Alea may have stirred once or twice as he took the time to bring her belongings, but after her birthday party, her kidnapping, and finding out she was traded like cattle… sleep was a peaceful escape. The mid afternoon sun through the trees warmed her face and coaxed consciousness. She stretched under the leafy weight of warmth, and audibly grumbled as she rubbed her eyes and sat up.
“Nope, not a nightmare.” She grumbled and twisted over the edge of the bed, before miscalculating and thumping onto the ground with a groan. Alea sighed at her own lack of balance and pushed herself up to her feet to look around. The wardrobe on the wall was new. So was the sidetable, what looked like juice, and a navy blue envelope with gold lettering. Her mothers signature stationery Alea had purchased for her birthday. The knot in her chest tightened and she snatched the letter up. If her mother was already writing… Palan was right.
She scanned the words in swirls and ink. Promises of a good life, and asking forgiveness. Her head dipped reading lines of explanation and understanding. It was easy for her mother to be understanding… it wasn't her life she traded away. Aching hands let the letter fall to the floor. Those words ran hollow. Sure her mother probably meant them, but it did not excuse the ‘bride’s prison and the stranger intent on being her husband. Alea went to pour what looked like juice… only to find it more consistent with honey. She dipped the tip of her finger in the pitcher and reluctantly tasted it. Not honey, but super sweet. What an odd choice.
Her bladder didnt care if she didnt want to see Palan. Nor did the need for water… and maybe a shower. She ran her tongue over her teeth and already missed her dental hygiene stuff from home. Afew light steps brought her to the wall, and the softest few knocks left her wondering if she looked as stupid as she felt.