got it. she said shortly, returning head to face forward once more, as her eyes began glowing a bright, cold blue, the sclera darkening as her corpse started convulsing for a few moments, as she figuratively grasped the marionette strings and began to wring the body to life, her body, forcibly shuffled off of her by the cult, and it began slowly shambling to its feet, and Rel would see and hear the two women take a deep synchronous breath.
Ophelia took a few moments to adjust, considering she was sensing double, smell, hearing, touch… it was alot to take in, but that could wait, her corpse’s head turned to face the gravedigger, who undoubtedly was now shivering in sheer terror at the sight, clutching his shovel like a weapon in an effort to defend himself, peculiar about feeling and hearing double, she felt her sense of space being better, she knew where everything around them was, she could somehow ‘see’ the layout of the grounds around them, she focused harder, and the corpse’s veins started glowing that same cold blue color as it lunged at the gravedigger, attempting to swat away the shovel, but ending up instead breaking the thing in half, interesting… to say the least it wouldn’t take long until the man was torn to near literall ribbons, then they were left there, alone, two Ophelia’s and a Rel
Sounds like the beginning of a bad joke…
@Al the Killer