked to the remains of the dead and the living people who remained staring at them from inside their homes. Many injured and some more severely and visibly than others. But no one dared approach them. An eerie tense silence filled the air. A spite even. I should’ve been here sooner… He said under his breath to himself quietly. He could’ve stopped this if he was here perhaps, or changed the outcome a tiny bit… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/1/2023 5:28 AM
Rikuma's attention drifted as well. There did seem to be survivors, but they were all in hiding. She couldn't blame them - anyone would be scared in this situation - but seeing it still hit her with a grief she hadn't expected. The same pain she felt, watching her kingdom suffer and knowing that the most she could do was what she was already doing. "Shouldn't we do something to help them first...?" she asked, though she already knew the answer. In case there was any doubt, Corinne said it bluntly. "None of us are healers." She thought back on the merchant and shuddered slightly. "And I think their minds have been directly affected. They're unlikely to accept help even if we were able to provide it." She looked over at Crosby. "You had no way of knowing this would happen either, Crosby." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/1/2023 1:52 PM
He knew they wouldn’t accept help. Especially not from them. They indirectly caused this tragedy in the eyes of the people whether they liked it or not. And now, they were responsible to fix it in the only way he knew possible. End this. End this war forever and take down the ones who were responsible brutally. His gaze shifting to Corrine as she said his name. We did…. But I didn’t connect the pieces until now… these damn bastards with pay with their fucking heads. He huffed and looked forwards only to see a kid with a bandage wrapped around half their head. A boy to be exact, he was stood on the side of the road, crying. The corpse of a dead and mutilated dog in hand. This, this made him even more angry. Seeing children and the future suffer for a cause beyond them. Selfish bastards. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/1/2023 2:48 PM
Rikuma nodded in agreement with his words, but was momentarily distracted as she saw the child. A mutilated, dead pet... now that was a problem she could fix. But as she moved to step off the road, Corinne grabbed her arm, stopping her. "Do not. You'll make things worse," Corinne hissed, knowing that children outside of Rashouris would be horrified at their pets being reanimated as undead constructs. Rikuma sighed, cast the child a sorrowful glance, but kept on walking. "This is exactly what I wanted to avoid. It wasn't supposed to become a war. Nobody innocent was supposed to get hurt." She looked down, thinking back to everything she might have done differently up to this point. Everything she should have done differently. She reached out for Crosby's arm, squeezing it gently for comfort. "No. They won't get away with this. I promise." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/2/2023 12:29 AM
He agreed with Corinne of course, that would seriously terrify any kid more than help. As they continued to walk, right near the gate, was where they were putting the dead under blankets. Counting how many had been lost, and who. Probably 100’s more than a third of the dead being children. The toll would be quite heavy for Waterdeep to deal with, two dead horses laid just outside the gates, along with a… a warg with brown fur. All three were dead. I’ll personally ensure they don’t. People stared at them as they passed, a guard even glaring at Crosby very visibly but he looked away after a few seconds. All Crosby could think of at the moment was how they were going to destroy the empire. And how he hoped they’d find a healer sooner than later. They needed one…. Badly. This just proved it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/2/2023 5:04 AM
Rikuma kept her eyes on the ground, aware of the looks they were getting, and doubted any of them were positive. They needed to fix this, in the only way they could. It was too late for the ones who had already died or been traumatized. She said nothing as they passed by the gate and into the forest beyond. The dense foliage hardly left room to walk, let alone to set up camp. After a while, Corinne darted ahead without warning. "Where are you going?" Rikuma asked. "Shadows are gathered..." Corinne came to a halt, pushing various branches and leaves out of the way to reveal a cave. "Here." Inside was a cavernous space, a hole in its ceiling just large enough to let in extra moonlight. Water flowed in through some hidden underground stream, leaving a small but deep pool of water. But all around it, enough solid ground remained to allow the three of them to rest comfortably. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/5/2023 12:59 AM
He knew they needed to fix this. Badly. Him especially, he went from being looked at like an absolute hero to now some traitor to the people. He hated it. He was soon lost in his thoughts as they walked along until Rikuma spoke and broke the silence. His attention of course going to her. As he observed. He fell quiet, this could do for the night. Maybe. so this is where we’re going to stay for the night? He was fine with it. He just wanted to make sure. He wondered where the water was coming from of course. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/5/2023 6:14 AM
"This will do," Rikuma agreed, following Corinne into the cave to look around. She had no trouble seeing even into the darkest corners, so she could tell it was safe. Free of threats, relatively flat ground, only the cavern entrance and the hole through which the underground stream flowed to keep an eye on. A bit cold, but she was used to the cold. "Corinne, could you go find some food for us?" Corinne nodded and set her bag on the ground. "Let me just get a few things out so you can set up camp while I'm out." She pulled out two bedrolls, which alone appeared to be more than the bag should have been able to accommodate, even while rolled up. A pan, a flint and steel set for starting a fire, and utensils for eating whatever she caught followed soon after. "This should do for now." Without another word, she stepped into the deepest shadows of the cave and vanished. Rikuma nodded. "Thanks. I'll summon the generals while you're ou- and she's gone." She looked over at Crosby. "Love, would you mind gathering some wood for a fire? If you'd rather stay with me, we can go together once I've finished the summoning." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/6/2023 1:11 AM
Well he did have some trouble seeing into the darkness being human and all. But that was besides the point. He trusted them both and kept quiet about it. He watched Corinne not exactly surprised. Perhaps it was a bag of holding? He’d seen them before. He even had one for a quest before. But thank god she brought supplies. He nodded. Of course he could do that. I can go alone. I’ll be fine. Just be safe okay? He leaned down and pecked her with a brief kiss and a small smile before he began to head out into the dark forest alone, out of her sight. Hopefully no monster girls would be attracted to his curse at this time of night. He had used his ring to cast a smaller version of a daylight, it was a small ball of light floating above his head to light up where he walked. It followed him, but it also made him pretty easy to spot. Anyways, he of course began to gather as much wood as he could. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/6/2023 2:13 AM
Rikuma returned the kiss and watched him go. At least she'd be able to see that orb of light if he ran into trouble, assuming he didn't wander too far. For now, she reached down the neckline of her dress and pulled out the golden key that hung around her neck. Once she stepped back outside, she drew a circle in the dirt with her sword, then returned it to the scabbard. It was a delicate procedure, and couldn't be interrupted. Her lips moved silently as she tightened her grip on the key until her finger began to bleed. As she drew the symbols of summoning in the air and began to speak, the blood remained where her finger traced, suspended by magic. "To right what is wrong, I call on the three True Masters of Necromancy to return once more to your sacred duty. Eec'zor, protector of the Crown. Dhoukro, protector of the land and its people. Scolen, Rashouris's blade of vengeance." Wind whipped violently around her as she spoke, and three shadowy figures emerged from the circle, skeletal beneath their cloaks. In unison, the three knelt in front of her. ~~~ Behind Crosby, the leaves of the trees seemed to rustle unrelated to the winds of Rikuma's summoning rituals. There was a crack of wood from the trunk of one as a figure emerged from it. Her skin seemed to be made of bark, her hair and wings of leaves themselves. She followed close behind him as the vines gathered near his feet. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/7/2023 1:13 AM
Well, the problem is, he went pretty damn far. Probably more than he should’ve to be fair. He quietly looked around as the leaves began to move. Obviously trying his best to be alert. His arms being pretty full of firewood at the moment. He looked back behind him to see what was as causing this only to find what he thought was a Druid or a nymph. Of course he dropped the wood and went to draw his blade to cut the vines if they started to try to attach to him. what do you want? He demanded. He probably looked quite handsome right about now in his new armor. Like a proper knight in some ways. Not so much in others. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/7/2023 11:29 AM
Rikuma turned toward the lich to the right first. "Scolen. For a thousand years, Thauviel has caused our people to suffer, simply because we refused to bow to their Emperor. This genocide will stand no more. Leave the civilians in peace, but make their armies pay." "So it is done, Your Majesty." Scolen stood, bowed, and transported himself back to Rashouris to gather his forces. She did not correct him; he knew she had not yet been crowned as queen, but as long as she held the key, the liches knew where the real sovereign power was. Rikuma turned next to the lich in the middle. "Dhoukro. Thauviel has begun a proxy war against us with its attack on Waterdeep. If nothing is done, it may not be by proxy for much longer. Strike at their armies before they can bring the fight to us." "So it is done, Your Majesty." Dhoukro stood, bowed, and transported himself back to Rashouris to gather his forces. She turned to the remaining lich. Exhaustion from the summoning was beginning to settle in, but she ignored it for now. "Eec'zor. Thauviel's attack was meant to strike at me and my chosen consort." Maybe not quite yet, but she had her hopes for the future, and the stronger statement ensured the better results. "Any attack on him is an attack on the royal family, and this will not be their last attempt to harm him." "So it-" "Not yet." He looked up as she spoke. "Crosby, my chosen consort, is out gathering firewood. He is loyal, but quite literally irresistable to most women. See that he remains unharmed before you gather your forces." Eec'zor nodded. "So it is done." He stood, bowed, then turned to search the forest for him. ~~~ The dryad stood behind him. Although her vines were cut, more quickly moved to replace them, and to pin him in place. "I am the protector of this forest, and that is what I want to do." She walked in a circle around him, taking in the view. "And you are the most delicious intruder I have ever seen." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/8/2023 1:08 AM
He of course began to try to think of his way out of this. Getting captured by a beast was not on the list of things to do. He glared quite coldly at her. Of course she’s going to try something with him. Stupid lady. He murmured something under his breath. It sounded…. Inhuman. A language long since dead. I hate to burst your bubble of hysteria but I’m not food. From his ring a volley of fire balls soon formed and went straight at the dryad, homing in like missiles. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/8/2023 2:47 AM
The dryad lunged toward him, only to fall back and scream as the fireballs caught her. In her panic, her vines let go of him. Try as she did to put out the flames, they only spread... to the forest itself, because fire did not contain itself easily. The screams and the smoke drew Eec'zor's attention, and he floated toward the man, the dryad, and the spreading fire. Unsurprising that the kingdom's heir would choose a powerful consort as well. "Crosby." The creaking voice, hardly sounding louder than a whisper, should not have been audible over the sounds of a forest fire starting. "Her Majesty requests that I ensure your safe return to her." He held out a skeletal hand as an offer of guidance. ~~~ Exhausted, Rikuma returned to the cave and sat down, propping herself against the wall. But as the fire began spreading, she smelled the burning outside and groaned. "That is not what I meant when I requested firewood," she muttered. Then a shiver crept down her spine, the undeniable feeling that something was watching her. She looked toward the pool of water and the feeling vanished. There was nothing there. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/9/2023 1:16 AM
He brushed offed and held his sword tight. Crap. He didn’t mean to set the forest ablaze. He debated how to put it out until he heard a voice say his name. He turned back to the lich, of course falling quiet as he looked them uo and down. He picked up the wood he was gathering from before. Thanks for the offer but I can walk back. He sheathed his sword and began to walk back, his arms full of wood. He expected the lich to of course follow. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/9/2023 4:08 PM
As the two of them walked back to the cave, a torrential downpour of rain began to fall, extinguishing the flames. The lich lifted an arm, extending his cloak to cover his queen's intended and the wood he carried, shielding them from the weather. Probably for the best, since Crosby hadn't seemed to hasten his leaving. Still, Eec'zor couldn't help but look up at the sky. It was clear of clouds, and there had been no indication of oncoming rain. Strange. "Be careful. The work of an elemental magic user is likely." Rikuma looked over from where she rested in the cave, breathing a sigh of relief as she saw Crosby return. "Thank you, General Eec'zor," she said as she stood back up. "We can take care of things from here." Meanwhile, Corinne stood in a corner with a pile of foraged mushrooms, a large hare, and a few different berries. Her hair clung to the top and sides of her head with damp from the rain, and her catlike ears had flattened out to either side. Clearly, she was not a fan of the supernatural rain, and appeared moments away from hissing at anyone who so much as looked at her funny. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/11/2023 1:08 AM
He was a bit confused as to why it was pouring all the sudden but chose not to question it. Instead his attention turned to the lich. Even with it helping him, his stomach felt something was off. His mind not being a fan of this being whatsoever. Perhaps he had a terrible experience with one in the empire war. He couldn’t remember. He huffed when he said that… great. Potentially an elemental enemy after him too? That didn’t matter though as they soon returned. He walked over to Rikuma, having quite the load for firewood. She may have noticed there was evidence of the dryad attack upon his armor, just new odd minor marks here and there. the rain coming out nowhere is odd… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/11/2023 1:52 AM
Rikuma helped him set the firewood down and arrange it for a decently-sized campfire. While she did, she looked over at her partner, noticing the marks already on his armor. Maybe she had been right to send one of her generals for him, after all. She glanced over, but Eec'zor had already slipped away to gather his forces against the Empire. Oh well, at least it was getting done. With him gone, she lowered her hood. "It is," she agreed, then looked over at Corinne, who did, in fact, hiss in response. "And not to everyone's taste, either. Still, I did smell a forest fire, so it's good to know that might be taken care of... Corinne, you can dry off faster if you stand next to the fire." She picked up the piece of flint. "And how do you use this thing...?" Corinne sighed and took off her outer layer of clothing. They hung suspended in the shadows, leaving her in an undershirt and shorts as she approached. "Such a princess," she teased, before holding a hand out. "Here, I'll take care of lighting the fire." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/11/2023 2:00 AM
He was kind of busy thinking about his last encounter. And what he could’ve done differently. How he could’ve improved and been more careful. He knew burning down an entire forest would not have been a good look. And would’ve drawn some rather unnecessary terrible attention. But the past was in the past now. He watched the two of them quietly. Not having much to say at the moment it seemed. He crossed his arms and looked to see if the liches were still here. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/11/2023 2:05 AM
Rikuma leaned back as the fire sprang to life. "Oh. Thank you." She looked over at Crosby and tugged on his hand slightly as she sat down. "You can join me down here," she said softly. She followed his gaze, but the liches had already left. "They don't stay around much once they're given their orders," she explained. "I made sure to tell Scolen to leave the civilians alone. The rest don't need to be told, but he can be rather... vengeful, especially now that it's against the Empire that cursed us a thousand years ago." Corinne left the fireside to pick up the rabbit she'd hunted. As she sat by the fire, she skinned it silently with an obsidian knife, allowing the others to talk. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/11/2023 8:36 AM
He sat down beside her, his attention still drawn to their direction until she told him they’re gone. Then he looked to her. right. I just… something about them I don’t like… Mainly because they’re usually associated with evil. Not like he could remember that right now though. Anyways. sorry. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/12/2023 3:05 AM
Rikuma rested her head against his shoulder. "I understand," she said. "I'm sure they must be unsettling if you aren't used to necromancy. Even if you are, they're still former humans who sacrificed their own souls for power, in a way, and even within the Order that's a form of heresy. I think they've lived long enough to regret it, though." She shrugged. "And I haven't spent much time around Dhoukro or Scolen, but I only have good memories of Eec'zor. He's the one who taught me how to fight, since my parents assumed I wasn't worth teaching beyond the bare minimum." It hurt to admit out loud, just how dismissive they'd been toward her. She shook her head and looked over at Corinne, focusing on watching her start to cook the rabbit. "Is that going to be enough for three people?" "Two and a half," Corinne said, then looked over at Rikuma. "I wouldn't recommend a full portion of meat when you've spent your entire life only eating vegetables, fungi, and the occasional anglerfish; your stomach might not be able to handle it." Rikuma glanced sideways at Crosby. "I can handle a full portion of meat," she said, and Corinne laughed. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/13/2023 1:16 AM
He wrapped an arm around his love as they sat together. His eyes of course being quite soft as he looked of her. I’m sorry that happened to you. But from what I’ve seen, you’re quite capable. Let’s keep it that way. He didn’t exactly know how much else to respond to that right now. He blushed as she said that, thinking of… other things besides food. He couldn’t help but smile and roll his eyes. sure you can princess. Whatever you say. He chuckled a bit and pecked her with a gentle kiss. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/13/2023 4:14 AM
While the food cooked, she allowed herself to appreciate the warm safety of his embrace. For a moment, she let herself believe nothing could touch them here. "We will," she promised. "What happened in the forest?" What she really meant to ask was, why the fuck was the forest on fire? but she opted for the nicer wording to the question. While the two of them snuggled, Corinne finished preparing dinner for the three of them, making sure everyone would have enough. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 1:02 AM
A dryad decided to try to attack me. She didn’t like the fire spell I used on her to drive her away. He stated quite simply. He didn’t exactly want to go into much more detail than that. He was kind of hungry at the moment. Food was on his mind and her. Not much else. His body slowly seemed to relax while he sat beside her although hopefully her potion of resistance was still working and Corinne could resist with them all being this close for so long. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/14/2023 2:50 AM
Rikuma stayed even closer to him while she heard that. Maybe she shouldn't have sent him away, but at least it had ended well. She only left his side to take her plate once it was ready, grabbing Crosby's as well. She handed it over to him while Corinne stood back up and moved to the far side of the cave. "Won't you be cold?" Rikuma asked. "I'll be fine." Corinne sat back down and started eating. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 1:46 PM
He was glad he faced the dryad rather than her. If she got hurt, like really hurt and he wasn’t there. He wouldn’t forgive himself. He’d also have you know… eliminated whoever hurt her or worse. Anyways, he of course took the plate and began to eat thank you. He wondered how close they’d have to be to be affected by his curse. He figured that’s why Corinne was that far. Hopefully he didn’t wake up to a surprise in the middle of the night to something like the high priestess again. Don’t get sick please. We don’t need you getting a cold @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/14/2023 2:18 PM
Rikuma began to eat as well, trying to remember the last time she'd had two meals in a single day. Not counting her dessert the night before. Maybe it was something she'd get used to, once the curse was broken. "Can sidhe even get sick?" she pondered aloud, looking toward Corinne. "I never have, but it's possible," Corinne said. "But it's rare, which is for the best, considering the... unpredictable magical effects of fae illness." She shook her head. "Anyway, it'll take more than a bit of damp and cold to do it." "Still, maybe you can sleep by the fire for the night," Rikuma offered. "I'm used to the cold, and Crosby will have me to keep him warm. We can be a bit further from it if you don't want to be too close." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 2:50 PM
He just nodded quietly in acknowledgment and let the two decide what to do themselves. As he ate, he looked towards the cave exit. He was thinking about what would happen after they finished this quest. Who would he be with? Where would they end up? He had lots on his mind. He got distracted from the moment at hand because of it and idly stuffed his face with food until there wasn’t any left. His face was quite neutral, his body relaxed. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/14/2023 2:59 PM
Once she finished her portion of the food, Rikuma yawned and leaned against Crosby. "Do you want to get everything set up for bed?" she suggested. "We have a long day ahead of us." She considered for a moment. "Maybe we could cross the border at Oblein, since that territory is mostly unprotected." Corinne tilted her head. "As of fifty years ago, maybe, but can we be sure it still is?" She considered for a moment. "Still, any other Thauvian territories will definitely have nobles and their armies overseeing them. And it's not like there's much around Oblein to protect. Just a bunch of swampland, really. It's a safer place to cross than any alternatives." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 3:08 PM
He snapped out of it and turned back to his darling. of course. He gently pulled his arm away from her and began to set up for the night. Glancing up occasionally as he worked. He didn’t know where this place was that they spoke of, or what made it so special. He only had what they spoke of for information. He wished he could remember everything from many years ago when he fell, but he couldn’t. It was dreadful. But also, as he thought about it; maybe it was for the better he didnt. Perhaps there was truly a reason he didn’t; had something horrible happened? Any significantly common monsters in the area we’d have to worry about there? Or even well, here while we rest the night? He was moreso worried about vampires. Especially here in a cave in the woods. He knew a vampire wouldn’t be able to resist a meal from a rare blood and Rikuma potentially. He also didn’t want to deal with any spider ladies or anything of that nature. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/14/2023 3:14 PM
Rikuma left the fireside to help get their bedroll rolled out and a few pillows set up for comfort. As she considered his questions, she removed the layer of bones that surrounded the outer part of her dress, followed by the top layer and the corset, so she could sleep comfortably. Once she was ready, she settled down and opened her arms for him. "For anything around here, since you lived in Waterdeep, you would know more than we would," she said. "As for around Oblein, you've got a few risks there. Shambling Mounds are of course going to be a danger in any swamp. Then there's lizardfolk, driders, hydras, giant frogs, carnivorous flora of various types... that sort of thing." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 3:25 PM
He of course set his equipment aside away farther away from the cave exit so if someone did come in, they’d have to sneak by him to touch his stuff. He’d know if anything went missing and exactly where to find it now. But only he knew that. He cuddled up with her and gently ran his hands through her hair. Playing with it carefully to keep himself busy. He couldn’t sleep quite yet. He needed to relax and ease up. Right… so vampires mainly. And what are shambling mounds exactly? He hadn’t heard of such. Everything else he had though. Some more than others. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/14/2023 3:31 PM
Unlike him, Rikuma found herself completely relaxed as he stroked her hair. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, a faint smile on her face as she answered his question. "They're monsters that look like moving, vaguely humanoid piles of rotting vegetation," she said. "They grow larger with each living being they engulf, animals and humans being favourite meals of theirs. They usually devour their prey after suffocating them with thick slime." She patted his chest with one hand. "But they're not that strong. The three of us would be able to take one down without much problem." "It's like a sentient compost heap that attacks people," Corinne summarized as she curled up beside the fire. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 3:36 PM
He tried his best to not be worried of course. But he was tense because of it. He was warm as to be expected, very comfortable to cuddle with in every way. He looked to Corrine of course as she added on. Hopefully she was far enough away for the curse not to take affect. Or that would be quite awkward with his needy and clearly very possessive girlfriend resting against him. whatever you guys say… you two should get some rest. I’ll keep watch.
3:36 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/14/2023 4:17 PM
Rikuma didn't need to be told twice to rest. Already, she'd made herself cozy as could be by his side and begun to doze off. Her breathing was slow and steady, warm against him as she slept. No matter where they were or what threats may have lurked outside, she could be sure she was safe with him. Corinne, on the other hand, focused on the shadows by the mouth of the cave. "No. You're a human, with human needs. You sleep." The shadows gathered, then seemed to take on forms of their own. "They will watch for us." She closed her eyes again and curled her tail around herself until the tip of it rested just over her nose. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/14/2023 4:23 PM
He sighed and decided it was best not to argue. He closed his eyes to sleep, slowly starting to relax finally as he fell asleep within a few minutes. His hand gently resting in rikumas hand since he was too lazy to move it. His other hand gently holding her close. He’d sleep until either someone awoke him or something happened. He was truly exhausted. A lot had happened today. Some good and some bad. But in the end, they were still alive. That’s all that mattered. Hopefully they could pull it off another day. And hopefully he’d be unbothered throughout the night and not wake up to something less than pleasant occurring. He knew it was possible though with both her and Corinne so close. Along with any potentially wandering vampire ladies. @Al the Killer @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/15/2023 1:14 PM
Rikuma woke up early, before the first rays of dawn. With a yawn, she opened her eyes and looked around the cave. Even this early, Corinne had already headed out on her crepuscular run, and would likely be gone until sunup. It was just her and... Her breath caught in her throat as she looked down at Crosby, her face burning. It wasn't anything he was doing, but the simple fact of his presence. It seemed even stronger now, after a day of immunity. Harder to resist. The full force of desire hit her, pulling her inexorably toward him. She bit her lower lip, remembering what he had said before, when she had woken him up because she didn't want to do anything while she slept without knowing he was comfortable with it. Even if I was asleep, I wouldn't object had been his words, right? Her body seemed to move on its own as she straddled his waist, reaching down to free his cock. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 1:11 AM
He was of course very much so still asleep. Deeply asleep for that fact. He was quite relaxed and at peace, his breaths being short and shallow. His hair gently falling into his face a bit. As she reached down, she may have realized he was already quite large and ready to go by the looks of it. Almost like he was dreaming of her. No way of knowing though unless she could see dreams somehow. But that was besides the point. She didn’t have to move much out of the way. He didn’t even flinch or budge. He wasn’t going to wake up anytime soon unless something drastic happened or she wasn’t careful or quiet about this. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 2:21 AM
His face looked handsome all the time, but particularly when he was peaceful and relaxed like this. She smiled down at him, taking a moment to appreciate the view before she removed the layers of underclothes she had kept on for the night. The chill of the air around them didn't bother her as she moved her hips, passing her wetness over his length a couple of times before lowering herself to take him inside. She moaned softly, letting the blanket slide off of them. For now, it was just the two of them, and nothing else in the world mattered. Still, she wouldn't let herself get too loud, lest she attract unwanted attention from the forest around them. To help quiet herself, she leaned down to kiss his lips. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 7:10 AM
Once she took him in, within a couple moments he grew to his usual full size. He had easily more than enough to satisfy even a dragon lady in human form. But that was beside the point as when she began to kiss him, he slowly began to awaken and stir finally. And oh boy was this one hell of way to wake up. His eyes opened and seeing her doing this, they went quite wide. He gently bit her bottom lip as it throbbed quite a lot inside her suddenly. Now he was aware what was happening. His heart rate began to rise quite a lot and he began to kiss her back. His hands coming to rest gently upon her hips. He drew back a tiny bit. fuck Rikuma… you’re such a bad girl~. You couldn’t even resist me in my sleep~. He teased with a brief chuckle before pulling her into a deeper kiss and giving her one deep teasing thrust to mess with her pace.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 7:52 AM
The sensation of his teeth against her lip came as a pleasant surprise. She'd missed this high, the feeling of inescapable desire his curse gave her. She'd still wanted him without it, and would still be happy once the curse was broken, but in the meantime she would enjoy every moment of it. Another moan escaped her throat as she continued to ride him, more sure of herself now that he'd woken up and reacted well. She gripped his shoulders with her hands as she felt him thrust inside and tried to speed up to get a rhythm that worked with what he was doing. Her eyes closed as he kissed her again, and she melted into the pleasure. It was an unexpected sight for Corinne to return to but, in hindsight, one she should have expected. She paused at the entrance of the cave, her face burning hot at the sight. Damn, she wished that were her. Or she was in the middle of it. She looked over at them but didn't move, unsure of what to do in this scenario. She definitely didn't want to interrupt the free show, but her own longing was becoming irresistible. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 8:04 AM
He was on quite the high too. His eyes focused on her with all their usual love and lust behind them. All he could think about was her as he ruined the poor princess in front of Corinne. His hands running slowly up her body and one coming to rest gently holding her throat. He drew back from the kiss soon enough to breathe for a moment, his head going beside her ear. He realized they had a spectator but didn’t care. He just went at the princess even harder~. He just had to prove a point and overwhelm her with bliss. He whispered in his usual quite seductive voice. Good girl Rikuma~. Show how much you love me to Corinne now why don’t you~? I’ll reward you soon enough if you do my love~. His hand went from her neck to her hair, grasping onto it as he began to kiss her neck in a few places, looking for a good place to leave a mark~.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 9:24 AM
Maybe Rikuma should have felt something resembling shame at the knowledge that her friend could see. She didn't, though. She lifted her head to expose her throat for him and closed her eyes. "Crosby..." Her back arched as she drowned in pleasure. "I'm all yours~" The thought crossed her mind that it might ease the tension during the trip to let her join in, but she wanted to take what she wanted from Crosby first, especially as she felt herself getting closer. Corinne couldn't look away, even as she realized she'd been noticed. The longing gnawed at her, but she knew nothing she could do for herself would satisfy it enough. She walked closer, her tail swaying as she watched. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 10:51 AM
He didn’t feel ashamed at all. If anything, it probably turned him on even more. He tried literally as hard as he could to make her climax. He started to soon make quite a hickey upon her neck and mark her as his in every way~. He was getting closer too. The princess better be careful or she might have what she wanted so badly snatched away from her. His hot breath beating against her neck quite shakily. His hand gripping her hair up in a ball quite firmly. The other one hand gently holding onto her from behind to keep her steady. fuck… you’re desperate to get your reward from me as soon as possible Aren’t you beautiful~? How perfect~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 11:06 AM
Her breathing came out ragged as she rode him as hard as she could. She no longer made any effort to keep quiet. Not when they were already being watched. "Y-yes!" she pleaded, grinding harder as she felt him stretch her to her limit. "Please, I want you to fill me up!" She clenched tightly around him as she reached her climax, but didn't slow down. Corinne knelt beside him, unbuttoning her blouse. "Why stop at one round?" she asked, her voice breathy with arousal. She looked into his eyes as her hand ran down his chest, before glancing over at Rikuma. They were both gorgeous, and desire drowned out any part of her mind that might have told her not to seduce them. Rikuma blushed at the implication and met Corinne's gaze, still mid-orgasm. "We... We don't have to stop," she agreed, looking down at Crosby. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 11:15 AM
He was struggling to hold himself together. He started to desperately leak inside the princess. Between her pleading so desperately and Corinne wanting his attention now, he couldn’t hold back. He gripped onto her way harder than before and slammed his entire length into her. He started to fill her up just like she so desperately desired. oh f-f-fuck Rikuma~ He moaned incredibly loud, his eye drifting away from Corinne for a moment. Shivers running through his body as waves of pleasure were sent rushing through him. He was breathing very hot and heavy now. Oh fuck. He was really going to be tested by these two now, he probably stuffed Rikuma too much again to the point it started to come back out. But not like he could control it. He looked to Corinne and then to Rikuma. Was she really okay with sharing him? He wouldn’t complain. if that’s what you both want. He had to take a breath. I wouldn’t mind~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 11:24 AM
By now, Rikuma expected it, and welcomed it. She lifted her hips slightly, letting a bit drip out. "I love you." She leaned down to kiss his neck. "And I know your heart is mine alone, so I can share your body as long as I get my fun too." Besides, she knew Corinne well enough to know he wasn't her type romantically at all. She wasn't a threat to begin with, and Rikuma trusted her partner. While they had their moment, Corinne finished undressing, then moved behind Rikuma. "But let's give him a moment to recover and get... Excited again." She nibbled at Rikuma's neck between words, sliding a hand up to squeeze her breast. Her other arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her off of Crosby and setting her gently on the ground. The cum dripping out of her smelled absolutely delicious. Corinne's tail brushed teasingly against Crosby's cock as she pushed Rikuma's legs apart. "Don't worry, I won't let either of you feel neglected~" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 12:24 PM
He let her kiss his neck of course, even moving his neck to let her his hand coming out of her hair. He nodded a little, trying to catch his breath. He was quite warm to the touch with his blood rushing throughout his body. He got shivers as Rikuma was pulled off, he had to lean back on his hands to recover for a moment. But the sight before him, it was more than enough. He was already starting to grow ready for another round, her tail only sending shivers down his spine. His pupils being quite huge as his heart was racing a million miles an hour. His eyes weren’t even on Corrine. He was so focused on Rikuma. Holy hell did he ruin her again… not like he minded though. Nor did she. Seems she quite liked it if anything. Kinky necromancer. He just nodded, starting to finally catch his breath. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 1:12 PM
Rikuma shivered at the sidhe's touch, anticipation filling her nerves. She picked her head up, watching as her friend leaned down toward her. At the brush of lips against her inner thigh, she moaned softly again, opening her legs further as her eyes met Crosby's. Corinne's bronze claws scratched her outer thighs, and her tail wrapped loosely around the human's member. It was a sight to behold, her lover getting worked up by the same woman as her. She lifted her hips, squirming in a silent request for more as the shadows gathered at her wrists to pin them down. Corinne responded to the provocation with a playful bite at Rikuma's thigh before she gladly obliged. Her head pushed between the elf's thighs as she gave her slit a teasing lick with her rough tongue. Her own moans joined with her friend's as she tasted the sweetness of Crosby's juices mixed with Rikuma's. From where she was, Crosby would get a clear view of Corinne's slick entrance, all but pulsing with need. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 1:25 PM
He bit his lip quite hard In anticipation, he was still a bit covered but all it did was make it easier. He fell quiet as he had quite the hot sight before him. He loved it, well, more specifically what was happening to Rikuma. It was fucking incredibly hot. He couldn’t help but look down, he debated helping himself to her seeing how clearly she needed him. But he was all but sure Rikumas friend surely had a plan in mind. He ran a hand through his hair. holy fuck… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 1:37 PM
Rikuma tugged at the shadows binding her wrists, but was satisfied to find that they were secure. The tongue pressed insistently against her clit and she gasped, every part of her body craving more. Her eyes closed for a moment, but opened as she felt a hand against her cheek, tilting her head up to look at her friend, and her lover over her shoulder. Corinne licked her lips. "Oh, no, Princess. You'll want to see this," she promised, then looked back at Crosby. "Help yourself." She shifted her hips. "Since your girlfriend is a bit... occupied at the moment." Her tail unwrapped from around him, but stayed close to guide him into her. Rikuma opened her eyes, moaning again as Corinne's tongue pushed into her eager sex. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 2:06 PM
He was already extremely hard. He needed relief now with all that was before him. He wanted in on this. Badly. He didn’t exactly hesitate and slowly slipped himself into the needy Sidhe, unless she’d for some reason taken one as big as him, it’d probably be a bit overwhelming. He let out a huge huff of hot air. He slowly gave a few thrusts, his hands coming to rest on either side of her hips. god you’re just as bad as Rikuma~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 2:24 PM
It was for the best that Rikuma had been advised to look, because damn. What a view the two of them offered. She blushed intensely as she watched, listening to her friend's uninhibited moans of pleasure. "F-fuck," Corinne breathed. "You're huge. No wonder she can't get enough." She'd expected as much, but seeing and feeling were two different things. And she'd never had anything this size inside of her before, but she was determined if nothing else. Her hips moved with this, and her tongue returned to pleasuring Rikuma. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 2:34 PM
Between the moaning and Rikuma looking up to him like that, he was needily throbbing a bit. He couldn’t help it. He started to go slow for now, taking it easy on her. He was new to what she could and couldn’t clearly handle so he had to test the waters of course. His hands grabbing her ass firmly as he started to go at a more moderately fast pace, his entire size going into her everytime. You’re going to be mine in every way after I’m done with her~ He smiled to Rikuma as he roughly slammed himself into Corinne just to throw her off with Rikuma. we’re going to have so much fun~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 2:54 PM
Those words were the best promise Rikuma had ever heard. She bit her lower lip as she thought about it, watching him use her friend and her friend enjoying it immensely. The sudden rough thrust sent Corinne forward, and she landed on top of Rikuma. She slipped off the claws on one hand and slipped her fingers between Rikuma's legs, now that she was out of reach of her mouth. At Rikuma's grinding against her hand, Corinne smiled. "Good girl," Corinne whispered, then used her free hand to pull her into a deep kiss. Their breasts pressed together as she continued to move her hips with Crosby's thrusting. He hit the sweet spot inside of her, slamming against it over and over again. It didn't take long until she could feel herself getting close. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/16/2023 3:07 PM
Well he was soon done holding back. He roughly grabbed hold of her hips and began to pound her. It was just as rough as he had been in the museum with Rikuma. He was breathing quite hard and heavy, looking into his lovers eyes to focus. He was getting incredibly close himself. Surely Corinne could feel it too. He looked down to his current mate. you’re doing such a good job~. Taking all of me like the greedy slut you secretly are~. Desperately in need for me to do what I did to Rikuma to you~ @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/16/2023 4:02 PM
As he grew rougher, the sidhe did the same, fingers delving deeper into Rikuma. Then the man kept talking and Corinne looked back at him. Verbal degradation had never been her thing. At least, not being on the receiving end of it. Doing it was fine. She was on too much of a high for it to ruin the mood altogether, but it didn't help either. "Stop talking," she suggested, then moaned as he hit that spot again. "Fuck~! Just like that!" Her head dipped down to Rikuma's neck to nibble at it again. Rikuma looked lovingly up at Crosby, more than happy to be the greedy slut in her place. But her eyes left his as she felt her next orgasm hit. She tightened around Corinne's fingers with a loud moan of pleasure as the rest of the world fell away. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/17/2023 2:00 AM
He did shut up then. He kept going, he was starting to leak, reaching his peak. He wasn’t going to last much longer now. He needed relief. His breathing being quite heavy. He was trying his best to stay focused and finish off the sidhe before he finished. But it was growing more and more difficult with Rikuma tempting him in every way possible. Hopefully all this noise and his heightened scent didn’t draw any unwanted attention from the forest. Not like he was thinking about that, he was using all he had against Corinne. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/17/2023 7:47 AM
As she slowly came down, Rikuma became aware once more of the feeling that something was watching them. But with her perfect view of her lover in a state of bliss, it was difficult to worry about anything in their surroundings. She caught her breath as she watched, remembering Crosby's promise to make her his in every way. All she had to do was wait a few moments longer. Corinne couldn't focus on anything else either, as she reached her limit. Her hips drove back as she pulsed around Crosby's member and her world dissolved into the pure pleasure of her release. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/17/2023 7:53 AM
He was unaware something or someone was watching. As long as it wasn’t a vampire. He figured he’d be fine. He was completely lost in pleasure as he felt Corinne finally peak. He couldn’t help but finally explode inside her. He moaned quite loudly as he did and gripped onto her with practically all his strength. He didn’t let her budge one bit. He was breathing and panting every second. He wanted to make her his in every way still but by god did Corinne distract him at the moment. holy fuck… He got chills throughout his body. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/17/2023 9:09 AM
The shadows released Rikuma's wrists as the sidhe controlling them all but collapsed on top of her. She caught Corinne in her arms, then rolled her gently onto the ground beside her to let her catch her breath. "All done for now?" Rikuma guessed, to which she received a satisfied smile and nod in response. She couldn't blame her; he was a lot to take. She would know. For now, she let her rest and reached up to kiss Crosby. She was glad he was still the only one to have marked her, regardless of the fun she'd had with her friend. For a moment, though, she was distracted by a shadow of movement in the water of the cave. "I think we have a visitor..." "This is my cave," came a woman's voice in response. A figure surfaced, blue-skinned with silvery hair that appeared to float even in the air. Aside from the skin colour and the gills that slitted the sides of her neck, she almost appeared human. Then again, most water genasi did. "I'm just letting you use it. But don't let me interrupt your time together, by any means." She pulled herself up to sit on the edge of the pool of water, legs kicking out in front of her as she watched them over her shoulder. "Just don't set the forest on fire again. Causing that rain took a lot out of me." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/17/2023 9:19 AM
He slowly drew himself out, he was just as big as before but now drenched in fluids. He was breathing quite heavily too, his brain feeling a bit mushy with all the waves of pleasure running through him. He of course kissed her back, his eyes widening a bit but relaxing after a moment or two. He smiled too of course but it faded when she said there was a visitor. He was blushing quite a lot being caught like this by a stranger, still connected to Corinne by an absolute mess of fluids. I-I’m sorry about that… He was easily quite the stud to enjoy gazing upon. Hopefully the water genasi could resist the curse. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take to be fair. He didn’t ever really do it this often. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/17/2023 9:37 AM
Still satisfied, Rikuma could wait as long as she needed for him to fulfill his promise. For now, she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him for a cuddle and so the other woman could see that, regardless of what happened, he was hers first and foremost. Next to her, Corinne rolled onto her back and stretched her limbs out. "We won't be setting any forest fires... who are you?" Rikuma asked, then looked down at Corinne. "By the way, did you bring breakfast?" Corinne sat up and nodded. "Give me a moment and I'll get it cooked. I caught some fish for us to eat." She looked at Rikuma with a shameless grin. "Not that I haven't eaten my fill of it already." Rikuma blushed. "Shut up." The genasi watched the exchange, then turned away. "I am Eletea, cleric of Desphy, the goddess of the seas." Even though she'd just been submerged in the water, the loose white robes that she wore appeared unaffected by it. "You aren't part of the army that marched through here, are you?" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she remembered the screams, the blood flowing into her water, and her consciousness slowly fading as the soldiers stopped her from running into the town to help. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/17/2023 9:51 AM
He of course didn’t hesitate to lovingly cuddle her back his eyes fixated upon her and being quite soft. He finally began to come down from his pleasure high. He blushed a tiny bit realizing well, his reward for them both could probably sustain them both if they wanted it as a breakfast or if times for food got too hard. All they’d have to do was make sure he was fed and satiated well. But anyways, he looked to the stranger. No… we aren’t. Quite the opposite actually… we’re looking to go after them and take revenge for what they’ve done. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/17/2023 10:32 AM
"Good." Eletea stood up and walked over to where Corinne had set the food. "Then I'm going with you. You seem..." She trailed off, looking all of them - and Crosby especially - up and down. "...Capable, but like a collective accident waiting to happen. I doubt you'll get far without a healer." Unprompted, she began to cook the fish, since they seemed to need their rest and she needed some activity to keep her distracted from the effects of his presence. She put her attention into her task and reminding herself of her oaths to her goddess. Corinne reached over to put her clothes on. "You can heal, then?" she asked, then remembered that 'cleric' gave it away somewhat. "...Never mind, stupid question. I'm Corinne Alarie." Eletea tensed at the name and gave her a sharp look. "...Contrary to popular belief, not dead, but definitely disowned from Luthein's royal family." Corinne brushed her fingertips across the burn scars on her cheek and looked away. " I'm an artificer, but can also manage a trick or two with shadow magic." Rikuma didn't move from Crosby's arms even as it became clear that it was her turn to explain who she was. "Princess Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi, heir to the throne of Rashouris." Despite her current... unroyal appearance. She buried her face against Crosby's chest to hide her embarrassment. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/17/2023 2:05 PM
He fell quiet as she fell her eyes staring at him for so long. Did he look like a meat head and that’s what she was worried about? Or did she like what she saw? He had no god damn idea. Now he had to figure out how this lady was going to act too… great. It was already hard enough trying to figure out Corinne. But that’s besides the point. He pet her head gently as she rested it against his chest. He was a bit cold honestly but didn’t want to force Rikuma off to get dressed. I’m Crosby Vandine, might’ve heard of me if you well, ever visited Waterdeep. He shrugged. He didn’t know if she did or not. But he turned his attention to Corinne. who exactly is the Lith- whatever the family name you said? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/18/2023 2:19 AM
Eletea kept her eyes off of him as she answered. "I have. The women in particular seem to speak of you a lot," she commented. Definitely a meathead, but one that looked nice at least. She remained determined to keep her hands to herself, despite any temptation his presence may have posed. While they spoke, Rikuma recovered from her embarrassment enough to start putting her clothes on. It would have made them more welcome if she left the bones out of her outfit choice, but it was also as risky as Crosby not wearing armor, so she put them on over her clothing. She couldn't walk to Corinne's bag to get a brus just yet, as she was still recovering, so she ran her fingers through her hair to force it into some respectable state. Corinne sighed. "The Alaries ruled over one of the dukedoms in the kingdom of Luthein, in the south seas," she explained. "For Duchess Rejane - my mother - it wasn't enough, so she formed a contract with a cait sidhe, my father. Over the years, she raised me, but also learned to control the power he'd given her, perfecting it. After she used it to overthrow the king and claim the throne for herself, she... changed." She frowned, clearly not happy to be talking about it. "I had a talent for making things, useful things, so instead of being killed as an eventual threat to her power, I was locked away and forced to make weapons for her while she told everyone I'd died of an illness. After I escaped, I found myself in Rashouris. Rikki took me in and helped me land on my feet." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/19/2023 12:32 AM
Of course seeing she was getting dressed, he debated on doing the same. Although, he had well, still quite the mess down there to clean off. And he wasn’t exactly sure the Eletea would appreciate him contaminating her pool like that. So he sort of just sat there awkwardly debating what to do. That’s usually how it is despite whatever I try… He now knew why that was of course. And he wasn’t too big of a meathead, he did at least have some intelligence behind those eyes. It was just… not always on display. But anyways, his attention shifted to Corinne. I’m sorry that happened… at least you escaped and found Rikuma. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/19/2023 4:58 AM
Rikuma glanced over at him, then looked at Corinne. "I'll admit your arrival was a shock. With the famine, we rarely have refugees fleeing to Rashouris. But you have always been welcome." Her attention shifted back to the state her lover was in. Poor guy, getting left with the mess he hadn't exactly been alone in making. "Do you have a towel in your bag?" Corinne remained where she was. "A few, but-" She watched as Rikuma was already walking over to retrieve the towel from the bag. "How can she already walk after what you two did?" she whispered to Crosby, dismayed. Eletea paid the group little mind for now, finding her focus easiest if she just pretended the man wasn't there at all. She pushed the bag toward Rikuma, but didn't bother to look. "Just wash it in the river outside when you're done, not in my cave." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/19/2023 8:25 AM
He shrugged as he watched. He chose not to question it. He whispered back to her. I think she uses some magic or something. She’s been able to somehow walk the instant it’s over every time. He did really wonder how she did it. But that was for another time. His attention shifted away from them all. Fuck he made a huge mess of himself because of these two. It peaked his curiosity though… how the fuck would it be with three? He didn’t even know how that’d be possible. But now they had 4 for some reason. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/20/2023 6:38 AM
Rikuma dug through the bag until she found one of the towels. She dipped it into the water - an action Eletea allowed as long as it was still clean so far - then wrung out the excess before walking back to Crosby. "Here. Do you need any help, or can you handle it from here?" She looked down at him thoughtfully, contemplating whether to make the mess worse for him. But not right now. Despite what the heart said, the brain demanded that they eat breakfast and get on their way to the crossing at Oblein. So she settled next to him instead, giving him a gentle peck on the lips. "I know you were thinking of putting together a party of five, but I think four of us will have to do for now. At least one is a healer." Eletea dug through the bag as well, until she found four dishes. She filled them, then picked up two of them. A small water elemental broke off from the pool beside her to carry the third over to the group. "Thauviel will be ready for a fight," she commented. "So will we," Corinne said, taking her portion from the water elemental. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/21/2023 12:46 AM
He could tell she was contemplating. It was so obvious when she did. She was quite bad at hiding that. He took the towel from her and began to carefully wipe himself off. I’ll be fine love. Thank you. And I think a party of four will do just fine. We have the most important elements we need. He shrugged. He was a bit distracted to see what was going on with the plates. Once he was done, he started to get dressed. I guess I’ll go wash this off and then I’ll be back for breakfast if that’s alright? He looked between the three of them. Unless the new lady wanted to accompany him alone. He knew chances are that Rikuma would get carried away with them being alone. Not like he’d ever complain about that though. @Al the Killer @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/21/2023 6:31 AM
Rikuma nodded and took both plates. "Of course. We'll be right here." She took the plates for both herself and Crosby so she could hold onto his for him. She wouldn't start on hers either, until he returned. As she looked around at the cave, Corinne and Eletea did not regard the act of waiting with the same importance, both having already started their meals. She couldn't blame them, either; they had a long journey ahead. Eletea regarded both of the other women, admittedly a bit curious. "So, I know how you two met now, but where does he come into the picture?" she asked. Corinne grinned, seeing the perfect opportunity for a joke. "The picture? He doesn't, he comes into-" "I regret asking," Eletea interrupted. Rikuma shook her head, then gave her real explanation. "A traitor convinced him I was some sort of evil tyrant and hired him to kill me in order to save Rashouris," she said. "I stopped him, showed him that I'm not who he thought I was, and we..." fucked on a dungeon floor, but this genasi seemed judgmental enough already. "...Fell in love. Then he agreed to help me do what needs to be done in order to actually save my kingdom." Eletea looked at her, skepticism clear on her face. But she kept any comments to herself. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/21/2023 8:39 AM
I’ll be right back beautiful~. He of course left before they soon started talking and headed to the river to clean the towel off. He was much more cautious this time of course. He didn’t want to deal with the bs of fighting someone annoying again. And there was a lot more complications then just doing it on the dungeon floor. Lots of things happened in between like the high priestess also trying to do him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/21/2023 1:01 PM
A tense silence passed over the three of them, before Rikuma opted to pretend she wasn't being quietly judged by a cleric. "Corinne, have you been working on anything new lately?" she asked, recalling that the sidhe enjoyed talking about her latest side projects. "I've been in a creative slump lately, so there haven't been any grand inventions," she admitted. "But I've been improving on my previous arcane handcannon design. Improving the accuracy, for one." Rikuma raised her eyebrows. "I thought you said before, quote, 'my accuracy is a hundred percent, you just don't know what I'm aiming at'." Corinne looked away. "Did I say that? That doesn't sound like me..." She stuffed her face full of breakfast to avoid further interrogation, while Rikuma kept an eye on the cave entrance for her lover's return. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/22/2023 1:01 AM
He soon came back a couple minutes later. He looked much better. Seems he’d washed his face and hair off too since they were well, wet. Not like he seemed to care. where do you want this exactly…? He held up the towel. It had mostly dried but it was still a bit damp to the touch. He looked between the three of them, unaware even anything was spoken of him in his absence. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/22/2023 6:22 AM
While the three of them chatted, Rikuma opted to keep her hands busy, or tried to, by folding her partner's discarded clothing. Except she was used to having undead constructs do that sort of work, so she wasn't used to actually managing the motions herself. She was acutely aware of the look Eletea was giving her. "And you're the one your kingdom is relying on?" the healer asked, incredulous. "Yes. Lucky them, I'm a royal necromancer and not a laundress. Are you always such a bit-? Oh hi, Crosby," Rikuma asked as she noticed his return. "Do you want these back?" She held up his clothes. Eletea narrowed her eyes. "My sisters at the temple of Desphy were all killed in the attack on Waterdeep, so you'll have to excuse me if I'm not exactly feeling pleasant," she remarked. Rikuma looked down, silent. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/27/2023 2:55 AM
He nodded and of course began to get dressed, his eyes soon shifting to Rikuma and then Eletea. Great. The bitterness between them all was already developing. It hadn’t even been a full day. He fixed his hair up as best he could, trying his best to not look like he just had done stuff he shouldn’t have. But anyways, his eyes would meet Eletea’s if she met it. A certain coldness to them…. A deep chilling one. We stand in the same boat at different ends. I lost my entire guild and faction… and my people to that attack. But know we’ll be making the Thauviel pay in every way they can. I won’t be holding back. As he spoke, the purple dragon tattoo hidden away eerily began to glow… it was just barely visible. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/28/2023 2:42 AM
Rikuma gave him a grateful look as he saved her from having to fumble her way through an awkward attempt to apologize. Unfortunately, Eletea didn't seem particularly mollified by his statement, her eyes just as cold as his. "Then focus on that, instead of fucking around," Eletea said. Corinne attempted to explain. "It's easier to focus once we've indulged..." She gestured toward Crosby with one hand. "Well, I'm sure you can already tell what his presence does to women." Eletea looked away from Crosby. "It's called self-discipline." "We'll see about that-" Rikuma was the one to mediate this time. "You won't have to do anything you don't want to," she said softly, "and nothing will stop us from taking down the Emperor. Our time together is no more an impediment to that than getting the rest we need is. I promise. We are taking this seriously." Eletea relaxed slightly at the reassurance. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/28/2023 4:36 PM
He looked away too and huffed. He wasn’t all too pleased as he ate his food quietly. His eyes not even looking towards the group or his own love. He was distracted now. His thoughts wandering with a now clear head. He looked towards the entrance. Wondering if they could re- eh they could definitely pull this off. He nearly did last time. He should be able to now. And besides, surely they’ll find someone with an army willing to fight alongside them against such a massive and threatening evil empire. Or he could always… pull some favors. He reached into his jacket and pulled out a map, one of the area around Waterdeep and paths to well… kingdoms. He quietly looked at it and studied it. One directly leading to the cursed woods. Where vampires lived in troves. Most of which were females due to a certain group being in power. One who did not believe in male vampires being worth keeping around. But males were valued in more ways than one. Anyways. He wasn’t bothered as they continued with their usual banter. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/28/2023 5:10 PM
Rikuma looked over at Crosby, concerned. Instead of questioning his behaviour, she leaned in to read the map over his shoulder. "We should use the travel scrolls to reach the border, or Thauviel will just have more time to act against us. We'll cross at Oblein, like we discussed..." She frowned as she read the map in its entirety. "The problem with that is, while it's our best chance of avoiding their armies, there's no way to reach the capital - or the tomb where Ashrune is hidden - without passing through the cursed woods." She gave him a look of concern. "Is that alright? I've heard they're very... well, a lot of vampires, all women. Among all of the other threats." Corinne considered for a moment. "If we can gather more forces before we reach that point, we'll be alright," she said. "Problem with that is that all we'll really find between the border and there will be bandits and monsters." "They don't need to be living to serve as an army," Rikuma commented, earning a sharp look from Eletea. "Well, we did say we would stop at nothing to make Thauviel pay. I'm a woman of my word, at least. But let's try to get living, willing allies before we resort to anything else." Eletea shook her head as if disapproving, but couldn't help but smile slightly at the reassurance. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/29/2023 1:18 AM
He half glanced to her as she spoke. He of course wasn’t pleased at all. He knew the danger vampires posed and the power they held. A serious feat even for him and his party. If they came across a pure blood, it would be quite the fight. We can try… that’s probably second most dangerous part of the journey. He fell quiet as they considered making an undead army of bandits and monsters. Sure, it could work, but the already undead would be useless he thought. Or he could’ve been wrong. But that wasn’t a problem as he looked to the map and his eyes followed the path through the cursed forest to the marked Fortress of the vampires. As he stared something clicked. His eyes visibly glazing over as he froze in place. Rikuma could easily feel him go stiff as a board. Memories returning of the first time he passed through with his men. The eerie silence as the cursed woods was always in darkness. No light could enter besides the most holy or magical. And for them, holy light wasn’t enough to stop the ravenous beasts. The trees that came to life as beasts, killing his men in brutal ways from all sides. And then the screams… the screams as they were picked off one by one by vampires using their super speed. Only then did he realize how many men he’d had… 150 down to 43. And on top of that… how he’d had to sacrifice 3 more for safe passage granted by the vampires leader. 3 men who willingly went for the greater good. They’d surely be dead now… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/30/2023 3:16 PM
Everyone else fell silent as well, contemplating ways to get through the cursed forest. There were moon lanterns, of course, but none of those gathered were particularly on board with the idea of them. Holy light would help, but not entirely. Rikuma was the one who noticed Crosby's body language first. She placed her hand over his, aware of what was happening but wanting to provide what limited comfort she could once he came to. After a moment, Eletea noticed as well. "Is something wrong with him?" she asked. "A memory," Rikuma explained softly. "Give him a moment." She waited for some sign that he was aware of his surroundings again before speaking to him. "What did you see, love?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/30/2023 3:41 PM
He soon came to, his eyes returning to normal as he blinked a few times to process it all coming back to him at once. His head pounding as a result like it always did. His eyes slowly shifting to Eletea then to Rikuma. He could feel them both staring at him. Great… he needed to get these under control… and fast. 100 men… lost in an instant to the woods… the trees… they… they came to life? And then vampires came out of the shadows like a horde of wasps flooding our go their nest. They killed everyone… and those of us who survived… I had to witness the brutal sacrafice of three my closest Allies to their leader for our safe passage through the rest of the woods… He felt sick, his stomach twisting and knotting. His face going a tad pale. He was quite hardened yes, but not when it came to watching who he cared about most perish. He shifted where he sat. And then looked to Eletea, awaiting her judgment of him he fully expected. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 12/30/2023 4:04 PM
Even Eletea knew to keep her mouth shut about this, and set about gathering the empty plates instead of speaking. Corinne gave him a sympathetic look, and Rikuma squeezed his hand gently. "That sounds horrible. I'm sorry it happened to you," she said. "I promise, it won't happen like that again. I'll do everything in my power to make sure we get through it. All of us." As it was, his curse alone might change the outcome. Not necessarily for the best, though. She fell deep into thought. There had to be a way to keep everyone safe; she refused to accept any other alternative. Her ears lowered as she considered their options, leaning into him to keep herself grounded. "Would the sword be useful? The vampire queen's sword?" She frowned. "Preferably without using its power three times. I don't want her demanding payment, but maybe its presence alone means something to the vampires of the forest. Symbolically, at least." Eletea nodded, equally thoughtful now. "And I can sense holy magic from your main sword," she commented. "Two of us wielding that sort of magic out of a group of four will help our chances." "Shadows are my specialty," Corinne added. "Rikuma has darksight, too. We'll both be able to see a few feet beyond the light you two can provide." Rikuma wrapped her arms around him, resting a hand at the back of his head as she held him in what she hoped to be a reassuring embrace. "It will still be dangerous. I won't pretend otherwise. But we're in this together, and we'll get through it together." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/30/2023 5:38 PM
I know… now I know why I came across this… He carefully unsheathed the beautiful queens blade, holding it close to him of course. it was an act of the gods above… a reminder. And as much as it might mean something… it could also mean trouble. It depends what they think. They could assume I killed her if she perished between then and now. Or that I stole it. No way to tell until we find them though. He relaxed into his lady a bit as he looked to everyone as they spoke. I do hope it’s enough Eletea. He could dual wield, but preferred not to, having a hand open when he needed it, or to make his hits harder, was more important to him. But that was besides the point. Right. I apologize for… such bad news. He pecked Rikuma with a quick little loving kiss on the cheek. Thankful to have her to back him. Quite the powerful ally in the making. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/2/2024 3:01 PM
Rikuma shook her head. "You don't have anything to apologize for," she assured him. "But if everyone's ready, we should really be on our way." Despite her reluctance to let him go, she stood up and looked at their other two companions. An unexpected party on the outside, but she had confidence in everyone's skills. Even if she hadn't seen Eletea's healing magic yet, it took a lot of power to create the rainfall that had come the night before. "Corinne, you have the remaining travel scrolls in your bag, right?" Corinne stood up and nodded. "You got it." Finally able to walk again, she moved to her bag and rummaged through it until she found it. "You're really not worried about the cursed forest?" Truthfully, Rikuma couldn't help but imagine every small thing that could go wrong, every way each one of them might die horribly. She glanced over at Crosby, remembering how shaken he'd been by the memory of it. The horrors he must have witnessed. She stood up straight and held her head high, regal and confident as ever. It didn't matter how scared she was; she would be strong enough for the both of them. "I have full confidence in our abilities. Remember the plan, keep your wits about you, and work together, and we can all make it. Let's focus on crossing into Oblein first and gathering what forces we can." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/2/2024 5:19 PM
He wasn’t surprised Corinne clearly couldn’t walk until just now. That seemed more… accurate than Rikuma instantly being able to get up. But he chose not to question it as he stood up and brushed off. He nodded in agreement. Looking to see Eletea’s reaction to all this, mainly to see if she was… fearful of what was to come or steadfast. Or mainly if she could perhaps hide her emotions well enough from the “meat head”. But that was besides the point. Right. One thing at a time. Except for when it came to well, the usual fun time. Then more than one was fine by him if they insisted. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/3/2024 7:31 AM
Rikuma looked around at the group to make sure everyone was fully clothed and ready, and that the area had been fully cleared of their belongings. Eletea's expression betrayed nothing, but Corinne's concerns were clear enough. Rikuma held onto Crosby's hand until the artificer brought the scrolls over. With a nod of approval, she took hers and gestured for Eletea to come closer. With any luck, they'd have no problem crossing the border over into the Empire's most overlooked territory. "Let's go," she said, and activated her scroll. There wasn't really anything to mark Oblein's border when they arrived, and she hadn't expected anything either. The marshland continued as it had before, stretching ahead of them and mercifully dark even in the morning. Rikuma still shielded her eyes from the rays of sunlight that did reach them, unused to even that much. The ground underfoot was soft, though there was a more solid trail that ran through the area, a road of stone and dirt for travelers. "This is... better maintained than I expected," Corinne commented as she stepped onto the road. "A lot better maintained." Eletea looked ahead with a frown and pointed. "That tower..." "It could be far away," Corinne commented. "It doesn't look far," Eletea said. "Maybe the Emperor instated a nobleman for this area as well. It is still within his borders, after all." Sure enough, a few towers from a castle could be seen in the distance, past the thick swamp foliage. It seemed there may be more life in Oblein than they had expected. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/3/2024 8:43 AM
He chose not to question it for now. But he knew deep down, that something awaited them in the cursed woods. He didn’t know who or what, but it wasn’t good. It make his stomach knot despite having just having had food. He hated it. He was never nervous, but surprisingly now he was. And of course he followed suite after Rikuma with his scroll. He didnt pay much mind to the towers. He was aware they already knew they were coming after them. If word got out, so be it. He stepped on the road and began to walk along, figuring he might as well be first. He even let go of the princess’ hand if she didn’t follow. there’s no time to waste now. Let’s keep going @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/3/2024 10:19 AM
Rikuma walked beside him, keeping hold of his hand as she did so. She squeezed gently, allowing the feeling of his fingers entwined with hers ground her. They would be fine. They had to be. "I agree. Rashouris's armies should still be keeping the enemy engaged, so even if there is some sort of force here, they are likely too busy fighting the undead to worry about us." Eletea looked over at her, her expression now a mixture of disgust and judgment. Corinne's attention remained outward, ears turning to pick up on any nearby sounds as they walked. The shadows shifted slightly ahead of them, and there was a squelch of something moving. Corinne slowed to a stop and spoke up. "There's something in front of us. It's moving." She drew her arcane handcannon. "Be ready for a possible fight." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/3/2024 2:09 PM
He sighed. Of course the princess spoke too soon. Jinxing them before they even could reach the cursed forest. He of course stopped and let go of her hand, he drew the vampiric sword in one hand and the holy in the other. He stood fast in front of the princess. Like a tank in front of the spellcaster strategically. His eyes sharpened and focused in as he scanned around them. can you tell if it’s big or something small? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/4/2024 2:38 AM
"It's..." Corinne began as the ground began to tremble. "...the ground." Rikuma watched a large round form begin to rise in front of them. "So... Big, then?" A violent quaking knocked her off her feet as the mound rose to its full height. The beast made from rotten vegetation growled. Various limbs of animal and humanoid creatures unfortunate enough to have crossed its path stuck from its sides, writhing as though in an attempt to escape its confines. A gaping maw opened in what could be assumed to be its head, exposing rows of jagged green teeth. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/5/2024 1:17 AM
Great a beast. He helped Rikuma up as best he could as he looked upon the dreadful thing. His eyes scanning for a weakness. There had to be a way to kill it. He did try thing, like how he did with the dryad. He fired a volley of three fireballs at it from his ring. Hopefully it’d catch on fire and die. anyone know how to beat this thing!? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/5/2024 4:16 AM
Rikuma nodded gratefully as she accepted his help. "Don't use the vampiric sword outside of the cursed forest," she warned. "I don't want to risk summoning her." Her attention turned toward the beast. The fireballs reached it, singed some of the outer plants, but were quickly extinguished by the moisture within it. "I can't use necromancy to separate it - the people trapped inside are still alive. And we should avoid harming them, too." Eletea studied it carefully. "This is wrong," she said. "Shambling mounds are supposed to be smaller, and only able to capture one creature at a time." Corinne aimed her arcane handcannon at its head. "Aim for where its victims aren't and hit hard?" she guessed. A projectile of magic energy glowed, then escaped the barrel of the weapon. The mound dodged easily, then charged at the catgirl. "Shit!" Corinne squeaked. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/5/2024 1:44 PM
He sighed and put it away for now then. That would be… a mess if they met her prematurely by accident. understood. He held his sword firm and charged forth, going for a flank of course. Rikuma, hit him from the other side! Corrine, if we free anyone, make sure you get them away from it. Eletea, do whatever you can! He used all his brute strength, trying to break a victim free with a few various slashes and stabs. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/6/2024 7:19 AM
Rikuma drew her sword and nodded, rushing for the other flank. She put all of her strength into the attack, which was... Not much, physically. Her blade glanced off the shambling mound's side. Meanwhile, vines whipped out from the other side to wrap around Crosby and pull him in, attempting to immobilize him. It roared in pain at the stabs, but didn't let go of him even as one victim's arm was freed. Shadows gathered around the mound to pull away any survivors, while Eletea stood by to heal anyone who got freed. There was a quiet thwack from the treeline, followed by a crossbow bolt landing in the beast's eye. Eletea turned to see several figures in plated armor. "We've got company," she announced. "Thauvian soldiers." The figures seemed human on first glance, but on closer examination, some had limbs twisted at odd angles, extra appendages peeking out of the armor, or jaws lined with far too many teeth. "Monster Thauvian soldiers," Eletea amended, fear growing. Meanwhile, the mound knocked Rikuma to the ground, its rage and agony only growing at its newest wounds. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/6/2024 11:15 AM
He had no choice in his eyes. He knew the power of the vampire sword and now he needed it. He swapped blades and slashed the vines holding him. His strength would grow immensely at a cost he would soon find out. LET GO OF ME! Of course there would be more enemies. He needed to help Rikuma of course. She’d always be his top priority. Especially with it blinded. Corinne! Shoot this FUCKING THING IN EVERY EYE! Now he was… raging it seemed how odd. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/6/2024 12:18 PM
The sudden shift in events caused the shambling mound to refocus its attention on the active enemies, leaving Rikuma to stand back up. She caught her breath and slashed at its flank this time, which proved more efficient than stabbing. "Heal Crosby," she told Eletea, who nodded and directed her magic at him. Rikuma looked over at her lover, whose vampiric sword thrummed with dark power. More concerning was the rage. "Love... please be careful." Meanwhile, the armored soldier with the crossbow gave orders to his men. "Focus on immobilizing the beast. Don't lose track of our orders." The rest seemed to ignore the party of adventurers as they surrounded the shambling mound, which screamed as a ball of arcane energy hit its other eye. They carried a variety of weapons, but chains as well as they focused on getting the bulk of the large monster to stay still. In the ongoing chaos, a figure followed after the men in armor. The black cloak that enveloped them seemed to float around them, concealing any sort of figure that may have hidden beneath. Their face was fully hidden by a hood, their motions so grateful they could have been walking or hovering. They walked calmly, stopping in front of the shambling mound without saying a word. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/6/2024 2:12 PM
He managed to free himself and backed off, going back to the group. The sword still in hand, his veins visibly flaring up in his neck. His eyes cold and full of a deep seated anger. A burning fire, one with no way to be extinguished besides death. He of course managed to see the figure. Was it reinforcements for them…? Or another enemy…? Or a potential ally? He looked to Rikuma what should we do? Help them? This was… a situation. One he had no idea how to deal with. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/6/2024 2:35 PM
Rikuma stood beside Crosby, watching nervously. Her turn to lead, then. The harder decision, but the type she was more experienced with. "Wait. Observe. We don't know for sure that they're a not a threat, so be ready for anything." The figure lifted a hand. They wore no gloves, leaving pale, delicate fingers tipped with sharp black nails visible. The hand rested against the front of the shambling mound. Without a word being said, it began to deconstruct. The victims were released first, dropping into Corinne's shadows then reappearing beside Eletea. The decay within the beast accelerated rapidly, until all that remained was a pile of rotten vegetation in front of the figure. They nodded to the soldiers, then walked back into the treeline. One of the armored monsters approached the group. He stood tall, a spiked tail trailing behind him. Then he stopped in front of the group and bowed. "Your Highness," he told Rikuma. "The Marquis of Oblein has been awaiting your arrival." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/6/2024 2:59 PM
He sheathed the evil sword and drew his holy sword. He figured it was probably best not wield such an evil weapon before these… creatures. He had no idea how they’d react. He stood on guard of course. Ready to strike if need be. He stood tall as the singular being approached. He found that… odd that they’d dare to come alone. But maybe it was protocol. He looked to Rikuma. They were expected to come here…? Great.. trouble surely awaited them. Or perhaps some help. But he leaned towards it being bad. He looked back to Corrine, mainly to see if this was a bad thing they knew of them coming or not. He knew too little about Oblein so far to know the alignments between them and this one. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/6/2024 3:10 PM
"Marquis...?" Rikuma questioned. "I thought Oblein had no nobility." She looked back at Corinne, who merely shrugged, as lost as anyone else. "What does he want from us? Why should we cooperate when your Empire destroyed Waterdeep?" The other soldiers were approaching, in case their Commander needed backup. "Oblein abstained from any involvement in the attack." Despite his appearance, his voice was rather ordinary. Human. "Unfortunately, our messenger never made it back, so we are unsure whether he was massacred before or after delivering a warning to Waterdeep." Rikuma reached for Crosby's hand. "Is this a civil war we have walked into, then?" "Not quite, but it is possible." "And what does the Marquis want with us?" she asked. "To talk." She looked at Crosby, unsure of whether to go or not. But they were outnumbered here, and with that armor, she couldn't tell what manner of creatures they were dealing with. If there was a time to fight, this wasn't it. "Then let's go." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/6/2024 3:25 PM
His eyes grew… much more cold hearing the mention of the destruction of Waterdeep. This… being was lucky they were careful with their words. Saying what he wanted to hear clearly. He eased up a tiny bit before sheathing his weapon. He glanced to the other soldiers, and then to the tree line, he wondered where the hooded being went. And who they were. But he was reeled back to the situation as she grabbed his hand. He held it of course. Not exactly ashamed of it. He stood and confidently. He nodded to her that they should go. There was no reason not to. An escort to Oblein was better than not having one. May I ask what they want to talk about..? And of course the rest of our party will be coming with. He decided to speak up, it was better to get used to it if he was going to be with a royal. He wasn’t just some numb skull body guard arm candy for her. He glanced back to Eletea, nodding for her to come forth. He did the same for Corrine. They weren’t getting separated whether these guys liked it or not. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/6/2024 3:44 PM
Eletea and Corinne moved closer to ensure the party wouldn't be separated. The Commander nodded, as though expecting it. "Your entire party is welcome to join," he assured him. "As for the reason, I am not privy to that information. I was only told that the fewer people know the reason, the fewer the Emperor's Inquisition can interrogate." Rikuma didn't exactly love not knowing either, but she wasn't sure how much of a choice they had. "What if we were to refuse?" "You would be free to go on your way, but the cursed forest beyond Oblein is not to be taken lightly," the soldier answered. She considered for a moment, then looked up at Crosby. "I think we should take our chances meeting with the Marquis," she whispered. "There's more to gain than to lose, if he's telling the truth." Besides, she couldn't deny she was curious. The soldiers began to march back down the road, and Rikuma motioned with her free hand for the others to follow. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/6/2024 4:07 PM
He wasn’t all too pleased about having to walk in completely blind. But that was a fair point; the less people who knew, the better. The less chance there was for information to fall into the wrong hands. But the commander was right about the cursed forest. Even he knew about that. His eyes turned to Rikuma. He nodded. I’d have to agree. This could be the help we need. He whispered. the army to back us up potentially. He followed her of course. Not even hesitating. Although he was curious about the other twos opinions on this. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/6/2024 4:20 PM
Eletea leaned forward to whisper. "Is either of you getting 'obviously evil' vibes from this?" she asked, narrowing her eyes distrustingly at their escort. Corinne looked at Eletea, then at the necromancer princess. "I don't think we can judge based on aesthetics. Plenty of clerics walk around with smiles on their attractive faces, wearing white and gold robes as they burn innocents at the stake." She held her hands up as Eletea glared at her. "I don't mean you. Unless you do...?" "The goddess Desphy doesn't deal in fire," she assured them. "We drown the guilty." "Yikes," Rikuma muttered. "Anyway, can we please focus on the matter at hand?" They approached the gates to a city. As they opened, the town ahead seemed more ordinary than even Rikuma had expected. Humans and elves, mostly, but their coexistence alone was notable. Greenery occupied every available surface, lending an extra sense of life to the place. Except a few of the people walking about had extra eyes, or exoskeletons, or crystals growing from flesh. The party drew attention as they walked in, but nobody wanted to bother the strangers being escorted by the Marquis's army. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/6/2024 4:29 PM
He did get some “obviously evil” vibes from this. But who was he to judge. May I add that I thought the princess here was “obviously evil” at first because of everything I was told? So I wouldn’t judge them too harshly yet Eletea. We know nothing of their motivations right now. He let the two continue on with their banter until the princess told them to shut up. Then he did too. For obvious reasons. He wasn’t surprised about humans and elves. In Waterdeep before the attack there was humans, elves, orcs, dwarves, and many more. Not cat people though. He hadn’t seen any before Corrine. Or at least, to what he remembered. And he was rather unbothered by the strange individuals. It was quite fascinating even. It made them unique in his eyes. But anyways, as they walked along, he looked around, mainly for if there was a market or anything they could visit perhaps before they left. Supplies would be tough to come by in the cursed forest. And he had no idea how long they’d be in there or what truly awaited them. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/7/2024 10:32 AM
Rikuma observed the strangers they passed. "I wonder what's caused some of the people here to look so..." She trailed off, searching for a polite word. "...Unique. I've never seen anyone like them before." They seemed healthy enough, perfectly ordinary in behaviour as they went about their daily lives. "The Wraith of Locuria," Eletea muttered. "During the Locuria-Drassan War, there was a healer who would turn their men into monsters, then turn around and tear their enemies apart with their bare hands as if their very flesh answered the Wraith's call." She frowned. "The description was actually close to that hooded figure we saw take apart the shambling mound." Corinne scoffed. "The Wraith's just some scary story parents tell their kids to make them behave. 'Be good or the scary witch will come get you'. That sort of thing." "Warlock, actually," Eletea corrected. "Since the legends say the Wraith's power comes from an eldritch pact." Rikuma looked ahead as she considered. "We shouldn't dismiss it. Stories come from somewhere." Eletea nodded. "And it's not the first of its kind; there are stories of similar mages from Locuria, but all of them were either executed as heretics or succumbed to madness and eventually died of their own accord. The Wraith is just the most recent." Rikuma cocked her head to one side. "'Madness' isn't very descriptive. People will use it to describe any behaviour society doesn't like, from actual eccentricity to getting pregnant out of wedlo-" She stopped as she bumped into the soldier in front of her. "Sorry." She looked up at the castle entrance in front of them. Flowering vines grew up the pale brick edifice, parting only to allow for the mahogany doors. There was a soft creaking noise as the doors seemed to open on their own. The inside was not decorated as luxuriously as was the fashion in Thauvian palaces, but rather warm and cozy. Inviting, regardless of whether the guests were nobles or commoners. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/7/2024 12:30 PM
He kept quiet as they spoke of this “healer”. He just recalled his own experience with warlocks. They were cool in his experience. He went on a quest once with one and was impressed with his power. Albeit it was somewhat limited. But anyways, he was distracted by everything around. He couldn’t stop looking at every detail he could. And as they entered the castle he looked to Rikuma. All this wealth and money only for the poor to not ever see any of it. He hated leaders like this. But he knew why it was done. But that was all besides the point. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/7/2024 1:38 PM
Rikuma looked around. Wood paneling on the walls, simple sconces on the wall, and windows shaded by the vines outside rather than by curtains. It felt less like entering a noble's castle and more like a really big cottage in the woods. She didn't comment as they followed the guards to the throne room. Meanwhile, Corinne yawned and looked around, as though seeking out the best window to nap in front of. The throne room itself was small, with the same warmth as the hall had had. On the far wall hung a banner, a black background with the design of a rose printed in teal, and what appeared to be an eyeball in the centre of the flower. A half-elf woman sat on a mahogany throne. She wore a black mourning dress that did little to hide her curves. Her green hair was tied back into a bun, and the held a glass of wine in her hand. A hand that precisely matched that of the hooded figure earlier. She observed them with impossibly pale blue eyes, though they seemed unfocused. As the guards stepped aside, Rikuma, Eletea, and Corinne bowed respectfully, as was court custom, and waited to be greeted. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/7/2024 2:06 PM
He was a bit entranced with her beauty. He had a thing for elves after all, he didn’t know why but he did. But he bowed of course, he had let go of Rikuma’s hand to do so as he did it the fancy way with one arm across his chest. Hopefully this… elf kept her distance. He didn’t know how much the curse could affect her. And with well; so many eyes watching, he wasn’t quite confident enough to. Anyways, there was no hiding the fact he was studying her. Not in a “oh she’s hot way though” more like seeing if she was a threat. But it could be seen as him having eyes for her. He looked above the lady to the banner, something about it spoke to him, tickling something deep within his memory. Maybe perhaps he remembered it for some reason? He didn’t know why though. He had so many questions, but he awaited for Rikuma to lead with these diplomatic things, she’d know what these people wanted to hear. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/7/2024 2:34 PM
The half-elf observed them, then looked away, waving her free hand dismissively as though embarrassed. "No, you don't have to do that. I don't require it of anyone here," she assured them. "You must be the princess of Rashouris, and the adventurer from Waterdeep I have heard so much about. A pleasure to finally meet you." She smiled, an expression that was warm and inviting despite the sadness that seemed to hide behind it. Her attention shifted to the other two. "I don't believe I was informed of your identities, however." Rikuma stood upright, observing the woman cautiously. Her behaviour was odd for a noble, even by Rashouran standards. Corinne stood as well and introduced herself. "Corinne Alarie, artificer and smith. Um..." Her eyes drifted toward where the black fabric was slightly less opaque over the half-elf's chest. "Nice to meet you." Eletea figured out where Corinne was looking and rolled her eyes, but didn't comment. "Eletea, cleric of Desphy." The half-elf seemed to tense slightly as Eletea introduced herself as a cleric. Still, she stood up and walked down the dais to be closer to eye level with them. She was nearly as tall as Crosby. She finished off her glass of red wine, then handed it off to a waiting servant. "Nainda Townsend, Marquis of Oblein." "The Wraith of Locuria," Eletea guessed. Nainda looked away thoughtfully. "Back when Locuria still existed, yes." Her attention landed on Crosby appreciatively. Rikuma stood close to Crosby, almost protectively. "You were there when we fought the shambling mound, weren't you?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/7/2024 2:53 PM
His eyes drifted briefly to where Corrine where was looking too, it was only natural but then he looked to Rikuma, mainly trying to gauge if they were in trouble or cool here. It was stupid difficult to tell. He could feel the tall lady eyeballing him of course. He still kept quiet, his eyes meeting those pale eyes of hers if she dared. He did. He was bold, unfearing of this Wraith of Locuria. She clearly didn’t like the mention of Eletea being holy, so he didn’t have anything to fear with his holy sword upon his back. And the rather… iconic vampire queens blade also if this lady knew what it was or looked close enough. He sort of forget he should maybeee cover it up when they go somewhere public. But it was far too late now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/7/2024 3:12 PM
"I was. Excellent observation, dear," the marchioness (marquis?) confirmed. Perhaps the compliment should have felt patronizing from anyone else, but her tone was perfectly genuine. Rikuma considered all of the questions running through her mind. "You introduced yourself as the marquis of Oblein. Why use the masculine term?" she asked, starting by getting the most trivial point of confusion out of the way. "Is it a linguistic matter?" Nainda shook her head. "Resources about your kingdom are scarce and outdated, but it is my understanding that Rashouris is rather egalitarian. Locuria was not, and neither is Thauviel. Referring to myself as a marchioness allows potential enemies or allies to make judgments without knowing me, and never in my favour. I prefer not to give them the opportunity." Her attention shifted to the swords. She regarded the holy one with no fear and barely any interest. She didn't seem particularly surprised by the vampiric sword, either. "How about we talk somewhere more comfortable?" she suggested. "You can all ask any other questions you may have there, before we discuss the matter of why you are here. I will, however, promise upfront that I am not your enemy." "Only a noblewoman safeguarding part of the enemy's border," Eletea commented. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/7/2024 3:22 PM
He was trying his best to understand some of these big fancy words being thrown around but they were honestly going in one ear and out the other. He was pretty damn smart for a human, but linguistics were not his specialty by any means. He nudged Eletea in the shoulder to tell her to shut the fuck up please. Obviously he wouldn’t say it out loud though. He was awaiting for it to be his turn to speak, now was not the time with all these eyes upon them and Rikuma in charge. He simply nodded. He’d be fine with taking this somewhere more private. Assuming the princess was. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/8/2024 2:42 AM
"People can change their minds," Rikuma reminded Eletea. "We gain nothing if we don't at least listen." She turned to their host and nodded. "Lead the way, then." She hooked her arm around Crosby's as they were led out of the throne room. It was a short walk to the private dining room. The table was set with glasses and drinks for five people, though there was a sixth chair with nothing in front of it. "Have a seat," Nainda invited them. "I wasn't sure if you would be hungry, but I can always have something quick made if you want." She sat at the head of the table. "Since when was there a castle here?" Corinne asked. "I was enstated here years ago," Nainda explained. "The Kingdom I came from used me for my power, then threw me away and destroyed everything I'd worked for the moment they realized they couldn't control it. Aubron approached me with an offer: I would have a noble title and a safe home for myself and my son, where I could focus on reaching the full potential of my magic. In exchange, once I had my revenge, he would get the former Kingdom of Locuria for himself." She poured another glass of wine for herself, then held up the bottle. "Help yourselves." Rikuma examined the bottle, but set it aside, opting to keep as clear of a head as possible. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/8/2024 8:05 AM
He sat at the closest chair to the mysterious figure, dragging Rikuma to sit beside him of course. He figured it would be best to put a barrier between the two of them. And perhaps let his curse work its magic to their advantage if it could. He wasn’t all too interested in drinking right now. He had more important things to focus on. He kept his hands folded on the table neatly before him. He decided it was time to cut to the point. and where exactly do you think we come in play? You certainly are looking for something from us. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/8/2024 3:55 PM
Rikuma nodded along, because it was an important question. "Not to mention, judging from what you have said about your homeland having already fallen, it sounds like the Emperor kept his end of the bargain just as you wanted," she said. "But your soldiers implied you are on the brink of revolting against him. Why the change, and what does it have to do with us?" Nainda held up one hand, a gesture for quiet. The only thing that broke the silence was the sound of liquid sloshing into a glass as Corinne poured some wine for herself. Rikuma, Nainda, and Eletea all looked at the sidhe, who sank down in her seat. "I was only accepting her hospitality," she said, her voice small. "It is quite alright, dear," Nainda assured her, vaguely amused. "At any rate, I was getting to it. You are correct; he held up his end of the bargain. But no matter my status, my origins of a peasant mean that my bloodline is forever that of a commoner to him. One with the responsibilities of nobility, but few of the privileges. To make a long story short, he sent my son to his death, knowing how it would end." There was a hard edge to her voice, that of grief that had had long enough to crystallize into hatred. "I have hoped for revenge ever since. So I aim to provide aid in your quest to destroy him. Wards to work against vampires. A flag displaying my standard, so that they may see it and recognize that you have been sent by the marquis with tainted blood and a treaty with their leaders. Moon lanterns to make your way through the cursed forest, and the enchantments to free their inhabitants after." She sipped her wine. "All I ask in return is that you carry out the task you set out for in the first place." Rikuma hummed softly to herself, deep in thought. She studied the half-elf for a moment longer, before addressing Crosby. "What do you think?" she asked quietly, turning over the possibilities in her head. "Should we talk about it alone before deciding...?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/8/2024 4:27 PM
He wasn’t surprised one bit by Corrine. It didn’t bother him at all. He expected it. Anyways, he was all for spilling blood in the name of fallen comrades and family. It was in his code of morals. To avenge those who had fallen, to make their sacrifices actually have meant something. Like his men who had gave it all many years ago. He planned to avenge every single one if it the last thing he did. His eyes showed a rather strange… glimmer of sympathy almost with the half elf. A connection perhaps he felt. A need. His look changed when Rikuma asked. He didn’t even hesitate almost. I think we should take up her offer. I would want the same if I lost what mattered most to me. He said it quite simply. While what mattered most him now sat beside him. If something happened to her, him being a “hero” would be questionable. but I have one small favor to ask also, considering your… power. I know it may be a big feat or not so… feasible with your current position. But if we were ever to need your assistance perhaps in combat or such, could we have a way to call upon you? He was very aware she could make quite the ally. And that is what they needed right now. I’m sorry if it seems like a lot considering what you already offered. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/9/2024 4:52 AM
"I was thinking the same thing," Rikuma agreed, still whispering even though the half-elf was clearly listening and had no trouble hearing them. "But it would be a waste in terms of negotiation to take the first offer; she's strong, and could be an asset during our journey. If she wants revenge, why not help her take it with her own hands, and get the extra power in combat?" She smiled as he spoke, glad to hear that they were on the same page. Nainda listened to his question and considered. "Teleportation of any sort does not work within Thauviel's borders," she said. "If I were to be asked for assistance, then depending on how far you have gotten since departing from here, it would take days for me to arrive, by which point you would have achieved victory or death of your own accord. If I were to be helpful in that capacity, I would need to accompany you." She looked toward the door, considering how she could arrange things to be run in her absence. "Which would mean putting myself at risk and leaving Oblein in the hands of my advisors. Which also means that the commoners who come to me to heal the maladies clerics couldn't would have to wait as well." She leaned toward Crosby, taking in that curious, sweet scent of his. "It isn't a 'no' per se, but something we do need to consider... What sort of additional compensation would make it worth the danger?" Eletea shook her head disapprovingly and poured herself a glass of wine. After all, she could already have a good guess of where that question led. But she could understand when the end was worth the means, so she kept her mouth shut. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/9/2024 1:54 PM
Of course they were on the same page. He thought like her sometimes. Sometimes… not so much. He was a meat head after all. A dangerous one at that. With certain skills that others lacked. Anyways. What a bummer teleportation Didn’t work. Surely there must’ve been a different way. But he didn’t have time to think as she continued on. Those are all very fair points. He leaned back, resting one arm on the back of the chair. He ran a hand through his hair, fixing it up so he’d look his absolute best. Time to work what he had to his advantage. And that was nothing but the curse. He spun his purple dragon commander ring on his finger. Etchings in draconic visible upon it. He looked to it as he had to think for a moment. The thrill of it all and the satisfaction of killing the bastard who killed your son would be pretty good would it not? But I can understand needing more, what could I offer that you might be interested in? He half looked to her, his forest green eyes unfearful of her. He spoke with confidence. I’m sure between the two of us we could work something out, or even if the princess needs to be involved. But I do know, if you help us, I’m more than sure Rikuma here would be happy to form an alliance with Oblein. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/10/2024 5:50 AM
"I would be more than willing to discuss an alliance, yes," Rikuma agreed, glancing over at her partner. She couldn't tell outright if his curse was working its magic on the marquis, but it was certainly working on her. But she kept herself in control, fighting to remain as professional and diplomatic as possible. Even if the diplomacy in question did happen to include seducing Nainda as a viable option. Unfortunately, the finer details of the ring and his hair being fixed up were lost on Nainda, given her poor eyesight. Fortunately, his scent was not, but the only show of its effects came in the dilation of her pupils. "Until Rashouris recovers, you will require more resources than you can provide. I suppose you could offer military alliances and a portion of the wealth in your mines but, given how many different alliances you will need to form with large and powerful nations - of which Oblein is not one - to obtain what you need, those resources will be spread thin. It is nothing personal, but I do not believe it would be beneficial at this point in time. Perhaps later, but that would be years down the road." Rikuma looked down, rolling a small bone from her pouch between her fingers as she thought. Diplomacy had always been one of her weak points, and there was no way she could outmaneuver an expert in a clean negotiation. But she wasn't afraid to let her negotiations get a bit dirty. Her eyes fixed on Nainda as she leaned into Crosby, resting a hand on his thigh. "Perhaps the two of us can offer something of a more... intimate interest to you. You want something you will be around to benefit from, don't you? The two of us... or maybe three?" She looked back at Corinne, whose ears perked up as she nodded. Rikuma's gaze drifted further to their remaining party member. "Or, if you are particularly insatiable-" "Vow of chastity," Eletea reminded her, then drank down her entire glass of wine. "This is my cue to leave the table." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/10/2024 8:15 AM
He sighed. He hadn’t even thought of the long recovery process that would ensue when all was said and done. But thankfully Rikuma was resourceful. Or so he thought maybe she was just well… horny too. But that was besides the point. He blushed a lot at the mention. Oh fuck he was certainly going to be dead if he had to deal with all three of them at once. Thank the gods Eletea bowed out. He wasn’t sure how much he could take. I’m sure that can be arranged if that’s what you truly desire~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/10/2024 9:32 AM
Rikuma, both resourceful and horny, awaited the answer as Eletea left. She didn't mind the genasi's choice not to be involved, but she did worry for the poor lady's sanity, trying to keep such a vow while traveling with Crosby. If they were lucky, his curse wouldn't be an issue forever. But for now, she would help him use it to their advantage. Nainda set her now-empty wine glass down, tracing along its rim with one finger as she considered. "Are you sure about that?" she asked the remaining group. "You would submit to me willingly?" Corinne gave a relaxed smile, gratitude and respect showing at the half-elf's request that they be entirely clear on matters of consent. "Now that you're asking that, I would," she volunteered. Meanwhile, Rikuma simply perked up at the word 'submit', but quickly calmed herself to set a boundary. After all, she remembered how she'd felt, seeing him after Maeneine's attack. "As long as Crosby is the only one leaving any lasting marks on me, and vice versa." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/10/2024 1:42 PM
He fell quiet and looked between the three of him. He wasn’t exactly sure how to respond in all fairness. He did have some… limits. Human limits of course and other things. But now didn’t seem to be the time. He let the ladies do the talking. He nodded in agreement, he’d prefer someone else didn’t mark his treasure. That was for him and him only to enjoy that pleasure. He glanced to her swirling finger. If you can agree to those terms, I suppose I’m fine with it. He looked to Corrine. He wondered how the fuck this would even work with 4 of them… he knew Rikuma would fight for first dibs even though their guest would do the same he guessed. Freakin kinky elf ladies. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/10/2024 4:16 PM
Rikuma waited for him to respond, delighted when he agreed. Great, they had an agreement! She eyed their hostess curiously, wondering exactly what it was she had in mind. How would this work with the four of them? Maybe it was for the best that Eletea had opted out. Nainda considered for a moment. Not the level of enthusiasm she'd hoped for from him, and with a clearer head, she would have insisted on a more detailed discussion of boundaries first. But her thoughts were obscured for the time being; they could play it safe now and talk more in-depth later. "Excellent. In any case, I would like... Let's say an upfront payment." She leaned back in her chair, crossing one leg over the other. "Why don't you two ladies get him warmed up first?" Rikuma exchanged a glance with Corinne. They nodded in an unspoken agreement, and both left their chairs. "Could you stand, love?" Rikuma asked Crosby as she stood behind him, already planning out how to start things off. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/10/2024 4:22 PM
He was completely unsure how this would work too. Epically with… someone with not so great sight. He wasn’t sure how he felt about that to be fair. But he’d need something to get him going for this regardless. And usually only one person could get him like that so far. He of course stood like she demanded. Not hesitating, he was however confused about what exactly the plan was. His heart rate already climbing as thoughts were racing through his head. Was she just going to sit there and watch…? Albeit she did look quite good right now… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/10/2024 4:34 PM
Rikuma trailed kisses across his jaw and down his neck while Corinne approached. Once she'd set his weapons aside, the princess's hands wandered to his chest to remove his top as her teeth bit down to leave her mark on him. He was, after all, hers above any others, and she'd make sure everyone here knew that. Corinne pulled his face toward hers to kiss him, hunger driving the passion in the press of her lips against his. She focused her other hand on stroking his cock through his pants first. Nainda observed carefully. She could still hear everything and, above all else, sense auras well enough. Observation first, to get a feel of the dynamics between them. And more importantly, exactly what it was this cursed man had to offer. She was patient; she would let these two show her first. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/11/2024 1:15 AM
He didn’t expect that, his eyes lighting up as his heart rate pretty violently spiked. Of course, there wasn’t much holding on his top, she could pretty easily get it off. He did wince a tiny bit as she marked him. He knew it was coming though, and got shivers down his spine from it. He soon kissed Corrine back pretty passionately, enough to probably make the princess jealous if she saw. Needless to say, it only took a few brief moments for him to grow to his rather large size. One hand coming to rest upon on Rikuma’s ass, giving a rather firm squeeze. The other grabbing Corrine’s and doing the same. His breathing was getting much more hot and heavy. fuck… If this is how it was going to be, he was going to accidentally make it so only Rikuma, and Eletea would be the only ones able to walk besides him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/11/2024 3:35 PM
Rikuma pulled herself closer, letting out a soft moan in his ear. Her hips shifted teasingly against his hand as Corinne worked on removing his pants. The moment the sidhe's lips left his, Rikuma leaned in and pulled his face toward hers, taking her turn to kiss him next. After all, a possessive reminder of who his real partner was never hurt here and there, especially given their circumstances. Corinne trailed her lips down his neck, careful not to bite, then further to his collarbones, then down toward his chest. As she sank to her knees, she tugged lightly on Rikuma's hand, a cue to join her. All instincts drove her to get to the very source of that sweet scent, especially after the small taste she'd gotten that morning. She licked at the tip first, while Rikuma brushed her lips over the shaft. While details might have been lost on Nainda, she could see enough to appreciate the show she was getting. Size had never been particularly important to her - it was his responsiveness that caught her attention, and the eagerness of the other two to please. She uncrossed her legs and leaned forward, curiosity piqued, but not about to interfere just yet. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/11/2024 4:18 PM
He was more than fine giving Rikuma her turn or course, albeit being pretty near out of breath from doing so. But he’d damn well do it and loved every fleeting moment of it. He got chills as body his tensed up briefly, his heart rate spinning to its fastest yet, his scent doing the same in reponse. He hit his lip incredibly hard. fuck… we’re going to have a repeat of this morning if you two aren’t careful~. But there’s going to be a lot more I’ll be doing to you both you’ll enjoy if you keep this up~ He was quite caught up in the moment already, he briefly glanced to see what the half elf was doing. @al048
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/12/2024 4:33 AM
Rikuma pulled away for a moment and smiled up at him as she heard his promise. Or threat. Kind of ambiguous, but she looked forward to it either way. She wrapped an arm around her friend to pull her close, her lips returning to his length. Her free hand squeezed his thigh gently but firmly, holding him tight. There was bound to be plenty for both of them. All three, even. The overall effect was intoxicating. Nainda stood up, taking a few steps to kneel briefly beside the other two women. She would have her turn, but she still wanted to see what she would be getting first. "No wonder he finds you two irresistible." She focused on Rikuma first, reaching around to undress her without disrupting what either of them was doing. "I think we'll save your real reward for last, though. Let him finish with his favourite." Her hand brushed deliberately against one of Rikuma's nipples, causing the princess to let out a small whimper at the teasing, a craving to be touched more. Instead, Nainda put a hand to the back of her head to guide her. "Can you fit it all inside, darling?" Rikuma nodded as Corinne pulled away. With the half-elf's guiding hand, she opened her mouth, slowly sliding Crosby's erection into her mouth. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/12/2024 1:50 PM
It twitched hearing the noises escaping from the princess. She certainly wasn’t helping with his ever growing problem. He looked to all three of them with lustful eyes, but moreso loving of course for Rikuma. His eyes dilating almost every single time he looked at her compared to the others. He couldn’t help but push more of himself into Rikuma. He was way too eager to wait now. There was too much going on. His one free hand grabbing onto Corrinne’s head gently, petting it almost to keep his hand busy. He didn’t dare grab onto Rikuma with their guest holding her like that. He started to go in and out quite slowly, he was surely holding back for now from ruining the poor princess throat. fuck… what a bad girl.. always enjoying doing this with me no matter who’s around or watching~ @Al the Killer l
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/12/2024 4:38 PM
Rikuma looked lovingly up at him. Her heart filled with joy and affection, even if having her own pleasure delayed was torture. She had to admit, it was a sort of torment she didn't mind. The hand left the back of her head, but she didn't pull away. She didn't want to pull away. Satisfied that Rikuma was exactly where she wanted to be, Nainda shifted her strength to Corinne. As she undressed Corinne, she lowered her head to kiss the sidhe's neck, noting the smooth, unmarked skin there. She would see about changing that later. It took no more than a soft touch to the back of her head for Corinne to move in, closing her lips over Crosby's balls to make sure he wasn't denied any pleasure. Nainda smiled, rewarding her by scratching gently behind one ear. "Good girl," she whispered. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/13/2024 1:25 AM
The way she looked up to him like that too left him wanting so much more. His hand grabbing onto her head, balling up some of her hair quite roughly. He stared to quite quickly and harshly go in and out, pushing his entire length into the poor princess. It was probably still a lot to handle. God I want to do so much more to you than this beautiful~. He was tempted to just draw himself out and push her over the table and get to the thing they both really wanted. But then the other two would be left alone. He glanced to Corrine, he wanted to ruin them both badly. His eyes couldn’t stop wandering between the two of them, albeit his eyes mostly stayed on Rikuma for obvious reasons. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/13/2024 3:53 AM
Rikuma's eyes brightened as he spoke. At least she had a lot to look forward to. Even now that they had a group together, she was glad to have the majority of his attention. A reminder that she had his heart, regardless of what other body parts the others had the chance to enjoy for themselves. She felt Nainda's hand on her wrist and obediently held both hands behind her back. Nainda untied the ribbon from her hair, allowing it to fall from its bun in loose waves. The ribbon could go to far better use right now - namely, binding the princess's hands together. Rikuma's enthusiasm for it wasn't lost on her, and she would keep that in mind for later. She stood again, trailing her fingertips up Crosby's abdomen, taking in every detail she couldn't see. "Enjoy this as much as you would like, darling." She cupped his chin gently in her hand to pull his face toward hers. "Just keep in mind that this won't be over until everyone is satisfied~" She kissed him without reservation. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/13/2024 10:37 AM
He couldn’t help but be rather rough as he started to go much faster, not exactly holding back against his love. He knew she could handle it. But also he was starting to leak a tiny bit of the reward she so badly desired. He was already getting quite overwhelmed. His senses going nuts at everything going on. His heart beating as fast as it could. He quietly looked to her hand, following it up his body his eyes meeting the half elf’s. Of course he was quite well built, not too overly muscular but absolutely not skinny by any means. He had quite a lot to offer. He was cut short of being able to speak, his eyes going wide. He kissed her back as best he could of course. He couldn’t let anyone down. But this was the final nail in the coffin for him, he couldn’t take much more, he pushed Rikuma down as best he could upon his shaft and soon exploded. He gently bit her lip and avery hot puff of air beat against Nainda’s face as he finally rewarded the princess. A wave of pleasure running through him. God he felt quite pathetic for losing to them so soon but it was what it was. Hopefully Rikuma could deal with the consequences she brought upon herself once again, or Corrine would probably steal it. After a few brief moments he let the princess’s head go. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/13/2024 1:19 PM
That was... quick, but at least he tended to have a quick recovery time. Rikuma's eyes widened slightly in surprise, before she swallowed down all she could manage. He really was a sweet man, and it didn't end at his care for her. Once he let go, she pulled off, catching her breath while Corinne jumped in to finish off the rest of his cum. Already having had her fill for the time being and needing to breathe, Rikuma didn't particularly mind sharing. She licked her lips, then looked up at Crosby and Nainda. Nainda broke the kiss and tilted her head. "Well, I suppose I did tell you to enjoy it as much as you would like," she commented. The bite had been lovely, but she could wait until later for more. First, she had a princess to torment. Safely and consensually, for their mutual enjoyment. She reached down, carefully pulling Rikuma to her feet. "Corinne, dear?" Corinne pulled Crosby's member out of her mouth to look up at her. "Would you mind keeping him occupied? You can have him next." Corinne's tail swayed happily as she moved from the floor, taking a seat on the edge of the table as Nainda guided Rikuma toward the chair the half elf had occupied before. She sat down, pulling Rikuma down into her lap. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/13/2024 1:29 PM
His recovery time was indeed quite fast. He had to have one or else he’d be dead. With Corrine so eagerly hopping onto him, it started to grow quite quickly again, albeit throbbing a lot. He was trying desperately to catch his breath as Nainda spoke. Holy hells was this… a different experience. In a good way. He looked to Corrine as she did so, he needed more… badly. He couldn’t even hide that. He watched the two, rather curiously, he headed over to Corrine albeit distracted. He was curious was the lady was planning to do with his princess. Sure, he was okay with sharing, but he was still quite possessive of his lady. Her attention and love was for him and him only, no one else. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/13/2024 3:52 PM
Corinne reached out to grab his wrist, pulling him in as close as she could. Even though his attention was elsewhere, she wrapped her legs around his waist. Her eyes were almost pleading as she looked up at him, biting her lower lip. Romantically? Absolutely no interest. But physically? She was all but trembling with the anticipation of what was to come. Nainda positioned Rikuma so she was fully facing Crosby, legs spread. She nibbled briefly and lightly at her ear, but paused as she picked up on the concern in Crosby's aura. "Don't worry, darling. I'll return her to you in one piece, and still all yours." She lowered her head to kiss Rikuma's neck, slipping one hand between her legs. "Just far more desperate for you. She won't even be allowed to peak until you touch her." The promise of denial only served to excite Rikuma more as she squirmed under her touch. "Watch," Nainda whispered to her, and she focused her gaze on Crosby and Corinne. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 6:23 AM
He let Corrine pull him close. But he had to watch for a litttttle bit longer with their new guest. Seeing she would be fine, his attention turned to Corrine and he did NOT hesitate. He quite roughly just pushed himself inside her without warning. He knew how desperate the tabaxi was for him with all her needy trembling. He leaned down and whispered into her ear as he picked her up, forcing her to ride him. you’re such a bad little slut~. Desperate for me in every way~. His hands quite firmly held onto her ass as he began to pound the poor lady. He wasn’t holding back against her. He knew she could handle it damn well. you love being ruined by me don’t you cutie~? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 12:03 PM
Corinne had expected it, but that was different from being fully prepared. She gasped, wincing a bit at first before she adjusted to his girth. "F-fuck," she breathed, wrapping her arms around him for balance. She tried to ignore his words as she began to grind against him, but opted to give him a warning anyway. "Could you be a little more respectful?" she asked, trying not to hiss it as her ears flattened to the sides. Being called such terms brought back memories she preferred to avoid, so she tried to think less about the past and more about how much she wanted him inside of her. She was safe with these three, she reminded herself. Rikuma bit her lower lip, watching the two of them. By the spirits, she wished that she was the one he was fucking right now. But it was hard to focus on that when there were fingers teasing at her entrance, but never quite slipping inside. She moaned, pushing her hips toward Nainda's hand. "Please," she pleaded, but the teasing continued. All for the best - she didn't want to stop feeling this good. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 1:37 PM
He continued to use her up quite roughly without any signs of slowing down. He gently kissed up and down her neck, his hot breath beating against one her ears. I suppose I can be for such a good girl~ He chuckled a bit, giving her bum a firm teasing squeeze. He glanced to Rikuma hearing her plead like that. God he wished he was ruining her too. He’d do so much worse to her if she was the last one for him to have fun with. He’d be so needy by then. And ready… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 3:18 PM
Now that was better. Corinne smiled and tilted her head back to give him easier access to her neck. Her nails dug into his back as she let gravity do most of her work for her. Her ragged breaths came out intermingled with moans of pleasure and desperation. "Y-yes!" She was so pleasantly full, her excitement building with each thrust. She needed him desperately. At least until they both finished. Rikuma leaned back against Nainda, the soft breasts against her back almost as comfortable as laying on a pile of pillows. The pleasure was almost blinding, and along with the sight of her boyfriend's own enjoyment, she soon felt herself close to the edge, just about to- Nainda withdrew her hand, drawing a desperate, almost devastated noise from the princess. She trailed her hand up Rikuma's body toward her chest, whispering in her ear. "I did tell you you couldn't cum yet, didn't I?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 3:32 PM
He of course went quite ham on her neck. But he did not mark her at all. He wasn’t marking what wasn’t his as much as she might’ve liked that. He had his priorities elsewhere for those activities. But that was besides the point. He winced a bit feeling her nails dig into him, Jesus Christ they were sharp as fuck. Anymore and she’d cut him open like a blood bag. He was growing much closer himself, she could surely feel it with how hot and heavy was growing, shaky even, like he was holding back from finishing yet. He had to make sure she did first. come on Corrine~. Be a good girl and cum for me~. I know you want to~. He was slamming his entire length into her quite roughly now with absolutely no holding back, using all he had against her and putting on quite the show with his size. He got shivers down his spine from what was happening with him and that amazing noise he heard from the princess. Holy hell, he almost lost his focus with that. But he didn’t. He maintained it for now. Mainly because he couldn’t see what happened. He only heard the aftermath. One of his hands came up and gently gripped Corrine by the back of her neck. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 3:56 PM
He was right about one thing: Corinne definitely wanted to. She pushed her hips forward desperately, so she could at least get something to rub against her clit. In the process, she felt him hit just the right spot inside of her at the new angle. She gasped, feeling the renewed wave of pleasure that came with it, especially with his increased vigor. Her nails let go, but she kept her hands on his skin as her moment of release finally came. Bliss pulsed through her as she lowered herself fully onto his member. Rikuma wanted nothing more to beg as she felt the fingers teasing at her nipples, but no words came out. She stayed near the height of pleasure, but Nainda took care not to bring her over it, keeping her as close to the edge as possible. She heard the cry of pleasure as Corinne came, and it brought a rush of jealousy mingled with arousal. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 4:06 PM
He couldn’t hold back as he heard Corrine finally release, he nearly drew himself fully out before making sure she was pushed fully down upon him. Thats when he finally released. A wave of bliss and pleasure rushed over him as he pumped the poor taxabi full of her reward she so clearly needed. He held her incredibly tight as he did so. His breathing being incredibly shaky as it throbbed and pulsated madly. f-fu-fuck Corrine. He could barely from a sentence from how overwhelmed he was. His senses feeling heightened in a sense. His hot breath harshly beating against her neck. He didn’t seem to be letting her budge or pull off him anytime soon however. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 4:22 PM
Corinne could feel him pumping deep inside, as she was left overly sensitive. It was almost unbearable, so she moved to pull away, not really thinking about the issue of balance and support in their current position. She could feel some of it dripping onto the floor, and a small part of her mind considered what a waste that might be. "Down," she managed to say once she'd slightly caught her breath. With that round finished, Nainda kissed Rikuma's cheek, then set her down to kneel on the floor. "Don't worry, darling; you won't be left for point," she promised, still keeping some of her attention on her as she approached the other two. "Corinne, why don't you keep the princess company?" She reached out to help the cait sidhe down, sure that Corinne knew what to do. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 4:30 PM
He did let her go sort of when she did back off. He wasn’t going to hold her hostage. His heart was racing, everything down there was a covered mess now. He offered to put her down but knew Corrine wasn’t probably going to even be able to stand or walk on her own. Especially after considering how much harder he went compared to their first time. He looked to Nainda, curious as to what was next now. He had… a lot of things that could happen to him but he didn’t know which or how would be first. Or if he even knew elegant she was planning. His mouth hung open a tiny bit to try to desperately catch his breath before the start of the next round @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 4:40 PM
Corinne gave him an appreciative nod as he let go, then nearly collapsed against Nainda. The half elf stroked her hair reassuringly, helping her over so she could rest next to Rikuma. As she settled on the floor, she looked over at the tied-up princess, who was still catching her breath. Once the catgirl was taken care of, Nainda turned her attention back to Crosby. "Now, where were we?" she asked, already starting to undress. She made quick, adept work of it, wasting no time before she closed the distance between her and Crosby. She placed a hand in the centre of his chest to push him back into his chair. "Aren't you a lovely sight?" she commented, staring straight at his cock. "Still desperate for more, dear?" She approached so she could straddle his hips properly. Rikuma squirmed, rubbing her thighs together to get whatever pleasure she could out of it. It wasn't enough, and her desperate need for more only grew as Corrine sat up, kissing along her collarbones. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 4:51 PM
He watched of course, he almost caught her but Nainda seemed to have it handled. He curiously looked to Rikuma as he awaited. Holy fuck did she look good… he couldn’t help but start to grow in size again at the sight and the thoughts. He wanted to do so many things with her. But his attention to her was soon cut short as the half elf approached. He was he was in trouble with how fast she got undressed. She surely had to have had experience then. Which worried him. He was pushed back into the chair without much effort. I think you’re the one desperate for more if anything dear. He chuckled a bit and sat back rather confidently. He decided to play it cool. He had to. He of course watched her quite closely, unsure what to expect as she stared at him like a meal. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 5:01 PM
Rikuma knew Corinne well enough to know she wouldn't be a threat. The marquis of Oblein, though? An older, seemingly much more experienced noblewoman? ...Probably still not a threat, judging from the looks Crosby was still giving Rikuma. So she could enjoy the show as it was, despite the distraction of her friend's warm breath and mouth against her skin. Nainda's expression was one of amusement as he acted confidently. "Is that so?" She kept herself above him, holding his hips down with one hand and stroking his cock with the other. The extra lubrication left by the other girls definitely made it easier, and no doubt more pleasant for him. But she kept close attention to his aura as she whispered in his ear. "Your lover isn't the only one I can edge until I get what I want." She lifted her head, adjusting her position to trap his face between her breasts. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/14/2024 5:09 PM
Of course he preferred the one he spent the most time with. She just so happened to be the most like his type too which was a plus for her. Not so much for the others. But anyways he was already very large but feeling her tease her like this, it was torturous. Not even the princess had dared to do something like this to him. His heart was still pounding as he was growing more and more needy by the second. He needed relief badly. He tried his best to thrust into her hand or move his hips free of her. He looked up to her and then to the trap being set. Oh fuck. He was screwed now. He tried to move his arms so he could push her down onto him, he wasn’t quite as patient or willing like Rikuma. He clearly liked to have someee control. oh but you’re not going to get away with that easily~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/14/2024 5:20 PM
Rikuma wouldn't have imagined someone taking charge of Crosby like that. It wasn't something she could see herself doing, but damn was it hot to see. What she wouldn't have given to be in the middle of that. She was soon distracted from her thoughts by the flick of Corinne's tongue against her nipple. She whimpered, feeling her friend's hand press against her throat. All three of these people are going to be the death of her. Even with the confidence that remained in his behaviour, the desperation she felt from him was as good as a plea for mercy. Nainda decided to grant it, but lowered herself onto him slowly, to make it clear that this was her decision. She rubbed against the tip first, still teasing for a moment before letting him in. "Won't I?" she asked, the amusement still in her voice. Her hand left his hip to let him move more freely, instead resting at the back of his head to keep it against her chest. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/15/2024 1:22 AM
Nor would he. He usually was in complete control, for submitting to someone was odd. Not at all something he was used to. Especially considering the last time he was forced to with the high priestess. But that was besides the point. His eyes briefly lighting as she teased him. It throbbed a bit rather needily. He couldn’t wait. He tried his best to breathe, and also look up to her. The darkness of not being able to see what he was doing was messing with his usual way of things. He shifted a bit and then tried to get started slowly if she let him. I’ll make sure of it. He huffed. He was probably muffled when he spoke though. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/15/2024 2:56 AM
Rikuma smiled as Corinne's fingers finally reached between her legs. She let out an ecstatic moan of pleasure, arching her back. Then the touch left, as soon as she felt herself getting close again. "H-hey!" she breathed. "Nainda was onto something," Corinne commented, giving Rikuma's ear a playful bite. "This is fun." "Sadists." Rikuma's statement was far from a complaint. Nainda simply chuckled at Crosby's words, but let him push slowly inside. "Alright, cutie. I'm sure you will." Her hand moved to cup his cheek, tilting his head up so she could kiss him. She started grinding her hips against him, so she could use him for their mutual pleasure. It seemed he wasn't very experienced, so she would go easy on him for now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/15/2024 3:35 AM
He was of course struggling. He badly needed more. But calling him what she did and how she said it was triggering something burning within. A need that desperately needed to be fulfilled. He kissed her back as best he could. But he did lack experience. The only action he’d gotten willingly was with Rikuma and Corrine. Besides that, it was a handful of times he’d been unwilling used. Some by vampires, some by demons, some by other things. But he tried his best to ignore that fact, although with her in control, it was triggering those memories. Causing his will to tremble and bend. He was still breathing quite heavily, needily. But she could probably feel she was losing him down there. Something was wrong. @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 1/15/2024 4:20 AM
Seeing exactly what trauma it was causing his will to wane was far beyond her. But she could feel it in other ways. The slight loss of arousal, the residual fear in his aura. That part of her mind where her patron always resided said to keep at it, to hurt him worse. Destroy. Break their minds and let their suffering fuel you. The rest of her, the parts that remained her, disagreed, despite her need. She'd settle for a break from things, a chance to get things back on track so everyone got to have a good time by the end of it. She pulled off of him, settling on his lap instead. "Crosby," she said softly. "It's alright. You're safe. I promise." She released him from her grip, stroking his hair without using any force as she caught her breath. She dropped the dominant act for now. "Are you alright, dear? If you need a break, or to change positions we can." She'd assumed that he'd known what he was getting to when he'd agreed to... Well, submit... But these things weren't always expected. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/15/2024 6:38 AM
He shivered and snapped out of it when she pulled off. His eyes looking to her as his face remained quite neutral. He looked… lost. That look Rikuma probably should’ve been familiar with, the one he always did when he came back from a memory. I’m fine… He ran a hand through his hair as he had to pull himself together and ground himself. What a fucking experience he just remembered. Hopefully nobody could see his thoughts or he’d be FUCKED. His heart rate much higher than it was before but in a more survival like way. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/15/2024 6:46 AM
Rikuma was very distracted at the moment, until Nainda told Corinne to untie her hands and she snapped back to reality. It still took a moment to process everything through her haze of pleasure. Had something gone wrong? She stumbled to her feet and walked over to Crosby. Was he remembering something? "You're not fine," Nainda said, still gentle but definitely calling him out on his lie. She left his lap, rubbing his shoulders to help ground him. "And that's alright. Just take a moment to breathe." Rikuma kissed his cheek, though her breathing was still ragged, a bit desperate. "I'm here," she assured him, struggling to stop herself from hopping into his lap and riding him. "Is it another memory?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/15/2024 7:04 AM
He definitely did not like being called out like that, nor to be the buzz kill in such a massive pleasant time. But here he was, doing what he didn’t want to do. He felt like a bum. He simply nodded. I’d… rather not talk about it.. Especially with everyone here, he could confine in the princess but he didn’t know how this new person would react to such news, or even Corrine. He sat back in the chair. Closing his eyes briefly to burn the vision from his eyes. He didn’t want to see it anymore. sorry… He looked between the Rikuma and Nainda. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/15/2024 7:36 AM
"You don't have to be sorry," Rikuma said, even though it was slightly undermined by the need clear in her eyes. She kissed him again, on the lips again, unsure of exactly how to continue after something like this. She broke the kiss after a moment and looked over at the half elf. Without knowing what the problem was, the ways of mitigating it were limited. Nainda meet Rikuma's gaze, then decided that her own needs could wait. Or be met in other ways. Remembering how excited the princess had been to submit, she addressed her first. "Get him ready again, then get on the table." Rikuma's expression brightened again, despite her worry for Crosby. Finally, her turn! "I'm yours," she whispered to her lover. She kissed him again, reaching down to stroke his cock. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/15/2024 8:18 AM
He could see how badly she needed him and by the gods did he want to fulfill that every desire of hers. He wanted to make her his in every way. He kissed her back quite deeply, lovingly too. Much more than he obviously did with the other two. And it didn’t even take the princess anymore than a simple touch and her whisper for him to be pretty much back to his normal size. It was quite impressive actually. and you’re mine in every way~. I’ll make sure you’ll never forget that~. Now you best do what she says or perhaps I’ll have to… do something much worse than usual~ @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/15/2024 11:47 AM
She smiled at him, tempted to disobey now that he'd said that. But she also wanted to find out what the half elf had in mind. "You can always do worse," she promised, then let him go. Maybe that would get her the best of both outcomes. Nervous but excited, she sat down on the table, then lay there at Nainda's instruction. "You can join us," Nainda told Crosby as she settled down, sitting just over the princess's face. "We can both enjoy her." She looked down as Rikuma tried to lift her head, the necromancer's tongue reaching out to tease at her slit. "Patience," she reminded her softly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/15/2024 12:56 PM
He slowly got up; blushing quite a lot at the sight. There was quite a lot to look at, his heart going much more berserk in a good way. He walked over and glanced to Corrine, curious to as what she’d do. But he had to focus. He slowly pressed himself gently against the princess entrance. Biting his lip as he slowly slid himself inside. fuck… She always felt… different from the others. Something about her he desperately needed and he couldn’t explain it. He started off slowly and teasingly, just giving her a taste of what she so badly needed. she’s quite impatient sometimes~. Especially when it comes to stuff like this~ He smiled a bit, rather causally putting a leg over each of his shoulders. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/15/2024 4:34 PM
She arched her back as he slid inside, moaning softly against the other woman's folds. After how long she'd been teased while waiting for him, she was more than ready to take him. Eager to please both of them, she pressed her tongue against the half elf's clit was soon as it was within reach, getting a good taste of her as well. Her legs parted easily for Crosby, letting him adjust them as needed. Nainda moaned softly as Rikuma started to pleasure her. "She's eager to please. I can appreciate that." She smiled, reaching back to place a hand on Rikuma's head and pull her close between her thighs. Corinne was still sitting on the floor recovering, but the three of them certainly had her attention now. Her legs were still shaky as she stood up and stepped closer, looking at Nainda as she wondered if there was any way she could fit in there. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/16/2024 1:11 AM
He couldn’t exactly wait, he started to quickly ramp up to how hard he was going against Corrine. He needed her desperately in every way. A burning passion like nothing else. He didn’t realize how bad it was until he started. But now, he couldn’t stop. He was biting his lip hard as he squeezed her thighs as he continued to use his full size to his advantage against her. It throbbed and twitched quite a lot, eagerly of course. His eyes slowly turning to Corrine for a moment, then back to the others. He had to focus on what he was doing to keep a good consistent rhythm. His breathing becoming quite heavy and shaky. she always is for the right people~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/17/2024 4:57 PM
Rikuma's need for him only grew with each passing moment. Her body ached for release, but she didn't want this to be over yet. She managed to reach her hands up to grip Nainda's thighs, holding her close for fear that she might pull away before her efforts were rewarded. Crosby may have been the one she loved, but she'd make sure everyone left this room satisfied. ...Maybe she wasn't so bad at diplomacy after all. Nainda looked over at Corinne as well. Through the haze of pleasure, she let go of Rikuma's head and gently took the sidhe's hand to pull her closer. "Plenty of room for another, darling~" Once Corinne was on the table, she positioned her so she was straddling Rikuma's torso and facing Crosby, back pressed against Nainda's breasts. "I see you haven't been claimed yet." She kissed Corinne's unmarked neck as her fingers slipped between Corinne's legs. "Care for me to change that?" The effect of her touch, combined with Crosby's presence, was an immediate high. Corinne moaned, arching her back to push herself against the other woman's hand. "Please," she pleaded, tilting her head to give her access. She bit her lower lip, looking at Crosby to see if he'd do anything, or if his focus remained singular. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/19/2024 1:03 AM
He was breathing quite heavily, his cheeks burning red hot. He was getting so close now. As much as he wanted to please Corrine, it showed he was struggling to hold out. But he was determined to make Rikuma break first. He had to prove a point. He looked to her briefly and then looked away. Fuck, this was all way too much of a push for him. And he wasn’t exactly built to do this with three ladies quite yet. Two was a stretch last time. But he’d damn well try. He had to. That was the deal literally. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/19/2024 4:26 AM
It was getting harder to focus, to breathe steadily enough to complete the task that had been given to her. Corinne's added warmth was pleasant, but in her current position, she couldn't see what was being done with her - only hear how much she was enjoying it. She could feel the other woman above her tensing, thighs trembling, probably close as well. Taking the encouragement, she worked her tongue harder. Nainda sucked the soft skin of Corinne's neck between her lips, leaving a distinct mark there. She wasted no time in sliding two fingers inside to make the sidhe feel as good as the rest of them. It was working too. Even as her peak approached and Rikuma's tongue broke her concentration by sending her over the edge, she continued. She moaned against her skin, then curled her fingers toward a rough spot inside of Corinne. Judging from the gasp she got in response, she had it right. "Good girl," Nainda whispered into Corinne's ear. "Now cum for me." Rikuma's back arched as she hit her climax, as though she'd been the one responding to the half-elf's order. Not the intended result, but still good. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/19/2024 1:20 PM
He couldn’t exactly hold out or wait any longer. It was becoming too much for him to bare. He went as hard as he could quite relentlessly, but it wasn’t long before he soon exploded inside the poor princess moments after her climax. It was probably quite overstimulating to be fair. He moaned quite loudly, impressively even. Not exactly even by will, it just happened to slip out. A wave of bliss running through his body as pleasure filled his veins. R-Rikuma~ He was trying to desperately catch his breath as he kept his head a bit down and himself pressed all the way in. His hair falling into his face slightly. He could feel his cheeks burning red hot. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/20/2024 11:39 AM
The moments that followed were of unbearable delight. It was too much, and Rikuma loved every second of it. A shiver ran through her body as she felt him deep inside, but it was hard to react at first through the haze of pleasure and pain in her mind. Her breath was still shaky while she recovered, appreciating his warmth on top of her. Her lover, the only one who could hold her heart no matter what anyone else did with either of them. She smiled at the thought. Corinne lasted only a few seconds longer before her own climax rippled through her, clenching around Nainda's fingers. She nearly fell back, but the half elf pulled out of her to wrap her arms around her. "I've got you, love," Nainda said softly. She pressed a kiss to the side of her neck as she moved away from Rikuma's face. "Take a moment to rest." Corinne nodded and relaxed, feeling safe as she settled down beside Nainda. Now that Rikuma could move freely, she smiled and wrapped her arms around Crosby, kissing whatever she could reach of his face. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/20/2024 12:14 PM
He of course slowly was eased up his grasp upon the princess legs. It took him a bit to come to back and ground himself in reality. Holy hell that was… hot. Interesting even. He only could enjoy this as much as he did with his lover. It showed in every way as much as he tried to hide it. He slowly began to pull himself out after a few moments, absolutely making a mess when he did, hopefully Nainda didn’t mind. He did look to Corrine and her of course. Making sure went smoothly for them now that he wasn’t hyper focused. He turned his attention back to Rikuma and of course he let her with a smile. If she didn’t kiss him on the lips, he would make a comment. Happy and satisfied beautiful~? You seemed to have quite enjoyed that my adorable love~ He chuckled a bit. His eyes dilating as he looked to her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/20/2024 4:02 PM
She smiled at him as he spoke, happy to be able to see his face again. "With you? Always. I hope you did as well." She held him close, rubbing his back gently. Now he was hers alone once more. She glanced over at the other two as well, but they seemed content with each other. Cute, even. Her attention returned to her lover, adorable in the afterglow. Now that her more physical needs had been attended to, she could focus on the warmth in her heart when she held him. Corinne nuzzled against Nainda, relaxed and content enough that she may as well have been purring. Sure they had places to be, Emperors to kill, but she had something warm and soft to cuddle against first. And that something - someone - was petting her hair, so what reason did she have to move? She didn't notice the concern on the half-elf's face as she looked at the old burn scars on Corinne's cheek. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/20/2024 4:14 PM
He relaxed as she rubbed his back. His eyes fixated upon her. He could see her true beauty too now. Everything he fell in love with and more. God she was beautiful… his arms gently wrapped around her, holding her close. But loose so she could move if she pleased. of course I did beautiful~. It’s impossible not to with you~. He of course looked over when the princess did. He was curious too, especially considering he was considered in quite the rewarding mess down there. He was surprised they weren’t competing for it. But he didn’t question it or mind. He got his Rikuma again and that’s all that mattered. One of his hands gently glided through the princess’ hair. The other holding her gently up. Seems Corrine’s quite happy. He chuckled a bit and rolled his eyes. A small smile on his face. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/20/2024 5:18 PM
"It's what she deserves," she decided, seeing her friend finally safe and content in another person's arms. When Corinne had first arrived in Rashouris, even Rikuma hadn't been able to get within a foot of her without spooking the sidhe and getting a death glare in response. It was nice to see how far she'd come since. "Maybe we shouldn't have tired ourselves out so much, but I guess it would take time to gather everything we'll need to get through the forest anyway." She kissed his lips softly, because he was there and because she could. Nainda looked over as though just now remembering the other two. "Can I get anything for the two of you?" she offered. "You are welcome to rest here, but I can also have a room prepared if that will be more comfortable." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/21/2024 2:20 AM
He was going to comment in response but was cut off abruptly by the kiss. But of course he’d never complain about that. He kissed her back, his hand gently cupping her cheek in response. His love burning red hot still despite how much they’d already done. But he did try to attempt to draw back when Nainda spoke. He looked to Rikuma. Honestly resting doesn’t sound all too bad while everything is prepared… we’re going to need it or well… at least Corrine will. She’s not going to be able to walk, I don’t know about you though darling~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/21/2024 8:23 AM
Rikuma nodded. It wouldn't do to be tired when they passed through the cursed forest, and she wanted their odds of survival to be as high as possible. She could use the time and a bit of clarity to plan. "A bed sounds more comfortable, too, if you really do have a spare one." She didn't take her eyes off of him, thinking about how lucky they had both been to find each other. And once their curses were broken, she'd have him all to herself, and be his alone in turn. "I will be fine, dear," Nainda assured him. She'd barely gone a portion of a round, and it took a lot more to incapacitate her than most. "Ready to go rest, Corinne?" Corinne opened her eyes. "Will you stay with me?" Nainda tilted her head, not expecting the question. "As long as you wish, sweetie." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/21/2024 8:43 AM
He did still a feel a tiny bit bad he kind of skipped over Nainda but perhaps he’d make it up to her later. She could always pay him a visit after this to take her reward after all. He was covered in it still at the moment. He hoped the curse would be broken but didn’t hold his hopes all too high for such success. There was no way of knowing if that would truly even break it by slaying her until they tried. He planted a kiss on the princess’ head gently with a small soft smile. His eyes looking down to her. so beautiful in every way~. Are you even going to be able to share a bed with me~? He wondered how Eletea would react too. Hopefully she’d rest… perhaps even with them. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/21/2024 9:32 AM
Rikuma looked up to him. "I will," she confirmed, then paused. "Wait, do you mean platonically? Then no." After all, honesty was important, and she got the impression he would like that answer. She kissed Crosby's cheek before speaking again. "But let's get dressed so we can go there. I don't think the servants here would like us walking around without clothes..." She glanced at Nainda. "And sorry about the mess." Nainda shook her head. "They won't mind. The humanoid form is a beautiful thing in all shapes and states of undress, and we have all seen worse." She got dressed, then helped Corinne do the same. "And I get the impression that some of the maids will delight in cleaning up after it." She picked Corinne up bridal-style. "Whenever you're ready, I can show the two of you to your room." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/21/2024 2:13 PM
He rolled his eyes at her saying that. He wasn’t surprised one bit. Honesty was important for him truly. He nodded and began to slowly get dressed, shivering as his clothes glided over himself. He was still quite a mess down there. It was probably best to wash it off soon. But he didn’t want to be a bother right now. I’m ready whenever you are. Should we get Eletea to come with us now or…?
