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📬 1:1 Roleplay (D-E) / dragon-and-snow
Triggers: war, gore, violence, potentially sexual themes, chance for more to be added later
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/11/2024 10:59 PM
Lysanne answered her brother’s summons to the great hall of Winterfell. Thankfully his bannermen weren’t there, otherwise she was in for an earful. She was dressed in her armor as she had just gone out. “What have I told you about armor, Lys?” Cregan asked his sister with a half sigh, but faint smile. Upon his sister not answering the rhetorical question, the lord sighed. “We are expecting company. A raven arrived.” “If this has anything to do with another potential marriage offer-“ she started, bristling. “Jacaerys Velaryon has been flying north on Vermax seeking allies to aid his mother’s claim to the iron throne. Our father swore allegiance to King Viserys and we will honor it,” Cregan said with a raised eyebrow. “Gods damn me if I don’t. Please go change before he arrives.” Lysanne dipped her head respectfully and curtsied going back to her chambers to change for their unexpected guest. She went back to her brother and he offered her his hand. Cregan led her outside, where despite the late hour, they awaited the arrival of the young prince.
@ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/12/2024 12:05 PM
Jacaerys Velaryon… the prince of Dragonstone, the heir to the Iron Throne. He was flying on his dragon, Vermax, fighting against the icy and cold winds. Vermax wasn’t the biggest dragon, but he was quick and fierce. Jacaerys was rather protective of his rider, much as Vermax was of his rider. Jacaerys kept having to put his arms up, to covered his eyes. He was trying to find a break in the clouds, so he may be above them, trying to escape the pelts of ice. The North was truly something else, having late summer snows. Gods be good, Dragons hated the snow and even if Jace was a Velayron. He still had dragon blood throughout his veins, which made him hate the cold as well. Though, he knew better than to say that to a Northerner. He had to win them to his side, gather armies, men for his mother. He knew his purposes. So instead of flying up, he commanded Vermax to dive. He quickly shielded himself as he did so, feeling the harsh winds push past him. He swore, if he wasn’t tied down to this saddle, he would’ve flown off. Well.. ya no, that would’ve happened regardless. Little flare of the theatrics, something Jace was not very known for but mattered little. Once Vermax broke through the clouds once again, Jace opened his eyes, looking around. He noticed the lights of Winterfell, noticing people waiting for him. He prayed they weren’t waiting long, they would be freezing and that wouldn’t make the best first impression. Leaving the lords and ladies of his mother’s kingdoms out to freeze. Vermax quickly landed on the snow powered ground, quickly rumbling in discomfort. Jace patted him, commanding his dragon to stay still. He sighed, adjusting his cloak to cover him. He quickly approached Lord Stark and… his wife? Sister? He wasn’t quite clear on who he was fully addressing. He stood and watched as the two bowed their heads, he rested his hands in his sword as he spoke, addressing them, “Lord Stark, Lady… Stark? It is a pleasure to meet you both. Your home is so beaut
12:05 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/12/2024 4:18 PM
She nodded in greeting, curtsying politely and glanced at her brother, knowing to let him speak first. “It’s an honor to host you, my lord,” Cregan replied. “This is my sister, but she holds the last name Snow.” “Lysanne, my lord,” she replied, introducing herself quietly. “If your dragon would wish to shelter in a more sheltered place, he’s welcome to the weirwood grove. It’ll be sheltered from the bitter winds for him.” “You come on your mother’s behalf. I can understand why she wouldn’t want to leave Dragonstone. Word’s reached us that Hightower’s sons are also flying for allies,” Cregan sighed thoughtfully.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/12/2024 7:10 PM
Jace took a deep breath, it was ‘my prince’ but he was not going to correct them. He did make them wait out in the cold. He took a deep breath, he nodded his head, hearing the word sister. Though, upon hearing her last name, he realized she was a bastard. “Matters little what last she bares. She is your sister, she will be seen as a lady in my eyes. It is an honor to be hosted here.” He knew how to be diplomatic, to be respectful and polite. His mother taught him to be a Prince of the Realm. He looks over at Vermax, seeing the dragon glaring at him. Angry that Jace made them come out here. Vermax hated the cold, he wouldn’t be happy in any place. Jace then sighed, looking at Lysanne, “Matters little where we are. He will only be happy in the South. Where it is warmer… do not approached him please. I would rather not have severed limps and burnt men.” He looked at Cregan, nodding his head, “Yes, the Greens fly across the realm to replace the proper heir to the Iron Throne. Though, my mother knows the Starks always keep their oaths. Though… it was your father that pledge his sword and loyalty to the Queen. I am here, asking you, Lord Cregan. To do the same… and preferably in a more warm environment.”