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/21/2024 2:36 PM
Rikuma rested for another couple of seconds, then stood up. She pulled her own clothes back on as well, before hooking her arm around his. "We can check in on her, but I don't think she would like sharing a bed with us," she commented. "Since she'd end up either being a third wheel to a loving couple or feeling the urge to break her vow. I may not get along with her personally, but I don't want to put that kind of pressure on her either, no matter how unintentional." "I have instructed the servants to escort her to her room if she needs it, or anywhere else in the castle she may wish to go," Nainda added. "Corinne also has her own room, but..." She looked down at the sleepy sidhe cuddled in her arms, because that was statement enough. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/21/2024 2:41 PM
That made perfect sense to him. He’d feel kind of bad if she broke her vow just because his curse. But he was curious as usually the ones who had the least action were the most needy. Then again, Rikuma sort of proved that. I say we just leave her be then, she probably would like her time away from us so far from what I’ve seen. And for Corrine, I suppose you can take her wherever you two new love birds wish to go. I… trust you for now. Don’t ruin it. He turned back to Rikuma. What a beauty she was. Even after all their fun, she only seemed to get more and more attractive in his eyes. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/21/2024 3:04 PM
Rikuma nodded in agreement as she led him out of the dining room. She looked up at him lovingly as they waited for Nainda to walk ahead and lead them to where they were going. It would take some time to get used to her, now that she thought of it. The Order tended to look down on warlocks, believing that power should come from intense study and not from otherworldly entities. Especially since they didn't know who - or what - she might be beholden to. But she seemed decent, and her concern for Corinne looked genuine. Maybe Eletea wasn't the only one with prejudices of her own to unpack. "You'll let us know when everything is ready, Lady Nainda?" Rikuma asked. Nainda nodded. "I will be sure to. If I cannot go directly, I will send a male servant so they do not grow... distracted. I did notice the curse surrounding your lover," she commented. Rikuma shrugged. "It's hard not to. Strong magical signature?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/21/2024 3:14 PM
He was fine with warlocks. He didn’t see anything wrong with her until she proved him to have a reason too. Just like anyone else with their common goal. Albeit they all wanted different versions of the same thing, but still. He did wonder however who she bowed down to, he had his own… secrets and such. So of course he wondered about others. And he was glad she’d send someone who wouldn’t be affected by the curse. He’d rather not instantly start off after his rest with having his energy drained again. Although if someone did ask, chances are, he would oblige. But his thoughts were soon broken when they began to speak of him and his curse. He quietly looked between the two of them. Is it really that obvious and strong…? He knew it was that bad-ish but that worried him what might happen if they came in contact with the wrong group. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/21/2024 4:18 PM
"It is." The answer came from Rikuma, Nainda, Corinne (who was more awake than anyone had noticed), and even Eletea as she turned down the hall they were in. Eletea turned her attention to the marquis and dipped her head. "Lady Nainda," she said flatly. "When you have a chance, I would like to have a word alone with you." Rikuma gave her a puzzled look, but she didn't explain. Nainda tilted her head, apparently uncertain as to Eletea's reasons for approaching as well. But in the end, Nainda straightened up and gave a formal nod. "Once I tend to Corinne's needs, I will speak with you. In her current state, she is a higher priority." The other two might need aftercare as well, but she was sure Rikuma and Crosby could take care of each other in that regard. "Our room is up ahead?" Rikuma asked. Once she received a nod in response and a clarification of "three rooms ahead to the right", she tugged gently on Crosby's arm. "We'll ask what they talked about later," she assured him, because she really wanted to know, too. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/21/2024 6:55 PM
oh. Was all he could manage as he looked to everyone single one by one. He didn’t expect every single one to answer but here they were. He nodded too. He was quite curious now what exactly Eletea would want to speak with her alone about. Perhaps something magical? That’s all he could figure. But he found it quite odd. It got his mind thinking of all the possibilities but it didnt matter as he went with Rikuma without a second thought. That’s fine by me. I don’t exactly know what she’d even want to talk about with her… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/22/2024 9:45 AM
"Magic?" she guessed, but that didn't seem like a likely conversation topic between cleric and warlock unless the plan was for them to fight each other. "If we need to know, one of them will tell us later, I'm sure." She opened the door to the room. It was cozy, already fully prepared for its guests with a fire going in the fireplace and a bookshelf on each side of that. She instinctively gravitated toward the shelves. Half were ordinary books, but the other half seemed to contain embossed patterns rather than regular writing, to be read with one's hands instead of eyes. She hadn't seen that sort of writing system before, and had no clue how it worked. A fur blanket covered the bed, softer than she was used to getting from the curse beasts. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/22/2024 2:41 PM
I guess… it still doesn’t exactly make sense but I’m sure we’ll probably hear from one of them whatbit it was about. He of course went straight for the bed, putting all his gear and stuff into a pile beside it. He sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. His eyes scanning the bookshelves. Memories coming back but not stopping him from existing like they usually did. He remembered his time with… her. Before Rikuma. Before his fall from power. He ran a hand through his hair, trying his best to hide how it made him feel. His stomach twisted in knots a thousand times over when he thought about it. The crown upon her head, the fangs bared against him.. the heat of her embrace. It sent shivers visibly through him. I’m guessing you’re going to spend some time reading? He strangely had his back to her. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/23/2024 4:59 AM
Rikuma turned away from the bookshelves. "Probably not," she decided. "I don't want to get started on a book I might not have the time to finish." She had books at home, and she had a partner to cuddle right here. Granted, she could do both at the same time, if she wanted to. But she watched him carefully for a moment. Something was... off, but she couldn't tell what was wrong exactly. "Love?" She sat beside him on the bed and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Is everything alright? Something on your mind?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/23/2024 8:31 AM
He nodded in response. He wasn’t surprised by her reaction. She made perfect sense a lot of the time I’m… He voice trailed off. fine… it’s just I had what I think are memories I’d rather not have come back when I was with Nainda… I really hope they aren’t true considering the vampire queen was involved and that’s where we’re going next.. He only half looked to her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/23/2024 8:53 AM
She stayed close to him as she listened, wrapping an arm around his waist. Considering what he'd been through before, it wasn't surprising. It was something they'd probably have to discuss with Nainda later, before his next time with her. Maybe not in specific terms, but in terms of things to avoid so they didn't trigger further memories. "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked softly. "Just with me, I mean." It seemed unlikely that the memories were false, whatever they were, and it was better to be prepared for what they would be facing than not. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/23/2024 10:04 AM
He figured it wouldn’t probably happen again with her. But something about… her aura and doing what he was with her caused his memories to trigger. I- all I remember is all my men were sleeping, we’d just gotten outside of the cursed forest and decided to rest. And then when I was laying there in my tent I heard noise outside and then she was… beside me in the next blink. The vampire queen. She said she wanted to talk alone… she admitted to taking a liking to me and things… went sideways. He rubbed his eyes. Christ this was hard to talk about with his current girlfriend. He looked to her to see her reaction. she bit me and took some blood and then… repaid me in a way. He figured she could get what he was hinting at considering when this memory came back to him. She also gave me well.. a gift. I don’t have it anymore though. I can’t remember what it was.. It would be quite awkward if he did cross paths with this queen all these years later… she must’ve surely thought he’d died.
10:05 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/23/2024 10:26 AM
She listened closely, without judgment. It made sense - plenty of women would have jumped at the chance to sleep with him, and that was all in the past. Besides, he knew she had no problem sharing him, physically speaking. So his hesitation was... Odd. She frowned slightly, concern creeping in. "How long were you with her?" she asked, because this sounded like a more consensual encounter than his story about the succubus. "Did... Did you have feelings for her?" By the spirits, she hoped not. Especially when they might encounter her later. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/23/2024 2:14 PM
I-i think that night only… that’s all I remember. I don’t even really know what she looks like… it was incredibly dark. There was only moonlight and her eyes glowing red to light everything up… and I don’t have feelings for her… Or least that he could remember. He barely even knew why she came to him besides her… desires. And her need for him after he slayed so many of her own kind. I-I’m sorry for bringing this up… I know it ruins… things between us right now. He know he pretty much squashed the tension and passion she had for him within the moment. He didn’t mean to. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/24/2024 7:40 AM
It was a good answer. She relaxed hearing it, and cuddled against him. "You haven't ruined anything," she assured him. "I just wanted to know, that's all." She lifted her head to kiss his cheek. "As long as I still have your heart, I'm also still yours. In every way, as I promised before." Concerns lingered in her mind, but not about the past. The future. There were certain expectations on her as royalty, after all, and they didn't exactly go at the pace of commoners' usual relationships. "When this is over, you'll stay with me, right?" She wasn't even sure now was a good time to be asking. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/24/2024 1:01 PM
He of course held gently quite close. Cuddling her right back lovingly. His eyes soon fixating upon her beauty. As he kissed her head softly. He did love her quite a lot. More than he ever did the mystery lady that the vampire queen was. He did have concerns too, about if the queen was still in charge, how would she react to him being alive after all these years…? and I’m still yours in every way Rikuma. But if you really must know, yes, I will stay with you. Although I’d like to help with my home if I can… He didn’t want to leave Waterdeep to perish. He’d done that with his home once and he wasn’t going to let it happen again. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/24/2024 1:41 PM
Rikuma nodded. Of course, Waterdeep would need help when all was said and done. She owed it to them to provide whatever help she could, as well. "I would never stop you from doing something that important to you. If there's any sort of aid Rashouris can provide, just let me know. I will do what I can as well, even if it isn't much." She leaned into him, appreciating the warmth of his presence. "Will you return in time for my coronation ceremony? It will be after the recovery from the curse is well underway, of course." She looked up at his face. "I... you don't have to say anything about it now, but I should tell you in advance that I will be expected to at least have a betrothal lined up before I am crowned." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/24/2024 1:48 PM
He nodded. of course I’ll be there. Why wouldn’t I be? You’re the most important thing to me. And I figured that much… that’s completely fine by me if you choose that He shrugged rather causally, not surprised she had him in mind for such. He sort of figured it considering what little he did remember about royalty. Sure, it would be a huge step for him but it was necessary for her and her people. I’m sure Waterdeep would be happy to help in whatever way they could return. But anyways, we should get some rest… we’re going to need it for when we leave. He laid down and pulled her down with him, smiling as he did so. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/24/2024 1:57 PM
Rikuma's heart fluttered a bit as he said that. Was that a yes...? She kissed his cheek. "Well, ask me properly one of these days and you'll find out what I choose," she teased, because the answer was already clear enough. But it would be nice to get proposed to eventually. "Just know that Rashouran weddings include a lot of dueling in the days leading up to them, so be prepared. To first blood, not to the death or anything." She lay down beside him, nuzzling happily against him as she rested her head on his chest. Once they got through this and killed the Emperor, they had their whole future ahead of them. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/24/2024 2:00 PM
He wouldn’t outright say yes. He had to make sure they absolutely got through this first. That was a must. As much as he loved her, being together like that would put an even bigger target on both their backs. One he couldn’t risk. He wouldn’t lie though that he had his thoughts about doing so. He just… would have to find somewhere to buy a ring first. Or find one to match her beauty. that’s completely fine my love. I’m sure I could beat you once or twice in a duel if need be~ I could get you to submit I’m sure~. He chuckled and teased back in return. His fingers gently gliding through her hair quite lovingly. A small soft smile on his face. you’re so beautiful my love~ @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/24/2024 2:09 PM
Rikuma chuckled. "No, not against me. Against anyone else who might want my hand in marriage. But even if you lose, it's still my choice. I'll probably have even more people to duel if we don't break your curse. There's actually a really interesting story behind that tradition, if you want to hear it." She looked up at him. "Not that I'd mind submitting to you anyway." She sighed happily, letting him stroke her hair. "I'm supposed to be mysterious, otherworldly, and an emissary of death among the living. Or at least a genius. But I guess I'll let you think of me as beautiful. Only you, though." She draped an arm across him, a little too snuggly right now to be particularly mysterious or otherworldly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/24/2024 2:15 PM
Oh? So it goes for both of us…? Meaning if someone wanted me they could challenge you..? That’s um.. interesting but scary. But I know you’d love to submit to me love. And yes I’d love to hear the story if you want to share. He just smiled a little wider at her response. His beautiful mysterious lady all for him and him only. No one else could take her. Or at least, not her heart…. Hopefully. If someone else did, then he’d be shattered and not be the hero she has currently.*** @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/24/2024 2:32 PM
"Of course it works both ways. But don't worry, I'd win, and you could still have the choice to marry me instead." She kissed his cheek, then explained. "A long time ago, there was a young baroness in Rashouris. She was hailed as one of the most brilliant necromancers of her generation, and therefore a highly-desired prospect for marriage. But she had a terrible secret that, if known, would destroy her reputation and cause massive unrest within her territory. One of her suitors knew this secret, and told her that if she didn't want him to tell anyone, she would marry him. So she agreed. But, two days before the wedding, she announced a public series of duels, in which anyone who wished to could challenge either of them in a duel. Another man took the opportunity, and slayed her fiance in battle. He expected to win her hand as a reward, but she had never made that promise, so she reanimated her fiance's corpse and used it to defeat the would-be suitor, thus carrying on without having to marry against her will and eventually taking her secret with her to her grave." She paused as she adjusted her position to be a bit more comfortable. "Since then, the duels have been a tradition. Regardless of outcome, if there is a duel - and there always is - then the fiance of the one being challenged will still have the choice to marry their original partner, the challenger, or neither. Or in one case, both, but that is rare and sounds exhausting. And no matter what is chosen, any promises made conditional to the betrothal or marriage are to be kept. It is important, and serves to emphasize the Order's values about consent." She frowned. "Values that Maeneine ignored, but I promise, that is not the norm." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/24/2024 3:36 PM
I know you’d win Rikuma. I’ve seen your skill and abilities first hand love~. And of course I’d choose you over whoever else there. He was relaxing now, his free hand behind his head as he chilled. god that’s…. Brutal but doesn’t surprise me to be fair. But let’s not speak of her… unless we have to. He did have one serious topic to speak of with her. Albeit it was a bit grim and depressing one, and it was so far out in the future, there was no need to worry about it. But he was sure she probably thought about it at least once considering well, she wasn’t human and he very much so was. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/24/2024 3:47 PM
Rikuma shook her head. "We don't have to," she said, happy not to have to talk about her again. What mattered was that she could stay with Crosby for the rest of their- well, more likely the rest of his natural life. She would make the most out of their time together, even if it meant grief would await her eventually. She closed her eyes, comfortable by his side. Still, she couldn't shake the impression that there was something on his mind. She could never read people very well, but there was something about him that made him... easier, so to speak. "Is something on your mind, love?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/25/2024 1:15 AM
It’s nothing really get some rest. He said quite simply as he closed his eyes to relax. He was still gently running his fingers through her hair. His breathing growing a bit slower as his guard dropped and he relaxed more. He was just thinking to himself is all, having some doubts… about himself and his capabilities. But he’d never say that to her face. His strength laid in his fearlessness, his courage, his will to carry on. He planned to keep it that way. He didn’t realize how truly tired he was after all the action today until he closed his eyes. That’s when it hit him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/25/2024 3:18 AM
The most she could do was take his word for it. She nodded lazily and finally settled into a comfortable enough position. Her breathing slowed, and she soon drifted off to sleep in his arms. A few hours, a knock on the door woke her up. She groaned softly and nuzzled into her pillow/boyfriend. The knock came again, to her mild annoyance. She should probably get that, but she was cozy and warm and the air outside of the bed was less so. Instead, she crafted a skeletal hand from the bones she carried. It hopped down and scurried across the floor toward the door to check in whoever was on the other side. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/25/2024 9:15 AM
He started to stir and awaken when there a knock at the door. His eyes slowly opening as he yawned. A small groan escaping him also. Was it already time to go? It hadn’t been that long… had it? He had no sense of time in here or well… with his love. He slowly tried to sit up as best he could, sort of forgetting he had a cuddle partner at the moment. who’s there? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/25/2024 9:20 AM
"Nainda," came the answer from behind the door. Rikuma sat up as well, quickly using her hands in an attempt to force her hair into a presentable, non-sleepy shape. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I was hoping to have a word with the princess, if that is alright." The skeletal hand opened the door as Rikuma got out of bed. "What is it?" she asked, as Nainda walked in. "Just a brief strategy meeting," Nainda answered. "Crosby is as responsible for strategy as I am. He can join us." Rikuma held her hand out for him to take. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/25/2024 4:24 PM
He didn’t seem to mind of course. If he was or wasn’t there didn’t matter to him. He fixed his hair up a bit too, it was a bit rugged from him sleeping so well. He rubbed his eyes and looked between them, sitting up straight and stretching. He’d needed that rest desperately after yesterday. I mainly just follow your lead Rikuma.
4:24 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/26/2024 6:28 AM
Rikuma glanced over at him. "That's not true. You have no problem taking the lead in combat. And that's going to be important on our journey." "It will," Nainda agreed. "But for what it's worth, this is less about the combat aspect of the war and more about political strategy." Rikuma looked between the two of them. She had total faith in her future king consort's intelligence, but he was still new to politics. He'd have time to learn later. For now, she'd go along with Nainda's request to talk to her alone, since he seemed fine with it. "I'll catch you up after," she promised. She kissed his cheek then got out of the bed, walking over to join Nainda. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/26/2024 8:08 AM
Okay yes, sometimes he took lead. It depended if he knew what they were up against. And how confident he was. And once she said political strategy, that’s just about his usefulness ended… unless they were going to exploit his curse… again. He nodded as she pecked him with a kiss. alright beautiful. I’ll… be doing something in the meantime I suppose. She debated what to do in the meantime. Maybe he’d go bother Eletea. He did wonder about her but he didn’t want to impose his curse upon her. He instead debated going outside to explore. But for now, he remained on the bed thinking. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/26/2024 8:33 AM
Rikuma followed her away from the guest room to a small meeting chamber. She hoped Crosby wouldn't be too bored on his own. Sure she'd left him with plenty of books, but she wasn't sure if he'd find the same joy in them as she did. Maybe she should get to know his interests outside of the bedroom and the battlefield better, all things considered. Meanwhile, footsteps and voices approached the room where Crosby was. "Oh, relax," Corinne was saying. "Nobody here actually hates you." "What about the princess?" Eletea asked. Corinne hesitated. "You didn't leave a good first impression," she admitted. "But she's pretty forgiving. You'll be fine." She pushed Eletea forward almost playfully, which was audible from the sound of the genasi's webbed feet stumbling. Eletea caught herself on the doorframe and looked inside at Crosby. "Do you have a moment?" Eletea asked. "We need to talk. I hope you don't mind that I'll be keeping my distance." Corinne showed up behind Eletea and gave two thumbs up in encouragement. She seemed more cheerful now, with a few new markings and a little black lipstick from the marquis on her neck. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/26/2024 1:42 PM
He was already bored within a few brief moments. Luckily entertainment came soon enough. course looked to the door hearing the sudden noise. He raised a brow a bit confused as she asked that. He nodded. Of course. What is it? He wondered what was… so pressing. Especially considering Corrine seemed to be forcing her to come see him of all people for some reason. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/26/2024 3:30 PM
Eletea sighed before explaining. "I wanted to talk to Nainda about strategy, and we did, but Her Ladyship managed to turn the conversation at the last moment into one about group dynamics, among other things. Let's just say it's obvious she used to be a mom; the one thing mothers and priestesses have in common is the ability to instill feelings of guilt." She stood up straight and clasped her hands behind her back. "I came to apologize. I judged you too harshly at first, because I was grieving and afraid that your presence might be enough to make me turn my back on my vows. But during the battle against the shambling mound, you and the others showed considerable skill, and it is clear you're all more serious about our mission than I originally gave you credit for." She looked away, a darker shade of blue spreading across her cheeks. "But don't let it get to your head or anything. We also started discussing boundaries, and how I might feel less excluded without any pressure to break my vows." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/26/2024 4:08 PM
His eyes fixated upon the genasi with all their usual beauty and grace to them. He did question why exactly they were talking about… dynamics with a priestess but he chose not to question it and leave it to her to explain. He nodded. Guilt… a feeling he was all too familiar with recently with memories coming back that he’d rather have remained forgotten. But that was besides the point. There’s no need to apologize, really. It’s alright. I understand where you were coming from. And skill? Against the mound. They nearly died. He nodded as she continued on, albeit tilting his head a tiny bit when she started to… blush? Uh huh… I won’t. And you’re welcome to try whatever you’re comfortable with. @Al the Killer (edited)
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 2:10 AM
Eletea's blush deepened at his statement. "I- you mean right now?" she stammered, looking at Corinne for support through this unexpected development. "I wasn't expecting an invitation so soon-" Corinne sighed. "Not in the princess's absence," she reminded her. "At least, I think that's the boundary they've set up." She shrugged. "Anyway, you've always been welcome to join in any way you want. Even if it's just a spectator or something. But I'm curious as to what your involvement will really be. You seem like a secret freak~" "You're incorrigible." Eletea crossed her arms and looked away from both. "Just for that comment, I'm making you wait to find out." "And here I thought Her Ladyship was the only one edging us," Corinne teased, causing Eletea to roll her eyes in exasperation. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 3:59 AM
He didn’t exactly mean right now. He realized afterwards now that she pointed it out though. Oops. Good thing Corrine shut her down. He didn’t dare do anything without the princess indeed. Especially considering what happened last time he did. She was sort of his only means of a ground to reality when things went awry. His anchor in the open seas. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he started to get up. He fixed his clothes up a bit too. Corrine is correct. I’d rather not do anything drastic without Rikuma around and she’s also right in a couple other ways. But thats besides the point. Do either of you know if the preparations are made yet? He started to walk over to them both. He wanted to honestly explore this place while there was still time. But he didn’t dare to alone. That would be dumb. Only god knows what he could find or trouble he could come across. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 4:59 AM
Corinne shrugged. "All I know for sure is that Nainda is planning to parley with the vampire queen when we're passing through the cursed forest," she said. "Since a fully armed party of five passing through will be interpreted as a threat otherwise, even under the banner of a known ally. She seema doubtful that we'll be able to get her on our side, though." Eletea leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms. "I've given my suggestions on the matter already. She can take or leave them, but I don't want to hear any complaints of she picks a different plan and it goes awry." The look on Corinne's face implied they've already had this exact conversation at least five times. But she didn't comment. Instead, she changed the subject. "We have free reign of the castle, as long as we don't disturb anyone," she said. "So I'm sure we can find ways to kill time." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 5:08 AM
He tried to hide how nervous the mention of the vampire queen made him feel. His stomach twisting a bit and his face lost a little color against his will. Memories all came back. He nodded quietly. He chose not to comment on that matter for some reason. All he could think about was if she recognized him… what could happen then? Especially well… he was very far from single now and available. what exactly did you suggest? He still wanted to hear what other ideas were posed. He was curious as to how the priestess saw this. and have you two found anything at all interesting in the castle? @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 5:55 AM
Eletea stared at him for a moment, trying to decide how much to tell him. "I can't tell you the full extent of subterfuge involved, because I don't know how convincing you could be if you know," she admitted. "So, to summarize: kill every last one of the unholy monsters and leave nothing to chance." "... Which seems excessive unless they attack first," Corinne commented, hesitant to fight an entire horde of vampires. "Anyway, I haven't explored much, since I've been... Busy." Eletea looked at the markings on Corinne's neck. "So we've noticed. There is a rather large armoury, but I don't know if we're welcome to it or not. Most of the staff are monsters, or at least resemble them, but they seem harmless." "She's got a super weird greenhouse," Corinne offered. "I think she uses her magic to help the plants grow. She showed it to me earlier." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 7:48 AM
Fair enough point. If anyone was to be interrogated, it would probably be him, the meathead. Makes sense that plan would just be kill them all. Although he knew first hand that if there numbers were as crazy as they once were… that would be extremely difficult. I’d rather not fight an entire armies worth. It won’t end well… if I’m being honest… He hesitated but figure they had the right to know. They’d find out sooner or later. I’ve already dealt with them once. It didn’t go well at all. He could tell Corrine had been just as busy as him clearly. Quite impressive. and that’s… interesting. Not what’d I’d expect from someone like her but I’ve been wrong about a lot of people recently. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 8:47 AM
'It didn't go well' didn't should promising to either of them. Corinne and Eletea exchanged a glance, but didn't say anything about it for now. Rikuma probably already knew if he was telling them, and she was talking to Nainda already. Corinne welcomed the change in topic, which made her considerably less uneasy. "Probably not as unexpected if you saw it," she admitted. "Besides, we all have hobbies. There's also the cemetery, if you want something more predictable. Everyone there who wasn't cremated is buried without coffins or stone tombs, so even Rikki might approve, and the memorial statues are beautiful." Her voice was almost wistful as she spoke. "I never took you for a gravestone enthusiast," Eletea commented. "I'm... Usually not." "Ah, so the kitten is smitten," Eletea teased. Corinne blushed. "Shut up!" She crossed her arms. "I liked you better when you were judging us." "No you didn't." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 9:30 AM
He wasn’t going to explain unless they wanted him to. He face palmed and rubbed the bridge of his. Christ these two were going to be exposing each other’s interests the entire time huh? He snuck through the doorway past them both. He started to look back and forth. He wondered where exactly Riki went with Nainda. No offense but a graveyard and a greenhouse aren’t exactly my cup of tea. He kept his hands rather casually in his pockets. The rather recognizable vampire queen sword upon his back still. Did you learn anything else about our newest companion at all during your little expedition of fun? He glanced back to Corrine. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 9:44 AM
Corinne followed as he walked past, still keeping her distance to minimize the effects of his presence. "She likes to bite," she commented, rather unnecessarily. "And can be quite the romantic, but you don't have to know about all of that. She's a widow, was exiled from her homeland, and enjoys baking, gardening, and playing the pipe organ. She didn't show me any evidence of the last one though, since it's a loud instrument and she didn't want to wake you. She was born a peasant bastard and grew up on a farm with her mother. She married a local nobleman's son, which resulted in his being disowned from his family and losing his title. She formed her contract with her patron after her third miscarriage, because she was promised the ability to heal any injury or cure any illness, short of death, congenital disabilities, and the effects of her own magic as provided by the contract... Oh and none of this is secret, I asked to be sure." She looked around the halls as they walked. The natural wood finish gave them a feel of home, especially to someone of fae blood like her. "Aside from that... Hm..." She looked up, searching her brain. "She can summon tentacles temporarily, if that's something you want to explore. No judgment, I totally understand." She smiled as though at a fond memory. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 9:55 AM
She enjoys biting like a vampire. Great. Just the next thing he wanted to know. And well, he fell silent at the rest. Just giving Corrine a look like, “what is wrong with you?” He felt very far from home like he indeed was. So far from Waterdeep. So far from Hope. Yet here he carries on, for them. that’s… quite the information dump Corrine. To be fair, he probably wouldn’t remember all that in time. And of course you like that. You’re a kinky kitty aren’t you? He laughed ever so slightly as he teased. A small smile rising to his face but quickly disappearing in these unfamiliar surroundings. I wonder where Rikuma is… @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 10:04 AM
Corinne shrugged. "I don't need to explain myself," she said, but had her own expression of amusement. "I just... Happen to like mature, elegant women or men who are also very creative in the bedroom. Creativity is an attractive quality, you know." She paused, trying to think of where the meeting room might be. She'd been so focused on other things that she wasn't sure she'd seen it at any point. If she had, it hadn't been from the inside. "I can search the shadows if you really miss her that badly, but it's only been a few minutes," she offered. "At this rate, you might as well ask me to make a ring," she said, taking her turn to tease. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 10:14 AM
Of course you like the creative ones. He rolled his eyes. He decided to keep walking along. He didn’t even know where they were going, just pointlessly exploring at this point. He was basically wandering like a lost child. mean when this is all said and done, I’ll more than have the means to pay you for such. And that’s not necessary. I can wait. It’s fine. Just… I hope it doesn’t take all day and she doesn’t take advantage of her. He was of course worried. Strange mystery lady and his lady? Made him worried with the mix of ideas he could think of them doing. @Al the Killer
Al the Killer 1/29/2024 11:10 AM
Corinne tilted her head. "I don't think so. Lady Nainda doesn't seem like the type to do that sort of thing without at least asking first, and Rikki's pretty loyal to you," she assured him. "Why? Are you jealous?" She stopped as she heard voices from the other side of a door. Inaudible to human ears, she just barely managed to pick them up, herself. Her ears perked up as she shushed Crosby and pressed one ear to the door to listen. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 11:15 AM
He was a bit jealous of course. He wouldn’t say that to her but others stealing her attention did sometimes. But it was moreso he was worried what Nainda could do to her in his absence. He paused and looked to Eletea and then Corrine for answers. Unsure what to say or do now besides awkwardly stand there. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/29/2024 4:19 PM
Eletea had slipped away from the group already, returning to her own room while the preparations were being made. Corinne continued to listen in to the conversation on the other side of the door, before it ended abruptly. She could hear the marquis snapping her fingers, then nearly fell over as the door opened of its own accord. Corinne all but yelped in surprise as her arms flailed for balance. "Terribly sorry to startle you, darling. I just thought it might be easier for you to listen in through an open door." Nainda stood up and walked over to help steady Corinne. "I would say we're done here, though. Wouldn't you, Your Highness?" Rikuma's expression remained vaguely pensive as she rested her chin in her hand. She sat at the opposite end of the table, still thoughtful. "Yes, I think we have discussed enough. At least we have a solid plan now." She stood up and walked over to Crosby, pulling him into a hug. "I hope you didn't miss me too terribly." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/29/2024 4:29 PM
He of course didn’t expect the door to swing open on its own either. That caught him off guard to the point he went for his weapon. But soon realizing it was just his lady and Nainda, he relaxed. Albeit his eyes instantly looked to see if Riki was okay. He watched confused at first what they had planned exactly. He chose not to question it, he figured the princess would probably fill him in later. So of course he hugged her back, quite protectively almost, territorially even. I could say the same for you beautiful~. So what now hm? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/30/2024 5:49 AM
Really, what Rikuma wanted to do was stay with the safe, warm feeling of being in his arms. But she had her duties to attend to, and she needed to make sure all five of them got through the cursed woods alive. She let go of him and stepped back so she could speak to everyone present and be taken seriously as a leader. "We will make it a point to avoid combat with the vampires of the cursed woods," she explained. "Negotiation will be sufficient, given the agreement Her Ladyship has with their Queen." She looked back at Nainda. "Are the lanterns ready?" Nainda nodded. "They are. I will collect Eletea and meet all of you by the doors." Rikuma took Crosby's hand in hers and offered it a reassuring squeeze. "We'll get through it," she promised. "And you'll be safe. I just need you to trust me, no matter what happens." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/30/2024 8:16 AM
He of course wanted to hold her for a bit longer too but let her draw back as much as it pained him. He looked to her as such a leader of course. He nodded, although he had questions on what exactly this agreement was. His eyes drifting to Nainda and then back to Rikuma as they each spoke. I trust you… but can I ask what exactly this agreement she made is…? He knew he should’ve trusted this new member in his party. But something about her made him feel… off. Perhaps it was her patrons powers clashing with his good nature. No way to tell. He just was slightly distrustful. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/31/2024 1:03 PM
"It's a basic free passage agreement," Rikuma explained. "As long as there is no harm brought to the forest or its natural inhabitants, Her Ladyship, her armies, and any trading merchants traveling to and from Oblein are free to pass through as they wish. From what I would understand, that would normally be enough, but your presence is rather... conspicuous to a court of vampire women." She looked over at Nainda. "Am I missing anything?" Nainda shook her head. "No, you explained it perfectly. She is territorial, but understands that some concessions must be made for proper functioning of the Empire as a whole, which is something she is partially responsible for." She frowned. "Unfortunately, killing the Emperor will also break the curse that keeps the cursed woods sunless as well. So we will need to find something to obfuscate our purpose for passing through, as she will not be amenable to the idea of his death." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/31/2024 1:51 PM
Well that was a nice agreement in all. But what was to say they would absolutely honor it? Especially the vampires. And with him there? And knowing there leader? He had doubts… worries. right… perhaps I should… find something to mask my identity as best we can. And for a reason? As dumb as it may sound, the old classic we’re prisoners might work. He shrugged. Especially with the princess’ kingdom not being aligned with the empire by any means. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/31/2024 2:05 PM
Rikuma considered whether there was anything they could use to mask his presence. She wasn't sure about that, but the prisoners idea sounded like it could work. "Right, you can tie us up to make it more convincing," she said, with a bit too much enthusiasm. She cleared her throat. "I mean... you wouldn't transport prisoners fully armed and with freedom of movement, so it would make sense to do that." Nainda nodded. "Then we will not need to disguise anyone's identity - only mask Crosby's presence." She eyed him thoughtfully. "In my time as an herbalist, I did have an incubus client who regularly came by for potions that would disguise his presence, so that he could live peacefully among humans. We can see if the same principle would work for you." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/31/2024 2:16 PM
He honestly didn’t know how they even could hide his presence. One way or another she’d know. Either by his sword she gave him or his scent, or the curse. There was a lot of factors. Some he didn’t consider. He nodded of course to being tied up, not even surprised she even liked the idea. Such a pillow princess. I’d have to agree, although of course we’d still need to be able to break the binds in case of an emergency. And if you really think that would work Nainda, I suppose that’s our best option. As long as it won’t… hinder me of course. He knew most things had drawbacks when it came to potions and alchemic some worse than others. And if it brought him down in combat… then it wouldn’t be the best solution, especially with where they were going. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/31/2024 2:41 PM
"Don't worry, she knows how to tie safe knots," Corinne assured them, to Nainda's amusement and Rikuma's curiosity. She noticed the eyes on her and shrugged, shrinking back. "I'm just saying..." Nainda nodded. "Right. Well, it will be up to you. The one disadvantage is that, after the potion wears off, your curse's effects will be at double their usual strength for a few hours," she warned him. "And you may be able to feel its effects as well during that time, though the feelings it incurs would obviously not be directed toward yourself, so much as everyone nearby of the gender or genders to which you are normally attracted." Rikuma looked over at him, wondering how that would look. "It's your choice, love," she said softly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/31/2024 2:48 PM
Of course the tabaxi knew that. First tentacles and now this? How kinky was she? Worse than Rikuma? But eh, he’d soon find out probably whether he liked it or not. They still had quite the long road ahead of them. He of course wrapped an arm around the princess. Well what do you think? He glanced to Rikuma for her opinion on the matter. He seemed to be okay with it if she was. But it was rather difficult to read. But what he worried about was, it wouldn’t last long enough for them to get to safety… and then they’d be seriously screwed. Although… if we’re going with Eletea… He rubbed the back of his neck. maybe I shouldn’t do anything that would drastically increase the strength of the curse’s affect… *He knew he had to think about others now. Not just him. They were a team whether he liked it or not. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 1/31/2024 4:58 PM
Rikuma considered the positives and the potential negatives of the potion. There were a lot of factors to consider, after all. Eletea included - her opinion would probably be a deciding factor, since she was the most inhibited of the group. First, she looked to Nainda, since she was there and Eletea was off elsewhere at the moment. "How long does the potion last?" she asked. "For an incubus? Eight hours," Nainda answered. "It has not been tested on humans, since there has been no reason to, but given the differences in metabolism, I would calculate it around twelve to fourteen hours. We can bring a few vials with us to make sure we have backups, should you choose to take the risk." Rikuma returned her attention to Crosby. "As long as there's enough to get somewhere safe... we should ask Eletea first. We may need to take extra precautions." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/1/2024 1:09 AM
He wasn’t feeling as confident as he would’ve liked about this potion. It made him more… anxious than anything. If it didn’t work and then wore off, it would cause more harm than good. He sort of made up his mind on his own as they spoke. But he still listened. He looked between the two of them before slightly shaking his head. I think I’ll be fine…. We can bring them just in case. But do you also just have these on hand? Or is this something that’s going to take more time to make? He was growing… impatient standing around. The longer they waited, the more their enemy stirred and gathered. They already proved they knew they were coming. It was only a matter of if and when they finally encountered them. And now that he was thinking about it, he was starting to think like a captain again. If he were an enemy general or what not… I wouldn’t let them get anywhere near the emperor, or the empires borders in general. I’d stop them long before then… and the nearest spot to do that… would be an ambush right outside the cursed forest. They’d be tired and exhausted if things went wrong, easy pickings…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/1/2024 4:17 PM
"I would need to make them, but it would be a quick enough process," Nainda explained. "To avoid slowing us down further, I could simply bring the ingredients with me, and make one on the road should we decide it is absolutely necessary." The news was a relief; Rikuma was also growing worried about any further delays. "Then let's do that," she confirmed. "The Emperor will be expecting us, and it is possible things will only grow more challenging when we leave the cursed forest because of it." There were the lich generals and their undead armies to keep the Emperor's men busy of course, but they couldn't be everywhere at once. "Now, let's go collect Eletea and our supplies, and we'll be on our way." "Of course, dear," Nainda agreed, before stepping past her to lead the way down the hall. On the way, she paused to quickly ask a servant to bring everything to the castle's entryway, then continued walking. Eletea already stood waiting outside of her room, snapping to attention when she saw them coming. "Finally. I was worried I would have to wait for another orgy to be over," she commented. Corinne laughed. "Aw, don't worry. If we had another, we would still invite you." "It is the polite thing to do," Nainda added. Eletea rolled her eyes and started down the hall, toward the main doorway.
4:18 PM
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/2/2024 1:04 AM
He agreed with Rikuma, there was no more time to waste and spend on delays. They’d had enough time to rest he thought. But at some point or another, he expected things to get significantly worse. More challenging in every way. Danger to be lurking around every corner. But so be it. He knew what he had to do. Protect his party at ALL costs. Even if it meant his own life would be cut short because of it. And to defeat the emperor of the Thaviel empire. The time had come. He of course followed, sticking towards the very back, even if Rikuma had to go in front of him, or stay by his side. That was up to her. He stayed pretty silent the entire time. In his own little world of thoughts. Most of them mentally preparing himself for the journey ahead.* @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/2/2024 5:34 AM
As they walked, Rikuma held onto his hand to keep him by her side. She remembered their conversation earlier and stifled a small smile. It he was to be the future king consort, it would be best to present him as her equal at any given time, and that meant having him beside her and not behind or in front. Besides, she just liked being next to him, if she were to be entirely honest about the matter. They soon stepped outside, and she lowered her head, turning her face to Crosby to help block out some of the late afternoon sun. It wouldn't make a difference what time it was when they reached the cursed forest - it would be even darker than Rashouris regardless. Guards waited, holding a bag which Nainda took and three moon lanterns for them. "Thank you," Nainda said, then looked back toward the others. "Are you ready? I would offer to provide mounts, but there is too high a risk they would just be killed or panic in the forest anyway." "It's fine, I think Crosby's the only thing the Princess wants to mount," Corinne commented. Eletea scoffed. "Incorrigible," she said again. "Eletea is right," Rikuma said flatly. "Anyway, let's be on our way."
5:34 AM
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/2/2024 3:28 PM
He was fine with her staying by his side for obvious reasons. And of course he somewhat preferred it, although a nice view was always appreciated. But it wasn’t supposed to be the main focus right now. He stepped out from of her and glanced back to make sure she was okay of course. He knew she didn’t handle the light well. And it didn’t bother him of course. He could deal with that. He smiled a bit wider hearing Corrine’s comment. Of course he took a liking to such humor. It was to be expected with him being the “meat head” of the group as they put it. It may be true of course but we should keep going. Time is not on our side by any means as far as I can tell. The more we wait, the stronger the enemy grows in numbers and strength… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/4/2024 5:58 AM
They continued on their way, through the town at first. A few of the commoners took note of the passing party and would wave in greeting, bow or curtsey when they saw Nainda, or merely watch with curiosity. But the party brought no fanfare with them, and the townspeople seemed to understand that they were not expected to react any particular way to the local noblewoman leading a small group through the streets. The people seemed comfortable enough with their presence, and while there were some whispers of gossip among them, nobody made any more to stop them. If anything, the general air seemed to be one of well-wishing. "They don't seem as..." Rikuma trailed off, trying to find the right word. She'd expected a bunch of imperial loyalists wherever they went, but the thought crossed her mind that she hadn't seen a single Thauvian banner. Only for the marchioness, and occasionally for the vampire queen whose lands technically included Oblein despite her general disregard for it. "...I don't know, they seem almost supportive." "Of course, dear," Nainda said. "The Empire is a tyrannical one. Those who live here, for the most part, do not wish to be under Aubron's rule." She kept her voice low nonetheless, in case any Imperial soldiers had made it close enough to spy. "They fall into line because they are afraid to rebel, not out of loyalty. And out here, we are largely away from His Imperial Majesty's watchful gaze." Rikuma nodded, understanding. "I see. So they are more comfortable acknowledging the idea of rebellion, as long as retribution does not touch them." "We can only hope it does not," Nainda said, the tone of sorrow returning to her voice. But soon, they approached the opening gates to the city itself. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/4/2024 7:57 AM
He would quietly look around, returning a few waves here and there like a royal would. This would be good practice. These people didn’t seem to mind him at all as a bad thing. Albeit he wasn’t surprised they supported a rebellion against the empire. Who wouldn’t? They were horrible from what he’d seen and heard in every way. And especially from what he remembered too. But he chose to not speak on the matter at the moment. There was more important things he had to focus on, like what laid behind the gates ahead. His eyes looking upon them. His heart rate climbing ever so slightly. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/25/2024 11:46 AM
The gates opened onto the same road they had come into town from. This time, they turned in the opposite direction from the border, following along the non-cursed forest lands of Oblein. Rikuma stayed close to Crosby, keeping his hand on hers as she tried not to think about everything that might go wrong. Diplomacy had never been her strong suit, but she wasn't sure she could afford for it to go wrong, if the vampires were still as numerous as Crosby's memories had indicated. The stakes were beginning to set in, and judging from the silence on their walk, she wasn't the only one who thought so. They arrived at the border around sunset. It would hardly matter once they were inside, given the forest's twenty-four hour darkness. It was leaving that concerned Rikuma. There was a risk they would be followed until sunrise, at the very least. Assuming they left at all. She took a deep breath, then looked over at Nainda. "We're set on the plan, right?" she asked. "Of course," Nainda said, looking over at Corinne as the sidhe lifted the marchioness's standard, making sure the symbol on the banner was clearly visible. Less so to their eyes, at least in the darkness, but to vampires it wouldn't matter. "Are you alright carrying that, love?" Corinne smiled and nodded. "From what you've said, holding it makes me safer than anyone else here." "Unless negotiations go south," Eletea pointed out. "Then let's make sure they don't," Rikuma suggested, making sure to sound more confident than she felt. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/25/2024 12:36 PM
The stakes aye? We’ll be needing those soon enough potentially. But that’s besides the point, he could feel how worried she was and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb gently. He was… a tiny bit fearful of the vampires but he had to hold steadfast and strong. No turning back now. They hadn’t come this far to give up. He would’ve offered to carry the banner with his strength but Corrine seemed more than happy too. He just silently looked between this party members before glancing to the path ahead. He could swear he heard… screams… voices… and whispers… a faint glow coming off the queens blade although he wouldn’t know with it being on his back. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/25/2024 2:04 PM
The feeling of his hand in hers came as a comfort, and Rikuma squeezed it gently in response. "We'll handle this," she assured the others, but her ears drooped slightly anyway, and she could tell Corinne and Nainda had heard it too. Screams. Voices. What someone would expect from a vampires' forest, but an ominous sign nonetheless. "Your sword is glowing," Eletea commented. Corinne wiggled her eyebrows. "If you think it's glowing now, you should see it when he-" She stopped as she looked over. "Oh that sword. Weird." Nainda squinted over in an attempt to see it more clearly. "A response to the proximity of its original owner?" she guessed. Rikuma tightened her grip on Crosby's hand in response. "Let's keep going," she said, then stepped into the solid darkness of the cursed forest. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/25/2024 2:12 PM
He nodded of course and snapped out of blanking out. His eyes trailing to his love, he pecked her with a gentle kiss to try to comfort her… and himself. But that was besides the point. He of course glanced to his weapon as best he could. The sword glowed a red hue, an unsettling one at that. It was… unstable, the glow growing ever so slightly noticeably stronger than fading and repeating. He followed his love of course without any hesitation at all. perhaps… I don’t exactly use it often enough to know it all too well for obvious reasons. He would have drawn it right here and now to see if the sword word… speak to him like it usually did. But he knew they were trying to appear peaceful, and also that it might alert the queen of his return. Assuming it hadn’t already… but anyways. Agreed Rikuma, but they should see it when I what Corrine? He decided to ask, mainly to keep some form of conversation going at a time like this. Silence would drive him mad.. or well, the sounds of absolutely misery from the cursed forest around him would. Memories still flashing through his mind of the horrible experince last time. One he would absolutely prevent with all his power now if he had to. No one would perish under his watch…. no one @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/26/2024 3:52 AM
Rikuma was used to nature's silence, but not to the sounds of suffering that managed to be the only thing breaking through the quiet here. She instinctively walked closer to Crosby, holding her lantern up with her free hand. She listened to her companions instead. Their idle chatter, their breathing, the quiet clink of the chainmail incorporated into Nainda's current dress... anything but the distant screams and sobs. Corinne tried to keep a calm act up as she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, but her smile was nervous. "I think you know exactly what I'm talking about~" "I can assure you it does not glow," Rikuma commented. "It was a figure of speech." Rikuma shrugged, though she still thought the phrasing hadn't made sense. "Who is the current vampire queen in power?" she asked, partially to change the topic and partially to see if she should worry about Crosby encountering an uncomfortably familiar face. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/26/2024 8:54 AM
He rolled his eyes. That wasn’t what he was thinking at all until she pointed it out. Of course that’s what she was thinking about. God she’s worse than Rikuma sometimes…. It definitely doesn’t glow. And if I’m guessing… it’s probably the same one since well… the incident. He looked to Rikuma, vampires were immortal after all, and he didn’t think anyone was bold enough to trek out here to slay her. Especially with a whole kingdom at the tips of her fingers, all aching for a kill. And he was moreso fully expecting to face a rather uncomfortable encounter. It was to be expected by now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/26/2024 11:21 AM
"Have there been any uprisings among the vampires of the Cursed Woods in recent years?" Rikuma asked, slightly hopeful that Crosby might be wrong. Nainda was quick to crush those hopes. "No, this kingdom's government has been fairly stable. As far as I can tell, Queen Desdemona has been in power for centuries." Rikuma glanced over at Crosby to see if the name sparked any familiarity for him. Corinne was the first to stop walking. "Did you guys hear that?" she asked, prompting the other women to go silent. The screams and crying had stopped. Maybe mealtime was over, but the silence that took its place was far more unsettling. A presence, or several, surrounded them, just out of sight even to those with dark vision. But not so far that Rikuma could shake the feeling of being watched. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/26/2024 12:09 PM
He already knew the answer the moment Rikuma asked. There was absolutely no way a revolution would be successful especially based on what he saw when it came to the power difference between older vampires and new ones. It was so immense. And well, the moment the name was spoken, his eyes glazed over as they always did at a flash back. It all came flooding back from there what happened that night. All serious detail… moreso than he wanted to remember. He completely froze. Hopefully nothing too bad happened in those brief moments… or at least that his lady could snap him out of it. If the queen was close… the red hue of the sword would grow stronger. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/26/2024 4:09 PM
Rikuma didn't dare to break the silence. She merely looked over at Crosby, her expression concerned as she watched the red glow growing stronger. She was hardly aware of holding her own breath as she waited to see what would happen, trying to figure out how many creatures surrounded them and their exact locations. Vampires didn't need to breathe, so she couldn't base any judgments on that. Then she jumped as some leaves rustled up ahead. Nainda heard it as well, and moved quickly. A vampire lunged in a blur of motion, but stopped as soon as she saw the half-elf standing in front of Crosby and Rikuma. The vampire stood up straight and put her fangs away, grimacing as though she'd just been offered rotten meat. Her long red hair was pulled back into an intricate knot, and her dress was decorated with bits of ceremonial plate armor. "Her Ladyship. What a... surprise," she said. "Is Queen Desdemona aware you're traveling with this rabble?" Despite the disrespect, Nainda bowed, but kept her eyes up, not trusting her enough to drop her gaze. "Good evening, General Lyra. The Queen will be," she said. "I wanted to have a word with her." Lyra walked around her, her eyes focusing on Crosby as she licked her lips. "What do I get in exchange? A bite of this morsel, perhaps?" Rikuma wrapped an arm protectively around him. "General, do you know what a blood eagle is?" she asked. "Or how well you would survive one?" Lyra blinked, taken aback for a moment... then laughed. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/26/2024 4:20 PM
He snapped out of it moments later to this new lady before them. His eyes returning to normal, his heart rate had elevated briefly against his will and it was probably pretty obvious to anyone outside the party. But that didn’t matter now. His eyes grew… cold. Hate filled even towards this beast before him. Like he had some serious pent up rage in need of release. He instinctively reached for his good sword. He didn’t dare reach for the queens sword before the general, albeit it was glowing red pretty visible and the hilt was above his should, pretty visible too. He wasn’t taking kindly to the “general”. Watch it. Nobody here is on the menu. I can assure you that you wont survive trying anyone here. He spoke with a cold confident tone, an oozing deathly hate for her that was oh so audible. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/27/2024 5:27 AM
"Crosby," Eletea warned, resting a hand on his shoulder. "We're here peacefully, remember? I don't like this any more than you do, but we can't start a fight here." She gave Rikuma a sharp look. "That means you too." "But I want to find out how many bones I can remove from her body while she still lives," Rikuma protested. Nainda sighed. "Eletea is right." She turned her attention back toward Lyra. "We are here within the bounds of our agreement." Lyra narrowed her eyes, distrusting. Nonetheless, she jerked her head in an eastward direction as a signal to go ahead. "Very well. But we will not take kindly to any seditious activity while the five of you are here," she said. "Just because your blood is too tainted to feed on doesn't mean we can't simply kill you if need be, Your Ladyship." Nainda nodded in acknowledgement, but seemed unintimidated as she led the way past Lyra. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/27/2024 8:03 AM
He did try his best to relax a little, but to be fair. He did have reasons to be such high alert. It was moreso a trauma response than anything. But that was besides the point. He just nodded and took a deep breath in. My apologies Eletea. He of course would soon follow Nainda, tugging Rikuma to do the same. They had to stick together. Close but not too close to make an easy ambush target. Their strength here lied in numbers and one another, not desperately. He knew that much. He turned to Rikuma and whispered. I have no idea what she meant by seditious activity. Is that a good or a bad thing? He was… smart… but not in the big words type of smart. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/27/2024 10:09 AM
Rikuma walked close beside Crosby, but occasionally glanced back over her shoulder. She didn't love having the vampire bring up the rear of the group. It was a literal backstab waiting to happen. But she'd do the same, if she was the one escorting a group of untrustworthy strangers. The question drew her attention and she answered for him. "Anything that might encourage rebellion," she explained. "Such as suggesting we kill the Emperor. Whether it's good or bad depends on who you ask." She could feel Lyra's eyes glaring at the back of the head and knew the General had heard. She squeezed Crosby's hand. "Of course, we won't be doing any of that," she added, unsure whether Lyra would believe her words. Probably not. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/27/2024 11:00 AM
He hadn’t even paid any thought to the fact she was behind them until Rikuma looked once and then he thought about it. Yeah, he didn’t like that fact either. It gave the general a much greater view of the weapons he had upon his back, to which they were in an X, with the queens blade on top. He nodded, fair enough. She could’ve just not proven she was an old ass undead by making it simple. But apparently not, he squeezed her hand back. Anyways… are still just… being escorted through or have plans changed? He also whispered, even though he was pretty sure vampires had far superior hearing. It’d been a while since he had a chance to test that though. But right now there was more pressing matters. and do we plan on just marching through without stopping…? He knew the forest was absolutely massive from what he remembered, assuming it hadn’t grown bigger like how most evil had seemed to grow stronger. And he remembered it being a twos days trek from before… with a minor interruption. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/28/2024 9:32 AM
"The Queen will want to speak to you, of course," General Lyra answered for them. "Depending on how the conversation goes, you may or may not be allowed to leave with an escort. But your intention in Thauviel is already known and not appreciated. She will not take kindly to any sort of rebellion against our Emperor." Her gaze shifted toward Nainda. "Nor toward your betrayal against the Imperial throne in aiding these intruders." Nainda kept her head held high. "I am surprised you are so steadfast in your loyalty toward a man who keeps you confined to these woods. But that is a philosophical conversation I intend to have with the Queen directly." Rikuma looked at Crosby. "Does that answer your question?" she asked, concern clear in her voice. Desdemona's opinion already being against them wasn't a good sign. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/28/2024 11:41 AM
Great… of course there would be trouble and a meeting with the queen. Just what he needed, a face to face. And there was no way he could hide who he was, sure, he could try to mask his scent or wear a mask but it wouldn’t be enough. And as he thought about it Nainda had a good point, why would you serve someone who kept you trapped and be happy about it? And when a real way for change to come arrived at your doorstep, you were against it? It made little sense to him unless the empire offered some sort of immense protection. But that was besides the point now. He nodded. That did indeed answer his question, albeit not exactly how he wanted. Seems the odds were already stacked heavily against them, a repeat of last time he was here was looking more and more likely. This time the outcome would be different… he wouldn’t let his party be nearly exterminated by the pests again. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/29/2024 5:11 AM
From a distance, the castle was hidden by the forest surrounding it. After a while of walking, the path cleared to reveal its tall obsidian walls. The architecture was ornate, intimidating where the castle in Oblein had been welcoming. Even the air around it felt colder. Guards stood on either side of the wrought iron gates in front of it, eyeing Crosby hungrily as the party approached. Rikuma instinctively walked closer to him. Nainda looked back and nodded to Corinne, a signal for her to stand beside her before she spoke. "We are here to speak with Queen Desdemona," Nainda announced. "Peacefully." The vampire women in front of them stepped aside, the gate opening. "Of course, Your Ladyship," one of them said. "She is expecting you. Proceed." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 2/29/2024 8:23 AM
He fell quiet at the sight of the castle. A dreadful sight he’d hoped to never to see again… but here he was. A boiling wave of emotions spreading over him, all mixed, all confused. He didn’t know whether to feel angry, sad, or fearful. But it didn’t matter, he quietly glared at the guards who even gave him even the slightest of wrong looks. He didn’t mind his lady sticking close for obvious reasons. He glanced to Nainda, she should absolutely lead her. Not him. He made sure he was at the back with Rikuma, moreso as best he could be out of sight for now without being suspicious. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 2/29/2024 3:51 PM
Rikuma looked over at him, then leaned in to whisper despite knowing they would be overheard. "I won't let them hurt you," she promised. "Or any of us." She couldn't spend much time reassuring him though, as she moved to follow Nainda and Corinne into the castle. The main doors opened on their own while one of the guards led them inside. They didn't have long to follow before reaching the throne room. Cages hung from the tall ceiling, just large enough to fit an adult human man. A pale woman sat in a luxurious golden throne atop a tall dais. The vampire Queen's sword glowed stronger as she watched them, her eyes mainly on Crosby. As the guard stepped aside, Nainda gestured for the group to bow, then gave a curtsey of her own. "Your Royal Majesty," Nainda greeted as Corrine and Rikuma bowed. "I am glad you found the time to speak with us." Desmona gave only a cursory nod of acknowledgement before speaking to Crosby. "You. Step forward, and bring my sword with you." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/1/2024 12:32 AM
He glanced to her as she spoke and nodded, a silent agreement he’d do the same for her of course. His eyes were sharp, alert and on guard. He was mentally preparing himself. He fiddled with the ring on his finger. One of the few remaining signs of as to who he was in his past. He instantly looked to the cages, he didn’t exactly remember that. But it didn’t matter now he could feel her eyes upon him, a dreadful feeling as he bowed as told. Although moments later his stomach twisted two fold being called forwards. Fuck. That was quick. He carefully drew his hand away from Rikuma’s, only after squeezing it three times. He stepped forwards, his head held high. He looked the beast in the eyes, his heart starting to pound now at the memories he had ripping through his head. He chose to keep quiet for now as his eyes took minimal glances around the room before meeting hers again. He was already coming up with a backup plan. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/1/2024 10:29 AM
Desdemona leaned forward, her red eyes glowing as she looked him up and down. "I knew you would return to me, my pet," she said, even though they'd only spent one night together. "I won't let you go so easily this time." Rikuma glared at her and stepped forward, but Eletea caught her arm. "Not now," Eletea reminded her. "This is not about him, Your Majesty," Nainda reminded her. "We have business to discuss first. More... Personal matters can come after. Now, would you be so kind as to send your guards away so we may discuss matters in private?" Desmona glared at her. "And what is your claim over him?" "He is under my protection," Nainda said evenly. "And will not be coerced into anything against his will." "And he's my consort," Rikuma added, oblivious to the murderous look in the Queen's eyes as her attention turned toward her. "Therefore, he is thoroughly spoken for and cannot be held here without causing an international incident." Desmona gestured with her hand and the guards left the room as Rikuma stepped forward to stand by Crosby's side. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/1/2024 12:36 PM
Oh did those eyes spark memories of that night under the moonlight that he did not want to remember. His face being rather cold and heartless as he stared into them without hesitation now. Don’t call me a pet. He growled under his breath, his glare sharpening to a point. He remembered that night quite vividly, the experience with a lady for the first time from the markings to well… the final bite. He however did look back to Nainda, and then to the princess to see her reaction of course. But he kept it brief, he didn’t want to have his back to the beast for any unnecessary period of time. She was a monster in his eyes. He could see that look in the queens eyes. Why did she even want him THAT badly? The first was pretty obvious… he was young, oblivious, bold and easy to be bent to whatever she needed. Not anymore. Things had drastically changed. He crossed his arms, awaiting what she’d say next, rather curious of course. He could feel the blades presence upon his back moreso than ever being so close to her now. Hopefully it didn’t start speaking to him again… her voice in his head drove him mad. Things have changed now as you can see queen Desmona. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/1/2024 4:47 PM
Once the guards had left, Desdemona turned her attention back toward Crosby. "Oh, I don't think they've changed nearly as much as you would like to believe." Her words were not spoken out loud, but in his head. "I claimed you as mine and, now that you've accepted my sword, your fate has been sealed." She spoke to Nainda next, for all to hear. "Now, what is it you wanted? Help with your little doomed revolution? I do hope it's not the Imperial throne you want; you're too much of a bleeding heart for commoners. It would eat you alive." Though Rikuma didn't hear the words, she stayed close to Crosby, gripping his hand protectively as she allowed Nainda to take over the diplomacy. "I am more interested in dissolving the Empire," Nainda said. "It is an illegitimate stain on any map it curses with its presence. And I think, deep down, you know you would be better off with your kingdom as an independent sovereign." "You have grown too bold," Desdemona sneered. "If Aubron dies, the curse on this forest dies with him. We will no longer have our eternal night, and will be weakened by the daylight like some common beasts." "While he lives, you cannot leave this place to hunt," Nainda said. "The paltry sacrifices he sends from the surrounding villages are not enough to sustain the vampires under your rule. Vampires were not meant to be confined in close proximity to one another." She tilted her head. "How many of your number have already died, or gone mad from hunger? Your fate here is far worse than anything the sun can do to you." Corinne tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well... aside from the heat death that this world will face when the sun inevitably swells to begin the process of dying that all stars go through." There was a momentary pause, and Nainda looked over at her. "You are so incredibly beautiful when you share your knowledge," Nainda commented. "But now is not the time." @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/2/2024 12:41 AM
He got full body chills as he realized. His eyes lighting up ever so slightly, perhaps a hint of fear visible… but that wasn’t all as his hair stood on end. He didn’t know if he could speak back to her, but he tried to, of course not out loud. “I’ll never ever be yours despite how much you convince yourself that I am. I have control of my own fate; I’ll bend and break it as much as I please.” He squeezed Rikuma’s hand a little tighter than he usually ever would. Not good. Albeit he was still careful not to hurt her. But that’s the best way he knew how to communicate something was wrong without saying anything. He would’ve never even touched this sword if he recognized it as hers in the moment. But he didn’t. Anyways, he followed the conversation as best he could. He rolled his eyes at Corrine. Indeed now was not the time. His heart rate went up slightly against his will. He tried to step back towards the group with Rikuma, not wanting to be so close to the queen now for obvious reasons. He chose not to speak on this matter as diplomacy like this wasn’t his thing. Bigger picture stuff he had trouble with. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/2/2024 5:06 PM
Rikuma didn't quite get the hint, but assumed he needed some sort of reassurance, so she patted the back of his hand with her free one. For as long as they were here, she wouldn't let him out of her sight. Not if it meant he would be in danger, or overwhelmed by unwanted memories. She let the others speak, and would only respond if necessary. "If we lose the forest and scatter, we will be hunted by every monster hunter in these lands," Queen Desdemona said, then pointed at Crosby. "Men like him." Nainda tensed slightly and looked over at Crosby. She hadn't thought of him as a monster hunter, but in some ways, the label made sense. In her mind, that ran contrary to any sense of decency, but she set those thoughts aside for now. At the moment, he was an important ally. She changed the topic. "When you said you saw no purpose in keeping male vampires around, I admired your independence," she commented. "It is a shame you don't live up to your own words, now choosing to hide behind the Emperor for protection instead of taking power for yourself. Surely, you can do better. You did do better, until he absorbed your kingdom into the Empire." Desdemona glared, but having her hypocrisy laid bare in front of her had clearly struck the right nerve. "Perhaps," she admitted. "But if we join you, we sign our own death warrants." "I am not asking you to join us. You have matters to attend to here. I am asking you to stay out of our way, and enjoy the benefits after the tyrant is dead," Nainda explained. Desdemona considered for a moment, her gaze turning once more toward Crosby. "There is a greater price to pay for our non-interference than Aubron's death, of course." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/3/2024 1:07 AM
He wouldn’t let her out of her sight as long as it was in his power. He wouldn’t let any of them get split up. He wasn’t having a repeat of the past. He quite literally refused to. But once he was called a monster hunter his face grew… a bit bitter. Sure, it was a fair enough title but it wasn’t exactly what he preferred. He didn’t kill anything and anyone he came across who was a monster. He did reason with some and had to kill others, that was just the nature of it. But she did have a point as he felt Nainda’s eyes on him along with probably the rest of the parties. As they spoke, he listened but took the chance to look around, to see what had changed since his last time passing through here unwillingly. Albeit it was hard to remember what exactly it was even like. He only had a fraction of a second of the memory now. But it didn’t matter. He felt those deep evil eyes fixed upon him again. Something didn’t feel right, a lingering evil laid heavy in the air. But he looked back to the queen as much as he dreaded it. And what is that price exactly Desdemona? He of course didn’t sound very interested by now. He had a pretty good few guesses based on everything up until this point. Either, she’d probably want to do what they did again, blood, or just him in general perhaps. Or something else, something darker…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/4/2024 3:11 PM
It didn't take a brilliant diplomat to predict the answer. Rikuma preemptively glared at the queen, holding onto Crosby's arm protectively. Sharing her partner with people under circumstances of mutual respect was one thing, but she wasn't about to let the vampire who had slaughtered his men before anywhere near him. Desdemona ignored the glares she was receiving as she answered. "You stay with me," she told Crosby bluntly. "Forever. And I will let the others go free. After all, they only need a non-Rashouran to wield Ashrune." She looked at Eletea and Nainda. "And they have two already, even with you out of the-" "No," Rikuma interrupted, for fear that Crosby might sacrifice himself for the others, given a chance. Or say something that would get him killed anyway. "I am willing to negotiate in other ways, but he is coming with us and you aren't touching him." Eletea cleared her throat and Rikuma gave her a sharp look before remembering. The plan, of course. Her expression fell. "I... I need to think about this." Corinne walked over to comfort Rikuma, whispering something in her ear in Rashouran. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/4/2024 9:25 PM
He wasn’t about to either unless it was literally his last option. Although it was starting to seem like it. Fighting her and an entire army of vampires would be a horrible idea. It would also alert the empire of their growing power and presence. He didn’t want even more of a counter force waiting for them upon arrival. He ran a hand through his hair. He seriously debated what to do now. Tensions were high and the stakes were even higher now. He looked to his party. Was this where they were to split ways? He mainly looked to Nainda as to what to do before turning to Rikuma. None of this was sitting right with him, even for being a meat head. He did debate something rather stupid, his mouth hung slightly agape like he was going to speak… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/6/2024 8:04 AM
"Can... can we have a moment to talk about it in private?" Rikuma asked Desdemona, though she already sounded defeated. She took hold of Crosby's hand and stood close to Corinne to indicate who was included in 'we'. If she could get the vampire queen out of the room, they could handle this. She just had to keep hope, while not letting it show. Eletea crossed her arms. "In case you forgot, there are two more of us in-" "Eletea," Nainda warned. "Rikuma and Crosby are the two who will be most impacted by the decision reached today. If they wish to keep the list of those included in the process short, we should respect that." She turned toward Desdemona. "I see no harm in letting them have the room for their conversation. Do you? Even if they did try to run, they would not get far. They know that." Desdemona considered, then nodded. "Very well. But do take care not to displease me. I have given my terms." She turned to leave with Nainda and Eletea in tow. With the three of them gone, Corinne set her bag on the ground and began to dig through its contents. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/6/2024 8:12 AM
He was… unsure what exactly these two had for a plan to be fair. It sort of… worried him. He didn’t want things to go awry or worse than they already were. He watched as the queen left with the other two. His eyes shifting back to the Corrine and Rikuma. what exactly is the plan here…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/6/2024 12:03 PM
Rikuma sighed. "We can try to get her to accept a less... sacrificial... agreement, but I'm not sure how likely that is to succeed," she said, to keep the conversation away from the actual plan for now. She watched Corinne's search and kept talking. "Maybe one night? I'll be there too, but it might sweeten the deal if she's allowed to feed from both of us." While the princess spoke, Corinne pulled four small, silver discs from the bag. She arranged them in a square formation around the group before standing upright. With a wave of her hand, they began to glow blue. All sound around them cut out, the ambient noise that nobody would have bothered to identify, of people moving through the halls or the breeze outside. Only the three of them could be heard. She smiled triumphantly. "Now we can talk about the plan without being overheard," Corinne announced. Rikuma nodded. "Thank you. So I see you really did get busy with Nainda, but in a more productive way." Corinne laughed. "Yeah, it was mostly aftercare and conversation, then plotting, to be honest." She looked at Crosby. "Sorry to mislead you, but I was actually working on these." She pointed at one of the discs. "They can store one spell at a time and, when that spell is activated, they fill the area between them with it. In this case, it's one of privacy. Nobody can see or hear us as long as we're within its field." "Good." Rikuma looked up at Crosby. "Your main sword contains holy magic, right?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/6/2024 2:13 PM
He knew that would be pretty much impossible. She was a snobby queen, one who demanded and anything she wanted. And if she didn’t get it, she’d probably take it knowing her. I… I don’t think you’ll be able to be nearly drained in more ways than one Rikuma. And it is the exact opposite of a pleasant experience with getting your blood sucked… He was obviously quite confused by these… devices? Or was it one device? He didn’t know. Didn’t matter. It did what it was clearly supposed to do. Anyways, he scratched his head a little confused, he had so many questions now about Corrine and Nainda, but now was not the time. He didn’t know how long these things lasted for. Uh… one moment. He had to be extra sure nothing could be overheard. He drew the queens blade and walked away briefly, placing outside the field of effect upon the ground before stepping back in. Yes, it does. Why though? Are we trying to use it against the queen? Because as strong as it may be, it’s probably not enough. We’d have to get Eletea involved for that. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/7/2024 5:10 AM
They both waited for him to finish setting the sword aside, outside of the spell's area of effect but still within view. Rikuma gave an approving nod, then let Corinne explain once he returned to the square. "They contain an amplifier," Corinne explained. "Once some of its energy is stored, it overwrites the previous spell and... Actually, it'll be easier to demonstrate, once we're done talking." "Eletea is aware of the plan," Rikuma added. "She actually provided the original basis for it, and we built on it from there." Even if they didn't get along perfectly - or even fully trust each other - if they managed to pull this off, she'd have to admit they made a good team after all. "We'll still have to fight though, right?" She looked to Corinne for confirmation. The artificer nodded. "Based on my calculations, the spell will be enough to severely weaken any vampires and ignite any under a hundred years of age, but it won't be immediately lethal to most. But we'll have the queen alone at the start, and any others will have to funnel in through the door, since it's the only entrance to the throne room." "It won't get us out of a fight, but it will give us a strategic advantage," Rikuma summarized. "But we'd do best to kill Desdemona before help can arrive." She looked at Crosby. "You've faced her before. Is there anything we should know?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/7/2024 8:06 AM
That was a lot fancy gibberish for him to take in. Most of honestly going in one ear and out the other. huh…. Would’ve never expected her to come up with this. He looked back to the throne room door briefly and then back to them. I don’t remember anything from when I fought her… as much as I’d like to. I just remember the aftermath really. But if I had to guess, anything holy, or wooden like a stake would do. But if she’s anything like her weapon she gave me with her abilities, you guys will have to keep your distance. I’ll be fine. He was thankful for having found the ring, it would come in handy clearly. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/8/2024 9:06 AM
Remembering the weird feeling she'd gotten from the sword, Rikuma nodded in understanding. She fought best at a distance anyway. Her hand went down to rest on her pouch of bones. It wouldn't be good for much more than a distraction, but that was better than nothing. Once the Queen was dead, though, she'd have an excellent weapon at her disposal. "Just leave her remains to me after," Rikuma said. "And don't freak out when I have to spill a little of my own blood for the best results. I promise I know what I'm doing." Corinne rubbed her hands together. "Right. Crosby, whenever you're ready, activate your sword's holy magic and press the point of it to each of the discs. Just the tip." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/8/2024 2:31 PM
He didn’t even think of such a weapon until she straight out said it. Oh god… that’d be… horrifying. Truly. He smirked a tiny bit, like a cocky prick would. That’s what she said at first. He chuckled a bit, trying his best to lighten the mood at least a lil. He drew his blade, and it glowed a faint purple hue as he pressed only the tip up to the discs, a holy energy would emanate from the blade of course, albeit it was much stronger than usual with him being in quite the unholy place. A sign from his patron persay to exterminate the wretched filth at hand. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/10/2024 6:40 AM
When he was finished, the space filled with golden light. Rikuma closed her eyes, since its strength was a bit blinding, until Corinne deactivated the discs with another gesture. The princess's eyes blinked open once more and she looked up at Crosby. "We'll get through this," she whispered, placing a hand on his arm. Corinne set to work on moving the discs into position, one in each corner of the room. While she worked, Rikuma set about her own preparations and let Crosby go so she could place small piles of bone by the doorway and behind the throne. There weren't many strategic places for them to remain hidden, but this would suffice. Once they were both done, Rikuma walked over to the throne room doors and pushed them open once more. Nainda, Eletea, and Desdemona stood in the hall, arguing in hushed tones about the risks and benefits of overthrowing Aubron. Desdemona still seemed set against the idea. But as the doors opened, they all turned to look. "We've reached a decision," Rikuma said, then stepped back. "If you will come back in, we can discuss it." Desdemona led the way in, pushing Rikuma aside as she walked past and toward the throne room. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/11/2024 12:14 AM
I know we will. We have no other choice but to prevail. He nodded, his face quite stern and cold. The time had come. A true trial now for them as a team. He squeezed the handle of his blade a bit, looking down to the sword, silently praying for them to prevail to the gods above. He couldn’t afford to lose anyone else. He took a deep breath in before going grabbing the queens blade as to not seem suspicious, although he kept it sheathed. He went back to the center of the room, glaring at the queen. The same anger festered in his eyes as before. He had his weapons away as to not seem suspicious right now but his arms were crossed. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/11/2024 5:48 AM
Desdemona resumed her seat in the throne, crossing one leg over the other. "So, have you decided to finally see sense?" she asked. Her tone was cool and calm, the voice of someone who was used to being in control and saw no reason to assume she wasn't now. "We have," Rikuma confirmed. Desdemona smirked. "So you will leave him with me?" "No." Corinne waved her hand and golden light filled the room. With a hiss, Desdemona jumped to her feet. You're MINE! The words boomed in Crosby's head as she lunged toward him, heedless of the sound of cracking bones beneath the seat of her throne. "Keep your distance from her," Rikuma ordered the others. "Crosby can handle her from here. Focus on any reinforcements who come." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/11/2024 7:29 AM
Well boy did she have one surprise in store with the tables going to turn for her. He reached into the depths of his soul and dug out the suppressed rage he had within. The one he held close to his heart after that forsaken night, after all those good men lost, after things changed forever. He stood at the ready, waiting for the signal. His blood starting to pump faster. Her smirk only reminding him of it all, that he would never let this happen again. He drew his sword within a split second, the holy energy radiating off it was way more concentrated and intense than it usually was. Her words having no affect upon him as they fell upon deaf ears. A purple dragon tattoo glowed bright upon his wrist. His patron acknowledging him, Slay her in the name of your brothers. He lunged forth and swung, not holding back, a diagonal slash upwards, one to knock her back with a fierce power behind it. A guttural battle cry would escape him unlike anything Rikuma had ever heard from him before as it’d echo throughout the chambers. Maybe with a tint of pain within it. For the purple dragon knights I WILL have your head! @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/11/2024 1:54 PM
Eletea's hands glowed azure as water combined with holy magic floated around them and between the tips of her webbed fingers. Just in case he did need backup. But her attention shifted to the doors, as did Nainda's and Corinne's. There were no rushing footsteps, but a rapidly-approaching energy. Several unholy presences about to converge on the throne room as Desdemona's rage was felt among her kin. Desdemona was tossed back by the force of his attack. She hissed but landed on her feet even as her flesh sizzled where the holy blade had connected with her shoulder on the upswing. "You will have death." The cockiness had left her voice, as had the humanity. Her words escaped in the guttural growl of a monster ready to let go of its mask. She bared her fangs and charged forward but, instead of aiming at him directly, she bounced off the wall behind him, quickly turning to sink her claws into his back and her teeth into his spine. The cloth of her cape tore as fleshy, batlike wings escaped her back. Rikuma drew her own sword as the bones formed into sharp spikes. "Crosby, down!" Bones wouldn't do much to the undead in a room full of holy magic that weakened her own necromancy. But a distraction was a distraction, and her warning to him caught the attention of its intended target - Desdemona herself. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/11/2024 2:26 PM
He wasn’t surprised of course at the instant response for reinforcements. It was to be expected. But no matter, his blood boiled within. His eyes sharp and focused, he kept his guard high. He stared into the eyes of the now true formed beast. The one he remembered from long ago. The one who had ended so many. The one he would stop. But she would soon realize a flaw in her… plan. He had armor on, adamantine to be exact. The same one Corrine had made her. He of course ducked down as she said to and rolled to the side, even in all his armor, he was mobile. He put his hand up with his ring and spoke in draconic, his eyes flashing purple with flames coming out of them, his sword glowing purple quite vibrantly too. His armor glistened the same color as a result, a beautiful gleaming masterpiece. But there was a reason it was all crazy and sparkly. A purple dragon spirit emerged from the ring and went flying into the queen, smashing into her like a concentrated beam. He was breathing quite heavy. It was all however taking a toll upon the squishy meathead. He was pushing way harder than he should’ve been. This day shall be your last! @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/13/2024 1:09 PM
Desdemona missed her target altogether, but landed on her feet. As soon as she touched the floor, spikes of bone grazed her skin. They were little more than an annoyance, so she turned her attention away from the necromancer... just in time to get hit full force by the dragon spirit. She flew back, hitting the wall. Now that was enough to hurt. She stood back up despite the pain, and moved in a blur too fast for mortal eyes. Rikuma glanced over at Crosby to make sure he was alright. Huge mistake. She didn't see the queen move until she felt herself being pulled back against her and the claws against her throat as she was forced to stand between her lover and the vampire queen. She reached for her sword as the whispers entered her mind, an irresistible compulsion. Drop the sword. Don't cast your spells. She knew better than to follow it. This was an order from the enemy. Yet her body moved on her own as her sword clattered to the ground. "Do you really want to see whether your tricks will reach me before I can tear her throat out?" Desdemona asked, though her own hand was trembling. The holy magic that filled the room was slowly sapping away at even her strength. The doors burst open as the first of the queen's reinforcements arrived. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/13/2024 1:22 PM
Well it had better have been enough, he only had very limited magic, some of which would cause more damage to his current party members and situation than helping. He of course did the same once the queen vanished, looking straight to Rikuma. He took a few quick steps forwards before stopping dead in his tracks with the queens claws to her throat. He had to think for a few moments, a memory coming back now. He remembered his purpose more now. To kill the vile and wretched. The ones who don’t deserve to roam this plane. Let her go now Desdemona. It’s me you want. He tossed his sword aside, it clattered to the floor. He motioned for her to come to him with her hand. His eyes sharp and staring into the queen’s. Their beauty being quite encapsulating as a stress was starting to spread through them. A worry almost. He could see the reinforcements enter. But now he couldn’t be bothered by them… he had to save Rikuma first. Leave my party be. It’s me and me alone if you want, why don’t you come take me? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/14/2024 4:23 AM
"Don't," Rikuma said, but of course he was going to do whatever he thought would save her. He was too good for his own good. Her eyes settled on the sword as he set it down. Would it work the same in her hands? His patron was not hers, but if the purpose was to rescue him? Desdemona grinned, flashing her sharp fangs. "Good boy~" She tossed the princess aside and closed the distance between herself and Crosby in an instant. "You've finally realized who you belong to." She leaned in, teeth scraping against his throat. She would gladly drain him in every way. Maybe there could be use for one male vampire, after all. It all kept the queen rather distracted for a second. That was all Rikuma needed. She dashed for the discarded blade. It was far heavier than she was used to, but she put everything she had into slashing at one of Desdemona's wings and hoping for the best.
Nainda Townsend BOT 3/14/2024 4:23 AM
As the first wave breached the doors, Eletea sent a burst of holy water to greet them. The vampire at the front took the brunt of the attack and hissed as she staggered back, skin sizzling with the burn. Three others pushed past her to continue her attack. Corinne knelt behind the arcane cannon she was still in the middle of setting up. "Fuck fuck fuck... Nainda, cover me!" Nainda drew her ritual dagger, already standing in front of Corinne. "As you wish." She dug the curved blade into the palm of her hand. The blood it drew was darker than any human or elven blood should have been, with almost a violet hue. The vampires, more sensitive to the aura of decay that accompanied it, instinctively stepped back from the tainted blood as Nainda approached them. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/14/2024 4:40 AM
You’re damn right he was going to do whatever it took to save her and his party especially after last time. He winced at her feeling her fangs, he grew tense as chills ripped through his spine. Memories flashing through him, the last time she bit him more specifically, the confused feelings that filled him. But it didn’t matter now. Times had changed. He hated those forsaken fucking words coming from her mouth. As Rikuma picked up the blade, she’d find it to be incredibly heavy at first, almost unbearable even but after a few seconds it would grow quite light. As she’d look to her lover, despite Crosby’s current armor covering almost all of him besides his head, the purple dragon tattoo on his wrist glowed bright, right through his armor like it didn’t even exist. There was one strange part about it, only Rikuma would be able to see it though. A strange sensation would ripple through her, she would feel… stronger. Almost like she was perhaps leeching strength from her love? However a moment later a whisper filled her ears, a demand from the dragon the blade was attached to, who he was attached to, “Slay her and all these vile beings who defy my order.” When she went for the swing, the holy energy was more than there as it had been before. At the same time Crosby elbowed the queen as hard as he could in the gut. He mumbled something under his breath, it sounded like a ritualistic chant.* @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/14/2024 5:32 AM
The surge of strength guided Rikuma's arms, slicing clean through the wing. The other wing flared out but, before Desdemona could retaliate, the elbow connected just below her ribs. Her red eyes sparked with rage, but she had to pick a target. She rounded on the necromancer, just in time for the holy blade to pierce her heart. With an enraged scream, she burst briefly into flame, before her ashes rained down onto the floor. Rikuma took a step back, breathing heavily as she listened to the words. Where did righteousness end and bloodlust begin? She decided these orders were not for her and set the sword point-down on the floor between herself and Crosby. "I think... This is for you." It all gave her a headache, the nature of the sword's magic in direct opposition to her own.
Nainda Townsend BOT 3/14/2024 5:32 AM
A vampire darted around Nainda, but she followed her trajectory and forced her bloody hand into the vampire's mouth. The vampire reeled back, coughing up the darkened blood, along with her own vampiric blood and a few more solid pieces of flesh. "Don't let her touch you," one of the remaining vampires ordered. While the arcane canon began to glow with the holy magic that charged it, the other vampire ran at Corinne. She actually made it around Nainda, but Eletea intercepted again. The genasi was tackled to the ground, struggling to keep the vampire's fangs from her throat. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/14/2024 5:55 AM
He wasn’t surprised she chose her to attack. He however didn’t expect Rikuma to land the finishing blow. His eyes widened, shocked. That was… sudden. He watched the queen turn to nothing but ash. Then he looked to his love, clearly they both had a similar reaction. He nodded and quietly took the blade from her, his tattoo fading out of sight. Are you… alright? He was of course worried about her, knowing damn well the swords magic did have the exact opposite effect of her own spells. He glanced over and saw the group was in trouble still. Just take it easy and watch my back Rikuma. But there was no time to react, he went to assist the rest of the party. He rushed over and kicked the vampire off Eletea before driving his blade through their heart without any remorse. He was absolutely relentless when it came to these… beasts in his eyes. He had no mercy for vampires based on what they had done oh so long ago. And he held that close to his heart and used it as a burning fuel to kill them all.
5:55 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/14/2024 7:39 AM
Rikuma nodded, still a bit shaken, but her own magical energy had started returning the moment she'd passed the sword to Crosby. It was for the best that he'd rushed into battle without the pressure for her to say anything in response. She could focus instead on watching his back while she recovered. After a moment, her attention shifted to the vampire queen's ashes. She picked her own sword back up, pushed her arm against the blade just enough to draw blood, and held the wound over the ashes. "Rise, and take what you want from the kin who have failed you." Meanwhile, Eletea gave Crosby an appreciative nod and jumped back to her feet. She summoned another wave of magic and ran for the door. "I'll cover the entrance! Take care of anyone who gets past the barrier." As more came, Nainda took advantage of the vampires' avoidance of her to stand protectively beside Corinne as the arcane cannon finished charging. Corinne turned it toward the door. "Clear!" Corinne warned Eletea and Crosby. Behind the battle, the ashes began to rise in a red mist. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/14/2024 8:10 AM
He was unaware of what she was even doing. He hadn’t even thought of her doing such to be fair. It didn’t matter right now however. On it! He glanced to each of his party members besides Rikuma before assisting Eletea as best he could, any vampire who was unfortunate enough to cross the barrier or him would pay with their life. He moved to clear for the cannon of course. His heart was racing, the blood flowing a lot more than ever before. It’d been a serious hot minute before he’d been in an all out fight like this. It was… an experience. Perhaps one he missed a little? But it did still scare him, the fear of losing anyone he cared about… especially his new love. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/14/2024 11:06 AM
Focus was crucial at this stage. By its nature, the holy magic around them was threatening to unravel Rikuma's work with the vampiric mist. She needed to keep both in balance, to maintain the spell while imbuing it with the surrounding energy so that the remnants of hatred and bloodthirst would turn against the living vampires. She could feel exhaustion starting to settle in, but forced herself to keep going, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Once the path was clear, a burst of amplified light magic escaped the arcane cannon, taking down every vampire in its path. Corinne jumped up, pumping her fist victoriously while Nainda gave her a congratulatory shoulder pat. Then there was a lull in the enemies. "Corinne, now!" Rikuma called, and the light that had filled the throne room died out. The cloud of red mist - a cannibalistic vampire mist - finally moved forward, stretching past the rest of the party but ignoring them. The screams of other vampires followed as they were drained by the remnants of their former queen. Rikuma breathed a sigh of relief. "Experiment... Successful," she breathed, then promptly fainted. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/15/2024 8:18 AM
He was of course quite impressed by the arcane cannon. He’d never seen something like it before. A useful weapon indeed. But he was soon distracted by the power of this weapon when Rikuma gave the command, he of course looked to see what she was doing. He looked to the vampiric mist as its did its work. He was left speechless. That was brutal. But needed. There would be no other way… but he could see Rikuma fainted. He wasn’t surprised or worried. This seemed like a fair result for such a powerful spell. But of course he sheathed his weapon and ran over to her aid. He picked her up like a bride gently and held her protectively quite close. Is everyone alright? He had a memory flash for a split second. And he fell quiet, he turned to the throne and walked over with Rikuma, he went behind the throne and ran his hand over the back of it, soon he found it. A pressure plate to which he activated, a door behind the throne would slowly creak open and dust would pour out. He coughed but inside was spoils… spoils of many dead armies and more she’d killed. He didn’t even hesitate to go inside without telling the others. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/15/2024 9:00 AM
Rikuma was breathing fine, and would recover once she'd rested for a few hours. For now, she slept in Crosby's arms, only stirring slightly as he moved. She nuzzled against his chest but remained unconscious despite the very uncomfortable pillow that was plate armor. "Great," Corinne answered his question excitedly. She gave Nainda a peck on the lips, then set to work packing up her cannon. "This thing works like a dream!" Eletea looked toward where the vampire mist had drifted off to, but answered anyway. "I'm fine. Good work, everyone. Let's hope that... Thing... Takes care of any other vampires. And no innocent mortals." "The mist ignored us," Nainda pointed out. "She has her orders from Rikuma, and was animated under the condition of those orders. With how undead constructs work, she will return to her necromancer once the vampires are taken care of." Nainda turned to follow Crosby as the door opened, and the other two followed soon after. Corinne's eyes lit up excitedly as she saw the riches beyond. "I could fund so many inventions with this," Corinne whispered, showing off exactly why she and Rikki were friends. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/15/2024 9:28 AM
He figured she’d be fine. He set her down besides the door gently, propping her up so her head was back. He quietly looked around the room, scanning everything. Something here was calling out to him… speaking to him. He just had to find it. He roamed the edges of the mounds of treasures, his eyes sharp as he looked through it all. He didn’t even care to see how much there was or even dare to really took it. But it didn’t long before he spotted it, a shimmering purple silk breaking through the pile of gold. He was careful not to touch the gold, fearful it may spring a trap. He pulled out a… beautiful cloak, it was a silk like purple in color but incredibly thick. The mark of a purple dragon upon the back of it. At the brim of the cloak was a thick black fur, this clearly belonged to someone of incredibly high ranking within his organization. Especially considering it was well… lined with actual golden magic thread by the looks of it. A detail he overlooked as he put it on. Connecting the two pieces of fabric was two strands of string lined with various dragon teeth. A symbol of who he served. Not a man or mortal but an immortal being, one who could destroy worlds if they so chose. The cloak was quite long, but not long enough to hinder him and drag on the floor. He looked back to his party to see what they thought about it. He was starting to look more and more like a general in an army… or perhaps a king… I hate to be a buzz kill Corrine… but I would like to return these to who they belong to, well, unless it’s the empire. We’ll keep their share as funding. And for when we do defeat the empire, I already know what to do with the riches if the princess approves. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/15/2024 11:39 AM
Corinne nearly rushed for the gold, but Nainda wrapped an arm around her waist to hold her back. The cait sidhe pouted at Crosby's words, but didn't protest. "Fine, you can use it to pay for your royal wedding or whatever," she conceded instead. "I am sure your inventions are worth funding, but we will gain plenty more once we rid these lands of the tyrant," Nainda assured her softly. "Besides, my noble position does have its perks." She reconsidered, in light of the high treason she had just committed. "...Did have its perks, I suppose. We will see where I stand after the Emperor's death." Probably not among nobility anymore. Eletea tilted her head. "But how will we know who they belong to?" she asked. "If they are in Queen Desdemona's treasury, then the prior owners are most likely dead, making it her property now. Or... Until a few minutes ago." "Finders keepers?" Corinne suggested. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/15/2024 11:56 AM
He didn’t even think of a wedding to be fair. There was so many other things they had to handle first. Like the empire. And who’s to say everything would go smoothly? There was really no way of knowing. Perhaps she could stand among nobility, perhaps not. It depended on how people reacted. You do have a fair point. I don’t think we’d be lucky to find anyone they belong to. But just… be careful with whatever’s in here… I’d rather not pick up anymore cursed items. That did get him thinking, he drew the queens blade, curious if anything at all had changed with it now that she had… passed. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/16/2024 2:37 AM
Its energy remained, the old remnants of her power clinging to it, but weakened. But the vampire queen's voice itself had gone silent with her death. There was a possibility it could be useful later. Fortunately, it also seemed to be the most cursed item in the treasury, as none of the magic users in the room could pick up on magical auras from the valuables in the room. "Base greed," Eltea commented as she watched Nainda and Corinne gather up what they wanted. "Invention," Corinne repeated as a correction. Nainda shrugged. "I am assuming I still have a territory to tend to and infrastructure to maintain. My portion is all going to Oblein, not myself." By the door, Rikuma began to stir. She opened her eyes slowly, looking around at the unfamiliar surroundings of the hidden chamber. "Are we still in the castle...?" she murmured. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/16/2024 2:48 AM
He decided to keep it for now. Maybe he could destroy it later on if need be. He put it back in its sheathe. He looked around the room for anything more of interest to him. Something perhaps from his past. But once Rikuma spoke, he turned to her. He had a stunning new cloak on, one to make him fit the part of being her partner as he stood tall. Yes we are… we’re in her treasure chambers. He headed over to his love and kneeled down before her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/16/2024 3:15 AM
Rikuma looked up at him in his new cloak. Combined with the armor, it suited him exceedingly well. "You look..." Kingly. Like someone she would be proud to have stand by her side as king consort. "" Words had failed her, but in her defense, she was still groggy. Remembering how the fight had ended, she smiled. "I did it," she said. "I actually managed to imbue an undead with holy magic. I wasn't sure I could, it was all completely theoretical." She couldn't help but be a little proud of herself, too. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/16/2024 3:28 AM
He couldn’t help but smile a bit. Of course she called him hot. He offered a lady a hand up to take if she so chose. Thank you my love~. He placed a quick gentle kiss upon her cheek. And yes you did, it was quite impressive actually. His eyes were still quite soft, but yet, still showed he was proud of her too. And a tiny bit happy one of the evil was finally vanquished that plagued him. is there anything of interest to you in here love? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/16/2024 7:49 AM
Rikuma took his hand and stood up before she looked around. Gold this abundant would be invaluable for Rashouris's recovery, but she also had to share with the others. "Corinne, we can use your bag for now and divide the rewards after," she said. "Just think about what's actually worth enough to bring here. And nothing that seems too personal for whoever had it before - let's still be respectful." It was easier than sorting through everything, herself. She looked up at her lover. "Are you alright? You aren't hurt during the battle, were you?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/16/2024 4:33 PM
He was fine with sharing with others. He didn’t exactly have much reason for gold beside for basic survival necessities. He was set besides that due to well… his past background she didn’t know of yet. Nor did he. He was glancing around, curiously before turning back to his lady when she spoke to him. I’m fine, I think. He rubbed his neck to double check, where the queen had her fangs against him, he hadn’t even thought to check if she nipped him or marked him until now. Are you okay though Rikuma? You did quite a lot in that fight… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/17/2024 11:41 AM
The Queen had been interrupted before she'd had the chance to really bite down, so there might have been a scrape at worst, especially given the awkward angle required to bite without the armor interfering. Rikuma had a look anyway, gently pulling his hand aside so she could see better. She kissed the spot once she was sure he was fine, then looked up at him. "I am uninjured, but tired," she confirmed. She'd gotten bruised up a bit, but her magic had already healed her. Tired was an understatement though, even if she was no longer about to faint. She couldn't use any more magic until she'd gotten a proper sleep. Her arms were sore as well, after that burst of strength had worn off. "We should rest before we continue on our way. There might be spare rooms we could sleep in." "Preferably in something other than a coffin," Eletea added. Nainda and Rikuma shrugged, because neither particularly minded the coffin option. "There are bedrooms available," Nainda confirmed. "We should stay close, and sleep in shifts in case there are survivors around that manage to get past the mist. Two rooms right next to one another may be the best option, so nobody is..." She glanced over at Crosby. "...Affected by certain environmental factors." "I still don't mind sharing a room with you," Rikuma assured her beloved. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/18/2024 12:10 AM
He half smiled a little when she did. She was cute sometimes and he appreciated it of course. He nodded in agreement. They all desperately needed the rest. Some more than others. But now that the adrenaline was slowly wearing off, he was slowly starting to feel exhaustion creep in. That’s fine by me. You guys lead the way and I’ll follow. He shrugged. He completely understood only why Rikuma obviously would want to join him. His attention turning towards her. of course you don’t beautiful~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/18/2024 6:05 AM
Nainda led the way, being the most familiar with the castle. "I will take the first watch, since I didn't use any magic and have not been traveling for as long as the rest of you," she said as the others followed. "What about the blood thing you did?" Eletea questioned. "Passive magic, as was the healing," Nainda explained. "The pain from the cut and what we inflicted on the vampires was more than enough to compensate for what little energy those effects used." Eletea cringed, silently relieved and horrified that someone like this was on their side. Corinne stayed close to Nainda and offered to take the second watch. Soon, they arrived in a quieter hall. It still smelled of blood, but the five of them were the only ones still there. "The three of us can take this room," Nainda said. "Crosby and the princess, you two can stay next door. I'll be in the hall if anyone needs anything." Rikuma bowed. "Thank you." She yawned, then took Crosby's arm in hers. "Come on." She couldn't even enjoy being alone with him right now, given her exhaustion. But, with the impact his presence had, she wouldn't be surprised if he gave her some very sweet dreams. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/18/2024 7:37 AM
He nodded, glancing around one final time at the treasury. What a shame there wasn’t more from his past here. But maybe there was more elsewhere. He followed the others of course, studying their surroundings, he hadn’t been this way for obvious reasons. He of course let her lead the way into the room. Thank you. And I’m coming Rikuma. Perhaps in more than one way later~. He chuckled and smiled a tiny bit. Not exactly feeling the need to do this right now. But he could still flirt with his exhausted love. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/18/2024 8:43 AM
Rikuma looked back at him. "Okay but I'll probably still be asleep, so just be quiet about it," she teased him back. Once the door was closed, she removed her boots, sword belt, and veil before letting herself fall back onto the bed and sprawl out. She closed her eyes and held her arms open for him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/18/2024 12:27 PM
He had to of course do quite a lot before bed, like taking off his armor, sheathes and weapons, and now the cloak. He kept the ring on for obvious reasons. He put everything into a pile on his side of the bed. That way it was close if something did happen. I suppose I can try~. No guarantees~. He got into bed with her and hugged her close. He assumed that’s what she wanted, his hand running through her hair gently, he drew back after a minute or so though if she so let him. He wanted to look into those dazzling eyes of hers. He’d rather have those burned into his memory than those of the vampire queen. His hand running from her hair up to her cheek, gently holding it. God I’m glad you’re my girlfriend in every way… especially after everything that happened today. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/18/2024 1:22 PM
Once he joined her, she snuggled close to him, resting her head against his chest until he pulled away. She looked up, allowing herself to look into his emerald eyes. His warmth was comforting, and she could fall asleep right then and there if he let her. "I'm happy to be by your side," she said. "For as long as you'll have me." She kissed his lips softly before resting her head on the pillow and closing her eyes. She could spend all night whispering words of love to him, but she was tired, and the dark of sleep was threatening to overtake her. "Goodnight, my beloved. If you're going to wake me up at any point-" She was interrupted by her own yawn. "-At least make it enjoyable." With that, she began to drift off into a deep sleep. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/18/2024 4:43 PM
He was planning on letting her sleep now. He just.. had to enjoy this little victory of theirs. Especially after taking such a drastic step for him with one of his biggest enemies defeated and laying in waste. I could say the same for you love. He kissed her right back without any hesitation of course. A hint of a smirk crept across his face as a chuckle escaped him, he rolled his eyes. We’ll see my love~. He pulled her close and cuddled up to her. He would hold her as long as he wouldn’t wake her, at the same time he closed his eyes and slowly started to drift asleep. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/19/2024 5:07 AM
Hours passed without incident, allowing Rikuma to sleep in the warm embrace of her beloved. In the moments of peace, she found herself dreaming once more of their future. It felt so real now, even closer to reality than before now that they'd actually discussed marriage. As her dreams shifted to a more intimate nature, she shifted closer to Crosby in her sleep. Her leg moved to rest between his, and her breathing was less steady. The blush on her face and the shapes of her nipples poking up beneath her dress gave away the sort of dream she was having. A soft nose escaped her throat, sounding directly in her lover's ear. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/19/2024 7:01 AM
His dreams were not like hers as he had passed out as much as he knew he should’ve stayed to stay on watch. He could hear and feel everything she did but couldn’t do anything about it. He was paralyzed in his dreams, chaos unfolding around him. More memories flooding back; he pulled her slightly closer in his slumber. His heart rate had gone up a bit. Hopefully the vampires were gone… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/20/2024 5:08 AM
The movement, the tightening of arms around her, caused her to begin to wake up. "Hm?" She opened her eyes slowly. With her head against his chest, she could hear his heart speeding up, but couldn't quite determine the cause until she looked up at his face. He seemed distressed, more than anything. It left her too worried to be irritated by the interruption to her own dreams. "Crosby?" She couldn't really move her hands much of anywhere in their current position - well, anywhere that wouldn't be wildly inappropriate while he was clearly having a nightmare - so she simply tightened her own arms around him. "What's wrong, love?" Maybe he'd wake up enough to answer, maybe not, but she'd at least try. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/20/2024 2:56 PM
His grip started to ease up on her as he stirred and began to awoke. Her voice grounding him in reality, his eyes slowly opening as he looked down to her as best he could. His hair shrouding his eyes somewhat in a mysterious darkness. He started to try to steady his heart and breath. Just… a horrible nightmare Rikuma… Or a memory… I couldn’t tell the difference… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/22/2024 5:50 AM
She moved slowly, extracting herself slightly from his arms so she could move enough to stroke his hair with one hand. She gently swept it out of his face and looked into his eyes. "What happened in it?" she asked. She held him close again, ready to listen. She wasn't sure whether the return of so many memories was a possible sign, as he seemed to be slowly recovering from his amnesia, or a negative sign that they were drawing closer to something much worse. One of her hands was resting on his back, so she rubbed it slowly in hopes of soothing him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/22/2024 12:26 PM
And that is EXACTLY what worried him. He didn’t know if he was starting to remember stuff because they were finding something bad. Or because of something good. He started to calm down as he looked to her quietly for a few moments. He was OK. She was still here and they were alive in one piece. His fear of failure and losing her had briefly consumed him. He couldn’t handle either of those. He’d do whatever it would take to prevent it I just… had visions. I remember it now… the final battle, I was so close to killing the king, a swords length away before she cast her spell…. I remember all the names of my men who fell… how they perished around me. Some slayed by his troops and others by reinforcements. More specifically the demon dark elves… and the drow. And the look on the kings face, the mere moments where his victory was becoming a fleeting thought…. I need that again. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/22/2024 1:13 PM
Rikuma thought as she listened. During the war, Aubron had taken advantage of his image as a holy Emperor, divinely chosen, so demonic reinforcements sounded like an odd choice. Which meant that the battle he described had to have happened either before he'd gained immortality - well over a millennium ago, meaning her lover would have been in some sort of stasis for a long time - or far more recently, which meant that Crosby had weilded the only weapon capable of killing the king in question. Which meant Ashrune might not be where the records she'd read had indicated, after all, and they would depend on whatever he remembered to find it. "The sword you were using in that memory... What did it look like?" she asked, deep in thought. "Was it one of the ones you're carrying now, or something else? Do you know when this took place?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/22/2024 1:26 PM
I-I... He ran his hands through his hair, balling them up and grabbing onto big tufts. All this thinking and trying to strain his memory for details was quickly giving him quite the uncomfortable headache. He was starting to realize now how long ago this all might’ve happened. But as he strained his memory something came up… his eyes glazed over and went grey as a memory replayed, he gasped for air. It was a few very brief moments before he returned back to normal. His head ache was so much worse but it didn’t matter now. He rolled away from her and grabbed onto his main sword, looking it over carefully… oddly… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/22/2024 1:36 PM
Rikuma cocked her head to one side as she observed him. Distressed, still, even though the question had been simple. Not because of unpleasant memories then. The challenge of recall? "It's alright if you don't remember," she said, though she wasn't entirely sure it was. She let him go and sat up as he reached for his sword. Not wanting to seem like she was pushing him too hard, she waited silently for a few more moments while he looked it over. After a while, she spoke up again. "What's on your mind?" Something had clearly hit him, but she had no way of knowing what. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/22/2024 1:51 PM
He got up without a second thought and grabbed the vampire queens blade. I do… I know why I even let her do what she did… it makes sense now. We had no other choice. She wanted no one else… she wouldn’t give it to anyone else. He quite frankly probably sounded pretty god damn insane as he slowly slit his hand open with the queens blade. He winced as he did so. Both swords glowed, his main one glowing purple and the queens blade when a vibrant red with a strange tint of purple now at the taste of his blood. He put the blades down, one crossed over the other. The drops of blood transferring from one to the other. Strange runic symbols covered the sides of the blades facing up. He had no idea what they meant really but his lady might’ve. She didn’t have long though, the light from the blades grew uncontrollably bright, blinding even. He recoiled a bit in shock, covering his eyes. The whole castle as a whole would shake along with the room before after a minute or so, a beacon shot skywards, a glowing purple and red beautiful array of a dancing purple dragon and a red snake, raveling skywards together. But only one blade remained now. Perhaps it was the one they were looking for. Perhaps it wasn’t. He didn’t know. He looked to Rikuma, his hand still bleeding but a complete afterthought now, his blood dripping onto the floor as he was mesmerized by the beacon. There was a hole in the roof where it went through… it didn’t seem to have an end either… I.. I only remember her showing me this after our time together… it wasn’t like this though… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/25/2024 3:53 AM
It seemed it was his turn to ramble, though it didn't make as much sense as when she did. She watched him as she sat up, uncertain of just what it was he was talking about. "Crosby... what the fuck are you doing?" Her voice switched from calmly puzzled to worried as he slit his hand open. She and Nainda were the blood magic users, but she couldn't fathom why he'd need to injure himself. Then the blades began to glow and she froze, watching the runes appear. She knew these sigils, had read and memorized them before. AHer eyes widened with the realization, then screwed shut as the brightness blinded her. She fell back onto the bed, burying her face in the pillows. The door burst open as Eletea ran in first, one hand engulfed in the water orb she held at the ready. "What hap-?" She stopped in her tracks as she spotted the beacon and the sword. It was almost nothing on its own, an ashen-grey steel blade with a deceptively simple hilt. But at the pommel, a large garnet gleamed and glowed with its magic, and the symbols remained engraved along the flat of its blade. Nainda and Corinne stood behind Eletea. After a moment, the shaking stopped, and Rikuma picked her head back up to look at the new sword. "It was here all along," she said, her voice barely above a whisper of awe. "We have Ashrune." Ashrune had been hidden in its tomb but, somehow, it had been brought out and divided. No, that wasn't quite it... it had been a matter of translation. The Thauvian words for "entombment" and "division" were written the same. It made sense, explained the conflicting accounts of where the weapon had been hidden. A simple misreading had change the course of their journey. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/25/2024 7:44 AM
He didn’t exactly answer her of course. He was all too focused on what he was doing. He squeezed his hand shut now, mainly to try to contain the bleeding at least somewhat. He looked to the others quietly, mainly gauging everyone’s reaction to what he just did, and probably how stupid he looked too for just doing this whole ritual without a second thought at all. After a few moments he reached for the hilt. However the moment he made contact with the weapon. His eyes went grey and glazed over. A barrage of memories hit him at once. His blood dripping onto the blade, his veins would flare purple as he saw the locations of pieces of his past. Pieces of him all connected with memories to his past, all separated by the witch and the empire to ensure no one could retrace his steps or path. But lone behold, here he was defying the empire once again. The last thing to flash before his eyes was him at the battle, the one where it all ended. He stood before the general, the one who adorned the cloak he wore currently. Then his final orders, do not let the empire live another day. For if they shall, our men’s sacrafice will all be in vain. There will be no second chance.” With that it all went back to normal. His hand wrapping around the hilt of the blade, staring at it. A somber expression upon his face. He remembered the moment he picked this sword up when the general fell. It was his final orders to him. I’m sorry for not telling you first what I was doing… I didn’t even remember what it did… besides that it was how we created the weapon last time… The sword weighed heavily in his hands, not literally though. Just there was a lot of memories and emotions attached to it… especially for him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/25/2024 9:31 AM
The group was silent for a moment, aside from Crosby's apology. Then the stillness broke as Rikuma wrapped her arms around him, careful not to catch her arms on the blade. She wasn't sure exactly what it was she was feeling or how to vocalize it, but she knew where to go from here. "This is exactly what we needed," she said softly. "You're going to save us all." And she'd make sure he got the chance to. She kissed his cheek, then let go of him. "Eletea?" Eletea dismissed her water orb and closed the distance between them. "On it." She reached toward Crosby's hand, a blue light surrounding both of them as she healed the cut. "Good. I wasn't looking forward to looking for the damn thing." "So we can go straight to the capital," Nainda said. "Is there a chance the Emperor knows we have it?" Corinne asked. Nainda shook her head. "His orders were to stop you before you could find it. That was why he had his troops attack Waterdeep. He might know you have both halves, but he doesn't think you have the entire weapon." "But we should assume he does, just in case," Rikuma pointed out. "Because that beam of light seemed like a pretty obvious signal." Nainda, Corinne, and Eletea looked up at the new hole in the ceiling. "Fair point," Corinne said. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/25/2024 12:33 PM
The beacon soon vanished after Rikuma pointed it out. The energy’s channeling through him into the blade… a strange combination of purple and red would ripple across its surface passively, like an electric lake of sorts. He looked to her as she said she’d save them all. His faith and confidence in himself was dwindling considering what he jest saw. Could he pull it off this time? Surely the empire would know what was coming now having already faced him once before. Before we head there… I’d like to do a few things first if possible. I want him to remember those he’s slayed and those he’s wronged in his final dwindling moments. He said it quietly grimly, maybe a bit coldly too. He would’ve sheathed the blade if he could but Rikuma holding him like she did sort of hindered that. But it didn’t matter, he glanced to Nainda. What are the nearest two kingdoms from here under the empires control? And how far are they? I’d like to retrieve what they stole from me and my brothers before we head on into battle. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 3/31/2024 11:29 AM
Rikuma let him go, since it seemed they would be continuing on their way soon. So she let the other two to their chat while she made sure she had everything she needed. The vampiric mist floated outside of the window, so she walked over to it. If it went too long without new orders, it would go rogue and feed indiscriminately, but she wasn't about to waste a perfectly good undead. "Let's get you a new home." She cut the tip of her finger on the side of her blade and drew a blood ward on the hilt. "With this sigil, I bind you to this weapon until it is time to feast again," she said, speaking quietly to avoid interrupting the other conversation in the room. Meanwhile, Nainda answered his questions. "That would be Nebureth to the north and Zalan to the east," she explained. "A week's journey to either one on foot, so we would have better luck getting horses from the nearest town to cut down on our travel time." She tilted her head. "But it could be wasted time if they don't have anything from your previous army." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 3/31/2024 11:52 AM
He was a little too distracted by Nainda to see what Rikuma was doing. It wasn’t the first time the queens power was contained in a weapon either. He stood up and sheathed his new weapon. He wasn’t exactly looking like a mega meat head anymore… more like someone serious on correcting the empires mistakes. He looked to everyone in his party individually, gauging everyone’s reaction one last time before turning to Nainda. I might be able to get us faster transportation… albeit I don’t know how well he’ll respond being brought back to this plane of existence again… He looked to his tattoo. I just need to find whatever piece I’m missing near here… I believe it’s still somewhere in this castle.. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/1/2024 3:10 PM
Everyone else's expressions remained just as serious. Even Rikuma's, despite her apparent distraction. The red mist phased in through the window, funneling toward the blood ward on her sword. It glowed faintly when the mist had disappeared into it fully, then returned to its previous silver sheen. She sheathed it and turned toward Crosby while he spoke. "What sort of faster transportation?" she asked, walking over to him. "We'll find whatever it is you need in this castle, but if you have any more information on it, that would be a great help." She rested her hand on his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze to signal her support. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/1/2024 11:54 PM
The purple dragon. He said quite simply. He ran a hand through his hair before closing his eyes, trying to use the ring to locate where it was. All he needed was a direction first. It’s below us somehow. Is there a dungeon? Or where’s the queens room, there might be a hidden room there. She probably knew much better to keep this hidden from me more than the sword. He knew what else it could do, it would extremely useful in the final battle. Although he might be quite costly to call upon after all this time… hopefully all those vampires was enough though… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/7/2024 1:29 PM
Summoning rarely occurred without a price. For necromancers, it was some blood, a body, or a shorter lifespan. Rikuma was fine with that - it was predictable, something she could do the math with and calculate the risk for. She had no clue what summoning the purple dragon would entail. She could only hope for the best, especially if they were limited in options. Besides, she'd heard the voice of Crosby's patron earlier. Yes, that voice had straddled the line between righteousness and bloodlust, but the patron had also been on their side. She only hoped that wouldn't change. "Let's call on this dragon, then." She looked over at Nainda. "The Queen's room is deep within the crypt beneath this castle," Nainda explained. "Very well protected. Or it was, but we should have that taken care of now. The dungeon is further down from there if we don't find what we need in her chambers." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/7/2024 2:16 PM
He didn’t either. He hadn’t exactly ever tried to summon the dragon. They had called upon it once to fight a big beast alongside them, but he didn’t know what the beast was. He nodded as he listened and offered Rikuma his hand to take. then we should get going, there’s no more time to waste now. The empire will surely know exactly where we are now after that. Lead the way Nainda. He was worried slightly now but tried his best to hide it. He may have absolutely blew what little stealth they had with that beacon. But it was in the past now. They had what they needed for the most part now…. Hopefully. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/8/2024 3:26 PM
Nainda led the way out of the bedroom and toward the spiral staircase leading down. The path was dark and steep, illuminated only by sparse torches set into the walls. As they drew further down, the air grew colder, causing Eletea to pull her coat tighter and Corinne to cling to Nainda. Eventually, the stairwell opened up to a level stone floor. The crypt chamber was massive and lined with an assortment of bones in the walls. Rikuma's eyes widened at the sight as she turned her head every way to get a good look at it all. "Well, damn," she breathed. "This would be such a good defensive system. If we'd been here during the fight..." She grinned at the thought, until Corinne spoke up. "Didn't you already wear yourself out enough?" she asked. Rikuma sighed and followed Nainda to the huge door at the end of the chamber. As the door creacked open, it revealed a bedroom. The canopy bed was large enough for six or seven people to sleep comfortably, but there was also a coffin beside it. A portrait of the late Vampire Queen bathing in blood occupied one wall. At the foot of the bed, three chests were lined up, all of them locked. "I can get those open," Corinne said confidently. "What exactly is it we're looking for, though?" Rikuma asked Crosby. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/9/2024 12:17 AM
He wasn’t bothered all much by the cold at the moment as much as he should’ve been. He was way too focused on his feelings. As they got deeper into crypt, his skin began to crawl. An uneasy feeling working its way through him for some reason. Something didn’t feel right. But one thing did, the two separate artifacts he thought were at different kingdoms both seemed to be down here… they were trying to lead him on a goose chase. He frowned a little at that fact but it was no matter. He was going to find them either way sooner or later. Them all being here would’ve made sense, the queen was supposed to stop him dead in his tracks but she failed. I should only have one thing left, my brooch. It’s well, a purple dragon of course. But…. Something else is calling to me in here. It feels… odd. He looked around the room quietly. He let go of Rikuma’s hand. He saw the painting and walked over to it, following that exact feeling, the calling, the gnawing at him. Something was begging him to see it free… he carefully picked up the painting and moved it aside. Behind it laid a box cut out, a glass case with a small light illuminating the mask… he stared at it quietly. It seemed to be made of wood by the looks of it, but not any normal wood as it went from brown at the center to black around the edges. There was prongs coming from the center of the piece along with a golden painted mass of tentacles. It didn’t exactly look like something with good intentions by any means… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/10/2024 11:10 AM
'Something' was rather vague, and Rikuma couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding as he spoke. "Let's... focus on your brooch," she suggested. "It's more definite, and we know you actually need it. We can't lose track of our goals here." Even so, she followed in his footsteps, admittedly curious as to what else he was looking for. She stood on her toes to peek over his shoulders as he moved the painting to reveal a glass case. She narrowed her eyes at the mask, not trusting it for even a second as she reached up and grabbed his arm. She couldn't read his mind, but she could guess at what he might want to do about the mask calling to him. "Don't touch unknown magical items," she warned, then looked back at Nainda. "Do you know what this thing is? Tentacle imagery seems like something you'd be familiar with." "More than you realize, darling," Nainda commented, then walked over. She squinted at the mask, trying to recall what it was. "Hm..." While they spoke, Corinne opened the first of the chests and began to rummage through it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/10/2024 12:19 PM
Well of course like the meat head he was, he instantly went reaching for it. But he promptly stopped with her grabbing his arm, his eyes being drawn away as he looked to her arm and then to her. He sighed but nodded as Rikuma said that. It was still beckoning him forth, even within its confines. But he waited for Nainda. Right… sorry. Just… I feel like I’ve seen it before for some reason… She might know this, it was a demonic visage after all. Well known as spellbreaker by some, it was known for its one main ability, blurring the user whenever they were targeted by magic. And also for the fact it was used a feared black dragon knight… rumor has it that fear was caused by this mask when you stepped to close to them and you weren’t friendly. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/10/2024 2:55 PM
"The Black Dragon Knight used it before," Nainda said. "I can't see the design, but I can sense the energy radiating from it. It struck fear into any enemies nearby, and made its wearer more challenging to target with magic. In the wrong hands, it could be dangerous." She stepped back from it, now that she had figured out an answer. "If it's demonic, let's destroy it," Eletea suggested from behind them. Rikuma shook her head. "You can't dismiss something simply because you disapprove of its origins," she said. "It sounds potentially useful, under the correct circumstances and in the hands of someone trustworthy." There were some concerns, but fewer now that she had some clue of what it was. "Do you know if there are any consequences for its wearer?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/10/2024 11:52 PM
There was not any known consequences. But then again, no one was able to ever get close enough to the user to know. He was always alone. But either way, to Crosby, this sounded like a risk worth taking, especially considering the last time he failed was magic. He took Rikuma’s hand off his arm and opened the case. I’m taking it. He said sternly. We’re going to need all the help we can get. A few inches before he touched it, runes covered his arms. He paused and looked to them. Three of them to be exact. He could actually read them for once. They were in draconic. Justice… vengeance… end… He mumbled under his breath. He reached for it again, if anyone was going to stop him, it’d be now or never. Otherwise he’d grab it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/11/2024 3:40 PM
"As far as anyone knows, it is not overtly harmful," Nainda said. "But detailed enough accounts to be certain are rare - it only means that there have been no obvious side effects for the user. I would advise discretion in its use." Rikuma looked up at the ceiling for a moment, considered it, then shrugged. "That is good enough for me. I trust my chosen consort's judgment," she said. Eletea gave Rikuma one of her signature looks, filled with a different sort of judgment, but Rikuma ignored her. Despite the princess's words, Nainda still placed a hand on Crosby's arm, not fully stopping him, but warning him. "Are you completely sure about it?" she asked. "If we don't know the risks, we don't know if the benefits outweigh them. I want you to really think about this first." Meanwhile, Corinne had started rummaging through the second chest. She pulled out a purple, dragon-shaped brooch and looked closely at it. She examined every detail, attempting to determine whether it was the one they sought, or a decoy. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/12/2024 12:07 AM
He wasn’t surprised Rikuma supported him. But when Nainda stoppef him, he did sort of second question it. Now he was reconsidering. If she was skeptical, that wasn’t good. He looked to the mask for a few brief moments before drawing his hand back. I’ll think about it. He turned to Corrine as he felt that all too familiar presence. He walked over and knelt down beside her to look at it too. Looks exactly how I had it all those years ago… It was beautiful, it seemed to be made of countless purple gems that formed into the shape of a dragon with black gems on the edge as the outline. He put his hand out to Corrine. can I have it please? Inside that chest, there was a strange piece of cloth too, a large piece… it had the same symbol as on his cloak. If she pulled it out, she’d realize it was one of the war banners they carried into battle against the vampires and the empire. He hadn’t noticed it yet. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/13/2024 2:27 PM
Rikuma's attention lingered for a moment on the mask. She couldn't help but be curious of just how it had ended up here. It would have been a lie to say that she didn't consider reaching for it herself. But striking fear into one's enemies risked making one a target, and she knew better than to do so. She had things to accomplish and, with them so close to her lifelong goal, her life was finally too valuable to throw away. She stepped away and looked over at the others. As Corinne handed the brooch to him, she looked back into the chest. There it was, a large cloth. She could make out a swath of purple in the shape of a wing. It was easy enough to guess what the item was, but she wasn't about to risk tearing it. She started to empty the chest of anything else on top of it, and Nainda and Eletea soon reached down to help her out. Soon, the banner was revealed, and Rikuma walked over. "Let me see it." She picked it up carefully, making sure it was neatly folded before she looked at Crosby. "Do you want to have this on display on our way to the capital? I can hold onto it until then." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/14/2024 5:00 AM
He carefully opened the cloth and observed it. It was most definitely the right one. Memories flashed through his mind and before his eyes. But it only lasted for a few moments before he attached it to his cloak. It looked quite nice of course. But his attention shifted away as Rikuma spoke. He nodded. I’d love to have it on display. But we could also wrap the mask in it just in case… The mask still whispered to him, begging him to take it. To set it free from its confines. To make it feared again… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/14/2024 12:22 PM
Rikuma looked back toward the mask as he mentioned it. So it seemed they would be bringing it, after all. "Until we find something else to wrap it in," she agreed. "Preferably something that contains its power better than its current casing. You know, just in case bringing it doesn't turn out to be such a good idea after all." She walked over to the case that held the mask, looking for some sort of unlocking mechanism. Eletea and Nainda, more cautious still, gave the couple matching looks of disapproval, but didn't comment. Meanwhile, Corinne stood back up and made sure the chest was fully shut. She didn't bother putting its contents back in, since it wasn't like anyone lived here anymore. "Now, we were gonna summon a purple dragon, right?" she asked. "Let's stay on track." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/14/2024 1:08 PM
He glanced to Rikuma and nodded. Seems the only way to set the mask free was to break the glass casing. A noisy way to do it for sure and a way to potentially hurt herself is he wasn’t careful. He looked to Eletea and Nainda, he could feel the disapproval, he may have been a lawful warrior but he still could dip into evil if times called for it. He wasn’t all pure and goodness after all. What’s in the third chest? He asked Corrine before closing his eyes, he took a deep breath in and clasped his hands together, almost like he was praying. Not even seconds later his tattoo was glowing bright, his veins doing the same, even those on his face. His hair levitating slightly, his eyes opened after a few seconds and rolled back. He was speaking to his patron now… he was deathly still while doing so, not breathing at all. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/17/2024 2:12 PM
Rikuma stepped back from the case, considered for a moment, then unhooked her sword's scabbard from its belt. It was too small a task for the energy that would go into summoning a bone construct, so she simply slammed the sword's pommel against the case, shattering the glass. A shard made it far enough to scratch her hand, but it healed quickly enough. Her grimace was due more to the sound than anything as she put the scabbard back in place. Her movements were more careful as she reached into the case, not wanting to catch herself on the jagged edges of the broken case. The mask came out easily, and she couldn't help but stare at it once it was out of the case and in her hands. It was mesmerizing, honestly. And why shouldn't she be the one to keep it? "I don't know," Corinne admitted. "Haven't checked yet. You wanna find out?" She was already kneeling in front of the third chest and working on picking the lock. Eletea watched Crosby, but didn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt. Meanwhile, Nainda walked over to Rikuma. "Let's get this wrapped back up," the warlock said softly, startling Rikuma by putting a hand on her shoulder. "You should be stronger than it." Rikuma looked down and nodded, wrapping the mask up in Crosby's banner. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/18/2024 12:04 AM
She could keep it, there wasn’t much stopping her at the moment besides her honor code. He was unmoving at the glass breaking surprisingly. However mere moments later he returned to reality and returned to normal. The glowing fading instantly. He rubbed his eyes and sighed. He forgot how much energy contacting his patron took to do. He said no. Only to call him during my darkest hour when I need him most. He wasn’t surprised by the response. The dragon was near godlike, wasting his time on something so pathetic was an insult. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/18/2024 2:42 PM
Rikuma walked back over to Crosby, carrying the bundle of the mask wrapped in his banner. "He? I think you referred to the dragon differently before," she commented. "Different dragon?" "Either a different dragon, or it's never too late for self-discovery, even when you're a dragon," Eletea commented. "Does it matter either way?" She sighed. "Looks like we won't be getting help from him right now." Rikuma nodded in agreement, then held the bundle out to Crosby. The memory of the way it had not quite spoken to her, but she had felt its influence, lingered in her mind. More distance between her and it would be for the best, until she could find a way to fully block it out. "What matters is that we have all we need, and then some." She looked back at Corinne. "Is there anything useful in the third chest?" Corinne sighed. "Just a bunch of clothes... oooo!" She pulled out a blush-coloured dress made from some sort of flowy material with long sleeves that fell off the shoulders. "This one is cute though." She stood up. "What do you think? Would it suit me?" Eletea rolled her eyes, but Nainda smiled warmly. "You would be beautiful in it, darling." Nainda kissed the top of Corinne's head, then remembered the situation, and stepped away from the near-melting cait sidhe. "Anyway, we should be on our way. It is bound to be a long journey." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/19/2024 8:04 AM
Same dragon. Sorry. It is a “he”. He took the wrapped up mask, storing it on a hook beneath his cloak. It was out of sight, no way anyone would know it was there unless they previously knew about it. thank you love. He looked to Corrine too and quietly observed the group. He couldn’t help but smirk at bit at Nainda. It was sort of funny watching these two flirt and then Corrine melt. Then again…. He did the same sometimes. But that was besides the point. Indeed. I don’t think we should linger here too long… there’s probably forces from the empire already looking for us here because of that beacon…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/20/2024 4:18 AM
Eletea nodded, grateful to be on the move instead of standing around while the couple flirted. She wasn't even sure whether the warlock and artificer were a couple, but they were sure as hell acting like it. "Let's go, then. But I'm not sure they would really risk coming into the cursed forest, without knowing that all of the vampires are dead. We don't even know all of them are." "They are," Rikuma confirmed. "And regardless, Aubron is not particularly concerned about the lives of his subjects, nobility or not," Nainda added, old pain flashing across her expression at the memory of her son's death. "If he thinks he will reach us, nothing is stopping him from ending the curse on the forest to make travel easier for his armies." She turned to leave the room, pushing the doors open so they could leave. "So let's go. Crosby, make sure to protect the princess, in case the sun has returned." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/20/2024 5:56 AM
He wasn’t sure if they were official or not. But in his mind, they absolutely were with the way the two acted. He nodded in acknowledgment. Now the stakes were high and extremely real. At any day, at any moment could Aubron’s forces be upon them. Or they could be upon his. It was only a matter of time. He of course took Rikuma’s hand as per usual like it was second instinct and began to go out the same way they came in. I will, with my honor and life. He said it quite simply like it was no big deal, but for a purple dragon knight, that sentence was an oath. One he could not break now. And as for if he breaks the curse and his army comes? Let them. We’ll show them a taste of what’s been stirring all this time now. All the little details he’s missed and all the people he’s wronged. We’ll strike him down like a vicious venomous snake in a field. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/21/2024 3:10 AM
Rikuma squeezed his hand, grateful for his company. In truth, now that they had Ashrune, either Nainda or Eletea could have wielded it. But she was glad it was him. He and Corinne were the two he trusted most of anyone. She walked out with him, glancing down at her sword. It still hummed with the magic of the mist sealed inside. She would likely have it feed again soon, if they encountered Aubron's forces out here. It would be weaker in sunlight, but functional nonetheless. As Nainda had warned, the sun shone once again upon the forest as they left the castle. She tried to bury her face in Crosby's cloak so she could adjust to the light, but doing so while walking proved a challenge. Around them, the ruins of the cursed forest were illuminated. The trees were long dead, leafless wood frozen and petrified in place. What may have once been foliage lay rotten around them, and everything sparkled with ice crystals where every bit of moisture that had been in the forest had been frozen with the sun's disappearance. "They won't be far off," Nainda said. "Be prepared for a fight." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/21/2024 3:21 AM
He trusted her the most of course and then Corrine. As for the other two, Nainda was definitely last. Just… something about her was throwing him off at times. His patron giving him silent warnings and signals about it at times. He instead wrapped his cloak around her to shroud her from the light. It was more than big enough to do such. Only a small sliver of light got in, enough to slowly let her adjust. His eyes remained sharp towards the surrounding forest as he expected the worst. But he had his arm sort of across Rikuma’s shoulders to guide her as they walked along. It all looks so different now… He was in a slight awe of the landscape around them. But that was only short lived. right. We should more than likely try to stick off of the main path then as dumb as that sounds. They’ll expect us to follow it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/22/2024 12:59 AM
"Lead the way," Rikuma told him, because she couldn't exactly see much right now. Out here in the open, she was reminded just how warm the air got when the sun shone freely on the land. As her eyes began to adjust to the light, she reached out to slowly shift the cloak away from her face. No doubt it would all get rather muddy once the frost melted. It had already begun, the ground softening beneath their feet as they walked. Even inland, with no rain, it was bound to get uncomfortable eventually, and she found herself grateful for all of the flood walls she'd had built around the Rashouran islands. "Just be mindful that we don't get lost," Nainda commented. "It is easy to find yourself lost in such places, curse or not." Eletea looked over at Corinne. "You have claws. Can't you mark the trees to keep track of our location?" "What, and make us easier to track?" Corinne asked. "I don't think so." "Let's just walk as straight as possible," Rikuma said. "And talk less, unless you want to be easy to find anyway." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/22/2024 8:32 AM
He nodded quietly in agreement with Rikuma. The less talking and less evidence they left behind, the better. He decided to flank right off the path, just a little bit. The path would still be in sight but they were just enough off of it that if they needed to move out of sight, they most certainly would within a few moments. Like the magical item it was, not once did the cloak get caught on any roots or anything despite it being “free dangling”. His eyes scanned the forest around and then glanced back to his party. He had to make sure everyone was okay of course. If we do manager to get to the empire without interface, what’s the plan from there? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/23/2024 2:26 AM
"We're in the Empire already," Rikuma said. "It's the capital we're trying to get to." "Don't be pedantic," Corinne said, then paused. "So... we have the weapon. Straight to the Emperor?" Rikuma considered. A direct path would give the enemy less time to prepare, but the same could be said for themselves. No, it was better to attack in full force; he knew they were coming, and would have all of his security around him. "No," she said. "We'll make sure everyone is well fed and rested, then I'll summon General Scolen to lead the charge. We can't waste our own energy on Aubron's security, or we'll be spent before we even reach..." She trailed off and stopped walking, grabbing hold of Crosby's hand to stop him. "I hear footsteps," she whispered. Corinne's ears twitched, and she nodded to confirm. Nainda stepped further from the path and gestured toward the others to follow. "This way," she whispered. "We can follow the river through here." Aubron's army would inevitably avoid it, due to the flood risk, but they had a water genasi on their side. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 4/23/2024 12:49 PM
Oh. He hadn’t quite realized. It’d been a longggg while since he’d come this way. And none of this looked familiar in the sunlight of course. It was dark and evil when he came through many years ago. He of course paused and went to reach for his weapon with his free hand. He couldn’t hear anything, then again, he probably had some of the worst hearing in the party, especially considering he’d been exposed to a war and open cannon fire. Of course he chose to stay quiet and simply nodded. It was best to stay as stealthy as possible now. They were across enemy frontlines. He followed Nainda for obvious reasons. He didn’t dare to question it. He looked to see if Rikuma was alright, and then the water genasi. She had been quite awfully quiet… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 4/30/2024 9:49 AM
The others followed along as well. Only Eletea appeared unhappy about the turn of events. "I will have an advantage if the river floods with the melting," she whispered once they were away from their previous path, "but what of the rest of you? It appears to me that the Marquis is leading you to drown." "Don't be dramatic," Corinne said. "Rivers do not flood all at once. We'll have more than enough warning when too much has melted." Eletea sighed. "And at this rate, it will be weeks before we make it to the capital. Who knows what the Emperor will do in that timeframe?" She looked over at Nainda. "Are you sure there's no way around the magical transport block?" she asked. "You were a noblewoman, after all. Not to mention a military leader." Nainda shook her head. "Only Aubron's own direct forces have the counter spell that would allow them to use transport scrolls within the Empire. Provincial and local military units have always had to travel on foot. Even nobility." Rikuma remained silent and close to Crosby. Her ears were perked up, trying to listen for any further signs of danger. A soft breeze blew in their direction, carrying the sound and smell of a river that had begun trickling after centuries spent frozen. There was something else to it as well. An odd scent, one that carried a sort of magic with it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 6:12 AM
He just looked to each person one by one as they spoke just like he usually did. His eyes following the conversation. Although surely there must’ve have been a different shortcut besides what was mentioned already. Maybe it just…. Wasn’t visible? He looked to the direction of the river. May I ask where the river goes? Can we use it to our advantage for transportation at all? He was simply trying to think outside the box, something the meat head didn’t do too often. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/1/2024 6:22 AM
Rikuma considered as well. "If we had a boat, maybe. But that would still include waiting for the river to finish melting, and I don't know if any of the wood here would be useful, and a bone ship requires more than one necromancer to navigate. Also a lot of bones... where does the river lead, though? Would it be viable if we did find suitable materials somewhere?" Nainda nodded. "It would, in theory. The river flows from the mountain lakes and lets out near the port in the capital city. The Empire uses it for much of our trade though, so we would have to consider the possibility of encountering other ships, and the inevitability of passing through other major cities. It's not the safest to take it all the way, but Crosby could be on to something." She continued walking for a bit, then stopped and looked back. "If you would like to wait for the water to melt, we can do so here." Closer to the magic's source, its drowsy effects took hold quickly. Rikuma was the first to succumb, falling against Crosby as she lost consciousness. Nainda wrapped an arm around Corinne's waist for balance moments before the sidhe fainted as well. "But I must apologize for the faster route," Nainda added softly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 6:30 AM
He knew they couldn’t wait for the River to melt. That would be… stupid and a major waste of time. Time they definitely didn’t have. He caught Rikuma of course, his eyes widening a bit. What the hell? He glanced to Corrine and saw she was down too. He of course briefly looked to see if Eletea was also. Then his eyes shifted upwards to Nainda. Memories flashing through his eyes, a wave of anger spreading across his face. He’d seen a spell like this before. This was the same one it looked like when he fell under. If this spell had evil intention behind it, his ring would start glowing purple to let him know such. His cold forest green eyes locked upon the warlock. Was Eletea right not to trust her? You led us into a trap didn’t you!? He of course accused her based on the way she said it. He took a few steps back if he could with Rikuma. @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 5/1/2024 6:54 AM
Eletea had passed out as well, with nobody around to catch her. Nainda focused first on slowly lowering Corinne to the ground. A gem on one of Nainda's rings glowed softly, protecting her from the spell's effects. She just had to wait for it to take hold of Crosby. Or to hope that nothing on him granted immunity from the sorceress's spell; it would be trouble if he was still in fighting condition. Maybe she should have led them closer to the sorceress's location before stopping. Math had never been her strong point. She stood tall, meeting his gaze unflinchingly. "I did what is necessary," she said evenly. "This will all be easier if you cooperate." Footsteps approached from downstream as a company of armed and heavily armored men approached. Nainda gave them a nod of acknowledgment and stepped aside. "Good work, Your Ladyship," the man at the lead said. "We will take it from here." "It is for the best if I accompany you, to give my full intelligence report," Nainda said, then turned her attention to the soldier picking up Corinne. "Be careful with her," she warned. "The Emperor may not care for treating prisoners with courtesy, but I am not him; I am only your key to success." Her wording was careful, deliberate, though the one she truly spoke the last sentence to was not the Thauvian soldier. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 12:46 PM
He watched for a few brief moments as realization set in. A dreadful feeling stirring within… fear. Seeing it all happen again before him… losing everything they’d worked so hard for up until this point in this one very moment. No… no…. NO! He wouldn’t let that happen. They’d come too far now. The calling within the cloak grew stronger. A demand like no other clenched his heart and soul. It was over now. He reached into his cloak, the moment his fingers touched the mask, a wave of fear unlike anything else would ripple through the poor soldiers who dared to stand in his way. Their worst nightmares would fill their head on an endless loop, screams of their loved ones dying in brutal ways would flash before their eyes… and then their deaths if they wished to stand against him. Long smoky serpent like black dragons emerged from the mask and all flew into his arms and veins. He took one final glance to Nainda, a hateful one. One such glance that would be burned into her head for what remained of the rest of her life. With the mask on, he was immune to the spell this time. This seemed to be the missing piece he needed to defeat the sorceress, and she stupidly handed it right to him. He drew Ashrune, a floating half purple and black dragon crest formed above his head. A claim… a marking… a symbol. One long since forgotten but today it remerged from the legends. The mark of the death of the empire. He laughed manically beneath the mask. Black wisp like dragons stretched from him to each ally of his, but most went to Rikuma. To his ally’s, a powerful command would fill their heads. Hopefully it was enough to break the spell, he was focusing most of his energy on awakening Rikuma. As he spoke the words into existence, his voice had changed. It had become more… powerful…his words laced with an oozing formidable power unlike anything else. One such power potentially strong enough even to crack the warlock. His ring, cloak, and brooch all emitted a purple hue. Awaken my (edited)
12:46 PM
Friends… for there is nothing to fear but me…. For I am fear. He raised his blade to Nainda, Ashrune pointing directly at her, a purple shimmering light surrounded him along with Rikuma, Corrine, and Eletea… a shield. Upon the blade, the runes carved into it lit up like they did when the blade first combined. You have made one fatal mistake by crossing me Nainda. And it shall be your LAST. For I am fear, for I am justice…. I am the last purple dragon knight of Cormyr. I will avenge my brothers, my mother, and all those your empire has wronged. For I am… VENGEANCE. @Al the Killer (edited)
Nainda Townsend BOT 5/1/2024 1:01 PM
It was easy enough to pick up. The shift of danger, the realization that she shouldn't have counted on him to be able to take a hint. "You damn fool," she whispered. The fear spread from him, and she could hear the panic of the men behind her as her plan for revenge fell apart. Personally, she had had worse. A century of psychological torment from her own patron had ensured that. But if things didn't calm down, they would never make it to the capital. "The spell will wear off when we arrive with no side effects." The one advantage of the situation was that she could speak freely while the other members of the party began to stir. She stepped as close as the blade would allow her, raising both hands to show she remained unarmed. "Kill me after we arrive in the capital, Crosby. My life is the only thing that wasn't already taken from me, and I don't care if I'm alive to see an end to this, as long as it happens. But don't doom your own mission here." Every instinct screamed at her to reach for her dagger, to fight back against the clear danger in front of her. She forced herself to remain still. "It is not too late to feign surrender." Corinne was the first to sit up, blinking sleep from her eyes. "What...?" She looked at Crosby, then at Nainda and the fear-deafened soldiers behind her. "What's going on?" she asked groggy. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 1:17 PM
Of course he completely missed this nonexistent “hint”. He wouldn’t say it to her face but he had major trust issues deep down with her. Ever since she triggered such a dreadful memory the first time the group did “it”. And then the way she carried herself and how she spoke… something about it was throwing him off. But that was besides the point. She could have the blade up to her throat if she so chose, but she still wouldn’t be able to reach his hands or arms if she tried due to its length. It wasn’t no normal longsword by any means. He tilted his head sideways, a bit. He looked absolutely dreadfully insane while he did so. Almost like the vampires queen blade was having an influence on him. Not a good one mixed with the mask. His grip grew visibly tighter on the blade. But he looked beside Nainda and saw Corrine awaken. I will not be put under such a spell ever again by that wretched witch. As much as he wanted to seriously kill her for this “betrayal”. It clicked this was part of a plan. He was still angered she didn’t tell them before hand. He hated being left in the dark… and most above all.. betrayed and defeated. He reached for the mask with his free hand and took it off, his iris’ were a beautiful purple for a few seconds before they returned to their normal color. The sorceress’s spell may or may not be still warded off for Rikuma and the others. He was fine though, he put the mask back in the cloak. I will personally make you pay worse than whatever power has control over you if you wrong me Nainda Townsend. He sheathed his blade for now, all the glowing and hues fading. His shield vanishing… at least out of sight. It may have been up still. No way of telling. If you need to restrain me so be it. But your sleep and knock out spells will not work on me. Despite her reasoning with him, he still held Rikuma quite close, protectively for now. He didn’t trust her too much after this. She’d made a serious misjudgment. @Al the Killer (edited)
Nainda Townsend BOT 5/1/2024 2:00 PM
Nainda couldn't hide the relief from her expression as he finally listened. "That is fine," she said, then lowered her voice to a whisper. "But I do apologize; I will need to make it appear as though we fought. Pretend to be unconscious, and leave Ashrune with me for now. I can only provide my assurance that I have never lied to you." Then she darted toward him and aimed a punch at his jaw, putting in all of the speed she could muster, but holding back on real strength. Corinne might have gasped, if the spell hadn't taken effect on them again right after he removed the mask. She was instead unconscious, along with Rikuma and Eletea. "He is defeated," Nainda announced to the gathered soldiers as the spell on them broke. "Restrain him, and we will take all of them to the capital. The Emperor will want all of them interrogated." Of course, she would see to their escape long before they could be harmed. It was a promise she had already made, and she bound herself to it, no matter how self-interested her goals were at heart. If nothing else, she understood vengeance. She could only hope Corinne would understand her actions as well. She won't, intoned the chorus of her patron's voices. As is for the best. You can only destroy. Perhaps. But she at least had a choice of who she destroyed. The Empire that had killed her son would pay, no matter what happened to her. She reached down to collect Ashrune, as well as Rikuma's weapon. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 2:40 PM
She was lucky he did. He did want to put a sword through her skull but decided not to for now. She was lucky she was convincing enough. If you lose this weapon, the whole plan goes out the window. Keep it safe. He growled at her, a wedge was driven between them now. But he did at least go along with the plan, simply because he knew the options were limited. It would’ve taken a lot more than that to actually knock him out. He stumbled backward and then hit the ground like a bag of rocks. But he did pretend well enough to be unconscious surprisingly, almost like he’d done it before. Strange. He made sure he took most of the brunt of falling to the ground for him and Rikuma. He couldn’t risk the fragile necromancer getting hurt. As she picked up Ashrune, it was unbearably heavy. She’d have to drag it, it wasn’t his choice but his patrons who could wield it. And she surely wasn’t allowed to. Especially after that stunt and already having a nasty patron. The dragon couldn’t speak to her because of that fact. But if she did drag it, it’d be perfectly unscathed, it was impossible to damage by normal means. Or by any known means at least. As he laid dormant, he listened, to everything, closely. Although at the same time he did speak with the dragon about his newest piece of equipment. His trap card persay… @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 5/1/2024 3:01 PM
Nainda picked up Rikuma's sword with ease, and dragged Ashrune alone without complaint. She nodded to the company's commander, knowing this was her last chance to side with the Empire. Knowing she would pass it up gladly. The captain approached, and they vanished from the once-cursed forest. Their new surroundings were cold and white, a sterilized sort of prison. Clean enough to almost cover up what went on in its interrogation rooms. A space in the middle of the capital city, with enough ambient pain to feed her power as though it were her own suffering. On a moral level, she wasn't a fan of the methods, but on a practical level, they would serve for now. "Wait until they all are awake before interrogating any of the others," she advised. "They will be more compliant if they know what we are doing to the others." An excuse, to make sure they could come out fighting in full force. She propped Ashrune up and leaned on it as she spoke, not waiting for the unconscious prisoners to be dragged out. "Now, allow me to tell you what I've learned from them..." She didn't, of course. She fed them every falsehood that wouldn't be obvious, every false lead she could provide. By the end, the commander was satisfied with her intel, believing every word. "You are a credit to your kind, Your Ladyship," he said. "If only all former Locurians, or even half of Oblein, could show half of your loyalty." She concealed her annoyance well. "I know where my duties lay," she said. "I can only lift this blade as a former ally of theirs, so I should be the one to take it to storage." "Do you need me to accompany you to the crypt?" She shook her head. "I can manage perfectly fine on my own, dear. I was a wanderer for longer than you were alive."
3:01 PM
Like a fool, he left her to her own devices and she walked first to the main storage room, where the mask had been placed. They would need that to defeat the inevitable army. The scabbard scraped along the ground as she dragged Ashrune, and she looked down. "This would be far stealthier if you would cooperate," she said, unsure how she would make it to the holding cells with a sword she couldn't lift without being noticed. ~~~ Meanwhile, Crosby and the others were taken to a single, large holding cell. There were two beds, neither of which was particularly comfortable, and an anti-magic barrier hummed around them. The guards walked out, and Eletea opened her eyes, lifting her head. "What happened?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 4:03 PM
He could feel the uneasy difference. The strange new air to everything around. God he wanted to open his eyes but he didn’t. Now was not the time. Strangely however, she’d find the strength to lift the blade enough off the ground and to move it. Not enough to swing to slash it however. That was too much to ask for a weapon that did not rightfully belong to her. It had to be earned, and fought for. Sacrificed for. But she had nothing to give but her life. Once Eletea spoke, he shot to life. His eyes wide open as he took in their surroundings. He should’ve had all his equipment besides the mask. It would’ve been… difficult to remove since it was bound to him. He’d be able to find it anyways, even with the barrier, he knew damn well how far Ashrune was from him, he could feel it. It was a part of him by now. He glanced around to what surrounded them. He started to try to stand if he could. Hopefully the magic barrier suppressed his aphrodisiac effect for Eletea’s sake. We were captured. We were led into a trap and all knocked unconscious. He said quite simply, he wanted to make sure no knew or could intercept their plans. At least not yet. They were too close. He hungered for revenge now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/1/2024 4:18 PM
"Captured?" Eletea echoed, sitting up. "Who could have...?" She trailed off as the realization hit her. "That conniving little...! If I see that heretic again, I'll kill her with my own hands!" Rikuma stirred awake beside Crosby. "Don't be so loud. And don't use that word," she murmured, clinging to her lover. "What word?!" Corinne had woken up as well and lay on her stomach, stretching her arms out in front of her and her tail behind. "'Heretic', probably. It's the sort of justification Thauviel used in their attempted conquest of Rashouris... 'they're all heretics and it is our sacred duty to guide them to the light'... That sort of thing." She yawned. "Now, who are we talking about?" The other two woman looked at her in uncomfortable silence. ~~~ Nainda managed to lift it enough to start walking, pausing when a guard whistled at her from around the corner. "My Lady," he said with a bow. "If you need help with that, I promise I have no trouble holding up my sword in the presence of a beautiful woman." A shame she couldn't wield the sword properly, or she would have smashed him in the face with its pommel. Instead, she reached out and cupped his cheek in her free hand. "Terribly sorry to hear you're mute now," she commented. Her magic ran through him, and he could no longer speak or call for reinforcements as she sent the rotting curse through his body. She had to act quickly more, before anyone found the witness. She hurried towards the holding cell the commander had directed his men to bring the prisoners to. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 4:28 PM
He of course looked to each of them with a hint of relief as they awoke. Thank god… they all seemed okay. So far… now he just needed Nainda to return with the mask and his blade. He wrapped an arm gently around Rikuma. He had to keep her safe above all. Forget that. It won’t matter soon enough. Is everyone alright besides the fact we’re here? ~~~ She could lift the sword ever so slightly higher, to the point she almost looked to be wielding it. It was simply only in the name of stealth though. This had to be returned to its rightful owner. It lent her energy strangely enough, and strength. Seemingly pushing her due to her duty. Perhaps it was slightly agreeing with her actions…. After all… she was killing members of the empire. That’s what Crosby wanted. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/1/2024 4:49 PM
Everyone nodded, and Rikuma leaned against Crosby. "Are you alright?" she asked in return, looking up at him. At least he didn't seem injured. She wanted to ask more details about the apparent betrayal, but if he was hiding it from Corinne, there had to be a reason. ~~~ Nainda stopped in front of the next guard, this one stationed outside of the door to the room that held the correct cell. Of course it would have an extra layer of security. The guard stood up. "Why do you still have that?" he nodded toward Ashrune. She sighed, then spoke as though to a particularly clueless child. "As I told your Commander, the dragon knight has managed to bind his life to Ashrune the same way the Emperor had. He is too dangerous to keep alive, and I need this for his execution. And if you impede me for a moment longer, after I had to deal with those four for the entire journey here, I will not be afraid to lay your head in Emperor Aubron's stockade and see what punishment he deems fit." He shuffled aside, eyes widened. "Of course, Your Ladyship. Is there anything else you need?" "Find a maid to clean up when I'm done. You know how much your commander hates a messy holding cell," she ordered. He ran off, and she stepped in through the door. She hung the mask off a key hook on the wall and pressed a button. The bars rattled as the cell door slid aside. "We don't have long." She carried the swords over. She handed Rikuma's over first, then Ashrune. "You will need to fight your way out of here, but first..." She lifted her chin to expose her throat, keeping a steady gaze on Crosby. "I gave my word. Just see to it that the Emperor's death follows as well." She closed her eyes after speaking and waited for the end. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/1/2024 5:00 PM
I’m fine Rikuma. He pet her head gently, running his fingers through his hair. It seemed he was doing it to ground himself almost. He was anxiously looking to the door, his eyes fixated upon it as he waited. He could feel it getting closer and closer… hopefully this “traitor” held up on her end of the bargain. He stood up the moment the door opened. He offered a hand up to Rikuma first. His cold eyes fixated upon the warlock as he took what was rightfully his back away from her. He didn’t point the blade at her at all. As much as he wanted to skewer her. Now was not the time. Swear on who you serve that your allegiance lies with us and not the empire. Now. He said quite demandingly, he was sort of a jerk about it. But it was to be expected after such a stunt she pulled before this. And especially after she went after what was most dearest to him and what he swore to guard with his life and soul. He walked by her and grabbed the mask without hesitation and held it in his free hand. He didn’t want it falling into the wrong hands. But he stared at Nainda as he waited for a response. If you choose to break this oath, or betray me or anyone in my party, just know I won’t hold back. But remember what the empire has done to us. What they did to you. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/2/2024 7:37 AM
Rikuma took his hand, using it to help pull herself to her feet. She regarded the warlock cautiously, but did not move. She had not been awake when she had led them into the trap, and so would leave the reaction up to Crosby. Then Nainda returned the blades, and she understood. She nodded and took her sword. A quick way to the capital then. Annoying, considering everything that could have gone wrong, but at least it had worked out. "The ends justify the means in this case," Rikuma admitted. "But next time, warn us before doing something like that." Nainda opened her eyes and looked between Crosby and Rikuma, her expression showing the confusion of someone unaware of the receiving end of mercy. After a moment passed and she was sure this was not a ruse, she lowered her head. "I have never forgotten what they've done," she said. "I swear on Arrath, and on my own life, that I have never strayed from the goal we agreed on, or from our alliance, and I never will." She lifted her head in time to see Corinne running toward her, barely keeping her balance as the sidhe wrapped her into an embrace. "I'm sorry. I never would have allowed you to get hurt..." She rested a hand on Corinne's head and looked away. Corinne looked up. "We're where we need to be now. Thank you." Then she punched Nainda's arm, gently. "But don't try to throw your life away like that again." Nainda sighed. "I have lost everyone who has ever mattered to me. At once, you are the only one whose opinion of me matters, and the only person I am still able to fear. If you can still find room in your heart for me, my life may be worth keeping, after all." She looked toward the door as footsteps sounded from outside. "But there will be time to talk later. We'll need to fight our way out. Crosby, now may be the time for the power you showed earlier." Rikuma nodded and drew her sword, turning to face the door. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/2/2024 12:20 PM
He was a man of mercy under the correct circumstances, of which being their common goal. And well, that he cared about Corrine’s performance now. He needed everyone here at their peak in battle. A strange tingly feeling would feel Nainda after she swore her loyalty. Seems she might have accidentally made another pact with the knight… but that was besides the point now. He held Ashrune tight and slipped on the mask, the black dragon and purple dragon claim formed briefly above him, the wispy black dragons went to each of them, shielding each member of the party with a purple glowing shield like before. His voice changed once again to sound much more… demonic in nature almost. Like a darkness within him was in control Ashrune’s symbols upon the blade glowed vibrantly. Come forth wretched filth. For I am your death and suffering. He stood out front of the party for Obvious reasons, he was the bruiser, the tank even if you dared to call him such.* @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/9/2024 2:25 AM
Corinne and Nainda stepped apart, both prepared for the fight. There wasn't much time to prepare. Before any of Thauviel's soldiers stepped into view of the doorway, a burst of magic blew in to knock back anyone it managed to catch unprepared. Rikuma, Nainda, and Corinne were knocked back onto the ground, while Eletea managed to kneel in time to safeguard against the magic's effects. A woman stepped in, her shoulder-length red hair appearing to float around her shoulders. "Nainda," she greeted, venom clear in her voice. "I warned His Imperial Majesty that you would be dangerous. If your madness didn't lead you to betray us, grief would. No matter; you won't be leaving here." Her attention shifted toward Crosby and she offered a mirthless smile. Her golden eyes carried the gleam of a predator. "Ah, and the Purple Knight returns. A shame you didn't enjoy the gifts I gave you and stay away from this place." She was not alone for long. Seven heavily armored soldiers caught up and stood behind her, prepared to fight. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/9/2024 8:24 AM
He stood steadfast, the shield around him glowing bright. The wrath of the dragon was burning red hot within. He only took a half second glance to his Allies before getting in a more defensive stance, ready for whoever dared to strike first. Perhaps it would be him… as he met the eyes of that fucking dreadful sorceress once again. Many memories flashed through his mind. The fall and ending. Their battle once before. If things hadn’t changed much with her, he should’ve known a good amount of her moves and feats. The fear aura from the mask grew significantly stronger in her presence… her men perhaps would buckle under such pressure. Unless she could somehow encounter such effect. He hadn’t thought about that. Gifts would never be enough to keep me away from doing what’s right. Especially considering all the hell you and your weak leader have done. Your time is up. Your place awaits you in the depths of the underworld. A wind of strength and energy would ripple through his voice to his Allies, filling them with a burning courage and will. Rise. We shall be victorious. Band together as one. Our effort will NOT be for nothing! He suddenly lunged forth, and with a brute strength unlike anything she’d seen the likes before, he swung Ashrune at this threat. If any of her little minions stepped in his path. He’d annihilate them like a giant with a club. An unstoppable force. One not to be taken lightly nor messed with. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/9/2024 2:57 PM
Aurora's men seemed about to run, until she spoke to them. "You will stand and fight." As though unable to resist the order, regardless of their fear, they stood up straight and nodded in response. "Leave the traitor to me, but keep the one wielding Ashrune alive. I want to make him watch his friends die." She smiled, even as the other women began to stand. Her grin faded as her men advanced and were promptly wiped out by the legendary weapon. After all, it didn't only work on Emperor Aubron. "So hard to find good help these days." She clicked her tongue. "No matter then." Shadows converged on the group to root them in place. "I will take care of you, myself." Rikuma nodded to Corinne. "Your cue," was all she said, before the artificer began to shift into her feline form, able to move freely. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/9/2024 11:59 PM
The blood of her men was drawn into his blade quite horrifically. His veins glowing…. She was only making him stronger. Quite the mistake to bring cannon fodder here. Within the moment he knew what to do. Shadows? What was he good at countering again? Darkness, evil, and undead. His specialities. Without a second thought, he cried out. Rikuma, cover your eyes! Eletea, hit her with your purest spells, NOW! Ashrune glowed with a radiant energy as he aimed the ring at the ceiling and spoke something in draconic. A bright ball of holy light would form above him, driving the darkness back, the room becoming quite bright, it was also quite blinding to anyone who wasn’t prepared. He lunged forth again for the sorceress to strike. For this no longer was the same man she knew all those years ago. He had changed in so many ways. His determination was unyielding just like his strength. His will unbuckling. Nainda, don’t hold back. He figured by now Rikuma had her own plan, thus he left here be along with Corrine. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/10/2024 3:51 AM
Corinne's attack was interrupted as the shadows scattered, since using them was her specialty. She shifted back into her usual form and backtracked, getting out of the way of his attack. Even if it wasn't meant for her, her magic did rely on shadow. Rikuma couldn't comment, because she was covering her eyes with one hand and drawing her own sword with the other. "Tell me when the light is gone, and I will take care of any reinforcements she may think of calling," Rikuma said. Despite also being blinded by the light, Nainda could seek out the sorceress's presence without seeing her. She closed the distance between them with surprising speed, but Aurora's magic created a barrier just in time to catch her hand short of skin contact. "I am untouchable, but nice tr-" Eletea's spell hit Aurora with a beam of light. Instead of being harmed, however, Aurora appeared to simply absorb it. "It is rude to interrupt," she said, as the light entered her body and slowly shifted, as though being corrupted. "You will attack your companions." Eletea froze, then nodded and turned toward the now-weakened Corinne first. Nainda looked between Aurora and them, then cursed under her breath. "Damn it... Crosby, you take care of the sorceress." She ran back to stop Eletea. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/10/2024 6:41 AM
He still didn’t know his team mates attacks all too well besides Eletea and Rikuma, they were obvious. Corrine was too unpredictable just like her warlock companion. He cursed under his breath and made the light ball fade. The radiant aura around Ashrune shifted. Time for the vampire queen’s gift to be put to work. Rikuma, now. He offer his ring out in Eletea’s direction as he spoke another draconic word. Betray. If the command spell worked, it should’ve backfired the sorceress’ spell. This wasn’t his first rodeo. He didn’t hesitate and continued on, holding the weapon in both hands he took a few deep breaths in. Focus. Remember those you’ve lost, the ones she’s killed. The mark of the vampire queen would appear on his opposite wrist that the purple dragon tattoo was. A stark reminder a deep darkness still lurked within the knight. One he held back. A monster in waiting… he moved forth towards the enemy, red sparks erupting with every step. You’re in my realm now. Below the mask, he saw the castle painted red in her blood. Once he was within range, he swung the magnificent blade at the barrier. Just to see what would happen, at such an angle that if it did go through, the bitch would be hurting quite a bit to say the very least. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/10/2024 7:03 AM
The command worked... halfway. Eletea stopped her attack, but didn't turn. The conflicting orders pinged around and she stood, frozen. Not attacking her teammates, but certainly out of commission now. By that point, Nainda already stood between her and Corinne. Nainda stood her ground for a moment longer, before she was at last satisfied that Eletea would not be attacking again. The barrier held strong, and a burst of electric magic lashed out at him. "You are still weak, knight. Nothing can stop that." Rikuma let out the red mist once more. It ignored her teammates and couldn't make it through the sorceress's barrier, so it instead spread past her to search the facility for other soldiers. "Corinne, use the shadows to scout ahead," Rikuma ordered. "Nainda, can you do anything about Eletea's paralysis?" "With side effects, possibly. I cannot influence the mind, but the flesh has more power than people think. Just make sure I am not interrupted." Nainda rested a hand gently against the water genasi's cheek. "Whatever this does to you, I am sorry, Eletea." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 4:13 AM
Now he had to think, that was quite the problem in his plan. A shield eh? He had one too but it operated differently of course. He instead circled around to behind her if possible. He was going to try to make her focus on him and give his teammates a chance to think of something. He held Ashrune firm as he went through what he had available at his fingers. He reached his hand out toward the barrier and tried to push it through curiously. He had to test it. He didn’t exactly need a weapon to kill her… it would just be more… helpful. I am not weak. You are just a little pebble in my path, one to be kicked aside like the useless little thing you are. You’ll meet your end soon enough like you tried to do to me all those years ago. But I remember it now. Your last fleeting moments as you panicked and had no other choice to protect your leader you bend over for while he fucks you like a petite maid. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 4:23 AM
Corinne disappeared into the shadows at the edge of the room. It wasn't teleportation, and she couldn't fully access the shadow roads here, but it serves as a subtler method of transport. Meanwhile, the sound of cracking bones filled the air as Eletea's paralysis was broken. The genasi doubled over and screamed in pain, flecks of blood reddening her lips. But her own magic cancelled out any mutation effects of the spell, and the screaming soon stopped. "F-fucking hell," she breathed as the pain passed. "From now on, leave the healing to me, Nainda." Nainda nodded. "Of course." She lowered a hand to help her up. Rikuma winced at Crosby's words. Yeah they were meant to provoke, but she couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for Aurora at that last part. That little bit of sympathy faded the moment the sorceress lashed out, the full force of the shield transferring to a barrage of spectral blades stones directly at Crosby. Rikuma sprang into action, throwing a fistful of bones toward Aurora. They shifted into spikes midair, some missing but a few embedding themselves into her back. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 6:45 AM
He usually wouldn’t ever stoop that low but he needed to get the barrier down now. Time wasn’t on their side. He knew that much. He had to stoop to new extremes to do what was necessary. He stumbled backwards quite a lot from the attack. He roared out in a bit of pain but mostly rage. He stabbed Ashrune into the floor to steady himself and take a breath before drawing it out. He chuckled like a manic demon beneath the mask. You’re the weak one here. You’re just a pawn in his game who refuses to see the error in her ways. As he spoke, he wondered if his “gift” would have any effect on her. He began to draw incredibly close, if he could get her guard down. He was going to this slow, and painfully. Just like she did for him. He raised the blade once more and brought it down upon her, slashing directly across her chest. A red aura glowed from Ashrune. The weapon was no longer pure. too bad we’re at ends now. I could’ve used you in many ways against your lord. He was speaking now just to mess with her head as best he could. His voice returned to normal but quite surprisingly flirtatious as he raised the blade once more. Perhaps I could’ve even used my gifts against you for your own pleasure~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 7:03 AM
Aurora stumbled forward with a cry of pain... Landing her directly into the path of the blade and causing the slash to cut deeper than intended. Yet as her gaze fixed on Crosby, she found herself distracted from the pain. Her face reddened, but she reminded herself to keep focused. "Have you ever considered that you could become worse than what you're fighting against?" she asked. The conjured blades picked themselves back up, but Rikuma way already approaching. She slashed her own sword at the backs of Aurora's knees, causing her to fall. "Crosby, I will grant you the killing blow, but we can't afford to do this slowly," she said, watching the sorceress's wounds already beginning to mend themselves. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 7:09 AM
So be it. Your choice has been made. With her so close, he wrapped his arm around her neck, forcing her to breathe all of him in as her head would rest against his breast plate. He was forcing her to painfully stand on her knees Rikki had just taken out. He gripped Ashrune tight. He whispered in her ear in quite the cold tone, making sure his voice wasn’t modified by the mask at all. He wanted her to hear HIM. see you in the underworld where you belong. He drove Ashrune through her heart and twisted it, the moment the blade made contact with her blood if she had any, she would start to be drained of it… painfully. The blood going through the sword and into him. Like a vampire lord almost… a dreadful and horrific sight in every way. He was becoming a monster…. He then drew the blade out and then stabbed her again… and again…. He chuckled a bit before throwing her onto the ground. The more she bled, the more the blade painfully took, the trails of blood drawn from her would magically ooze like a river out onto the floor and to him. What a shame it had to be like this. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 7:40 AM
Eletea looked away from the rivers of blood that seemed to flow from the sorceress's body. The other two in the room watched, until the body was discarded. Rikuma took a step toward him, but Nainda caught her shoulder. "Are you sure?" Nainda asked softly. "Be careful. He doesn't seem like himself." Rikuma hesitated, then shook her head. "No. He can't be corrupted," she said. Because if he was, wasn't it her own fault? She couldn't forgive herself if something like that happened to the man she loved. Nainda let her go and Rikuma ran to Crosby, nearly slipping on the blood. "Crosby?" Rikuma nearly reached for him, but hesitated. "Are you...?" Was he himself? "...Alright?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 8:05 AM
He blankly stared at the lifeless corpse upon the floor. He was breathing quite unnaturally as his breastplate rose and fell with each breath. There was no rhythm or pattern to it. Ashrune’s aura flickering between a violent red and purple. A fight for control between the knight and the queens will. He was simply just a vessel of destruction. There was a reason nobody could wield such a weapon, its toll was incredibly heavy upon the user in too many ways to count. The mask giving off black wispy shadows that wrapped around his head. He didn’t respond or flinch, the streams of blood began to run over his armor, leaving red streak stains, the sight was not pleasant to observe. A few bodiless whispers would fill Rikuma’s head, before the voice of his patron broke through, it beckoned her forth. Remove the mask, NOW! The dragon demanded. His arm was shaking… trembling holding Ashrune before he suddenly dropped it to the ground. From the bottom of the mask where it met his chin, dark black strands of fluid began to drip, slowly. Something was terribly wrong. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 8:15 AM
Rikuma jumped into action before the order was even finished. She reached up to tear the mask from his face and throw it was far away from him as she could manage. "Crosby!" she called again, shouting this time as she wished they'd never taken the damn thing. "Crosby, please..." Nainda put a hand on Eletea's shoulder while the other two were busy. "Rikuma has it handled," Nainda explained. "If you need to close your eyes to avoid seeing it, I'll guide you out of here when the time comes." After Corinne returned. She frowned, realizing the sidhe had been gone for quite some time... @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 8:37 AM
The moment she ripped off the mask, she could finish throwing it across the room. But a vision would fill her mind, his eyes were rolled back like he was having flashbacks. Beneath his eyes were huge eye bags, his skin had gone horribly pale like a vampires. His scars that had healed all became visible, the countless bite marks on his neck, the many slashes and stab wounds all over his body glowed visibly through the armor in a red tint. All the hell he’d endured up until this point. She could see what he saw, what the mask imposed upon him. Their final fight against the emperor many years ago, he was frozen in shock with Ashrune in hand. His entire army laid dead and wasted, the battlefield being a desolate wasteland, a heavy scent of blood and smoke in the air. All his men and brothers exterminated. The Thaviel empire still strong and unbothered by their losses. He stood alone upon the hill with the emperor behind him. The sorceress beside him. Whispers of those lost filled his head, asking why he failed, why didn’t he finish the emperor? Then screams, that he was a weakling, a failure. That he should be dead just like them! He should suffer just like them! And then the scene shifted just as quick as it began to the mass slaughter of those same men to the queen and her brethren as soon as they entered the forest, when he had stupidly lead them into a trap. The visions were spiraling drastically out of control as memories flooded him, all being quick little blips. Not much was clear besides just the hidden misery he carried within from all he’d experienced. But one was not a memory, the weight of this single vision was like he was Atlas holding up the world. It might’ve been too much for her to probably handle, she might’ve been forced to snap out of the trance. But he wasn’t. If she could manage and force her will to be strong enough, she’d see what he saw. Their victory…. At a cost. One she certainly would not like. The emperor laid dead and defeated. (edited)
8:37 AM
All of the party being heavily injured or on the brink of death including herself. All but him, he had fallen to his knees. Lifeless corpses lay in all directions, a desolated land that was destroyed too. The red rivers flowed from the empire’s men and leader all to him. Corrupting him… turning him to what he swore he’d never become. He was no longer the man he was now. He was no longer the hero. He’d lost it all to get to this point, his mother, his family, his brothers from years ago, an entire kingdom that believed in him. The toll was too heavy for any one man to bear no matter how strong they were. He had become a monster… just like the emperor he had killed. A disembodied voice filled his head, a warning, If you continue down this path… this fate awaits you like me. All he could hear after that was screams… of all those he would fail… Rikuma… Nainda… Corrine… Eletea… all the men who had died under his command crying out to him. His mother screaming out his name as the empire slaughtered her. His father’s last cries for his brother to run. But soon after the trance ended. He was breathing uncontrollably heavy. His heart was beating way faster than humanly possible. His body trembled worse than ever before as he fell to his knees. His hands were drenched in blood as he held his head in them. The blood of those he failed and was destined to fail. Tears fell from his eyes, and onto the ground. He never broke… but for once he buckled. He grit his teeth. All of this was hitting him at once. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 9:48 AM
Rikuma's eyes widened at the sight, taking in the vision in its entirety. Still, she refused to look away, accepting his pain as hers, sharing in his past and future regrets. She couldn't let it happen. She refused to fail, or to lose him. Her determination hardened. She would have to find a way to break the curse without the corruption in their shared vision. But a part of her mind had to wonder: which would she choose? If it came down to it, would she let her beloved burn to save her kingdom? Or would she let Rashouris fall to save him? She didn't snap out of it in time to catch him from falling, but she sank to her knees to be at eye level with him. "Crosby..." she said softly. For once, she didn't have a plan, no clear path out of this mess. There was an idea, a blood magic ward that she'd only theorized about. If it succeeded, it would temporarily safeguard his mind from corruption and visions. Not perfect immunity, but resistance. If it failed... The best case failure was that it did nothing. The worst case was that he'd fall into a coma. She looked down at her hands, weighing the options. Both were too heavy. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him. What was his patron's name again? "Purple dragon," she said, hoping that would be enough to communicate. "Did you see that vision? Do you know the root cause of the corruption?" Meanwhile, Eletea shook off the offer of help. "I'll be fine." She looked back at the bloodbath, immediately regretted it, and bent double, immediately vomiting on the floor. Meanwhile, Nainda frowned toward the shadows, concerned. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 10:28 AM
That would be one hell of a choice she’d have to make in a split second if it did arise. To let the one who came all this way with her fall to darkness or her own people and all she’d worked for her whole life go in a blink of an eye. He was shaking horribly. Fear… something he truly didn’t feel often ridiculed him now. Would he fail again? No… he couldn’t. They hadn’t come all this way for nothing. The sacrifices of over a thousand lives to this point wouldn’t be for nothing. As she hugged him, a misty black cloud formed beneath the mask and it moved right upon the crossguard of Ashrune, resting upon it. As she begged his patron for answers, none came. She’d lost her touch. The tears were no longer tears soon enough from him, they turned black with the influence of corruption. She may have been too late already… he hugged her tight, his strength had significantly grown even though he clearly held back, it seemed because of the blade drawing all that blade…. He felt like vomitting. He felt ill as his stomach twisted and turned, his head pounded with his heart in his head. I’m sorry Rikuma… I’m sorry… He croaked, his voice cracking, just like his body under such pressure. But within a moment his grip grew suddenly much tighter, he froze still. Another vision filled his head and eyes. She’d see it too since they were making contact. His patron’s voice filled both their heads, *You stray too far from your path of righteousness knight. Return back to me. As that was said, he could see his own fall in a strange place neither of them would recognize…. It was like the overworld but much… darker. They seemed to be underground. But it didn’t matter as the emperor slashed him across the face with his blade before kicking him off a cliff into…. Darkness. The depths of the underworld…. Cries of a thousand restless souls would be heard. (edited)
10:28 AM
Rikuma would hear herself scream his name in a heart wrenching pain, the entire battlefield would freeze as for what remained of the emperors strongest men. The rest of the party too. An eerie silence filled the air before the emperor laughed at their failure. In the distance a portal was open to the overworld. Seemingly how they’d gotten to this point. But the scene shifted to something new. Her and Crosby stood in a gorgeous field… one filled with hyacinths. Before them was the purple dragon his head right before them. Massive in all its glory. It was the size of a full kingdom when at his maximum potential. Do not let his influence upon you break your soul. You are my knight. Not his or the queens who demands her share over you. You swore on your oath to do what was right for the people. No matter the cost. Fulfill it. Be what I made you. I didn’t give you a second chance for nothing Vandine. You have a prophecy to fulfill. Do not fail me or those who matter most. The fate of millions is upon your shoulders. Before they could even protest, the vision was broken. Her time was running short to save him. The longer they waited it seemed… the worse it was getting. There was only so much his patron could do. And only so much she could do…. @Al the Killer (edited)
Al the Killer 5/12/2024 11:23 AM
In the depths of hopelessness, he appeared. In the vision of the field, she stood by Crosby's side and she knew what she had to do. They had to break the vampire queen's influence and that of the black dragon. And until they found a way, she needed to make sure they couldn't take him over. Her last battlefield experiment had gone well, and now she had to hope it could again. "You can fight this, Crosby," she whispered. "Stay still." She forced her hands to stay steady as she sliced her index finger on her sword, taking deep breaths as she layered sigils over each other on his forehead. Protection. Willpower. Mind. Influence. A laughably simple formula, but all sigils had multiple interpretations, and more ways to go wrong. She poured her own strength into it, as though to join his fight against the black dragon's influence. "Focus on my voice, and the feeling of your patron. You are Crosby fucking Vandine, purple dragon knight, saviour and future king consort of Rashouris. This can't break you, because we are unstoppable." She spoke to encourage him, and to convince herself. She couldn't lose him. Not the lovable, seemingly naive man who'd confessed his love to her after their first time together. Not the valiant knight who had sworn to protect her with his life. Not when they'd come this far. Nainda paced the room, increasingly concerned for their absent party member. But she couldn't interrupt now. Not with important work being done. "Stay here," she told Eletea. "I'm going to find her." "Is that safe?" Eletea asked. "It's necessary. If she's in trouble, I can get her out of it." She paused and looked back at Crosby. She knew the feeling of resisting corruption, but also knew there wasn't anything she could do about another person's struggle with it. Just because she's survived didn't mean she was an example of a positive outcome. "Keep them safe, Eletea."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 11:23 AM
As Nainda walked out, Eletea approached the two, looking between Crosby and the sword. She knew Nainda couldn't do much because the warlock's own magic was of a dark nature. But Eletea wasn't her. Eletea held a hand toward Ashrune's pommel and channeled her own purifying magic into it, in an attempt to help. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 11:55 AM
He looked into her eyes as best he could. He looked like a huge mess right now having just have been in quite the fight while having a massive major mental breakdown behind the scenes. But he of course looked to what she did as best he could. He could feel her finger upon him. He was very confused to say the least. Clueless even. He just nodded ever so slightly, he closed his eyes to try to stop the tears. He had to focus on her voice and the purple dragon. He was still choking on tears so talking was near impossible at the moment. He had to force his breathing to steady, like he did when he was fighting. The moment she started her spell, the influence of his patron was spreading across him again, a purple wisp like mist soon covered his body. I won’t let them win. He’s going down… even if it’s the last thing I do. If we do end up at the brink of the underworld… if I must, I’ll make sure he’s coming with me. That would usually be a good idea, but with how much power Ashrune had just gathered with blood for the wrong influence, it wasn’t. A painful red energy shot out at her hand to make her knock it off. The eyes of the mask glowed black, the shadows oozing off of it. It was most definitely not a positive influence for him. Nor one they could tamper with. And I’ll return if that fate does occur. I promise upon the purple dragon. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 12:36 PM
Rikuma quickly pulled her hand away, keeping an eye on him. But he kept talking, so at least the interrupted spell seemed to be fine. "We should see if we can cleanse Ashrune of the blood, maybe drive Desdemona from it once and for all," Eletea suggested. Rikuma nodded in agreement, but remained focused on Crosby. "I would follow you to the underworld and back," she promised. "We will do this. But let's do what we can to make sure you're safe. Don't lose track of why we're doing this, or how many we stand to save. Aubron wears the mask off the righteous, but his actions have killed millions." She wrapped her arms around him. "Can you stand? Are you still... You?" "We're short two people now," Eletea added. "So we should find them." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 12:50 PM
I know you would. He’s going to pay Rikuma. We’re going to rip that mask right off him. He nodded. Right. They had to finish Aubron before things got worse. He knew they were coming clearly. It was just a matter of how long. He answered her own question. He started to stand up on his own. As far as I can tell my love. He hoisted her up with him with very little effort. and we can mess with the weapon when we’ve regrouped. We can’t waste anymore time without them. We need all the help we can get now. He grabbed the mask and placed it in his cloak for now. He carefully picked up the blade. It felt… strange holding the weapon now. But there was no other choice. let’s move before anything else bad happens. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/12/2024 3:30 PM
Rikuma looked warily at the mask. It had its uses - that much had made itself abundantly clear - but was it worth the risks of using it? "Be careful with that, alright? We shouldn't use it except as a last resort," she warned. "Or else we'll get a repeat of what just happened." "Better solution," Eletea offered. "We destroy it now before it can cause more trouble." She reluctantly looked around at the bloodbath again, her face pale. "You can't destroy everything you don't understand, Eletea." "I want to destroy it because of what we do understand." Rikuma shook her head. "Philosophical discussions later. For now, we'll just be careful and go find the other two." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/12/2024 3:41 PM
He knew that much now with the mask. He didn’t want to use it of course. The things it did and cost were questionable for what it caused. We’ll destroy it maybe after Aubron’s defeated. If he has access to similar spells as that bitch, we’re going to need it. Now let’s move. I don’t want anything to happen to any of us that isn’t necessary. He started to lead the way out; that way if there was something awaiting them, he’d be the one to take the brunt of an attack. His eyes remained sharp as he looked around. He’d never been in the castle for obvious reasons. They were so much farther behind enemy lines now. Never did he’d make it this far. But his Allies had proved quite useful… or should he say… friends. Some were more than friends obviously by now. But that’s besides the point. anyone have any way of locating them? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 3:08 AM
Their current location was a prison outside of the castle itself. Its architects had prioritized keeping its inhabitants in place over the ability to evacuate safely. As a result, the holding area was a mazelike configuration of rooms with cells inside of them, with only one exit to the main door. Unfortunately for them, the party member who would have known that was out looking for the one who would have had the easiest time figuring it out. Rikuma looked around, but couldn't pick up on much other than winding hallways on either side. "I don't-" "Corinne!" An agonized cry split the air. Nainda's voice, layered with the multiple discordant voices of her patron. "What the hell is happening?" Eletea asked, as Rikuma ran to find out just that.
Nainda Townsend BOT 5/13/2024 3:08 AM
What happened was that, after leaving the room, Nainda had followed the path toward the exit door. Corinne was smart; she trusted that the sidhe would have found the correct path easily. She'd stopped when she reached an area where blood had pooled then trailed out to follow the path toward the door. There was a presence to blood, one that required a certain range of magical expertise to identify on an individual level. She had known whose it was. Not allowing her shock to keep her frozen, she'd run faster the rest of the way, until the door opened to the main foyer that stood between her and the door. The soldiers' armor had gleamed with a protective spell, one that would hide them from vampiric creatures. But not from her. Iron chains had clinked together as the group's leader tossed a living, but bloodied figure onto the floor. "Looking for this?" Her cry of recognition had not felt quite human. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 3:36 AM
For being in such incredibly heavy armor, he was still quite fast. He ran with all he had. Ashrune in hand. As much as he didn’t want to, he grabbed the mask out of his jacket. Based on that cry, this wasn’t going to be good. His heart began to race. His thoughts spiraling instantly back to the darkness that lurked within despite Rikuma’s best efforts. He prayed to the purple dragon for strength, for will power; for his fate to be different along with his comrades. They would NOT fail. As he soon came to the scene with the rest of the group and saw this. Something twisted deep within. A swelling rage boiling to the surface. The monster within was growing stronger despite his best efforts along with his party’s. Black mist from the mask began to descend down his arms and crawl all over him. They formed into little hands, grabbing and grasping onto whatever they could. His forest green eyes coldly stared to the leader of this group. His patrons voice rang through his head, Murder them all. Something within the knight snapped, a different aura would emit from him. Rikuma would certainly be able to feel the differenxe. Humanity and mercy the knight once had was growing less and less common. Ruthlessness was all that left. He put the mask on, the darkness enveloping him, embracing him, comforting him. The infleunce of his main patrin was still present, his brooch glowed purple, forming a temporary shield around his comrades but not him… He bent his knees and leaped skywards, the ground forming a crater where he once was. He raised ashrune high in the air, a violent red glow came from it. The mess of blood from what he assumed to be Corrine went into the blade, of course not directly drawing from her though. He still had some control. Within the blink of an eye, he didn’t hesitate to cleave this leader in two if he could. The blade was no longer one of magnificence. (edited)
3:36 AM
It was one of horror flesh like tendrils crawled out all over the blade from the blades tip to the end of it. At the crossguard where there was once a purple dragon, it shifted to one of a red bloodied skull, one that looked to be covered in tissues and organs. The vampire queens blade was in full control now. Death and murder feeding into its power. Like a parasite…. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 3:51 AM
"Save it for the Emperor," Rikuma reminded him, but it was too late. Shit. If he expended this much power now, if he lost himself now, there would be nothing left of him by the time they reached the castle. They would be finished even before they could reach the point in his visions. But they needed Corinne, too... she looked nervously at the scene in front of them. Nainda avoided the shield and looked over at him as the leader jumped back to narrowly avoid the blow. Her eyes were hardly her own, shifting to a pure white that still felt like an embodiment of pure grief. And there were more of those eyes on her. Her fingers sharpened into claws as dark markings moved and shifted chaotically along her pale skin like shadow just underneath. Dark tendrils had extended from her back, and one moved to block Crosby from going further. "Stand back," Nainda warned, her voice still distorted by her own patron. "This is my revenge to take." One of the other soldiers charged ahead and she kicked him back. A tendril tore his helm off and she charged forward. Her hand on his forehead was all it took for his eyes to begin to melt while his flesh rotted. "Great. Now we've got two unholy monsters to control," Eletea sighed. "You could help, you know," Rikuma reminded her. "I'll get Crosby back, you free and heal Corinne." Corinne was only partially conscious, and hoping to pass out from pain soon as the iron seared her skin. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 4:02 AM
It was growing far too late too fast. Too much stress was getting to him and fear of losing it all. And expelling it all now? He had too much to give. Way too much of his negative emotions were in control. He did indeed stand down once a literal tendril held him back. He was breathing heavily but seeing the state Nainda was in snapped him out of his blind rage. He pulled the mask off and the blade switched just as fast it could to the blade of the purple dragon. He lost focus and the shields around them flickered out and faded. His nose was bleeding a tiny bit but he didn’t even notice. He glanced to the rest of the group and came over. okay, I- we need to move. He looked to his sword and then the chains, and then to Rikuma. should I cut the chains? Or is that a bad idea? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 4:21 AM
Rikuma breathed a sigh of relief as Crosby snapped back to normal. "Cut the chains if you can, but be careful not to injure her further," she said, then looked at his face. "Are you alright? Eletea, heal him after you're done with Corinne." Maybe the nature of her magic would help boost his resistance against the other influences on him, too, but there were bigger injuries to worry about. Eletea nodded. "Get the chains off first, as much as possible. It will help."
The Wraith of Locuria BOT 5/13/2024 4:21 AM
Nainda, the Wraith, moved rapidly from one target to the next. Where she could get a good hold to waste her enemies away with her magic, she could. Otherwise, tossing them aside or tearing into what little exposed flesh she could find with claws or teeth would suffice. Her allies were far behind her, forgotten in her rage. It was for the best; Nainda cared about them. The Wraith had no regard for friend or foe. Only one instinct remained, urged on by all of the voices of Arrath. Make them pay. She was not untouchable. The enemies' weapons broke her skin, causing blood darker than any human's to flow from the wounds. But the pain fueled her aura, and the split flesh bubbled into a rainbow of putrefaction before joining together and healing as though never touched. This bloodbath was hers. Her mind was not. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 4:31 AM
He nodded and slashed at the chains, if they were iron, Ashrune should’ve made quick work of them. Especially considering how well it decimated steel and iron armor like thin paper plates. I-I think I’m fine for now. There’s.. a lot of screaming and whispers in my head but that’s to be expected. Too many powers at play. He put on a half real smile. He looked to the poor Corrine. This is when it clicked. These were his people now. He didn’t care about the world or anyone else besides this small group. Sure, he still had quite the grudge against Nainda for good reason, but he still cared about her just as much as the others now. He made sure the chains were completely off Corrine and dragged them away, he now felt the blood dripping from his nose and wiped it away, its color shifting from purple to black to red, all the power that lurked within all wanted out now. What’s the plan from here? Let Nainda clear the way and search for Aubron? @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 4:44 AM
"We can't leave her behind, can we?" Rikuma asked, uncertain. "Let's make sure you and Corinne are both in top fighting condition first, but we definitely need to get to Aubron before things can get even worse. You're bleeding, and I want to see if Eletea can help ease your corruption." "Yes, yes, I'm on it," Eletea sighed, pouring her healing magic into Corinne. The new burns faded, leaving only the old scars behind. The sidhe's breathing steadied, and her eyes blinked open. "What-?" The sounds of battle reached her, and she sat up. "Nainda?!" Rikuma put a hand on her shoulder to keep her down. "Let her fight." She looked over and shuddered, glad the Wraith and Crosby were both on their side and not the enemy's. And not just because she cared about the two of them. "Are you alright?" Corinne gestured toward the fight. "Well, I'm definitely worried." Eletea didn't speak, instead putting a hand on each of Crosby's shoulder as her magic flowed into him.
The Wraith of Locuria BOT 5/13/2024 4:44 AM
There was a voice somewhere behind her. Small. Familiar. Beloved. A part of her heart ached with longing to go back. But the battlefield was her home. She was out of enemies in front of her. Bodies lay ruined in her wake, but her power burned within. She had to put it out there. Had to... destroy... more... The world was fading. She had expended so much. Still she turned back. More. She took a step toward them, but the darkness encroached on the edges of her vision, threatening to sweep away her consciousness. Among the group, there was one of them, the one with dark skin, cat ears, and rose-pink eyes. A part of the Wraith knew her, the most precious. But they were all... precious. Nainda fell to the ground, no longer awake but no longer a monster. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 4:58 AM
Absolutely not. Nobody gets left behind now under my command. He said it quite sternly, although his own rule didn’t apply to himself. He was expendable if it meant it absolutely ensured their victory. I said I’m fine Rikuma. It’s just a nose bleed. He insisted before his attention turned towards Corrine, at least she seemed fine now. The princess so far was incredibly lucky who she had on her side. Then again. What other man would’ve came this far with her besides him? Nobody. They would’ve more than like been dead by now. But that was besides the point. The moment Eletea tried his magic upon him, he winced in horrible pain and dropped to his knees, grasping his heart. The darkness making a black splotch upon his chest plate where little black veins reached out in all directions. He fell quiet as he looked to it. The edges of his vision surrounded in black, he raised his hands up as he felt them tingle, purple energy crackled between his fingers mingling with red. He looked between each member, mainly trying to see their reactions to basically what is his demise… and especially Rikuma. He knew this would be a huge wedge between them. But he didn’t have much time to spend on that when he heard Nainda fall. He started to try to force himself to get back up. It was time to return the favor. He grit his teeth at the clashing magic within him. We need to get her back up. Now. There’s going to be more soldiers on their way here surely. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 5:14 AM
It must have been too late, the other influences having already merged into his being. As Rikuma realized, her attention snapped toward a very puzzled-looking Eletea. "Stop!" she snapped, then immediately forced herself to speak more calmly. "That's enough. Don't... don't hurt him." They would figure out what to do about this later. For now, she wrapped her arms around him. "Let's go, then." Corinne was already running to Nainda, pausing to check her vitals. "She's alive," she confirmed, wrapping an arm around the warlock to help hoist her up. "She's alive..." Tears flowed through her eyes. She was alive, but they were not in fighting condition. They couldn't find Aubron like this, but they couldn't stay here. "Let's go anywhere but here," Rikuma decided. "We recover first. We plan, then we attack." She grabbed Crosby's hand firmly and chose a direction that wouldn't be too obvious, an alley that would be a less likely road for any backup to take than the main road. "This way." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 5:59 AM
He nodded and pulled himself together once again. He was pushing. Pushing way harder than he should’ve been. But they all were at this point, some more than others. For him, now he had to save these people first. Make sure all of them made it out alive. He nodded and would follow Rikki’s command as to be expected. He made sure Corrine was okay with Nainda. He’d carry her if he had to. Agreed. We’re all too drained for now. This was quite a lot all at once… With Corrine crying, he just got flashes of those visions again as he walked along. Where they lose… or he loses himself… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 6:10 AM
As much as Corinne liked the romantic idea of carrying her lover from the battlefield, she was far shorter and weighed less than Nainda, so it wasn't practical for long. She practically stumbled toward Crosby as she realized this fact. "Can you...? Fuck," she breathed. "Now does not seem like the time for such requests," Nainda muttered as her eyes slowly opened. "Nai!" Corinne hugged her to herself. "Are you okay?" "I can walk, but not much else," she admitted. "The unstable transformation takes a lot out of me." "Do you know anywhere we can go to recover?" Rikuma asked. Nainda nodded. "There's a safehouse not far from the prison. People have been planning to overthrow Aubron for a long time. We'll find help there. Food, shelter, and rest." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 6:14 AM
He of course caught Nainda if Corrine was close to dropping her, briefly letting go of Rikki’s hand if he needed to. He knew they’d have plenty of time together soon enough. They just needed to handle some things first. He awaited a few moments seeing the warlock was back up before taking the princess hand again. His eyes were bloodshot, the bags under his eyes had gotten quite large. Exhaustion was slowly kicking in now as the energy from the blade was no longer being supplied. Are we sure we can make it there un noticed? And that they won’t ambush us while we’re there? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 6:35 AM
"Not at this point," Nainda admitted as she stood again, because their jail break had been messier than planned. "But it's our best shot." There wasn't much time to think about it. "Let's go, then." Despite her own exhaustion, Rikuma drew her sword as she made the decision, prepared to fight if she needed to. "And let's hope Rashouris's armies are keeping the rest of Thauviel's forces busy." Corinne clung close to Nainda as they walked, to make sure she didn't collapse again. The alley remained quiet until they approached a wooden building at the end. From the outside, it appeared dilapidated, long abandoned and neglected. One had to stand close to it and be sensitive to magic to notice the illusion spell that kept it that way. "This is it?" Eletea asked. Nainda nodded and walked ahead to the door. "Give me a second. Watch our backs, just in case." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 6:54 AM
He could accept that. They’d made quite the entrance right off the bat, they’d shown they were not to be messed with. They were on business and to finish things this time. But that was besides the point now, he would be ready for a fight too if need be. He just wasn’t at his peak performance. He was mentally strained in so many ways. Much too many to describe. Once they approached, he honestly wasn’t surprised. They would have to keep a low profile. But hopefully the people involved in this revolution were still alive… the last thing they needed was to walk into a murder scene from Aubron. He turned his back to the cabin and began to look around. As he did so, a sudden ringing filled his ears as he felt eyes upon them. His whole face scrunched up in pain as he closed his eyes and covered his ears. What the fuck was this!? F-FUCK! He cried out. From the darkness of the alleyway they just came from, a set of green eyes glowed faintly. A strangely familiar male voice would fill the air for him, albeit; it did sound like his own in a way but different.
After all these years you finally show your fucking face. After mom died from your actions and dad tried to hold off their forces as long as he could all alone. Come on Crosby. You really think you can change how things are going to end now after all these years? Things have changed drastically… brother A sickening aura came from this… person. They were completely invisible almost besides the faint outline of their face lit up by their eyes. They seemed to be… having quite the effect on the princess’ consort. But it didn’t take long before they knew who it was as he stepped out of the shadows. He looked pretty damn close to Crosby despite a few minor differences. His hair was white for one, that was the most obvious, and their builds were drastically different. Crosby clearly was much more athletic and stronger. Whoever this was… didn’t lean that way to say the least. But didn’t lack either. He was roughly around the knights height also. He wore a fancy green cloak with darker green accents here and there. He also had what looked to be gold plated shoulder guards. His eyes were sharp, a very slight color difference was clear with his being a tad more blue in hue. He looked coldly to the group and then the man on his knees. Bitter tension was palpable as it filled the air. @Al the Killer
Dennis, the RPHQ Bot BOT 5/13/2024 7:15 AM
⚠The above link points to a different location than the link text. Actual link:
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 9:40 AM
The interference caused Nainda to pause and turn toward the group, not wanting to give the password in another person's presence. Rikuma turned toward the stranger who looked so similar to her lover, standing protectively between the two of them with her sword drawn. "Stand down, Rikuma," Nainda said. "His goals may yet be aligned with ours." "You know him?" Rikuma asked, not sparing a glance back. "Only by reputation. Azir, whatever you're doing to our knight, I would advise you stop." She wasn't sure what his problem was with Crosby, but it was clear they knew each other. "What are you doing here?" @Crosby
He only raised a brow slightly, a small smirk spreading across his face at Rikuma’s actions. He chuckled a bit. How cute. Who’s she first? Crosby’s newest fancy after the queen’s death? He drew drastically closer, he pushed her blade aside with his finger. Green electricity crackled from his fingertip to protect him from the blade. And as for what I’m doing to him? I’m doing nothing. It’s our dad’s mask doing everything. Not like he’d know that though, you missed the desperate lengths he went to try to protect my people. What I’m doing here is the same as you, just ever so slightly different. I’ve been trying to strike back at those who have wronged me for… He started counting in his head. too many years to count now. Albeit, without the interference of the one who tarnished our name. He looked to his struggling brother with no remorse. He put his hand out, it had a strange green hue to it. He was… also giving off quite the mysterious aura, it was somewhere between a mix of Rikki’s, nainda’s, and the knights. perhaps you should hand over the mask before it cripples you further. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 12:03 PM
Rikuma narrowed her eyes on him and lowered her eyes so they wouldn't be overheard. "Princess Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi the Sixth of Rashouris, the Undying, Prime Necromancer Adept of the Order of the Circle." She pulled her sword away from him. "Back off. We can't just hand it over to someone we're not sure we can trust." Nainda sighed. "For the love of..." She walked over and grabbed the mask, quickly wrapping it in a cloth. "I'm holding onto this until you can get along like adults. Azir, come with us and we'll strategize so you can help us strike back in a way that actually matters." Nainda knocked on the door while Rikuma stared at her, incredulous. She spoke a word in a long-dead language, and the door opened. Inside, the interior was clean, well-organized, and decidedly not some abandoned wooden shanty. A man in glasses bowed. "Welcome. Please, come in and rest," he said. @Crosby
Quite the title for someone who’s with a rejected noble. He commented rather casually. and where exactly are you going? Into the outpost? Bold. He of course watched her grab the mask. Although that would prove to be a mistake for Nainda, the moment she touched it, a SCREAM would fill her head, it would make her ears ring and temporarily deaf for a few brief seconds. GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME TARNISH FILTH! He only smirked as he knew the effect the piece had in this state upon those unfit to wield it. But he kept to himself. Crosby started to finally get up, shakily, giving Azir quite the cold glare before grabbing Rikuma’s hand a bit… possessively and following Nainda. Azir glanced around, seeing things the party hadn’t, but not like he’d say anything. It was for him and him to know only. He’d follow them into the outpost. So how exactly are you back Crosby? Another favor from the Queen in exchange for some fun? Or perhaps your lover brought you back? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 2:18 PM
Rikuma shrugged it off because maybe he had a point, but Corinne was not about to stand for that. "One of the few commoners to fight their way to a noble title. Meanwhile, what the fuck haveyou accomplished?" Nainda would have assured her that it was fine, except she was dealing with the mask. She heard fifty worse things than what it screamed at her before breakfast on a good day, but that deafening effect, no matter how temporary, was annoying. Her irritation showed on her face, but didn't stop her from wrapping it up. She'd place it somewhere safe when she got the chance, since she didn't like the idea of carrying it around. "Wait, why is it cold?" Eletea asked, though the others seemed more focused on other things. Rikuma held Crosby up before following Nainda inside. "He..." She trailed off, also unsure how he'd come to arrive in Rashouris. Aside from the contract to kill her. "It's a long story. Are you going to help us stop Aubron or not?" Corinne fixed him with a glare, still taking more offense to the insult against Nainda than Nainda herself had. @Crosby
Relax, who said I was referring to Nainda hm? Because I don’t remember doing so. Now, how about we all pause and focus on what the genasi said for once eh? We can focus on the small details and all the other mooshy gooshy later. He trailed away from everyone as he began to wander this place, sort of leaving them alone.
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 2:25 PM
He of course did not answer the question as to how he returned. Even he didn’t know the answer truly. Nor did he trust his brother to tell any truth to him right now. He was… different. He focused on the feelings around him. The temperature change was indeed noticeable. He first looked up, making sure for once nothing awaited them there that shouldn’t be. I agree with Azir at least on that… somethings off…. He was more than happy to shift the focus away from him, at least for now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/13/2024 2:51 PM
Now that Nainda's hearing returned, she could speak on the matter. "He does have a point; the one person here whose past he would know most about would be Crosby, so it stands to reason that he was describing him." She rubbed one of her ears, the ringing still going on, as she looked around. "And yes, something is... different about this place." Rikuma sighed. "Do you think it's been compromised?" "One way to find out is to ask the person who was conveniently already here," Eletea pointed out, then broke away from the group to follow after Azir. "Hey. What do you know about this place?" she asked. The man who had invited them in stood to the side, confused by the conversation but waiting for them to indicate that they were ready to be led to the spare rooms that remained available. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/13/2024 11:47 PM
His attention turned towards the man who invited him in. His eyes skeptically looking him up and down. And then staring into his eyes, looking to see if he’d crack from fear of hiding something. So, does anyone in Aubron’s little click know about this place, hmm? He took a few steps closer, too bad he didn’t have the mask for intimidation, but he was still very much a big burly man, one not to be taken lightly.
Not much. I… tend to avoid these parts. They only stir the worst of trouble out of the guards view. He glanced back to the genasi. Surprised she was the one to follow him of everyone here. It was quite curious. But he didn’t comment upon it. He just looked around for any reasons this place might’ve been comprised, he was not afraid to open doors, cabinets, and the works to check. He was mainly looking for symbols or perhaps an incriminating letter from the king. He’d been through this quite a few times before, it wasn’t anything new to him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/14/2024 5:36 AM
The man appeared genuinely confused by the staring. "Of course not," he said, looking up at him. "If the safehouse had been compromised, we would have already burned it down. We have layers on layers of enchantments to help keep it hidden from outsiders. You were only able to get in because the Wraith is a trusted person." Nainda frowned at him. "I do wish you would stop referring to me by the name parents call me when they're trying to scare their children into behaving..." "I just think code names are cool!" he protested. "They are by far more suspicious than normal aliases." Nainda shook her head. "But that is irrelevant." Rikuma and Corinne looked up at the ceiling. The magic surrounding them was a tangled mess, but what either of them could make out of it did consist of spells of concealment, illusion, security... the only way for a place like this to become unsafe would be active betrayal. Except she wouldn't rule out the possibility of it, either. But in their current state, they would be doomed in a battle, and they couldn't run away searching for safe haven forever. Rikuma was ready to take a chance with it. Most of what the base contained beyond the magic protecting it was the necessities; plenty of food storage, well-stocked weapons, a variety of seditious literature, the people staying there who gave Azir looks of annoyance if he went near their personal belongings... nothing out of the ordinary for a rebellion's base. "Are you involved with the rebellion itself, or have you been acting alone?" Eletea continued to ask questions, curious about this stranger. "And, again, why is it bold for us to come here?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/14/2024 12:55 PM
Trusted eh? Perhaps he could trust her more in time. He still did trust her quite a lot to be fair, especially since she chose not to kill him in that beast form earlier, but that was them getting even also. He’d wait until they saw this through. I’m sorry for suspecting such of you. He bowed in respect. thank you for letting us stay here. Once the war effort is completed, I’m sure I can… lend a hand here if need be. He gave a friendly little smile, the knight finally shining through with the mask no longer suppressing him… controlling him. His attention turned towards Rikuma. what exactly is next?
You aren’t quite aware of the price placed upon the Purple Knights head now are you? He disregarded the first question completely. He only half glanced over his shoulder to her. There’s many others besides Aubron who want him dead for a price much more than the king of the empire could ever even hope to pay out. Or even what the mass of the empires wealth could pay in-fact… he’s got plenty more enemies than all of you realize. They just aren’t… visible. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/14/2024 1:35 PM
"It's fine to be cautious," he assured Crosby. "We have a few private rooms if you need one to rest. From this close to the prison, it was difficult to miss out on the scene you caused on your arrival here, so I am sure you must all be tired." Nainda only nodded in response, and Corinne kept an arm around her waist to hold her up. "That would be great." Corinne looked between Crosby and Rikuma. "Should we stick together, or stay in separate rooms?" Rikuma considered for a moment. She did want to talk to Crosby, to check in when they were alone to make sure he really was feeling better. But after what had just happened, she was reluctant to split the group up. At the very least, she wanted to know where everyone was, even in an allegedly safe place. After a while, she spoke. "Two or three separate rooms, but as close together as possible. And nobody goes anywhere alone or without telling the rest where they'll be." She looked at Crosby. "Does that sound good?" Eletea kept her eyes on him, curious but cautious. "Are you one of the ones who wants him dead?" she asked. "If there's something that could serve as a threat to the group - any reason we shouldn't be trusting or traveling with him - then it's information we should all be aware of." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/14/2024 2:22 PM
He nodded in agreement of course. That seemed fair to him, he was unaware if the curse was still in effect but his comrades were definitely still feeling the effects. But by now, Rikuma might’ve grown use to it with how constantly close she was. He wouldn’t have been surprised. Anyways, he glanced around, looking for where Azir and Eletea were going. He was… skeptical at his brothers sudden return. He had so many questions. But didn’t dare to ask as it knew he’d need to try to come up with answers he didn’t know. At least not yet… that sounds fine by me. Although… I don’t think he’ll abide by those rules.
I may have my… differences with him. And reasons to, but I do not at the moment. At least not yet, I’m aware of what power he holds now. He’s the key to Aubron’s downfall as much as I hate to admit it. And if you really insist on knowing why he’s… let’s say… despised, He walked back towards the group, he was unfamiliar with this place. He didn’t dare to stray all too far in here. you should ask him how many people he’s killed. Or well… how many have gotten killed because of him. Crosby death glared him, that was quite the sensitive topic. One he didn’t want to speak of besides with those he trusted the absolute most. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/15/2024 1:42 AM
Rikuma looked back toward them as well. "We can have Eletea keep him accountable, I suppose," she said. "Though in regards to her safety... Can we trust him?" She glanced at their host, who shrugged, then at Nainda and Corinne. "He is ill mannered, but I doubt he would attack unprovoked," Nainda replied. Eletea took note of the 'not yet' part as she followed him back to the group. As he mentioned the death toll, she sighed, exasperated at the fact that he was about to make her defend Crosby. "That is how war works, after all. Things go wrong," she said. "And from what I have heard, his curse makes it so he doesn't exactly remember, either. He was well liked in Waterdeep, before the Empire attacked." Rikuma grabbed onto Crosby's hand protectively, standing straight as Azir returned. "We're staying close to each other. Nobody goes off alone," she explained. "Crosby and I will stay together. Corinne will go with Nainda. Eletea, I would like to to stay with Azir. Don't kill each other." "He seems reasonable enough," Eletea said with a shrug. "Even if he is a cagey prick." Rikuma shrugged. "Good enough." She turned to their host. "Now, could you lead us to the rooms you mentioned, please?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/15/2024 6:44 AM
He figured his brother wouldn’t dare to try the 5 of them in a fight. At least not alone. That would be literal suicide by all means. Then again, he didn’t know what he was capable of… he’d clearly changed. He just didn’t know how much. He held his loves hand of course. Marking what was his to this treacherous man before him. No sharing.
He rolled his eyes. Great. That’d be… annoying. It would ruin his plans in a way, but no matter. He still had his duties to attend to. Things to do. Nobody was going to get in the way. If you truly do insist. I’m ready for rest anyways. He yawned. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/15/2024 9:37 AM
Rikuma didn't understand why Crosby was acting so possessive when Azir hadn't shown any interest in her, but she wasn't about to complain about it either. She squeezed his hand to reassure him and followed their host to the private rooms. The building was larger than it had appeared from the outside, and the slope of the ground gave the distinct impression that they were going downward. Perhaps part of the compound was underground, to keep it better hidden. "I hope these three will be fine," their host said. The furnishings were all basic, each one different as though scavenged from whatever the rebels managed to find over time. "This was once a temple leading into a system of catacombs, but it hasn't been used for that purpose since before Thauviel was an Empire. It's been all but forgotten in Aubron's time." Rikuma perked up. "Oooo, catacombs?" She looked over at Crosby and reminded herself that sightseeing could wait. As she spoke, she opened a door to a room. "I may have more questions after we're done here." Corinne opened one of the other doors for Nainda, while Eletea stayed near Azir. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/15/2024 10:07 AM
As soon as he said Catacombs, one thought came to mind. And he couldn’t help but ask. do they lead anywhere near the castle by chance? That would be one hell of a stealthy way to make their way to Aubron for a surprise attack. One that more than likely wouldn’t be expected too… now he was scheming. Great job Rikki. He didn’t go in quite yet. Now he needed answers.
He gestured Eletea towards the door. ladies first, I insist. He simply wanted… to hear to this conversation. And also, being alone with someone he was completely unfamiliar with at the moment… was not exactly his fancy. He’d rather wait until the time had come when everyone was going to rest. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/15/2024 1:23 PM
Rikuma paused and looked over at him. It wasn't something she'd considered, if only because she had assumed the rebels would already have thought to use it if it was possible. But now she stopped to listen, curious about the answer, herself. "We suspect it used to," their host explained. "It definitely goes in that direction, but there's a rock wall that looks like it was probably an old cave-in. Moving that out of the way would be a hell of a feat." In her mind, Rikuma tried to calculate how many undead it might take to manage it. But without knowing the height, width, or depth of the caved in area, or even whether it would reveal a pathway to the castle, that was far easier said than done. Besides, she was used to managing her castle and government infrastructure with necromancy; she was not a mining necro. Eletea gave Azir a skeptical look, not expecting manners from him without some plotting going on behind them. She stepped just through the door, but turned to see if he followed her in, taking her own task of making sure everyone adhered to the buddy system very seriously. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/15/2024 1:53 PM
Who said anything about moving it? Couldn’t we perhaps… blow it up? They already know we’re coming in more ways than one. And if you’re asking where we’ll get it explosives, I’m pretty sure we might have two people who could figure something out. He glanced to Azir, he knew his brother could figure something out. He did cause quite a stir once and trouble. For now though, his attention turned back to the man.
He just huffed and went into the room. He let them be. Those two would figure it out. He looked around the room and then opted to sit in the chair vs the bed. He wasn’t trying to share quite yet. you and your friends should get some rest. I’ll be staying up. He leaned back, crossing his arms as he did so. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/15/2024 2:39 PM
"It would be... obvious," Rikuma commented. "But if we can prevent another collapse, it could work. I'm going to take a guess that your brother isn't a talented geomancer." She looked at their host. "Do you know any good geomancers? Just enough to keep the ground from collapsing on us when we set the explosion." "Shouldn't you be more concerned about not dying?" their host commented. "I'll check our records, contact any mages who can help out with this. But once it blows, we need you to move quickly." Rikuma nodded, before looking over at Crosby. "But we should rest first." She lowered her voice so only he could hear. "I'm worried about you. Let's just make sure you're recovering alright, then get some sleep. We can hammer out the final details after." Once Azir chose the chair, Eletea sat on the edge of the bed. It was a relief to be free from the influence of Crosby's curse. She could breathe easier here, away from temptation to stray from the path of her goddess. But she couldn't quite rest, having been saddled with the least trustworthy party member. She scoffed at his faux concern. "Please. Stop treating me like a naive child," she countered. "The moment I fall asleep, you're going to sneak out alone, against orders, and do whatever it is you actually came here to do." But she was tired, so she could at least take off her boots for now. "What happened between you and Crosby, anyway?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/15/2024 11:51 PM
He shook his head. Azir definitely couldn’t do such magic. Even he knew that. And of course he wasn’t really concerned about dying. He was too busy thinking about how well this could work in their favor. An attack from below. A brutal blow. An explosion would cause a dust cloud to form, buying them enough time to get surface side. He snapped out of it and nodded once she started to speak to him. Right. He had sort of forgot about resting briefly, he turned to the man. Thank you. He then headed into their room. He of course began to take all his equipment off, including his armor. He needed to air out.
I have duties to fulfill. None of which are to your parties concern. No need to be so defensive about it. As for what happened between us? That’s quite simple. He left our entire kingdom to fall, everybody was slaughtered because of him from our family to our friends, to the children and woman. The Empire showed no respect for us. Our father, The black dragon knight, stooped to new lows and depths no man should ever to try to defend what was left before he was slayed too. I was the only one to escape. On top of all that, after too many years to count, he doesn’t even seem to be bothered by it all. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/16/2024 5:27 AM
Once they were in their room, Rikuma set her equipment aside as well. As a land touched by the sun, Thauviel was still far warmer than she was used to, so she removed the top layers of clothing as well, draping them over the back of the chair in the room. She remained in a thin shift dress, enough to still be decent but to make the temperature here more tolerable. Once she was ready, she sat on the edge of the bed and kept an eye on her lover. He seemed fine right now, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. "How are you feeling?" she asked softly. "I was worried about you." That was an understatement; she'd been terrified of losing him, and she got the impression that their next battles would only be harder. If Azir was the rightful owner of the black dragon knight's mask, or at least more capable of handling it, maybe they would be better off handing it over. She just wasn't sure he wouldn't turn against them the first chance he got. She held her hands out toward Crosby, inviting him to come over to her. ~~~
5:27 AM
The entire story sounded... rather unlike Crosby. Then again, she remembered what had happened to Waterdeep. It hadn't been his doing, not willingly, but it had been the result of his actions, no matter unintended. Eletea considered for a moment. He hadn't mentioned anything about it. At least not to her. "I'm sorry that happened to you," she said softly. "I escaped a similar massacre when the Empire attacked the Temple of Desphy..." She trailed off, reminding herself that there was a fine line between relating to his story and shifting the focus to her own pain. "It couldn't have been easy. All I know is that amnesia seems to be an effect of his curse, which might explain why he seems unbothered. You have time now if you want to try talking to him about it. You may have your own duties, but family seems more important. Especially when he's the only one you've got." She sighed. "It's reasonable to be angry, and he can be a fool who thinks with the wrong head at times, but if the universe presents you with a chance to reconcile, I think you should take it." There was a distance to her voice, the sense of regrets long past, but she said nothing of them. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/16/2024 6:04 AM
To be fair, of course he wasn’t fine. There was so much that happened up until this point. It was all incredibly fucked up too no less. His home had been DECIMATED, and he’d just learned he was the one who had gotten too many men killed to even count, on top of that his mother and father were both slaughtered because of his failure. He went over to her and sat beside her as she commanded. He looked to her with sunken exhausted eyes. Mentally, he was drained in every sense. And now, success wasn’t so clearly set in stone with the visions he kept getting. Don’t be… I’ll figure it out. Get some rest, please. He completely glazed over how he felt, the answer was pretty obvious. He was absolutely trying his best not to become a monster, a ruthless killing machine hell bent on revenge. Her and this party were the only things keeping him grounded. If he lost either… it was over. The cries of the people of the Empire would echo for miles as destruction would lay in his wake. The dragons would rise to power again.
Perhaps when all is said and done. Now is not the time. Distractions are the last thing he needs right now. Rikuma is already quite the distraction for him clearly. He reached into his cloak and pulled out a very strange looking gleaming dagger. It was curved… and almost looked… cult like. Not exactly the best sign. But he idly spun it in his hand. The blade was a strange dark green material, the handle made of gold. No denying that. But if she was at the right angle when he opened his cloak slightly, she may have seen the outline of something strange. It looked to be of maybe a book. Hard to tell. Now then, if you insist on not going to sleep, I suppose that leaves you with one of two options. Either you can come with me as I find somewhere suitable. Or I do it here in the room.
6:14 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/16/2024 6:31 AM
"You don't have to figure it out alone." She wrapped her arms around him, snuggling close. "When I asked you to stay with me, and when I mentioned marriage, I meant I would stand by you even when it wasn't easy for either of us. We'll get through it together. Now, rest with me." She clung to him as though he might drift away the moment she let go. Telling her not to be worried was clearly not going to make her any less worried. Quite the opposite, in fact. They had to stay on their path, as his patron had said. And if there was anything more she could do to help keep his mind as his own, she would do it gladly. Still, her own exhaustion had begun to settle in, and she closed her eyes. ~~~ Eletea shrugged. "I'm not sure your anger toward him will be any less of a distraction. If you keep quiet about it in front of him, it will eat away at you. If you keep up the snide remarks, it will be a distraction to him. In both situations, we lose. Let him rest first, sure, but if you really want to take down Aubron, your best bet is to work things out with him and join us. And Rikuma is the reason he's here in the first place. Distraction or not, this would be no more possible without her than it would be without him." She kept an eye on the dagger, not quite trusting it or the man wielding it. At least he was less secretive though, if he was going to do whatever he was planning in front of her. Unless the plan was to kill her. Unlikely, but there was only one way to find out. "Then you can do it here, since you yourself presented it as an option." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/16/2024 6:40 AM
He simply nodded and cuddled into her. He was too exhausted as much as he tried to fight it to say anything else at the moment. His brain was just shutting down. He needed rest more than he realized. His arms gently wrapped around her, holding her close. He definitely wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon unless something happened as he passed out without a word of protest.
We’ll see with those two. He said quite simply and left it at that, spilling details like that wasn’t his thing. He quickly got up and put the dagger away, taking out the book. And by the gods did it look horrific… it looked to be beat to hell but also hellish in nature. But upon the front was the head of a mindflayer, tentacles wrapping around the edges of the book. He opened it and put his hand out towards the floor and spoke a language she absolutely would never recognize. More than likely, neither would Rikuma or even Nainda. But anyways, strange symbols covered the floor between the bed and door in the shape of a circle. At 4 points in the circle were spirals, and all around the circle were tendrils made of a green magic. The nature of it was… unsettling for such a holy being as herself. He didn’t even pay any mind to her before sitting in the center of the circle and placing the book down before him. No writing would be on the pages for her. He closed his eyes. A meditation seemingly beginning. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/16/2024 7:05 AM
Carefully, Rikuma pulled both of them down to lay on the bed. Her head rested against his chest. Her worries and the fact that she'd expended less magic than he had made it so it took her longer to fall asleep. But she did end up falling asleep, staying close by his side as she did so. She would make sure everything turned out fine in the morning. For now, what they both needed most was to recover from the day they had just had. ~~~ Eletea recoiled at the mere sight of the book, but she said nothing. She simply sat there, tense as he began to cast a spell beyond her knowledge of magic but undeniably forbidden. At first, she remained tense, at the ready in case she needed to cast a counter spell. But despite the unfamiliarity, one thing soon became clear: this was not an attack. She slowly relaxed, remaining silent to avoid disturbing him as she stood up. She still kept her distance from the profane magic he wielded as she walked over to the wash basin in the room. If he was going to meditate, she would do well to do the same. Parallel, an activity simply to help recentre herself. In the absence of proper rest, it was the next best thing, and in the presence of whatever sort of nightmarish power he was using, it would shield her from any accidental influence it might cause to seep into the room. Her magic lifted some of the water from the basin as she sat on the opposite side of the bed. Her lips moved silently as the water formed a small, faintly glowing circle beside her. She would make a point to not disrupt him, so they could both go about their activities in peace. Her in slightly less peace, though not by much; after all, by this point, she owed a lot to the necromancer, the shadowy fae, and the warlock. She didn't have to like it, but perhaps users of unholy magic did have their benefits after all. @Crosby
As Crosby and Rikuma slept in peace, he surely did not. His eyes were wide open and glowing a bright sea green in color. Words began to escape him in a language she wouldn’t understand again. Now however, either hand of his was extended outwards. Perhaps inviting her to see what he was seeing or experience it if she dared. A sudden bolt of electric green energy shot towards the wall, it only left a small mark… thankfully. If she so chose to even touch him, she’d see it. The most realistic of the visions sadly, the one from an actual oracle… being him… but just like the others it costs the knight everything, including himself. But this time… everybody in the party except the Rikuma succumbs to injuries and had perished… having been raised back to life by the necromancer in the party. The palace being painted red with the blood of foes and friends. Too many bodies around to even count as the knight had ended everyone who stood in his way. Aubron’s head and heart being completely missing, all his blood being gone. Trails of blood all leading to the knight as he had crumpled to his knees, the corruption having consumed all that was good. He had turned into what he had feared most and fought against, a monster. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 4:05 AM
Eletea opened her eyes and jumped as the bolt hit the wall. It hadn't been an attack; he was still just sitting there, arms outstretched. The water returned to the basin as she stood up, curiosity overtaking good sense. Still, her approach was cautious, and she reached out hesitantly before resting her hands against his and closing her eyes. The vision hit hard, the deaths of her and everyone else. The princess was alive, but... different, in a way she couldn't quite fathom. She watched as Rikuma ran to Crosby, pleading for him to come back to her. Eletea and this vision's version of Rikuma feared it may have been too late. She hadn't expected herself to be torn apart by his loss, but these people had become her friends after all, hadn't they? In a way even her sisters at the Temple never had. Her hands broke away from Azir's as she fell back, tears welling up in her eyes. "That... do you know how to prevent it? Is it inevitable?" she asked Azir. "...Should we warn them?" ~~~
4:05 AM
In her dream, Rikuma approached the top of the highest peak in Rashouris. Up here, the only light came from the molten earth within the volcanic depths, a faint red glow. Venterre's last eruption had been a thousand years ago, shortly after the curse had taken hold. A figure stood at the apex, looking out over the desolated landscape of their home. His face was concealed by the deep hood of his cloak, but she knew him because this was the only way she had seen him in his lifetime. "Your Majesty?" she asked, hesitant to approach closer. Her father. The man who had raised her. The man who had thought eliminating the Aelynthi bloodline would end the curse. She stopped walking and bowed. He turned toward her. "Come closer," he ordered, in that ever-familiar voice. "I was wrong about so many things, but right about one." She looked up at him, shock dawning on her face as he lowered his hood. He looked so much like her - those same silver eyes, the sharp features, blond hair so pale it was almost white... she had seen it after his death, but he had never willingly shown his face to the unworthy. Never willingly to her. She couldn't say anything, so he continued to speak. "You know what you need to do. You tried so often." Great. Her dead dad had visited her dreams just to tell her to kill herself. She nearly walked away, but he leaned in to whisper directly to her, words in a language she didn't recognize. A spell, but she didn't know what kind yet. Then he pulled away and placed a hand on her shoulder. "You have come this far, Queen Rikuma the Sixth. Do not fail us now." @Crosby
After the vision was over, he fell to the floor. He was gassed. Exhausted even. That was easily the most demanding one yet. He wiped sweat from his forehead, looking to her as he had to catch his breath. He looked to the tears streaming down her face. That he did not expect… his face… softened. Emotions. Vulnerable ones. Wow. Something twisted within his body. He hated the feeling but seeing this… made him feel something. He did find it strange she cared so much about these people… it did raise questions for him, like what the hell had they been through together to warrant such? He shook his head. Do not tell them. We cannot mess with their fates or we’ll change the path too drastically trying to avoid these things, understood? And as for how to prevent it, I don’t believe so, I’ve tried 3 times so far. Two have him ending up in the same state. Well… the ones you win in at least. The other one Aubron falls with him into the underworld. So perhaps it is inevitable if you wish for Aubron’s fall. If you want to save my brother from becoming… that, I’m afraid he’ll live. Their fates are intertwined from what I see. Almost like two souls in a prophecy. Although, I do not know which one they’re from.
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/17/2024 6:14 AM
He tossed and turned in his sleep, as the “nightmares” began. Little did he know it was because of Azir’s actions. He saw the SAME vision Eletea experienced, every last detail of it. His body grew incredibly warm, uncomfortably so. All color from his skin slowing draining. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 6:37 AM
Eletea turned away so that he couldn't see her face as she wiped the tears from it. As a result, she didn't see the change in his expression, either. It was too much, the inevitability of failure or grief. But they couldn't let Aubron carry on what he was. An entire kingdom would fall if he lived. No matter how much she disapproved of Rashouris's ways, she knew she couldn't allow that. It was no longer about revenge, but about the fates of millions of people. She closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. "You wish you could save him, too," she observed. "Otherwise, you would not have tried to see a better outcome. Do you know what happens after? If there's any hope he could be brought back?" She stood up and held a hand out to him. "If you haven't seen it yet, don't search now. You've worn yourself out, and need rest as well." She could let him have the bed and sleep in the chair or on the floor. She'd had more challenging sleeping situations before, so a change in furniture wouldn't make any difference to her. ~~~ The volcano and her father's figure fell away as Rikuma woke up. Her mind was a complex swirl of emotions, of a complicated grief she had never allowed herself to feel. Ghostly acceptance from family at long last, or the wishful thinking of a dreaming mind? It didn't matter; she understood the truth in it, at its core. She just wasn't sure how to get there. She opened her eyes and looked toward the warmth beside her. The unbearable heat, as though waking had thrown her to the volcanic depths anyway. "Crosby?" She sat up. He wasn't supposed to be so pale. "Crosby!" She grabbed his shoulder and tried to shake him awake. @Crosby
He of course wouldn’t confirm or disagree with potentially wanting to save his brother. They had things they’d have to sort out first. I’ve seen one possibility of his return. It’s not a good one by any means. The cost is extremely high…. Well… for me. He hoped she could get the gist. I’ve seen him and I fighting while he was corrupted and then me being out of the picture… and him being… fine. The context matches up with that most recent vision… He took her hand and hoisted himself up. I suppose I do need to rest… you should too. We can share the bed if need be. I do not mind. I trust you not to do anything all too weird. He walked towards it, obviously not exactly wanting to elaborate on his own demise.
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/17/2024 6:50 AM
He was trying to wake up, but he just kept spiraling. The flood gates had been opened. He watched as his best friend in the war died before him. The purple dragon mark was quite literally electrified at this point with a strange purple lightning that jumped across it at random points. Darkness soon filled the room, the shadow like mist from the mask it appeared, tendrils outstretched, grasping onto him. Through that mist a shape began to form beside the bed. A huge one at that; standing at roughly 7-8 feet tall. And it took the shape… of a woman. A beautiful demon to be precise, she was made of shadows, her horns were huge, her wings easily filling half the room. Two of her fingers reached forth and grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. His body froze as he finally awakened to the horrific sight before him. She didn’t speak out loud but her words filled his head. If Rikuma kept her grip upon him, she’d hear her, Join me Crosby… your pain will all be over. You’ll have everything you could ever want and more…. Power, a changed fate, a new life… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 7:13 AM
It wasn't herself that Eletea had been worried about - if she could keep her vows in the presence of Crosby's curse, she was sure she would have no trouble now - so much as it was the near stranger who'd been hostile the moment he'd shown up. She let him go and hesitated for a moment. "The same goes for you," she said. "Don't do anything weird." She got under the covers and lay down facing away from him. Her eyelids were heavy with fatigue, but it was difficult to think about sleeping after what she had just seen. Her own death, among others. Azir or Crosby would be lost, unless someone managed to changed the course of fate. The former was a stranger, but the idea of sacrificing one life for one other... well, it was more challenging math than simply one life for millions. She stared at the distant wall, but it held no solutions. ~~~ Rikuma only held him tighter as the demon reappeared, remembering what her lover had told her about the succubus. Then the woman dared to touch him. Keeping her grip with one hand, she used the other to try to push her away. The room had become unbearably hot, and her heart raced, because she was not immune to his charms or to hers. But she had to stay focused. "Don't touch him," she ordered, glaring at the demon. She spoke to him next. "Crosby, remember what she did to you before." It killed her, having to dig up his old trauma and throw it back into his face. "And remember what you were told; the further you stray from a righteous path, the worse our outcome will be." She squeezed his shoulder as hard as she dared, not wanting to hurt him. "Hers would only be another dark influence to drag you to your doom." But that was all she could do - tell him to resist. The nature of her magic gave her no advantage over demons, and it was hard to think straight right now. @Crosby
He simply nodded and soon passed out facing away from her. He was way too exhausted to even think or dream or even have a nightmare. He just slept…. Like a rock. Unbothered by everything that had just occurred and was occurring.