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/13/2024 3:59 PM
“Of course, forgive me,” Cregan replied. “Unfortunately even the long summer hasn’t been able to warm this kingdom is ages.” Lysanne walked ahead of them, leading the two lords into the great hall. It was significantly warmer inside and the bitter winds were kept out by the stone walls. “The north remembers the oath we swore to Lord Viserys,” Cregan replied. “My sister and I will always honor our father’s decision to swear fealty to him. By the old gods and the new, House Stark will fight beside you. I can send an army of 10,000 men to aid in the upcoming war.” Lysanne murmured something to her brother and he nodded to her allowing her to speak. “My lord, it would be a great honor if you would allow me to serve at Dragonstone.” “She has wished to see more of Westeros for most of her years leading up to coming of age. She would provide no hindrance to your journey back, but arrive in a few days time with the other bannermen.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/14/2024 10:34 AM
Jacaerys follows beside Cregan while Lysanne walked ahead. He took a deep breath, the cold still affecting him. He worried for Vermax but he knew if he needed to go, Vermax would fly off. As the group made their way into the warm stone walls of Winterfell. He sighed in relief, “Oh by the gods. Warmth.” He laughed, keeping his gloves on as he rubs his hands together. He heard Cregan speak, causing the young prince to turn to the lord, “My mother will take as many men as you are willing to give. The Greens have more men than we do… securing the Lannisters and Hightowers. If the North, in its strength and vast lands, were on our side. It would help incredibly. The North is the biggest part of the Seven Kingdoms.” He noticed Lysanne and Cregan talking and he got nervous. He needed to relax, they already agreed. Though, what came out of Lysanne’s mouth shocked her. He chuckled a bit, “You wish to server at Dragonstone? As a guard or a knight? Are you sure? Dragonstone is very different and if you come to Dragonstone, you must be prepared. Dragons fly the skies, you could get hurt…”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/14/2024 10:35 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/14/2024 10:45 AM
A soft laugh escaped her, hearing the prince remark on the warmth. “Please forgive the bitter winds,” she replied with an amused grin. “Along with Lysanne being allowed to return to Dragonstone, I must also request men for the Night’s Watch,” Cregan said. “Not many by any means, and it can wait til after the war. I know the Queen needs as many men as she can muster now. I’ll send ravens to the Iron Islands and the Dreadfort to speak with Lords Greyjoy and Bolton. They are two of our strongest allies. If we get them to support, I can send more reinforcements.” Lysanne looked at Jacaerys. “They may fly the skies, but I do not worry for my safety. I would be honored to serve as a knight if the Queen would allow it.” Cregan gave his sister a furious stare. “I’ve already told you-“ “I’m of age to my own decision, my lord,” she interrupted her brother. “I understand the risks of being a knight and that it may cost my life. I am more than willing to restore Westeros to the proper family. If the Queen would allow it, I will serve as a knight for her or for you, my prince.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/14/2024 12:47 PM
Jace thought about it, he couldn’t decide for his mother. It was up to her who becomes a knight and such. While he does know his mother would accept men, he did not know if he could his mother would accept Lysanne, “I will… have to write and send a raven to my mother. I cannot make those decisions without her consent. Only the ruling Queen or King can make you a knight. I am only a Prince. Before I leave… we will hopefully have an answer, from the Queen.” He looked at Lord Cregan, “We must discuss the route you will take. Though I know you will need the Twins to pass which means we will need the alliance of the Freys. People not willing to raise banners until they see a winning side.” He looked at Lysanne, “Dragons are beasts uncontrolled by men. Vhagar… people fear her. Though she is only one dragon. Many fear them… to put in bluntly, you should always fear for your safety around them. They are unpredictable and you have never seen a dragon burn men… you will at Dragonstone…”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/14/2024 12:47 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/14/2024 1:15 PM
“You are more than welcome to stay as long as you need, my prince,” Cregan replied. “Though I anticipate that for Vermax’s sake it won’t be long. Please make yourself welcome to Winterfell. We can discuss the path I’ll send my bannermen tomorrow. I’m sure you wish to rest. It’s been a long flight for you and your dragon.” He sighed and looked outside at the falling snow. “I would advise to move him to the Weirwood grove. It is sheltered and he will be slightly warmer.” “People fear Vhagar for her size and experience in war,” Lysanne countered. “Though she may be uncontrollable, she can die too. It isn’t impossible, just a bit of a harder task.” “Lysanne.” Cregan said warningly, a blatant stare at her to mind her tongue.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/14/2024 1:54 PM