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/17/2024 8:20 AM
Luckily Rikuma had indeed remembered. But what he had told her wasn’t completely true. At least that she was a succubus. She clearly wasn’t but she was a demon so her needs like what she did to him of course lined up. Her hand would go through the shadows, a dreadful cold sensation would ripple through the poor necromancer. A weakening one at that… his eyes flickered as when she brought it up, with the demons touch, it all flashed before him. What the dragon said… what happened to him. He cried out quite loudly, probably enough to accidentally cause a stir. NO! He put his hand out and Ashrune came WHIZZING across the room. Luckily it was facing away from Rikuma or she wouldn’t been missing an arm or worse. He tried to draw his head back but her grip only grew tighter. He winced as his neck flared up, pain. Excruciating pain rippled through him. Her voice was laced with venom as she spoke now. That was a mistake Crosby. To betray me and now try to turn your back on me after all I’ve done for you? I brought you back. I hold your life in my grasp you ungrateful runt. She extended her hand out and the knight and his lover would go flying into the wall, perhaps even breaking through into another room if the walls were thin enough. That did mean however, Rikuma would be taking the brunt of the blow and he’d land on top of her. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 8:40 AM
Eletea soon fell asleep as well. She'd always been a heavy sleeper, and would remain unbothered by anything that happened among the waking. Which meant the cleric was missing out on the fight against the demon. She curled up in her sleep, a mercifully dreamless blackness. ~~~ Something was off... it didn't affect her the way it should have. Her pounding heart was, when she took a moment to think about it, fear. Before she could question it, she flew into and through a wall, her world exploding into pain as she landed. The world blurred as the dust from the broken wall settled around them. "What...?" She tried to focus, but her head was swimming, and blood had begun to pool beneath her head. Everything sounded so far away, and she faded out of consciousness. Corinne bolted upright from where she'd fallen asleep in Nainda's arms. "What happened?" she demanded, jumping to her feet. She glanced back, but Nainda remained fully unconscious, as she could not be woken before she had fully recovered from her prior transformation. Corinne pulled the arcane hand cannon from her bag and walked toward the hole in the wall, looking to see what sort of enemy lay beyond it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/17/2024 1:00 PM
He groaned and began to force himself to get up. His head was spinning also from such a forceful blow with no armor on. He was seriously hurting. Ashrune had skidded into the next room. He forced himself to get up. Drip… drip… he felt the blood dripping from his arms, he had wood lodged into them but didn’t care. He glanced to Rikuma and saw she was unconscious and bleeding. Fuck… he looked to Nainda. can you help her… please. I’ve got… business to handle. He pulled the wood out of his arms and looked to the demon before him. He stood like a menace before the hole in the wall. His purple dragon tattoo flared with energy… it seemed to be… faltering.
Oh what a pity it came to this. Blue flames began to swirl around the figure from the darkness. She soon formed in its place, her eyes cold and uncaring as she looked to the pitiful warrior before her. You’re so much weaker without me. She chuckled a bit, a small smug smile on her face. She stood well over two feet taller than him. I’ll give you one last chance to join me. Need I remind you…? You’ll be crawling back to me with the strings the fates have tied to you soon enough. You’re going to be in my domain. My realm. At my mercy. She slowly levitated forth. Out of the ground two hands grabbed onto the knights ankles, their nails were razor sharp and dug into his flesh.* Now tell your friend to put the little toy away she has.
1:00 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 1:11 PM
"Nainda can't hear you," Corinne told Crosby. "Eight hours, she said, where you'd have better luck waking up someone with a coma... fuck!" This didn't look good. Her weapon began to glow with a golden light. "Damn it, where's Eletea when we need her?" Her arcane hand cannon carried some holy magic still, but she knew the effects would be limited compared to what an actual cleric could do. "And who is she, Crosby?" She fired off a shot in the demon's direction. In the next room over, Eletea stirred awake at the commotion next door. "Huh?" She picked her head up, gasping at the strong demonic presence. This didn't bode well, by any stretch of the imagination. "No..." She reached over to try to shake Azir awake. "Wake up! The others are in trouble..." But she didn't wait for him to wake up. She couldn't afford to wait. She jumped to her feet, gathered and blessed the water from the basin so it floated in an orb behind her, and ran out of the room. The rest of the outpost had woken to the chaos as well, and those who could fight were busy getting those who couldn't to safety. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/17/2024 1:26 PM
She’s well… the demon my father made a deal with to get that mask. It was the only way apparently. And well… she brought me back from my coma for her pleasure and to serve her. But obviously we didn’t get along and here we are. He of course tried to rip the hands off to no avail, only more hands reached out. Soon he had 8 hands on him, 4 on his arm and 4 on his legs holding him in place. He couldn’t move even if he wanted to. He tried to fight against it but his strength was waining with no rest and no food.
*The holy magic shot would hit a strange… barrier. A wall separated the rooms now. One not visible until it was struck. It was like the one Aurora used almost… however strange spirals showed where the energy struck before it was dispersed outwards. She just glared at the sidhe. so utterly clueless for your own good… especially for one who lurks in the shadows herself… god I cannot wait to see you again in my control along with all your friends. And there will be nothing you can do about it. She extended her hand outwards, chains came from the walls, grabbing onto the cannon and pulling it into whatever direction her grip was weakest. maybe I should provide a little demonstration here and now for you all~.
He woke the moment he shook her, her energy clashed with his also. He instantly felt that dreadful presence… there was no mistaking it that he knew it. He knew it best besides Crosby. Maziel… He followed after Eletea without hesitation, the book in one hand, the dagger in the other. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 1:37 PM
Eletea burst into the room, all but kicking the door in. She glanced only briefly back at Azir before her gaze fixed on Corinne. The cait sidhe was struggling against the chains, trying to keep the weapon in her own grasp. But Corinne's grip slipped. "No..." Corinne said, taking a step back. To say it didn't look good was a vast understatement. Eletea surrounded herself with the blessed water as a shield, but the magic she sensed gave away what she needed to know; it wouldn't be as simple as overpowering Maziel. Her attention shifted in an instant to the bundle of cloth that Nainda had wrapped the mask in, now resting on the dresser in the room. The mask she'd heard Crosby mention when she arrived. "Azir, go over there and get the mask," she said. Meanwhile, things had been changing around Rikuma. The ash had sifted out of its pouch, crawling on its own to encase her head in a solid whiteness like a mask. Now it parted, returned to its pouch, and she sat up, head wound healed. "No..." She spilled the small bones from the other pouch she carried, and they rolled toward the door, forming into a hand on the way out as she drew her sword. "Leave him alone, demon." @Crosby
The weapon went straight to the wall where countless chains wrapped around it, completely enveloping it. She most certainly wasn’t getting it back anytime soon. He simply nodded and spoke a few strange words again, he was soon out of sight… no way of knowing if he was there or if he left.
While the whole bloodline is here in these two rooms? Why would I ever leave him alone? His mind and soul belong to me little elf. Not you. As much as you believe he’s your love and yours in every way, I hate to break it to you; but he’s not. You’ll never be enough for him. Before Crosby could speak, she waved her hand, a pink mist surrounding him, to which he struggled briefly against before his eyes felt heavy within seconds and he dropped to the floor. She extended her hand out, chains beginning to form around him instead of hands, dragging him to her. now now. How about you all play along and we have a little fun instead of a pointless brawl. None of you are strong enough to defeat me. We all can tell. She chuckled. so I’ll propose this. You surrender the knight and I’ll let you carry on your merry way. Or we can do this hard way, I force him to break his bond with the dragon and take him either way.
He reached the mask without issue. He held it one hand as he appeared behind Corrine. His hand extended outwards towards the mask. Tendrils of his patron that looked like a dark green rubber skinned beast’s mixed with green electricity. He was quite the magic user. Not one to bat an eye at. Bow to me demon or I’ll destroy it. And then… you’ll be next on the list. Slimy tentacles of a strange being came out from nowhere and grabbed onto Crosby, countering her spell. This is your final chance to leave with your dignity intact. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/17/2024 2:29 PM
Rikuma hesitated because maybe she was right. Maybe Rikuma had been right, when she'd doubted his first confession of love, with every little doubt she'd had about him... after all, what he'd told her about the demon already didn't match up with the truth. But she needed him. If nothing else, then to break the curse, since it seemed nobody else could truly wield Ashrune. This only made that heartbreaking decision she'd contemplated before easier, if Maziel was right. But either way, she couldn't let her have him. She stood beside Azir as her spell broke, sword at the ready. "You can't have him," she said. Eletea stood by Azir's other side, while Corinne ran back to her bag, preparing a larger arcane cannon. "On your cue, Azir," Corinne said. "We'll throw everything we have at her." The skeletal hand hadn't been stopped, so it reached their host, Camus. He looked over at it and stood up. "Be prepared to fight if needed," he ordered the magic users and fighters among them. They stood at the ready, in case the demon made an attempt to flee. @Crosby
She took one look around at the annoying pest of a party that was before. They drove such a hard bargain. What a shame truly. But she was able to play the long game, they were not. Everyday they waited, their fates drew closer. Some less pleasant than others. Fine. Keep him for now She cleanly ripped him from the tentacles grip and threw him into the wall farthest from all of them. His head instantly would start bleeding from the impact. He was still under a “sleep” spell however for now. I’ll be waiting to see all of you again. And we’ll have simply sooo much fun when you’re begging me for mercy. And you. She pointed to Rikki and smirked. you’ll be begging me to turn him back to the man he once was. Not the monster he’ll become under my influence. She sort of… giggled. Finding it all too easy to mock this group. now now, have fun with him. I’m sure you will trying to wake him first. She waved tah tah to you all~. She raised her hand up and then vanished. Where she was, a scroll dropped to the ground. One made of gold. (edited)
He fell quiet, looking to Crosby who was a mess by now. Christ she could do a lot of damage in such a short time… he put the mask in his jacket for now. It was best he kept it away from Crosby. He could handle Maziel… he returned to normal and walked over to Rikuma’s side. Are you alright? How did she even manifest here? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 2:22 AM
Eletea let out a burst of magic at Maziel, but the demon was already gone. "What a bitch," muttered the cleric. She walked over to the scroll but didn't touch it, using a spell to try to detect any curses or illusions first. No way she'd be foolish enough to pick up something like that without an investigation first. Rikuma looked down at Crosby, mixed emotions within her. What else had he lied to her about? "Of course I'm not alright," she told Azir. "I mean, physically, sure, I'm fine, but..." She knelt down next to him. Once he woke up, they'd have to talk. "I don't know how. I woke up to smoke at the edge of the bed and she formed out of it. He did tell me about a previous encounter with a demon, and he showed me the mark she'd left on him. She probably used that claim..." She looked away. "I'm not sure how much of the story is true anymore, but the mark is physical evidence that at least something had happened between them, and it's likely how she appeared so close to him." Corinne glanced back at Nainda to make sure she was unaffected, then ran into the other room to check on her precious hand cannon. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/18/2024 5:49 AM
The scroll seemed to be a fancy scroll. Albeit it gave off some magic. Just not bad magic. And he hadn’t purposely lied to her. Most of it was because details got mixed up with so many memories coming back at once. Although, with the demon, things were extremely complicated. His head drooped as blood dripped from it. His arms having multiple stab wounds from where bits of the wall had dug into his flesh. But other than that, he seemed fine. He was “sleeping” for now with no sign of being bothered by anything going on.
A previous encounter? Great… parts of what she said may be true then… she might be the reason he’s even here today. We’re going to have to be more careful about how we handle her if we meet her again. He picked up Crosby’s arm, the purple dragon claim was still freaking the fuck out with energy rippling over it. Almost like it was fighting for control. He put his hand on the mark and moved some of the energy aside with his own. Then; there it was, fighting for control and visible enough Rikuma could make it out. The slave mark Maziel had placed on him with her standard fancy M and chains around it to indicate such. Although it seems the purple dragon was overwhelming it, for now at least. The handcannon was unscathed thankfully. I am tempted to tap into his mind to see what is going on with him. But that’s… risky with the current war over him… He looked to Rikuma to see her opinion on the matter. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 6:05 AM
Eletea picked the scroll up. She felt along the edges first, checking for any non-magical traps, before she opened the scroll up to check its contents. If they were lucky, it might be something useful that she'd dropped accidentally, rather than something intentional to lead them down the wrong path. But with demons, one could never be too careful. "But bear in mind, Rikuma," she added as she read, "that most of her words would likely be trickery and outright deception to shake your faith in him. We all know her loves you. Obnoxiously, disgustingly so." Rikuma nodded, because that was reasonable. Her fears were still going to get the best of her for a bit, but she'd keep that in mind. She watched Azir's actions closely. "How risky?" she asked. "What might happen?" She wasn't about to put him in danger if it wouldn't be worth it. Especially not when he wasn't awake to give his opinion on the matter. Corinne picked it up and returned to the room, sitting on the bed beside Nainda. (edited)
6:10 AM
Well it wasn’t trapped at all. The scroll quite simply said in very fancy handwriting, “If you so choose to turn him in. Or yourselves.” Below was three words in demonic, seemingly this was a scroll to the underworld. I don’t know to be honest. I’ve never done such on someone in a situation like this before since it well… obviously never happens. But of course it does to him, he always got himself in way over his head…. He took out the book with the mindflayer head upon it, the aura radiating from it was… uneasy to say the least. It wreaked of power… raw untamed power. He flipped through the seemingly blank pages before her since only he could see what it said. Two tentacles wrapped around Crosby’s arms to keep him down. As much as you might not like it. I believe we need to make sure she isn’t going to make him go berserk on us all if the dragon loses. He glanced over his shoulder to the princess. Looking to see if she was okay with this. He was her lover after all.* @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 7:59 AM
Eletea frowned. This wasn't her scroll to use. "Princess Rikuma? You should come see this," she said. "One moment." Rikuma turned toward Azir, still considering the unknown risks of going through with the procedure compared to the known risks of not doing it. Not an easy decision, but one was a danger to his safety. The other was a danger to the rest of them. Neither was acceptable by her measure, but she had to consider what Crosby would have wanted. "Okay," she said after a moment. "Do it. I'm placing his safety in your hands, Azir." With the decision made, she walked over to Eletea to have a look at the scroll. Something about it was familiar. Not the exact words told in her dream, but so similar. She just had examine it closer to find out. "Corinne?" The sidhe snapped to attention when Rikuma spoke. "Can you bring over something to write with? I need to check something." @Crosby
Right. Do not intervene unless it’s absolutely necessary. It might cause more harm to us both than you realize. He nodded and put two fingers to his forehead, his eyes opening wide as they went fully green like before with Eletea. The scroll may or may not have had the same symbols as her father showed her. There was an eerie silence between Crosby and Azir. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 9:31 AM
Rikuma nodded, but her attention had already shifted. She would let Azir do his work and trust that he had no real wish to harm his brother. At the very least, he seemed to have Eletea's trust, and the idea that anyone had managed that baffled her. Corinne carried a small piece of parchment and charcoal, and Rikuma wrote out her father's final advice to her. It was close, but not quite the same. The first half of what her father had given was simple enough now that she was looking at it. A gate spell, plain as that. The second half... That was what resembled the words on the scroll, but different. Inverted. "I... I understand," she whispered. It would be dangerous, but she would do what she had to do to save everyone. She couldn't give up, after coming this far. She looked over to see how Azir and Crosby were doing. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/18/2024 10:13 AM
Well thankfully it didn’t take that much to get him back this time. He opened his eyes, quite confused as he blinked a few times and looked around the room. The edge of his vision was fuzzy up until Azir drew back. The tentacles holding his arms receded into nothing as he put a hand to his head. ugh… what happened…? He felt dreadful, worse than before. He wasn’t making any positive progress. He forced himself to get up, slowly, everything ached.
He got up and brushed his hands off. He did wonder why they so blindly trusted him, but then again, considering how much of a mismatched mess this party was, it made sense. They were per se… the outcasts to put it nicely. He walked over to Eletea to stay out of the way for now. He’s all yours princess. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 10:20 AM
Rikuma folded the parchment and rolled the scroll back up, handing them off to Corinne before running over to Crosby. Instinct said to wrap her arms around him, to hold him close and never let go. Reason won out this time, because it said not to risk hurting him. "Crosby..." She held her hand out to help him. "Are you alright?" She looked over at Azir. "What did you find?" Eletea yawned and walked back toward the door, but looked back at the others. "Does anyone here need healing, or can Azir and I go back to bed?" Corinne looked at her and wiggled her eyebrows. "My, my, Eletea, whatever happened to that 'vow of chastity'?" she teased. Eletea rolled her eyes. "We both know that's not what I meant. Keep talking and you will need healing." She shook her head and muttered, "idiots" while knowing full well that she would do anything to keep these idiots safe. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/18/2024 10:26 AM
I think I’m fine…? He looked himself over, no visible injuries. He was incredibly sore however. To be expected after just taking a massive blow with no armor to absorb the impact. He looked to Rikuma to see how she was doing of course. She was his main priority. Not his blood brother.
Lots of things… some should be… talked about between the two of you. I’m not going to speak of that stuff. He ran a hand through his hair and then rubbed his eyes. He was straining himself now, and for what? He started to head back to their room. He needed rest almost more than any of them now.
10:26 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 10:47 AM
Rikuma was fine, her ash having taken care of her own healing. She looked toward Azir as he and Eletea left. "Wait, how are we supposed to discuss it if you won't tell us about any of it?" she asked the cryptic bastard. "We'll have time later, but Nainda isn't the only one who needs a long rest right now," Eletea said as she led the way back to hers and Azir's room. Rikuma sighed and held onto Crosby. At least he seemed uninjured. "Come on, let's lay down, then we'll talk," she said. "There's something I have to tell you about, so you'll be less shocked when it happens." Hopefully the warning would stop him from going berserk when the time came. Probably not. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/18/2024 12:03 PM
He looked to his brother quietly. He knew exactly what he was speaking of without a doubt. He of course went straight to the bed and laid down. His eyes fixated upon her. shocked by what…? What now? Maybe. Maybe not. He’d go berserk if the situation called for it. Like if his emotions got the best of him.
As they walked back, he made sure they were out of earshot before speaking with Eletea. Well, I can tell you his absolute undying loyalty lies with that princes. Even with a demon trying to do some… questionable things in his mind, he still chose her and to stay focused. And well… slaughtering Aubron in ways that I wouldn’t expect from him…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 12:26 PM
Rikuma took a deep breath before laying beside him. "I know what I need to do for all of us to walk away intact, with the curse broken," she said. "I need to master death without sacrificing my soul. There will still be a lot of casualties outside of our party, but that's to be expected in a war." She looked away from him. "I'll have to go to the underworld and back. Like in some of the visions you saw." She knew she had to time it correctly, or else the others would risk being taken by Maziel. "It won't look good, but I need you to have faith in me." ~~~ Eletea looked over at him as she listened, sitting on the edge of the bed. She'd expected it, really. "If you don't want to slaughter Aubron in surprising ways, do you even have a moral compass?" she mused aloud. "But that is good to know. He'll need that loyalty, moving forward. And we'll need him to hold onto that." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/18/2024 12:39 PM
He was obviously quite confused on how exactly she was going to pull such a feat off. Let alone how this worked. and how exactly are you going to do this…? And are you splitting us up to do this?
I mean, you’re completely right. Everybody wants him dead in more ways than one. And his loyalty doesn’t lie with only her, it lies with this entire little… group you have. He’s grown quite attached to everyone. What have you all gone through that caused this? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/18/2024 1:29 PM
"I... yes and no," Rikuma said, hesitant. "Maziel left a scroll with a spell leading to the underworld..." She began to explain her plan, making sure to get the point across that this would mean her death, no matter how temporarily. "It's risky, I know," she concluded, "but based on the visions you've shown me, it's our path to the best possible outcome." She wrapped her arms around him. "I know I'll be able to come back. This will work, Crosby." It would work because it had to. She would accept no other conclusion. ~~~ Eletea lay down on the bed, folding her hands behind her head as she considered everything that led to this point. Probably better to omit some details, since there were things nobody wanted to hear about their siblings. "I can't speak to what happened before I joined them," she said, "but Crosby, Rikuma, and Corinne arrived at Waterdeep shortly after the massacre there. I was hiding out in the forest when your brother accidentally set it on fire fighting off a dryad. I put it out by calling on a rain storm, then confronted them the next morning. We fought a shambling mound on our way to Oblein, where we met Nainda, and she promised she would help us through the cursed woods. We all played a role in the plan to defeat the vampire queen Desdemona, before Crosby realized he had the components for Ashrune all along. Then Nainda pretended to betray us to the Thauvian army so we would be brought to the capital faster than we could otherwise travel." She sighed. "I mean, she didn't tell any of us she'd do it, so we were all pretty pissed at her, but she brought Ashrune and got us out of the cell. Then we had to fight the sorceress, Aurora, and that was the first time Crosby truly lost control of the mask. Corinne was captured, but we rescued her... well, mostly Nainda. I guess they're a couple now. Then we showed up here. I guess that's the short version of it all." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/19/2024 7:36 AM
He fell quiet for a few moments, squeezing her quite tightly. Almost like he was… worried. The last thing he wanted was to lose one of his 4 grounds to this world. If he lost all 4, there was no turning back. Maziel would win. and you’re going to do this alone? I’m coming with you whether Maziel likes it or not. He said quite stubbornly, he wouldn’t accept any other conclusion. and when exactly do you plan to do this? And you better tell everyone else. You can’t just do this without warning the others. We’re all counting on another here.
It wouldn’t have been anything he hadn’t expected more than likely. He knew Crosby was a lady’s man even back in the day, but he chose to stay maidenless back then. Things had changed clearly though. He just blinked a few times as he had listened. He had expected that a lot had happened between them but not exactly ALL that. He hadn’t heard about the queens defeat quite yet… how odd. So he’s only recently obtained it then? Good… there’s still hope then. If he goes down the same path as Magnus… it won’t be pretty. History would just be repeating itself at that point but this time there’s no heir to take on the burden when he passes. And I figured they were a couple. That was pretty obvious to see. Nearly just as obvious as Rikuma and Crosby with the way the sidhe looks to her like a god to worship. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/19/2024 11:13 AM
"I'm worried that Maziel will like it. Too much," Rikuma said. "And you saw the possible outcomes, yourself. There's no way out of this where they don't die. At least this way, I can bring everyone back after." She rested her head against his shoulder. "You can come with me, and we can all reconvene in the underworld. We'll be stronger against her together anyway, dead or not. But let's wait until we've all had time to rest and eat before sharing the news." She closed her eyes. "Nobody's going to like a plan that starts with them dying." She didn't even like the plan, but here they were anyway. ~~~ "Was Magnus your father?" Eletea asked softly. "I'm sorry to hear about what happened. Anyway, they all have their many flaws, but they're good people, deep down. When it came down to it, they never let me feel like I wasn't a welcome part of their ragtag little group of misfits." She chuckled slightly. "No matter how hard I tried to. It's a... different sort of acceptance from what I was used to at the temple. I don't know why, but I almost like this better." She missed her sisters, of course. But her welcome among them, like everyone else's, had always been conditional on following the strict guidelines set out for them. It was odd, being told that there were no rules of behaviour beyond basic respect and loyalty. Chaotic, in a way she'd expected to hate. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/19/2024 11:26 AM
There’s always a way. I’ve changed fate once, I’ll do it again if I need to. Of course he wasn’t going to really elaborate unless she specifically asked him to. Those memories had been long since repressed. And if need be…. I’ll find a way to kill Maziel… just like I’ll do with Aubron. He rubbed her back gently, he wasn’t exactly thing like the knight she knew right now. He was… not in a good mood. Anger consumed a lot of his thoughts. Desperation even…. A need to change things before they met this fate.
Our father, yes. And it’s fine. It’s in the past now, there’s nothing I can do about it, at least that I want to. And that sounds about accurate with an adventuring party, at least one where everyone trusts one another. You’re like a… little complicated family at this point. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/19/2024 11:59 AM
Rikuma had figured they would have to kill Maziel anyway, so she nodded. She didn't mind doing it, herself, though from what she had seen, Eletea and Azir would be necessary for them to have a good chance. "We'll see what we can do, then," she promised. "I just wanted to let you know, so you expect it if we do die." She kissed his cheek, then guided him to lay down on the bed. They needed to sleep, after all. Especially after the fight against Maziel. ~~~ Eletea nodded. "I guess so." She lay back down and pulled the covers over herself, turning away from Azir again. "But neither of us will be any use to them without sleep. Goodnight, Azir." She closed her eyes, glad she'd at least gotten him out of bed to help with Maziel. She didn't want to think about how things would have turned out otherwise. It had been too close of a call for comfort. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/19/2024 3:56 PM
wait… so everyone is going to perish…. including me? Because if so… I have some bad news for you Rikuma… As much as he wanted to sleep now. He did lay down but he couldn’t. He needed to get this off his chest.*
good night. He closed his eyes, facing away from her and passed out within moments. He was nearly as exhausted as the wraith it seemed. For now however, he slept like a rock. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/19/2024 4:20 PM
"Not you, from what you've shown me," Rikuma said. "Well... maybe in some cases?" She frowned, trying to recall every detail of every possibility. "Your survival is a more... flexible matter, but you're the only one who can defeat Aubron, from what I have seen." She rolled onto her stomach to look directly at him, worry written clearly across her face. "What is it, Crosby?" ~~~ Eletea glanced back at him, thoughtful for a moment. As much as their trust toward him seemed to puzzle him, it could have been said to go both ways, with how willingly he seemed to pass out while sharing a bed with a stranger, zero consideration given as to whether he would wake up or get a knife in his throat while he slept. Granted, in their case, it was a safe decision for him to make. She closed her eyes again, falling asleep soon enough. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/20/2024 3:04 AM
I- look. If I do go, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep the abilities the purple dragon has given me. Especially since Maziel brought me back supposedly… she might just overrule whatever power he has over me. He hated that face. He hated worrying her or stressing her out. But the last thing he needed was for plans to go awry because they didn’t communicate. And admittedly, Azir wasn’t really concerned about her trying anything. It wouldn’t go smoothly for Eletea if he did @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/20/2024 4:37 AM
He'd been the one to insist on coming along, but if it would cause him to lose control, it was clearly out of the question. "We'll make sure you don't die then," she said. "If I'm right though, going to the underworld would be considered a form of death..." Which wasn't great, to say the least. In fact, it was fucking terrible on his end. "Going down there is something I'll have to do without you. Maybe I can bring your brother, since he saved you from her in the first place, and we'll fight Maziel while you take care of Aubron." She kissed his lips softly for a moment before speaking again. "I'll do everything I can to make sure you're alright. You, Corinne, Nainda, Eletea... we'll save everyone. I promise." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/20/2024 6:13 AM
He hadn’t really thought about it like that. Would it be considering dying? He didn’t know. Was it worth the risk? Not really. He was absolutely not happy with her splitting off from him and with Azir of all people? He kissed her back of course without any hesitation. You can’t only bring Azir, I don’t… trust him enough not to try anything. Even though he saved me, something still feels off. He however paused for a few brief moments as he thought about it. And then the visions… But if you insist on only going with him and keeping the rest here to assist with Aubron… I’ll respect your decision princess. Either way though… from what I’ve seen I believe we’re all going to the underworld so who you go with doesn’t matter all too much… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/20/2024 10:09 AM
"Crosby, in the underworld I'll be at the height of my power - of any necromancer's," Rikuma said. "I'm not asking you to trust him. I'm asking you to trust me. Stay alive, stay the man I love, kill Aubron, and I'll make sure we all get through this." And hopefully not everyone would die, but they'd have to wait and see about that outcome. "I guess I could have Eletea come along too, since she'd also give me an advantage against a demon. Corinne and Nainda would be more useful against Aubron, so they can help with him." She settled down again and closed her eyes. They could strategize all night, but more than anything, they needed to rest. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/20/2024 1:23 PM
He paused and nodded. He could do that. He could trust her. He already did. A small smile crossed his face when she said to stay the man she loved. One of the few grounds in his life. We can talk more about it tomorrow morning with the rest of the group. He pulled her close and closed his eyes. The familiar presence he needed now. The one he loved. It didn’t take him long to pass out once she was close. Just something about her made him relax and ease up. He would soon sleep like a rock until morning despite all that occurred. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/20/2024 1:29 PM
Rikuma snuggled up close to him. Talking tomorrow sounded good. For now, she needed to get rest as much as everyone else did. She fell asleep again, this time without any dreams or ghostly visits from family. Once they returned to Rashouris, she would let her parents be dead and ascend the throne, if her lover proposed by that point. For now, it was a far-away concern. She slept soundly in his arms. He was a comfort to her, now that he was... well, him again, and not actively in danger. It would take a whole lot for her to wake up and, unless something happened, she wouldn't open her eyes until the morning, when breakfast had already been brought to their rooms. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/20/2024 3:49 PM
His dreams did go a bit wild after a while, but that was certainly to be expected sleeping in the presence of his partner. Anyways, perhaps then he would have. But they had to get rid of Aubron first. He was the biggest problem in his eyes. Maziel was second fiddle. As to be expected with a succubus wanting sloppy seconds. Anyways, if food really was brought to their rooms, he’d more than likely be the first up. Like a dog, the smell alone was enough. He was starving, truly. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d had anything to eat to be fair. Mainly because he’d been focused on… other things. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/21/2024 1:42 AM
The smell of food didn't wake Rikuma up, but the movement of her partner did. She mumbled in protest, reaching out for his warmth. At some point in the night, a mage had repaired the wall between the rooms, leaving the two of them alone together. She opened her eyes halfway to watch him, the rumbling of her own stomach forcing her to come to terms with the fact that he would have to leave her arms for a few minutes. "Can you bring me some too, please?" she asked. She stretched a bit before settling on her stomach to watch him. This might well be their last morning together before the big battle, and she didn't want to waste any of it. There was no knowing what might follow after it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/21/2024 6:21 AM
He of course soon got up, and nodded. He looked back to her and just stared for a few moments. Lots of thoughts going through his head. Something about the way she looked at him and the way she was positioned just made his head go straight into the dumpster. Maybe because it was their last morning together potentially? Especially if things didn’t go according to plan… Of course I will my beautiful… He paused for a few moments, trying to remember what she called him. He wasn’t all too good with royalty but he did remember after a few seconds.* Consort~. He smiled a little and went to grab them both breakfast, wherever that may be. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/21/2024 7:31 AM
Rikuma gave him a faint, but no less affectionate, smile. "Factually inaccurate," she commented, because she was the princess of Rashouris with or without her relationship to Crosby, "but I'll take the compliment, love." Still lying down, she crossed her arms under her chest, if only to prop up certain assets. The food was on a table near the door. In such a small room, it wouldn't take long to grab both plates. "Let's enjoy the time we have left before we leave." After all, the rest of the party had been pretty exhausted, and she was sure Corinne and Nainda would want to do the same, if they weren't already. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/21/2024 12:31 PM
He grabbed the food and spun, only to see her… like that. He knew instantly what she wanted? Was it the curse’s affect still? Or just… his girlfriend being his girlfriend. He had no idea. He paused before her for a moment, just… observing what his to say the least. He raised a brow ever so slightly. Mhm… and how do you suggest we do that princess? To me it seems you already have something in mind don’t you~? He then sat beside her and started to eat his food, he was quite starving by now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/21/2024 4:00 PM
Rikuma looked up at him. "I think we both know what I had in mi-" Her stomach growled again, and she sighed at the reminder. "Let's eat first, unless you've thought up a way to do both at the same time." She sat up to take her plate, silently cursing the practical concerns of occupying a body. She'd have to get her fill of food now, and of something else after breakfast. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/22/2024 12:05 AM
He couldn’t help but smile quite a bit at that. Something about it was cute with her reaction. You’re adorable my love~. Perhaps we can do that~. We’ll see~. But no I haven’t quite thought of something like that yet~. He planted a kiss upon her cheek before continuing to eat. He could care less what he was even eating. It didn’t even matter at this point. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/22/2024 4:20 AM
"It would be practical. To avoid distractions later." The first comment was more playful, but then she looked over at him, thinking of how many ways this could go wrong. "And I want to make sure you know how much I love you." She kissed his cheek for now, since he was trying to eat, then turned her attention back to her meal. She didn't have the luxury of not caring what she was eating, since she couldn't take the risk of getting sick from something entirely unfamiliar today. She put the meat from her plate onto Crosby's, grabbing a couple of chunks of potato in exchange. "A fair trade," she commented in lieu of explanation, then began to eat quickly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/22/2024 6:07 AM
I’m already more than aware how much you love me. Especially after everything we’ve been through. He chuckled a bit just thinking about it. First with the high priestess’ betrayal and then mess that followed suit up until this point. He watched as she traded him food. Not like he’d complain about that. As long as it wasn’t human meat, or like a human like being, he was fine with that. But he doubted such would come from rebels. If you insist my love. *He was done pretty soon after, being a soldier and all, he was used to be forced to eat quite fast. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/22/2024 8:45 AM
The meat was ordinary animal meat, and it would have been odf to think otherwise. Rikuma finished her food quickly, then explained herself as she carried the empty plates over to the table. "I know you know, but I wanted to show..." Except she already had, in all of her actions. She'd openly shed tears on his behalf, killed for him and offered to die for him. She sighed, then opted for a more direct approach. "I'm trying to seduce you romantically, but I don't think that's working." Instead of sitting on the bed, she sat in his lap. "Maybe I should just stop talking?" she offered, resting a hand against his chest. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/22/2024 1:03 PM
Exactly. He wasn’t questioning it because it was indeed ordinary. And she had indeed showed how much she cared in way too many ways for him to count now. He raised a brow a little with a small smile as she said that. Maybe~. Or maybe you could…. Just keep talking~. I love the sound of your voice after all~. Although I’d prefer if you’d be screaming my name~ He gently grabbed hold of her, one hand running up her body slowly, just feeling everything that was his. He was quite proud of that fact. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/22/2024 2:18 PM
Rikuma laughed softly at what he said. "I think we've already demonstrated the hard way that these walls are a bit thin for that," she said, blushing faintly at the idea of everyone in the compound hearing them. "But you do make it hard to hold back..." She pulled herself closer into her chest was pressed against his, catching his lips in a passionate kiss. It had been a few days, which was perfectly understandable given their higher priorities, but his curse had turned the wait into an almost unbearable buildup of tension. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/22/2024 2:45 PM
They had indeed already proved the walls were indeed very thin. Not like it’d matter to him though, he didn’t mind sharing how much he loved her with the world. Besides, they may or may not hear Corrine and Nainda at one point with whatever kinky crap they get up to. Anyways, his lips interlocked with hers and danced with them oh so passionately. He had all but forgotten what love had real intimacy was like these past few days but here she was lighting his fire once again. As she sat on his lap, it was starting to grow quite large beneath her. He simply couldn’t help it, especially with all the building tension he had from all the fighting and what not. He didn’t dare to draw back from the kiss first, that was going to be her choice to back down. His hand that was gliding up her body instead started to go through her hair, balling some up. God he loved her in every way… just… being able to feel her too. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/22/2024 3:46 PM
After a while, she had to pause the kiss to catch her breath. Once she'd set down the path of expressing desire, it only grew, already a blaze deep within her. "I'm yours, Crosby," she whispered, before kissing his neck. She adjusted her position to fully straddle him for better balance. Her dress shifted up with the movement, gathering in bunches around her upper thighs. Once there, she began to grind against him, feeling his arousal grow beneath her. She knew she wouldn't be able to hold back for long, so she slid her hands down his chest, stopping at the waistband of his pants. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/23/2024 12:09 AM
Once she kissed his neck, his grip on her grew quite a bit noticeably tighter. His breathing becoming really heavy and hot. He was very soon starting to crave her. He needed her. His heart pounding against his chest with every beat. His eyes soon drifted down to watch her hands, full of an eager lust for more. go on~. I know you’re ready too love~. His eyes drifted back up to meet hers, his pupils dilating when they did. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/23/2024 3:17 AM
Once the curse was broken, they'd probably have to be more responsible about foreplay, but with the effect his mere presence had on her, he had a point. She leaned against him to help her balance while she managed to get his pants partially off. She was in her own way right now and didn't want to leave his lap, so she'd leave the rest to him. For now, she took a moment to enjoy the view of what was hers before her eyes met his. "And here I thought you'd want to take your time," she teased before removing the thin shift she'd slept in. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/23/2024 6:20 AM
He of course took his pants off the rest of the way and whatever else was in her way. He seemed to be just as eager as her as much as he hid it. sometimes I do love~. But it seems you can’t wait so I’m happy to fulfill your needs this time~. Just like the beautiful princess you are~. All of what she loved was fully in view as he took his shirt off just for her. He figured he’d show off while he could. just a reminder of what’s yours while you’re away from me~ @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/23/2024 6:45 AM
Of course her heart filled with love as she looked at him - it always did - but the power of lust wasn't something she could deny right now, either. "And I'm yours," she promised. She reached down, gently taking hold of his cock to help guide it as she lowered herself onto him. "Forever~" There was a soft moan, as though obstructed by something, and she looked back over her shoulder to look at the adjacent wall, because that definitely wasn't her. It seemed the other couple in the party was enjoying themselves as well. But she turned her attention back toward her own lover and kissed him deeply as she took him inside. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/23/2024 2:04 PM
Hearing what he heard from the other couple, he took it as a challenge. Needless to say with how long they’d obtained from each other, it would be quite the memorable time. Perhaps even more memorable than the first. As to be expected she’d probably gotten ruined as per usual just how she clearly liked. She’d also have a few new marks upon her neck to mark what was his. Nobody would dare to touch her now. But that was all besides the point as he laid back onto the bed trying to catch his breath, his body heat was a bit hotter than usual but nothing to worry about. His eyes lovingly looking to her. Wow. That was one hell of a way to start his morning. A small smile spread across his face, a genuine loving one at that. He was infatuated with her. Absolutely no denying that. He had eyes for no other lady besides her. god Rikuma~. You’re getting all too good at pleasing me by now love~. He chuckled, his hand running through his hair. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/23/2024 2:13 PM
Once they were finished, she lay on top of him, needing a moment to rest and let her mind clear. She pressed a kiss to one of the marks she had left on his neck, then looked up at him. "Hm... best good morning kiss I could imagine," she said, snuggling close to him. Maybe it would be different after his curse was broken, but that was fine too. Her love for him wouldn't fade; the time she had spent under the immunity potion's effects had confirmed that for her, and she had only grown to feel more strongly for him since then. She sighed happily, wrapping her arms around him. Soon, they would face the uncertainty of battle, the moment when life and death would lay balanced on the tip of a knife. But for now, the world was perfect, and the only place they needed to be was in each other's arms. "I love you," she said softly. "More than I ever thought possible." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/24/2024 12:00 AM
He got chills through him when she kissed that spot. Seems it was quite sensitive now as to be expected. I couldn’t agree more my love~. He wrapped his arms around her gently, holding her close and quite protectively. One hand gently running through her hair before stopping to fiddle with some hair idly on the top of her hair. Oh I’m sure you love me~. But I’m pretty sure I love you more by now princess~. And there’s nothing you can do about it~. He wasn’t exactly kidding, he’d been considering his options on what he would be willing to sacrifice or do to ensure their victory. And there was a lot he was willing to give up for her, to start, the world. Then, himself. Or perhaps, all but one of the kingdoms under Aubron’s control. He’d destroy it all if need be. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/24/2024 11:49 AM
Rikuma simply assumed he was joking anyway, given how bad she was with social cues. She smiled slightly. "Hey now, it's not a competition." She rested in his arms, making the most of the moment of joy. "You know, now that our travel companions have each other for... distractions... I would love to have you all to myself." She looked up at his face. "And to be yours alone." Romantically, that had already been the case anyway, so she definitely meant physically right now. Still, since he'd seemed so concerned and possessive when his brother had shown up, it was a statement worth making, a quiet reassurance that she didn't really want anyone else. And a reassurance to herself. Making plans for the future implied they would both make it out of this alive. "This is going to seem out of the blue, but... can I ask something else of you? A future request?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/24/2024 3:18 PM
Of course you’re mine and mine only~. And I’ll be yours and yours only love~. He smiled a little, holding her close still. He thought he made it pretty clear that he wanted her alone. Especially with how possessive he was at times. And overly protective. go right ahead, what’s on your mind Rikuma? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/24/2024 3:51 PM
"I just wanted to make sure we were clear on the matter, given previous... Group activities," Rikuma said, because the agreement was definitely a 'from this point forward' sort of thing in light of that. "Anyway, the request isn't related to that." She rolled onto his stomach again, tracing the lines of his stomach with one finger as she looked down at him. "After the curse is broken, and we return to Rashouris, I... I think it will be time to acknowledge that my parents are dead. Publicly, I mean. Which means I'll have to prepare for the Coronation. The night before it, there are certain rituals to be done in preparation, to ensure my closeness to death. Symbolically, I mean - they're all very harmless. They're meant to be done with only one other person for company. They don't need to have any familiarity with the rituals or knowledge of necromancy, but should be the person I trust most..." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/25/2024 6:54 AM
He nodded in response, he thought they were already pretty clear on where the line laid for the two of them but guess not. Anyways, he paused for a few brief moments as his brain went all sorts of wild thinking about how… these “rituals” could go. They could be good, or bad. Neither of which helped ease his slight worries considering they involved necromancy. that’s fine… just… what exactly do these rituals involve doing? If you don’t mind me asking that is… I’d rather not be left in the dark when they happen. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/25/2024 7:53 AM
"Of course I wouldn't go through with it without explaining first," she assured him. "So the preparations begin with a feast, with the deceased monarchs present as guests. It's just an ordinary meal of traditional Rashouran food - still obviously pescatarian, since our agricultural situation wouldn't have changed much before then - except everyone in attendance will have the opportunity to say their final goodbyes to the old king and queen. Afterward, the two of us are to go to the memorial gardens. It isn't much of a garden anymore, of course, but the important thing is that the veil between the overworld and underworld is exceptionally thin there, and it has a fountain that flows with the endless tears of the dead..." Talking about her own customs with him still felt strange, the memory of his earlier judgments resurfacing. "I will have to drink a potion and bathe in the fountain, as a way to symbolically cleanse my body of the pains of life." Well, the pain-relieving effects were literal rather than a metaphor, but that was besides the point. "What the potion does is put me into a trance-like state for an hour, during which I will be able to perceive the worlds of the dead and the living at the same time. Necromancers tend to come out of the experience stronger than they had started. It does have side effects of drowsiness and, in rare cases, mild hallucinations, but they fade entirely within two hours. Your main role will be to keep an eye on me during that time and make sure my head doesn't slip underwater. It isn't deep water, but any amount of it could be a drowning hazard, so safety precautions help. Afterward, we have to remain in the garden for the rest of the night and day, but how we spend that time is up to us." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/25/2024 8:34 AM
He had to completely pause and take it all in. That was… a lot to say the least. Even for him his brain was still turning gears as she explained. okay… I can do that much at the least. Although finding a way to spend a whole day is going to be… interesting I suppose. And I assume after those two hours you’re out of the water right? Is there anything else after that I need to be aware of? Or is that all? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/25/2024 11:46 AM
"I'm sure we can always find a way to kill time," Rikuma said. "But yes, I can actually come out after the first hour, once the trance ends, even while the side effects continue. As for the rest... You'll be helping me get ready for the Coronation ceremony when the time comes, since I won't have my undead attendants to help me dress. Whether or not you have a role in the ceremony as well depends on whether or not you have officially proposed to me by that point." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/25/2024 12:01 PM
He nodded quietly and looked away. He ran a hand through his hair. Thoughts beginning to cross his mind now. He’d have to get a ring at some point… where would he even go to get one? Corrine? Maybe she could make one? But out of what? He had a lot of questions for himself that he had to figure out now. Right… I’ll help however I can of course. He kind of avoided the last part for now. He was interested in doing so, but he needed time… and a ring. Neither of which of he had now. Especially time… there was no telling of when their final battle would be upon them. now… should we go see the others or…?
12:01 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/25/2024 1:44 PM
It wasn't a clear yes or no, but Rikuma wasn't surprised by it. They had already discussed the matter, and there were bigger issues at hand. They could worry about the 'when' of it all once Aubron was dead. She kissed his cheek before letting go of him and starting to get out of bed. "We should. Just give me a moment to get dressed first." She left his arms and picked her clothes back up. "We'll finalize our plan to get to the castle, maybe see if the rebellion had any luck in procuring explosives and a few safety precautions to go with your idea." Meanwhile, Nainda and Corinne had already stepped out to speak with their host on the matter of supplies. In the room she shared with Azir, Eletea hesitantly moved the pillow she'd been using to cover her head. "Is it over?" she half-whispered. She heard nothing further to indicate that it wasn't, so she sat up and ran her fingers through her hair to make it more presentable. At least everyone else had let out enough tension to avoid distractions during the planning and the battle. Hopefully, anyway. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/26/2024 1:39 AM
He nodded and started to do the same by getting dressed also. He fixed his hair up a bit first of course. He couldn’t make it toooo obvious. (Even though it was between the hickeys and noises). I do hope so… we could always perhaps send Azir out if absolutely necessary… he isn’t recognized as one of us anyways yet…
He was still absolutely dead asleep, the only movement coming from him was when he breathed. He was also pretty much silent besides for that too. He seemed quite relaxed despite their current situation at the moment. It didn’t phase him all too much. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/26/2024 2:24 AM
Rikuma got dressed quickly, brushing her fingers through her hair before she could pin her veil back in place. "That we know of, at least. These people seem trustworthy, but we still can't be too careful. I'm still not entirely sure about Azir, himself." She paused to give him a brief kiss on the lips. "But we'll get this figured out. All of it." They'd come to far to let the plan fall apart. Eletea looked over at him for a moment. Must have been nice to sleep so peacefully. Or perhaps it was just exhaustion from the day before. She listened for a moment. Outside of the room, the base had woken up, and she could hear snippets of conversation, from revolutionary philosophy to practical concerns, to casual good-morning conversations. They should probably get out there too, with the battle ahead of them. She stood up and walked over to Azir's side of the bed before tapping his shoulder. "Hey. It's time to wake up," she said softly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/27/2024 3:02 AM
I’ll never be sure about my brother until he proves to me he’s with us. He can say all he wants but he’s changed like me… as to be expected. But I don’t know what road he has taken to survive all these years.. he should’ve been long since dead by now… He of course kissed her right back with 0 hesitation. The gears were starting to turn in his head. He was thinking… a lot. Can I ask…. What’s the limits of your new necromancer status once you go through the underworld? More specifically… how many could you bring back to serve you? He had a vision in his slumber, but he wasn’t going to speak of it until he was sure it could happen. There was a lot of… details and hints he clearly needed to follow to get to the point of where he saw.
The moment she made contact with him, she entered his visions once again. At this point she should’ve just expected it whenever they made contact. A strange sensation fell over her… like she was… undead. She’d stand in front of an army with Rikuma and the group… everyone but the necromancer and Crosby looked… different. For the worse. But the purple knight stood at his peek. He had new fancy armor one more attuned to what he was, and what looked to be dragon wings made out of course purple energy behind him. Behind her on the slope of the exit of the underworld was an army… the men Crosby once had. All ready to fight and serve in his honor once more. However… one person was missing from the group… Azir… he was nowhere to be seen and she couldn’t feel his presence at all. But moments later he shot awake, gasping for air, the whole base would shake as he coughed like he was choking for a few moments before he glared at Eletea without a word. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/27/2024 4:33 AM
Rikuma had to think about it for a moment. There was a whole lot of theory, but not many real accounts to go off of. "No necromancer that I know of has done this before," she explained. "But hypothetically, it should allow a similar level of power to what the lich Generals have. So I could bring back an entire army if I wanted to, and still have energy left to fight. I won't gain the immortality they have since I won't have a phylactery but, since I'll keep my soul, I would also likely be able to gain the true resurrection ability." Some living necromancers already had it, but it was rare, given the amount of power required. "Of course, it can only be used once in a day, is about as exhausting as Nainda's transformation, and absolutely requires the consent of the person being resurrected. So for an army, I would be limited to reanimation." She faced him fully. "Any other questions?" ~~~ A sense of dread filled Eletea as she watched. She knew what becoming undead would mean for her connection to Desphy. She'd still have command over water, but without that connection, there would be no healing power. But she'd already sworn to herself that she would sacrifice anything to ensure justice for her sisters. That didn't stop the grief at what that would entail from twisting her insides. Tears came unbidden to her eyes as she watched the vision. Then it ended and Azir was glaring at her. She pulled her hand away as though it had been burned and looked down, shame heating her face and turning it from blue to lavender. "Sorry. I didn't mean to... Does this happen with everyone, or is it because of what you showed me last night?" She realized she'd been crying and quickly used magic to dry her tears. "I'm not normally... Like this." She wasn't even sure why she felt the need to say that, or why she felt so guilty about one unhappy look from a near-stranger. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/27/2024 5:29 AM
He nodded. Of course there was no necromancer that had made it this far. He would’ve more than likely heard about it if they did. Mmm… not really right now. I’m sure I’ll think of more down the line. Is there anything you want to ask… me…?
Perhaps being undead was because well… they went to the underworld and now they’d be trying to return. I suppose so… I never share visions with anyone. It… usually doesn’t end well for them. He quietly started to get up, unphased by her crying. let’s get going. The others have to be waiting by now. He was rather cold seeing what he saw. Then again, he had every reason too, thankfully she hadn’t though. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/27/2024 6:29 AM
Rikuma shook her head. "Not right now, but I'll let you know if anything comes to mind." She took his hand in hers, squeezing it gently. "I'm worried about you, but asking more questions won't change that. Just... Be careful?" She gave him one last kiss, then led the way out of the room. ~~~ "Oh," was all Eletea could think to say at the news that he may have doomed her. Or maybe she'd already done that to herself. She glanced over at the tray of food that had been left on their table in the night. "Wait." She ran over to prepare a couple of plates. "You should eat before we go. There is value in fasting, but now isn't the time for it. I'm sure it will be fine for us to bring food out with us when we meet the others." She still avoided eye contact as she held one of the plates out to him. "I thought I was already prepared to die..." She didn't know why she'd said that to him, why she was showing such vulnerability to a near stranger. It was unbecoming of her, to show a fear of death. "Never mind. Let's go." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/27/2024 11:59 PM
He nodded as to be expected and held her hand, squeezing in gently in return also. His eyes still aligned with hers as she spoke. I will be for you my love. He followed her out of the room of course.
Fate had already doomed her and her whole party in his eyes. Their were destined to fail in someways. This wasn’t going to be an all sunshine and rainbows victory. They’d gotten lucky with the vampire queen and the sorceress but he doubted they’d be able to do it again. He paused when she offered him the food and took it. Without a second thought he started to eat. In time you will be prepared with open arms when you know it’s your fate. He left it at that and started to head out, expecting her to follow. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/28/2024 3:49 AM
Nainda and Corinne were already talking with the man who had welcomed them the night before, along with a Tiefling man and a half-orc. "I can set the explosion, and most of the stone will be blown outwards, but the second that's done, you'll lose the advantage of stealth, so you'll have to move fast," the half-orc was saying as they looked over a small tome in their hand. "I should have enough material lying around already." "I'll create a magical barrier to shield your group from the flames and any falling rock, but you'll have to be careful moving through the smoke," the Tiefling added. "Don't breathe in until you're at least aboveground." He looked over at the couple just now coming out. "Glad you two could join us." His attention shifted to Crosby. "I heard this explosion was your plan?" ~~~ Eletea stood still for a moment, watching him walk away. "I... don't think that's how people work." She closed her eyes and said softly, mostly to herself, "they always want what they can't have..." She convinced herself that she was only referring to a better fate that was impossible, then opened her eyes and trailed after him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/28/2024 4:22 AM
Yes, yes it was indeed my idea. He walked alongside the princess with pride. He held himself high, standing tall. He had to now. He was a figure of hope, he had a job to do and a way he had to live up to expectations. As I heard, everything seems to be mostly ready and there’s a plan for such?
He glanced back to her as she paused, pausing himself. A better fate could be possible, but it would require tampering with powers they did not have. It would also be extremely dangerous… and needless to say… costly. Right. Now, what exactly did you see? There’s somethings you especially are not. I can’t let you tamper with your future. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/28/2024 4:51 AM
Nainda nodded. "We found an artillerist with rebel sympathies." She nodded to the half-orc. "That's Morn here. They're going to get the explosion set up for us while Sedition sets up the barrier. Judging from his virtue name, I'm guessing we can trust him against Aubron as well." "Well, I didn't earn it through obeying him," the tiefling, Sedition, agreed. "Do you have a plan of attack once you're out of the tunnels?" ~~~ Eletea froze, not expecting him to have reacted. "I... Well, most of us were undead," she said, "and returning from the underworld. You're brother was fine, but you were... Gone. Not just dead, but it was like your soul itself had disappeared." She sighed. "I wouldn't even know where to begin with preventing it. It's not like I can fight any harder than I planned to before seeing that." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/28/2024 8:19 AM
Good. We’ll need all the help we can get. We’re about to be at the eye of the storm soon enough. And as for a plan of attack? He looked to Rikuma. We need to speak about that. Some people’s plans might be changing…. He then looked to Corrine and Nainda.
Great. He just left it at that, finishing off the food he was given already. He went to go find the rest of the group, hopefully she followed. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/28/2024 8:57 AM
"Changing?" Corinne asked. "What do you mean?" She looked over as Azir and Eletea walked out of their room. "Oh look who's joining us. Did someone else decide to stay in bed for a little extra~? Never know when you'll get another chance to have some fun." Eletea looked down at her plate of food. "You're really hoping to need a healer, aren't you?" she asked, but the venom was gone from her voice. "What was this about plans changing?" "We'll all have to die, in a sense," Rikuma answered bluntly, to Corinne's shock. Nainda sighed and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend. "Do try to approach the topic with a little more tact, dear. What do you mean by that, exactly?" @Crosby
He only gave Corrine quite the cold threatening glare, enough to actually be more intimidating than Crosby at the moment. But attention shifted to Rikki hearing that. Please do explain. How do you exactly know this? He was… suspicious. How could she know such? Was Crosby able to see everything he saw? Or just some? This could seriously mess things up if they knew too much. They’d try to recourse their destiny… curve how things went and potentially make things worse… Crosby stayed silent, unsure if he should speak or not, basically all eyes on were on the princess now. She was truly the leader of the operation in some ways. Moreso than the knight.* @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/28/2024 4:42 PM
Corinne flinched, causing Nainda to tighten her arms around her protectively. "You're fine, he's just annoyed," the warlock assured her. "Now, back on topic..." Rikuma looked over at Azir, thinking through his response. It was different from the others. Not surprised, perhaps? She looked away from him to address the group as a whole. "It was simple math, really." Corinne recovered enough to speak. "Rikki, I respect you as a leader as much as the best person, but if you want us to die for your plan, you'll have to give an explanation instead of just sounding like every savant stereotype ever." Rikuma sighed, but knew Corinne had a point. "First proof of the equation: Aubron knows we're coming for him. It's his life on the line, so it's only reasonable to assume that he'll be prepared with as much of an army as he can spare with the war going on. Second: we found a way to get here early despite the teleportation block, but my lich generals do not have that advantage and will not make it to the capital for quite some time. Therefore, Aubron has an army and we do not. So there we have the problem." "The rebellion?" Eletea suggested. Rikuma shook her head. "Trained for guerilla tactics, not military battles. They may prove helpful, but they won't be enough for a direct attack. Now, other considerations: Maziel left a scroll with a spell to access the underworld. Going there means death, but her influence on Crosby risks making him a liability. The six of us won't be enough to defeat Aubron, but should be enough to defeat Maziel. Effectively dying then returning to the overworld will grant me true mastery over death and allow me to command an entire army of the dead, granting us the advantage we need." Nainda considered, interested in this glimpse into the inner workings of the necromancer's mind. "I see... And how can you be sure it will work that way?" Rikuma returned to full bluntness. "My father's ghost visited me in a dream and told me to kill myself."
4:42 PM
"Wait, the King is dead?" Corinne asked, shocked. "That's... Less shocking than the fact that her own father said that, but alright," Eletea commented. "He also told me the gate spell to return to the world of the living afterward," Rikuma explained. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/29/2024 12:15 AM
He stood there with his arms crossed listening. This made much more sense when she put it like this. In idiot terms persay. Although he still had the same concerned as earlier. Remember what we spoke of Rikuma, I’m not sure I can come with. If I perish, I do not know if I’ll be able to connect with the dragon or even Ashrune… but I can go if need be. I’m willing to take the risk. He had forgotten he needed the dragon to wield Ashrune since it was partly his weapon.
You cannot avoid the underworld Crosby. No matter what you try, you end up there before or after the fight with Aubron. You have to pick when. That will decide if well…. You all are victorious. But I can’t say anymore. I’m already meddling with enough higher powers as is. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/29/2024 4:16 AM
"Becoming undead would sever any connections to a god... I think?" Corinne glanced over at Eletea for confirmation. Eletea appeared more troubled than earlier as she nodded. "It... it will," she agreed quietly. "The god of death would be the only exception. But dying itself and returning whole is a different matter. It could be the same as resurrection via a revivify spell, where the connection remains throughout. Then there's the fact that Crosby's patron is a dragon, and they work through their own sets of rules. The best way to know death's effects in this case would be to ask his patron directly." Rikuma's attention, however, was on Azir. "Do you have any further information you wanted to share with us?" she asked. "Since you seem to know a suspicious amount about the road ahead of us. What higher powers are you meddling with, exactly?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/29/2024 7:19 AM
He just nodded quietly. He knew he would indeed be going to the underworld one way or another. Through death or before. I’ll speak to him then. I’ll need some time alone though if that’s alright… He glanced to the group, and then to Rikuma and Azir. One last look. With everyone here. Just in case things didn’t go well, he wanted to remember them all.
I can’t share anything more under oath. You’re lucky you got what you got already. He glanced to Eletea, especially her. She wasn’t supposed to see somethings considering who she was serving and especially her role in things. But his attention turned back towards the princess. As for the powers I serve, I cannot tell. I swore secrecy under oath to them. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/29/2024 9:32 AM
Rikuma looked over at him, remembering what had happened last time one of them had run off alone. That had been her fault for ordering it, and she'd carry the guilt with her. "...Alright," she said softly after a moment of consideration. "Just don't go far, and yell for us if you need anything at all." She faced him, giving him a quick peck on the lips before letting him go. "Let me know what you find out." Eletea met his gaze and nodded, showing that she understood and wasn't about to tell them anything they shouldn't know. She would simply go with the plan, as her mind had already been made up by the time she had first approached the group. There was one thing she was surprised nobody was questioning, but she would wait and see if any of the other women brought it up first. "That is awfully convenient for you, Azir," Rikuma commented. "So many oaths of secrecy. How are we supposed to know we can trust you?" "You didn't trust me at first, either," Eletea commented. "Or me," Nainda added. Rikuma raised an eyebrow. "Yes, but Nainda, you actually did end up turning us in to Imperial forces without warning. That is a real thing that happened." "...Yes, I suppose that is a fair point, but you do understand now where my alliances lay." Nainda looked at Corinne as she said the last part. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/29/2024 12:38 PM
I will. He headed to the nearest room that he would be alone in. He sat down and closed his eyes. He took a few deep breaths in, steadying them. He focused and soon the connection was made…
He crossed his arms. His eyes met the princess’ fearlessly. He followed the conversation first before pitching in. What other choice do you have? You need all the help you can get Princess. You all know that well by now. As for why you should? Why shouldn’t you? And do keep in mind, you may not like me or my ways, but I am an oracle in the sense. I can see what comes of us all. Even to the very last moments of each one of our existence’s. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/29/2024 1:04 PM
He had a point, as much as Rikuma didn't want to admit it. "You can vouch for him?" she asked Nainda. "In terms of personal trustworthiness? No," Nainda admitted. "In terms of shared hatred for the Empire? Yes. You won't have to worry about him acting against us. At least not until after Aubron's death." "He won't do anything against us after, either," Eletea said quietly, but offered no further explanation. Rikuma considered for a moment, then nodded. "Very well, then. Is there anything else anyone wanted to discuss? Plan-related or otherwise." Eletea looked around at the group, a question still weighing on her mind, though she wasn't sure whether now was a good time to ask about it or not. @Crosby
Until Aubron’s death indeed… or perhaps before. No way of knowing yet. It all depended on how things played out truly. Everything almost was out of his control in his eyes. It laid up to the party and higher powers who all had their hands in the cooking pot now. Some more greedy than others. He glanced to Eletea, he knew that look all too well. What’s on your mind? Best speak now while you still can with everyone here Eletea. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/29/2024 2:35 PM
Eletea glanced sideways at him, then away. It would be awkward to ask out loud, in front of him, but he was right to say she might not get a chance to say anything later. "Why has nobody else questioned how Azir has the same curse as his brother, minus the amnesia? I mean, it's pretty clear they weren't together when Crosby was cursed, so why do both brothers have it?" Rikuma, Corinne, and Nainda all gave her puzzled looks. A moment of silence passed before Rikuma spoke. "What in the world are you talking about?" As Corinne covered her mouth to try to avoid giggling uncontrollably, Eletea realized the error of her ways. Nainda was more polite about it, at least. "Dear, one of us certainly would have... let's say reacted, if he had the same curse. If you feel that way about someone, it's nothing to be embarrassed about." Eletea stood still, keeping her expression as stoic as possible even as her face flushed a shade of purple. "I look forward to dying in battle with all of you," she said sharply to hide her mortification. She turned on her heel to walk quickly away. "I'm going to see if Morn needs help with their explosives." "...So, any other strategic questions?" Rikuma asked, unsure of what had just happened. @Crosby
He just fell deathly silent in awkwardness. He raised a brow ever so slightly. What the fuck was this genasi on? He just blinked a few times as the gears just turned endlessly in his head. Why the hell did she like him? He’s just some dark mysterious brooding guy with a fucked up everything. He nodded a little in response to Eletea going to assist Morn. So, is everyone going together or is the group splitting? And if so, who is going where? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/30/2024 3:33 AM
As much as she felt sorry for the cleric, Rikuma was relieved to move away from personal, awkward topics and back to practicality. Despite the romantic streak she liked to show with Crosby, this really was more comfortable territory for her. She considered, thinking back to the conversation the two of them had had before. There were still a lot of unaccounted for factors, and she wished they had more time to prepare. But they had to work with what they had. "That depends on what Crosby's patron tells him," she said after a moment. "If he can come with us without severing his connection to Ashrune, we will all go together before launching an attack on Aubron. He insisted on it in the first place, since he doesn't want me to risk going alone, and we'll have a higher chance of a quicker success if we're all down there. If that's not an option, he will have to keep Aubron busy in the overworld while I work on bringing his army back to him. You and Eletea will come with me, since you two will have the biggest advantage against Maziel. Corinne has cannons and Nainda has..." She looked over at Nainda. "...Well, she's about as fucked up as you are, so I trust their ability to hold their own if they need to." "We can rely on support from the rebels," Nainda added. "Scattered uprisings through the city will keep the better part of Aubron's army occupied." She looked over toward where Eletea had gone. "Poor girl. I'm going to see if she's alright." She kissed Corinne's forehead before stepping away to check on her. @Crosby
He didn’t exactly feel anything towards the Genasi at the moment, then again, he barely felt anything at all most of the time. But that was besides the point at the moment. There was much more important things to focus on in his eyes. I am not exactly that fucked up but sure. And if we all are going to the underworld, we should pause the rebels operation on the tunnels for now. Or at least after they’ve finished setting up. But I do need to remind you of one thing. Don’t try to change anyone’s destiny’s. You all have your chosen fates, those are the ones that will lead to your victory. If you stray too far from them, or from each other, you will lose it all. Especially if you try to mess with what’s going to happen to your lover boy. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/30/2024 9:52 AM
"They're not going to set it off until we give the signal that we're ready," Corinne said. "Timing will be key, so they can't risk rushing their part of it." Rikuma looked at him through narrowed eyes, still not trusting him. "It's hard to know if I'm changing fate without the certainty of what that fate is," she commented. "As it is, I would do anything to keep Crosby safe regardless of destiny. Considering the reliability of my determination and my devotion toward him does it not stand to reason that they would factor into any predictions you have received already, and my attempts will not change the outcome without some drastic measures I couldn't possibly think of on my own? If anything, my attempts to save him would play a crucial role in this matter." Corinne considered, then looked at Azir. "She kinda has a point..." ~~~ Nainda caught up to Eletea where she'd hidden. The genasi was sitting cross-legged on the floor, eyes closed. "Pardon the interruption, dear," Nainda said. "I just wanted to make sure you're alright." Morn was nowhere to be found. "I'd say I'll live, but lying about where I am was one too many," Eletea said, not opening her eyes. Nainda sighed. "There's nothing to be ashamed of, but I have to question why..." "I only understand kindness through the sharing of power and he's someone completely forbidden with no chance of reciprocating desire, which makes him safer to want than other men," Eletea said flatly. Nainda considered. There was a whole lot to unpack there. "I... Respect your self-awareness." "Yes, I know, we're all fucked up." @Crosby
Of course he was not to be trusted in her eyes. And he was fine with that. In due time, things might change for the better… or worse. It truly depended on how things went. Whatever you say princess. But do keep in mind, do not do anything too stupid for your own sake and his. It may cost you both more than anticipated. There was no noise from Crosby at all, or from where he went. Just an eerie silence in the air. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/31/2024 5:04 AM
"I am not one to act without thinking about the consequences," Rikuma said. She paused, looking back over her shoulder. "He's been gone for a while..." She stood up, remembering that her lover was more likely to behave recklessly to protect others. "Azir, come with me to check on your brother. Corinne, go find Nainda and Eletea." She didn't wait for an answer before reaching out to grab Azir's wrist and all but drag him to the room Crosby had gone into. ~~~ "So what are you actually doing?" Nainda asked softly. Eletea opened her eyes. "I was praying." "To Desphy?" "First." At Nainda's puzzled look, she explained. "She's not particularly jealous in matters of theology; if she is not forthcoming with the guidance I need, I am allowed to ask others, as long as I do not behave contrary to her wishes. Anyway, my portion of her power will remain with me in the underworld, but if I am brought back as an undead, my connection with her will be severed and there's nothing I can do about that. Given your pact, your soul itself may be lost if you become undead though, so you might want to chat with our necromancer about finding something to use as a soul cage before Arrath can claim you." Nainda shrugged. "Corinne knows better to travel with a necromancer without bringing the proper raegents. We're prepared, and you really need to stop underestimating our artificer." She looked over as she saw Corinne running toward them. "Speaking of..." @Crosby
The moment she did, he tried to draw back from her. He gave off a… let’s just say… evil aura the moment her hand was upon him. Not something you’d want to have prolonged contact with by any means. No need to hold onto me like a child. I’m quite capable of following you. He huffed, not a fan of her being controlling over him already.
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/31/2024 5:33 AM
Indeed he would be quite reckless in order to protect those he cared about if it truly came to it. She already knew him all too well. Quite concerning. But then again… she knew so little. There was still so much to learn, even for him about himself and his past. The moment they walked into the room, he had his eyes closed still, but his dragon tattoo glowed bright purple, fully in control over Maziel’s attempt to over ride it. He was sitting quite peacefully, his breathing relaxed. Seemingly nothing too bad was happening. Thankfully, he soon snapped out of it. His eyes opened and looked to them as he heard them enter. He looked to Azir first as he hadn’t expected him to be here. And then Rikuma. Well… that was interesting to say the least… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/31/2024 7:26 AM
She let go the moment he tried to pull away. "Sorry, just... worried." She left it at that, because she didn't want to waste time waiting. She ran into the room, only to let out a sigh, relaxing as she saw that Crosby was simply in the midst of... well, it looked like meditation. Either way, he seemed calm. "You're alright," she observed, before walking over to him. "What happened? Did you get an answer from your patron?" She sat beside him, reaching out to rest her hand on Crosby's. She looked toward the door as the other three showed up and shook her head. She didn't speak, not wanting to interrupt him, but the others got the signal that he was fine and stepped back. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/31/2024 11:01 AM
He nodded, he ran a hand through his hair and held hers with the other. Well I can say I can go without losing connection… unless however I don’t meet his one requirement. While I’m down there, I have to find all those I’ve “wronged” in my past and make things right with them…. He didn’t tell me who or why though. He just said it was necessary to stay on my path, and he also warned me not to stay from it. Otherwise, he won’t be so kind to my betrayal… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/31/2024 11:36 AM
It was good news, followed by troubling news. They definitely had to all go down together now. Otherwise, anyone who didn't join them was at risk of capture by Aubron's forces. How long would it take for them to complete the task and return? "But even you don't remember all of them. He knows about your amnesia, so that doesn't seem like a fair request." She sighed. "But we have to try. Azir, will you help us?" She remembered his anger at Crosby earlier and looked to her lover. "I mean, from what I know, your brother will be a good start." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/31/2024 12:41 PM
For how long it would take, nobody would know. It was up to them and how successful they were. I think that’s the point. He wants me to seek them out… I’m sure I’ll be able to tell how or who they are though. He looked to Azir and then back to her.*** I have a feeling I know who to start with… my own men.
He nodded in agreement. I cannot guide you anymore than o have by oath. You should have all you need to ensure your win. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 5/31/2024 1:56 PM
"You'll have my help," Rikuma promised Crosby. "I'll do my best to be with you every step of the way." She looked to the others. "We have to do this." Corinne nodded in agreement. "You'll have mine and Nainda's help, too." She looked to Nainda. "Right?" She smiled as her girlfriend agreed as well, and squeezed her hand gently. "We're all going with you," Eletea confirmed, before looking at Azir, then again at Crosby. "I mean, I'm not sure if your brother is, but the rest of us will." The comment about not being able to guide them anymore gave her some hope. Maybe one of them would survive, at least. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 5/31/2024 3:27 PM
He of course fully expected at least Rikki’s help. The others were a nice addition of course but he half expected such. They were a team by now. Thank you all, truly. He sort of bowed out of respect as he started to get up. Loyalty was everything to him.
I will be coming with. As much as he didn’t want to, he knew it was necessary to do what he could to help. He wanted Aubron dead, perhaps even moreso than Crosby or anyone else. But nobody would know but him. And he planned to keep it that way. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/1/2024 4:42 AM
Rikuma nodded, because it was still likely that Azir would have an advantage against Maziel. And the risk of running into her right away was high, considering their methods of reaching the underworld. She walked over to the nightstand where she had set the scroll and picked it up, unfurling the golden paper in her hands. The words were there, same as before. She read them silently, then looked around at the others. "We have what we need, then. Is everyone ready?" she asked. Corinne squeezed Nainda's hand tightly. "Ready." Nainda nodded in agreement. Eletea sighed. "Ready as I will ever be," she said. "For the record: this plan is insane. Necessary, but insane." Rikuma shrugged. "You have no idea how many times I've been told that." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/1/2024 6:53 AM
He knew his brother did have an advantage against Maziel moreso than him for some reason… it would have to be something they discussed at some point. He had changed way more than he thought. He nodded, fixing up his cloak and armor a little bit. Ashrune in its sheathe for now.* Then let’s get going, there’s no time to waste. The more we stand around, the more Aubron builds his army. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/2/2024 4:28 AM
Rikuma took a deep breath to steady herself. Without knowing the details of this fate Azir had spoken of, she couldn't be sure what exactly awaited them. Only that it was grim. She stood close to Crosby and read the spell out loud, waiting for Maziel to bring them down to the underworld. While Rikuma read, Corinne stood close to Nainda, wrapping her tail around her girlfriend's legs protectively. Eletea held a hand up to summon her weapon, a spear made of solidified holy magic, in case they were attacked right away. @Crosby
Soon there was a veil of familiar shadows that emerged from the scroll, it spread among all of them and wrapped them all up so they couldn’t see one another. A dreadful surge of energy would rip through each of them, seemingly a spell to zap their energy to make capture easier. But, this would all happen in a blink of an eye. When the group did look around, they weren’t where they were supposed to be. If anyone was standing behind Azir, they would’ve seen a strange green flicker from his hands… magic. He’d interfered with the spell. They were very much so in the underworld, that was clear the moment they opened their eyes. From the screaming souls of the damned… the demons lurking around along with incubi and succubi. The rivers of lava that strewn about and huge lava pools. In the distance was a grand palace, the capital of the underworld. More than likely where Maziel would lurk, they were upon a hill at the moment, looking down to a valley. Behind them, was the exit of the underworld. An old rickety set of doors, heavily guarded too.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/2/2024 10:02 AM
He quietly looked around and took it all in. His eyes soon fixating upon the demons. His face which was neutral shifted… drastically. Whispers filled his head. Demands. They were so loud…. Even Rikuma could hear them here in the underworld. “Kill them all. No wretched death shall be left alive in your presence.” But he quickly shook it off. It wasn’t the voice of the dragon demanding such… it was someone else’s. Maziels…. Seems she already knew they were here. He looked to Rikuma, calming down instantly. where to now?
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/2/2024 12:54 PM
It was nearly instantaneous, and left no time to process everything that had happened. Shadows, a burst of unholy magic, then the energy and the rebel base were gone. Rikuma opened her eyes and straightened up. "It worked..." She looked over at Crosby as she heard the voice, all too familiar. It wasn't unlike the purple dragon to demand shedding the blood of the unholy when the situation called for it - she'd learned that from experience. But the voice was that other, darker, influence. She reached out for his hand to give it a reassuring squeeze before answering. "If this is where we ended up, she'll be somewhere we can at least find her from here," she said. "Or, well... somewhere she'll be able to find us, more accurately. The castle over there seems likely, but it will be quite the trip out to it, and we should expect it to be well-guarded." "Be ready for a fight every step of the way?" Corinne guessed. "Prepare for attacks from all sides, to put a sharper point on it," Nainda said grimly. Rikuma started down the hill, and the group followed. Eletea looked over at Azir, noticing the green flash of magic. It felt different from what had nearly partially drained them. Oppositional, even. He wasn't taking credit, but the truth was easy enough to follow. Her gaze left him to survey their surroundings. The entire area had her on-edge. It was all wrong, even more than Azir's or Nainda's auras. But they had to keep pushing forward. She focused on the magic she held within herself, given by her goddess, then mouthed a spell of her own, bolstering the group's resistance to demonic influences. They would need it. "Thank you," Eletea whispered to Azir as she followed the group. Because even if he wasn't claiming credit for his interference, good deeds at least deserved some recognition. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/2/2024 4:35 PM
Or she could leave it unguarded if she wants to speak directly to us. Which is what I’m guessing… He followed her without hesitation of course, drawing Ashrune to hold at the ready. He was preparing for the worst as he looked around, it didn’t take long before a strange sensation fell over him. A calling… it felt like when he was near equipment that used to be his. He stopped dead in his tracks, probably resulting in Rikuma doing the same or letting go of his hand. He looked to his tattoo as it glowed purple. Something familiar was near. Those with the best hearing in the party would hear clashing… of blades and war cries of men. Then screeches of demons falling would follow suite. A battle perhaps it seemed like? How strange…
He didn’t say anything in response to Eletea, he knew he shouldn’t have interfered… but he couldn’t let them all walk straight into Maziel’s trap room. They needed time before the encounter… or well… a more friendly encounter first. The one he saw in every single one of his visions. He looked around and saw things no one else could see. Small minute details. As Crosby paused, he spotted something on the ground, and moved his foot to dig it up since it was loose on the surface…. It was shiny… and golden. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/3/2024 1:03 AM
"The scroll described it as 'turning ourselves in', so it's safe to say she'll have at least some sort of trap set for us, even if she'll want you to give yourself up willingly. You can never be too careful," Rikuma said as she walked. Not for long; she stopped with him, her ears picking upas she listened to the sounds of combat. It was clear as day to the elf, half-elf, and cat fae. Eletea, on the other hand, was left to infer from what everyone else would say. "Can't even escape war in the underworld," Corinne sighed. Nainda looked toward the battle. "I don't think this is a coincidence... perhaps your men, Crosby?" Eletea shrugged. "His patron did say he would encounter those he had wronged in the past..." A thought came across her mind and her expression grew concerned. "Is it..." She glanced at Azir. "Is he going to be the only one who has to worry about that here?" "My guess is any of the dead could show up here," Corinne offered. She glanced back, then knelt down to see what that shiny golden thing on the ground was. "But why are you worried about that?" Eletea looked away. "...No reason." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/3/2024 1:54 AM
He didn’t even hesitate. He followed the sensation, it was calling to him. He’d drag Rikki along if he had to. It was so much stronger than Maziel’s influence. A purple hue surrounded Ashrune. Memories began playing through his head with every step. The closer he got, he could indeed hear his men. Those he had lost so long ago. They stood just below them in a little valley, bodies of demons strewn about as they all looked rather well off. An army of numbers that seriously change the tide of the war. All in their ironic purple armor of course. Their leader clearly marked with a cloak like Crosby’s. They had just missed the end of the fight it seemed. A demon giant lay dead in the center of the army, holy energy rippling through the body. A familiar sensation for Crosby and Eletea, more than likely a comforting one. To their right was a little slope leading down, a steep one. But he didn’t hesitate. Like a child to his father, he took his hand from Rikuma and sprinted, sliding down to his men.
He observed Crosby’s behavior. Not daring to interfere or follow. Nobody follow Crosby besides Rikuma. They won’t take kindly to us. But anyone can be here yes. Even the vampire queen could be lurking down here. Or anyone else you all could try to make amens with in exchange for help on the surface. Like your son could be here Nainda. The gold thing was just a beautiful golden ring, one that looked to be a wedding band with a huge diamond attached. But as he stood there, he heard his calling through all the screams of misery and death of the fallen souls. A voice cut through it all, one the rest of the group could hear. A female one, calling out his name. He looked away from the group. Trying to hide his face and the instincts that were trying to come to show, but it was near impossible. His fangs slowly extending, one eye turning red in color, the other green like his magic he used. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/3/2024 2:12 AM
Rikuma followed him to the edge of the slope. "Careful," she warned. She let go of his hand since he seemed intent on throwing caution to the wind, but still followed behind him, moving slower to choose her steps cautiously. Never mind that they were already among the dead. She looked ahead, but let Crosby take the lead in greeting them. An entire army. Not only that, but one that had spent their time in the underworld honing their skills, and seemed to be perfectly effective now. This was exactly what they needed. She just had to not fuck it up by being bad at diplomacy. She held her breath without even thinking about it, forced to admit to herself that she was a little nervous.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/3/2024 2:12 AM
Nainda frowned. "He never should have been involved in the business of war, and I will not ask that if him," she said. Them again, his death had been Aubron's fault. If Alfred wanted revenge, she wouldn't stop him. She was more worried about if she had to make amends with her husband while her girlfriend stood right there. Meanwhile, Corinne found herself worried as well. How many had her inventions been used to kill before she'd escaped her old kingdom? To what extent was she responsible for those deaths?
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/3/2024 2:12 AM
Eletea picked up the ring. It was beautiful, to say the least, but almost certainly belonged to somebody here. "...Should we try to find the owner?" she questioned, trying not to think about who she might encounter here. Had her father forgiven her? Had she forgiven him? Would her foster dads be here, or were they still alive out there somewhere? What about her failure to save the others at the Temple? It took a moment to realize that the question she'd asked aloud hadn't been answered. "Azir?" She looked over at him. "Is something wrong?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/3/2024 7:42 AM
He wasn’t exactly careful going down of course. Hope. Hope at last. And happiness. To see those he was severed from, his brothers, despite the situation was still enlightening. Well… until they started parting like the Red Sea as he began to walk through the army. He stood out like a sore thumb now. Wielding a weapon of power. Their symbol of hope. And there was all the more reason to be nervous with almost all these men being extremely attractive. Some more than others (hint, hint: her man). Anyways he kept walking through, some looks he got were not exactly friendly. Some were not happy with him for good reason. Their current leader turned to him, he stood taller than everyone besides Crosby. They were equal height but by the gods had Crosby gotten bulkier. His reaction showed that. He quietly looked him up and down before approaching and offering him a handshake of sorts and a half hug. My apprentice returns to me after all these years… we believed you were dead but couldn’t find you anywhere here…. Where have you been Vandine? Of course he took the handshake and hug, it was their custom. Their order. Their way. I… it’s a long story. I was brought back to finish what we started, to take Aubron down once and for all. We already defeated the sorceress who sentenced you all down here. ~~~~
Anyone could be down there from their pasts who had passed. Even Aurora they could stumble upon again. He could come across his mother or father even. But the person he wanted to see the most came to him. He was all too distracted to respond as a spirit formed before him, one of a beautiful young woman around his age. Her hair was brunette and long, flowing even. Her eyes hazel in color and encapsulating in nature. She was beautiful by all means. His face dropped as the deep “instincts” took over at the sight of her, for they were not instincts as he knew them…. They were raw emotions that had been suppressed by him. Never ever would he let them show willingly. But here he was…. She looked to him frightened. Why did you do this to me Azir? Why couldn’t you just refuse the offer? We could’ve been happily together until the end of our days… He stood tense, his anger stirring to the surface along with the misery. shut up… all of you… He growled under his breath. His breathing was growing shaky like a mad man about to explode. I did what I had to do to live. You were just a cost for the fate I desired. A pawn. Now… BE GONE. He extended his arm, there was a brief vicious crackling of green lighting it looked around his arms as it grew noticeably hotter even though they were in the underworld. And then the “silence” shattering crackle of the blast going off. The spirit being turned into just vapor that vanished. He stood there, holding his arm out. @Al the Killer (edited)
♥️ 1
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/3/2024 9:11 AM
It seemed both unfair and unreasonable that she'd be walking into an entire army of beautiful people. Why did everyone they fought beside have to be hot? An entire journey of bisexual panic had only led them to this place, of even worse panic. It didn't help that she could feel everyone staring in their direction and, as a necromancer and the only woman she could see down here, she stood out even worse than Crosby. At the bottom of the slope, she ran to catch up to him, keeping a hand on his shoulder so they wouldn't be separated. Good thing her hood covered her face. She let go of him briefly to let him greet the other man before speaking. "You must be his mentor, then," she said, then bowed low to show the proper veneration for the spirits of the dead. "I am Princess Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi the Sixth of Rashouris, the Undying, Prime Necromancer Adept of the Order of the Circle, and the one who brought Crosby here to right the wrongs done by Emperor Aubron." She straightened up. "I can bring you all back to the overworld for one final battle, but I will not do so without consent. It will not be true resurrection, as you came here through death, but it will grant you a chance to rest afterward knowing your mission has been completed." Had she said too much? Did she should impressive or foolish? Damn it, she hated diplomacy! She stayed slightly behind Crosby, trying to appear more confident than being surrounded by an army not made of undead constructs made her feel.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/3/2024 9:11 AM
While the other two focused on the bottom of the slope, Eletea watched what was unfolding between Azir and... Whoever she was. Someone important to him, but not more important than whatever power he had been promised. No, that wasn't fair. She knew that pain on his face too well, that cocktail of rage and regret, the uncertainty of whether it was his dead loved one or himself that deserved his ire. This all seemed too personal, and she looked away to give them what privacy she could. It was only after the conversation that she looked in his direction again. "I won't pry, but whatever happened... I'm sorry." She held up the ring. "You are not the only one to lose someone important for the sake of survival, and it never stops hurting. Do you want this back?" She held the ring up. She knew well enough to piece the bits of information together. "If the reminder will hurt more than it will help, we can leave it." @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/4/2024 4:22 PM
He was a little distracted until she spoke. To which both of the men looked to her. Crosby moreso was confused because he thought he was going to be doing the talking. But apparently not. He let the princess do her thing, quietly looking between her and his once mentor. The man looked puzzled but all his men ERUPTED in a joyous roar. They were ACHING for revenge. However he hesitated, looking to Crosby and then Rikuma. Of course I think that’s fine by everyone here… except me. I… cannot exactly return. My time has come and past by now. He gestured to Ashrune. My successor has shown himself. For he is the champion of the purple dragon now. Not me. But… if you are truly going to return to the surface to fight Aubron, I want to provide you with one more thing. A gift from the general of the purple dragon army to you; Crosby Vandine. He grabbed his hand and closed his eyes, his armor flickered and faded before there was a quite blinding flash of light. Even moreso for Rikuma, of course it was purple. But when it faded the instant later after it started, her lover’s armor had changed. It was still the same one Corrine had made him by aura, but it was… different. Enchanted somehow and of course now purple and marked with symbols of the dragon and such. It had countless golden accents and outlines, a beautiful ancient masterpiece to adore and admire. Vandine was rightfully so… speechless. This was an honor.
It’s not… He had to take a deep breath in and close his eyes, trying to suppress what was trying to claw and gnarl its way to the surface. The aching need gnawing at him. The desires rippling through him. He was running on limited time now…. How long could he push on. mine. We never got there. You can keep it. It might come in handy. He ran a hand through his hair, at the same time he sunk his fangs into… his finger. Strange to say the least but it seemed to calm him down. Oddly… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/5/2024 4:19 AM
Under scrutiny, Rikuma lowered her head and pulled the hood down tighter over it. Had she said too much? She was about to apologize, though she wasn't sure for what, until the men began to cheer. Oh. Okay, they liked the idea and weren't about to shout about killing the necromancer. Maybe death had its way of changing attitudes, after all. She straightened up and, because there was no imperative outside of her own anxiety to keep her face hidden in the presence of the dead, lowered her hood to look up at the general. Former general, as the case was. But her timing was bad, as the burst of light blinded her. She shut her eyes, and it took a moment for her vision to return. She blinked several times, the dots of colour that clouded her vision giving way to her beloved in his proper armor. She found herself equally speechless at the sight, and needed a moment to recover before speaking. "You..." Now wasn't the time to try to flirt, so she looked at his mentor instead. "Thank you. All of you. We will call on you when the time comes. Crosby, if there was more you wanted to say, now is the chance." Her attention drifted as she spotted a figure lurking around the edges of the army. The stranger wore bloodied plate armor and walked on two legs, but that was where the human resemblance ended. The monster's bald head sported no ears, with a jaw parted to reveal rows of sharp teeth. He had grey skin, with a pair of blank white eyes staring out. Gaps in the armor accommodated a ridge of spikes along the monster's arms, and wings made from bone at his back. He was not a part of the army, that much was certain, but he studied them intently.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/5/2024 4:19 AM
Picking up a ring that might have belonged to someone in the vicinity was one thing. Carrying around a strange ring from the underworld was something else entirely. But she didn't sense any curse or demonic magic from it, so it was likely safe. "You are the one with future sight," she decided, somewhat resigned as she stowed the ring away. He still seemed distressed though, so she gave him a concerned look. Strange... but if he had become some sort of unholy creature, it would certainly explain his aura. "Are you going to be alright?" she asked, then looked toward the castle. Still so far away... "Hang in there; we still have a ways to go. And if you need something, say it. Suffering by yourself isn't noble. It will only drain your endurance." She walked out toward the edge of the slope. "Anyway, the army wasn't enough last time they faced Aubron... my sisters will mostly be unhelpful, since they won't have access to Desphy's magic once they're reanimated, but I might know... someone else who could be useful." She grimaced at the thought. "But it will prove a challenge to get them on our side. Or to find them, since I don't see a shoreline around here." Which meant a tavern might be the most likely place to find them.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/5/2024 4:19 AM
Nainda looked down at the army. Her eyes widened as she felt a familiar presence near them. Even from this far away, he was like a beacon to her. But men who considered themselves heroes had a history of reacting poorly to his presence, and there were so many there now. "No, not here," she whispered. She didn't hesitate for a single moment before running down the slope herself, reckless as could be. If anyone dared turn a blade on the so-called 'monster' at the edge of the group, she would get between them in an instant. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/5/2024 8:34 AM
Your welcome princess. Or it was moreso who she was associated with that allowed her to get her way. She was with THE general of the purple dragon army now. And Crosby trusted her, they’d trust her for that fact. Well, unless she proved them otherwise. I do have one favor to ask of you all… maybe. For I do know what’s coming, there’s a demon trying to corrupt our ranks and make us separate from one another. My party and I are going to combat her and defeat her. I ask for your help in defeating her minions. I have a feeling she won’t be alone, He pointed to the castle, to which everybody soon turned to see. Especially considering she lives there. Another eruption of roars of approval arose. They were itching for a real fight. One with purpose. One with a reason. And here it was. But after all the noise, a younger man walked forth through the crowd. His eyes brown like the richest of chocolate, his hair quite curly but long. He was obviously Crosby’s age. He pointed to the strange figure. Sir! I believe a demon is watching us! ~~~
He half glanced over his shoulder to her. His left eye still faintly glowing green. The right had a red glowing hue to it also. Something was… off about him. Moreso than usual. Without any sound, he would be upon Eletea, one arm holding her head off and up at an Angle to expose her neck. His grip was quite firm. His other hand wrapped around her chest to pull her into him. He whispered into her ear as he made her step back away from the edge, or dragged her back, depending on if she cooperated. don’t make a single sound. She could feel his heavy breathing upon her neck as he moved his head towards it. Then there was a sudden pinch… and then… the sensation of being drained. The monster was in control now…* @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/5/2024 9:06 AM
Rikuma watched their observer silently as she let Crosby spoke. He didn't carry the aura demons had. His was instead... familiar. Not demonic, but just a bit wrong nonetheless. Unsettling, but not terrifying. She turned her head toward the young man walking through the crowd, as he had seemed to see the monster - no, the man - as well. "Pay closer attention and you will see that is not a demon," she said calmly. "I think that may be-" She stopped as Nainda rushed past the army in a reckless blur. "Don't move!" Rikuma ordered, knowing that there was no way people would react to that sudden movement well.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/5/2024 9:07 AM
"Alfred!" Instinct overrode common sense as Nainda ran past them. Once she reached her son, they made contact with something between a hug and a tackle. She held him at arm's length to look at him after a moment, tears welling in her eyes. "How many times have I warned you not to wander into danger like this? I know you're already dead, but you can still be hurt. Are you hurt? Did anyone here attack you?" She became faintly aware of several sets of eyes on her and looked back toward the army. Corinne had trailed behind her at a slower pace, hoping against hope that nobody was going to attack her girlfriend. Or her girlfriend's son. Rikuma sighed at the display. "Nainda... this is your son?" she asked. "He is. Alfred, this is Rikuma, one of my travel companions." The travel companion in question looked between the two of them, incredulous. She'd forgotten the effect Nainda's magic had on people. "...That came out of you?" "Don't be rude, dear," Nainda scolded Rikuma gently. "Right. Sorry."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/5/2024 9:07 AM
Distracted as she was by her own thoughts, Eletea didn't have a chance to look back at Azir to see if he would respond to her words to him. Never mind to see before he grabbed onto her, pulling back. "What-?" She stopped as he said to be silent, unsure if that would actually help her situation or not. Fuck, was this how she was going to die? Her heart raced, presumably with fear. She watched the top of Corinne's head vanish out of sight as the sidhe made her way down the slope, all hope of help disappearing with her. And despite everything, a shiver ran down her spine at the breath that puffed against her neck, and she couldn't help but hate herself for it just a little. She bit her lip to keep quiet and closed her eyes, waiting for it to be over. Maybe he would stop when he'd had enough. If not then, after a while, a small burst of holy magic would leave her body, self-preservation instinct kicking in. It wouldn't be enough to cause serious harm - she was careful to hold back against someone they might need later on - but more of an unpleasantness, a warning to stop while he still could. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/5/2024 12:45 PM
All his men drew their swords at the ready at the sudden blur. But held fast at Rikuma’s orders. All at the ready clearly however for whatever was to come next. He looked to the stranger and then Nainda, observing for now. Well, that was certainly not what he expected her son to look like. But no matter. He couldn’t be one to judge. And no, none of them would’ve attacked him. They had no reason to unless he engaged them first. He waved to be polite to Albert. He was chillin right now. He kept his cool and calmly approached. Does he talk? He asked curiously. He couldn’t help it.
He drew back probably just mere moments before she’d blast him. He’d gotten his fill of blood…. What he needed to survive now among other things. He was breathing quite heavily against her neck. It was… quite the sensation. He licked the blood dripping clean, the wound healing over. Apologies for that… I… lost control it seems. He drew back a few moments after and wiped his mouth, his eyes returning to normal and his fangs vanishing out of sight. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/5/2024 1:05 PM
Rikuma stood close to Crosby, glad that there was no immediate danger. She couldn't tell how old Alfred was. Then again, his mother's age wasn't exactly obvious, either. The warlock certainly treated him like a child, but from what Rikuma had heard, the boy had died in combat and was wearing armor right now, so that wouldn't make sense. Maybe she was just over-protective.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/5/2024 1:05 PM
Nainda was, in fact, extremely protective, especially now that he had died once. But she could relax once everyone else had. "He does, but only telepathically," she said. She looked down at him as though listening to something, then nodded before looking toward Crosby again. "He is mindful that not everybody likes hearing an unexpected voice in their head, and would like to know if he can speak through your mind. He won't be able to hear any thoughts you don't intentionally send." She smiled over at Corinne as she caught up. "Corinne, darling, allow me to introduce you to my son, Alfred." Corinne slowed to a stop and smiled back, but there was a sadness to it. After this was all over, Nainda would only have to say goodbye to him again. Would it be any easier now that she knew it was forever, or would it reopen that wound of grief? "Hi," she said anyway.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/5/2024 1:05 PM
Eletea's eyes remained closed for a few moments, the tension lingering until he apologized. Too little, considering the sudden attack, but better than nothing. She pulled away as soon as he let go, narrowing her eyes as she looked back at him. "That..." She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, thinking before speaking. Her first instinct was revulsion, but her first instincts about all of her travel companions had proven wrong. But none of them had attacked her. It was reasonable to be upset... So why hadn't she hated it? "...That is exactly what I was talking about. Keeping this to yourself will only cause you to hold out until you lose control. Next time you need to feed, ask before it gets out of hand again." She had to sit down on the ground, still feeling a bit lightheaded. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/5/2024 3:53 PM
He offered his hand out to Alfred, to shake of course. Assuming he had hands… or something to grab onto his hand. It was just a sign of respect is all and being friendly. I’m okay with that. He did wonder how exactly he perished. Thoughts stirring in mind, curiosity even. Hello Albert, I am Crosby Vandine, General of the Purple Dragon Army, and future consort of Rikuma. It’s a pleasure to meet you.
He had indeed attacked her. One thing the others didn’t dare to do or even try. There was a boundary of respect between them. But here? There was no telling. I’m sorry. Here… He reached into his cloak and pulled out a strange vial of something. He offered it to her. this should make you feel better. @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/5/2024 4:10 PM
Alfred shook his hand. His own hands ended in claws, but he was careful with them, practiced in not scratching his new acquaintance. Not that it would have mattered with Crosby in his armor. Nice to meet you, General Vandine. The voice that greeted Crosby's mind was that of a young man, bright and optimistic. Old enough, legally, to fight, but too young for anyone to expect that he would die doing so. I am Alfred Benard, son of Marquis Nainda of Oblein. Former member of the Thauvian Vanguard. A hint of bitterness accompanied the last part. Anyone would have been bitter, after getting literally stabbed in the back by the men he'd been fighting beside, under the orders of the Emperor himself. Is it true that you're ready to defeat the Emperor? he asked, hopefully. (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/5/2024 4:10 PM
Rikuma watched their meeting, unable to hear Albert's half of the conversation. She observed the gesture, and something from what felt like forever ago finally clicked. She leaned toward Nainda and Corinne. "Is that what he meant to do the first time he held his hand out at me?" she whispered, because this was definitely a weird cultural thing by Rashouran standards. Corinne smiled despite her worries. "I think so, yes," she said, mildly amused.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/5/2024 4:10 PM
She took the vial cautiously. It wasn't an apology she wanted, but the assurance that there wouldn't be another attack like that. "Just don't do that again." At least, not without first asking and getting her permission. She looked at it without opening it at first, trying to see if there was anything suspicious about it. "That depends. What is it?" She opened it for closer inspection, since she would only really drink it once she was sure it would be safe. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/6/2024 12:17 AM
He would’ve been fine anyways. His hands however only had a fabric covering, he needed mobility to a certain extent after all. Anyways, he nodded. We’re about to be more than ready now. We just have to take out a demon and then we’re going on our way to take Aubron out once and for all. He drew his hand back. He could’ve sworn he heard Rikuma talking so he glanced over to her briefly. He couldn’t hear whatever she said though.
It’s a special tree sap. It has… magical abilities unlike any other. I use it for when I need to heal mostly. He walked towards the slope, glancing to see what was going on with the others. It had fallen awfully quiet all the sudden. Of course he had to keep his distance. He was one of their main hunted targets after all. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/6/2024 4:08 AM
Rikuma met Crosby's gaze and walked over to him again. "So, we're ready to keep going? We still have quite a trip to the castle." She looked toward it. A part of her wished they had time to properly explore the underworld. Who knew when she would get the opportunity again? But they had work to do, and the more time they wasted, the more dangerous it would be for them. Better to find her before she found them. "It looks like we'll have to pass through a city to get there too, which will be..." She looked toward the army. They weren't exactly inconspicuous.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/6/2024 4:08 AM
Nainda looked over at Alfred. "What?" She paused, then shook her head. "It's dangerous, sweetheart, you..." She sighed as he brought up a good point: given her own vengeful nature, it wouldn't be right to deny him the same opportunity. "I know you're an adult, I just..." She looked to Corinne for help. "I don't think I'm close enough to him to have a say yet," Corinne admitted. Nainda nodded in understanding. "You're sure you'll be alright traveling with the army here after what happened to you?" She paused, nodded again, and walked over to the former general. "Is it okay if my son travels with you? He can fight - I taught him, myself - and he won't slow you down."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/6/2024 4:08 AM
She didn't sense anything malicious from it. She'd been wrong before, but she would have to trust him. Even if it was pretty hard to do right now. She drank some of the sap. It was thick, and almost sickly sweet, but she only needed a small amount before her energy returned to her fully. "Thank you." She closed the bottle again and stowed it away in case she needed it later. And if they were here long enough for Azir to get thirsty again, she might. She stood up and walked over to meet him by the slope. "As I was saying before, if we need to gather more of our forces, I might be able to help." She still despised the idea of seeing them again, but if it was a risk no matter what, she might as well make it something useful. "We'll see who we find in that city on the way. Crosby's patron did say that he'd have to make amends with everyone he'd wronged, after all." She thought for a moment, wondering if that might include all of Waterdeep. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/6/2024 6:54 AM
I suppose so. And there’s no saying what lurks ahead in the city or in that castle. We could run into… anything. And as for my men? I’m sure we’ll be fine, sure, we’ll get a lot of unwanted attention and have no element of stealth on our side, but we’ll manage. ~~~ The former general looked to Alfred and then Nainda. His hand gesturing out towards Crosby. Don’t ask me. I’m no longer in command. He is. My time has come by the dragons orders. She could already assume she’d know Crosby’s answer. There was no reason he’d deny help.
The more assistance you guys have, the better. You’ll need it. Aubron has something stirring in wait, awaiting to be awoken. And as much as I hate to say it… my brothers more than capable of handling an ever bigger army with the princess by his side. And with what the princess will gain soon enough…. Bringing back an army three times the size of the purple dragons will be easy. As for those he’s wronged… now that we’re alone… I can tell you who he’s going to have to seek, but you must swear on everything you are and who you worship not to tell or hint by any means to anyone else in the party. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/6/2024 7:29 AM
Rikuma looked back toward the army. "Still, we won't be able to house them in the city. If the time comes to rest, we'll have to camp out outside of town." At least any enemies would have to be either stupid or suicidal to attack them. Her attention shifted toward the two figures still on top of the hill. Now that the army had joined them, surely it was safe for everyone to be here? She waved over toward them, a signal that it was safe to come down now.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/6/2024 7:30 AM
Nainda looked back toward Crosby, already knowing he would say yes. "I more needed the assurance that you would not act against him," she said. "But I will take your response as a good sign." After all, she knew Crosby wouldn't stand for any friendly fire.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/6/2024 7:30 AM
Eletea looked over at him. 'Something waiting to be awoken' didn't sound good, but she knew Azir well enough to know that he wouldn't say what it was unless he thought it appropriate to do so. "I have already sworn to secrecy," she said, though she wasn't sure whether swearing on what she already knew she would lose soon would make any difference. "I will do so again if I must. But I can't help but wonder why you keep sharing this information with me, exclusively." It struck her as a bit odd, especially after how she had reacted to learning of her coming death. Before, she could have believed it was a practical decision, but was it not more reasonable to avoid telling anyone at all? "I'm not complaining, just mildly confused." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/6/2024 1:29 PM
Thats fine by me. My men are used to staying in the wilds if need be. And if things haven’t changed… they should have a tent spell they can use. Thats standard issue. I just… cant exactly remember how to use it right now. He laughed a bit, nervously. It was quite embarrassing to forget something so simple. He didn’t mind staying out of the city. They would pretty safe now. The only ones who would dare to fight them with an army like this, were those with major power. Or just stupid like she said. He looked around them once more. What a grand sight of an army.
You should know why by now. You saw what happens. He started to cautiously descend into the valley but he paused to make sure she followed. He needed her holy aura to mask his own. The knights would not react positively to his. Nainda’s and Albert’s they could stand. Azir’s? He had marks of the monster they hunted most. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/6/2024 1:43 PM
She shouldn't have expected anything more in terms of an answer, really. She watched him start to walk away. "Wait, I thought you were going to tell me who he'll have to seek?" Then again, she hadn't technically sworn a second time. She sighed. "I swear on everything I am and on my goddess, Desphy, that I will not tell or hint at the answer to anyone else in the party." While he hadn't actually answered the question of why, sharing the information with her at least seemed important to him. Maybe he just didn't want to die with the burden of knowledge on his shoulders alone. She caught up to him then stopped, knowing he wouldn't walk further without her. Not approaching a vampire-hunting army.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/6/2024 1:43 PM
Rikuma looked over toward the other two members of their group, who had only made a small amount of progress down the slope. Strange, they'd taken quite a while. She could pick up on the fact that Eletea seemed to be saying... something, but it was too far away for even elven hearing. "What do you think is taking those two so long?" she asked Crosby, a nosy part of her wishing she was close enough to eavesdrop.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/6/2024 1:43 PM
"Confessions of love?" Corinne joked. Possibly a dead joke by now, but it hid her concerns. Those two had been rather secretive, and she wasn't sure how much she believed what Azir said about not wanting to interfere with fate. The smell of blood had been on him this entire time, and she wasn't sure she trusted whatever it was he was planning. Then there was... she wasn't sure what she had heard while heading down to catch up to Nainda, in hindsight. Something, but she had been otherwise focused. Eletea seemed alright now, but she couldn't help but worry. She tried not to think too hard about it, and instead smiled over at her girlfriend as the heartwarming reunion between mother and son continued. @Crosby
Well I couldn’t just tell you and then you instantly go tell Crosby and mess things up now could I? But anyways, as for who he has to make things up with… He pointed to himself first, she could get that. And then he pointed to the castle. there’s someone in there waiting for him. He has to right things with her to return to the surface. There’s also a gift for at least Rikuma and Crosby in that castle once Maziel is defeated. As everyone else? The visions have been too… obscured. Somethings preventing me from seeing beyond Maziel’s defeat. Now, let’s get moving. They’re all staring at us. He started to head down the hill, making sure she followed. If not, he’d stay.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/6/2024 2:09 PM
He was oblivious to the monster his brother had truly become along with most of the rest of the party. He just knew something about him was off. He couldn’t put his finger on what. I’d hope not for her sake.
2:09 PM
@Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/6/2024 2:45 PM
The first statement was no surprise; that much had already been worked out by the group, even if Crosby hadn't seemed to make the effort yet. "I thought his patron said only he has to make amends. It really is all of us, then? Not just totally optional for everyone else?" She looked down and thought about it. She wasn't sure who Corinne might have wronged. From what Rikuma had mentioned about her parents, they were an obvious choice, along with possibly someone harmed by her experiments. Crosby probably would have to reconcile with his and Azir's parents, from what she'd heard. Nainda with her dead husband and whoever she had lost after her military experience in Locuria. And herself... she dreaded to think about it. Someone with her past made enemies easily, and she dreaded to think about the rest. So she didn't, for now. She walked alongside him instead, staying as close as she could so that her aura would overpower any sense of what he was.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/6/2024 2:45 PM
"I mean... she's so judgmental that the idea of her actually liking someone kind of makes them more trustworthy, in a way," Rikuma commented. "Unless she's somehow more self-destructive than I ever was." Which, considering her past attempts to master necromancy by trying to ensure she could die and come back to life, not to mention outright suicide attempts, was a pretty high bar. "I just hope she doesn't break any of her vows while we still have use for her healing magic."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/6/2024 2:46 PM
Corinne looked over at her. "Damn, Rikki. That's cold," she teased, though she knew Rikuma hadn't meant it like that. She'd known the necromancer for long enough to understand that, while she had odd ways of showing it at times, she did care about other people. "If she's happy, I'm happy. Even if I can't wrap my head around it."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/6/2024 2:46 PM
Nainda shook her head. She understood the reasons behind Eletea's attraction, but wouldn't speak them without the cleric's permission. She would, however, change the topic. "So, we were about to go through the city, yes?" She waved toward Azir and Eletea as they approached. She had her suspicions that whatever they had been up to, Corinne's jokes had been pretty far off the mark anyway. "Lovely of you two to join us, dears. The Purple Dragon Army has agreed to join us." @Crosby
You are right. If you are to make it out alive and stronger, you are going to need to make amends with those you’ve wronged. As for the others, it’s up to them if they do the same. But that’s enough for now. He made sure to get it out before they were in range for the others to overhear. He simply nodded, choosing to stay quiet, he looked to the men around him. Many did not give him friendly looks. He was not well liked already. His looks alone were not helping his case.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/7/2024 12:28 AM
He was distracted as the others spoke. He was hearing whispers again. His attention shifting towards the castle. They sounded so familiar… it took him a few moments to realize who it was and his face dropped like a boulder in a lake. As the party stood still, the demon took notice. Disembodied voices would surround them. Screams of agony and misery surrounded them, horrible dreadful ones. It sounded like the people they cared about most, every party member could hear each others. Crosby’s parents could pretty clearly be heard screaming in pain. His face became cold, anger boiling within, Aubron men’s laughter could be heard echoing in their last fleeting moments. Then a booming wave of thousands of voices, children, woman, and men. HELP! HELP ME! HELP MY CHILD! CAPTAIN VANDINE! WHY DID YOU LET AUBRON LIVE!? 10,000 PEOPLE DIED UNDER YOUR FAILURE! For Nainda, she could probably hear her husband. For Corrine, whoever mattered most to her who passed. For Eletea, the person she dreaded hearing most. For Azir… the victims of his monstrous rage… @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/7/2024 1:47 AM
What about you? She didn't get the chance to ask the question out loud, as they were within earshot of the group. "Sorry about the delay. I needed a moment to meditate, and Azir was standing guard," she said to explain their delay without outing him as a vampire. If he wanted the others to know, he would tell them. For now, he would have a cleric vouching for him in front of Crosby's men. But that didn't matter first as the voices took hold. Her sisters' screams as they were slaughtered in the Temple's destruction accompanied others, from further back. The last words her biological father had said to her, his pleas of "don't. You're better than this," echoed from the moment before she drove the sword through his heart, proving that she was not better than this. Then the screams of her old crew, cut short as they were executed one by one. "Traitor! We mutinied beside you! We killed the captain for you, and this is the thanks we get?" She covered her ears, but it didn't block out the voices. One more joined them, a voice that turned her blood to ice and twisted her stomach into knots. "Ungrateful harlot! You would be nothing without me!" The tone shifted, to a calm that was worse than his rage. "I can still forgive you. You know well enough that obedience is rewarded~" "No," she whispered, the fear worse than when she'd been attacked earlier. "Nononononono-" She was trembling. What did she have to make up for with him? She hadn't done anything he hadn't earned. Perhaps a confrontation was still needed though, for her own peace of mind...
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/7/2024 1:47 AM
Greetings were overtaken by a living nightmare. At least her husband's screams as he burned gave her one form of closure: he hadn't meant to die. Accident, not suicide. But there was still an accusation to his calls. "How could you let that thing into our lives?" he demanded. "I can't bear to watch you go down this road of madness! I need to cleanse this curse from our home..." "You were our healer!" called the men who had fought beside her in the war against Drassan. "How could you let the Inquisition slaughter us when we returned home?" She wanted to defend herself, to tell them that she hadn't known they would do that, that she had been dragged away before she could do anything about it, but the barrage of voices carried on. "Heretic!" called the head of the Locurian Inquisition. "In defiance of fate, you have sold your soul-" The accusations gave way to the screams of Locuria as she led the army Aubron had granted her through the capital. She had ordered them to leave the commoners alone. Why had she believed they would obey?
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/7/2024 1:47 AM
Corinne had expected to hear cries of pain from the people her mother had used her inventions against. But no; she had had no choice in making them. What she heard instead was so much worse, a woman's voice. Not enraged or in agony like others, but a sorrowful calm that threatened to tear her apart nonetheless. "Corinne... why did you leave? Did you really believe he would have let me live if we were no longer together?" She froze in place, only now realizing her mistake. Only now knowing for certain that the woman she had loved before was dead.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/7/2024 1:47 AM
Roshia, the girl who had helped Rikuma with her research and died in its name, cried out. "You should have stopped me. Why did you think you could play god? What gave you the right to interfere with the balance of life and death like that? We should have stayed away from the curse beasts in the first place..." Her every instinct was to stay there, to try to reassure Roshia, to apologize in every way words could and then some. Her father's voice cut through the noise, which she found odd, considering she hadn't done anything to him. But unlike the others, this voice was heard by her alone. "Stupid girl," he hissed. "Are you really going to be a failure here, too? You have a duty to your people. Suck it up and keep walking instead of standing around in some demon's trap." She winced, but pulled herself back together forcibly. If there was one thing they'd always had in common, it was a determination that bordered on the obsessive, and she wouldn't let that trait fail her now. She grabbed Crosby's hand and spoke over the voices. "This is just what Maziel wants us to hear. We'll find them and make things right, but not if we stay here." She looked back at the others and raised her voice, hoping it would still be heard. "Keep walking!" She started ahead. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/7/2024 8:14 AM
He of course followed her lead without hesitation. He tried his best to block out the voices. But the words were ringing through his head now on loop. He listened to everyone else’s burdens too. He couldn’t help it. Even Azir’s. Although Azir really should’ve been more careful… although he never could’ve predicted this. Suddenly, the demons little trick was going in her favor. One of the knights suddenly swung at Azir with his blade. He cried out through the madness. VAMPIRE! YOU FILTHY UNDEAD! YOU KILLED MY SISTER! The man’s sword radiating holy energy bright and unwavering.
He stumbled back, grasping the slash wound that spanned most of his chest. Tainted blackish green blood that looked like ooze began to well… ooze out. The wound burning with holy energy. His breathing became shaky at the sudden wave of pain. And at the energy, his body fought against it. His eyes flickering red. His fangs naturally extending. His face grew horribly cold and uncaring. He hissed out, extending his hand without a second thought, the crackling green energy they’d all seen before surrounding it. This knight was going to be obliterated if someone didn’t do something. The army froze in shock, unsure what to do. Did they interfere? The voices of the dead began to fade now. Enough games and secrets. If you wish to see what I truly am, I will show you. He slowly smirked from ear to ear like an insane psycho, one who was completely absolutely unhinged. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/7/2024 9:25 AM
The shouts of the living broke Eletea out of her panicked state. She could wallow in her trauma when there wasn't a very real threat to a member of her party. "No!" She placed herself between them, though she was too slow to stop Azir from getting hurt. "Stop." She looked between the two of them, her voice as firm as she could manage with the guilt and the shame of her past gnawing at her, audible for all to hear. "Azir, don't prove them right." She fixed her gaze on him. "You can be better. That's the whole point of what we're doing here, isn't it? You said it yourself." She turned her head toward the other man. "No matter what happened in the past, he's on our side now. Both of you need to stand down."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/7/2024 9:26 AM
Nainda grabbed Corinne's hand briefly. "Come out of it, love," she whispered, but quickly let go and approached the chaos further back. She wasn't sure how well Eletea's firm, mildly hostile approach would work, so she opted to keep them distracted. "Azir, dear, do you need healing or blood?" she asked. "I can provide the former, as my magic is compatible with your nature, but if it's blood..." She trailed off, since she couldn't exactly volunteer someone else. "You don't want to know what mine would do to you, so it would be best to ask someone else."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/7/2024 9:26 AM
The fading of the voices came as little relief. Corinne looked back toward Azir. So that was why he'd smelled like blood. Obvious in hindsight. But she had nothing to contribute, so she walked over to Rikuma and Crosby instead. "Crosby, did you know about him...?"
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/7/2024 9:26 AM
Rikuma sighed, then spoke up. "Now isn't the time to turn against each other," she said, walking toward them. "Eletea is right." She wrinkled her nose because by the ancestors, it felt weird to say that. "Now, did he actually kill your sister, or are you lumping all of his kind together?" Eletea, with her own distaste toward vampires, winced at the implied judgment at the end of her question, but said nothing. @Crosby
He was breathing quite shakily as he looked to Eletea, he still wanted to send the guy to the very depths of hell but he was strong enough for now at least to restrain the beast. He lowered his hand, instead putting it to the wound, the dark energy clashing with the holy but inevitably destroying it. His wound quite grossly began to heal over as little tendrils of his ooze like blood reached from one side to the other and began to pull it closed. His smile fading, the coldness returning to his face. A man with no remorse. I’m fine. He said simply. Watch what you do knight, or you might make your last move. He huffed.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/8/2024 12:34 AM
He fell quiet at the news. He shook his head when Corrine asked. Of course he didn’t know. I haven’t been around him since I left for war… I knew something was off but I couldn’t figure out what. He stayed with Corrine for now as he ran a hand through his hair. What had his brother become? He was so much worse than he was before in every way. He was no longer the man he knew. But soon after he started to walk over to the others. The knight replied. He killed my sister. Right after we left and fell. He turned his attention to Azir. You vile muck. I could hear everything you did to her. You’re the worst of the worst. The general’s voice would cut through the argument and tensity that laid in the air. He had power here. Among his people and party, it was almost as if it was a passive effect. Enough. We won’t be killing him anytime soon. If it wasn’t for him, we wouldn’t have found you. And everyone would be stuck down here forever. And if you keep acting up soldier, we all will be getting stuck down here with him. Everyone has a crucial role here. Don’t fuck things up. Understood? He stood tall, putting his foot down on the matter. He had to, to which his comrade simply nodded. Crosby’s once mentor had vanished in the chaos. All that remained were those bound to return to the surface. Now, let’s quit wasting time. We have a demon to slay. And from there, an empire to end. Aubron’s time is coming to end. We shall slay whatever he throws at us. For he is no match anymore…. Despite all these years, we will show him the wrath of the purple dragon knights! He will remember what fear is once more! He will feel the wrath of Rashouris. We shall avenge our home and Waterdeep! For all those we’ve lost! @Al the Killer (edited)
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/8/2024 1:38 AM
His interference was a welcome relief. Eletea looked to Azir. He was fine, back to his usual emotionally-repressed self. Or was there truly nothing good left there? No, that couldn't have been it. He was still with them, knowing he may need to sacrifice himself for something greater than him. Yes, he was a monster, but that was... good. To a deeply selfish part of her, it meant that if he could be forgiven, so could she. She turned to look ahead. "He just means don't attack allies again," she translated to the knight, because that sounded better than the blatant threat.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/8/2024 1:38 AM
Nainda returned to Corinne's side, taking her hand in hers. "Are you alright, darling? You seemed to be in quite the shock," she said softly as they began to walk with the army. "Do you... would you like to talk about her?" They both knew who she was referring to. They had both heard the voice of that woman who Corinne had left behind, apparently with lethal consequences.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/8/2024 1:38 AM
Corinne looked down, torn between fresh grief and the desire to be known by the love she now had in her life. It was a long story, and they were not exactly alone right now. "I will later," she told her. "Promise."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/8/2024 1:38 AM
Rikuma looked up at Crosby and smiled. There really would be no question back home that she had chosen a worthy partner. "Well said," she whispered, then started walking ahead. The city's gates rose not too far ahead of them, a massive stone archway set into a wall that stretched out far and wide. "This city is massive..." @Crosby
But come on, keep it in scary terms for the knight Eletea. For I am not a force to mess with. Anyways, he started to follow close to the party. His eyes constantly drifting around like he was always planning an escape plan or something. Or perhaps he was seeing things the party couldn’t…. No way of telling unless someone asked. But that was besides the point. Of course the army was stoked at the mini speech. His men loved a good reason to carry on, and to remember those who had fallen and to follow the guidelines of their code? That was exactly it.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/8/2024 3:18 AM
He smiled a bit at Rikki’s comment. He still had it in him after all these years. The burning fire of desire for justice. It burned brighter than ever now with their goal so close. A second wind of new energy ripping through him. I would expect it to be huge. Although… I’d also expect to find all sorts of… things down here. I wouldn’t be surprised if we obviously ran into other demons, fallen spirits, or… worse. He had a vague memory of a beast that lurked down in hell, one an enemy of theirs had brought to the surface once and wreaked havoc with. But now, he couldn’t recall what it was. His men were on guard as they walked behind the party. Everyone falling into line, organized. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/8/2024 3:32 AM
"Well, yes, it is a city in the underworld after all," Rikuma said. "We should be on high alert. I suspect it will be a good opportunity to find some of the people we heard when Maziel was trying to sabotage us a few minutes ago." She glanced at Crosby, then back toward Azir before whispering. "But you already know one of the people you should reconcile with came to the underworld with us. Have you thought about how you're going to make it up to him yet?" She walked under the archway. The city was even more of a sprawling metropolis within its walls. Rows of buildings from all eras past and all cultures of the present day stretched out for as far as the eye could see. Souls of the dead made up the largest presence, walking through the streets and along overhead walkways that made up for the limited space for generations of the dead. And this was still only a portion of the underworld. "I've never seen so many people before," she breathed, looking around. But underlying it all was a darker presence, the inevitable demons and malicious spirits lurking in the shadows or blending in amongst the other dead souls.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/8/2024 3:32 AM
Eletea followed the group, but of course she noticed Azir's attention drifting. Not quite drifting, no... there was intent to it, and she couldn't know if that was a good thing or bad. "What's on your mind?" she asked, keeping quiet because the others didn't need to know what they were talking about. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/8/2024 4:40 AM
He nodded and glanced to Azir and then back to her. I honestly have no idea. He whispered back. We’ve… never really seen eye to eye on anything except now for Aubron’s defeat. And I’ve never seen this many ever either… this is… going to be interesting with an army behind us… hopefully they aren’t… hostile towards us.
He heard her and snapped out his seemingly blanked out state. He glanced to what was around them one more time and then her. I can see demons… I can see the shadows and what lurks in them. I can see the true monsters down here. He whispered. He had to kept it sort of cryptic in case someone heard. But of hopefully she got the gist. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/8/2024 5:45 AM
"If anything, the army will make them more likely to be hostile," Rikuma mused. "Maybe we should disperse and I can summon the army once we've made it through?" As a necromancer, she could already feel her power growing just from being here. Summoning them would be easy. "Especially since with a group this size, you might not get a chance to talk to your brother. Whatever happened between you two..."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/8/2024 5:45 AM
Eletea nodded, not surprised by any of what Azir was saying. "I would be more suspicious if there were none." She lowered her voice and addressed the more important topic on hand. "Are they following our group specifically?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/8/2024 10:48 AM
Maybe… I don’t think it’s wise to have more than 500 people constantly following us around. If we have to sudden hide or flee… it isn’t going to go well… and I’m not worried about him. I know I’ll get time. He looked back to the giant army that followed them, trying their best to follow through the streets.
He nodded. Of course they were. And then he pointed to his brother. they’re after his head. He’s killed all too many of them over the years to not face consequences now in their realm…. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/8/2024 11:22 AM
Well, shit. Crosby was crucial to this endeavor; they couldn't let him die for real. "Then we should warn him." She took a step forward, nearly waited for him, then remembered that concealing his aura with her own was a moot point by now. Everyone already knew what he was. She ran ahead without anther word. Her path took her past a tavern, from which the sounds of a barfight could be heard. The place called to her. She didn't want to go. Still, it made her pause.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/8/2024 11:22 AM
Rikuma nodded. "Alright, then. For now, you can give the order to disperse," she said. "I don't want to give too many commands here, since it's your army..." She looked around. "And the sooner we make ourselves a smaller target, the better." She looked back, noticing that Eletea had walked ahead of Azir before stopping. @Crosby
He didn’t stop her, he had no reason to. But his eyes remained glued to the shadows and the darkest of places. He didn’t even care about at the army. Whispers were filling his ears. Ones in a language most of the party shouldn’t understand… ancient demonic from centuries ago, a language long since dead besides from down here…
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/8/2024 11:52 AM
He turned to his army and without a word he put a hand up, splitting two fingers apart that were together. His men began to disperse into the city like rats into tunnels. He knew how to make them return. The past general had gave him the means. Not too long after the command… it was just the party again and nobody else. He looked to Eletea. what’s wrong? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/8/2024 1:09 PM
Rikuma watched the army disperse, leaving the six of them alone. She gestured for the others to join them and, though Nainda and Corinne did, Azir also seemed distracted. He may have proven a crucial part in this mission so far, but she simply could not get herself to trust him, despite her assurance that Eletea's trust toward him was a good sign. Was it wrong to have him spend so much time with the genasi? She was pretty sure that if Azir did hurt Eletea, Rikuma wouldn't hesitate to kill him, herself. Luckily, she didn't know what had happened. For now, she led the small group that had joined her to where Eletea was.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/8/2024 1:09 PM
Eletea blinked and looked over at Crosby. "I..." It wouldn't go away, that pull mixed with dread. "First of all, this city, by and large, wants you dead, so be alert." She turned to face the tavern fully. The noise inside had died down somewhat, indicating that whatever fight had happened was over, but it remained rowdy, as taverns were prone to do. "Second of all, there's... something I need to do in there. I don't know what yet, but it has to be done."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/8/2024 1:09 PM
"Then you're not going in alone," Corinne said. "We've got your back, Ellie." She smiled, though guilt and doubt about leaving her on that slope when she had definitely heard something still gnawed at her. She didn't mention it. No matter what it was, Eletea had seemed fine when she had walked down the slope. "Nainda, can you go get the scarecrow first? I guess we shouldn't leave him out here by himself, either."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/8/2024 1:09 PM
"Scarecrow?" Nainda asked, bemused. But she knew who Corinne was referring to, and didn't want to delay much longer. She kissed Corinne's forehead. "As you wish, my love." She squeezed her hand before letting go and walking back to Azir. "Eletea needs something from the tavern. Care to join us, dear?" Her gaze followed his toward the shadows, but saw nothing. She sensed it though. Something lurking. Waiting. "We are better off if we stick together. Come on." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/9/2024 1:50 AM
Well, brother or not, if he did truly hurt Eletea or anyone else. He would strike him down at Rikuma’s side. He didn’t stand for friendly fire by any means. He was looking to Azir too, wondering what the fuck he was doing. But his attention turned to Eletea as she spoke. We’ll all be going with you. And I’m… aware. He’s not too happy about all the demons that lurk around here. He drew Ashrune slightly from his sheath, it was glowing bright purple. A sign his enemy lurked nearby and needed to be slain. He sheathed it pretty quickly though. He didn’t want to tip off any demons do what he held. If they try anything, we’ll deal with them accordingly.
He snapped out of it again, and looked to Nainda. His eyes that were cold usually, showed… fear. Something big they should really be worried about laid in those shadows. But he didn’t say anything. He simply nodded and began to briskly head back to the group. But the moment he turned his back, a deep guttural growling came from the shadows. It sounded like something way bigger than the six of them combined. A beast… they best get moving… @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/9/2024 2:35 AM
He didn't need to say anything. That fear said all she needed to know. She led him back to the tavern, catching up with the rest of the group with barely a glance back to make sure he was following. Of course he would follow. He wouldn't dare to face that creature alone. "We're with you," she assured the others, standing beside Corinne.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/9/2024 2:35 AM
Rikuma looked back as she heard something growl. "Inside," she said. "Now." She grabbed Crosby's and Eletea's hands to pull them into the tavern. A large group, mostly men in the ostentatious choice of clothing that could only come from a combination of theft and irresponsible spending, gathered around one table, drinking and laughing. Elsewhere were scattered arguments among smaller groups. She gritted her teeth. By the spirits, she despised loud taverns. She let go of Eletea to roll the bones in her pouch between her fingers, trying to ground herself. Maybe they would be better off taking their chances with the beast out there.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/9/2024 2:35 AM
Corinne and Nainda followed after them, making sure the door was shut. After a moment's thought, Corinne dragged a table to barricade the door. She doubted it would do much, but it gave her some peace of mind, if only for a moment. "Well, after all of that, I think we could all use a drink," she said. "Are you even allowed to have alcohol, Eletea?" No response. She looked over at the genasi. "...Eletea?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/9/2024 2:35 AM
Eletea froze once they were inside. As Corinne mentioned her name, the large group stopped talking and turned around. All familiar. Terror gripped at her heart as the tallest among them stood. Captain Lindell. He grinned, resting his hand on the hilt of his sword. "And so she returns. Back in the filth with us." The voice might have been familiar to the others, the one that had sent her into a panic when the army had been under Maziel's spell earlier. "We've got so much to pay you back for." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/9/2024 2:50 AM
He of course didn’t hesitate to go inside. Whatever that was that lurked outside in the darkness was not something they should mess with at the moment. He looked around the tavern, assessing their situation. And with the man’s sword upon his hilt, the knight stood tall and stepped forth, doing the same upon that of the beautiful hilt of Ashrune. Two could be captains here. But only one would probably leave as such. His cold eyes met the man’s he half stood protectively in front of Eletea. Pay back for what exactly?
He looked towards the door, the beast hadn’t dared to follow. But hearing this man threaten Eletea… something stirred within. He was… much more possessive than his brother to say the least. Once he viewed something as his, it was going to remain his. His eyes flickered a brief red as he looked to bastard of a captain. He was quite intimidating to most when he did that. Sure he wasn’t strong looking or such, but he had a certainly cold uneasy aura and presence he gave off…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/9/2024 3:27 AM
Rikuma stepped in front of Eletea as well, followed shortly by Nainda and Corinne. Nobody could get away with threatening one of their own. That much was clear. Rikuma grabbed a handful of bones, just in case this man did try anything. Her glare fixed on the captain, cold enough to make the legends that a gaze from a Rashouran royal necromancer could bring death to the unworthy seem believable after all.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/9/2024 3:27 AM
Seeing the show of support from her allies brought a rush of courage to Eletea, along with something else. Something... Warmer. Even in the Temple, it hadn't been like this. She hadn't really felt this cared for since her days as a youth in the lighthouse, waiting with the keeper and his husband for her father to return from his Naval duties. Before the pirate Captain Lindell had had decided she was the perfect hostage. She stood up straight and stepped forward to stand beside her companions. Lindell looked between the six of them then laughed, entirely intimidated. "Aw, you don't know her at all, do you?" he asked. "I mean, she did kill me in cold blood, then led my men just so she could betray them to the Navy. It's about time she repay her lack of loyalty in blood, don't you think?" "Justice isn't betrayal. It's called coming to my senses," Eletea said. She stepped forward again, the spear of holy magic reappearing in her hand. "If I spoke of your crimes against me, you wouldn't last for another five seconds." She glanced back, noticing the barely contained rage in Azir's eyes. "Unless they decide to make your death slow." Her attention returned to the Captain, her fear ebbing with each word she spoke. "But we have two great battles coming up. If you will lend the aid of your men, we can put the past behind us. Do some good for once, and buy my silence." He looked again at the party. "You're still outnumbered, girlie." He scratched his beard. "Ah, but I'll humour you. How about a duel, one on one, to decide the outcome? If you win, you'll gain my crew as allies." He grinned. "And I think you already know what I gain if I win." @Crosby
He watched and listened to every word being said. But not once did he look away from the man. Blood… he wanted bloodshed and blood spilt. And a duel was the perfect means. He had his ways of changing the outcome on the sidelines and the darkness where he hid behind the group. Not like anyone would notice. He stared through the captain, unmoving, unbothered.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/9/2024 4:58 AM
He looked to Eletea to see her reaction. Mainly if she was going to take this. He trusted her. If they had to step in, he wouldn’t be afraid to, or to even battle this strange man himself. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/9/2024 6:31 AM
Fear was slowly replaced by revulsion. The stakes are certainly high, but she had faced higher yet. She nodded. "Then I accept your duel," she said. "What are the conditions of victory?" "To mercy," Lindell said. "When either of us calls it off, the match goes to the other." More than acceptable. She knew already that she would rather die than give him what he wanted. She nodded and stepped forward, but he held up a hand. "What now?" she snapped, irritation showing. "Borden," the captain said. Another man, the quietest at the table, stood to his full height. While shorter than the Captain, he was built like a brick wall. He'd always been solid, all but unmovable, but now there was something new to him. A demonic presence, a deep well of untapped power, and Eletea wasn't sure she wanted to know its source. "I stand for Captain Lindell," Borden growled, stepping forward as he drew his own sword. Shit. She'd never known him to lose a fight before, and now... "Asking a stand-in to fight on your behalf?" she asked. "Coward." "You have privilege to do the same," Lindell said casually. "But if you would prefer to forfeit and admit defeat now..." "Never." Still, the fear had begun to return again. She was too prideful to ask someone else to stand in for her, but if anyone wanted to volunteer, or at least provide encouragement, now was the time. @Crosby
Well, he wasn’t exactly one to lose a fight either, or to back down. He stepped forth seeing the games were getting dirty. Striding forth out of the shadows. The image of the being he was seemingly… flickering. Two could play this game. A crude smile came across his face. Oh how wonderful. A demon. I shall step in for Eletea. His arm soon was fully consumed in the green crackling lightning like energy. If this man hadn’t known fear before, now he should’ve. Shadows darted across the floor, to his “opponent”. Horrible dreadful whispers would fill Borden’s ears, worse than the ones Maziel had imposed upon the ground. They dug at the deepest darkest of secrets he had to hide. Gnawing… clawing… ringing through his head. All Azir did was hold his hand out and tilt his head. I’ll give you one chance for your party’s sake to give up. He laughed… quite um… crazily…
3:10 PM
@Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/9/2024 3:39 PM
She looked over at him, eyes slightly wider with surprise. Of everyone in their party, she hadn't expected him to step in for her. Residual rage from earlier, probably. She knew well enough to look away. It wasn't that she feared bloodshed. Sometimes, it was perfectly necessary, and she was the first to advocate for it when it was. But she worried it would reawaken some of those old instincts she had locked away, that she might get some cruel enjoyment in what went beyond necessity again. Borden gritted his teeth, trying to ignore those horrible whispers. The people he killed, the ones he'd disappointed, the deals he'd made in death... But his fearful instinct was not to back down or run away. A smarter man would have heeded the warning, yes. Instead, with a roar of pain, he rushed forward, reaching for Azir's throat in an effort to slam him to the ground. @Crosby
He paid no mind to Eletea’s reaction as much as he should have. He was focused on one thing. His goal. He knew this idiot would charge him. It was so painfully obvious by his build. The moment he even stepped a mere centimeter forwards, he spoke the words of an eldritch being, channeling its power. And… that crackle of lightning building up on his arms? Yeah… it was unleashed like a tsunami upon a city. It would simply be like a colossus or a titan hitting the poor man at full strength. On top of that… he’d be burned quite badly… unless he somehow had resistance to it. It may have been enough to send him through the wall by accident. But that was besides the point. It was to be expected from copying one of Maziel’s most powerful attacks that he knew of. Well… I did warn you… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/9/2024 4:10 PM
Rikuma reached out and pulled Eletea gently back, to make sure the genasi wouldn't be caught in the crossfire. All the while, she couldn't take her eyes off the fight, if it could even be called that. It seemed to be over in an instant, as Borden was sent through a wall, to the dismay and annoyed shouting of the kitchen staff behind it. Yet he stood up again and lumbered toward Azir once more. "Bastard..." His own hands crackled with dark magic of his own, but he was interrupted as Captain Lindell stood up. "Enough!" the captain shouted, then glared at Azir. "What the fuck are you?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/9/2024 4:10 PM
As Lindell called the match off, Eletea tried to hide her relief. She walked forward, stopping next to Azir. "I only ask that you leave the Captain to me if he steps out of line," she whispered, gripping her spear tightly. "And right now." Now that she had witnessed all of that, a new understanding was dawning on her. She needed to make peace with the wrongs of her past, but these men weren't the ones she needed to make peace with. The answer had been closer the entire time. @Crosby
He looked to the mindless brute unphased and unfearing. Not even slightly bothered by the dark magic he wielded. It would just be another way for him to gain power after all. But unfortunately, it soon came to a close. He lowered and crossed his arms, his attention slowly shifting to the captain. He was going to say something but Eletea stole his attention. He glanced to her unsure what she was planning to do. But he wouldn’t dare stop her. Nor would anyone in the party. But as all this went on… Crosby quietly looked to his brother. What had he become after all this time… the man he once knew would’ve never dabbled in things like this… it showed in his face that he wasn’t a fan. To which Azir noticed but didn’t say anything. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/10/2024 1:15 AM
How... interesting. Rikuma studied his actions carefully. He had seemed almost out of control, but that wasn't the case. He had pulled back at just the right moment, and yielded to Eletea when asked. For now, at least, he was a legitimate ally. She looked over to Crosby. "It looks bad, but he is more self-controlled than Nainda's transformation," she whispered. "And you don't know what led him down this path because you won't talk to him."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/10/2024 1:15 AM
Eletea stood face-to-face with Captain Lindell. "You don't honestly think I'll follow you, do you?" he sneered, despite his fearful glance in Azir's direction. "You don't have to," she said. "You only promised your men. You can leave right now." His expression shifted to shock. "What? You're... letting me go?" Eletea shrugged. "You're not as scary as you were when I was young - you're pathetic," she explained, and his hand returned to his sword in his annoyance. "We could benefit from more hands on deck, but I don't actually need you." Of course, she hadn't expected him to react well. So when he began to draw his sword, she drove the spear through his chest in a moment. She pulled it out wordlessly, leaving him to first drop to the floor, then vanish. She had still felt a complex swirl of emotions when she had killed the Captain the first time. Now, there was a peace she'd sought all along. She looked over at the crew and shrugged. "No tears to be shed for a dead rapist," she commented, and it felt good to not deny her past pain. As she returned to the group, she glanced over at Azir. Her expression wasn't the quiet judgment his brother held for him. Acceptance, perhaps even a bit of gratitude. She half-smiled, then stood beside the others. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/10/2024 9:08 AM
I will after this if he lets me…. Or if we end up alone.. He whispered back to Rikuma. Perhaps he was a bit too harsh to judge, but he didn’t know what to expect with him anymore.
He surprisingly seemed to have at least a little control. Perhaps not all. But there was no way of really knowing. He just coldly stared at the captain when he glanced to him. He watched it all going down, quite unphased by it all. He wasn’t surprised by her ending him. He probably would’ve done the same just because he could. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/10/2024 9:32 AM
"Good for her," Corinne whispered after Eletea finished off Lindell. She smiled, feeling a bit of pride she hadn't expected for her party member. She let go of Nainda to walk over and greet a very surprised water genasi with a hug, because she seemed like she might need one. But there was still trouble lurking, in many forms, so she soon let go of her and returned to the group.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/10/2024 9:32 AM
She nodded. "You go ahead and chat with him now," she said. "I'll take care of the rest of the crew." She kissed Crosby's cheek, then walked over to the table of pirates. "And what of the rest of you? Will you uphold your end of the bargain?" Borden glared at Azir as he began to heal, but nodded along with the others as they agreed. A win was a win, after all. Fair or not.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/10/2024 9:32 AM
Nainda looked back toward the door, still a bit concerned, but didn't ask yet. They could have some more time in relative safety here, first. "So what do you want to do now, Eletea? It seems we have a few moments of downtime."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/10/2024 9:32 AM
"Honestly? I'd kill for the chance to get a room upstairs, fill their tub with water, and just completely submerge myself facedown until we have no choice but to go out and fight again," she admitted. "But I don't think we have time for that." "Wouldn't you drown?" Corinne asked. Eletea rolled her eyes, then pointed at the gills on her own neck. "Of course not. These aren't for show." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/10/2024 3:33 PM
He sat at a nearby stool, crossing his arms as he sat back. His eyes met his brothers and he simply nodded for Azir to join him. To which the monster just raised a brow before hesitantly doing so. So… we need to talk
He huffed, leaning against the table. He looked a bit annoyed. what do you want now? Surely you wouldn’t speak to me willingly alone. I know you all too well Crosby.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/10/2024 3:33 PM
He just half glared at Azir, he was partly right as much as he hated to say it. look… I know we don’t see eye to eye on much at all anymore, that’s pretty clear. But we both want Aubron dead. So that brings up one thing; you. I need to know what exactly has happened to you over all these years after that… display. You never were able to wield magic like that… much less at all… what changed?
He wasn’t all too happy he was asking that now, out here in the open. His timing seemed horrible. But that seemed about right for the meathead he was. You. You caused this change. With mom dying at the hands of the empire, and then dad getting killed trying to defend what remained of our home… I had no other choice to survive all these years and even then. I either died in the attack or reached for power to help me thrive. You can see which I chose… @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/10/2024 3:45 PM
Nainda left Corinne and Eletea to their banter and looked back toward the two brothers. Their conversation definitely seemed like something more private, but the pirates seemed rather interested in listening, and just as transparent about it. She walked over to Rikuma. "Could you send the crew away, dear?" she whispered. "Out of respect for those two." The princess seemed confused, so she continued. "Judging from their body language, I don't think they appreciate having so many listeners."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/10/2024 3:45 PM
Rikuma blinked. "Oh," she said, perhaps too loudly. She turned toward the crew. "You should go up to your rooms, or wherever in this tavern isn't... Here. I will call on you when the time comes." They reluctantly obeyed, and she looked over at Crosby to make sure he was alright.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/10/2024 3:45 PM
Despite the temptation to listen in on the brothers' conversation, Eletea granted them whatever privacy she could manage and turned her attention to the door. "That thing that was following us... Do you think it's gone?" She tried to listen for anything outside, but her hearing wasn't as sensitive as the others. She gestured for Corinne to join her.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/10/2024 3:45 PM
The sidhe's tail swayed as she walked over. "I can do a bit better than that." Her ears perked up, but it was another sense she reached out with instead. She observed the shadows around the tavern, picking up on any unusual disturbances among them. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/11/2024 12:25 AM
Right… He looked away and twiddled his thumbs. He should’ve expected his “passing” to be the cause of this. Why wouldn’t it be? He caused so much pain and suffering for everyone he once knew from his army, his family, and to his people. I’m sorry…
He rolled his eyes and got up, the beast still lurking outside the tavern. It was something quite large. Dangerous even. Whatever it was, it was only after one person in the group and no one else. It lurked near the brothers across the streets in the shadows. However with Azir on the move, it went to meet him at the hole in the wall. Something was up… there was no way this beast would choose Azir over Crosby as a target unless there was something else at play…* Save it for when you actually mean it brother. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/11/2024 11:53 AM
Rikuma observed the two then, once Azir had dismissed Crosby's apology, sat next to her lover. "Give him time," she whispered, reaching for Crosby's hand. "Maybe try again when he'll believe you." She looked around the tavern at the others, who seemed interested in whatever was lurking outside. "Should we stay here for a while longer? I don't know if that thing outside is going to go away or not." Or even what it was, and that bothered her.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/11/2024 11:53 AM
Corinne's gaze shifted as she sensed who the beast was following. "Wait here," she told Eletea. She didn't know if the genasi's feelings toward their least trustworthy party member went anywhere beyond simple attraction, but she wouldn't take the chance of Eletea's judgment being clouded. She walked over to Azir. "What does it want from you?" She made no accusations, but the twitching of her tail showed that she didn't trust him or whatever connection this thing had to him.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/11/2024 11:53 AM
Eletea crossed her arms, but didn't question it. If anything, after the attack earlier, she was relieved not to be the one to confront him about whatever suspicions Corinne seemed to have. She walked over to Nainda instead. "I'm guessing it didn't go well between those two?" She couldn't blame Azir, really. After what the family had gone through as a result of Crosby's death, after he'd literally given up his humanity, finding out that he wasn't even really dead must have been a slap in the face. She thought back to what she had heard earlier. Or what she hadn't heard. Her foster fathers might be alive. If she could find them, it might give her some temporary purpose, even if her goddess abandoned her due to the time she was destined to spend as something undead. (edited)
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/11/2024 11:53 AM
Nainda shook her head. "But that's none of our business, dear," she reminded her. "Leave them to it unless they ask us to get involved." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/11/2024 5:02 PM
He nodded quietly as she spoke. He wasn’t really listening to her. It was quite obvious as he watched Azir, almost perhaps seemingly quite upset about their conversation. Then again, he had every right to be. He felt guilty. For all his little brother had become due to his failure… he should’ve been stronger. He should’ve slayed Aubron the first time around.
His attention shifted from the whole to her. He looked to the sidhe up and down very clearly. Not hiding that fact. I have my suspicions…. I just have no way of confirming it safely…. As usual, he kept it cryptic. He wasn’t going to be open he knew so very little about in his eyes. But her distracting him was not smart. Through the hole in the wall, the beast took advantage. Or well.. to be more accurate, the hellish looking hound like beast made an even bigger hole in the wall. Its jaws clasping shut on Azir’s legs with an extremely audible crunch. A dreadful scream of pain would echo through the “tavern.” An external rib cage covered its back along with a spine. Its eyes were blue as its fur was a midnight purple in color. This wasn’t some normal creature, nor a common one down here in the underworld. He didn’t have much time to react as the creature wasn’t here to stick around to fight he party. Not even within a half a second of grabbing the man, carrying him in its jaws; it began to flee. Quickly. It was significantly faster than any of them. Of course Azir went to use the blast he did on the brick pirate on the beast to literally no avail, the energy just rippled through it. @Al the Killer (edited)
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/12/2024 2:55 AM
Corinne opened her mouth to make a snide remark about how she had certain suspicions too, but couldn't confirm it safely. She didn't get the chance as the wood of the wall splintered inward. She hissed and jumped out of the way. As soon as she recovered from the initial shock, she slashed at the creature with her claw-like nails, but it was too late.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/12/2024 2:55 AM
The crash broke Eletea out of her thoughts. Damn it, they should have known that hole in the wall would become a problem! She didn't hesitate to cast a create water spell inside of the beast's lungs the moment she heard the scream. Assuming it had lungs and needed to breathe, at least. She just hoped it wasn't already outside of spellcasting range.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/12/2024 2:55 AM
Rikuma stood up. In that instant, she could feel it coursing through her. The power over the dead she had gathered, and how she could use it. "Stop!" It wasn't a simple order shouted at the beast; there was power behind it. Control, the ability to stop it in its tracks if it was even partially undead - a major possibility in the underworld - and not being controlled by something stronger than herself.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/12/2024 2:55 AM
Nainda could only watch. Even with the ambient pain from Azir's injury fueling her power, it still relied on direct physical contact, and she knew she couldn't catch up to this creature. She looked at Corinne instead. "If it gets away from us, can you track it?" Corinne looked back at her. "I think so, but I'd rather not let it get away from us." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/12/2024 3:25 AM
BROTHER! He of course sprung up, fuck fuck fuck. He should’ve expected that but he let his guard down and so did everyone else. They were in the underworld now. They couldn’t let anything slip past them or it might mean an eternal death. The beast did not have lungs as it truly did not need to breathe. But however, it did briefly pause for a split second, hesitating at Rikuma’s command, glancing back to the group before it was just as quickly overridden. They were playing with a power beyond her own now. They all could guess who. The beast was bounding for the castle, the one Maziel seemed to be in. He was not all too happy and began sprinting quite stupidly after the beast. The others beat follow. He reached into his cloak as he ran without hesitation. He knew Maziel was coming for them now. He pulled out the horn used to call his men back to him and blew into it with all his might. It sounded like a very pissed off dragons roar. The calling of the dragon knights. It echoed through the streets and the city at large. The sound of many footsteps and armor began to fill the area. Reinforcements. Some were appearing before the beast within mere moments, having come out of nearby alley ways. It stopped in its tracks as the men began their attack, striking its legs first to which it cried out in pain. Azir was hitting it with all he had, spell after spell, all too many to name. It would be an impressive display if the magic had indeed done anything, but it didn’t. The beast’s head rearing as it bucked. It didn’t hesitate however, horns came out of its face like a boars and it began to attack in return. Black blood of an undead began to spill upon the ground. Holy energy ripping through the monster. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/12/2024 3:49 AM
Almost, but at least she knew the nature of what they were facing. "Eletea, we'll need your holy magic," Rikuma said, running a short distance after Crosby. Except she was strictly a magic user from a kingdom in the midst of a famine, and lacked both the speed and endurance of the knight. It didn't take long to determine that she wouldn't be able to catch up and had to save the energy. "Don't worry about me," she told the others. She left them to run ahead with Crosby and closed her eyes, working on her own summoning.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/12/2024 3:49 AM
Eletea was already running ahead with Crosby, not needing to be told her role twice. As soon as she was within range to aim without accidentally hitting Azir, she through the spear at the beast's flank. The weapon would always return to her; she was not concerned about losing it. If it made impact, it would send out a pulse of energy with it. And she wasn't the only one, as the dragon knights arrived, effectively stopping the creature's retreat. The party and the army weren't alone, either. Responding to the necromancer's silent call, the city's dead turned their attention toward the battle. They blocked off any exits the beast might take, and some set about swarming the creature, taking any opening that may have been left by the knights. Some offered their assistance to help the knights reach higher targets than merely its legs.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/12/2024 3:49 AM
Corinne shifted back into the form of a massive black cat. Her tail brushed against Nainda's side, a silent cue to follow her. She guided her into the shadows, where all paths were shorter. As such, it would appear that they were within the shadow of the beast in an instant. "I can't do much against this, but could you get up there?" Corinne asked as she sat on the ground and looked up at where the beast held Azir in its jaw.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/12/2024 3:49 AM
"I don't have to," Nainda said, because as long as she could touch something on it, her magic would go where she needed it. She ran for the nearest opening, resting a hand against one of the beast's legs. Her magic traveled up through it until it reached the creature's head. Entropic flesh magic worked to dislocate the beast's jaw, to force it open - or make it fall off, depending on how much the magic ran away from her. Either outcome would be fine, as long as it let Azir go. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/12/2024 8:22 AM
He was all too focused on Rikuma right now. He had sort of forgot about her. He had to save Azir. Now, now he knew this is how he’d right his wrongs. However stopping the creatures retreat was hell of feat… it started to change again. It grew bigger and bigger, a horrible darkness expelling from it. Chains began to shoot out in all directions wildly, striking men down and off their feet. A great evil was powering this… thing. Roars of pain came from it unlike anything they’d ever heard before. Like a million beasts all at once crying in pain. Its mass grew bigger with Eletea’s spear being pulled into it despite it being holy. EVERYONE GET BACK NOW! IT’S KORABIEN! Before he could say anything, Azir did fall… into the mass that was the beast now. A black mucky ooze forming into something… bigger. A dragon… one of ancient legend. A shapeshifter of sorts with dark origins of mass murder. An unstoppable beast per se…. a volley of chains shot towards Eletea, and then some at Crosby. It was going for holy magic users first. It’s attention turning away from Nainda and Corrine completely. Its massive dragon head the size of two houses looked at the two. Its eyes were sunken black masses. The knight managed to slice the chains clean in half with Ashrune that were coming towards him and Eletea. The other knights began to retreat away from the beast. Fighting it was a horrible idea most would say. But Crosby knew there was no other option now. But he couldn’t put his men at risk again. Not now. He still charged forth, fearlessly. Ashrune was flickering all sorts of colors at the presence of this monster. Anyways, Nainda would soon be entrapped in chains potentially. Corrine could avoid them because she was a cat. Eletea, we have to find its weak point. It constantly moves. It’s going to be an orange mass. Stab it there. (edited)
8:22 AM
He motioned for one of his men as they were passing to hand Eletea their weapon, to which they offered. It would be a purple dragon knight sword, one like Crosby’s but not exactly the same. It looked different to start, and didn’t radiate the caliber of holy magic. Her spear wasn’t coming back anytime soon. Unless she could make it vanish and teleport to her. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/12/2024 9:45 AM
Rikuma saw through the eyes of the dead. She grew tense as the situation turned against their favour. All too aware that she was using people's souls like they were nothing more than corpses right now - something that she wouldn't have thought to do anywhere but here and that still was about as heretical as she could possibly get - she made them pull back with Crosby's men. Thankfully, the city's dead weren't targets, as they had no command over holy magic. Not everyone went unscathed. It was inevitable that a few would be caught in the crossfire. But for now, those who remained stood back and watched, and she watched with them. The Order discouraged prayer to gods, as power was meant to come from one's own soul, but right now she figured it couldn't help to hope for whatever help they could get. (edited)
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/12/2024 9:45 AM
Eletea swore under her breath as her weapon vanished. She couldn't pull it back, and had to make it vanish. It would be several minutes before she could summon a new one. She leapt back, not taking her eyes off the monstrosity before her. Without a second thought, she grabbed the sword being offered to her. She was more used to a spear or a cutlass, but a stab was a stab. She nodded to indicate she heard Crosby's words, and watched for an opening. And there it was, nearly shrouded in shadow, practically a pulse of orange light in the darkness. She bolstered the blade's magic with her own and charged forward.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/12/2024 9:45 AM
The darkness was too far divorced from flesh. Nainda jumped back, but her visual disadvantage meant she didn't see all of the chains in time to avoid being ensnared. She pulled against them, but didn't have the same strength advantage against steel that she did against organic matter. This being was held together by far stronger magic than other monsters; she could not simply deconstruct it, even if she could get a fleshhold.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/12/2024 9:45 AM
Corinne hissed and dodged the chains with ease. But as she looked back, she saw Nainda trapped by them. "No!" She jumped at the monster, clawing wildly at the chains. Steel didn't have as much effect on her as cold iron, but she could still feel her strength leaving her with each moment of contact. But she wouldn't give up on her. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/12/2024 1:13 PM
The being pulled Nainda closer and closer by every second. There wouldn’t be long until she’d meet the same fate as Azir, but the fates aligned with Rikuma’s prayer along with another party members. From the depths of the underworld the world began to tremble and shake. Crosby put his arm out to stop Eletea, something was happening. The monster stood deathly still, steaming and smoking near the orange weak point. It cried out in pain, digging its own head into its body… moments later there was the sound of the lightning blast they all should’ve known all too well. Strange runic symbols covering the body of the monster all over. They were all green in color. Those who knew any arcane arts may be able to recognize three, “Torment. Death. Sacrifice.” But a second after, the top half of the monster exploded quite literally. An overpowering smell of burning flesh filled the air before moments later a being rose from the carnage…. Azir. He was floating now, about 8 tentacles coming out of his back. His body crackling with green energy. The monster return to its smaller hellhound form, it was forced to, it dropped to the ground, smoking and steaming, seemingly dead… hard to tell with an already dead undead. Nainda was set free as the chains would vanish, the ooze seeping back into the dead corpse. Crosby fell silent but the eerie silence was broken by a female laughing.
Oh what a good show you put on Azir. Sticking up for a group who all but fails to meet your power once again. What a shame it cost me my favorite pet… perhaps I can replace it though… She appeared behind Crosby, running her hand across his cloak before yanking onto it so he fell into her. She held her hand over his throat and knocked Ashrune out his hand by smashing into his wrist. He winced of course and tried to fight her to no avail. She looked to each member of the group, her eyes fixated upon Nainda. She noticed there was no Rikki. How strange../. I’ll give you all one chance…. Actually… She snapped her fingers, every person in the party would be in a pink magical cube… meant to hold a person in place. Including Azir. Now.. all you have to do is hand over the mask… and one member of your party… quickly. If you don’t comply in time… I’ll take more than one of you. She sneered, her nails would form into claws, digging into Crosby’s neck, drawing blood. I’d love to extinguish the hope of the mortal plane… @Al the Killer (edited)
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/12/2024 2:46 PM
Eletea stopped, about to question why he was stopping her. Then the blast of lightning hit. She backed away to give Azir space, a bit too busy trying to avoid any remains of the exploding monster to read the runes. At least Azir was alive. But it wasn't comfort enough to keep her from gagging a bit at that burning smell. Nor did it stop her from noticing the other unholy presence, even before she heard the laughter. She gripped the sword tighter and turned as Crosby was pulled away. "Let go of him," she said, but didn't dare attack when it would be so easy to miss and end up hurting him instead.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/12/2024 2:46 PM
Corinne shifted back to her usual form to try and catch Nainda as she fell. Cute in theory, but in practice the half-elf was taller and thicker than herself, and therefore ended up landing on top of Corinne instead. At least she'd caught Nainda's fall. She wrapped her arms and tail around her. "Are you okay?" she asked, even more concerned when her girlfriend just stared right at Maziel instead of answering.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/12/2024 2:46 PM
It was so obvious, wasn't it? There was no question what Nainda would have to do. Only regret at how it would affect Corinne. "Forgive me," she whispered to her lover, then plooked up. Eletea was facing off against the demon directly. Foolishly, even. "We'll never give you one of our-" "Take me," Nainda interrupted Eletea's defiance. She glanced over at Crosby. "A false betrayal cuts no less deep than a true one. I know what I must do to set it right." She returned her gaze to Maziel. "There's nothing you can do to me that would be worse than the fate that awaited me the moment I agreed to my existing pact. And I've heard the sins of the others here - none are worse than myself. I am the logical choice." (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/12/2024 2:47 PM
The moment the beast had exploded, Rikuma had dispersed the dead. She would not sacrifice their eternal souls to fight this demon, knowing they wouldn't stand a chance against her head-on. She started running toward the group, immediately regretting it but pushing on anyway. She got within earshot in time to hear Nainda offer herself up. She recognized that the warlock had a plan but, seeing as it was a stupid plan, she opted to ignore it. They needed her and the mask both, not to mention that was her future husband Maziel was getting way too close to. She picked up momentum, throwing herself entirely at the demon and Crosby in a full-body tackle. "Not today, motherfucker." @Crosby
She was a bit distracted by the others and was suddenly tackled. Miraculously, she didn’t puncture Crosby’s neck any further than she already had. In fact, she had to draw her hand back, freeing the knight. He instantly tried to get up, reaching for Ashrune. She huffed annoyed and tried to roll on top of the necromancer. Her strength was obviously quite drastically higher than the necromancer’s. But luckily, she had plenty of Allies. And one that cared a bit too much about her. Along with a psycho.
The moment Maziel went to get on top. didnt hesitate, like a hawk swooping in on prey he grabbed onto the demon with all of the tentacles he had, and quite stupidly, perhaps out of control, to add insult to injury, he sunk his fangs into her too. He started to drink. It was time.
She winced and went to get him off her. you stupid fuck head. Get off me. She went to grab onto Azir, a horrible energy fuming from her hands. The holding spell had broke as she’d lost focus. If they wanted to do anything, it was now or never. Azir’s legs were… mangled so he couldn’t exactly stand on his own. He latched onto the demon like a leech. As for Crosby, his neck was bleeding pretty profusely. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/12/2024 4:23 PM
Eletea's eyes widened as Rikuma went right at the demon, hitting her like a battering ram. "You crazy bitch," she muttered approvingly. But there wasn't time. Crosby was freed, but bleeding. Free to move, she set the sword down and ran over to the knight. "Hold still." She placed a hand on Crosby's neck wound to pour healing magic into it. (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/12/2024 4:23 PM
Rikuma was surprised to find that she'd actually succeeded... in a sense. Her victory was short lived as she soon found herself on her back. She wouldn't go down without a fight, though. Though she was at a major disadvantage in terms of both size and strength, she scratched, kicked, and bit at whatever she could reach, as though the princess had become a raging beast when cornered. Or perhaps just when her lover was in danger. But the attack against her didn't last long as Azir joined in the fight. This was way too much weight for one necromancer to deal with, but she bore it for now, taking the opportunity to aim her attacks more carefully. She couldn't reach her sword right now, which left one obvious option: trying to gouge out Maziel's eyes with her thumbs.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/12/2024 4:23 PM
It was all Corinne could do not to cheer when Rikuma stopped Nainda from sacrificing herself. Instead, she breathed a sigh of relief while her girlfriend stood up. She accepted Nainda's help with standing before speaking. "Let's go." She grabbed her small dagger and ran toward them, stabbing at the palm of one of Maziel's hands with it.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/12/2024 4:23 PM
Right on time. Nainda had to admit she was relieved she wouldn't have to go through with her idea, when she wasn't sure how effective her magic would even be against a demon of this power. She ran after Corinne, but paused next to Azir. "This will hurt, dear." She reached out to put a hand on the back of his head so she could use her magic to heal him. His vampiric nature meant he wouldn't have to worry about side effects... outside of the agonizing pain of flesh unnaturally stitching itself back together with none of the painkilling effects that other healing magic had. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/13/2024 12:24 AM
He did as she said to as much as he didn’t want to. His sword In hand. A burning firey rage in his eyes. He was going to murder this lady if was the last thing he did. Although, he’d prefer it be Aubron. The mark of the dragon burned bright, his breathing becoming heavy. The dragon wanted one thing. The demon to be destroyed. And he was going to honor that. (edited)
He started heal thankfully due to Nainda, but he was too focused on the demon to properly feel the pain. He was running on sheer adrenaline. He ripped his fangs out of the demon, his eyes cold and monstrous in nature. One who had zero control. He was going to say something but fell short.
She wasn’t going to take a beating lying down like a bitch. She was an arch demon after all. With Azir upon her and keeping her down, she placed her free hand upon him for a split second. She spoke something in demonic; it sounded horrible in nature as a red hue formed around her hand for a few moments. A radiating dreadful magic came from it. One someone should never mess with. Only the most insane or stupid would dare to. (edited)
And with it… spikes formed from inside him, expanding outwards, large ones at that. Raw untamed corrupted holy magic formed them, the placement of the three spikes were incredibly unfortunate for him. Blood spewed out from the wounds violently, oozing out more than it ever should. Maziel got up, ripping the dagger out with her free hand and throwing it as far as she could away. A huge sneering smirk on her face. Hs fates had been tied. He didn’t know how he’d go until this very moment. His heart was pierced… and both lungs. He staggered back, his wounds that were healing halting from his vampirism and Nainda’s own efforts. His eyes flickered between red and green, his vision starting to fade within moments. Darkness… all he was starting to see was darkness. He looked to each party member one last time. A brief glance as he fell to his knees. He looked to Eletea second to last longer than most, and then Crosby as his final glance. He could barely speak as blood spewed from his nose and mouth, he was practically choking on it. One victory…. He coughed once, he had one last thing he wanted to do, tendrils wrapping around Maziel, holding her in place. Although the strength of them was fading. He reached into his jacket and weakly pulled out the mask, shakily offering it out to Crosby before falling onto his back with a thud. The mask falling onto the ground… now covered in bloodied fingerprints. A pool of blood forming beneath what was now a corpse… (edited)
She smiled quite manically. Her biggest threat eliminated so simply. He shouldn’t have let his guard down. She tugged and against the tentacles, laughing like the manic serial killer she was. She however didn’t realize the extent of the pain that would soon await her from doing such. This was going to prove to be a massive mistake by all means... @Al the Killer (edited)
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/13/2024 3:51 AM
There came a point where it was too late even for Nainda to heal someone. She let go of him. Now wasn't the time for a full transformation, but a partial one would suffice. Her own tentacles grew from her back once more, their shadowy lengths rushing to wrap around Maziel and compensate for the weakening of Azir's. And, as his weight left the demon, Nainda used her own tentacles in an effort pull her off of Rikuma. Corinne glanced over at Eletea, predicted the vengeful rage that was to come, and stepped out of the way.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/13/2024 3:51 AM
Eletea's eyes widened as she realized what he was doing, what those words meant. Her gaze locked with Azir. Had she imagined the way his eyes lingered on her for a moment? Foolish. She had known he had no future. But he was still a friend and an ally, and the grief tore at her all the same. Grief wouldn't stop him from falling. "Azir!" Tears pricked at her eyes, but she refused to freeze in fear this time. She wouldn't let his death be in vain. Her spear reappeared in her hand, but the power surrounding it was different. It seemed Desphy was not the only one contributing anymore. "Crosby, now!" She didn't wait for him before running toward the bound demon, aiming directly for her heart.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/13/2024 3:51 AM
Rikuma's view was obstructed at the moment, but she could hear, and she could sense the fresh death. Vampires had no souls to restore, but if there was any way she could save him in the moment of death, she had to try. She reached out to the power around her, to all she had gathered here and all the magical theory she knew. Even if it meant his present physical form would be lost for a time, her odds were better now than if they waited. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/13/2024 8:14 AM
Well, as he watched his brother fall and then the dreadful demons reaction. His world began to spiral and spin. Badump… badump… he could feel his heartbeat in his neck. His veins flaring visibly. A new level of coldness crossed his face. The anger none of them had truly seen, the rage that stirred within, now it boiled to the surface. Sure, he’d gotten pissed and rage before but this time it was different. There was raw unchecked emotions behind it. He gripped his sword tighter than ever before. If his men and party weren’t here, this would be so long and painful for Maziel she’d regret every moment. But they were. He stepped forwards, raising Ashrune. His breathing was much heavier. For my brother your life is mine forever. He kicked Maziel forwards into Eletea’s spear before without any hesitation, he sliced the head off the demon. He never ever would’ve decapitated someone… but reason was gone. Ruthlessness would remain for those who wronged who cared about. But he didn’t stop there, he drove the blade into the body and twisted it, the blood of the demon oozing and absorbing into the blade until there was no more. Then he drew back. His attention going straight to Azir, he dragged the blade as he walked over. An eerie tense silence would fill the air. Then a sniffle… he trembled within his armor. When he got back to his brother he threw ashrune aside and collapsed to his knees. Rikuma would get her request in a way. Just now now. Tears began to streak down his face… then it all broke loose. He tried to breathe but struggled. His head tilting back as he let out a cry of sheer agony, one who had lost everything basically. One nobody in the group would probably want to hear. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/13/2024 8:33 AM
Nothing. For all of the power she had gained, there was no miraculous loophole that presented itself at the moment of Azir's death. Rikuma had to let go of the attempt. The living needed her now. She pulled herself to her feet, not even bothering to dust herself off. The victory against Maziel felt... numb at best, and likely worse for those who had been closer to Azir. She looked over at Maziel's corpse as Nainda let it drop to the ground, then at Crosby. Everything ached, seeing him in agony and knowing there was nothing she could do to comfort him effectively. She could try - she had to try - but she knew nothing would work right now. She walked over to him anyway, resting her hand on his shoulder. What was one supposed to say in this situation? "Love..." Her words faltered and she sank to her knees beside him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "I'm here," was all she could manage, the reminder that he wouldn't be left to suffer alone.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/13/2024 8:33 AM
Corinne stared at the scene, left speechless by it all. Foolish of her to let her paranoia rule her actions. Would he still have been alive if she had acted differently? Probably not; he had been clear on matters of fate, in his own way. It didn't soften the blow of losing an ally, though. She stood with Nainda, pulling the warlock into an embrace. "You and Ellie were right," Corinne whispered, remembering how they had both insisted that Azir could be trusted. Whatever had happened on the slope, and she had her suspicions, it hadn't been enough to shake the genasi's trust. Maybe it shouldn't have shaken hers, either.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/13/2024 8:33 AM
Eletea kicked the demon's remains away, off of her spear. It didn't make this feel better. Nothing would ease the pain of it. The loss cut deep, but it wasn't one she could comprehend. She didn't have the same right to grieve as Crosby did. But the tears continued. Any attempt to wipe them away seemed pointless, only creating space for more to flow. She looked down at the bloodied mask. Without Maziel's influence, would it be easier to control? Certainly the energy from it felt less... well, less. She picked it up, remembering what Azir had said. Their father's mask. No matter what it had been used for in the past, it deserved to stay in the family. She carried it over and held it out to Crosby. "I think he wanted you to have this," she said softly. In truth, she knew he had, but the situation called for softer words. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/13/2024 8:42 AM
For her actions he would make them pay. All of them. Rikuma’s words and touch were something but he was numb… blinded. He was seeing red and misery. He forced himself to stand, his army had began to gather. He pointed to the castle in the distance. Destroy all the demons and devils who lurk within. Nobody gets left alive. They’re all her minions. Her wretched filth in the name of the lost, Azir, and the dragon. We shall be known here as a force not to be fucked with. Paint that entire fucking palace red…. Now GO! He then turned his attention to Eletea, his face said it all, covered in tears, he looked horribly miserable. Barely holding back horrible thoughts within. He took the mask with a shaking hands, he barely could hold it, Ashrune re-appeared in his sheathe. As he took the mask, Rikuma would feel a calling to the same castle Crosby’s men were now storming towards. It was… something tempting her with power. Ironically, Corrine would feel similar. He had to catch his breath before he could speak to the genasi. thank you… I… we need to go. There’s no time to waste. That castle must be destroyed. The dragon is warning me what happens if we don’t… @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/13/2024 9:03 AM
Letting go of the last thing left of Azir was harder than she expected, but she did. I answered your call once. Give it time, echoed a man's voice in her mind, unfamiliar. When the Celestial Sea abandons you, your emptiness will be temporary. She shivered and stepped away, looking back over her shoulder at the castle. It was closer now. A final obstacle between them and Aubron, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something worse yet awaited them there. They needed to be prepared. So she did what she had always done with pain: she shoved it away into some dark corner of her mind, with the empty promise that she would allow herself to explore it later, knowing that it would instead fester and destroy her from within. She said nothing else as she turned and started toward the castle.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/13/2024 9:03 AM
"What happens if we don't?" Rikuma asked as she stood with him, looking toward their next target. It called to her. There it was, the power she would need, if true mastery of necromancy was not enough- No. She reminded herself of the Principles of the Circle. Principle Six, 'power lies within each being, not within otherworldly entities.' Whatever called to her, she would not answer. She would destroy it and rely on her own ability and that of her allies. She stood close to Crosby. "We should be careful," she said softly. "There's something... wrong with that place. Not just the demons. Prepare for more resistance than simple minions can provide." (edited)
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/13/2024 9:03 AM
Corinne was staring off in the same direction as the rest. Power. What could she do if she was stronger? Keep Nainda safe? Return to her homeland and topple the tyrant who had raised and then imprisoned her? It could be better in her hands than down here. Unlike these demons, she would use it correctly, to better ends. That was what mattered more than what someone was capable of, didn't it?
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/13/2024 9:03 AM
Nainda stood silently, not wanting to interrupt. She understood the grief all too well. Everyone she had loved before meeting Corinne, she had lost. She would give Eletea and Crosby space to feel it. They had every right to it, even if the water genasi didn't understand that about herself. But her gaze settled on Corinne, soon growing concern. She didn't hear or feel the source of it, but she knew that expression. That toxic cocktail of hope and temptation. "Corinne?" she whispered, putting a hand on her shoulder. "Is something wrong?" Corinne looked over at her, then the castle. She opened her mouth to speak, but could say nothing. Instead, she shrugged and followed the group. Nainda kept an eye on her, worry not fading. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/13/2024 3:18 PM
He nodded quietly. He was trying to steady his breath and pull himself together. His anger and rage from his dead brother was going to linger and fester just like Eletea’s pain. Up until it became too much again. At this rate, Rikuma might realize, if he keeps losing people one by one…. He’s going to become Azir… a monster in a sense. I’m aware. Thats why we’re not going without my men. We’re going to need all the assistance we can get. Azir’s corpse would soon turn to golden ash as the group walked away. The power calling to both of them laid deep within the castle, the darkest depths of it to be more specific. But now, I know what we have to do. And I know who awaits me now. Aubron only. His head shall be mine in the name of Azir and those who have been lost. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/14/2024 3:36 AM
She got the impression that he wasn't aware of what she was actually referring to but, since she couldn't find words to describe it, she didn't persist. She kept a hand on Crosby's arm as they walked. "Straight to the castle, then?" she asked, not wanting to leave trouble to brew for any longer. Better to destroy the castle and whatever lay within it, then be on their way to defeat Aubron. She only looked around to make sure everyone else was still with them. Corinne had fallen oddly silent.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/14/2024 3:36 AM
It all seemed rather... soon, for all Azir had said. And for all Crosby's own patron had said. "Castle, maybe. As for out of here..." She looked at Crosby. "Are you sure that's everyone you had to find your peace with? Azir was extremely clear about the importance of that matter." Well, as clear as he ever got about something. She looked back over her shoulder, and it proved to be a mistake. His body had crumbled into ash, and it was somehow worse than if his corpse had still been there. She wanted to let herself break down, to fall to the ground and scream as though it would undo what had already been done. But she couldn't. They had to keep going, so at least his sacrifice would be worth something. She faced forward and kept walking. He had known he wouldn't be walking out of here alive, and had chosen to accompany them anyway. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/14/2024 10:43 AM
Yes, straight to the castle. There was no time to waste now, every second counted. And no. He was unaware of whatever point she was trying to get across. He just figured she meant there might be more than just small monsters, which would be fine. Although it’d be tougher without Azir albeit. His attention turned to Eletea. I do not know that much, but we have to do this first. If we don’t destroy it and who lingers inside, we’ll have some very unwanted visitors in our final battle against Aubron. He didn’t feel he made things right with Azir… but maybe he would. The roar of the dragon knights would soon begin to echo out as the demons and devils launched a counter assault to defend the castle, although it wasn’t working in their favor all too well. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/14/2024 3:53 PM
They were being followed, but it was no threat. Rikuma recognized the souls she had called out to earlier, and their desire to help even now. It made sense; demons had been terrorizing the cities of the dead since the dawn of time. With encouragement and a boost from her, of course they would want to fight back. She still had them stay back. The risk was greater than with a living army. She didn't address them directly yet. "Eletea, do you know what we can expect when we reach the castle?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/14/2024 3:53 PM
Eletea looked over at her, perhaps more surprised than she should have been. Of course she would be the go-to. She had spent the most time with Azir since running into him, and he had told her more than the others. But that was likely because he trusted her to keep it a secret. She couldn't break that trust, even with him gone. "No," she said simply. Not entirely honest, but still what she had to say. She kept her eyes forward. "Only that we have to defeat it." It didn't take a seer to know that much.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/14/2024 3:54 PM
Nainda stopped at the edge of the battlefield, but Corinne kept talking. "Love?" she asked softly, which did get the sidhe to pause. "Don't you think we would be most helpful here?" Nainda would actually be more useful on the frontlines, but she couldn't help but be concerned for Corinne. Better to keep her out of whatever seemed to be tempting her into the castle. "Setting up artillery could give us a major advantage."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/14/2024 3:54 PM
She was right, but Corinne wanted to argue anyway. Whatever was in that castle, she needed to find it for herself. But seeing the look of worry in her girlfriend's eyes stopped her in her tracks. Especially when Nainda knew the price of power. She nodded reluctantly. "Yes, of course." She walked back to her to set up, vaguely aware that Eletea was watching them. "I'll help her," Eletea said. "Just long enough to bolster it with my magic. Nainda, you're at your strongest when you're actually touching your enemies, so you should go ahead with the others." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/15/2024 1:14 AM
If Eletea did break that trust, there would be major consequences. She just wouldn’t know until they happened down the line. He nodded in agreement. Destroying whatever evil laid dormant In that castle was their only chance now. Crosby headed towards the castle, not hesitating now. He’d drag Rikuma if need be. He however made sure he wasn’t going too fast for her to keep up like before. He let the other three decided their strategy. He should be on the front with Rikuma as his support. He knew that much. But as they drew closer, one thing became clear, there was one way in and out of the castle. A bridge that crossed a huge chasm that wrapped around the castle like a moat. At the four corners were four towers with one huge building in the middle of them all. He looked to it all and then within the chasm as something said his name. Below them… laid thousands of souls swirling around the eroded base that held up this great castle…. It’s weak point. It was so thin now that explosives or a powerful enough spell surely could make it crumple. But it would be challenging… as the souls that laid down there were the worst of the worst, the ones who deserved the darkest depths of the underworld. Ones who should never see the light of day or the surface dwellers again. But yet… one said Crosby’s name. A man’s voice. It sounded like his almost… but more mature. The knight paused and looked along the souls. They were all blue and see through of course. Which made it hard for him to make out details with human eyes. Below the souls, many thousands of meters below was lava, a huge pool of it. Unmistakable death. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/15/2024 2:50 AM
Rikuma followed alongside him. Exhausting, but she wasn't about to leave him to go ahead without her. But as they crossed the drawbridge, she paused and listened to the souls. One that sounded like an older Crosby, calling out to him. Could it have been...? "Is that your father?" she whispered, remembering what had been implied already about the path he had taken after Crosby's alleged death. "Judging from the precarity of this setup, I can't guarantee you will have a chance after the castle falls... do you want me to call him up here?" They definitely weren't going down into that deep, fiery chasm to speak with him. Their goal was still to make it out alive, after all.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/15/2024 2:50 AM
Corinne recognized when she was outvoted. She gave the castle a long look, but set down her bag and started to search through it anyway. Surely, there would be other paths to power. "I'll work on it now. Where are we aiming?" she asked, then took out a spyglass to take a look for herself and answer her own question. "Hm... the base will be our end goal, but we should avoid it until everyone is out. This place has zero structural integrity." She set the spyglass away and continued her work. "Until then, we'll focus on any demons that manage to escape."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/15/2024 2:51 AM
The statement about the weak base was concerning, but Eletea stood by to contribute her magic as well. "Will they be alright? Even having too many entities in there might trouble it, right? Especially during a battle." She would have to contribute her magic, then be on her way in case she needed to save the others. But that would mean leaving Corinne alone... "Damn it, we really could have used a sixth party member right now." Or maybe she just missed the tenuous friendship she and Azir had managed to form. There'd never been hope for more, not really.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/15/2024 2:51 AM
Nainda kissed the top of Corinne's head, then ran toward the castle to catch up to the others. She had nearly reached the drawbridge when a voice spoke her name from behind. One of the spirits that had answered Rikuma's call, yet that voice was so familiar. She turned and came face-to-face with a man she knew all too well. He was as handsome as the day they had married, years before the fear had begun to eat away at him. Fear she should have listened to. "Nic...?" "Nainda!" He closed the distance between them, pulling her into an embrace. "How is our son? Are you two finally free of that curse?" She looked down, and her silence said all he needed to know. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/15/2024 4:00 AM
Thats when it clicked for him. He had truly forgotten what he sounded like. As the battle raged on inside the castle, he knew what he had to do. Father… do it Rikuma. If I have to right wrongs… he’ll be next on the list. He held the mask firmly in hand. His father’s heir to him. that only leaves… my mother then afterwards… I have no idea where to find her… Whispers would fill Corrine’s head, demands to seek what belonged to her. They sounded like disembodied not so friendly whispers. For Eletea, one final message came through her head. The voice of the man who had passed, “Find me in your darkest hour. You shall know where I lie.” As to be expected, he left it cryptic.
4:00 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/15/2024 4:34 AM
They would have time to figure out where his mother was after they destroyed the castle. For now, she closed her eyes and focused on the spirit that had spoken to Crosby, a gentle urging up toward them to separate him from the others. Come. Your son needs you. There could be force against the souls of the dead in necromancy, but it was not the way she had been taught, and it was not one she would use except as a last resort.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/15/2024 4:34 AM
The whispers distracted her, but she forced herself to get her work done anyway. "One of the most powerful weapons I've made since I arrived in Rashouris. Let's make it count," she said, then looked at the castle. She needed to go. The cannon couldn't be unattended though. She looked up at Eletea. "Hey Ellie?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/15/2024 4:34 AM
Eletea's heart raced for just a moment, a flash of hope as she heard his voice again. "Azir?" But as she looked around, she remembered that he was gone. She'd definitely heard him, though... Maybe not gone forever, after all. The sidhe looked up at her, confused. "Er... No, this is Corinne speaking. This cannon requires a steady supply of holy magic if it's going to work the way we want." Her disappointment was palpable. "Right. Okay, just show me how to use it and I'll take care of it."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/15/2024 4:34 AM
"Did my death do anything?" Nicaus asked, horror dawning at the realization. It had done something, alright. It had torn Nainda's heart to shreds, eliminated her capacity for joy until the only thing she lived for was to give their son a future. And then revenge. She couldn't tell him that. "Our son grew up to be a wonderful young man," she said instead. "He died a soldier." Stabbed in the back by his own men after being forced into the Emperor's vanguard despite his status. "But I... There is no getting rid of Arrath, even in death. I have doomed myself forever. You were right, my love. I'm sorry." He held her for a while longer. "I... I should have known as much. But I shouldn't have... In hindsight, it was a stupid reason for what we had to fall apart. I'm sorry, too." He let her go. "Go. Find victory, then find your happiness again." @Crosby
Magnus Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 2:07 AM
Well he didn’t even need a gentle urge. He stood out from the others as he rose before them. Like a god with his arms crossed he looked upon the two. He spent a good minute studying his sun and then coldly stared at Rikuma… seemingly not approving of his choice. He hovered before them, in that of the black dragon knight armor. He looked like a much more older and mature Crosby. Still albeit incredibly handsome. But the difference between them was obvious, his father was much more heavily built. Muscles at every inch of him. And even as a spirit, the dark aura he gave off was unsettling. He was going to scold him, and then he saw the mask in Crosby’s hand. He fell silent and stared at it. So…. My own blood has been chosen as the next champion heir…. I must say I’m proud that you’ve met the requirements…. Albeit a bit worried you did somehow. His attention shifted to Rikuma. and who may this be? A friend of yours? And where’s your brother? Is he alive? He contacted me saying he was on his way not too long ago…
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 2:07 AM
His face grew quite sour at the mention of Azir. Fuck. A wave of emotions ripping over him. He looked away to try to keep himself together. He couldn’t break before the hardened man before him. One who showed very little emotion sometimes but disappointment and frustration. He’s gone… Was all he could manage. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/16/2024 2:34 AM
Even if she couldn't pick up on the disapproval directed toward her, it still didn't take Rikuma long to decide that she did not like this man. It didn't show on her face, as her expression remained unreadable. She swallowed down the protests that came to mind, the desire to defend Crosby against the implied criticism. Their fathers probably would have gotten along, which was not a pleasant thought. Still, she merely bowed respectfully as she was acknowledged, then answered his first question. "Princess Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi the Sixth, the Undying, Prime Necromancer Adept of the Order of the Circle," she introduced herself. "As well as Crosby's courtship partner." She straightened up and reached over to give Crosby's hand a reassuring squeeze. "We encountered Maziel after our arrival in the Underworld. Our victory against her came at too great a price. Azir came knowing he would not make it out, and the weight of his sacrifice will not be forgotten. Still, I am sorry."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/16/2024 2:34 AM
The arcane cannon was far easier to use than it had been to assemble, and Corinne quickly showed Eletea the controls. Aim, magic charge, fire. Simple as that. "You've got it now?" She paused just long enough to see Eletea nodding in confirmation, then turned and walked toward the castle. Then ran. She needed to find what was deep within it. Maybe then those whispers would be quiet. Maybe then she could return to her birthplace and secure her peace of mind.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/16/2024 2:35 AM
Nainda managed a smile, despite the sadness and grief that lingered just behind it. "I will." She looked back to see Corinne running in her direction. "Maybe I have. I will always carry you in my heart, but second love is-" She stopped as Corinne ran right past. Something was wrong. "I'm sorry, I have to go." She turned toward where Nicaus had been, but he had already vanished. She followed Corinne without another moment's hesitation.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/16/2024 2:35 AM
Eletea, left alone with the arcane cannon, made sure to be careful with her aim. There weren't any targets yet outside of the castle. For now, all there was to wait, and to defend if need be. Alone with her thoughts, she tried to focus on the voice she had heard, but it was gone. Just like Azir, to only communicate the bare minimum and then leave. She smiled at the thought, clung to it as a sign of hope that things could be set right. She didn't know what could have been if he had survived - probably not much - but what she did know was that he hadn't deserved to die like that. @Crosby
Magnus Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 2:50 AM
Quite the fancy title… and a necromancer? He scoffed at that. That’s the lows my s-
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 2:50 AM
Save it. She’s my lady and you can’t change that fact now. He said coldly, he never really snapped back at this father but this was the one case he would. Where’s mom? He got straight to the point.
Magnus Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 2:50 AM
He wasn’t all too happy about his choice to retaliate but he said nothing. His child held the mask now. He held final say. Your mother lurks in the fields of beautiful flowers…. Just like the beautiful lady she was…. A deep sadness lurked in his voice when he spoke about her… regret. You best make things right for your browner and your family. We all suffered greatly to try right the things that went wrong after your… death. Your brother got the worst of it. His next words were cut short as there was sudden wave of panicked dragon knights shouting and them backing out onto the bridge. Something was up.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 2:50 AM
I- we have to go. Do I have your blessing to use the mask? His father nodded before vanishing. Crosby of course put it on. He needed to test it safely before fighting Aubron and now was the time. He drew Ashrune and turned to Rikuma. follow my lead. We’ve got trouble. The armor went into a new formation, defensively holding the bridge, a shield wall at the front lines like Spartans. Crosby and Rikuma stood among the men at the front now. There was strange… roars coming from inside. It sounded weird. Like a mix of something and a demon… but it wouldn’t take them long to find out. Half orcs mixed with demons began to come out of the castle standing at 8-9 feet tall each, wielding clubs and all sorts of armor. There was too many to count, and out of the darkness a 30ft tall “demon” like any other showed their face. A huge glaive in hand as it pointed it at Crosby. Destroy them and bring me that mask! Crosby glanced to Rikuma and then the others. HOLD THE LINE! IT’S AN ONI! WE’VE FOUGHT THESE TANARUKK BEFORE! WE WILL PREVAIL! JUST FOLLOW MY LEAD! Something called to Corrine and Rikuma from that Oni… he possessed something…. Or maybe… some things…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/16/2024 3:17 AM
What a prick. Not to mention bold words to be spoken by a dead man to a necromancer in the underworld. Luckily, she didn't have to say anything in response, as Crosby was quicker to jump to her defense. Then that all became incredibly irrelevant. She gripped her sword as the panic sounded from the castle. She nodded to Crosby and followed, taking her place beside him at the frontline. She'd never heard that sound before, but the moment the creatures showed themselves, she knew what she was dealing with. There had been stories about them, warnings from before the curse had hit Rashouris. "Shit," she whispered. She couldn't take her eyes from the Oni, but she held her position anyway. She emptied the pouch of bones onto the bridge's surface and they began to knit together, forming a construct about the size of the demonic half-orcs, but with a head resembling a bear trap and swords for arms.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/16/2024 3:17 AM
Eletea's rumination didn't last long. It couldn't, as the quiet was broken. She looked at the odd giant as it stepped out of the darkness. Seemed like something that called for arcane cannon fire. She tilted the barrel up, took a moment to figure out the trajectory toward its head, and charged up the weapon with her own magic. What she didn't anticipate was the force sent backwards as the magic was released, flying toward the Oni. She fell back onto her ass, needing a moment to recover before returning to her position.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/16/2024 3:17 AM
Corinne only glanced back long enough to make sure Nainda was following, then kept running. She had to slow as she reached the bridge, and with it the line of men. But she couldn't simply stop there. That Oni had something she needed, even if she didn't know what it was. She wove and dodged between the soldiers until she stood just behind the shield wall. Then she waited for the line to inevitably break, just a little, so she could take her chance.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/16/2024 3:17 AM
It wasn't something Nainda had seen or expected in her girlfriend before, but something she knew all too well. Ambitious anticipation, the craving for whatever Corinne believed this battle would bring her. She kept up but, as they stopped behind the shield wall, put a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know what's gotten into you, love, but don't be reckless," she warned. "We both need to get out of here alive. Everything else is secondary." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 12:18 PM
The Oni barely even flinched at the arcane cannon blast, its face being severed burned from the energy but its own energy was disrupting the effect. Its attention turned coldly towards the alone Eletea. It raised its glaive at her. It spoke no words but within her head, she could hear Azir, screaming for her to run… to flee… then.. to die. The Oni vanished from where it was standing, the Tanarukk charged forth at the men within mere moments. They were incredibly fast. Suddenly the fighting had begun as their weapons met the knights shields. STRIKE THEM DOWN SPEARMEN! The men with spears pushed past the others, between the cracks of the shields they began to stab through, holding the wall as well as they could. But behind Eletea, the menace re-appeared, raising its weapon up to strike her down. Crosby could sense the aura coming off this thing. It was horrible. One of the worst coming from the underworld creatures they’d faced. And they’d soon find out why as when the monsters before them were killed… they let out horrible screams of children in pain or agony…. What they really were originally. The knights focused shifted. He looked to one of his men, clearly a higher ranking one as his cape was very similar to Crosby’s. Odhran, you’re in command of the men. Make sure they don’t break through the line. Rikuma, Corrine, & Nainda, form up on me. Von, Warner, Ulysses, come with me. He charged towards the Oni, one knight with a greatsword followed; one with clearly a magical bow, and the other with a Sabre. ELETEA! MOVE! He yelled. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/16/2024 2:39 PM
The voice returned, but it felt different, now that his advice wasn't exactly what she wanted to hear. "I can't abandon them, you know that." She had to stay for just a bit longer, to prepare her second shot... but the Oni vanished, and it was in that moment that she decided that, yes, maybe she should run. The realization hit her just in time to avoid the creature behind her. She rolled out of the way and spun to face it, spear reappearing in her hand. Thankfully, she wouldn't face off against it alone.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/16/2024 2:39 PM
As the fighting began, Rikuma's construct joined in at the front. With each Tanarukk that was struck down, the construct added those who wanted revenge for what they had been turned into to its mass, growing larger. At least, for as long as the construct could stay in the midst of this battle. She looked back to where the Oni had teleported to. Shit, they needed their cleric! "With me!" she ordered her construct, following Crosby's command. She could handle long-term strategy; he was the leader in combat, and she was fine with that.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/16/2024 2:39 PM
Corinne's tail twitched with annoyance as her target disappeared in front of her. She was quick to turn toward it again, attuned to it in a sense. She didn't even wait for Crosby's order before turning toward the Oni. Part of its own shadow seemed to break off, floating as an orb in the air before it reached the creature's chest. There, the ball of shadow magic exploded in an effort to knock the thing off balance.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/16/2024 2:39 PM
Nainda let Corinne set off the spell, waiting until she was finished with it before grabbing her to pull her along and join Rikuma, the bone construct, and Crosby. The others had the Tanarukk taken care of. Of course, she was still at a disadvantage, as she needed to get within melee distance before she could act against it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/16/2024 3:18 PM
Well he had to be leader at least in the moment. With his army here, he was in charge of them. The man with the bow fired, successfully landing a miraculous shot in one of the oni’s eyes, half blinding it and combined with the shadow magic attack from Corrine, it stumbled back, it however did not fall. It ripped the arrow out and turned its attention towards the others. It took its blade and smartly brought it down upon the arcane cannon. Then it began to come closer to Crosby and the group, leaving Eletea alone for now. You all shall perish like rodents. It spoke, somehow. The bone construct had probably gotten pretty big pretty quickly. The Tanarukk were certainly not willingly serving this Oni. The distance closing in between the group and it. 10 meters… 9 meters… it raised its weapon to strike once again. Men! Flank left! Aim for its eyes and legs! We need to immobilize it first! Upon its finger was a beautiful ring… almost… wait… it was identical to the one Eletea had found earlier. How strange… hanging off its belt was also… a compass by the looks of it. That’s what seemed to be calling to Corrine of all things… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/16/2024 3:31 PM
Rikuma didn't have to move. Her construct moved to stand between her and their attacker, raising its sword arms to parry the glaive and follow up with a counter aimed across one of the Oni's eyes. The vengeful hopes of its former soldiers strengthened the construct, especially combined with the necromancer's own strength, like an army in a single body. "I'll cover defense," Rikuma told Crosby. "The rest of you can attack."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/16/2024 3:31 PM
Eletea's view and mind were a bit clearer, and what little light the underworld held gleamed off the gem in that ring. "Oh..." She took out the ring Azir had uncovered, and now it made sense that he had told her to hang on to it. Even in death, the man was full of surprises. She ran toward the Oni, holding it up. "Hey!" She supplemented a bit of holy magic to shine on it. "Look what I've got!" She figured that either it would make the creature hesitate, or it would immediately provoke it to attack her. Either way, it might buy the others time with a distraction.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/16/2024 3:31 PM
Corinne looked up at the compass, which dangled rather enticingly. Like a feather on a string, speaking to her more feline instincts. She nearly wiggled as she watched it, remembered she was in humanoid form, then stopped herself. Instead, she got a running start and jumped up to grab it, using the Oni's own shadow to boost herself higher up.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/16/2024 3:31 PM
Close enough now to fight, Nainda rushed at one of the Oni's legs. The air around her grew cold as she placed a hand against it, pouring magic into the touch. "Break," she said, making her intent rather clear. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/17/2024 3:06 AM
On it! The Oni was much more cautious about its eye now. It pushed down with it all strength against the constant with the blade before deciding to just claw it aside with its free hand. But its attention shifted at the ring. The ring it had on started shaking, slipping off its finger and being towards hers… strange. You shall die for it. It spoke again, lumbering over, or so it tried but Crosby wasn’t going to let one of his members fall, he slashed one of the Oni’s leg’s slicing clean through it with Ashrune, it roared out in agony. There was a clip holding the compass onto its belt. Corrine could quite easily pull it off. It was made of pure gold on the outside, but had a strange mechanism on the inside. Or well… 3. One was a “normal” compass. The other would show a name… more than likely someone she was searching for. The last was where they’d be… like if they were dead, the underworld. That wasn’t all too important in the moment as suddenly the other’s Oni leg broke from Nainda. It had to try to drag itself away the group to no avail, it was bleeding like mad and only able to see out of one eye. The ring would fly off its finger to Eletea, the one in her hands would be ripped from her grasp. The two met in the air, an orange flash occurring, the ring calling out to Rikuma. Crosby didn’t hesitate to climb up onto the Oni, Ashrune in hand, the blood from the Oni being drawn into it. The clashing of the battle still happening behind them, he dragged the blade along its flesh, cutting new wounds. What else remains in that castle? Answer me Oni. @Al the Killer (edited)
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/20/2024 7:09 PM
Eletea backed away from the Oni. The ring trembled in her grip, trying to pull out of her hand. She grimaced at the press of metal against her hand, but her main focus was on making sure that she would not, in fact, die for it. Then their enemy fell, and she let go of the ring, letting it shoot out toward the other as she leapt out of the Oni's path. The ground trembled with impact as she made her spear reappear. Something was happening overhead, but she didn't have the time to look. She focused on the Oni, prepared to attack if Crosby gave a signal to do so.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/20/2024 7:09 PM
Rikuma had to close her eyes and look away from that flash of orange light as the two rings collided in the air. Luckily, she did not have to rely solely on her own ability to act. Without a word from her, her construct lumbered toward it. One of the bladed arms shifted, cracking and crunching as its shape rearranged into a humanoid arm and hand. Gingerly, it reached out to grab whatever the result of the rings' collision was from the air so that it could hand it over to the princess.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/20/2024 7:09 PM
Corinne landed on her feet, of course. The cool metal of the compass was a reassuring weight in her hand, a temporary reprieve from those voices filling her head. She took a deep breath and clicked it open, looking at the mechanisms inside. North. Maeva. Fields, Underworld. A direction, a name, a location. A simple message. "What did this thing want with you...?" Her hand trembled as she clipped the compass to her own belt. She was here. That voice had been no trick; she had failed to save her. She drew in a shuddering breath, before looking over at Crosby and the Oni again. They had a fight to finish.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/20/2024 7:10 PM
Nainda stayed on the ground, where she could place a hand on the fallen Oni's arm. "I suggest you respond with the truth, dear," she said gently. Yet that cold magic emanated from her hand, indicating that a curse was being cast. "Lest your every attempt to mislead us cause your insides to slowly rot and bubble up through your mouth in a way that we will not allow to kill you until I say so. No matter how much you may find yourself desiring death." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/21/2024 12:09 AM
The ring looked exactly the same but it gave off a strange aura to it. It beckoned Rikuma to step forth and put it on. Whispers from the undead saying it would grant her power like no other… it was kind of unsettling. However as that happened, the Oni did answer. Treasure room. One only you can enter. Death awaits if anyone dares follow. Thats all it said. And that’s all Crosby needed to hear. He drove the blade straight between its eyes and killed the Oni. His eyes were rather monstrously cold as he did so. What remained of the Tanarukk turned to dust, screams of joy of freed children began to free the air as the Oni fell. Those who had been victims to the creature. Thus, why he was absolutely relentless about ensuring this thing perished. He let the blade soak in all the blood of the monster as he closed his eyes, the immense power flowing through him. Demon blood… the knights at the bridge began to press into the castle, the ones who had joined the party went back to join their comrades. Once its blood was completely drained, he drew the blade out and hopped off, sheathing his weapon and heading towards the others. The oni slowly began to turn to a golden dust starting at what remained of its legs. Is everyone okay? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/21/2024 3:49 AM
Rikuma stared at the ring, conflicted. Things that whispered of untold power generally could not be trusted. She knew that, just like she knew that the Order taught that true power could only be achieved through hard work and careful study - any other source was leaving it in the hands of whatever was granting that power. But that was part of why she needed to come here. To grow stronger. She needed all of the help she could get. After a moment's hesitation, she put the ring on. "I'm fine," she assured Crosby. Her construct split apart into many skeletal hands, the bones shrinking back down until they could crawl into their pouch and fall apart.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/21/2024 3:50 AM
Corinne looked up from the compass and snapped it shut for now. Its directions still rang in her head, and she needed to know where to go. "I'm fine," she said, and meant it even more now that she knew. It was a tragedy, but it was closure. Maeva's death would always be devastating, but the fact that she wasn't alone softened the blow. Still, maybe she should face her alone. "You guys go ahead. I'll-"
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/21/2024 3:50 AM
"No." Nainda took her hand away from the crumbling corpse as she turned toward her girlfriend. "We're not splitting the group again." She walked over to her and cupped her cheek in one hand. "I won't risk losing you again. We'll go wherever you want, after our next stop. I promise." She kissed her forehead, then looked toward the castle. "Does anyone know if he meant 'you' in the singular sense or the plural?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/21/2024 3:51 AM
It was a fair enough question. "Best to assume singular, to be on the safe side." She stood upright and walked over to stand with the others. "We will go with you for as far as we can, Crosby, but we may need to stay outside of the treasure room itself. At the first sign that it might be a trap, you need to run out of there and rejoin the group. Got it?" "I feel like the first sign it was a trap was the phrase 'only you can enter'," Corinne commented. "Nonsense, I have had that rule for him ever since we became a couple," Rikuma countered, then started walking toward the castle. "Let's go." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/21/2024 6:31 AM
Well, as she put the ring on; a voice would fill her head, a manly demonic voice filled her head. It was honestly quite… an attractive one if she was into that stuff. Anyways, it spoke, Hello Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi. I am the ring of the masterful souls. As you may… guess, I can control souls, more specifically capture them… and then release them to fight for you under your control. Like for example; that hassle of an Oni you just killed. Or any other beast that crosses your path, including a dragon. And on top of that, I can grant you and you ally’s the ability to speak to the dead outside of here. Whether that be linking with someone within the underworld or a dead corpse you find in the overworld. There is of course limits my dear~. But you’ll find those out in time~. The voice chuckled and then vanished for now, leaving her mind alone. Crosby nodded and then shifted his focus to each party member as they spoke, as he usually did. Everyone’s opinion mattered to him. He glanced to what was in Corrine’s hand but chose not to question it for now. He just chalked it up to being something she made since he didn’t see her grab it. And he shrugged.* I probably should’ve asked that, but it’s more than likely me alone for some reason. I’m aware it’s more than likely one of Maziel’s traps waiting to be sprung. He looked to Rikuma and raised a brow as he followed. what do you mean by that rule? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/21/2024 8:04 AM
Something told her this was a mistake. Rikuma shivered slightly as the voice filled her mind. No, this couldn't be good - she would be best off interpreting what had happened with Maziel as a cautionary tale. But it would be temporary, she reminded herself. They would defeat Aubron, and she would destroy the ring, whatever that required. She had the will to resist the demon when she needed to. Or so she told believed. She looked over at Crosby. "The rule that only Crosby is allowed to enter," she explained the joke, pointing to herself.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/21/2024 8:04 AM
Corinne chuckled at the joke, but the sound was distant. Distracted. She followed alongside her girlfriend, thinking about who she had to find after they were finished here. Who they all had to find - there was also Crosby's mother, Rikuma's... friend?, Eletea's father, and Nainda's old army. Perhaps she could see if the compass could assist them as well. If she was to stay with the group, she would help them as well as herself. She fell quiet as they began to cross the drawbridge.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/21/2024 8:04 AM
Nainda squeezed Corinne's hand gently. The corpses of the battlefield had already turned to golden dust, leaving the place with a look that was once gilded and abandoned, eerily empty. The entry doors still hung open from when the Oni and his soldiers had stepped out. She kept her ears perked up, listening for signs of danger. Anything could come out, after all.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/21/2024 8:04 AM
Eletea rolled her eyes at their exchange, before focusing her attention forward. She took a deep breath, trying to ignore the malicious souls underfoot. Asking the Sea Goddess for protection was likely to do little help here, but it brought comfort. Her lips moved silently, holy poems of Desphy and ancient protective rites she had long since memorized as holy magic emanated around her. That much, at least, was tangible magic. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/21/2024 12:29 PM
She could hope it’s temporary. Probably should’ve even considered if she could take the ring off now… anyways he smiled a little bit, genuinely despite how dire and dark their situation was, a small chuckle escaping him. He rolled his eyes. I’ll damn well sure that rules stay intact my love~. He light heartedly threatened even though he’d go to very extreme lengths to ensure she didn’t have to experience all awful things he had. He stayed alert as they walked inside the castle, it was a grand place, unlike anything ever on the surface of course. There was a lot of extremely valuable materials being used as main decor, like gold for example. The damned called to them from below, well, only the worst of the worst the party member’s knew and then some random voices sprinkled in here and there. As they walked in, a golden wisp like line formed in the air, a guidance spell clearly. He took point, cautiously following it. His men began to storm and search the castle at large, they stayed out of his way though. There seemed to be endless halls and rooms to either of their flanks. Almost like an illusion spell that made the castle go on forever… anyways they were approaching the throne… assuming where Maziel once was, a glass of wine still laying dormant on the arm rest. The wisp like path leading to behind it… and then straight up. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/21/2024 1:44 PM
Rikuma smiled faintly, glad that she'd managed to cheer Crosby up if only a bit. She walked close to him, looking around at their surroundings. Her kingdom was known for its precious metals and gems, but this was something else entirely. Value, rather than practicality, had clearly been the deciding factor in what was used. The demands of a demon looking to show off power and status, most likely. She wondered if the demon who had spoken to her could keep the souls of the damned quiet, then wondered if he was hearing her thoughts right now. Hopefully not; as much as she didn't want to hear the voices, she didn't dare use force to gain compliance, either.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/21/2024 1:45 PM
Corinne hissed quietly at the glow guiding them. Her own fae heritage kept her acutely aware that such things were not to be trusted, let alone followed. "Careful," she warned Crosby. "There's a reason most stories about humans following wisps end in the mortals' ruin." Her ears flattened out atop her head as she followed the others.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/21/2024 1:45 PM
"If the goal was to make us lost, then I don't think a demon would have to rely on such magic," Nainda commented, closing her eyes for a moment. "These pathways are... disorienting. Then they stopped in front of the throne. Finally, a possible destination. She instinctively picked up the glass of wine, sniffing to figure out what type it was. Also whether it was poisoned or safe to drink. "But if it stops here, my guess is that there is a hidden mechanism behind the throne to reveal the treasure chamber." If there was no poison and it was simply a red wine of decent quality, she would take a sip from the glass.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/21/2024 1:45 PM
Eletea gave the half-elf with questionable drinking habits an incredulous look. "Really? Straight for the wine?" she questioned, then sighed. "Desphy help these morons..." She slipped behind the throne to search along the wall for anything that might reveal the likely hidden door. If she found something suspicious, she would point it out to Crosby; she didn't want to risk being pulled inside in his stead. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/21/2024 5:19 PM
The voice did not seem to bother her for now. He glanced back to Corrine briefly and he nodded. He didn’t trust these wisps either. The sudden appearance in a known enemies castle had him worried. The wine seemed to be normal in smell, not poisoned, but taste…? It was strange… a sickly sweet unlike anything she’d had before. Hard to tell what it was exactly. Anyways there didn’t seem to be a mechanism anywhere that was at least obvious, but Crosby had other ideas. He walked behind the throne and began to… push on the back of it. Even though it seemed to be part of the floor, it didn’t budge at first. Then it moved a little bit… and he didn’t let up. A trapdoor starting to be revealed. He knew what he had to do, it was up to the others if they wanted to try to help. If not, he could handle it with his new strength from the Oni, the door was of course… not made of gold actually. But a more… obsidian looking material. Not exactly the norm around here. There was a circular handle, but visible attached to where you’d have to grab was what looked to be something like razor wire. Of course it’s trapped already.. He huffed. This was just screaming trouble in every way…. He took one more glance around. Maybe they were missing something. But as he doubted for a moment, it reached to him. His ears began to ring, a strange sensation filling him. He felt his hairs stand on end. He closed his eyes to focus, to pinpoint where it was coming from. @Al the Killer
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/22/2024 2:06 AM
Nainda wrinkled her nose and set the glass back down after just one small sip. "No accounting for taste," she commented. There were more important matters at hand, though. As the party member with the second most physical strength, she joined Crosby behind the throne to help push it forward. It helped speed along the process until the trap door was fully revealed. Though she couldn't see the trap, she wasn't surprised to hear Crosby mention that there was one, and stepped back. "What is it?"
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/22/2024 2:06 AM
Rikuma walked over and sat on the floor beside the trap door, instinctively taking a moment to identify what type of rock it was. That wasn't the most crucial detail, though. "Razor wire, huh? Corinne, do you have a pair of wire cutters in that bag of yours?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Her friend never went anywhere without a full kit of proper tools, though.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/22/2024 2:06 AM
Corinne nodded and knelt beside Rikuma, setting her bag down. "Just give me a second to look first," she said. She got out the cutters, along with a pair of forceps to manipulate the wire. She was careful as could be at first, poking around and looking to make sure cutting the wires wouldn't trip any sort of mechanism before making any cuts.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/22/2024 2:06 AM
"Don't go straight in once it's open," Eletea told Crosby. "We should make sure you have some kind of light source, and a way to get back up quickly." If there were stairs or a ladder, that shouldn't be a problem. If it was a straight drop down, they'd need to fashion some sort of rope to help pull him back up. "Don't get lost, either. There's no telling how big that treasure chamber is, or how much of a labyrinth." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/22/2024 2:15 AM
He nodded thanks to Nainda and wiped his forehead. The throne was pretty fucking heavy for some reason. But it didn’t matter now. Luckily Corrine was smart enough, the razor wire was connected to a cable also wrapped in it. Seems it was a mechanism waiting to sprint. She could risk cutting it, or she could cut the cable first and see what it did. I wasn’t planning on going straight in. This is extremely unknown territory and she’s clearly trapped it for any invaders. And I’ll try not to get lost. He noticed something all his men were gone… not a single one in sight now. That was… worrying. He reached into his jacket and grabbed his horn to call them back, blowing into it. He expected to hear them calling back or something. But after nearly two minutes, the only noise was the sound of whatever the party was doing. Corrine, stop. Something is wrong here. He drew ashrune and put the horn away. He headed towards one of the many hallways. I’m going to investigate if anyone wants to come with. I’m not leaving my men to perish again. His sword was glowing a new color… orange. He was quite concerned by that fact. He’d never seen that happened before in all his time of having Ashrune. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/22/2024 2:45 AM
Corinne looked the mechanism over for a moment. Still an uncertainty, but one she could work with. "Nainda, I need a second set of hands," she said. "There should be a set of clamps in my bag. Get the smallest one out and secure it around the cable above this point-" She indicated a spot. "-To hold onto it and make sure it doesn't move. Mind the wires, I don't want you losing any fingers." Once Nainda had done what she asked, she reached out to cut the cable. "Once it's cut, ease up on it slowl-" She paused when Crosby spoke. "Wait."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/22/2024 2:45 AM
Nainda still held onto her part of the work, because now seemed a bad moment to interrupt. "Nobody goes off alone, remember, Crosby?" she asked, then sighed. "Corinne and I will see to the trap door, but you should bring Rikuma or Eletea with you. Whoever's left can stand guard for us, since we presently have our hands full."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/22/2024 2:45 AM
"I'll go with you," Rikuma volunteered, following after Crosby. "Most likely, they got lost due to the castle's magic. It seems designed for that." She kept one hand on the hilt of her sword, but her attention was on his. "It's the same glow the Oni's rings gave off," she commented. "You absorbed his blood into Ashrune, didn't you?" She wasn't sure that had been a good idea, but was sure the two were likely connected in some way.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/22/2024 2:45 AM
Eletea nodded. "You two go ahead," she told Rikuma and Crosby, then looked over at the other two party members. "I really hope you know what you're doing." Her attention didn't linger on them as she watched for any danger, letting Corinne and Nainda focus on the door's trapping mechanism. She wouldn't even pretend to understand how it was supposed to work. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/22/2024 3:38 AM
I hope that’s the only reason why. And yes… I did. Eh. Not like it was the first demons blood absorbed into the blade besides Maziel’s. Not like either of them would know that yet though. He didn’t hesitate to start to lead the way, it only took one step more before he paused, and hit a wall. A barrier spell. He of course wasn’t dumb enough To do it again to his flesh. Instead he poked it with sword to which the barrier didn’t budge. He began to briskly walk to the other side of the room, to which it was the same result. It’s a trap… fuck. He looked to the orange blade. No wonder it was going insane, they walked into a trap of some sort. He looked to Rikuma and the others. I guess we’re all heading through that trap door whether we like it or not… unless someone knows how to get a barrier spell down… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/22/2024 7:35 AM
Rikuma shook her head. "The closest I can think of is a blood ward negation spell, and I'm not seeing any sigils written in blood, so it wouldn't work on this barrier." She looked again though, just in case there were any details she'd missed as to how this barrier had been erected. "But maybe the Oni did mean the plural 'you'. It would explain why we made it through and the rest were left behind." She sighed. "I guess we'll finish here, get out, and regroup there." Because they needed their undead army to take down Aubron, and she didn't want to depend too much on being able to raise enough corpses. "If we can't find them here, I might have to stop by a cemetery once we get out of the underworld..."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/22/2024 7:35 AM
Corinne cut the cable loose. "There. Now, steady..." The trap door's weight tore the cable from the clamp, forcing it open with a loud slam. Corinne jumped, letting out an embarrassing squeak of surprise before looking at Nainda. "Are you alright?"
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/22/2024 7:35 AM
The force of the door's sudden drop caused some of the severed wire to lash out at Nainda's hand. Already, though, the small lacerations were beginning to knit themselves shut. She flexed her fingers and nodded. "I've had worse." She looked up and called to the others. "The door's open!"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/22/2024 7:35 AM
Eletea gripped her spear, and the golden glow around it intensified. Carefully, she lowered the point into the hole to illuminate their path and check for any traps and see what their path of descent would be. "Good work, you two. We're all going, then?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/22/2024 7:49 AM
I believe he meant only us now…. Which would make more sense if you ask me. She only wanted us to come here originally. And as for my men? I’m sure we’ll regroup with them all once we’re out of here. He also glanced to Nainda as the door dropped, it was way too heavy for its own good. Perhaps on purpose… the sound of it slamming down echoed around them briefly before fading out. Within the hole, of course it wouldn’t be a simple. He spun Rikuma around so she’d be facing away without warning and then cast daylight into the room. The shine of gold coins and treasures became visibly apparent. But so did the way down, a wall was right there with bricks and pieces of stone sticking out, there was no ladder or stairs, but instead what looked like a very janky and makeshift rock climbing wall almost. It was several meters down below them that the ground lay covered in coins. It wouldn’t be smart to jump and risk injury. He looked to each of his party members, he was trying to think of they all could make it down safely. Especially since some of the rocks were not exactly well placed. It was quite unsafe to say the least by the looks of it. Do you need me to carry you down Rikki? Also sorry for turning you away, but I know you don’t exactly like the light by now. Something powerful laid dormant within the room. It called to the necromancer. It was a nagging feeling, gnawing at her. It was different from the ring as it did not promise power or strength. For it… demanded her presence. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/22/2024 3:42 PM
Eletea frowned as she looked down into the chamber. A long drop, or a precarious climb that may well be accompanied by the former option anyway. And all of those metal coins wouldn't exactly create a soft landing. "Carrying another person would only hinder your climbing ability and balance, and endanger the both of you," she said. "Stop thinking romantically and start thinking practically." She looked over at Corinne. "Do you have anything in that bag of tricks that might get us down safely? If we could fashion a rope harness, it would reduce the risk of a fall, and guarantee a path back up."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/22/2024 3:42 PM
It was a good idea, but didn't match Corinne's inventory. Regretfully, she shook her head. "Rope won't work. There's a bit for rigging traps, but it doesn't add up to enough, and the process of sending everyone down one at a time then feeding the rope back up for the next person would be tedious." "Better tedious than deadly," Eletea commented. Corinne considered for a moment. "...We do have two tent kits. In absence of a fall net, the canvas would serve a similar purpose if it's set up correctly. Just a different configuration, but the same supplies."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/22/2024 3:42 PM
A fall net didn't sound bad in theory, but one concern did weigh on Nainda's mind. "We can't set something like that up from here," she said. "Regardless, we'd still be sending one person down with no safety precautions to set it up." They'd also be on their own in terms of getting out of there, but she'd spent much of her childhood climbing onto the roof of her mother's barn to watch the stars, and knew from experience that a forwards ascent would always be an easier climb than a backwards descent. "So who would be best suited to it?" "Me," Corinne said. Nainda looked at her. "Are you sure?" Corinne's tail flicked as she held her hand out, wiggling her fingertips with the bronze claws at the end. "Meow," she said flatly as a reminder; in her feline form, she would be suited to a long drop like that.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/22/2024 3:42 PM
Rikuma looked down into the chamber, dread pulling at her heart. Whatever was down there wanted her to go, but that couldn't possibly be a good sign. She needed to be down there, and that was what made her fear it the most. As much as she wanted to be someone who could sacrifice herself for her friends, she couldn't help the relief she felt as Corinne volunteered to go first, followed by the guilt at her own feelings. "If you're sure you can stick the landing, fine," she said. "Just be careful, and work quickly. I suspect we won't be alone down there." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/22/2024 3:55 PM
He frowned a bit at Eletea’s response. Whatever though. He could handle it. And he could handle the climb if need be, even in armor. Being a dragon knight meant severely rigorous training unlike any other army. Not everybody made it through it or even got to start it. He nodded in agreement with Rikuma as he had sat back quietly and let the ladies figure out what they wanted to do. He had sheathed his weapon for now and crossed his arms. I agree with Rikuma, just be careful. If you need me to follow, I’ll take the risk to assist. I can almost guarantee we won’t be alone in there based on everything else we’ve seen so far. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/23/2024 2:45 AM
Corinne considered for a moment. She hated the idea of asking him to risk himself like that, but at the same time, the others were right; they wouldn't be alone in there, and she needed to be able to focus on her work. After a few seconds, she nodded, giving him the go ahead. "Alright. You go ahead, make sure the coast is clear, and I'll jump in after you to set up. Keep an eye out for danger so I don't get ambushed." For now, she shifted back into her feline form and waited for him to climb down.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/23/2024 2:45 AM
"Be careful, darling," Nainda said, reaching down to scratch behind Corinne's ears. Despite being capable of speech in this form, the cait sidhe simply purred anyway. Nainda looked over at Crosby. "The same goes for you. We all need to make it out of here." She thought about what - who - they'd already lost, and her ears lowered. Still, she looked to Eletea for confirmation.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/23/2024 2:45 AM
Eletea nodded. "I can't say more than that, but yes." A part of her wanted to share that hope she'd been given with Crosby, the promise whispered to her even after his death. But it would be a distraction, and if the message had been meant for anyone other than herself, they would have heard it, too. So she kept quiet. "I have faith in your abilities, though. Go ahead."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/23/2024 2:45 AM
Rikuma kissed Crosby's cheek, then stepped back. "We'll be right behind you," she said then, because she had to be literal, "by a few minutes, I mean. However long the setup takes." She looked down and spun the new ring around her finger nervously, trying to ease her own anxiety on the matter. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/23/2024 6:53 AM
He nodded. I’ll do my best not to get hurt of course. Make sure we don’t get any unwelcome guests joining us up here. From there, he didn’t hesitate and carefully began to make his way down. Skillfully even. This wasn’t his first time doing this by any means, like he’d practiced one too many times before even. It didn’t take him long to get halfway, although some of the points to hold onto were far apart, so he had to just take a leap of faith and grab onto them as he went. He paused about three quarters of the way down and took a look around the room. Woah… Rikki. There’s a massive fucking dragon down here…. The rest of the party couldn’t see it from where the trap door lied, but the room sloped downwards slightly, to which the beast lied dormant. He slowly ascended the rest of the way as to not make much noise even though he landed on the gold coins. The beast did not stir at all. He looked back up to the group and motioned for Corrine to come down. He wondered how the hell a dragon got in here… and why exactly it was even in here. All around were treasures from all sorts of ages. Some more recent than others…. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/24/2024 1:00 AM
"That doesn't make sense," Rikuma explained, as though logic would make the massive fucking dragon go away. She paused, then decided to believe him. "Is it... a friendly dragon perhaps? Or hostile?" She assumed if it was a hostile dragon, they would be hearing hostile dragon noises by now. She looked down, but couldn't see a sign of it. Her hands clasped together, wringing a bit in worry. At least he wouldn't be alone down there once Corinne joined him.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/24/2024 1:00 AM
Corinne looked through the hole, wriggling her backside as she chose her landing spot. Without a word, she jumped down and into the treasure chamber. She landed lightly on her feet, eyeing the dragon before she began to shift back into her humanoid form. It seemed to be resting, and she wasn't about to ruin that by speaking, so she opted for silence as she reached into her bag.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/24/2024 1:01 AM
Nainda only watched long enough to make sure Corinne was uninjured, before turning away from the group to make sure nothing approached the remaining three of them. For a moment, there was a flash of pale eyes in the shadows, in a corner of the throne room. Then they were gone. A reminder from her patron that they were watching, or a real, tangible threat? "Not now," she whispered, though she couldn't help but worry. Was their connection to the world of the living fading the longer they spent here?
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/24/2024 1:01 AM
Eletea kept watch as well, but glanced over at Nainda. "Hm? Is something wrong?" She saw the half-elf shake her head 'no', but wasn't entirely convinced by that denial. None of them were okay right now. Most likely, none of them would be for a while. She didn't see anything unusual, though. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/24/2024 1:43 AM
He had no idea what was up with the dragon. It was still as can be, no signs of breathing even. And it wasn’t even bothered by the daylight spell he cast either… he cautiously took a few steps towards the dragon and drew ashrune just in case. Albeit, nothing came of it. It didn’t linger or budge which he was growing ever more suspicious of. Was it dead maybe? He let Corrine continue her work as he scanned the room around them. He could feel something speaking to him. He just didn’t know what it was or what it even wanted… but he remembered what happened last time he went alone after an artifact. He walked over to the sidhe and offered a hand however he could but also watching their back. @Al the Killer (edited)
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/24/2024 3:16 PM
The lack of actual dirt to bury posts in would serve the largest obstacle. Corinne fashioned a more solid base by gathering coins in a sizeable pile around the bottom of each, wrapping cloth around them, and tying it off. Additional supporting posts diagonally across the main four points helped further stabilize them. It still wasn't the sturdiest, and would likely fall once it bore weight, but it would slow someone's fall enough to make the worst possible outcome well within their primary healer's capabilities. "The tent canvas is over there," she whispered to Crosby, out of a potentially irrational fear of disturbing the dragon. "Grab an end and help me get it unfolded." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/24/2024 3:22 PM
He did as she said, going over and grabbing the tent canvas. He only glanced to the thing with them once before walking over to Corrine. He helped however he could again, whether that be by holding something or whatever. He didn’t really mind. I don’t think it’s alive. It hasn’t moved, reacted, or even breathed at all… and I don’t feel any undead presence from it…. He didn’t whisper like Corrine; he spoke normally, unphased. I think it would’ve awoken by now if it was alive with the coin shuffling and what not… @Al the Killer (edited)
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/25/2024 2:19 AM
Corinne made sure each corner of the canvas was secured at the top of each post, then gave each one a small tug to make sure of it. "Corpses don't linger here," she commented, speaking normally as well now. "The clearest options are that it's in suspended animation, it's a construct, or it's a statue. Any one of them could be the case. In the event of the second one, we should still be careful; we don't know what might activate it. Whatever you do, don't touch it." With their landing net made, she looked up at the others. "You can come down now!"
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/25/2024 2:20 AM
Nainda climbed down first, not needing to be told twice. The handholds that were set further away proved to be a challenge, but she managed to make it most of the way. About three quarters down, though, she missed one of the further points of contact and slipped, falling onto the canvas. It bent, but ultimately held up, to Nainda's relief and Corinne's delight. She paused only to catch her breath, then stood back up, looking toward the dragon. If it was an organic lifeform with flesh at all, she would be able to sense that.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/25/2024 2:20 AM
With Eletea keeping watch, Rikuma understood that it was her turn. Except she'd never done anything like this before, and the sense that something wanted her down there only added to her dread. Net or not, it would be a long drop if she failed, and she was less agile than the half-elf. Corinne had her cat form, Crosby and Nainda had military experience, Eletea had been a pirate briefly... she was at a disadvantage by comparison. "I'm... not sure I can do this," she admitted to herself, voice barely above a whisper.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/25/2024 2:20 AM
Eletea heard and walked back to Rikuma. "It's easier to get started than it looks," she assured her. She stood as close to Rikuma as she could, then knelt down. "Kneel with me." Once the princess had listened, she reached out both of her hands and let Rikuma hold them. "I won't let you fall. Ease back slowly." She followed her, tightening her grip when Rikuma's foot reached empty space and she heard her gasp. "It's fine. Lower it, then search with it until your foot is resting on something solid again... good. Now the other one." She guided Rikuma to th edge of the hatch. "Hold onto the ledge and lower yourself until you can reach something with your hands." She let go of Rikuma and let her climb down the wall. "If you do fall, tuck your head into your chest. You'll minimize injuries that way." The princess did surprisingly well at first, but missed the second major leap and slipped, falling toward the net but taking Eletea's advice. If any of them were hurt, she needed to be down there for them, so she wasted no time. She climbed down, managing with ease. It wasn't quite the same as navigating the rigging of a ship, but climbing proved easy enough nonetheless. She made it down on her own and landed on her feet. "Now, does anybody need to be healed?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/25/2024 4:08 AM
He just nodded for now and watched each person come down once everything was said and done. He was a bit unsure what to do about the dragon though. Something was right about it… You did pretty well for your first time princess. He offered Rikuma his hand to help her up of course, a small smile on his face. He was only teasing her. The dragon had flesh and bone indeed. But it was not alive. Nor did it follow the rules of no body’s down here for some reason. He shook his head. I’m fine. Now what’s the plan from here…? Anyone got any ideas on what we should do with that? He pointed to the dragon, for Rikuma, in that same direction was the calling… was it the beast calling out to her…? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/25/2024 4:37 AM
Rikuma took his hand. "Thank you," she said as she stood up. She took a moment to fix her hair as she looked over at the dragon. "I think this is what we came here for. Remember, Maziel also managed to use physical necromancy here somehow, so a body isn't that shocking. I just can't tell what's keeping it from fading." She let go of Crosby's hand and walked over to reach a hand toward the dragon's flank, before hesitating and stopping short. "Maybe I can animate it... The question is how we get it out of here."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/25/2024 4:37 AM
Eletea frowned over at her. "I think the question is whether we should, first of all," she said. "It might be useful for travel and fighting Aubron, or it could be a trap and this whole castle might collapse on our heads if we move it."
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/25/2024 4:37 AM
Nainda nodded, considering the possible outcomes. "There is a risk, but with dragons, we shouldn't underestimate the potential benefits. And if this was one of Maziel's pets, it's going to be powerful."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/25/2024 4:37 AM
Corinne, either most reckless or most practical of all, set to work picking up gold coins. She could fund so many new projects with this, after all. Maybe a bigger home if Nainda decided to move in with her. "One thing remains certain," she said as she looted what she could from the treasure chamber. "Touching it without knowing anything for sure is a bad ide- damn it, Rikki!" Rikuma placed her hand on the dragon's side. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/25/2024 4:51 AM
I mean… there’s something in that direction I feel… I don’t know if anyone else feels it… He of course followed her. He had no reason not to. He had to protect the princess in his eyes one way or another. He wasn’t surprised by Corrine taking more, considering what happened already when they were in the vampire kingdom vault where she did the same thing. Although he questioned if all this would even be able to go to the surface with them without consequence. Only one way to find out. I mean; it’s either we leave it and potentially lose out, or we take it and gain something that could seriously turn the tide in battle. In my eyes it’s u- He paused as she touched it and sighed. Guess she already answered his question. The moment she laid a hand upon the dragons side, visions filled her eyes, this was no ordinary dragon. No, this was a dragon who had been through centuries of warfare. Through war githyanki riders long ago against mindflayers, then to a flash of war against an army of demon unlike any other. Then… the moment Maziel cast a powerful spell upon it and put it under her control. A mark upon its side began to glow, visible to everyone. An M with thorny vines wrapping around it. But now… it beckoned Rikuma “free me… let me reign death upon those who deserve it once again…” While she did her thing with the dragon, he split off from her a tiny bit, he walked around it and looked through the treasures in the vault. It didn’t take him long to find his calling. Upon an armor stand there it was, an armor set like his but not. The black dragon knight’s full plate armor. A massive set only the most brutish of warriors could bear, in its glory, the black metal shimmered. This was his father’s armor, he could tell. But he looked to his own, now the choice remained…. And the echoes of the purple dragon, “follow the righteous path.” But would this cross it? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/25/2024 8:33 AM
Rikuma's breath caught in her throat as she watched various centuries of battle flash through her mind. And the final one... "This is it," she whispered to herself. "This is how Maziel ties into everything." She looked up at the dragon that had called to her. It wasn't alive, so perhaps she could erase the mark. Really, it was all that remained of Maziel's influence. Her hand didn't move away. "The one who imprisoned you is dead," she said. "How do I free you?" She focused on her necromancy, to see if she could alter and heal the dragon's flesh enough to erase it altogether. "Will this be enough?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/25/2024 8:33 AM
Eletea glanced over at Crosby as he contemplated the armor. Considering his reaction to the black dragon knight's mask alone, she still wasn't sure he would be ready for an entire set of armor. She walked over to him. "Leave it," she advised. "You are best suited to the path set by your own patron." She looked back at Rikuma and the dragon. "And Maziel may have wanted you to have the mask, and Azir wanted you to hold onto it, but I'm not sure you're the dragon's choice." She looked down. "I'm... Less certain of everything than he was. Not that he would have been able to tell you what to do, either." Her smile was still sorrowful, and she had to admit she missed the cryptic bastard. Just a bit.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/25/2024 8:33 AM
Nainda looked over to make sure Corinne would be okay, then stepped around to do some searching of her own. She wasn't sure what she was looking for exactly, but if there was anything useful, it was all worth considering.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/25/2024 8:33 AM
Corinne breathed a sigh of relief when the dragon didn't suddenly come to life to kill them all. An alright start. She put her looting on hold and caught up to Nainda to join her search. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/25/2024 12:33 PM
She very easily erased the mark by doing exactly that. The mark was beyond weak to say the least with Maziel’s defeat. If Rikuma was trying to bring the beast back, it began to stir and awaken, bones cracking back into place after years of being locked in place unmoving. “Yes… Take me to the overworld, far from this forsaken dungeon the wretched has locked me in…” If she had not, a green hue began to form inside the beast’s body, the same color as Azir’s magic ironically. Anyways, he rested his hand out, there was no helmet of course since the mask would’ve taken its place. So he placed his hand upon the chest plate. It was cold but he could feel the a spark of life within it, all coming from the dragon Rikuma was messing with currently. His face grew visibly a bit saddened at the mention of Azir, but he tried his best to hide it. He couldn’t show weakness now. They all needed to be strong; for Azir. There was almost anything they could think of from ages past in this vault, literally. Maziel had been around longer than any of them combined, even with the dragon’s age. So if anyone was looking for something specific that was rather… ancient, they’d more than likely find it here. Crosby shook his head and half glanced to Eletea briefly, and then Rikuma. He was quite stubborn. I’m taking it for my family’s sake; but I’m not giving up my honor for it nor my ways. He began to look around and it didn’t take him long until he found a bag… a rather suspicious one. There was 4 of them scattered about. He knew what they were already from previous experience. Each soldier had one to carry their supplies in…. A bag of holding. Rather, this one was much bigger than the usual one. He didn’t care who it belonged to as he grabbed it out of the treasure pile and opened it all the way up, forcing it, stretching it. It got big enough to fit the chest plate, the biggest piece. We’re taking anything we need or want. Whatever we don’t, I’m sure her minions will. And after (edited)
12:33 PM
all is said and done, they’re probably going to come after us with it. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/26/2024 4:16 AM
Rikuma took a step back as the dragon began to awaken. "We will," she promised. "Once we return, ourselves. In the meantime, can we get you out of here the same way Maziel got you in?" Whatever way that was. It definitely couldn't have been through the trap door. "Or should I just summon you after we reach the overworld? We do have a few matters to attend to before we can return, so I don't want you to think I haven't kept my promise if it takes a while."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/26/2024 4:16 AM
A reasonable enough comrpomise. As long as he didn't don the armor, she didn't see it causing further harm to him. "Just don't use it before we're sure it won't have adverse affects on your relationship with your current patron," Eletea said. "And if you keep it around, it doesn't necessarily have to be yours to remain in your family." Maybe Azir would want it if she did somehow manage to bring him back. Or maybe Crosby's and Rikuma's future children would have use for it. She assumed there would be a few, given the expectations placed on royal couples.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/26/2024 4:16 AM
Nainda nearly tripped on something. A book. She reached down and picked up the book, feeling the name embossed into its leather cover with her free hand. There was a familiarity to the tome, and the name only confirmed it. Marcoul. A dear friend from her time in the Locurian army, one she had needed to send away and cut off all ties with, lest he meet the same fate as the rest of their unit. He'd always been writing in this damn journal. She smiled softly to herself. Maybe it was sentimental - she couldn't even read its contents - but it would be nice to keep something of him. She placed it inside one of the bags and continued to search. "Pick up any weapons, then," she advised after Crosby spoke. (edited)
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/26/2024 4:16 AM
Corinne gasped and all but pounced into a pile of gold where something bronze stuck out. With a delighted grin, she stood back up, holding a palm-sized mechanical spider in her hands. "Lucy!" she exclaimed. "This is one of the first constructs I ever made! I was wondering what became of her after I was moved into the dungeon lab." She looked the mechanical spider over for damages. "One of your eye gems has fallen out, but everything else seems to be intact - oh, your core is out of position. Let me just..." She carefully poked one of her claws in through the empty eye socket, and the small construct whirred back to life, its seven intact eyes glowing their usual red. "There. We'll get you patched up in the overworld." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 6/26/2024 7:03 AM
Their newest ally stretched its wings out, the entire vault falling into darkness, and even then, its wings were still halfway against the wall downwards. The dragon was way too big to stand in such a space, or fully extend its wings. That much was clear, it had gotten much bigger since its time with the githyankis. Its head turned towards the princess. Beautiful almost familiar green eyes looked to her, they should all recognize whose eyes they look similar to but obviously snake like. It radiated quite the powerful aura, not something to scoff at. I can make a way out if you so wish princess. Or you can summon me when the time comes, I am in your debt for setting me free from that vile wretch.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/26/2024 7:03 AM
He hadn’t even thought about kids. Or Azir using it. In his mind, Azir was gone and he had to accept that and move on. He couldn’t let it distract him now. He began to briskly put the armor away seeing the dragon awaken. He didn’t exactly want to cause conflict with it. I’m aware. I just can’t have it fall into the wrong hands. As the dragon moved, the piles of gold began to shift, somethings falling over and what not as to be expected. But from a nearby pile, a book slid off it and landed at Eletea’s foot. No mistaking who’s it was. As to how it ended up here was pretty simple since she was the one to end him. The eyes of the mindflayer on the cover staring into her. She may notice that something was sticking out between the pages though, it wasn’t there when Azir had it out last. Anyways, Crosby took Nainda’s advice, grabbing every weapon in sight he could along with other things that could be used against them. He failed to notice what had appeared before Eletea. He did find something he never thought he would, buried within the pile, a hilt stuck out. He pulled it out, unsheathing it. The dragons attention shifted to him without his knowledge. He looked it over as his fingers tingled holding it. A dazzling green emerald like blade with countless golden etchings upon it, all too many to count. He had a feeling he knew who it belonged to by the feeling. He was quiet as he held it, Ashrune glowing purple at its presence. Not exactly agreeing with it clearly. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/26/2024 7:24 AM
Eletea stepped back to make room as the dragon stretched and moved. For a moment, she stared in awe at the sight, only to be distracted by the book. Quickly, she reached down and picked it up. Everything about the magic within was still forbidden, and she would have nothing to do with the spells within, of course. But she might still need it later. For now, she simply opened the book to the pages where something seemed to be resting between them. She cast a glance over at Crosby, half-guilty that she wasn't sharing her find with him, but he seemed otherwise occupied. She turned her attention back toward the object.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/26/2024 7:24 AM
Rikuma looked up at the dragon. "If you clear a way out of here and accompany us until we have defeated Aubron and his enemies, I will be forever grateful, and your debt will be considered paid," she said. "But I will not ask more of you than you are willing to give; your soul is yours, and so too must your freedom be." Even though she really wanted to have a powerful dragon friend sticking around. Then the dragon's head turned, and she followed his gaze to see Crosby holding a new sword. "Should I hold onto that one?" she asked the dragon. "I don't think his patron likes it, but I get the impression it is connected to you in some way." Mostly because the dragon was staring at it, and partly because the colour motif matched.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/26/2024 7:24 AM
In the midst of her weapon-gathering, Nainda paused to hand a bag first to Rikuma, then to Eletea. She paused, noting the magic emanating from the book Eletea was holding. It was familiar, and easy enough to guess who it had belonged to. "Be mindful of it, dear," she said softly. "But if he were to entrust any one of us with it, I think it would have been you." Sure Crosby had been Azir's brother, but that hadn't amounted to trust. Crosby gave her the impression of someone easily corrupted by power, if only because she'd seen that corruptibility firsthand. Not that she held it against him; nearly everyone was the same way. Even she had been, before she had paid too much of its cost.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/26/2024 7:24 AM
Corinne set Lucy to rest on top of her head, then put on a pair of thick leather gloves. With her hands protected from any iron lying around, she switched from looting gold to weapons. They couldn't leave anything for demons to use in combat, and she could later look over the weapon loot to see what was worth repairing and what should be melted down and recrafted into something better. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/26/2024 12:54 PM
Between the pages that were completely illegible spells to her laid a note. In what what looked to be a greenish blood was written, “For your darkest hour, awaken me at last.” It was still just as cryptic usual as go be expected. It was hard to tell if this was from Azir or not. Perhaps it was, or perhaps it was divine intervention. The tome felt heavy in her hands. Not unbearably so but much heavier than a standard book. As Crosby held the blade, it felt hefty but light at the same time. He gave it a test swing but as he did so, it was ripped from his hands and flew quite fast towards Rikuma before stopping before her and rotating the handle towards her.