“People are right to fear Vhagar. I fear Vhagar. I would never fight her open air, not make Vermax. If you are not scared of dragons, you are foolish. You dare to upset a dragon, you will meet a hot death. You should learn that before you come to Dragonstone, Lady Lysanne.” Jace was being respectful by giving her the title of Lady. “Have you both already have dinner? I would love to just get to know the warden of the North and his sister. You both will be vital parts of the kingdoms, a kingdom I wish to rule one day,” He smiled, wishing to know these two. He was not used to people his age being in power.
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/14/2024 1:55 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/14/2024 2:54 PM
"I'm not saying I don't fear a beast like her, but she isn't immortal," Lysanne pointed out. "I'm not idiot enough to infuriate a beast of their caliber. I know that even direwolves as a pack wouldn't survive her. We often say the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives, but against the dragons, it matters not." "I have already eaten, but my sister hasn't. Regardless, I shall sit while you both dine and we can discuss matters that may trouble you," Cregan replied, rolling his eyes at her sister.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/14/2024 3:28 PM
Jace nodded his head, “I did not mean to offend, Lady Lysanne. I am just stating the obvious…” He shook his head. “It is not what troubles me. It is merely just getting to know the lords of the realm. You control one of the most powerful houses in the realm, Lord Cregan.” He smiled, looking at the two. “I have yet to eat… maybe we should keep talking over… hog? I do not know what creatures roam these parts.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/14/2024 3:28 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/14/2024 4:15 PM
“Elk is a rare treat, but in the warmer weather we are able to feast just the same as you do in the south,” Lysanne replied. “I believe I saw boar in the kitchens tonight. But aside from that we also get salmon, lobster, and goose.” “We’ll get the aid from as many of them as we can. If I’m successful I hope to double my initial number of troops I could send to Dragonstone,” Cregan said thoughtfully. “I can get a letter written tonight and set out to the Houses Bolton, Frey, Manderly, Cerwyn, Karstark, Umber, Mormont and Glover.” Cregan looked at his sister with a raised eyebrow before humorously replying, “Father was right about you. You’re a fast learner.” Lysanne laughed and shook her head. “Knowledge of our allies comes from having a lord able to keep the peace, but I’ll go get the servants to start a small dinner for us.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/15/2024 6:29 PM
Jace was in awe with how well these two worked together. He was a bit jealous, his brothers and himself clash a bit. “The more man power we can muster. The more powerful my mother’s claim will be. I would appreciate it all…” Jace walked into the grand hall with the two Starks. He did like boar, boar wasn’t his favorite but he did like it. “Boar is perfect. We have a lot of fish and such on Dragonstone. Since it is an island and all. Having boar would be delightful.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/15/2024 6:30 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/15/2024 7:01 PM
Cregan nodded. “Lysanne, have the letters written and sent out tonight if you can.” “Of course,” she replied before looking at Jace.* “I wouldn’t mind visiting. Fish is just about considered a delicacy up here. We only see salmon.” Cregan stopped her from leaving. “Eat with us. Then you can worry about the letters,” he said gently. Lysanne nodded and went to the kitchens instead before rejoining them in the great hall. “We’ll have dinner shortly.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/16/2024 12:14 PM
Jace smiled, looking at Lysanne, “Good… I am starving. Flying, is not hard but it’s easiest to stay in the air. I’d rather not handle with Vermax landing and taking off and how temperamental he is…” The Prince shook his head, he watched the two Starks sit and then found his own place, near so they can talk. He looked at Lysanne, “When I write to my mother. If she accepts before I leave. If you would rather fly with me back to Dragonstone, that could be arranged.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/16/2024 12:14 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/16/2024 1:36 PM
She nodded, listening to Jace, interested in learning more about the dragons. Lysanne looked at Jacaerys startled slightly. “I would be honored to be able to ride a dragon, but if your dragon is as temperamental as you say, is that the best idea?” she asked with a soft laugh.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/18/2024 2:59 PM
Jace laughed, nodding his head, “Vermax would do nothing to harm me. He will be careful as long as I am around.” He noticed a servant bring in some wine and he thanked them softly. He then took a sip, “You should be safe. Id rather not start a war with the North.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/18/2024 2:59 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/18/2024 6:33 PM
"If you believe it would be a good idea, it would be a pleasure, my prince," Lysanne replied, taking a sip of wine. Though she sat with them, she was also working on points to make in her letters to the other northern houses. "Leave her to write," Cregan advised. "I recall interrupting her once and she near lectured me for ten minutes for disturbing her." He spoke dryly, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes as he remembered his sister scolding him.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/20/2024 7:45 AM
Jace chuckled a bit, nodded his head. He heeded Cregan’s warning and looked over at the young Lord, “Just like my own little brother. Luke gets focused on something and when he does, he does not wish to be distracted.” Jace adjust himself in his chair, looking around the dining hall of Winterfell. It had many interesting architectural details and features. He enjoyed looking at it, “Winterfell is quite interesting. Very much different than Dragonstone.. though, Dragonstone has interesting features as well.“
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/20/2024 7:45 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/20/2024 8:24 PM
The scribble of the quill on the wooden table amused Cregan, but he focused on the conversation with Jace. "Siblings can certainly be interesting. Certainly both of our own are quite different from us," the northerner pointed out with a smile. When Jace talked about the difference between Winterfell and Dragonstone, Cregan couldn't help but give a light laugh. "Yes, I assume Lysanne would be quite happy to get out of the cold, quiet stone halls of her home that she's wandered all her life. I believe she's called the halls here on multiple occasions, boring and depressing." Cregan shook his head with a huff,
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/21/2024 3:40 PM
Jace took another sip, her dark eyes looking across the table at the Starks. He could understand how one would like to escape from the cold. Jace, himself, has only been in the North for a day or so and yet he wanted to go home more than ever. It was not the fact that the Starks have been not been gracious hosts as of now. They were lovely. He just did not agree with the cold and he knew Vermax did not as well. He placed the cup down, “Luke never really pick up the sword, as one would say. He has no desire for it. He is like our late grandsire, one for books… histories. Luke varies from Lysanne as well.” They both could tell he meant no harm by his comment, he was simply stating his truth. He then looked at, another way, “But the snow is so beautiful. Like a fresh canvas… there is beauty in the mute.. if you can just find it. The North has its beauty, much like every other part of this Kingdom.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/21/2024 3:40 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/22/2024 9:37 AM
Cregan chuckled. "Our father was beside himself when he saw Lysanne's interest in learning to fight with a sword. I oft got lectured from him for teaching her. Though for as much as she enjoys fighting she is also well read and learns fast." "Dragonstone is near the coast isn't it, my prince?" Lysanne asked, glancing up from where she was writing. "It's its own little island not too far from the mainland if I recall."
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/22/2024 4:58 PM
Jace laughed more, “I remember something similar. Luke wanted to fly on Vermax, alone-. Which for anyone who is not a dragon rider… it’s the biggest no in it all. Vermax will only listen to me as long as I live and even if… Vermax must choose Luke but I encouraged it, unknowing the rule. Once my mother found out, I was lectured by both my father and mother for hours… learnt my lesson that day.” He was cut out of that memory when Lysanne spoke, his head nodding. His brown curls moving and covering his eyes but he pushed them back, “Yes… Dragonstone is an island, connect by bridge to the mainland. Only three ways to get on. By boat, by the bridge, or by dragon… there are many spots by the sea. Why do you ask?”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/22/2024 7:27 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/22/2024 8:31 PM
"I've been studying the geography of the various kingdoms as of late," Lysanne replied, setting the quill down and starting to eat as dinner was brought for them. "I figured it's quite important to know the geography of where I would eventually want to travel to. Besides, my brother could easily inform you of how much I enjoy to find a new subject to read." Cregan rolled his eyes. "Aye, the amount of times I can walk past her room and see candle light from under the door, yes. She will happily read into the night as long as we have the candles for it."