Ranthelegon BOT 6/26/2024 12:54 PM
This blade is made from the scale I lost years ago, the only one to ever be shed. You may use it if you see fit or you can hand it off to an ally if you so please. But not him, even though his blood is of one of my champions, it is tainted as you say. As for your wish, I will fulfill when you decide so. You will all need to step back.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/26/2024 12:54 PM
He frowned at the blade being taken from him but he understood why. He had gathered most of what he could before his attention turned to Eletea and he instantly locked eyes on the book. His eyes staring at it. Where did you find that? He asked… a bit demandingly to know the answer. Of course he was protective of what belonged to Azir now, even though he knew she should be the one to have it. He was just making sure she hadn’t been hiding it from him until now. As Corrine grabbed weapons from the piles, some were rather notorious based on the material they were made of, like adamantine, and then platinum and what not. Some even made of demonic metals. She would also find one that stood out, a saber, only a small portion of the golden white blade would be visible. If she grabbed it, a holy eminence radiated from it. Raw untamed holy magic awaiting to be tapped into… it seemed to be a sword of… an angel. One killed by Maziel it seemed…. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/26/2024 1:51 PM
Eletea read the note, and it was far more important than anything else in that book. She closed her eyes in an attempt to stop tears from flowing. His words to her had been real, after all. "I will," she whispered. She didn't realize she was being stared at until Crosby spoke to her. To her. She opened her eyes and looked at him. "It was in one of the gold piles." She folded the note back up, knowing it was only meant for her. "I hope you don't mind if I hold onto it. I don't think I would have been the one to pick it up if that wasn't how fate would have it." She tucked the note away, then held the book close to her for a moment longer before putting it in the bag she'd been given.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/26/2024 1:51 PM
Rikuma jumped as the sword swung from Crosby's hand, but it stopped just short of her. "I will use it until my coronation," she said, because after that point, she would be expected to carry the royal family's sword of office exclusively instead of just carrying it sometimes with her father's 'permission'. "After which point I will hold it in safekeeping, so it does not fall into the wrong hands..." She looked over at Crosby as she stepped aside. "Did you find a scabbard for it?"
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/26/2024 1:51 PM
Corinne had truly hit the jackpot, but she stopped as she saw the saber. "Holy fuck," she said, no pun intended. She picked it up carefully. "Now you will work wonders." She packed it away with the rest just in time to hear the dragon's warning. She stood aside, next to Nainda as her girlfriend wrapped an arm protectively around her waist. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/26/2024 2:05 PM
He could see the tears in Eletea’s eyes. He offered the scabbard out to Rikuma as he walked over. That was a fair point… if he was meant to find it, it would’ve shown up for him; not her. He just signed and gave a simple nod of approval. Just… keep it safe. Just like the weapons here, we can’t let that end up anywhere outside the group. His attention turned to Corrine and Nainda briefly, he was just making sure those two were alright before he looked to the dragon and Rikuma. We should get out of here soon… no telling when reinforcements might arrive…
Ranthelegon BOT 6/26/2024 2:05 PM
As you wish. He said simply to Rikuma, everybody could understand the dragon strangely. Its head turned to the wall as a vicious green light formed within the beast, then a shimmering coating ran across all its scales and wings, it was a stunning display visually. A mere blink of an eye later, a green fire erupted from the dragon maw, it burned hotter and more intense than any other. The wall to the outside underworld was melted within a few moments, the howling of souls so close below could be heard, the desperate cries of those damned to eternal death. The dragon made the hole more than big enough to accommodate its size of course as it stepped out onto the little platform there was, just enough room for it stand. They were of course still well below the castle, but oh so close to the souls now. Ones that stretched on as far as the eye could see down into an orange light. Crosby didn’t hesitate to follow the dragon, he trusted it as he did with his patron. Now what’s the plan? He turned to the princess and so did the dragon awaiting orders. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/26/2024 4:11 PM
Rikuma slid the sword into its scabbard, then placed her rapier in the bag she'd been given. It took her a moment to readjust the sword clip on her belt to accommodate the new blade, but it proved manageable. Then what passed for a cool breeze in the underworld - the voices of the damned, mostly - filtered in through the hole the dragon made in the wall. She followed the dragon out as she considered their next course of action, remembering where Crosby's father had said Mrs. Vandine would be. "We each have someone we need to seek out here before we return to the overworld," she said. "Can you fly us first to a field of flowers? I heard it's beautiful, and someone we need to find is there." She wasn't about to just climb onto this dragon's back and demand a ride without permission, after all.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/26/2024 4:11 PM
Corinne's ears perked up at Rikuma's question as she looked over at her, then down at the compass she had gotten from the Oni. It seemed they had the same destination. Convenient, but troublesome. What if it was a trap? But she needed to go, and she needed to find out for herself. The closure would be well worth the risk required to get it. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 6/27/2024 12:17 AM
The dragon stooped down, basically laying low enough for them to climb on. Its attention looking towards all the souls of the damned. If you so desire. Hurry however, trouble is on the way. They could hear through the souls the sound of heavier footsteps. They weren’t the purple dragon knights, not at all. Strange cries cut through the air… demons and devils.
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/27/2024 12:17 AM
What of my men? They’re still trapped in the castle? And we need to destroy it don’t forget. He wasn’t going to leave them for death again. He’d failed them once, he wouldn’t again. He had to own up to being the general now. Dragon, do you have anyway to break a barrier spell?
Ranthelegon BOT 6/27/2024 12:17 AM
If she so wishes, I can. My name is Ranthelegon the Black Death. Do not call me by what I am traitor knight. The dragon huffed, plumes of smoke coming out of its nostrils. The eerie green glow still entrapped within its body. Ashrune was still ferociously glowing purple in its presence. Seems his patron and this dragon did not get along at all. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/27/2024 3:28 AM
Rikuma climbed onto the dragon's back and sighed at their bickering. Crosby had a point, though; they couldn't assume they had simply turned back and gotten out of the castle on their own. Not with how loyal his men were to him. "I would like you to break the barrier spell, Ranthelegon the Black Death," she said. "Then we will ensure our army gets out and destroy this castle. And please at least try to be more polite to my consort. I expect that he will do the same for you." She gave Crosby a hopeful look. They didn't have to like each other, but she would settle for peace between them. "No matter what may have conspired between you and his patron in the past, an alliance is necessary now."
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/27/2024 3:29 AM
Corinne climbed nimbly up onto the dragon, then held a hand out to help Nainda up. The half-elf seemed less graceful now than she had been earlier, so she gave her a concerned look once she was in position. "Are you alright?" Corinne whispered, noting that her usually unfocused eyes seemed entirely blank for a second.
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/27/2024 3:29 AM
The voices of her patron were louder now. It took a moment to process that she was being spoken to. But they couldn't rush their work. She had to trust in the plan. She blinked, then nodded to Corinne. "I'll be fine," she replied. "My patron just gets... pushy the longer I spend here." Unlike the others, she was not meant to go to the underworld after death. The longer she spent here, the more she knew Arrath would try to pull her to the Void with them, to become a part of their hivemind. "I'll be fine. We're all getting out of here alive."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/27/2024 3:29 AM
Eletea hesitated, not fully trusting a dragon who called himself The Black Death. Was she really the only one hesitant to trust The Black Death? "Gotta keep these fools alive," she muttered to herself, climbing up with the others. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/27/2024 5:18 AM
He simply nodded. Fine. He’d refrain from saying or doing anything dumb.
Ranthelegon BOT 6/27/2024 5:18 AM
The dragon expect that, and glared at the knight If you insist. He was last to get on. There was more than enough to room fully accommodate the party on this dragon. It was actually rather impressive how huge it was. He extended his wings and took off, heading for the main bridge. As they did, they could see demonic forces swarming into the castle now, they had gotten out just in time. But Crosby’s men had not, they had formed a defensive line with their shields like before, some men launching over it to attack the demons. Odhran, Crosby’s second in command was giving orders to hold the line. But this beast would soon prove its name, all the devils and demons who were not directly on the front line turned their attention towards it. But it was far too late at that point. That scorching breath of death was soon reigned upon them. The demons were horribly annihilated by it, screams echoing around them. Soon there was very little of them even left. There was a reason he was called the Black Death and Maziel had to keep him dead. The dragon landed on the cleared bridge and roared at what remained, beginning to chomp some in half. There was about maybe 20-30 left at max and the knights were killing them just as quickly and effectively. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 6/30/2024 3:45 AM
It was an odd feeling, flying for the first time. Rikuma clung to the dragon's back, but didn't say anything about it. After a moment of dizziness, she managed to gather her bearings and sit up, even looking down at the battlefield without much trouble. And she could not have been more glad that Ranthelegon was on their side and not their enemies'. By the time they landed (with the descent feeling like her internal organs were being pulled constantly up toward her throat but never quite reaching their destination), the army didn't really need their help in combat. She caught her breath and reached forward to pat the side of Ranthelegon's neck. "Well done," she said, entirely sincere as always. "And thank you." She looked over at Crosby. "Even if they can handle it from here, you may want to catch them up on the situation once they're finished with the battle."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 6/30/2024 3:45 AM
Eletea needed no prompting to dismount once they had reached the bridge. She landed on her feet, her hands glowing with a pale light as she walked into the battle. She was cautious for now, but didn't hesitate to contribute by healing whoever might need it. They couldn't afford to lose a single soul here, after all. Not with all of the important work they had to do in the overworld. The greatest battle awaited them still.
Corinne Alarie BOT 6/30/2024 3:45 AM
Corinne kept an eye on Nainda despite, or perhaps because of, her words. Someone having to state twice that they would be fine did not bode well for the truth of that statement. "Hang in there, love," Corinne said softly, wrapping an arm around hers. "We still have a future to make when this is all over." She got the impression that talking was helping keep her more... solid, in a way she couldn't describe, so she kept going. "Would you like to return to Rashouris with me? I mean, I can't give you all the comforts you probably had as a noblewoman, just a loving home, but-"
Nainda Townsend BOT 6/30/2024 3:45 AM
"Yes." Nainda smiled, not even needing to hear the rest of what Corinne had to say. "No luxury could make me as happy as that of a lifetime spent by your side." But they had bigger things to worry about now. Still, the talk had, in fact, helped her focus on grounding herself. She took a deep breath and sat up. "The details can wait. There is a battle at hand, after all." Corinne's ears perked up as she looked around, but the fighting was good as finished by now. "Oh! Right." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 6/30/2024 11:45 AM
There was a reason Maziel made sure to kill the beast. It was too much of a threat to her and her plans. It only took maybe a minute or so maximum before what remained of their enemy was murdered. The knights were relentless and seeing a dragon, they stayed in defensive stance up until Crosby got off the dragon and began to walk over. While he did so, the dragon didn’t really react to her touch, it was too busy tearing the last demon’s limbs off one by one as it screamed in agony, trying to fight to no avail. He finished by chomping his head off brutally. Not many people needed healing or help from Eletea. The worst injury was Odhran had a gash along his arm that wasn’t covered, that was his sword wielding arm. Crosby extended his hand out and gestured down, his men lowering their weapons and shields. Their guard still up though. Relax, he’s an ally. As much as I know he isn’t the dragon we’re used to, he’s still with us. No attacking him or trying to fight him. Odhran nodded. Some looked to the dragon skeptical, the bridge covered in a thin layer of golden dust for now although it was quickly fading into nothing. We’re heading for the field of flowers, it’s up to you all if you wish to meet us there or find somewhere to camp out until we’re done. After that, I do not know who else or what else we need to visit before we return… @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/2/2024 4:12 PM
Eletea focused her healing on Odhran, holy magic mending the wound and easing any pain. "You should be fine now," she said. "Your assistance is appreciated." She gave the group a once-over, but everyone seemed to be fine now. It seemed they had arrived just in time. Satisfied that her work was done, she turned to head back to the dragon. She didn't want to be the reason for any further delays, after all. Even though she still had someone to find.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/2/2024 4:12 PM
Once Crosby had finished explaining the situation, Rikuma spoke up. "But for now, everyone needs to evacuate the castle and its drawbridge," she said. "We will be destroying it in its entirely, and do not wish for any of you to be caught up in its destruction." She looked over at Crosby. "We'll make sure they have a clear path as soon as you and Eletea get back up here." After all, Ranthelegon was kind of in the way at the moment.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/2/2024 4:12 PM
Corinne looked back at Nainda once she saw that the demons had all been defeated. "I think they've got it handled, though." She reached down, offering Eletea a hand with climbing back up. Not that the genasi would need it, but she might as well offer anyway. "We should probably discuss who everyone still has to find, though. No point in keeping secrets, and it'll help us plan out our path from here."
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/2/2024 4:13 PM
Nainda nodded. "Once we take off, we'll be able to chat on the way to the field," she said. "Better than delaying any more than we have to." She would know; she was feeling the pressure of time more than any of them. She grabbed Corinne's hand and squeezed tightly again, using it to keep herself grounded. Until they returned to the overworld, they couldn't afford to rest. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/3/2024 12:19 AM
Odhran just gave her a simple nod of thanks. He wasn’t one to talk much unless necessary. Anyways, as much as he didn’t want to, he got back on the dragon. His eyes looking to his men one more time. It still didn’t feel quite real to be united with them. And sure it was great to be united with them again, but something about it wasn’t sitting quite right with him. Maybe it was guilt? Maybe it was something else. He tried his best to hide it however. He knew he should be grateful for this blessing granted to him…
Ranthelegon BOT 7/3/2024 12:19 AM
He soon after took off, clearing the bridge. He hovered in the air briefly as the knights moved to solid ground. The dragon eyed the group. Not fond of them just he wasn’t fond of Crosby. such blind faith to a weak pathetic dragon… He huffed smoke arising from his nostrils. As the group sat upon the dragon, the screams of the damned had seemed to only grow louder. Odd… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/7/2024 7:31 AM
Rikuma gave Crosby an apologetic glance before looking down at Ranthelegon. "A weak dragon is still stronger than most humans will ever become," she said. Even longer-lived mortals might never truly compare, even with centuries of intense study. She wasn't sure how her own capacity would compare once she returned from the underworld. "And it's never wise to underestimate others. Now, how about...?" She trailed off and frowned as the screams increased in volume. "Hold on a second." She looked down at the ring and tried to address the demon who had spoken to her. What is going on? she asked, trying to get the message across but uncertain it would work.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/7/2024 7:32 AM
"Hold on for what?" Eletea asked, but didn't dare to look down. She could hear the damned well enough, but tried to pay no heed to their screams. They had chosen their paths in life, and only the worst resided there now. Hesitation to bring the castle down on them all now that the knights were out of the way would only prove dangerous. She looked over at Crosby to see if he had any clue what the hold-up was about. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/7/2024 9:29 AM
The filth he serves has so much more to learn from me. Too weak for his own good. Unable to maintain his own men under his control without them becoming tainted. As he hovered in place, the screams of the damned were getting louder and louder, hands began to reach up from all around the perimeter of the castle, although they were trapped below the level of the bridge. They couldn’t get past. Chants escaping them in long since dead languages, some familiar, some not. But it would be impossible to make out what they were saying as none seemed to be coherent. But as this all happened, the ring’s gem turned into an eye that opened and looked up to the princess, she’d awakened it. You have something they want. You will not be able to leave without sacrifice. Beware princess, as the blood on your hands shall always remain. You can only choose how it comes to be… The rings eye would shut after and her connection was closed off abruptly. Not much of an explanation from the demon… A familiar voice would ring through Eletea’s mind. The power they held was fading however… time was running out for them before it was severed, where the bite mark was, it would very faintly glow and be visible to her other party members. A choice… lives must be given… (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/7/2024 9:29 AM
He had frozen still like a statue, his eyes had gone completely deathly white and fully wide eyed. As the princess looked back to him, and with the voice having distracted Eletea, more than likely, he had began to plummet, just starting to. The dragon of course wasn’t going to stop it as he didn’t care enough, that was on Rikuma if she was going to make him. A familiar magic flowing over him, it was like Aurora’s with how it looked… almost identical actual. He was nearly completely transparent as he fell into towards the damned, the hands reaching up to him, the chant becoming clear. “JOIN US! JOIN US! JOIN US!” If Rikuma did look around, she’d notice one thing, Odhran, the second in command of the army was coldly watching, his sword holding the other men back from interfering, his arm extended to do so. His eyes… having that same familiar energy swirling in them. They couldn’t see his face as he stood near the edge. The other men looked confused, all looking to each other, they knew they had to do something. One man even called out, “CROSBY! WAKE UP!” Which turned out to be a mistake, Odhran turned, and with one swift brutal strike he was silenced. The others watched in horror, unable to react in time. The man fell to his knees, clenching his throat, he looked to Odhran then his brothers, blood pooling on the ground. The others backed up and readied their weapons. The one who was slain was Ulysses, the princess would’ve known that from earlier with the Oni encounter. Von drew his Sabre, he was next in line rank was. “TRAITOR! YOU SERVE THAT WITCH! YOUR PATH IS CORRUPTED!” @Al the Killer (edited)
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/7/2024 9:58 AM
Nainda looked toward Rikuma as the ring's gem transformed. She felt, rather than saw, the change, and sighed. "Rikuma, you fool," she said softly. Whatever knowledge or power the demon carried, she knew all too well there would be a price for it later. A higher price, the longer she waited. Below, the screams continued. "We can't destroy the castle until they're placated, so don't even think about it," she said. "Doing so would only free them to do more damage."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/7/2024 9:58 AM
"Crosby?" Corinne questioned because, while the others had been distracted by their own matters, she was free to notice the way he sat their paralyzed. She briefly glanced toward the cleric, and the glow from her neck, before the knight began to slip. "Shit!" She reached out to grab him, but he was already out of reach, and Nainda had to pull her back to keep her balanced on the dragon's back.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/7/2024 9:58 AM
The shouting pulled Rikuma's attention away from the ring, the demon, and the thought of sacrifice. "Ranthelegon, catch him!" she shouted. "We can't let him fall!" Someone had cast a spell on him, but who...? She looked down, and she knew. Bastard. "I won't sacrifice any one of you," she said. "We will give them Odhran, and any who still wish to follow that traitor." She could only hope that would be enough. Then Nainda whispered in her ear, and she paused to listen. "That ring carries demonic energy," Nainda whispered. "Believe me when I say that is not a road you wish to go down." "What are you saying, Nainda?" Rikuma asked. "Cast it down, before it can corrupt you." She nearly appeared to fade for a second, before forcing herself back into solidity. "Don't pay the price I have." Rikuma considered for a moment, then nodded, and tried to remove the ring.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/7/2024 9:58 AM
Eletea listened to the voice. "Lives... from what you've shown me, it can't be one of us," she whispered back. "Will the princess's plan be enough?" Corinne, however, was no longer sufficiently focused on other things to avoid noticing the cleric talking to herself. "Who are you talking to?" She looked at the bite mark on her neck, and that said enough. "Azir bit you, didn't he? Is it him?" Eletea jumped slightly, recovering in time to hold onto the dragon with one hand and cover the bite with the other. "I... well, that is..." She looked away, unsure of whether she could tell the others. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/7/2024 10:23 AM
The dragon huffed begrudgingly before beginning to dive, now it was a pursuit, the group had better hold on. The general was falling much faster than he should’ve as he seemed to be drawn in by the damned. The winds from the dragon diving so fast and the forces upon them would be sickening for anyone who wasn’t prepared for such. It was almost as bad as a fighter jet in some ways, something not to scoff at. As for when Rikuma tried to pull off the ring… she couldn’t. The eye opened, shifting red. It was not happy at her choice, You dare to defy me? I shall take what matters most to you. As that was said, there was an eruption of magic, an explosion centered from the ring, the group would be shot off the back of the dragon in all directions, a plume of smoke arising from Ranthelegon’s back. Corrine would go towards the castle, Rikuma would be launched towards the knights, Nainda towards the bridge, and Eletea was heading straight up, she best be able to catch herself on the dragon or the cliffside nearest the castle, or she’d face the wrath of the damned. As for Ranthelegon, he took the brunt of the blow and the magic contained within. He surged down into the knight crashing into him, and with the power behind it. They were both cast into the souls of the damned, hands grasping at them both and pulling them in. The dragon roared out and wildly began to flail and fight against the souls to no avail. It was pointless. A red magic would flow through each member except Crosby, a dreadful exhaustion would fill them all as the knights erupted into chaos. More than two thirds were corrupted and fighting the third who wasn’t. This was something long in the making, and now the time had come. Now fresh blood was being spilled, the smell of it filled the air as bodies began to fall. Cries of men in rage and distress did too. Things were… not looking good. (edited)
10:23 AM
As Eletea was in the air, he was barely able to respond. It was so faint now… she could make it out but she could feel his power fade, That was not part of what I saw… your fates have been changed… I’m sorry. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/7/2024 10:46 AM
Almost immediately, Rikuma realized she'd fucked up. "Wait, no I'm s-" It was too late, and the explosion of magic launched her off the dragon's back. She should do something to save herself, but she was so... tired. She nearly fell asleep, only to be jolted awake as she landed in the midst of the battle. She barely rolled out of the way as a knight charged past. She couldn't be sure which side of the melee was on, but if she stayed on the ground, she'd get trampled by both. She moved as far out of the way as she could manage, before drawing her sword. Not to fight the corrupted knights - she hadn't the energy for that - but to find a way out of the way the ring had latched itself to her finger. She pulled the edge of her hood inward until she could bite down on it and curled down all but her ring finger. Refusing to give up focus or let herself pause long enough to change her mind, she drew a deep breath, put the blade in position, and brought it down. The cloth severed her screams.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/7/2024 10:51 AM
With the wave of exhaustion, Nainda could feel her individual consciousness fading as Arrath's chorus of voices grew louder in her mind, telling her to join them. Her form began to fade, and terror gripped her. She didn't want this. She couldn't allow it. Tears streamed down what remained of her cheeks. Please. Nobody has served you for as long or as loyally as I have. Nobody else could bear your power or its cost without craving death. When was the last time one of us wanted to live? The voices hesitated. She was still not solid, but she had not continued to fade, either. She crashed against the surface of the bridge, but hardly felt it. And you want to live, too. That's why you share your power - to experience the world of the living again. If I join you now, we will never leave, and we will never find a new host. We will be trapped forever. Her body returned and, with it, a sweet rush of agony. It didn't overcome the spell on her, but she was spared from a permanent fate for now. You cannot run from us forever, worm, Arrath's voices hissed. ...But you raise valid points. We will allow you to serve us for now. Do not disappoint.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/7/2024 10:57 AM
Corinne crashed against the wall of the castle before falling to the ground. Still, hands reached out, but they seemed less persistent, as though they'd found... something. It was hard to gather her bearings with the energy drained from her. But the dust was clearing, at least physically, and there she was, collapsed on the bridge. "Nain...da?" She stumbled forward, but the distance between them felt infinite with her legs refusing to cooperate. She all but needed to drag her own body to the stone bridge. But she was there, and she was solid, and she was barely conscious and so was she. They needed to save the others. There was no way they could. She had no invention hidden, no secret that could rescue them all right now. Her attempts to find solutions failed as her brain refused to cooperate. But she could do this one thing. She could drag herself across to the centre of the bridge, where she collapsed in her love's arms.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/7/2024 10:59 AM
It was harder to focus on Azir's words as the only surface fell away beneath her. She didn't catch herself on the dragon in time, but she was close enough to catch herself on a rocky outcropping along the nearby cliff face. "Changed?" The question came out as a gasp. "Changed... how?" But his voice was fading, and she refused to lose him again. She'd long ago become an expert at separating herself from the weaknesses of her body. There was a necessity to being able to disappear outside of herself, to ignore pain and exhaustion and disgust to do what survival required. Fighting against the weakening of her every muscle, she barely managed to pull herself up onto the rock. Steady enough to remain perched for a while, but she'd be stranded out here if the dragon wasn't saved. The others were specks below. Maybe Rikuma could put an end to this, but she'd have to do something about that demonic power first. Hopefully she knew what she was doing, because otherwise... things couldn't get much darker than this. Wait. She'd been sure that whatever circumstances necessitated Azir's resurrection, they'd come after they returned to the overworld. But that had been when their fate had been something else. Fighting to keep her balance, she dug out his book. No, she couldn't focus like this... she tried to call on her magic to cleanse the spell on her, knowing she was too far out of range to do the same for the others. @Crosby
The knights paid no mind to her at all, they were too distracted in their own fighting among their ranks. However, Odhran’s men were pushed against the brink of the cliff, all but mere inches away from death. The men she could trust were winning… for now. Under the loss of their leader, they rallied together like a brute force like no other. A roar of battle cries erupted from them, mixing together to sound like one of a dragon.* END THIS NOW! FOR CROSBY! FOR THE LOST! FOR THE PATH OF THE RIGHTEOUS! *He cried out and with one final push, Odhran and his men were pushed into the damned along with the general and the dragon to which they were quickly pulled deeper and deeper. As the final push occurred; the ring and its connection were severed from the necromancer. It popped off the finger, the eye looking back at up to her, but unable to do anything now strangely. It stared into her soul, unbothered. In their darkest hour, the weight of death hung heaviest now. Too many having been lost to count now, the ground soaked in blood where the knights once stood. Von looked back to his men, many of which injured or not in good shape. He had a gash across his face, and one across his sword arm. He looked to the scattered remains of the party and then to the damned. Crosby and Ranthelegon nearly completely out of sight now. Men without a cause, without a purpose but to impose death upon them who crossed them all caused this. He would make sure to never let these men to succumb to such an influence as that again. Him and his men went over to Rikuma, watching, completely unaware of the horrible demon she had been latched to. She was Crosby’s consort, she was in charge. However, Eletea got lucky, her magic was just strong enough to cleanse herself for now. The leeching sensation fading away. Could she pull off what she wanted to? That was up to her and her abilities now. The damned called out, “MORE! MORE! MORE!” (edited)
11:53 AM
But there was a deafening explosion moments later, Ranthelegon knew what had to be done, as much as the princess hadn’t wanted him to do so yet. From the pit came a heat like no other and the sound of the dragon blast. The whole castle shuttered where it stood, a huge dust cloud pluming out from beneath it as now, the palace began to sink into the pit, the bridge doing the same. Corrine and Nainda best move. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/7/2024 12:42 PM
With trembling hands, Rikuma sheathed her sword once more. Her breaths were laboured, but the pain drew a sharp focus to her mind. For now, she tucked her severed finger into the pouch of ash and stood up, leaving the ring behind. Crosby's men were still shouting... why were they grouping her lover in with those lost...? Oh no. She couldn't allow this. She looked at Von as they approached. "Wait here. He's not lost." She turned toward the pit and held out her arms. Death surrounded them everywhere, inescapable. Good. The Order had always taught her that power came from within, but here the truth was clear. It had always belonged to the dead. But now she could use it. "There will be no more," she told the damned, and her voice was no longer only her. A skull-headed raven circled above, and she could feel her strength return to her. "You will give Crosby and Ranthelegon back to us!" She raised her voice to be heard over the explosion but, even if her words went unnoticed, one thing wouldn't: the shockwave of agony that would go through each of the damned souls until they complied with her demand. She didn't need the demon for this - just the right motivation.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/7/2024 12:47 PM
Nainda's arms were wrapped around Corinne, but they couldn't stay here. Move. The command came with a burst of familiar pain, forcing her into action. "We have to go," she said as the bridge began to shake. She forced herself to her feet, dragging Corinne with her. "Now!" She kept an arm around her as they ran together, as fast as the draining sensation in their bodies would allow. Right at their heels, the bridge crumbled, falling into the fiery pit below. Almost to the end... almost... She pushed Corinne ahead of her and onto solid ground, before jumping to avoid being dragged into the pit. She missed the ground, but caught herself on the ledge with both hands, dangling above certain death.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/7/2024 12:47 PM
Corinne was pretty sure her bruises would have bruises as she landed on the ground. "What-?" She sat up and looked over to see Nainda barely hanging on. "Nainda!" In her current state, she wasn't sure she'd be strong enough to help her back up alone, but she couldn't stand by and watched helplessly. She looked back at the army. "Help!" She didn't have Rikuma's authority, and the princess seemed wholly absorbed in her current task with the energies of death floating around her and her blood dripping onto the ground from the stump of a severed ring finger. But maybe they'd help a member of Crosby's party anyway. She turned toward Nainda again, grabbing onto her arm to provide support anyway while they waited. "Stay with me..."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/7/2024 12:47 PM
None of the sudden knowledge Azir had implied came to Eletea; she wasn't sure exactly how to awaken him, but she remained hopeful. If now truly was the time, it would happen. She opened his book, turning the pages to see if anything would jump out, would suddenly make sense to her. Anything that could bring them back, or even just get them out of this mess. @Crosby
He disobeyed the princess’ orders for the greater good, he ran over and helped Corrine pull Nainda up. He was a fine young lad, handsome but far from stupid like some of the rest of the men. He knew what had to be done even if it meant disobeying direct orders. The others like a flock of sheep watched Rikuma. The damned let out horrible tormented screams as the agony rippled through them. Ranthelegon came up first, having not descended as far as her lover who was completely out of sight by now. If she however was close to the edge, hands would reach out to grab onto her ankles and legs; they tried to pull her in. There was so many mixed phrases and emotions erupting from the pit as she couldn’t even see below. Now, the palace being completely destroyed as it fell, blocking the light of the lava below. Ranthelegon flew into the air and let out a mighty roar, albeit pissed and covered in fresh wounds. Acidic green blood dripping out as he roughly landed behind the princess. As much as the princess tried, her lover did not surface…
Unknown BOT 7/7/2024 1:10 PM
Nothing in the book stood out to Eletea, it all remained as a horrible mess of gibberish. None of it made any sense. It still looked like an insane being wrote this thing. But instead, she’d accidentally tap into an event she shouldn’t have, her mind being filled with a new world. Azir was on his knees before a huge being… one with the head of a mindflayer but its skin was green and rubber like almost. Its eyes upon him. This thing remained half submerged in the ocean in a far away place. She could smell it in the air. Perhaps she knew this place… they were upon a strange cliffside, a circular ruin engraved in the ground, one used for blood rituals, 4 pillars at each point. Vines stretched from the cliffside down to the waves that crashed into the sheer rock below. There was no trees or anything, this was an island of only rock in seemingly in the middle of nowhere. All this would be shattered as its voice boomed sounding like neither man nor lady. Your time has come to rest Azir. Your efforts will not be in vain. She has all the guidance she needs and so does he. The thing raised an arm out of the ocean, a hand connected together like a frogs with gnarled claws showed Azir a vision of his brother, Crosby laid dormant in a black void, flickering between transparent and solid. Perhaps lost… perhaps not. Azir’s head hung low. Betrayed by his brothers just as you foresaw… just not the brother you thought it would be. They will find h— The thing shut up quickly, sensing a disturbance. Something was WRONG. Azir did too, looking around. We’re being watched… @Al the Killer (edited)
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/7/2024 1:42 PM
Nainda accepted the help, landing on solid ground at last. "Thank you..." she managed to say to the young man, before falling onto her back. She was alright, breathing steadily and her form remained solid. But so much of her energy had been lost that she needed to rest. Now that the danger of fading away had passed, she could allow herself that much at least.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/7/2024 1:42 PM
Corinne held her close. "Where are Crosby and Eletea?" she asked Von, looking around at the battlefield. So many lost... Ranthelegon, at least, was back, but she was worried about their two missing party members. She stayed where she was though, letting Nainda's head rest in her lap as she stroked the warlock's hair gently.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/7/2024 1:42 PM
Rikuma kept her distance from the edge. "If you cannot return him, then perish," she said, putting power behind her words. It didn't solve her problem, though. She closed her eyes instead, and tried to focus on sensing any of Crosby's soul for herself. If she could just find something of him, she felt certain she could drag him back to her.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/7/2024 1:42 PM
Everything Eletea saw and heard told her that now wasn't the time, but she couldn't force her attention away. Useful knowledge for later, perhaps. Then she was seen. "S-sorry," she said, unsure if she would be heard or was just talking to herself right now. "My timing was off, I'll um... I'll be back later." She pulled the book and tried to pull out of the vision so she could see what was going on on the ground below. @Crosby
Your welcome, as for Crosby… I believe he’s been lost to the souls… and for the genasi? I do not know… Ranthelegon literally, collapsed, asleep like Nainda. Everybody needed rest now clearly, the knights taking the queue also as they sat for now, some aiding one another however they could. Blood trickled from his cheek, he tried his best to wipe it away as the gash was clearly from a blade. As for Eletea, she did not seem to be the one they were reacting to, as in the final moment before the vision faded, she could see a hellish purple fire erupted all around Azir before it all went black. She could now see the world around as the book closed on its own. For Rikuma, the damned screamed out before being silenced, the hands retracting and falling back into the pit. The souls circling once again. She could feel Crosby but he was not here… he was with a familiar presence now. One she was planning on encountering once again sooner or later. But perhaps dragging him back to her was not the best idea, for it would separate the two. Corrine’s compass made a clicking noise, then the sounds of gears rotating could be heard. It rotated between multiple names now, staying on each for roughly 10 seconds before switching. Maeva, Eletea’s father, the second in command of Nainda’s army, and then Azir… and then Crosby, both of which had no location just… a symbol. A mindflayer head.* @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/7/2024 2:33 PM
Corinne looked over at Von, then at the others. "Hold on. I have some healing potions in here." She let go of Nainda, trying not to disturb her with her motions as she dug through her bag. Soon, she pulled out two vials of healing potions. "Take one for yourself, and the other to whoever is injured the worst." Then her compass clicked, and she turned her attention away from Von to look at it. More names. Maeva. Alora. Darby. Hartwin. Azir. Crosby. She nodded and clicked it shut. They would find all of them, one at a time. But first, she needed to rest...
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/7/2024 2:33 PM
He was gone. Temporarily, but gone nonetheless. Whether to selfishly force him back to her or leave him there so she could find him later... It was the hardest choice Rikuma had needed to make in a long time, but she didn't pull him back just yet. They would find him; she would make sure of it. For now, she sank to the ground, exhaustion setting in despite the absence of the earlier curse. "I will see you again," she whispered, before drifting off to sleep.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/7/2024 2:33 PM
Eletea's hands shook as she put the book away. Something was wrong. Deeply wrong. But she wouldn't let it stay that way. She would find Azir again, as she had promised to herself already. For now, she looked down, considering how she would rejoin the others. There were a few more ledges along the cliff's surface. Had they been there before? She couldn't remember. She couldn't leave them alone, though. She jumped down, from one ledge to the next until she could reach the ground safely. @Crosby
Thank you. If you need anything… let me know. He took both, walking over to the others. He looked around to his men. They had lost so many… they were less than a third of their original numbers now. Once a great army, now just a small portion of it. He found one man with quite the deep slash in his chest, to which he gave the healing potion before drinking the one he was given. They all stayed close together but not too close. Not much was happening, a heavy silence filled the air. Sadness perhaps with those who had been lost. Ranthelegon’s wounds had started to heal over but the dragon stirred in its slumber. No rest was easy to come by. The bodies of the fallen knights remained where they perished, some corrupted, some not. No way of telling which side they were on. But it was a brutal sight nonetheless. He sat on the edge of the group, his head in his hands. Why did this have to happen? And now of all times? They were at their weakest once again, leaderless in a way, lost in a sense. War putting a heavy price upon them once again. Whispers ran throughout the group, speculation as to where Crosby went this time, someone commented trying to be funny that he was probably blowing the vampire queens back out. To which he got multiple death glares and promptly apologized. Von stayed quiet, trying to think to himself where they had gone in their adventures and who they’d have dealt with. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/8/2024 2:10 AM
It looked grim. It was grim, but Eletea knew it could still be worse. It would likely still get worse. One way or another, they'd fallen off the path of fate, and she no longer knew where they were going, except that it would get worse. She walked among the wounded, healing whoever needed it, but not all the wounds inflicted would be healed. Rikuma's hand had a later of ash covering where a finger had been severed from it; she didn't know what was going on with that, but as long as the princess was in stable condition, she didn't dare to interfere. Crosby had carried Ashrune with him, so they needed him back. That would be the highest priority now. But they'd do better if they could get their numbers back up. "He's with his brother, I think," she told the man now in charge, walking over to stand beside him. "There was a place where I saw Azir last, moments before, but I don't know exactly where it is. Maybe Ranthelegon will, once he awakens again." She looked back toward the ruins of Crosby's army. Her old crew had, surprisingly, remained uncorrupted, and had fight alongside the trustworthy soldiers. She couldn't trust them not to give in to greed, but at least whatever evil influence had turned part of the army against them had ignored the pirates. "We have to carry on." No matter how much she wanted to go back to that tavern and get so drunk she forgot her own name. @Crosby (edited)
Victory was no longer ensured with them having strayed from the path. His eyes drifting to Eletea as he lifted his head from his hands. He raised a brow at that. He was aware Azir was slain recently… so it would make sense if they perished that they’d be together… but Eletea really should’ve known where it was, some was nagging her from thousand of meters below her feet in the depths of the underworld. Well beyond the reach and influence of the damned. It was that all too familiar presence along with Ashrune, Rikuma would feel the blade. All too close but also far. Then a wave of… multiple evils would snuff it out…. Or mask it. It was hard to tell from such a distance and the feeling being so faint. He turned his attention to Rikuma and began to get up and motioned for Eletea to follow with a nod. I’m aware we have to. But the princess seems to know the most about what we’re doing down here and what’s next to come… His strength was fading but he hid it all too well. He had to push forwards. There was no time to stop in his eyes. If they stopped now, there was a greater chance another enemy would arise. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/8/2024 9:54 AM
Eletea looked down, not out of discomfort, but as though something drew her to do so. What was there remained unseen, but she understood it as their next direction. There was no delaying, aside from... Well, the others needed their rest, didn't they? Even she did, but she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. "None of us know for sure anymore," she admitted. "I don't get how she can be so confident in herself all the time." Or at least in her skills outside of socialization. She sighed, watching the skull-headed raven fly closer and perch on a nearby rock. "Once everyone is awake, we'll go." She just wasn't sure how they'd get where they had to go, or what awaited them there. The raven opened its beak, and a raspy voice came from it. "My Lord promised he heard you, did he not?" Eletea spun to face it, eyes widened with shock. "You are bound in the worship of another, but in his realm, he may share his gifts freely." A pale light filled the battlefield, granting a second wind to anyone within it. "He is in no hurry to collect on debts; all will come to him, in their time." "What-?" But the raven had already flown away.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/8/2024 9:54 AM
Rikuma was falling, falling endlessly, hopelessly, surrounded by nothing but darkness. Then she floated, still nothing below her, but her goals in sight. A glow, one she knew to belong to her beloved. Above her, the damned continued to scream. It didn't matter to her. She could save him, she could- She jolted awake, sitting up with a gasp. "We need to go down." No grogginess lingered as she walked to the edge of the pit and looked down. "They're below us. Do you feel it, Eletea?" Eletea hesitated, then nodded.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/8/2024 9:54 AM
Corinne woke up, getting relaxed and well rested. Until she remembered their situation, heard Rikuma's words, and saw her standing in front of the pit. "Oh fuck no, it's too early for this shit, Rikki," she groaned, sitting up reluctantly. "You know that's suicide." "... Which has never been a particular talent of mine, I am aware," Rikuma acknowledged. "Now isn't the time for dark humour," Corinne sighed, even though it was exactly the kind of bleak moment that called for it.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/8/2024 9:54 AM
Nainda's pillow, Corinne, moved, and forced her to open her eyes. Corinne and Rikuma seemed to be bickering, but Nainda was still going to take her time with waking up. She sat up and yawned before looking over at Eletea. "Is the princess out of her mind, or actually correct about the next course of action?" she asked. Eletea sighed. "Unfortunately, she's actually onto something." @Crosby
He looked to the raven all but clueless to what was happening. Who were they worshipping now supposedly? Considering where they were, he automatically assumed it was some sort of dark god or deity. That seemed to be gist of this party besides two members. He found strange in his eyes how the darkness so easily collaborated with the purity of his general. Or well… what he thought to be his pure general. He knew he was a bit tainted. Everyone was… especially after the final battle where they all fell. No one had ever been truly the same since. But that was besides the point. He followed the princess with no hesitation to the edge. The damned still remained in their way, what seemed to be a pool of lava at the bottom of the pit, or maybe an orange light.. it was hard to make out at this distance. He sort of ignored the bickering for now, he pointed to Warner and motioned him over. He was the biggest man in the knight group, the one with the greatsword. He stood at roughly 6’7 or so with a hefty build. The hefty man reached under his cloak and pulled out a chain, offering one end to Von to which he took. Warner walked over to a huge boulder that laid dormant by the still lazy dragon and began to wrap the chain around it, bending the open end of the chain around a closed end with his strength before melting it together with his dragon knight ring. The other men began getting up and coming over. Von turned tot the party. If she’s onto something, let us assist. We have to save our general now, there’s no time to waste. He could be in serious trouble if he somehow ended up below the damned. His attention shifted away to the group of knights by the chain. I have an idea, Amo, I need that spell you have that drives away hostile undead, like the one you used in the cursed woods. A scrawny man in the middle of the group began to do some strange motions with his hands. It wasn’t exactly normal magic by any means as it shifted through all sorts of colors and effects. (edited)
1:24 PM
He walked over and touched the chain, to which, Von threw the end over the cliff’s edge. The damned instantly moved out of the way without hesitation, the chain continued to get longer and longer with no end in sight. We can go first if you wish. If not, then perhaps we should wake the dragon to lead the charge. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/8/2024 3:00 PM
Rikuma stepped back to watch them work, remaining silent as she realized what they were doing. That would be useful indeed. Not only for keeping souls at bay, but for finding their way back up here. "I will not put any more of you at risk unnecessarily," she told Von. "It's not what Crosby would want. Give me a moment to wake Ranthelegon up, because he doesn't like any of you." A bit too blunt, but that was just how she was. She turned away from the pit and walked over to the dragon, looking over where he had been wounded earlier. He seemed fine now, since dragons tended to heal rather quickly. Especially during resting periods. She knelt beside him and spoke softly, gentle but firm. "Ranthelegon, there will be more time to rest later," she said. "I appreciate what you have done to assist us so far, but there is more. We have both agreed that Emperor Aubron needs to die. At present, the only weapon that can kill him and the only man capable of wielding it are both lost below. We need to rescue him for your revenge to truly be achieved."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/8/2024 3:00 PM
Eletea gave a nod of approval at the spell. It was strong, and the metal of the chain seemed to amplify it further. "I will accompany the princess and Ranthelegon at the front of the charge," she told Von. She gestured toward where the raven had been. "We have a god of death on our side for now; his messenger all but confirms it. A god who was once human, and has not forgotten what it is like. Where we are, that sort of help means everything." It was odd, working with darker powers like this. But Corinne had had a point earlier; good and evil were not such easily drawn lines. Death was necessary for life... and now she was starting to sound like someone from the Order of the Circle. Disgusting.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/8/2024 3:01 PM
Morbid curiosity led Corinne to peer over the edge of the pit. Indeed, the chain trick was working. She hesitated, then nodded. "I'll join you and Rikki," she told Eletea. "Can't let you two face all the danger alone. Oh, Von, do you want to borrow a magic amplifier? We've got a big-ass dragon to get through that pit, so the wider the area of effect for your spell, the better." Even though she'd posed the offer as a question, she was already digging through her bag to find the amplifier.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/8/2024 3:01 PM
Nainda smiled fondly at Corinne. "I will join the charge as well, dear," she assured Eletea. "Where she goes, I go." It was clear where her truest loyalties lie, after all. Besides, if they did find Azir, and he needed healing, her magic would be effective for him. Eletea's would likely only backfire, with it being holy magic to a vampire. @Crosby
I figured that much by now with the dragon. And I won’t question what having a god of death on our side will cost. He knew gods simply didn’t take pity without a price. They’d have to pay up somehow, and right now, all they had was themselves. He offered his hand out to Corrine. Why would he say no to such? There was no reason to distrust her. All who remained here were clearly on the same team, well except for maybe the pirates and the dragon. They were leaning to whatever benefited them most, but that was besides the point now. There was bigger foes to topple and powers to obtain. The book would grow significantly heavier wherever Eletea stored it. I’ll take it and return it of course. Thank you uh… Miss. He didn’t know her name, he didn’t catch it. He was distracted by other things at the moment it was said. Or well, moments it was said.
Ranthelegon BOT 7/8/2024 3:22 PM
The dragons eyes opened slowly and looked to her. He slowly raised himself up as he began to stand tall once again. Still as magnificently terrifying as ever. Do you truly know what lays below us princess? You should not be charging blindly into the realm of the banished. You will not make it out alive with your army. Even with my might and power unlike any other, this will be a bigger risk than any you’ve taken before. Beholders, titans, doppelgängers, banshees, mindflayers, deities and worse await you there. None will take kindly to your presence. You are bold to assume your lover is still even alive down there along with whomever else you’re looking for. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/9/2024 3:37 AM
Corinne handed over the amplifier, a small rectangular device that gave off a faint hum of magic. "Alarie. Corinne Alarie," she finished for him. "Let's focus on getting back here alive, before making any promises." She could hear what the dragon was saying, and it only served to confirm her fears. She might never return to the world of the living. What would become of her apprentice? The poor kid would never know what happened to her... She held onto Nainda's hand and squeezed it. "Stay by my side while we're down there," she whispered. "I don't know if we'll ever return."
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/9/2024 3:37 AM
"I will. To the very end, love." Nainda kissed her forehead, then led her over to stand beside the princess and the dragon. Had she pleaded for her life only to lose it shortly after? Even if she had, she would give it to keep these people safe. Not only Corinne, but all of them. The ones who had returned a meaning to her life beyond revenge. She would have a future, or she would die trying to secure it. Her gaze met Rikuma's silent question, and she nodded. They were with her, all the way.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/9/2024 3:37 AM
Eletea nearly dropped the bag as the weight grew. Instead, she stepped away from the group and set it down so she could pull the book out. "What is it now?" she whispered to the cover, though she didn't truly expect it to answer. She opened the book again, looking for answers, because it had clearly wanted to get her attention.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/9/2024 3:37 AM
Rikuma listened to Ranthelegon, but the words did nothing to sway her. She had already assumed this much. "I know," she said. "But if I die fighting for this cause, then at least my life and death will have meant something." She had never expected this journey to be simple or safe, not really. She stood back up. "I am not weak enough to lie down and give up on everything we set out to accomplish. I hope you are not, either." Meanwhile, Corinne's ears perked up and she looked toward Ranthelegon. "Wait, what were you just saying about mindflayers?" she asked, strangely hopeful as she grabbed her compass with the hand that wasn't holding onto Nainda. "If we find a mindflayer, it may mean we're on the right path," Eletea commented from the spot where she'd chosen to read, for some reason. Rikuma looked between the two of them. "Wait... what?" @Crosby
Right, thank you Corrine. He had faith the party would return. They had no other choice. As for him… he didn’t know what awaited him and his men. Would they really get a second chance? Or was all that awaited them for their redemption to escort the party throughout these trying times? But as Eletea dropped the book upon the ground, she didn’t even have to open it. It opened on its own, the text glowed green, the symbols all moving and scrambling over the pages. A single word becoming understandable as it formed across both pages, “Help.” It scattered again forming something else after a few moments, “Dead Enemies.” As always to be expected, that’s all it gave before the book shut.
Ranthelegon BOT 7/9/2024 1:19 PM
He listened to the princess of course. He found her will to give herself up for such a cause noble. She was different than her blind lover in how she saw things. He simply sort of nodded I am never one to surrender princess. For a noble death is the only means to an end. As the others began to speak, his attention shifted. The compass went back to Azir at this time, instead of a mindflayer head it showed a dragon briefly. Then it shifted back. Perhaps Crosby’s presence was messing with it? Hard to tell. How do you both know of such? Is it because of that book of tainted death you carry? You all blindly follow such dangerous ancient evil far beyond any of you have messed with before. The knights began to get in formation, readying themselves for the descent, Von would be first, then Warner. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/10/2024 5:06 AM
A cry for help. If Azir was calling out to her like this, things were really bad. The moment the book shut, she packed it away and stood back up, turning to face the group. At least the knights were already preparing to go down. "Enough talk of noble deaths," she said. "We don't have time to waste. They're alive, but won't be if we stand around talking." She looked at Ranthelegon. "I follow nothing blindly. It's not the book I trust, but its previous owner. He has spoken to me since his death, then I saw a vision of him earlier. If we find him, we'll also find Crosby."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/10/2024 5:06 AM
Corinne showed off the compass. "There's also this," she said. "It can point us toward everyone we need to find." She closed it again. "Starting with the most urgent." She looked over at Eletea, then spoke to her in a low voice. "Is this because he bit you?" she asked, noting the shocked look the genasi gave her in return. "Your... connection to him? Like some sort of blood bond?" She'd heard of such things in relation to vampires and mortals they had bitten, but she wasn't sure if they were common. Or even real, for that matter. Eletea looked away. "I don't know. Probably not; I started seeing his visions before then, in the overworld. Every time we touched, I could see a glimpse of the future." "And every time you kissed you swore you could fly?" Corinne teased, much to Eletea's confusion. "...What?" She shook her head. "Never mind, we have more important things to focus on. Be careful with that compass. Wherever you got it from, we can't go around assuming random magical artifacts won't harm us."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/10/2024 5:06 AM
Rikuma looked down at the stump of her missing finger. Her hard-earned lesson. "Eletea has a point. Let's go, though." The longer they stayed here, the more she'd worry. She climbed onto Ranthelegon's back. "Hold on tightly, everyone. This won't be an easy ride." She followed her own advice and looked back over her shoulder as the rest of the party joined her.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/10/2024 5:06 AM
Nainda made sure she and Corinne were securely seated before speaking to her. "Where did you get that compass from, anyway?" she asked softly. "Oh, um... the oni." Nainda sighed and shook her head. "Darling... just be careful, alright? We shouldn't go anywhere that thing leads us to blindly." She looked toward the pit. If the journey didn't kill them, whatever waited for them there might still do so. She remained resolved to protect the others, at any cost. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/10/2024 7:47 AM
The dragon huffed at all the stupid bickering. Mortals. Get to the point. He had a name to uphold and monsters to murder in mass. He chose not to comment on what he could see upon Eletea, although there was definitely traces from her vampire companion without her knowledge clearly. Albeit, it was fading from straying from him. Von just chuckled a bit at Corrine’s tease. A small soft smirk on his face briefly but seriousness began to spread over it. Once everyone was on, he didn’t waste any time. He went over to the edge and looked down to the damned. They had moved to make enough room for the dragon to go down first despite his size, it’d be close though. He didn’t wish to risk a near death again, he leaped skywards and flapped his wings, going quite high for no reason. However, that only lasted for a few seconds before he dived, Von lead the charge, descending right as there was a booming gust of visible winds from Ranthelegon launching downwards. He tucked his wings in close as the winds would be more than enough to knock any party member who wasn’t really holding on, off. It was so fast in fact, they were way ahead of the dragon knights, within moments they had breached the barrier, it was so fast, none of them probably even saw what really happened; the shift between planes. They quite literally came out of the sky and around them was a massive island made of stone, an ocean in all directions as far as the eye could see. But off to their left flank was what was happening. They could feel the heat from the fire, the purple fire. A huge very familiar looking purple dragon to Rikuma stood upon the rocks breathing fire upon whatever stood before him, and that’s when Eletea would recognize what was Azir’s patreon, pushing through the fire even the group could smell the skin of the beast burning up. The chain of the knights dropped by the side of Ranthelegon, the knights descending. (edited)
7:47 AM
The beast that stood opposed to the dragon was nearly 3 times it size and looked like an eldritch horror of sorts sorts, with the head of a mindflayer. The book grew heavy again, slightly off from the fight they could see Azir and Crosby standing together, absolutely unsure if they could stop this. But they didn’t need to Ranthelegon did, the dragon’s gut glowed green, and it spread to his neck. He opened his maw and a destructive blast just like before spewed out, not going for the horror, but instead for the Purple Dragon, completely catching it off guard and causing it to tumble, the reign of purple fire seizing but a massive hole formed in the opposing dragons side, glowing green. ENOUGH! You both fight like cowards! Ranthelegon landed by Crosby and Azir, the purple dragon forcing itself to stand as Crosby death glared Ranthelegon. Both dragons were nearly the same size as Azir’s patron stood idly by momentarily before sinking down and away into the sea, steam rising from the water as it did so. (edited)
The Purple Dragon BOT 7/10/2024 7:47 AM
He glared at Ranthelegon as his wound already started to heal over. We meet again brother. And now you dare to oppose me when there is greater evil at hand? His scales shimmered and glowed faintly, matching the shade of Crosby’s armor. Needless to say it was one hell of a sight to behold. Although what separated him from Ranthelegon in a way was the aura he gave off was immensely powerful as purple electricity danced along the spines of his back and down his tail. The eyes of the beast being a deep orange in color. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/10/2024 8:45 AM
Fuck! Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck! Rikuma was not prepared for the hellish descent down the pit, not like she'd thought she would be. She thought she might have screamed, if the drop hadn't pushed the air silently from her lungs instead. She held onto the dragon like her life depended on it, because she was pretty sure it did. She screwed her eyes shut as though they might implode if she didn't. The thunderclap of the air around them filled her ears, followed by the heat to her left as their descent slowed. Able to breathe again, she opened her eyes and looked toward it. "Crosby!" She didn't dare to let go yet. She recoiled a bit as Ranthelegon attacked Crosby's patron, but she understood why: it got both creatures' attention, effectively ending their fight. "Ranthelegon is right," she said, dismounting once they had landed. Her legs felt like rubber though, and she had to lean against the black dragon for balance. "Now isn't the time for any of us to be fighting each othe- aaand Azir's patron is gone." She shook her head. "Anyway, sorry for the attack, he was only trying to stop the fight." She bowed respectfully to the purple dragon. "It is nice to finally meet you in person." But she could only focus on the dragons and diplomacy for a few seconds. Let them talk it out now; she turned her attention to her lover instead, running over to catch him in her embrace. "And you-!" She wasn't sure what to say, so she just clung to him. "Are you okay?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/10/2024 8:45 AM
The descent had been a rush for Eletea. She recalled one time she had fought against a sea monster, and had wound up on its back, being tossed about in the ocean's storm waves, a fast-paced fight for her life and the most alive she'd ever felt. It was something like that, and for a moment she'd found herself laughing joyously in contrast to her companions' queasiness. It helped that she didn't need to breathe the same way they did. She'd ignored Nainda looking at her like she must have gone mad. But the sight when they landed brought her back to their situation, and sobered her mood almost immediately. She glanced over at Azir, felt the book grow heavy, and her smile faded, replaced with an expression of intense focus as she took the book from her bag again to see what it needed to tell her.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/10/2024 8:45 AM
Corinne stumbled off the dragon's back, knelt on the ground, and immediately vomited on the stone ground. That flight down had been an absolute fucking nightmare, and she never wanted to do it again. Footsteps landed behind her as Nainda followed after her, gently pulling her hair back up from her face. "How are the rest of you not motion-sick from that?" Corinne groaned, her face ashen and bloodless as she looked up from the ground. They were actually here, surrounded by the sea, and not quite dead yet. But the worst was to come. She struggled back to her feet and looked back at Ranthelegon. "What 'greater evil' are you referring to?" she asked, worried.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/10/2024 8:45 AM
Nainda helped her girlfriend to her feet, offering a black cloth handkerchief for her to wipe her mouth with. "You can keep it, love," she said, because she would certainly not want it back after. She stroked Corinne's hair gently before looking over at Azir, then back at Eletea, who was staring at the book when the man himself was right there. "Go to him, dear," she whispered. "Don't waste the moments you have." Eletea's face flushed faintly purple, but she shook her head. "I'm reading. The book has something important to say," she retorted. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/10/2024 1:14 PM
To try to reason with such beings above them was quite pointless in his eyes. Diplomacy wouldn’t work with them, Azir and him had tried first but the fight still happened. The Purple Dragon didn’t even acknowledge the princess right now as him and Ranthelegon began bickering, going in circles like two lions about to fight. Corrine was all but ignored as the two blocked out the world besides each other. Not in a romantic way however. Most of what they were saying consisted of their ideologies, Ranthelegon not being interested in the better of humanity and protecting them like Crosby’s patron was. Ranthelegon only wanted justice by whatever means necessary. Anyways, Crosby looked to Rikuma as he hugged her back. He was half distracted, completely worried about what they were about to witness. I’m fine. We need to stop them. They’ll surely fight until they kill each other. Zintharan and Ranthelegon don’t get along for a reason… they fought each other many centuries ago to a stalemate…
He was watching the fight up until he heard them land and then felt the presence of his spellbook. Instead of showing her anything, the book was ripped from her grasp and it flew to its rightful owners hand. He quickly put it away, taking one glance to his brother and Rikuma being lovey dovey. Ew. He took also a brief glance to the Corrine and Nainda, it was good to see everyone was here. But he did notice the seriously reduced number of knights as they finally arrived at the scene. He did however answer Corrine’s question as he walked over to Eletea and wrapped an arm around her, a bit possessively as he saw the pirates also. He’s talking about the “cosmic horror” I follow. They both don’t like them. His attention turned to Eletea afterwards. His eyes still having a brooding mysteriousness to them, but they also seemed visibly a tiny bit softer for her as he looked to her. How odd. How’s the cleric doing? He moved some hair out of her face with a two fingers. His aura had not changed at all. He seemed to be exactly the same as when he had perished. Well… besides the very obvious rips in his cloak from where his most recent fatal wounds had been. Although, if anyone could sense souls in the party, they would now notice the only thing different with him. He lacked one… (edited)
Zintharan BOT 7/10/2024 1:14 PM
Focus brother…. We can achieve justice. We have to kill the greater threat, the evil that taints all, you saw; Vitknokt lurks here.
Vitknokt BOT 7/10/2024 1:14 PM
With its name stupidly being mentioned, the horror stuck its head up to its eyes out of the water in the near distance. Still close enough to see though. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/10/2024 1:41 PM
Rikuma sighed, but reluctantly let go of Crosby. "Let's make them stop, then," she said. "I don't have an... official contract with Ranthelegon, but he seems happy to cooperate with me right now. He'll listen if I speak reason." She kissed her lover's cheek. Despite the situation, she was thrilled beyond words to be with him again. But before they could celebrate, she approached the two dragons. "Ranthelegon," she said firmly. "We are all after the same goal. We can worry about philosophical debates later. Aubron is still in the overworld, continuing a genocide against my kingdom and tearing down neighbouring countries so that he can have total dominion. You agreed to assist in putting an end to that, and it is the same goal Zintharan and Crosby are working toward. If you want justice by whatever means necessary, those means include us working together." She looked toward the being in the water, rubbing absent-mindedly at the missing finger's stump that would be very new to Crosby.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/10/2024 1:41 PM
Nainda handed Corinne a fresh catmint leaf from her small herb chest. "Here. Chew on this. It should help settle your stomach." She gave Azir and Eletea a knowing smile as the two were reunited. They may not be ready to pursue anything yet, but the potential was there. Give them time. The lack of a soul didn't bother her; it was to be expected, given what he was, and she was sure the cleric could come to terms with it in time. "At least we've made it down here. Now, what of the trip back up?" She tilted her head to look up at the sky, trying to spot where they had come down through the pit.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/10/2024 1:41 PM
Corinne excitedly grabbed the leaf, her pupils dilating as she took in the herbaceous scent. Much better already. "Thanks, gorgeous." Chewing it helped calm her, too, as she looked around, spotting Azir's patron. "Hm... yes, they seem rather untrustworthy. Are they an ally in this matter, or should we let the dragons fight th-?" She stopped as she saw his behaviour toward Eletea. Knowing what she knew now made her like him around her a bit less, to be honest. "Will you stop flirting for five seconds and focus?" she asked, exasperated. "You are not one to talk, darling," Nainda observed. "I know, and now I sound like Eletea," Corinne complained.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/10/2024 1:41 PM
Eletea had let go of the book easily. It was not hers, after all. She'd only been holding it for him. Then Azir wrapped an arm around her, an entirely unexpected gesture given his previous distance. She looked away in an attempt to conceal her small smile. "I should be asking that of you, Azir. I'm not the one who died," she said softly. She didn't question what he was doing though, because she didn't mind his arm around her or his fingers in her hair. "Corinne, you could never sound like me. You lack the wisdom," she teased, finding some amusement in the sidhe's offended huff. "Azir's patron mentioned having the guidance we need. I do not believe they will be a hindrance to us at this point in time." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/10/2024 2:44 PM
He half smiled at the kiss but it quickly faded. He looked to his hands, she hadn’t noticed they were half see through, (not in the way she could see bone but like only partially able to see through). He hadn’t noticed the stump yet but there was no reason he would’ve by now. His eyes remained fixated upon his lady as she spoke. Still just as impressed at her strange way with words as ever. Then he looked to Ranthelegon, the dragon’s attention shifted towards her along with Zintharan’s. All eyes may as well be on her with the power the two held. Although, the horror was watching near Azir, not bothering with the dragons.
Ranthelegon BOT 7/10/2024 2:44 PM
As you wish princess. He huffed stubbornly once again, smoke bellowing from his nostrils. He took one glanced back to his dragon brethren before turning to head to the cliffside.
Zintharan BOT 7/10/2024 2:44 PM
He simply nodded a little before going beside Ranthelegon, both eyeing down the lurking monster that observed the party. I do not believe our common enemy will be coming up to join us anytime soon, unless someone makes him resurface of course..
In all fairness, just like Eletea in a way, he wasn’t supposed to pursue love. He could however do the deed and what not, especially since it was usually quite the effective manipulation tactic to get what he wanted. Even though he completely lacked the effect Crosby had on women. The chain from the knights remained dangling down through the barrier, although after a certain point they couldn’t see where the chain went up to. He didn’t seem to react positively at them talking about going back up… almost like there was a slight problem with that. He didn’t want to dampen anyone’s moods yet though. He shrugged when she asked how he was doing. That was debatable depending on who was asking him really. I’m fine I suppose. It’s been… rough to stay the least since things happened. Never did I expect to find him falling down here though. He nodded to his brother. or you all to be here. That was a quite unexpected to say the least. And yes, I do believe you guys have the guidance you need with both the dragons backing you. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/10/2024 3:13 PM
There was so much work to be done, but at least the dragons were no longer about to fight each other. "Good, then he's not an immediate concern," she told Zintharan. "We still have other things to worry about. Now, where is this place? What are the practical implications of us ending up here, and how are we meant to return so we can continue our quest?" Right down to business. She looked back at Crosby and frowned. He wasn't quite... Opaque. That was concerning, but they could worry about it later. As long as he was here, there was hope. "Crosby, could you give me the mask?" she asked. "I think both dragons would be more comfortable if I held onto it for now, and I already have the sword."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/10/2024 3:13 PM
Technically, Eletea could pursue love if she wanted to. It was just that her goddess made her clerics choose one potentially enjoyable thing to swear off of, and she'd chosen sex, and required a damn good reason aside from temptation to change her oath if she wanted to. Anyway, noticing the subtle shift in Azir's mannerisms, Eletea sat upright. Something was wrong. "We can't simply go back up the way we came," she realized aloud, not having the same qualms about killing the mood. She did try to salvage it a little, though. "I at least hope our arrival was a happy surprise though?" It didn't work, at least on herself. "And I'm sorry I couldn't keep them on the path of fate. I'm not sure where it went wrong." @Crosby
Zintharan BOT 7/11/2024 12:13 AM
This place is below the underworld. The only way to enter or leave besides from below the pit of the damned; is to be banished. I am here to keep that horror in check. If it returns to the surface, death awaits all. As for consequences of coming down here? You weren’t banished so you may enter and leave freely. However, your love was. But I shall grant him free passage back up to the underworld and overworld at large. For he is my champion. He must stay it if he wishes to not return back down here. Crosby of course offered her the mask, it was still wrapped up, Ranthelegon scoffed at seeing the knight had it originally. Pathetic. Zintharan only glared at the other dragon before turning back to the princess. However, you must hurry, as you can see, he is being lost to the underworld. With Maziel being gone and having brought him back, his time is very limited now. His reason to be alive in the overworld grows ever thinner. Crosby knew that much, he looked to his men, the dreadful sight of his numbers being drastically reduced. He didn’t know why, but he had to know. He didn’t even know how he ended up down here besides being banished somehow. Last he remembered, he was on the back of Ranthelegon before he appeared before Zintharan for some reason.
Well… He drew back and rubbed the back of his neck, looking to Crosby and Rikuma and then back to Eletea. The ones who came down here willingly can… and Crosby can. It will just be incredibly dangerous soon… the fight drove off the beholders and what not that we’re drawing close before… but yes, it was a welcomed surprise. It’s… nice to see everyone final time. He half smiled, grimly albeit. Hopefully they’d get what he was putting down. Albeit, he wasn’t happy about it of course. As for where you went wrong… I’m guessing something happened with Rikuma based on the missing finger… and Crosby being down here. That wasn’t supposed to happen either. At some point someone did something they weren’t supposed to. But that’s all besides the point now. Follow whatever way the fates lead you, just tread with caution. Remember, there’s only one path you will find to victory and it’s with you all staying together alive. As the group spent plenty of time standing around and talking, this plane wasn’t kind to visitors, all around the island, head began popping out of the water, they looked like mindflayer heads in a way but were green in color, they were much smaller than Azir’s patron but there was all too many of them. It was quite the concerning sight.
Ranthelegon BOT 7/11/2024 12:13 AM
We must go. Our enemies begin to stir at our presence. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/11/2024 4:03 AM
Rikuma packed the mask away. It might be useful later, but she was sure Ranthelegon wouldn't want Crosby to use it. His reaction to seeing that he had it in the first place told her that much. "Thank you, Zintharan." She looked over at Crosby. "I'll explain everything to you once we're back in the underworld." The dragons were right; they didn't have time to waste. Corinne and Nainda were already getting back on Ranthelegon's back as Rikuma grabbed Crosby's hand and returned to the dragon's side. The multitude of heads surfacing were not a good sign, and she could only assume it would get worse the longer they spent here. "Hold on tight. The ride's a fucking nightmare."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/11/2024 4:03 AM
Even a grim half-smile, and Eletea knew she'd do anything to see him smile again. Except that wasn't an option. Not now. Maybe what he had told her earlier still held, and she just had to wait. There was no time to ask. "You deserved better," she said softly. Her gaze lingered on Azir's lips for a moment, but the most she dared to initiate in the time they had was a brief hug. She wrapped her arms tightly around him for just a moment before letting go. "Goodbye for now, Azir." She couldn't stay, or this would only get harder for everyone involved. She ran over to join the others, following them back onto Ranthelegon. Once she was in place, she closed her eyes, silently wishing it was easier to say goodbye.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/11/2024 4:03 AM
Nainda kept hold with one hand but, as she looked over and saw Eletea, she wrapped her free arm around her, the slightest moment of quiet comfort. Loss was never easy, but there were worse forms it could come in. "You'll be alright, dear," she said softly. "We all will." With one very obvious exception, it seemed. She had no more words to offer. They would not help. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/11/2024 8:06 AM
Right. He fully expected that, there was no way they could stay here and explain things. There was no more time to waste. As much as he wanted to follow Rikki, he knew what he had to do. He looked to his brother and Eletea as he pulled his hand away from Rikuma and began walking over. I have one more thing I have to do before I go. He didn’t know when or if the next time he’d see Azir would be. And he was the only family he had left… well… until they left. Then he had none or any trace of the Vandines beside himself. He was the last surviving member of their blood line, the one who had to carry it on with the weight of the world on his shoulders. (edited)
He let her hug him, albeit going a bit wide eyed from shock. But he hugged her back quickly realizing there was no time to waste. I’ll be fine. Goodbye Eletea. Don’t stray from the path you follow. You have all you need. He watched as Eletea passed Crosby, and walked up to meet his brother halfway. He raised a brow slightly. What did the man want now? All was said and done. They had a talk before the others came as to be expected with the two of them being briefly left alone. Cros— He was cut short as the general hugged him, unexpected but welcome. Albeit it was brief but felt. Crosby held his hand up, almost for a handshake it seemed. Stay strong Azir, I’ll be back for you. We’re going to destroy Aubron and all he stands for in our families honor. I’ll make sure all you did is remembered. The vampire simply nodded and half smiled, he couldn’t force a real one. It hurt all too much now seeing them go when they were back together once again. Their hands met one last time. They locked eyes and nodded to one another before breaking off. Azir stepped back as Crosby ran for Ranthelegon and jumped onto the dragons back back. The dragon didn’t hesitate and took off the moment everyone was on, giving everyone no time to second guess staying. The horrors began to climb up from the shoreline, drawing ever closer very quickly. The purple dragon followed his knights, escorting them as they had already began to climb back up. A sudden thunder strike filled the air as it began to downpour within a moments notice. Ranthelegon just as before prepared for a moment before launching upwards towards the barrier they came through. (edited)
Behind them trouble laid in mass, the horrors weren’t the only things that were there. A beholder came out of a portal too. They weren’t going as fast this time so the party could see what happened behind them. These monsters were not the minions of Azir’s patron and were not under his control. They could hear the familiar sound of Azir’s crackling magic and the flash of green they knew all too well. It was only mere moments before he began to be surrounded, a useless fight that would end in vain. But they couldn’t see what happened after that as they passed through the barrier within the blink of an eye.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/11/2024 8:24 AM
The knight did not look forwards but only backwards. His hair blowing in the wind that Ranthelegon produced. Ashrune glowing quite vividly purple as a crackling purple electricity rippled across his armor on his shoulders. Eletea being the second to last one on could see his grim expression but they surely could all feel the aura he gave off. Dread. Regret. With a heavy heart he had to carry on. But two things came to mind, how much more did he have to lose to ensure their victory? And was there anything he could’ve done differently? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/11/2024 10:27 AM
Rikuma kept close to Crosby once he returned to her side. At this point, she was ready to never let him go again. She didn't dare to look back, though. It wouldn't help. She could breathe a bit easier once they crossed the barrier, and she spoke to Ranthelegon. "Now, once we're sure all of our men have made it through, we'll go to the field of flowers. We have someone to find there." Two someones. She looked over at Crosby. Best to keep his mind occupied. Even if it wasn't necessarily something positive. "I promised an explanation..." She sighed. "Odhran and several more of your men were corrupted. They turned against those loyal to you. And..." She looked down at her hand. "The ring I got from that oni had a demon in it. When he realized I wouldn't let him control me, he... Lashed out. That was the explosion, so our failure to save your was my fault. I had to cut my finger off to get rid of him..." But she'd started crying at the realization that, in a way, this was her fault. "I'm sorry. If you hate me for this, if you never want to see me again after we defeat Aubron, I... I understand. I fucked up." Had she ruined everything? She loved him, with her entire heart, but what if that wasn't enough?
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/11/2024 10:27 AM
Eletea looked back until they had crossed the barrier. It didn't look good, but if there was any trace of hope, she would cling to it. After they defeated Aubron, she would do everything in her power to find a way to bring Azir back. She'd meant it when she said he deserved better than... This. She brushed her fingers against the spot on her neck where he'd bitten. He'd more than made up for that, and she hoped he at least understood that she wasn't upset about it. Not after what he'd done in that duel. But she remained silent. Crosby and Rikuma had each other, so did Nainda and Corinne, and she... She still had her goddess for now. Even though she couldn't hear her or feel her presence since descending... She did still have her, right? You have someone, said a man's voice in her head. All I ask is that you ensure the death of the man who has cheated me all this time. His immortality is an aberration, and your party will deliver his soul to me. You were already seeking his death anyway; with Ashrune, I know you can do it. A shiver ran down her spine, but she nodded. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/11/2024 1:45 PM
The dragon watched as the Purple Dragon soon joined them, crossing the threshold of the barrier with the knights on his back now. They had so few numbers it made sense. The pirates had been allowed to join for now along with whoever else they had. He only barely half glanced over his shoulder to her, the mark of the dragon burned bright upon his wrist as he didn’t speak but silently listened at first. His green eyes only barely visible as his face was shrouded in shadows. He had to look away and pause, taking it all in. The sweltering heat of the underworld became more apparent as both dragons began to head to the field of flowers now. After what probably felt like a silent eternity he finally spoke. It’s not your fault Rikuma. He would comfort her but he was dealing with his own demons. Ones that had finally come to intuition. So much so that their new dragon companion got incredibly close to Ranthelegon to be by the general.
Zintharan BOT 7/11/2024 1:45 PM
Easy Crosby. You have almost everything that matters most here. Don’t lose sight over the lost. We shall make the loss worth it. We must continue on the path that’s been laid before us all. The knights upon his back cheered in agreement as Von literally yelled, “FOR OUR BROTHERS!”
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/11/2024 1:45 PM
He nodded, he started to calm down, Ashrune, the mark, and his armor returning to normal. He turned to Rikuma, his face very clearly showing he was on the verge of another mental breakdown. His eye bags had grown absolutely massive, he looked like a man who’d been through the nine hells a thousand times and not slept a single day since he was born. I’m sorry you lost a finger because of that demon… I’m sorry if… I’ve not been the best man through all of this… He did recognize his downfall, being able to support her in other ways. She was willing to bend over backwards for him, and he just couldn’t help her. He didn’t know how. Assuming she had indeed kept close to him, he pulled her close, holding what his and his only dearly. One of the dwindling reasons to continue fighting now… He looked to Eletea, seeing something stirred within the cleric as he saw her reach for her neck. He was well aware of what happened between her and Azir. We’ll get him back. I can promise you that much. His attention shifted to Nainda next. You’ve been awfully quiet, how are you doing through all this? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/11/2024 3:04 PM
During the pause, Rikuma feared the worst. Yet he managed to set those fears to rest with only a few words. She relaxed slightly and leaned against him. "You've been everything I could have dreamed of and more," she said softly. "And it's not exactly lost. I still have it with me, minus the ring. I just have to wait for all of the tissue in it to die before I can use necromancy to graft it back onto my body." She said it way too casually given the subject matter. As he held her, she kept an eye on the ground to see if they were drawing close to their destination. Then again, Corinne had the compass; she would probably have a better idea of how close they were.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/11/2024 3:04 PM
Eletea looked over at Crosby. "I will," she corrected, then shook her head. "Not that I'm trying to take all of the credit or anything, that's just what he told me. I don't know how or when, except that it will be some time after we kill Aubron. In my 'darkest hour', he said." She looked out over the underworld's vast landscape. Some of it hellish, some of it beautiful. The world of the dead truly did have a bit of everything. "Aside from that, I don't know what the future carries. But we'll figure it out. I would love to return to the sea..."
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/11/2024 3:04 PM
Nainda waved over at Alfred, who had joined the others on the purple dragon's back. She smiled, glad to see that he'd made it through the battle. With everything else happening, she hadn't had time to seek him out. As Crosby spoke, she looked over at him. "I am fine, thank you," she said. "My patron and I have come to an understanding of sorts. I will remain in this body until I truly die. Hopefully long from now." She turned toward Eletea. "I will admit, my future is equally uncertain. I will, of course, be joining my beloved in Rashouris..." She took hold of Corinne's hand. "But I fear I would not be a good housewife. Too much ambition."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/11/2024 3:04 PM
Corinne chuckled. "We'll figure something out," she promised, opening the compass again. "And 'wife'? My, you do have ambitions for the future." She winked at Nainda, before considering. "Hm... I can't see you working at the forge with me either, but if you wanted to try it, I wouldn't protest. Maybe you can find something else if you wanted to..."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/11/2024 3:04 PM
Rikuma spoke up. "With the curse broken, we will need to prepare Rashouris's borders and trading ports to open back up," she commented. "That will mean a foreign advisor who is knowledgeable about diplomacy and war in equal measure." She looked at Nainda. "Rather than rely on a test, I would like the first in over a thousand years to be someone who has lived outside of our borders, knows what it means to lead, and has demonstrated capacity in the subject matter." Nainda considered. "I would be honoured," she said. "You do not yet have my final answer, but you will by the time it is necessary." Rikuma smiled slightly, then glanced at Eletea. "And reopening trade on an archipelago nation means reinstating a Navy. I don't know if that can be done with necromancy alone like our land forces are..." Eletea managed a faint laugh. "Definitely not. Each ship will need, at minimum, a skeleton crew - no pun intended - including a necromancer to control the undead, a captain, and a navigator. Too much of sailing is thought-reliant to depend solely on necromancy. Oh, and you'll need an admiral to direct forces, but I'm not interested in office work." Rikuma nodded. "Then take your pick. I will ensure you are well-assigned." It was nice, talking about the future like this. It helped reinstate some confidence in the idea that there would be a future to worry about. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/11/2024 3:29 PM
They had quite a bit of time to say the least, there was a long distance to such a beautiful sight compared to the horrors they’d been through so far. Sure, they could be there quite quickly if they wanted all to vomit again, but Ranthelegon figured it would be best not to right now considering everybody’s reactions last time. Anyways, that was quite… gross to be honest with the finger but he chose not question it right… I still love you but… I’d rather not hear about the gritty details of such magic my love. It’s not exactly pleasant. A little chuckle escaped him before his attention was drawn away. In your darkest hour? Well… that seemed to be one of them so far, so he’s been right at least until now if you ask me. And I’m sure you’ll return to the sea. And if she lets me, I’d like to go with at some point. His eyes followed the flow of conversation. As his duty as General and as friend. He had to make sure everyone was okay, even before himself. He definitely wasn’t or would be anytime soon. He hid that as best he could though. He couldn’t help but crack a small smile at everybody getting along. He looked to the princess getting distracted again. He couldn’t exactly remained focused on thing for too long right now. He knew he could be so much more than king if need be. He didn’t personally think he’d be fit to be king. But he would do it for Rikuma’s sake of course. She came above all except well, a few things he held dear and close to his heart. I’ll assist where I can my love. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/11/2024 4:10 PM
Rikuma tilted her head. "Love, you are on course to become king consort of a kingdom where necromancy plays an integral role. That will not be the most gruesome thing you have to hear. But very well. We will ease you into it instead of throwing the gory details in your face," she promised. She was still a bit worried for his mental state though, so she stuck close by him. "You will be too important to risk, but we can see about having you join a voyage sometime if you truly wish. As long as your curse is broken, you do not have more pressing duties on land at the time, and I am not actively carrying an heir." It may not have been something they had explicitly discussed, but there wasn't a country on earth where that wasn't a universally known duty of a royal consort. Perhaps the most enjoyable among them, though she would still wait until he was feeling well enough. There was no hurry. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/12/2024 12:16 AM
He had sort of forgotten about that to be fair. Oh boy that was going to be fun. He ran a hand through his hair as she pointed that out. Well, it is what it is now. He’d figure out how to deal with it in time. Perhaps it just bothered him more since it involved his love using it on herself? Anyways, it was no matter now. I would like to at some point. I’ve never actually been to an ocean love. Where he spent most of his life was always landlocked, or it would be next to a giant lake or river or such, never an ocean. As she mentioned the curse, he had all but forgotten about it by now since everybody was so busy and in control of themselves. And well, he was certainly not in any mood to do any of that at the moment. He felt like a man who been trampled by a huge sea of buffalo a million times over. What did snap him back to reality was the mention of a kid. He hadn’t even thought that far, he still had to find a ring first. That was step one, and he’d still not even done that. He hadn’t even put any thought about how he’d go about that either. By the gods did he had a lot to figure out once all was said and done with Aubron. Right… That was all he could respond with right now. His already overwhelmed brain being toasted further. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/12/2024 3:51 AM
"Military ventures may be too risky, but given the geography of Rashouris, there will be some brief oceanic travel between provinces," Rikuma informed him. It hadn't involved sailing back when the entire thing had been frozen over, but now there wouldn't be ice to travel over. "That would be regardless of my condition. And as far as heirs go, we don't need more than we're both prepared to have, as long as one shows some skill in necromancy and is properly educated." She was off in her own head for a moment, daydreaming about their future together. There was so much to be done after they took care of Aubron, after all, and planning ahead was one of life's greatest joys. Of course she cared about Crosby's emotional state; she just couldn't pick up on it easily. "Rikuma, dear," Nainda interrupted gently. "I think it's a bit too much for him right now. Perhaps you might want to wait until the situation has calmed down and he has had time to process everything?" Rikuma's eyes widened with surprise. "Oh!" She looked over at Crosby apologetically, and cuddled close to him. "Sorry. We don't have to worry about that right now. Everything in its own time."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/12/2024 3:51 AM
Corinne was distracted by the conversation as she watched the compass. The name Hartwin had 'valley' as the place name, which wasn't very descriptive. But, at the moment, the compass seemed focused on him. She looked down, not daring to lean too far and risk her balance, and saw an encampment below. The figures moving around it were indistinguishable from this height, but certainly a small army judging from numbers. "Not to interrupt, but does anyone know someone named Hartwin?" she asked. Nainda perked up. "Hartwin? He was my old commander during the Locuria-Drassan War." She looked over at Rikuma. "I think we've reached our first stop." Rikuma nodded. "Ranthelegon, bring us down to the valley for a moment, please." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/12/2024 6:59 AM
Nainda was indeed right. Speaking of the future that laid so far away then had to focus on the present was a bit overwhelming for the human man. Especially a child in the state he was in now. Right… Most of what she said went in one ear and out the other. It’s a bit early for all this planning with Aubron still looming at large and us being in the underworld…. The dragon began descending, Zintharan following suit. They landed a decent distance away not to crush any of the puny beings and their encampment. The General’s eyes scanned the scene as they landed, assessing if they were friend or foe of the knights and also their party. Just because you knew someone in war on your side doesn’t mean they’re still trustworthy. He kept that in his mind now. He had to with how many had been tragically lost. He did wonder what conspired to cause his men to turn on one another and him…. He’d have to ask his knights when he had time to ensure it didn’t happen again. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/12/2024 9:34 AM
Rikuma nodded, trying to understand despite the fact that she'd been excited about it. Now just wasn't the time to ask him about it. As more detail came into view, it became clear that the men no longer appeared physically human, having been on the receiving end of Nainda's healing magic through many battles. Once they landed, she jumped down from Ranthelegon's back and looked back toward Nainda. Since they were her men in a sense, it would be most reasonable to have her lead the way. "Can we trust them?" she asked. With Odhran's recent betrayal, she knew to keep on guard. She kept one hand on the hilt of the black dragon sword and reached for Crosby's hand with the other.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/12/2024 9:34 AM
"They are not monsters," Nainda said first and foremost, partially as a reassurance to Crosby's men as she dismounted. "I have trusted them with my life, and they have never disappointed me. But because I used my magic to heal them, the Locurian Inquisition believed that I severed them from the plans of the goddess of fate, therefore dragging them all down into heresy. It takes more than that to truly break the threads of fate, but the truth didn't matter; an army of magically-healed beings that no longer appeared human was inconvenient to the kingdom and the church, so my men were slaughtered the moment I was too far to do anything about it. I do not know for sure if they blame me for their deaths." She looked toward the encampment. "I cannot guarantee the outcome, but we shouldn't avoid facing them. I'll lead the way." She walked ahead, though the army's attention had already been drawn by the two dragons. "Wraith," the man in the lead greeted. "It is bold of you to return to us." Nainda dipped her head. "It was foolish of me to believe you would be safe only because I was conscripted by those who already knew the consequences of my healing," she said. "I do not carry ill will." Commander Hartwin looked past her at the army of dragon knights. "No?" he asked, skeptical. "Then why have you come with an army behind you?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/13/2024 2:41 AM
He of course held Rikuma’s hand. He stood tall, looking like a warrior who had been through it all by now. His eyes setting upon the army as his knights came to his side, staying in formation. He followed Nainda’s lead. His men ready for the worst if things did go south. However, hearing her reasoning of the fates, he was reminded of one person. Azir. The “monster” tied to the fates also. He looked to Nainda and then Rikuma. He didn’t know if she should step up to explain or let the princess be the diplomat as usual. Or to let the “wraith” do her thing. The hilt of Ashrune remained pretty visible, no mistaking the weapon if any of them knew of it or its purpose. @Al the Killer @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/13/2024 3:25 AM
Rikuma shook her head to indicate that they wouldn't interfere unless Nainda asked them to. She didn't know nearly enough about the history of this army to step in and be sure she wouldn't simply make things worse. Especially when she'd barely managed to awkwardly fumble her way through other diplomatic matters up to this point.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/13/2024 3:26 AM
"Allies," Nainda replied simply. "We are gathering forces to overthrow a tyrant in the overworld, and they are helping." Hartwin looked past her, seeing Crosby with his sword. "I see," he said, but still seemed critical. "And you would see us conscripted once more? Have you forgotten how that turned out the first time?" It was impossible to forget. The distant screams still haunted her, the inquisitors holding her back, the knowledge that there was nothing she could do to save those she had faced death with time and time again. She shook her head slowly. "I have never forgotten," she said. "That is why I will not ask anything of you. Not even forgiveness. I simply wanted to try to make amends." Hartwin paused, staring straight at her for a moment. His hand rested on the hilt of his sword for a while longer, before he let it drop and turned away. "Give us a minute," he said, then walked away. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/15/2024 1:43 PM
He stood by Rikuma’s side for now. His hand on the hilt of the blade for now. Just to match Hartwin’s reaction. He stared at the man, making damn well sure he didn’t try to make any wrong moves. An unwise choice that would be against the two dragons with them and the forces they’d gathered so far. He lowered his hand away from the hilt as Hartwin did. As the man turned and walked away from the group, visions flashed before his eyes. Memories, he froze as his eyes glazed over white briefly. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/15/2024 2:31 PM
Rikuma watched carefully, but they showed no sign of attack. Tension, yes, but no intention to really fight. Her attention drifted back to her lover, though, as his eyes glazed over. "Crosby?" She grabbed his arm, in case he needed help balancing. After all, his visions of the past had brought him to his knees before, depending on intensity. "What is it, love?"
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/15/2024 2:31 PM
Nainda all but held her breath as she waited. Hartwin and his men talked amongst themselves in low voices, before apparently coming to an agreement of sorts. While the Commander knew his men would follow him no matter what, he clearly cared about their opinions on this matter. He nodded then returned to face them. She said nothing, waiting for him to speak first. "Your new army carries strength, and so does your purpose," he said. "You may not ask us for help, but we will offer it." He bowed. "So, what is it? Will we battle together once more alongside our esteemed healer, the Wraith of Locuria?" She breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed their regard for her had not faded so much after all, now that they understood her side of the matter. "Welcome to our new army," she said. "Allow me to introduce you to its leaders, Princess Rikuma the Sixth of Rashouris and her consort, General Crosby Vandine-" She looked back at him. "...Crosby?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/15/2024 2:57 PM
He stood fine for now. Seems it wasn’t persay as intense of a normal return of memories as usual. It could’ve been something else instead. No way of knowing until he snapped out of it. Zintharan watched the knight with quite the interest as this all happened. His men did too. Hearing his name said the third time, he snapped out of it. He brought his free hand to his head, holding it. He looked around above them briefly before seeing all eyes were on him almost. Great… he looked to Rikuma and nodded away for her to follow. Something was off. He knew it wasn’t a good look to sneak off in front of new an army that was part of the new alliance but speaking in front of the party about this didn’t seem wise. He had to trust Rikuma only with this… Rikki… He made sure they had strayed enough to be out of earshot of most. A strange look shimmered in his eyes. He sat upon a rock, holding her hand as his back was to their group. He ran a hand through his hair, he needed a wash bad but that wasn’t an option. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/15/2024 3:13 PM
This couldn't have been good, if he was insisting on speaking to her alone. "Alright," she said, glancing toward the new addition to their army. Luckily, Nainda was more than ready to save them any embarrassment. "I will bring Hartwin and his men up to speed while you two focus on your strategy meeting," she said, providing a convenient excuse. "Any idea that caught his focus that intensely is surely too important to ignore." It did create some pressure to come up with a brilliant strategy down the road, but Rikuma was sure they could manage. She nodded. "We will be back soon," she promised, and followed him away from the group. Once they were out of earshot, she stood facing him. "What's wrong?" she asked softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. They were probably all looking pretty greasy and gross by this point. Except, perhaps, for Corinne, given her ability to shift into cat form and simply lick herself clean, and the dragons, who lacked hair. It was amazing how easy it was to become desensitized by such things when facing constant danger. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/15/2024 3:23 PM
His stomach twisted at his thoughts. What he was shown, what he had done? What had to be done…? He drew his hands away from her, they were not exactly in the best condition; being more see through than before. But as he looked to them, blood flashed upon them, they both could see it. Freshly spilt like he had just done something. It dripped off onto the ground from his fingers. Then he half looked to her, a certain hint of grimness in his voice. Does Aubron have an heir… or a child? He balled his fists up, trying his best to hide the blood that covered them. He was growing decreasingly less handsome, he was starting to look less like a proud general and a man torn between death and darkness. He was hoping she’d prove him wrong.. perhaps this was a past vision? But it couldn’t be… his men certainly would’ve spoke up or known. But they didn’t… what other options were there? He didn’t know… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/15/2024 3:40 PM
Why was he asking...? Oh. Oh. "I... Most of my knowledge about Thauviel is from a thousand years ago or from Nainda," Rikuma said. "He didn't have a child a thousand years ago. From what I've heard, he hates sharing power and is fully convinced of his own immortality. If he were to have a child, I don't think he would keep them around. He'd try to have them killed, or at least sent far away." She squeezed both of his hands again, still gentle with him, not minding the vision of blood. "Crosby, what exactly did you see?" If he was implying what she thought he was implying, then this was... Troubling for him on a personal level, but also a potential solution to the problem of triggering a civil war by killing the Emperor. It was one they hadn't bothered to discuss, but one that they could solve if he really was who he was implying. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/15/2024 3:53 PM
Words failed to come to him. His breathing becoming shaky for a brief moment. He tried his best not to panic as she all but confirmed his suspicions. A toddlers laughter could be heard between the two of them… circling them… and then… cries before they grew silent. He drew his hands back from her. No matter how hard she’d tried to hold them. He buried his face in his hands for a few moments. His body quaked in realization. fuck! He started to get up, grasping his hair. fuck! FUCK! He threw ashrune to the ground pretty violently, the blade glowing a hint of red around the edges while lodging itself into the ground beneath them with ease. He didn’t dare look towards the party or anybody. He grasped his hair crazily tight like an absolute maniac on some sort of substance. Surely she could put two and two together. (edited)
Zintharan BOT 7/15/2024 3:53 PM
He watched the general’s little freak out fit, unbothered, staring directly at Crosby. You did what had to be done. And if things have changed since your last encounter, you’ll do what you have to again, it’s the only way to the follow the path. Seems his champion had reached his breaking point again, teetering on the edge of sanity and insanity. Ranthelegon watched with judging eyes. Unamused and absolutely unimpressed with his actions once again. What a failure the child of Magnus was in his eyes. Unable to lead or stand steady. Unable to handle death or realize there was no other way besides killing. (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/15/2024 3:53 PM
He looked to the dragon as it spoke. What the fuck was he to do… now everybody was going to want an explanation. And he SURELY couldn’t tell them he was a child killer. Much less an “innocent” baby. He closed his eyes, slowly releasing his hair. The blade that was bound to him returning to his sheathe against his will. There was no parting with it now. It had been bound to him like the burden he carried. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/16/2024 2:46 AM
Not a connection between him and the Emperor then, but something with far less of a silver lining. "Crosby," she said softly, then more insistently, reaching to take hold of his shoulders since he was keeping his hands away from her. "Crosby. Whatever you saw, either it's in the past and nothing can be done, or you don't have to do it." Aubron's near-immortality was magical, not genetic - it wouldn't be passed down to any children, nor would he grant it to someone who could grow to steal his power from him. Which meant that anyone could kill an heir, whether they wielded Ashrune or not. But Zintharan's words confirmed that, no matter how ugly it was, Thauviel had to fall. Aubron was a figurehead, the leader that directed the Empire's campaigns of conquest, but if it lived on without him, the corruption it represented would continue. If there was an heir, they needed to die. Although she normally hated initiating eye contact, this time she looked directly into his eyes. "Millions of lives are at stake. How many children do you think died in the attack on Waterdeep? The young and the helpless were the first in Rashouris killed by the curse. I will do whatever must be done to keep innocent blood off your hands even if it stains mine, but I can't kill Aubron on my own. The world needs you to keep yourself together. I need you." If he allowed it, she would pull him into a hug, close enough to let him know she was here for him but loose enough that he could pull away if he needed to. She didn't know how to comfort him, not really. But she could be here for him, and she could keep him on the right path. Even as every instinct screamed at her to forsake everything else in order to save him from spiralling further down. She knew that, as long as Aubron lived and the Empire carried on, they would not be able to live in peace.
2:46 AM
Meanwhile, Nainda kept Hartwin and his men distracted with her stories of their adventures. Even out of earshot, she could tell something was wrong, so she made sure to make this the most engaging story she'd ever told. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/16/2024 1:12 PM
He looked to directly into her eyes as she grabbed his shoulders. He was quite shaken to the core at the thought of what he had done… or what he would have to do. Killing a child in his eyes was crossing a fine line. Something stirred within as she spoke to him; grounding him in the harsh reality before him as she always did. For someone who was awkward and fumbled through social interactions most times; he was impressed as usual with her personal speech towards him. She had quite the surprising way with words sometimes. Then again, she was just explaining the stakes. Something he needed a reminder of sometimes. He held her close as he allowed her to hug him. She could try to abandon all, but she was right. Aubron would come for them and everything they loved if they did. He realized that a while ago. At least most of the figures who stood in their way to Aubron had been toppled like Aurora, the vampire queen, and Maziel so far. Right… I’ll hold steady. We have a war to win and I have you to return home with. But I must say this Rikuma… there’s one line I refuse to cross now… I will not become like that immortal monster. Children and those who cannot defend themselves will not be fall by my hands. I refuse to stoop to the lows of him… to become him in his absence. Although, deep down, he was aware that the chances he would were quite high. He’d have to become a different man… whether that was for better or for worse was up to him though. He had to choose wisely…. And soon. Time was ticking down now before they’d be back at the surface. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/17/2024 4:26 AM
She still held onto him for a moment longer, as though to make absolutely sure he was alright. "You could never be him," she promised. "If there is a way to avoid it, we will find it. If there is an heir, but they're far from heir homeland and nobody but us knows they're alive, does it really matter that they are?" Killing a child was obviously wrong, but faking the death of one and spiriting them away to be adopted by a loving family far away with no clue of their origin seemed a lot easier to justify, albeit a greater logistical challenge. "If it somehow is unavoidable, I will do it so you do not have to. You have my word." Unforgivable or not, she wouldn't be kept from saving her people. She let go of him, but stayed close. "Are you ready to go back to the others, or do you need a moment longer?" It was up to him; she would not push him either way. Besides, their new allies were thoroughly distracted. Corinne had even joined in the efforts by demonstrating her ability to transform into a large cat, and was presently enjoying head pats from the men who had not seen a cat in years. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/17/2024 8:41 AM
He would let her hold onto him as long as she pleased. Although he did unwrap his arms from around her only a few mere moments later. Although he knew he never could be “him” in some ways. In other ways he could. If he dared to cross those lines, he would. Rikuma.. it does matter in my eyes. I don’t want any chances of that “heir” taking the throne again and starting the whole cycle again. We aren’t simply trying to cut one head off the hydra. We’re out to kill it. And what if the time comes and I’m the only one capable? Then what? Something festered and boiled within him that if there was an off chance of an heir; he’d be the only one to stop it. A nagging sensation almost. He hated it…. It felt like a warning almost from the fates. But there was no evidence of such. I’m fine for now… He said quietly. He glanced over to the others, all but the two dragons were distracted. Zintharan just stared at the knight without any visible expression. Ranthelegon of course wasn’t pleased. He’d never be with the General following this path. But it didn’t matter now. Crosby grabbed Rikuma’s hand. The vision of blood upon them fading. The “memory” or vision of what he did or what was to come, however didn’t. It remained burned within. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/17/2024 9:15 AM
Maybe there wasn't a way around it, or maybe there was. Only time would tell, but it wasn't like Aubron's son couldn't simply choose not to take the throne. Or be prevented from knowing who his father was, if he was young enough. But mostly, she hoped that was in the past and there was no longer an heir. "I just want to keep you safe and happy. Whatever it takes," she said softly. "But we'll figure it out in time. Let's go." She squeezed his hand and led him back to the group. She spared Ranthelegon a glance, a silent request not to say a word on the matter. Not in front of the army. She didn't mind if the party itself knew, but they had to keep the information limited. What might be required down the line was... possibly beyond the pale, but still within the realm of the 'justice at any cost' that Ranthelegon claimed to want. "We're continuing on our way," she said to those gathered, interrupting Nainda's story. She looked at Corinne.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/17/2024 9:15 AM
The sidhe shifted back into a humanoid form so she could hold her compass, opening it back up. "Crosby's mom, my ex-girlfriend, and Eletea's dad," she said, looking at the names that remained. Alora, Maeva, Darby. Down to half of the names it had listed earlier, and two would be in the field of flowers. The other indicated a sea of blood, where an endless naval battle raged on. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/17/2024 1:57 PM
The last thing he wanted was to let the child live and then they grow up and find out who their parents really were. Then they’d resent him and everyone involve… and more than likely seek revenge. And Ranthelegon wasn’t opposed to killing young by any means. Especially if it was in the name of justice. He just had a distaste against Crosby’s little freak out. He lacked a sturdy mind and the dragon wasn’t fond of that. Hearing his mother’s name, he wondered what she’d think about all he’d done and what he would have to do… and her reaction to Azir now being perished… he didn’t have any good feeling this would be a positive reaction besides at first. He hoped she’d be proud but expected her not to be with the state he was in and how he’d left them. Let’s get going then. There’s no time to waste. Aubron lies in wait for us, constantly preparing I’m sure. We have to make sure he doesn’t get more than enough time to come up with something to stop us. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 1:07 AM
Rikuma climbed back onto Ranthelegon and waited for the others. "Time passes differently in the underworld, but in unpredictable ways," she said. "It may not have been much time at all among the living, but we can't risk it." She held a hand out in case Crosby wanted help getting up but, realistically, he'd be more likely to pull her down than she would be to pull him up based on strength and weight. Still, the gesture was nice. "To the field of flowers once everyone is ready. Hartwin, I will summon you and your men when we are ready to pass through the gate, so you will have time to pack up camp."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/18/2024 1:07 AM
Eletea looked over Corinne's shoulder at the compass, reading what was there. "Sea of blood sounds ominous, right?" Eletea commented, though she should have been used to ominous, considering who her stupid traitor of a body decided it was attracted to, and her equally treacherous brain still missed profoundly. "It does," Corinne said, before closing the compass and climbing up onto Ranthelegon with Nainda. "What happened between you and your dad, anyway?" Eletea sighed. "When I was captured by pirates, he refused to pay the ransom. He could have, but didn't. So when the crew captured him and ordered me to kill him in exchange for no longer being a prisoner... well, I thought turnabout was fair play at the time." She joined the others. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/18/2024 1:55 AM
He figured time passed differently. He just needed to know how.. were they going to be at a serious disadvantage when they got back because how much had gone by? Or would they be fine. He took her hand to help hoist himself up. He could’ve easily did it on his own, but he did it for her sake. And yes, she could’ve just as easily yanked her off the dragon. He looked to everyone around quietly. Everyone still seemed to be in higher spirits besides him. He could take the burden of misery if it meant everyone else was okay. A fair trade in my eyes, an eye for an eye. His eyes drifted down as he pulled something out of his cloak. A pin. The Vandine family house crest, although it was very torn and tattered by now; barely recognizable even. It wasn’t even the one he had. But it belonged to Azir, the familiar aura of his crawling all over it to confirm it. He looked at it as Ranthelegon wasted no time, taking off and beginning the long flight to the field of flowers. They’d pass many things on their way there. All too many to name. But none of the sights mattered to the knight. He held the pin in his hands and stared at it. The last conversation he had and the visions flashed through his mind. Then… the horrible things he’d do to Aubron. The way he’d avenge the fallen. To bring justice for those who fell, the innocent, his family, his friends. He’d make sure the “immortal” knew fear. What pain felt like, what suffering was like. What a real death would feel like. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/18/2024 2:06 AM
Eletea looked down, her eyes cloudy with thought. He hadn't been around much in her childhood, but they days they'd had together had been happy. Whatever had happened, killing him had hurt, had killed her in a way she'd never come back from. "It wasn't," she said softly. "I should have been better than him." Revenge, she'd found, was unsatisfying in the end, and had done more harm to her than good. "We are still better than Aubron, right?"
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 2:06 AM
Rikuma looked back, concerned at the idea that a key party member's resolve was slipping. "Of course," she said. "This isn't just revenge. It's about stopping him. All we have to do is kill him. The faster the better; a slow death will only grant him more opportunities to turn the tide against us anyway." In her mind, a quick stabbing or decapitation would do the trick. More mercy than he deserved, but safer. She looked over at Crosby, who seemed highly focused on his brother's family crest. "Love?" She wrapped an arm around him, holding him close as she fretted over him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/18/2024 6:44 AM
He was not aware that she enjoyed his time with him. From the limited information he was given, he figured she didn’t like her father. Anyways, he ran his thumb over the face of the pin and looked up slightly when he heard Rikki begin to speak. Yes Rikki? He chose not to respond to the first part for personal reasons. His ideologies differed in a way then the princess’. He wanted this man to feel everything he felt, to live through all the misery he had to endure all because of him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 7:20 AM
Rikuma looked at the crest. "Are you...?" She trailed off. "No, it's foolish of me to ask if you're alright." After all, he clearly was not. He'd just been freaking out moments ago, and she didn't expect that to change any time soon. "Is there anything I can do to help? I know my words toward you earlier were... harsh." They had needed to be said though, so she would not apologize. Only make sure he understood that she still loved him, and would do anything to help him heal from whatever had happened and would happen in the future. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/18/2024 9:30 AM
He wasn’t alright of course. It was going to be a longggggg time before he could ever be “alright”. Perhaps when Aubron was defeated. Perhaps not. And she was right, he’d had a literal meltdown just moments ago. Not really… I just need.. time to process it all. And you’re fine Rikuma… you did nothing wrong. This is… on me and me only now… He clenched the pin close as he looked down to what laid below, they were passing over a massive lake sized pool of lava now. Heat rising off of it like no other. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 10:16 AM
She sighed and rested her head against his shoulder. "It shouldn't be," she said. "We're here with you for a reason; nobody should have to bear their burdens alone." She took the mask from her bag and looked down at it. Even wrapped as it was, she could feel its energy. It called to her now. Whether because she was merely more attuned to it or because she had formed a sort of bond with the black dragon, she couldn't be sure. What she could be sure of was that they needed all of the strength they could get for what was to come. Her gaze shifted to Ranthelegon. "So how does the dragon knight armor work?" she asked. "Is it like regular armor, where it would have to be manually fitted by an armorsmith, or does it just magically shift to fit the chosen wearer?" She recalled that the purple dragon knight armor had changed users seamlessly to Crosby, but she wasn't sure if it was because the latter case was accurate or Crosby and Odhran simply had similar physiques. What she did know for certain was that she was not built anything like Crosby's dad. She was somewhat accustomed to wearing plate armor, but only for ceremonial purposes. True, combat-ready plate armor would surely be completely different for the wearer. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/18/2024 1:09 PM
I know… He didn’t want to speak much more at the moment. He wasn’t there for the second wind earlier so he was hitting an exhaustion wall pretty fucking hard. Although there was no way he could sleep at this moment. Way too much was on his mind and too many problems kept arising. He was starting to be afraid that the moment he’d close his eyes, he’d lose it all again. It’d nearly happened twice now, first from the coma, and then the betrayal. He quietly watched her pull out the mask. He did not expect her to as he raised a brow. What was she— oh… bold.
Ranthelegon BOT 7/18/2024 1:09 PM
You wish to bear my armor princess? An interesting choice all the sudden. May I ask why? As for the sizing, it fits whoever I deem able to. In my eyes however, you have not met the requirements. You’re lucky to even… wield my blade. Even if I am in your “debt” persay; that will not grant you what you desire and more. You must prove you’re worthy of my power and prowess. I set one simple task forth for you to follow, slay who I deem fit and I’ll consider allowing you access to my armory and more. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 1:20 PM
"Regardless of the principles I was raised with, it would be foolish to rely on myself alone for power," Rikuma explained. "I need to be strong enough to protect the people I care about, to save my kingdom, and to bring people like Aubron to justice." She remained wary of anything beyond that that he seemed to imply she could obtain. She was never one to follow blindly, and never would be. Even if she wanted to, she typically couldn't even remember rules or commands that didn't make sense to her. If he was to ask for someone's death, perhaps he was right... But he would need to offer a logical explanation for it. "I am listening, but not necessarily accepting yet. Who did you have in mind and what have they done to deserve death?" @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/18/2024 1:31 PM
He simply nodded at her response. The field of flowers coming just now into view on the horizon. Its beauty was like no other. Nothing in the overworld or any other plane ever compare to it. Any and every flower or blossoming plant would be there. It didn’t matter on what climate they were supposed to grow. Even those that were only spoke of in legend with mystical powers. So you seek a higher power…. Perhaps I can work with you princess if we call my debt even early. Although you devotion will be to me and me only. As for who it is to die, you shall see who they are and you will know why they are to die when we reach the sea of blood. Now that is enough for now… you best prepare your ally’s for what is to come. Some may finding it more than tempting to remain here for eternity rather than return to home. He glanced back to the party as best he could. His eyes fixating upon the knight who was quite literally half asleep at the moment, his eyes mostly closed as much as he tried fighting it. He was slouching, barely sitting upright on his own, his armor doing most of the work. The dragon also glanced to Nainda and Eletea oddly before looking back ahead. @Al the Killer @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 1:51 PM
Rikuma considered it. "I would not form a pact to a different higher power," she said, "but I have a duty to my kingdom, and I will not forsake Crosby. Devotion comes in many forms, and I cannot give up what I have already sworn myself to. If you can accept those boundaries, then I will consider calling your debt even, after I see who it is that must die." She kept an arm around her lover, as though to help hold him upright. She almost felt guilty that he would be woken up soon, but they had a job to do. If the need for it came, maybe Eletea would have another useful spell in her. But for now, she addressed the rest of them. "Remain focused on the tasks ahead. We are here to make amends with those from the past, then we are to move on immediately. Do not lose track of what the overworld stands to lose if we fail." The other women nodded, and she looked down at Ranthelegon. "Now. Bring us down." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/18/2024 2:10 PM
We shall see then princess. Do not break this agreement before it even truly begins. As she said to, he soon landed among the flowers in the field, there seemed to be no end in sight. Spirits of beautiful souls and those who had undeserving or untimely deaths wandered here. Some in better shape than others. And some were… very young.. as soon as they landed, they could see a puppy and an infant playing together, all the spirits here seemed to be translucent in nature. The spirits paid no mind to them at all, almost like they weren’t even there. Zintharan landed besides Ranthelegon, the two giving each other a bitter glance of rivalry. They would deal with one another for now down here until they could escape. But anyways, the knight remained unbothered by it all, just starting to really actually sleep. The pin still remained loosely wrapped in his hand. Maevea showed on the compass first, then Alora. It appears she was closer of the two. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/18/2024 2:35 PM
"I will not take that as agreement to my terms unless you explicitly say it is," Rikuma said. Partially because she knew she was no good with subtler social cues and partially because she knew better than to play word games with powerful beings. "Until the terms are perfectly clear, there is no agreement. Unless you would prefer a foolish knight?" As they landed, she looked around at their surroundings, nearly breathless. She had never seen anywhere like it before. Granted, she had never seen an ordinary field of flowers before, either. She understood the temptation Ranthelegon had warned them about, but she remained focused. She glanced at Crosby, then back at Corinne's compass. Good, they had some time. "Go find Maeva, then," she whispered, to avoid waking up her lover. "Bring Eletea and Nainda with you, though; I don't want any one of you to stray, so you should all stay together."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/18/2024 2:35 PM
Corinne clutched the compass close. Maeva, the one she'd thought would be safe if she had just left. Her first love, the dancer she'd escaped her guard, her unwanted fiance, to see. It was going to be a bit awkward, going out to greet her ex with her new lover and a judgmentally chaste cleric in tow, but it was what it was. "We will be back in a few minutes." She climbed off the dragon's back and waited for the other two before following the compass's directions. It wasn't far at all, but she still glanced back to make sure the other two were with her and the dragons remained in view. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/19/2024 12:24 AM
He wasn’t going to speak much further on it. He just huffed like he always did. He had better things to spend his time on now, like seeing what was around them.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/19/2024 12:24 AM
Despite her best efforts, the knight began to stir. Something called to him. Something familiar. His eyes slowly opened. Half asleep, he rubbed his eyes and looked around briefly to their new surroundings. He put the pin away in his cloak for safe keeping before his attention shifted and he hopped off the dragon without warning, he offered Rikki a hand down. The knights went with Corrine, Eletea, and Nainda just in case. Zintharan and Ranthelegon stayed with Crosby and Rikuma. Anyways, as soon as the general stepped onto the ground, he was approached… by an infant. The baby crawled right up to his leg and tugged at the cuff of fabric around his ankle from below the armor that just barely peeked out. His heart sank at the sight. A beautiful baby boy, it was quite hard to make out details though, but something about them was… recognizable to their enemy. He felt his stomach twist, he knelt down to the baby’s level as it sat and stared at him. His face growing ever pale. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/19/2024 3:31 AM
He may have woken up anyway, but at least he did so on his own time. Or so she assumed at first. As soon as he hopped off the dragon, Rikuma followed, holding onto his hand. "What is-? Oh." She looked down at their unexpected guest, absolutely tiny, adorable in a way that immediately set off every protective instince she had. Which was bad, because it was pretty clear what this was. She silently pleaded with her ovaries to stop exploding at the sight of her boyfriend with a baby and focus on the facts of the current moment. How were they supposed to make amends with someone too young to comprehend spoken speech? She stood by him and observed, uncertain of what to do. "Maybe... I don't know, does he want you to pick him up?" she guessed. She assumed the child was too young to hold a grudge anyway.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/19/2024 3:31 AM
In the end, it was Maeva who found them. "Cori?" said the melodic, lilting voice from behind the group. Corinne turned to face her, and was immediately embraced. "I- Maeva..." Her eyes watered with tears. "I'm so sorry." She held her arms out awkwardly, unsure of what to do. Until she looked over at Nainda and saw her nod once. It was all she needed to pull her into a proper hug. "I thought you would be safe," she said. "He found you anyway?" "He did. Then I was here though. Compared to Ag'thariun, this isn't so bad..." She let go and offered a sad smile, before looking toward the other two. "And who are these two? I almost expected that if I ever saw you again, you'd have a new lover - hoped, really, you deserve to be happy - but two is more than I expected." "I am certainly not her lover," Eletea said flatly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/19/2024 6:20 AM
Now was not a good time to be fawning over the fact he was with a baby considering the history him and the baby had. The baby was a bit chubby, cutely that is. He figured there was no harm in trying. He carefully scooped the baby up and held the boy against his left shoulder. The baby giggled happily and rested against him. Seemingly unbothered and complexly unaware who he was. Being in his presence, the details of the child became visible now. A lil tuft of golden blonde hair had formed and some dazzling blue eyes to go with them. He half awkwardly smiled. God this was horrible. He felt so bad in every way now. Zintharan stared for a moment before speaking. The child holds no grudges against you for what you had to do. Perhaps you did it a favor from suffering by his father’s hand. The child nestled his head into the cloak, seemingly going to nap. The knight watched briefly before turning to Rikuma. maybe… especially if what you said is true. But we should catch up with the others… nothing good ever happens when we split up… He looked to see if the others were still visible or not, there was some flowers that had grown taller than most beings. Some grew to unnatural heights and maximum size since there was really no limitation for resources down here besides space in the field. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/19/2024 8:31 AM
The sight still would have been endearing in literally any other context. As it was, she rested her hand on Crosby's shoulder in an attempt to help comfort him, if only a bit. "Mercy can take unexpected forms," she agreed. "Can I...?" There was no time to hold or coo over him when they had places to be, but he was so sleepy and it would be a shame to wake him up. "I mean, I'll set him down for you," she amended, a fine middle ground between her instincts and what needed to be done. If allowed, she would take the infant in her arms and kneel down to set him gently among the flowers. "Let's go," she whispered to Crosby, gesturing for the dragons to follow. Corinne and the others remained in view, talking to the spirit of a beautifully graceful-looking woman.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/19/2024 8:31 AM
"I'm still sorry I got you caught up in... Well, everything," Corinne said. "I never meant for any harm to come to you." Maeva kissed her forehead. "It's fine, Cori. The time we had together was all worth it." She smiled, but it quickly faded as she looked up to the sky. Her eyes went blank, her expression one of shock. "You must go." She said, her voice hollow. "What-?" Corinne began, but whatever had overtaken Maeva carried on. "Beauty and destruction are the finest of companions. That which does not belong here will be destroyed." Maeva's warning phrase repeated as Nainda grabbed Corinne's hand. "Let's heed that warning," Nainda said, leading Corinne back to the others. "We need to find Alora, then leave." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/19/2024 12:27 PM
He quietly nodded as to not wake the child. Thats the last thing he wanted to do now when it was finally at peace. The boy did not budge, peacefully asleep for now as Rikuma placed him back down. He of course followed her and the dragons did too, he looked around as they walked. He wondered what these flowers even were, and what they could do. Some looked very clearly magical in nature. Too bad he knew nothing about herbs and such. He of course looked up when he heard such a cryptic line that someone like Azir would say. He followed her eyes wondering what Maeva was talking about. Right… Corrine, which way is she? The compass’ direction shifted to Alora, albeit, it was moving strangely, not staying in one place. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/19/2024 3:05 PM
Corinne frowned down at the compass as it appeared to go haywire, as though some sort of energy were interfering with it. "That- no, that w- no..." She looked over at Crosby. "It's not working. I'm sorry, but something is wrong here." That much was already clear from Maeva's warning. The spirit had already disappeared though. Not destroyed, but no longer in the area. "Are we what doesn't belong here?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/19/2024 3:05 PM
Eletea looked around at their surroundings. Beautiful flowers, the spirits of animals, young children, people who have likely never done anything horribly wrong in their lives. She had a lot to atone for, personally. She wasn't sure she ever would. What she did know was that most of their party was far from innocent, regardless of how just their causes. "Yes," she said bluntly. "We're all alive, for starters, and every one of us has done enough to deserve the harsh lands outside of this field. Rikuma, can you sense her location while the compass is failing us? You are more in-tune with the dead than any of us, after all." And they didn't have much time.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/19/2024 3:05 PM
Rikuma nodded. "I can try." She held onto Crosby's arm for grounding as she closed her eyes and focused on detecting the souls around them. She thought about Magnus's description of Alora, the name, the delightful traits of Crosby's that sure as fuck hadn't come from his father. Anything that might point her in the correct direction. Failing that, she would try to summon her by name to their location.
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/19/2024 3:05 PM
Nainda looked around at the plants, though it was their auras and scents that would identify them to her. After all, she had worked as an herbalist after her husband's death, and still retained some of that knowledge. If there was anything unusual that also existed in their world, she might be able to find what it was. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/20/2024 1:24 AM
Not good… knights, get back on Zintharan and wait for my command. We might have to make a quick evacuation if things go wrong. Von nodded and led the others back to the dragons. His attention shifted to Eletea, he was absolutely not supposed to be here by any means. He had done so much… some terrible things he knew he shouldn’t have done… but it was necessary in his eyes. He let Rikki grab hold of him, Ranthelegon began to stray from the party oddly enough, a huge tree came into sight on the horizon, it was still within the field but it oozed a pink sap strangely enough. Rikki could sense Alora in that direction, she even got a vision of her standing before tree with a child spirit. As for Nainda, almost any flower based herb would be here if she looked hard enough. It was quite the expansive selection to say the least. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/20/2024 3:29 AM
Rikuma looked toward Ranthelegon to keep an eye on him. Wherever she was going. "Just don't stray so far we can't find you," she warned, since he might not be as immune to this place's effects as he seemed to assume. At the very least, it was just as likely to go wrong for him as for everyone else. Her attention shifted though, as the tree demanded her attention. "She's this way," she told Crosby, leading the way over to the tree. Who that child was, she had no idea. She didn't really know much about her at all but, thinking back on how meeting her lover's other parent had gone, she couldn't help but feel a bit nervous at the prospect of how this encounter would go. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/20/2024 4:55 AM
He followed of course. He felt a bit nervous also, although it was because he had no idea how she would react. He left them for dead… she died because of his actions. What was he to say..? And now… he looked like this? And he sure as hell wasn’t the same boy as when he left her all those years ago…
As they approached she came into sight, a spirit like the others but she was still well defined. Her hair color wasn’t exactly clear along with her eye color. But she did share similar features to both brothers. Some more noticeable than others like just the way their eyes were all so similar. The child from the vision was no longer there. She sat alone on a chair, knitting something, she hadn’t noticed them yet…. Odd. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/20/2024 5:29 AM
Rikuma blinked, noticing that things had changed. This was Alora... Right? "Ms. Vandine?" she asked, assuming this spirit was simply so absorbed in her knitting that she hadn't seen them approach. She didn't know what else to say though, so she looked at Crosby. She was his mother, after all. "Is this... Normal?" she whispered to him. @Crosby
She turned to see them and her eyes lit up wide. Her hands froze in place as she stared at Crosby. She slowly lowered what she was knitting and put it on the arm of the chair as she stood up. Her voice nearly broke yet it was still as beautiful and mature as ever. Crosby… I- She choked on her words. She had so many questions, so much left unsaid. how are you here now…? Who is this? What happened to you?
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/20/2024 7:16 AM
He didn’t even get a chance to respond to Rikuma. Seeing his mom look at him like that, he felt horrible for everything he’d done up to this point. His dad made him feel like a failure in a sense, but she just… made him feel even worse for failing her and not finding her sooner. I don’t have much time mom… we’re here on a mission, we’re going to take down Aubron once and for all. I fell into a coma… I think during my last encounter with him. A lot of things are still fuzzy… and um.. this is my girlfriend, He grabbed Rikuma’s hand and held it. soon to be fiancé. He half smiled a bit.
Despite her dire situation and how long it’d been. She was still quite clearly VERY proud of that fact. Her eyes lit up happily when he said that. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/20/2024 9:06 AM
The tension left Rikuma as she saw the joy in Alora's face. Definitely a better reaction than Magnus had had. She squeezed Crosby's hand before introducing herself. "Princess Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI of Rashouris, the..." She trailed off, because maybe mentioning that she was a necromancer wasn't a good way to make friends even if her robes screamed 'obviously a necromancer'. "On second thought, titles aren't really important right now. I'm glad I have had the chance to meet you." Behind them, the flowers shifted of their own will. A vine curled around Crosby's feet, perhaps harmless. Perhaps not. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/20/2024 1:36 PM
He of course noticed and tried to pull his feet away. Not good in his eyes. This almost always meant trouble in his eyes and he wasn’t trying to find out.
It’s a pleasure to meet you too Rikuma… I’m sorry these aren’t exactly the best circumstances by any means… I’m glad my boy is still alive… but where is Azir? I know of Magnus’ passing but haven’t heard anything from Azir… She looked between the two, clearly holding out hope for some good news. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/20/2024 2:13 PM
Rikuma really did not want to be the one to break the bad news. She definitely wouldn't know how to deal with the fallout. Claiming that he died a warrior's death, ensuring a victory for them, felt like an empty platitude when said to someone who was not herself a fighter. She looked over at Crosby to see if he would say anything. "Well..." She trailed off and gave up.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/20/2024 2:13 PM
Eletea shook her head, then stepped forward. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Vandine," she said, sincerely. The sorrow and loss in her own eyes was unmistakable. "He was killed in combat shortly after we arrived in this realm. I was a... friend of his, and he said he would return when he was most needed, but I don't know how much that is guaranteed. So I can make no promises, except that he will be missed." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/21/2024 2:14 AM
He was going to speak up but Eletea beat him to it. It was quite obviously a very rough topic to talk about. Especially since he had… a hunch about Azir. He was just waiting for his mother to prove it.
Her heart sank and twisted, her once joyous expression fading seeing Rikuma and Crosby both hesitate. That was far from good news. oh gods… please… Then she looked to Eletea. no… if he’s gone why isn’t he here… with me? He should be… he hasn’t done anything terrible… that I know of. I- She had to pause and take a deep breath in. I hope you’re right he’ll return. He’s too young to have faced such an end so soon… same with you Crosby. I’m sorry I couldn’t have done better… provided any better of a life… A guilt welled up inside her.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/21/2024 2:14 AM
Mom…. You did a much better job in any way you could… just because we struggled at points didn’t mean you were horrible. He hugged her without much warning, that’s when the height difference became apparent. He was nearly a foot taller than his own mother, and so was Azir. I love you… but I think we have to be going… He looked to the sky. we aren’t welcome here… especially me… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/21/2024 2:48 AM
Rikuma let the two of them hug it out, since this wasn't really her conversation to get in the middle of once introductions were already out of the way. Once they were done, she rested her hand back on Crosby's shoulder. "I really do wish we could have met under different circumstances," she told Alora softly. But they couldn't linger. The vine had retreated from Crosby, but the plants beneath them had begun to shift toward a central spot behind them. She looked back over her shoulder at the thing forming, making out the gathering of thorns and vines among the beauty of the flowers. This field will not tolerate intruders, the Guardian's voice echoed in the party's minds. "Fuck," Rikuma said, then looked at Alora. "Pardon my language. We do need to leave, though... Ranthelegon!" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/21/2024 7:38 AM
I’ll be back… Alora nodded, too busy trying not to cry to respond with words. Ranthelegon was already ahead of them, hitting the guardian with the same blast he attacked everything else with. The immense heat from it filled the air as everything flashed green. He spread his wings out as Zintharan had already taken off. let’s go! The knight started to climb on, offering a hand to anyone who needed it, hoisting them up. There was no more time to waste now. They had to leave. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/21/2024 8:19 AM
Rikuma had to admit, she was glad to see the dragon again. She ran over to him and climbed up along with the others. Fortunately, they all seemed to be on the same page in terms of urgency. Especially since, while the blast had sent the mass of hostile flowering plants back to the ground, it began to shake as the guardian started re-forming, larger than before. Clearly, they had really pissed it off. "Sea of blood," she ordered, seeing neither use nor time for longer commands with more words. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/21/2024 8:31 AM
The dragon roared, causing the area around them to quake and shake violently. Just as quickly and roughly as before he took off once everyone was on. No hesitation or time to wait for orders. Zintharan covered their retreat, a breath attack at the ready if this guardian tried anything. He began the flight to the sea of blood. An even longer one than the way here.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/21/2024 8:31 AM
He waved goodbye to his mother, hoping this would not be the final time he spoke to her. He had so much to say but no time to speak. It didn’t matter now though, his attention shifting; the sleeping infant still exactly where they left it, undisturbed. Hopefully those he had to make amends with, he had. He couldn’t think of anyone else. The compass only pointed to Eletea’s father now unless there was someone else the party needed to seek out. As they sat upon Ranthelegon’s back, Eletea would feel a strange tingling sensation come from her neck. The bite mark glowed faintly. A reminder he was still with her now; a promise to what he said he would do. I do have one concern… we are going after savage pirates in the ocean, and once they spot us on the backs of two dragons, who’s to say they won’t shoot us out of the air? What do we do then? He looked to Rikuma and then the Genasi, he had no back up strategy here. He wasn’t a nautical or naval general. Or is our strategy just don’t get shot and find a way to land on a ship somehow? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/21/2024 9:09 AM
Rikuma held onto the dragon with one hand, and Crosby with the other. The sense of danger slowly faded as they left the field of flowers far behind, a place of beauty, but one that was fiercely defensive. She breathed a sigh of relief, but that relief was quickly quashed down by Crosby's question. Damn, she didn't know... "Not getting shot is usually a good strategy," she said, uncertain. "I mean, we know Ranthelegon and Zintharan can fly fast, so that gives us an advantage." She looked back at Corinne. "Just try not to get motion sick while on his back. I don't think he'd appreciate getting vomit on his scales."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/21/2024 9:09 AM
Eletea brushed her fingers against the bite mark and smiled faintly. They had to get out of here, so she and Azir could both keep her promises. Which meant, right now, figuring out how not to get shot. "Well, our father will be on a Navy ship, so we could make our landing there. The dragons won't fit on it, so they may need to stay in the air." She thought about it for a moment. "Granted, the Navy might also try to shoot the dragons. But if Ranthelegon gets close enough to the highest sail, I can drop down from there and convince them not to shoot while the rest of you get dropped off." "How convincing will that be, dear?" Nainda questioned. "Considering the fact that you killed their Captain?" Eletea considered for a moment longer, since that was a valid point, then looked at Corinne. Corinne side-eyed Eletea. "What's that look?" she asked. "You're skilled enough to get down from the topmast too, and a cat on a ship is considered good luck..." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/21/2024 11:01 AM
So we’re going to send a cat in first… and then the rest of us are going to board looking like pirates who raid riding dragons… hopefully they don’t take it the wrong way for obvious reasons. But I do have to ask, if things don’t exactly go as planned and we do by some chance get shot out of the sky, what’s the plan then? Crash into their boat? Or go into the unknown waters or whatever this place is and risk it? He knew literally nothing about where they were and it showed. Also, he wasn’t sure how confident he was swimming in full literal plate armor. Sure, he’d done it before when crossing a moat on a mission, but that was short distance and he was in significantly better condition than now.
Ranthelegon BOT 7/21/2024 11:01 AM
You sound like a worried child General. I will not be getting shot out of the sky by any means. I have dealt with far worse than harpoons, cannons, and arrows or whatever else a pirate or a pathetic navy can throw at me. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/21/2024 11:28 AM
"Blood," Rikuma corrected unhelpfully. "Not waters." That said, his questions did cast some doubt. She looked around at the group. "We don't look like pirates though, and that's definitely not part of the plan," she said. She looked at Eletea. "We don't look like pirates, do we?" Maybe a little bit, but they couldn't all turn into cats and lick themselves clean, or walk around looking like the living embodiment of purified water.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/21/2024 11:28 AM
"You don't want to hear the answer to that," Eletea said flatly. "But trust me, Crosby. I know sailors. Sending a cat will work." Partially due to the whole superstition thing, and partially because they were cats and sailors were not immune to cuteness as a distraction. "Corinne, when you get down, make sure you play up the whole 'cutesy talking cat' angle. Trust me."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/21/2024 11:28 AM
Corinne grinned. "Aw, you think I'm cute?" She blinked and went wide-eyed, in the cait sidhe equivalent of puppy-dog eyes. Just practicing for the real performance, after all. Eletea scoffed. "Disgusting. You're not a cat yet. Stop that," while Nainda simply snuggled closer to Corinne. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/21/2024 11:49 AM
Right. He figured it was metaphorical but apparently not. He was skeptical but he did have faith in his team that they’d come up with something. They (almost) always did. That was their thing, figuring it out on the fly most times. Speaking of flying, they were getting much closer now, the sea of blood coming into sight on the horizon. The dragons were not a slow means of transport by any means. Zintharan was to their left at the moment, a little behind to let Ranthelegon lead the way. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/21/2024 12:28 PM
Corinne took the time to transform back into a cat. She liked to think she made herself look extra cute this time, but she actually looked the same every time, so the point was moot. She nuzzled against Nainda, then crouched down, peering over the side of the dragon. She just had to wait for her cue, then make her way down and do whatever the feline, hopefully nonsexual version of seduction was. "Let me know when we're close to the uh... the tallest... thingy," she said. "Main mast," Eletea said. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/23/2024 7:07 AM
*Soon they were drawing ever closer to a boat, a big one at that. Zintharan, awaited Ranthelegon’s and the party’s choice. He would attack if need be. Or stand idly by. The general visibly braced himself for impact, holding on as best he could. He scanned the area around, wondering what else was out here in the blood sea. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/23/2024 4:41 PM
Eletea focused on the sea and the boats below as they flew. It was good, being able to place all of her attention on a singular goal. "This is my father's ship," she said as she spotted it. "If you fly closer to that mast there then out of cannon range, Corinne can use the small window of time to jump down. Don't attack unless necessary. Corinne, await my cue, calculate your trajectory, and trust me."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/23/2024 4:41 PM
Corinne crouched down in feline form. Her backside wiggled as she awaited the cue, poised to jump down onto the target below. Adrenaline coursed through her, the anticipation a delight. Now this was a challenge.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/23/2024 4:41 PM
Rikuma listened to Eletea's instructions, then nodded. "Ranthelegon, listen to what she says for now," she said. "She is more experienced in Naval matters, and I trust her judgment right now." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/24/2024 1:55 AM
The dragon did as he was commanded, Zintharan following suit in case things went wrong. The glistening hue of black scales would soon come into the sight of sailors and then the sight of two huge dragons. He flew as close to the mast as he could with great skill and elegance even. He also rotated his body sideways at an angle to make it easier for the feline to jump off. Anyways, he used to be a riders dragon after all. Maneuverability was second nature now. The purple dragon knights readied their weapons and spells to board and assist if need be. No telling how these people would react to the sight of two dragons full of an army. He would circle back around with Zintharan as Corrine did her thing. It looked like they were perhaps preparing for an attack. Perhaps not. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/24/2024 3:48 AM
Eletea watched carefully, waiting for the exact moment. Close, close, rotating... "Now!" she ordered, looking at Corinne. She watched the sidhe jump off Ranthelegon's back and land safely atop the mast. One uncertainty out of the way. Below, the sailors had taken notice of the dragon, some of them running to man their battle stations. "Pull up! Out of range," she told Ranthelegon. She glanced over at Rikuma, noticing that the princess was staring at her. "...What?" "You really would make a good Naval captain," Rikuma commented. Eletea looked away, but smiled faintly. She hadn't meant to follow in her father's footsteps, but the thought of a future sounded nice.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/24/2024 3:48 AM
Corinne landed on all four paws, of course. She jumped down one sail at a time, since she couldn't exactly climb down. Before long, she landed on the weather deck and looked around. She had to find Darby now. She heard sailors talking about the dragons, and one was running to warn somebody. She followed him. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/24/2024 7:53 AM
He roared at the little sailors, having some fun by taunting them. It was fun. He pulled up… very quickly. Zintharan following suit. Zintharan huffed at his brothers constant need for chaos. It was totally unnecessary to make it seem like they were attacking potentially. The strength from both dragons going by would be enough to rock the boat, the wind they produced behind them was quite intense.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/24/2024 7:53 AM
Well at least we’re causing such a distraction they’re not even bothering Corrine… He kept his eyes closely upon the boat. He was fully expecting a cannonball or harpoon to be coming at them sooner or later. Hopefully no other enemy vessels were nearby, he didn’t want to start a naval battle now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/24/2024 4:24 PM
Recalling what Ranthelegon had said about knowing who would need to be killed, Rikuma kept a close eye on the ship below. From this distance, it was hard to tell who anyone was, or even if this was the ship the dragon had implied. She looked off to the side to see another one approaching in the water. It was a smaller vessel, with a black flag flying. She looked over at Eletea. "Does that one look familiar?" she asked, holding onto Ranthelegon with one hand and pointing at the other. "Ah... I remember it being a rival ship to the crew I sailed with," Eletea said. "So... Other pirates?" Rikuma asked. "Worse ones."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/24/2024 4:24 PM
The ship rocked and swayed in the new winds caused by the dragons. Crew members darted to their stations to keep the ship on course, while she trotted to the captain's quarters. The crew member opened the door and she darted inside to where Darby stood. The human was looking over a map of the area covered in pins representing the locations of other ships. Judging from his frown, he didn't like how things were going. She meowed like an ordinary cat and jumped up onto the map desk, catching his attention. "Why hello there." Darby reached over to scratch the top of her head. "Where'd you come from?" "The dragon," she answered in perfect Common, startling him. She kept talking. "You have to let the dragon's occupants board. They'll help." "What the-?" "Captain," the sailor said. "There are two dragons circling above us and an enemy ship approaching." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/25/2024 1:07 AM
He didn’t need orders, hearing it was an enemy vessel. Like a predator with his prey, he began to circle around for an attack. The party could feel an increasing heat from below them, an attack being readied. I say we destroy them. The dragon sort of… grinned? It was unsettling. But he itched for a real fight now. Albeit, he didn’t care if it would be one sided or not. A wooden boat versus the dragons breath would stand more than likely no chance. Especially considering how easily demons were destroyed by it. Unless it wasn’t a normal boat.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/25/2024 1:07 AM
He looked beneath them then to Eletea. So what’s the plan with them then? Help defend your father’s ship if conflict arises or strike first? Or should we board the enemy vessel? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/25/2024 11:59 AM
Rikuma looked down. She couldn't pick up on anything from the ship aside from what she saw and the hints Eletea gave, so it was hard to say more than just 'worse pirates than the ones Eletea had traveled with'. So she didn't spend long looking, and didn't wait for Eletea to give instructions. "Normally I would wait for them to attack, but we already know this is a blood sea of endless conflict." The cannons on the smaller ship below began to glow with arcane energy, as though to confirm that they were about to attack the naval ship. "Destroy them."
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/25/2024 11:59 AM
"Man the cannons and prepare to strike at the ship. Leave the dragons be until we can be sure of their motives," Darby ordered, then looked down at Corinne. "You're a talking cat." "You're a talking human," Corinne retorted, then tilted her head. "And definitely not the parent Eletea got her good looks from." At the sound of a name he hadn't heard in years, Darby's eyes widened. He looked down at the map desk, clearly conflicted. "You... know her? Is she on one of those dragons?" Unsure of how he would react, Corinne stared at him. "...Meow?" Darby said nothing as he ran out to flash a lantern signal into the air. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/25/2024 1:18 PM
He didn’t need any confirmation from the princess. He was going to either way. He dived, fast, getting close and aiming for the center of the ship as he let his power rip. And Zintharan followed suit, green flames would soon engulf the masts and center deck. The air grew sizzling hot as Zintharan fired his attack, a violent bolt of lightning struck the side of the ship… hard. Enough to knock it nearly off balance and stir up quite some big waves to say the least. They continued to fly past, like a bombing run of sorts, although they rotated their path this time to circle back around. From the back of the purple dragon, a barrage of spells and projectiles were flung from the knights, a few fire bolt, some arrows, and most impressively of all; a fog spell soon completely engulfed the enemy ship, blinding them… also not a good mix since well… there was a thick moisture in that fog, perfect for a second round of Zintharan’s attack.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/25/2024 1:18 PM
He fell silent as he watched. Jesus, they had one hell of a force to be reckoned with now. But he knew victory against the empire would not be easy. Surely the king would have something planned after all these years. No way he didn’t have a backup plan against an invasion also… @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/25/2024 2:12 PM
Below, the enemy ship's arcane cannons shifted target, turning upward as far as they could. With impressive precision for a ship that had just been bombarded and appeared to be actively on fire, it changed angles, firing a line of firebolts at the purple dragon. Eletea held on tight, feeling that thrill again. Of battle, of danger, of the rapid uncertainty that came with leaving one's path in the claws of a beast not beholden to anyone but himself. She grinned, but glanced back toward the Naval ship anyway, in case there was any cue. Sure enough, it came: a flash of lights in a repeating pattern, a shorthand code of a type well known to sailors. And to those educated in maritime communication. DRGN LND "We are set to board the ship as soon as it is safe to do so," Eletea translated for the group. "Let's take these bastards down and get this over with." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/26/2024 12:12 AM
He didn’t waste a moment. He began to dive again, charging another attack, this time there was a new target. The cannons. The dragon roared out again, the thrill of a battle at last, not really having much regard for who he had on his back. He hit one cannon with his fire attack, smacking another with his tail, mainly trying to knock it off the ship… or grab it if he could.
Zintharan BOT 7/26/2024 12:12 AM
A shrill shriek cut through the air as the dragon was hit multiple times. But not badly. He could continue on. Although he was not happy. An order came from the dragon to all knights. Destroy the ship. A bolt of lightning was shot straight at one of the cannons from the dragon, followed by… oil being dumped all over the ship as he went straight across to let the knights do their thing, they just helped Ranthelegon’s fire. A booming explosion was heard as that oil ignited violently. DESTROY THEM!
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/26/2024 12:12 AM
He stayed all but silent through this whole thing. He held on tight and let it all happen. He closed his eyes for a brief second before opening them. we need smoke powder barrels… it’s explosive gunpowder basically. One or two barrels should be enough to annihilate that ship if it can destroy a castle wall with ease. I heard they used it for cannons. I don’t know if your father’s ship would have any Eletea. He was assuming their normal attacks perhaps wouldn’t be enough. He wasn’t sure though. He wasn’t a naval expert. But he could tell when a boat was about to go down of course with common sense. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/26/2024 5:57 AM
"The oil will also help, but we should warn the other ship to avoid it," Rikuma commented. "Adding water to an oil fire will only make it worse. Blood has a high enough water composition that the same risk exists here. The smoke powder explosion will be less destructive to the ship we don't want destroyed, assuming they know well enough to keep away." As she looked down, she noticed the Naval ship sailing just far enough to avoid the flames from the other ship. The pirates' cannons were falling into the blood sea, knocked out of place by the explosion.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/26/2024 5:57 AM
"It would, and he should have some, but it will be carefully secured," Eletea said. "It's not something they would want to risk getting out of hand, but it is a weapon they've used against enemy ships before." She was smiling, still enjoying the rush of battle, even if she herself was not doing much of the fighting yet. Below, there was a flash of light, moving from the burning ship to the next, and her smile quickly faded. "The survivors are boarding my father's ship. We have to help now." Rikuma nodded. "Ranthelegon, bring us in range to board on Darby's ship," she said.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/26/2024 5:57 AM
Corinne rushed out of the captain's quarters as she heard a commotion outside. She stood up and transformed back into her humanoid form as she observed the situation. Enemy sailors, teleporting to board the ship. She picked up her arcane hand cannon and it crackled with lightning. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 7/26/2024 7:41 AM
His direction shifted as he brought them over to Darby’s ship. He flew close to the mast’s and then the higher deck where the steering wheel would be. He couldn’t get close enough to the main deck however for obvious reasons. He hovered at the higher deck as close as he could be without taking out any of the ship with his size.
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/26/2024 7:41 AM
The general took no hesitation to jump onto the vessel and draw his sword. He looked back to the dragon to see if anyone else needed assistance getting on. The purple dragon knights didn’t waste any time to board from by the masts where Zintharan was, a chain dropping to the Deck which they slid down like before. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/26/2024 5:38 PM
"Now." Eletea gave the cue once they were closer to the ship's weather deck, before Ranthelegon was as close as Rikuma had planned. Eletea didn't even wait for the others to react before jumping down. To the inexperienced, her actions seemed reckless. But she'd watched carefully, factoring wind speed, the dragon's speed, distance, every angle. The way she fell, the tucking of limbs and pointing of her entire body, was calculated to minimize damage, and she landed gracefully on the wooden boards below.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/26/2024 5:38 PM
"Show-off," Rikuma muttered, before following Crosby down. She stumbled at the landing, catching herself on Crosby's arm. "Alright, let's go." She heard Nainda drop down behind her, the warlock also being more cautious than Eletea. She drew the black dragon sword. It handled differently from the rapier she was used to, but still manageable. She had, after all, trained in a variety of swords as a mandatory part of her education. She just happened to have more experience with one than the rest.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/26/2024 5:38 PM
Corinne fired off a shot, taking out the two pirates in the lead. They fell to the wooden boards, stunned from the electricity. There were seven survivors in total, but they seemed to be holding their own against the naval ship's crew too well for comfort. She glanced back at the others. "Glad you could join," she said as Nainda ran over to stand beside her. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/27/2024 8:52 AM
He kind of expected Eletea to be the first one to jump. She was experienced In this sort of combat clearly. He was not. He gently caught Rikuma, easing her fall so they didn’t both didn’t drop to the ground. He held Ashrune in hand as the black dragon sword went up in green flames, just like Ranthelegon’s breath attack. A faint heat radiated from the blade. She would feel something about it… almost like she could channel her abilities through it like a spell focus of sorts. The General lumbered through the chaos, quite a looming man at this point fully adorned in his purple armor and cloak to match. He soon charged forth, bringing his sword down and cleaving one man quite brutally. His attention turned to another, sharp eyes, daring him to act, the blood of his comrade flowing into his blade. And well… since the blood soaking had been activated, blood began to stream up the sides of the ship vertically. It flowed like a river into his blade. A faint hue of red surrounded the sword, the rivers running across it and up the hilt into his hands. His veins flaring out. Surrender now or face your demise. He raised his weapon to the next man who stood in his way. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/27/2024 11:47 AM
The pirate who'd been cleaved in two rose back up, under the influence of Rikuma's magic. With the additional focus, she found she could keep the bodies here for a bit longer, as long as she got hold of them immediately after death. Good. Instead of surrendering, another one of the men charged at Crosby, only to be grappled to the ground by his dead colleague. "I don't think they're willing to surrender," Rikuma commented, watching as the others continued to fight. "They'll need to die." She wasn't sure if this was who Ranthelegon had been referring to earlier. Probably not; they seemed like rather minor enemies, after all.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/27/2024 11:47 AM
Eletea didn't need to be told twice. She ran over to assist a couple of the sailors in their fight against one of the raiders. Her spear locked with his blade, until she kicked his feet from under him. While she was occupied with the fight, one more survivor flashed over from the burning ship, landing behind her. His blade never found her back, as the naval captain's own sword decapitated him. The corpse and head both fell to the floorboards with a pair of dull thuds. "Give me one reason you shouldn't be next," Darby told Eletea. She narrowed her eyes, blocking an attack from in front of her. "Because I'm helping you right now, prick."
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/27/2024 11:47 AM
Nainda kissed Corinne on the cheek before approaching the stunned raiders. She knelt calmly beside them, placing a hand on the back of each of their necks. "You will not move until I tell you to. If you do, your limbs will turn to stone." The air around them grew chill with the spell. She was incapable of total control spells, but small things like this could be useful. They might learn a thing or two from interrogating them, after all. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/27/2024 11:56 AM
He nodded, he watched his Ally’s go to work. He would be support if need be. He had to make sure things went smoothly. Only a few remained as Von and his men took out one with ease by simply overwhelming the fellow. He lunged forth and struck down another with the blade, the fresh blood seeping into his sword. He was feeling better already, he didn’t need to sleep anytime soon. Although, it did have its drawback. He turned to Eletea and began walking over to assist with Darby if need be, he motioned for Rikki to follow. He figured the knights could handle what remained of the raiders. They could move onto more important matters now…. The final step as far as he knew. Hope was stirring within now. They soon might return to the overworld and face Aubron once and for all. Peace would reign after his defeat. Or well, somewhat at least. He accepted there might be some chaos after taking down a ruler of such high power. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/27/2024 12:11 PM
They were making short work of the enemy, so Rikuma followed, keeping her sword drawn in case of further trouble. The captain was looking toward them as Eletea finished off her opponent, his eyes narrowed with suspicion. She could only imagine what this situation must have looked like through his eyes. A heavily armed party on dragonback, all joining the fight with dark powers of their own. She reconsidered, and put her sword away. "We're not a threat to you," she assured him then, because she couldn't not be honest, "unless you're a threat to our cleric." Darby turned toward Eletea again. "A necromancer, someone using blood magic, a warlock... this is the kind of company you keep?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/27/2024 12:11 PM
His criticism nearly sent her temper to boiling. Her fingers twitched around the hilt of the blade, but she didn't raise it too him. Once had already been too many times. "An improvement over the pirates you left me with," she said bitterly. "An improvement over you. I'm sure they would have paid the ransom." "Well... no," Nainda admitted. "But we would have slaughtered every last member of that crew to rescue you." "Close enough." Darby's expression was grim. "I had my duties as captain," he said. "I could not go back on them. Your only duty was as my daughter, and you killed me in cold blood." Eletea didn't bring up exactly what would have happened if she'd refused to kill him. She didn't even want to consider it. "I wouldn't exactly call it cold blood." She looked down. "I did what I needed to survive. I... do you know what it was like, after they realized it didn't matter what happened to me anymore?"
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/27/2024 12:11 PM
Emotions were getting high. A part of Corinne wanted to stand by and support her friend, but another part told her that they shouldn't be listening to this right now. It was between the two of them. She looked toward Nainda, who nodded, before speaking. "If you two want to talk this out somewhere quieter, we'll look out for the ship," she offered. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/27/2024 1:18 PM
He followed Rikki’s lead and sheathed his weapon, the flowing rivers of blood retreating back into the sea. He looked less like a depressed dying man now, but he still had quite the eye bags from lack of proper rest. He decided to speak up, even though it may not have been his place. If these two went alone, he didn’t think it would end well You have to break duties as a captain sometimes to do what’s better in your interest and those you care about. Just because you have orders doesn’t always mean it’s the right thing to follow them blindly. He took out the little badge he had, one signifying his rank as captain. It probably looked similar to what they would use in a navy. Not exactly the same though. We may not be the best captains to ever live by any means. But you do have to keep in mind the future and legacy you leave behind Captain Darby. Do you really want to go down in history as the man who left his daughter behind to be a prisoner to pirates? To men who would’ve likely done unspeakable things to her? Tell me this, could you live with yourself if you let that happen? He stepped forth, by Eletea. Unless Darby was 6 foot, he’d loom over the man. His knights coming behind the party to back their general. He stared into his eyes, both dragons quietly watched from behind, all eyes on the man now to make the right decision. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/27/2024 4:04 PM
"Had actually done unspeakable things," Eletea corrected flatly. She sheathed her sword and crossed her arms, not really sure how to feel about Crosby stepping in. It was a private matter, far out of his lane. At the same time, she had to admit that it was nice to know she was finally traveling with people who had her back. Maybe... maybe just a bit of resentment though, seeing her father listen to a stranger more than to her. She was pretty sure she would have been able to avoid physically attacking her father and vice versa, but it seemed that didn't even have to be a question now. Darby looked at her, and she quickly looked away, letting the silence sink in for a moment longer. In the background, the rest of the party was working to keep the rest of the crew away from what really did not need to be a public spectacle. "I..." Darby paused, closed his eyes, then sighed. "The Admiral wanted me to assume they were bluffing," he said. "So I did. I believed what I wanted to, not because it was easier than disobeying an order, but because it was easier than acknowledging what could happen to my only daughter." He opened his eyes again, and looked so much older than she remembered. "At... at least you've grown to be stronger than I ever-" "I was your child!" Eletea snapped, her temper flaring up again. Her time at the Temple had built her strength back up; the ship had destroyed her. The agony - physical and emotional - she'd put herself through after, the tortures relived in her dreams, nights spent scrubbing her skin raw like that would erase the memories, the lash scars on her back that she could only be relieved she would never have to see, the way shame always seemed to bite down deeper the less it was deserved... "I didn't need to be stronger!" Her voice was cracking, and she closed her eyes because she felt like if she didn't, she would cry. "I needed to be safe..."
4:04 PM
In the background, Nainda glared at Darby, about ready to draw her dagger. That, too, proved unnecessary. His expression fell as he hung his head. "I know. And I know nothing will ever make it right. I'm sorry." It wasn't enough to make things right. Nothing ever would be, he was right about that. But it was all she needed to hear from him. She rushed at him, looking almost ready to punch him in the face until she pulled him into a hug instead. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/27/2024 4:19 PM
He watched this all unfold quietly. With his point proven he took a step back and put the badge away. He crossed his arms. He still did want to knock this guys teeth out. But if Eletea chose to overlook it, he would allow it to fly for now. Although his truth would not be fully into this man unless he proved he was worthy of it. He looked to Rikki to see her reaction To this and what he did. He figured he might get a talking to later, or he might not. It didn’t matter to him though, he would’ve done the same for any other member of the party if it was justifiable with no questions asked. He took a deep breath in, letting the aura of his lover’s presence calm him once again. His heart rate had gone up quite a bit during his little speech and the battle of course, but now it was coming back down. He did think about what Darby said, he was dabbling in blood magic… he knew he absolutely should not be but Zintharan said nothing about it. So it couldn’t be causing him to stray from the path too much… and besides. He definitely didn’t use it last time alongside the mask, was this the push they needed now to beat Aubron along with his new friends and alliances? Speaking of friends, after seeing what was up with his lover and wrapping an arm gently around her, he looked to the other two love birds to see how they were doing throughout this. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 7/28/2024 3:49 AM
In the first moment, Eletea expected to be pushed away, or perhaps thrown overboard into the blood sea below. Instead, he returned the hug, holding her as closely as he had every time he'd returned from an expedition. There was a comfort to it that she hadn't felt in years. Nothing could go wrong anymore and, for now, she was safe. Of course it wouldn't last, but it was nice to imagine for a moment. "I should have been a better father to you," he confessed. "Even before you were captured, I should have been there." Her mother hadn't been there at all, so he could have done worse in her estimation. But it had really been the lighthouse keeper and his husband who'd raised her, so she couldn't exactly tell her father that he was wrong. She let go of him and stepped back. "We can't stay long," she said. "We need to return to the overworld and defeat Aubron-" At the sound of that name, Darby looked at Rikuma. "How many dead can you bring with you?" he asked as his crew began to gather. "We would like to offer assistance if you will accept it."
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/28/2024 3:50 AM
Rikuma listened to the exchange in silence. She wasn't one to criticize any of it. Her father had tried to kill her, and she still felt guilty for outliving him. Her expression was neutral, though she lingered awkwardly back, not sure if it was right to say or do anything like Crosby had. She did, however, lean into him as she felt his arm around her, letting it anchor her to the present moment. "As many as we need," she said. "An entire army's worth. You and your crew are welcome to join."
Nainda Townsend BOT 7/28/2024 3:50 AM
Nainda relaxed as father and daughter seemed to... not quite come to terms. That would take an eternity. But there was a peace between them, a mutual understanding of the other's actions. She squeezed Corinne's hand gently, then looked out toward the sea. Something gave her the impression the peace would not last long, though she couldn't name exactly what.
Corinne Alarie BOT 7/28/2024 3:50 AM
There was a stretch of time where nobody seemed willing to kill the moment. Until Corinne did. "So, not to sound too insensitive, but what next?" she asked. "I don't think we have much time left to waste. No offense." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/28/2024 12:33 PM
He nodded in agreement with Corrine. He didn’t know what to do from here, all he knew is they had to return to the surface somehow. I have to agree with Corrine here… and how exactly are we going to get everyone to the surface? What’s the plan here? He looked to Rikuma. He was clueless from here. The two dragons hovered near the ship, standing guard idly. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/29/2024 3:34 AM
Everyone seemed to be looking at Rikuma now, waiting for her to speak. Of course they were; coming here had been her plan. And look where it got Azir, a part of her mind whispered to her. "Another gateway spell," she said. "One specifically to access the overworld. It's the one my father had said to me." In a dream. The dead king. She realized now that she said it aloud how absurd it truly was. What if the dream had only been a dream? No, it had resembled too much of the gateway spell on the scroll Maziel had left, before she had left it, to be a coincidence. "If we are finished here, that is." She looked toward the dragons. "Was there anything more we needed to take care of, or is everyone ready to open the gate?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/30/2024 1:49 AM
He was of course still thinking about Azir at the back of his mind. He’d never get over the failure in his eyes. He should’ve killed Maziel sooner; they could’ve prevented his death… but another part of him knew that in order to do that, he’d have to become something he didn’t and break the fates tied for them all; a ruthless monster consumed by anger and blood lust. But what was to say he hadn’t already? His hands were already stained with blood; what was it now to add more to it? But that didn’t matter at the moment, his attention shifted to Rikki. Both dragons simply shook their heads. All was said and done unless someone else had a bright idea. And he wanted to say something, but he didn’t. He kept his lips clasped shut. His attention looking out to the blood sea at large, a final look at the underworld. A place he never wanted to visit again unless it was to save someone he cared about. He mumbled something under his breath, it wasn’t exactly clear what he said, but the party members who had better hearing could hear it was a silent prayer of sorts. One wishing his brother luck in whatever danger he encountered down here. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 7/31/2024 9:55 AM
As she heard him speak, Rikuma gave Crosby's hand a gentle squeeze. She couldn't linger on the matter of comforting him for long, though. Not when they had places to be. She had to let go of his hand as she recalled the spell. The words lingered in her mind, indelible, as though someone were there to actively remind her of them. She knew who, and couldn't help but feel vindicated that his spirit opted not to call her a failure, or an imbecile, or a disappointment. First time for everything. She spoke the spell, and the ground began to shake. Waves of blood lapped gently at the sides of the ship at first, then more aggressively, threatening to toss it back and forth as a shape began to rise in front of the ship. Tall and rectangular, its borders appeared to be carved from bone as a necrotic energy swirled in its centre. Yet, distorted as they were, the tunnels of the rebel base in Thauviel were visible beyond the gate that began to open. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 7/31/2024 11:53 PM
He watched as the portal opened, holding his stance as best he could as the waves went crazy. Never did he expect such a reaction from a gateway spell being opened. But then again, you were ripping a hole in reality to go from one place to another. As the tunnels came into sight once again, the goal became clear again in his mind. so what’s the plan here? He looked to the dragons and then through the portal. are we trying to squeeze this many people and two dragons into that tunnel…? He of course turned to Rikki as he asked. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/1/2024 3:25 AM
"No," Rikuma answered, then said nothing for another moment before remembering that other people would want more explanation. "I can summon the people once we're out, since they're dead. Ranthelegon already gave me permission to summon him as well... Since Zintharan is your patron, will he come to our aide if you ask him?" Granted, summoning the entire army would take a lot out of her, even at her new level of power, but she was confident that she would still be able to push on with the others around to help. Maybe no further reanimations, but she had Ranthelegon's sword and mask. And the matter of a pact... She looked at him. "Who was it that you were referring to when you said someone needed to die?" She gestured toward the still-burning enemy ship. "If it was them, then it's done." It may not have seemed important, but the potential pact may well be a deciding factor in the outcome of their battle against Aubron. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/1/2024 9:07 AM
He had faith in her to do so by now. He’d seen the feats she was capable of and the will she had. He would help her in whatever shape or form she needed. She’d done so much for him already, he had to return the favor. I’m sure he will, he already said he’d come during my darkest hour.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/1/2024 9:07 AM
He didn’t seem to care one bit about that burning ship. He didn’t bat an eye or anything; completely unbothered by it. It was not them. But your will seems to be there enough. I shall grant you my power for now. Do not make me revoke it or there will be consequences for such. He huffed, the weight of the blade she carried became very light, nearly enough so she wouldn’t feel it. The mask did the same. If you wish to adorn my armor, you shall have to retrieve it from your lover which I know has it stored away. He turned to Crosby. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/1/2024 9:39 AM
Rikuma breathed a sigh of relief, unused to being estimated as worthy of anything. For a moment, she had to check to make sure the sword was still there before nodding. "I am a woman of my word," she assured Ranthelegon. "And on that matter, I release you from your debt as well, as we agreed before." She turned toward Darby. "Bring the ship closer to the gate so we can jump across the gate." As he ran off to steer the ship, she turned toward Crosby. "We're almost there," she said softly. "I know we can do this. I will accept no other outcome." She offered a brief smile before getting back to business. "Now, could you give me the armor? I think that will be another way to keep it out of the wrong hands." She glanced at Ranthelegon. "And he would prefer it." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/2/2024 1:08 AM
He seemed hesitant of course. Handing off a piece of his family. Something he desired deep down but if he was going to entrust anyone with it besides his own blood, it would be her. He opened the bag of holding and pulled out the main breastplate. A beautiful piece with a dragon head at the center of the chest. It was a blackish purple in color, like obsidian. He handed it over to her. Here… As he held it out to her, she could see something… her lover. Like in the flash of an eye, she could see the stirring darkness that lurked within him. It was trying to desperately break free. He briefly looked almost like… a demon? The one thing he swore against. Horns sprouting from his head, his aura briefly shifting to one much darker. Everybody in the party could’ve felt it. He was unaware though. But Ranthelegon spoke in her mind, If he fails this time… that fate awaits your lover lays beyond your assistance. He will become something you will have to destroy. The queen and Maziel still have a hold of him without his realization. Kill Aurbon and cut those ties. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/2/2024 2:18 AM
"I'll take good care of it," she promised as she took the breastplate from him. Then she saw it, and froze. No... nononono! They'd killed Maziel and Desdemona for a reason, they couldn't still... She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Did she have the will to destroy her lover if it came to it? Already, a part of her was rationalizing that idea. If the dark took over, he wouldn't want to carry on like that. It would be a mercy, right? But she wouldn't live on for much longer after. Pain and guilt had already nearly killed her so many times before, compounded with grief... "And we won't fail," she promised again, aware of the others' attention on her know. They knew too, deep down, but she didn't want to face anyone's pity. She set her cloak aside and started to put the armor on over her clothing. "Now, could I get a hand with these straps? I'm not used to full plate armor." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/2/2024 12:44 PM
He seemed… a bit confused with her reaction. Like he was painfully unaware of what was truly happening with him. He just felt… off. That’s all. The knights didn’t budge, unaware of what was happening. Only the closest members to him would.. strange. Zintharan didn’t react either. But Ranthelegon knew all too well somehow. His eyes fixated upon the general, not in the usual hateful way. Just rather neutrally. I’m not going to let us fail either way. He said simply, and rather unbudgingly. and yes I can love. Is there anything else you need help with? The breastplate was the main piece. There was some greaves and gauntlets if she wanted them. But that was up to her. Or well, it’s up to her if she wanted to put them on. Once the breastplate was out of his hands, the rest of the set appeared besides the mask. The greaves were simple, thick enough to provide protection but not hinder movement. The gauntlets however were interesting to say the least. They had almost clawed fingers and were visibly made of her new patron’s scales and skin patched together with the strange metal the set seemed to be made of. Upon the gauntlet of one hand was a sigil. A bunch of markings all around the inside of a circle. It was gold among the black palm of the gauntlet. An oozing power radiated from the set. A new strength… a new will to carry on. A fierce fire to reignite the dulling one within her. The dragon spoke once more in her mind, You shall be better protected than your lover. Do not take that for granted. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/2/2024 1:05 PM
Rikuma put on the entire set, save for the mask. She had seen its effects firsthand, and would save it for a crucial moment. Besides, given the legends that someone unworthy looking into a Rashouran ruler's unobscured eyes would meet an untimely death, it was not as though keeping her face in the open would make her less intimidating. "Ready," she said, once everything was on. She looked toward the prow of the ship. They had stopped, right in front of the gateway. She glanced over at Ranthelegon. I won't, she promised silently, uncertain that he would hear. Her resolve had further hardened, and she felt that she had boundless energy to do what they needed to do. "The gateway disappears when I pass through it," she said. "You will all need to go first."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/2/2024 1:05 PM
In a hurry to get this over with, Eletea walked ahead. "Got it." She stepped out and jumped through, rolling into a safe landing. On her feet again, she stood back up and turned to wait for the others. Just in time for Corinne's cat form to collide with her, slamming against her chest and forcing her to fall back onto her back. "Oof..." An embarrassing landing for the two most graceful women in the party, especially after the warlock landed beside them on her feet. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/2/2024 1:20 PM
He had to pause and take it in when she had the full set on. Fuck. She looked incredible in it… wait… did he have a thing for chicks in armor? Damn it. Way to go Vandine… Anyways, the dragon nodded in acknowledgment to what she said. Seems he could hear whatever she intended for him to hear in her thoughts. Could be useful later, but as for now, there was other things to focus on. The armor weight practically nothing, she might as well be in her clothes. He took a final look around the underworld. He’d remember what happened here. He’d fixed his wrongs, and would continue on. He nodded and headed through the gateway, jumping and landing with well… an impact. Unintentionally, he caused a miniature crater to from where he stood upon two feet. He looked down. oops. Now that he was in the overworld, the effect of all the blood he spilt, he was um… visibly taller. And more muscular. His body had changed… temporarily. His strength had near doubled without him realizing quite yet. He looked to back through to see if Rikki was coming. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/2/2024 1:31 PM
Once Crosby had jumped through, Rikuma followed. It had been a daunting prospect when she had summoned the gateway, but now she found it rather easy. She landed on her feet beside him, the same height as before. Her new power came not from stature, but from the air of magic surrounding her. She looked up at her lover, feeling her face warm up a little as she couldn't help but stare. This was probably temporary, but... damn. A shame he'd likely be back to normal before she could fully appreciate his new body. But they had to focus! She reluctantly tore her eyes away from him and looked ahead into the tunnel. It wound and turned up ahead. Behind them, the base stood much as they had left it. "Morn. Sedition," she called out to the barrier and explosives experts they had met earlier. "Over here." As the two made their way over, she took a look at the rest of the party. Eletea and Corinne had stood back up, with the latter shifting back to a humanoid. Their changes were less visible, but there was a new confidence to Nainda, a focus Corinne hadn't carried with her before, a renewed hunger for justice within Eletea, and she could feel it in the air around them. They were ready. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/2/2024 2:20 PM
He fixed his hair up, he had quite a bit more magic than he should’ve rushing through him at the moment. Good thing he had armor on or she’d definitely be quite distracted by down there as it had grown also. But that was quite besides the point. He could see her staring at him, he could tell something changed of course and raised a brow with a small smile. what~? Although it was short lived as she shifted the groups focus again. He looked to the group at large also, his smile fading. Wow. They had… grown quite a bit. Now he realized how far they’d come. From the dungeon when he met Rikki, to the forge with Corrine… and then meeting Nainda against the beast. And then last but not least, Eletea. Everybody had their clear strengths and weaknesses now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/3/2024 1:29 AM
She shook her head, not having time to give him more ammunition to tease her right now. Besides, he was perfectly attractive with his usual build, too. And she had to pay attention to the two rebels approaching them. "We're ready," she said once they were close enough. "How long were we gone?" "One day," Sedition asked. "As soon as your gateway opened, our leaders sent out word to various cells throughout the city to start their riots. By the time we reach the end of the tunnel to set off the explosion, the king's guard will have their hands full." Between the rebels and the Rashouran armies closer to the border, Thauvian forces were spread as thin as they could get them. Rikuma nodded. "Good. I will summon our own forces once we surface." They both would, since Zintharan was not one she could reach, herself. "Let's be on our way." Morn led them down the tunnel. It had a long, winding path before the end where the collapse had occurred even came into reach. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/3/2024 3:00 AM
He knew now wasn’t the time for fun and games. So he held off. One day…? Damn. It felt like an eternity they’d been gone. He expected them to be gone for a week at the very least. But that was no matter now. There was way more important things to focus on. He followed of course and drew his blade, holding it tip down in his hands like a statue would. A faint hue came off the blade the colors rotating between the usual red and purple. The powers within clashing for control. In the silence besides their feet upon the floor, he cast a prayer. His eyes closed as they walked but he still walked like he had his eyes open. He prayed to a higher power for success, whether that be the one her served or another. He couldn’t let Aubron live any longer. The evil had to be extinguished before it spread anymore. As he prayed he did get a response, he was unaware of it though. A golden warhammer with a scale upon it appear resting upon his breastplate, it glowed faintly. (edited)
Unknown BOT 8/3/2024 3:00 AM
In the darkness, Eletea could feel a familiar presence accompanying them now. He said he’d be there in her darkest hour. He lurked but wasn’t able to do anything but observe. No way to tell if he survived his last endeavor in the underworld though…
Ranthelegon BOT 8/3/2024 3:00 AM
Be careful with what higher powers you seek. Your party seeks dangerous company now in their time of need…. She could almost feel him urge her to look at Eletea and Crosby. Eletea had a strange green mark upon her neck that looked runic in nature. It glowed ever so faintly in the darkness of the tunnel. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/3/2024 3:53 AM
He didn't say anything this time, but she didn't need him to. She could feel his presence, even if he wasn't physically there. He may not be much direct help in battle, but it was a reminder. Hold onto hope. She smiled to herself, before she noticed Rikuma looking at her. "He can't say anything right now, but he's watching over us," Eletea explained quietly. "Let's not let him down." She tried to focus on her goddess as well, for more practical help, but was met with silence. Concerning. Maybe she'd strayed too far after all...? No, it was likely just a test of faith. She would carry on and trust in Desphy.
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/3/2024 3:53 AM
I don't think Azir will be a threat, Rikuma assured Ranthelegon. Unless you suspect that's not really Azir with her? She looked toward Crosby next, more concerned about him. "Love?" She placed a hand on his arm to ground him. "What's that making on your breastplate? I don't think it was there before." She couldn't let him step off their path. Not after what Ranthelegon had told her. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 8/3/2024 4:47 AM
The dhampir lingers close at a cost. He takes what he needs to sustain himself when time comes to return. Be warned the price is heavy. The dragon grumbled. But the connection was soon cut short by a much stronger presence. It was… overwhelmingly pure. (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/3/2024 4:47 AM
He opened his eyes finally and now he felt. It he got chills over him. He looked down to it. For once he did know what this was. The mark of Tyr, some may recognize such. This was actually a step in the right direction… he thought. It wasn’t there before… I know that much. It pulsated with light. While they walked along, a booming manly voice filled the tunnels. A disembodied voice of power. (edited)
Unknown BOT 8/3/2024 4:47 AM
Swear your allegiance to me and I shall crush the darkness that lingers within you. You shall destroy the corruption before you and serve to protect the people of this realm. You must stay loyal to the path of righteousness. I shall grant you power that you will need in your next battle. As all you have now shall not be enough, you’re missing a critical puzzle piece. He does not stand here now with you, but alone in darkness. Obviously took pause and looked to Rikki. Should he? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/3/2024 5:42 AM
Rikuma looked toward Eletea again, conveying Ranthelegon's warning to her in a whisper. The genasi was silent for a moment, deep in thought as she seemed to consider. "I know," Eletea admitted. "But it is not a price I fear, and I will not cast him aside. I am no stranger to blood, and whether I am spilling mine or that of wrongdoers, it is a worthwhile cost." Rikuma found herself distracted from about half of her response at the shift in presence. ...Ranthelegon? But a new voice spoke, and she slowed to a halt. "Stop," she told their guides and looked around, listening to the offer. Tyr, from what she'd read. Not a particularly malicious deity, but contracts without a set price always had to be approached with caution. Even with her own, she'd been cautious, and wondered if her caution had been enough. She met Crosby's gaze. "You are able to wield Ashrune due in part to your patron's decision," she reminded him. "Swearing allegiance to another entity may sever your connection to him entirely, and we would be left without what we need to complete our quest." It was tempting though, to have him freed of that darkness within. Wasn't that what they needed, too? "Ask about what he expects in return, if the loyalty he requires is absolute, and then say you'll think about it. I would not toss aside what we may need later, but it would be equally foolish to jump into a pact without regard for the consequences." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/3/2024 6:02 AM
Right.. he had to keep Ashrune in order to complete his vengeance. He looked to it. The purple dragon tattoo beneath his armor glowed through. The energy from it met with Tyr’s upon the armor of his armor, instead of clashing, they danced together, flowing like an elegant river. White and purple rather than the usual red…. what must I do in return? Does my loyalty to you need to be absolute? I need to complete my quest and slay Aubron and all his corruption…
Zintharan BOT 8/3/2024 6:02 AM
He spoke, only being able to be heard between him and Rikuma, like he stood between both of them. You are best to do it my knight. The one who came before you did the same. You will need what he has to offer for all I can offer you is what you have and my assistance. Be wise however.
Unknown BOT 8/3/2024 6:02 AM
Your allegiance to only me is not required. In return, the filth of this realm must be destroyed. Justice must be served and dealt with sword and diplomacy. Slay demons who stand in your way and wretched fiends who spread vile evil upon my land. Free my shrine and temple from the filth here in Thaviel by slaying their leader; Aubron. His soldiers worship me in false faith slaying the innocent in my name. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/3/2024 6:18 AM
Zintharan would know more about the consequences than her. While the people of Rashouris may not appreciate the prince consort having a pact with an actual god - the Order was very explicitly nontheistic - heresy was simply frowned upon, not punished. He will have saved the kingdom, and she was sure that would be enough to salvage his reputation. And Tyr had said nothing against her, the way the Order used necromancy, or Rashouris, so she assumed it would be safe. "This sounds like it carries more benefit than risk, then," she said. "Do as you find best, love, and I will stand by you. I would advise listening to Zintharan, though." Their goals were clearly aligned and their reasons weren't even that far apart. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/3/2024 6:33 AM
He didn’t see anything wrong with being connected to a deity. He was already doing basically everything Tyr wanted. He nodded. He considering what Zintharan said. If the one before him did this, he should too. I accept your offer Tyr. A heavy silence hung in the air for a few seconds before a white circle formed beneath Crosby, the symbol vanishing upon his chest and forming in the ruin upon the floor. Rivers of white light flowed over him. A cleansing clearly, his eye bags fading and becoming quite literally clean. His aura and presence shifting. To one more holy and with great power. The armor he adorned shifted a tiny bit. Some pieces gaining the markings of Tyr, like the shoulder plates.
Unknown BOT 8/3/2024 6:33 AM
As you wish. Do not let me down. Uphold justice and remain loyal to those who matter most. Now go. My work here is done. The voice and heavy presence would leave them. Although… Corrine would feel an urge to open the bag of holding. Tyr would speak to her; You have something that does not belong to you. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/3/2024 12:25 PM
Despite her initial hesitation, Rikuma had to admit it was nice to see its effects. She never would have thought he looked bad, but he certainly appeared to be in better condition now. She hoped it meant he was feeling better, too. More like the man she'd fallen in love with and less like the journey had beaten him down beyond repair. As the presence left, she wrapped her arms around Crosby's shoulders and stood on her toes to kiss him. An expression of how happy she was for him, and also one last kiss before they went forth into battle. She was more certain now than ever that this wouldn't all be for nothing.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/3/2024 12:25 PM
Corinne looked down at her bag of holding. Odd, the gold had all been the spoils of war, justly-won loot. She hadn't stolen anything, except... ah. She took out the compass and held it out to Crosby. "I'd hate to interrupt, but is this Tyr's by any chance? Or do you recognize who else it might have belonged to?" It wasn't as though she needed it anymore, anyway. It had served its purpose in the underworld, and now they knew exactly where to go. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/3/2024 12:43 PM
The light of course soon faded leaving him where he stood. He felt noticeably better. He certainly looked it too but he felt even better when his lips met hers. He grabbed her head chin gently and pulled her into a VERY passionate kiss. His lips danced with hers, absolutely entangled. However he didn’t drag it out tooo long. He knew everybody was watching now. He smiled a little, clearly quite confident. He was distracted though. He shook his head. That certainly was it. No…? Did you take anything from the vaults or anywhere else while we were down there…? He held Rikuma possessively close while he waited for Corrine. He didn’t know what she was trying to give him or what his new patron wanted. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/3/2024 2:28 PM
What a pleasant surprise. Rikuma didn't care who was watching, she returned the passion in his kiss because it felt like too long since he'd been in this good of a mood. It was good to have him back. She opened her eyes once he pulled away and smiled. Morn had walked ahead to set up the explosives, but she wasn't too worried. They wouldn't set them off without her go-ahead. Right now, she was more focused on Crosby. She would have snuggled up against him had they not both been wearing plate armor. "What about that sword?" she asked Corinne, standing up straight instead.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/3/2024 2:28 PM
Corinne sighed as she remembered. "I was going to use that to make so many things..." Despite her complaints, she took the sword from her bag of holding and held it out in the palms of both hands. "It's basically made from holy magic, so I guess Tyr should have it more. Or whoever he chooses." She wasn't happy about it, but if it was important, then she wasn't going to waste time putting up a fight when there were more important matters at hand. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/4/2024 12:16 AM
Of course he was in a good mood, there was more hope than ever. Things were on the upside for once. He planned to keep it that way too. He carefully reached out and took it. The energy it radiated flowing through him into Ashrune both glowed a vivid white. I’ll return it after this battle. I believe… this is another puzzle piece. I… saw a vision of it on Ranthelegon before I fell. I just didn’t know how it’d come to be. He put the blades crossing like he did to form Ashrune before. He offered his hand out to Rikki. Obviously he couldn’t use either of his two swords. Can you do the honors? I think this will be crucial for our success. I know how to seperate all 3 now if I need to… @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/5/2024 8:32 AM
Rikuma took a moment to remember how they had combined the blades at first. Blood... did it have to be his? Judging from the fact that he was the chosen wielder, the answer seemed most likely yes. Ranthelegon's sword was a bit long for a task such as this one, so she looked back at Nainda. "May I borrow one of your daggers?" The warlock handed her one of the curved blades, and she took Crosby's outstretched hand, holding it still. It took some effort to avoid looking directly at the glowing sword, lest its effects impair her vision. She cut the palm, just deep enough to draw blood, then guided his hand to rest over where the swords crossed so that the droplets would land on both blades. "Are you going to need a healing potion after this?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/6/2024 1:55 AM
He watched and waited of course. His eyes fixed upon the blade as she held his hand still. The glowing blades shouldn’t have affected her vision. They weren’t that bright, but based on the reaction of what happened last time, it was a justifiable option to look away. A mere few drops of blood was all it took. The vampire queen’s blade awakening, a swirling red spirit with a matching trail came out of it in the form of a small bat, a small purple dragon with an also matching trail arose. From the new sword, a small white dove with a golden trail. The three danced and spiraled, the blades being drawing closer together as a white fog cloud surrounded them, blocking the view of the group. But moments later, the final piece formed. A greatsword now, not something to scoff at. It was monstrous in size. The purple dragon blade remained as the main metal it presented at the center of the blade and hilt. The crossguard now had a a halo In the middle, a dragon head on the left end and a bat head on the right. At the pommel was a beautiful purple gem. It looked to be something similar to an amethyst. Now, on the the sharp sides of the blade there was three layers that rotated in a wavy pattern, letting each other take a small piece each. The vampire blade, the holy blade, and then the purple dragon blade. Upon the center of the blade on both sides in a strange runic that some could recognize as an old dead language, it read “Omega”. He shook his head and picked the blade up carefully. His hand healing over at him touching it. Wow… That was all he could muster. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Aelynthi BOT 8/6/2024 9:57 AM
Now this was what Rikuma had expected Ashrune to look like. A blade that seemed like it could kill just about anything, immortal or not. Once she got a glimpse of it, it was hard to look away. "So, I... I think we're good now," she commented. They didn't have time to waste though. The sword was ready and most likely, so we're Aubron's armies. She placed her hand on Crosby's arm. "Let's go." Morn had started back toward them, checking to see if they were prepared. "Sedition, go meet with Morn and set up our barrier. We'll be joining you shortly." This was happening. At last, after a thousand years, the curse would be broken and the land the Emperor had tried to kill would recover, once more to be a thriving queendom instead of a cautionary tale about the dangers of resisting Thauviel's influence. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/6/2024 1:27 PM
He could see her staring and just smirked a little. She hadn’t stared at something like that since they were in the bedroom together. Anyways, that was beside the point. He had to focus now. There was way bigger fish to fry and monsters to slay. He held the sword tightly in one hand. He didn’t even need to use two even with his normal strength. It would just help him steady the blade is all. He let her hold his arm, she could feel his new presence, much more pure and… motivating? It almost boosted mood to carry on… odd. All this time that had passed… the men lost… his family destroyed so he the final survivor. His original home decimated along with the utter destruction and slaughter that followed with Waterdeep. The fire within burned red hot, hotter than ever before. There was no question of doubt now. He oozed confidence, but not to the point he was overconfident. He stood at the front line, slightly before Rikki. Stay behind me love. If they try to counter attack, I can take the brunt of it. Don’t forget about the mask if we start to get surrounded. I’ll cover you as best I can while you get our forces ready. Zintharan is awaiting my command. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/8/2024 4:28 AM
Tense moments of silence followed his words, the quiet of final preparations. The air around them seemed to shimmer as the barrier locked in place. Sedition returned with Morn in tow, expression serious. "The fuses are set," the tiefling explained, speaking quickly as their time ran sort. "The cave-in is right under the castle wall, so you should be able to come out in the outer ward. You'll still need to get past the archers, over the moat, and past the barbican." "We have dragons," Rikuma said as her entire explanation as to how they'd manage that. Morn nodded. "Aye, that'll do." There was no time for conversation as the explosion hit. Even through the barrier, the boom was akin to being in the centre of five thunder storms at the same time and the ground shook violently. The blockade in the tunnel gave way to flames that lapped against the edge of their barrier. Then they too subsided. Through the settling dust and smoke, sunlight filtered through a large hole at the top of the tunnel. They had a few moments of quiet to make it out, but the palace guards were bound to be on their way. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/8/2024 6:07 AM
He wasn’t one to waste time. There was absolutely no way the guards wouldn’t notice. With blade firmly in hand he remembered why he had come this far. What needed to be done. For those he lost, he was the first to go through the new hole. There was no turning back now. Let’s do this. He knew to keep it simple. The phrase he had to speak to summon the dragon echoing through his head on repeat. @Al the Killer
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/8/2024 9:12 AM
Corinne was the next to climb up from the tunnel. The explosion had blown through several feet of dirt, but there were plenty of stones jutting out to provide hand and footholds. They stood now on grassy land, between the outer wall and the moat, behind which the taller, inner wall stood. She turned around and reached down to help. Their necromancer was crucial to this battle, but wasn't about to make it up on her own. "Rikuma, you next. Crosby, keep watch, I've got her."
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/8/2024 9:12 AM
With a small boost from Nainda and Eletea, Rikuma climbed her way up from the tunnel, taking Corinne's hands and letting herself be hoisted the rest of the way. While Eletea and Nainda made it up, she stood upright and dusted herself off as she summoned her new patron. "Ranthelegon," she said. "It is time." She placed a hand on the hilt of her sword and closed her eyes, focused on pulling him through first, then reaching her magic through the underworld to summon their armies. It had never felt this easy before; she'd always needed at least part of the bodies to reanimate. Not anymore, but it would still require a lot of time, energy, and focus.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/8/2024 9:12 AM
Nainda stepped up to stand beside Crosby, since her magic worked through touch and she needed to be on the front line. Sedition had moved his barrier to cover their heads, and just in time. A clarion call sounded from the nearest guard tower, and a hail of arrows began to rain down on them, clattering against the magic barrier, challenging it. There were shouts from the guardhouse as the enemy forces gathered. As she squinted toward the walls, a few of the archers were visible, wearing leather armor. She grinned. "If I can get up there, I can take care of them." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/8/2024 12:42 PM
Well he turned his attention towards the archer tower. This was all staring to look painfully familiar now. But times had changed and the people had too. It didn’t take much to bring Ranthelegon through. The ground shook violently, the archers may have been knocked off their footing from how bad it was. The head of the black dragon broke through the ground, roaring out in a fear inducing rage. From the sky above them, a huge purple portal opened and Zintharan came through. The knight stood fast. The purple dragon instantly turned his head towards the archer tower. The dragons scales rippled with an intense purple electricity. He raised his wings to steady himself and let it rip upon the poor souls. A bolt of lightning bordeline looking like a beam rippled towards them. Ranthelegon soon was fully above the ground, taking a moment to look around as the purple portal from his brother closed. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/8/2024 4:57 PM
Rikuma didn't open her eyes to see Ranthelegon emerge. She didn't need to. She knew he was there, and that he would do what needed to be done. In the meantime, she couldn't afford distraction. The ground continued to shake as it appeared to open in front of her, to allow the thousands of dead who followed them to emerge, to heed her call. They would fight again, for one last worthwhile cause. Then, as she had promised, they would rest at last.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/8/2024 4:57 PM
Eletea couldn't ignore her unease as an army of the dead was summoned right in front of her. It went against everything she'd been taught, but it was necessary. What she could do was fight through that feeling. Rikuma couldn't give orders, but she could. "Hold off on the wall," she told Nainda. "Ranthelegon and Zintharan have it covered, but be prepared for any survivors. Corinne, set up your arcane cannon." She summoned her spear of light as the enemy soldiers approached, a wall of full-height shields with spears jutting out from behind them. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/9/2024 12:10 AM
Soon the dragon knights would arise. More than ready as extra preparations had been made. Von was at the helm for now. It didn’t take long for Crosby to notice his men. Knights! Counter assault! The knights would form a similar formation with tower shields forming but they had halberds and glaives along with spears. They lined up in front of Crosby and Eletea, covering Rikki also. The general looked to Von and nodded. A mutual sign of respect between them. Von pulled something off his belt, a vial of alchemists fire, handing it to Crosby. Almost every single knight had between 1-3 vials. They had been busy.
Give ‘em hell. We’ll hold here. One put a shield down behind the wall with a stand beneath it; making a makeshift ramp over the wall.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/9/2024 12:10 AM
He didn’t waste time, he looked to Eletea and nodded for her to follow. I say we hit them from behind. He ran towards the shield ramp and stood upon it. First he threw the fire in the middle of the pack of poor soldiers. It wasn’t exactly normal fire of course. It was well… green like a fellow dragons. A brutal unrelenting flame one that devoured almost anything in its path. And that’s when one of greatsword’s abilities showed. He launched and landed into the pack of soldiers in a small gap that had formed. The flames around him not reacting to him, but to his sword? He struck one soldier down who was on fire, the blade soon igniting also. He swung the sword in a brutish cleave, making room for Eletea. With every ounce of spilt blood, it all rushed towards him, fueling him like a vampiric overlord. A heavy red mist rushing over his limbs. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/9/2024 3:11 PM
Eletea didn't need much of an explanation. She waited for Crosby to jump ahead, behind the enemy's shield wall, before following. She ran up the ramp, a tidal wave of water following behind her. As she jumped and landed next to Crosby, the wave followed, knocking several of the remaining soldiers off their balance. It wouldn't extinguish alchemist's fire. With the line broken, chaos erupted. The enemy charged forward, engaging more directly with the undead army Rikuma had brought up. The sounds of battle were all around, and there was little time to focus on who was on which side. She drove her spear through a gap in the nearest enemy's armor then kicked his corpse back.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/9/2024 3:11 PM
The summoning had finished quickly, the other fighters following close behind the dragon knights. Rikuma was left feeling almost drained, but that was fine. The dead she had summoned were more akin to revenants than constructs, able to sustain themselves on their own spirits and not needing constant input from her. Still, there was a battle to be fought. As she caught her breath, she felt a cold hand on her arm, even through the armor. "You are not done yet," her mother said, and she could feel her strength beginning to return. The older elf woman held a small box in her other hand but, as she looked toward Crosby, it vanished from there. "End the curse, return home, then let us die." She smiled. "You have been a dutiful daughter for too long; it is time to be a queen." Rikuma looked to the other side, where her father stood. He simply nodded and said, "you are ready." Which was all he needed to say. The two vanished, and she had no time to reflect. The thundering of hooves sounded from behind their army, entering through the outer ward gate. Calvary. The rebellion hadn't kept enough of them distracted for long enough. She turned around. "We have company," she announced. She put the mask on over her face and a black fog appeared, spreading out from the ground where she stood. As she faced them, she drew the sword and the horses reared up, startled and finding themselves torn between the desire to retreat and the orders to charge.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/9/2024 3:11 PM
Corinne fired off a lightning shot into the onslaught of guards. Several of them seized up, feeling the effects of being in the centre of armor that essentially amounted to a mobile lightning rod in this particular case. Then she heard Rikuma's words and looked back over her shoulder. "Shit, I can only fire in one direction at a time," she said. "Nainda?"
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/9/2024 3:11 PM
Nainda nodded. "I've got it." As she turned, several of the horsemen had already jumped from their mounts, finding the spooked creatures impossible to safely manage. She didn't bother with the horses, as they were already retreating. Instead, as the first of them reached their group, she picked him up by the throat, tore off his helm, and placed her other hand on his cheek. "Decay," she commanded, and he did. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/10/2024 12:12 AM
For him, armor did not matter with the blade. Between the intense heat of Ranthelegon’s flame and the compound of the blade with his now inhuman strength, he cut through it. The sound of armor shattering rang out repeatedly. He made sure he was covering Eletea’s back. That was his main goal, along with protecting the party. His men could handle themselves. The knight charged forth and took over handling the enemies around Crosby and Eletea like an extremely brutal yet well oiled war machine. Von jumped over the line and brought his Sabre down, decapitating a poor soldier in his way. The wizard of the knights firing off an array of spells. He backed off towards the princess, making sure the Genasi followed. No one left behind this time. But aid would soon come, with the mask activated. The black dragon’s attention shifted. Zintharan and him had massacred the forces on the walls. Soon a black familiar massive black shadow was cast upon Rikki’s forces. They all could feel that extreme familiar heat as Ranthelegon swooped by, laying a fiery death upon the cavalry in their way, avoiding any close to Nainda. He circled back around and landed beside the princess. Crosby spoke up, now was the time. His voice boomed out among the battle able to be easily heard. The voice of a general. COMRADES! Let the roaring fire inside free! Let us see all you’ve got! There is no tomorrow if we do not win today! Let us reign victorious with this second chance! Evil shall no longer have a cold grip upon this land! For Waterdeep! For Rashouris! For Oblein! For the fallen! For Tyr! He channeled something for the first time without realizing. A wave of motivation and strength would ripple through all his Ally’s. Almost a second wind of sorts.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/10/2024 12:12 AM
There is no time to waste on minions. We can handle them. You must head for the head of the hydra. Surely he will flee once he realizes the battle is not in his favor as all weak leaders do. The dragon laid down sort of to let them all get on. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/11/2024 3:50 AM
A few of the men who'd left their mounts had pushed forward further than the others, toward Rikuma. They wore lighter armor for the sake of speed, and paid the price for it. Though its configuration was far different from what she was used to fighting with, the sword felt entirely natural. Like an extension of her own body, easier to wield than expected. She cut down the few who managed to reach her, but did not need to do much. The rest burned, victims to dragon flames. As Ranthelegon landed beside her, she sheathed the sword and climbed onto the black dragon's back. She'd had enough practice by now that it was easier than it had been. She got the impression that Aubron would not flee. He'd had all this time and preparation. She dreaded what tricks he may have prepared. Still, they had to go. They had to face him. "Crosby! Eletea! Corinne! Nainda! To me!" she called, so they would join her. She looked down at Ranthelegon. "Once you get us to the main building, we can take care of any guards inside. I'll call you again if we run into too much trouble." The dragons and the army of the dead would be best off making sure reinforcements couldn't get at them from behind.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/11/2024 3:50 AM
Eletea watched Crosby's back just as he did hers. Together, they took down the enemies in their paths, until the time came to draw back. She ran back toward the princess to help cover her against the new arrivals. It proved less than necessary as a shadow darkened the battlefield. By the gods was she glad these dragons were on their side... At Rikuma's summons, she ran the rest of the distance, jumping up to join her. "Ready," she said. "Is anyone hurt?" She could feel the magic running through her. Control over water was inherent to her birth, but summoning the spear was a sign that her goddess remained with her.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/11/2024 3:50 AM
Corinne fired off one last lightning shot before straightening up and picking up the arcane cannon. Nainda pulled back from the fire where there had once been soldiers and returned to her side to cover her. "Let's go," Corinne said, grateful for the protection while she had her hands occupied with the weapon she carried. She ran toward the dragon as quickly as she could, accepting Eletea's and Nainda's help in getting up onto his back. To think there had been so much friction between the group before...
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/11/2024 3:50 AM
Nainda made sure the others were on before joining them. "Corinne and I are unharmed," she informed Eletea. "Crosby, we'll do what we can, but you have to be the one to deal the killing blow. Don't be reckless; we'll make sure you're protected." They couldn't let him fall in battle this time. Both because their victory hinged on him and because losing a friend in battle would suck. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/11/2024 6:13 AM
He rallied back to Rikuma as directed and climbed onto the dragon with ease also. His armor showed a few visible spots where he’d been struck and not even noticed. But it’d done its job. He was completely uninjured, not like he’d notice with the rest mistakes that formed a faint layer over his armor now. The red rivers flowed over him with a dancing purple sparking light entangled with them. A pure holy light running parallel along them both. I’m completely fine. He nodded in response to Nainda’s command. I won’t. Although… deep within something stirred besides adrenaline. Raw emotions untamed ones. He was going to make Aubron pay. There won’t be any mercy for him. A ruthless slaughter of a death would await. And if he was to fall, based on what Azir said, there wouldn’t be another chance this time. The faint mark upon Eletea remained as a reminder he was there if need be. Of course at a cost they did not know. All we need to do is keep any magic users he has as Allies at bay. At the moment, that was one of the bigger weaknesses. Physically he had a few weak spots in the armor as to be expected, but those would be pretty difficult to strike if he remained on guard. He looked to the current situation of the battle briefly. Mainly keeping his eyes on his men. He wouldn’t fail them again.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/11/2024 6:13 AM
As you wish princess. Not even a moment later, the dragon took off, heading straight for the main building. He breathed fire upon any enemy fodder that dared to stand in their way. A faint green shimmering magic covered his scales, upon his neck Rikuma could see a green rune, one that matched the blade of her sword. A binding of sorts, seems she was feeding into his power and drawing from it also. A hell of a beast to mess with now was who she was devoted to. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/11/2024 7:03 AM
Rikuma kept her eyes on the ground as they flew over the wall. The battlements above were scorched black and littered with the charred remains of archers. They had done this. There would be more destruction to come. There was no satisfaction to the sight, but a grim acceptance that this was how it would have to go, in order to stop Aubron's campaigns of conquest and destruction. There were others below, the labourers who made their living in service of Aubron, on the ground running for cover. They were unarmed and would not be a threat. "Leave them be, and focus on the fighters," she reminded Ranthelegon. Her gaze shifted toward the front door. "Break down the door and we'll take things from there." She patted the rune gently. "Thank you." She glanced up toward the sky. The sun had begun to dip low, but had not quite set yet. After dark would be the ideal time to kill the Emperor, for the sake of those in Rashouris, but they couldn't afford to delay. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 8/11/2024 8:16 AM
A huge black shadow was cast upon the laborers as they passed overhead. It quickly moved towards the castle. The dragon did not bother with those didn’t actively pose a threat to him or his people. Just as she ordered. With the momentum he carried from flying; the dragon carried it forth as he landed, bashing the front door down with the top of his head. The door more than likely went flying off the hinges or outright shattered from the pressure. There was significantly more force to it than any battering ram could ever even hope to produce. He almost nearly completely blocked the entrance up until he drew back. Crosby didn’t hesitate to get off once it happened. His weapon in hand, Ranthelegon of course ready to fight anyone or anything that dared to stand in their way. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/11/2024 8:56 AM
Rikuma jumped off and drew her sword, listening for any guards coming to attack. The inside of the castle was eerily silent, though. She stepped over the splinters of the shattered door. Nobody came in to stop them, but a powerful magical signature emanated from somewhere deep within the castle. She'd never felt anything quite like it before, and it would be different from the first time Crosby had faced Aubron as well. Stronger. "Be careful," she warned the others, and started walking. "Crosby, do you remember the layout of this place?" After all, she had never been here before.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/11/2024 8:56 AM
Nainda dismounted and stepped forward to stand beside Rikuma. "I do," she reminded her, since she was Thauvian nobility and not an amnesiac. "That energy is new..." She drew both of her daggers, ready to fight if anything did approach. Silence lingered. All of the guards must have been outside, which was odd. He'd always been known to keep a few knights and battlemages with him at all times. She didn't trust the sudden apparent hubris. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/11/2024 9:28 AM
The silence he was all too familiar with. The sound of their footsteps being the only thing heard along with the breathing of the dragon behind them. Ranthelegon was going to make sure they were out of sight before leaving. The general, of course wasn’t a fan of that magical presence. Not good. He knew this fucker would have something stirring ten feet up his ass by now. Prick. He vaguely remembered flashes hear and there of the castle, but not enough to effectively navigate. Either we’re walking into an ambush, or the guards lay deeper in the castle wherever that magic I feel is coming from. He stood close to the princess, looming over her like a shielding tower of plated man. His eyes peeled as he looked around. He made sure every party member was close. They couldn’t get split now. If that magic he felt was evil in nature, he would know by Tyr’s power bestowed upon him. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/11/2024 12:08 PM
Rikuma walked close to Crosby as Nainda led the way. The magic itself was light in nature, but tainted in some way. What stood out more than its nature was the amount of it, almost enough power to rival Tyr. She could sense death underlying it, not in a vague magical sense but a very tangible way. The winding corridors led to a double door where the council chamber stood. This was where the magic was strongest, and where Nainda stopped. "Prepare for an ambush," Rikuma warned, gripping her sword tightly. She could hear no movement within, though. But she couldn't stall for time. As she lifted a hand to open the doors, they swung open on their own. Blood pooled on the floor in front of them. Up ahead, the flagstones glowed with the golden light above. A white tapestry on the opposite wall displayed Aubron's crest in gold, and the man himself hovered abouve the council table. He hadn't aged a day in the past thousand years, but he had changed since Crosby or Nainda had last seen him. No longer a human, not a demon, but a third, worse thing. Light emanated from his head as he clasped his hands in front of him as though in prayer. He faced the party and smiled, as though greeting welcomed guests. On closer inspection, there was something in his hands, red and almost-round. The corpses of guards and servants that surrounded the table with holes in their chests said plenty about what he might have been holding. Their blood stained his hands and teeth. "So they arrive. Lady Nainda, I must say I am disappointed to see where you have chosen to place your loyalties." He took a step forward and descended to stand on the floor before the group. "Do you still believe that toothpick you're holding can stop me, Vandine?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/11/2024 12:41 PM
He felt uneasy at that tainted magic. But he should’ve expected such. There was no way Aubron would deal with such pure evil magic like other members of his party. He looked briefly around the room, the blood forming rivers to him as he glared at the man. He readied his weapon, now that he was seeing him again; what had been stirring deep down for so long was clawing and gnawing to get out. The edges of his vision going red. Murder. All he wanted to do was cut the head off the hydra. Make him pay… He instinctively took the first step to counter. But not too far of one. A fearsome beast lied within laying just behind his eyes. He was no longer the man he was when they last met either. Things had changed. They both had. For better or for worse. A toothpick would more than suffice. You’re a weakling reliant on false prophets to gain power. Your time is up now, your reign of suffering shall come to an end. For an amnesic man, he started to speak a strange language… si mi thirhe. si mi nelithral. si mi filkiati. si mi dout wielg… Some may recognize it as draconic. Around each party member emanated a purple shield, like when Nainda had “betrayed” him and turned them over to the empire. The shields emanated from him, purple energy wisp trails linking all of them together. He stood before the immortal as a beacon of hope. His allies could draw upon his power and energy as needed. There was no more time to waste. He gave a quick glance to his party and a nod. Tyr’s power flowed over his armor visibly. The symbol of the diety on each shoulder pad. He spun his sword once, it went up in Ranthelegon’s flames, Rikki’s doing the same along with anyone else’s drawn melee weapon if they so wished. Purple dragon lightning rippled over the blades edge too; mixing with the fire for a beautiful deathly show. He spoke in Rikki’s head. Use the dead here against him…. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/12/2024 2:54 PM
Aubron smiled at that, the disdainful sort of smile people gave small children while they were still in the 'babbling nonsense' stage of learning to talk. "A true god needs no prophets," he said. "A shame Waterdeep wasn't quite enough. One last sacrifice, and I will be among them. Now, the question is, which one of you? Shall I snuff out Rashouris's last hope? The 'Undying' princess? The bereaved cleric? The Mad Marchioness? The dead woman walking?" He sighed, almost wistfully. "I am going to enjoy destroying you nuisa-" The six dead guards and servants sprang to their feet while he was monologuing, each grabbing at Aubron to drag him down. He managed to avoid half of them, but the other three managed to get a hold enough to slow him down while the other three drew their swords. Rikuma had acted without thinking beyond what needed to be done but, now that she had reanimated the dead without the sprits' consent, she whispered a soft apology to them. She didn't stop, though. They needed every weapon she could use against him. She could regret the heresy later. For now, she let the flames engulf her sword.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/12/2024 2:54 PM
Eletea took the opportunity to throw her spear. It blazed past in golden light, violet wisps, and green flame... only to be deflected with a wave of the immortal's hand. "Pathetic," he said, and vanished from the spot where the undead had held him. He reappeared behind the cleric, dagger in hand. The weapon ignored any magical shields as he lashed out, sliding the blade across her throat. The wound yawned open as she fell forward, trying to staunch the blood with one hand. The red flowed fast, faster than she could call on her healing magic or reach for the potion Azir had given her. "Azir..." No sound escaped as her lips moved, trying to use magic on the wound even as Aubron lifted a hand, prepared to tear the heart from her chest. Her fingertips brushed against the mark he'd left. "I'm sorry..."
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/12/2024 2:54 PM
The flash of a blade and Nainda was ready. He was faster than her, and she couldn't make it to him before he knocked Eletea down, but she could reach for his wrist in an attempt to stop him from making the final blow. He avoided her interference, but in doing so moved away from his target, momentarily distracted from the task at hand. She stumbled past her target, but gripped her daggers as she turned to face him again.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/12/2024 2:54 PM
Corinne saw nothing more than rage after the initial blood shed. She set down the arcane cannon and fired off a lightning shot. The round itself was supercharged with the magical boosts from the dragons, glowing bright as it hit him square in the side, nearly knocking him off-balance for a moment even though it failed to stun him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/12/2024 3:22 PM
The dead would more than likely want their revenge along with a million others from Waterdeep. He turned toward Aubron as all he saw was red… Red… red… RED! PAINT THE GROUND WITH HIS BLOOD! MY COMRADES WILL NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN! MY HOME DID NOT FALL FOR NOTHING! ELETEA! He took a shaky breath in like an absolutely insane man. His eyes locked on his target like a predator with prey. YOU SHALL TAKE NO MORE! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! He lunged forth and swung while the man was knocked off balance. He aimed for the arm holding the dagger. Aubron was going to lose it if fate saw it be. Limb by limb he’d dismantle this being if it so came to that. There was absolutely no holding back now in his eyes. Only death would suffice for his enemy. A brutal one. He shall know pain like I do. He shall know misery. He shall know loss… But now, the true strength the dragon warrior held was on display now. What there really was to fear however was that a spirit followed his strike, and then more became visible. Along with that one spirit, there was the one before him… and the one before them. The previous champions of the purple dragon stood along side him now. And of course, he didn’t swing only once. He went twice, pushing Aubron away from Eletea of course. He knew his members could deal with her. (edited)
A rippling vortex of wind filled the room, anything that could be flung about, was. A vertical green rift ripped open, distorting reality around it. A putrid deathly evil radiated from it, the exact opposite of Aubron in some ways. He soon hovered out from the realm of the banished. Wind blew through his hair as he extended his hand towards Eletea, a red light rippling across it as her wound would painfully sew itself shut. Leaving a mark just like the previous one he left. He extended his other hand, a crackling green energy rippled over his body and down his arm. It jumped between his fingers before firing off. Less than a blink of an eye and a flash, and then the blast would meet its target; Aubron. May you remember the wrath of the so called Nuisances, as they will be the last thing your eyes see before your banishment to overdue eternal death. His eyes went from green to red, a deep crimson red. No longer a man. Venom dripped from his fangs. With long strides he walked over, pulling Eletea to her feet with rather vampiric magic in origin whether she liked it or not. He pat her on the head too for good measure. Now my dearest, I say we put his head upon a spike for everybody to see for wronging us. @Al the Killer (edited)
King Aubron I BOT 8/13/2024 3:38 AM
Ah, there it was. The rage, their full power on display from the start. No hidden allies, all cards were on the table now. And they were so easy to goad. A shame he hadn't managed to absorb the healer's heart, but he would manage. He regained his balance in time to dodge both of the knight's attacks, having gained enough power to move at double the speed he'd used as a human. He'd have to be careful against Ashrune. It was the one blade that could harm him. "Aw, what a touching display of concern for your party." Since he was facing off mostly against magic users, he cast a magic-reflective shield spell around himself. All he had to do was keep his focus up.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/13/2024 3:38 AM
Rikuma's attention shifted briefly to Eletea but, to her relief, the cleric would not be left to bleed out. She gave Azir a nod of appreciation, then lunged forward, slashing at Aubron's neck as he had done to Eletea. But the blade couldn't harm him, and the lightning backfired, leaving her temporarily stunned. A moment of panic flashed through her mind. With all they'd fought, with all they'd gained, would it still not be enough? ...No, it had to be. She closed her eyes, looking through the eyes of the dead to see how the battle outside was going. If they could afford to call in any of their forces.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/13/2024 3:38 AM
Despite everything, there was a peace to death, to knowing that her part of the fighting, her part of the suffering, would soon be over. Except it wouldn't. She would not be returning to the underworld so soon. Agony broke through the acceptance, and her expression contorted into one of agony. She had to get up and fight. He was here now. While she healed, Aubron's shield reflected Azir's attack back at him, but missed as the vampire had already stepped out of the path. There was a loud crash as the burst instead tore a hole in the wall behind Azir. Eletea pulled herself to a sitting position as her fingers finally found the healing potion. "I... I can handle it," she rasped, wanting the pain of his healing methods to end. She swallowed down a few sips of it and her strength returned to her. "Thank you." Her face flushed faintly purple at his words. My dearest. Never mind the violence that accompanied them. But there was no time to be flustered. She let him help her up, placing a hand on his shoulder for balance. They could talk about this later, if he stayed for long enough. The new arrival had left Aubron distracted and, shortly after reflecting the blast, the shield had dropped. Now was the time. She held out a hand to summon her spear and... nothing happened. She tried again, then tried using magic to relieve her lingering pain. Nothing nothing nothing... "Son of a bitch."
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/13/2024 3:38 AM
Nainda felt the magic, then felt it fall away, and that was her shot. She charged in from behind him, placing a firm hand around his lower jaw and pulling, tearing it away. It wasn't a weapon attack, but a magic attack, and it came away easily. She'd be surprised if he couldn't regenerate by this point, but for now, there was an opening. After all, they had a water genasi, and 'create water' could use any open container. Sure drowning wouldn't kill him, but it would sure as hell make it harder to fight. "Eli, now." Again having no time to question the nickname, Eletea took the cue, and the Emperor's throat began to fill with water.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/13/2024 3:38 AM
The arcane cannon was too risky with everyone within blast range. Instead, she took a pouch from her bag of holding and took out a pinch of grey powder. In her hand, it heated up and, as she threw it at Aubron, it formed into a fireball. It hit both Aubron and Nainda, but she knew her lover would be able to heal from the burns it provided.
King Aubron I BOT 8/13/2024 3:38 AM
He refused to be taken down like this. At last, he managed to writhe from the fleshcrafter's grasp, choking still on the water from Eletea's attack. "You'll pay..." A blade-shape rift appeared in the centre of the room, a rift between planes. Golden light seeped from it, shot through with smoky tendrils. It lashed out first at Azir, then at Rikuma, as the necromancer seemed focused on other things. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/13/2024 6:35 AM
There was always more cards to play, more Alliances to call upon. Just… some weren’t visible to the human eye. There was no time to waste. He assessed the situation as quickly as he could. The red fading from his vision. He had to focus. Barbaric like rage would not suffice. He began to work his way around to be behind the king, fading into what little darkness remained in the room. The purple connections he had to the others being severed for now as to not give away his position as did the fire and colors coming off his blade. He held Ashrune tightly in hand as he prepared, he had faith in his party. (edited)
With the new light targeting what he assumed to be necrotic, he grabbed Eletea, holding her close and shielding her with his body as he dashed to do the same to Rikuma. A sheer raw cold came from him, venom dripped on them both against his control from his fangs that refused to go away. He winced as his body steamed and burned at the light. you fucking bastard, I’ll have your throat and head. He hissed, his eyes flickering back to green. But the pain and suffering did not stop him from shielding Rikki, he slipped Eletea his dagger, a curved cruel blade. One that most certainly matched who he was. It was definitely not made of anything she would know nor did it look like it belonged anywhere here in the over world. Help the others. I’ll handle the princess. He let her go and extended his hand, a pink mist surrounding it. Jilg xiekiv… Perhaps a hold person spell would do? He was running out of options but he knew this fuck head needed to be held still by any means necessary. Chains shot from all directions, coming from nowhere. They wrapped around Aubron’s limbs and throat. (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/13/2024 6:35 AM
From the darkness he came. Two could play the game of moving faster. He hadn’t exactly used them yet for a reason. But now was the time, purple dragon wings sprouted from the breastplate, phasing through his cloak without issue. He launched forth at the Aubron, his blade fixated for a killing blow. He of course was coming from behind as he planned. @Al the Killer (edited)
King Aubron I BOT 8/14/2024 5:10 AM
The flames died down, but now the chains were coming for him. He didn't move in time to avoid all of them, and found himself held still, unable to wrench himself free or to attack again, even with magic. The unholy bastards had managed to place him in a helpless position, after all. He had no time to think about it as Ashrune pierced through a lung from behind. He drew in a wheezing breath, but remained determined that this was not the end. A voice filled his mind, that god of rampant life he'd called upon for his Rite of Ascension, the one who had told him exactly how many sacrifices he would need for the true power he wanted. It is time. The rift of light left the room, but he himself became encased in golden light. As his body grew weaker, it vibrated, then exploded into an all-consuming radiance.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/14/2024 5:10 AM
The forces outside had been all but wiped out. Ranthelegon, she called to the dragon in her mind. We need you. I fear things are to get worse. She didn't even notice Azir shielding her, but as she opened her eyes, blinding light began to fill the room and she had to act quickly. She closed her eyes and tried to push Azir down so she could cover him. The radiance would not hurt her body but, as a vampire, it was certainly a risk to him.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/14/2024 5:10 AM
The explosion began, and Corinne pulled the shadows from around the room to cover Azir and Rikuma in a shield of them. Maintaining those shadows was another story, and her body shook with the effort. Then the shield burst... just as the light subsided. She tried to catch her breath, but couldn't wait a single moment. "Nainda, check on the vampire!" At least the warlock could heal the undead without consequences. The rest of them, on the other hand... might have been fucked if the battle had gone on a moment longer.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/14/2024 5:10 AM
Nainda couldn't see a thing, only searing white pain behind her eyes. But she remained attuned to flesh, and could locate the others. She ran over to where Rikuma and Azir, reaching a hand out to heal any damage he'd taken. "Is everyone okay?" she asked because, like it or not, she was the healer now. She could detect the holy magic that had fled from Eletea, a divine abandonment in response to the genasi's chosen saviour. A prime example of why Nainda didn't particularly care for the gods, to be honest.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/14/2024 5:10 AM
Eletea gripped the new dagger in hand. It felt unfamiliar, wrong in her hand. It was not meant for this world and certainly not for her. It was the most important thing she owned now - not that she had anything else. That had been destroyed in the massacre. "Azir..." She couldn't do anything for him now, so she stayed out of the way and looked out at the wreckage of the council room. The furniture had more or less exploded, some of it still smoking, all of it splintered into pieces. Light filtered in through the now-broken ceiling, and now a new shadow began to fall on them. The figure above barely resembled the human Aubron had once been. It was at once gargantuan and a wisp, some entity one could almost see through. His many wings spread open as though to welcome the party once more. The Emperor had healed and, in doing so, become something far worse. Nothing held him down anymore. She gripped the blade tighter, and suddenly it did not feel like it would be enough. "It's not over yet," she warned the others, stepping back. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 8/14/2024 6:29 AM
As you wish princess. I’ll be there momentarily. Hold fast. They could hear that ear shattering boom of his launch as he began to bound towards the castle from the battlefield.
He was pushed down by Rikki, mainly due to his guard being down from being actually blinded. He was quite literally drenched in his own blood. His flesh being squishy and steaming. Radiant energy did not agree with the vampire one bit. His head hit the floor hard but he was fine from it. Everything was sore and his breath was stupidly shaky. But he was unbroken spirit wise. Although his vision was red, blood dripped from his forehead into his eyes. He certainly wasn’t okay now by any means. He was suffering, writhing in pain worse than before. But he was all too familiar with suffering by now. It was all he knew. I’m fine. He insisted, trying to get right back up, pulling Rikki up with him if he had to.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/14/2024 6:29 AM
He watched, shielding himself with the gigantic blade he wielded. He repositioned himself to be between the party and Aubron. He had beautiful dazzling purple dragon wings. He hated seeing the others like this. But there wasn’t much he could do besides kill this bastard and put himself between the others and Aubron. It’s me you want Aubron! I’m the king of Rashouris! The purple dragon champion! I nearly defeat you once! I AM going to defeat you this time! Come on! SHOW ME WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER! LEAVE THEM BE! He raised the blade, challenging this new entity. Sure, it was stupid. But there was no other choice. The purple tethers formed, attaching each of them to him. He had energy to spare if need be. His eyes sharpened and focused on the enemy before hand. His face remained cold. Aubron would feel a strange command within to attack him first…. Odd.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/14/2024 6:29 AM
It didn’t take him long at all, that once small hole in the ceiling became dragon sized as he tour it open with ease. And of course, the dragon hadn’t come alone. He’d brought some of the knights, perhaps some of the pirate crew, and Nainda’s son if they so pleased. The dragon looked pissseeeeddd and supercharged. The green aura off his scales was quite an impressive display. You defy my champion and our victory mortal? Your life shall be extinguished like the meek flame you are! @Al the Killer
Emperor Aubron I BOT 8/14/2024 11:58 AM
They still believed they would win. It would be admirable, if not for the naivete. "Your arrogance truly does get the better of you." His own voice echoed around the ruined chamber, power audible in each word. "You're no king of Rashouris. You're barely the prince consort. And neither you nor the princess will live for long enough to be more." Yet he had to look toward the dragon, momentarily distracted by the arrival of the dragon with an army of knights, pirates, and naval officers, all ready to fight side-by-side. More disposable pawns to toss aside. But his hands would be full between the dragon, the new army, and the purple dragon's champion.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/14/2024 11:58 AM
Rikuma stood up, letting Azir go once the light had faded "I'll leave it to you," she told Nainda, running over to stand just behind Crosby. The undead knights and servants she'd reanimated had been destroyed in the explosion, but she had an army now. And with the sword connected to her own essence, it made for a great magical focus. Necrotic magic gathered around the blade, then shot out toward Aubron to weaken him significantly. He turned toward her, eyes narrowing. "Speaking of which..."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/14/2024 11:58 AM
Crosby and Rikuma had the Emperor thoroughly distracted, and Azir was being stubborn. "You are not fine," Nainda was saying to him. "Let me heal you. If not for your sake, then for hers." It took Eletea a moment to realize she was the one Nainda was referring to. She took no time to protest, instead closing the distance between them in a few long strides. She recalled Ranthelegon's warning - Azir remaining close came at a price. A price that had not yet been paid. How far was he pushing himself now? How much further before he lost control again? "Azir." Her tone was firm as she said his name, but quickly softened. "You're no use to us in a weakened state." She pushed her hair back off her neck. Something about doing this in front of everyone was... embarrassing, but possibly necessary. "If you're injured - and you clearly are - let her heal you." She tilted her head to expose her neck more and avoided eye contact. "And if you need to feed, then feed." She had enough of the healing potion left that she'd be fine.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/14/2024 11:58 AM
Nainda nodded, showing Eletea some appreciation for the backup. "...Healer's orders," she said, which was ironic now that the (former?) cleric could no longer heal. But they were her orders too, and she certainly could. "Corinne, love, keep us covered," she added to the sidhe, since they couldn't guarantee Aubron would be distracted for long enough.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/14/2024 11:58 AM
Corinne nodded, already in the process of setting up one of her devices. A bubble of energy surrounded the party, one meant to deflect attacks and knocking back anyone who tried to break through it. It couldn't cover Crosby and Rikuma at the same time, nor the dragon or the undead. They would be on their own, but she trusted in their abilities.
Emperor Aubron I BOT 8/14/2024 11:58 AM
Aubron picked up his old dagger. In his hand now, it transformed into a flaming longsword. In an instant, he brought it down on Rikuma, intending to split the insolent necromancer in two. She brought her own sword up to block it. The two clanged together in midair, the green flames laced with her necrotic energy clashing against his tainted radiant magic. The two vied for power in a magical stalemate. @Crosby
He was already very visibly losing control. His fangs were literally constantly oozing venom used to numb and null his victims. His eyes remained a vivid red. He was breathing heavy too. Seems he was on the borderline, about go full monster if they weren’t careful. The moment she did, he stared at her neck like treasure for a few seconds. But he visibly forced himself to look away, rotating away. He only looked half over his shoulder to her. do you have a death wish dear? Now is not the time. He huffed. fine. Do your healing Nainda. He pulled the book from his jacket and began to flip through it. Anyone nearby could finally see what was on the pages. It was loads of cryptic eldritch glyphs and some weird drawn pictures. Some seriously illegible writing too like an insane person wrote it. There was picture of beholders and other beasts. But upon the page he flipped to, one thing became clear, a spell. Albeit in a strange language to cast it. He placed the book in the air as it floated. He began to do a strange motion with his hands, one hand moving like he was wiping a window, the other clenching up into a fist. Dreadful energy radiated from his palms. He was pulling from dark powers and entities he clearly shouldn’t have been. The purple dragon knights visibly got frightened by this display which was an absolute first. It got Crosby’s attention, he turned to Azir and saw. He SCREAMED OUT. AZIR! NO! He didn’t have time to stop him though as Aubron went after Rikki. Before he could raise his blade, the ground split in half from between the two halves of the party all the way to behind Aubron. Nobody could fall in but a deep evil energy radiated from within it, one Nainda and Rikki could pull from. From that ravine, countless barbed tentacles rose out and grabbed onto Aubron, digging into his flesh with a necrotic energy radiating from them. The chains from earlier also came flying from the shadows. There was a reason he never ever used this spell. (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/14/2024 1:12 PM
He didn’t waste any time. He raised ashrune with all his might. With a ferocious battle cry he went to strike Aubron down, he was going to cut his arms off like a psycho. There was no other option in his eyes. He couldn’t manage a killing blow quite yet. He was weakened sure, but he had to make sure he was weak enough. He’d only get one shot. (edited)
Ranthelegon BOT 8/14/2024 1:12 PM
Rikki would feel a hell of a strength boost as Ranthelegon’s eyes glowed a deep green. He couldn’t physically help so he figured he’d do this instead. A big dragon would only stand in their way now. And he had nothing effective against Aubron in this state currently. (edited)
He gave the order and the purple dragon knights began to close in, forming a circle around Aubron, shield bearers in front with people with spears behind them. Among them, the wizard, had a ward up. He too seemed to be readying a spell to assist. Any of the others who wished to join the formation were welcome to, they would accommodate for everybody’s strengths. @Al the Killer (edited)
Emperor Aubron I BOT 8/14/2024 2:21 PM
All he needed to do to overpower the necromancer was put in a little more force... but then the ground began to split open, the knight was shouting, and his attention returned to that fucking vampire. "You pest..." He knocked the attack aside with his blade, but in doing so left the black dragon sword free. Which was... fine. He gestured toward Azir. "You..." His hand glowed golden as he channeled the divinity of life. After all, any undead could be turned, if his magic could overcome their will. "Stay out of this." He floated backwards, just enough to avoid Crosby's bladed attack.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/14/2024 2:22 PM
Between the new ravine in the floor and the boost from Ranthelegon, Rikuma could feel her power return to its height. They could do this, and Aubron's attention had turned from her. She ran forward, slashing at his leg with the black dragon's blade. But his movement meant that she'd missed, both with the blade that couldn't hurt him directly and with the necrotic energy that could. She straightened back up and instead focused on giving the undead who'd joined them - Azir included - a share of the strength she'd been given.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/14/2024 2:22 PM
The refusal didn't bode well. If he was on the edge of losing himself now, it would only get worse. Eletea straightened up and looked over at him. There was fear in her eyes, not of him, but for him. He was a monster, but that was what he needed to be. He was still Azir, and she could read the meaning in his words - he didn't want to hurt her. But he was being stupid about it! "I would be fine, and at least you still have some control now," she insisted. "Can you really afford to put it off any longer?" But she knew how stubborn he could be, and there wasn't time to push the topic any further. "Just be careful. I... I don't want to lose you again." But a part of her knew she would, and she didn't know if he would return again. She drew in a shaky breath and tightened her grip around the dagger he'd given her. A ball of water formed around it, pulling from the moisture in the air and keeping its shape under her magic. This was all the power she had left for now. She had to make it count. She turned away from him to face Aubron. The water lashed out at the Emperor, extinguishing some of the flames he drew his strength from. He was knocked back, but did not fall.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/14/2024 2:22 PM
Nainda couldn't draw from negative energy - only from pain. Luckily, Azir was a great source of it even as she healed his wounds, but could not remove the pain they'd caused. Once she was finished healing him, she looked toward the battle. Aubron was farther away now that the ground had split. "I can only fight him within touching distance," she commented. She could heal or fight, but not both. Not right now. "Azir, do you need a healer on hand? Be honest. We need to kill him, not save your ego."
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/14/2024 2:22 PM
Corinne aimed another lightning shot at Aubron. It hit... and did nothing. "That bastard's immune to lightning now," she groaned, quickly working to change the ammunition on her arcane cannon. She looked up just in time to see another blade-shaped rift of that tainted arcane magic open up. "Watch it!" she warned as Aubron cleaved at the army of knights. @Crosby
I’m fine. Attend to Rikki and the rest of your party. I’m not a key to your victory. I’m only a mere distraction for him. Kill him. He motioned with two fingers, Eletea would be pulled towards him. He had to get that spell off first. He pulled her into his arms and moved her hair aside from her neck. I’m sorry. He said softly before sinking his fangs into her again, he held her with one arm. The other grabbing the potion and placing it in her hand. He of course fed quite a bit but held back. Although, she’d get a shivering rippling shock wave of pleasure and bliss. Almost like climaxing from his venom. He couldn’t control how much he was giving so he kept it short with how much he took and just as soon as he bit her, he drew back. He held her briefly to make sure she was alright. He was pretty much fully healed between Nainda and Eletea. If Eletea looked to his face, she’d watch a scar form over his eye, and then it go grey in color, then return to red. His attention shifting to the fight at hand. Be careful dear. Drink the potion and go. You all have to survive…. Not me. He had come to Accept that as he lumbered forwards and joined his brother. He put a finger to Ashrune, watching it corrupt itself just like Rikki’s sword. It was simply a vessel after all.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/14/2024 3:00 PM
Once Azir did his thing, he joined among the knights ranks, standing beside Von who didn’t hesitate to activate the amplifier and hand it to Crosby. The necrotic energy of course growing in power as to be expected if it worked like that. He let it flow through him, as painful as it was to such a pure being as himself. But it was a cost and burden he could take for victory. The knights repositioned and hit Aubron with whatever they had, ranging from blades, spears, flails, arrows, spells and more. The tentacles and chains Azir summoned had to retreat for the most part, the ravine mostly closing but he focused on making some remain. The vampire tried to wrap them around the emperor’s legs to immobilize him if nothing else. Within Rikki’s head rang out, left flank on me!
Ranthelegon BOT 8/14/2024 3:00 PM
With the dwindling numbers, he stepped in. He landed before Aubron and used his wings to block his views of his flanks. A darkness around him almost. The knights barrage of attacks were temporarily cut off. However, the knights laid a shield ramp on either side of Ranthelegon’s outer wings to launch over.*
He darted right, Sabre in hand. Crosby went left, expecting Rikki to do the same. The wizard of the group who had the ward moved and made a bubble shield around himself and Azir. The general grabbed Rikki and flew her over first with his wings as Von leaped over to follow on the opposite side. Crosby went above, and like Ranthelegon’s aerial attacks; he began to dive. He readied the blade once more. This had to be it. How many more chances could they get? How many more had to be lost?
3:00 PM
Emperor Aubron I BOT 8/15/2024 5:06 AM
The massive dragon naturally blocked his view. But he wasn't left entirely blinded. Instead, the flames were stoked once more, a holy fire more powerful than it had been. Anyone who touched him or hit him with a melee weapon would be burned by flames of radiant energy, receiving injuries of their own. Still, it remained a challenge to focus on any one target when surrounded. The strongest first... the necromancer and her knight, then. Though his legs were immobile, he didn't really need to move at his current size.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/15/2024 5:06 AM
It was an annoyance more than anything. Eletea knew why he needed her, of course; she'd predicted it, but he was still going to get an earful. "Don't do that. I would have come if you'd just asked," she scolded gently, even as she tilted her head to one side to give him easier access to her neck. Her annoyance quickly faded as she closed her eyes. It was different from when he'd attacked earlier, the pain gone and replaced by... something else. Fuck. Her lips parted and it was all she could do to keep quiet. It was just the venom's effects, of course... which was less embarrassing than last time, when she'd simply gotten flustered over the perception of intimacy. When he pulled away, she was left weak in the knees, and not from blood loss. Her face was flushed as she caught her breath, and she didn't dare to say anything about it as she leaned slightly into his embrace for balance. She drank the potion, then regained her balance and finally looked up at him. She really was about to lose him another time. "Will I see you again?" she asked softly, only waiting a moment for an answer before returning to join the others in the fight. She summoned a tidal wave, focusing on going over their allies' heads to target Aubron alone. It steamed against the flames that surrounded him.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/15/2024 5:06 AM
Rikuma followed Crosby's lead, darting to the left by his side. She tensed slightly as she was picked up without warning, but there was no time to do anything but go along with it. Once she was in range, she gave the instruction. "Drop me." She drove the blade coated in necrotic energy down toward the side of Aubron's neck as she fell. Flames greeted her, burning as quickly as the ashes she carried could heal her. Then Aubron's attention fixed on her and he lashed out at both attackers to his left with his sword. She was knocked back and landed on the ground some distance away. Her armor had protected her from the worst of it, but not from all damage. She stood back up again. "Shit."
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/15/2024 5:06 AM
Meanwhile, Nainda had gone ahead the moment she'd been told not to worry about Azir. She paid no mind to the flames as she pushed through the melee that surrounded the Emperor. He only wore cloth armor; in his newly giant, incredibly distracted form, he wouldn't even notice a dagger cutting away some of that cloth so she could place a hand on the skip it exposed. But he'd certainly notice its effects. "Decay," she said, and he began to do exactly that. The holy flames lashed out at her touch, but her own magic healed her even as it wounded him. And with the pain it caused her, her patron fed, and gave that additional power to her abilities. She realized the perfect feedback loop this created and laughed, which probably made her seem like a madwoman given the current context.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/15/2024 5:06 AM
Corinne returned to her arcane cannon, tweaking the construction just enough to let it aim a bit higher. "Clear the chest!" she warned, before a round of ice magic fired at Aubron's core. It wasn't enough to slow him down, but it could at least hurt him. With the impact, his flames weakened around the area she had hit. "Go for it! You don't have long!" @Crosby
He didn’t say anything in response to Eletea’s question. Nor acknowledge what she said. She could guess the answer to her own question as much as she might not have liked it. He hated the answer to be fair. But time was running out. He had to make it count here… it was already taking its toll upon him. He prepared another blast spell as he briefly made eye contact with his brother.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/15/2024 7:59 AM
He had been barely knocked back at all by Aubron, Ashrune absorbed most of the blow, channeling the energy within. As much as he wanted to worry about Rikki and the others. He couldn’t. If he didn’t step in and stop this, there would be nobody left soon enough. All he needed was a window… an opportunity… he took only the briefest of glances to his allies. Everybody was still standing for now of the main party. Quite a few dragon knights had fallen as to be expected though. A valiant sacrifice on their part; he would remember and honor them. He watched as Corrine met her mark with the arcane cannon. Now was the time. He mustered everything he had. His eyes fixated upon Aubron, tunnel vision for the kill. This was it. No more games, no more forms, no more power. He took a deep breath in and launched forth with his wings. I am vengeance! I am death! I am your worst nightmare come to life! You shall know pain and suffering like the ones you imposed it upon! Remember when we met, I led with purpose and good in my heart! Remember, the peace before you destroyed it! My comrades did not die in vain! Remember them! Remember us! REMEMBER ME! I am the Champion of Zintharan! We are your darkest moment, your darkest hour! We are the people of Rashouris! The people of Oblein! The heroes of this world! YOUR TIME IS UP! With Ashrune in hand, he didn’t waste any more time. With Tyr’s backing along with his friends and Zintharan, he drove the blade into Aubron’s heart with all the strength he had. He wasn’t taking no for an answer, if it hurt like hell to do so, so be it. He’d take it.
As Crosby went for the kill, he sent an eldritch blast forth, knocking Aubron further back onto the blade to make sure it met its mark. He made the tentacles unravel from the emperor’s ankles and wrap around his chest, pulling him towards the knight. PERISH LIKE THE MORSEL YOU ARE! He laughed, psychotically, him and Nainda laughed crazy together. @Al the Killer
Emperor Aubron I BOT 8/16/2024 5:50 AM
He had his hands full, but he could still identify the most urgent target. He may ahve even managed to block the blow, had the blast not caught him off guard. He began to prepare a spell, barely hearing the rapid fire whispering from the noblewoman who'd betrayed him as she stopped laughing to speak: "ifyoutrytoteleportyourlegswillexplode". Then, sure enough, there was a burst of pain below him and he found himself falling to the ground in a pile of his own ash and blood. But he still had his arms, and his current body was harder for even Ashrune to pierce through. "You are nothing," he told Crosby. "You have failed those who relied on you and you will fail again. You must. Your ways bring only chaos - I will unite the world, create order. You would destroy it." He reached over to grab the knight and toss him aside.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/16/2024 5:50 AM
Rikuma wouldn't let Crosby fail. Not this time. She ran back toward Aubron, her sword burning with green flames. "Don't touch him!" As she reached him, she slammed the sword into the ruined floor. A burst of Ranthelegon's flames and an unseen force pulsed out from the blade, knocking back anything that tried to get in Crosby's way. It was the final push. Aubron stopped fighting as the blade finally pierced through his heart, though doing so required burying it to its hilt into his chest. He made no sound, but golden light began to explode through his body.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/16/2024 5:50 AM
Eletea had to act quickly. She ran toward Azir, placing her own body between him and the light. They both knew he would not be here for long. His time was borrowed, and then he would return to the realm of the banished, permanently this time. But she had to try. He at least deserved to be here long enough for a proper goodbye, to celebrate their victory, to know how she felt... If she could buy him just a little more time, it would be worth every second. If they could have just one moment of happiness together, everything would have been worth it. Or maybe it would turn out she was deluded, he felt nothing, and the truth could finally put her mind to rest, no matter how disappointing. Either one was... fine.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/16/2024 5:50 AM
Nainda had to jump out of the way as the Emperor fell. Then the light filled the room, and she found herself blinded. She could feel Corinne running over and pulling her into her arms, burying her face in the sidhe's chest. There was an intense heat, then... nothing. She blinked repeatedly and looked up at the sky. Grey-white ash fell gentle as snow while moonlight shone down through the broken ceiling. It was over. The man who'd killed her son was dead. Oblein was free. Rashouris would see the sun again. And they were alive, and for once, it felt good to be alive. She wrapped her arms tightly around Corinne, holding her close.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/16/2024 5:50 AM
Corinne smiled at the embrace, warm and soft as anything. They had succeeded, and the outcome was better than anything they had expected. The peace was shortlived as a realization hit her. "Wait. Are these ashes...?" "They are Aubron's remains, yes," Nainda replied casually. A shudder of horror ran through Corinne's body as she tried to shake them out of her hair and clothes. "Gross! Grossgrossgross!" She grabbed the warlock's hand and ran to seek shelter from the pieces of dead man that rained down. @Crosby
He was blinded of course, with her frame being smaller than him, she couldn’t exactly cover all of him. Inevitably, he got quite badly burned again. Even with fresh blood and Nainda’s healing… it wasn’t enough now with his purpose being served. His body steamed and bled, a wave of constant agony flowing over him. But he endured it, his eyes returning to their normal green hue. His fangs going back to normal size, the venom seizing its flow. His eyes scanned the room and surrounding scene, looking to each ally individually of the party. Then to Eletea last. His eyes fixed upon her. He didn’t care for the ashes, let them rain down for all he cared. He was breathing quite heavily and shaky as much as he tried to control it. It was just a natural effect of what Aubron gave off clashing with his body and aura. Victory was short lived. He began to flicker, fading… fading fast. He looked down to his hands as he felt it. Green energy rippled across his body, like the chaotic magic he used. All he could do was half smile to Eletea. Like a proud father, softly, he spoke, You did it… it’s over. Victory is yours… He winced. I’m sorry I couldn’t have been here longer… And just like that, there was one more flicker and then… he was gone. No sign he was even there besides the blood that seeped into the stone floor and vanished from sight. (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/16/2024 12:55 PM
He did not even flinch at the light. As the ashes fell and moonlight shined in, he stood there with a thousand yard stare as he lost his brother a final time. A grim expression plastered over his face as his body returned to its normal shape. His huge over-fueled muscles fading. This didn’t feel right… or even real. This was completely unsatisfying. For all the lives Aubron took, for all those he made suffer, for all the pain he inflicted; and now he was gone. He didn’t even feel any better about it. His grip only grew tighter on Ashrune as he slowly moved the blade before him, staring into the mirror like surface; staring at himself. Was this all he was destined for? Was this it!? To lose his family, and go through hell and back to get an unsatisfactory ending!? He lashed out and suddenly threw Ashrune, the blade driving into the ground all the way down to the hilt before stopping. He fell to his knees and grasped at his hair. He wanted to scream, to let it all out… and that’s exactly what he did. Like a man who’d lost his family, his everything and more, he screamed out into the night sky. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/16/2024 1:20 PM
As the light faded, she turned to face Azir. They didn't have much time. Already, she could see through him. She couldn't heal him. Neither could Nainda - he was beyond healing. "We did it," she corrected, smiling back. "And you did all you could." Truthfully, she wasn't sure they could have done it without him. "I-" He was already gone, but she finished her sentence, softly so that, if he'd still been there, only he would have heard. "...I love you." Her voice broke and she sank to her knees. The dagger he'd given her remained in her grip as her tears fell.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/16/2024 1:21 PM
And just like that, it was over. Rikuma didn't know how to feel. She knew what she should have felt. Relief, for one. It was finally over. Aubron couldn't hurt anyone again. Her people were saved, and the lives lost avenged. Her life's work was... done, at least the parts that she wasn't sure could be done without her. But maybe it had been hubris to believe that some other necromancer couldn't have done all of this in her stead. As she looked over at Crosby, heard his anguish, it all felt hollow. The cost had been too great to shrug off. She removed the mask, packing it away once more. "Love..." She knelt down beside him and wrapped an arm around him. There was more work to be done when they returned. Disaster relief for any areas the flood walls and ditches may not have been enough for, entire ecosystems to restart, trade deals to be made. The damage from a thousand years of darkness wouldn't undo itself overnight, and that wasn't to mention the matter of putting her parents to rest and preparing for her coronation, the plans she'd made for Rashouris moving forward... But for now, she stayed with him, a quiet presence but one that would remain steadfast by his side for as long as they both lived. She would not let him forget that she was there.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/16/2024 1:21 PM
Nainda followed Corinne for some distance, stopping once they were where the ashes could not touch. "It's fine, darling." She gently brushed some spare ashes out of Corinne's hair with her fingers. "Really, dead bodies are more hygienic than living ones in some way, and ashes even moreso..." She trailed off as she looked back into the moonlit chamber. The two of them had gotten out of this with the fewest losses, but others were still suffering. And even them... she knew, deep down, that she had lost her son a second time. She could only hope that he could find peace in the afterlife now. "You can stay here," she said. "I have to take care of something first." Or rather, someone. She walked over to Eletea. "Loss is never easy, sweetheart," she said softly. "I'm sorry." "I..." The words choked in Eletea's throat and would not leave, but Nainda understood. "I know, dear. As I'm sure he did. But I also know you're not alone." She held a hand out to help her up. "Come on. We all have a future ahead. He never would have interfered if he hadn't wanted you to go on living." Eletea's tears continued to fall, but she still took Nainda's hand and stood back up. Nainda could sense the former cleric's surprise as she pulled her into a hug, but Eletea soon sank into the embrace, sobs escaping her as she did.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/16/2024 1:21 PM
Corinne hesitated, but soon stepped out to join them. There was something else in the air, something nobody else seemed to sense. A holy presence, but tainted by its excess. But even that was rapidly retreating, and soon she couldn't feel a trace of it, as though it had never been there. She looked up at the sky once more, then walked over to her girlfriend and their friend. @Crosby
He hadn’t heard this time. A heavily eerie silence filled the air where he once was. His presence and aura having vanished also. The mark upon her neck that he used to contact her and her to summon himself vanished. It served its purpose, it’s one time use was up. Her neck had healed over without a trace of a vampire ever having taken a bite. The dagger being the only real trace she even ever met him besides the memories from the others too. The healing potion she did get from him, she had too. It had filled itself back somehow.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 12:07 AM
He quietly leaned against her for support even though he probably weighed a bit too much for her with his armor. He was exhausted again now that the second wind had worn off. Tyr’s marks upon his shoulder pads pulsed slightly with a light to them. But nothing came of it. But he suddenly dig bear hug the princess. She and the party was all he had left. His real home, destroyed. His men, almost all but gone, they’d taken the brunt of Aubron’s attacks and forces with an expected cost. A small group of about 20 or so men remained now, Von among them. There was however, no celebration seeing the misery that followed and the toll it cost. Von sheathed his weapon as did the others. They stood quietly waiting for their next orders. Zintharan was… busy. Ranthelegon would be staring at this little encounter between the two of them rather neutrally. He didn’t care for love affairs. Anyways, the General finally took a breath in and spoke. I wish to raise a memorial in honor of the lost… and revisit Waterdeep one more time… He sounded horribly broken as he spoke. His spirit was bent and broken in a thousand different ways. … and destroy his ashes. I don’t want any fucking chance in hell there’s anything left of him to bring back or return. He started to get up to his feet, offering Rikki his hand to take. Among the ashes and in the center of the room between the two groups of the party was a spirit. A small one… an infant, a small boy. Surely Crosby and Rikuma recognized it. He sat there with a pacifier in his mouth, staring at Crosby with a rather neutral expression. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 1:11 AM
Rikuma nearly forgot how to breathe at the sudden embrace. She quickly recovered, leaning against him. It wasn't much of a hug with both of them in plate armor, but if there was any comfort she could offer, she would do it. They'd all been through an ordeal. "Then a memorial will be built," she promised. "There is also... I'm not sure there is a word for it in Common. It's not a graveyard, because we bury no bodies there. It's a place that holds small memorials for the greats of Rashouran history. Heroes, revolutionaries, great scholars... Your brother's cenotaph should have a place of honour among them, too." She took his hand and stood up. "But we should rest first. The capital won't be safe, but we can return to Oblein first..." She trailed off and turned to look at the spirit of the young boy, the same one they had seen in that field of flowers. Far too young to understand, but gone too young to hold a grudge. She nodded to Crosby, letting go of his hand. "Go to him. Living or dead, we all need some comfort."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 8/17/2024 1:11 AM
The ashes had stopped falling and now coated the floor. They would do best scattered until they were useless even to the most masterful of necromancers, even to a god. Until they dissolved into nothing more than carbon particles. "I'll take care of the ashes," she said, because she needed to keep herself busy or else she'd lose her fucking mind. And because water seemed logical for a cleanup job. "Now, how are we returning to Oblein?"