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/23/2024 7:17 AM
Jace chuckled once again, “You will find that Dragonstone is quite interesting, Lysanne. I’ll just show you the secret passageways that lead to the dragons so you know not to go in them… I’d so hate to find you burnt to crisp.” Jace was teasing, kinda… Jace then thought about it, “You might like the old ancient scrolls in the dungeon area. I think it’s the dungeon area- it’s oddly close to where we go to get to the dragons. So I could be mistaken. I’m not familiar with terms of the room used within Dragonstone-“
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/23/2024 7:17 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/23/2024 7:21 AM
"I better not get a raven from you saying my sister was harmed, my prince," Cregan warned with a snort. "Though I will expect my sister to exercise better judgement as well." "That sounds intriguing at the very least," she replied with a smile. "Have you gone through the scrolls yourself, my prince? I'm quite curious as to what sort of information I can expect to find there."
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/23/2024 8:18 AM
He put his hand over his heart, “I promise.. I will do my best to keep your sister away from the dragons without Targaryen supervision. I even run the risk of getting burnt if I approached a dragon that is not my own.” He smirked. Though he heard the doors open. He looked over and saw the servants come in with food and more wine. Jace softly thanked them once again. Jace was always polite to the servants and such. He looked at Lysanne and shook his head, “A few… I’m not the biggest reader of ancient scrolls.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/23/2024 8:18 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/23/2024 8:22 AM
“Couldn’t be more grateful to hear it, my prince,” she said with a snort of amusement. She looked at Jace with a soft smile. It was endearing that he was so polite with the servants of the castle. She quietly thanked the servant who had brought her some mead. “Ah, I understand.” A soft laugh of amusement escaped her. “You certainly strike me more of someone who wants to be active rather than sitting and reading.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/23/2024 11:05 AM
“I prefer to train with the a sword and such… occasionally the good ol’ flight on Vermax,” Jace chuckled, taking a bit out of the meat. He nodded his head, feeling the taste. “You have good cooks… this is really good, congratulations Starks.” He took another bite, finally eating reminded him of how hunger he really was. He went to the Eyrie, to speak with Lady Arryn but after that it was straight to Winterfell. He didn’t really want to stop, so had to forfeit food. Though now, he was enjoying what the Starks’ cooks had prepared.
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/23/2024 11:05 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/23/2024 6:18 PM
Lysanne chuckled softly. “Thank you, my prince. I’m sure the servers here appreciate the praise as well.” “Had you flown here without another stop?” Cregan asked. “I can get some cattle brought so Vermax may eat as well. He must be exhausted.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/24/2024 9:41 AM
Jace nodded his head, slowing down his eating. He must’ve seen barbaric, not befitting a prince. He swallowed and then sighed, “Yes, I did… Vermax will find some deer or wild goats to eat. He knows better than to go for livestock. If he does… my mother will replace them.” He then relaxed, feeling so much better after he ate. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, “Oh… just to relax and eat. Thank you both, honestly… you both are gracious hosts.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/24/2024 9:41 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/24/2024 8:52 PM
Cregan nodded. "I don't imagine the smallfolk are too pleased when the dragons decide to feast on their livestock," he mumbled. "It's been a pleasure to host you, my prince," Lysanne replied with a smile. She folded up the paper, she had been writing on and put a stopper in the inkwell. She nodded to her brother. "I'll write the letters tonight and have them sent to the other lords first thing tomorrow." "Excellent, but one more matter before you get lost in writing again. Would you please show Prince Jacaerys to his chambers?" "Of course, brother." She replied with a curtsy. Lysannne looked at Jace. "Whenever you feel ready to head to your chambers, my prince."
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/25/2024 9:51 AM
Jace laughed a bit, looking back down at his plate. He knew Vermax was well mannered, he just had an ill-temper. He looked up at Cregan, “I promise, any livestock harmed or killed by my dragon will be replaced as soon as possible... either by my mother or me.” He felt anxious now, he prayed that Vermax didn’t accidentally ruin this for him. If Vermax killed someone, Jace would want to dig a hole and bury himself alive. Jace was very worried about Vermax. He hoped his dragon could keep his fire to himself. Jace nodded his head, “I might stay here for a bit. Just eat my fill… it has been a day or so. The Eyrie was nice, the Vale was beautiful. Flying in the clouds of the North, was the worse.” He laughed, smiling more. “It was a freezing trip. I could tell when I passed into the North.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/25/2024 9:52 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/28/2024 10:09 AM
Cregan nodded in acknowledgement. "Thank you, my prince. Your word will go a long way with the northern bannermen." "Very well, my prince," Lysanne replied. "A maid can get me once you've had your fill. Til then, I shall be working on the letters to rally the banners." She left the two men and went back to her chambers with a candle to write. "Always one to keep herself busy," Cregan noted with a raised eyebrow, watching his sister leave.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/28/2024 1:40 PM
“A way to either distract one from the current events or a the mind,” Jace smirked and went back to eating. It took the Velaryon prince a bit until he finally finished eating. After a bit, he stretched his arms, her body adjusting to it all. It felt good to finally eat but he knew better than to be fully barbaric in front of Lords. He looked over at Cregan, “I mustn’t keep your sister waiting for long… I worry about her wrath.” He chuckled and quickly got a maid’s attention, allowing the maid to go get Lysanne.
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/28/2024 1:41 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/28/2024 2:52 PM
“My sister has always been one to never focus too much on one thing or another,” he admitted. “Something that often keeps her awake at night.” Lysanne returned to the dining hall, curtsying to the prince and her lord brother. “Had you fill, my prince?” she asked quietly.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 9/28/2024 6:19 PM
Jace nodded his head but before he can say anything, Jace looked over at Lysanne. He smiled softly, “Yes I have… again, thank you so much. Both of you.” He stood up, bowing his head out of respect to Lord Cregan. He then looked at Lysanne, “Show me to my room?”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 9/28/2024 6:19 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 9/29/2024 1:43 AM
“Of course, my prince,” she replied with a smile. “And hosting you at Winterfell has been a pleasure. I know it’s hard for you and your dragon to be here, but it’s also worth noting that showing up in person than over a letter is worth more to the northerners too.” Lysanne said as she walked with Jacaerys down the dimly lit halls.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 10/4/2024 2:29 PM
Jacaerys began to walk beside her, listening to her words. He laughed, not out of mockery but because she was speaking true. “Dragons hate the cold and flying in such conditions, against the wind. It is hard… but manageable. I should’ve checked the weather before I began the journey,” He teased, making a small joke.
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 10/4/2024 2:29 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 10/8/2024 9:56 AM
She smirked in amusement at the small jest. “If only there was a way to predict the weather in the coldest region of Westeros,” she said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. “Our only season is winter unless it’s the year of the long summer and gods only know how rare that is.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 10/14/2024 10:08 AM
He shook his head, “It is quite the opposite in King’s Landing. Hot all year around with the occasional cold breeze from the North.” He looked over, smirking at her. “Dragonstone is a bit… in the middle, slightly. More warmer but not as hot as King Landing. I hear Dorne is worse with the Heat.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 10/14/2024 10:08 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 10/15/2024 2:33 AM
“Dragonstone sounds incredible,” she said softly with a laugh. “I would love to travel where possible. Learn about the other kingdoms than my isolated palace in the north,” she said with a snort of amusement.