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/17/2024 1:11 AM
"Aubron was the one responsible for the anti-teleportation spell," Nainda said. "With him gone, the scrolls should work now. Unless Ranthelegon has not yet grown tired of carrying us around." She sighed. "We can stock up on more scrolls in Oblein, too. And I'll need to address my people." They were prepared to self govern, of course. She'd made sure of it, because she had not planned to survive her vengeance. Yet here she was. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 1:49 AM
Thank you… I’m sure Azir would appreciate it and I do as well… He walked over to the infant and kneeled down before him. The eyes of the child not moving from his killer. He offered out his hand, wanting up. As much as the general didn’t want to. He picked him up and held him close. He’s gone… for good young one… I’m sorry for what I did to you… He cradled the spirit in his arms, somehow able to interact with it. The boy just happily giggled. Not even caring it seemed what Crosby had done to him as to be expected. The boy started to fall asleep within his grasp once again, a safety almost ironically it seemed.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/17/2024 1:49 AM
As a final act of gratitude I can provide transport to Oblien if the princess so wishes. After that though, I must return to my home. To see if any of my closest alliances of old have survived. If not, I’ll return to Rashouris until the end of my days. He moved to the center of the room, allowing anyone who wished to climb on, to do so.
The knights and him gathered around Rikki, leaving Crosby be. She was second in command after all. Von was third. What comes next? Is there anything you need us to do here? The general began to walk over with the sleeping spirit in his arms, unbothered and resting. But the moment the moonlight hit him, he vanished again. The general quietly looked to his arms before letting them down. Peace at last for the child… I must also ask… what about the people here in the empire? Who’s going to lead them? We surely can’t just leave them to fend on their own… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 2:53 AM
Rikuma watched the two for as long as she could, before the knights surrounded her. With all of her anger directed at Thauviel, she hadn't cared what would happen to it. Von had a point, though. "One moment." She turned toward Ranthelegon. Simpler matters first. "I would appreciate it," she told the dragon. "Regardless of the outcome, you will always be welcome in Rashouris. You have more than earned a home among us." Now, for the rest... She took Crosby's hand in hers, not squeezing due to the gauntlets she was still wearing. "Thauviel is built on conquest, on the bones of those lucky enough to die and the oppression of those unlucky enough to survive. As a governing entity, it does not have the inherent right to exist, but the people should not suffer for it."
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/17/2024 2:53 AM
Nainda glanced at Ranthelegon, that at Rikuma. "You go ahead, love," she told Corinne. "I have another matter to attend to." She approached the gathered group to address Rikuma directly. "Your Highness." She bowed. "Earlier, you named me your advisor. Shall I advise?" Even the princess's normally inexpressive face showed immense relief. "Please, speak freely, Your Excellence," Rikuma agreed. "An Empire is a massive entity. Though the individual kingdoms that make it up no longer have the power they once did, they have local governing authority, structures of government in their own rights, their own armies... If they are permitted to, they will be able to rule themselves. Even the capital once belonged to the kingdom of Kumore," Nainda explained. "We need only to name an Emperor for long enough to dissolve it."
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 2:53 AM
Rikuma considered for a moment. "And if we wanted to maintain peace? To prevent future conquests? Could we reform it into an alliance?" Nainda nodded, and Rikuma continued speaking. "Then whoever we place in power should be prepared to do that. The question remains of whom." "Aubron had no wife and named no successors, such was his faith in his own immortality," Nainda said. "His killers would have the highest claim to the throne." "Crosby landed the killing blow, but we were all involved... A foreign ruler who killed the Emperor may be seen simply as an usurper though, and face resistance even during the short time this will take," Rikuma mused. "You would be the next choice, as the only one of us who is actually a Thauvian noble." She looked toward Crosby. "What are your thoughts?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 5:21 AM
The dragon just simply nodded In acknowledgement. He watched and listened to the whole little ramble of course. He wasn’t good with politics persay or kingdom stuff as to be expected. He was a soldier at heart, not a royal. And being a consort was certainly already quite the large step for him. He already remembered he’d have to propose soon and find a suitable ring to do so… shit. He had all but forgotten up until now. But he pushed that thought aside for now. There was bigger fish to fry currently. He looked to Nainda and crossed his arms. He remembered when she “betrayed” them quite well. But he also remembered how she responded and made up for it. He offered her a hand for a handshake. He figured she was smart enough not to use the stone touch upon him. It wouldn’t end well. Plus he trusted her not to. I support it on one condition. No more “betrayals” without warning, understood? As he stood there, his armor began to fade, storing itself in his bag of holding for now. He was back to being dressed like a fancy noble with a dragon brooch and cloak now. He figured it was a much more appropriate look for now.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/17/2024 5:21 AM
Your armor can do the same, just give it the command, “return”. His voice echoed through her head as he didn’t want to interrupt of course. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 5:38 AM
It was worth a shot. Return. The command echoed through Nainda's head and the armor vanished, replaced by one of her black gowns adorned with bones. Less fitting for battle, but more fitting for her status. She stood by, allowing Crosby and Nainda to talk over who would take the temporary throne in order to dismantle it. The choice seemed obvious, but she still wanted to give Crosby some input instead of handing the crown to someone else without asking. "It's settled, then?" Rikuma asked.
Nainda Townsend BOT 8/17/2024 5:38 AM
Nainda shook his hand firmly. Her magic remained perfectly dormant, of course. "I already made that promise and intend to keep it," she told Crosby. She didn't want to be Empress, really, but it was temporary. And all the best leaders were the ones who only took the position out of necessity. "I will stay behind with Eletea to help clear this place of Aubron's presence, after which I will enlist her help as scribe so I can set to work." She smiled. "Help yourself to Oblein's hospitality. My staff will understand." She walked over to hug Corinne. "And as my consort, you will have authority over my estate while I am here. I will see you again soon, Darling." She kissed her softly, lingering for as long as decency would allow.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 5:39 AM
Rikuma looked up at Crosby. "Let's be on our way, then," she said, then turned to the knights. "In the meantime, guard this castle in the name of Empress Nainda the First, Slayer of Tyrants." She did not mind giving someone else the glory. She just wanted peace with her lover, and to move ahead into the future together. "The lich Generals will join you shortly. They will not disobey me." With that said, she started toward Ranthelegon. Meanwhile, a faint presence emanated from Crosby's bag of holding, ghostly but benign. It came from a small wooden box, the one Rikuma's mother had been holding during her spirit's brief appearance on the battlefield. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 7:06 AM
Just making sure it all. He cracked a small half smile through his misery. Some separation from the moment and this place was much needed for him right now to process that this really all said and done. The armor that once adorned the princess was stored in her bag of holding. He felt something in his. He’d wait until they were on the dragons back however, then he’d investigate whatever it was.
As you wish. He bowed and shook hands with the general. A silent nod between the two men out of respect. The other men moved to assist Nainda, Corrine, and Eletea however they could.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 7:07 AM
He went for the dragon of course, holding Rikki’s hand as he did so, he picked her up and plopped her onto Ranthelegon’s back even though he more than knew she could climb on herself. He didn’t care though. He wanted to. He climbed on afterwards and then went to investigate was in his bag. He pulled out the box, quietly inspecting it as Ranthelegon began to stand up, ready for take off if the princess was. He began to open it if he could. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 8:25 AM
Rikuma walked over to Ranthelegon, accepting Crosby's help in boarding. For a moment, she looked over to watch Corinne. The sidhe said her final goodbyes to Nainda, who gave her one of her rings in case anybody was skeptical of their relationship. The ring didn't fit on Corinne's finger, sliding off easily, but she carried it anyway as she joined them on the dragon's back. With Rikuma keeping an eye on her friend, she didn't notice Crosby with the box. It opened easily, only held shut with a simple, delicate silver latch. Inside was a ring resting on a red velvet cushion. The band was platinum, with a large diamond in the centre and a smaller, black diamond on each side of the central one. It was a fine work of elven craftsmanship, and gave the impression of being old, but well maintained. If he'd paid close attention to the royal portraits of generations past while in the Rashouran palace, he might recognize it as the same that had been on the ring fingers of every Queen and Queen consort during the centuries that the Aelynthi bloodline had been in power. Not the subtlest hint Rikuma's mother had ever dropped. Meanwhile, Rikuma looked down at Ranthelegon. "We're ready," she said. "Take us to Oblein." It would be a relief to leave this place. That small, cozy castle had been the last place any of them had experienced anything close to comfort. She wished they'd appreciated it more at the time. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 9:37 AM
He most certainly hadn’t paid THAT close of attention as much as he probably should’ve. He did however just as quickly put it away underneath his cloak. Well that solved one of them problems. Now it was back to the original 3. Ironic in his eyes. He remembered the first time he met Corrine all too vividly. Wild times back then. Thank god things had changed. He wouldn’t have survived otherwise. He couldn’t help but crack a small suspicious smile at the memories. They took off moments later heading on their way to Oblien, somehow Ranthelegon knew the way without issue. The general looked to the remains of the battle as they climbed higher. Mainly seeing what the people were up to now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 9:48 AM
Down below, the surviving soldiers from their side and those who had defected from the former Emperor's side had set to work rebuilding the fortifications. It was a hopeful sight in the aftermath of hopelessness, former enemies working together to rebuild under a new banner. Word of the victory had spread immediately thanks to Rikuma's connection to those she'd brought back from the overworld, and already the banner of Oblein was being raised. But despite the positive points, signs of the death and destruction remained visible. The battle had taken its toll, and it would be a long time before things were truly okay. Rikuma finally looked over at Crosby and smiled. "We actually did it," she said softly. "We ended over a thousand years of tyranny. I knew we could accomplish anything together." It was bittersweet, given the cost, but they could finally rest. She leaned her head against his shoulder. "I couldn't have done it without my handsome knight in shining armor~" Corinne rolled her eyes. "You're kidding, right? He's not that good looking." Rikuma turned back to look at her, lifting an eyebrow. "No?" The two women stared at each other for a moment before the realization hit. "Holy shit, your curse-!" Rikuma smiled and hugged him excitedly. "All mine," she said softly. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/17/2024 12:41 PM
He sort of expected that. Nobody in their right mind would continue fighting for a power they didn’t believe in or support besides for income. The moral had to be there. Seeing the fallen was grim as to be expected. But he was drawn back to the sweeter side of reality before him. He smiled a little seeing her so happy, and well, calling him that. you best be careful calling me a knight love~. I’m a general now cutie~. And of course I couldn’t have done it without you either my gorgeous necromancer girlfriend~. He teased right back, dropping it to be rather… alluring. He was going to try his best to make her flustered while keeping it not tooo explicit with her patron right there. Corrine could deal with it. awe~. No more fun with other ladies besides you~? What a not so shame~. You’re all mine too then dear~. He grabbed her chin and pulled her into a VERY passionate and intimate kiss. Poor Corrine would have to sit there and watch as he wasnt simply going to let her get away with teasing him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/17/2024 1:20 PM
Rikuma chuckled softly. He didn't need the curse to have the same effect on him. The only difference was that now she had to admit he smelled kind of bad at the moment. That was to be expected after all they'd been through though, and they all likely did. She closed her eyes and kissed him back anyway, wrapping her arms around him. They passed over more of the land, places they hadn't seen before. She paid no mind to it now. All that mattered was right here, in her arms. She was happy to be all his now, no more reason to worry that someone would try to take him away from her or that they would hurt him if he refused them.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/17/2024 1:20 PM
Corinne sighed and looked down, watching the ground pass underneath. This was going to be a long dragon ride. "So, Ranthelegon, what's your home like?" she asked, to keep herself distracted with conversation and not the gross couple beside her. Actually she just sort of missed her girlfriend right now, but she knew she would see her again soon. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/18/2024 3:17 AM
He soon drew back with a small smile, booping her nose as he rested his forehead against hers. He was more than happy now of course. you’re adorable my love~. God I love everything about you~.
Ranthelegon BOT 8/18/2024 3:17 AM
My home is not one home. But multiple. My home has changed over the ages as those I’ve sworn loyalty to come and go. Mortals can only live for so long.
3:17 AM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/18/2024 5:23 AM
It was nice to see his spirits lifted, after everything that had happened. Rikuma leaned against him, perfectly content now. "I love you too," she whispered. "But I think I'll find you cuter after we've both had a bath." To make it sound less insulting, she added, "we can take one together when we reach Oblein~" Travel through air was naturally much faster than over ground, and as she looked down, she could just about see where the cursed woods had been. The water had broken the riverbanks, flooding over and leaving a whole lot of mud. But there was potential there, a new slate for life to renew. "And we're almost there," she added.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/18/2024 5:23 AM
"You mentioned just one earlier, but alright." Corinne wasn't about to ask more questions that he seemed unwilling to directly answer. She looked eastward as they flew, toward Rashouris, though it wasn't visible from where they were now. "It feels like it's been years since we've left," she commented. They'd all been through so much. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/18/2024 11:18 PM
Of course Rikuma~. I look forwards to it~. He smiled before looking down curiously also. Damn. He wondered what would happen to the remaining scattered vampires. But he already knew the answer, they’d scatter to the nearest civilizations to live or be stuck in their castle until dark. His attention shifted to the sidhe as she spoke. He nodded. It’s felt a lot longer than that if you ask me… Years was an understatement. For him, it felt like anywhere between a decade and century has gone by. Not including from between the time between his first fight with Aubron and his now final one. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/19/2024 1:59 AM
Rikuma kept an eye on the ground. Oblein rose from the swampland surrounding it, looking small and insignificant from here. "We're here," she warned, letting go of Crosby so she could hold on tightly to Ranthelegon in preparation for the descent. Finally, they could get clean, have a proper meal, and rest. In whatever order those things happened, as long as they all did. "Be prepared to explain why we're here with a dragon and no Nainda." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/19/2024 6:35 AM
Right… I don’t exactly think they’d be fond of me but sure. I can explain if you wish. He figured literally either of them would be better at handling this part. Not him. He knew nothing about these people or who they were. Nor almost anything about this place. They had avoided it like the plague during the first attempt to get to Aubron. Although he didn’t remember where they went instead for some reason. Ranthelegon began to descend, landing wherever he could. Even if it meant literally landing in the main courtyard before the castle or in the garden if it had one. Or if there was nowhere big enough, he’d land upon a poor soul’s house or the castle walls. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/19/2024 9:03 AM
"I mean in general, people might ask any one of us," she said, still looking down. "Oh or we can land in the castle courtyard!" There would still be questions, just from Nainda's staff. Fewer people, probably less of a spectacle. The courtyard was just large enough to accommodate the dragon. Not quite comfortably, but he'd be able to land, let them off, then take off again. Once they reached the ground, Rikuma patted Ranthelegon's neck and climbed down. "Thank you, Ranthelegon," she said. "I don't know when I will see you again, but I am sure I will." He was her patron now, after all. Corinne jumped down as well, as a few of the guards ran out to see what was happening.
Corinne Alarie BOT 8/19/2024 9:03 AM
Corinne turned toward the guards, holding her hands up to display the ring. "Her Imperial Majesty - formerly Her Ladyship - sent us," she assured them, taking over all of the people work. "As her consort, I've arrived bearing the news that the tyrant Aubron has been defeated, and the former marchioness Nainda now occupies the Imperial throne." The guards stopped, took a moment to examine the proof she had brought, then bowed. "Then we are at your command until her return," one of the guards said. Corinne nodded. "Thank you. Could you please direct the servants to prepare two bedrooms plus the Lady's, with a warm bath in one? A proper dinner is in order, too." They left the courtyard to deliver her orders. @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 8/21/2024 1:54 AM
Crosby nodded in response. Simple enough. He could handle it if need be. I wish you the best princess. Be safe. Just as soon as he landed, he took right back off. The three were left to fend for themselves once again like old times. It didn’t take him long to vanish out of sight as they could feel a slight breeze, he was flying fast to wherever he was going.
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/21/2024 1:54 AM
He of course had followed Rikuma’s lead, getting off Ranthelegon at the same time. He quietly looked around. He ran a hand through his hair. He wondered what had happened to other kingdoms other the empires power. And those who had been affected by Aubron’s rule. Well… is there anything else we should speak of before we head inside where we probably won’t be really alone? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/21/2024 10:05 AM
Rikuma turned to wave goodbye to Ranthelegon as he took off. Or so she planned to, but he was out of sight before she even could. Crosby's questions drew her attention and she looked over at him. Those in the castle itself seemed to accept the explanation they'd been given, and had already gone off to work. "I guess if people have questions, we can answer them later," she said. "It's not like we have privacy out here; we'll be more alone once we're in our room." She turned to face him fully as Corinne slipped away into the castle. Rikuma didn't try to stop her. No doubt the sidhe needed to sleep, too. "Why? Was there something you wanted to talk about while we're out here?" Their room probably wouldn't be ready for a few more minutes, nor would the bath, so they had time to kill, after all. "How are you feeling after... well, everything that's happened?" she asked softly. He'd lost so much, after all. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/21/2024 11:54 PM
He sat down wherever he could and ran a hand through his hair. He looked to the ground as he had to string together the words to respond. He had lots he wanted to say, but he didn’t know what to say. Not any better. The cost was far too high for his defeat… Waterdeep is gone, Azir is actually gone this time with no real way of contacting him or tracing him. Almost all of my men perished again just for this victory. My parents fell because of me and the vampire kingdom as a whole was completely eliminated. On top of all that, we nearly lost Eletea if it wasn’t for Azir stepping in… He adjusted his cloak, he still didn’t look to her oddly as he folded his fingers together. Guilt. All he felt was guilt. Although we may have won, we didn’t in my eyes. Not with the endless trail of bodies that follows me to this point. Oddly enough, he drew his blade, laying it across his lap and looking at his reflection in it. A purple hue surrounded it as to be expected. He pulled up his sleeve, looking to his arm, all new scars and bruises had formed. They absolutely shouldn’t have been there with the armor on. He half glanced to her. So tell me princess, what do you think of all this? Was the cost of everything I have besides you worth it? @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/22/2024 11:11 AM
Rikuma followed him to one of the benches that lined the walkway, between the path and the beds of flowers. She sat silently by his side as he spoke, folding her hands in her lap. The words stung, just a bit, knowing that stopping a literal genocide against her country didn't feel worth it to him. But, given how deeply personal his own losses were... Well, she supposed it made sense. Her kingdom was not his, after all. She could justify a lot of it - Aubron would have destroyed or forcibly conquered Waterdeep eventually if left to his own devices, Azir had knowingly sacrificed himself, his men had already been dead and were bound to return to the underworld anyway, he had not really caused his parents' deaths, the vampires who hadn't attacked them would still be alive albeit weakened by the sunlight... but even she knew that now was not the time to list the hard facts. She remained silent for a while longer, looking down. "I... can't answer that for you," she said at last. "I could quantify the losses, compare them to the possible futures where Aubron had survived, and tell you that all cost-benefit analysis points toward this being the best outcome, that all of this was for the greater good. But that's not how war works. Not really." She placed her hand gently on his arm, wishing she could make the marks left by their adventures go away. "We've made space in the world for hope to bloom, but that doesn't mean it's not okay if it hurts. I'm here for you if you want me to be." She looked away. "If you blame me, as the one who dragged you into this, and you want nothing to do with me, I understand." She'd be devastated, but she would understand nonetheless. "I love you, and that means I just want what's best for you." @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/23/2024 12:03 AM
He honestly hadn’t even thought of the possibility of a genocide against Rashouris. He had been too wrapped up in his own little world of problems to consider that. He grabbed her hand and wrapped it in his. He listened to her all the way through before pulling her into him for a hug. Rikki, there’s no way in hell I’d ever blame this on you. It was destined I’d be facing Aubron sooner or later. Although if it’s alright with you, when we get to Rashouris, I might need a day to head back to Waterdeep. If you want to join me… you’re welcome to. But I want bury what remains of the past respectfully. He paused for a moment to think. I apologize for being… selfish. I didn’t mean to crush your moment of hope and be a dick… I just… had to get that off my chest. With his free hand, he grabbed her other hand, gently holding it. His thumb rubbing the back of her hand gently. His head leaning against hers. if there’s anything you need to tell me, go ahead.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/23/2024 3:55 AM
She considered for a moment longer before speaking again. "In the curse's first year, half of Rashouris's population died. The kingdom simply didn't have the infrastructure ready for such large-scale indoor food production, and a spell for artificial suns hadn't even been invented yet. It's only thanks to rapid innovation, the work of the dead, and the fact that the curse had struck in early winter when we already had food stored and warmth enchantments in place that we weren't wiped out entirely. But the artificial suns require powerful mages to maintain, and by the time you came to us, we were running out. If you ask any of my people if it was worth it, they would say yes. But they haven't lost what you have." She cuddled up close to him. "You don't need to apologize. It's okay to be selfish sometimes; you've earned it." She looked up at him. "I can join you in Waterdeep. But first, we need to rest." She entwined her fingers with his. "Should we go see if our bath is ready? I think some hot water, steam, and maybe some lavender bath soaks will do us well." She'd read about the soothing properties of lavender, even if she lacked firsthand experience with the flower. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/23/2024 9:12 AM
He looked to her as she started to talk of the curse. It sparked his interest of course. Why wouldn’t it? He simply nodded. Now he felt bad for being selfish, guilty even. If you want to go see if the bath is ready, we can. I’m sure it’d help me relax a little… and you too of course. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/24/2024 5:58 AM
Rikuma nodded and stood up, holding out a hand to help him as well. "I'm not sure how those scars appeared on your arm," she commented as she led the way to the suite they had stayed in before. "But we should check to see if any other, more serious injuries have appeared as well." The scars were a mystery, but any bruising wouldn't be; armor was meant to absorb damage, but didn't prevent all impact. Besides, there were possible effects from the numerous magical attacks they'd been subjected to. One of the women on staff was just stepping out of the room, and paused to curtsy to the two of them. "Your Highnesses," she greeted. "I have drawn a bath for the both of you and made sure the room is clean and ready. Do you require anything else?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/25/2024 10:39 AM
He took it as he stood up. He knew why the scars had formed. He was just… unsure how she’d react. He debating something already now that things were said and done. He nodded. Once we’re in the baths… I’ll explain why they’re there. He followed closely behind. Of course he did. He looked to the staff member. I believe we should be fine… His attention then shifted to Rikuma. He sort of… hated being called a royal. Something about it didn’t feel right. A slight sourness showed on his face when she said it. But he tried his best to hide it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/25/2024 11:47 AM
Far more used to the formality - though not to living staff - Rikuma gave a slightly stiff nod. "We will be alright," she agreed, before watching the girl leave. At least women were behaving normally around her boyfriend now. She walked into the room, where aromatic steam from the bath could be smelled and seen even from behind the room divider. She breathed in deep and relaxed a bit, walking ahead. The windows had all been drawn shut already, and candles and the fireplace lit to illuminate the room. She looked back to make sure the door was shut before she began undressing. "It's probably for the best that I'm a bit sore," she commented, rubbing her shoulder. "Otherwise, I might not believe this was real..." She trailed off and looked over at him. "Now, what's this with the scars about?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/26/2024 6:53 AM
He was very thankful that the ladies weren’t going beyond absolutely insane for him. He needed a break from all the crazies wanting to fuck him sideways. Anyways, that was besides the point, he trailed behind the princess as he looked around the room. He also made sure the door was fully shut before starting to undress. He didn’t respond to either her comment or question. He fully undressed and looked to her. That’s when she’d absolutely see there was very little skin that wasn’t scarred over by now from his shoulders down. Most looked to be… marks from a whip, others from claws, and most of all, very clearly from a blade being dragged across his body. He truly didn’t want to kill the mood but he knew this was coming with Maziel being gone. And they hadn’t been undressed since before so she wouldn’t have known. they’re from… past experiences…. Like Maziel who I originally told you was a succubus… I didn’t realize until quite a bit after I told you what she really was. And Desmona, the vampire queen as you know…. They both did their fair share of damage. Not including… He pointed to a very large slash that went from one side of his chest below his ribcage all the way to above near his shoulder. Where Aubron finished me when I perished under Aurora’s spell. He also had quite a few bite marks on his neck from vampires that had scarred over, they weren’t as kind as Azir was with Eletea. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/26/2024 8:08 AM
It was worse than she'd expected. She knew what he'd been through had been bad, and she'd been surprised by the lack of visible scarring before, but actually seeing its effects. Tears came to her eyes as she imagined all that he must have suffered through. Of course they did. It was only natural to be upset, thinking about the pain the man she loved must have felt. It didn't change how she saw him, not really. It was just... A lot to take in. She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around him, burying her face against his chest. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "You shouldn't have had to go through any of that." She lingered for a few moments, wishing that her warmth could make it all go away, before pulling back and looking up at him. "Let's get in the water before it cools down, at least." The tub was just about large enough for two, if they snuggled close together. They could have asked for two baths, but she didn't want to be separated from him anyway. Not right now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/26/2024 9:11 AM
Reply to: @Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI (@Al the Killer) It was worse than she'd expected. She knew what he'd been through had been bad, and she'd been surprised by the lack of visible ...
He stayed silent as he watched her reaction. He really hoped it hadn’t changed her image of him in any negative way. He knew he was quite far from perfect. Flawed in so many ways, some physically. He held her close as she embraced him. It’s… in the past now Rikuma. What happened, happened. I am who I am because of it. I just… figured I should tell you first when we’re alone. The curse hid all of it as Maziel didn’t want me to be visibly… “flawed.” He pecked her forehead with a soft kiss, moving some hair out of her face carefully. He nodded and picked her up gently. He walked over to the bath and plopped them both in, her sitting in his lap for now unless she moved. I love you Rikuma… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/26/2024 9:38 AM
"It's not a flaw," Rikuma assured him. "Not to me." She readjusted her arms around him as he picked her up to make it a little easier for him. The hot water allowed her to relax as she settled into his lap, resting her head against his shoulder. "I love you too." She closed her eyes. She hadn't realized just how much her muscles had been aching until the warmth sapped the pain away, leaving her to feel like jelly in the best possible way. "And I definitely needed this." She turned her head to give him a chaste kiss on the lips before settling down again. She'd focus on getting clean shortly, but first she just wanted to rest here in his arms. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/29/2024 11:41 PM
He was more than fine relaxing for a little bit. He just wanted to be able to enjoy his time with her for now. Unbothered by the world and another threat looming overhead. He of course returned the kiss. His eyes lit up with a love to them, a life finally. Although a look of pain still was hidden deep within. There was no getting rid of that now. I needed it too… although… I love you more though beautiful~.
11:41 PM
@Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/30/2024 3:10 AM
Rikuma allowed herself a small smile at that. "I love you more," she countered. "Each and every day, I love you more than I did before, more than I ever thought possible." She paused to let that sink in, then opened her eyes and leaned in closer to whisper. "Try and one-up me again, bitch." Humour had never been her strong suit - at least not intentionally - but maybe she could get him to laugh, just a little. For now, she looked around until she spotted the shampoo bottle on a small shelf, within arm's reach. "Anyway, do you want me to wash your hair for you?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/30/2024 6:53 AM
Reply to: @Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI (@Al the Killer) Rikuma allowed herself a small smile at that. "I love you more," she countered. "Each and every day, I love you more than I did ...
ohhhh honey~. A challenge from the princess? That was not exactly a good idea… especially for well… him. He did laugh a little and roll his eyes. I love you more. Just wait until we’re in the bedroom~. I’ll more than prove it if you so desire my gorgeous fucking girl friend~. He smirked a little and laid back. if you want to though, go right ahead princess~ you can wash and touch anything you want~. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/30/2024 8:26 AM
She hadn't thought he'd shift to that sort of mood so easily, but she wasn't complaining, either. "You are incorrigible," she commented, her lingering smile giving away what she thought of that fact. She cupped some of the water in her hands first, pouring it gently over his head to get his hair wet. "But I would like to see you try to prove it." She poured a small amount of the shampoo into her hand, then massaged it into his scalp with loving care. "That does remind me of our first time together. You were in the dungeon after trying to assassinate me, and I came down to bring you food and treat your wounds..." She blushed at the memory. "I couldn't help myself back then, but there was always something more to it than that. More to us." Perhaps she had always been destined to love him, after all. She'd likely never feel that high she'd gotten from his presence when he'd been cursed again, and that was perfectly fine. She'd already proven after taking the temporary immunity potion that the desire would still be there, with or without it. Her body was proving it to her now; she wanted him no less than she had back then. She just had more control over whether to act on it. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 8/31/2024 5:22 AM
Of course the would for her. He was relaxing now so he could more easily switch on and off. He just kept a smile plastered across his face. Mhm… I may but you clearly love that fact honey~. And of course I’ll prove it, I’m a man of my word after all. The tension in his muscles very visibly released as she began to clean him off. Her touch was more than enough to make the hardened warrior drop his guard. You were quite adorable back then too. Soooo needy for me in every way~. Curse or not, you clearly wanted all of em to yourself~. And I wanted the same~. From your beauty to your intelligence… and then your way with people… although it’s not amazing. It’s still quite impressive love~. His thoughts drifted back, thinking about back then and it was starting to cause a problem to form below where she sat against his will. He tried his best to push those thoughts down for now. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 8/31/2024 5:44 AM
Hardened warrior indeed. She lifted her hips as she felt something stir beneath her so that she was no longer sitting there. She didn't want to tempt him too much yet, and knew that sitting in his lap wouldn't help matters. Even though he seemed to know exactly what he was saying and doing, tempting her in return. "Sorry," she said, before collecting more water in her hands. "Close your eyes, I don't want to get soap in them." It would take a few times of pouring water on him before she managed to get it all out of his hair. She smiled at the compliments. "You're the first person ever to say anything nice about my social skills," she commented, then chuckled. "It's always been a struggle. Or I thought so, but maybe I'm just too honest for politics." She picked up the sponge so she could help wash his body. "I'll still let you be the charming one, I think. You're good at it." ~~~ It was a lovely bath, and a lovelier rest of the night. It was late morning when she finally stirred awake. At last, her rest had been peaceful. It was amazing how well one could sleep when well cleaned, well satisfied, well fed, and no longer dealing with the looming threat of war and pressure of stopping a millennium-long genocide. She nuzzled against her lover's warmth. Outside of the room came the running of footsteps and joyful chatter, indicating Nainda's and Eletea's return. "Morning, love... should we go see them, or can it wait?" she asked. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/1/2024 10:56 AM
it’s alright love~. Really~. He did as she asked and relaxed further. This was easily the most relaxed and chill he’d been in so long. He couldn’t even remember the last time he could truly just drop his guard like this. Nothing mattered but her and him at the moment. Well of course I’m going to see the best of you beautiful~. And I suppose I can do that~. ~ He still hadn’t even bothered to get dressed at all as he stirred hearing the footsteps and chatter. His eyes slowly opening as he groaned half asleep. His hair a mess. It was the best he’d slept in forever… since well… the literal coma. But that was besides the point. He yawned and looked down to his love who he was holding close of course. it’s up to you Rikki. He smiled a little and moved his arms so she could get up as he rubbed his eyes. He just was growing to love her more and more. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/1/2024 12:16 PM
She weighed her options as she sat up, stretching her arms over her head. The sun warmed her bare skin even through the curtains, but she was starting to get used to it. "Hm... spending all day in bed with you sounds perfect, but today's a big day," she said. It would see an Empire dissolved as peacefully as possible, all things considered, and their return to Waterdeep to put the past to rest in any way they could. Perhaps something more, if he had additional plans before they returned to her - their - kingdom for its recovery. "Let's get it off to a good start and at least join the others for breakfast." She left the bed and began to get dressed. For the first time since their arrival, she didn't need to hide her status as a royal necromancer. She dressed in black silk robes with long, trailing sleeves and detailing at the waist and shoulders reminiscent of ceremonial armor, save for the part where it was made from gilded bone. All willingly donated, of course. She combed her hair before placing a lack veil over it, shorter in the front to keep her mouth free for breakfast and for speaking. And, if she was lucky, for a kiss from her lover. A gold circlet went over the veil. At last, she could be here not as a visiting adventurer in fear of discovery, but as the crowned Princess of Rashouris. She got the feeling that, if she'd been dressed like this for her first encounter with Crosby, one of them would inevitably have killed the other. But they had both come a long way since then. She couldn't imagine a future without him, nor did she want to. She turned toward him and smiled. "Ready, love?" @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/2/2024 12:18 AM
He had plenty of plans, some which made him way more nervous than others. He actually had self doubt for once that he could pull it off without fumbling it. I know you’d love to just cuddle all day, I would too. But yes, we should at least go with them for breakfast. He got up and stretched, starting to get dressed himself. He still wore the same set of clothes since they met. By now, honestly they probably weren’t in the best of shape through thick and thin. But they were part of who he was. Although the lords alliance insignia from Waterdeep was pretty faded by now. He turned to her as she was fully dressed. Now, she looked a tiny bit intimidating to be fair. But still beautiful as to be expected. And if she was dressed like that? Probably. It just would’ve shown him he took being a crazy evil necromancer royal being pretty damn serious. Anyways, it didn’t matter now. He smiled too and offer her his hand to take. of course my love~. Omega formed on his back, the sheathe wrapping around his shoulder and hip. It was going to always be with him if he liked it or not. A constant reminder of the past. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/2/2024 4:19 AM
What an odd pair they made. Her, in full regal attire, looking every bit a necromantic royal who had gone to the underworld and back with an undead army, and him, a knight in the same beat-up clothes she had met him in... how long had it been? She carried the black dragon sword and her royal sword of office on either side of her, both within easy reach. But likely not necessary here. She took his hand and stepped out of the room. The castle walls carried nothing short of a festival atmosphere. Voices filtered down the corridor from the dining hall, sounding rather cheerful. Last night had been somber, winning the battle and mourning those lost. Today, news of their victory had spread through a newly-liberated land. In the dining hall itself, Nainda was busy answering a cascade of questions from a pack of well-dressed scribes who worked to take as many notes about the story of Aubron's defeat and the new Alliance that would replace the Empire as possible. The dark circles under her eyes indicated she hadn't had much time to sleep properly, but she was smiling nonetheless. Corinne sat by her side, looking up at her with love and admiration, while Eletea had taken a somewhat distant seat for herself. Her expression remained neutral as she listened quietly. On Rikuma's and Crosby's arrival, everyone stood up, as was customary when royalty entered the room. One of the scribes stepped toward them, but Nainda stopped him. "The Rashouran royal family requires more personal space than I do, dear," she informed him, a statement for which Rikuma was immensely grateful to her for making. "They will speak to you when they are ready to talk, but it would be impolite to crowd them." Rikuma's new advisor turned toward her and nodded. "Good morning, Your Highness," she said. "I am glad to see you two could join us for breakfast. Iwould have sent a servant for you, but I thought you might appreciate more time to rest." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/2/2024 11:41 AM
He of course still obviously did not look one bit like the king he was supposed to be beside her. And honestly, he hadn’t kept track of time. The underworld just ruined all sense of it he had as to be expected. He only kept track of recent days and important events. He held her hand as they entered the room. He quietly looked to his other party members… and then Eletea. He could feel the heavy presence of death from here. The regret they more than likely both felt over the same person. Thank you, the rest was much needed. He put on a fake smile but it quickly faded as he drew his hand away from Rikki and nodded to her. He figured she could handle herself. He went and sat beside Eletea. how are you doing? I can tell something is up with you. He didn’t want to push too hard, but he did want to make sure everyone in the party was okay. They all mattered to him. Rikki only ever slightly edged them out for priority but they still were all equally cared for. If he lost any of them, he’d destroy the world at large and do whatever it took to get them back. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/2/2024 12:00 PM
Rikuma nodded back, but was left clueless as to what she should do. It was nice to have the party all together, but the loss lingered over them all. She walked over to Nainda and Corinne for now, as it seemed like a good time to request a status update. The scribes stepped out of the way so she could take a seat and begin to take a few selections of food for herself. She was no less picky than before, as some things never quite changed. "The Alliance is set, then?" she asked, glancing over at her new advisor. Or was she still Empress...? They had not discussed a specific timeline.
Nainda Townsend BOT 9/2/2024 12:00 PM
Nainda nodded in response. "With the ban on travel spells lifted, I was able to hold an emergency meeting with the kings and queens," she explained. "Some loyalists were hostile at first, but your lichs had arrived in time to act as extra security. Intimidation can be an effective tool when needed, and once they listened, they seemed to be in genuine agreement." She set a small stack of parchment in front of Rikuma. "Eletea can be quite the prolific scribe, if she opts out of naval life. We outlined basic rules, standards, agreed on a structure... it will not be so different from an Empire, I suppose, except that involvement will be voluntary, national expansion will be restricted, and each member nation retains sovereignty. There will be a chairperson selected per year, with no one person in charge for too long and no single member nation holding the position for more than a year at a time. We did what we could to avoid a repeat of Aubron's crimes." Rikuma read it over, falling silently as she began to focus solely on that one thing at the exclusion of anything else around her. Nainda waited a moment before speaking again. "...Rikuma, dear? Your breakfast will grow cold?" She received no response from the hyper-focused necromancer, and chuckled in amusement. Regardless of her personal growth, the princess was rather consistent.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 9/2/2024 12:00 PM
Eletea had been poking at her food when Crosby approached. "You already know what it is," she said, though there was no judgment or hostility to it. Only defeat. She sat down when he did. "I'll be... fine, I think. In the long run. It will just be hard to get there." She closed her eyes and her breath trembled, but it seemed she had run out of tears to cry, after all. "I'm going to take Rikuma up on her offer for a captain position. Once I'm out at sea, maybe it will be easier to heal." The other reason for her sorrow hit her just then, and she sighed heavily. "...Even if I'm not connected to it in the same way." She forced a smile. "But thanks for checking in. How are you holding up?" @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/3/2024 7:58 AM
He of course knew. His heart remained feeling heavy because of it. There was no avoiding it. His face was incredibly soft and compared to his usual neutral coldness he displayed or his pride depending on who he was with. He carefully placed a hand on her shoulder. We’re going to get him back. I promise you that much. He paused for a moment, of course choosing his next words carefully. We’re going to be returning to Waterdeep… to my family’s home. If you wish to come along… I’m sure Rikki wouldn’t mind…. As for how I’m doing? Don’t worry about me. Focus on yourself. I’ll be fine in time, just like you. He gave a half smile. A forced one. He was hurting of course. All he could feel was survivors guilt. Nearly all of his memory had been restored and the things that had happened, he didn’t even want to talk about. They dreadful. He should’ve done so much differently…. He would’ve if he could have. His attention shifted away. why don’t we go and join the others? No need to see down here, you’re part of the group. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 9/3/2024 9:09 AM
"He's gone, Crosby," Eletea said softly. "I know you want to have hope, but he understood he wouldn't be coming back, and we should do the same." Even as she said it, she knew the truth: if a way to bring him back ever did make itself known, she'd do it in a heartbeat, whatever the cost. "I thought it would be safe to... To have feelings for someone I knew I could never have," she confessed. "But in his own weird way, he went ahead and made me feel like I might be worth loving, when we both knew he wouldn't survive this." She sighed and stood up. "I'll go to Waterdeep with you, then to Rashouris." She kept the rest of it unspoken: she didn't have anywhere else to go. "But you're right, let's go join the others." She picked up her plate and took a seat closer to Corinne, who pulled her into a brief, one armed hug. No words needed to be passed between them. Eletea nodded in acknowledgment and continued her meal.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/3/2024 9:09 AM
"You really thought of everything," Rikuma commented after finishing the document. She handed it back to Nainda, even more sure about her choice of advisor than before. "I know you had help, but it's still impressive. Empress for one day, and you did more than some accomplish in their lifetimes." She looked down at her breakfast, remembering that it was there, then at Crosby. "The Alliance is set up. Thauviel shouldn't be a problem for us anymore, I think. They have their own work to worry about." She looked at Nainda. "Think we can arrange a few trade agreements with them?" The warlock nodded in response. "Of course, dear. But do eat first. Get some meat on your bones. Being a necromancer is not excuse to let yourself waste away," Nainda said. "I don't eat meat," Rikuma replied, confused. "I mean, fish, yes, but land animals..." "I didn't mean that literally." Rikuma looked down at her food, slightly flushed from embarrassment. "Oh." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/5/2024 12:53 PM
If you insist it be that way… I can respect it. But we both know, if the chance arises. We’re taking it. He’s worth it in my eyes. Even if he might not be… the most sane or reasonable brother I can ask for. He paused for a few brief moments, glancing to the others before they moved to sit by them. He of course sat by Rikki. There was no way he wouldn’t. don’t worry Nainda, I gave her plenty of meat to eat last night. He chuckled and smirk, casually filling his plate like he didn’t just drop that. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/5/2024 1:15 PM
Rikuma stared down at the table, wide eyed and blushing at that comment. It was true, but that didn't mean he should just say it outright like that. Never mind that they'd done far worse than make crass jokes in front of or with their present company. "I... Do not believe breakfast is a time for conversation," she said, then proceeded to shovel food into her mouth as an excuse to not engage with this conversation. Nainda shook her head in amusement, while Corinne laughed out loud. It felt almost... Normal, even if they all knew it wasn't. But it was a start. She relaxed slightly, and could see Eletea do the same.
Nainda Townsend BOT 9/5/2024 1:15 PM
"Unfortunately, I will be unable to accompany you to Waterdeep," Nainda said, rescuing Rikuma from her embarrassment. "There is still work to be done here before I can fully join you in Rashouris. I do not wish to leave loose ends unaddressed, but I will meet you in no more than a month's time."
Corinne Alarie BOT 9/5/2024 1:15 PM
"I'll be staying with Nainda, if that's alright," Corinne nodded, looking over at her. "She might need help, and will definitely need company; who knows what destruction she'll enact without me to keep her tied down?" "I am fairly certain it was I tying you down earlier this morning," Nainda countered, quiet but still audible. "No wonder you're still so sleep deprived," Eletea commented dryly. She managed half a smile though, before returning to her meal. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/6/2024 12:12 AM
He was glad everyone seemed to be at least better spirits at that. Even his heavily flustered love. He wrapped one arm around her, and rubbing her other arm. He continued to eat his meal and nodded. A small smile on his face hearing that the two love birds were up to much worse activities post victory. Tell me why I’m not surprised by the two of you. He rolled his eyes. but no worries Nainda. I understand. We’re just going to visit well… my old family home. Or at least I will be. I don’t know what Rikuma and Eletea wish to do while we’re there. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/6/2024 3:46 AM
She leaned into Crosby, having recovered from the brief embarrassment. "I'll be going with you, of course," she told him. There was nothing else for her in Waterdeep; she was there to support her lover. She patted his back before returning to her breakfast. She hadn't taken much variety - just what was familiar or safe enough - so she could be sure it would be somewhat enjoyable. She let the others chat for now.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 9/6/2024 3:46 AM
Eletea considered for a moment. "I should revisit the Temple of Desphy. Or what's left of it," she said. She had failed her own family, in a way. She couldn't be sure which emotions would wash over her there, now that she had been left by her goddess. Sorrow? Grief? Anger? The combination of all three that had haunted her for so long anyway? "We can meet back up by the city gate when we're all done." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/10/2024 12:15 AM
He had a lot left to do in his home. Or well… what used to be his home. His home however was going to have to change. There was simply no other option with only the smoldering remains that remained for most places in Waterdeep. He nodded, of course understanding. That made the most sense to him. He wondered what else remained in Waterdeep now and if any rebuilding efforts had begun at all. Or if well… anyone had started to occupy what remained. He was starting consider that maybe bandits or vampires did. They usually took over old settlements and what not for their own benefit… could also be something worse like a dragon… well… one that could polymorph. He’d seen that before. Not from Zintharan though. Some chose to never do that. we should of course be careful though. There’s no telling who or what lives there now. They could of course have started to rebuild by now… but there’s no way of knowing unless someone’s got news from there somehow. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/10/2024 3:37 AM
"Judging from what we saw previously, there is not anyone left to rebuild. The few survivors seemed more interested in escaping than rebuilding," Rikuma commented, her voice somber. "We should assume that if anyone is there, there is a risk they will be hostile. Of course, visiting during daylight will reduce some of the risk." She looked toward Eletea. "Are you sure we should separate the group? We could take a bit longer and visit both." Eletea shook her head. "No, this is a visit I should make on her own," she said softly. Still, Rikuma hesitated. There was more to it, something she saw in Eletea that she had felt within herself so many times before. To be the one survivor was far worse than to have died with the rest. She understood that from her parents' deaths. "Just be safe," was the warning she settled on. "We're counting on you to return to us in one piece, Captain Mourningheart." "I..." Eletea trailed off, then smiled. "I will. I promise." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/11/2024 12:15 AM
He knew was right deep down. Staying with so few survivors would’ve been suicide considering there was always plenty of looming threats close to Waterdeep. Ones even they couldn’t change. The vampires would always be raging problem no matter how much they tried to snuff them out. Same with the monsters that inhabited the nearby forests like lamia, dragons, etc. He nodded in agreement; going during daylight was the safest option. Especially if only 3 of them were going. Sure, they could hold their own but in their current disarrayed state individually, it wouldn’t be the best idea probably. Be careful. Everyone is indeed counting on you to come back to us in one piece. And for as to how we’ll get there, I’m guessing scrolls? Or are we taking the long trek back? @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/11/2024 9:24 AM
"Scrolls," Rikuma confirmed. "We can't afford to spend more time than we have to, unfortunately. I have been gone from Rashouris for far too long." Surely by now, someone would suspect the truth about her parents, if they had not already found the long-dead bodies and pieced together how she had been using necromancy all this time. She would explain herself and they would understand that she had simply been acting as a dutiful daughter, of course, but that could only happen if she was there to explain. She stood up. "Now, are we ready to go?" she asked Crosby and Eletea, since breakfast seemed to be over now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/12/2024 12:58 PM
He understood that by now. He had lost track of now though. He nodded. Of course he was ready to go whenever she was. Albeit he grabbed some more food and stuffed his face. He ate like he hadn’t had food in weeks. Hopefully nobody else wanted more…. I’m ready whenever you are… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/12/2024 1:56 PM
Rikuma waited as Crosby scarfed down some more food and Eletea stood beside them. If they could avoid any further delays, that would be ideal; she had no desire to put off her return home more than they needed to, nor would she forego supporting Crosby for what would undoubtedly be a difficult trip. "Corinne, you were carrying the scrolls, yes?" The sidhe nodded and stood up to hand six scrolls to the trio. "To reach Waterdeep, then to return to Rashouris. We can get our hands on more of them here." Rikuma nodded. "Perfect. We will see you later." She held two of the scrolls out to Eletea, then two to Crosby. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/14/2024 1:09 AM
He soon finished and wiped his mouth. He knew it would be best to get going. Time was not on their side. It never had been. There was simply no more to waste. He fixed his clothes up a little. He took the scrolls of course. The mere sight of them brought back all sorts of memories. But he pushed them down. Are we all ready…? He asked rather unsure. He wasn’t ever usually nervous or scared. But for once… he was. To see the state his home had ended up in once again. They hadn’t spent all too much time there the first time there so it hadn’t really sunk in. But he knew reality would now take its way with him. He was just there for the ride. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/15/2024 3:31 PM
Rikuma and Eletea both nodded. Everything was set for them to head to Waterdeep. "We will reconvene with you both later," Rikuma told Nainda and Corinne, then paused, unsure if more needed to be said. Luckily, Eletea was the one to step in. "Thank you both," she said, recalling the support the two of them had provided after Azir had faded away for the last time. "For everything." She took a moment to walk over and pull the two of them into a brief hug, to the surprise of all of the women gathered, then rejoined Rikuma and Crosby. "Ready." "Alright, then." Rikuma held her breath and activated her scroll to bring her to Waterdeep, while Eletea did the same. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/18/2024 12:09 AM
He nodded in agreement. He was grateful for the help they both provided. Even though it was outside the ordinary means of assistance at times. But that was very well in the past now with the curse gone. Thank the gods for that. Having every single woman lust over him was beyond insane to handle. He watched Eletea, a little surprised she went for the hug. But then again, they all needed it by now. He just… wasn’t a fan of physical touch for the most part either way. He had plenty of evidence of why he wasn’t with all the scars that covered him and bite marks. That was beside the point though, he took a long deep breath in. Mentally preparing himself. This was going to be rough. He knew that. Seeing what was once his home in whatever state it ended up in now… He activated his scroll just like the others. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/18/2024 10:35 AM
On first arrival, Waterdeep appeared much as they had left it. The smoke had cleared, the corpses had decayed in the open air, and instead of survivors, the only signs of life were now the wild scavengers who scurried away upon hearing the newcomers, but the damage was the same. Rikuma stood still for a moment, listening for anything lurking in the shadows, but all was quiet. She looked back toward Eletea. "We'll meet back here," she said. "If you need anything, scream. Loud as you can." With elven hearing, that should be enough to hear her as long as they didn't wander too far. She turned fully toward Crosby, taking his hand in hers once more. "I know this can't be easy for you. Take your time to brace yourself if you need to, before you lead the way to your family's home."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 9/18/2024 10:36 AM
Eletea wrinkled her nose at the scent of decay, then immediately scolded herself. The victims of the massacre couldn't exactly help it if they smelled rotten. She nodded at Rikuma's words, but was barely listening as she watched the horizon. The pillars of the Temple of Desphy still stood, or at least some of them did. Those ivory columns were distinct enough even as the enchanted waterfalls that had formed the temple's walls prior to its fall had long since stopped flowing. The least she could do was provide her sisters with a proper burial. "I'll be back as soon as I can. Before sundown, at least," she said absently, then stepped away from the duo to do what needed to be done. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/21/2024 12:16 AM
A grim expression crossed his face. Darkness grew within his eyes and soul despite the light he harnessed from his new patron. A stirring guilt and anger grew within as he didn’t wait for Rikki to lead the way once they split off from Eletea. He didn’t even acknowledge Eletea splitting off. He was in his own little world. His eyes constantly moving around. A haze growing around the edge of his vision as his face grew a painful pale shade. Seeing all the dead and decaying cause memories he never wanted to return, to rise and bubble to the surface. The screams and cries of his men as they fell twice under his command. The vampire attack in the cursed woods and then against Aubron’s forces. Upon the wind he could also hear the fresh misery of the lost here. He could hear people’s last moments as he looked to the corpses. His mark of the dragon produced a faint glow from it. They were heading in the complete opposite direction of Eletea. He held Rikki’s hand tight. Perhaps uncomfortably so by accident. But then again, he was walking through the remains of his darkest hour. Off to their right was a mass graveyard. Not for citizens or normal people of the city. But for soldiers who had fallen in battle. Something called to Rikki from within there. A wrought iron gate surrounded the whole thing standing taller than both of them. Vines covered the gate massive trees grew within the grounds. The General paid no mind to it. Straight ahead of them, was a manor. Or the remains of one… a fancy V carved into the door… although it now laid upon the ground, ripped off the hinges. Every single window was smashed out. It was probably one of the few buildings not destroyed by the flames. Almost purposely so. Someone had planned to leave it standing… @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/22/2024 5:35 AM
Rikuma followed along quietly, looking around at the surrounding destruction against her better judgment. Crosby's grip on her hand turned her attention back toward him, and she winced. She said nothing though, simply brushing her thumb across his knuckles in a futile attempt to reassure him. As they passed the soldiers' grave, she slowed down, stumbling as Crosby continued along. "Crosby, wait," she said, barely managing to tear her eyes from the grave to the manor. It wasn't fully intact, but close enough to be suspicious. "Something is wrong." She looked toward the graveyard again. "I think we should stop here first." She could try to convince him, but she knew that if he continued forward, she could go with him. They couldn't be separated from one another. Not here, not right now, not when there was no telling who - or what - might be waiting within his old manor. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/22/2024 6:38 AM
He stopped once she spoke. Hearing his name from her snapped him out of the state he was in for the most part. He still heard every scream and every bit of misery ringing throughout this place. His grip eased up thankfully quite a lot on hers. He looked to where she was looking. It wasn’t a soldier’s grave. It was soldiers graves. A mass graveyard for the lost. He nodded in agreement and started to walk towards it. He drew his blade and held it impressively with one hand. He held hers with his other. Once they approached, he slashed the vines clean out of the way and pushed open the gate. The gate creaked open loudly as crows soon evacuated from the grave yard. Within it was graves as far as the eye could see. This graveyard was half inside and half outside the walls of the kingdom. Some of the graves had dragons carved upon the tops of them…. The resting places of some of the fallen knights it seemed. About half way through the yard there was a grave that stood out. It was noticeably larger than the others. And adorned in strange purple flowers that had not died after all these years, instead they had grown to cover almost all of it. If Rikki was smart enough… she may have realized she’d seen those same flowers decorating the walls of the vampire queen’s throne room oddly enough…. That’s also where the strange sensation of the calling emanated from. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/22/2024 6:59 AM
Though Rikuma had expected to find a mass grave for those who had fallen defending Waterdeep, it seemed that this was an older fixture of the city, from when there had been people and time to bury their soldiers individually with memorials and a gate surrounding them. Her attention wasn't on the graveyard itself though, but on the flowers. "Those are..." Her mind flashed back to their battle against Desdemona. They were the same blossoms there. "Stay close to me. I want to investigate, but I don't trust it, either." Her free hand rested on the hilt of her sword as she stepped closer to the grave that stood out, trying to parse what magic surrounded it, and what it was trying to reach out to her. Perhaps it was connected to whatever had kept the Vandine Manor standing. It certainly seemed too much to be a coincidence. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/22/2024 7:11 AM
He quietly looked around at the nearby graves. A lot of them bringing back old faces to mind of those he used to know. Soldiers he’d fought side by side with even… he of course followed without hesitation. The magic was very evident as soon as they got close. This was the vampires queens doing probably all that time ago though. The energy it gave off was leeching, vampiric in origin. The other blatantly obvious hint was Crosby’s blade shifted red at its presence. A crackling red energy soon surrounded the sword like electricity. Once they got closer, they’d noticed this grave had been disturbed; dug up. The casket was empty. Upon the headstone was a name… the name of the man she was with currently. His stomach twisted and sank as he stabbed Ashrune into the ground and drew his hands away from hers. His head was now pounding, memories flooding back forcefully. His whole face scrunched up in a visible pain. fuck me… The flowers gave off a purple glow to them almost in his presence. The grave by Rikki’s left was also a familiar one, Von Circel. His closest men buried beside him. All with little carvings of Zintharan perched upon them. Except Crosby’s was gone, clearly smashed off by somebody or something. The place where the two pieces of stone would attach was discolored. An eerie wind filled the yard. The red energy from the blade danced all around, spreading to each of the nearby graves and seeping into them. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/22/2024 7:43 AM
"Crosby!" A trap. Of course it was a trap. Rikuma silently cursed her own foolish curiosity and put the black dragon knight mask back on. She didn't have the physical strength to drag him back away from this grave, but she could fight if need be. She looked ahead as she drew her sword. If he could run, maybe they could get out of here, but if he couldn't, she was prepared to protect him with everything she had. The magic should not have stayed alive after Desdemona's death, but perhaps it was her own creation of a vampiric mist that had maintained it. She sliced her finger on the blade of her sword, drawing a ward for protection against magic first on Crosby's forehead, then on her own sword hand. Hopefully it would lessen the spell's effects, but they still couldn't stay here. "Run," she said. "Back to the gate. I'll be right behind you." But she wasn't about to dismiss the possibility of something else lurking here still, prepared to chase, so she would still listen for any threats. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/22/2024 8:10 AM
Shadows would stir at her feet, spreading through the graveyard like a flood. The reaction from Crosby’s blade seemingly being paused by it. The flowers on the grave however did begin to… move. Agonizingly slow. They weren’t forming into anything… just spreading over the headstone more. Nothing much besides that. There was nothing to fight or no looming threat. They had already defeated her soooo. He wasn’t even really under a spell per se. Just reliving moments he had long since forgotten once again. He nodded and began to hobble over to the gate. His blade drew itself out of the gate and returned to its sheathe, flying through the air to do so. A group of crows landed above the entrance gate, watching them. Other than that, there was an eerie silence in the air. Nothing dared stir or awaken. It wasn’t a trap for now at least. Before his eyes however, he remembered the slaughter clearly. Exactly how each of his men died to the ambush the queen had set up. And then in the final battle, the exact futile moments as they failed. Each screaming captain as they fell one by one, awaiting his orders. Odhran standing by Aurora’s side when she cast her spell. His grave was not here. Rikki… He barely got out between a shaky long breath in. He drew his hands away from his head. The memories pushed to the back of his mind as they reached the entrance. Upon closer inspection, the crow who stood at the middle was not alive. It was undead, some of its skull exposed and rot holes visible in its body. He pointed up at it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/22/2024 8:21 AM
Rikuma sheathed her own sword as she followed him out, but kept the mask on. Threat or no, it still gave her some sense of security. As they reached the gate, she turned toward him. "I'm sorry, I thought there might be something important in there. Are you alright?" She rested a hand on his shoulder before following his gaze. Another damn undead bird, but this one was different from the raven they had seen in the underworld. That didn't mean their source couldn't have been similar, though. "Another necromancer's work?" she guessed, frowning. "Let's just get out of here. I don't want to linger for any longer, and we shouldn't delay checking on your family's home." She still pulled him into a brief hug before letting go to hold his hand normally again. She had walked into this apprehensive, but that effect was now magnified. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/22/2024 8:38 AM
He didn’t mind the mask for now of course. He completely understood the need for it. He nodded quietly and ran a hand through his hair. I’m fine Rikuma.. just… didn’t expect it is all. He took a brief glance to the bird then back to her. He returned the hug and interlocked his hand with hers. He had a lot on his mind… and in it. But that was beside the point. She was right in every way. He started to lead the way out of the graveyard. Not before taking one final glance back to his own gravestone. That was unsettling of course. But he already knew he had died and Maziel had brought him back as he play thing. That was in the past by now and there was literally nothing he could do about it. The calling sensation for her had obviously been snuffed out by now. As they approached the manor, he was of course concerned. Why the fuck was the door ripped off the hinges? And the windows smashed? To him it seemed like someone or something came looking for him. In one of the smashed windows upon the razor sharp glass shards and glass was dried blood. He headed inside cautiously, right away there was a spear lodged in the wall blocking the main corridor. It was drenched in blood and it had stained drips down the wall. This blood was… fresh. Very fresh though. Almost like it just happened. . . . @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/22/2024 2:21 PM
Rikuma slowed as they passed the windows, looking at the blood. She couldn't get close enough to examine it properly, as they were still on the move. Then they reached the entryway, and she tugged on his arm gently to let him know to stop. The sickly sweet smell of fresh blood hit, not as cloying as it would have been if it had been there for longer. "We should assume we won't be alone here," she whispered. "Get your armor on. Just in case. And if anything comes near us, cover me. I'll be nonresponsive for a moment." Her own armor appeared on her body as she let go of his hand and stepped toward the bloodied spear. With one gauntleted hand, she reached out toward the blood stain and closed her eyes. Her magic reached out as well, stretching her senses through the manor to sense any fresh death. In this state, she might also be able to pick up on any nearby heartbeats, but her sense for life overall would not be nearly as strong. That was fine; if they found the bodies, that may well be enough to find the killer, too. Her free hand rested once more on the hilt of her sword. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 9/29/2024 11:38 AM
He stopped either way to look around. He wasn’t just going to blindly walk into his old house when it was very suspicious it was one of the very few buildings around barely scathed. He nodded and did as she commanded, his armor forming around him. The death was EXTREMELY fresh. Nearly happening minutes ago… a fresh drow male corpse laid on the second floor above them. He took a few steps away from her to peer into the nearby room. There was so much blood… and then another corpse, a headless one of a female drow this time. . . . Something’s up Rikki. He nudged the headless to the side, they had leather armor on but not much for the way of being able to identify them. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 9/30/2024 3:35 AM
"Corpses," she agreed. "At least two of them. Both drow, fresh." She followed him into the room. "The other one is upstairs." She knelt by the decapitated body and began to search for anything that might identify who this was and why they were here. At the very least, an emblem might be some sort of clue as to affiliations. She found no such thing, but her options had not run out yet. "Do you see the head nearby? We could use a temporary resurrection spell to question her, or try our luck with the body upstairs instead. He may not need to be pieced back together in order to speak." Constructs may not have been able to talk, but temporary resurrection was another story. Although doing so would have drained her before her trip to the underworld, she now felt it would be easy enough. So much had changed. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/4/2024 12:10 AM
There was no head to be found oddly enough. And they had no sort of identification. Almost like this was purposely done to be as stealthy as possible. He didn’t like that fact one bit. I don’t see anything… but I’m starting to believe these were assassins… they were probably looking for me… or Azir… He started to head up the stairs. They creaked with every state due to him being quite the heavy boy. As soon as he could see the floor, he cursed under his breath, another headless corpse. But then he looked down the hall to the far wall. Rikki! There’s one alive! But they’re pretty fucking injured! He started to rush over, the male drow’s head hanging low as blood dripped from it. A hole in his chest with jagged edges. Necrotic energy radiating from it. He stopped short feeling it. He began to search the other rooms instead, his room was to the drow’s right. The window was smashed, fresh blood covered the edges, a bloodied trail across the floor like a struggle had occurred. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 10/4/2024 3:35 AM
Assassins seemed like an easy enough guess, but it left the more important question. "But what killed them?" Rikuma questioned, her voice hardly above a whisper. She followed after him cautiously, especially with his lack of stealth. "I'll see what I can do about the survivor," she said, slipping past him. "Just stay close by while you're searching." Getting separated here with ancestors-know-what-else seemed like the worst possible idea. She knelt by the survivor, holding a hand near the wound to dispel the necrotic energy. It wouldn't reverse the damage, but would prevent the magic from accelerating his death. "Can you speak?" she asked, searching her bag for a spare healing potion before remembering she'd opted to not carry any of her own, relying on her own self-healing magic anyway. And it wasn't like it would save this person's life - more likely, it would only delay their death. "Crosby?" she called. "Do you have a healing potion?" Damn it, Eletea would have been really useful right now. She turned her attention back to the injured drow. @Crosby (edited)
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/6/2024 10:16 AM
No idea yet… but I will. As he looked out the window, it overlooked the garden out back. There was lots of blood trails and pools. No bodies though but even some of the flowers and bushes had spilled blood upon them. There were clearly more than 3 here originally. The drow could barely look up at her. He took a few brief moments to try to shakily catch his breath. Before suddenly without warning, he spit blood in her face defiantly. Upon his neck was a brandish burned in it. The mark of Tyr just like the one on Crosby’s shoulder armor. Perhaps these were the ones Tyr said to kill since they defied him. Vile Rashouris filth. Go back to the grave you crawled out of. Hearing the drow speak, Crosby had just came back in the room. Of course that was not what he wanted to hear. Nor was that a good idea by this idiot to do what he did. Crosby gave this defiant moron quite the death glare, he went to draw his blade but a hand laid upon his shoulder, stopping him. The sound of nails tapping against metal rang through the rather eerily quiet room.
Let him perish. I didn’t go through all this work for nothing. She held her longsword in her other hand. It was quite the decorative and ornate piece, clearly vampiric in origin. Fresh blood still dripped off of it. The necrotic energy that was killing the drow before Rikki dealt with it was radiating from the blade. Her crimson red eyes faintly glowed in the poorly lit halls of this now dilapidated home. I already know what you’re both going to ask, yes, I did handle all of these false followers of Tyr. And they were sent by Aubron for your information. They were the backup plan if he failed to dispose of you. She brought her blade up to her mouth and licked some of the blood off. Her fangs clearly visible. She was unbothered by the fact that the general just quietly watched in a bit of odd horror and then looked to Rikuma. He didn’t know what to do to be fair. He grabbed the hand upon his shoulder and moved it off gently. He then wiped his hand upon his cloak. He didn’t want to have whatever she just touched before him, upon him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 10/6/2024 1:55 PM
Rikuma narrowed her eyes, resisting the urge to finish the drow off. She had been called worse by better, and she simply wiped the blood from her mask with one hand. "Who did this?" she demanded, only to receive the answer from the one responsible. She stood up and turned toward the woman who had just arrived. It answered some questions, but not enough to trust this vampire. Especially not with Crosby's clear discomfort, and knowing his history with vampires who weren't his brother. She strode purposefully toward them and took Crosby's arm, gently pulling him back so she could stand protectively between them. "Great. Now stop stating the obvious and tell us why you're here in the first place," she said. "Who are you and what are your intentions here?" She didn't reach for her sword just yet, but she did make sure it was close enough to her hand for a quick draw if needed. The enemy of their enemy was not necessarily an ally, and she knew better than to let her guard down right now. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/6/2024 2:17 PM
As much as he appreciated the gesture of her standing protectively out front of him with the mask. He was the guard dog and the tank here. Not her. He’d dealt with countless vampires by now. He stepped between the newcomer and Rikki. He held her hand too. Gotta make sure they know he’s taken. He didn’t even bother to reach for his weapon yet. His eyes looking her over. It didn’t even take him two seconds to spot she had some of the same flowers as the ones in the graveyard wrapped around her wrist.
She rolled her eyes and sheathed her blade. So over dramatic. She didn’t seem all too bothered by the mask. The fear it radiated had no effect on the undead. She was well adorned herself in Knick nacks. No telling what could’ve prevented it. Why I’m here is quite simple. She yawned. Her fangs abnormally large now. Not by her control though. It just happened sometimes. You awoke me from my slumber in the graveyard. I’m quite aware you killed the queen for whatever reason but she did have plans to keep She pointed to the general. you safe. I was her second in command, although by the look on your face… He definitely did recognize her. It was written all over his face. He didn’t seem at all nervous or fearful of her like he should’ve. More like they were… acquaintances…? You know that by now. And I’m sure this is your spouse I’ve heard about. What a shame. You’re the only man I’ve ever seen her love and actually care for at all. She spoke very highly of you, even outside of your… little experimental skirmish with her that night. ….Or well… she did when her more humane side was at the front. You only got to the royal facade she put on most of the time you were with us, Vandine. She sauntered over to the dying drow. She kicked his head, ending his misery as his neck snapping could be heard along with the skull cracking from the force she produced, the dead corpse falling over. The power she held was not something to scoff at. But that’s all besides the point now. My job here’s pretty much done. 20 dead assassins, all headless upon the queen’s request to show not to mess with her or her acclaimed. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 10/6/2024 3:34 PM
It did sort of sting that everyone seemed disappointed that she was his choice of partner. Maybe she should have cast true resurrection on her parents after all, if she was just going to be called a disappointment either way. Rikuma squeezed Crosby's hand, not correcting this vampire on the matter that they weren't quite married yet. Better if she believed they were. He was hers because he chose to be, and she knew that wouldn't change now. And even with the revelation the vampire offered, she felt no different about Desdemona's death. Perhaps it was because her own culture revered the personal autonomy of the living, but the vampire queen had crossed too many lines to ignore. "I saw her behaviour at the castle," she said. "Regal facade or not, that was control. Not love. The two cannot coexist as such, particularly without respect for his clear answer of 'no', or after she slaughtered his men." Still, she had to relax a bit, if only because the queen's second-in-command seemed to harbour no vengeful intent toward them despite knowing that they were responsible for her employer's death. Besides, this seemed to be working out just fine now that his curse was broken. "Anyway, what's done is done. It seemed the Emperor had no intention of doing halfway, yet he still failed. All the better for everyone involved. What remains of Desdemona's kingdom is yours and, per the new Empress's orders, autonomous now. You have other matters to attend to, and so do we." She looked up at Crosby. "Now that our questions as to what happened have been answered, what do you want to do?" she asked, her voice softening now that she was speaking to him. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/8/2024 12:10 AM
He wasn’t disappointed at all to have her as his partner. No matter what anyone else said. Sure, she wasn’t the queen of vampires or the queen of a giant empire. But honestly, who gives a fuck? He’d rather someone he could actually enjoy his time with and not be constantly stuck worrying about royal affairs playing pretend for the public. He might still have to do that a little but not nearly as much as he might have. He ran his thumb against the back of her hand gently as she squeezed his hand. And he knew very well Rikuma was right here, there was no way he could’ve gotten with her. With how many men had died up until he got to her, and then the way she couldn’t take no for answer ever from him. He would’ve just been a thrall she did as she pleased with. Not a partner. As she asked him what to do, he looked around quietly. There wasn’t anything left for him here. It clearly had all been destroyed. Even his own room was trashed with nothing of value left behind. But then as he looked around. He looked to the dead drow… and then considered what Izzy said for a few moments. The gears visibly turning in his head way harder than they had recently. If Aubron sent men after us knowing we’d return here Rikki… He tugged her hand, and began to sprint, letting go if she didn’t keep up. He surely would’ve sent something after Eletea! We have to go now! He didn’t even care to speak more with Izzy. She didn’t follow. She just crossed her arms and watched the two of them vanish out of sight. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 10/8/2024 6:24 AM
She stumbled, working to keep up. The extra power from the underworld and from the armor helped at first, but it wasn't long before her lungs and every muscle warned her that the scholarly elf was overexerting herself. She fought hard to continue running anyway. They couldn't leave Eletea for dead. Crosby might be able to handle matters on his own, but she might not be safe if she was left alone here either. But the temple would still be so far away - they couldn't just sprint and be there in a couple of minutes. "You can let go, Your Majesty," came a familiar voice behind her. The lich materialized from shadows, his skeletal face the same as her childhood sparring mentor. General Eec'zor, Protector of the Crown stood beside her as she stumbled to a stop and let Crosby's hand go. "I won't... Hold you back," she told him as she fight to catch her breath. "Go. We'll meet you there." Another lich General - Scolen this time - appeared, keeping up easily with Crosby and eager to destroy those who set themselves against a soon-to-be-Captain of Rashouris's Naval forces.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 10/8/2024 6:25 AM
Eletea had not rushed to the temple. In fact, she took her time, taking in the remnants of suffering around her. In truth, she dreaded this visit. She'd run away, rather than defending the Temple with her Sisters. She should have stayed to fight beside them. She should have died with them, or at least instead of Azir after running away. Or long ago, rather than killing her father. It seemed that every time she escaped death, she left in her wake a trail of corpses who had deserved their deaths less than she would have. Still, she soon found herself in front of the remnants of the Temple. The stones had been damaged in the attack, the structure's former glory no more than a ghost. No water flowed through it, as though the sea goddess had abandoned this place as surely as she'd abandoned Eletea. Blood from the original slaughter stained the flagstone path with a deep red, old and dry by now. As tears stung at the corners of her eyes, a shadow fell over her. She looked up to see the raven from the underworld circling overhead, its skull gleaming white in the sun. An ominous sight, yet something in her felt comforted to know she was at least not alone. As she stepped inside of the structure, all was quiet. But the blood was no longer dry. She nearly tripped over the fresh drow corpse in the doorway before looking into the front chamber proper. A figure stood there. A man, from her best guess, though small in stature, with medium-brown skin and black leather armor, though his left hand wore a falconer's glove rather than a gauntlet. He turned toward her to stare, one eye pure black and the other scarred into pure whiteness. The Raven landed on his left hand, and it was then that she felt it. A suffocating necrotic energy surrounded him, one that no living entity could endure being in the centre of.
6:25 AM
"Unfortunate for them that they were early." His tenor had a gravelly quality to it, as though he was unused to speaking. She stared, wide-eyed at the sight. There were more corpses around him, all of them fresh. "...Who are you?" she demanded, reaching for the knife Azir had given her. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/9/2024 12:15 AM
His heart was racing. The blood was flowing hard with potential imminent danger looming overhead again. When Rikuma started to slow down, he of course did too. Then he saw the liches. He wasn’t fond of leaving her alone. But once she gave him the go ahead, he didn’t hesitate and took off again. He drew his blade. He would’ve used the wings had it been enough time for them to regenerate. But it had not. So instead, it was just a long marathon for him. Not anything new though for a soldier like himself. He’d been through worse, but that was a story for another time. I’ll see you there. Be safe love. He probably would show up a bit later with the lich beside him of course. And oh boy was his holy radiation a stark contrast to whoever this being was. Although, of course it would be nowhere near enough to compete with it. He of course looked around the temple ruins carefully as he approached. He didn’t want to run into an ambush, but if he did; he did not care to be fair. He’d quite frankly massacre anyone who dared to stand in his way. It took him even more time to find Eletea but he did assuming he didn’t encounter anyone had this new person killed everyone. He approached with even more caution. Walking up until he was like a foot behind Eletea. He wasn’t stealthy at all when he did it. His armor and bits and bobs clicking as he drew near. Eletea… who is this…? He looked to the Raven and then the rest of them, then to Eletea. He was growing more and more wary of those who wielded necrotic magic in these parts besides his own party. He’d never ever seen it this common before, but here it was before his eyes again. @Al the Killer
Rel Haion BOT 10/9/2024 7:58 AM
The question warranted an answer, but he never liked to repeat himself, and the rapid sound of clanking metal in the distance indicated he might have to if he introduced himself now. "In time," he said instead, placing his free hand on the raven's head as though to pet it. "For now, you can let go of that knife. It won't do anything." He watched with detached disinterest as the purple dragon knight appeared, not too long after the genasi's arrival. After all, she had taken her time, and he had rushed. "Haion, God-Usurper of Death." This was part of the truth, but it was the part that mattered, at least. His gaze fell once more on Eletea. "I cannot remain long in this realm, and particularly not in a home of Desphy, but I could not allow you to be sent to me yet. My plans for you will be easier to fulfill while you still live."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 10/9/2024 7:58 AM
Eletea stared, dumbfounded for a moment. Direct interference from celestials was rare, and never without its price. "Plans," she repeated, skeptical. "What plans?" It took a moment for the pieces to click together. Haion. "You're the one who spoke to me in the underworld, aren't you? About when my goddess would abandon me..." She trailed off, unsure whether to demand a formalized agreement to restore her status as a cleric or to reject his intervention altogether for fear of what it might cost. "Everything in time," Haion told her. "I was once mortal too, so I do not demand purity or absolute obedience from my followers. What I do expect is loyalty that you are not in a position to give. Have your time to mourn, and I will be there when the time is right." He turned his back to them before looking over his shoulder at Crosby and Scolen, the lich who had followed beside him. "Tend to your burials first," he added, before vanishing into the air. Eletea stared still at the empty air where Death himself had just stood moments ago. "Once mortal... Usurper..." she muttered, then shook her head. "Leave it to a death god to give me an existential crisis then disappear like that." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/10/2024 12:16 AM
He was pretty damn quiet as this person said they were supposedly the god of death. His rather neutral expression went… sour. He’d cheated death already to be here so he probably wouldn’t on the right foot to start with. All he could think about at the sight of the god of death was his brother. He damn well should’ve been here beside him. But he wasn’t. But those thoughts quickly drifted. His eyebrow lifted in confusion. They had plans for Eletea? And had interfered here? That was indeed unheard of to him. He’d never ever heard of or seen a literal god stopping something or intervening. His eyes switching between Eletea and Haion as he spoke. The general however stayed deathly quiet and tried to piece any of the puzzle pieces together that he could. His stomach felt a little uneasy knowing death had a hand in the fate of the group now especially what that could mean for Eletea. And being told to bury the dead by the god of death was not something he expected. He ran a hand through his hair. Taking. Along deep breath in. do we have any idea what he’s planning for you…? @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 10/11/2024 4:27 AM
It wasn't something Eletea wanted to dwell on, really. It was never a good sign when someone said they had plans for her. Her jaw clenched, she went right to work on gathering the bodies of her sisters. Easier to keep count if they were all in one spot. Since they were all dead weight, she needed to drag them more than she liked, silently apologizing with each movement. "I'm as clueless as you," she managed to say through the physical exertion. "I just hope..." She looked down, unsure this was a good time to have any kind of hope. "...If I do everything right, if I follow along with Haion's plans... Do you think Azir...?" She didn't dare finish the thought. But if it was within anyone's power to bring him back, it would be a death god, wouldn't it. She placed a body on the small pile she'd started and drew a deep breath. "Never mind. I can't leave everyone's bodies out like this. Can you start digging outside, close to the shore? There were twelve of us. I'm still alive, so we'll need eleven graves... There should be a shovel in the storage room. What's left of it." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/19/2024 2:04 AM
Reply to: @Eletea Mourningheart (@Al the Killer) It wasn't something Eletea wanted to dwell on, really. It was never a good sign when someone said they had plans for her. Her ...
Nor was it something he wanted to dwell on either. The literal god of death having plans for a member of his party was quite unsettling. Not something he was fond of. He of course would help move the corpses if she so let him. He could physically pick them up without issue. He kept glancing to make sure she was okay as he did so, physically that is. He knew both of them mentally and emotionally were not at all okay right now. Maybe… maybe not… the only way we’ll be able to tell is in time Eletea… and I wouldn’t hold out such hope… He hesitated to continue. but what if we can’t even get him because that… thing he worships owns him in death now? He hadn’t really considered a possibility up until now as he looked among these dead. Hopefully they were resting well with whomever they worshipped. He nodded and went to find wherever the shovel was. He wasn’t going to argue, willing to help however he could. He looked around what remained of the temple while he was at it. As much as he didn’t want to admit it, he was looking for anything that could help them in their time of need, whether that be treasure or something else; something to help Eletea.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 10/20/2024 7:44 AM
It wasn't a possibility Eletea had wanted to consider. She stopped what she was doing and looked over at him. "If that is the case, then it cancels out what I said before about accepting his death and moving on," she admitted quietly. "I wouldn't allow him to face such a fate, just as he wouldn't have accepted that outcome for any of us, if the roles were reversed." They almost had been, in a way. He'd stepped in for her during that duel, and she wanted nothing more than to be able to repay him. "We would have to save him, Crosby." She set the last of the bodies down and watched his search. Save for the tools in the storage room - including the shovel she had mentioned - there was nothing of value left, save for the giant and very immobile golden statue of Desphy. Clearly, the pillaging army had taken their time grabbing anything that hadn't been nailed down. The Sisters themselves had never kept much personal wealth with them to begin with, and all magical artifacts had already been stolen. She sighed and stepped outside to watch the waves lap against the shore. "The sea is so... Quiet now," she commented, remembering how the waves had once whispered to her, how her goddess's voice had carried, offering safety, of cleanliness. Perhaps promises of purity were always thinly veiled lies, a trick that she, caught up in the pain of her own past, had been eager to fall for. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 10/27/2024 9:39 AM
Reply to: @Eletea Mourningheart (@Al the Killer) It wasn't a possibility Eletea had wanted to consider. She stopped what she was doing and looked over at him. "If that is the ca...
He nodded in agreement. He’d never let his brother be bound to such a vile creature in his eyes. He was willing to fight with everything he had to set Azir free. As his brother would’ve done the same for them as he had proven. The great extremes he would’ve gone to were unlike anyone in the party’s. Limits were not on the table for the vampire. There was only 2. His brother and Eletea. Nothing more. The two here should’ve known that all too well. If we do come to discover somehow that’s the fate he’s gotten… we will be changing it. I don’t exactly care for the cost… He grabbed the shovel from the storage room. We both know what we’d be willing to give up and what we wouldn’t. He meandered over to the shoreline and began to dig graves as she asked. It wasn’t his first time clearly… it was something he was quite familiar with. Thankfully they hadn’t found the ones he’d dug… yet. Those were horrible memories that needed to stay buried in the past. He glanced up to her as she said the sea was quiet. The calm before the storm he thought. Let’s hope it stays that way while we’re here. Last thing we need is a sea monster coming out of the water or your old goddess… He was digging quite… vigorously, holding the shovel tighter than he should’ve. With every swoop there was an aggression hidden behind his movement. An anger almost. Something was stirring… lurking…
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 10/31/2024 3:20 AM
Eletea gave a solemn nod and silently returned to her work. With each grave that was completed, a body needed to be placed inside, as gently as she could manage. Perhaps they would have preferred a sea burial, but the means to do so were simply not available. This was better than nothing. She said nothing to his response about the sea. She didn't expect him to understand the depth of loss she was trying to express. She wasn't worried about sea monsters, but she longed to hear its song as she once had. The silence was not peace, it was not calm. It was abandonment. She placed one of the bodies in the first grave and turned away to wipe away the tears that threatened to fall from her eyes. Then footsteps echoed into the temple's remains, and she looked toward the entryway, immediately growing tense, then relaxing as she saw who it was.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 10/31/2024 3:20 AM
Rikuma had taken her time walking to the temple, though not for her physical wellbeing. She knew, instinctively, that Crosby and Eletea would be fine, especially with one of her Generals with them. She needed to take her time, to see Waterdeep and what had happened to it. A reminder of why they had needed to defeat the Emperor, and the cost that came with it. As she finally arrived at the temple itself, she looked straight ahead at Eletea. Even she didn't miss the abject misery in her expression, the sorrow of digging the graves of those she had always referred to as sisters. She walked over to Eletea and nodded. "I am sure they would be proud of you, regardless of anything else that may have happened," she said softly. She was about to leave her side and walk over to Crosby, but stopped as Eletea pulled her into an unexpected hug. "...Oh." She blinked in surprise and patted the water genasi's back. Maybe she could have pulled away, but it really did seem like Eletea just... didn't want to feel alone. She looked over at Crosby, clueless about what to do or say in this situation. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/7/2024 1:10 AM
He could understand and fathom the depth of Loss. After-all, he’d lost much more than he ever should’ve in his eyes. But their losses were different. They had one thing in common, albeit the level of loss from that common thing was drastically different. He kept on working, gesturing with one hand for Rikki to embrace her. She could handle this ironically much better than he could. He was terrible at dealing with those in mourning, especially when he was himself. He would soon make sure the graves were finished being dug, lodging the shovel into the shore before he turned to the water. He took a few steps into the water, kneeling down and letting it run through his fingers. He started to pretty quickly blank out. Memories. Lots of them. And a familiar voice. His eyes turned grey like they always did when an outside influence had its way with him. As he stood there, the markings of Tyr he had upon his armor vanished. The connection severed within a split second. But… a very familiar green crackling energy jumped around his fingers where they met the water. Little bats made of that energy swirled around him. Although, this exchange had a price, he began to bleed into the water, turning it red. It called to him. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/8/2024 6:13 AM
Rikuma wrapped her arms loosely around Eletea in return at last, albeit awkwardly. She said nothing, because she had no clue what to say. She could only hope that being here for her was enough. After a moment's silence, she glanced Crosby's way, just as that energy filled the air. Something was wrong, deeply wrong. "Crosby?" She let Eletea go and ran to him, more concerned about the immediate danger of her lover bleeding out. She knelt beside him, grabbing his wrist and trying to pull him away from the water, to put an end to what was happening. Easier said than done - even with the extra strength from her pact with Ranthelegon, he still had the advantage if he chose to resist.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/8/2024 6:13 AM
Still, Eletea held back any tears even as she basked in the embrace's warmth. Odd, she hadn't expected the princess to be warm, not as a necromancer. Which was funny in hindsight - after all, she was still a living person. Then she heard Crosby's name, and was pulled from her momentary peace, that small reminder that they were all suffering together, and they still had each other. She looked back over her shoulder, and her heart skipped a beat at the green energy, the small bats darting about. "Azir?" she whispered, letting Rikuma go. A guilty thrill of hope shot through her, followed by immediate regret. They couldn't let Azir's brother suffer, even for his sake. He wouldn't want that, and neither would she. She ran over after Rikuma, unsure what to do now that she was no longer a cleric. "What's happening?" she asked Crosby, her voice sharp though she was unsure whether he was even capable of being responsive at the moment. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/8/2024 7:34 AM
He resisted, his eyes briefly flickering to their normal color as he glared at Rikki to back off. Rather coldly oddly enough. Perhaps something was really wrong or this was his will. For the briefest of moments she could see two marks upon his middle finger when she tried to pull his hand away. Very clearly a bite albeit an ethereal one from someone not even with them. He begs. He took a long pause, his eyes flickering back to grey. Help needed. He calls for me. He begs for Eletea… he calls for us. He extended his hand to Eletea first and one to Rikuma. Show. He begs me to. The general was trembling where he stood, the crackling energy surrounded his hands and swirling up his arms as he let his blood flow into the water beneath. Hurry. He sounded strained. time limited. His voice cracked and didn’t sound like himself, very clearly it was Azir’s he somehow managed to project through the knight. Please. @Al the Killer (edited)
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/8/2024 12:58 PM
She instinctively flinched away from the look he gave her, letting go of his arm. But there was more at stake here than some hurt feelings. She looked at him again as he spoke, and didn't even need to ask who he was speaking of. That much was already clear. She glanced over at Eletea, who was staring at him, her eyes swirling with a complexity of emotion she couldn't even begin to pick up on. The genasi hurried to grab his hand the moment it was offered, and Rikuma followed suit as well, taking his other hand. After all Azir had done for them, the least she could do was see what he had to show them.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/8/2024 12:58 PM
Eletea could hardly keep her hands from shaking as she grasped Crosby's hand, trying to reach out to Azir's energy with her own limited magic. "Azir..." She closed her eyes, a few tears squeezing their way out despite her best efforts. "How can we save you?" @Crosby
The three saw the same things. A flashing of a million scenes at once. Memories of his past. Some being blurs as they went by too quickly. Some were very clear, the duel for Eletea, the battle against Maziel and the fleeting moments before death. The final battle against Aubron. And the most recent memory of his shown, the one that mattered most. Watching them all leave again… safe. He fought for hours against what was left behind. As he was soon defeated the beasts. Torn limb for limb, excruciatingly painfully. They saw it all through his eyes in excruciating detail. And then once it was all said done… where he was now. A black void of nothingness. Falling infinitely it seemed but the surroundings soon lit up as he found footing. Upon a black stone cliffside covered in blood flowing to him. He was in terrible shape… scrawny and thin. Malnourished and weak. He had tattered pieces of cloth for what was once his clothes. Very recent scars on full display. He was shaking worse than Eletea was. His fangs bared against his will. Chains held him to the black stone beneath him upon his knees. Little green bats like what they saw circling his hands and up his arms. He’s coming. He was struggling of course. Even with what Crosby had to give, it wasn’t enough. A sigil laid beneath him, zapping away anything he gained. Keeping him in a perpetual state of torture and misery. Pact broken… angered. There was an extremely long pause as a heavy thick presence hung in the air. An unsettling one. Then multiple… he wasn’t alone. Some were familiar, past foes they’d defeated. Aurora… Maziel… Lurk. Seek revenge. A flash filled their eyes as they a brief glimpse of Maziel torturing him in this position, claws, whips, knives, every trick she could pull she did. The wretched were banished here. The vile and worst of the worst. Perhaps even Aubron could’ve been here if so fit… but that was beside the point. He could hear one thing come through faintly. Eletea… (edited)
2:04 PM
A smile formed upon his face, it was barely noticeable with the fading strength he had though… the toll of maintaining this ritual was becoming too much for him. Although now it was alerted to what he was doing along with others. He had taken too long. He looked over his shoulder to where they would be, but of course weren’t really there. He looked right past them. Fear in his eyes, an unfamiliar sight from the dhamphir. A looming shadow formed, covering him as the winds blew more intense. The ocean below the cliffside growing restless. Suddenly the vision cut out without warning, but in its fleeting moments of ending… Corrine’s compass from the underworld was shown. Then they were back to reality. Awkwardly all holding hands. Crosby’s hand had healed. Although as they stood in the water, the wind had drastically picked up. An unearthly beast like… roar…? Or cry? Echoed out from the distant horizon. @Al the Killer (edited)
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/8/2024 4:37 PM
Eletea watched in horror. She didn't want to see him suffering, to see the fate he'd been left to, but for his sake, she did. He didn't deserve any of it, after all he'd done for them. "No... We'll save you," she promised, uncertain whether he could even hear her. Her words sounded less certain than she'd intended, with her breathing ragged from shock, her voice trembling as badly as her hands were. Yet she meant every single word. "We'll find a way." The vision faded away and her tears were dry, her expression set into one of hardened determination. The compass. She'd need to get it from Corinne, but they needed a plan, too. One was already forming in her mind, but it would take time to come together. Their party was in no condition to return to the world of the dead, let alone to the darkest depths of it, and she knew the others had duties of their own. He would have to hang in for a while, but she wouldn't let him suffer forever. She would find help elsewhere, and she already knew where. "We have to go," she said, letting go of Crosby's hand. "To Rashouris first. I'll find a way to bring him back, but we need to recover before we can be of any help to him."
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/8/2024 4:37 PM
Rikuma kept hold of Crosby's hand. "I'll call for Ranthelegon," she said, glancing over at Eletea. She knew that expression all too well. Nothing would stop her, and she didn't want to, either. All she wanted to do was find a way to maximize their chances of success. Even with everything already on her plate, she knew she'd be doing some planning of her own. For now, though, she reached out, calling Ranthelegon to take them home. All the while, she wouldn't let go of her lover's hand, wanting to make sure he was alright. To make sure that he stayed by their side, whatever he might be feeling now. They had to stick together, as they had throughout this whole disaster of an adventure. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/9/2024 2:29 AM
Nothing else broke through to him. The connection was severed for now between them. They knew where he was and the dreadful fate he faced alone for now. Of course he was utterly silent after what he saw. He drew his hand away from Eletea and quietly looked to it. The little bats were gone and his wound had healed. Albeit, he had a scar like Eletea did for a while upon his middle finger. He clenched his fist abnormally tight, his veins flaring up. Tyr’s help was gone now. He severed it just to get a glimpse of the unpure realm; to see his brother. They all needed to be know. He took a brief glance to Eletea first. He turned and began to walk out of the water hearing the roar from the horizon. He pulled Rikki with him. It wasn’t a good idea to stay in the water now. Seems Azir’s patron in his eyes had a connection to it. Agreed. Eletea, get out of the water… please. He said simply before turning his attention to Rikki. Hopefully he answers. We’ll need his help… As he looked into Rikki’s eyes she could definitely see he was suppressing emotions once again. The negative ones. The ones fighting to take control and rise to the surface. He had his own mini plan. He just hoped they’d be able to pull off such a feat again. As they stood upon the shore, overhead a storm began to form. A restless one, the winds drastically picked up worse than before.
Ranthelegon BOT 11/9/2024 2:29 AM
Of course he would answer his champion. Above the remains of the temple a green snake eye lit slit rift opened and he came through. Adorned in battle armor now, it was an emerald green in color and bearing his mark. A dragon skull with flames coming out of the eyes. He of course landed on the shoreline by them and looked out to the ocean. Then to Eletea and then the lovers. Whom did you anger now princess? This storm is… unnatural. Desphy perhaps? He guessed based on the temple ruins he had just passed. His attention did not stay put upon them. The dragon was looking at where Eletea stood and then strangely following almost a line into the distant horizon. Seems he saw something they didn’t. Yet he didn’t speak of it. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/9/2024 2:42 PM
Rikuma stepped out of the water with Crosby, Eletea following soon after despite the genasi's apparent reluctance to do so. The necromancer looked up at the sky, the brewing storm. They didn't have long to get out of it, especially if the cause was Azir's former patron. As soon as Ranthelegon landed, she let go of Crosby's hand so she could climb up onto the dragon's back. "What makes you think this is my fault?" she asked, mildly amused by the question despite the circumstances. Still, she couldn't ignore those circumstances - she quickly sobered. "The mindflayer to which Azir was previously bound seems more likely. Unless...?" She cast a questioning look over at Eletea, who was busy joining her on the dragon. "Desphy is a goddess of healing, not of rage. Do not mistake her for one of the tempest deities," Eletea retorted, almost too defensively. Remembering the goddess's abandonment, she sighed. "No, your first guess is more likely. But we will have more time to explain once we arrive." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 11/12/2024 2:43 PM
You seek danger princess along with your love and party. As you should though. Crosby didn’t climb on quite yet. He looked out to the brewing storm. Something about it was vaguely familiar. It tickled the back of his mind and memories that had been tucked away. So much to uncover beyond what he already had. So many years here in this realm yet he still only remembered a very limited amount. He got on the dragon after Eletea. That’s when Ranthelegon began to prepare to take off. The knights eyes did not drift at all from the brewing storm. Your friend’s patron is more likely. If you have tempered with such powers. That would explain the rather… unnatural magic radiating in the ocean. A green ethereal cloaked figure was… embracing you, genasi. Without a word more, the dragon took off. He already knew where to go without the princess telling. A bond was quite useful for such things, well, unless she changed her mind for whatever reason. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/12/2024 4:15 PM
Fair enough, though if they had never sought danger, Ranthelegon would still have been trapped in Maziel's castle. Rikuma didn't bring that up because it wasn't important, and because Ranthelegon already knew that. For now, she simply held on tightly, looking down at the tempestuous waters below. They would go to the castle, and then their work would begin. Rashouris's recovery, saving Azir, her coronation, the... well, there was no guarantee yet that there would be a wedding, and she wasn't even sure the right moment to ask would come up any time soon.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/12/2024 4:15 PM
Eletea looked at Ranthelegon, her eyes widening. "It was...? I didn't feel anything," she admitted, feeling her face heat up. "That might have been some of Azir's energy, since he was reaching out to us before his patron noticed." There was no shortage of reasons to rescue him, that much was for certain. And if she had a contact with immense power among the dead, perhaps it was a step in the right direction. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/19/2024 12:55 AM
To be honest, as much as he was head over heels for Rikki; he hadn’t put much thought towards the wedding. He had the ring still close to him at all times but he had much more important things to handle than romance. They all did. He had a brother to save, a kingdom to now make home and help. And an entire empire they’d probably have to assist in recovering from a post Aubron-era. He paid no mind to his three companions. He was lost in his thoughts, watching the storm grow smaller and smaller as Ranthelegon flew towards Rashouris. He couldn’t help but find himself clenching his fist. So close yet so far. He could feel Tyr had left him from his little interaction, him reaching out and crossing planes. He knew he shouldn’t have done that, but deep down, Azir was more important than any patron’s power in his mind.
Ranthelegon BOT 11/19/2024 12:55 AM
Indeed. You didn’t feel it as you are not quite sensitive to such magic. In great time from now you all would be. Assuming you managed to live long enough. As for your friend, do you plan on trying to rescue him from said patron? The dragon of course was going to prod. That was one of his prime enemies. Although he didn’t want to make that too clear of course. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/19/2024 2:20 PM
Rikuma held onto Ranthelegon with one hand and her lover with the other, resting her head against the latter's shoulder. He seemed deep in thought, so she didn't want to interrupt him unless he became obviously distressed. Instead, she simply listened in silence to Eletea and the dragon's conversation as her hand rested gently over Crosby's clenched fist. No matter what happened, he remained her first priority. After everything he'd sacrificed on her behalf, she wished for nothing more than to make sure he never suffered again. Even if she knew that was impossible.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/19/2024 2:20 PM
Ranthelegon's comment was... Ominous at best, but Eletea let it slide. "We will rescue him," she said firmly. "I can't let him suffer." "None of us will," Rikuma added, joining the conversation again after a moment of silence. "I cannot guarantee how direct my involvement will be, given my other duties, but I will do what I can to ensure he is saved, even if it is only to a more pleasant afterlife. Will you aid us, Ranthelegon?" @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 11/22/2024 3:21 AM
As you see fit, just know nothing comes without a cost. And traveling to the banished realm twice is going to be costly to the body and mind. Especially to more… He paused. The dragon glancing back, eyeballing Rikki’s man. susceptible mortals. As for if I will join, I will of course. I am the destroyer of the vile and evil. And your friends… puppeteer is quite the mix of both. @Al the Killer
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/27/2024 7:54 AM
The last thing Eletea wanted to do was wait but, heeding the dragon's warning, she understood that they would need to do so. She sighed and looked down. "So we will not rush into it. I just... hate to think of him suffering until then," she said softly as she watched the sights below. They had crossed the sea and now flew over the first of the Rashouri islands. Each shoreline of the archipelago had been prepared with floodwalls, dams keeping the melted seawater from overflowing its thawing riverbanks. Crews of skeletons worked still to keep the safety measures well-maintained, braving the harsh sunlight where those who lived their entire lives without sunlight would not be able to. Despite the gut-wrenching feeling of seeing the dead used in such a way, she couldn't quite deny the practicality.
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/27/2024 7:54 AM
"Thank you, Ranthelegon," Rikuma said. She clung close to Crosby, but sat up a bit straighter as her home came into view. It was barely recognizable in the light, but she would know the sight of it anyway. It seemed the first parts of her recovery plan had been implemented well, and she couldn't help the rush of relief that came over her as she saw the walls holding up. "We're almost home," she told Crosby, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. There would be so much work to do, but she would do all that she could. And for once, she didn't feel so alone in her efforts. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/28/2024 4:45 AM
I’m sure we all do Eletea. He finally snapped out of it. He looked to either of his companions. Then back around to their surroundings. He basked in the sunlight, basically unphased by it. Quite the opposite of the people he’d be staying with. His hair even glistened a little in the sunlight along with his eyes. He knew the dead would rather be used for this sort of thing than mindless conquest. Or for more evil intent, or at least that’s what he thought. And what’s our first manner of business when we get to your home exactly? He hadn’t quite accepted it would be his home. Not yet. His home laid in waste, destroyed with nothing left. And part of his home lay trapped in the realm of the banished. Things were not quite yet condition wise for him. He squeezed her hand back. sorry for… not quite being myself. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/28/2024 5:00 AM
Rikuma considered for a moment. Her parents had been missing for a while - she would have to reanimate them again, to assuage suspicions. She'd hoped the whole facade could be over by now but, realistically, the 'deaths' of two monarchs while their only heir remained unbetrothed, and therefore not yet qualified for her own coronation, would add too much stress during a time of struggle. "I will need to meet with my advisors," she said after a short pause. "To update them on the situation, and to hear of anything that happened here in my absence." A meeting that would have to happen without her party. That much was necessary, as Nainda was the only one currently with clearance to attend such a meeting, but it still pained her to leave them out of it. "I will let you know how it goes after," she promised. "And you don't need to apologize for struggling. I know none of this can be easy for you." She sighed. "Anyway, once we land, I'll have Archbishop Agemin give you both a proper tour of the castle. Or... I suppose it would be High Priest Agemin now." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/28/2024 5:30 AM
He nodded quietly. He wondered if anything significant did happen when they were gone. He of course hoped not, unless it was good news. He understood he wasn’t quite part of the political part of things which he was more than fine with. Diplomacy wasn’t his strength. Right. I just felt it was necessary… for I’m obviously not exactly the same as when we first met with things changing so… quickly. He paused. When she said high priest. He sort of just… wasn’t visibly pleased. The memory still being pretty vivid. Albeit, it was the start of it all. The spark that ignited the fire. Of course. Hopefully it’ll be… new parts of the castle. And of course, not the dungeon this time around. He did crack a small smirk. He couldn’t help it. What a dumb ass way to meet and start things off. Not normal by any means. @Al the Killer @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/28/2024 6:06 AM
Rikuma glanced at Eletea as Crosby spoke. "None of us are," she told him. "Anyway, dungeons aren't generally part of castle tours, so I don't think you'll have to worry about that, but I'll tell him just to be sure. And you don't have to worry about Agemin. I..." She trailed off, because her trust didn't mean much, did it? She'd trusted the High Priestess Maeneine too, and they both knew how that had ended. "I grew up with him," she said instead, "and he's the one who warned me about Maeneine, once he found a way around the curse of secrecy she'd placed on him. And he agreed to spare your life on the night we met because he thought we were already lovers. I think you'll be safe with him. And someone has to make sure you're familiar enough with the castle grounds to avoid getting lost." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/28/2024 12:32 PM
He felt he had changed for the worse in some ways. Always causing problems, sometimes more than he meant to. But that was besides the point now. The past had come and go. He knew about us? Seems like your priestess is well… either can predict things well enough or was in on things from the start. But I thank him either way for giving me a chance. And come onnnn. I navigated your castle once already, I’m sure I can do it again! @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/28/2024 2:18 PM
"You were escorted directly from my chambers to the dungeon and back again," Rikuma said flatly, though it was nice to see a spark of the stubborn Crosby she had first fallen in love with again. "I would hardly call that a proper tour. Besides, Eletea hasn't seen it yet." And she didn't think now was a good time for Eletea or Crosby to be alone, but she didn't say that much aloud in front of them. "And it feels like it's been so long since we've been here. Your memory could use a refresher, not to mention something to keep you less bored while I'm in that meeting." She kissed his cheek, then looked down at the ground below. The castle was in sight. "The roof will be sturdy enough to land on," she told Ranthelegon. "We'll be able to walk in through one of the towers from there." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/29/2024 7:53 AM
Honestly, he had sort of forgotten that part. He shrugged either way. He was sure he could find his way around if need be. It just wouldn’t exactly be the ideal way of doing it is all. I suppose you’re right about that much at least. Buttt if you insist, I’ll take full tour your royal highness~. Or should I say… the Queen of my heart~. He couldn’t help but smile and flirt of course. This was basically the closest to real safety they’d had in a longggg time. The dragon did as he was told and landed on the roof without a word. His eyes scanning the world around them. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/30/2024 12:10 PM
Rikuma arched an eyebrow. "What does cardiology have to do with my political position?" she asked. There was a brief moment of silence as they landed on the roof, before she processed the words less literally. "Oh, you were flirting." She leaned in and kissed his cheek to express that the message had been (belatedly) received and appreciated. "We'll be able to spend plenty of time together after," she promised, before jumping down from Ranthelegon's back. Her armor vanished, replaced by the ornate but less practical gown and crown she had put on earlier as she turned and held out a hand to help Crosby down. Even if he didn't need it. The tower doors opened, letting out several skeletal guards but, on seeing who it was that had landed the dragon on the castle, they immediately backed up and bowed. She smiled. "It is good to be back..."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/30/2024 12:10 PM
Eletea followed the others down, less comfortable than Rikuma in these surroundings. She supposed she needed to get used to being surrounded by the dead, though. Especially given where her ultimate destination would be. She stayed silent as she lingered near the other two. Never had she felt more like a third wheel than she did right now, but she would accept that over being entirely alone. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 11/30/2024 1:29 PM
He wasn’t even remotely surprised she had to process what he said. Typical Rikki. He still loved her either way. It was quite adorable. He pecked her right back with a kiss before she got off the dragon. The dragon was seemingly distracted looking around this new kingdom. Obviously having never been before. Whatever you say Rikki. He of course tooo her hand, he wasn’t going to refuse, albeit he didn’t need the help at all. He kept his armor on… for now at least. It was still status symbol of whom he was and where he came from. Especially since he was essentially the last one left from his home besides Eletea. He glanced back to make sure Eletea was okay of course. But he only found Ranthelegon absolutely death staring him. He didn’t question it, surely there was some reason he’d find out about soon enough. His attention shifting to the skeletons. A reminder of where they once were and where they’d have to venture forth again. You lead the way and we’ll follow. Like we always have. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 11/30/2024 2:40 PM
Rikuma looked up at Ranthelegon. "You are welcome to stay here, of course," she said. "But I would advise remaining near the castle for now, at least until word can get out that the dragon flying around is not a threat to the general public." The last thing she wanted was to cause an unnecessary panic. For now, she turned her attention back toward one of the skeletons, then chose one at random. "Bring Agemin to meet us at the bottom of the east tower steps," she said, before guiding the way toward the east tower. "Do you want to meet my parents, um... in this world?" she asked Crosby, not wanting to refer to them as corpses when not everyone in the palace knew they were dead. And if they did, that meant something was horribly wrong. "Or would that be weird?"
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 11/30/2024 2:40 PM
Eletea continued to follow quietly, until Rikuma asked the question about her parents. "Wait, weren't you young when...?" She trailed off, picking up on the hint not to refer explicitly to their deaths. "What sort of condition would they be in by now?" "You would have so little faith in my abilities after all we've been through," Rikuma lamented. "They're fine." Which was to say, remarkably preserved. "I can prove it, too. They will need to accompany me to the meeting anyway, so we may as well stop by their chambers on the way down." @Crosby
Ranthelegon BOT 12/8/2024 10:06 AM
As you wish Princess. He said quite simply. The dragon shifting to look around more. This place was quite strange. So many undead….
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/8/2024 10:06 AM
Of course he followed Rikuma without hesitation. Although he was distracted looking around. There was a lot to take in. Things were of course drastically different here from his home and many kingdoms he’d gone to before. They all knew that. If that’s what you want to do, I’m fine with that, I know I’m going to have to sooner or later. He sort of got what she meant though. If not here in the overworld, they’d more than likely meet in the underworld on their second dreadful trip. Speaking of which, he couldn’t stop thinking about it either. What would they run into this time? More of the same? Probably not… he doubted they’d get so lucky to go unnoticed or unbothered by unfamiliar faces and things. Although, speaking of that, he remembered the ring he had. Hopefully that wouldn’t be mentioned… that would make things rather awkward on him to make a move. And now certainly wasn’t the time. Sure, romance and traditions were great and all. But with them starting a new world and missing a key piece? Now was certainly not the time. You’d be more than surprised by what she can do with her abilities Eletea… He briefly reflected back for a moment. I’ll leave it to her to demonstrate even though we’ve all seen plenty already. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 12/8/2024 4:41 PM
Rikuma opened the door and started down the spiral staircase. As they descended, the magical sconces that lined the granite walls sprang to life, illuminating their path down. Small landings and doors set into the walls indicated the floors they passed. On the second story down, she stopped and opened a door. "The king and queen's suite is on this floor," she explained, looking nervously into the long hallway ahead. There was not much life in the upper part of the palace, but that was to be expected. It was only truly populated for a few days of each month, when the nobility from all over the kingdom gathered for High Council meetings. She stepped out onto the marble floor and walked purposefully to the first door to their right, one guarded by two skeletons. "I have returned to visit my parents," she informed the skeletons. "You may take your leave." They both bowed and walked away, past Eletea and Crosby.
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 12/8/2024 4:41 PM
Eletea shivered a bit on instinct as the skeletons passed by her, but of course they paid her no mind. This would certainly take some getting used to. "So why is this all a secret?" she whispered to Rikuma, only to receive a blank stare in response. "I mean the whole thing with your parents. You know." It took a moment longer before Rikuma nodded. "Ah, right. It's... politics," she whispered back. "My coronation cannot occur until I am at least betrothed, as the duties of the throne are too vast to fulfill unsupported, so if the king and queen die before I am ready to continue the royal family, the High Priest or Priestess must be appointed as regent. Power would leave the royal family's hands, even if temporarily. And historically, it has not always been successfully transferred back. It would render me unable to do what must be done to save Rashouris." @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/21/2024 11:24 AM
He followed silently. His eyes fixated upon his surroundings. This was unfamiliar and new. And top of that, this was his new home whether he liked it or not. It did still feel a bit…. Off to him however. It would take some drastic adjustment compared to the bustling streets of Waterdeep and the very busy castle he used to visit for work. He listened of course, still remaining deathly silent. Mainly because he wouldn’t ever trust a high priest or priestess again after what happened the first time. Especially when they would be in charge of the kingdom. They’d drive it to ruin or to be an absolute dictatorship he felt. Or absolute anarchy. He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. Hearing the immense pressure of having to propose was… something. Usually he wouldn’t even be bothered by such. But he couldn’t bring himself to bring out the ring now considering all that still needed to be done. He couldn’t even think about settling down or starting a new life at all really. But then again…. Who knows if he’d ever even get the chance with how things were going. What laid before them now? And if something happened to Rikki before he could do it… could he ever forgive himself? Or even if what if something happened to him? He grew quickly distracted again. Just mindlessly following her lead. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 12/21/2024 11:40 AM
"Anyway, as long as their secret is safe, we don't have to worry about it," Rikuma assured. "Everything at our own pace and whatnot." She opened the door and stepped inside. The royal suite was a large chamber, splitting into a few different rooms through the archways. She stepped through the tallest arch into the bedroom. A vase of necromantically-preserved flowers stood on one night stand beside a spacious canopy bed where two elves lay peacefully side by side. It would have seemed as though they were merely asleep, if not for the fact that there was no rise and fall of their chests with their breathing, and that they were both fully formally dressed, with the King veiled as was expected of the royal necromancer. The queen consort, a duelist rather than a necromancer, wore no face covering but had her sword belt already on. Gesturing for the other two to stand back, Rikuma approached the bedside and gestured with her hands. Both corpses, perfectly preserved for the better part of a century, stood up in unison, pulling the blankets aside before smoothing them back into place. Rikuma bowed to the two of them respectfully, not meeting their eyes even though they were already long dead, then turned to lead them toward the door. "So, um..." She rubbed the back of her neck, unable to deny the awkwardness of it all. "Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend, Crosby. And Eletea, my... friend? I mean, I don't want to assume..."
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 12/21/2024 11:40 AM
Eletea had expected more spectacle, somehow. But there was no need for theatrics. Despite their smaller statue, the rulers of Rashouris were imposing enough figures in their own right, more unsettling for the knowledge that they were dead. She stepped back cautiously, but couldn't help laughing a bit at Rikuma's question about their status. "I mean, I thought it was a given after everything we've been through." For once, she found herself grateful for the princess's awkwardness. At the very least, it helped ease her own tension in this strange environment. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 12/28/2024 3:34 AM
He just silently watched. Of course seeing dead corpses was going to be creepy when he had seen necromancers in an extremely negative light his entire life. This was a drastic change even though he’d known her for this long already. He just sort of waved to the corpses and bowed, even though they weren’t alive. He wasn’t sure if the souls somehow lurked and observed them. Friends is the bare minimum after all the hell we’ve been through, literally and not literally. He stuck by Eletea for now. He didn’t dare approach unless he was directed to. As he stood there, he felt an uneasiness. He couldn’t suppress it but he would try. But it was for a multitude of reasons he didn’t want to elaborate on. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 12/28/2024 4:23 AM
"Friends will do, considering the fact that she's definitely not my girlfriend," Rikuma commented. She looked between the two of them, the way they both kept their distance now. Subtle hints were usually hard to pick up on, but she'd experienced enough of life to understand she would never be fully accepted as she was. She could only hope time would help them be a bit more comfortable here. She looked down and led the others out of the room. "Come on, let's go meet with Agemin," she said, her tone giving away nothing. At least the two of them were trying. "And don't worry about walking near them. They don't bite. Unless I tell them to, but that seems like mistreatment of a corpse, empty or not." She tilted her head. "And the souls are separate from the bodies, in case you were wondering. We still treat the bodies with respect, but the souls remain in the underworld, free to do as they will." Except her mind flashed back to when Crosby had fallen, the way she had compelled the souls of the dead to cooperate, and she couldn't help but shiver a bit. For all of her life she had sought to master necromancy, but if that was what it meant... did anyone really deserve that kind of power?
Eletea Mourningheart BOT 12/28/2024 4:23 AM
"Oh. Okay. When you put it like that, I guess this all seems..." Eletea trailed off, furrowing her brows as she searched for the right word. Ethical seemed subjective, and she wasn't quite at that point yet. "...Fair enough. I actually do have more questions about the whole philosophy behind your necromancy. Crosby's probably told you already, but you seem to treat it a bit differently here than necromancers on the outside." Rikuma nodded, smiling a bit as though relieved by the attempt to understand. "You will enjoy speaking with Archbishop Agemin, I think," she said. "He is more versed in the whole philosophy, as a clergyman." She led them back into the main hall and toward the stairs. @Crosby
Crosby Vandine BOT 1/4/2025 3:23 AM
He would accept her in time when it came to this aspect. But now was not the time for necrotic magic before his eyes. Especially when it involved well, the family he lacked now. He couldn’t pay attention at the moment as her and Eletea talked. All he could do was remember. Remember buried memories. His first necromancer encounter with his men. The vile and gruesome things he witnessed. The horrors of such power with no limitation to it. He tried his best to hide the fact he was blanking out but it was hard not to. Also talking philosophy’s and what not wasn’t a great topic for the meat head. It was either moral or not, simple as that. Sure there was some grey here and there but not as often as you’d think. He followed quietly into the main hall without a word. He couldn’t focus on anything before him. Everything felt… surreal and quite overwhelming with how much there was. The simplicity of Waterdeep was long gone. Now necromancy and political royals mixed with a religion sort of that he didn’t understand surrounded him. Finally he spoke up. Rikuma… Albeit it wasn’t that loud. He glanced around, if there was a window, he looked out to it, almost longingly. I… look. I love you and all… but this is a pretty drastic change for me. And everything all at once… is… He paused looking for the right words. A lot to handle at once… why don’t you continue with Eletea and I’ll meet up with you guys later? It didn’t help that he wasn’t exactly a fan of a castle. It was so… large and most of the time pretty empty. There was no life or aura to it like a home had to him. A home he no longer had. @Al the Killer
Rikuma Celaerna Aelynthi VI BOT 1/4/2025 5:26 AM
There were plenty of windows, allowing the daylight into the stair tower. Rikuma had to blink a bit more as a result, still trying to get used to the light. It must have been even more challenging for everyone else here, those who hadn't accompanied her outside of the kingdom. As Crosby spoke her name, she slowed to a halt and turned to face him. Guilt stabbed through her, along with its close companion - concern. "I'm... sorry," she said, looking down. She'd thought he knew what to expect, but maybe that didn't make such a difference right now, after everything he'd been through. "I can bring you back to my chambers if you would prefer to rest, but are you sure you should be alone right now?" If being here was too much now, being alone here would only make things worse. Unless she was the problem. Logically, she knew that wasn't it, but there was still that voice in her head insisting that she was always the problem. "I still have to at least introduce Eletea to Agemin and make sure the news of the curse being broken is made official, but I'm sure I can delay meeting with my advisors if you want me to keep you company." Eletea stayed awkwardly silent, getting the impression that this was not a conversation she should be present for, but not wanting to wander off and get lost. @Crosby
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