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 10/15/2024 4:11 PM
“I love Dragonstone the most… Driftmark was also very peaceful, though more cold due to it being farther from the shore,” He laughed along side her, feeling lighter around her. “I believe my mother will agree to you being on her Queen’s Guard or at least, a knight… my mother is not the woman to shy away from allowing women into male roles… her being the first ruling Queen and all.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 10/15/2024 4:11 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 10/16/2024 4:15 AM
“Sounds like she and I will get along perfectly together,” Lysanne replied with a laugh, enjoying his company in the cold halls. They felt warmer with him. “Well, she’s a fantastic ruler. It’s an honor to serve her and your family, my prince.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 10/18/2024 12:05 PM
Jace sighed, “I wished others shared your opinion, my lady. Sadly, they do not…” Jace always walked with purpose, standing tall, keeping his head up. He hated that this was going to turn to war but he would stand by his mother. “It is nice to know the rumors are true about the Starks. Starks always keep their words. It gives some relief in this darkened time.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 10/18/2024 12:05 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 10/19/2024 8:00 AM
“The north remembers, my prince,” she replied simply upon reaching his chambers. “We will always remember the oath we swore and hold our words.” She gently opened the door to his room. “I do hope you enjoy the rest of your evening.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 10/23/2024 11:07 AM
Jace nodded his head, looking around the halls of Winterfell once again. He then looked at the door, noticing the wooden features. He took a deep breath, feeling his nerves hit himself a bit more. He hasn’t slept anywhere that wasn’t the Red Keep or Dragonstone. “Okay… thank you, Lysanne. I hope you enjoy the rest of your evening as well…”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 10/23/2024 11:07 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 10/24/2024 4:08 AM
A gentle laugh escaped Lysanne, noticing his nerves. “I’ll assume it’s your first night outside of the Red Keep or Dragonstone. I promise nothing will happen and you will be safe in these halls, my prince.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 11/1/2024 6:35 AM
Jace looked at her, hesitant to actually admit his feelings. Though, lying did not help, especially towards allies. If he admitted his weak point, maybe it would make him more trustworthy. “Uh… uh, yes. It is my first night out of either. I do not think something will happen but- I just feel like a little kid again. I used to always climb into my mother’s bed as a boy and the day I finally slept in my own bed and woke up to my room- was so foreign.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 11/1/2024 6:35 AM
Lysanne Snow BOT 11/1/2024 7:26 AM
She looked at him sympathetically. “It’s only natural, my prime,” she replied softly. “I imagine I’ll be feeling like this when I’m at Dragonstone as well. Nervous and unsure, hesitant to sleep, but I also know that in time, it’ll pass.”
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 11/6/2024 12:18 PM
“Most likely… especially hearing the faint noises of dragons. It could be rather startling at first,” Jace remembered his first time around a dragon. It was rather terrifying. Even if he was a Targaryen prince, by blood. “Foreign places always force you to get used to them but we always do… my brother had it better. He was straight to Storm’s End and back home.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 11/6/2024 12:18 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 11/10/2024 8:59 PM
"I could never imagine being away from home for too long. At least that had been the situation when I was younger. I remember being too scared to leave the castle," she recalled with an amused smile. "Yet now, there is nothing I wouldn't give to see the rest of Westeros."
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 11/13/2024 7:19 PM
“I understand it… I remember my father taking me and Lucerys on ship, we spent a week away from our mother and home. The rocking of the ship and the feeling of missing my mother, made me so sick… I remember the sailors laughing as we stumbled along. Always earning sharp looks from our grandsire and father,” He laughed, remembering the glare his grandsire always gave his men when they laughed. “All of Westeros is beautiful… it’s the people that are ugly and I’m meaning on the inside. I couldn’t care less about looks. Actions speak louder to me.”
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 11/13/2024 7:19 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 11/16/2024 9:22 AM
She chuckled softly at his story. "I'm glad to hear that, my prince. I cannot wait to go to Dragonstone and see some more of Westeros or serve your house as the Queen allows."
Jacaerys Velaryon BOT 12/6/2024 8:54 PM
“I can’t wait for you to see it as well… I hope you enjoy it, as much as I do,” He smiled, keeping his tone lighthearted. He didn’t want to come on too strong.
ʚ 𝐕𝐢𝐱𝐱𝐢𝐞 ɞ 12/6/2024 8:54 PM
Lysanne Snow BOT 12/8/2024 10:37 AM
"I'm sure I will, my prince. The cold is certainly getting to me as I grow older," she joked lightly. "Some place warm like Dragonstone sounds more than perfect."
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